#worried tim bradford
saralayne · 11 months
This Love ~ Part 7 🩵💜
As the wedding was right around the corner. Lucy and Tim have an important conversation with Tamara. After, Tamara finds herself in a dangerous situation and Tim steps up to the plate in a big way.
The wedding details had all been taken care of. Everything had fallen into place. Lucy had found the perfect wedding dress. She was due to go in for her final fitting in a couple of weeks. Life was less stressful now that the details were all in place. It was happening in a mere 6 weeks. Tim and Lucy could not be more excited.
One thing had been on Tim’s mind as the wedding approached. Tim had been living with Lucy and Tamara for a year now. They had become a little family with Tamara and Kojo. Tamara was an adult now. She was a full time college student studying to become a lawyer. Lucy’s puppy as Tim had always called her and she had become his puppy as well. He thought of Tamara as his and Lucy’s kid. The young girl had wormed her way into his heart and he would do anything for her. They would have family dinners together. It felt right. They were a real family. It wasn’t conventional as Tamara was a full fledged adult now. It didn’t take away from the fact on how much Lucy and Tim loved her. Even when they would have children or their own in the future. Tamara was always going to be their first kid. Tim had heard that adoption was possible for even adults. All he wanted was for Tamara to be their family, officially.
As Lucy stepped into Tim’s office to have lunch. There were occasional times they were able to spent a little more time together at the station. They kept it professional, of course. It was just a time to chat and have a bite to eat together.
“Hi Sergeant Bradford”
“Hi Officer Chen”
“I brought us some lunch from the food truck” chuckled a Lucy
“Luce. I want to talk to you about something that has been on my mind for a while now. We were so consumed with the wedding. I wanted to wait for a good moment. Now that the wedding is all planned and set”
“Tim. Babe. What is going on?”
“So, this might sound crazy but hear me out. I did some research. I found adult adoptions are real and actually happen quite frequently”
“Tim. Oh my gosh. Are you saying what I think you are saying?”
“I am. Luce she is our kid. It may of been unconventional how she became our kid. But she is ours. I want it to be official. I want her to always feel that she is our family. Even in the future when we bring children into this world. I never want Tamara to feel like she is not ours as well. I don’t know how she will feel about this. I just really want this for our family”
“Tim, you are such an amazing man. You’re right. She is our kid. There is nothing I would love more than to have Tamara as ours in every sense. I know she is going to feel honoured. Let’s talk to her as soon as possible and then we can start the process”
A few days later. They sat down to dinner with Tamara. They had made Tamara’s favourite meal. Spaghetti.
“OK. You two are freaking me out. Make my favourite meal. You look nervous. Is something going on? You are kinda scaring me”
“There is something we want to talk to you about” muttered Tim “Tamara, you have always been Lucy’s family since the beginning. I know I joked about it. Since even before Lucy and I got together you wormed you way into my heart as well. Since living here, Lucy and I are about to get married. We. I, want us to be a family officially”
“Ok. Of course I consider you and Lucy family. Oh and Kojo as well”
“Yes and that’s great. We would like to make it official. I would love Lucy and I to formally adopt you. I realize you are an adult. But we want you to officially be our kid. Our daughter”
Tamara had tears streaming down her face.
“I-I can’t believe this. I don’t even know what to say”
“You could start with yes” whispered Lucy
“YES. OF COURSE. So you would be mom and dad?”
“Yes. We would be. If you’re comfortable calling us that” added Tim
“This is something I have wanted my whole life. To feel loved and wanted. Lucy, you gave me a home and stability when I had nothing. Dadford, you have always been there for me even when I annoyed you. You were always a dad figure to me. Nothing would make me happier than to have you both. As my mom and dad”
“Good. It’s settled then. Lucy and I will start the process and paperwork as soon as possible. Now, let’s finish eating. You and Lucy can pick some ridiculous reality show for us to watch”
About a week later. Tim had hired a lawyer. The paperwork was easy. Tamara was an adult, so it wasn’t complicated. Papers were signed. Tamara was officially their daughter. She even surprised Tim and decided to change her last name to Bradford. Tim was floored when Tamara presented the paper showing her new name. Lucy was going to become a Bradford in a month. They were now a real family.
Tamara had been spending nights at the library. She had final exams coming up. Tim didn’t like her being there at night. As a cop for many years now, he has seen things. The thought of her walking to her car late at night alone drove him crazy. Lucy would try and calm him. “Babe, she’s always got her cell on and pepper spray that you stocked her with” truth is Lucy also didn’t like Tamara walking alone at night but she knew Tamara was an adult and they to let her be just that.
Lucy was out with the girls. Planning Lucy’s bachelorette party and final details with the wedding. Tim was having a nice, relaxing evening at home. Just him and Kojo watching a Rams game. Tim’s phone started vibrating “Hello”
“Is this Tim Bradford?”
“Yes it is”
“This is Dr. Scott calling from Shaw Memorial”
At first, Tim thought something had happened to Lucy. His heart plummeted.
“We have a Tamara Bradford here. She came by ambulance. She is your daughter?”
“Yes she is. I-I she ok?”
“According to Tamara she was attacked walking to her car. She has a concussion and an arm fracture. Some bruises and lacerations over her face. She fought hard. She must of been taught well” Tim couldn’t help but venture a smirk. “The police are here to take a statement but she wanted you to be called as you and her mom are police?”
“Yes, we are”
Tim was grabbing his keys and running out the door.
“Tamara is very traumatized and is not wanting to give a statement”
“I am on my way. You can tell the officers I will handle this. I am going to call her mom right now, my fiancée. We will handle this. Please tell Tamara I will be right there”
Tim tried calling Lucy. They were out at a spa resort for the night and had told Tim she would not have great cell service. Tim left a voicemail.
“Hi baby. Listen T was taken to the hospital after being attacked walking to her car. She’s ok. I talked to the doctor. I am on my way to the hospital now. Please call me back as soon as you get this. I got her, babe. Talk to you soon. I love you”
Even though Tim had been assured Tamara was OK. He wouldn’t feel good until he saw for himself. Running through the doors at Shaw Memorial to the front desk. “Hi. I’m Sergeant Tim Bradford. My daughter Tamara Bradford was brought in. I would like to see her now” as the nurse looked down at the computer. She brought Tim back to where Tamara was. As he walked into her room. There had been so many times he had been in this very area of Shaw. It had never felt like this. His daughter. Now she was his daughter and there is no feeling like this helpless feeling. Thinking about what could have happened. Tim reminded himself he couldn’t think that way right now. He had to be strong for Tamara.
Tamara was sleeping. Bandages all over her face and a cast on her left arm. Tim took a seat in the vacant chair
“T I’m here. Your gonna be ok, kiddo”
A hoarse voice whispered “dad”. Everytime Tim heard that, his heart completely melted.
“Hey, hun. How are you feeling?”
“I’m OK. I can’t believe this happened. I have never been so terrified. I am so sorry”
“Hey. Stop it right now. You have nothing to apologize for. The only thing that matters is your OK”
“I’m so glad you’re here. I know I need to make a statement. I am just scared and wanted you or mom with me. Both my parents are cops, there is no way I was going to tell strange cops anything”
“Don’t worry. T. I will take care of that. Get some rest now. I called Luce but she is at the spa with Angela and Nyla and they don’t have good cell service. I am sure she will call as soon as she hears my voicemails”
“I know”
“Ok. My girly. I am going to go out in the hall for a few minutes. You get some rest. I will be right here when you wake up”
Tim was pouring a cup of coffee. His phone dinging. As he saw Lucy’s picture flash across his screen.
“Hi. Baby. How are you?”
“Tim. I just got your voicemail” Lucy’s voice was trembling. “Tam. I-Is she ok?”
“Luce. Babe. She’s ok. I promise. She is resting. She wanted to wait for one of us to be here before she gave a statement to the police. She is shook for sure but she’s ok. We will get her through this”
“Tim, you were worried about her walking alone at night from the library and look what happened. I am so sorry I didn’t take your concerns seriously”
“Baby. It’s ok. We couldn’t have foreseen something actually happening. The only thing that matters is that our girl is ok. No one is to blame for this except the scumbag who messed with the wrong family. He will regret the day he ever laid a hand on our daughter”
“God, I love you. I’m on my way home”
“Luce. It’s your spa weekend with the girls”
“Tim. I don’t care. Our daughter is what’s more important, not some girl time. Angela and Nyla as mothers of course understand my need to come home. I will see you soon”
“See you soon. Drive safe. Get home to us”
Tim entered Tamara’s room just as she was waking up.
“Hey kiddo. How are you feeling?”
“I feel better”
“I just takes to Luce. She is on her way home. Just in time to take you home. I just talked to the doctor and he feels comfortable discharging you. Heal and rest at home. That is going to be the best medicine”
“Whatever you say, dad”
Tim took Tamara home. Lucy arrived home not long after. Kojo was all over Tamara, not letting her out of his sight. The family of four laid out on the couch watching movies. Tim was determined to find this attacker who dared to lay one finger on his kid. He would most definitely get justice. However, for now the most important thing for him was to be with his family.
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whumpypepsigal · 1 month
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The Rookie s06e09: “What are you doing?”
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watmalik · 3 months
Can I bring to your attention that Tim didn’t even change into his civvies?! I JUST KNOW when he heard the news man bolted to see his girl.
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theflyindutchwoman · 2 months
6.09 | The Squeeze
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queseraone · 1 year
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spot the man worried about his wife 👀
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americaswritings · 7 months
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Tim's eyes caught hers and for a moment she felt breathless under the weight of his steel blue eyes. "Boyfriend?" "I said partner", she clarified, knowing fully well what it would sound like to everyone else other than cops. "If I recall correctly, I'm your superior", Tim pointed out. "No sign of amnesia then."
Prompts: "You told me to move on" & Tim asks Lucy to lay with him in the hospital bed and she says no because she doesn't want to hurt him. Tim says "you could never hurt me" and "please, I need you"
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karihighman · 3 months
Good morning, time to cry over this Chenford scene again 😭❤️
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dylanconrique · 3 months
"i have nightmares" 🥺 (about picturing tim lying dead somewhere)
"i've spent the last 36 hours imagining you bleeding out at a variety of los angeles landmarks" 😭🤧💔
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alexihawleys · 1 year
chenford + 'how the hell are we getting ourselves out of this one?'
Tim swallows and glances over at her, his lips twitching into a scowl for a moment before he neutralizes his expression. He can’t frown at her when she’s bleeding like that.
He sighs, crouching down next to her and adjusting her hands, pressing them down over the wound so she’s got actual pressure on it. He doesn’t allow himself to notice just how hard his hands are shaking. Doesn’t allow himself to notice how hard hers are, either. “Look at me,” she whispers, her tone harsh. “Right now, Tim.”
He listens, looks down at her face and feels his throat go tight. "Hi, baby."
Lucy furrows her brow at him and he can tell she's trying to fight a smile. "Hi," she returns, her voice clearly a little shakier than she wants him to hear. "Talk to me. What's the plan?"
Tim slides one of his hands over hers lightly, ghosting his palm over her knuckles. They're sticky with blood and he feels a thick, wet swath of it graze along his skin. He presses his lips together. She's bleeding more than he'd like, but not so much that he thinks it's catastrophic.
Still, the ambulance is at least 10 minutes out and they aren't cleared to move, yet. As if on cue, a loud crumbling emanates through the narrow stretch of the hallway they're trapped in and a piece of drywall lands next to Tim's boot, scuffing the side. He pushes it out of the way, away from Lucy.
This was supposed to be a quick stop-off to question a suspect before they grabbed lunch together. He was supposed to be picking french fries off her plate and casually telling her about all the things he had planned for them to do over the weekend in her incredibly empty apartment. Instead, the suspect had fled after pulling a knife on Lucy and his shitty fourth-floor walkup had started to collapse in on them.
The building, which Tim's pretty sure should be condemned, is going to come down any minute now and they need to be out of it by the time it falls. How that's going to happen, Tim has no idea.
"Baby," her voice is light, pulling him from his thoughts. "What's the plan?"
He knows she's asking for him, not for her. Lucy has a plan already, and he's sure it's a decent one. It's not what he's going to go with, because he's also sure it involves him leaving her, but it's probably decent. "The plan," he says softly, trying to keep the rest of his body still as he reaches down and brushes her hair out of her eyes, "is for you to keep up the pressure, and for me to get us out of here." Lucy frowns and he frowns back at her, albeit teasingly. "What?"
"Real plan," she urges, then sucks in a sharp breath, pressing her hands down into her skin further. The wound is just beneath her ribcage which makes the bleeding that much heavier. "Give me the real plan, please. Ambulance is how far out?"
He glances down at his watch. "Nine minutes," he casts his eyes towards the bleeding, then back up at her face. "You think you have nine minutes in you?"
"I'm not the one who can't last," she teases, and his chest tightens. "I have more than nine minutes in me, I promise."
Tim nods, looking back over his shoulder out the half broken window, straining to see if he can catch a glimpse of flashing lights or rescue vehicles. "I could do a lot with nine minutes," he murmurs, grinning when he hears her laugh. "What?"
"You planning on proving that to me later?"
"I've proven it plenty," he huffs, another crackling sending waves through the air and leaving the ground unsteady beneath this feet. He shuts his eyes and feels Lucy's leg tap against his ankle.
"Breathe," she whispers, and as much as he wants to tell her he'll breathe when they're on solid ground, he listens. "There you go."
"When did you become the voice of reason," he sighs, dipping down next to her slowly, so he won't fuck up the equilibriums of the building that he swears to god is swaying beneath them. He wonders if part of it is just his body reacting to hers, his head swimming because she's unsteady, because there's no way they're this unstable.
Lucy hums quietly. "Well, I was born in June of 19-," Tim cuts her off with a laugh and he watches as her face twists up into a smile, a real one. "We're going to be fine. I'm going to be laid up on your couch by this time tomorrow."
"My couch, huh?"
"Don't tell," she looks around conspiratorially, trying not to smile. "Your couch is more comfortable than mine."
He stares down at her, his face hard. "How much blood have you lost," he asks, serious, before cracking a smirk. He peeks out the window, then settles down next to her as carefully as possible, sliding one of his hands over hers and pressing down a bit further on her wound. "Can I tell you something?"
She hooks one of her bloody fingers around his thumb, squeezing it gently. "Anything you want."
He leans down slowly, as careful as he can, brushing his lips against her hairline. "You're the most important person I've got," he murmurs, his free hand slipping into her hair. "Even with your bad taste in furniture."
Lucy exhales a slow breath that hitches into a laugh by the end, another piece of drywall lands too close to her head for his liking. Tim smiles, kissing her gently and letting himself linger before he sits back up, admiring the smile on her lips, her eyes still closed. "You've at least cracked the top five, at this point," she hums up at him as he hears sirens hurdling toward them in the distance.
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makeitastrength · 1 year
Chenford + Lucy is afraid Tim will leave her because of UC work
Chenford + Tim worries about Lucy going UC
Chenford + they have an honest conversation about UC work and Isabel
Tim finds out that Lucy is being blocked because of the Metro trade she did for him
It takes three weeks for Lucy to break.
Three weeks of having no contact with Tim, and she’s curled up on the crappy motel bed with tears spilling down her cheeks, despite the fact that the ringleader could knock on her door at any minute and she’ll need to be fully in character if that happens.
Three weeks, and she misses Tim so viscerally it physically hurts. There’s been a tightness in her chest since the moment she kissed him goodbye, a subtle ache to complement the heavy weight that settled in her stomach as she turned and walked away. But it’s become progressively worse with each passing day and now food has all but lost its appeal and she can scarcely breathe around the pain behind her ribs.
Three weeks, and she knows with certainty that the thing she’s been working toward since she was a rookie, the thing she was sure she would love, isn’t what she actually wants to pursue. In another life maybe she would feel differently. But she can see now, in a way she hadn’t before, that a future as a UC isn’t compatible with the life she wants. And while she knows it’s the right decision, she’s never considered any other career path in the LAPD and she has absolutely no idea where to go from here.
At the moment, though, she can’t go anywhere. She’s trapped in this undercover life, living out of this shitty motel until she can identify the leader of the illegal weapons ring she’s been working to infiltrate, and that might happen tonight but it also might not. Just like it hasn’t happened for any of the last twenty-one nights. So she has no choice but to sit and wait for a knock on the door that may never come.
And all the while, she can only hope that Tim will be waiting for her when she finally returns to her real life.
The first time she expressed concern about his ability to handle her absence, he’d assured her he would be fine. He’d said the same before she left for this mission, and even though there was a small part of her that wasn’t entirely convinced he was being truthful, she’d chosen to take him at his word.
But now that they’ve been apart for three weeks – now that she’s realized how poorly she’s handling it – she finds herself wondering how he’s truly doing. Is he in as much pain as she is right now? And if so, will he ever be able to forgive her for being the cause?
Read the rest on AO3
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saralayne · 11 months
Take Care Of Your Girl🩵💜
Lucy is sick. Tim finds out they are not that good at a secret relationship. Tim takes care of his sick girlfriend.
Tim and Lucy had been together for a few months now. Still, keeping it a secret while at work. Always keeping it completely platonic at work. The running joke around Wilshire consisted of everyone absolutely knowing they were a couple. Tim and Lucy thinking they had everyone fooled, everyone including Smitty knowing they were dating, not just dating but all in. To be fair, they were relatively good at keeping it professional. All their friends and colleagues had seen their feelings way before they got together, long before Tim and Lucy had realized how they felt. They all understood why they were keeping this secret, there were complications to both of their careers. A betting pool was going around at when the cat would finally come out of the bag. Lucy was a front runner for spilling. So it was a bit of a surprise when it was Tim who blew the whistle on their relationship.
Tim and Lucy had spent a rare night apart. Grey had asked Tim to do a couple night shifts as an acting Sargent. That night had been insanely busy. He barely had time to take out his phone. Regardless, he wasn’t going to bother her as she had to be at work in morning. Since getting together if they by chance spent a night apart, one was always calling or texting one another to at least say goodnight. It had become normal for them. So, Tim didn’t like not hearing from her through the night, it felt unnatural. On numerous occasions through the night, he started typing a text message to his girlfriend but then quickly deleted his first sentence. The last thing he wanted to do was interrupt her sleep. Not only for her well being but also as a police officer she needed to always be on her game. A big part of that was her being rested for work. He knew he would at least get to see her in the morning and maybe a quick conversation. That alone would get him through the night.
In the morning, Tim was seeing his co workers and friends arrive for the day shift. He had paperwork to finish. As he would look up from his paperwork scanning the room for Lucy every few minutes. No Lucy. That was weird. He must of missed her. She was probably changing into her uniform. Walking into roll call to give everyone a report from night shift, still no Lucy. She was never late. A part of him was feeling worried. He walked up beside Grey.
“OK everyone. We are working a little short today. Chen has called in sick and no replacements were available”
Tim’s face went blank. Lucy must be sick to call in. Her perfect attendance was an annoyance to Tim back in the day. Her always being a perfectionist. Tim, gathered himself and provided a report on what happened during the night and what needed to be followed up on.
As Tim was walking out of roll call room. He heard.
“Oh Timothy, I brought you some breakfast. Come meet me at my desk”
Tim loved his best friend Angela. As much as he appreciated her gesture, he had a feeling with the sarcastic tone she had more to say to him. As he sat down with his friend. Angela had a permanent grin.
“Ang. What is your deal? Is there something you wanna say?”
“Bradford. Who do you think your fooling?”
“What are you talking about?”
“I saw your face when Grey announced Lucy had called in sick. You had that worried look. Like a worried boyfriend look”
“OK. Ang. Yah I was worried. Lucy is my friend and it takes a whole lot for her to call in sick. So, sure I was worried. I would be just as concerned if you didn’t come into work”
“Yeah right, Tim. Your my friend so I’m going to tell you the truth. Everyone and I mean all of us know you and Lucy are more than friends and have been for a while now. There is even a betting pool on who, you or Lucy will slip up. You two aren’t fooling anyone. The looks across the room, little touches, and well the fact that you have been blissfully happy for months now. It’s a dead giveaway. Yes, Grey knows too and is in on the bet”
Tim knew he was busted. There was no point denying it anymore.
“Well. Guess you and everyone has us all figured out. OK. Yes. Lucy and I started dating a few months ago. We are trying to kept it on the down low for obvious reasons”
“I’m so happy for you Timothy and FINALLY. Took you long enough”
“I know. Now that we have been dating for a while. I ask myself…why the hell it took us so long to get here. She makes me so damn happy. I love that girl with all of my heart”
“Get out of here and go take care of your girl”
Tim found himself sitting in his truck. A little shocked at what Angela had confessed to him. He chuckled at the fact that him and Lucy were obviously very bad at hiding their relationship. As he pulled out of Wilshire go see his girlfriend. Something about taking care of Lucy while sick gave him butterflies.
Lucy had woken up the night before at 1am sick. Very congested, sore throat, fatigued, and a elevated fever of 101. She felt like she had been steam rolled by a truck. She had thought of calling Tim to let him know she was sick but with all the medication it had slipped her mind. She was now laying on the couch with one of her true crime shows. Her body was rittled with aches and chills.
Lucy, hearing a knock at her door. Slowly pealing herself off the couch. Feeling lightheaded. As she opened the door. There stood her boyfriend.
“Chen, anything you wanna tell me?”
“Why the hell didn’t you text or call me and tell me you were sick?”
“I’m sorry Tim. I meant to but with all the meds and feeling like death, I forgot. And besides I don’t want to get you sick. Us, both being off work might get people talking”
“We will talk about that later. Lucy that doesn’t matter. If your sick, I your boyfriend am going to take care of you because I love you. Making you soup, tea, rubbing your back. Anything I can do for you. Nothing in this world would keep me from taking care of you”
“Smooth Bradford. Honestly, we have only been together for a few months and didn’t really want you seeing me feeling like I’m knocking on deaths door”
“Lucy. You, still even sick look beautiful. So beautiful.”
“I may of hit the jackpot with you, Tim”
“You have that backwards, Lucy. I am the one who hit the jackpot. Now lay down and rest. Let me take care of MY GIRL”
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5x5 | 6x4
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tucychenford · 1 year
So can we all agree that Grey is just screwing with Chenford in that new clip? It was played too comedically and it makes no sense why Lucy would be in on that meeting if he was actually concerned about Aaron and Celina... Nolan is her TO. I feel like he's messing with them and will end the episode laughing at their nervous scrambling and sign off on the relationship.
Or I'm in denial. Nothing new 🤪
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watmalik · 1 month
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The guy noticed the tablet on the floor and grows suspicious of UC Lucy. Melissa finished saying her lines earlier than everyone else based on bts… SEASON FINALE CLIFFHANGER WITH ENDANGERED LUCY? I NEED YOU.
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she-ismysun · 2 months
Two Weeks of Chenford 2024
April 16th - Sinking
I’m not much of a writer but these prompts were really speaking to me. So I figured I’d share the draft of what I had written for today. Thank you @chenford-prompts
This takes place in the in the days right after Tim leaves their date night in 6x05
I’m Sinking and You’re The Reason
She's sinking further into her bed at night. Further into her thoughts. “He’ll be home in the morning,” she thinks to herself. “There’s nothing to worry about. Whatever it is, he’ll loop me in on it in the morning.”
Her phone is still in her hand and she brings it back up to her face to check the time. She hardly got any sleep worrying herself to tears. Not since he suddenly ran out. 12 hours have passed, and there is no sign of him. She can’t bring herself to get up of her bed.
She calls his cell and it goes straight to voicemail. That crushing feeling in her chest returned. Is he okay? Where is he?
It’s like she’s chained down to this bed with worry. With dread. It wraps around her wrists and ankles. Getting heavier and heavier. She knows she couldn’t keep checking her phone and it gets harder as the weights of worry make it heavier to lift her hand up.
If Jackson were here, he would’ve dragged her up and out of bed already. They would be on the couch watching crappy television or going on another one of his ridiculously long runs. He’s not here though. No one is. There’s no one here to help lift these weights.
“I’m sinking further into my bed, further away from my life. I’m sinking and you’re the reason.”
please be kind to me. I’d like to revisit this and flesh it out some more but it was painful enough to write. Cathartic though because I am Really Going Through it IRL
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