#worried about triggering it again because i got four hours of sleep and woke up because of stress
prodigalknight · 2 months
hoping a car hits you not because you wanna die but because you wanna be catatonic for a while
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imaginemcyt · 3 years
village fever
sbi x gn!reader
content/trigger warnings: mentions of sickness including vomiting, medication, cursing. reader is called “big man” and “mate”, intended in a completely gender neutral way. i think that’s it!
you woke up feeling… off. something felt strange and you knew it, but you couldn’t quite place what it was so you carried on with your day. you went downstairs into the kitchen, where your father was making breakfast. your brothers were already up, tommy and wilbur sitting at the table bickering while techno sat on the couch with his face buried in some mythology book.
upon hearing you enter, phil looked up from the pan full of eggs. he smiled upon first seeing you, but his smile soon turned to a frown. “you alright, kiddo? you look awfully pale.” you smiled at him. “yeah, i’m fine. just tired i think.” but even as you said it, you knew it wasn’t true. phil’s voice sounded far away and you felt extremely out of it.
phil looked at you skeptically but didn’t push it. “alright, well breakfast should be done soon, would you mind setting the table?” you mumbled a ‘sure’ and grabbed the plates. you set them on the table one at a time, yet you paused with the last one. you hadn’t realized before how dizzy you felt. the next thing you knew, there was a crash and four pairs of eyes looked up at you. when had you dropped that plate? and why was the world spinning? you looked up at phil once more. “i don’t feel so good…” you heard yourself say. then everything went black as you fell to the floor.
you woke up again after the sun had set. had you slept all day? you weren’t sure, but you had a headache and you were cold, so terribly cold. you stood up and took in your surroundings for a moment before you felt a wave of nausea hit you and you were rushing to the bathroom. the contents of your stomach (which was pretty much nothing) had betrayed you and was now in the toilet. you groaned before feeling someone lift your hair up and tie it back. you looked up to see techno with his usual blank stare. he waited until you were sure you were done throwing up before helping you stand. you flushed the toilet and brushed your teeth.
“you should get back into bed. i’ll get you some water.” you mumbled a thank you before he nodded and headed downstairs to the kitchen. you then headed into your room and collapsed into your warm bed. techno returned a few minutes later with water, toast, and painkillers. “how did you know about my headache?” you asked, your voice weak and raspy. “i didn’t, you’re burning up. it’s to bring down the fever, but it’ll help with your headache, too.”
you took the medication and drank the water, feeling parched. you nibbled at the toast, not feeling hungry but also knowing you hadn’t eaten anything all day and then thrown up, and should probably eat. as you worked on that, techno sat at the end of your bed and pulled out his book. the cover read ‘heroic fantasy short stories’. he began to read silently to himself.
as you finished the last bites of your toast, you yawned and felt sleep trying to take you again. “tech?” he looked up. “will you read to me?” he regarded you for a moment before looking back down at the text. you thought he would ignore you and keep reading in his head, but after a few seconds you heard his deep monotone voice. “here we entered, but so dark was the night that some god must have brought us in, for there was nothing whatever to be seen. A thick mist hung all round our ships; the moon was hidden behind a mass of clouds so that no one could have seen the island if he had looked for it…”
the next time you woke, you smelled oatmeal and heard birds chirping outside. light streamed through your curtains, casting a bright and yellowish glow anywhere it hit. the world seemed to be in full swing, which contrasted heavily to your groggy and feverish self. you contemplated getting up, but didn’t feel it was worth the effort.
a few moments went by of you lying there coughing before you heard gentle knocking on your door. it opened to reveal a worried looking phil, holding a tray. “hey there, mate. techno told me you got sick last night, are you feeling better?” you pushed yourself to where you were sitting up. “a little bit. i still feel horrible, but i’m not nauseous, and maybe even a little hungry.” phil made his way to you and chuckled. “good thing i brought you some food, then.” he placed the tray on your lap, which contained a bowl of oatmeal and a warm mug of tea. you smiled at him. “thanks dad.” he caught his breath before smiling at you and stroking your hair gently. you could tell he still wasn’t used to being called ‘dad’. he made his way out of the room, telling you to eat and then take it easy.
you didn’t have much to do after that, seeing as you were bed-ridden, but it was just as well, seeing as you were too tired and your body too weak to do much anyway. after a couple hours of boredom went by, you heard a soft knock on your door again. you thought it might be phil checking on you, until wilbur poked his head in. “hey there, i haven’t seen you since yesterday morning. how are you feeling?” you looked at him and saw he was wearing his yellow jumper and had his guitar with him. “not great.” he frowned. “bored out of your mind, yeah?” you nodded and he gave a small laugh. “can i play you a song? i just finished writing it and wanted to show you.” you smiled and nodded enthusiastically, or as enthusiastically as you could while feeling so awful.
he smiled and made his way over to you. he took a seat on your bed and got his guitar ready to play. clearing his throat, he began to strum and sing. “the cute bomber jacket you’ve had since sixth form, adorned with patches of places you’ve been, is nothing on my khaki coat i got from a roadside when i was sixteen…” you smiled. your brother was extremely talented, and you loved hearing him play. “my boots are from airports, my backpack’s from friends, I’m not a man of substance and so I’ll pretend, to be a wanderer wandering, leaving ascetic belongings in hostels and restaurant bins…” you closed your eyes, taking in the melody and the beautiful strumming. when he was finished, he looked up at you. you gave him a genuine smile. “it’s beautiful, wilbur. what’s is called?” “i’m not sure yet, i’m thinking of calling it ‘since i saw vienna’,” he smiled back. “well i love it.”
with a few words of thanks, he made his way to the door. “you should get some rest. phil thinks you’ve caught village fever from your visit to that village the other day, so you’ll be down for a while.” you groaned. “don’t worry, y/n. tommy has to do all your chores while you’re sick.” you both laughed at tommy’s expense, leading to another coughing fit. wilbur frowned at you and ducked out of the room, leaving you with nothing but your thoughts once more.
around dinner time, tommy brought you food. on the plate was meatloaf, green beans, and mashed potatoes. he also brought a glass of water with him. “how you feelin’, big man? dadza didn’t want me to bring you food because he said i’m ‘tOo LoUd”! can you believe this fuckin’ guy?” you chuckled and coughed a bit. “thanks for the food, tommy. i’m doing a bit better now, so hopefully i’ll be back to my usual self in no time,” you said. he gave you a smile. “that’s what i like to hear.”
you felt miserable, but you knew that with time, you’d be just fine. besides, you had a great family to take care of you, and you could get used to seeing tommy do your chores.
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tomtenadia · 3 years
Remember us - part 4
Hello lovelies,
It’s Thursday evening and I have some angst coming your way :)
Please enjoy part 4 of Remember Us
CW: mention of depression and miscarriage
Rowan had the week from hell. Rehab had been relentless and Dorian had taken him to the gym everyday, but at least now he could say that he was able to walk the length of the walking bars and back. In the last couple of days Dorian had pushed for him to start using crutches, insinuating to the fact that the doctor was thinking about discharging him.
On top of the pain from rehab he was still punishing himself for what had happened with Aelin. Every morning he woke up and the first thing he did was to look at his phone for a reply from her, but nothing ever came.
The doctors think they might discharge me in a few days. Dorian is making me a pro at using crutches.
Maybe a good news might cheer her up.
He tried to watch tv but lost interest very quickly so he went back to his phone. He had been reading the whole thread of messaged between him and Aelin and discovered some interesting tidbits. They bickered a lot but from the text messages it looked as if they would always make up in the end. He also found some texts that made him blush wildly. But what was always present was love. That he knew was real.
He was absorbed in the texts that he did not notice the woman who had entered his room.
She was blonde, the same golden shade that Aelin had.
“Hi Rowan,” she greeted him walking fully into the room “I brought you your favourite biscuits. Hospital food is atrocious.”
The stranger placed the box on the nightstand “orange oatmeal cookies.”
He looked at her puzzled.
“I am Evalin. I am Aelin’s mum and your mother in-law.”
Rowan straightened his back, wanting to make a good impression, realising a moment later that the woman knew him already.
She took a seat on the chair near his bed “how are you doing?”
He had good vibes from the woman and he was impressed just how much her daughter resembled her “Adjusting…discovering new things that are not actually new.”
Evalin patted his knee “are any memories coming back?”
“I had a couple. All related to moments with Aelin.” He paused, sighed and gathered the courage to ask about Aelin. He hadn’t her from Aelin in a week “How is she doing? I haven’t heard from her in a week.”
Evalin hesitated “she is not well. She had been off from work the whole week.”
Rowan worried. Without realising it he felt a pang of fear rise in him “is it the pregnancy?”
Evalin nodded “partly. She has been very stressed this last month which has been hard on her and the baby.”
He threw his head backwards and leaned into the pillow “and it doesn’t help that I pile on with my stupidity.”
“She told me what happened.” The woman said quietly and he had a feeling that all of a sudden she had lost all of her respect for him “It must be scary to be in your position right now.” she admitted “I can see that you were just trying to protect my daughter, because the heart is a treacherous thing and I don’t think Aelin would survive loosing you completely and again.” The woman’s eyes were on him now “As a mother who loves her daughter and her grandchildren deeply and accepted you like a son… all I am asking is to give it a try.” She took his hand in hers “I know I am asking a lot of you, but you two used to hate each other and look where you got in the end.”
“What if I am not anymore the man she loves? I am scared that something might have broken in me and I don’t want to hurt her or the kids.”
Evalin squeezed his hand “listen to your heart, what does it tell you?”
“Try.” He whispered and he knew it was true “if I tell you something will you promise you will not think of me as crazy?”
Evalin shook her head.
“When I saw her the first time, I could not recognise her, but my body somehow did. I felt a tug… as if something pulled me to her. I don’t know how to explain it. There was a sense of familiarity.” He explained, thinking he sounded like a complete lunatic, but Evalin smiled deeply at him.
“I think it was your soul recognising its other half.” And she chuckled “my husband used to tell me I was an hopeless romantic.”
“I dreamed our wedding day, the day both kids were born and some other moments with her have come back.”
“And how do they make you feel?”
“There is always love. I am sure Aelin and I had our bad days but the memories coming back so far are all happy.” He told the woman.
“Then treasure those feelings.”
They stood in silence for a moment then Rowan spoke again “can I ask you something?”
Evalin nodded.
“Aelin mentioned that before having Thomas and Freyja we had problems and lost as well. How bad was it?”
He wasn’t sure if he should talk about it but he wanted, needed to know. He needed to know more about his relationship with Aelin and Evalin seemed very keen to indulge him.
“You started trying after you got married. You were both obsessed about having a big family so you started straight away. But it took Aelin a year to get pregnant.” She told him and he could see the heartbreak in the woman “you lost the first baby in the first trimester. But the second one happened during her fifth month. She woke up one night bleeding heavily and you lost your baby girl. It destroyed you both.”
Evalin paused, giving him time to absorb the facts “Aelin was heartbroken and you were just the same. And your marriage suffered quite badly, but slowly you both found your way back together. Thomas arrived a year later.”
Rowan listened and he felt a stab of pain in his heart. How did they survive such pain?
“You both went through something more horrific, and I am positive you will survive this too. You have to.” The woman stood and placed her bag back on her shoulder “next time you see Aelin, talk to her. Tell her about your fears. Let her in Rowan, she is your wife.”
She was about to leave when she stopped and pulled something from her bag. It was a piece of paper “Thomas did this for you.”
Rowan took the paper and saw it was a messy drawing of his family. The four of them were all there “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
Evalin smiled and left the room, leaving Rowan on his own.
He thought about his options and realised that he had none. They were his family and in that moment they were all he knew. He had no idea if he had any friends close enough who would take him in. And who would do that anyway? He was a burden. But Aelin had offered him a home. A family. And eventually love. Maybe Evalin was right, maybe with time and patience he could learn to love her again. He just hoped he was not too late.
Aelin woke up from her afternoon nap and found her mother playing with Thomas. Freyja was napping as well on the sofa, her soft toy close to her chest, her blanket wrapped around her and a pacifier in her mouth. She looked serene.
Thomas was building something with lego. His father was obsessed with the colourful bricks and he had bought huge quantities and they would sit and build for hours.
“What are you building, Tom?”
“Our house.”
She ruffled his blonde hair and went to sit opposite her mother.
“How are you doing?”
Aelin sighed “the nausea stopped, but I still feel exhausted.”
“You should go back to bed.”
Aelin shook her head “If I keep sleeping I will not be able to do so tonight.”
Evalin took a sip of her tea “I went to see Rowan this morning.”
Aelin froze. She had retyped and deleted the reply to him countless times now. She had wanted to tell him she was scared too. Tell him that she knew it was hard for him and that she was ready to stay at his side and help him. They would find their way back. They always did even during the darkest moments of their marriage when she pushed him away because she thought the pain was only hers, Rowan had fought to be back at her side. Together they rose from the abysm and their bond grew even stronger.
“How is he doing?”
“Your husband needs you at his side. He is lost, and confused.”
“He told me to move on. He told he might not want to be my husband anymore.” She snapped, her heart aching.
“Have you considered that he might have said that to protect you? He is afraid you will not love the man that will come out of this ordeal. He thinks that by leaving him he will protect this family.”
Aelin sobbed, her face in her hands “I miss him so much.” Her sobs grew in intensity.
Thomas noticed his mother cry and walked to her and gave Aelin a hug “don’t cry, mum.”
“I am fine, Tom. Go back playing with lego.” She kissed his blonde hair and sent him back on the carpet.
“I know you are the doctor,” started Evalin caressing her sleeping granddaughter’s silver hair “but I did some reading and it seems like sensorial stimulation might help trigger the memories.”
Aelin nodded “He has his phone back with all the photos and the texts.” She took a deep breath “he texted me saying that the doctor might discharge him in a few days and I don’t know what to do.”
Evalin gave her a dashing smile “you are taking your husband back to this home where he belongs.”
Aelin felt fear at the idea “have you thought how the kids will feel at seeing their dad that way? I can’t put them through that.”
Her mother placed a hand on her knee in comfort “have you thought about the fact that being surrounded by a familiar environment might be best way to help him?”
She had not. All she had been thinking since that text had been her children. She wanted him back. There was no doubt about it. But she had to protect them. She was an adult and could endure the pain. They could not. They had no idea what was happening.
“You could explain to Thomas what happened and ask him to help you to get his dad back.”
Her boy, her wonderful boy, she could not do that to him. Her hands shook in fear.
“Aelin, he needs his family. All of us.”
She stood abruptly “he should go and stay with friends. Lorcan perhaps.”
Evalin stood as well and joined her “He and Elide have a baby who is only a few months old, they will not take him in. And they cannot help. He needs us. He needs all of this.” Her arms extended to indicate the house around them.
“He might not want this.” Aelin snarled “he made it quite clear.”
Evalin loved her daughter but she had inherited her father’s stubbornness. But if Aelin was stubborn, she was on another level “Aelin, you are going back to work tomorrow. You march in your husband’s room and tell him that he is coming home. Where he belongs. And don’t fight me on this.”
Aelin knew her mother had her best interest at heart. She was the one who had dragged her out of the abysm she had thrown herself into after they lost their daughter. After she had pushed Rowan away, Evalin had been at her side. Helping through the pain of the loss, fighting her depression with her. Slowly she had made her realise that Rowan was hurting too. That the pain was his as well and that he could be the one pulling her out completely. In the end they had helped each other.
To whatever end.
It was their pact, their promise.
An oath that went deeper than a I love you.
It was a thread that bound their souls together.
To whatever end.
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huihuiheart · 4 years
Claiming - Hybrid! San
Ateez Masterlist
Pairing: Tiger Hybrid! San x Female Reader
Genre: Smut + Fluff
Summary: Part 2 of Obvious - San’s heat is coming to an end and he’s finally ready to hear your explanation for the events that brought it on in the first place. He also realizes though that some of those feelings he had during the week weren’t just his heat talking.
Warnings: The implied cheating from part 1 is explained, unprotected sex, marking, dom/sub themes, oral (f! receiving), degradation, dirty talk, cursing, soft and hard dom San, biting, claiming, blood, slapping (one to the thigh).
Word Count: 2,884
Note: This was finished and edited on breaks between my first day of a new job, with only three hours of sleep in my body, so it might be a mess. If you have concerns or things that seem like they need to be fixed please send me an ask or pm to resolve it.
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“A-All yours! I’m your filthy fucking slut! Your kitten! S-San please!” You wonder if you’ve done enough as he only curls his tongue into you once before pulling away again. When he’s flipping you over though and placing your hips on the highest part of the armrest to show your ass off you already know what he’s planning, “F-Fuck yes! San please, please fuck me so good! Show everyone who owns this pussy!”
San laughs breathlessly as he strips behind you, playfully spanking your ass as he teases his tip through your fold before gripping your hips harshly and suddenly thrusting all the way into you. Leaning down with a smirk he kisses the shell of your ear before whispering.
“Oh, I will, kitten. You’ll be dripping my cum for days.”
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You stirred by the feeling of fleeting kisses against the sensitive marks littering your neck. Your quiet whimper makes San slow his pace, being more gentle in the way his lips and tongue soothe at the marks he so harshly left behind over the last few days.
“Are you already ready for another round?” You whine softly, slumber still deep in your voice as you don’t even open your eyes yet. San was definitely built for weeks like this whereas you...not so much, despite how pleasant it was.
San chuckles deeply, “I mean I am, but that’s not why I woke you. I hadn’t intended to wake you at all. You’ve done so well for me this week, but you’re so exhausted now I just wanted to let you sleep.”
You hum softly with a small yawn, “You’re oddly soft right now, is your heat over already?”
“Not entirely, but it’s pretty much passed. I might get a sudden flash or two of heat today and tomorrow, the worst is over though. I’m at least coherent again.” San brushes the hair out of your face as your eyes finally flutter open to look up at him, before he kisses you softly, “Though eating you out might help with that a little bit too.”
You snicker knowing his statement was actually a request, “Go ahead then, you woke me up anyway and I’m too tired to stop you.”
San hums teasingly, “More like too enticed to stop me.”
You roll your eyes, making San laugh a little as he moves to hover over you, gently nudging your bare legs apart. You’re clothed in only a shirt and some panties knowing anything more wouldn’t have lasted during his heat anyways...not that these often did either. 
His hands ease up your thighs, inching closer and closer to your panties and the beginning of a wet spot that was forming. His thumb finding your clit through the thin fabric and rubbing slow circles onto it, easing your sensitive body into arousal once more. 
“Looks like I’m not the only one who’s ready to go again.” San teases, nuzzling up your thigh until he reaches your panties. His tongue giving slow laps over the wetness seeping through the material, a moan low in his throat at your taste. 
His heat is still spiking just slightly with you like this, so his hands are already moving to take your panties off. Going as slow as he can will with his heat making itself known still, not to tease for once though, simply to ensure your comfort after the last couple days of restless fucking. 
San’s rough tongue is slow and gentle in its movements between your folds. Watching your face closely to take in how you were feeling. When he determines that you’re feeling good and it’s not too much he places a soft kiss on your clit before giving it some attention. His lips around your clit shrouding your whole body in sweet bliss. His goal is just to bring you over the sweet edge once and to do so gently, letting your tensed worn-out body release and finally relax some. Only lapping your release up for a little bit, not wanting to overstimulate you, just to clean you up.
“So good for me, kitten. Such a good girl.” San praises softly and you buzz at the praise drawing him up for a brief kiss.
“Does this mean we can finally talk about what happened?” You inquire with a quiet voice not wanting to push anything, especially with San’s heat still lingering.
San hums, “We can, but not yet. First I’m going to draw you a nice bath to relax and clean up in and then I’m going to feed you some breakfast. We can talk once I’ve made sure you’ve had a chance to recover.” 
He kisses your forehead before going to do as he had said he was going to. Humming a soft tune as he goes, something that eases your worries about where you and he stood.
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Leaning back in your seat after finishing a full meal without interruption for the first time in four days you were starting to feel much more recharged now. Thinking that San may have had a good point in wanting to clean up and eat properly first. 
Resting your chin in your palm you watch him as he finishes up his own food and it makes him chuckle, “That eager to talk about it?”
“I mean...I’ve been anxious about it so kind of ready to get it over with. I’m worried about what you think of me.” You admit, leaning into San’s touch when you feel him cupping your cheek.
“I know I get jealous easily, but I trust you, my love. I know whatever explanation you have will be reasonable.” San encourages brushing his thumb over your skin.
“My brother is visiting, so I went to spend some time with him. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen him, so there was a lot of hugging involved.” You laugh a little when San’s brows furrowed in confusion knowing the scent wasn’t anything like yours or anyone in your family, “He was my foster brother. My family looked after him for a few years until someone adopted him...well before we were able to anyways. He comes and visits when he can, but it’s not super often. I was going to tell you about it, considering he wants to meet you, but it kind of triggered your heat, so we’ve not really got a chance to talk about that.”
San flushes a little rubbing the back of his neck, “Yeah...we have been a bit preoccupied...but of course, I’d want to meet him! Though I am curious as to why he wants to meet me.”
“He said it’s because you’re important to me...and he says he can tell from how happy I am that you’re the one. So he wants to come to see if you have any wedding plans or anything I guess.” You laugh a little but notice how his ears perk up at the mention of weddings.
“Oh? It’s interesting you bring that up...cause my heat got me thinking about somethings.” San admits, blushing a slightly deeper hue now. 
This time it’s you who reaches out to him, cupping his cheek in your palm and trying to calm him, “Well you can talk to me about it if you’re ready to. You know that.”
San nods softly, hand slipping over yours and turning his head to kiss your palm, “I just want to move too fast and scare you away or anything.” 
“If you’re moving too fast I’ll say so, but I seriously doubt you’ll ever scare me away at this point. If that was going to happen it would have happened a long time ago.” You joke with him, trying to lighten the mood some and put him more at ease.
“Well we haven’t really talked about it too much, so for starters...hybrids don’t usually have a wedding as you would have. I mean...I’m not opposed to it of course especially for you and your family. I know how special and meaningful that is for you...but we take that step differently typically.” San explains, noticing how your face scrunches in confusion. You had done a lot of research about hybrids having San around and wanting to be familiar with his needs and what to expect, yet you’d never seen anything that you could think he could be talking about now.
“Well then what do you usually do? I want to know. If we were to have a wedding for me, then I’d want to do the equivalent for you too.” You encourage and he takes your hands in his carefully.
“Why don’t you hear what it is before making that decision, my love. It might not be so pleasant for you...like my heat you’ll be okay to handle it, but you weren’t made for it either. So if you don’t want to do it I understand.” San leans forward brushing your hair back and kissing your forehead softly, “For hybrids, we do something a lot less public...and a lot more intimate. Usually, we get the urge to do it while in our heat, but unless we really want that it goes away after our heat...that desire isn’t going away for me this time. I want it still.” 
Your skin is a bit heated at the implications, but you still have so many unanswered questions, “Just tell me what happens San. It’s alright.”
“When a hybrid and the person who he wants to be with forever...to be his mate are...well...breeding. He claims her, right here...” San’s thumb brushes over the sensitive skin on your sweet spot, the very spot he loves to suckle his marks onto, “ It’s a bite simply put, meant to leave a lasting mark for anyone to see. It will hurt and it will bleed, but I promise it will make you feel good too and I’ll take care of you if you were to agree.” 
You hum, processing his explanation for a moment, “And you want to do that with me?”
San nods almost immediately, “I do. I really...really do, but I don’t want to hurt you or do anything that would make you upset or uncomfortable.”
“Well, I’ll agree...on one condition.” You finally voice your opinion and it has San looking at you intently, waiting to hear whatever it was your condition would me. Ready to do anything in a heartbeat, “I want to do this in some sort of order that makes sense to me too...so propose first and once we’re engaged you can claim me in every way you want San.”
“Oh fuck...I totally forgot about the whole engagement thing...I have to get a ring, don’t I? ...fuck, I don’t even know where to start.” San whines and it makes you giggle.
“Who says we have to have the ring in hand for you to propose? You can ask without it...besides I’m sure my family would love to help you pick something out later.” You smirk at him, watching as it takes a minute to understand what you mean before getting giddy once again.
San scrambles down onto one knee, giggling a little himself, “Well then...Y/N will you marry me? Will you be my one and only? Forever?”
“Yes San, I will.” You giggle back, cupping his cheeks and leaning down to kiss him. Something he easily returns as he stands and takes you into his arms. 
It doesn’t take long for the kiss to become more intense, San’s heat flashing through him again at your agreeing and touch. It being enough to spur on another wave of desire, one that was obvious even to you as a human. In part because you knew him and in part due to the fact that his skin burned under your touch, his arousal building beneath his pants and pressing against your hip.
“Well go on then...if you want it so badly I’m not going to stop you San. I want it too, to be yours for the whole world to see...claim me San.” Your pleads have San growling, nipping at your lips before capturing them passionately once more. His hands groping at any part of you that they could get to as he gets more desperate to feel you again. 
San’s hands move to grip your thighs, pressing against you before picking you up to carry you back to your bedroom. His tongue laving over your sweet spot, before giving it special attention with his lips, only breaking away to lay you back onto the bed. 
“How sore are you, kitten?” San asks, hands toying with the hem of the shirt you were wearing as he watches your face.
“Not enough that you should hold back.” You smirk, knowing what he was asking and he smacks your thigh playfully, barely leaving a sting.
“Don’t get cocky with me, just because I’m trying to take care of my kitten. Besides you’re going to be sore again after this.” San’s words sound more like a promise than anything else as his lips find your throat again, seemingly fixed on it right now. His hands working your shirt up at a slow pace, not ready to leave the sweet spot his mouth was focused on again yet. 
“I better be. I like having that constantly reminding me of you. Besides, the things that lead to me being so sore are the most fun anyway.” Your words make San smirk against your skin, before pulling back to pull your shirt off entirely.
“Oh is that so kitten? Does my girl like it rough?” San mocks leaning down to bite playfully at your nipple, “Want me to ruin you?” 
“Fuck, yes...I do. I want it so badly.” Your desperation is growing along with his and making you both restless. San’s chuckle turns into a growl as he smells your arousal in the air. 
San’s fingers slip down between your folds, seeing how wet you were before quickly pulling your panties down. His hand moves to return to your folds until you push it away, making his eyes snap up to your face sternly.
“Easy there tiger.” You snicker, “I’m not stopping you, it’s just...” 
San’s brows furrow at your hesitance thinking maybe you were reconsidering this for now, until he sees how flustered you are instead of regret on your face, “What is it kitten?”
“Please no teasing...I’m already ready for you again, no prep.” You admit and San licks his lips looking down at your soaked folds. 
“Oh, so that’s what it is hm? And here I thought I was the desperate one with my heat.” San taunts, making quick work of his pants and letting his hard cock slap against his abs. 
You nod, biting your lip. Though soon it won’t matter what you do, San will have you screaming. San’s tip running through your sodden folds as something, before pushing into you. The feeling only more familiar after the last few days, but no less blissful. His hands gripping your hips, thumbs rubbing at your skin, before his touch gets firmer, holding you in place. His thrusts start slow, but deep and forceful, hitting all the right spots. Enamored with the way your breasts bounce with each thrust, leaning down and teasingly flicking his tongue over one of your nipples. 
As his pace picks up his hands move to your thighs, pushing them open to give himself full access to your heat. His one hand moving up again, his thumb finding your clit and rubbing circles onto it. His other hand now gripping your jaw to make you look into his eyes. His lips moving in towards yours, growling against your lips.
“Fuck kitten, you’re so good for me. You’re going to take it, won’t you? You’ll cum and then take everything I give you like a good girl won’t you?” San’s questions are more of a demand knowing that you could, but there’s a desperation to them that lets you know he needs your answer too. 
Your palms pull his face in for a kiss before moving his face to your neck again, fingers tangling into his hair and tugging to a nip and another growl.
"I...I'm going to cum for you San..." You keen, San thrusting harder, his fingers putting more pressure on your clit. Trying to distract you from the initial pain you would soon feel as he bites down onto your sweet spot the second he feels you cumming around him. The pain soon bleeds into white-hot pleasure coursing through your whole body, riding you through your orgasm, the more intense you've had yet as he cums inside of you.
Once you've both started to come back to reality San leans down, gently lapping at the wound as blood trickles out and onto your skin. Before giving you a short, sweet kiss.
"I'm going to clean that up and get it taken care of and then I'll take care of the rest of you kitten." He promises, kissing your forehead, " You've done so good for me you can rest now."
His words of assurance are all your body needs for you to start drifting off again. Only slightly registering the feeling of him cleaning and dressing the wound for you before you're entirely swept away into your dreams...dreams of the future. Of your future, with San.
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Tags: @foreveryouaremystar​
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acreativeme · 3 years
Family Comes First
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Family Comes First OA x Reader
Y/N rushed around the kitchen, trying to pack her kids lunch as they ate breakfast. She looked over at the stove clock, noticing that it was almost time for her husband to leave for work. She prayed that he would be down in time to see their kids off to school. “Momma, can I get some pretzels for lunch?” Aria, their daughter, asked, shoving a spoonful of cereal in her mouth. Y/N grinned at her daughter. “There is already a pack in both your lunchbox and backpack.” She pressed a kiss to her daughter’s crazy curls. “Will dad be here to see us off?” Their son,Odion, asked, shoving a strawberry from his fruit salad in his mouth. Y/N went to reply but was cut off by the sound of their front opening and closing. She frowned, watching OA get into his SUV and pull out of the driveway. “I don’t think so, Oddi.” After they finished getting ready for the day in silence, Y/N had opted to take them to school instead of having them take the bus. She noticed the sadness on the kids face, which sparked anger in her heart. Aria and Odion pressed a kiss to her cheek as they hopped out of the car. “Love you, Momma!” they called as they headed towards their friends. “Have a good day!” she replied as the door shut.
She stepped out of the elevator onto her husband’s floor. She had to take a deep breath as she stepped into the bullpen, where it seemed they were working on a case. Jubial was the first to notice her, but reframed from saying anything so as to not interrupt whatever Tech was talking. Maggie was the next to notice her and didn’t hold back her surprise. “Y/N? What are you doing here? Are the kids alright?” Maggie asked, alerting OA to his wife’s presence. He turned and frowned. “What are you doing here?” “Can I talk with you alone, Omar?” Y/N asked, not breaking eye contact with him. Maggie raised her eyebrows at Y/N’s use of OA’s full first name. “Everything okay?” She asked him. He shrugged, whispering to her. “I don’t know.” He led Y/N off towards an empty conference room. “What do you need, Y/N? I am in the middle of a case.” Y/N sighed, trying to remain calm. “You didn’t say goodbye this morning.” He rolled his eyes. “You know that there is a possibility that I would get called out to a case at any moment and can’t always say goodbye.” “Yes, I know that! But do you want to know who doesn’t know that?!” Her tone was tense, her calm resolve cracking at his lame excuse. “Who?” He asked, irritation evident in his voice. “Our kids! Remember them? Their names are Aria and Odion, if you have forgotten.” She hissed, face turning red as she spoke. He rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. “I know our children’s names, Y/N. I am their father.” Y/N threw her hands up, “well, you aren’t acting like it! When was the last time that you had a conversation with our children? Was it before or after Aria took up painting or Odion joined the soccer team? Because they sure can’t remember when you saw them off to school last.” “Painting? Soccer? When did this happen?” He asked, slumping against the wall. “4 months ago.” She whispered, looking down at her ring. “Omar, I think that we should take a break.” He looked up at her, shock on his face. “What are you talking about, a break, we are married?” She slipped the ring off her finger. “You need to find somewhere else to stay for a while. You can come over today while we are out for your things.” He started to hyperventilate, panic filled his chest. “You can’t be serious, Y/N. That is our home, you can’t just kick me out.” She dropped the ring on the table, turning to leave. “It hasn’t been our home for a long time, Omar.”
After she left, Y/N sat in her car for twenty minutes and cried. It broke her heart to say those things to him, but the look on her children’s faces broke it even more. She was tired of seeing them get let down time and time again by him and his broken promises. When she was finished crying, she cleaned herself up and went to the store to buy snacks for after soccer practice. Afterwards, she headed into work for a few hours-- wanting to get her mind off what happened that morning. During this time, she ignored the numerous calls and text messages from both OA and Maggie. She didn’t have time or energy to worry about them as she needed to focus on caring for her children and getting work done. Around 2:30PM, Y/N left work to make her way towards her children’s school-- making sure that she had an afternoon snack for all of them. They had immediately started ranting about what had happened at school that day, which made her smile as it seemed like the events of this morning were long forgotten. They had arrived at the soccer field about an hour before the start of Odion’s practice, so she had them get a head start on their homework as she started editing a new manuscript. She would pause her work to help, whenever one of them had a question or needed help. When they got home from practice, Y/N had sent them up to clean up and finish their homework while she worked on dinner. Neither child asked about their father, noticing that his absence was hurting their mother. Despite her pain, she kept up a brave face as she went through their usual nightly routine. She tucked them into bed and gave them both goodnight kisses, before running herself a hot bath.
...Three Months Later…
Y/N had been throwing up for a couple of weeks, which has only happened one other time and it was when she was pregnant with the twins. She had to wait until after the kids had gotten on the bus, before she could test her theory. There was a part of her hoped that it wasn’t true, but that hope was dashed when the plus sign popped up. She was quick to schedule an appointment with her doctor to get a more official result, silently hoping for a false positive. Four days later, she was sitting in a cafe-- waiting for the only person she could count on to show. She had been ordered for them both, one black coffee with sugar and one peppermint tea. She was picking at a chocolate chip muffin, wanting to both shove it all in her mouth and throw it up from nerves at the same time. “Hey, Y/N. How are you doing?” Maggie asked, taking the empty seat in front of Y/N. Y/N jumped, surprised by her sudden appearance. “Maggie, you scared me.” Maggie raised her eyebrows, not used to Y/N being jumpy. “What’s going on? Are you and the kids alright?” “Yes, we are fine. I just got some life changing news today and I had to share it with someone that I could trust.” Y/N admitted, breaking eye contact with Maggie. Maggie reached across the table to hold her hand. “What’s going on?” Y/N took a deep breath. “I am pregnant… and it is OA’s. My doctor said that I am around 20 weeks along.” A tear ran down her cheek as she admitted to both herself and Maggie what she had been trying to deny. Maggie squeezed her hand, wanting to comfort her friend. “Are you planning on keeping it?” Y/N gasped at her question, releasing her hand. “Of course! Just because me and OA are separated doesn’t mean that I don’t love who we created.” She caressed her slightly swollen stomach. Maggie nodded, happy to know that she was not going to get rid of the baby. “How are you planning to tell OA?” Y/N closed her eyes, trying to control her anxiety and tears. “I don’t know..”
...Two Days Later… The sound of pounding on the front door at 2:30AM, woke Y/N from a dead sleep. She wrapped herself in OA’s abandoned rob, having kept it after he moved out. She grabbed the gun he had bought her after she got her license to carry, which he had her get after they found out they were pregnant with the twins. She had it resting at her side, with her finger off the trigger of course, as she looked through the peephole. Standing there in the pouring rain, was OA. She could tell that something was wrong as he looked like he had been crying. She stepped aside, wanting to get him out of the rain as soon as possible. “What are you doing here, OA?” Y/N asked, moving to grab a towel from their downstairs bathroom. He thanked her as he took it from her. “Maggie told me.” Y/N froze, halfway turned around to head towards the kitchen. “She told you what?” “She told me that you were pregnant.. With my baby.” He replied, sounding surprised with the last part of his statement. She glared at him. “Did you think that it was someone else’s?” She crossed her arms, waiting for his response. “N-no. I am more surprised that you didn’t tell me.” He stuttered. She sighed. “I didn’t know how to tell you, as it was a surprise to me as much as it was to you.” Y/N sat on the arm of the couch. “I wanted to think about how I was going to tell you, as you haven’t really been a big part of our other children’s lives.” He looked down in shame. “I know, and I have been thinking about that. I want to be a better father, and husband as I seem to have been lacking in both departments recently.” She took a step towards him. “Do you promise?” She looked up at him with big eyes. He cautiously wrapped his arms around her. “I promise. Family comes first, no matter what.” She smiled, meeting in the middle to share a kiss. “Okay.”
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literaila · 4 years
we work so well between the lines
spencer reid x reader 
warnings: angst. cause... thats all i can write. theres a lot of anxiety mentions, and panicking so if thats triggers you just click away..... again its pretty shitty. please enjoy. 
Y/N was still working.
Lately, it seemed, she’d been working later and later, with barely any space between each report she filled out. She woke up and got on her computer, she worked until late afternoon when there was no chance of her ignoring the monster in her stomach, and once she was finished eating she was back to work. And then at almost one in the morning she went to sleep for four hours. Then woke up and did it again.
It was an unorganized schedule. 
She ignored her phone, ignored the different notifications coming in, ignored her friends who kept asking if she was busy, if she could come out that night. She didn't have the energy to answer them, didn't have the energy to focus on anything but work. 
She stayed in her pajamas all day, her hair was greasy and her skin was dry. She was too busy working to take a shower. 
She was waiting for a phone call, just one. She was waiting for him to call her, waiting in the living room that they shared, in the apartment that was theirs, waiting for him in the home that they had made together. She was just waiting. She missed him so much. 
Y/N pretended she wasn't. She pretended she was just so caught up in her work, she just had so much work to do, she just couldn't be doing anything else. The work needed her, she thought over and over again. She pretended that working, and barely eating, and not showering, and just working in a house that hadn't been cleaned in days, she pretended all of that was normal.
 She was so good at pretending. 
There was a part of her- the part that wouldn't shut up in her mind, that wouldn’t just leave her alone. The part that refused to pretend with the rest of her- that knew something was missing. Knew that she was still waiting for a text, a call, even an email. But the same part of her knew it wouldn't come, knew that she was just pretending, knew that she was such a bad liar. 
She didn't pay attention to that part. 
She put it out of her mind. She pretended there was nothing she was waiting for, nothing at all. 
And there wasn't anyone she was missing. 
Spencer was exhausted. 
The case was exhausting. 
His job was exhausting. 
He felt like laying down and never waking up. That's how tired he was. 
It stayed silent on the plane ride home, the entire team had been gone for almost two weeks. Two weeks of non-stop working, and new bodies, and screams. Screams that danced around their heads, and images they never could seem to forget. 
None of them had enough energy to joke, or play cards, or even bother talking about the case. 
Two weeks was scary for all of them, it was hard to be away from their families, from their own beds. It was scary to think it took them two weeks to find a murderer, it was sad to think about all the lives that were lost in the process. 
Spencer was ready to get home, ready to feel the comfort of his bookshelves, and his soft bed. He was ready to get out of the hotel. He was ready to sleep without having to think about the murderer that was still running loose while they were sleeping. 
It was late when they finally arrived back in Virginia, the sun had fallen, and you could barely see any stars. 
None of them bothered saying goodnight, there was an unspoken agreement between the teams that they were just going home. They all just wanted to get home. 
Hotch and JJ had their boys to tuck in, it was hard for both of them to be so far away from their babies for so long. 
Derek and Emily wanted to get the last two weeks off of their minds, they wanted to relax within their own homes, a place where they both felt safe. 
Penelope was safe at home, snoring while she slept, with no nightmares for the first time in days. 
Rossi had not been as affected as the rest of the team, used to staying away from home, but he was ready to get back to his kitchen. 
And Spencer was just ready. 
It took effort for him to stay awake on the drive home, almost dozing off more than a couple of times as his eyes begged to be shut. Eventually, he made it though, back to his apartment that he hadn't seen in two weeks. 
He was ready to see Y/N, ready to talk to her, to see her face, to feel her skin. He was ready to sleep next to her again, ready to feel her body heat, ready to wake up to her face. Ready to sleep. 
It was terrifying to leave her alone in their small apartment for two weeks, terrifying to be so far away from her. It was so hard not to call her all the time, to check up on her, make sure he was okay. But he did, and he was sick of it. 
He just wanted to see her. 
He missed her so much, it was a constant ache in the bones, in his blood, in his mind, reminding him of just how much he missed her. Reminding him of just how often he was gone, leaving her all alone. 
He needed to see her. 
It had started when she was little. It started when her parents started leaving her alone. 
When they would go out, sometimes with their friends, sometimes for work, sometimes to get dinner, when they would leave her all alone. 
She wasn't good alone. She wasn't good at being left alone. 
Her parents never knew what happened when they left. They never knew how she would lock each door and every window, over and over again, just to make sure she thought, just to make sure it's all okay. They never found out about the phone she used to call 911 when she heard a creak in the walls, when she was worried there was something wrong. They never knew about the 911 dispatchers who had to reassure her, they never found out about all the times she called them. They never knew that she would sit at the window, watching and waiting for their car to come home. They never knew about the panic attacks she would have when someone knocked on the door, when someone wanted to talk to her. 
They never knew about any of it. 
Her anxiety had always built up the longer someone was gone and had always been a big hole in her chest that would only get bigger with time. 
She learned how to cope, she learned how to stop worrying, how to make sure no one ever knew about how much she worried. 
It had taken years to stop freaking out every time someone walked out the door. 
When she was 16 she thought she had it under control. She thought she had filled the hole so far, so high that she would never be afraid of someone being gone again. 
She was wrong. 
She was so so wrong. 
The hole stayed with her, buried in a place she couldn't reach, getting deeper and deeper with each day that went by. 
She hadn't heard from Spencer in a week. 
Spencer had attempted to be quiet when he got home, even with how tired he was he didn't want to wake his girlfriend up. She needed her rest as much as I do, he thought. 
He was putting his shoes next to the door and hanging his satchel up when he noticed all the lights were still on. He didn't pay any mind to it, figuring Y/N had left them on when she went to bed on accident. His eyes were drooping and his back felt like it was going to collapse, so he quickly hurried into their bedroom. 
Spencer dropped his bag on the floor, planning to unpack it and do laundry when he didn't feel 10 minutes away from passing out. He smiled at his girlfriend who was lying in bed, sleeping softly. He climbed into the covers with her, pulled her close to him, smiled, and fell asleep. 
Someone was touching her. 
Someone grabbing her. 
Someone was behind her and she was wrapped under their arms, and they were squeezing her, and she had no idea who they were, she didn't know them someone was holding her. 
It was too tight.
Y/N tried to push against their arms, tried to move them away, far far away, so far that she wouldn't be able to see them, she just wanted them to go far far away. 
Spencer could feel something pushing his arms, but he just figured Y/N was moving. 
It was only when she started screaming he woke up. 
She was screaming, and she was telling whoever was holding her, holding her against them, holding her against her will, she was telling them to just, just get away because she had no idea who they were and she just wanted them to get away. Just get away. 
Spencer didn't know what to do.
He let her go and tried to sit up but she was faster than him. She was jumping out of bed and crawling across the floor in a matter of seconds. Her face was red, and her breathing was rapid, and her hair was a mess, and her face was terrified, it was terrified and Spencer didn't know what to do. 
“Y/N…” he said while walking toward her, walking toward his crying girlfriend. 
She started screaming again as he got closer.  
“Okay! Okay Y/N... I won't come any closer. I’m not going to move any closer baby.” He said softly, he just wanted her to stop crying, to stop screaming he just wanted to go over and hold her, but he was just barely awake, and his mind wasn't quite functioning normally. 
“Get out! Get out! You need to leave- I- I- I need- I need” Y/N said as she started to gasp, as her voice got caught, and she was grabbing at her throat, and pulling her hair, and trying to breathe, she was just trying to breathe, but she was scratching at her skin, and hyperventilating, and she couldn't think. She couldn't breathe. 
She was scratching at her skin, trying to get it off, trying to breathe, trying to get away. She was going to hurt herself.
“Y/N! Don't-” Spencer said, much louder than last time, as he tried to take a step toward her. But he could see the way she recoiled when he had just barely moved, he could hear the way her breathing had gotten even faster, and she was staring up at him like he was a monster, and so he stopped. “Y/N hey I need-” he swallowed trying to get her attention “I need you to stop doing that you’re going to hurt yourself-”.
But Y/N wasn't listening, her ears were pounding and all she could hear was beeping, just loud beeping right in her ear. And she still wouldn't couldn't breathe. Why wouldn't her body just breathe? 
She gasped again. 
“Y/N Okay, okay I’m- fuck- I’m going to, I’m gonna- “ 
It was then that she started gasping out words. 
“Spencer- I need- I need! I need I need I need- Spe-” And she was still trying to breathe and she was still trying to speak, and Spencer was still trying to figure out what he could do if he couldn't touch her, he just wanted to fucking touch her and he couldn't, and if he could just hold her if he could just grab her and and help her if he could just- 
“Spencer! I need I need-” a pause to gasp again. “I need Spencer! I need my boy-” gasp. “Boyfriend- he- he just- where- where-” she tried to catch her breath again, she tried to breathe just one more time “where is he!? Where did he go!?! He said- he said-” 
And she was staring at Spencer, she was staring at her boyfriend, at the man she was asking for, and she was scared, and she was angry and Spencer felt himself crumble at his own name. 
She’s calling for me, he thought, she's calling for me but I’m right here and what can I do, what can I do, I’m right here, he said over and over again in his mind. 
And Y/N was still staring at him, still not looking at him just staring, still gasping, still clawing at her own skin, still waiting for him to do something. 
“Y/N, I’m right- I’m right here. Y/N, baby, it's Spencer. I’m right here.” He was staring at her, hoping she’d understand, hoping he could go over and hold her and just hold her. 
It seemed as if Y/N was struck out of her gaze, and she was looking Spencer up and down and she was actually seeing him now and she finally managed to gasp out
“Spencer.” and her voice was rumbling, and her hands were shaking, but she looked relieved now, and Spencer could tell so he went to her. 
He went to her, and he grabbed her face, and she gasped again but even louder and it seemed the air was finally making its way to her lungs, and she grabbed at his hands which were still on her face desperately. 
And all Y/N could think about was how Spencer was finally there, he was there and he was fine, and she was fine and he was there. 
Spencer held her face in his hands, and wiped her tears with his hands, and kissed her forehead over and over again, feeling immensely relieved that he could finally touch her, that he could finally just touch her. 
Y/N was still crying, and she was clawing at Spencer's shirt, and he took the hint and he moved to pick her up. 
And he held her. He held her so tight the world was finally in focus and Y/N knew exactly where she was, and she knew that he was okay, and she could breathe, and the hold was being filled with each breath they shared. 
He tried to ask her what was wrong, but it only caused her to cry harder, so he just held her, he just basked in her warmth, and tried his best to make her feel better. Tried his best to just be there for her, to just hold her. 
They stayed like that for several minutes. 
Both of them breathing slowly, and together, Spencer holding her and stroking her hair, and repeating “it's okay, it's okay, it's okay” over and over because it was the only thing he knew how to do. 
And she was breathing, and she was fine, and she wasn't scared anymore, and they were just breathing together, just holding each other. 
It was a while before they decided to move off of the floor. 
Spencer gently tapped her shoulders, and softly said “let's get up sweetheart” and it took Y/N a moment to recognize the words, it took her a minute to nod. Spencer let go of his tight grip on her, and together they stood up. 
Y/N was dizzy and Spencer had to help her walk. He helped her lay down, and went to his side of the bed, and held her under the covers, and stroked her hair, and just listened to her quiet breathing. 
They both laid there, content with just calming down, with just taking a moment to breathe from their bed and think separately. 
Y/N knew she was going to have to say something, she knew that she had to say something to him, had to explain what had happened, that she couldn't just hide her anxiety in a box and shove in a room to never be discovered again. She couldn't do that anymore. But she wasn't going to be the first to talk. She wasn't going to talk if she didn't have to.
She wasn't the one who made the choice. 
Spencer, who was just thinking about her, thinking about how he’d never experienced something like that with Y/N before, thinking about how he must have been missing something because there was clearly something wrong, he was the first to talk.
“Y/N? Are you… are you okay?” he said softly in her ear, trying to not push her any further, he knew she must be exhausted. 
Y/N's voice was sore, and her muscles ached from exhaustion, and her chest still felt tight, but she finally managed to answer “yes, I’m fine now.” 
“You- you weren't fine though.” 
She didn't say anything, just nodded against his chest, breathing him in. 
“What happened?” he asked after a moment. 
Y/N swallowed and could feel tears pricking at her eyes, tears that she refused to let out. “I- it's just been a- I didn't realize you were home.” They were the only words she could bring to her head, and she still had no idea how to explain anything that happened. 
Spencer didn't understand, and he wasn't satisfied with that answer. 
“I’ve come home before late at night… you didn't-” he paused trying to find the right words “this has never happened before.” 
Y/N could feel herself nodding but she still had no idea what to say. She still had no idea how she was feeling. 
“Can you tell me what happened? I’m- I’m not trying to push you… but we can't just leave it like this.” 
“I just-” Y/N sighed, moving away from Spencer to sit up. If she was going to have this conversation she was going to do it right. “I haven't heard from you in a while, and I was worried, and I didn't- I didn't know you were coming home, and I thought you were someone else- and I was just- I was just scared.” her voice was shaking as she explained, and she was picking at her nails trying not to look her boyfriend in the eye. 
He was frowning, looking down at her hands and trying to think. “I don't understand, I- We’ve been talking, and you were scared? I don't-” 
“You haven't texted me in a week, Spencer.” Y/N's voice was hard, filled with some frustration and some confusion.
“Yes I- I’ve-” Spencer was looking at her shocked, thinking, trying to remember when the last time they talked was. “I have- I have?” 
“No. You haven't. I haven't heard from you since you told me the case wasn't finished, last Friday.” Y/N was looking at him now, looking at the way his entire face fell as she explained, watching the way his eyes winced almost as if he was in pain. 
“I didn't- I was-” 
“And I know you were busy with a case, and I know that I wasn't as important, I understand that I really do-” Spencer tried to cut in but she kept going “I was really worried though, I had no idea what you were doing or what was going on or when you were coming back or if you were okay. And I was just really worried, and I was trying not to be because it's not your job to make me feel okay and I- '' her rambling was cut off my Spencer's harsh tone. 
“Yes, it is.” He stared at her, his face unmoving. 
“No, it's not Spence and-” 
“Yes, it is. Of course, it is. Jesus Christ, you’re my girlfriend! It's my job to make sure you’re alright, and even if it wasn't I can at least take the time to text you!”
Y/N recoiled at his angry tone, even though she knew none of it was directed at her. 
“Oh Y/N... no, it's just. It's okay, I’m not going to hurt you-” she nodded at his words, still watching him trying to figure out what he was thinking “ it's just, I can't believe I didn't even text you. God, I'm-” 
“Spence, I’m not mad. Really I'm not mad, I’m just I’ve always been so terrible at being left alone, and usually, it's fine, but I don't know- I was- just so anxious and I couldn't stop it and I was so worried, and I knew you were just working that's” she swallowed trying to let her mind catch up to her mouth “that's why I didn't call you.” 
“I wish you had I-” 
“No, work was the most important thing, I didn't want to bother you.” 
Spencer was looking at her shocked, just completely shocked that she could ever say something like that. 
“Y/N.. you’re the most important thing. You always are, you’re the most important thing in my life. And you could never bother me, especially not with just a phone call.” 
It was Y/N's turn to look shocked, she didn't expect that type of reaction from Spencer. 
“Don't look so shocked, please. You are my favorite person. You are the only person I want with me at all times. And I’m sorry we’re apart so much, I’m sorry my job takes me so far away from you.” Y/N could hear the desperation in his voice, could see the honesty in his warm brown eyes. 
“It's okay Spencer, your passion for your job is one of the things I love most about you. And when we’re apart for so long, it feels amazing to be together again.” She brought his hands up to her lips and kissed it as a way to show her belief in the words she was saying. 
“I never want you to feel anxious about me. I want you to call me when you’re worried, I want you to tell me everything because I care about you. Okay?” He asked looking right into her eyes.
“Okay.. yeah… okay.” She said looking down again. 
Spencer grabbed her face and brought it to his so they were looking at each other again. They were so close, and both of them felt their heart speed up at just the proximity of the pair. 
“Okay?” Spencer asked, almost in a teasing voice, trying to make sure she understood completely. 
“Okay.” She said as she brushed her lips against his feeling like she was home for the first time in weeks. They were both restless as their lips moved against each other, Y/N could feel Spencer's hands hold on to her face desperately, trying to keep her as close as possible. 
They broke apart and smiled at each other. Spencer looked down and frowned, and Y/N looked down with him. 
They were both frowning at the red marks on her chest, the scratches that she had made, the dried blood that was there reminding them of how desperate she was to escape. 
Spencer rubbed his thumb over the marks, feeling terrible for everything that had happened. 
Y/N looked at him frowning and moved his chin so he would look at her. She smiled at him softly in reassurance, in a message that it was okay, that it wasn't his fault.
“How about we go take a shower?” he asked, looking at her again, not smiling but not frowning “I’ll help you clean up, and I’ll wash your hair?” 
Y/N smiled even wider “I’d like that.”
“Yeah?” Spencer said, a smile finally reaching his face and making Y/N world so much brighter. 
“Yeah.” She said, and she kissed him again, just so they could be close. 
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Midnight Stroll
AUTHOR: mooncat163
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine that you struggle with sleep walking, and one night you manage to get to Loki’s room. The next morning he wakes to find you snuggled against his back, and wonders how you ever got past the security spells he’d cast.
RATING: General
NOTES/WARNINGS: just fluffy stuff, sleepwalking
— —
You’ve been up for close to seventy-two hours straight, copying VHS surveillance tapes to digital in an attempt to isolate and identify players suspected of gearing up for a major weapons heist. Any attempts to make you rest before you collapsed were rebuffed: you were determined to complete the process and make positive ID’s as soon as you could.
The greeting was soft so that you weren’t startled when Steve came up behind you. He glanced over the monitors before looking at you.
“Hey, Cap,” you replied, and turned your head slightly. “I’m almost done, just have about twelve hours left-“
“That's why I’m here,” he said. “You’ve been at it for close to three days, and you need to rest.”
“I’m good,” you protested. “Jarvis has already isolated footage for me, I just have to-“
“Rest,” he said, firmly. “Jarvis, bookmark where she’s at, but she’s not allowed to start again until she’s eaten and slept.”
“Yes, sir.”
“But I-“ You turned your chair to face Steve after the computer monitors went blank.
“No.” He urged you out of the chair and then ushered you from the room. “Tony agrees, and none of us want you to become overtired.”
You still wanted to protest, but there wasn’t any point in doing so. Jarvis wouldn’t allow you to access the files until Tony or Steve agreed to it, and there wasn’t a way to subvert the AI. You knew this because you’d tried several times, just to see if you could and to see how badly you could annoy Tony.
You had managed one small victory: you’d renamed some of his music files, so that instead of the heavy metal songs he liked to blare at random, Jarvis would end up playing teen bop songs. Tony didn’t talk to you for a week after that, although you could see by the gleam in his eyes that he was slightly impressed by the feat.
Computers had always been your ‘thing’, and you could set up networks and track down problems in record time. When you worked with the electronics, your mind visualized the connections and routes in schematic form, enabling you to pinpoint the failing areas. When it came to analyzing data, you could do so just as quickly.
Steve led you to the elevator, and the ride up to the Avengers’ level was made in silence, then his hand in the small of your back guided to the dining table, where the rest of the team sat.
“Glad you could join us,” Tony said, grinning when you cut your eyes at him.
You sat down across from Loki and Thor, then helped your plate with food as it was passed to you. You offered them both a tired smile, which Thor returned with a wink. Loki nodded, and although he didn’t smile, his green eyes were lit with amusement. A warmth spread through your veins, making it hard to look away from him, but you finally managed.
If only he wasn’t such eye candy, you thought. Or maybe such a snack...a tall, tall, snack…snack-a-licious…
You smothered a giggle that almost escaped, but then strangled on the sip of water you’d just taken. While you coughed into your napkin, Bucky tried to help by patting your back, but his strength knocked you forward enough where you almost face-planted into your plate.
You composed yourself while keeping your attention on your food. You weren’t very hungry, even though you’d subsisted only on coffee, protein snacks and candy over the last few days. As you began to eat, it became difficult to keep your eyes open. Now that you were still and quiet, the lack of sleep caught up with you fast. The others watched as your head began to drop lower and lower, until your fork clattered onto the plate as you fell asleep while sitting upright.
“Come on, sleepyhead.” Steve scooped you up and carried you to your apartment, where he put you to bed.
— —
Later that night, Tony was still in the common room when you padded quietly on bare feet into the kitchen. You went to the fridge and stared at its contents for several minutes before taking out a yogurt cup.
He watched as you shuffled to a drawer for a spoon, and he started to ask if you needed help when you struggled to open the yogurt, but you did manage to get the lid off after a couple of minutes.
“Are you alright?” He asked as you consumed the yogurt in four large spoonfuls.
You didn’t respond, just dropped the spoon into the sink, and the empty cup into the garbage, and left. Once back in your apartment, you crawled into bed, pulled up the covers and went back to sleep.
— —
Several hours later, Loki stirred from a deep sleep when something woke him. He listened for any movement in his apartment, but all was quiet. Something wasn’t right, though, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.
He started to get up, but then realized what had disturbed him: a warmth against his back, along with a bare arm across his waist. To say that he was stunned would be an understatement, since neither should be there.
Loki carefully grasped his bedfellow’s wrist and raised it enough to try to determine who had invaded his space, and he didn’t need three guesses when he recognized the intruder’s bracelet.
He couldn’t help but think of you by the nickname that Tony had burdened you with due to your computer skills. None of that was important, however. What was important was why you were in his bed, and how you had managed to avoid the spells that he cast each night that would alert him to any intruders. It was a habit that he kept, even though it was unlikely that he’d be attacked in his own suite, and he felt a bit uneasy that you hadn’t triggered any of them.
Loki carefully shifted until he faced you, and the movement was enough to turn you on your back. He braced up on one elbow while he looked into your face, and recognized the exhaustion it reflected. He knew that you’d been working hard on the surveillance videos; too hard, it seemed. He frowned at that, and decided to speak to Stark about letting you stay awake for days on end, as it wasn’t necessary since Jarvis could easily help run comparisons.
“Hey, Pixel.”
He brushed hair out of your face before shaking you gently, but you didn’t stir. He tried again, with no success: you were dead to the world. He considered taking you back to your own bed, but an urge for mischief kept him from doing so. He rather wanted to see what your reaction would be come morning. So, he adjusted position slightly so that your head was pillowed on his arm, then he put the other arm across you and pulled you closer.
— —
Early the next morning, well before dawn, you awoke slowly to find that something was very, very wrong.
Your sheets were softer than you recalled, you were curled against someone’s side, with your head on their shoulder, and this someone had their arms around you. Slowly, carefully, you sat up, and the shock when you recognized your bedfellow had you turning toward the edge of the bed.
Before you could disengage fully from his embrace, he turned with you, and drew you even closer to his chest, where he held you firmly. You laid still for a couple of minutes, not wanting to disturb him, hoping to escape before he woke. Then you carefully tried moving his arm from across your waist so that you could slide from beneath it.
“What’s the fuss, pet?” Loki asked, sleepily.
“Why are you in my room?”
“Your room?” You felt his smile against your temple.
“My room! And my bed!”
“Are you certain about that?”
Your brow furrowed in confusion while you slowly looked around, then your mouth fell open in astonishment when you realized where you were. Nope, not your room, but his.
“How did I get in here??”
“That’s the million dollar question, isn’t it?” He asked, while burying his nose in your hair. “How you got in, and got past my security measures.”
“I don’t—wait, security measures? You mean booby traps?” You whispered, aghast.
He almost laughed aloud at that, and would have if your tone hadn’t been so horrified at the notion of triggering one of his spells.
“Don’t worry, Pixel, there isn’t anything that will cause lasting harm,” he chuckled. “So, first order of business: why did you come here?”
“I’m not...oh...cripes…” you rubbed your face with a groan.
“I’m so sorry...I must have been sleepwalking.”
“I haven’t done it in years, though...I guess being up for close to four days straight triggered it.”
“I see,” Loki mused over that for a moment. “But how did you get past my spells?”
“I don’t know, I really don’t,” you replied. “Are you sure they’re still intact...never mind, forget I asked.”
You’d backtracked on the question when his arm tightened slightly; you could imagine that his expression would remind you that he was a master sorcerer who was at least nine hundred years in age, and that he would know if his spells had failed.
“I should go,” you told him as you tried again to move his arm. “I’m very sorry for invading your space…”
“It’s early yet, why not stay?” He asked. “You’re delightfully warm.”
“Yeah, I don’t think I should.”
You were painfully aware that your gown’s thin straps left your arms and shoulders bare, and the hem only reached to your knees. There was no way that Loki hadn’t noticed it either, just as it hadn’t escaped your notice that his chest was bare. Thankfully, you could tell that he had on pajama bottoms. Thank God for small mercies.
“I was a perfect gentleman last night,” he commented. “Don’t you trust me?”
“Of course I do,” you replied, quickly. But do I trust myself?
Loki hummed softly before he ran his hand down your arm and changed your gown into one that covered you from your chin to your feet, and from your shoulders to your wrists. You were quite sure the thing would strangle you, since you were a restless sleeper.
“Geez, did you raid Steve’s grandmother’s closet??”
“Just trying to be helpful,” he replied with a chuckle, before he changed the gown again.
This time it was a green shirt with flowing sleeves, open neckline and a shorter hem which reached your knees. It wasn’t lost on you that he’d put you in his color.
“Better?” He asked.
“Yes, thank you,” you replied. “But I should go....”
He held you more firmly, and drew his legs up behind yours to trap you further. He was reluctant to let you go now that you were in his arms. He’d watched you for months now, slowly warming up since you treated him the same as anyone else, perhaps even better. He wasn’t sure how you’d managed to get under his skin, but he found himself wondering how it would feel to hold you, to kiss you...to have you.
When Loki refused to let you up, your heart began to race at the implications. Was he interested in you? Or just being mischievous because you had accidentally climbed into his bed? Either way, the proximity to his bare skin had you shaking; it wouldn’t take much for you to give in to his request.
“I’d like for you to stay,” he whispered, before he’d turned your face toward him.
When his lips found yours in a gentle kiss, your reticence flew out the window.
Yes, that did it.
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canyouhearthelight · 3 years
The Miys, Ch. 141
Last week I posted a day early because vacation was doing vacation things to my sense of time.... This week I forgot to queue the chapter up because Monday was a work holiday, so I forgot today was Tuesday. *insert facepalm here please*
Thanks on this one go largely to @baelpenrose who rightfully pointed out that one part made very little sense to him and therefore was unlikely to make sense to a reader.  The clarification smoothed things out quite a bit, I think.  Just in case, whoever spots the area I’m talking about gets a cookie as soon as travel restrictions lift.
As always, thanks go also to @the-raven-fae, @charlylimph-blog, and @anotherusrname for completing the corners of my support system. And, a super-duper extra-special to @drinksteawithcake! I don’t know if I am allowed to tell everyone why, but you know why you get the extra-special, and I hope you are having fun!
“Uhhh?” I squinted in complaint as flailing arms clambered over me. One pair snagged me around my waist to drag me from bed before depositing me shakily on my feet. “What are you - ?”
Any trace of sleep was shoved out of my system, replaced by sizzling alertness when I realized I was hearing ship-wide alarms.  Shoving myself into the first clothing I grabbed, not even bothering with shoes, I was hot on Conor and Maverick’s heels as we raced out of our quarters and into the corridor. We paused only long enough for both men to kiss me and for “I love yous” to be exchanged before they turned and headed toward the areas indicated on their datascreens, while I hauled ass toward the Archives, ducking and twisting to avoid anyone in my path.
“Forty minutes,” Tyche told me crisply as I basically fell through the door, panting. “The Ark could be invaded and the battle over by the time you make it.”
“I ran….huff….the whole….ugh….way….” I managed to gasp out.  Part of me felt like puking, but I was pretty sure the muscles in my abdomen were too busy to figure out the logistics.
Clicking her tongue, she pulled me up from the floor. “Alistair, make a note to suggest to Xio that Sophia’s quarters be relocated once we have a better idea of when we are dropping into real space.”
I nodded numbly. “And probably… amp up… sensors… give… earlier… warning.”
“Nice outfit, by the way,” she laughed quietly as we finally reached the shelter point within the Archives.
Glancing down, I had to suppress a sigh. The first thing I grabbed to dress myself had apparently been a pair of Conor’s boxer shorts and a very filthy t-shirt that I assumed belonged to Maverick, since Conor’s was usually under coveralls. “At least you can’t say I took my time getting dressed.”
Her shaking head was greeted by faces in various states of wakefulness - this had been a drill, and woke nearly the entire Ark during their sleep interval on Delta shift.  But we weren’t out of the woods, yet: the drill didn’t end until all of Xiomara and Evan’s scenarios played out, including the mock combat and various tests of concealment for the other shelters.  As such, Tyche stood guard over the choke-point into this section, while Alistair had stayed behind at the entrance.
Early on, when the drills started, there had been fifty-fifty odds that the mock-invaders would make it this far, but over the past few weeks, that had narrowed to maybe twenty-percent.  It was still too high a chance in my judgement, and Xiomara clearly agreed as she stepped up training schedules and randomized the timing of the drills. 
Taking a swig of water from a stash of bottles, I queued up my datapad and stood next to Tyche, watching the ‘casualties’ from a point where no one could see over my shoulder to avoid panic, which I would have done in a real situation. “They didn’t find mess hall seven this time,” I murmured.
She glanced at my screen. “Acoustics are still too damned high. She must not be simulating for that this go around.”
One of the decoy locations lit up. “Looks like this time it’s heavy on thermal.” The location in question had been equipped with a cooking surface, triggered to activate when the klaxons that had woken me up went off.  Which Xiomara knew, but did not tell the ‘pirates’ for authenticity.
“How did they get past the combatants this time?” She asked, both curious and slightly worried.
Rolling back the sensor data, I watched it carefully. “Looks like these got in during the initial breaches, multiple points. But the line has held since, that’s good.”
Doing another check toward Alistair’s direction, she didn’t seem to see anything concerning. “How many?”
“Four,” I confirmed.  “Sam’s thermal camouflage is working beautifully, though.”  I couldn’t help but grin, and Tyche snorted at the same time. ‘Thermal camouflage’ was a bit of overkill as a name, but it was working well in every round. Potential access points were equipped with fast-acting environmental simulators - originally designed for temporary habitats on inhospitable moons - modified to release atmosphere like a Terran equatorial rainforest within one minute in an enclosed space.  It was a much more simple and elegant solution than any others we had found for giving combatants defending the Ark an advantage - instead of trying to create technology to make them look colder, make the entire area match human heat signatures.  Boom, instantly blinded enemies.
A tense half-hour later, the ‘all clear’ sounded, queueing grumbling from those who had dozed back off as everyone stood to make their ways back to their quarters. I waited with Alistair and Tyche for everyone else to be accounted for on the way out, and the three of us headed back toward our quarters together.  Alistair peeled off first, living closest to the Archives, and no sooner had my sister and I reached my door than the page sounded for the post-drill meeting.  She waved me off as she answered on her databand, and I did the same as I pushed into my quarters and flopped on the couch. “Councillor Sophia Reid, present, audio only,” I answered. “And no jokes, Pranav… I look like I smell awful.”
“Alistair Worthington, present, audio and video. I can confirm that she does, and she does.”
Laughter filled the comms and the rest of the group leaders and Councillors joined the debrief.  Finally, everyone was present and Xiomara called the meeting to order.  First, the leaders of each shelter reported in, as those usually went the fastest. There were a couple malfunctions in the deployment of the shielding to disguise the entrances and hide heat and electrical signatures, but nothing Huynh’s team couldn’t fix.  Tyche and Alistair made the recommendations around earlier detection and the need to move those sheltering in the  Archives closer as we approached time to drop out of relativistic space. 
Once that was out of the way, it was on to the combat and invasion teams. Overall consensus was that Sam’s trick with the portable environments was a rousing success and would be installed at each point determined to be most likely as a breach, with trigger conditions to be determined later. “I hate to say it,” Michael sighed, “but we also need Charly’s team to crank up the scovilles on the arrows and grenades.” His team had played the ‘invaders’ this go around, equipped with sensors and readouts to simulate the effect our defenses would have on the various species who most commonly were found on pirate vessels.  Evan had worked intensely with Pranav and Derek to ensure that the strategies provided by the readouts were modelled after similar strategies based on which ever species each team member was assigned, to ensure we weren’t accidentally drilling against human tactics.
Michael hated it, but he was strict about his team complying nonetheless.
“Seriously?” I squawked, and I wasn’t the only one. “One of those things accidentally went off in my quarters…. Can confirm, they’re pretty potent.”
“They dissipated too fast against my team, and also the contact element left a lot to be desired. Charly, you may want to consider adding a sticking element.”
“Duly noted,” she chimed in with a yawn, her normal pep doused by being woken up and then the drop in adrenaline post-combat.
“What about the sonic weapons?” Xiomara asked, moving the meeting along.
“Still less effective than Nixe is on her own,” a familiar voice I couldn’t put a name to responded with a sheepish tone.  “How hard would it be to train more people to shatter glass with their voice?”
“Incredibly,” Grey stressed. “It takes a very unique combination of training and the right vocal chords.”
“Then we may need to work on adding a projection component.  The sonic devices can match the pitch, but not the actual tone and direction. They’re very effective given time and especially contact, but we need something more immediately disabling.”
Xiomara groaned. “Are we back to Mariah Carey on this one?” Objections exploded until she muted the comms. “It’s that or opera.” Votes started scrolling up the screen, and I could see Xio nod. “Opera it is.  Let’s find a suitable piece and try using more analogue-style speakers.”
“I still say that death metal would work better,” Arthur suggested as soon as the comms were back on.
“Annnnd we already tested it, I will remind you. The volume works, but the pitches aren’t high enough to hit a broad enough population of species sensitive to sound.” After that nearly-obligatory objection, the meeting continued going through reports from each combat team until finally Xiomara announced the end results. “I have to admit, this was one of our best drills yet. Ten percent casualties of the combatants defending the breaches, only two percent among non-combatants, and the invaders were only able to traverse three decks before they were subdued.” She let the cheers go for a couple seconds before getting everyone’s attention again. “Yes, great job on the improvements, but let me remind everyone - those numbers still leave us below threshold for a healthy genetic population. Engineering teams, make the necessary adjustments with whatever resources are necessary. Shelters Three and Seven, you will start training for armed and unarmed combat with Shelter Fourteen and Combat Team Two daily.  Sophia, your team will coordinate schedules. Any questions?”
There were no arguments, not even a groan or mutter as the meeting was dismissed. Before I could even add the new task to my agenda the next day, I received the notification that Alistair had beaten me to the punch.
Glancing at the time, I wanted to hit something.  I had to be back up and at work in four hours, and the realization weighed me down with exhaustion.  The guys had come in and gone to bed while I was in the debrief, and I could already hear synchronized snoring coming from the bedroom.  Rather than risk waking them with my now-frozen feet, I pulled the quilt off the back of my couch and rolled myself into it.  Only minutes later, a heavy weight oozed across my hip and started purring furiously.
“Yeah, buddy. I agree. We need a nap.”
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farfromsugafanfic · 3 years
Sutures - Chapter Nine: Lost In Japan
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Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): chest pain, health problems, getting lost
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
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When you landed in Japan, your phone was already blowing up with notifications. 
"Jang Sumi Seen With Min Yoongi's Bodyguard"
"Jang Sumi Joining BTS In Japan For Promotions"
The cameras already waited when you stepped into the airport. You were in the middle of the members, and instead of stopping for pictures like normal, bodyguards flanked in between the eight of you and the cameras. 
You felt as Yoongi reached down and softly took your hand. You looked back at him with a confused look and he just shrugged. 
"They all have their assumptions anyway," he said. "Just keep going. They'll try to get in our way, but just keep going. They won't bother you if you're with me."
You moved through the crowd with Yoongi's hand as your anchor. You heard the various fans gasping and screaming and the paparazzi asking questions and trying to provoke you and the members into a response, but before you knew it, you were in the back of a van and fastening your seatbelt. The satisfying click making you smile. You made it.
Yoongi was beside you. He still held your hand and you wondered if he noticed. His thumb rubbed lightly over your knuckles in a quick, sweeping motion. You didn't necessarily mind him holding your hand, it was just that there was no use for it now.
The van door shut as Jimin got in and plopped down beside you. A few seconds later, the van was moving.
"My phone blew up when we landed," you said. "Apparently, the bodyguard who helped me through the airport was your bodyguard?"
"Oh, yeah," he said, shrugging his shoulders. 
"What did you do then?" 
"Eh, we had plenty of bodyguards," he said. "Since we were in a group, it was unnecessary to have mine." 
"But, Yoongi, I know things have happened to you in airports before. You're an idol. You're a bigger risk." 
"Sumi, I lent him to you and something still happened," Yoongi said, his thumb brushing over your knuckles again, but slower this time.
"You really don't have to worry about us, Sumi," Jimin said. His eyes were closed and you'd honestly thought he was asleep. "We have enough bodyguards and we have Jungkook." Jimin kicked the back of the youngest's seat, who sat in front of him. 
You laughed and dropped the subject and instead gazed out the window at Tokyo. You'd only truly been to the city once when you were a kid, although you'd had many layovers in the Tokyo airport on your flight to and from the US. 
"There's a problem with the hotel," Se-jin said, coming back out to the van. Most of the members were barely awake due to their busy schedules and how they'd gotten used to sleeping on most forms of transportation. "A fire sprinkler in Sumi's room burst and it flooded the whole room. The flooding is contained in her room due to the staff. Are you okay sharing a room, Sumi?"
You nodded. "Yeah," you said. "That's fine." 
"All right, does anyone--"
"I will!" All of the members shouted at once. You were amazed that despite their perceived states of sleep, they all appeared to be awake and fully listening. You laughed.
"She'll stay with me," Yoongi said. 
You turned to look at him surprised. "But, what about the rumors?"
"They know we're soulmates at this point. And, if you got caught staying with one of the other members, what do you think they would think?" 
Your brow furrowed. They already thought you had cheated on Minki with Yoongi, but if the media began circulating that you were cheating on Yoongi, you could only imagine the backlash you would receive. 
"Yeah, okay," you said. "I'll stay with Yoongi." Se-jin nodded and closed the van door as he went back into the hotel to finish checking in. 
"We've rented out the whole floor, so there should be no way anyone will find out," Yoongi said, giving you a small smile. 
"Then, why couldn't I stay with one of the other boys?" you asked, your lips curving into a smirk. 
Yoongi's ears turned red and he looked between you and the other members who watched in loving amusement.
"Just in case."
By the time you all got checked in and everything unloaded, the sun was beginning to set. You saw no point in unpacking your suitcase completely when you were only staying for four days. However, you unpacked your toiletries and headed to the bathroom. 
"Do you need to shower--?" you ask, but the words are left in the air as you notice Yoongi dropping the extra pillows and blankets from the closet onto the couch. "What are you doing?"
"Setting up my bed." He smoothed out the blankets and placed the pillow on one end of the couch. 
"You don't have to sleep on the couch. I trust you. It's not like we haven't shared a bed before."
"It's not that," Yoongi said. "I don't trust the urges. We've only had one, but I'm afraid if we lay together in bed. It would just trigger something." 
You nodded. "You're right. But, I'll sleep on the couch. This is your room." 
Yoongi shrugged and shook his head before falling back onto the couch and crossing his hands over his stomach. "Go take your shower." 
You sighed and went into the bathroom and took the shower you'd been long awaiting. Despite the coffee having been spilled on you hours before and changing into Yoongi's shirt, you could still feel the sticky cream-filled coffee on your skin. You undressed and folded Yoongi's shirt and placed it on the counter so that it wouldn't get wet and continued to undress. Only when you had finished did you realize that you'd forgotten to bring your pajamas with you. 
"Yoongi?" you asked, peeking your head out the bathroom. "Are you awake?"
Yoongi chose not to respond as you emerged from the bathroom in one of the hotel's white bathrobes. He didn't respond because he wanted you to strip in front of him, but rather, he was hoping to be asleep within a few minutes anyway.
As he heard you shuffle back towards the bed, he heard a small scuffle and you curse under your breath. He opened his eyes to see you standing by the bed as nothing happened. You unfastened the robe and allowed it to fall. 
Yoongi only caught a glance of your bare back before he shut his eyes again, although he felt a stirring in his stomach. He could only curse in his head as he attempted to focus on anything else. He didn't catch a glimpse of anything super sexual, but it didn't matter. Yoongi hoped this wouldn't lead to another urge. While he wanted nothing more than to pull you into him and kiss you up and down your body, he knew he couldn't for the sake of severing the soulmate bond. 
There were a few seconds of silence. He figured you'd finished getting dressed, but the light was still on and he hadn't heard you climb into the bed. He opened his eyes only to be met with a pillow to the face. 
"I knew you weren't asleep!" you said, holding the pillow above your head to bring back down upon him. Yoongi acted quickly and sat up and grabbed the pillow and tossed it to the side. 
You were dumbfounded for a second until you heard Yoongi laugh. "What was your plan exactly?"
You shrugged. "I don't know. I just wanted to prove you were being a creep." You wiggled your eyebrows as a smirk came over your face. 
"Hey! I didn't see anything. I kept my eyes closed."
"Mmm," you said. "I don't believe you." 
Before Yoongi could respond, a silence came over the two of you as you both simultaneously realized that you were straddling his lap and you could feel him pressing into you. 
"Sorry," he whispered as you climbed off of him. 
You shook your head. "No, it's okay. You didn't mean to. Let's, uh, let's go to bed."
"Wait, Sumi, what are your plans for tomorrow?"
"I just plan on going out and exploring a bit. I've never got to explore the city. Probably do some shopping, visit temples." Your eyes narrowed in curiosity. "Why?"
"I'll be working," he said. "Just make sure to get back here before me so we don't risk anything. I'm supposed to be done with the fan sign at five." 
You nodded. "You don't think being away from each other in general will cause anything?" 
It was only then that Yoongi realized that you hadn't been away from each other for nearly two weeks. While you might not be physically together, you were always within the same building or space. "I think it's been enough time." 
You nodded as you climbed under the covers of the bed and reached over to turn off the bedside lamp. Even in the dark, Yoongi could make out as you pulled the covers up to your chin and turned on your side. It made him smile. 
"Goodnight, Yoongi."
Your knees ached by midday, but your day alone in the city had been one of the best you'd had in years. You hadn't been truly alone for what felt like months. Sure, you slept alone and you could easily duck in the bathroom for five minutes of peace, but this was freedom you didn't think you'd have after the whole soulmate thing happened.
Yoongi was gone when you'd woke up that morning, the blanket tossed to one side of the couch. Not neat, but not exactly messy. It was odd, not feeling the aching in his chest when he was gone. You knew there were exceptions for when you were obligated to be apart, but since Yoongi worked so much, maybe it wouldn't be so horrible.
Your mind had still wandered to Yoongi throughout the day. Occasionally, you'd see a BTS ad campaign or someone wearing merch, but what really caught your attention was a small Kumamon figure. It was clearly meant to act as a paperweight or just to decorate a desk. You'd noticed that Yoongi seemed to like the character and after a quick Google search, it was confirmed. You bought the figure and tossed it into your purse.
With shopping bags in your hands and your camera in your hand, you managed to use your one free hand to pull out enough money to buy a taiyaki. You thanked the woman who handed it to you in your best rudimental Japanese. 
You were a few blocks away and halfway through your taiyaki when you thought to check the time. You nearly dropped the sweet bun when you realized it was 4:50 pm. Yoongi was due to be done in ten minutes and you were at least a half hour walk from the hotel--if not more. 
You rush out to the side of the road and attempt to hail a taxi. The first few passed you, but eventually one stopped and you frantically told the driver the name of the hotel. 
Within five minutes, the driver only managed to get a few blocks because of rush hour traffic. With nowhere to go, you were stranded. You'd gone the whole day without making a scene or being recognized (although maybe because you wore a baseball cap and mask), despite your face on the cover of magazine articles everywhere. And, you were afraid that you were going to have to end up on more of them to get out of this. 
You waited another five minutes before handing the driver a wad of cash that was definitely too much and apologizing as you got out of the cab. Carrying your bags and purse on your arm, you ran across the stopped lanes of traffic and tried to ignore the car horns and confused shouts. You checked the time. 5:01 pm. You ran and pulled up the GPS on your phone and entered the hotel address. 
Your vision blurred and you felt a small pull in your chest. It was warning you.
Something felt off as the van pulled up to the back door of the hotel. His palms begin to sweat and his heart beat against his chest as if he were sprinting. The door to the van opened and Yoongi didn't even remember it stopping or the rest of the members climbing out. 
"Yoongi?" one of the members called. 
Yoongi managed to his feet and out of the van but nearly collapsed against Jin, who grabbed him by the shoulder to stabilize him. He doesn't get far before he collapses against the wall of the hotel, his neck lulling back. 
"Yoongi, what's wrong?"
"Sumi...she must not be back yet..." 
Yoongi hears some talking and shuffling, but barely understands anything as two of the boys lift him up and inside the hotel. 
"They're going to look for her, Yoongi. It will be okay."
You'd made it a few more blocks, although you could barely tell. You were running, even though your vision was so blurred you could barely see. You used the buildings on the side as your guide and hoped you wouldn't bump into anyone. 
Your heart was beating out of your chest and you honestly couldn't tell if it was because of the running or that Yoongi was back at the hotel. You felt lightheaded and even with your headphones in you could barely hear the directions your GPS was telling you.
The edges of your vision begin going black and you feel your knees hit the pavement. This was it. You hoped a passerby would stop and at least call an ambulance. 
"Sumi!" someone a short distance away shouted.
You couldn't make out their faces, but you could see figures running through the crowd towards you. As you slumped against the nearest wall, you felt yourself being scooped up. 
"Sumi, Sumi, it's okay. We're not too far away. Come on, stay awake." 
You recognized Jungkook's face and allowed your face to fall against his T-shirt. It felt warm, but as you neared the hotel, your senses clearing a tiny bit, you realized it was a little too warm. You remembered back to the day before when you'd accidentally burned Tae's hand. 
"I-I'm sorry," you said. "It doesn't hurt does it?"
"It was just the T-shirt. Don't worry about it, Sumi."
His voice is soft and you can barely hear him over the commotion you're approaching. You can already hear the slew of photographers who are inside the lobby of the hotel and outside on the sidewalk. They haven't seemed to notice you yet, as their camera flashes and yells are aimed elsewhere.
"Jungkook! Jimin!" Se-jin called from the alleyway where he held open a service door normally only used for employees. While your vision had cleared, you still felt out of breath and your heart still convulsed in your chest. 
Jungkook ran towards the door and immediately into a service elevator. He didn't drop you back on your feet like you had expected him to. His arms were slung under your knees and around your shoulders. You wondered why you weren't burning his arms. Maybe because he wasn't touching your skin? Maybe the soulmate curse somehow recognized that he was helping you get closer to Yoongi? Whatever it was, you were thankful that beyond burning a small black hole in his T-shirt, you hadn't hurt him. 
The elevator dinged and Jungkook rushed you into your hotel room. Yoongi was already on the bed, a cloth on his forehead. He was sweaty, his shirt pulled up, exposing his stomach and his hair pushed back. 
Jungkook plopped you down on the bed beside Yoongi. Your breath evened out and your muscles relaxed, but the dull ache in your chest remained.
"Do you guys need anything?"
"Just some water." 
Jungkook went to the sink and filled a glass with water and set it on the bedside table beside you. "Just text or call one of us if you need anything." 
You nodded and Jungkook left the room. As soon as the door shut, Yoongi's arms around you and your face in his chest. His lips came to your forehead and you released a breath you hadn't realized you'd been holding.
"I lost track of time," you said. "I tried to take a taxi, but it was rush hour." 
"It's okay. It's not your fault. It was harder than we thought it would be." 
"Do you think we'll ever break it?" you asked. "If this was so difficult, if we can't even be apart due to a simple mistake, even if we were in love, how would we fix this?"
"I don't know. But, you should get some sleep."
"You too." 
You rested your head on Yoongi's shoulder, his arm slung around you comfortably, fitting perfectly against your waist and in the swell of your hips. It was the only place your body would allow you to be, but even if it was just the soulmate curse, even if you didn't love Yoongi, you knew there was no other place you wanted to be than his arms.
You fell asleep long before Yoongi did. Your small breaths tickling the skin on his neck and you were so still in his arms, only the way your chest moved slowly up and down indicated that you were still alive.
He'd never tell you, but he loved the way you looked when you slept. You scrunched your face up like a fussy baby and sometimes you'd make small moans in reactions to whatever happened in your dreams. 
It was nearly 1 am and Yoongi couldn't sleep. There were still pangs in his chest, but he wasn't sure if it was due to the earlier ordeal, or something else. He looked down at your sleeping form and carefully tucked stray hairs behind your ear. The ends of your hair were still a little damp with sweat, but he didn't care. 
You smiled at his touch and burrowed deeper into him. So deep, in fact, Yoongi wasn't sure you'd ever come out.
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peakywitch · 4 years
Little Hands - Michael Gray
warnings: none (i think this one has angst?)
gif: @oberelias
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A knock on the bar door caught Harry's attention. He immediately knew who it was. He opened the door, seeing the young woman from a half hour ago.
"Y/N?" he asked, not understanding anything. A girl of about 17 years, crying at the door of the Garrison. Harry thought he would never see such a thing.
"Sorry Harry, I had nowhere to go..." she sobbed; Harry invited her in and poured her a glass of water as she sat down at the bar.
“Are you better?" he asked her, after a few minutes.
The girl had been staring at the glass of water since Harry had offered it to her. The silent tears kept falling from her eyes. What will I do now? She would go home alone. She would forget about being a teacher and would have to dedicate herself to whatever she could, so her son would have something to eat.
Her son.
Y/N still didn't get it. She was seventeen, a minor, and her ex-boyfriend had just left her. She could not abort, she had found out too late.
"What the fuck am I going to do..." she whispered, asking Harry.
"You in trouble?" he asked, worried that she was hurt.
"Yes, in a giant problem." She replied, drinking more water.
“I think whatever it is, you can work it out. If you have people who want you by your side, you'll be fine." He said, as he rearranged the liquor bottles.
“The person I love doesn't want to be with me, Harry. He said horrible things to me and I…”The poor girl bursted into tears, Harry felt so out of place.
The man, not knowing what to do, approached the small kitchen that was at the back of the bar and took out some pieces of brownie that were carefully protected. When he returned to her side, he opened the noisy bag, filling the Garrison with a strong chocolate smell.
"You know?" he asked “My mother was a baker, and she made the best cakes in town. She made these brownies when I was sad or had a broken heart." He smiled wistfully; Y/N's red eyes focused on him “Last night, I felt a heavy sadness. And all I could think of was brownies." He placed the two brown squares on a gray plate. "I firmly believe, these brownies will heal you a bit." He held out the plate to the crying girl, she tried to grab one "Wait, not yet."
He reached under the bar, pulling out a glass bottle of milk: “There is a kitten that had a baby, and in the morning when I am leaving, I serve her some on a plate outside. But a broken heart deserves a sip to accompany brownies. "
She poured the milk into a pint, and told her she could eat now.
Between brownies, laughter, and some milk, she was able to stop crying and laughed at some stories Harry was telling her.
When night fell, Y/N stayed in one of the rooms upstairs. Harry had offered it to her for free, as Y/N had been very good company while he set up the pub for that Friday night. However, she insisted that she would return the favor by cleaning up on Saturday morning with him. Also, she wanted to see the kitten and her baby.
Ten o'clock at night showed up on the clock, telling Y/N that in two hours this hellish day would end. She was lying with her dress still on. The poor deluded woman had thought she would return home with… Michael. The more she thought about the subject, the more her heart ached.
“I won’t be with you, get rid of him. It would be easier. "
It was final: she would be a single mother.
Michael entered the pub at ten o'clock, tired, nervous, angry, sad, helpless, and heartbroken. He was disappointed in who he was. He had been infuriated by the fact that this new person that he was, had hurt Y/N. Michael could be called Henry, Benjamin, Patrick, or Mirtha. It didn't matter his name, he loved Y/N. So when he walked into the private booth at the Garrison alone, Tommy knew why. How was he going to find her, if she was as far as she was near?
"I thought I told you not to come back if it wasn't with her, Michael." said his cousin.
Gray sat down dejectedly in one of the chairs. He snorted and poured himself a whiskey.
“Looked everywhere. Shit, I even walked into that disgusting station with idiot Campbell. I looked in every square, on the outskirts, I asked in each hostel: nothing. I know her, she got on the train hours ago and she must be in her bed crying." His gaze was so lost on the beer bucket on the table, that he did not notice the knowing looks of his cousins.
“Tom,” said Arthur “go on. Tell ‘im. Look at ‘im.”
John slipped a chuckle.
"Tell me what?" Michael asked, looking at Thomas. "Tommy, if you know something, please tell me ..."
"Michael," tommy cleared his throat, "you well know that nothing happens here without me knowing."
"Here? Small Heath? As I said, I don't think…” the Shelby interrupted his cousin.
“No, here like the Garrison. And I think you forgot that if you go upstairs, you will find a lodging that I mount..."
Michael didn't let him finish, cutting him off as he stood up abruptly.
"You knew all this damn time where she was!?" he roared.
"I have known for a few hours." he answered calmly, after drinking more Scotch.
Before Michael could say anything, Tommy spoke again: "Third door to your right."
And just like that, Michael came out of the booth like a bullet. He crossed the bar quickly, no matter who he shoved in his way. The stairs were climbed even faster, leaving him in a matter of seconds in front of Y/N's door.
He breathed. He realized how nervous Y/N must have been. He knocked on the door with a simple double knock.
Both knocks woke her up, bringing her back into the world. She stopped and approached the door carefully. Meanwhile, Michael was dying of nerves.
"Who is it?" Y/N asked.
"Me." Michael said.
"Who is Me?" she ask.
Y/N recognized that voice, of course she did. But she didn't know who the person with the voice was. She felt totally alien to this Michael Gray. Henry would never, ever have yelled at her.
"Y/N... lovey, please..." he begged.
"Do not call me that way. You don't feel that about me. Neither do I, I don't know you. "
Y/N was being too harsh for her liking, but Michael knew perfectly well that he deserved never to see her again.
“Y/N, I need to talk to you. Please…”he asked, he was about to cry.
"No. Goodbye." She sentenced.
Michael sighed in frustration. He sat in the doorway; he would sleep on the floor if necessary.
Now what can I do? If he opened the door, it would bother her even more. But if he left her alone, he would lose her forever.
"Y/N..." began the boy, and waited for an answer, nothing.
"Do you want me to leave you alone?" he asked again.
"Well, here goes nothing." He sighed.
“Hello Y/N, my name is Michael Gray. I was born in 1903, and when I was four years old my father passed away. I was taken away from my mother, Polly, when I was five. I had a sister, they also separated us. The government changed my name to Henry. I was in an orphanage for about three years, until the Johnson, a very nice couple, adopted me. I grew up in the suburbs in a beautiful house with an apple tree in the garden. I met my first friend, she had your name, you know? "
Y/N was sitting on the other side of the door, listening to her favorite person speak. When she hear herself in the story, she smiled through tears.
“When she asked me to play family, I always pretended to propose to her. I never knew why. After a while I realized: the girls did not have germs. Then she started to seem like the prettiest girl, then the most beautiful young woman. I was in love with her for several years, I realized late. But one day..." Michael smiled wistfully" One day I plucked up the courage... a year ago and something, maybe. And I told her everything that happened to me with her. She kissed me and we started dating. She would come to my house after school. We would eat apples from the tree and study a little. And then we’d kiss a lot in the neighbor's barn at night. "
Y / N gave a little laugh, and that triggered Michael's pulse.
“Then I reconnected with my family, with the Shelbys. And I was so mad at the Johnsons for keeping my true story from me… they had told me, they’d abandoned me. When Tommy told me the truth, I was blinded by the pain of the lie and the thrill of finding my family. I did not realize that by meeting my old family, I would be abandoning one that was beginning to grow, you know?" They both wiped away tears.
“So, my girlfriend, she came to my homwtown angry, alone and pregnant. She was super, super angry and sad. And she told me everything, and I never felt worse. For having abandoned her, for seeing her cry about it and for abandoning her again when she told me she was pregnant. So..." he sighed "I am this, a simple stranger, who tells the story of his life, to the love of his life. Hoping that she forgives him. Because, you know, I know she knows I'm a bloody idiot. I mean, when we kissed for the first time, I accidentally bit her lip and left a small scar. "
They both laughed, listening to each other and wiping their tears.
“So…yeah. If you ever see her, tell her that for me, I know she doesn’t want to see me.” Michael said, with remarkable sadness.
Y/N wiped away her tears and gently pulled her hair. She stand up and knocked on the door three times. She then heard Michael stand up quickly.
"Who is this?" Michael asked.
"My name is Y/N, can I come into your life... again?" she asked, crying.
Michael's heart began to skip multiple beats and his smile spread across his face. He opened the door and saw his girlfriend standing, tired and crying. When their eyes connected, both bodies exploded into a loving embrace. They were both crying, they missed each other.
"I’m so sorry Y / N, so, so, so, sorry..." he stroked her hair.
"I love you, Michael Gray. But the next time you leave without saying goodbye, I will kill you with my bare hands. "
"Your hands are little, lovey, you can’t." She laughed, while Michael was filling her face with kisses.
"So, wait to see what a woman with little hands does to you at three in the morning when you don't want to take care of your baby."
Michael stopped the kisses and looked into her eyes.
"For a moment I had forgotten." Laughed Michael.
"Oh my God." Y/N joined in on her boyfriend's laughter.
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secret-rendezvous1d · 4 years
“you’re so beautiful.”
hello, hi.
here’s some long-awaited spencer fluff that got requested to me. it’s loosely based on this idea that someone sent in to me; you should write something fluffy about spence or the reader being sick or having an off day (something along those lines), and the other just being very attentive to them. like checking in on them before the roundtable meetings or in between briefings and maybe they go out to catch an unsub and they're holding hands in the car and just being super sweet and caring :'))))) brb gonna go explode with feels.
explode with feels is how i hope you’ll feel after reading this. it did make me go all mushy inside because having spencer take care of me whilst i’m sick would be a dream come true- but it won’t because he’s a fictional character and that sucks.
this could the last story that gets posted for a while; some things are happening and i just want to take a bit of a break from posting stories on here until i’m feeling comfortable again. i’m still going to be writing behind the scenes so don’t think i won’t be; there’s so much spencer stuff to work from that plenty of stories will be coming. i just want to say that i am incredibly thankful to each and every one of you who has supported this new venture of writing and has enjoyed it so far. 
like, reblog and send in some feedback, please. it’s greatly appreciated and it helps me work out what you want to see and what you are after. if you want something specific then do let me know! i’d love to try and write something for you.
thank you. enjoy.
“you’re so beautiful” spencer reid x female reader (reader insert imagine) word count; 4.6k.
* TRIGGER WARNING; very brief mentions of rape, abduction, torture. if you are uncomfortable with that, i advise not to read or read with caution. *
summary; yn falls sick and spencer likes to take good care of her when they’re working on a case.
YN woke up feeling like shit.
There was no need for her to beat around the bush and deny herself the truth on how her body was making her feel. Her head ached whenever she moved her vision from side to side and her temples throbbed close to her ears and she could feel her heartbeat from behind her eyes, pumping more vigorously, almost like it could have been heard throughout the entire building. Like the heartbeat effect in a movie when things got tense. Her breathing was shallow, her throat felt constantly dry and in need of hydration and her nasal passages felt like wet cotton-wool had been shoved up each nostril and had been strictly put there to restrict a clear intake and outtake of breath when she needed one. Her chest felt heavy, like she was drowning and had no way of coming back to the surface, and her eyes felt sensitive to the bright light of the pure sunshine streaming through the open curtains, which she assumed Spencer had opened when he woke up.
Despite feeling poorly and her head feeling like it wanted to involuntarily dip downward toward her chest, her eyes begging to have a few more minutes of sleep, she felt physically fine and there was no aching in her joints and no soreness around her neck and her legs felt strong enough to hold her weight and so she felt she could live the natural working day like normal. She could still hear so she could attend the briefing that morning, she could still see clearly so she could see the images of what they were dealing with when Garcia showed them on the screen in the roundtable room, she could still manoeuvre herself around and walk without getting dizzy or wandering from a straight line so she could easily be used in a chase to catch an unsub. She was fine to work and nothing but a couple of cold and flu capsules taken with her breakfast and some regular four-hour intakes of paracetamol through the day would keep her strong and feeling better throughout the day.
She left their bedroom freshly showered and spritzed with perfume and deodorant and dressed in an outfit that seemed like it was fitting attire to how she was feeling; a baggy sweatshirt, that hung loose down her upper body and covered her hands, and a pair of worn-out and black-denim skinny jeans that she kept in the back of her closet for days when work trousers just didn’t cut it for her. When she wanted something a little more comfortable and fitting. The material at the kneecaps almost worn out and torn from the non-stop crawling on her knees during cases that had them in tight spaces, the hems cut up from walking through thorns and shrubbery when cases took them into the wilderness, dried out stains of god-knows what sunk deep into the material which she struggled to get rid of when laundry day came around, and the denim around the inner thigh was wearing thin from the constant running around they had to do and with the amount of time she paced interrogation rooms and paced negotiation rooms when she felt on edge about something in particular. The jumper, she hoped, would keep her warm enough to not get worse symptoms over the next few days that passed so she wasn’t sent home for being ill - Hotch being more careful than strict because he couldn’t have her working excessively when her body couldn’t take the pressure.
What she expected to see, after closing the bedroom door behind her exit, was an empty living room that was void of anything related to Spencer. His house keys taken from the hooks by the front door, his tattered Converse trainers gone from the space beside her chunky black boots, his shoulder bag picked up from the floor by the coat-rack that was also missing his coat. Except, when she looked around and took a note of anything that had gone, everything seemed to have been left in the same place as where they had been left the previous evening when they arrived home; her boots were to the left of his trainers, his bag was hung up instead of left of the floor and his coat was taking up a hook on the rack beside her patterned macintosh. 
He was still home and it took her a moment to realise.
There was a delicious smell of bacon and fried eggs filling the entire apartment, the delectable sound of something sizzling in a pan taking her from the entryway and into the kitchenette, where she found Spencer stood amongst the smells and the sounds and the spitting oil and the steam coming from the cooker. Stood with his back facing her and dressed in the typical waistcoat and patterned shirt, one hand holding a ceramic bowl in a tight grip and the other using a fork to mash two halves of an avocado up, head darting from the pan frying the eggs to the bacon cooking in the grill to make sure there was no burning of any of the breakfast foods he was prepping for a masterpiece. 
“What’s going on here this morning? Are you burning food for an experiment or something?” She questioned, startling him in his spot, a tinkle of metal cutlery colliding with ceramic as he dropped the fork upon your sudden arrival. His body turned so gracefully in his place, the bowl of avocado being left behind on the counter, taking in the standing stature of his girlfriend as she stood in the archway of the kitchen entryway. Her hair damp from the shower but dried enough not to leave wet patches on her clothes, fresh-faced and make-up free, looking so small as she stood with a grin on her face- god, he really loved her., “Good morning, sunshine.”
“Good morning to you,” he smiled warmly, stepping across the expanse between them and reaching for her hands, curling his fingertips into hers and holding them gently in his sweetened hold. He smelt like his musky and sandalwood-scented aftershave, something that always lingered in whatever room he entered, and she loved that it made her feel so safe and secure. The smell of home when they/he were away from home. “You were tossing and turning in bed all night and I heard you sniffling this morning so I knew you were going to wake up a little ill so I thought I’d make you breakfast to cheer you up. Egg and mashed avocado on toast with some bacon to get you going since it’s your favourite at the moment.”
She smiled appreciatively. He was attentive, no matter what the subject was, and his eidetic memory came in hand sometimes when she found a new obsession or found something that she enjoyed because he always seemed to remember and never let it slip his mind. Egg and avocado on toast just so happened to be her favourite meal for the first meal of the day, which she knew would change by next week, and to see him cooking it made her heart race for him a little more than normal. She laced her fingers through his, bringing one of his hands to her lips and pressing a kiss to his skin because there was no way she was going to kiss him on the lips because she knew whatever she had could pass as quickly as it could spread. Much to her dismay, of course, because she liked to sneak the occasional and sneaky kiss whenever they could in between meetings or briefings or orders being thrown about from Hotch. 
“A little ill?” She frowned, head dipping down to her chest before looking back up at him, his eyes full of concern and worry, “I feel fine. Just a little bunged up. A head cold, I would say, Spence.”
He left the space in front of her to tend to the sizzling in the pan that was becoming a little more vicious as it held the cooking eggs, spitting oil as an indication that they were ready to be taken out and placed on a plate and ready to sit upon a bed of toasted bloomer bread that had a spread of avocado along the toasted top. Turning off the hob and sliding to the toaster, slipping two slices of bread into their toaster and allowing it to toast whilst the bacon finished grilling under the heat. And, by this point, YN took it upon herself to sit at the dining table and pour herself a cup of coffee from the cafetiere perched in the middle of the table, steaming with black coffee that had been freshly made before she left the bedroom.
“You look beautiful today, by the way,” Spencer broke the silence of the quiet apartment with a huff and a puff surrounding his words, setting a plate down in front of her and swiping his brow with the back of his hand, “you’re so beautiful.”
“I don’t feel beautiful right now, Spence,” she informed him, eyes focused on the bright yellow yolk of her egg, as he went back to grab his plate and walked back to the table to sit opposite her. She was impressed with his attempt. She liked her eggs cooked in a very specific way when it came to frying them, sunny-side up and with a runny yolk that covered everything when it broke, and he managed to get it perfectly to her expectations. “I’m all bunged up and snotting and leaking from every hole today. I don’t feel so pretty.”
“Every hole?” 
“Every facial hole, you pervert,” she scoffed and rolled her eyes, trying to hide the smirk that would have shown if she wasn’t trying to be a tiny bit serious. However, deep down, she was a little surprised that the innocent face that had sat opposite her at the dining table could even think of euphemisms so youthful and degenerative so quickly and so on subject when sex wasn’t exactly something he was confident in, “get your dirty mind out of the gutter.”
“I still think you look beautiful. Snot all around your nostrils or not,” he said, “absolutely gorgeous.”
“Shut up, don’t flatter me,” she kicked his shin underneath the table and grinned at the contact she felt with her toes, a wince leaving his mouth and a dribble of yolk trickling down his chin, the impact jerking his body and therefore jolting his arm and smearing avocado across his cheek, much to her amusement.  “serves you right, genius.”
“Hurry up and eat, we’re needed in the roundtable room in half an hour,” he shovelled a forkful of toast into his mouth, the crust catching his mouth and swiping a mix of avocado and egg whites across his upper lip.“Try not to sniffle and cough so much otherwise Hotch won’t allow you on the jet.”
“Don’t sabotage my job, Spencer. The team needs me just as much as they need you.” 
“I want you as close to me as possible so I can keep an eye on you. I’m a doctor, after all. I can look after you, carry any meds you need, be your something warm on the jet,” his sentence was halted by the ringing from the phone in his trouser pocket, the fork in his hand being placed on the plate so he could dig around and pull it out, no hesitation in his thumb to answer until he heard YN sniffle and he caught himself before he pressed the green call button. “You’re still alert to everything, yeah? Still good to come into work?”
“Do you mean, am I alert that Hotch is ringing your phone right now to get confirmation that we’ll be in on time?” She wondered, a hint of a smirk on her face when he looked up from his screen and nodded, “then yeah, I’m still good to go to work and treat the any like any normal day, Spence.”
“Are you feeling okay?” 
Spencer’s question was full of concern, and she worried that those overhearing their conversation because of the silence inside the confinement of the plane had their ears pricking up at any noise made by any one of the team, his long legs striding across the alley of the plane and crouching down beside the chair YN had made herself comfortable in for the duration of the flight to Texas. Away from everyone else, away from where chat would have been occupied because her head couldn’t take the jokes and the laughter that came from the gentle banter shared, away from being seated next to anyone in close proximity because she feared that she would definitely give something to someone in the tight space they were spending the next few hours. Although, when she looked around the plane for any eyes on her or anyone who had stopped mid-task to focus on what she and Spencer were talking about, she saw everyone off in their own worlds and in their own quiet conversations as the plane coursed its path. 
“I’m a bit tired but I’m okay. The pills before the flight are kicking in,” she smiled and tilted her head to the side and looked at him through red-rimmed eyes and hooded eyelids hanging above her coloured orbs, his arms folded on the arm of the chair she was curled up in. Her legs felt a little achy, in the bent up position they were in, and she remembered to move them and stretch them for a little to make sure her circulation was still running well. “I think I might take a nap right now. How long till we land?”
“Another couple of hours,” Spencer looked at his watch and then looked back to YN, his hand resting upon hers reassuringly, “I’ll brief you on everything when we land, if you want. To refresh your memory. I’ll get Hotch to get me and you to check the abduction site.”
“That’ll be good.”
“YN, get as much rest as you need,” Rossi said, standing behind Spencer and placing a soothing hand on his shoulder, squeezing it to tell him he was there and to not stand bolt upright in surprise. Partly to silently reassure him that she’d be fine if he left her to sleep through the flight to pass the time and partly to keep him stable as the plane hit a bout of soft turbulence from the gusts of high winds. “We’re thankful you chose to come with us but don’t forget to put yourself first sometimes. If you’re feeling rough then tell us. We can work around that.”
She really adored David.
He was like the father of the team; much more to YN because she had joined the team a short amount of time before he had taken over from Gideon. Even though he had common ground with almost every one of the agents in the unit, the two of them still kept a lookout for one another and checked in during intense cases because Rossi knew some of the information was enough to have someone second guess their career paths. He was the one who always pulled them aside when a situation got a little hated, he was the one who always pulled together team functions outside of work, he cooked for them and taught them Italian and he always knew how to shock and surprise them to a point where they weren’t surprised that Rossi had such an emotional and bumpy road in life.
He was the good cop to Hotch's bad cop - but that usually switched from time to time.
“Rossi, I’m fine. Honestly. I feel fine, just a little bunged up in the chest and the nose area. I struggled to sleep last night so I’m just going to try and grab an hour's shuteye,” YN spoke softly, wiping a tissue underneath her nose and balling it up in her fist, “I’ll be fine after a sleep, I’m sure. My grandma always told me that sleep was the best medicine.”
“If you’re sure,” he hummed, taking a step to the left and hiding in the alcove to make himself a cup of coffee, “absolutely sure?”
“This may not be my grandma’s couch but,” she grinned tiredly and nodded, “I’m absolutely sure.”
He smiled and held his coffee cup tightly in his hands, walking back to where he had been situated opposite JJ and Hotch, taking a glance at Morgan who had found himself comfortable on the sofa of the plane, the case file spread out on either side of him as he prepped to take control of the quick brief they always made so they were ready for when they touched down at their destination and split off into pairs to gain better understanding of who they were dealing with this time around.
“Warm enough?” Before his question was over, he was already shrugging off his jacket and opening it up, “here, some extra warmth,” he draped the material over her body and watched as she snuggled deeply beneath the garment. It smelt like him, it felt like him but it wasn’t him and she wished she could be snuggled on his lap and sleeping under his arm because that's where she slept the best- “better?”
“I was fine before,” she rolled her eyes and tilted her head to the touch of his lips, a kiss being placed against her forehead “but this feels nice.”
“Get comfy, I’ll go grab you some water.”
“You don’t need to baby me, Spencer. I’m honestly fine,” she grabbed his arm and stopped him from standing up and moving into the alcove behind her, not that he was going far but she just wanted to enjoy the moment they had going right now. They rarely got the chance to have their own conversation, in their own world, without any interruption from someone who wanted to tease them for something silly, “just stay here. I don’t need any water, not thirsty.”
“You can’t finish a sentence with the letter ‘d’ finding its way to the end of a word,” he said teasingly, a grin on his face because when she rolled her eyes, her head went the movement, like she went to ignore him because he couldn’t say anything seriously when she wanted him to be serious. Except, she wasn’t doing it to ignore him and to silently tell him that she was displeased with what he had said- she was doing it because if he let her eyes move on their own, her head would have been aching for moments afterwards, “let me grab you some water.”
“Spencer, stop,” she whined, “if I want water then I can get it myself. I’m not an invalid.”
“Never said you were but let me take care of you this time,” he was practically begging. She was independent when it came to being sick and she never liked to show a vulnerable side in front of Spencer, even when he tried his best to wear her down to the point where she gave in to his relentlessness, “please?”
She sighed heavily and pulled his jacket further up her body, tucking it beneath her chin and cosying a little deeper into the seat; she supposed she could use him and his willingness to obey orders to her advantage.
“Okay, fine.”
Two days had passed since they had landed in Texas, the longest amount of time that they’d ever spent on a case across the borders, and they were closer to the arrest of the predator who had abducted, raped and killed multiple women over the course of thirteen months than they were when they first arrived. Just a few more hours until they solved the case, had it come to an end with an arrest, so they could be on the jet and back in Virginia come nightfall.
She was ill, granted, and that was one reason as to why she couldn’t wait to get home. In the last forty-eight hours since they’d been there, YN’s head cold had turned into a full body cold and she had taken a turn for the worst but refused to work from the hotel room she shared with Spencer and kept her symptoms more secret. Partly because she was selfish - she knew Hotch would want her working away from the case because the chances of her zoning out where pretty high and she wanted in on the arrest of this unsub, she wanted to be the one who got him in cuffs and put him away for the murders of so many innocent women. 
She wanted her own bed and she wanted to cuddle with Spencer and she wanted to sleep beneath her own covers and sleep in a mattress that Spencer wouldn’t check and inform her on all the facts about bed-bugs and larva that could linger within the spring beneath them, in a bed that wasn’t a tiny hotel bed that was put to shame by their comfortable bed at home. she wanted a decent shower to freshen up in because she always woke up feeling gross and no matter how many showers she took, she still couldn’t rid herself of the sweaty feeling that covered her skin. and she wanted 
But she couldn’t wait to get home and try to rid herself of the information and the images she had been looking at and reciting and listening to over the last 48 hours or so. The stab wounds and the lacerations and the markings on the body of a woman who couldn’t defend herself, the brutal depiction of the well-thought out scenario that made YN shudder in her boots, the toture equipment that had been used on them when they were bound and tied up and screaming for their lives, the pictures showing the faces of the women who no longer had a life to live due to someone’s sadistic behaviour. That was the biggest reason as to why she couldn’t wait to go home.
And it was her arrest.
And she felt proud, a sense of accomplishment, that she was the one to handcuff him and walk him out from his tomb in the basement, beneath the house he had stayed in all his life, and pass him off to a police official who sat him in a police car waiting to take him to the station to be put away for the rest of his sorry life. Of course, they prevented any more attacks that this man would have prepared for but it never brought her a full sense of happiness- how could it when they couldn’t save the girls he had tortured?
“Even when you’re ill, you’re still a badass,” JJ claimed, squeezing YN’s hand and feeling the adrenaline shaking through her body. Something that they had all been through and always experienced no matter how many times they brought a criminal to justice for the horrific things they had done. “You did good, YN.”
“I wouldn’t say I’m a badass just-” she coughed into her free hand and Spencer was close by with a tissue from his jacket pocket, passing it to her so she could blow her nose and wipe the residue from her hand that came from clearing her throat, “just trying to be good at my job and trying to do it well to get these sons of bitches behind bars.”
JJ smiled at the two of them and jogged down the steps of the house, running toward Hotch as she filled him in and told him what had happened in the house and who made the arrest and who was their support and back-up in case things went wrong so he could write the report as best and as true to the story as he could. His eyes darted to YN and then back to JJ a few times as she explained in detail, a small smile on his face that was full of appreciation when he looked at YN and made eye contact which enticed a smile back in his direction, deep in conversation before clambering into the drivers side of the car. 
“I’d agree with JJ,” Spencer smiled, laying his arm over her shoulder and pulling YN into his side, pressing a kiss to her hairline, “full of a cold and you still put the job first. That’s badass behaviour to me.”
“Badass,” YN scoffed and rolled her eyes, looking up at him and squinting from the sunlight that seemed to be beaming directly down upon them, “I don’t think so, Spence.” 
They descended the steps outside the front of the house, his arm still holding her close, the soft feeling of grass and soil from the front lawn making a difference to the concrete they had walked upon as they exited the house. YN could feel the heat radiating all around, making her feel a little hotter than usual and she had the  big jumper covering her upper body to thank for that, and she couldn't wait to be back in Virginia in the air-conditioned office that stayed at a calm and cooling temperature, no matter the weather.
“For a genius, I’d take his word for it,” Rossi said from behind them, overtaking them in a haste to grab the passenger seat in the car with Hotch, “he knows what he’s talking about, YN.”
She didn’t need to see his face to see and hear the smirk in his voice, her arm sneaking around Spencer’s waist, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment as she received a well-done from the rest of the team who had watched from behind the scenes.
“Come on,” he leant away from her and looked down at her, “you did so good today. I’m proud of you.”
“I just want to go home now. Although, I’m not looking forward to the flight with these ears. They ache like mad,” she admitted. Her earshad only just started aching that morning, something she thought would pass if she kept clearing out her nasal passages and 
“We could drive home,” “I can make Morgan take us back. He won’t mind.”
“I will mind. It’s three hours by jet, five by car,” Morgan teased, elbowing Spencer in the arm with hopes he took it as a piece of banter and nothing more than that, “no, I can do. Of course. We can grab a bite to eat on the way home, too.”
“No, flying is much quicker and I want to be home and in bed by nightfall,” YN assured, climbing into the car and scooting over to the far seat behind the front passenger chair, situating herself comfortably and clipping her seatbelt around her upper body, “I’ll just take some meds in a second and sleep it off as soon as we get on the jet.”
“Are you sure?”
“One hundred percent, Spence,” she nodded and gave the seat beside her a pat with her finger tips, “let’s get home.”
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thebadgerclan · 3 years
Finally Home
Pairing: Severus Snape x reader
Requested by Anonymous
Summary: Your fiance returns home after a month and a half...
A/N: This deals with mild depression symptoms (Not eating as much as normal, sleeping a lot, not showering).  For context, the reader goes into a little bit of a depression when Severus is away for a while.  There’s a shit ton of fluff when Sev comes home, but I want to put this here because this is a bit of a grey area in my opinion in terms of a trigger warning.  I tend to put TWs on fics dealing w/ abuse, suicide, and other things like that, but I wanted to put this here in case any of you want/need to avoid this.  That being said, I do love Sev fluff more than anything, and this is super fluffy, and I hope you all enjoy!
It had been the worst month and a half of your life.  Severus had been Called away with Voldemort to do Merlin knows what, leaving you alone at Hogwarts.  You knew he hated leaving you alone, especially for so long, but you also knew he had no choice in the matter.  If he did, he would never leave your side.  Of course, you didn’t hold anything against him, but Severus always felt immensely guilty when he had to leave.  This was the longest he’d ever been away, most times, he was gone for only three or four days.  But now, he’d been gone for 45.
You’d fallen into a bit of a depression with Severus gone.  He was your rock, your everything, and without him here, you felt so lonely.  Yes, Minerva, Pomona, and the rest of your friends were still here, but you longed for your fiance.  You couldn’t help but worry about him while he was with Voldemort; he was one of his most loyal servants (at least, in Voldemort’s eyes), but you knew that wouldn’t stop Voldemort from killing Severus if he stepped out of line.
In the past two weeks, the moderate depression you found yourself in became more severe.  You could hardly bring yourself to get out of bed, and when you could, it was all you could do to go to the bathroom and return to bed.  You drank water and ate small meals, not as much as you should be eating, but you knew Severus would want you to try, and so you did.  Sleep occupied most of your days, 12 or 13 hours were spent in bed, wrapped in the comforter and with Severus’ pillow hugged to your chest.
Today started like every other day: when you woke, you were content.  But as you woke up further, your heart dropped; remembering that Severus wasn’t here and you were essentially alone.  Tears began to fall: when you’d awoken, you’d thought Severus was here with you, and upon realizing he wasn’t, your heart broke again.  Slowly, very slowly, you got out of bed and went into the bathroom.  You used the toilet, washed your hands, face, and brushed your teeth.  But you ignored the shower, already wanting to return to bed.
You changed out of the sweatpants and hoodie you’d slept in and changed into different sweatpants and hoodie, this one black and far too large for you, Severus’.  As you inhaled his scent, more tears pricked at your eyes, and you let them fall.  You weren’t sure why, but rather than crawling back into bed, you pulled the comforter off the mattress and made your way into the living room, plopping onto the couch.  You wrapped the comforter around you and settled in, taking a book from the coffee table.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed since you’d sat down: a few minutes or a few hours, but when the door to your rooms opened, you jumped, the book that you weren’t reading falling to the floor.  Severus entered, looking absolutely exhausted, setting his bag down.  When his eyes landed on you, he smiled, holding his arms open.  “Sev?” you asked, perking up considerably.  Tears began to fall again, and Severus took the three strides to you quickly, kneeling before the couch and pulling you into his arms.
“I’m home, Y/N.  I’m home.  I’m home, my love, I’m home.”  You wrapped your arms tight around his neck, buried your face in his shoulder as you cried, overcome with joy that your fiance was home, and that he was home safe and unharmed.  Severus held you tightly, as if you would evaporate from where you sat in his lap on the floor.  “I missed you, my love,” he said, rubbing your back, the other arm winding around your middle.  “So, so much.  But I’m here now, my love, and I’m not going anywhere.”
You could only nod, unable to speak through your tears.  But Severus could feel the love and joy radiating off of you in waves.  “Come, love, let’s move to the couch, alright?”  You nodded again, and Severus lifted you as he stood, sitting on the couch and wrapping the comforter around you, keeping you in his lap.  After about 10 minutes or so, you lifted your face from Severus’ chest and looked at him, eyes red and puffy.  Severus smiled.  “Hi darling.”  “H-hi,” you managed, sniffling.  Severus cupped your cheek and kissed you softly, wiping away the residual tears.
“I missed you so much, my love.”  “I missed you too, Sev.  Merlin, I missed you.”  More tears formed, but Severus wiped them away as they fell.  “Shhh, no need to cry, my darling.  I’m here now, I’m home.”  “I just missed you so much,” you said, leaning into his touch.  “I know, as I missed you.  But I’m home now.”  You nodded, resting your head on Severus’ shoulder.  While he held you, Severus looked around his rooms.  There were plates scattered around the room, and when he looked into the bedroom, he saw that the bed was unmade, clothes lying on the floor.
He went to card his hand through your hair, noticing that it was a bit frizzy and tangled.  “Y/N?”  “Yeah?”  “Are you alright, sweetheart?”  “What do you mean?”  “I mean were you okay while I was gone?”  Severus knew how you hated it when he left, and he’d been concerned about being gone for so long.  You sighed, looking at your hands, which were now encased by Severus’.  “Well….not really.”  “Oh love, tell me.”  “I was just sort of depressed,” you explained, leaning back against his chest.  
“I didn’t eat too much, I slept a lot, I didn’t shower as much as I should have.”  Guilt was welling in your chest, but when Severus kissed your forehead and rubbed your arms, the feeling faded.  “I know what you’re thinking, and you have no need to feel guilty.  Not at all, Y/N.  How about this: let’s get you a bath, get you nice and clean, and then I’ll call for an elf to bring us something to eat.  Then, we’ll just lie down together, does that sound good?”  “Yeah.”  Severus smiled, kissing your head again.  “That’s my girl.”  With a flick of his wand, Severus sent the comforter back to the bed and cast a freshening charm on the sheets.  He spelled your clothes into the hamper and sent the dirty dishes to the kitchens.
Severus lifted you into his arms as he carried you into the bathroom, turning on the bath taps with his wand as he tenderly undressed you.  He sent those clothes along with his to the hamper as well before lifting you back into his arms, sitting down in the hot water.  He washed you gently, peppering your face with kisses as he did.  He worked your shampoo through your hair as well as your conditioner, and when you were clean, you rested against his chest while Severus bathed himself.  
“Come on, love, let’s get you dried off and dressed.”  You got to your feet, feeling incredibly refreshed after your bath, and stepped out of the tub.  Severus dried you off with a fluffy, warm towel, and helped you dress in pajama pants and one of his shirts.  He dressed quickly and wrapped his arm around you as you entered the bedroom.  A house elf was called and asked to bring your favorite meal, and Severus helped you settle in his arms against the headboard while the elf brought your food.
You were seated between Severus’ legs, back against his chest as the two of you ate, a comfortable silence filling the room.  After you were done, Severus vanished the plates and shifted you so the two of you were lying down, your head on Severus’ chest, arm draped over his abdomen, legs entwined with his.  Though it was only early afternoon, you were on the verge of sleep, more than content and happy in your fiance’s arms.  He kissed your forehead tenderly, stroking your back.  “Sleep, my love.  I’m home, and I’m not going anywhere any time soon.  I love you, Y/N, I love you so much.  I love you more than anything.”  “I love you too, Sev,” you said, words slightly slurred from how sleepy you were.  You were asleep in less than a minute, Severus’ arms tight around you.
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agathasangel · 3 years
you deserve to feel good all the time (sally mckenna x reader)
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for anon who requested: “oh okay so me and my overactive imagination have a new autistic reader idea 😅what about reader and her parent(s) goes to Hotel Cortez. her parent(s) aren’t the best, maybe they’re kind of abusive and don’t accept reader because she’s autistic. well, Countess ends up feeding on her parent(s) so reader is left alone. reader finds out and maybe has a meltdown, but Sally is there and surprisingly knows a lot about autism so she’s able to calm reader down and help her through it. reader has to either stay at the hotel or go live somewhere else because her parent(s) were all she had so Sally makes the decision to have reader stay at the hotel and take care of her because obviously she would do a better job than Countess because Sally knows more about how to help someone who’s autistic. and reader ends up bonding with Sally too because of how accepting she was and her parents were never like that. i know this is super specific and you don’t have to do it, but i thought i would share in case you were willing to do it. 😊”
so yeah basically that’s the summary ^^ also this is kind of an AU because the timeline I’m using does not line up with the show at all lol.
Trigger Warnings for meltdowns, death, ableism and mentions of sally’s drug addiction
I myself am autistic (at least according to my therapist) and a lot of these reactions/experiences that the reader has related to her autism are my own or close to my own. Hopefully I do this request justice and do a good job and don’t oversimplify anything.
You ran through the hotel, searching for your parents, but they were nowhere in sight. 
Breathe, you thought to yourself, don’t break down, they’re probably just out getting food or something and didn’t want you bothering them. You just have a couple hours of freedom, you can let yourself enjoy it.
You tried to enjoy the few hours you got to yourself without your parents. Without them mocking the way you talk or walk or move your hands, without them grabbing you with full knowledge of how uncomfortable it makes you. No cracks about how you had to leave college because you “can’t take care of yourself”.
The first words your dad said after you checked into the hotel were “God, it would be so much easier if we had a normal kid, wouldn’t it?”
As if you didn’t have feelings. As if you weren’t a human being who could fucking hear them.
It was 4pm. Your parents didn’t come back.
6pm. Nothing.
10. No sign of them. Neither one answering their phones. Maybe they’re finally abandoning you the way they’ve threatened to for ages.
Midnight. Still nothing.
2am and you started looking again. You couldn’t find anything. 
What happened?
You started to panic and could feel a full-on meltdown coming on.
You tried to be still and silent, but it proved impossible. You began to cry and cry uncontrollably, rocking and hitting your head, unable to stop. You felt like your life was ending. 
Two women showed up beside you. One was older and appeared to be the manager of the hotel, the other was a bit younger, with crimped blond hair and heavy makeup. You barely noticed either of them, however.
The older one touched your back and you screamed. You hated when people touched your back.
“Hey, do you want to take my hand, honey? It’ll be alright, I promise.” said the blonde woman. You obeyed her.
“Wh-Who are you? Where are my parents? Do you know?”
“Your parents... died. I’m sorry you had to find out this way. It was The Countess..” said the older woman.
You couldn’t speak, but you had about a billion questions for the two women. For example, Who the fuck is The Countess?
“You don’t need to speak. Just breathe, okay? In and out, good. Good girl. I’m Sally, by the way. This is Iris. You’re gonna be okay, I promise. I’m not gonna let anyone hurt you.”
You waved, not knowing what to do, completely overwhelmed.
“You know what, it’s late. I’m gonna take her back to my room and have her rest. We’ll deal with the rest of this shit tomorrow when she can talk and isn’t so clearly exhausted,” said Sally.
“I-I.....can..... talk. It’s...okay.” you said, each word making you more spaced out and tired.
“No. You’ve been through too much. I’m taking you up to my room and you’re gonna rest. You don’t have to speak or do anything you don’t want to do.”
You followed Sally, so scared and tired and in need of some damn sleep.
“You’re safe with me. I promise. Here’s, um, the bed. Get some sleep. I’ll be right here if you need anything. The Countess doesn’t want to hurt you either, I think she wanted to- it doesn’t matter now.”
“Who is... The C-Countess?”
“It’s a long story and you likely won’t believe me until you meet her. But it’s alright, you’re safe. I’ll protect you. Can I come over there and hold you?”
You nodded. Sally got on her bed next to you and put an arm around you. You winced as she touched your upper back.
“You don’t like when people touch you there, do you?”
You shook your head no, and she put your arms around your waist instead.
“Thank you.”
“Hey, I understand.”
Sally made you feel more comfortable speaking and you said,
“My parents didn’t understand that. They used to touch me there as much as they could, just to upset me. They laughed at me trying to keep my wet hair off my back when I took a shower. They thought it was funny.”
“What does that feel like to you?”
“I don’t know. It doesn’t, like, hurt, but it’s terrible, it makes my skin crawl just thinking about it.”
“Aw, honey...”
“It’s dumb, I’m sorry I’m so sensitive.”
“Hey, no, don’t apologize. You know, you remind me of my baby sister. I loved that girl so much when we were growin’ up. I practically raised her. So God only knows how she turned out as good as she did. Our parents were terrible, they were never there. She was the only one who stayed with me. Until she didn’t.”
“What happened to her?”
“It was all my fault, really. I put her in danger. I sold drugs in the 90s, and I started using when we were living together. She was in school, and I had to find her somewhere safer to live. So I did. She’s okay, very successful actually, and she’s still alive. I’m the one who died young. I miss her.”
“You... died? What? I’m sorry, you-”
“Yes. I’m a ghost, The Countess is a vampire, I think Iris might also be a vampire now too? I don’t know. I know you think I’m crazy now but trust me.”
Sally saw your look of disbelief, then held out her hand and said, “Watch.”
As she spoke her fingers began to disappear and reappear.
“I’m a ghost. I can alter the way I’m seen by others, if I want to. I’m surprised other ghosts don’t do it more often really. One time I scared some kid by making all my teeth fall out. It was awesome. I didn’t wanna scare you though. I like you.”
“Sorry, I-”
“No, it’s- um, how did you die?”
“Iris fuckin’ pushed me out the window.”
“What was your sister like?”
“She was the best. Sweet, talented, sensitive. But people didn’t understand her. I did, though. At least best I could. We only had each other. Our parents didn’t care, the kids at school bullied her relentlessly. I had to protect her. She sometimes had meltdowns like the one you had earlier too-”
“I’m sorry-”
“No! It’s not your fault! You were terrified. Anyone would be. It was pretty intense though, I was worried.”
“Was your sister autistic like me?”
“She was. We didn’t know for sure until after she stopped living with me, but we both kinda knew.”
“Anyway, it’s almost four in the morning, you really gotta get some sleep. Come here.”
You did, and you fell asleep in Sally’s arms.
When you woke up, Sally was still there, as well as another woman, blonde and glamorous. They were arguing.
“What do I do then if you don’t want me to turn her? Kill her-”
“Please don’t hurt her, I can- she-”
Sally noticed you were awake, and saw your scared face.
“It’s okay, no one’s gonna hurt you. I’ll protect you.”
The blonde woman who you assumed was The Countess approached you.
“Do you have anywhere to go?”
You shook your head no. Sally spoke up for you, intuiting that you must be stressed.
“She can stay with me. I’ll make sure she’s safe. She won’t bother you or anything. She’s sweet and quiet and-”
“Sally, it’s okay. You want her, you keep her.” said The Countess.
“Alright. Thanks. Can you get out of my room now? You’re freaking her out.”
She left without saying a word.
“I’m sorry about that, (y/n). You’re safe here. You can stay as long as you need to. I’ll be here. This is a dangerous place but I’ll make sure you’re safe, alright?”
You still felt sad. Not about staying with Sally, you liked her, but about the way The Countess talked about you. The way your parents talked about you. 
“Hey. I just want you to know that I don’t see you as some kind of pet or anything. I know that’s what you’re thinking, that’s how people treated my sister sometimes too. It was awful. No, I just want- I just want you to be okay. I want someone to spend time with. it’s awful lonely being a ghost, but I thought maybe if-”
“I understand, Sally. I like you a lot, and I want to stay here. It’s just sad the way most people see me.”
“It isn’t your fault, you know. I need you to know that.”
“I do. You make it easier to feel okay because you’re so nice to me.”
“I’m glad. You deserve to feel good all the time.”
You started to tear up a bit. No one had ever said that to you before. You were always expected to make yourself uncomfortable, speak when you didn’t want to, shut up when you wanted to talk, wear clothes that pinched, let people touch you when it made your skin crawl, and you were still made fun of because still, somehow, none of it was enough. But with Sally you didn’t have to do any of that, and yet you still felt loved by her in a way that you never have been before.
“Aw, hey, don’t cry. You’ll be okay. I’m gonna make sure of it. I can’t actually leave the hotel, but I can make sure you get everything you need. Are you a picky eater by any chance?”
“A little bit, but not as much as I used to be.”
“Alright. And you’re good on clothes?”
“I think so.”
“Good. I’ve gotta say, I’m excited. It’s been so long since I’ve felt a real connection to anyone here.”
“You really feel a connection with me?”
“Yes, honey, I do. Do you.... feel the same way?” Sally asked you. She said it as if she was worried you may say no.
“I do, Sally. I really do. I know how it feels to be lonely like you are. It’s how I’ve felt my whole life. Maybe... I...”
“Maybe you’ll learn to love it here. Once you’re comfortable I’ll introduce you to the other ghosts. They’re annoying, but we’re still a family or whatever it is they call it. They’ll like you. I promise.”
You spent the rest of the day in Sally’s room with her, barely talking, not really even needing to talk. She was the one who broke the silence by telling you
“I like this. Just being here.”
“Me too.”
“I want to kiss you. Can I?”
You had never been kissed before, but you let Sally be your first. You felt so... loved by her as she kissed you and held you lightly by your waist.
You stayed in the hotel with Sally, and it quickly felt more like home than anywhere else you’ve ever lived. You became a part of the family, and you and Sally fell deeper in love. Sally protected you, knowing the dangers of the hotel, and made sure you felt okay. Your meltdowns became far less frequent as you were no longer being forced to be someone you weren’t.
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trashforhockeyguys · 4 years
Don’t Hold Me -8- Carter Hart
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A/N: Hi I did things. So um Warnings in this chapter: Lots of talk about abuse. So if that’s going to be a trigger for you, just skipty skip on over this. Or like, scroll all the way to the end, that’s the big part ;) But other than that, enjoy my loves.
You woke up late the next morning. Late enough that it was almost afternoon. Carter’s spare bed was so comfortable that you didn’t want to move. You found yourself wishing that you had this mattress in your dorm room, maybe you’d never complain about that place again.
Until you remembered why you were staying here, and then the dread set in. He was here, in Philly. And Carter….Carter knew enough, but at the same time not enough. He couldn’t understand why you were like this, why you were so afraid. Yet, you got the feeling that he just wanted to protect you either way.
You were surprised to find Carter sitting at the bar in the kitchen when you finally pulled yourself out of bed. He had two large cups of coffee and two seperate breakfast plates in front of him. He smiled when he heard you walking into the room, and patted the seat next to him.
“I got us some food.”
“Oh,” You mumbled, sitting down next to him, “Thanks.”
“How’d you sleep last night?” He asked as you took a sip of your coffee.
“Good actually. The bed is really comfortable.”
“Yeah, that’s what my sister said last time she was here.”
You nodded and took a bite of the biscuit he’d gotten. There was something strange about sitting with him, yet it felt like the most comfortable thing in the world. Like you’d spent many mornings with him.
“I’m sorry about last night,” he suddenly said, “I shouldn’t have asked what I did. It’s none of my business.”
You sighed and put down your coffee, you were going to have to talk about it anyway. At least you were able to get a little coffee and breakfast in your system before you did. When you turned to look at Carter, you couldn’t help but notice the dark circles under his eyes, he looked like he hadn’t slept at all.
“You had every right to ask whatever you wanted,” You told him, “I made it your business the second I showed up last night.”
“I crossed a line.”
“Carter, you asked a simple question. It’s not your fault this situation is anything but simple,” You assured him, “No lines were crossed. I wouldn’t be eating breakfast with you if they had been.”
There was a sense of calm that settled over both of you. You wondered if this was what it would be like to actually be friends with Carter, and spend time with him. Nice little breakfasts in the morning, quiet afternoons. You liked the idea of it, even if you told yourself you couldn’t. He wouldn’t see you the same way after you told him everything. No one ever did.
“I was fifteen you know,” You suddenly said, “Not to be all Taylor Swift, but at fifteen, when someone tells you that they love you, especially when they were someone like that, you can’t help but believe them.”
He looked up, somehow there was understanding that spread across his face.
“He was older than me, you know? And popular, a fantastic hockey player. So when he picked me… anyway, it didn’t last long, the happy phase. Everything changed after a bad game, and I had the bruises to show for it. I was still playing my own sports, so I lied and said I got them from practice or during a game. I lied for years to cover for him. Until I couldn’t cover for him anymore, because he’d done too much.”
“My brother, Ethan, found out because Travis saw it happen, the cops were called and it was so bad they had to take me to the hospital,” Your breath shook, “He kept coming back. I..I had to stop playing sports, and there was so much emotional damage from all of it… from everything he’d done, that I just kind of retreated. That’s when art became a big deal for me.”
“Why here?” His voice was soft, but raw.
“Because Philly is far enough away. I almost died in that town… and i’m not so sure that I wouldn’t have if Travis hadn’t been there that day. They were there for the court hearings, and everything else. He got off easy, they kind of always do, but there was a hefty restraining order. But he’s been a model citizen since, so it’s no longer in place. They didn’t see how we could file a new one.”
“And now he’s here?”
“I saw him last night, at that little diner just off of campus, not far from all of the frat houses,” You confirmed, “I don’t know why I’m so calm right now. You’re the first person I’ve told any amount of this to, aside from my roommate, who just knows the legal bits.”
“How bad was it?”
You took a deep breath and rolled up the sleeves of the sweatshirt he’d given you, so he could actually see the few scars you had on your arms. A few of them were from the accident, but they’d still been caused by him. He’d done all of it.
“They would be covered in bruises, my shoulders too. It was pretty bad.”
“Don’t say you’re sorry. I’ve had enough of that.”
He was silent for a minute before looking at your coffee mug, “Do you want more coffee?”
You sighed in relief, “Yeah, that would be nice.”
He didn’t say another word. Like whatever you’d just told him rolled off, like rain on a windshield. You weren’t sure what was going on inside his head, but from the outside he seemed okay. You couldn’t exactly understand any of it. Nor could you process the fact that you’d just told him everything...or close to everything. But, you felt comfortable and safe with him. There wasn’t a thing you could do to try to understand it all, but you did. Like you’d known him for years, like he’d already seen the darkest parts of you.
“You can stay here for as long as you need,” He suddenly said, “I don’t mind. It actually gets a bit lonely here on my own. And if you don’t feel like you can go back to campus...well I’d just rather you feel like you’re safe.”
“No..No I can’t do that to you. We’ll figure out what to do. I’ve got to call my brother later on, maybe the lawyers. There’s got to be some order or something that I can lean on.”
“You could water my plants while I’m gone.”
“Carter, you don’t have any plants,” you had to bite back a laugh, “I’ll be okay. I promise. I can handle myself.”
His shoulders slumped a little before he looked back over at you, “It’s just not fair. Despite the fact that you acted like you hated me for months...you’re one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. It’s not fair.”
Your heart broke… but for a different reason. Yet another thing that you couldn’t even understand thanks to Carter. The way he looked, the way he sounded, you just felt the need to comfort him. So, without even really thinking about it, you got up and walked over to him, before wrapping your arms around him. He tensed for a minute before finally giving in and hugging you back.
You hadn’t exactly imagined that this was something you’d do. Yet, you knew that he needed it. He was trying to process a lot of things, and understand how any number of them could’ve happened. For him, in this moment, you could set aside your fears and do your best.
“I’m okay. I promise. I’m alive...and I’m okay.”
He held you tighter and rested his cheek on the top of your head. And that’s how you stayed. You weren’t sure how long you two were like that. But you stayed in the arms of a man you didn’t want to know, a man you fought against, and yet a man you couldn’t imagine not knowing now.
It was much much later when you finally made your way down the hall towards your dorm room. The soft sound of the footsteps following you made you smile. There wasn’t anyone else in the halls, which made it really easy to sneak him up to your dorm. No one was there to question why he was with you.
“Oh thank fuck!” Your roommate all but yelled when you opened the door, “I got a call from Travis FUCKING Konecny saying the asshole was here in Philly. Next time fucking call and let me know you’re okay! Please!”
“I’m sorry...it’s been a little hectic.”
“Fucking call me next time. Jesus you had me worried half to death,” she hugged you, more for her benefit than yours. But then it seemed that she realized someone else was with you, and backed away very slowly.
“Oh uh. This is Carter,” You said awkwardly, “Carter, this is my roomie.”
“If you fuck with her, I’ll make whatever you face on the ice look like child’s play,” she warned, “Her brother and Travis got nothing on me.”
“I uh. Just wanted to make sure she got home okay. So uh, I’ll see you later?”
You eyed your roommate, hoping she’d get the message. You just wanted a second, just one second where you could just be a girl alone with a boy. Nothing else. No strings, no history, no expectations. Just a girl and a boy saying goodnight.
“I uh, I’m gonna go grab a snack. You want anything? No? Okay cool. Nice meeting you,” She hurried out of the room, much like a tornado.
You couldn’t help but laugh a little bit before turning your attention back to Carter. There were so many emotions that were swirling around. So many things you were afraid to feel, but you knew you couldn’t hold off anything. Whatever you were feeling...it would all come to the surface eventually.
“Thank you,” You said quietly, “For everything. And I’m sorry.”
He shook his head, “No sorry. You’ve had enough of sorry. Just call me if you need anything, okay?”
There was a strange feeling blooming in your chest. You could try to push it down and keep ignoring it, or you could just give in. You could finally let yourself feel it all. For once, just jump and not be afraid of the fall.
For the second time, you wrapped your arms around him. Only this time, it wasn’t to help him. It was because you wanted to. You wanted to feel him, you wanted to be close to him. So much had changed over the last twenty-four hours. And you just wanted to hug him.
“I never hated you.”
You couldn’t see his face, but you somehow knew he was smiling, softly like he did when he was around you. His cheek was against the top of your head again. You didn’t want him to move. You weren’t sure if you ever wanted to move from this spot.
“I know. It’s okay.”
“You’re a really great guy Carter...and I’m sorry it took me so long to realize that.”
He hushed you, “Don’t worry about it. You’ve got a lot going on in your life. I should be the least of your worries.”
But then, you did something you didn’t even think you could do. You pulled away from him, just enough to see his face, and then you kissed him. In the middle of your dorm room, with your life close to exploding around you....you kissed him.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction || Losing Weight [TW]
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A/N: Before this started please remember that you are all beautiful in every way possible. Everyone comes in different shapes and sizes and you should love yourself for you!! In the wise wise words of Rupaul, Love yourself first cause if you can’t love yourself how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else! THAT BEING SAID! I love you all!!! Again no one will be tagged because I don’t want to upset anyone.
WARNINGS: Mentions of bad weight lost habits, diet pills, negative thoughts about S/O and mentions of ED please don’t read if you are triggered by any of those things
Jin hadn't noticed until it was too late until you were pale and were getting sick far too often for anything to be a coincidence anymore. You were starting to get tired quicker from the smallest of things, running up the stairs resulted in you holding your knees and trying to catch your breath, a common cold was currently making you feel as though you needed to be hospitalised because your body wasn't fighting the bug off. It didn't have the energy to do so and your immune system wasn't healthy enough.
"Baby, we should take you to the doctor." He whispered as he sat beside you on the bed, he took off the wet cloth he'd applied two hours ago and replaced it with a cold wet one to try and keep your temperature down.
"I'm fine Jin, it's just a bug." He stared at you as you tried to sit up in the bed but failed to do so,
"A bug that took me three days to kick-off, you've been this way for a week." You rolled your eyes at him and shivered, he wrapped the duvet around you and shook his head at you.
"You have to see someone," You looked up at him and you could tell he was really worried but it was just your new diet plan...Or at least that's what you kept telling yourself. It was the new fasting diet plan you were trying out but no one had told you that since you weren't used to it your body would react poorly.
"You're not eating enough." He commented as he looked at the plate of half-eaten food beside the bed.
"It's not my eating time, I can't-"
"I don't want to hear that anymore, if you want to go on a diet we will go on a better and healthier one together but for now I want you to eat and get better." He didn't snap at you but you knew he meant what he was saying, he was red in the face kind of like he was whenever he yelled at one of the younger members when they did something bad or something he didn't like.
"Please, it's killing me to see you like this. You're perfect in every way to me." You stared at him as he went on to list everything he loved about you,
"Your personality made me fall for you but then you, your positivity it made me fall harder. I thought you loved the skin you were in?" You looked down at your hands, you were losing the weight faster than you intended and you were only looking to tone your body.
"I do I just- I wanted to tone up and look good for you." He groaned laying his head on your shoulder and then pulling your hand to his lips, leaving a small kiss on the top of it.
"You always look good for me, you could walk into my room in a bin bag and messy hair and you would look good." You stared at him from the corner of your eye and then looked at yourself in the mirror beside the bed. He was right, you knew he was right he was Jin he was always right.
"I'm sorry, I promise I'll come off the stupid diet and eat properly," He nodded and looked up at you,
"We can start joining Jungkookie in the gym if you want." You nodded as you yawned out and closed your eyes feeling tired thanks to the painkillers the doctor had put you on for the cold.
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"Painkillers?" Yoongi asked when he woke up the next morning with a hangover from the night before. You'd all gone out drinking to celebrate his D-2 release and it ended up turning into an afterparty back at your apartment where you both promptly passed out in your shared apartment bed.
"Top shelf of the bathroom cabinet." You mumbled into the pillow not having the energy to go and get them for him, you felt the bed shift and then you heard the door so you knew he'd gone for himself.
"Can you get me some too?" You called out as you sat up in the bed, you stared at the mattress in front of you holding your head and trying not to fall over. The room still felt as though it was spinning and you were going to vomit at any moment.
"Sure, which bottle-" He cut himself off when he poured the contents of what said painkillers into his hand, but inside were little red pills. He knew them anywhere, he'd seen other idols taking them before.
"What did you say?" You looked up to see him standing in the doorway between the bathroom and bedroom holding a handful of the pills in front of you. You gulped and he waited for an explanation from you,
"They're just to help me lose some weight." He stared at you waiting for you to continue but you didn't,
"How long have you been taking them?" He asked taking the ones in his hand and the ones in the bottle and dumping them into the bin.
"Yoongi!" You yelled out but he wasn't bothered he stared at you,
"Four weeks," He stared at you and then at the bin,
"I just wanted to lose a little weight," He looked you up and down and he noticed how different you looked. You were losing weight but it wasn't a healthy way to do it,
"Why the pills?" You felt like you were under interrogation so you laid back down on the bed and closed your eyes wanting him to drop the subject but he wasn't going to. The bed shifted as he got in next to you, he rolled you over so your head was laying on his thigh and he rubbed your shoulder blades.
"Do you understand why I'm being like this, do you know how dangerous they can be?! You could have been hurt and I wouldn't even know what to tell the doctor because I didn't know you were-" He stopped talking once he saw you staring up at him, you weren't in the mood for the rant he was about to do and you just wanted to sleep away the hangover.
"There are healthier ways of losing weight." He whispered and you nodded in agreement with him, you knew there were better and healthier ways then what you were doing but nothing worked quite as much as they did.
"They stop me snacking." He glared at you as you tried to defend your actions,
"They also can raise your blood pressure to high levels. You knew he was doing this for your own good but you still hated how right he was about it all, he laid down with you and kissed your forehead.
"We'll start working out together if you want to lose weight, you can come with me to the gym."
"You hate me watching you work out."
"I'll make an exception." He whispered to you but you nodded in agreement with him, working out with Yoongi did seem like a good idea.
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It wasn't Hoseok that had noticed what was happening with you at first, it was Army. Your relationship with Hobi had been out in the open for the last year and they adored you, you would keep them updated on anything and everything you were allowed to. Always checking with Hoseok first though in case you weren't supposed to tell them something like the time you almost leaked Hope World to everyone who followed you. Army was starting to worry about you though, with every new picture you posted to Instagram you were starting to look skinner and you had stated you were trying to lose weight but this seemed too fast to everyone that was following you so they started to call you out on it. You ignored the comments but Hoseok who had a private account saw the comments and started to notice himself that you were losing too much too fast.
"Hey baby, did you enjoy lunch?" He asked one day when he came in from work, you rolled up the yoga mat you'd been using to work out on and nodded.
"It was lovely, thank you Hobi." He stared at the back of your head, you were lying and he only knew that because he hadn't made you lunch that day to try and trip you up on it.
"It's funny though, well not funny but weird..." You turned to look at him with a frown, he dropped his bag onto the floor and watched as you put your work out things away.
"I didn't make you lunch today." You felt your stomach sink as you realised he was catching on to what you were doing,
"I just skip lunch Hobi, that's all." He hummed and followed you into the kitchen,
"Did you have breakfast?" You stared at him from across the kitchen and he knew then that you didn't, you were never good at lying and especially to your boyfriend Hoseok.
"Why?" You looked down at the floor trying not to cry over something like this, it was something you dealt with a lot and so did other people but it didn't make the subject easy to talk about.
"I don't like the way I look Hobi..." He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you, he knew there was nothing he could say in this situation to make you feel better so he did the best he could to help you.
"Losing weight this way is harmful, I know you've probably heard it all before but this is a bad way of doing it...Let me help you if you want to change." You nodded along with him and he kissed the top of your head,
"But you have to eat so your body has the nutrients it needs to help you lose weight." The rest of the night you came up with a diet plan together, something that you would feel comfortable with and then you wrote a workout plan, planning to go with him to dance practise twice a week to have a little extra workout together.
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The moment it became clear to Namjoon what you were doing he wanted to help you but he knew a direct approach wasn't going to work with you, you'd never been good with people coming right at you with information, you had to be shown that what was happening wasn't good. So he started by skipping meals with you just until you would notice he wasn't eating like he had with you, he stopped having breakfast like you, then lunch and that's when you picked up on it, he was sitting up in his studio at home working and you found the food you'd made him was still sitting in the fridge and he hadn't touched any of it,
"Was your food not okay?" You questioned coming into his home studio, he looked up to see the food you'd made him still in the small lunch box and he shrugged his shoulders.
"I wasn't hungry." You walked back out of the room without questioning him again and he felt bad already for doing this to you. He felt awful for not eating your food but he knew he had to make you realise this wasn't a good way to lose weight and this was the only way to get it through to you.
"You're not hungry again? Shall I call a doctor, you look pale." You panicked rushing over to Namjoon later that night, you'd offered to cook him something to eat claiming that you'd already eaten but it wasn't true and Namjoon knew that and he was upset that you'd lied to him about it.
"No, baby...Don't you see what I'm doing?" You shook your head and he groaned at you, he took your hands in his and sat you down on the chair that was in front of him.
"I know you've been skipping meals and I want to know why." You stared up at him, his eyes were tearing up and you knew he was upset over the fact that you'd been doing this to yourself,
"I was just trying to lose weight."
"Why not go onto a diet? Or work out more, you don't have to skip meals, it doesn't work." You looked at the floor, he was right and you knew that. You'd done all the research you could on losing weight and you knew what worked and what didn't but this was working for a short time,
"It'll work now but once you start eating normally again your body will retain everything and you'll build the weight back up," He'd been doing his research, he wanted to be able to talk to you about this properly he didn't want to come charging at you without any information to help you with.
"I know-"
"So why are you doing it?" You didn't have a real answer for him, you knew what you were doing wasn't going to work but it was working then and there and you wanted results fast.
"Your weight will bounce up and down while you do this...But I promise you if you want to lose weight we can do it together in a healthier way, we'll start going out on more walks? We'll-" You cut him off by kissing him on the cheek and he stared at you,
"Thanks, Namjoon, I promise I'll start looking after myself." And you meant it, you were going to take his advice and look after yourself.
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Jimin was overjoyed when you told him you wanted to start dancing with him and it was fun at first but as time went on he began to notice something odd about you. You looked paler than usual and with every dance routine it was taking you longer and longer to recover and move onto the next one, you were out of breath and practically dying on the floor for air.
"We should take a break." He said one day looking at you panting against the mirror but you threw your hair back into a ponytail and that's when he noticed the bruises. There were small purple bruises lining your wrists and hips.
"What the fuck?!" He called out a little louder than he probably should have because Hoseok looked up from his phone on the other side of the room, you stared at him from the mirror and then noticed what he was staring at.
"You and Jimin going a little too hard at night?" Hoseok joked getting up to leave the room, he left and Jimin rushed to your side examining the bruises but they weren't from him or from the bedroom.
"I bruise easy." Which wasn't a lie, since starting the new diet you were on you had started to bruise easier than normal so he stared at you.
"What do you mean? You used to bang your legs and never have a bruise." You looked at your skin and ran your fingers along the bruises.
"I cut meat out of my diet, I'm probably just not used to it, I'll get some supplements and multivitamins." He stared at you as you went back to the stereo ready to start the next dance but he turned off the music the moment you started it and you frowned.
"Jimin what's the-" You stopped when he lifted the corners of your shirt up to reveal your stomach to him,
"What are you doing?" He sat down on the floor and pulled you into his chest, he felt awful and that he was the worst boyfriend in the world for not noticing until that point.
"What did you have for breakfast?" He asked rubbing your head,
"Nothing, I never eat breakfast." He nodded in agreement, he knew that. You hadn't eaten breakfast in the three years you'd been together so that was nothing new to him.
"What did you have fun lunch?" You pushed him away from you and stared at him,
"You were with me, what is this about?" He stared at you as he tried to remember what you'd had that day at lunch but he couldn't remember anything.
"You had coffee? A black coffee? That was your lunch?" You stared at the floor as he began to catch on to what was happening and then he forced your head up to look at him in the eyes.
"You are perfect-"
"Jimin stop," You said trying to push his hands off you but he held them steady on your head and kept your eyes trained on him.
"Listen to me, you're perfect okay? You don't need to start skipping meals or working out harder." You looked at him and he sighed he knew that you weren't going to listen to him but he wanted to be able to let you know how he felt about this.
"If you really want to lose weight, which you don't need to, I'll come up with a diet plan for us, we can do it together." You shook your head at his suggestion,
"Jimin you're hot, look at you! Your body! You're just- You're everything and I just- I want to look good enough for you." He blinked at you and then shook his head.
"You're good enough for me, fuck that, you're more than good enough for me." You began tearing up and he pulled you into his arms,
"Just promise me you'll start eating again and taking breaks, please." You promised to go back to meals and he continued to hold you on the floor while you talked about everything.
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You were standing in front of the mirror measuring your body and jotting them down into a notebook when Taehyung came home, you hadn't heard him come in and so he watched through the gap in the door and everything started to make sense to him. You'd stopped having breakfast and for lunch, you were having shakes that he didn't think were good for you but you continued to have anyway because they helped you. The more he thought about it the more he couldn't remember the last time you had a real meal, he snuck back down the stairs and slammed the front door.
"I'm home! Making dinner!" He yelled going straight into the kitchen and started getting things ready, you came bouncing down the staircase to him and hugged him from behind.
"I'm not hungry baby, but why don't you go and have a shower and I'll cook you something." He shook his head insisting that he would cook for the night and he wanted you to have a nice long bubble bath.
While you were in the bath and the food was cooking he snuck up to your shared bedroom to find the notebook you'd been writing in, he found it stuffed between three different books on your nightstand and he flicked through. Finding photos of you and then measurements beside it he heard the bathroom door unlock so he raced down the stairs with the notebook in his hands.
Halfway through the meal he watched you, he wanted to make sure you were at least eating something but he noticed you'd only eaten the vegetables,
"I found a book I like." He started and you looked up at him,
"What book?" He walked over to where he'd hidden your notebook and placed it in front of you tapping his fingers on the front, your eyes widened as soon as you saw the writing on the front and you swallowed hard looking back up to his face which was full of concern.
"I just want to know why." You looked back at the notebook and then back to Taehyung trying to think of something to tell him to make the situation lighter but there was nothing, you were trying to lose weight and you weren't doing in the best way.
"I wanted to-"
"I know what you wanted to do but I just want to know why this way, why not a different and healthier way?" You felt bad for the way that Taehyung was looking at you and you knew you'd hurt his feelings by doing something that could have been dangerous to you. All he wanted to do was protect you and he felt as though he was failing now, you looked at the photos in the book and then back up to Tae.
"There are better ways," He promised you taking the book and putting it into the kitchen bin beside him, you knew he was telling the truth and that there were going to be better ways to keep the weight off and still be healthier and he was going to sit and come up with a plan for you. After telling you how beautiful you were and how much he loved you and how you looked and that you only have to change if you wanted to.
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Everyone knew how much of a work out freak that Jungkook was, he was always at the gym and when he wasn't he was doing at home workouts and that's how it started, you started feeling insecure because of how fit your boyfriend was and you decided that you wanted to be fit with him. Jungkook hadn't noticed at first that you were losing weight dramatically, he saw you working out with him and going to the gym more but Namjoon had noticed for him and mentioned it to the maknae that it could be dangerous for you. Since then Jungkook had been keeping an eye on you, what you ate when you worked out and what you did between, he wanted to make sure you were staying healthy. You were standing in the gym together and while someone was spotting him you went onto the treadmill to go for a run, you knew how long Jungkook was on the weights because he focussed on building his body while you focused more and losing what you already had.
"Be careful," Jungkook called out to you, he'd noticed you'd skipped lunch that day and he wasn't too sure about you coming with him to the gym but he couldn't say no without making it look like he was suspecting you, he wanted to be sure that you were doing what he thought you were doing even though it was worrying him so much.
"I always am." You yelled back cranking up the speed and turning from a jog to a sprint within a couple of seconds. Jungkook kept an eye on you and noticed that you were starting to look pale and your body was swaying a little,
"I'm done." He put down the weight and rushed to your side just in time as you slipped on the belt and fell backwards off the treadmill, the machine shut down and you sat up from the floor. Jungkook cradled you in his arms and you tried to stand up,
"I'll go again." Jungkook pushed you back down into his arms and sighed at you, Namjoon was right you were going too far with it and it was starting to worry him.
"We'll go home." He helped you walk into the changing room to get you some water and to get changed,
"Kookie I'm fine I just-"
"You're not fine!" He snapped as you were alone in the changing rooms, you stared up at him he'd never been this angry with you before and it was unsettling to you.
"I've been worried sick and so has Namjoon, he noticed you were skipping meals and how much weight you were losing...Y/n, don't you see what just happened?" You looked down at the floor, you'd hoped no one had noticed that you'd skipped meals or started working out harder than you should have but someone had.
"Don't, okay? I thought that maybe Namjoon was seeing things but you just nearly passed out Y/n, don't you see how bad this is now?" You looked at him and nodded, of course you saw how bad it was.
"But I was doing well, I was losing weight." He sighed at you and took your hands into his,
"You'll only put it back on the moment you start eating again, you have to eat regularly and work out, that way your body will have the right things to burn while you're working out and you'll stay healthy...Won't pass out like you almost did in there." You nodded in agreement with him and he sighed pulling you into his arms trying to come up with some kind of diet plan for you both so you would stay healthy with him and still feel good about yourself.
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jensengirl83 · 4 years
Regret and Redemption Chapter Three
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Summary-Reader has left Dean after he was caught cheating. Dean tries to prove that he can do better and wants the reader to come back home. 
AU Mechanic!Dean x reader
Word count-2592
Warnings- Angst, heartbreak, language
A/N- series cover designed and mad by @talesmaniac89​
It had been a little over a week since Y/N had gone by their home that morning to get her belongings. Dean had been served with the separation papers; she knew that because he had blown up her phone with calls and texts that she hadn’t answered. She couldn’t talk to him; she was taking the separation as hard as he was, except none of this had been her fault. Or had it been? She had been pondering over their whole relationship for the last week. She had wondered if some of the reasons he cheated could have been her fault. Had she not been attentive enough? Could she have spent more time with him and less writing her novels? The scenarios had played over and over in her head, always with the same outcome. If he had a problem he should have come and talked to her, not screw his secretary and God knew who else.
Y/N had managed to find a decent apartment across town. She had picked this one simply because of the distance it was away from the home she had loved. She still couldn’t believe this had happened to her. Dean had been such a loving husband in the beginning. Y/N could see the decline in his behavior now that she looked back on it. She wished there was something she could have done to keep her marriage intact, but it was too little too late now.
Dean sat in his office staring at the separation papers that he had gotten a few days ago. His heart ached every time he looked at them. She was serious and didn’t want to be his wife anymore. The thought made him sick to his stomach. He had never felt so lonely as he had the last week she wasn’t there when he got home. The empty side of her bed had been taunting him every time he walked in the room. He had been sleeping on the couch since she left, not able to sleep in their bed alone. Dean picked up his phone and sent her another text. She hadn’t responded to him since she walked away the morning he trashed the house, but he was going to keep trying.
Y/N stood in the kitchen of her new apartment when she heard her phone ding. She knew who it was, but she wanted to make sure. She should have never unblocked his number, but her uncle advised that she needed to let him have a way to contact her for their legal proceedings. She opened her phone to look at who had texted her.
Dean: I love you Y/N and I’m sorry.
She had been right. She wanted to cry and scream at the same time. Her heart ached as she missed her husband, but she also was beyond angry at him. Her emotions had been all over the place the last week. The nights were the hardest. She had not slept alone in over six years. Even with what he had done, she missed his warmth at night. He had betrayed her, but that didn’t mean that she hadn’t once loved him with her whole being and missed the feeling of his body cuddled behind hers. She had been brought back from her daydream by the sound of her phone.
“Hello Dean,” Y/n said with annoyance evident in her voice.
“Hey sweetheart,” Dean said, hoping she wouldn’t hang up on him.
“Please don’t call me that Dean,” Y/N sighed. “We aren’t together anymore.”
“Yes, we are Y/N! You didn’t file for divorce. You filed for separation,” he said, a little annoyed himself.
“Obviously you got the papers but decided not to read them,” she said harshly. “We are legally separated, Dean. That means we are not considered married, but not divorced.”
“What the hell is the point in that?! Why not just file for divorce?” Dean asked her, not understanding the point.
“Because my uncle and my publicist thought this would be the best thing right now for tax purposes. It’s just until my new book comes out and we can figure out what we are going to do with our assets,” she said, “then I will file for a divorce, Dean.”
“You sure that’s what you want, Y/N?” Dean asked her through clenched teeth.
“No Dean, this isn’t what I wanted! I wanted my husband to love me and be faithful to me, but that was obviously too much to ask of you!” Y/N yelled through the phone.
“I do love you Y/N!” Dean shouted back.
“You know how much I wish it would have been enough?” Y/N said through tears as she hung up the phone.
Dean threw his phone across his office after she had hung up. Her words had destroyed him, the truth in them cutting to the bone. He realized at that moment that he hadn’t loved her enough. She hadn’t had his whole heart in a long time and that had been his fault. The booze and the ego boost he had been getting from other women had taken a spot that should have been completely hers.
The next week had flown by and Y/N was grateful. She had been so busy with her publicist getting everything ready for her book launch that she hadn’t had time to ponder on her situation much. Her publicist had set up a book launch party at a huge venue in Kansas City. She didn’t want to throw a party with the mood she had been in, but her publicist said it would really help get the word out. The release party had been scheduled for the following night and she wasn’t looking forward to it. She decided to go to bed and try to get some sleep so she would at least look like her life was together the next evening.
She woke up the next morning with a horrible feeling of dread. She couldn’t quite place it, but she felt like something was going to happen that night. She tried to shake the thought away as she made her way to the shower to get the day going. She had to get all dolled up and that took time and the venue was a four-hour drive. Luckily her publicist had hired her a private car so she could relax on the way there.
Y/N had caught up on her emails and went over her itinerary on the drive, anything to keep her mind occupied. Dean had always accompanied her to this type of thing because he knew they sometimes triggered her anxiety. He had at least been good to her in that way. If only he hadn’t betrayed her and broke her heart, she wouldn’t have to do this alone tonight.
Y/N could feel the anxiety building as they pulled up to the venue. There was already a crowd that had formed outside and all she could think was that she would rather be home. She held her breath as the driver came to open her door for her to step out. She took his hand as he helped her out onto the sidewalk and into the throngs of people. In all the hecticness of trying to get inside, she hadn’t noticed the sleek black Impala parked across the street.
Dean stood back in a corner with a whiskey in his hand as she walked through the door. She looked absolutely beautiful. His heart pounded in his chest, and he hoped she wouldn’t make a scene when she realized he was here. He knew what these things did to her anxiety and he wanted to prove that he still loved her and wanted to be there for her, to show her that he could be the man he was when they had first started dating. He silently prayed that he could prove himself to her.
Dean watched her for a while as she made her way around the room. Y/N had always been the sweet ‘girl next door’ type. No one around her could tell how uncomfortable all this made her, but he could. He could see the nervous twitch in her hands and hear how her voice would rise an octave as she spoke. He had always found that so endearing about her. She would never see herself as the beautiful, intelligent, joyful woman that she was. He had taken that joy from her and he would never forgive himself for that.
“Hi, Y/N! I am so excited to read your new book!” a woman she didn’t know had said to her.
“Thank you. I really hope you enjoy it,” Y/N said with a nervous smile. God, she hated to do stuff like this.
“Hey Y/N. I’m looking forward to the new book. Where’s Dean?” she had heard someone ask. Y/N was frozen to her spot. She didn’t want to talk about her failed marriage to people she barely knew.
“I’m sorry I’m late sweetheart! Traffic was just awful,” his voice had her spinning on her heels. There stood Dean in his three-piece suit.
“What the hell are you doing here Dean?” she whispered in his ear as she leaned in to give him a hug. She didn’t want anyone asking questions about their marriage.
“Y’all mind if I steal my beautiful wife away for a minute?” Dean asked with a fake smile.
Everyone nodded as he linked her arm through his and walked her to a more private place to talk. He could feel how tense she was and knew most of that was because of him, but he knew she wouldn’t make too much of a scene.
“What the hell Dean?!” she asked as they rounded the corner into an empty hallway. “How did you even know about this?!”
“I got an email. You forgot to unlink my email from your list on your itinerary,” Dean said with a small chuckle.
“Dammit! I knew I was forgetting something... but why did you show up?” Y/N asked him with her arms crossed over her chest.
“I know how you get when you have to do this stuff. I wanted to be here for you and I’m sure you didn’t want to answer questions about us tonight,” he said, trying to be honest with her.
“Sure Dean, you showing up here is all about me,” she said as she rolled her eyes.
“I know you don’t believe me, sweetheart...” he was cut off by the glare she was giving him. “Sorry, Y/N. I’m telling you the truth though. I was worried about you and I want to try and prove to you that I’m sorry,” Dean said sadly.
“Dean, I don’t know what to tell you. You broke me. I will never be able to trust you again,” she said as she looked away.
“I’m not asking you to trust me. I’m just asking you to give me a chance to prove that I know I fucked up!” Dean said, almost begging her.
“It won’t change anything Dean. We aren’t going to ever be together again,” she fought back tears as she said those words.
“At least let me play your husband for the rest of the night. I don’t want everyone knowing what’s going on until we have everything figured out,” he said as he reached out his hand.
Y/N looked at Dean and to his hand quite a few times before she finally took his hand. They walked back out to the main hall to the crowd of people that were there for her. She had to stop and talk to a few people as Dean looked around the venue. It had been decorated a lot like their wedding reception had. That thought gave him an idea as he excused himself and snuck to the sound booth.
Y/N had been talking to people for what seemed like an eternity. She had finally made her way to the bar that had been set up to get a drink. Y/N had never been much of a drinker, but she felt like she could use a gallon of it tonight. She had been looking around to see if she could find where Dean had gone when his voice beside her made her jump.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you,” Dean said with a laugh.
“It’s ok, I wasn’t expecting you to be right beside me. What were you saying?” she asked, taking a drink of her whiskey.
“I said that the night is almost over, and we haven’t danced,” he said to her with that crooked smile she loved so much.
“Yeah, and we aren’t going to,” she said, looking out at all the people on the dance floor that had been set up.
“Don’t you think people will find it odd that you didn’t dance with your husband? Considering we have always danced together at these things,” Dean whispered in her ear.
“Fine! No funny business Dean. I want to get this over with and go home,” Y/N said as she held her hand out to him.
Dean led her onto the dance floor. He placed her arms around his neck and then slid his hands down to her hips. He started to lightly sway them to the beat as he looked over her shoulder and nodded. Y/N had noticed but didn’t care to ask. He had probably just seen someone he knew. The notes to the song faded away as the notes to the next one began. It had only taken her seconds to recognize the melody: “Wild Horses” by The Rolling Stones. It was their wedding song, the first song they had danced to as husband and wife.
Dean felt her tense as the song began to play. He had hoped that hearing it would bring back good memories and make her miss what they had. He wrapped his arms around her tighter to hold her to him, afraid she would run if he didn’t. He could hear the sniffles and feel her tears on his chest. His heart was breaking, this had not gone as planned. He hadn’t even finished his thought when she pulled away and ran for the door. Dean was right behind her; he grabbed her arm as she was reaching for the car door.
“Y/N, please just wait!” Dean begged her.
“No! How could you do that to me? Did you really think that playing our wedding song was going to make me come back to you after what you did? Let go of me!” she yelled as she yanked her arm away from him.
“Baby, please! I miss you, Y/N! I fucking miss my wife!” Dean shouted as she opened the car door to get in.
“You should have thought about that before you cheated on me, Dean! Please, just get away from me,” she said, completely defeated.
The look on her face and the desperation in her voice made him step back. He stood on the sidewalk and watched as she disappeared. This had completely backfired. He just wanted his wife back and would do anything to prove it to her. He knew what he had to do, but was terrified to make the call. Dean pulled out his phone and dialed the number and listened as the phone began to ring.
“Please don’t hang up! I really need your help!” he pleaded to the person on the other end of the phone. “I know I have no right to ask you, but she will listen to you. Will you help me please?”
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