#wormholes anyone? XD
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jlbilu · 2 years ago
So I have, or thought I had, this ofc who is Oz-based because apparently there are times (not always!) I'm unable to give them an existence not based on another fictional... work.
God knows why, because I do not. 🤷🏻‍♀️
The thing is- do you know how many canonical books there are about Oz, its surroundings and its inhabitants??
Tons. There are tons of them.
Does it mean I should try read them all- despite I'd mainly look at Maguire's novels?
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esprei · 2 months ago
Please take this ask as a way to ramble about your dystopia au or post some art about it (really just wanna know more about it)
oh gosh thank you! 🥹💖
I can talk about Volo and his situation a bit! I don't think I've mentioned this stuff here yet (if I have I apologize!) So the way that Volo got to this world is that he got tossed through an Ultra Wormhole. (btw the Volo I'm talking about here is the Volo we know from PLA, the one who lost and disappeared after the battle at the Temple of Sinnoh - I usually refer to him as og Volo so as to not confuse him with Emperor Volo XD) But yeah! Those who know/remember lore from Sun and Moon about the Ultra Wormholes/Ultra Beasts/etc will remember things/traits that Volo will now have. Aka he's a Faller :0 Soooo, amnesia for one. Though he'll still have memories of his goal with Arceus and such, but other things for him will be fuzzy or just not able to be recalled at all 🥺 Not only that but, well... he's essentially Ultra Beast bait 😳 Because Fallers have that trait too.
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So, when this happens, well... you can see why:
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Blacephalon was able to detect him in an instant! 😭
So yeah! Hmmm... I have no idea what else to say about him specifically that won't be major spoilers for later on XD However, this really is partly a big redemption story for him! He gets thrown into this world, doesn't know how or why and finds that he has holes in his memory... though he still remembers things like his goal and wanting to achieve that. Just... unbeknownst to him, he's going to end up learning that maybe things didn't turn out so well when his other self got that wish... He'll still have all his Pokemon by the way! Pokemon like his Garchomp will definitely be pivotal in battles (battles are much more intense here and play out more like war... humans will utilize weapons too). Togekiss is very important as well, especially to the Resistance! I could go into that detail more as to why if anyone is interested! It's not really huge spoilers! I kinda feel like I've rambled quite a bit so... I'll leave you with a sneak peek of some dystopian!Emmet art I'm working on! Since I mentioned humans using weapons, he'll end up being an archer of sorts! Mainly uses a crossbow, but can use a standard bow and arrow as well! He many weapons for the Resistance, including his own, carved masterfully out of wood (Alder is the one who taught him how to do woodworking from the time he found him all alone 🥺). He also makes his own arrows! Initially he likely uses feathers from common birds like the Pidove line for them, but eventually might use feathers from Togekiss or, even later, the Archeops he manages to catch.
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(Bow needs design, but I didn't want to leave you with just art I've already shown before ;; so here's something new and recent!)
Thank you so much for asking about the AU! 🥹💖
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hyog-blog · 3 months ago
Melody Journey (Music TV Show, 2024)
Zhou Shen, Xue Zhiqian, Ayunga, Liu Yuning, Liu DuanDuan, and more
I blame Liu Yuning for my falling into the c-pop wormhole, which led to a whole new world filled with cheesy ballads, romantic love songs, old-school rock hits, and cdrama OSTs. Chinese music industry really knows how to celebrate its talents—and have fun while it's at it!
Melody Journey has a fairly original concept. They invited a bunch of upcoming and established composers to present their new (!) songs to equally established and upcoming singers. That creates a very powerful mix - the singers get exposure and can sing some pretty amazing new hits (or less amazing, but it's still all in good fun), and the composers get their songs being broadcasted nationwide for the first time.
The modern stage is visually striking, the filming of the whole show is top-notch high-quality, but what makes it so damn good and delicious on all levels is the cast. The show features a lot of familiar faces from Singing with Legends season 3, which was pure awesomeness (if you haven't watched it - just go and do it now, you'll fall in love with all the singers and probably the Chinese music industry as well).
This means we get to enjoy the frantic humor of Xue Zhiqian, as well as his passionate performances. Next, there's Zhou Shen with his incredibly high, androgynous voice and a diva-like presence on stage (that, and his humor barely passing the show's censorship XD). There's also the incredibly lovely Shan Yichun and some cool guests appearing all the time, so the cast is pretty fluid.
At some point, Ayunga joins the stage - and if you know him, you know that this Mongolian musical singer is a real gem both in terms of looks and his gorgeous voice. Then Liu Yuning joins the show, bringing his magical voice and powerful performances, which can't really be compared to anyone else. That, and his personality also shines bright.
I was also very surprised to find Liu DuanDuan (2nd Prince from Joy of Life) to be a pretty good singer. Like really good! I didn't connect to him much at first, but he has a quirky sense of humor and a very hard-working personality. He's very passionate about singing, and it shows!
The show is hilarious right from the first episodes, there's so much humor, you can watch it just for that alone. Xue Zhiqian is a walking stand-up comedian, but he treats music very seriously. He also shifts between the roles of a singer and composer, giving some of his songs to the performers.
Because all the songs are new, it's very exciting to see the whole process of reacting/choosing what to sing. Everyone has their own personalities and preferences, which makes for a very entertaining process. I haven't laughed so much in a long while. All the guys and girls know each other, so it's not really a competition, but rather a fun music camp they do altogether.
At the end of each episdoe, some cutting-edge AI decides what song has the best chance of becoming a hit. That's pretty much it! No rewards or fancy titles. The show itself with new music and interesting performances is the reward, so they're doing it just for the fun of it.
I enjoyed the concept just as much as I enjoyed everyone's performances - there were lots of really cool new songs! So I recommend watching it fully, but if you're interested in our boy Liu Yuning, he appears in episode 7.
I've watched 9 episodes out of 11, and it's been nothing but fun paired with excitement :3 The humor is literally never-ending. No one is safe from friendly pranks.
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You can't have Liu Yuning on the show without some height jokes, okay? They're obligatory)))
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All the boys are incredibly touchy-feely and they hug a lot, which made my heart all warm and fuzzy. They're so cute. Also, the support seniors have to younger stars is very heart-warming.
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Apart from all the fun, the show is just very pleasing to the eye. The stages have cool visual effects and some performances are very artsy.
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The beginning of the show is already striking and you know it's going to be pretty!
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sapphire-to-the-rain · 11 months ago
hi!!! recently fell into the rpdr wormhole and stumbled across you ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ"
anyone you’re cheering on for s16?
omg hi hello! welcome to the brainrot we are so happy you are here <3
honestly…. i have two answers for this question depending on how i interpret it, the first of which being who i think is most LIKELY to win and i think that’s sapphira. she’s getting an edit that feels to me like a winner’s edit, she’s tied for having the most wins in the competition (3 in a row is crazy!!!!), she is so talented at basically everything and so so kind and genuinely warmhearted and at this point i have to agree it would be completely deserved for her to win the whole season so therefore i am cheering for her !
now the second answer would be more of who i personally (selfishly) would want to win, and that’s nymphia xD this is less of a “deserved” and more of just me playing favorites LOL. i know her track record is objectively worse and she’s more of a fashion queen less of a well rounded queen i guess?? but i just love her so much 🤧 i think she’s hilarious in her own special extremely not snatch game way and her runways NEVER miss ! plus she’s an incredible performer, i’d argue she and sapphira are evenly matched in their abilities to perform just with different strengths :3
aaaanyway thank you for the ask!! anyone that you’re rooting for ?
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thenexusofsouls · 1 month ago
{i am the caretaker of souls} YES, THANK YOU, I SHALL!! Seriously, though, the more episodes I catch up on, the more random thoughts I've been having here and there about Zhaan, and I keep thinking... I should write a thing. But I've already written so many long things that I'm not sure people are even reading, and I feel like I've been thrusting my rekindled love of Farscape on everybody here and I wonder... am I being obnoxious with this? XD BUT YOU SENT AN ASK SO NOW I HAVE TO ANSWER IT, RIGHT? Rationalization is a beautiful thing, isn't it? XD So okay, here we go, random thoughts and headcanons about Zhaan, and some about Farscape in general!
So... "Farscape" is actually the name of the single-man "Farscape-1 module" or tiny little spacecraft John Crichton first sets out in from Earth. This one:
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It occurs to me that this little craft was really not features that much on the show at all. I mean, it did have its moments, such as being taken out every once in a while whenever Crichton thought he'd found a wormhole to go home, landing on a commerce planet to get repaired, or taking it out to perform emergency maintenance or rescue functions for or from Moya. And I think it was used to test things from a power source point of view a couple of times, like they hooked it up to something to power it. *shrugs*
But yeah... other than that... the titular "Farscape" wasn't... really the star of the show. Should the show not have been called "Moya"? Personally, I think so, heh. The vast majority of episodes (I think nearly every single one, takes place either on, around, or in contact with Moya. But I guess "Moya" doesn't have the same appeal as "Farscape" for the name of a sci-fi show, does it? XD
Anyway, the reason I was thinking about the original ship that got Crichton aboard Moya is because it's still stored inside Moya. It was brought in through a hangar-like area in her... eh-hem... back end, haha... with the aid of something that kindof attracted and guided it like a magnet. And this was done deliberately by people on board, so theoretically, it could happen to other small ships as well. Keep that in mind if for any reason your muse might find themselves on a small ship in space, heh.
Seriously, though, I've been thinking about doing a starter for Zhaan's native "world," which I guess would have to involve your muse either docking within Moya or... suddenly appearing within Moya as a result of some crazy multiversal shenanigans. I can't write Crichton or D'argo, I just don't feel I could get them right, but I could write Pilot, Rygel, Aeryn, and obviously Zhaan. It could be an AU in which only those four ended up on Moya. That means they would never have met Crichton and would not know what a human was, if you muse happens to be human. They would think any human muse was a Sebacean, a Peacekeeper, the same race as Aeryn, and that would not be seen as a good thing, necessarily, heh. But it would still be interesting and fun, I think. The only thing stopping me is that I'm not sure if anyone would be interested in that? Something to think about for the future, I guess.
It's easy to forget that because of her humanoid, upright, sentient self, able to walk and speak like any other "person." But yes, she is actually a plant. This means that she has the ability to... plant... herself, heh. As in, in actual soil. It was mentioned towards the end of her time on the show as a means to potentially restore her from her dying state, and I... I think about that sometimes. Nothing further was ever said about it and we never actually got to see her do this, since she died before she had the chance, but I just wonder what that would have entailed and whether it would have worked to save her or not.
Sunlight makes plants grow, right? Well for Zhaan, solar energy is a stimulant, which is exactly as it sounds, heh. It's arousing to her (sometimes at inconvenient times, which was hilarious... she referred to it as being "indisposed" XD) and it increases her metabolism. Depending on her state of mind and her health at the time, that can actually be a detriment to her. For example, if she's ill or starved, sunlight could cause her body to burn up valuable energy she needs to stay alive.
Her blue coloration is due to a mutation in her chloroplasts that all Delvians share, resulting not only in blue surface coloration but also in her having blue "blood." I've always thought that the yellow, orange, and red coloration that shows up when she is sick, starving, or in touch with her dark side was reminiscent of how some plants and insects in real life use such bright colors as warnings to "stay away, I'm dangerous to you," or "don't eat me, I taste bad or am poisonous." The colors are meant as protection if the organism is weak or in crisis, which would certainly apply to Zhaan at several points in the show when her coloration changes. For those unfamiliar with the show, this is Zhaan's normal, healthy, "zen" coloration:
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...vs. her coloration shortly before her death when she was sick, weakened, and dying:
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I really loved how much was included with each race in Farscape with regard to their aesthetics, their biological differences, their cultures, etc. As a writer, that's like brain candy for me, heh. I get bored of shows that try to sell me a bunch of humans in costumes as really diverse aliens, like... to me it's the same as when angels and demons are portrayed simply as humans with wings. These people are not human and some of them are a far cry from anything related to human biology and culture. So they shouldn't look, behave, or live like humans do. I think Farscape did a really great job within the limited scope of a TV show of reminding us rather constantly that Zhaan is not a blue human, she's an alien plant species. I loved that about her and all the races on the show.
Even the culture clashes, language barriers, and personal habit differences between the crew members of Moya reminded us that these are each people from their own unique races with whole lives they left behind before being imprisoned for their various crimes. Yes, John Crichton as a human coming in had a lot of misunderstandings, problems, and confusions, but so too did all the other crew members have that with each other. It wasn't just human vs. alien on the show, it was each character being different from every other. There was a constant sense of extremely diverse beings having been tossed together suddenly that really helped to create this feeling of a truly diverse alien galaxy. They felt different from humans, they felt truly alien, as they should have.
And I feel like that's why their found family became so tight knit. Not only them having to depend on each other at first and becoming friends over time, but also them learning about the health, happiness, needs, and pasts of each other and supporting each other with that knowledge. For example, the following instances of crew members putting what they've learned about their fellow comrades to good use:
Everyone pitching in to check on Zhaan when she was ill and working to get her the specific type of food she needed when she was starved
Crichton learning that one has to stimulate blood flow from a Luxan wound to make the blood run clear or else the initial black blood will poison him to death, and using that to save D'argo's life on more than one occasion
Everyone helping to sustain Aeryn when temperatures on Moya got too hot for her (Peacekeepers are extremely sensitive to heat and will die with even just a small increase above what's optimal for them); Zhaan actually held her in her arms under a cold shower to help stave off the "living death," an irreversible, catatonic, neurological condition that befalls Peacekeepers who remain in hot temperatures for too long
Everyone taking care of Pilot during various times when he'd go unconscious or be in extreme pain because of his link with Moya
Everyone coming together to do what they needed to for Moya when she was afraid, injured, and even pregnant, and them going out of their way (even at their own peril) to make sure her baby was safe
So yeah... It wasn't just friendship, familiarity, and time spent with each other that made them a family, it was learning how to properly take care of each other physically and mentally, whipping out that knowledge when each of them really needed it most, and then of course wanting to do so out of love for each other.
This is mostly just going to be canon things, with some fleshing out as needed, but I think it's interesting to look at what Zhaan does with her free time. Her downtime activities really speak to the sort of person she is and what her interests are.
Being a plant herself, Zhaan has a bit of a green thumb. A... a blue thumb? XD She keeps plants in her room on Moya, in pots and planters and all sorts of places. I feel like she'd collect odd plants from planets she visits, being drawn to ones that are unique or very different from herself. She builds up an interesting and diverse collection that way.
Scientific Research
Zhaan is always curious about the natural world, and she knows a lot about biology and chemistry. Many times throughout the show, she analyzed various samples of tissue, spores, liquids, and other substances from potentially dangerous or pathogenic organisms. She has a scanner device that's a lot like an x-ray, she regularly makes use of a microscope, and she has a number of reagents she keeps on hand to perform chemical assays with. During the show, she was able to do things like make antidotes to poisons, solvents that would dissolve "glue" from a biological source, a litmus test to detect acidic conditions in bodily fluids, and various medicines to numb pain.
When she has nothing better to do, I feel like Zhaan would conduct research on her own simply for her own curiosity. Many times she was under immense pressure and time constraint to come up with antidotes and various other sensitive materials, but then after the fact, I feel like she'd continue to perform research to better understand the substance, organism, pathogen, etc. involved. She loves to learn, certainly, but she also likes to be prepared for whatever may rise to threaten the crew of Moya, and what she learned from her research got the crew out of many binds, including ones that could have been potentially fatal.
Arts & Crafts
Zhaan engages in "spirit painting," a Delvian technique that allows art to be created that reflects what is in a person's soul. She does this for Rygel after he makes an amateur attempt at painting a self-portrait. Zhaan comes to his room while he's doing this and they discuss his heritage as a Hynerian Dominar. Rygel XVI feels like he has the spirit of Rygel I within him and takes a lot of pride in that. With that knowledge, Zhaan takes the brush and begins to alter the painting. Quickly, she paints, in a manner Pietro Maximoff might do for all those MCU fans out there, heh. Her arm moves in a blur, and when she steps back, there is a lovely, regal painting of what is in Rygel's soul left on the canvas. That's what's going on in this post I reblogged a little bit ago.
In addition to painting, we know that Zhaan also likes to create things out of a type of glasslike material. She makes a blue mask that Crichton accidentally breaks several times in one episode as he gets stuck in time loops due to the influence of someone hostile aboard Moya. I feel like in addition to being blue herself, Zhaan just likes the color, so many of the crafts she makes also end up being blue.
In order to maintain her grounded and centered state of mind as a Pa'u, Zhaan prays regularly, usually in the form of meditation involving repetitive phrases. She does this in her own room, usually in the nude, where she can feel completely natural and comfortable.
However, she also prays for various crew members when they are sick or injured. She tells them this too, that they shouldn't fear or should remain optimistic because she has prayed to the Goddess on their behalf.
When Zhaan has nothing better to do, she can often be found visiting the crew of Moya or even Pilot and simply sitting with them to talk. She'll ask them what they're doing, how they're feeling, or if they need anything. It's her way of checking up on them to see if there might be anything they need to talk about or if there are any problems that they're not telling anyone about.
She does this not only because unchecked problems could be very dangerous depending on what the nature of them is, but also because... she cares. She goes out of her way to meet everyone on their level, to understand their perspective, and to develop a good rapport with them. For that reason, she is one of the few aboard Moya whom everyone gets along with and genuinely likes.
Zhaan does not shy away from difficult questions, uncomfortable situations, or sad memories. She's willing to become invested in the problems, griefs, and traumas of others to shoulder their burdens with them. Although she doesn't press others to talk or be vulnerable with her if they don't want to, most eventually end up doing it because she makes them feel comfortable, safe, and heard.
I'll leave you all with something that I keep thinking about from time to time while watching the show, especially seeing how close Aeryn Sun and John Crichton get after Zhaan's death. They end up having a child together, but not until The Peacekeeper Wars, a mini-series that takes place after the end of Season 4, essentially the end of the series. Zhaan died towards the beginning of Season 3, so she never got to see their relationship get to that point and never got to meet their son, who was named D'argo Sun-Crichton.
I just... I feel like Zhaan would have been utterly joyous to know that they had a child and would have adored the kid. I could see her acting like a cool grandmother, haha. And she would probably be happy to babysit anytime they needed her to. I think she'd be very good with him while he was an infant, too, just because of her patience and kindness. It just hurt my soul that Zhaan never got to see any of that happen or interact with the child of two of her dear found family members. T^T
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hikarisakurariver · 2 years ago
Sorry, have we as a fandom forgotten that he rejected the reality that he was home and doing mind blowing important ingenious levels of stuff for the federation and said HE said NOPE! You think that Harry Kim is boring? The guy that went back because his best friend Daniel Bird was in his place and stuck in the Delta Quadrant even though he was back with his girlfriend (and engaged to her)? The guy who immediately upon learning Tom Paris was home too flew over to France and sought his help, did a friendship speed run on a shoe string half plan? The guy that built an astronomics department with a former Borg member- who he also befriended pretty quickly btw (latter got a crush on and then got over) The guy who in the first episode befriended the convicted felon on probation and when told why he should stay away said naw. The guy who in the second episode befriended an unhinged engineer protester people regarded as space terrorists despite her trying to keep her distance? The guy who braved a Borg cube ALONE to save his friends that were trapped inside said Borg cube? The guy who saw how his Captain was essentially isolated and wanted to invite her to the Table he and his friend were sat at, just so she could be a human being for a few minutes? The guy who organized a prison break using bits of wire and saved Tom Paris' life? The guy who wanted to go into Borg territory to find a way to get the wormhole in it? The guy who CHANGED THE TIMELINE because only he and Chakotay made it back while everyone else was killed? That character? where have you been Harry Kim is one of THE most interesting unhinged characters pretending to be lawful good this entire time XD Harry is a character that is doomed to potential, but we see grow the most with the exception of Seven of Nine. He is the wide eyed inexperienced but senior officer on his FIRST mission and ends up lost in space- he is the most enthusiastic to get home and he gives it all up multiple times just to see justice done by everyone else. He mourns so many things that he should of had, but also celebrates what he gains, He isn't constrained by the traditional unspoken codes but want so bad to be a good officer. He sees the person not the mistake, he doesn't hide his emotions but he isn't consumed by them either. he has a literal ship of people ready to have his back, just as he is ready to jump into hell for anyone of them. Boring is the least accurate description of Harry Kim.
people who think harry kim is a boring character simply do not understand the horror and the comedy of being someone who for all intents and purposes should be destined for great things (see: non sequitur) but is instead facing a life spent trapped in a survival situation with the most unhinged codependent mildly toxic found family imaginable
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han-the-vampiricyoshi · 2 years ago
send me a ��� and i’ll post a snippet of art/writing that i never got around to finishing this year (r.i.p)
This is pretty much word for word what I've got in my first drafts rn. Very little thought other than 'spontaneity' went into this XD Wil is kind of fun to write in a weird way.
Context: post- In Space With Markiplier interaction between the Captain and Wilford Warfstache.
Wil was a dangerous man. They weren't sure how exactly they were sure of that, but an entity that could collapse a wormhole rift with a stinking butterfly knife, only to be able to summon another one moments after, was clearly capable of great and terrible things. Then there was the whole demanding persona; the veiled threats, and the pointing-the-wormhole-killing-knife-in-your-face thing. Wilford being here put them on-edge, concerned for their safety and existence.
"Hey now, there's no need to be so harsh!" Wilford suddenly exclaimed. "I'm a professional journalist, and perhaps a little anal over things like scheduling and keeping my appointments with interviewees. Do you know how many times I've gotten rain checks for an interview, only for someone like you to give out excuses? And that's not to mention when a subject decides to spontaneously die during, or when the staff has similar setbacks. It's hard work! You can't blame me for being a bit testy!"
The Captain stared at him, wide-eyed. What the @%*#??
"Hey now, language!" Wil chided. "We're having a f***ing adult conversation here."
But the Captain hadn't said anything!! They had been too scared to talk. Had he been in their head this whole time??
"Well, it's not like it's all that difficult," Wil scoffed. "You're especially loud. Your thoughts are written here, plain as day for anyone with a little too much time on their hands to peruse."
So what - he could read them like a book?
"Well, more like an online text blog of some weary writer who's sat on this prose for months on end," Wilford drawled. "More easily transmissible, unfortunately, but extremely legible. This bit wasn't exactly how the original text was meant to go, however..."
The Captain squirmed, wanting desperately to get away. It was so weird and creepy, and they really needed him out of their head!
"Whoa now, didn't you hear me -- you're the one being loud!" the pink man accused. "Not even Glocky-Boo is as loud as you have been. And she is especially well-mannered, for a gun." He reached out to pluck a pineapple toothpick from the edible arrangement and popped it in his mouth, making exaggerated chewing noises and motions.
Was he seriously eating on the Captain's glass coffin like they were some kind of table??
"There's no need to sound so offended about it, whatever-your-name-is," Wil retorted with a huff. "This isn't even the fun way of eating off you. Perhaps another time," he whispered with an obnoxious wink. "And it's not like you can eat it as you are, so why let it go to waste?"
They never asked him to come here or to bring him some kind of fruit art piece.
Wilford sighed. "Now is that any way to treat someone who was nice enough to visit you in your memorial and bring a little offering to your health? Or... not-health. Depends when you are, I suppose. What is this place? Is it a shrine or something? An alter? Do you make sacrifices here? Are you the sacrifice? Ooh - it's been so long since I've participated ina good sacrifice!"
He suddenly shoved a strawberry into his mouth and started to pat himself down with both hands.
"Hold on! I have just the thing for this!" Wil explained excitedly. "I found this baby for sale in a booth at a Dagonic rally and I have been practically dying to break it out!"
From seemingly nowhere, Wilford pulled out a large and jagged black knife. He wielded it over his head, looking down toward the Captain with a wild look in his eye. Strawberry juice clung to his lips and the edges of his mustache, his teeth showing with a gleeful grin.
(it doesn't end there, but you get the idea... >w> Got like four chapters of this thing with at least two more planned... and unwritten.)
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rose-like-the-phoenix · 3 years ago
Some ISWM lead headcanons <3<3<3 enjoy
Is built like a brick wall
Uses he/they/star pronouns
Probably makes his own Inventions in star spare time
Doesn't get along super well with Celci but she'll go to him if something needs fixed before she'd ever go to Mark
Questions life too much
*insert existential poem here* "I just asked if you wanted coffee 😐"
Knows more than he says
Biromantic xenogender
Had experience with time loops before going to space
Worked their way through life
Took things apart as a kid "to see how it worked" (I did this lol XD)
Enjoys cuddling with his platonic partner
Gunther B. Gunnerson
Burt's platonic partner ❤️
Leans on burt a lot
Gives his partner all the cuddles in the multiverse
This mans is a he/moon bisexual
Loves the moon 🌙
Had never heard of neopronouns before burt told him about them and he got super excited when he found moon/moonself pronouns
Calls burt affectionate nicknames like "big guy" "bebe" "moonlight" "lovely" "cuddlebug" etc. Burt calls him "moonbeam" "starlight" "flower petal" anything poetic really
*checking burt out* "Your hotter then your reactor bebe"
Likes old western/sci-fi movies and detective/mystery books
Started a journal because burt has one but his is mostly just drawings of his favorite things (guns, burt, his crew, ADS drones etc)
*does some minor repair* Mark and Celci "since when do you know how to do that???" *gestures and gives heart eyes to burt* "I learned from the best"
Hopeless romantic
Will shot anyone/thing that trys to hurt moon partner
Can and will be a little bitch (affectionate) at any given chance
If you can't find him just have Chica track him down
Definitely has at least three plushies on his bed
Uses he/space pronouns
Celci "go jump off a cliff" Mark "gladly, provided the captain doses it first"
Gets jealous when the other leads get more attention from the captain than him
Yandere for the captain but tries not to take it too far
Was completely oblivious about Burt and Gunther's relationship until Gunther planted a kiss on Burt's cheek right in front of space, Celci and the captain
Fights with Celci cuz he sees her as space biggest competition for the captain's attention
Definitely wasn't raised in a stable home environment
Born and raised in Alaska, hence why she has a high cold tolerance
Likes green tea with honey
Oreos and milk are one of snow favorite snacks
Doesn't hold grudges but she finds the other leads generally aggravating most of the time
Usually in the know about almost everything going on in the ship at any given time
Sexually ambiguous
Took her a while to understand neopronouns but once she did cold started using she/snow/cold pronouns
May not get along with someone but will respect their pronouns
Has a blue and white snowflake shaped popit on cold desk
Enjoys thrillers/supernatural books and spy movies
Cried a little when the captain gave snow, Mark, Burt and Gunther pronoun pins 📌
Enter the wormhole to the small text!! @captainsaltypear kinda inspired this when we traded burt headcanons once so thank you 😊 but also sorry for tagging you twice in one day pear
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ilovedthestars · 2 years ago
ask game! 📄
hi!! thank you for the ask! <3 (I left this in my drafts when I thought I'd posted it oops)
WIP Ask Game
📄What’s a WIP you never finished that you would like to go back and revisit?
Okay so I have a LOT of these. Like, a scary amount. (Somewhere on discord I shared screenshots of my list of WIPs in scrivener, and it was three phone screenshots long.) Some of them are abandoned, but a lot of them are in the "I'll get back to that eventually..." stage, which I jokingly call Draft Purgatory. I have so many fics in Draft Purgatory.
However, if I had to pick one...The Three time travel fic is up there! I think I might have gotten this idea from a Tumblr post proposing it, ages ago? (If anyone knows where that is, please link it to me!) But I remember looking to see if there was a time travel fix-it where Three got to save One and Two, and I didn't find one, so I wrote it myself. I took...some liberties with the NE timeline, because I don't fully understand the order of events and chose to ignore them instead of figuring it out XD. But the basic plot was that due to handwavey wormhole shenanigans, Three from several months post-canon ends up thrown back in time to just before Murderbot shows up onstage in NE, and it saves One and Two and brings them back with it. There are hugs. It's very emotions. I think I got stuck on plot logistics...so easy to write emotions, so hard to write the parts where characters go from one place to another place lolll.
I very much want to finish it before System Collapse comes out and messes with Three's characterization. 3/3 has snuck up on me and part of me wants to try to crank it out in time for the Three festivities...which is probably not gonna happen, but if I'm sufficiently motivated I might try anyway...we'll see, lol. But yeah, the three time travel fic is very high on the list of WIPs that I really want to finish as soon as I can. It's near and dear to my heart <3
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galraluver · 3 years ago
Ok, I've got a story idea for one of the paladins. Alfor goes to primitive earth (but not to primitive, no hairy monkeys here XD) and finds an infantile human. I tried to think of simple but interesting prompt for him. It gonna be so cool requesting for the Paladins of Old.
Okay, I'll try my best. By infantile, I wasn't sure if you meant for the reader to be an actual infant or not, but that's how I wrote it since I had major brain fog when I wrote it 😅
When a new galaxy was detected Alfor volunteered to go check it out on his own since the other paladins were all busy ruling their planets, excited to see brand new worlds. Alfor packed plenty of food and other supplies in Red before he left Altea, putting Coran in charge while he was away; Melenor was busy off-world, so she wasn't able to keep an eye on everything while he was away. Coran, being the good friend he was, promised Alfor that he would keep an eye on everything and help anyone on Altea that needed help. Alfor was very thankful for wormhole technology since flying to a new galaxy would otherwise take forever. When he arrived in the new galaxy he saw that there was only one sun, several moons and a few new planets.
Most of the planets were inhabitable, but after a while of flying in his lion he found one that was capable of supporting life. Not wanting to give up on his journey so soon, Alfor decided to check out the small green and blue planet to see if anyone lived on it. Flying through the atmosphere was easy since Red had a high heat tolerance but finding a place to land was a little difficult due to all of the trees; forest planets were good and all but they obviously weren't meant for ships to land on. After finding a place to land after a while Alfor was finally able to explore the new world, hoping to find some locals if there were any. The first thing he noticed after stepping out of Red was the slight breeze and the sound of birds singing; the birds were unlike any he had heard before and he thought that they sounded beautiful.
When Alfor started walking through the bushes he saw a few flying insects fly around him in all different directions, each of them very unique looking. There were no signs of any indigenous species around, but it was a new planet, after all. If there were people anywhere, they most likely weren't very intelligent or there weren't very many of them. If he was being honest with himself he wasn't sure what to expect; he hoped that if there were any people, he hoped they weren't hostile. After a while of walking Alfor could have sworn that he heard the sound of a baby crying, which seemed impossible since he hadn't found any signs of an indigenous species.
"Hello, is someone there?" Alfor asked out loud in a concerned tone, ready to save anyone who needed him.
Meanwhile, a baby girl was laying underneath a bush, unable to fully comprehend what was happening since she was just a baby; all she understood was that she was alone outside without her parents. When the baby heard a man's voice she started crying so that the man would hear her, knowing enough that it would get his attention. After spending the night underneath the bush the baby felt cold, hungry and her diaper was full. As she cried, Alfor followed the sound until he finally found her laying underneath the bush she'd been placed under. His eyes widened and the baby looked at while whimpering, a few tears rolling down her chubby little cheeks.
"Oh my…" Alfor whispered when he saw an infant laying underneath a bush, immediately reaching out and carefully picking her up; the last thing he expected to find was a baby underneath a bush.
As soon as the baby was picked up and cradled against the man's chest she sniffled as looked at him with curiosity. Since she was so young it didn't register in her mind that the man was a completely different species than she was, all that mattered was that he was cradling her in his arms. As Alfor cradled the baby against his chest he noticed how she was swaddled in a brown animal pelt, most likely by whoever left her underneath the bush. He stood up and had a look around his surroundings, his ears twitching as he listened to see if anyone else was around but he didn't see or hear anyone, meaning that the baby had been abandoned. As the baby was cradled against his chest she just looked up at the man who saved her, finally settling down despite being hungry.
"Don't worry little one, I'll take care of you." Alfor spoke softly as he began walking back to his lion, smiling down at the baby; if he hadn't of found her she could have died or been eaten by an animal.
The baby looked up at Alfor and yawned, suddenly feeling safe and sleepy after he rescued her. Alfor was thankful that some of the supplies he packed in Red's cargo hold were baby supplies; he knew to always pack for any situation, even the ones that didn't seem possible. He already got a whiff of the baby's dirty diaper and knew what he was going to do as soon as he got back to the red lion. He didn't know why the baby had been abandoned but he decided that he was going to adopt her; Melenor would be happy when he returned home and she got back from her diplomatic visit on Nalquod. Alfor decided to mark the strange planet he found the baby on as non-intelligent since there obviously weren't intelligent beings on it; the tiny infant would turn out different though since he and his wife were going to raise her alongside Allura.
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iamvegorott · 3 years ago
Anti grumpy is not fun for anyone XD
Wilford*kicks down the door to darks office*
Wilford: what did you do?
Dark: what?
Dark: what?!
Wilford: what did you do to piss off anti?
Dark: he got a little less sleep last night, why? What’s wrong?
Wilford: dark I love you, your my oldest friend and practically a brother, but if you don’t go get your grumpy cat of a boyfriend I will send him and you down a pink wormhole
"I will yeet you to a different dimension if you don't get to cuddling"
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alicec-666 · 3 years ago
"Wormhole in the bed of roses"
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"The worants (half worm, half ants) are actually rather peaceful cretures: they feast on leaves, grass, seldom species of fruirries, such as appberry, bluerange or pinegrape. Sometimes they feast on the young too, but those times occur rather rarely in nature... Unless something is threatening them or their babies smell worse than usual. At any rate, only one in ten of those is lucky enough to grow into a complete adult and if they are by chance to find themselves a way to mating with their Queen, which is much rarer than you'd think, then the survival baby cycle starts again..."
(I was really bored so made this... Whatever this is XD Hope that Worants weren't anyone's idea just yet lol)
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astrodances · 4 years ago
So you said that Drake and Gosalyn are basically Bajorans so what are there faith to the Prophets or your Versions of the Prophets in your au
Linking to the original Drake + Gos answer for easy reference
(This is gonna get convoluted but in the best way, because I love Bajoran spirituality and all the world-building, inspiration, and lore it brought to DS9, and the way that the show addressed both science and religion as having shades of gray.)
So, when I was writing the original answer that I linked above, I did think of some stuff regarding Canardian religion that I think I forgot, unfortunately, but part of it was about how Drake is very much a man of faith in this AU, and that stems directly from his love, his worship, of Darkwing Duck (from the character himself to (especially later) the principles that make him up) in DT17, and how it influences and guides his life. I'm not trying to equate a religion to a character, or to philosophize or anything like that, but what I am saying is that Drake has a propensity for faith.
And so at first, Drake is like any other Canardian during the occupation, relying on his faith in the Prophets for hope and strength, for his people to survive. He grew up with it, and also grew up wanting to become a resistance member as soon as he could, and he did. But as the fight goes on, he feels that he has to do something more, something to make a difference and throw the occupying force off their game, and from that thought he develops the Darkwing Duck persona.
And it works. Darkwing inspires others to rise in the fight and becomes a symbol of the Canardians' will to keep getting back up (there was always something about him, even just as Drake, some extra strength and courage, that made him stand out from the rest), eventually leading them to victory. He meets, saves, and adopts Gosalyn as a partner and a daughter, and Drake feels like he's fulfilling the path the Prophets have laid out for him, his destiny.
Little does he know how right he is.
As things settle after the occupation and Drake and Gos move to DS87, Drake gets the chance to have an orb experience with the Orb of Prophecy and Change, and from there he travels into the wormhole and meets the Prophets. (Basically, a parallel to that part of events for Sisko from DS9's premiere - although whether the wormhole has already been discovered yet in this AU, depending on Della's arc, is yet to be decided.) And what does he learn?
That he's the Emissary of the Prophets ("The Darkwing"), the destined protector of his people on Canard and DS87.
About Gos and faith: when Drake first meets her, her faith is very much shaken, as she's young and just lost her grandfather. She's probably wondering why the Prophets would let this happen to a man who believed in them more than anyone she's ever seen until then, who taught her everything she knows. It takes time (and he never pushes), but Drake helps her regain her confidence in the Prophets, and helps her honor and mourn her grandfather according to custom. And as Gos sees how Drake goes through his own journey in becoming the Emissary, she has some of her own revelations regarding faith, and her spirit mends.
A quick note about Launchpad, for when he moves to the station and joins the Mallard family: he might see the Prophets more as wormhole aliens than gods, at least at first, but he understands Drake and Gos' faith, being Jewish himself (and having that same propensity for faith as Drake does regarding his love for DWD in DT17), and I think that'll be one of the things that draws them all together. Or as Kira puts it in one of my favorite DS9 quotes: "That's the thing about faith...if you don't have it, you can't understand it. If you do, no explanation is necessary."
As for the Prophets themselves, I mean, I guess they physically behave the same as DS9's versions? Like, they're those wispy non-corporeal lifeforms at their core, but when they interact with others in visions or in the wormhole, they appear as people that person knows (so in Drake's case, the Prophets might appear as Gos, LP, Commander Owlson, Louie, Goldie, etc.).
A couple other thoughts about Canardian faith...
I mentioned before the possibility of Taurus Bulba being the equivalent of Kai Winn (So Kai Bulba). Just want to confirm that, and going along with that...
Negaduck is the equivalent of Gul Dukat, but with some twists. (Here's something for the mind: NegaDukat. XD) Been thinking a lot about him tonight for the AU, and his role just made even more sense after I realized that Drake would be the Emissary. So, Negaduck would lead the occupation of Canard, and Darkwing would defeat him, and later on, Negaduck would release the Pah-wraiths and let them possess him in an attempt to destroy Darkwing and Canard. Standard Dukat parallel with that spice of Negaduck destruction.
But here's where I shake things up.
At some point (probably during the Pah-wraith situation), Negaduck would face off against DW and lie to him, saying something like, "The Prophets sent me. This is what they want for Canard! The Pah-wraiths are the true Prophets!" Maybe he even makes some claim to being the Emissary. And DW's able to prove all of those as lies, but there's one thing that he can't disprove: Negaduck did come through the wormhole, years ago, before he went on to lead the occupation (which is another distinction from Dukat, that he's not of the AU's equivalent of the Cardassians, just their leader - which gives more support to the Fearsome Five being the occupying force).
So if not the Prophets, where did Negaduck come from? He has all this evidence pointing to his own mysterious origin point, and openly flaunts it (but stubbornly doesn't provide answers), but Team DW can't find anything. (And no, he's not from the Gamma Quadrant.)
No, Negaduck is from...*drum roll*...the mirror universe! And he got to the prime universe much like how Kira and Bashir did in "Crossover", by going through the wormhole.
So, drawing more on DW91 than DT17, Negaduck is the mirror version of Darkwing Duck, and is from the mirror Canard (and so on and so forth, bringing in some Negaverse lore into it). In many ways, the lies above probably hold more truth than I was letting on, but not for this universe. Negaduck is probably the mirror Emissary of the Pah-wraiths, and it was them who sent him through the wormhole and between dimensions, filling his head with "plans" for the occupation of prime Canard (which was probably just a part of a larger plan to infiltrate the prime wormhole and take that over from the Prophets).
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dawnrider · 4 years ago
*cracks knuckles* Now that the list is out... The Show Must Go On and Through the Wormhole which I am REALLY hoping is a farscape reference!!!
Hello @ruddcatha!  
I teased about The Show Must Go On a long time ago, and @alerialblu actually sketched some potential art for it at the time. It’s a Cirque du Soleil inspired fic where Inuyasha and Kikyo are aerial art partners... but something happens and Inuyasha has to figure out how to be a performer on his own, or finally accept a new partner, which he is NOT ready to do.  But in bops Kagome and flips his head around... like ya do.  XD 
This didn’t feel right.  Something was off and she could feel it.  Just there above his shoulder blade.  “Inuyasha, you missed a spot,” she whispered to her partner, noticing his anxious twitching as she ran her hand down his spine to gain his attention.  He glanced back at her as she stood waiting behind him, his long silver hair trailing behind his head in a tight braid.  “I’ll get it.”  Chalking her hand she smeared the white powder on the spot he had missed in pre-show then tidied it so that no one would be able to tell that it was indeed chalk and not just her partner’s pale skin.  They could ill afford a mistake like that at a time like this.  Kikyou was nervous.  This was their last show for this run and it wouldn’t do to screw it up.  But that wasn’t why she was nervous.  Something was tugging at her brain and her heart, making it flutter uncomfortably in her chest.
The pair watched Rin on her pedestal center stage.  Her tiny form performed gravity defying acts of flexibility and poise as she balanced on one hand, occasionally switching to the other on a small block more than five feet off the ground.  Splits, bends and combinations of both, all while in a one-handed handstand, showed her strengths as a contortionist.  The crowd was filled with awe and applause permeated the air.  How could anyone not be astounded at the pure talent the young woman displayed?  The funny thing was people thought her to be fifteen years old at most, adding to the amazement of the spectators that someone so young could be so talented.  Unfortunately for the crowd, Rin Hiragawa was twenty-seven years old and one of the older members in the company.  No one set out to correct their assumptions.  Why destroy the magic?
And for Through the Wormhole, you are absolutely spot on!  That is exactly what that is.  It’s mostly @lemonlushff’s fault.  Ironically, almost everyone is gender flipped, simply because the personalities worked better that way. Kagome as John, Inuyasha as Aeryn, Sango is D’Argo... I’m up in the air about Miroku as Chiana or Zhaan. Kikyo as Crais...
“Hey!  You can’t leave me in here with him!”  Kagome insistently slapped her palm against the cell grate.  “You’ve known me longer than this guy!  C’mon!”
“Yes, but you’re a Peacekeeper, just like him.”
“The He…  I don’t even know what that is!”
The woman she had begun to call Amazon in her head, for lack of an actual name, snarled as she slammed her fist near where Kagome’s face was.  “Don’t bother lying, Peacekeeper.”  She backed away from the door.  “If you’re a traitor to them, you’re probably dead anyway.  Good luck!”  Her tone was gleefully snide and Kagome didn’t like it a bit.
The man in the dark red flight suit behind her, and she only assumed male based on build, jerked into wakefulness and tugged off his helmet in a rush, gasping for breath.  He was almost more bizarre than the others she had encountered so far, including the green tinged man with spots and the tiny floating wrinkle that spoke with an imperiously rude tone.  “You’re human.”
“What?” he growled, even as his eyes surveyed the room, clearly identifying weakness and trying to find a way out.  This was a man bred for battle, there was no doubt in her mind about that now… but he was human!  “You.  Name, rank, and company.”
“No, I…”
“Name, rank, and company,” he shouted, so suddenly in her space that she hadn’t the time to avoid his grasp on her shirt collar, nearly hauling her off her feet.  “K-Kagome Higurashi and… I don’t have a rank or company!  I’m a scientist!”
His perfectly white teeth glinted at her in the spotlights overhead as he snarled at her.
“A Tech?  Of course.  You’re too scrawny to be infantry.”  He dropped her none too gently and turned his back for a moment, again analyzing their - currently shared - cell.  “Were you the one in that ancient-looking pod?”
“Ancient?” Kagome sputtered, still trying to regain her standing balance after being dumped on her ass.  “That’s cutting edge science…”
“Keh.  ‘Course it is.  What backward planet do you come from again?”
“Earth.  It’s called Earth.  Where…”
“Never heard of it,” he interrupted without turning around.  “They took you in for what?  Hostage negotiation?  You’re not one of us and Peacekeepers don’t negotiate with escaped prisoners…”
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thenexusofsouls · 2 months ago
Headcanons: A Note on How Languages Will Work for Zhaan
{i am the caretaker of souls} So... language is going to be a problem for Zhaan on this blog. Bear with me as I find suitable fudges and workarounds for the fact that she is likely to understand everyone she encounters, regardless of where they're from, but no one on Earth should be able to understand her, haha. After giving it some thought, I think I've got it worked out... to the best I can with the given mechanics of languages in Zhaan's world or universe or whatever you wanna call it. I just want to explain a bit about how languages are supposed to work in her world, and then how I'm going to say it's working anytime she's on Earth or is encountering someone from outside the Farscape universe. That way, for whoever wants to write their muse with her, you'll have an idea of what's going on in the background, if that matters to you, heh. Trigger warnings ahead for some minor medical language and brief mention of injections.
Okay, so... the way languages work in Zhaan's world is fairly simple and convenient IC, but a bit confusing OOC. There are a seemingly infinite number of galaxies, planets, races, and communities that contain beings with their own languages or forms of communication. This makes things pretty messy when trying to meet and greet, engage in negotiations, have peace talks, or even just communication in a basic fashion if one stops on a planet for food, fuel, etc. So in her world, the majority of "people" or higher sentient creatures that possess brains in some fashion or another are injected at birth with "translator microbes." These microbes colonize the base of the brain and change some of the brain chemistry to be able to understand all spoken languages. One injection and boom, you've got a lifetime of being able to understand all languages. And anyone else who has been infected with these microbes will also be able to understand you.
It's a little confusing as to what's actually happening, because on the show, 99% of the time, we just hear American or Australian English being spoken. It's rare that we actually get to hear the native tongues of each of Moya's crew or even those of people from various planets. What's actually happening... is that everybody is speaking their own native tongue, with the exception of I guess if they learn new words that don't exist in their own language. For the most part, though, they're each speaking their own languages, it's only that everyone around them who's been infected with the translator microbes hears their own native language instead. In other words, Zhaan speaks Delvian, but everyone around her hears whatever language they speak. Then when they speak back to her in their native tongue, she hears and understands Delvian.
This is pretty universal in the Farscape universe, to the extent that when John Crichton first boards Moya after being chucked through a wormhole, he doesn't understand what Zhaan or D'argo or anybody else is saying, and they don't understand him. But very quickly, he's injected in his ankle with translator microbes by one of several DRDs (Diagnostic Repair Drones) that work aboard Moya, and suddenly everybody can understand everybody else. (We just won't talk about the fact that no microbe can colonize anywhere on or in the body in mere seconds, heh. I guess these are just... beefy space microbes? That grow super fast? Sure. Let's go with that. XD) The others on Moya do point out, though, that it's extremely odd that Crichton was not colonized with these microbes at birth, so it's understood that, in this universe, this is a very common thing that's done as soon as a child is born. These are the DRDs... They're kindof cute:
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So that's how Farscape gets around having such amazing racial and cultural diversity without having to constantly wrestle with language barriers all the time, heh. The problem with this for Zhaan on this blog, is that I'm guessing most if not all of her threads are going to be on Earth, just because of the nature of most people's muses. Well... no one on Earth knows about or has been colonized by translator microbes. That means... Zhaan will be able to understand everyone, but absolutely no one on Earth should be able to understand her. As you can imagine, this presents some issues for me as a writer, haha.
I think what I'm going to do... is say okay yeah, she can understand everyone else, but then also because she's a decent amount old (812 years), maybe her translator microbes are such an established and old colony themselves that they now convey the ability for her to speak back the language that is currently being spoken to her. That kindof gets around the whole language issues. So she feels like she's speaking Delvian, but her language is actually changing based on who she's speaking to. It's not the best or cleanest fudge, but it's what I've come up with thus far, heh.
You may also see her muse on the fact that she understands various dialects of "English" on Earth, and she chalks that up to it being a language the translator microbes have encountered before. This is true, because she's been engaging in conversation for some time with John Crichton, who speaks American English. So that's just her trying to wrap her own head around how she can understand and be understood by Earthlings/humans if she's never been on Earth before.
There is also the issue of her accent when she speaks English. The only English she's ever heard is American, so why does she have an Australian accent when speaking? I mean, the OOC answer is that Virginia Hey is Australian and Farscape was an Australian-American show, heh. But that doesn't hold water as an IC explanation. So... the best I can think of is that she's also spent a lot of time around Aeryn, who also speaks Australian English? I don't remember whether the Peacekeepers had their own separate language, or whether Australian English was just it, but I haven't heard another one so far as I've been randomly binging parts of the show here and there. So I guess, Zhaan picked the accent up from Aeryn, or from other Peacekeepers she met before that, since she spent three cycles incarcerated by them?
[ UPDATE ] I got caught up on re-watching some more episodes and yeah, the Peacekeepers do have their own language like everyone else. So... I guess it's just... that the show is an Australian production, heh, as far as why Zhaan has an Australian accent. I guess I'll just have to deal with the explanation for that as it comes up, if it ever comes up in threads, haha.
*shrugs* That's the best I can do to sort out the issue of languages with Zhaan. If any of your muses end up on Moya, they can also be injected by translator microbes (I'd ask first, I wouldn't just do that to your muse, heh), and then they could have the benefit of understanding any language, but on Earth, this is the best fudge I can think of, heh.
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t-rina · 4 years ago
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Star Trek Enterprise Rewatch:
3x21 E²
Synopsis: On the way to a subspace corridor the Enterprise gets help from the past
Ash’s rating: Rating: 4/7
Is that T’Pol???? But old???
T’Pol meditating :)
And she gets interrupted 
By Trip
Who wants a neuro pressure session 
She doesn’t want to do that anymore
He is worried about her ;-;
She has been avoiding him since they slept together xD
Why is his face dirty btw?
T’Pol, darling, you are not fine
Ooh they encountered alien ships
Right they have to go through that part of space to get to the Xindi council
Xindi are not happy with Degra
Omg, another NX class ship in the Expanse?
It’s another Enterprise?
There are Vulcans on board 
Both enterprises look so beaten up ;-;
If Enterprise enters the subspace corridor they are going to be thrown 170 years into the past
Oohhh cool
Enterprise became a generational ship, they wanted to prevent the Xindi from launching the first attack on Earth… but that’s contaminating the timeline
Oh damn, Lorian is T’Pol’s son
The didn’t destroy the Xindi probe, obviously, or the new Enterprise wouldn’t be there
They want to modify Enterprise to reach Degra in time and to stop the second probe
Soooo Humans and Vulcans are able to reproduce 
Trip is Lorian’s father 
Isn’t it a bit indiscreet to just blurt that out like that?
Lorian has humour xD
Eeehhhh the other Trip died when Lorian was 14
aahhhh Archer meets old T’Pol!!!!
She shows almost affection 😭
She immediately asks about Trip 😭
Hoshi doesn’t want to know with whom she got together xD
Malcolm didn’t end up with anyone :/
Are you telling me there is not a singly gay guy on Enterprise and all the people the encountered?
Okay so if Enterprise goes through the corridor the whole mission will fail
Wait Lorian, what are you going to do?
His ears don’t look so good tbh, not as real as T’Pol’s
It’s really weird that Trip talks about what happened to him and T’Pol in the other life
They are bickering xD
T’Pol is getting really defensive here
Aaaaand he shot Trip
Enterprise shooting at Enterprise 😭r 
Archer wants to work together with Lorian :)
T’Pol is paying T’Pol a visit:)
T’Pol will never fully recover from her addiction. She will always have emotions now.
She should follow her heart? That’s so unvulcany!
They are entering the corridor!
I like Hoshi’s new hairstyle btw
Old enterprise saved new Enterprise
Oh boi ship damaged
Awwww old Enterprise sacrifices itself for new enterprise 😭😭😭
That looks like a freaking wormhole
Wait is it a wormhole?
They made it through the corridor and they are in the right time
Other Enterprise is not coming :/
Arrrghhhhh freaking time travel paradoxes
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