yellowbrickramble · 1 month
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Obviously, Dorothy didn't wear the exact same dress for her entire stay in Oz. She was there for roughly two months!
Nonestica is often the name given to the continent where Oz is located. A map first appeared in the 8th book, Tik-Tok of Oz. Many of the surrounding countries are from some of Baum's other non-Oz books. For instance, the forest of Burzee on the lower left is from The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus.
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Now, this is a low resolution image, but if you're very clever, you may not have needed to read the compass rose to notice that east and west are reversed. Even people who have only ever seen the 1939 movie know the witch of the EAST enslaved the Munchkins and the witch of the WEST enslaved the Winkies.
Dick Martin and James Hoff later came up with an expanded version of the map that "corrected" the directions:
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A lot of people like this one and I'm not an exception, but it wouldn't hurt to make the surrounding areas a little bigger.
Now, Robert A. Heinlein (yes, that Robert A. Heinlein) once proposed that the compass in the first map is flipped because Oz is on planet with a retrograde rotation. I love that explanation. It's canon to Yellow Brick Ramble.
So, I based the planet of Nonestica on all three of these interpretations with some tweaks of my own. I included a few other continents. One of them is called Tazara. I doubt all the lands on this planet are magical, as Oz is a special land. I did a little math and I'm guessing Oz is roughly 4 times the size of Kansas?
The planet of Earth, on the other hand, is one most of you are familiar with.
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witchesoz · 2 years
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So I borrowed from my local library a book for my studies "Dictionary of imaginary places" (Dictionnaire des lieux imaginaires in French), written by Alberto Manguel and Gianni Guadalupi. And turns out it has a full map of "Oz and the neighboring lands"! I'll try to snap details here and there as it seems this map was drawn specifically for the book and is not found anywhere else.
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jlbilu · 1 year
So I have, or thought I had, this ofc who is Oz-based because apparently there are times (not always!) I'm unable to give them an existence not based on another fictional... work.
God knows why, because I do not. 🤷🏻‍♀️
The thing is- do you know how many canonical books there are about Oz, its surroundings and its inhabitants??
Tons. There are tons of them.
Does it mean I should try read them all- despite I'd mainly look at Maguire's novels?
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ranmagender · 13 days
the idea of numberland is that its not meant to be flatland because flatland is flatland and i think adding extra places to flatland sort of changes the sociopolitics of it which is why numberland and its world is a different universe.
its sort of like wizard of oz, Nonestica (the continent oz is on) aint on earth.
Similarly Formenta (the world where numberland resides) is a new world that funis is exploring
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phantombraxiatel-14 · 7 months
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For Valentine's Day I'm sharing ANOTHER "Nonestican Tales" character. In this case, Princess Ozga an exile from the Rose Kingdom.
In the story, she is described as Ozma's "cousin." She is plucked by a mortal's hands so she was cast out of the Rose Kingdom. Sad as it was, she is able to find love in the end.
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megalodongle · 1 year
I suppose it would be good to post this here to raise awareness before my campaign begins.
W. W. Denslow was only the illustrator for the first Oz book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. John R. Niell was the illustrator for all of the rest of the original 14, plus for the continuation by Ruth Plumly Thompson, after Lyman Frank Baum's death in 1920. Those illustrations, when obtained from a non-copyrighted source such as Gutenberg.org, are in the public domain.
Those books that you buy or even obtain for free on Google Play, iTunes or Kindle are not necessarily a right source to obtain content in the public domain for use in your own works, because they may have copyrighted their publication of it. It really does matter where you get them from.
Content from L. Frank Baum's other non-Oz books, such as Queen Zixi of Ix, The Magical Monarch of Mo, The Sea Fairies, Sky Island, The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, and John Dough and the Cherub are set in the same fictional universe and that content is also included in 5e Adventures in Oz.
Nonestica is the name of the fictional continent that contains all of these, including Oz.
List of Oz books - Wikipedia
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mardababa · 2 years
Also I swear at some point in the late 2000s/early 2010s I came across someone's amazing website full of their own world building for Nonestica/the Oz world and I could swear they had written a book/novel or something about the tin woodman still alive in the far flung future going on new adventures but. I have never. Found this again and I can't seem to find anything about it at all. Like did I stumble on someone's elaborate fanfic project or ???
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lillifaba · 3 years
Incoming nonsensical and incoherent speculation about Gregory Maguire’s upcoming Wicked spinoff series The Brides of Maracoor:
I’m kind of excited for The Brides of Maracoor to come out but I’m also a little skeptical to see if its necessary, especially since it’s a trilogy. I know some people complained about the way Out of Oz was left so open ended so maybe this will fix that in a way.
I’m also wondering if the island of Maracoor is in some way a part of the Nonestica/Imagination continent and islands that’s been used in LFB’s universe as well as other works. For his own map Maguire renamed Phunnyland to Fliaan and Quok to Quox. At the end of Out of Oz (spoilers) Rain flies past the Deadly Desert and past Ev and apparently other locations until she reaches the sea (if you’re familiar with the map of Oz outside of the ones from Maguire’s book and musical, you’ll know the outside of the Oz continent is HUGE) Then again, Maracoor can just be a land Maguire made up. Just from the cover and the plot of the story, I’m getting some Greek mythology vibes as well (specifically Lesbos Island hell yeah) 
In my opinion after doing some research on Oz lore, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that Maguire is getting some of his root inspiration from Coregos Island, which is an island featured in LFB’s Rinkitink in Oz:
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(for context, Coregos and Regos are joint islands whose rulers attack and conquer another island called Pinagree. This is Maguire after all so he’s going to add more complexity to these situations)
Obviously there are huge differences between what Maguire has and Rinkitink in Oz. I’m up for discussion but keep in mind I’m just speculating and my theories are just my ideas and I’ll probably be proven wrong once October comes so don’t take this post too seriously lol 
I also wrote this at one in the morning so I’m all over the place like this image lmao x,D
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nonesticacrossing · 4 years
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Thank you for answering my question!! It was super helpful indeed. I think it'd be fun to play around with the concept of Nonestica in your Wicked fics if you decide to explore it later on! By the way, are you excited for The Brides of Maracoor to come out? It's the Wicked spin off series Maguire is writing ;)
You're welcome, I'm glad it was helpful!
I hadn't heard of The Brides of Maracoor until this second, but I can't imagine I'll read it, no.
To be honest, I don't enjoy the Wicked book series. I read Wicked after I first saw the musical, and then struggled through Son of a Witch, and then stopped. I've tried to re-read Wicked a few times over the past decade since, to give it another chance, but I've never made it past Elphaba going to the Wizard.
I'm not sure whether it's just that I can't connect with it because I saw the musical first, or if I just don't gel with Maguire's writing style (I suspect the latter, because I've tried to read some of his other works without luck either 🤷‍♀️) but it isn't for me.
But at least he's in good company- I've never managed to read more than a few chapters of Wuthering Heights either 😅
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Yukuhu Fork!
So, this little boyo right here is a fork- literally; he’s for stabbing food and putting it into your mouth. He, while alive, did not evolve naturally- rather he’s an artifact leftover by one of the cultures of Nonestica- the ancient and fearsome Yukuhu, who had mastered strange magics that allowed them control over the biology of creatures around them. In their day they were one of a handful of obscenely powerful bronze age empires on the continent, but they eventually fell to somewhat mysterious circumstances that caused internal strife. Now few of their species remain- those most powerful Yukuhu who had so mastered their biomantic arts that they could live as long as they choose without melting into a puddle of cancer. Each of the names of these few remaining Yukuhu echoes through legend, history, and myth- Reera the Red, a mysterious shapeshifter. Yúp, a fearsome cannibal giantess. Mrowdnas, the Devourer. The Sea Witch. City-Strider. Abraxas the Eyeless.
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jedi-anakin · 6 years
tag games!
tagged by @shirewalker, thank you so much!
I decided not to just pick one, so I picked four and did all of them. Of course you don’t have to do all four, or any if you don’t want to do that. 🙃
tagging @admiralsamilyn, @bellamybalke, @borntosavethedoctor, @jennalouisecolemans, @tonystarkz and anyone who would like to do that
all games under the cut
1st game! Ten Questions Tag Game
What’s the earliest story you remember writing?
It was a Jonas Brothers fanfic. I was twelve.
Which do you prefer to write? Short stories of longer ones?
Long ones. I tried the short ones, but it’s just impossible for me. I put a lot into the world building and the characters and sometimes it takes chapters for me to actually get to the main plot. Also I usually plan ahead pretty early in the story.
Do you think your writing is ready to be seen by the world?
No, dear god, no. I'm very insecure about that, mainly because I was very bad at it in primary school. And I believe it was the thing that made me work it out, but I’m still too insecure to do that.
Which OC would be the best company when writing and which would be the worst?
Hmm. I think the best would be Kenna. She is a writer herself, so she would be pretty helpful.
The worst one would be Bonnie. She is from a story I cannot really put under any genre yet and she is the type of person who doesn’t like to sit around and do something like writing. She would rather be out and protest and fight for her homeland.
Do you have a favourite world you’d give anything to visit?
I would love to visit Narnia, I mean for someone who’s favorite animal was and is a lion, meeting Aslan was goals. Also the Land of Oz. This one is still goals. I love that world so much, the whole Nonestica is just so unique and fascinating.
Any writing rituals? Special place, special time of the day, special medium to write a draft on, etc.
I like to write in the afternoon much better, but the best ideas always comes after 10 pm, so sometimes I found myself still writing at 1 am. My drafts are so messed up, I’m happy if I can manage to get a decent one. Currently I’m planning a story and even though I started writing the first chapter, I found myself planning for four years after the first chapter takes place. Gonna be a looong story.
What’s your favourite genre to read AND to write? 
For reading I like sci-fi and fantasy, but lately I only read non-fiction books. For writing I’m the best drama. I do love to write sci-fi and fantasy, but I always find a big plot/story problem that stops the writing for a certain time. Lately I only wrote drama and it’s actually a lot easier than I suspected. I have two story in that genre and both are turned out to be really great. But I hope I can do some good sci-fi / fantasy too.
Do you have friends that write too?
Sadly, no. My flatmate doesn’t even likes to read. :(
If you could have a writing cottage anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I think in the Alps.
Favourite author and how have they inspired you/your writing.
I don’t remember which author made me write for the first time (I think it was Dan Wells), but then I didn’t write for years. And for the second time, it was actually a fanfiction that made realize that I have to write and I cannot give it up.
2nd game! 5 Things
5 things you’ll find in my bag: keys, calculator, wallet, pen, phone 5 things you’ll find in my room: twelfth doctor funko pop, angry birds plushes, books, surprisingly two plants, star wars calendar (with Rey this month) 5 things that make me happy: my fave webcomic updating every thursday, seeing my dog (or any dog tbh),  the smell of freshly baked cinnamon rolls, seeing the stars, listening to my favorite songs 5 things i’m currently into: giffing/editing, writing, reading, watching, eating 5 things on my to-do list: be less pessismistic, sleep more on weekdays, write something that I’m fully proud of so I can show to my fam, pass my late spring exams, be more confident
3rd game! Get To Know Me
How tall are you? 163 cm / 5'4"
What color are your eyes? Green, blue, brown, grey.
Do you wear contacts and/or glasses? No
Do you wear braces? No, but I had them for 2,5 years
What is your fashion style? Cheap??
When were you born? 11th August, 1997
Do you have any siblings? Nope
What school/college do you go to? Commerce and marketing
What kind of student are you? The tired one
What are your favorite subjects? History, English
What are your favorite movies? Anastasia, Back To The Future, Bedazzled, Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Wars, The Mummy
What are your favorite pastimes? Good old “watching some TV show or film”, writing, reading, playing some phone game which I wouldn’t like to name.
Do you have any regrets? Sure.
What’s your dream job? Never had a specific one.
Would you like to get married? Yeah, sure. It could be fun, with the right person, of course.
Do you want kids? Maybe someday.
How many countries have you visited? 5
Do you have a significant other? No.
4th Game! Another Get To Know
Age - 20
Birthplace - hungary
Current time - 11:38 pm
Drink you had last - tea
Easiest person to talk to - my dog???
Favorite song - how deep is your love
Hogwarts house - slytherin
In Love - with fictional characters, sure
Jealous of people - always
Killed someone - only bugs
Love at first sight or should I walk by you again - first sight, I only walk if I have to
Middle name - I don’t have one
Number of siblings - zero (sometimes my parents call the dog my sister or just mess up our names)
One wish - a calm week
Person you called last - my mom
Question you are always asked - “do you have a boyfriend?” also followed by “still don’t?”
Reason to smile - hello there
Song you sang last - two hearts by phil collins
Time you woke up - 6:50 am
Underwear color - black
Worst habit - thinking people are laughing at me, when they obviously not
X-rays - nope
Your favorite food - cinnamon roll
Zodiac sign - leo
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witchesoz · 3 years
Oz Lore: Battle for Oz (History)
What is quite interesting with this game is that they actually don’t try to explain or reinvent the events of the books written by Baum. All the events surrounding Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz, they happened as Baum wrote them. The game rather tries to explain and expand on what happened before the Wizard arrived in Oz and after Dorothy decided to settle in this land.
The history of Oz began a long, long time ago… at the time, there was a continent in the middle of the future Atlantic Ocean. On this continent, appeared a giant emerald – The Emerald, with capitals. Some think the Emerald fell from the sky, other rather thinks that is rose to the ground from the core of Earth itself. All we know is that the Emerald emitted strange energies, magical energies. Around it plants thrived and grew in abundance, and animals evolved to the point of becoming fully sentient and gaining the ability to speak. This entire continent became a wonderful and magical garden of Eden. A first group of humans came from what would later become Europe, and settled on this continent – that would later become Nonestica. These humans discovered that, near the Emerald, they manifested mysterious arcane abilities, they started to practice magic – after a thousand years, they became an entirely and innately magical race, natural magical conduits. They draw energy from the Emerald, using it to perform magic, and their “mutation” left them with very long lives, an unability to die of sickness or old age. They thrived on the continent, creating magnificent cities, living and acting as if they were gods – in fact they inspired the gods of old. But like all gods, they quickly started to split up in opposing factions, and they fought, in destructive and dreadful magical wars. These wars ended up thanks to a small group of these people, called the Evain. The Evain convinced the other to turn to a simpler and more peaceful lifestyle. They taught them how to live in harmony with the land, the nature and the beasts around them, worshipping the Emerald and the power it gave them. The Evain also taught the other inhabitants of the continent, that quickly became Evains themselves, how to actually draw their power not from the Emerald, but from the land itself – recycling the energy that had been already released by the Emerald and that was now everywhere around them, instead of just taking from this one source. This made the Evains even more powerful than before, but they put this energy to good use, living with a philosophy of peace and acceptance for millennia. Pale, slender, with delicate features and very long ears, the most powerful of them were called “druids”. Things all changed however when a second wave of humans came to Nonestica, humans that thrived, creating kingdoms, built advanced civilizations. The Evains, respecting their philosophy of peace and acceptance, left most of the continent to leave room for these newcomers, retiring in the mountains and the forests. They were less and less heard about, “fading away” only surviving in legends and tales – given that they worshipped the land itself, that they called “Faes” the Evains were remembered as “faeries” and inspired the legends of fairies, elves and other otherworldly beings. However a small fanatic group of Evains, that called themselves the Niaves, refused to go away. They saw these newcomers as desecraters, as a plague to the land, as destructors of nature, as parasites and invaders. The Niaves waged war against these new humans in a holy war, but quickly found themselves outnumbered. They retired into magical strongholds and forts hidden in the wildest or most desolated parts of the continent, and are still staying there. Like the Evains they faded into legends and tales – but they were remember as the “Dark Faeries”, the evil fairies and the monsters of ancient legends. Interestingly, the Niave differ physically from the typical Evain, having dark grey skins and long features, not delicate ones – their only common point is they very long ears. Reclusive, disdainful, contrary to the typical Evain magic or Fae magic that is a basic relying on and using nature, the Niave practice the “scar magic”, a type of magic were spells and rituals are condensed in one specific scar on the magician’s body – it is a magic of blood and pain. If you wonder why the Niave are so different from the Evain, despite being the same “species”, it is because of the Emerald’s power. People who live near the Emerald end up realizing that all their physical traits tend to be wildly exaggerated through time. This is what happened to these newcomers, these new humans that started to change as they stayed near the Emerald: those slightly shorter than the others ended up becoming dwarfs, those that tended to have blond hair started to only give birth to blond-haired children, etc… Quickly, these humans separated themselves into different “tribes”, all with different physics and different cultures (the Emerald also seemed to exaggerate and amplify people’s spiritual and moral traits). Five of these tribes settled in the most fertile and magical lands of Nonestica, the ones directly around the Emerald. They were the tribe of Munch, the tribe of Quad, the tribe of Gillik, the tribe of Wink and the tribe of Pastor – these five were to be known later as the Kinfolks. They will be the main focus of this history class for now The Kinfolks had fought hard to obtain these lands, and they made sure to keep them, fighting both the tribes outside of the Kinfolks, but also the other Kinfolks tribe. The Kinfolks that studied the arcane became Witches and Wizards, the most powerful of them usually ruling over their personal clans or tribes, and setting forth to conquer the others. These in-fighting between the Kinfolks ended up when the clan of Pastor, the Pastorians, gained control of the Emerald, becoming the clan that ruled over the four others. The Pastorians created a loose confederation of kingdoms, one for each tribe, with the Pastorian ruler becoming the “King of Kings” with power over the ruler of the other kingdoms. The Pastorians, studying arcane, discovered that magic could shape The Emerald. The Pastorian witch Lurline, said to be the most powerful Witch that ever existed, used her magic to turn the Emerald into a gigantic one-block city, the Emerald City, in which the Pastorians settled and from where they ruled. The Pastorians lived at ease there, magic fulfilling all of their basic needs – they used their free time to study philosophy and metaphysics. The King Pastoria the Philosopher founded the University of Arts and Athletics to share their knowledge with the rest of the Kinfolks, and he also started to build the Yellow Brick Roads, a system supposed to enhance the commerce, travels and communications between the kingdoms. This glorious era would be remembered as “Pax Pastoria”. It all came down with a Sorcerer. This Sorcerer was part of the court of Pastoria. Ambitious, he assassinated the King and took his crown, naming himself “Ozymandias the Great”. Unsatisfied with merely ruling over this confederation, he launched bloody attacks on the neighboring kingdoms, and actually managed to conquer all of the inhabitants of Nonestica. After such a feat was done, Ozymandias decided to use the land’s magic to conquer the other continents around them. This is when it was decided that Ozymandias madness had to stop. The great Witch Lurline, with faithful companions, thwarted Ozymandias plans by using all of their magic to “remove” Nonestica from the normal Earth. They didn’t really remove the continent, but they merely made it “sink” or “fold” into a fourth dimension, removing it from Earth only on appearance, but still blocking all natural access between Earth and Nonestica. (This event was later reimagined by the ancient Greeks as the myth of Atlantis). Lurline and her forces then defeated Ozymandias, and so no one could abuse of the power of the Emerald she created a magical shield as well as an impenetrable desert around what would be known as the “Lands of Oz”. The daughter of the previous Pastoria, the princess Ozma, became the new ruler of the Pastorians. Lurline’s magical shield also had an anti-aging effect: all the people inside of it stopped aging, and all the babies and teenagers that existed or would be born in Oz stopped aging at the age of twenty-five. But this eternal youth was accompanied by a critical drop in birth rates, most of the Ozians becoming infertile or unable to have more than one child. Some think it was a side-effect of the “anti-aging” spell, others believe it was rather a curse laid by Ozymandias. People, trying to find alternative ways to breathe life in the land, tried different methods: some tried to rise the dead back to life, often resulting into the creation of what would later be known as “Pumpkinheads”. Others rather tried to catch the souls of the dying to put it in new bodies, crafted bodies, what would later be remembered as the “Straw Men”. But these practices often were used for dark and evil purposes, and Ozma put a ban on it. Only one man dared to continue this work in secret: the man known as Jacob the Tinkerer. He was known before as Jacob Ku-Klip, and was the one that saved the Tin Man from death by giving him his new body, but after Ozma’s banning he retired in a secret place, now known as Jacob the Tinkerer. He kept creating people made of patchworks and clockworks, on one side “Clockwork Tik-Toks”, robotic tin-men vulnerable only to water, on the other side “Patchworks” with bodies made from rags, dolls, clothes and straw, vulnerable only to fire. BUT the thing that is unique about these creatures is that their souls were not stolen away from the dead or living beings. They were crafted. Yes Jacob discovered the secret of crafting new, freshly-born souls out of nowhere, and as a result all of his creations are sensible, kind and nice people. Many Wizards sought Jacob but none could find him. He only had one known apprentice, a man named Winderek who could produce wonderful beings of clockworks, but never managed to craft new souls. These clockworks were just good at being slaves or soldiers, never truly alive unlike Jacob’s “children”. Winderek, upset, withdrew in a fortress and is still there to this day. Several centuries after these events, “cracks” began to appear in the magical shield. People arrived from Earth, people called “Outsiders”. They were generally located into specific areas where time and space was somehow “distorted” and then met a violent and brutal natural event, which led them into Oz. The Wizard of Oz arrived, ruling temporarily after Ozma was kidnapped by Mombi the Wicked Witch of the North, but later Glinda saved Ozma and put her back on the throne. Dorothy also came in Oz, from Kansas through a tornado. All the events mentioned in the original books happened, and she also helped repel invasions led by the Gnome King (who lives outside of the desert, on the northern part of the Nonestica). She later married a Gillikin prince named Alain, with which she had a daughter, Amber. Alain and Dorothy fought during the “Last Gnome King War” and Alain died there. Apparently he was buried in a magical and hidden vineyard created specifically by Glinda in the Northern mountains (known as the Dunwood Mountains). A hundred years after Dorothy’s arrival, a new Outsider arrived in Oz: Joseph Thater. He came in Oz after a storm in the Bermuda triangle. He studied the technomancy (the union of science and magic), and studied the secrets of the Emeralds, soon becoming one of the most powerful Wizards of Ozma’s court. However, soon creatures and materials started disappearing all over Oz, and Thater was found out to be responsible for this: it was all part of some ungodly and evil researches. Ozma banished him from her court and he disappeared for several years. He hid among the Yip, a savage and isolationist tribes of blue-skinned men living in the Yip Tableland, at the southwest corner of the Winkie Country. Thater managed to convince the Yips to worship him as their god, and to become his new army – once everything was ready, he got out of his hiding and sent his army to attack and invade the Emerald City. Ozma and Glinda the Good Witch of the South defended the City as hard as they could, but failed: Ozma was imprisoned, and Glinda disappeared mysteriously. Joseph named himself “Ozymandias II, Emperor of Oz” and had all those that opposed him imprisoned. This rise to power came to be remembered as “The Fall”. Ozymandias II conquered three of the four kingdoms, the ones of the Munchkins, the Quadlings and the Winkies. He hasn’t conquered the Gillikin Land yet, for unknown reasons (does he thinks it isn’t worth it? Is he waiting until he built an army adapted to this fight? Or is something or someone preventing him from doing so – maybe even the ancient Witch Lurline back to protect Oz?). Followed the “Realignement” – every leaderships in the conquered lands were given to people faithful and loyal to Ozymandias II, no matter how cruel or incompetent. Ozymandias II became known as the “Wicked Wizard of Oz”, and it is under his rule that the game begins – in an Oz that is now a darker and more dangerous place. The first major “current “power of Oz is of course Ozymandias II, ruling over four fifths of Oz. He is using new generations of “artificial beings” to instill his order of terrors – specially crafted terrifying Straw Men that act as assassins and instill fear everywhere, made up of stitched bodies, animated by the enslaved souls of the dead and guided by soul-stealing crows that follow them everywhere ; and new generations of “Tin Men” that are merely heartless and mindless automatons acting as his soldiers and his policemen, enforcing order everywhere, devoid of individuality or personality. Ozymandias II also uses “Pumpkinheads”. As you may remember, Jack Pumpkinhead was this friend created by Ozma through magic when she was trapped by Mombi as Tippetarius, and after Ozma became queen Jack got his own little farm where he made pumpkins grow – new pumpkins that would replace his current pumpkin head when it is rotten. Well Ozymandias II seized this farm and now uses it for his own nefarious plans – he uses this magical pumpkin field to create undead atrocities called the Pumpkinheads. The recipe is simple: torture a prisoner to death, force on their head one of Jack Pumpkinhead’s old rotten head, bury them in the magical field and wait a bit. They’ll be resurrected as monstrous, rabid undead abominations. The Pumpkinheads, the new Tin Men and Straw Men are all part of Ozymandias II’s army, known as “Oz Corp”, also made up of Winged Monkeys (apparently Ozymandias II got hold of the Golden Cap) and of Dragon-Men (a species that served the Nome King during his wars). The enemies of Ozymandias II are the “Free Forces of Oz”, an opposition power that is building its strength and preparing in the Gillikin Country. These forces are led by Amber Gale, the daughter of Dorothy Gale and the Gillikin prince Alain. Steward of Free Oz, and helped by the Good Witch of the North Skywin Springforth, the only Good Witch left in Oz after Glinda’s disappearance. The Scarecrow, that hates being called a “scarecrow” or a “straw man” due to its association with Ozymandias II evil assassins, now goes by the name of “Solomon Straw” and acts as “intellectual advisor” to the Witch of the North. Nick Chopper, the Tin Man, is still an ally of the Free Forces, but currently imprisoned in Ozymandias palace – he was captured when trying to negotiate a peace treaty with the Wicked Wizard. Toto is still alive, now called Patch – the influence of Oz, as well as a spell put on him by Glinda as a reward for his good services, offered him the ability to talk, and a long life (he is now around a hundred years old). After losing an eye during a battle with the Nome King he became quite grumpy, but he still a faithful friend of Amber Gale, calling her “child” and acting a lot to her like a motherly figure. A final ally is the former Cowardly Lion, now known as Blacktail the Brave, King of all the Beast-Men of Oz: from his kingdom of Lion-Men in the Yma Jungle (Quadling Country) he organizes an entire web and numerous pockets of resistance and rebellion inside the conquered lands of Oz – all of the sentient animals of Oz being now enemies to Ozymandias II. Skywin reversed Ozma’s ban on magic, allowing numerous wizards and witches to join her rank, and very recently the Evain got out of their reclusion to join forces with the Free Oz army, due to their ancient allegiance and friendship with the missing Glinda. A third party to consider is “Lurline’s Aegis”, a fanatical religious order of female priestess that worships Lurline as a goddess and pray for her return to Oz. (In truth they are an order of witch-priestess that protect the body of Lurline as she rests in a very long magical sleep and prepare her return to Oz).
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nonesticacrossing · 5 years
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Somewhere... beyond the sea! Somewhere, waiting for me~
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nonesticacrossing · 4 years
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nonesticacrossing · 4 years
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Huh!? What's this, my long lost twin brother!
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