#worldy ways
beatsforbrothels · 3 months
Archibald Slim - Surviving (ft. Quadry)
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starrysharks · 4 months
In one post you mention that you needed to make designs for wrath and gluttony (if I read it correctly I think they’re supposed to be parts of the assassins) and I was wondering who are the other deadly sins? (If the answer doesn’t contain spoilers that is, if it does then ig I’ll ask who’s your favorite assassin to draw so this ask isn’t mostly useless)
so there are 7 deadly sins in total, all ranked from least to most formidable/powerful/prolific/etc -
7. vivica de la crux aka envy
6. needles of the church (+ pins) aka sloth
5. dice demonné aka greed
4. lunette strikewhite aka pride
3. V.A. angel aka lust
2. gluttony
1. wrath
you'll notice that dice demonné hasn't been mentioned yet until this point! he's not a spoiler unlike the last two assassins (who are between designs, i've even been considering rebooting their concepts entirely or swapping around their ranking). he's one of the more lighthearted assassins so his sin is expressed pretty literally through a casino, where he's the high roller who makes and wins crazy bets and puts people into bankruptcy!
but, by day, he acts as a priest for the church, who has the same people he cheated the night before come to him confessing their sins and asking for forgiveness. he basically says "pay a tithe and god will forgive you" - when they can't pay any longer, he has them killed. usually it's enemies of the organisation who get put in this trap. (or sometimes in the middle of a game, he'll get pissed and have people killed regardless. witnesses are just given hush money.)
he has a cane to defend himself, but doesn't really fight on his own - he has his two sidekicks to fight for him, just like how needles has pins. (ignore how i forgot to draw kimberly's gun.....) they're nuns by day and casino girls at night!
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(and my fav assassin to draw is probably vivica, though i have fun with all of them equally!)
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keepscrollinghun · 1 year
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I would have loved Jesus in his enterity if he didn't bring the eternal suffering in Hell stuff into his story. It just feels soooo tyrannical and imposing. If it wasn't for that, unironically, I would have follow him way more easily.
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boxbug · 11 months
A Canary’s Final Flight
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My piece for @trafficzine 4th edition! Get it for free here! 200 pages of excellent art and fics, incredible work from all participants and from the mods especially!! huge shoutout to the mods for real
Process notes under the cut! (I struggled a lot so it's a bit of a novel)
So the entire process was a Ride. I knew when I picked this prompt that I was going to have a hard time, because Jimmy’s final death had been illustrated a billion times over by extremely talented artists. But I had a Vision of the snapshot of the second before the impact, when everything is still but you know what’s about happen. It was very much inspired by the clip of Fog by Jabberwocky, bu the thing is, they have the advantage of all the build up of the fall, and that’s when the trouble started.
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This was my first version, and obviously it wasn't working. And I was trying so hard, with so many iterations! Small wings, big wings, no wings, different poses, less backgrounds elements. I'd done compositions were everything seemed peaceful but something is Wrong, but it wasn't working this time.
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So instead I focused on what rendering I'd like to do - I tried a painterly approach, for that visceral feeling, but it wasn't working either (but hey, I did keep the red sky, so, progress)
At this point I'd been doing back and forths for weeks and I was just as lost as at the start. Now that's my tip for people who make art of any kind, in situations like that, stop thinking about how you can make the best piece possible, and think about you can have fun with it (because when you aren't it's visible). And for that was, 1 - going back to using ink and pen nibs and doing way too detailed inking, and 2- looking at Dave McKean's covers for Sandman (which, funnily enough, was also a reference for my previous trafficzine piece)
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And from there I was actually going somewhere! Between the jagged rocks, the red sky, and the increased verticality with the borders, I had hit the vibes I wanted.
I did some experimentation with the border, and even though I really liked the bad boys I drew they were taking too much away from the lonely desolation, so I actually used Red (Unecessary Redstone)'s idea of all of Jimmy's worldy's possessions scattered on the ground post impact, with the idea to make it looks like the central image is his grave being dug.
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(and yes for a short amount of time the were supposed to be clock markings on the sun, but there was already enough going with the wings so I scrapped that) (also fun fact the reason why the wings aren't fully material but more ghostly is because my toddler cousin was watching me draw the very first draft and asked why he didn't just use his wings and i went :( so the wings are a metaphor now)
So from there I found a bunch of picture and took some myself, cut and assembled everything together, added shadows in all the appropriate places, and repainted some elements so that everything would look better intergrated (some of the wheats are basically 100% handpainted, the cardboard as well). This took a suprisingly long amount of time, but I was done!
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Well I wasn't expecting to have that much to say, but I hope if you're still reading, it was at least interesting!
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pynkgothicka · 1 year
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Beast Miguel o'Hara
Synopsis - After you sister leaves you to hang with your boss, both his and your lives becoming a waking nightmare
Pairing - Yandere! Miguel o’Hara x Fem! Reader
Featuring - Jessica Drew but the black version cause I luv black women
Tags and Warnings - Stalking, Kidnapping, Violence towards reader
Authors Note - I LUV HIM SM MY GOD. I HADDD TO WRITE SOMETHING. Also I believe this contains slight spoilers??? I think???
A friendly reminder that all my works are dark fanfiction! Please if you do not like that do not read them! This is your final warning before hitting the keep reading button!!
“Jess! Are you sure it's okay that I'm here? I'm not really spider-like.” You followed behind your sister, her afro swinging as she walked. You fiddled with the band she gave you in order to keep you from glitching out.
It was all so casual, and almost everyone greeted her. The architecture was other worldy, almost only to benefit the inhabitants. Speaking of, there was many, too many to count. 2D, 3D, Male, Female, Pigs, Horses, Cats, almost anything imaginable.
While you looked at it all in amazement, they all looked at you, and gave you dirty and worried looks. At least thats what it looked like under their masks.
“Oh Miguel won't like this…”
“I didn't know they allowed just anyone up here?”
“I mean Peter B brings his daughter so I guess it's a pass."
“I just know Miguel doesn't like anything new. He might bare his fangs or something. You know that guy and sacre tactics.”
You shuddered at the way they spoke of this Miguel guy. But you kept following behind Jessica until she came to a huge hatch, in which opened up on her walking up.
“What do you need Jessica, aren't you supposed to be on a mission?”
“I do, but I need you to do a favor!” Jessica yelled, shoving your shoulder to push you ahead. “My sister is visiting from college in my dimension. I need someone to watch over her and I trust you'll do that without letting her get hurt.”
You finally looked up seeing a sharp jawed man looking down at you. His spider suit glew a dark blue with bright red highlights. His brown hair was pushed back, framing his face perfectly. Not only that, but he was huge, built like a giant.
He came down from his workspace, now closer to you than ever. His chest was too your face and you had to look up too look at him. He seemingly almost over analyzed you, eyes trialing up and down your form. “Fine. Just go handle the situation.”
Jessica raised a brow and crossed her arms. “Fine? Just fine? You usually aren't just okay with this type of stuff. You sur-”
“Your questioning my decisions?” Miguel said his stature becoming stiff, seemingly fed up with her constant questioning.
“No… just wondering. Don't have too much fun you two.” Jessica said giving you a small hug before walking off. As the hatch door closed, Miguel's hand went to your back, ushering you to walk with him.
“I'll give you a chair so you can stay within my sight. I don't want to lose you.” You nodded, watching as he turned away from you, going back to his work. A chair was pushed your direction, and when you finally got to sitting down the cushioned seat almost swallowed you whole. You could take a nap if you wanted too, it was just that comfortable. And you almost did, until you were pulled from your rest with a deep voice.
“Did she tell you, or did you piece it together?”
“Jessica. Did you just figure out she was Spider-Woman?”
Miguel's hands just kept working, his focus divided between talking to you and his work. “To be honest, I just figured it out. When I asked her if what I thought was true, she just seemed relieved and told me everything.”
Miguel seemed surprised at this making a strange humming noise. “You two must be very close huh?”
“Yeah. I wouldn't trade the world for the bond me and her share. I'm glad she trusted me enough to tell me about that side of her life. From what she told me, Spiderman doesn't usually tell people about what he does. It's refreshing you know… I'm sorry am I rambling too much?”
“No. Your fine, I'm actually enjoying the company. I'm in here by myself most of the time. It's nice to hear another voice.” You gave him a small smile in which he returned, smirking at you. He stopped working and his screens switched off. “What do you do for fun?”
“Me? Fun? Uhh I don't know. I'm a college student with just about 0 connections. I guess reading?” You finally chased for a reply.
“LYLA get someone to bring me a book from the library. Hell bring two.” Miguel said, finally an AI woman popping up. She teased him a bit before finally having someone bring you two books. Miguel then sat down next too you beginning to open one of the books he brought.
“Your willing to read with me?”
“Yeah. I need to get my mind off of things anyway.”
Once Jessica had picked you up, Miguel felt weird. He knew you were attractive. Like very attractive. But that wasn't normal for him. He usually didn't see attraction in people.
Something else he also knew was that when he was around you he felt comfortable. He had no worries and you took them all away. It was a feeling he could only recall when he was with his “daughter.” He'd let you snuggle up close too him, physical touch being something he hadn't felt in a while.
“LYLA. I need you to pull any information on Jessica Drew's sister. It can be from any dimension, I just need to know everything.” Miguel basically ordered the ai. She popped up in front of him, with that same smug look she always gave when questioning his any of his decisions.
“Why would you need that?! It's not like she's ever going to get bitten by a radioactive spider.” LYLA said bringing up a huge collection of information she'd found on you in a heartbeat. “But hey I'll indulge this. Let's see, she's almost always college student, future looks like a journalist, ooh she's judgemental! And just about always single. Seems like her connection to Jessica Drew is always the sisterly role.”
Miguel fell more and more in love the more LYLA talked. “Send all that too my computer.”
“Gotcha! Hopefully this will help you.” LYLA said dissipating away. Miguel stared at the picture of you on one of the screens.
He had to have you. At any means necessary.
You'd finally saved up for a apartment to where you could stay without the need for dorm mates.
Being a journalism major meant you needed all the focus you could get. And you couldn't find that when around all those people. So you left.
Usually you wrote uplifting pieces for your sister as her and the press don't usually get along well. Even though your pretty sure she knows you wrote majority of her good stories, you also know she'd smile seeing that people appreciated her work.
As you were turned around and began slicing open a box to unpack in your room, a voice boomed from your window. “Hi sweetheart.” From across your room stood a towering Miguel o’Hara. He crawled his way into your room, shutting the window behind him.
“Umm hi Miguel. Are you looking for Jess? She's not here i-” Miguel cut you off.
“I'm not looking for her. I was actually looking for you. I came to talk to you about something.” Miguel started moving closer, slowly stepping towards you. He ducked past your light fixture, finally truly Intimidating you. Something about the way he was coming towards you frightened you. His size almost made it worse.
“Oh. Well of course. You can talk to me about anything.” You trailed off putting your knife to the side, giving Miguel your undivided attention
“I want you to come live with me. At the headquarters. No one has to know. Not even your sister.” He said causally. He was right on you, making you trip and buckle to fall on your bed. You looked up at him, pushing yourself further into the bed.
“That's, crazy Miguel. I can't that, I'm a college student! I don't even know you enough for that!”
"But I know you. I've studied you. Every possibility of you. I know more about you than you know yourself!" You let out a small gasp. This man had been essentially stalking you.
"Miguel. That makes it even worse, the last answer is no. And.... And I need you to go."
“You just don't get it do you?” Miguel's hand hit the wall, claws digging and dragging in the drywall. “I don't think you understand I'm not asking you to do anything. This is me telling you.”
And with that you kicked against him, trying to immobile him at any means possible. You had to find Jessica.
But he grabbed your wrist, trying to drag you to your window. He hoisted you up to his shoulder like you weighed nothing.
“Let go! Let go of me, Jess! Jess please!!” You began to scream out for your sister seeing if maybe, just maybe she was around to help you.
But she wasn't.
No one was.
You started to beat on Miguel's back. He was now out of your window and climbing up the side of your apartment, heading to the roof. “You better stop fighting, this is destiny. Our destiny.” When he finally made it to the roof he put you down and a hexagonal portal appeared as he messed around with his arm band. You began to heave on impact with the hot concrete. Miguel then turned back towards you, watching in amusement as you dragged yourself slowly to get away from him.
“What are you doing?!” Miguel's head snapped as he stared at LYLA who now stood in front of him at full height. “Your pulling the exact same thing you tried before this, before you made the society! Made me!”
"You don't understand. You will never understand."
"I understand more than you will ever know. You need to stop. And you need to stop now!"
You took this as a opening to crawl your way to the nearest side of the building. You could hear Miguel snarl and yell at Layla. But you tried to pay no mind to that as you looked down over the right edge of the building. You saw a metal of the top apartments stairway.
Fuck this would hurt.
Your body hit the metal with a loud bang, the adrenaline wore off as you finally felt all the bruises and gashes you gotten. “Fuck, my god. Jess… Spider-Woman! Plea-” You felt a hand on the back of your neck. Claws dug in to the front, slightly nicking at your neck.
“Where are you going?”
Miguel picked up your body like you weighed nothing. He then carried and slammed you against the nearby wall. When trying to move your hand to tap on the glass pane, Miguel's other hand grabbed at your wrist, immobilizing you. “Miguel please don't do this! Jessica, she's going to look for me I know it jus-”
“Shh My Love… this won't hurt a bit.” Miguel barred his fangs at you opening wide and moving to your neck. And before you could protest he bit deep into it, venom seeping into your veins. You felt woozy, and realized you couldn't move an inch. Just how he wanted you.
“It's all going to be okay Mi Vida. I know exactly what you need... A family. And not just any family. A family with me."
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aristia-pjoheadcanons · 8 months
Percy Jackson is the type...
Percy Jackson is the type of guy that will annoyingly tap his foot against your chair during class, because theyre so long he absolutely has to stretch them out. He’s a very fidgity sort of person, always tapping his foot, tapping a pen, shaking a leg, or moving around in his seat. It can get very distracting! He folds his arms in front of him and hunches and leans forward a tad-bit, and if you turn around to look you just see this intimidating guy with the greenest eyes you have ever seen and you immedietly turn around and rethink what you saw. Sometimes he has the type of effect on people. People will sometimes wonder if they saw a perosn or another worldy-figure from their imagination when he walks past them on the street. And it doesn't help when he disspears from school every now and then. Funnily enough, he doesn't like it when other people type too loudly or "click" too hard when using a computer. But he is fine its him. Percy's body language is a bit dismissive, as if he doesn't want to be approached, but he really doesn't mind when people talk to him its just that he doesnt understand why. Why would anybody need his help? Why would people ask for his opinion? He gives very short answers and he only gives a curt nod in greeting to some classmates. He might not all that imposing on the outside but he does have a very particular presence ... I can't really explain this. Either way, he is also really good with words. He has a wide vocabulary and is sectrely happy when people ask him when you need the definition of a word. He is insightful, he absorbs the world around him. Percy is a very straightforward and practical thinker, and this can sometimes be refreshing to people who have grown tired of excessive social niceties.
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icantspellthings · 2 months
I really like Sage, and the final episode makes me like her even more because it's so nice to see an antagonist who doesn't really hate the protagonist and is just doing evil for the fuck of it. She's literally the smartest person on earth! Of course, she'd be bored just living life normally, but with Homelanders' help, she gets to be evil and manipulative for fun!
She really doesn't any any grudge against The Boys or any particular desire to rule the world she's just having fun, it's like playing battle simulator games but with actual people for her, she's so above all those petty motivations. It elevates her character above that of a mortal because, as god-like as Homelander is, he's too petty, stupid, easily manipulated, and he simply cares too much about the opinions of others. He can't truly be a god because he cares about worldy mortal shit way too much.
In contrast, I'd say Sage is the most God like superhero we've seen so far. Because even though she might not be the strongest with godly powers, she actually IS above the other mortals simply because she doesn't CARE about any of them at all, people are just pawns and little dolls for her to play around and have fun with. And if that isn't god like I don't know what is.
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hot-astrology · 2 months
Herzen (3052)~ Part. 2
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Herzen represents your hearts content and where you vibrate on the frequency of love. This asteroid represents the heart. Today, we'll be going over more prominent aspects/placements in synastry, composite, and the natal chart. In the natal chart, Herzen will show where you vibrate on the frequency of love and where you love the hardest. In synastry, we see where this love is ignited between the two. In composite, if there are prominent placements, then it shows where there is unconditional love within the relationship. Also, adding that this asteroid represents affection and cuddling/hugging. After doing more research, herzen is German and translates into "cuddling, hugging" and, of course, the heart. It is complete affection and can show meaning something from the bottom of your heart.
🪷 This asteroid is even more interesting down to its name, HER-ZEN.
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Herzen in 1h/ conjunct Asc
In the natal chart, this shows that the person is going to rise into the full embodiment of the heart frequency. Throughout their lives, they may be inclined to see how important it is for them to love and experience unconditional love. They will also likely have to understand self-love as well. Others can view them as someone who is pleasant to be around, and to partners, they exude love. They are usually very loving individuals. They attract partners who look for this energy.
In synastry, the 1h person views the herzen person as vibrating at this love frequency. The herzen person can deeply love the 1h person just for being who they are. There can be mutual love between the two.
In composite, this relationship exudes the heart frequency, and everyone sees it, including the couple. They really love and care about each other, and this can be one of the main themes of the relationship.
Herzen conjunct Jupiter
As most of us know, jupiter expands everything it touches. Herzen is the hearts content. Jupiter is also what gives us wisdom & luck, in the natal chart, the native possesses the ability to love largely similar to herzen conjunct Neptune. Herzen conjunct Jupiter can experience different perspectives of love, and over their lifetime, what brings contentment to their heart depends on their beliefs and what part of the world they are in. They can develop a devotion to spirituality or religion and love of God. They are blessed in the area of their hearts' content because no matter what, jupiter will make sure they have plenty. The native can also have a very big heart and love helping others. They have a love of helping humanity and people all over the world.
In synastry, the jupiter person expands the herzens persons ability to love unconditionally. There is a lesson and wisdom, Jupiter is here to bestow upon the herzen person. This of course can go both ways, because while jupiter is very expansive, and in a negative state can be greedy the herzen person can help jupiter control this, and learn to love what they have been blessed with. There is a lot of love between the two, and there could be a difference in their backgrounds and beliefs, but they grow to love that side of each other.
In composite, this relationship has no boundaries when it comes to how much they love each other. The contentment of the heart in this relationship is endless and filled with blessings.
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Herzen conjunct Uranus
Herzen conjunct Uranus Natally shows the native has a unique way of showing unconditional love & affection. Their hearts' content stems from things that make them feel liberated and free. Times that are unique and make dramatic impact on their life. They can teach others to love regardless of worldy class or backgrounds. This is where these natives authenticity, and eccentricity shine. They have a very eccentric way of showing unconditional love. These people can be more detached and not care to show physical affection, but just know they do care and think about others in their every move. They vibrate at the frequency of love when they are true to themselves and the community they surround themselves with. They are a trendsetter for unconditional love.
In synastry we see that the herzen person is likely here to love the more qurkiest parts of the uranus person. They are different, and this brings the herzen person attention to the uranus person. The uranus person is different, and there is something that stands out about them to the Herzen person. With the uranus person, they are also able to love the weirdest parts of the herzen person. This is quite literally otherworldly love. It's unconventional and something a lot of people may raise their eyebrows at.
In composite, the same applies as above. There is an energy of unconventional love within their relationships that both likely strongly feel, and they feel a common goal towards being authentic to their hearts.
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Herzen 4h/Cancer
This placement in the natal chart shows that your heart is content within your home, ancestral lineage, and what is familiar to you. You vibrate on the frequency of love when you are surrounded within your culture, your mother, and close family members. You can love being a parent to your children or being surrounded by nostalgic memories.
In synastry, there is likely some history between these two, since 4h rules nostalgia this feeling exists especially on behalf of the 4h person. The herzen person is content with this feeling of nostalgia. The herzen person feels love when they are surrounded by memories of the 4h person, or get to know the more emotional side, and the foundation of the 4h person.
In the composite chart, this can show a shared love for the deepest parts of the other, if they do have a family it's likely to be filled with the frequency of love, and they enjoy nurturing & caring for each other this is where their relationship is the most content. They can also be very physically affectionate to one another. Since angular houses are very important in the composite, this can show that this is the base/foundation of this relationship because the 4th house is our roots.
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Stay tuned for part. 3, making this into a series. To make it easier! Also, it's so hard to put into human words how UNCONDITIONAL love can be expressed to someone it's quite literally the energy of God, and not a lot of people can grasp or handle that. so as you read this, just feel the energy and transmute my words into a feeling. Because love is in everything. 🌙
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𝐵𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝐴 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 |🫦| Masterlist
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sakurology · 4 months
sinister ♡ suo hayato
+ virgin!freader. smutty, aged up as always- mid 20s, NOT OOC (y'all don't know him like I do), suo has a thing for virgins, implied virginity loss, implied trophy taking, kind of implied manipulation, but I did write in condom use so be very proud of me
daisy says: this has been rattling in my brain's little cage ever since I saw him- I had to get it out. I have lived long enough to see myself become the villain (I need him so bad and no longer wish to live in denial).
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He was nice. He was charming. He was respectful. Those are the three characteristics you could always use to describe Hayato Suo. Or you could say enigmatic, worldy, kind of a flirt... It’s also not a bad choice to add ‘Smells like Bleu de Chanel in the spring and Tuscan Leather in the winter.’ The fact of the matter is, he was a chameleon, the perfect definition of adaptable. And that’s what made him so sinister. 
The first few dates were great. A lavish dinner or two with great wine and a well of conversation that seemed to never run dry. On your third night out, there was even a little nightcap at a late-night teahouse that served as a speakeasy after hours. But, ever the gentleman, he would drive you home, walk you to your door, and gently peck you on the cheek. 
“I had fun tonight,” he would hum the words low and into your ear, interlacing his fingers as he looked over you, his frame casting a shadow in the doorway. 
“You can come in if you want…” Your voice was soft, timid. 
“It’s late, but maybe… if we… go on another date?”
He raised an eyebrow, placing a kiss to your hand, then one to your lips. 
“I’d like that,” you smiled. 
As he let go of your hand, he shot a glance back your way. His eyes had a way of seeing right through you. You could never forget that gaze. There was something in it, something you could never quite put your finger on. 
That next date came. It came and went and once again there you stood, his frame once again towering over you on your doorstep.
“You can come in if you want.” It rang out of you like every other time before. But call it a change in the wind, call it the stars aligning, call it what you want- this was different. 
“Would you like for me to come in, Y/N?” It was sticky sweet but equally coated in a spicier innuendo.
“I thought you’d never ask.” 
Another thing about Hayato Suo you could now add to your list- he was a good- no,  an amazing kisser. It was as if he studied your every move before you could make one; the way his lips ebbed, the way his tongue slid against yours, he could knock the wind out of you and give you the jaws of life simultaneously. Your mouths hit one another’s and moved in complete sync as he pushed you through the threshold of the softlit apartment. Your teeth briefly clattered together as you discarded your purse and jacket, keys falling to the floor of the entryway as you never once broke or separated yourself from each other. The tension built between your bodies over the past month or so of barely-there encounters was apparent and falling away just like every piece of clothing between you that was being strewn about the hallways leading to your bedroom. 
You started to come to your senses as your head hit your mattress, leaving you to gaze up at him longingly, staring with widened eyes while he worked at the buttons on his shirt. You bit your lip, scooting back and pressing your thighs together. Here you were, practically naked, save your matching bra and panty set- in front of a guy. Granted, he wasn’t just any guy- but the fact of the matter stood- you’d never been here before, never this close to the opposite sex, let alone- having sex. You wanted to, of course, but you had no idea what you were doing or even what to expect. 
“Wait I- ahhh- mhm, Hay-” he cut you off. 
“I’ve told you,” he laughed.  “It's okay to call me Suo.” His lips stayed pressed at your neck, slowly detaching as he craned his own neck to look you in the eyes. 
“You shouldn’t be so formal with me, Y/N, especially not now.”
“I’ve never- I…” the words got caught in your throat. 
“You’ve never done this before,” he finished for you. 
“I know. Don’t worry I’ve got you.”
How did he know? Not important- There it was again. That look. The look into you that bored right through your body. The liminal space between you was filled by barely there touches and feathering kisses down your neck, chest, and stomach. He worked his way down, stopping just between your thighs now, the heat present near your core practically calling him in. Carefully nipping at your hips, Suo caught the thin band of your underwear between his perfect teeth, tugging you out of them before tucking them in his back pocket- his new prize safely locked away. The sting of his cold hands titillated the skin at your thighs. Slowly, he ran his hands down to your knees, parting them to reveal your already glistening slit. He licked his lips as you shuddered in anticipation.
It felt as though he was barely there, fingers lazily lingering inside you, slowly inching toward the spot you needed them the most, but with no release in sight. the teasing sensation of them moving at all leaving you trying to rut yourself into him further. You weren’t strong enough for him, even with one hand. 
 “How badly do you want it, baby, hm?”
He wiped the side of your mouth, lolled open with drool from your dizzied state. He added a third digit to your already messy, helplessly needy hole, your walls immediately tightening in response. He was deadly as a nightshade- and you were just another flower growing in his garden, petals bright pink and ready to be picked. The quivering in your lip told him all he really needed to know, and still, he kept stringing it out, keeping you there on the brink of explosion.
“Just say you want me to fuck you and I'll do it. Say it now."
“W-want you to fuck me, please, I wan’ you to…” Your words trailed off yet again as you reached toward him, quickly pulling him down to loom over you. You had never seen him like this, but you wanted him to stay there forever. He moaned into your mouth, swatting your hands away to fumble around in his pockets for the condom he put there before leaving tonight. 
You’ll never know, but he planned it this way. He was always going to be your first… he knew that, but you didn’t- you didn’t need to. 
Sinister, indeed. 
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shini--chan · 6 months
Personal pet peeve of mine: Reading a yandere story with a historical setting with the yandere reducing the target of their obsession to just sitting around all day when they are not being subjected to "affections" and it being written that way for "historical accuracy".
I mean, yeah, there were gender roles in the past, but those gender roles didn't feature women being completely reduced to fleshlights with no other purpose. That was a job and it was called prostitute or concubine, and many women didn't do it willingly. Even high society women had a lot of tasks.
Being into historical re-enactment really showed me that it didn't matter if you were a man or a woman, or even just a child; you really didn't have much time to be idle. Asides, idlness was/is frowned upon in many religions and cultures.
C'mon, even the thing with societal norms is that a great part of society didn't adhere to them 'cause it just wasn't feasible. The attitude went along the lines of: "Nice morals you got there. We're just gonna throw a few out 'cause else we're not gonna survive. Mary, go get ye scythe now, the wheat's not gonna reap itself." And high society geneally didn't really practise what it preached because it was commonly too interested in debauchery.
People didn't get married for shits and giggles either. The single lifestyle only really worked when you either inheired a lot/had relatives paying for you or that you were living under your employers roof and all your worldy possessions fitted in one bag. Or you just lived with your family until you kicked the bucket. I mean, the armour and weapons a knight had were often provided by their liege lord and a priest's housing belonged to the Church.
Also, the trope of arranged marriages is a bit overused at this point. How about more stories about both parties hating each other's guts, or the woman loving the idea of marrying her intended but the man wanting to run for the hills? The woman baby-trapping the man perhaps? Because all of that existed to!
Don't get me started on fashion. Corset =/= patriarchy. You don't see the women in Jane Austen or Mary Shelley novels complaining about corsets and burning them, so let it rest. Really, that trope of corsets being a torture device comes from men making fun of woman's fashion and actresses with illfitting periode costumes. Corsets were more comfortable than stays and only really went out of fashion due to women needing more flexability due to bicycles. Ya really think ladies removed ribs, in a period where there weren't antibiotics and doctors went from cutting up corpses to treating patients without washing their hands inbetween? Common sense, where are you?
Asides, the clothing having to be chaste and covering certain parts applied to everybody. Breeches went out of fashion because people thought women would become arroused by men's exposed calves. Such standards didn't only apply to the Victorians, mind you.
I'll stop here, else this will be ten pages long. You also get the gist of it. Over and out.
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spdrvyn · 1 year
anxiety & arachnids — MIGUEL O'HARA
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(( this is going to be a lengthier one than my usual one-shots / snippets / fics / whatever you wanna call them since it has more plot !!! what is the plot? read the fic and find out motherfucker !!!!!! this is also mostly spoiler-free as per usual i think ))
The intensity of your job, the late-nights to the point where you've had to stay back at the precinct, and your overbearing coworkers really wanted you to find a way to travel back in time to prevent yourself from enrolling into police academy.
Were you the best detective out there? God, no. Definitely not. Though even if you weren't, you'd like to think that you excelled most of your acquaintances and fellow investigators in your job. Although among the long web of cases that you have solved over the years, there was a particular file that haunted your desk.
To most, large files were someone's nightmare. So overwhelming and rife with information but that was what you and other detectives just loved about them, you barely even had to lift a finger at times to catch perps or criminals because the file did most of the work for you.
However, the one that you'd been trying to crack for months was only one page thick, the only recent addition being a small sticky note that adds a witness's testimony of events.
You didn't have much of a problem with Spider-Man, you understood that he was just trying to do his job and save lives whatnot even if his methods were rather precarious—
But to find out that there are multiple Spider-People out there? The idea gave you migraines by just thinking about it.
Even for how many that might be lurking in the shadows, waiting for trouble to strike so that they could swoop in and save the day, this file only gave you less than a fraction of what you needed.
At least, you had one picture but it was low in quality. Captured by a civilian's cellphone, one of the older models judging from the camera, they were trying to get away from the commotion as well resulting the subject in the photograph to appear blurred.
Under closer inspection though, you could make out some details but you definitely knew that this wasn't your Spider-Man. Whoever it was, they were wearing a navy suit highlighted with red. A muscular build, blades sticking out of their suit. There was also a big circle behind them; a dizzying array of colors, which was safe to assume that it was a portal.
Spider-People, odd creatures, possible other-worldy travel.
Was this really what you had signed up for?
You curse under your breath, bringing your half-empty cup of coffee to the edge of your lips before it's quickly taken from your grasp. You're prepared to lecture whoever even dared to lay a hand on your drink before you realize that your captain is the one with the mug in their hands, whatever unholy grail of swear words you were about to unleash was now silenced.
Your captain let out a defeated utterance of your name, "Working until you die again?" They stare disappointedly into your mug. "Is the coffee supposed to speed up the process?"
With a harsh bite to your tongue, you fight back the urge to roll your eyes. It's not like they were as pesky as the people you've come to known over the years of working in this place, far from it but their demands for "self-care" and "work-life balance" made your head spin a lot more times than you'd like to admit.
"Go home. I don't mean to discourage you but why work on this case still? It's so cold that it's practically freezing."
"If nobody is going to work on it then I will."
"Of course, it's good to take responsibility but the only thing that's been added to this file over the last two months is a sticky note. A sticky note. I appreciate your persistence more than anything but above it all, I appreciate self-respect more."
Clueless. You felt so damn clueless, with this situation, with the nonsense advice that your captain was giving you. All you could do is look back at down at the folder, staring at it with such an intensity, secretly hoping that an entirely new page would appear.
The dismay that emanated from their sigh practically pierced you straight through your heart.
"It's clear to me now. I hope it's clear to you soon that working yourself to the bone over something like this isn't what we do. Get yourself together and get some rest."
The click-clack of their dress shoes drove you to near madness as you heard them leave the precinct. Maybe rest was what you needed, not like you had much of a choice anyway as the morning shift was about to come in soon.
You pack your bag, slinging it over your shoulder. It would probably be better to take the stairs at least to get rid of the energy you got from drinking an ungodly amount of caffeine tonight.
Speaking of caffeine, that was possibly the only edible item that you've consumed during your whole shift. Starving yourself was a habit that you were guilty of, getting so wrapped up in your work that even eating slipped your mind.
However let it not be said that you were picky, you opted to just pass by a fast food restaurant on the way back to your apartment.
It was the dead of night once you actually got your hands on some food, originally you were going to take it back to your apartment but the growling in your stomach told you that dinner was more of an urgent matter in the more.
You open the small box, taking the burger you ordered in your hands and about to take one juicy, delicious bite until—
Your delicious meal interrupted as someone was slammed through the windows of the establishment; gasps echoed the walls of the place as people didn't even hesitate to bring their phones out. All the employees run into the backroom.
Instinct just kicks in as you reach for the badge attached to your belt, as you attempt to reassure the innocent customers who were probably having just as much of a tiring night as you are.
You're about to approach the person that was slumped against the counter of the cashier until you register the robotic tentacles sticking out of a machine stuck to their back. Immediately, you pull your gun out.
This was all so confusing, you were so sure that your colleagues had arrested Doctor Octopus so many moons ago. Yet, why was he laying before you? He looked so different. Did he break out of prison and get a magic makeover or something?
Your heart rate skyrocketed through the roof as you catch a faint glow of red from the corner of your eye.
Without hesitation, you turn around and point to the figure behind you; who looked like they were about to continue whatever shenanigans they were engaging with Doc Octopus before stopping dead in their tracks at the sight of your weapon.
"Freeze! Don't move an inch,"
As the figure freezes, you are finally able to get a good glimpse at them. The suit matches the one you saw in your case file, it's never really processed in your head how tall they might actually be. This Spider-Man could easily tower over you, perhaps pointing a gun at him wasn't really the best choice.
That idea was really hammered into your skull as the Spider-Man 'raises an eyebrow' (at least, signalled by his mask) and looks up slowly, you've nearly forgotten that there's a real criminal right behind you.
Your gun is snatched immediately out of your hands as you turn your head once more, it's effortlessly crushed under the grasp of one of the Doctor's tentacles. They scowl at you through tinted goggles.
Akin to the way that they were thrown into the eatery, your back harshly hit the area where they deep fry their food. The small basket tips over and spills hot oil onto the floor, the impact spits some of the substance onto your face and hands causing you to wince in pain.
Thankfully before you're about to lose your face, as one of the tentacles reach for you, your hand reaches for the same basket and smacks it hard. Some of the oil melts the coating of the robotic appendage.
You take a peek from below the counter and the people that you saw a while ago had disappeared, they all ran away. You wanted to die, there went your witnesses...
The Doctor yelps at the damage done to it's attachments, about to send yet another attack to your disheveled body, it's cut off (quite literally) by the slice of a blade.
The Spider-Man that you familiarized yourself with a while ago had sliced it off completely only angering the enemy further.
You want to help, even if you won't be able to catch whoever this guy is, there was a bigger threat right now.
Unfortunately as you try to stand, your legs give up on you from how brutally you were thrown and you fall back onto your behind once more. Though you weren't completely rendered useless, you attempt to crawl to the back. Telling one of the staff to call the authorities but once you got a glimpse, there was nobody there either. Were you the only one with any form of responsibility here?!
You reach for your own cellphone, only to find it unable to function from— once again— the impact of how you were thrown. Perfect. This was perfect.
It got even more perfect as the Doctor practically came in sliding into the back walls of the building, you panic and quickly move backwards until you realize that they're wrapped in some form of webbing.
The Spider-Man breezes past you, holding down the seemingly now unconscious criminal. Your ragged breath hitches as his gaze meets yours, you were defenseless. Besides some kitchen items that were littered across the floor from the scuffle but none of them could prove useful to you.
Your head was actually spinning now, you brought a fist to your forehead in a sad attempt to quaell the throbbing but no use. Your eyes begun getting droopier and droopier.
Your heart spiked more as a portal opened to the left of you, came in swinging in another Spiderman.
He seemed to be wearing a worn-down jacket and a regular spider suit but replace the pants with sweatpants. He had an empty baby carrier strapped to his chest.
"You're late."
"Fashionably so! Now, where is he?"
"Right here."
The one in navy kicks the body over to the more musty looking Spider-Man, he takes a step back. "Are you kidding me?! You dealt with him already? I put Mayday down for a nap like ten minutes later than I'm supposed to and you just—"
The less well-dressed Spider-Man catches sight of you, eyes as wide as saucers as he points. "Who's that?"
Not even two seconds later, he's kneeled down before you. Holding, only God knows how many fingers up, their whole conversation is going one ear out the other with you.
"Seems like they have a concussion and a couple of burns. Did anyone call an ambulance or somethin'?"
"No, they got chased out like squirrels by the anomaly."
"You know that we should probably deal with them, right?"
"What exactly do you mean by that?"
You can't even care enough to listen in to their interaction anymore, your head falls forward. The aching in your ribs, the stinging on your hands, it's too much to bare as you slip into the hold of unconsciousness.
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mollfie · 11 months
Playing as a male drow is interesting.
Within drow society, men can hold some positions of respect, but their society is deeply misandristic. It's not a true matriarchy but the inverse of a patriarchal society with the addition of evil alignments.
Minthara briefly talks about how romance is something women experience with other women, and men are there to reproduce with. Considering that the majority follow Lolth, most drow are more focused on hedonistic lifestyles and worldy goods rather than concepts like romance, etc. Men can have a cushy life, and some do hold positions of power, but they are the exception, not the rule.
There are also some stories about how male drow are picked by the women according to who is the most virile looking etc and if a man approached a woman first they’re risking death, but I'm not sure how canon that would be for BG3 specifically.
Anyway, considering that my male drow would have grown up in a society where he may have never experienced romance or consent without coercion (overt or not), to then live on the surface it must have been wild. FR is generally pretty accepting of everyone. Most people can do most jobs, etc (although there is a lack of disability rep and body diversity) and even though he would be aware of what happens outside of the Underdark it would be something else entirely to see and experience it in person.
He also would have been brought up in a culture built on power struggles, competition, ruthlessness, deeply invested in hierarchies, and fully involved with slavery. Which is made clear when you speak to the deep gnomes, etc.
When my drow supports Astarion in refusing to bite Araj, I feel like that would be a big deal for him personally. It's not like he would have to obey female drow all the time, but I think he would be expected to bend for her or reject her more gently than he did. In a similar way to how I, and many afab folks feel the need to soften our words when dealing with men we don't know (and sometimes those we do). Her talking about Astarion as if he belongs to my drow, and the options to disrespect him or straight up claim him as theirs, feel accurate to how drow view other races. So, for my drow, I think he would have felt uncomfortable but proud of himself for shutting her nonsense down. It's one thing to assert himself with women from other races, but it would feel different with a drow woman. How often would the opportunity come up once on the surface?
I know she refers to Astarion as your charge regardless of race but it hits different as a drow.
I also made his guardian look like his mum to mess him up some more for this reason.
So, my male drow Lito has spent some time in this new world and meets this pale elf and together they can maybe figure out how to make their own choices and explore the concept of romance and love together.
My drow is not a good person, but he would like to try. As long as it's not boring. Since leaving home, he's pretty set on disrespecting authority figures. There’s no thrill like it.
And that's what I've been thinking about today
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woso-dreamzzz · 1 month
we need mcdreamy and sniper playing for england together, imagine them showing up to their first camp together holding hands acting all loving and everyone is excited to meet the two teenage wonders. Lucy is taking the piss by taking photos of mcdreamy at camp to really rub it in to Alexia. sends a photo saying ‘i win’ followed by ‘i’ll look after her :)’ knowing that Alexia is a chronic worrier about mcdreamy.
nobody is ready to see how well sniper and mcdreamy work together, with every pass sniper makes, mcdreamy is able to get her foot on to it and shoot it into the back of the net.
The team is also shocked to see them go from all lovey and not leaving each others side to when scrimmage games are happening, sniper is not taking it easy on mcdreamy at all and neither is mcdreamy. but as soon as the whistle goes to end the scrimmage sniper is helping mcdreamy of the ground and kissing her softly on the cheek, apologising for the rough tackle.
in both their debuts for england they were subed on to the field at the same time and within two minutes sniper pulls off an amazing tackle getting the ball before passing the ball perfectly to mcdreamy and of course she scores an absolute worldie. pulling off her signature confused face before sniper lifts her off her feet to celebrate with the team.
they both fit perfectly with the team, the girls learning quickly why their clubs teammates care for them so much.
Lucy sending a picture to Alexia and Wendie because she's pinched both of the young prodigies and promises she'll take great care of them
The passes between them are just so in sync it's crazy because they haven't played with each other for at least a year but just keep finding each other on the pitch no matter where the other person is
When they scrimmage, it's like they've never meet each other in their lives because they go all in whenever they're against each other but the flip is switched as soon as it does and they're fussing over each other again
Sniper coming on for one of the other centrebacks and managing a crucial tackle before absolutely booting it up the pitch where Mcdreamy gets it under control instantly and slots the ball home before the keeper has time to react
The rest of the team is very much shown why exactly everyone was fighting to sign the pair of them and just watching on the way back to the hotel, Mcdreamy making Sniper read aloud from her poetry book to help her sleep
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allegraforchrist · 3 months
Self Image as a woman is constant battle between comparison and content.
Idolize the perfect body, the perfect hair, the perfect skin routine, the perfect face shape, the perfect breast size, the perfect gym glutes, the must-be-perfected everything about ourselves.
And after we ‘achieve’ one of the above, we move on to the next project of ourselves.
Women of God, there’s a difference between bettering your body and eating habits, versus objecting your body and eating habits. What I mean by objecting is subjecting ourselves as constant object of attention - attention to the self, and not to God. Attention to the self-image, instead of God’s image.
We should want what is God’s best - for our souls, minds, bodies, and health. We are the temple for the Holy Spirit. But taking that best and turning it into nitpicking obsession, is never going to satisfy your fleshly self-image. You are created in God’s image.
You are the rib, the daughter, the child, the woman of God. When you complicate your beauty in Christ, (beauty as in faith, modesty, prayer, love, kindness, fruits of the spirit, peace), you compromise Christ.
Instead of reflecting Christ, you’re reflecting the world. You’re fixing your outward appearance to match the mask of unpredictable industries.
You can’t say you love God, but then love complaining about your facial features, your body shape, your weight, your stretch marks, your hair, your lips… your whole Godly make up boiled down to what the world defines as a “woman”.
I’ve been here, and I am here, and to be honest, nothing in the world is going to make you a more beautiful daughter, sister, mother, wife, than being in Christ.
We need to value ourselves according to the Word, and not the word of articles, tiktoks, hacks, tutorials, skinny exercise Pilates or whatever.
We mustn’t trade our authentic femininity for short-lived vanity. Don’t idolize what you wear, your makeup, your hair, your skin, your fitness level… etc. Instead of praising God and giving Glory to Him, you give praise and glory to companies and models, and products. I’m not saying don’t get your hair down, don’t go to the gym and get fit, don’t get your nails done, don’t eat healthier, don’t try new methods to help with your acne and stretch marks and dermatological complications, don’t not love your gift of being pretty. I’m saying we mustn’t make our outward appearance the standard over Christ. Our outward must reflect our inward, and that happens when we take our eyes off our insecurities and set them in Christ and the loving Word of God.
Nothing in appearance lasts forever, we aren’t going to look younger and cuter when our bodies are buried one day. Proverbs 31:30, “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”
Seek God, seek His image in you, seek His beauty, His purity, His love: because we are made in His image. We are fearfully and wonderfully made! Psalm 139:14, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
No, maybe you’re not a Victoria Secret Model like Adriana Lima. You’re not the ideal blonde like Taylor Swift, you’re not curvy like Kim Kardashin, you’re not fit like Simone Biles, you’re not attractive like the DCC Cheerleaders, you’re not super intelligent like Amy from the TBBT, you’re not cleared skinned like Jennie from Black Pink. It doesn’t matter what you’re not, it matters what you are: a woman of God. What makes a woman of God attractive and beautiful and intelligent and pleasing, Her love for Christ! PROVERBS 31! Your value and belle is beyond worldy measure. Proverbs 31:15-18, “…She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her; those who hold her fast will be blessed.
Don’t spend your life hating your body, it is your vessel for the Adonai Almighty.
^ 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”
^ 1 Corinthians 10:31, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
Don’t simplify your significance to God, by treating it as an insecurity. You’re perfect as following Him makes you to be. Matthew 19:21, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
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mrsbsmooth · 1 year
So I saw that @cycat-carisi did a short fic where we got the return of Ozzy the way the girlies deserved. And I know, I know, Lewie stayed single. But I kiiiindaaa wanted to do one for him anyway because I missed him so here you go: a random quick fuckabout of what Lewie should've done.
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Lewie/MC - 1000+ words - Teen and Up
(Or read on Ao3)
Lewie breathed a sigh of relief as Bella walked in. 
A quick speech, something about not feeling a spark, and Bella was at his side again, squeezing him gently around the middle as they took their seats next to Grace, Ozzy, Amelia, Marshall, Roberto and Flo. 
“Thanks for sticking,” he whispered.
“Not gonna watch my best mate in here go home,” she whispered back. “Especially–”
Her cheeks twitched in a smirk, and she rolled her lips together, silencing herself.
Especially what?
But he couldn’t get Bella’s attention. She glanced over at Flo and Ivy, furrowing her brow as she quickly went to greet them.
It was weird. Based on the ceremony so far, he was surprised that Amelia and Roberto hadn’t gone last. Ozzy having an identical twin, and Amelia bringing him back to the villa? Surely that was a bigger bombshell than Elliot bringing Ivy back. Even the Hamish explosion was bigger news than Elliot and Ivy. 
Ever since Siobhan had gone home, Elliot was single. He was free to crack on as much as he wanted, and he definitely hadn’t wasted that opportunity. Siobhan’s side of the bed hadn’t even been cold before he’d invited Ivy into it. 
Lewie’s heart sank as he thought about it, but he seemed to be the only one. Each of the girls had beamed when they walked in, looking thrilled and happy to be returning to their original guy, or hand in hand with someone new. It was a lovely atmosphere, actually, especially Elliot and Ivy, who seemed from the very first day to have just clicked. Kind of like how Lewie had with Siobhan. Everyone was looking for a connection in here, and Elliot seemed to have found it with Ivy.
Good for him, I guess.
Maya, the host, instructed Elliot to stand, and he did so, helping Ivy to her feet with care.
“Elliot, you decided to twist. Why is that?”
Elliot smiled warmly at her. “Ivy is an absolute worldie, of course. She checks a lot of my boxes, and luckily, she tells me I check quite a few of hers. I’m so glad I had the opportunity to meet her.”
He turned back to Maya, who smiled and nodded. Her eyes flickered to Lewie, before asking Elliot yet another question.
“And you don’t miss Siobhan?”
Elliot’s face fell, and he also glanced at Lewie, frowning as he responded.
“Of course I miss her, she was a real presence in the villa. I think everyone will miss her. I do… regret… that I might’ve gotten in the way of Lewie spending one last day with her, though. It seemed like they had something really special. And in hindsight, yeah… I feel bad that I got in the way of that.”
Lewie shot him a sad smile, nodding his acknowledgement of the half-apology.
“Lewie, how do you feel about that?” Maya asked. 
He shrugged. “I can’t really blame him for shooting his shot. Siobhan was… something else.”
“Do you regret not following her out?”
He breathed a heavy sigh. 
That question had plagued him for days. From about five minutes after she’d left the villa, he’d been wrestling with it. He would’ve left Bella at risk. He didn’t even know if that was what Siobhan would’ve wanted. It was a lot of pressure to put on a new relationship, and they never could’ve guaranteed it would work out. 
But he knew his answer. 
“Every minute of every fucking day.”
Bella’s eyes widened at hearing him swear, and the other girls giggled, glancing between themselves. He furrowed his brow at them, a little annoyed at the fact they seemed to find it funny. 
“Do you think she knows that?” Maya asked. 
“I hope so,” he responded. “I’m hoping she won’t be upset that I didn’t.”
“Well, why don’t you just ask her?”
The door of the villa swung open, and Lewie’s stomach flipped.
No way.
He was on his feet before he even saw her, his heart racing as he tried to get a better look. It couldn’t be, it had to be a prank. There was no way.
But suddenly, there she was. In a skin-tight black dress, her long hair loose around her shoulders. 
She was there. 
She was back. 
And suddenly, he was moving.
He vaguely recalled pushing Elliot out of his way, tripping over himself as he damn near vaulted the firepit. He was across the lawn before he could think, up the stairs before he took a breath, his arms around her, his lips on hers, falling back through the doorway before he could even figure out if she’d brought someone with her or not. 
She whimpered as she threw her arms around his neck, grasping handfuls of his hair as she pulled him closer. He did the same; one hand in her hair, one on her lower back, holding her against him. It still wasn’t close enough. Tongues, lips, desperate hands, grabbing and pulling at each other as he pushed her up against the wall. He was struggling to hold back, and he could feel she was too, pulling him against her with a chorus of tiny, frantic moans.
He could vaguely hear raucous laughter from the firepit outside, but he didn’t care; they could make fun of him as much as they liked. He knew what he wanted, and it was right here in his arms– where she fucking belonged.
He broke apart from her for only a moment, taking a deep breath.
“If you leave again, I’m going with you,” he gasped. “I need you to know that.”
“I know, babe, I know,” she said, her breath heavy. “And I’m not going anywhere without you either. I promise.”
He brought his lips back to hers, kissing her deeply, and he could feel her smiling into the kiss. He couldn’t help but smile back, stroking his thumb over her cheek, as he felt his body start to relax once more. He’d realised while she was away that his body was wound tighter when he was away from her. He slept rough, he felt worse, and the days didn’t seem as bright.
As he kissed her over and over, he ran his hands over the patches of her bare skin that always drove him wild.
He loved everything about her.
He loved how he felt with her.
He paused for a second, smiling into the kiss once more.
Maybe he’d save that one for later. 
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