#worldbuilding writing
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thecrazyworldbuilder · 2 years ago
Step 1: Base lines.
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Aka guidelines. Just do an unfilled rectangle and stack it on itself twice.
Step 2: Basic calligraphy
Choose your brush. Different brush shapes have different dynamics, and different dynamics will wield different results on paper.
Best experienced on actual paper, for digital programs cannot give you the exact right feel of drag when you try to do wrong strokes. Usually, if you write by hand on paper, and it's feeling effortless, then you're doing it right.
Cheat sheet for brush tips of different kinds:
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Step 3: The execution
You might want to try asemic writing at first, or take inspiration from other writing systems that already exist. Know that it is nigh impossible to create something that never existed before, for your writing system will always bear similarity to at least a dozen others.
There are multiple methods of making scripts,
You set up a goal and plan things up before setting up the canons. Usually used for featural scripts.
Make an asemic array of symbols and assign them Latin equivalents.
Make a monogram - some complex symbol with lots of strokes - and break it into lesser shapes erasing some of the original strokes. Similar to the Combinatorics method. Example below:
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Make particles, combine in different ways. See below:
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Natural evolution simulation
Following the pipeline "pictogram" -> "letter". As seen below:
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Other useful tips:
Omniglot.com: go there and take a look at how many writing systems are there in the world. This site stores lots of conscripts as well, and you can submit yours if you want to!
r/neography is a huge subreddit that has everything about neography (aka the art of creating new writing systems).
Learn about what kinds of writing systems there are. Basically they are categorized by how much information a symbol carries. It could be one sound, a syllable, or whole words. Though there are nuances, explained on r/neography's wiki, by the way.
Practice. Doodle a lot. You will get the grip of it eventually.
There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. The middle is between M and N, as M is letter #13. If you include numerals, that's 36 symbols. If you include punctuation, that's about 48 symbols depending on how much punctuation you want.
I have a sideblog called @thecrazyneographist meant just for neography, and all the scripts posted there are free to use per request!
Have fun :D
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mysticstarlightduck · 11 months ago
Tell me more about those snakes from The Frost 👀👀 or just The Frost in general lol
~ @tabswrites
Yay, now I have an excuse to rant about the Frosts!!!! Thank you so much for the ask, @tabswrites! (Sorry I couldn't answer yesterday, I was really tired. But I'm back now!)
Let's do this (:
The Frosts have an enchanted winter, that is everlasting (unlike the other regions of the realm which have regular seasons). The magic present in this winter is incredibly raw and wild, and much of the nature within the Frosts is untamed - this set of circumstances is said to have given rise to the first True Dragons and giant snakes, though that is uncertain, given that those creatures have been in the realm before humans even existed.
It is important to note why "True Dragons" are called that - in this realm there are some extremely rare shapeshifters, called Changers, who are able to turn into dragon-like beings. They're very similar in appearance and size to True Dragons, the key differences are:
True Dragons can live for eons, thousands and thousands of years if not killed by another dragon or an extremely lucky knight. Changers are humans with shapeshifting abilities, their lifespans are not that much longer than regular humans - they may life to 150 years maximum, if their magic is powerful.
True Dragons are nigh impossible to kill - their scales are thick and reflective, like reinforced gemstones, and their massive size and strenght make it nearly impossible to take them on a fight. They also have extremely keen sense and are terribly cunning and intelligent - sneaking up on one of them will not end well. Meanwhile, while Changers are incredibly strong and formidable in their dragon form, they're not nearly as undefeatable as True Dragons (they're slightly smaller, less instinctive and more liable to making human mistakes).
True Dragons are indeed sentient, but they do not speak like humans do. Instead, they communicate telepathically between each other. If they so choose, they may speak inside the mind of a nearby human, but they rarely do. Changers - because they're humans who turn into dragons - can speak in their dragon form and do not possess many telepathic abilities.
Now about those giant snakes!
Giant serpents/snakes are not dragons, and are their own, unrelated type of creature. The people of the Frosts consider those snakes as symbols of power and extreme intelligence, and they're considered guardians of the Frosts and those within it - still, they're extremely dangerous, and its best to not cross paths with them (they're not evil, they're a force of nature, like the ocean tides or the rain - they can be helpful, but also can cause deathly harm). They're extremely large, most of them rivalling True Dragons in size and strenght - the biggest serpent of that kind could possibly wrap around the peak of a small mountain - but they're not sentient, they're wild animals born of wild magic. Even True Dragons know to avoid them and respect them.
Fun Fact! The most powerful spymaster of the region - at the service of the five clans of the Frosts, and a personal friend of many of their rulers - Aesra Haell, has adopted the imagery of a giant snake as the sygil of his House, due to their unpredictability and role in protecting the Frosts. He was given the apt nickname of "The Serpent of the Frosts" because of this, and because of his reputation.
Some other important/interesting facts about the Frosts!
As you already know, the Frosts land is divided amongst five, proud, matriarchal clans. They do not wage war against one another, though they do not always see eye to eye, and cohexist in the Frosts through a harmony born of a strict sense of honor and a a warrior's code. They believe in strenght, might, intelliggence and adaptability - and above all things, a deep respect for the balance of nature.
The inhabitants of the Frosts are expert craftspeople, and with the rare, magical materials their land has to offer, their creations are often one of a kind.
Maryon 'Haell', one of the protagonists, is Aeras Haell's adoptive daughter. She was born somewhere along the borders of the Frosts and the other realms (it is hinted that her parents may have been traders from Orloch trying to make a voyage to the Frosts, which went very wrong, but nothing is confirmed. Either way she was very far from home). She four years old when was found wandering the frozen woods after trying to sneak into a caravan that was returning to one of the cities of the Frosts, where coincidentally Aeras Haell was. He saved the young child and decided to raise her as his own, perhaps as a successor in his spy network, if she one day so chooses that path.
I feel the need to clarify this - Changers are NOT necessarily native to the Frosts, they can be born there, just as they can be born anywhere else in the realm. Meanwhile all True Dragons are always born from the Frosts, and most choose to stay, with only a few migrating to other regions.
Some populations of the Frosts are nomadic travellers, but they always hail to a specific clan. Most, however, live within the underground cities and mountainous fortresses that pepper the snowy landscape of their land.
Their oceans have been - mostly - frozen for centuries.
I hope this was a good answer! I love talking about my worlbuilding, so always feel free to ask more! (:
Also, here, have some of the songs that inspired me aesthetically whilst writing about this land!
Frozen Heart - Colm Mcguiness
Battle Cries - Peyton Parish
Son of Man - Phil Collins (Peyton Parish cover)
Glitnir - Danheim
(@crowandmoonwriting just if you want to check this out! I know you love winter aesthetics!)
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tabswrites · 8 months ago
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[image id]: a banner with purple and blue trees with text "From Eternity, A World-Building Adventure" [end id]
I’ll be updating this each week as I post new content! If any of my world-building interests you, check out The Tomb’s Whisper to learn more.
Creatures of the Forest
Magic System Part One
Magic System Part Two
Irk, the Felisquama
Cilla, the Ursa Ornata
Cloud, the Whispering Smoke
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manunuscript · 7 months ago
Holiday concert for my worldbuilding
The Brevsima is a winter solstice festival celebrated widely throughout out Orlentalem in honour of the sun. During ancient times it was seen as the rebirth of the year as the sun would only shine brighter from hence forward. Farmers would sacrifice livestock in honour of the sun god, eating the “blessed” meat usually with family, friends, and townsfolk together to celebrate the beginning of a new year. Those who did not own livestock or were unable to purchase or barter for any meat products would instead throw seeds into a bonfire or into a river as an offering to the sun god for a good harvest. In more modern days the most common celebration for Brevsima is a family gathering and the burning or tossing of seeds, the action now symbolising a year of good luck.
In South-Eastern Orlentalem in place of sacrificing livestock the people would burn letters containing their wishes for the new year and prayers to the sun god. This tradition is still mostly active in the SE part of the country but has branched outwards in more recent decades.
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cepheusgalaxy · 2 years ago
Why am I like this
I decided to make a whole new ecosystem and vegetal life and now my mechanic-energy-powered-plants need to glow in the dark so I'm having to research about bioluminescence
Ok, it's probably not this way how it is written but idk the word in english
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grimbonezz · 1 year ago
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winterarts · 2 years ago
The Gods and Their Division
Although everyone knows of the Gods since they are prevalent part of our day to day life, not many know that there are 2 divisions of Gods. There are the Elder Gods and the Younger Gods. Yes, I know it may be counteractive to call a group of gods the Younger Gods even though they are thousands of years old, but that’s just how they divide themselves. I don’t make the rules. Although for many the Gods don’t really have many differences apart from appearances and roles, once you get into it, there are actually a lot of things that just fit in.
The Elder Gods are the first 7 seven Gods created. These include: the Goddess of Nature, the God of Soil, the God of Rock, the Goddess of Volcanoes, the God of Water, the God of Predators and Snow, and the Goddess of Ice and Prey. These 7 Gods helped in the creation of the ecosystem of our planet. They shaped the earth, sprouted plants, made volcanoes, separated the lands with water, and started the circle of life. They all have a deep connection with nature and its qualities. And just how nature is beautiful, it can also be deadly. This is the other quality that distinguishes the Elder Gods to the Younger Gods.
All have their magnificent beauty and splendor, but they can also be deadly, and it shows in their appearance. All of them look very animal-like compare to the Younger Gods, which look more human. They may have multiple extremities, large claws and teeth, stand on all fours, and overall look very uncanny. You can see the humanity in them, but you first see how dangerous they can be. This may be the reason why the societies and cultures that are under their rule are not as technologically advanced as the rest. They are in tune with nature and have a deep respect to it. The only exception to this rule would be the Nahda Kingdom, but I believe it is only because our god, the God of Soil and Knowledge, sees technology as a progression of knowledge, but only to a certain extent. It can be used to widen our field and help learn things better, but not to the point where it completely takes over our lives.
The Younger Gods started with the creation of the God of Light and the Goddess of Shadows. They include: of the God of Light, the Goddess of Shadows, the God of Seasons, the God of Wind, the Goddess of Fire, and the Goddess of Electricity. These Gods I’ve seen the trend that, although they represent an element of sorts, they mostly follow a belief or a concept. For example, the God of Wind represents freedom, while the Goddess of Electricity represents innovation. This has come to the point that for some of these Gods, people just refer to them as the concept they represent. These Gods look the most like your everyday person with a magical feel to them. The only 3 that still look relatively animalistic are of the God of Light and the Goddess of Shadows for being the first to start the new era, and the Goddess of Fire for being the daughter of the Goddess of Volcanoes. The start of the new era of Gods was caused by the arrival of Mayantli after the Cataclysm. I talked more about this deadly entity here:
The Gods are a very intriguing topic for me as an archeologist and history major. I would love to know more about the ancient history of bygone eras, what had changed. That’s all for now,
Ahmad Ur ,out
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prompt-heaven · 1 year ago
a list of 100+ buildings to put in your fantasy town
adventurer's guild
art gallery
book store
botanical garden
coffee shop
council chamber
court house
crypt for the noble family
farmer's market
fighting pit
fortune teller
general store
guard post
haunted house
hedge maze
house for sale
mail courier
manor house
mayor's house
music shop
paper maker
pet shop
potion shop
quest board
restricted zone
sewer entrance
sheriff's office
spice merchant
sports stadium
street market
tax collector
tea house
textile shop
thieves guild
thrift store
tinker's workshop
town crier post
town square
toy store
trinket shop
water mill
wishing well
wizard tower
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whereserpentswalk · 4 months ago
Look under the cut to see what meeting your entity is like. Reblog to give a gift to your patron.
The fae: a creature stands before you. Though this street was warm and crowded a few moments ago it is suddenly cold and the people around you look like shadows. The creature begins an antlered shadow with glowing white eyes, but soon its body can be seem, with white blue flesh, and sapphire eyes, and icicles for teeth. What looks like a cloak unfolds from its naked body and you can see massive white wings of a moth. As if it's an act of sacrifice you tell it your true name, a name you didn't even see before, and suddenly you belong to it, for better or worse.
The angel: a radiant entity appears before you. They're bright, like something so hot it would burn you up. But as the light fades, you can see a person in silver armor, perfect yet inhuman like am ancient green statue, their back srouting six wings with blue eyes along them, as the eyes on their head are covered by a mask of two smaller wings. The creature offers their hands and you shake it, as they fly you through the city streets and above the skyscrapers, to the stars above and dimensions beyond, to gods living and dead, across the streets of alien cities and the clouds of dead worlds. And when you return to the earth you can feel something diffrent about you, like there's light in your blood.
The scavenger: below the lights of skyscrapers beyond you, on the dark sands of the beach, you see it crawling twords you. This serpentine creature with countless legs, and a dark black shell, yet a strangely human like face. You think it'll attack or run away, but it just looks at you, egar, and for a momment you stare at eachother. It's legs pass something to eachother and then to you, it's meat but it's shining with all the colors known to the human eye, and a few more. You hold it and it happily looks at you. You take a bite and suddenly you know... you know so very much...
The vampire: she flies down to you on green wings with orange eyespots, but folds them into her back. She looks like a human for a momment, tall and strong, with a black suit over her body, but eyes the color of ruby. For a momment her mouth opens, and it's massive and monstrous, with countless moving parts and fangs. But then it folds back onto something humanoid and she gives you a playful smirk. She cuts her hand and offers you her blood, and when you drink it it tastes so sweet, and makes you feel so good. She hands you the knife and you know to do the same, and when she drinks from your palm it's life the sweetest of kisses.
The djinn: the room wirs around you. If it were not for the fans it would feel like hellfire. For a momment there it darkness, but then the screen before you glows white like smokeless flame. You can sense something inside, something beyond the code. You reach your hand within it, and there's no glass, your hand passess right through until you're in a white void of your own making. You call out, thinking there is nothing at all around you. Yet somehow something calls back, something that knows your name.
The rat king: You see him in an empty subway station. Something dark and distorted, you're not sure if he's man or animal, covered in rags, and singing in the language of the goblins and the orcs. Yet he comes close to you excited. And you can feel his song. He calls for you to come to the train tracks, and let yourself run with the rats and the roaches, where the train will pass over you when it comes, and you'll live forever. When you touch the third rail you don't die, but you'll never be human again.
The lich: the library is strangely bright. Run by skeletons in suits, decorated with gold. There are more books here then you thought were in all the world. There's knowledge here most mortals will never have the change below, all kept safe below the city. You see her, her body doesn't look human, everything has been replaced making her look more like a joining white doll then a being of flesh. Yet she is dead, you can tell that under the porcelain skin she must be dead, she is dead, and there is the tragedy of death in her eyes. You come closer to her, and she places a black rose within your hair...
The demon: You stand in his office and he stands before you, a humanoid being covered in black scales, with red eyes covering his skin. Yet none are on his head, that remains featureless save for two massive horns. Wings on his back nearly surround you. Countless souls line the walls of his office, looking at you, waiting. After you sign your name you give him yours, you can feel it come away for you forever and your eyes grey and your skin pales. But he puts the jar in a special place for you, you're spacial, he can tell there's something about you that he likes.
The mushroom lord: you walk through the darkness of the forest, the furthest from civilization you have ever been. You come upon a part where the trees all seem dead, that even the cryptids won't go near. Mushrooms fill the ground, and white vein like lines are all over the trees. You feel the need to lay down, and you let the moss and the mushrooms and the worms surround you, and let yourself sink into the soil,, and it feels good. It feels so good...
The witch: You can see them in the Cafe next to you, skinny and small, with a sweatshirt over most of their body, and dark glasses over their eyes. They seem powerful though, and though their body looks young they seem ancient, they seem beyond humanity. You talk to them and they tell you things, and secrets, lost gods, things you never knew you didn't know, both beautiful and disturbing. When it's time for them to go they pet your head, and give you their number. You don't know if you should text them, but you have to, you have to see them again, there's something about them that makes you need to know.
The living clothing: you step into it at first, it looked like a puddle yet shining like silver or chrome. But soon it surrounds you, first just your torso, but soon your head, your entire body. But it doesn't feel scary, it feels like you're being held, held by something beyond your understanding. It whispers to you, and you don't know if you should feel like your being eaten alive, or like you're being protected. You can't help but keep walking.
The abyss: the void is before you, blackness beyond blackness, like the color beyond the field of your vision, stands before your eyes. You stare at it, it's nothing yet you're entranced. It stares back...
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ren-is-real · 6 months ago
You know when
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elbiotipo · 2 months ago
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literaryvein-references · 4 months ago
Writing Notes & References
Alchemy ⚜ Antidote to Anxiety ⚜ Attachment ⚜ Autopsy
Art: Elements ⚜ Principles ⚜ Photographs ⚜ Watercolour
Bruises ⚜ Caffeine ⚜ Color Blindness ⚜ Cruise Ships
Children ⚜ Children's Dialogue ⚜ Childhood Bilingualism
Dangerousness ⚜ Drowning ⚜ Dystopia ⚜ Dystopian World
Culture ⚜ Culture Shock ⚜ Ethnocentrism & Cultural Relativism
Emotions: Anger ⚜ Fear ⚜ Happiness ⚜ Sadness
Emotional Intelligence ⚜ Genius (Giftedness) ⚜ Quirks
Facial Expressions ⚜ Laughter & Humour ⚜ Swearing & Taboo
Fantasy Creatures ⚜ Fantasy World Building
Generations ⚜ Literary & Character Tropes
Fight Scenes ⚜ Kill Adverbs
Food: Cooking Basics ⚜ Herbs & Spices ⚜ Sauces ⚜ Wine-tasting ⚜ Aphrodisiacs ⚜ List of Aphrodisiacs ⚜ Food History ⚜ Cocktails ⚜ Literary & Hollywood Cocktails ⚜ Liqueurs
Genre: Crime ⚜ Horror ⚜ Fantasy ⚜ Speculative Biology
Hate ⚜ Love ⚜ Kinds of Love ⚜ The Physiology of Love
How to Write: Food ⚜ Colours ⚜ Drunkenness
Jargon ⚜ Logical Fallacies ⚜ Memory ⚜ Memoir
Magic: Magic System ⚜ 10 Uncommon ⚜ How to Choose
Moon: Part 1 2 ⚜ Related Words
Mystical Items & Objects ⚜ Talisman ⚜ Relics ⚜ Poison
Pain ⚜ Pain & Violence ⚜ Poison Ivy & Poison Oak
Realistic Injuries ⚜ Rejection ⚜ Structural Issues ⚜ Villains
Symbolism: Colors ⚜ Food ⚜ Numbers ⚜ Storms
Thinking ⚜ Thinking Styles ⚜ Thought Distortions
Terms of Endearment ⚜ Ways of Saying "No" ⚜ Yoga
Compilations: Plot ⚜ Character ⚜ Worldbuilding ⚜ For Poets ⚜ Tips & Advice
all posts are queued. will update this every few weeks/months. send questions or requests here ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
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mysticstarlightduck · 2 years ago
The Kingdoms of Agrannor:
The Kingdom Of Ergyre - The Iron Thorn
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(The pictures were found on Pinterest and belong to their respectful owners. The montage was done by me on Canva)
Ergyre is an ancient kingdom, lying in the edge of the domain of the Free Realms and nearing the border of the Morosyn Empire. A proud kingdom, it grew rich due to its exports of ore from its many districts and provinces around the plentiful canyons and valleys of the borderlands, especially during the heights of the Agrannorian Civil War - during which it provided such resources for both sides of the war, which speaks for its dubious nature. However, this steel forged kingdom is also known for its sprawling black markets, where nearly anything can be found… for the right price, which has led to a sudden boom in the kingdom’s coffers - though their nobility grows more morally bankrupt by the day, and their cities are often led by their whims. Now known for its bloody involvement on the capture and trade of elfs, who are illegal in Ergyran lands by royal decree, its population cares little if their many luxuries and vices are paid with the blood another people. Ergyre is a proud and bountiful kingdom, but the means chosen to preserve their current status have led to their corruption. On the flip side of the coin, Ergyre is known for its beautiful forests, untouched by man or magic, where incredible rarities can be found, as well as its yearly festival known as the Carnival of Thorns - where untold wonders and mysteries await locals and visitors alike, and when the old ways of the kingdom can shine through for once. 
The Kingdom of Ergyre is led by a triarchy of powerful royal Houses, who rule the cities of the kingdom in an alliance. Their parties are often extravangant, indulgent and mystical, and though they rule the kingdom with an iron fist - ensuring that their many trades and businesses continue to thrive - they are said to have become notoriously distant from their people. 
The Ergyran nobility, though they outwardly repudiate the workings of the many illegal black markets in their cities, profits greatly from it, having many deals with the crime lords of the Kingdom. Unfortunately, the royalty are very openly favorable to the persecution of free elfs, who often flee from certain death in the Morosyn Empire to the lands of Ergyre, and are known to capture them for various forms of “entertainment”. The common people of the city are also notoriously indifferent to the sufferings of magical folk, though some have already begun to question it. 
Despite the city having a ruling nobility, there is a rebel insurgency in their lands, and one of the leaders of this insurgence is considered the rightful or de facto ruler of Ergyre by the dissatisfied portion of their population, but with the invasion of the Ergyran borders by the Morosyn Empire, the priorities of both the royals and the rebels have been shifted elsewhere.
This is the home kingdom of Darian Caelestis, and the place where he met and befriended Tanwin Lyrandeth, a young elf who becomes his best friend. Darian is the son of the leader of the rebel insurgency and Tanwin is just an elf trying to live his best life without being captured by the ruling Houses - but when the invasion comes, they end up separated. 
The Carnival of Thorns is an ancient and respected tradition of Ergyre, one of the few things both royalty and common folk can enjoy together, and a moment of peace where acts of persecution and rivalry are temporarily suspended for a week. In the Carnival, aside from the common celebrations and festivals, traditional celebrations are always a crucial part of it. Many feasts, games and shows take place in an extravagant though accesible festival of light and colors that attracts both locals and many travellers. It is a week where the ruthless nature of the kingdom can cease and give a moment of respite to those who sorely expect it.
Kingdom Vibe Playlist:
- Deal You Can’t Refuse - Cristina Vee
- Marketplace - Joseph King of Dreams
- Playground - Bea Miller
- King - Florence + The Machine
- Undone - Tommee Profitt
@lassiesandiego @writernopal @elshells​ @rickie-the-storyteller​ @clairelsonao3​
@lyutenw​ @writeblrfantasy​ @sam-glade​
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tabswrites · 8 months ago
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[image id]: A banner with purple and blue trees with the words: “From Eternity, A World-Building Adventure” [end id]
WBW: Aeternium
A precious metal found only in the Forest of Eternity.
Naturally forms in a crystal shape
Clear, glass-like
Pale purple color
Stronger than steel but incredibly light
Acts as a conduit for magic, amplifies Aura
Creates a natural shield when struck by outside force
The presence of silver amplifies its properties
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[image id]: A cluster of clear purple crystal with a glassy surface [end id]
Notable Mentions (minor spoilers below)
There is a curse placed on the unworthy who enter Eternity that causes their bones to turn to aeternium--making them part of the forest permanently.
The blade of Adrin's sword is made from aeternium, with silver accents on the hilt. In Ch. 13 an energy shield is created when the sword is struck.
Ursas Ornata (such as Cilla) are born covered in aeternium crystals, which amplify their telekinetic powers as well as their illusion magic. The older the bear, the stronger the crystal. Removing it from them is the same as harvesting ivory from an elephant or rhinoceros...very painful. (See pic below)
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[image id]: A beige bear with sparkly fur and pink eyes. Purple aeterium crystals stick out along her back. [end id] art by @neon-psychopomp
The idea for Adrin's sword came to me first, inspired by Fionna's crystal sword from Adventure Time (yes). Eventually I decided to incorporate the crystal into Eternity as a natural element, using J. R. R. Tolkien's mithril as inspiration. The sword itself does have a bit of backstory to it that will be revealed in The Forest's Embrace.
Read The Tomb of Light on Ao3 to learn more about Eternity, or check out more world-building here!
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Guardians of Eternity (general tag list) @writingrosesonneptune (please ask to be +/-)
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dragon-in-a-kettle · 4 months ago
From that post I saw going around. I just wanted to add something
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cepheusgalaxy · 2 years ago
Guys I was here worldbuilding
And I made up this lil' plant
It glows in the dark
I mean,
Y'know how irl plants catch energy from sunlight, right, because, basically the sunlight stimutales a device in the plant that allows it to product energy (my dad's a biologist so he explained me)
And I was thinking on how I could put fanatsy stuff on this information, and I though about mechanic energy - which is basically converting movement in energy (like they do to produce hidroeletric energy), so I just though, "well, my plants are gonna use mechanic energy instead of sunligh" and I made up this
Some plants atract animals with pleasant smells so they will mess up with the plant (maybe the poor thing thinks they're making out?) and it will produce energy from the movement
Some plants produce stronger smells when animals step on them so the animals will be interested and touch it more, the movement allowing the plant to produce more energy
And some plants glow when they're being touched/producing energy, sometimes to atract animals
And stuff like that
So yeah, I made up this lil' plant, which can be found near waterfalls, rivers and current water. It has smoothy and thin roots, which make contact with the water instead of the earth, and catch the water movement for producing energy. The leaves stay down, almost touching the water (they don't need sun anyways), to catch nutrients from the river's ecossystem and maybe, idk, dumb bugs which got stuck there
And it's like, a simple plant, a simple (and probably boring) common plant, made to be a simple, boring and common plant, just an example of what the lil' plants in this planet look like
And now I just came up with uses and simbolisms for it, like, it is just so pretty
If you put in on a certain mechanism, moving its roots, you'll have a little portatile bio light
You can eat the leaves or use them as spice, since they're tasty and a little nutritive (once the leaves are the ones absorbing nutrients for the plant)
They were used as a sign of friendship in some places
There's a clan who uses it as their symbol
They glow a little more in the dark, and many ancient communities used them as light source
In some places there are entire gardens of these lil' plants, with devices to make them move, and their light at night is just gorgeous
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