ainnez · 6 months
Mario vs Donkey Kong (Switch) Gameplay World 8 no Commentary Twilight Ci...
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Straight Outta Little Tokyo, ready for this holiday?? @golittletokyo @littletokyovibes @jungle_sp_collectors_la @world8dtla #littletokyo #littletokyolosangeles #littletokyola #golittletokyo #nijiyamarket #animejungle #world8 #world8la #merryearlychristmas #christmastree #december #december2022 #2022 (at Little Tokyo, Los Angeles) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmD1qE4OHbD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chipistrate · 2 years
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Balloon World
8 hours in 1 sitting and somehow I’m not in severe pain!
GGY spoilers and alt bg colors under cut.
With the GGY book confirming Gregory to be Patient 46, I saw somebody theorize that Balloon World is like Gregory’s version of Princess Quest, and I just had to draw it. Just a silly little guy and his silly little balloons, nothing wrong here<3
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Alt background colors cause I was indecisive
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dckweed · 2 years
@multifandom-world8 babes i am so sorry, this took me an embarrassing amount of time, but, here it is, and there will also be a second part as well !
my loves, it's been a hot minuet..but hi, hey, I'm here. Idk about yall but i had a kick ass weekend. Currently recovering from whiplash and fucking up my throat at a rock concert on Sunday (escape the fate, Hollywood undead, falling in reverse, and papa roach ((loml)) fr those wondering) that was so fucking amazing. How was yalls weekend? Everyone blow up the comments !
PLEASE NO ONE SPOIL THE TEENWOLF MOVIE! i have yet to watch it, and im sure there are others who haven't as well. Please be respectful in not spoiling anything on my posts.
I am aware that there is a paragraph that's darkened out and I have no idea how to fix it, for that, i apologize.
warnings: minors should not read this, but i know that i cannot stop you from opening this, so please, if you're under the age of 18, read at your own risk. this fic contains smut, maybe a bit of angst, biting, AGE GAPPED READER! reader was 19 when bitten, and in her 20s in the fic. Peter himself is a warning because guys look at him.
california dreamin'.., peter hale
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Five years. Five long, fucking years of being stuck in this bullshit ass town, cleaning up supernatural mess after supernatural mess. You couldn't help but to wonder if the founders of Beacon Hills truly understood the irony of their towns name, it truly was a Beacon.
You suppose that was how you'd wound up in this mess anyway, the town being what it was and all, the werewolf population had gripped its claws into you and had never let you go. You had been a sophomore when it all happened, roped in by association with Stiles and Scott, and much like Stiles you had stayed human for most of it, until Derek's uncle had decided to use you as the main pawn for one of his stupid ass revenge fantasies. You hadn't taken it well at first, the bite completely destroyed you and it took a long time to build yourself up again, and by the time you had, you were much too late to do anything else with your life, and so, you had elected to stay behind and help keep the town out of trouble while the rest of your friends went on and lived their lives. 
Working at your family's business wasn't that horrible you supposed, you could make your own hours, and being the owners child, you got paid just slightly more than the others did, which was definitely on your pro list. As was your weekly meeting with the man who had turned you. Typically, Peter came in for lunch or maybe dinner (depending on which shift you were working) and while you worked, the pair of you would talk about any odd goings on, and catch up on what everyone was doing out in the world. It was also your allotted time to ogle the man. 
Maybe it was the loyalty you still felt to him after all this time from the bite, or maybe you were just really fucking lonely, but good god you couldn't deny that the man was the definition of sexy..
You had seen him today, during the lunch shift and though it had been brief, it had been long enough for your mind to wonder to dangerous places, wild thoughts running loose in your mind, the slight scar on your shoulder throbbing as they did, reminding you of the night he had given it to you..
It was cold, fall was beginning to set in to Beacon Hills once more as the seasons changed. You were 19 now, barely scraping by in highschool as it was, caught between the drama of your friend group and the drama of the supernatural beings that inhabited said group and tonight? Well, tonight you were quite literally the drama. 
Peter had lured you to his loft, you had thought that you would be meeting the entire pack there, and therefore hadn't thought to text any of them and after arriving, you quickly realized how wrong you were. Peter had answered the door, much too friendly than he had ever been towards you before with a smile on his usually scowling face. 
"I didn't think you'd actually show up." He says, opening the door just enough to let you slip in, your body brushing against his ever so slightly, shock of electric tingling down your spine as you did. You had always felt that way around him, but you just assumed it was a you thing and didn't notice the way that his hand tightened its grip on the door, or that his body went rigid, nor did you hear the sigh that escaped his lips. 
"What exactly is the emergency, Peter?" You ask, turning to face him when you realize the loft is empty. He had sent you an urgent text, the kind that usually went out to the entire pack, and you were in partial disbelief that you would have been the first to show up, or the first texted. You were human, which meant you were far down the chain of urgency list in emergency werewolf situations. 
"Sit." He says, eyebrow quirking and a slight thrill spreading through him as he watches you drop immediately onto the couch, almost mindlessly, eyes trained on him, wide and curious. He takes a seat on the chair across from the couch, launching into what was meant to be a proposal, a deal if you will..He was in one of his revenge fantasy phases, and was trying to willingly enlist your help, because for some reason (both Supernatural and logically), you weren't the person he was intent to have helping him. 
Peter knew why he felt the way he did when you brushed against him, it wasn't the first time and it certainly wasn't the last. He was a smart man, and it wasn't too hard to piece together for him. And in all honesty, at first he wanted to protect you from it, from him, and for a while it worked. But now? Now he wanted to be selfish. He needed to be selfish, even if it meant bringing you into the mix. 
"Absolutely fucking not." You say abruptly after a brief moment of silence once he had finished speaking, explaining to you what was going on in his mind. "No..just..no. ive seen what Scott and Liam go through, and yeah maybe it has cool perks but no just..why would you even think that I would go along with something like that Peter?" 
He could hear in your voice how desperately you disagreed with his idea, and a part of him wants to let you walk out that door and forget that this whole thing happened to begin with, but that selfish side wins. He stands as you move towards the door, and in two long, powerful strides, he pulls you back against his chest, arms around your torso pinning your own to your sides. 
"Peter! Peter let me go!" You yell, struggling despite the electric shock coursing through you once more. His grip only tightens on you, and you feel his breath on your ear as he brings his mouth down, can feel him breathing in your scent. 
"I'm sorry, sweetheart, but this isn't optional.." He whispers, feeling you start to struggle more. He growls a little, his werewolf side coming out. His hold on you strengthens enough to be able to hold you still as he licks the area of exposed shoulder that your sweater had slid off of, his teeth grazing the skin ever so slightly. He debated letting you go, he didn't like the way that you were crying at all, you were going to hate him for this. 
He had already gone too far to turn back though. Before he can talk himself out of it, he bites down on your shoulder, trying to be as gentle as possible so as not to hurt you too much, but also trying to make sure it would take. He can't help but to savor you for a moment, the animal in him going absolutely feral over scent alone, he could do this for hours, he thought and happily he almost does until he realizes that your crying has stopped and you are now slumped against him. 
It had been the longest couple of years after that. You had just barely been able to graduate with your friends, nearly having to take a sixth year of highschool, though if that had happened you probably would have just dropped out. You had already taken freshman year twice, you couldn't go through senior year again. 
You had been so mad at Peter for the longest time, though you were still doing everything he asked of you. Scott and Derek had said it was the alpha bond, but personally, you felt like it was different than that because if was like your entire judgement was clouded over when it came to him, and honestly it still was though you had learned to look through it and use your own logic. 
Even before the bite you had been strangely attracted to Peter, though it definitely intensified after and you were certainly no stranger to fantasizing about him, so, as your shoulder throbbed ever so slightly, you let yourself fall into one of those fantasies, you were the only one in the front of the diner anyway, the late shift never being busy save for the occasional drunkard, you needed some form of entertainment. 
The fantasy was much like your others, though more intense than they normally were..peter was leading you up to his loft, your hand in his as he practically dragged you up the stairs, a girly little giggle escaping you as you run after him, your heels sounding on the ground and the skirt of your dress swishing around your bottom. 
Peter had gone full on foreplay in the car on your way back from your dinner date, his hands in between your legs, his nails ripping the fabric of your panties to shreds before pumping his fingers in and out of your dripping, aching core, clenching around his fingers as if begging for something more. 
The sound he had made when he felt you was almost feral, it ripped right through to your core and you could've cum from that alone, but alas, Peter had other plans for you. The door to his loft is barely even closed before he has you pressed up against it, his large, firm hands pressed tightly on your thighs as he hoists you up, letting you wrap your legs around his waist, your mouths moving against each other's with an urgency that you'd grown accustomed to when it came to him, as if the two of you could never get enough of each other. 
"Jesus.." You groan, the feel of his hard cock pressed against your bare mound sending shockwaves through your aching body, lust taking over your entire train of thought. 
"You and I both know I'm the farthest thing from holy, sweetheart.." He whispers, voice breathless as he makes his way down your throat, the stubble of his five o'clock shadow tickling your skin in the most delicious of ways, edging you halfway to insanity. 
After a few moments longer he removes you from the door, carrying you to his bed. His hands are on your bare ass under the skirt of your dress, squeezing the flesh appreciatively before giving a nice slap, throwing you off of his body and onto his mattress. You bounce, staring up at him through lust filled eyes as you watch him take his V-Neck off of his torso, tossing it to the ground before he gets to work on his jeans. You kick your heels off, they clunk to the floor before you shimmy out of your dress, the fabric falling off your body as you lift yourself off of the mattress the slightest bit. 
You realize as he gives you long, gazing look over your body that you are embarrassingly desperate for this man to even breathe in your direction, let alone fuck you, and yet here you are, on his bed, laid out all nice and pretty as you watch him fist his thick, deliciously long cock in his hands a couple of times, groaning at the thought of it inside of you. 
"You coming?" You ask, teasingly as you spread your legs for him, biting your lip. His shoulders slump as if in defeat and he let's out one of the prettiest sighs you think you've ever heard in your life. 
"Sweetheart, i hope not for a long while." He says finally and you giggle, before screeching in surprise when he grips your ankle and pulls you down to the edge of the bed, wrapping your legs around his hips as he teases your aching cunt with his cock, dragging up and down your sopping slit, once..twice..three times before he pushes himself into your tight, warm hole.
The noise that escapes your mouth is one of pure filth and it seems to be all the urging on he needs as he pumps his hips in and out of you. You watch as his face contort with each thrust deeper and deeper into you, your pussy clenching onto him with need he'd never felt before, your hips rising up off of his bed as if to beckon him in to you farther. 
You were already so over stimulated just from being horny that you knew you didn't stand a chance of lasting nearly as long as you could have, and you had a feeling he knew it to because the more sounds you made for him, the more one of your hands tugged at your own breasts and the other pawed at his forearm where his hand gripped your hips so meanly, the harder he fucked into you. 
It was almost painful, and you knew that if you hadn't been a werewolf it probably would have been. You wouldn't complain though because something about him being the one to bring on that kind of way in the sinfully delicious way that he was doing it, was absolutely glorious to you and dear God you basked in the absolute pleasure it brought you. 
Peter grunts as your pussy grips him, the sound of your skin slapping together and the squelching of your wet cunt sucking him back into your pussy every time he pulled out was filling the room, a beautiful music to his ears, as was the high pitched groan that escaped your throat as he gripped your hips harder, angling them up off the bed. He could feel himself hitting you at a deeper angle and just the look on your face as he did was what was going to make him finish, the way your eyes rolled into the back of your head, your mouth hung open in a silent moan, your tits bouncing every time he fucked into you..you were the perfect sight..
"So fucking perfect for me, y/n..y/n..
"Y/N!" Peter brings you out of your day dream, snapping his fingers in front of your face. You squeak in fright, heart racing and face flushing as you realize the man you had been fantasizing about was standing before you. 
"Jesus fucking Christ Peter!" You yell, calming yourself down. You glance at the clock behind him, noting the time. "It's almost midnight what the hell are you doing here?" 
The man looks at you as if you were insane, which, honestly, you had to wonder yourself if you were..nothing else could explain the way that you felt about the man that barely looked at you some days. "I told you at lunch I was going to pick you up tonight, remember? You said your car was broke down.." Truthfully, you hadn't thought he was serious. Peter hardly ever did anything with you outside of your meetings and occasionally running into him at the store..
"Oh.." Shit. How the fuck were you supposed to survive an entire car ride with him when you knew he could smell the horny radiating off of you? You were about to tell him that you were fine to walk when you realized it was raining pretty hard out, because of course California would decde to ends its drought right now. Fuck me up a goddamn river. 
"Give me a minuet.." 
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ralph-with-coffee · 6 months
sleep well and see you on the other sideit’s a whole new world8 hours of sleep vs 5 hours of sleepI’ll see you on the brighter sidesleep tight. 4.2.2024
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faustoramoslugo · 1 year
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hkmblog · 2 years
Hamar's World8 後編 パイパンで身も心も丸裸 野々原まゆ - 無料動画付き(サンプル動画)
Hamar's World8 後編 パイパンで身も心も丸裸 野々原まゆ - 無料動画付き(サンプル動画) スタジオ: 動画配信 シリーズ: Hamar's World 時間: 61分 女優: 野々原まゆ 今回温泉にご一緒するのは、以前とある現場でご一緒したことのある系女優野々原まゆちゃん。…小さく可愛い見た目とは腹に、女優さん以外のご本業を 持ち日々しっかり働いている責任感の強い女性です。 そしてご本人は無意識ですが、中々内面を見せてくれない人見知りな面を持っています。 そんな彼女との旅が始まり、信号待ちで隣を見ると、記憶とは違うオーラを放つ谷間が目立つ彼女の胸元…。前回撮影から一年弱の間に激しい成長を遂げていま す!(笑) 「なぜいきなり?」…想像に難くないその理由は、最近できたという彼氏なのでしょうか? 「ネトリ」気分で宿に到着。今回は3つのお風呂が付いている中々素晴らしいお部屋です DVD・DVD販売サイト【DVD村】 DVD正規販売のDVD村です。動画ダウンロード$1.49!サンプル動画あり、ブルーレイ、DVDあり。
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techalertx · 2 years
top 10 ai projects
Here are the top 10 research and thesis topics for AI projects in 2022:1. The impact of AI on society and economy2. The future of AI in business and governance3. The ethical implications of AI4. The potential of AI for solving global issues5. The impact of AI on human cognition6. The future of work in an age of AI7. The role of AI in creating a more equitable world8. The impact of AI on human relationships9. The role of AI in education10. How AI is changing the nature of knowledge
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platanosconlechera · 3 years
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#gamesthatrock #supermariobros3 #smb3 #world8 #lavaland #castleofkoopa #bowser #supermariobros #nes #nintendo https://www.instagram.com/p/CSnD3-lpoWc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tulsitea-blog · 7 years
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oh.... worm
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handsomehugz-blog · 7 years
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astarkey · 4 years
I’ve been tagged by @wandering-around-the-world8 Thank you so much for tagging me!!! 🥰💗
Rules: Tag 8 people
Fave color: Purple!
Last song: Urantia // Deftones
Last show: Black Books
Sweet, spicy or savory: Savory
Bubbly water, coffee or tea: Tea 
Tagging @georgieharrisons, @yossariandawn, @the-highest-most-exalted-one, @xbellyache, @bloodychamber, @alwaysupatnight, @onyxheartbeat, @heatherannchristie, and anyone else who wants to do this. (Y’all already know 😂 if you don’t wanna do this, that’s fine! 😁)
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djssecretplans · 8 years
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Welcome home, little buddy! I picked up my second Switch game from World 8. That place is awesome! • • • • #thebindingofisaac #nintendoswitch #world8 #gaming #collection #gameshop #losangeles
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wheredafandomat · 2 years
Series Masterlist
“I’ve just been so tired recently and I’m pretty sure I’m going off of pasta, I loveee pasta.” You sighed, holding the phone to your ear.
“No more pasta for Mrs Laufeyson awww.” Bucky joked, laughing from the other end.
“I’m being serious, it is upsetting. And do you wanna know what’s worse than going off of pasta. Marrying your shrink, he always thinks he knows what’s best.”
“And does he?” Bucky continued to laugh.
“Know best?”
You stayed silent for a few moments, smiling to yourself as you thought of Loki.
“Yeah, most of the time.” You answered. “Anyways, how’s you and Nat?”
“Still taking things slowly, I met her family, nice bunch, scary sister.” He replied. “Not to be dramatic y/n but I love her.” He added.
“Awww.” You cooed as Loki walked into the room, leaning down, he kissed you on the neck. “Stopp.” You giggled. “I’ll call you back later Bucky Lokis just got home.”
“Speak to you later. Byeeee.”
Hanging your phone up, you dropped it onto the bed before you turned towards Loki and kissed him properly, him deepening it as one of his hans found the back of your head.
“Hi.” He spoke against your lips.
“How did it go?” You asked, pecking his lips again.
“You are now looking at the new owner of the Ostroff Centre soon to be Laufeyson centre.” He grinned.
“AAAAAAHHHHYOUGOTIT!!!” You exclaimed, arms wrapping tightly around Loki as you pulled him into the bed, wrapping your legs around him too.
“Course I did, I just worked my charm.” He smirked.
“Whatever.” You laughed, rolling your eyes as you kissed him again. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Couldn’t have done it without you.”
“I love you so much.”
“I love you more gorgeous.”
“How about we celebrate?” You suggested.
“What did you have in mind?” He asked, wriggling his brows.
“Champagne, dinner, definitely some vigorous sex.” You smirked.
“Okay hear me out.” He began “Why don’t we just skip the champagne.”
“Mhmm.” You hummed, prompting him to continue.
“Skip the dinner.”
“And jump straight to the sex.” He finished, kissing your neck.
“Finneeee.” You giggled as your lips found his.
You began removing one another’s clothes, lips barely leaving each others as you kissed passionately. Once you were naked against the bed underneath Loki, he entered you, slowing easing himself inside as your nails dug into his shoulders. He reached down, kissing you again as he bottomed out. The sex was slow, intimate. You and Loki told one another how much you loved each other as you came, Loki remaining buried inside of you even after his own climax. Looking into one another’s eyes, you found home. You both knew you’d never be alone again, you had him and he had you.
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Short little epilogue thing 😁
@mischief2sarawr @howdidurhammergrowchris @consistentreader578 @mcufan72 @lokixryss @jaspearl31 @eyesbluelikethetitanic @emma-laufeyson @lucylaufeyson3 @deathlydelusion @multifandom-world8 @lulubelle814 @ppartridgee @geekwritersworld @kats72 @lokiprompts @123forgottherest @lokisninerealms @niastyles @lokisgoodgirl @lokisprettygirl22 @vickie5446
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insomniacaesthetic · 3 years
one more princess
Pairing: Severus Snape x Reader
Summary: Severus loves to make you fall apart with fingers over and over again.
Category: Smut
Word count: 605
A/N: sorry its short but I hope you like it nonetheless. May have to reupload this if Tumblr keeps hiding my fics tho 💀
Your body was splayed out on his bed. Wrists tied with silk ribbons to the headboard. Every so often you would struggle against your restraints when Severus’ fingers made a particularly delicious stroke. He had been going at it for hours. Overstimulation was an understatement.
He was obsessed with fingering you as he had so kindly stated earlier. Loved seeing how well you took his fingers. How easily your body responded to him. He dragged orgasm after orgasm from your shaking body with his fingers alone. Every time you reached your climax, you were certain it would finally be enough, but he kept insisting you come again for him.
“You look so pretty like this. You take my fingers oh so well princess. One more time c’mon baby.”
One more time turned into two more then three more. You kept trying to squirm away, but Severus locked you down with his body. Your legs splayed open for him, and with no way out he continued pumping his fingers in and out of your abused entrance for what felt like eternity. Paired with the occasional rubbing or sucking of your clit, you had lost count of how many times you had fallen apart tonight.
Each time your orgasm approached, he would suck on the pulse point on your neck or whisper encouragements and praise right into your ear. His hot breath causing goosebumps to form all over your skin.
Crying out how it was too much, and you couldn’t finish again only to be silenced by his condescending comments. “You can’t come again? Silly girl you’ve said that how many times tonight? And. Every. Single. Time. You. Still. Come.” Each word was emphasized with a rough pump of his long and thin fingers. Your thighs began to quiver.
“Going to come again? So soon? I thought you couldn’t do it, what happened?” He curled his fingers, so they rubbed up right against your g-spot. Tears welled up in your eyes and your thighs tensed as you fell over the edge again. Severus’ name falling from your lips like a prayer combined with pathetic whimpers. “That’s a good girl. So proud of you. I love hearing you scream my name Y/N. Keep being loud for me.” He never ceased his movements, only slowed them down temporarily.
“I can’t get enough of you princess. Give me one more.” You shook your head violently. You didn’t think you could take another one. Your mind was fuzzy beyond belief. You gazed up at Severus through half-lidded eyes. His mouth was moving. He was speaking to you, but you couldn’t comprehend the words.
He pulled his fingers from you entrance after a final climax. Still covered in your arousal, he shoved them in your mouth. You half-heartedly sucked on them.
“Poor baby. Look at you. I’ve fucked you stupid, haven’t I?” You nodded, not really understanding his words.
He removed his fingers from your mouth and replaced them with his lips. He kissed you deeply, stealing the air from your lungs. You moaned into the kiss, still needy for him despite how many times he’s made you come.
“No more baby. Time to get some rest.” Severus removed the ties that held your hands above your head, and they dropped to the bed. He chucked and pulled you on top of him, so your head rested on his chest. He stroked your back soothingly and hummed. You mewled at his touch. Your body felt aflame but he shushed you into silence. “Shh I’ve got you darling. That’s it Y/N. I’ll take care of you. Just go to sleep my love.”
(if your name is in bold it is because it would not let me tag you)
@sapphicdt @darkthought15 @multifandomfix @monster-energies @eternal-silvertongued-prince @holymymolly @multifandom-world8 @vilentia @cope69seethe @diamondbitch116 @alisongurl13 @multifandomgeeks @missseverussnape @slasherssexslave @tojish03 @moonlight-flux @sgchamberlain @yan-senna @rainogems @sam28637 @roseemiliasnape @your-mom-is-a-milf @glimmering-darling-dolly
Click here to join my taglist.
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faustoramoslugo · 2 years
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