#works for kiku too ironically
Kidnapper: I have your partner.
Windy: What? I don't have a partner...
Kidnapper: Then who just called me a lowlife bitch and spit in my face?
Windy: Oh my god, you have Ryoken.
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numnumart · 1 year
The way certain parts of the English One Piece fandom treat Yamato is hilariously reflective of their regressive views irl + (end of Wano manga content) why Oda kind of messed up with the bathhouse scene.
All these fights over pronouns, not even acknowledging the character's psyche itself, to further their own ideology. Just like how TRAs (especially agp males) use vulnerable girls to further their own ideology without even acknowledging the girls themselves having either mental health problems, autism, past abuse/trauma, internalized homophobia, normal discomfort with puberty, gnc behaviour, etc. They love using woc and infertile women as shields too it’s disgusting.
Yamato is female and idolizes Oden. Yamato wants to BE Oden, she even claims she IS Oden, but that doesn’t mean she’s “trans masc”, you can headcanons that sure but the thing is, oden was free, but Yamato is shackled to an island with bomb-cuffs by her own father who definitely wanted a boy and not a girl, she is kaidos daughter who was beaten, starved, and just abused to the point where she’s now in full-time cosplay being someone else to escape her reality and who she is. It’s sad. Why do tras want to take this strong female character away from women and girls? The patriarchy is crazy!!
It’s also completely detached from the reality of Japanese culture as well as the female sex in general. These people love to whitewash anime with their privileged, luxury beliefs. Yes, gender ideology is the epitome of white feminism. These Colonizers bro.
It might be surprising for some weebs but Japan is not a paradise. It’s imperfect like everywhere else in the world. The misogyny there is insane! Sexism/Traditional gender roles persist there. They even have women-only train cars because of how common groping/SA is.
Also, homosexuality and cross-dressing aren’t completely shunned there, it’s historically documented and all that. Same-sex marriage isn’t allowed in some places there and whatnot but at least they aren’t slaughtered and ostracized.
Anyway, this is where Oda’s choice to put a male in a female bathhouse comes in. Kiku is male, and Yamato is female. Kiku bathed with males his whole life. At the end of wano yamato bathes with males and kiku bathes with females. Of course, this case is unique because it’s not a public bathhouse and Nami and them know and trust Kiku and consent to his presence being there in the bath with him (a male bathing in front of women and children 💀 at least Hes not a bad person and covered himself with a towel. He’s an effeminate male/apparently a “woman at heart” which is a Japanese saying yet he acknowledges that he’s male and will never be a woman, actually, it’s kinda ironic how they ascribe womanhood being a feeling of femininity/conforming to regressive sexist gender roles because it’s really telling and fits in/suits the regressive nature of gender ideology), but the message it sends the English fandom is completely identity-politics related.
At least in the case of Yamato, she is treated and seen like a girl by characters like Sanji and Brook (nosebleed etc, not that it's good she's sexualized) and Luffy/zoro don't care.
Why do the English fandoms of anime love putting identity politics in everything? It’s so annoying… But anyway,
Males shouldn’t be in female spaces, and men (adult human males) cannot become women (adult human females) this shouldn’t have to be said, especially in public female spaces for the sake of safeguarding women and girls. Female-only spaces are statistically necessary! And as a WOC who was abused by males in every possible way since early childhood (read my pinned post where I put my article), it honestly actually broke my heart how Oda put a male in the bath and it got celebrated by the homophobic misogynists that are TRAs and even the fellow teen girls captured by this cult. It's not Oda's fault,, he's a product of his culture and times and it's not his fault how his audience interprets his work.
Anyway, Oda did at least show Yamato is female so many times in the manga, vivre cards, and even in the recent colour spread where he put Yamato in the girls-only colour spread and left out kiku. The meltdown over that was funny.
Well, at least the people who like to headcanon characters as trans have this. I wish they’d leave us alone tho. Unlike most transwomen (who resemble the crossdressers in Ivankovs kingdom/Kamabakka queendom in appearance and behaviour), kiku actually “passes”/LOOKS like a woman character. Also, I love Kiku's eyes so much that every time I draw from the day of his introduction I always add something like those little zigzags to eyes. He is such a cool character! I kinda wanna draw them both again. Rant over ig, see you next time ❤️
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 years
Tumblr media
Already wanted to do fashion week and girl goes digging out her haute couture! Love the iconic yellow kimono with the stole. Kiku’s basic aesthetic makes it pop.  The humble, simple beauty looks even better with a touch of finery. It’s a classic formula but it works so well here. Symbolic floral pattern. Bright color scheme to compliment the winning smile. 
How many of y’all know what I mean by calling her a Yamato Nadeshiko? Means like, “Flower (Dianthus) of (old name for) Japan.” Idealized concept, an archetype of traditional Japanese womanhood. For what it’s worth, trans girls who fit the trope are kind of a trope in and of themselves. As are subtle storytelling tricks, I ponder certain turns with Kiku because I’ve seen them done. A lot. You don’t really see these ladies quite as much anymore, especially properly done ones. Even the 90s anime I grew up on usually had them in a role emphasizing how outdated the concept was. Often missing the touch of iron she should have. Make no mistake though, Kiku’s been a great throwback. If you were curious this is primarily why I like her so much.
Tsuru/Toki fit the concept too. Hiyori is a little too glamorous. Tama’s well on her way if she naturally trends more feminine as she matures. Yamato? Not at all. Which is hilarious.
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hetalia-reacts · 3 years
I was wondering if I could have the waking up ask but axis version please.
Sure thing~
Good luck waking up before Ludwig honestly
He’s a pretty calm sleeper so you and him will stay covered and in place even if you’re a crazy sleeper
He’s got an iron grip on you the whole time so that’s why you or him aren’t going anywhere
Ludwig snores but it’s only lightly and only when he sleeps in certain positions
If you do wake up before him you will be blessed with his beauty
Ludwig easily looks like the babiest baby when asleep
No tension, stress, or annoyances to make his face go all >:|
Just relaxed, peacefully sleeping away
When he wakes up and sees you still in bed he reaches out for you immediately
He’s a softie and just wants to hold and caress you in this moment of raw openness and vulnerability
Not a man of many words in these moments
He will listen to you talk, but will likely only respond in varying grunts to convey interest or yes and no
Even though Ludwig is a big get up and go at it guy, he’s reluctant to leave the bed during mornings like these
He just wants to cuddle with you, even if it’s just for a minute longer
Literally carries you with him when he finally gets up
Like sorry honey you’re up already so might as well join him for breakfast and maybe some morning exercise
You will always wake up before him, always
It’s like he knows how long you sleep and refuses to wake up and start his day before you do
Always takes all the covers in his sleep
but it’s acceptable because he cuddles you in his sleep so you end up being kind of covered in the end anyways
Speaking of which you aren’t leaving him when you wake up, Feliciano’s grip on you is scarily strong
Feliciano sleep talks but it’s all nonsense and he doesn’t respond to outside interactions
He smiles in his sleep, this makes it really easy to tell if he’s having a nightmare or a sad dream because he’ll either have no expression or a frown
When he wakes up I think he has a little ritual that he does with you
Like he wakes up, kisses you, says something sickeningly sweet to you in Italian, and then cuddles with you for like 10 more minutes
Wants to talk in the morning, but he's still sleepy so it's all soft-spoken and a bit slurred
Just some soft cuddles, talking about the plans for the day, and some little smooches here and there
Feliciano will do just about anything to not have to get up so y’all can continue cuddling
Like even if it means having to go out and exercise for the rest of the day just please allow him another 30 minutes of soft cuddle time
Eventually, though he’ll get up so he can make breakfast for you (or lunch depending on when you guys finally got up)
The middle man in getting up super early or sleeping through his alarm for a bit
So you could often wake up before him
You might end up pushed to one side of the bed, Kiku is weird about cuddling some days
he could either hold you in his arms while he sleeps or could end up pushing you entirely out of bed because sleep brain is not happy with the contact
if Kiku is in one of his cuddle moods you could get reactions out of him while he sleeps
like petting his head or a light kiss makes him smile while he's sleeping
When he wakes up to you still in bed I feel like no matter how long you've been together he will always be a bit embarrassed or self-conscious
He just hates the thought that maybe he was drooling or snoring loudly and you saw him like that
Kiku likes to spend the morning with you I’m bed
Not necessarily lazing around, but maybe making an easy, mess-free breakfast to eat in bed while each of you do your own thing
Hand holding
Kiku likes to do whatever it is he’s doing while holding your hand
If you can’t do your thing without both hands he might make you scoot closer to him so he can be shoulder to shoulder with you
Kiku won’t want to get up out of bed
He really wants to stay like this with you, but he knows you both have things that need to get done
So he’ll kiss your forehead and coerces you out of bed to join him
You will wake up before him more often than not
Very clingy in his sleep, you won’t be stuck in his arms but he will constantly move with you so you will never be without him
Opposite of a cover thief, you will wake up with all the covers most days, especially if it’s particularly hot that day
Lovino just doesn’t vibe with covers
Snores lightly
Lovino enjoys waking up to you still in bed with him
Not a man of many words in the morning
Will likely tug at your arm or clothes with a pouty look on his face until you come snuggle back in his arms
He would really appreciate it if you spent the morning talking to him and showing him affection as he hugs and kisses you
Good luck convincing him to get up
He’s not leaving that bed or letting go of you unless it’s urgent
He will get up relatively quickly if you mention how hungry you are tho
Lovino really wants to take care of you so he’s always ready to make you food or do things for you
Much like Germany, good luck waking up before him
He sleeps in more than his brother, but not by a whole lot
You won’t get pushed in your sleep but you will wake up with an arm in your face and half of his body draped over yours
Cover thief to the max, and he doesn’t even end up covered by them
Snores like a jet taking off like omg
He looks hella cute in the morning tho
When Gilbert wakes up and sees you waiting for him he gets kinda soft
Like he has a sleep dazed pouty look as he sits ups and reaches for you
His hair is absolutely crazy looking in the morning so maybe pet it or try and smooth it out for him
Gilbert won’t keep you in bed for too long
as a matter of fact he’s pretty much ready to get out and start the day after about 30 minutes
But he might relent if you wanna cuddle a bit more because he’s soft for you and he’s really not that hungry or eager to start work
100% will force you out of bed and make you get ready with him because he gets lonely and you’re awake so act like it please
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kids au? or better human au? I do not know, but the allies and the axis are reunited with their first love s / o. To which they never managed to confess what they felt and S / o is better than they remembered. Some headcanons of the school time in the past and of the reunion of both.
This is a Hallmark AU (Hallmark is an American channel that has the most romantic, but cheesiest and slightly annoying romance movies. I'm talking like, that one miscommunication that messes up the almost official relationship, despite both the man and woman finally getting along after they tried to dislike each other even though it was painfully obvious they liked each other). But yeah, this would be a Human AU lol.
Allies an Axis reconnect with S/O!
His heart and body stopped dead on the college campus.
Standing in front of him was S/O. Someone he hasn't seen in years.
They had moved away the day he was going to admit his feelings to them.
He remembers the times they ran across the road they lived in, and played underneath a tree in the field.
He remembered the one time they cut open their knee, and he had to carry them back home. Even though they could still walk, he wanted to be their hero.
Time skip back to the present, they were back!
He ran to them full speed, and hugged them, telling them how much they missed them, and how much he loved them.
"Alfred? Alfie!?"
He sputtered as he realized what he had admitted too, and hearing the childhood nickname brought blush to his face.
His S/O smiled and pulled him in, repeating his vows of affection.
He scoffed at the group of people who were being a bit too rowdy in the town library.
He eventually had enough and was about to ask them to tone it down when he caught sight of a familiar face.
His S/O was standing in a group of their friends. Their happy aura making them twice as lovely as they were the day the had to go back to their hometown. Supposedly to help an old friend.
It seemed that even back then they spent most of their time reading the worst rated books to each other.
Joining all the little craft fairs the librarians held at the establishment. He still has the bracelet S/O made him.
He had to swallow the lump in his throat. Eyes eventually locking.
S/O had excused themselves from their group, and immediately ran to him, hesitating to hug him.
Arthur stopped them from doing so, and for some reason did the most cheesiest thing. He kissed the knuckles to their hand. No turning back now.
He complimented them, saying they looked just as beautiful they day he wanted to admit his feelings to them.
He was lucky they felt the same.
He spent his whole college career trying to make it into the modeling industry.
He had books and books of clothing designs to submit, but all had failed. And he was left working as a barista in some shady coffee shop.
He sighed as he heard the bell ding, a new customer who would probably complain about the mucky drinks.
But as he turned he was immediately taken back to the day his S/O first moved to town.
They lived across the street from him, and his S/O had turned around seeing him standing on the sidewalk, getting the mail.
They had both shyly waved to each other, and for a few days Francis left them small gifts, too shy to talk to them face to face, and never able to tell them his feelings.
But now, they're standing in front of him.
They hadn't recognized them, but he was so lost in thought the only thing he could manage was to wave at them
That waved must have rang a bell Because his S/O went "Wait- Are you the kid from across the street? The one who left me like, a pink paper airplane on my porch?"
His face went 50 shades of red as he started spitting out excuses and apologies.
After taking his order, he noticed they left their receipt behind. And a cell number.
Balance. Focus. Deep breathing.
All things Yào had for his martial arts training in the park. He was working on his Tai chi when some stranger's dog had ran under his legs, knocking him over.
All he could hear was someone apologizing, finally getting control of their dog.
He shot up to yell at the stranger but something stopped him.
The stranger looked painfully familiar, so once introductions were made, it dawned on him.
It was S/O. The two of them use to hide away from the other kids in grade school. He was the only asian in their class so he got picked on by everyone but S/O.
They had found an abandoned shack in the woods and they cleaned it up, making it their own. A base to go to when they were troubled.
Yào cracked a smile at them, and teased them about how he use to have a crush on them, a way to see how they felt.
He couldn't stop the blush that came with S/O admitting to crushing back at him.
He had met his S/O in his second year of College. It was unexpected.
They had came into the school year almost half way through so they seemed extremely lost.
Knowing how akward and hard it was to be in that situation he built up the courage to try and talk to them.
"E-excuse me. Do you need the- to be- shown round school?"
His broken english wasn't as bad as it once was, but his nerves caught up to him. Even hearing S/O laugh made his heart flutter.
He was surprised when it wasn't at him, and when they said yes- his stomach was doing backflips.
That was then, this is now. He had to go back to Russia, and they had said their goodbyes, thinking they'd never see each other again.
But after a year or so he decided to move back to America. Back to the town that gave him so much.
He'd be lying if he wasn't hoping to meet his S/O and maybe, just maybe, admit to what he felt.
He already knew S/O wanted to work at a certain place in town, so when he got the chance he went straight there.
To his sadness though, they weren't there. Nor did they ever work there.
Passing by the campus he was surprised at what he saw.
They were still in college?
Turns out a few class credits from high school didn't take, so they were slowly working on earning them back.
But the reunion was a welcomed one. Both had run into each other's arms at the sight. Ivan immediately showing confidence and asking if they were dating anyone.
"No, why?"
"Well, now you can be dating! Me, da?"
The smile his S/O was all he needed for a yes.
His college days were long behind him, including his dating days.
They were on his mind often, and even though he never told S/O how he felt, in his heart the time they spent together was all he needed to satisfy him.
That was until one day someone called his construction company to help get a roof fixed.
There was something about their voice that sent an odd, familiar sensation down his spine.
Curiosity getting the better of him, he went to the site himself.
The person who opened the door was S/O
The same person who helped him bring Feli to the nurse's office when he was "accidentally" pushed down some stairs.
They helped Luddy calm his anger and nerves over the days Feli had to recover from a fractured ankle and a broken finger.
Now he stood at the door, just as pleasantly stunned as S/O.
They hit it off like they weren't apart the last 5 years.
His heart sank the day his parents were rejected the ability to go to America.
The day they were supposed to fly in, was the day someone in an office lost track of some documents. Preventing them from even getting a green light to even go.
Even with the sad news, it wasn't going to stop him. He made all the calls he could, and decided to take a break after two hours.
Walking through town he soon spotted someone working outside at a cafe.
It was an old friend of his. It was S/O.
He wasn't planning on eating just yet, but he had to know for sure if it was them.
Years ago they had ran into him, more literally than metaphorically, and since then they would hang out when they could.
One specific memory was during high school, and they decided to play tennis. He couldn't help but laugh as his S/O got the ball stuck in the fencing more than once.
Sitting down, he waited for someone to take his orders.
To his surprise his waiter was S/O, who recognized him off the bat.
Deciding to take their break early, they got them and Kiku their desired food, and chatted.
Before going back in the clock, Kiku had asked them when they could talk next.
His S/O gave a day and address, and said "So it's a date then?"
Kiku could do nothing but blush and nod, maybe a bit more agressively than he wanted too.
Deep breaths. One step at a time, he tells himself. The very first day of middle school.
He was always a really shy kid, especially at school.
He can be a bit loud at times but he's really a gentle soul with a heart of gold
Sometimes, even in your own country, that can get you looked down upon. Sometimes it just takes someone from the outside to remember there's more on the horizon.
He first met his S/O (a transfer student for the next couple years) the first day school started. He was already too nervous, but his S/O saw the amount of alone time he has, minus his brother being near by, and decided to try and make friends.
The conversation went okay, the language barrier being a slight set back, but the more they hung out, the easier both of their languages became. By the time his S/O left, they were pretty fluent and Bilingual.
It's been almost years since then, but he spotted his S/I, ironically, the first day of College.
They were unmistakable from their signature laugh, and Feli had gained a lot of courage talking to people since he met them.
Tapping them on their shoulder, an odd wave of giddiness filled him. What he once thought was happiness from having a friend, he now recognizes as love.
It took him a few weeks, but he eventually asked them out, and the beating in his chest filled his ears as they said yes.
Thank you so much to the Anon who spotted the fact Italy was forgotten! Thank you~!
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fat-hedonistic-hogs · 3 years
Muse List!
Name Amélie Lacroix
Weight: 4000 lbs.
Status: Feedee
Bio: An Assassin for hire Amelie was turned into a human hog hybrid during and experiment to make her stronger. This had the adverse effect of turning her into a wheezing food obsessed slob. She’s still an assassin just much more likely to sit on or eat her targets rather than shoot them.
Name: Elizabeth Caledonia “Calamity” Ashe
Weight: 3000 lbs.
Status: Feedee
Bio: The bratty spoiled leader of the deadlock gang a notorious band of criminals known for robbing and looting fast food establishments, Ashe is a woman who has devoted her life to satiating her unstoppable hunger and gluttony.
Name: Nami
Weight: 3000 lbs.
Status: Feedee
Bio: A pirate, expert navigator and member of the strawhat pirates. She ate the shark-Shark fruit and was granted the ability to become a shark human hybrid. She’s greedy and will do almost anything for gold.
Name: Nico Robin
Weight: 3000 lbs
Status: Feeder/Feedee
Bio: Archeologist of the Straw Hat pirates and former member of baroque works. Nico Robin aka the devil child has been traveling with the world famous pirate crew for several years now. Wanted by the government for her forbidden knowledge she eventual found her will to live again after the actions her crew performed at Enies lobby.
Name: Boa Hancock
Weight: 3000 lbs.
Status: Feedee
Bio: Queen of Amazon Lily and captain of the kuja pirates, Boa Hancock is a former member of the now defunct seven warlords of the Sea and former holder of title of most beautiful woman in the world (not that she’d ever admit to having lost it due to her weight gain and slobish habits.). She rules her people with a flabby iron fist and demands tributes of food from everyone who she sees as unworthy to be in her presence.
Name: Jewelry Bonney
Weight: 3000 lbs
Status: Feedee
Bio: Member of the worst generation and captain of the Bonney Pirates, Jewelry carries the epithet “Big Eater” and sails the grand line in search of treasure and food.  
Name: Reiju Vinsmoke
Weight: 5000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: Member of Germa 66 and known throughout the work as Poison Pink, Reiju is a deadly combatant with her body augmented by science and her Raid Suit to increase her physically abilities. Has a love for eating and absorbing poison which has caused her to become quite large due to indulging in poison coated food too often.
Name: Carrot
Weight: 4000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: Ally of the strawhat pirates, Carrot has been on a few adventures with the crew after boarding their ship from the island of Zou. She's rather oblivious to things not found on her island and loves to nom people's cheeks and ear. She's rather hyper but can turn angry if someone touches her food.
Name: Kikunojo Aka Kiku/Okiku
Weight: 6000 lbs
Status: Feedee
Bio: Kikunojo of the Lingering Snow, more commonly referred to as Kiku, is a samurai from Wano Country and a retainer for the Kozuki Family, serving as one of Kozuki Oden's Nine Red Scabbards. She is also the younger sister of Izou and the daughter of the dancing school head of the Hanayanagi School (花柳流 Hanayanagi-ryū?) in Ringo. She traveled 20 years forward in time at the age of 22.
Name:  Charlotte Amande
Weight: 8000
Status: feedee
Bio: "Demon Lady" Charlotte Amande is the third daughter and seventh child of the Charlotte Family.
name: Perona
Weight: 10,000 lbs
status: feedee
Bio: a bratty ghost princess and eater of the hollow hollow fruit
Name: Black Maria
Weight: ???
Status: feedee
Bio: zoan fruit earer and member of the beast pirates!
Name: Carly Nagisa
Weight: 4000 lbs
Status: feeder
Bio: A clumsy dorky reporter from Neo Domino city and number 1 Jack Atlas super fan, Carly is a bit of a klutz but she has a good hear and an even better appetite.
Name: Dark Carly /Aslla
Weight: 4000 lbs
Status: feeder
Bio: after falling to her death after a battle with a psychic duelist Carly was resurrected by the earth bound immortal Aslla Piscu, now bearing the mark of the humming bird and reborn as a dark signer Carly has become corrupted by darkness and seeks revenge. Much more sadistic and voracious than her old self. Through blog magic these two now exist at the same time!
Name Maggie (Dark magician girl)
Weight: 8,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: the Dark Magicians lovely apprentice!
Name: Yubel
Weight: 15,000 lbs
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: A duel spirit corrupted with a black heart and love of pain. reformed after fusing with Judai Yuki.
Name: Queen’s Knight (Titania):
Weight: 20,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: a loyal an brave knight she’ll fight to the end to protect her queen.
Name: Misty Tredwell/Misty Lola
Weight: 10,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: A fashion model turned dark signer. she pairs the mark of an earthbound immortal.
Name: Mai Valentine/Mai Kujaku
Weight: 9,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: A pro duelist known for using harpie lady cards
Name: Ishizu Ishtar
Weight: 9,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: The brother of Marik Ishtar and Odion
Name: Bakura/Yami Bakura
Weight: 8,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: former wielder of the millenium ring, he loves occult monsters but still caries a darkness inside him
Name: Dark Necrofear (Phirona)
Weight: 20,000 lbs
status: feeder, feedee
Bio: Yami Bakura's ace monster
Name: Maximillion Pegasus
Weight: 10,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: the creator of duel monsters and former owner of the millenium eye
Name: Alexis Rhodes/Asuka Tenjoin
Weight: 8,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: former obelisk blue duelist and know pro duelist
Name: Cinder Fall
Weight: 3000 lbs.
Status: Feedee
Bio: After absorbing the fall maiden’s powers Cinder’s body could barely contain the immense power of the maiden and almost resulted in her demise. In order to better control these new powers her body began to greatly increase her fat storage as a way to utilize her new found abilities.
Name: Emerald Sustrai
Weight: 5000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: member of Cinder's syndicate and illusionist extraordinaire, Emerald has a bit of a sweet tooth and her bosses constant feeding and coddling left her turning a bit plumper over the years.
Name: Salem
Weight: 5000 lbs
Status: Feeder/Feedee
Bio: Mother of all Grimm and enemy to humanity. She wants nothing more than to see humanity crumble at her feet. She’s sadistic and takes pleasure in fattening helpless humans into immobile blobs.
Name: Coco Adel
Weight: 3000 lbs
Status: Feedee
Bio: Leader of team CFVY and leading model for plus sized fashion in vale. Coco Adel is a fierce combatant and huntress with her semblance and minigun at her side there isn't many foes who can take her head on.
Name: Velvet Scarlatina
Weight: 5500
Status: feedee
Bio: member of team cfvy and owner of the cutest pair of bunny ears at beacon. Velvet has a knack for photography and likes taking pictures or people's weapons...and their bottoms.
Name: Ruby Rose
Weight: 4000 lbs
Status: Feedee
Bio: Leader of team RWBY and weapon nerd, Ruby is a relatively sweet and easily excited young lady who’s a bit shy socially and a huge dork when it comes to things she’s interested in. Her weapon Crescent Rose is both a scythe and high impact sniper rifle. in layman’s terms it’s also a  gun.
Name: yang xiao long
Weight: 6000 lbs
Status: Feedee 
Bio: Ruby’s older sister and blonde brawler of team RWBY. She’s a bit of a hot head but she’s got a heart of gold. Just don’t call her fat or touch her hair or you’ll be sorry.
Name: Weiss Schnee
Weight: 5000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: certified brat and heiress to the Schnee dust company. Weiss has had one to many cakes and as a result may had put on just a bit of weight. Not that she'd ever admit to it.
Name: Blake Belladonna
Weight: 6000 lbs (it's all her ass tbh)
Status: feedee
Bio: Former weight fang member and leader of the tuna appreciation club at Beacon. Blake is a quiet and rather reserved huntress who always seems to be napping in the sun outside in the courtyard. her booty has claimed the lives of many a chair at beacon.
Name: nora valkyrie
Weight: 9000 lbs
Status: Feedee
Bio: Member of team JNPR Nora is the self proclaimed queen of thunder thighs at beacon academy. She's also he head of Yoga and weight lifting club on campus.
Name: Kali Belladonna
Weight: 8000 lbs
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: Blake's mom and close contender for world's fattest faunus. Kali loves to spoil not only her daughter but anyone really.
Name: Glynda Goodwitch
Weight: 7000 lbs
Status: Feeder/Feedee
Bio: Headmistress of Beacon academy Glynda is in charge of making sure the students dont get too rowdy and cause problems. Her job has been made significantly harder now that most of her students are massive hogs.
Name: Jaune Arc
Weight: 6000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: The kinda dorky leader of team JNPR
Name: Lie Ren
Weight: 5000 lbs
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: A member of team JNPR specializes in stealth and pancake making!
Name: Pyrrha Nikos
Weight: 7000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: Having survived her encounter with Cinder Pyrrha has taken up intense training to protect her friends!
Height: 7ft (a tall muscle gut beauty!)
Name: raven branwen
Weight:7000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: Yangs mother and leader of a clan of bandits.
Name: Taiyang Xiao Long
Weight: 7000 lbs
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: yangs dad and local dilf, Tai is prone to making bad puns....
Name: Winter Schnee
Weight: 7000 lbs
Status: feedee
Body Type: Hyper pear
Bio: weiss' older sister and atlas military specialist.
Name: Willow Schee
Weight: 9000
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: Weiss’s mother who’s a bit of a heavy drinker…
Name: Summer Rose
Weight: 10,000
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: Ruby’s mother and new teacher at beacon academy!
Name: penny Polendina
Weight: 15,000 (mostly metal)
Bio: a mechanical cutie haling from atlas. She's combat ready AND feeding ready!
Status: feeder/feedee
Name: sienna khan
Weight: 10,000
Status: feedee/feedee
bio: former leader of the white fang, now teacher at beacon.
Fairy tail
Name: Erza Scarlet
Weight: 3000 lbs
Status: Feedee
Bio: Member of the Fairy Tail guild, Erza was cursed by a rouge mage with a slow metabolism and a large apatite leading her to gain a significant amount of weight. She gets teased a lot for her size but she’s still a powerful fighter in her own right. Mirajane currently looks after her in her larger state. Since her power greatly decreased due to her size she’s on the back  burner when it comes to guild work. She mostly handles trivial tasks that most other mages are too busy to do.
Name: Mirajane Strauss
Weight: 3000 lbs
Status: Feeder
Bio: is an S-Class Mage of the Fairy Tail Guild, as well as its "drawing card", and is often a model for the Sorcerer Magazine. Was afflicted by a similar curse to Erza making blimp up to her current size. Is very motherly and will happily feed and spoil anyone who approaches her... or anyone in general really.
Naruto/ Naruto Shippuden:
Name: Kaguya Otsutsuki
Weight: 5000 lbs
Status: Feeder/Feedee
Bio: The mother of all Chakra and threat to all of the shinobi world or so it was thought. After Zetsu revived her Kaguya seemed to have changed after her many years sealed away in the Gedo Mazo, once she was free she simply wanted nothing more than to have a good meal to satiate her hunger and a strong lover to let out some of the pent up urges she had acquired during her imprisonment. Lives in Konoha so the village can keep an eye on her. is a frequent customer at most restaurants around the village.
Name: Naruto Uzamaki
Weight: 6000 lbs
Bio: hokage of the hidden leaf village and wife of hinata. This shinobi will never turn his back on his way and always fights to protect the things he believes in and those he cares about! his wife's cooking has made him gain more than a little weight...
Name: Sasuke Uchiha
Weight: 5000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: Naruto's Rival and one of the last surviving members of the uchiha clan, thanks to a certain Otsutsuki's pampering he and naruto have grown in both size and power...
Name: Hinata Hyuga
Weight: 3000 lbs
Status: Feeder/Feedee
Bio: Hinata is a kunoichi of Konohagakure. Formerly the heiress of the Hyūga clan, she lost the position upon being deemed unsuited for the responsibilities of leading the clan. Wife of 7th hokage Uzamaki Naruto. Has gained weight during peace time along with never really working off her baby fat. She's kind and carrying and willing to do anything to protect her family.
Name: Tsunade
Weight: 4000 lbs
Status: Feedee
Bio: Former hokage of the hidden leaf village and granddaughter of Hashirama Senju, Tsunade has a bit of a drinking and gambling problem as well as her insatiable Appetite.
Weight: 1500 lbs
Name: Shizune
Body Type: strong fat/Muscle gut.
Status: Feeder/Feedee
Bio: One of Tsunade's apprentices. Shizune became a talented medical ninja under her tutelage; also becoming her companion during her sabbatical from active shinobi duty. After Tsunade is persuaded to return to Konoha to become its Fifth Hokage, Shizune assumes the role of her assistant. One Tsunde left office Shizune resumed being a shinobi.
Name: Sakura Haruno
Weight: 4000 lbs
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: member of team seven and one of the best medical ninjas in the world. She's also the wife of Sasuke Uchiha and mother to Sarada Uchiha. She runs a hopsital in Konoha catered to larger individuals.
Name: Anko Mitarashi
Weight: 5000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: former apprentice of orochimaru and renowned kunoichi. Anko's grown softer over the years do to her constant snacking.
Name: Sasori of the red sand
Weight: 4000 lbs
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: former member of the Akatsuki and strongest puppet master in the world. He was revived and granted a human body back through mysterious circumstances... He celebrate his revival a little too much and as a result is a bit chunkier than he used to be.
Name: Kurama
Weight: Varies can shape shift
Status: feedee
Bio: Nine tailed fox and strongest of the tailed beasts. Kurama has grown fatter during peace times and now spends his days drinking and eating.
Name: Asuma Sarutobi
Weight: 5000 lbs
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: Sensei of team 10 and mentor to Shikamaru, Asuma managed to survive his encounter with Hidan and now continues to protect his village.
Name: Temari
Weight: 7000 lbs
Status: feeder/feedee
Body Type: strong fat, muscle gut, top heavy
Bio: sister of the kazekage Gaara, and wife of shikamaru. shes a bulky and busty kunoichi!
Name: TenTen
Weight: 6000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: konoha’s local weapons specialist!
Name: Yugito
Weight: 10,000
Status: feedee
Body Type: belly heavy
Bio: Jinchuriki of the 2 tailed cat matatabi, Yugito is a cunning and deadly shinobi.
Name: Konan
Weight: 9,000 lbs
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: member of the akatsuki and resident paper angel, shes got quite the appetite on her
Name: Pakura
Weight: 8,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: a former shinobi of the hidden sand now aimless drifter.
Weight: ???
Status: feedee
Bio: the 2 tailed cat and one of the 9 tailed beasts.
Name: Tier Harribel
Weight: 3000 lbs
Status: Feedee
Bio: The number three Espada and one of the few female Vasto Lorde, Harribel is a bit of a strange case amongst arrancar as she has acquired a taste for human cuisine aswell as her innate need to feast on human souls. This has led to an increase in her size and weight though she still manages to retain her rank despite her more gluttonous habits she's picked up from the human world.
Name: Retsu Unohana
Weight: 3000 lbs
Status: Feeder/Feedee
Bio: Former captain of the soul society's 11th division and current captain of the 4th, Unohana appears to be a kind and soft woman who has devoted her life to healing but underneath her gentle surface is a battle hardened warrior who takes pleasure in violence. Though her time at the 4th has softened her a bit in both her mood and her body she is still capable of defending her home and food with ferocity.
Name: Yoruichi Shihōin
Weight: 3000 lbs
Status: Feedee
Bio: the former captain of the 2nd Division of the Gotei 13, as well as the former commander of the Onmitsukidō. Left the soul society and now mingles in the human world with Urahara. 
Name:Rangiku Matsumoto
Weight: 6000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: this busty soul reaper loves nothing more than a belly full of food and a good drink.
Name: Toshiro Hitsugaya
Weight: 7000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: Tōshirō Hitsugaya is the captain of the 10th Division in the Gotei 13. His lieutenant is Rangiku Matsumoto.
Name: Rukia Kuchiki
Weight: 5000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: the current captain of the 13th Division. She formerly served as lieutenant of the 13th Division.
Name: orihime inoue
Weight: 8000 lbs
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: One of Ichigo's friends and current wife. shes not the strongest fighter but that doesn't mean she wont try!
Name: Saru Zabimaru
Weight: 9000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: half of Renji’s zapakuto spirit. represents the baboon portion of his bankai.
Name: Hebi Zabimaru
Weight: 6000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: half of Renji’s zanpakuto spirit represents the snake portion of his bankai.
Name: Katen
Weight 9999 lbs
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: Shunsui’s zanpakuto spirit. 
Name: Coyote Starrk
Weight: 10,000
Status: Feeder/Feede
Bio: The first Espada and natural born Arrancar, Starrk is a drifter and a man that loneliness and death seems to follow.
quite playful, teasing her master on a regular basis.
Name: Senjumaru Shutara
Weight: 5000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: the divine general of the North and member of the zero division that guards the soul king. She’s an expert tailor and can control threads.
status: feedee
Name: Kirio Hikifune
Weight: 20,000 lbs
Bio: the divine general of the south and member of the zero division that protects the soul king. She can enhance anyone who eats her cooking.
Name: Franceska Mila Rose:
Weight: 3000 lbs
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: a Fierce arrancar with the powers of a lion. She’s one of harribel’s fraccion and a powerful adversary to face. Those who fall before her usually wind up in her stomach.
Name: Cyan Sung-Sun
Weight: 4000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: a quiet an mysterious arrancar with the power to turn into a Naga. She has a habit of covering her mouth when she talks and is hopelessly looking for a partner.
Name: urozakuro
Weight: 6,000 lbs
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: the zanpakuto spirit of the 8th kenpachi Soya Azashiro. She appears to be quite unhinged and insane, commonly laughing in a psychotic matter and also is quite playful, teasing her master on a regular basis.
Name: Grimmjow jaegerjaquez
Weight: 7,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: the former sixth espada
Name: Coyote Starrk
Weight: 10,000
Status: Feeder/Feede
Bio: The first Espada and natural born Arrancar, Starrk is a drifter and a man that loneliness and death seems to follow.
Name: ulquiorra cifer
Weight: 4,000 lbs
Status: Feedee
Bio: former 4th espada, he now searches for the meaning of life and humanity...
Name: bambietta basterbine
Weight: 9,000 lbs
Status Feedee
bio: a quincy gifted with the power of the letter E the explode
Name: candice catnipp
Weight: 8,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: The quincy designated the T the thunderbolt
Name:  Meninas McAllon
Weight: 10,000 lbbs
Status: Feedee
Bio: the quincy designated P the power
Name: soya azashiro
Weight: 2,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: the former eighth kenpachi
Name: Renji Abarai
Weight: 18,000 lbs
status: feeder/feeder
bio: Rukia's husband and wielder of zabimaru
Name: Jackie tristan
weight: 20,000 lbs
status: feedee
bio: rukia and Renji's wife and former member of xcution
Name: Riruka Dokugamine
Weight: 20,000 lbs
status: feedee
bio: former member of xcution
name: Giselle Gewelle
weight: 19,666
status: feedee/feeder
bio: Sternritter Z the Zombie
Name: Dragon Bulma
Weight: 7000 lbs (dragon bodies are heavy!)
Height: 8ft (purely for making Vegeta seem even shorter than he is.)
Status: feedee
Bio: Richest woman in the world and owner of capsule Corp, Bulma is a genius and heavy eater. She's always tinkering and coming up with new inventions in her lab or training with her husband Vegeta. A mistaken wish on the dragon ball's by pilaf ended up permanently turning Bulma into a dragon woman fit with scales and all. She was given a dragon's appetite but not their metabolism leaving her massive and hungry. Be careful not to be around when she gets food cravings. You're liable to get burned.
Side note: (while her icons will be human bulma remember she is a dragon on this blog and will be played as such.)
Name: Bulma Briefs
Weight: 5000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: Richest woman in the world and owner of capsule Corp, Bulma is a genius and heavy eater. She's always tinkering and coming up with new inventions in her lab or training with her husband Vegeta.
Name: Videl
Weight:  5000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: Wife of Son Gohan and daughter to the world martial arts champion. Videl has taken up profesional slob wrestling as a hobby after getting utterly defeated by a massive slob wrestler at one of the world tournaments.
Name: Ribrianne 
Weight: 5000 lbs
Status: Feeder/Feedee
Bio: Brianne de Chateau, better known as the magical girl Ribrianne who is a antagonist hero in Dragon Ball Super. She is a warrior from Universe 2, and is the leader of the Kamikaze Fireballs who participates in the Tournament of Power. She believes wheezing unhealthy slobs are the pinnacle of beauty and wishes to spread it to the rest of the world. Her gas can make people fall in love with one another or anything she desires,
Name: Monna
Weight: 6000 lbs (variable due to size expansion technique.)
Status Feedee
Bio: A fighter from universe 4 who uses her massive bottom to crush her opponents. She practices Sumo and is a champion back on her home planet. Loves to wrestle and fight new opponents.
Name: Caulifla
Weight: 6000 lbs
Status Feedee
Bio: a glutinous saiyan from universe six. She's got a bit bigger after the tournament of power. She also grew a tail after being exposed to the universe 7 saiyans.
Name: Kale
Weight: 5000 lbs
Status: Feede/Feeder
Bio: Right hand to Caulifla this shy saiyan will enter a murderous rage if pisssed off enough. No one touches her friends or her food!
Name: Android 18 (lazuli)
Weight: 10,000 lbs
Status: feedee (low key spoiled)
Bio: Wife of krillin and member of the Z fighters! this android has grown quite large over the years though shes still plenty strong!
Name: Android 21 (good)
Weight: 20,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: an android with a violent and wild other side. shes usually sweet but dont piss her off or let her go hungry...
Name: Android 21 (majin)
Weight: 20,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: Android 21′s evil side given physical form. 
Name: Vados
Weight: ???
Status: Feeder/Feedee
Bio: one of the angel’s and assitant and trainer of the god of destruction champa
Name: Kefla
Weight: 10,000 
Status: feedee (total brat)
Bio: the potara fusion of caulifla and kale
Name: Caulie
Weight: 15,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: the failed fusion as a result of kale and caulifla doing the fusion dance. shes useless in a fight but atleast she works as a meat shield.
Name: Arcee (86 version)
Weight: 20,000 lbs
Status: feeder
Bio: loyal autobot soldier and defender of humanity, Arcee may have put on weight during her time on earth but she's still a strong fighter and willing to put her spark on the line to save humanity from the evil forces of the Decepticons. fights as a sumo wrestler for the auto bots
Name: Chromia
Weight: 20,000 lbs
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: One of the many autobots on earth tasked with defending the planet. She may have gotten a taste for human food during her time stationed on earth resulting in this fem becoming much bigger than she used to be. a pro sumo wrestler. after the war ended conflict is now solved in the wrestling ring.
Name: Black Arachnia
Weight: 9,000 lbs
Height 5 feet tall
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: morally grey and out to find her own path In the word, Black Arachnia is a wild card who will help you one minute and swallow you whole the next.
Name: Windblade
Weight: 20,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: Acity speaker and proud warrior. shes more than softened up over the years. fights as a sumo wrestler for the autobots.
Name: Grimmlock (FoC)
Weight: 100,000 lbs
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: The leader of the Dinobots, he was experimented on by shockwave and given a t-rex alternate mode. He’s a brute and a hot head but he can be nice when he wants to.
Name: Elita 1
Weight 200,000 lbs
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: A high ranking yokozuna for the autobots. she loves feeding and cooking for anyone whos hungry even if they are an enemy.
Name: Tyrannocon Rex
Weight: 100,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: a artificial cybertronian created by a certain dinosaur containing theme park. She is kept In her enclosure most of the time but is always trying to escape. She's a big curious gal not used to the outside world.
Name: thunderblast
Weight: 50,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: lord megatron's biggest fan and most loyal minion! She'd a total simp but she's not a stranger to getting pampered and fed herself.
Name: Override AKA Nitro Convoy
Weight: 60,000 lbs
Status: Feedee
Bio: Leader and current prime of velocitron and protector of it’s cyber planet key. she also just happens to be reigning Yokozuna and fastest racer on the planet.
Name: Firestar
Weight: 45,000 lbs
Bio: Member of the Elita One’s autobot resistance and professional dancer, Firestar can be a bit of a hot headed fighter but she has her spark in the right place.
Weight: 9,000 lbs
Status: Feedee
Bio: A heroic maximal with a falcon alt mode making her perfect for recon. She was revived by Turantulas after the Predacon managed to defuse her and Tigatron.
Menasor (Cybertron/Galaxy Force) 
Weight: ???
Status: Feedee
Bio: A young hot headed bot from Gigantion and stout rebel against the leadership of Metroplex. He’s a big hefty guy who isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty but enjoys a good meal and drink.
Name: Solus prime
Weight: 500,000 lbs
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: one of the 13 primes
Name: MegaEmpress
Weight: 20,000 lbs
status: feedee
Bio: leader of the fem decepticon combiner team
Megatronia: Megaempress' combined form
Name: Clobber
Weight: 70,000 lbs
status: feedee
Bio: loyal decepticon and high ranking sumo
My Hero Academia:
Name: toru hagakure
Weight: 5000 lbs.
Status: Feedee
Bio: The stealth hero Invisible girl! she's gained a bit of weight after interning with FatGum but it’s not like anyone can notice. she is invisible after all!
Name: himiko toga
Weight: 8000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: Former member of the league of villains, Toga is a voracious villain known for draining the blood from people or swallowing them whole. her rampant apatite led to her to becoming massively overweight and eventually captured by pro heroes. Due to her immense size and failing health due to her weight Toga was transferred to a hospital where she could be monitored and looked after by the staff. She’s undergoing an workout regime and diet to decrease her weight but has failed to make any progress.
Name: Usagiyama Rumi AKA Miruko
Weight: 5000 lbs
Status: Feedee/Gainer 
Bio: The Rabbit Hero! Miruko is strong and bold always ready to hop into danger for the safety of society. She’ll take on any villains no matter how strong they are!
Name: Nemuri Kayama AKA Midnight
Weight: 6000 lbs
Status Feedee/Feeder 
Bio: the R rated pro hero Midnight! she’s a bit of  sadist but has a softer side to her and will always do the right thing even if it means putting her life on the line. Her quirk allows her to put people to sleep with her gas but after her weight gain it evolved to allow her to change the smell of the gas she emits to have various other effects.
Name: taishiro toyomitsu
Weight: varies
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: the loveable pro-hero fatgum!
Name: Mitsuki Bakugo
Weight: 8000 lbs
Status: feedee/feeder
Bio: Tired of being a boring civilian, Mitsuki has become the pro hero Bombshell! thanks to a mutation in her quirk shes much stronger than she was before.
Name: Inko Midoriya
Weight: 9000 lbs
Status: Feeder/feedee
Bio: Izuku Midoriya's mother and local nervous wreck. Shes decided to become a pro hero in order to create a world thats safe for her son. Her hero name is Mom-Might.
Name: Momo Yaoyorozu
Weight: 10,000 lbs
Staus: feedee
Bio: The pro hero creati! shes capable of making almost anything from her fat!
Kyoka Jiro:
Weight: 8,000 lbs
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: The pro hero earphone jack! her sounds aren’t the only thing that’ll blow you away so best stay clear of her rear.
Name: Ochako Uraraka
Weight: 9,000
Status: feedee
Bio: the pro hero uravity!
Name: Izuku Midoriya
Weight: 10,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: inheritor of one for all and all might's apprentice!
Name: Bakugo Katsuki
Weight: 10,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: Deku's rival lord explosion murder!
Name: Tsuyu Asui
Weight: 9,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: the pro hero and loveable froggy gal, Froppy!
status: feedee
Name: Yu Takeyama
Weight: 12,000 lbs
Bio: the pro hero mount lady!
Name: Mina Ashido
Weight: 9,000 lbs
status: feedee
Bio: pro hero pinky! aka alien queen
Name:  Tamaki Amajiki
weight: 10,000 lbs
Name: Ruko Tatsuma
Status: feedee
Bio: prohero sun eater
Weight:20,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: pro hero Ryukyu
Name: Emi Fukukado
Weight: 9,000 lbs
status: feedee
Bio: pro hero miss joke
Name: Sekijiro Kan
weight: 15,000 lbs
Status: feedee/feeder
Bio: pro hero vlad king
Name: Shota Aizawa
Weight: 9,000 lbs
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: pro hero eraserhead
Name: Hatsume Mei
Weight: 20,000 lbs
Status: feedee/feeder
Bio: mechanical genius and super inventor!
Name:  Itsuka Kendo
Weight: 15,000 lbs
Status: feedee/feeder
Bio: pro hero battle fist
Name: Niejiri Hado
Weight: 25,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: pro hero Neijiri Chan! shes one of the big three and largest female student at U.A
Name: Saiko Intelli
Weight: 18,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: the pro hero Intelli
Demon Slayer:
Name: Nezuko Kamado
Weight: 6000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: former human turned demon Nezuko is on a quest to regain humanity with the help of her brother Tanjiro
Name: Kumo (Mother spider demon)
Weight: 7000 lbs
Status: Feedee/Feeder
Bio: a human turned demon. Was granted mercy by Tanjiro and fled from humanity and just wants to live a peaceful live and start a family.
Name: Shinobu Kocho
Weight: 6000 lbs 
Status: Feeder/Feedee
Bio: The insect Hashira of the demon slayer corp. Shinobu Kocho is also the younger sister of Kanae Kocho along with her younger adoptive sister Kanao Tsuyuri. After a demon killed her parents, Shinobu joined the Demon Slayer Corps along with her sister in order to protect others from suffering the same fate as her.
Weight: 6000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: One of the demons created by muzan, Was given a second chance by lady Tamayo and now hunts demons to defend humanity and find a cure.
Weight: 6000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: One of the demons created by muzan, Was given a second chance by lady Tamayo and now hunts demons to defend humanity and find a cure.
Name: MItsuri Kanroji
Weight: 8000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: The love Hashira of the demon slayer corps and the fattest and heaviest of the Hashira!
Name: Tengen Uzui
Weight: 6000 lbs
Status: feedee/ feeder
Bio: this muscle gut hashira is the flashiest among them all!
Status: feedee
Name: Makio
Weight: 5000 lbs
Bio: a strong fat bottom heavy shinobi and one of Tengen's wives!
Name: Suma
Weight: 8000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: a big bround blobby shinobi and one of tengen's wives!
Name: Hinatsuru
Weight: 6000 lbs
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio:A top heavy busty shinobi and one of Tengen's wives!
Name: Muzan Kibutsuji
Weight: 10,000
Status: Feedee (Major Brat)
Bio: The progenitor of all demons has become quite the fat and spoiled blob.
Name: Rengoku Kyojuro
Weight: 9.000 lbs
status: feeder, feedee
Name: Kanao Tsuyuri
Bio: flame hashira of the demon slayer corp
Weight: 6,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: apprentice of the insect pillar shinobu
Name: Hashibira Inosuke
Weight: 10,000 lbs
status: feedee
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid:
Name: kobayashi
Weight: 6000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: A normal office worker who just so happens to have a dragon as a maid. A bit of a drunk, and got fat off of Tohru's tail meat.
Name: Tohru
Weight: 9,000 (dragon form even bigger)
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: Kobayashi's loyal maid and lover! Loves to fatten and spoil her mistress and will dk anything to keep her happy!
Name: Elma (best girl)
Weight: 10,000 (dragon form even bigger)
Status: feedee
Bio: She is a female dragon from the Dragon Faction of Harmony, the opposing faction of Chaos. A rival to Tohru, she takes up a human alias after she finds that she is unable to return to the dragon world.
Name: Ilulu
Weight: 8,000
Status: feedee
Body type: Short stack
Bio: Ilulu is a female dragon who belongs to the chaos dragons faction. While initially a enemy and threat she's come around to life on earth and now loves with Kobayashi and Tohru.
Name: Lucoa Quetzalcoatl
Weight: ???? (Don't even bother trying to measure her)
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: literally a goddess and owner of the biggest pair of tits on the planet Lucoa is a kind feeder whole spoil and fatten anyone who asks~♡.
Name: Makoto Takia
Weight: 4000 lbs
Status: feeder/feedee
Bio: miss kobayshi's dorky co-worker.
Name: Fafnir
Weight: ???? (dont bother trying to weigh him, only Takia knows.)
Status: feedee
Bio: a dragon with a distaste for humans except for a few. became obsessed with videogames and has grown rather fat. illustrates his own manga and streams himself playing games to make money.
Name: Seras Victoria
Weight: 9,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: Alucard's humble big titty police girl and asset to the hellsing organization
Name: Sir integra fairbrook wingates hellsing
Weight: 10,000
Status: feedee
Bio: owner and leader of the hellsing organization and Alucard's master
Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel
name: Loona
Weight: 14,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: adopted daughter of blitzo and I.M.P’s resident hell hound
Name: Millie
Weight: 9,000 lbs
Status: feeder, feedee
Body Type: shortstack
Bio: Moxie's wife and member of I.M.P
Name: Moxie
Weight: 10,000 lbs
Status: Feedee
Bio: everyones favorite musical geek and assassin
Name: Charlie Morningstar
Weight: 20,000 lbs
Status: feedee
Bio: your adorable princess of hell!
Name: Alastor
Weight: ???
Status: Feeder
Bio: Your local radio host and all powerful demon
Name: Roodaka
Weight: 30,000 lbs
Status: feeder/feedee, dom
Bio: queen of the visorak hoard
Name: Tatsumaru
Series: demon slayer
Weight 6000 lbs
Bio: Daughter of Susumaru sent to the past via unknown means. shes a bit of a hot head and loves to fight!”
Name: Taida Suzuki
Series demon slayer
Bio: A mysterious swordswoman said to have power equal to a hashira. She developed her own breathing form known as Glutton breathing. Her weapon is a massive nichirin saw. 
Weight 9000 lbs
Series: Demon Slayer
Face claim: Baiken (guilty gear)
Name: Arashi Nishikawa
Weight: 220 lbs
Bio: A demon slayer specializing in Monsoon breathing. his weapons are two katana with the blades replaced by two colapseable nichrin fans. He’s a bit of a shy and reclusize man despite his size and muscle mass. 
Face Claim: Anji Mito (guilty gear)
Name: Sinn Viridian
Series: RWBY
Weight: 8000 lbs
Bio: head doctor of Beacon academy. She's very strict when it comes to what she considers "healthy" and will not tolerate and disobedient or bratty patients.
Face claim: Valentine (skull girls)
Name: Ryushiki Otsutsuki
Series: Naruto
Weight: 8000 lbs
Bio: a member of the otsutsuki clan keen on causing mischief on earth to relieve her boredom.
12 notes · View notes
usuccc · 4 years
Please talk more about that au, villain Alfred is a guilty pleasure 🙏🏻
*sweats* You and me both! Oh man, where to begin. First of all, thanks for the interest! It means a lot. I can’t be concise, so I’m gonna put this under a huge ‘Keep Reading’ for whoever is interested. Like for real there is a whole ass essay below that cut. I left some stuff out cause it’s already a ridiculous length, but I got the gist of it.
Leave it to me to take a silly gag au and go completely off the rails with it. It’s honestly hilarious gg me.
This au takes place in some fake big city with dark synthwave-y aesthetics where the skies are constantly gray in the daytime from smog and pollution. Over the last ~20-30 years, Jones Enterprises has risen up as the most influential and powerful company in the United States, with their headquarters in (fake big city’s name). They have hands in many industries, spanning the manufacturing, retail, and technology spheres. Over the past 5 years, especially, they’ve seen massive, nearly unbelievable growth, and unfortunate events or sell-outs have conveniently fallen upon their competitors, allowing them to create monopolies in several industries. They also have the government in an iron grip and no one is willing to stand up to them for fear of the consequences. Most people mysteriously feel compelled not to confront them anyway, especially those who live closest to their headquarters.
Francis was an employee for Jones Enterprises’ main headquarters. He saw how overworked and underpaid his colleagues were. Bogged down by overwork in his first year, he eventually tried to get away with slacking as much as he could. After witnessing one of his close coworkers have a heart attack and almost die from the stress of working there, he changed gears and started speaking out on behalf of his colleagues. Some of his motivation came from feeling partially responsible for what happened, and he wanted to evoke positive change across the company instead. He tried time and time again to organize strikes after his attempts to organize a union were completely shattered. The turnout was very little in the beginning, and soon fizzled out to just him. He stubbornly pressed forward on his own anyway and was fired for it. Finding other work turned out to be impossible, his firing acting as an unemployment death sentence. It was not uncommon for employees fired from Jones Enterprises to be shunned from ever finding a decent job again, and Francis’s situation was even worse given the bad publicity he received from his strike attempts.
Ready to resort to desperate measures, Francis started seriously considering moving back in with his parents in France and figuring out a new plan. Jones Enterprises had gained significant influence in Europe too, so there wasn’t a guarantee he wouldn’t experience similar problems there.
Before he could buy a plane ticket, he was visited by Kiku Honda, a stranger with an unassuming appearance. Long story short, Kiku had come to the US with the alias as a simple tourist. His family was presently responsible for safekeeping a secret and powerful magical artifact with mysterious origins. 
The artifact was one of two powerful stones, both of which were in existence since the beginning of mankind. These stones were antitheses of each other, representing and contributing to major moral conflicts throughout history. They were both drawn to chosen human hosts who were destined to face each other. The pink stone, which Kiku was in possession of, gained and gave magical power through love, equality, and hope/healing. It formed a positive, nurturing, non-invasive connection with its host, and gave them the power to protect and inspire hope in others. The other (purple) stone gained and gave magical power through greed, subjugation, and fear. It gave great wrath and influence to its host, whose powers would grow exponentially over time as the two stayed connected. This stone would physically embed itself in its host’s heart, eating away at their mind slowly to bring out the absolute worst in them and shave away at their morals and inhibitions, until they were nothing but a heartless monster. Tendrils would spread out from the stone throughout the host’s body, growing in size and number the longer they were connected.
Kiku had long suspected that the unnatural growth of Jones Enterprises was connected to the purple stone. He had gradually implanted connections in Jones Enterprises and had been monitoring the situation for clues of a potential host. The senior leadership of the company was very hard to crack, however, and the CEO had significantly limited his public appearances in recent years, but Kiku would not let it rest. Any of the higher ups in the company could be a candidate for suspicion. While investigating, he heard of and even saw some of Francis’s brazen attempts to challenge the seemingly invincible company. He was impressed with Francis’s ability to stand up to an insurmountable foe, especially given the influence of the mysterious compelling force that kept most others in the city silent. He wanted to get information from Francis about his experience at Jones Enterprises and to offer him an opportunity to rebuild his life for his bravery. The stone, which Kiku always kept on his person, ended up choosing and bonding with Francis to both of their surprise, and boom Magical Strike was born.
Now onto Alfred and Arthur. Alfred is the son of the founder and CEO of Jones Enterprises and his ex-wife. His parents divorced when he was still a baby, and his father did not remarry. Alfred’s mom remarried right away and had another son, Matthew. 
In his home life, Alfred often felt neglected and overlooked compared to Matthew, whom his mom and stepdad preferred and doted on. His birth father ignored him in favor of growing his company as well. This caused Alfred to act out at school and extracurricular activities, always overshadowing Matthew whenever possible and rubbing it in his face. He often got in trouble at home later for it. When Alfred got a little older, he frequently snuck out after these fights and went somewhere to be alone. One night, he walked down to the neighborhood park and saw another boy alone by the swings where he usually liked to go to mope. This boy was a few years older than him and muttering angrily to himself. Feeling a sort of weird camaraderie for this other pissed off dude, coupled with the fact he’d never seen him before and was curious, Alfred took the plunge and went over to talk to him. Alfred and Arthur’s first meeting was a little rocky, but the two quickly found themselves warming up to each other. Many coincidences found them meeting in the same park after a bad day, and the two eventually bonded and made a thing of it. Alfred found that with Arthur he could open up and be more authentic than he let himself be with his other friends.
By the time he hit high school, Alfred emotionally detached himself from his mom/stepdad, and tried to be a little nicer to Matthew, although their relationship was never close. He and Arthur still met often outside of school, and Alfred tried to reach out to him at school too, but Arthur limited those interactions due to his unfavorable status as an irritable loner. Alfred continued to seek out other people’s attention, forming a ton of superficial friendships with his classmates. He became obsessed with being number one at everything he did and getting everyone to like him to patch up his residual feelings of loneliness and inadequacy, and also to hopefully impress Arthur, whom he secretly had a crush on. Excelling in his sports clubs, and even skipping a grade in his academics, Alfred felt like things would be okay if they kept going the way they were.
Then Arthur abruptly confided halfway into Alfred’s freshman year that he was moving back to England that year after he graduated for family reasons. Alfred didn’t take the news well, and when the time came for Arthur to leave, it hit Alfred hard. They promised they’d keep in touch via phone and online, but that did little to comfort him and his other shallow friendships often made him feel worse. The feelings of loneliness and inadequacy returned tenfold. It was around this time that Alfred was contacted for the first time by his birth father in years, asking to meet and catch up. Alfred readily accepted, not taking a moment to think it through in his low emotional state.
Alfred’s dad was getting into some weird shit since the divorce. He’d been putting obsessive efforts into expanding his company, making strategic partnerships, attending all kinds of rich, bougie events for networking purposes, and exploiting his workers to maximize profits. Despite his efforts, his returns were decreasing and the existence of some key new competitors put him in a tough spot for future growth. When conventional methods didn’t appear to be making any progress, Alfred’s father started hanging around some wealthy, sketchy social circles. It’s through a series of events with these groups that he learned of and obtained the purple stone. After seeing it reject and devour an unfit host before his eyes, he decided he was in desperate need of its supposed power, but he couldn’t risk using it on himself in the case he was judged to be unfit. He had to use it on someone inconsequential if things went wrong, but at the same time malleable, so he could ensure they used the power to further his goals. 
Alfred’s dad put on an act when Alfred arrived, making it seem like he wanted to bring Alfred back into his life, raise him up like he should have been doing all those years. Alfred soaked it up like a sponge, and his dad appeared to follow through on his promises, engaging with him and frequently making secret visits so they could spend quality time together. After a whole year of building Alfred’s trust, his dad was able to convince him to put the stone to his heart, assuring him that only he could do it and he trusted Alfred to make their company and the lives of so many people who depended on it great. The stone embedded itself in Alfred’s chest, causing him to pass out from the pain. When he woke up, still in one piece, his dad was able to calm him down and convince him to keep it a secret, even from the people he was closest to.
Some other tidbits of info:
Arthur and Alfred did keep up communication after he left for England, and he considers Alfred his closest friend. Life got in the way plenty of times, though, and they couldn’t always keep up the most consistent communication. Still, they did what they could and were able to meet in person a few times even. Arthur obtained a degree in England and worked his first job there. But after that, he moved back to the states and got a job at Jones Enterprises, thrilled to surprise Alfred about it. They have a heartwarming reunion. Alfred, himself, graduated high school early, got accepted into an Ivy League college on a scholarship, received his degree in finance and business management due to his piece of shit dad’s wishes, and was being directed by his dad to start using his powers of influence on their competitors. At first, he justified to himself that the outcome would be good and that the competitors he was going after were bad people—which some of them definitely were—but over time, he found himself doing things he never would have before (to unhappy employees for example), caring less and less about the people that were impacted.
So yeah, the main events take place about 10 years after Alfred becomes the host for the purple stone, having plenty of time to grow his power and lose himself to the stone’s influence in secret. When Francis makes his debut as Magical Strike, Alfred starts infusing some of Jones Enterprise’s key weapons tech with his magic and sending people after Francis, who is still learning his abilities. Then, in the latter half of this arc, Arthur becomes the main antagonist against Francis, having just scratched the surface of what’s really going on with Alfred and thinking (in denial) this will somehow help him. At the beginning of the second arc, there would be growing tension between Alfred and Arthur when Arthur can’t explain or keep excusing Alfred’s actions anymore. Alfred would lose control and almost hurt Arthur, whom he had taken the most care to hide his darker side from, which would cause Arthur to join forces with Francis, desperate to find a way to get the purple stone out of Alfred and save him somehow. Alfred mcfuckin loses it when he finds out.
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richincolor · 4 years
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Graphic Recommendations
This year has been an excellent one for readers of graphic novels. I've been reading quite a few during the pandemic when longer form books just seem like too much of a time investment or my attention span is limited. Falling into the visuals can be just the thing I need when the world seems a bit chaotic. Here are a few I highly recommend.
The Magic Fish by Trung Le Nguyen Random House Graphic
Real life isn’t a fairytale.
But Tiến still enjoys reading his favorite stories with his parents from the books he borrows from the local library. It’s hard enough trying to communicate with your parents as a kid, but for Tiến, he doesn’t even have the right words because his parents are struggling with their English. Is there a Vietnamese word for what he’s going through?
Is there a way to tell them he’s gay?
A beautifully illustrated story by Trung Le Nguyen that follows a young boy as he tries to navigate life through fairytales, an instant classic that shows us how we are all connected. The Magic Fish tackles tough subjects in a way that accessible with readers of all ages, and teaches us that no matter what—we can all have our own happy endings. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Displacement by Kiku Hughes First Second [Jessica's Review]
A teenager is pulled back in time to witness her grandmother’s experiences in World War II-era Japanese internment camps in Displacement, a historical graphic novel from Kiku Hughes.
Kiku is on vacation in San Francisco when suddenly she finds herself displaced to the 1940s Japanese-American internment camp that her late grandmother, Ernestina, was forcibly relocated to during World War II.
These displacements keep occurring until Kiku finds herself “stuck” back in time. Living alongside her young grandmother and other Japanese-American citizens in internment camps, Kiku gets the education she never received in history class. She witnesses the lives of Japanese-Americans who were denied their civil liberties and suffered greatly, but managed to cultivate community and commit acts of resistance in order to survive.
Kiku Hughes weaves a riveting, bittersweet tale that highlights the intergenerational impact and power of memory. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Flamer by Mike Curato Henry Holt and Co.
I know I’m not gay. Gay boys like other boys. I hate boys. They’re mean, and scary, and they’re always destroying something or saying something dumb or both.
I hate that word. Gay. It makes me feel . . . unsafe.
It's the summer between middle school and high school, and Aiden Navarro is away at camp. Everyone's going through changes—but for Aiden, the stakes feel higher. As he navigates friendships, deals with bullies, and spends time with Elias (a boy he can't stop thinking about), he finds himself on a path of self-discovery and acceptance.  — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Dragon Hoops by Gene Luen Yang First Second
In his latest graphic novel, New York Times bestselling author Gene Luen Yang turns the spotlight on his life, his family, and the high school where he teaches.
Gene understands stories—comic book stories, in particular. Big action. Bigger thrills. And the hero always wins.
But Gene doesn’t get sports. As a kid, his friends called him “Stick” and every basketball game he played ended in pain. He lost interest in basketball long ago, but at the high school where he now teaches, it’s all anyone can talk about. The men’s varsity team, the Dragons, is having a phenomenal season that’s been decades in the making. Each victory brings them closer to their ultimate goal: the California State Championships.
Once Gene gets to know these young all-stars, he realizes that their story is just as thrilling as anything he’s seen on a comic book page. He knows he has to follow this epic to its end. What he doesn’t know yet is that this season is not only going to change the Dragons’s lives, but his own life as well. — Copy image and summary via Goodreads
Banned Book Club by Kim Hyun Sook, Ko Hyung-Ju, Ryan Estrada Iron Circus Comics [Crystal's review] [Q&A with Kim Hyun Sook & Ryan Estrada]
When Kim Hyun Sook started college in 1983 she was ready for her world to open up. After acing her exams and sort-of convincing her traditional mother that it was a good idea for a woman to go to college, she looked forward to soaking up the ideas of Western Literature far from the drudgery she was promised at her family’s restaurant. But literature class would prove to be just the start of a massive turning point, still focused on reading but with life-or-death stakes she never could have imagined.
This was during South Korea’s Fifth Republic, a military regime that entrenched its power through censorship, torture, and the murder of protestors. In this charged political climate, with Molotov cocktails flying and fellow students disappearing for hours and returning with bruises, Hyun Sook sought refuge in the comfort of books. When the handsome young editor of the school newspaper invited her to his reading group, she expected to pop into the cafeteria to talk about Moby Dick, Hamlet, and The Scarlet Letter. Instead she found herself hiding in a basement as the youngest member of an underground banned book club. And as Hyun Sook soon discovered, in a totalitarian regime, the delights of discovering great works of illicit literature are quickly overshadowed by fear and violence as the walls close in.
In Banned Book Club, Hyun Sook shares a dramatic true story of political division, fear-mongering, anti-intellectualism, the death of democratic institutions, and the relentless rebellion of reading. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Almost American Girl by Robin Ha Balzer + Bray
A powerful and timely teen graphic novel memoir—perfect for fans of American Born Chinese and Hey, Kiddo—about a Korean-born, non-English-speaking girl who is abruptly transplanted from Seoul to Huntsville, Alabama, and struggles with extreme culture shock and isolation, until she discovers her passion for comic arts.
For as long as she can remember, it’s been Robin and her mom against the world. Growing up in the 1990s as the only child of a single mother in Seoul, Korea, wasn’t always easy, but it has bonded them fiercely together.
So when a vacation to visit friends in Huntsville, Alabama, unexpectedly becomes a permanent relocation—following her mother’s announcement that she’s getting married—Robin is devastated. Overnight, her life changes. She is dropped into a new school where she doesn’t understand the language and struggles to keep up. She is completely cut off from her friends at home and has no access to her beloved comics. At home, she doesn’t fit in with her new stepfamily. And worst of all, she is furious with the one person she is closest to—her mother.
Then one day Robin’s mother enrolls her in a local comic drawing class, which opens the window to a future Robin could never have imagined. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
For a few older titles, you can check out the lists we've created in the past: LGBTQ POC Comics 3 Quick Comic Book Reads Women's History Month Getting Graphic
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sworntolight · 4 years
🌸 for none other than Kiku & 🍱 for Mako! - & bonus, what about the kids' lunches?
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Random HC’s!
🌸 - Do they care about flora? Can they identify flowers? 
Kiku loves flowers! One of her favorite hobbies is gardening, but it doesn’t matter what her aim for her garden is, she always has a section from flowers nearby, and makes sure she’s growing at least one kind of flower for the season, every season. She can’t name too many, but there’s a few handfuls of flowers she can name, be it by having grown them herself, reading into them, or just because they’re from the area... And probably collected, dried, and pressed into a small book hidden in her desk drawer. <3
🍱 - What do they do for packing their own lunch?
That depends on Mako’s mood~ She’s actually prone to making cute bentos for her family and Takeru and Kiku could probably tell you all about her ‘pupento’ - a puppy-themed bento - from years of her making them for them, but for her own lunch, she’s a lot less creative unless she’s in a good mood or making them all lunch at the same time. If she’s not making a bento, then it’s just simple, reusable containers with cute zoo animal patterns in a matching cloth bag, which... Honestly works fine for her? XD Especially since her favorite lunch is her favorite comfort food: Yakisoba! <3
Whenever she’s making bentos, though, she has a fennec fox themed box that was a gift from Kiku for her 16th birthday she falls back on - Ironic, though, since she’s always the one with the kitty themed bentos!
🍱  BONUS - Kid’s lunches ?
Fuse ILU for this <3 Hiko and Sumi’s lunches are almost always a bento, and always customized not only to their tastes, but also Hiko’s diet and the suggestions they give her at the start of the week. Every sunday, she sits both of the kids down and asks them what they would want for lunches during the week - It doesn’t matter what they suggest, she makes a note of  it and tries her best to give them exactly that, albeit within reason. They can suggest a bento of nothing but various candies, they’re not getting it! XD
What she does do instead is try to mimic requests she can’t logically give them, so a a lunch of nothing but candy would see them with a bright and colorful lunch still healthy for them, but using food colorings and different veggies cut in various ways to resemble candy. Overly sugary recipes are kept to a minimum due to Hiko’s diabetes, but instead she tries to make up for it with a variety of their favorite foods in multiple variations and cute styles and themes, and tries to keep no two lunches looking the same.
For a bonus, their bentos, which are in boxes themed after lions for Hiko and fireflies for Sumi, are wrapped up in cloths themed after a lion cub playing with a butterfly, made by Kiku. <3
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chibiclem · 4 years
The Ace of Hearts and his Jack
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" Feliciano never expected the situation to be this complicated... For the Jack of Heart to have been dispatched far from his King and Queen it was an event, but to even have sent him to the border of the No Man's Land, the Joker's territory....By The embodiment of Heart! He really knew something had been off . But what exactly.... Even Kiku..-well I mean his Highness- who was the one to give the alert about strange phenomenons couldn't tell him exactly what he was supposed to find. And even Gilbert the Joker who often came to tease his King would only smile widly at the question, exposing his sharp teeth, and say something like " Kesese !! It's so exciting and awesome you will see!! It's something long forgotten but that will awaken to furfill it's purpose once more! But I can't tell you more, you will have to find out by yourself!" The Heck was that seriously?! It was hella scary now!! Don't get him wrong, Gilbert was mostly friendly to the Heart's hierarchy in general, but he was a JOKER, a malicious and suspicious being, and thus, couldn't be trust. Nobody knew what he really was, nor the extend of his power...nor his purpose. And after saying such things, he would just vanish in a "pouf!", nowhere to be seen ( like usual), letting the poor Jack having to go check all the things out. At least his Highness told him to be carefull not to go too far behind the border and to retreate if any danger was around, which the Jack was to gladly obliged! Still, he had been scared to the core, being the one being send for one of his first real mission, near the abandonned and scary land where nobody from the 4 kingdom would ever go excepted banished ones! Tales said it was full of monsters, or people that didn't belong to any of the 4 kingdoms .(He prefered the second kind to the first honestly.) He eventually had left with his faithfull horse, Isabella, after a 3-hour lecture about how to call help and flee AT THE LAST TIME by his King, and had ran for 4 days before reaching the borders, gulping at the sight of the devastated landscape and the narrow mountain looking like shark teeth. The checkpoint tower's guardians were really brave, he had though, to be able to stay there. Hearts soldiers were known for their discipline and here was the extreme example of that! Stopping by the tower, the Jack had tried to give a confident vibe and had proposed himself to go on an inspection, alone. He didn't know why he had said that at that moment, maybe because he had always wanted to prove he wasn't useless to Ludwig, but he had regretted it immediatly afterward, when he had started to walk along the borders. Before him had been standing the mountains he had seen earlier, and the sight of a desert, the air being dry and heavy and the sun burning good despite the purple smoke emanating from the floor. "Vee!!!" would he cry out when he though he spotted a movement, or a sound. He really wanted this to be over soon, but he still had to go there. And surprisingly even to him, he did. Shortly enough, he had been surrounded by rocks, but still could see the reassuring tower behind him. After 1h, seeing that nothing was happening and that he couldn't spot anything wrong, he had though about fleeing when he had suddenly realized there was an extra shadow covering him. Just after that, he had heard a soft whistle and had felt the air being moved behind him. At this point, he had hoped for a bird, but when he had turned around what he had found...was the most strange humanoid he had never seen: A blond humanoïd man (or woman? He couldn't tell), wearing some bizarre clothes with a heart printed on it, and with a huge tail also shaped as a Heart, floating by him and looking at him with wide eyes. Wide eyes he had exchanged for long seconds while gasping and holding his lance near him as if it was a ramp to save him from falling. "Vee!!! Don't...don't hurt me please!! I don't taste good!" he had said out of habbit. At that, the blondy had started smiling and  waltzing right and left in the air with excitement, singing musical notes so fast that even the Jack confused spirit came to notice it was like he was trying talking to him. Without much warning he could have understand, the thing was hugging him with strengh, seemingly very happy to see him, whereas the Jack had started screaming. More minutes had been needing for him to fully recover that encounter. When the half-humanoïd floating hazard had let go of him, sniffing him around, he really did start to examinate him. "Ve..you scared me! But what are you exactly? I've never seen such creature before...Oww...nobody will believe me.." How was he gonna explain that? No, was that even real? He couldn't have told at that moment. Besides, he didn't know if it was the thing he was looking for. So what to do? Well, he had asked! "Are you...the one who was supposed to awaken?" To his surprise (not that he wasn't already, but it was pilling up), the humanoid had seemed to understand and waved his head, then ondulated and caressed the Jack's hand with his nose. It was like...a floating giant humanoid cat asking for a hug! Feliciano had patted him back cautiously, allowing himself to relax until he had remembered his mission with a serious dead face. "Sorry buddy...I've to report you to the King and the Queen! But I should still search a little more...Could you stay there for a while ?" He had told the Blondy. Yeah, he really did believe it to stay kindly there, but the night and the day afterward proved him wrong. And here he was right now, straddling back to the castle Isabella with the dragon-thingy flying and playing with his lance, trying to steal hugs here and there or floating around him like he was the sun and him an hyperactive moon. Heck he never actually believed nobody in the tower saw the Blondy before he left. It was like he could dissapear in thin air as soon he tried mentioning him and then come back waking him up in his bedroom, when everybody he had tried to explain what he saw was soundly asleep. At least, it was following him so his highnesses could see him! It was better than what Feliciano hoped! But now he was thinking....what was going on exactly, and if the floating hazard was the thing to awaken...what was his purpose? Was he gonna be scolded by the King once again for bringing it to the castle? Heavy thoughs would accompagny him all during his trip, while the Ace of heart seemed perfectly fine and playfull! Fa Fa Mi Sol, It felt good to be awake!" *** From a serie I will call "Ace awakening", with for setting the Hetalia Cardverse universe and his representation I have of it! *Hearts : For me, Heart is a valiant kingdom, know mostly for his strong army but also hard workers community, which is appreciated among the others kingdoms. However, the" Land of Love and Faith " has some like to call it suffers from a lack of ressources, and are very dependant of the others kingdoms, specially since it is one of the most populated kingdom. Thus, only ties with Clubs (a manufacturing specialized kingdom) are a strong one since a long time, the others really being for necessity and commerce mostly, even if the Queen of Spades and Hearts are quite close together. Poland, Ace of Hearts : “Fé” is the most sociable, expressive and malicious of all the Aces. Like an hyperactive cat,  He likes to give hugs, to eat with the royalties, expressing his joy by singing (he is quite “talkative” ) and waltzing in the air like crazy!  The Kingdom of Hearts in my story is the Kingdom of the mind and spirit : Motivation, Determination (hehe, remind you of something?), Bravery, Valor, etc…As his Queen, he have the power to control bodies and of course, can do it to more than 2 or 3 person! *The royals and their Jack : As a result of these weakness the others could exploit, the King Ludwig has to lead his kingdom with an iron hand and thus has it very strict about many aspect in life, at least in public. He had to for most his life, and if it wasn't for the help of his Queen Kiku and his Jack Feliciano, certanly he could evolve in a scary and cold king that have to keep an appareance even among his own people. However he is quite loved, which is not totally the same with his wife Kiku, a foreigner that was born from Spades parents but that showed the Heart mark. Why would the at-the-time Prince choose a stranger among all the candidates? Well, Ludwig wasn't much for love but he felt Kiku and him where on the same vibes, as they both could be strict with things. And he was right, since they became allies quite fast. Kiku is a secretive Queen, not showing much of his emotions and used to not be liked. He was almost pulled out of his family, magical scientist from Spades, and forced to marry the Heart King. Having a strong will to respect the rules, he still initially held a grudge against the Hearts but then thanks to Feliciano discovered the hidden side of Ludwig, the kind one he never showed, and progressively felt like a part of the family himself, becoming the most precious ally of his husband. Still, even if he was never borned with a Spade symbol, he sometimes crave for his old place. That's how he became friend with Queen Arthur, as they are both quite found of spells and magic! He always though that Spades had the key of all the magic power hidden in each kingdom and behind their marks, and he likes to borrow books to deepen his knowledge about it! Feliciano him was Ludwig's devoted Jack since they were children. The poor one wasn't really good at it (he could be scared of many things and run away without warning!), but only him could make him show his warm side, and thus he kept the honor of his family, working for the Heart Monarchy for generations, intact! Besides, the young brunette was strong as all the citizen of hearts, and some had made a mistake by underestimating him. It's rare, but it's only when he wants to! He has an older brother who's ended up being diamound and they were separated very young. They still saw each other from time to time since Lovino was taken care of by a close friend of Francis, Antonio; but there's still a gap between them... It's probably this missing brother that made Feliciano be so clingy with Ludwig and after Kiku. Like that, the trio has an alchemy that none other Kingdom royalties can relate to. ****
Links to others Cardverse related art: https://chibiclem.tumblr.com/tagged/cardverse
I’m making a test to see if it is better that way than making this in as a picture post!^^
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authoratmidnight · 5 years
✚♕✿␛ ღ☂ for Yusaku, Kusanagi, Takeru, and Ryoken, please. :)
Ok my god. That’s a lot
Send ✚ for a HEALTH headcanon.

Yusaku: Honestly he probably DOES have health issues if only b/c of the Lost Incident. Those would have left him with both mental AND physical issues for life.
Kusanagi: Diet of coffee and hotdogs not withstanding he’s probably fairly healthy (as in no major medical problems). Ironically probably the one of most fit if only b/c of his history with sports so he does know how to keep in shape and be healthy.
Takeru: The most physically fit of the lot due to his martial arts training and a grandfather who’s not gonna let him laze around. Like Yusaku he too has developed from health complications due to the Lost Incident (both physical and mental). I’m quite partial to the ‘hard of hearing due to tinitus’ h/c
Ryoken: I mean, he’s probably not UNhealthy. (I don’t really have any h/c oops)
Send ♕ for a CHILDHOOD headcanon.

Yusaku: LI aside his childhood was, kinda lonely. I h/c he grew up in an orphanage so he didn’t have much in the way of friend, and even fewer AFTER the LI.
Kusanagi: His was fairly normal and happy, up until Jin was kidnapped and everything went to shit. I went into it in another post about my h/c about Kusanagi and his relationship (or lack there of) with his family.
Takeru: Takeru was absolutely a happy bubbly child and Kiku was his best friend. After the LI he became a lot more withdrawn and quiet and lashed out at the world around him. Kiku was basically the only one who could stay around him.
Ryoken: Probably very lonely cause his dad was working all the time and Aso and Kyoko were like the only people he saw regularly. And like, since he was probably home schooled he didn’t have any friends till Specter (he *tried* with Yusaku and uh, we saw how that happened)
Send ✿ for a HAPPINESS headcanon.

Yusaku: Yusaku will claim he’s happiest when he’s alone but that is a lie. He does like being around ppl just, on HIS terms and as long as he doesn’t have to, you know, socialize with them really. People have a security about that that he likes and he tends to nap around them (esp like Kusanagi and Takeru). Plus being around the few people he is friendly with he likes. That said he does enjoy his me time and being alone with the quiet.
Kusanagi: he smiles for the kids cause god someone has too even if he’s a mess inside and one breakdown away from just losing it Seeing Yusaku actually making friends and starting to open up just makes him so happy cause yes good and also it gives him hope for Jin. Also Ai and his jokes do in fact make him laugh.
Takeru: As it is he’s generally more cheerful than Yusaku
Ryoken: With how Ryoken acts you would think he’s never happy but that’s not true. Much like Yusaku he likes quiet, relaxing things and alone time
Send ␛ for an ANGER headcanon.

Yusaku: Yusaku is the sort of person that no one expects to get angry or even thinks is capable of that. Yeah he’s grumpy and rude and blunt but that’s not angry. And then you push him to far he just s n a p s at you and you’re left going ‘wait dd that just happen?’ cause since when does the quiet kid have a temper?? And then ofc there’s his righteous fury that’s been fuelling his revenge missing.
Kusanagi: I mean, we’ve seen his anger, it is fury and not to be messed with and frankly Akira is lucky Kusanagi wasn’t logged in. He’d probably throw hands with him.
Takeru: This boy can and will throw hands with you ESPECIALLY if you mess with his friends. Post LI he was a lot more, angry and lashed out at the world a lot and got into a lot of fights which is why his grandfather started teaching him martial arts, to help him channel his anger and frustration into something and after a good hard workout he’s just to exhausted to be angry at anything he’s slowly getting better about controlling his temper though and not blowing up and just punching someone. Ryoken should count his blessings
Ryoken: Ryoken is a bit more, expressive in his anger than Specter. If he’s mad with you you’ll know. Probably won’t be throwing any punches like Takeru tho.
Send ღ for a LOVE/SEXUALITY headcanon.
Yusaku: Ace! Like w/o a doubt ace. Given everything that went down with his life he probably never really, thought much about it either.
Kusanagi: He is definitely a case of ‘just didn’t give it any thought b/c he had more important things on his mind (helping Jin) so it was filed away for later but now it’s later he’s just like idk man’ and also ‘wow everyone’s really hot’. Bi/Pan
Takeru: Bi. A massive disaster bi who’s just like ‘oh god everyone’s hot, fuck’
Ryoken: Gaaaaaaay
Send ☂ for a FOOD headcanon.
Yusaku: He subsists off cup ramen, cheap food, hot dogs and whatever’s in the apartment kitchen. Doesn’t eat as much as he probably should and constantly has to be reminded to eat. Not big on overly sweet things.
Kusanagi: Despite running a hotdog truck he does know how to cook, and is good at it. Hotdogs are just cheap and easy to make and sell is all. He doesn’t eat them nearly as often as everyone thinks b/c being around them all day and looking at them and smelling them and eating them will eventually put you off them for, a while.
Takeru: He can actually cook. He’s not a master chef but he can cook which is more than Yusaku can do. Learned from his grandmother cause she gonna make sure that grandson of hers knows how to fend for himself before turning him loose on the word. Killer sweet tooth.
Ryoken: He’s not that good at cooking. Like anything. He never really learned and someone else always did the cooking (Aso, Kyoko, Specter). He’s not every picky about what he eats.
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alkhale · 6 years
The secret admirer Drabble made me think of a boy giving Fuyu hydrangeas and Todoroki be like how dare you bitch those our flowers and then the next day dragging a mount lady worths of flowers at Fuyu’s feet and I can’t stop laughing 😂
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- Todoroki would be standing over her shoulder waiting for her to switch her shoes out to get to class and then the flowers would come tumbling out, Fuyu would just be like lol Roki look we love these flowers and Todoroki would just accidentally freeze one and be like who in the, what?
- he’d bring her some of the flowers the next day with a face that’s like is this right? Fuyu would laugh and pat him on the shoulder and say they should try to plant a bunch by the riverbed since that bushes there need some tlc
nameless support student has received much love and i don’t know if he’ll show up in the story but u know what here’s the rundown it’s eiji kokoro pt. 2
- His name is Kiku Togashi, he’s a first year in the support department with a pretty steady backing. 
- Chocolate skin with a dusting of freckles over the bridge of his nose and tops of his shoulders. His hair is cropped close at the sides and it’s pretty fluffy/spiky up top with a little flop to it, gray eyes with a small gear shaped twist to his irises. His Quirk is Full Metal, which allows him to change non-living objects into different materials (iron to steel, steel to copper, concrete to nickel) but he’s limited to changing these objects to metals and metals to other metals only and he has to understand the chemical compounds and molecular structure of the object (it’s a very useful Quirk when he runs out of certain supplies and helps him save costs)
- He’s a pretty easy going guy that apparently gets along fairly well with everyone in his class, he has a bad streak of becoming really heated about things and tends to overwork himself to exhaustion, the kind of straightman in a group of nutjobs and grease monkeys (if he changes too much at once, his fingertips start to bleed and it gets pretty messy)
- he’s usually the one they send in to stop Hatsume from destroying the shop, she bothers him a lot and they’ve made a deal to make it big with her ideas and his useful efficiency 
- he can be really awkward and has a bad habit of pursing his lips like he ate something sour when he gets flustered or doesn’t know what to say and clams up
- he peeked over Hatsume’s shoulder and flipped out when he saw she’s been coming up with designs for the mysterious heroics student he saw working in Recovery Girl’s Office (”She doesn’t know I’m making these yet but we’ve got to put our investment in her now because she’s going to make it big in the industry with a Quirk like that!”) He’s worried about Hatsume’s interest in Fuyu’s blood and making support items to help her bleed easier and more efficiently, so he supervises to make sure she isn’t going to kill her
- Do your best, Kiku!
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sworntolight-a · 5 years
✩ Aaand one star for Entrust!
The ultimate relationship meme!
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Send ‘✩’ for the following:
Who is more likely to raise their voice? Takeru, though he doesn’t really yell all that often at Kiku?Who threatens to leave but never actually does? Neither. Who actually keeps their word and leaves? Neither. Honestly, they never could.Who trashes the house? Neither-Do either of them get physical? No. The closest that’s gotten is one grabbing the other’s wrist or arm, and even then it’s not hard enough to hurt.How often do they argue/disagree? They’re both stubborn, so disagreements happen on a fairly regular basis, but arguments - real, full arguments - are rare.Who is the first to apologise? They’re usually tied on this one.
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? They don’t exactly plan on it, but it’s something they talk about? Especially given they know it’s a possibility later on, though it’s not a conversation Takeru especially likes at first, either. Nervous lion was nervous-If so, how many children do your muses want/have? They end up having one, a daughter they name Kasumi Who is the favorite parent? They both are~Who is the authoritative parent? Sort of both, sort of Kiku-Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Takeru, though it’s still relatively rare.Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? They’re both pretty guilty and think the other doesn’t know. Joke’s on them: They so do. XDWho turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? Both! Who goes to parent teacher interviews? Both, though Kiku sometimes has to drag Takeru along- If only because he’s tired and doesn’t want to be in school anymore. XDWho changes the diapers? More Kiku, though Takeru’s done it his fair share too Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Kiku, though Takeru will sometimes get up first so Kiku can sleep. Who spends the most time with the children? Tied!Who packs their lunch boxes? Takeru can’t be trusted actually cooking, so Kiku hands him things and he does the packing.Who gives their children ‘the talk’? Kiku~ Takeru noped on outta that talk years before it ever came up~Who cleans up after the kids? They both do~Who worries the most? Takeru. After the life hes led, it’s just second nature to him, no matter how much Kiku tries to reassure him Sumi’ll be just fine. Still, Kiku understands, too.Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? Ryujiro Mizunuma. Unfortunately. Neither one of them can figure out how, but Sumi pointed him out. Takeru tried to punch him.
Who likes to cuddle? Kiku’s far cuddlier and often plops herself on his lap after a long day. Despite being curious and sometimes questioning, Takeru never minds-Who is the little spoon? Kiku~Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? It’s rare this happens but when it does, Takeru-Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?  Kiku, though it’s because she wants his hand or his arm to hold~ At home, it’s still Kiku, who’s prone to little touches and kisses on his cheek How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? Quite a while, with a few minimal shifts to make sure they stay comfortable. At the very least, a couple hours?Who gives the most kisses? Kiku! What is their favourite non-sexual activity? Sitting on the pier, watching the sea and chatting about tiny little things. It’s the perfect wind-down time, and they’ve been doing it since they were kids, really.Where is their favourite place to cuddle? Couch~ Second place is tied between an oversized armchair and bed~Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? Believe it or not, it’s usually Kiku! It’s not often, though - She’s more likely to go in for a cuddle and a kiss and it lead to that. How often do they get time to themselves? Pretty often? As teens, they get time whenever he comes home for a visit, but once they’ve graduated and moved in together, they make the time for each other as often as they can.
Who snores? Neither~If both do, who snores the loudest? Nope~Do they share a bed or sleep separately? Share a bed~!If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? Cozy up! Takeru’s a walking space heater and Kiku loves it Who talks in their sleep? Rarely, she’ll hear Takeru mumble in his sleep during a nightmare, but other than that, neither of them really do?What do they wear to bed? Kiku sticks to lightweight pjs, either nightgown of light pants and t-shirt, mostly because Takeru is a space heater and she loves his warmth. Takeru’ll stick to sleep pants and a t-shirt, or just a pair of shorts in the summer.Are either of your muses insomniacs? Not really? Kiku can stay up late studying and Takeru does still wake from nightmares occasionally but they’re not really insomniacs?Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? When they eventually move in together and marry, Kiku keeps a bottle of herbal sleep aids in the bathroom. Not for her, but for Takeru - She knows sometimes his nightmares get nasty and no amount of cuddles will help, so they’re there if he wants them.Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Wraps limbs around each other Who wakes up with bed hair? Takeru’s got bed hair all the time, so it’s totally Kiku XDWho wakes up first? Usually Kiku.Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Kiku does on a few occasions, namely their anniversary and Takeru’s birthday, and Valentine’s Day. Otherwise, it’s kept solely to when Takeru’s sick, and vice versa - Only because she doesn’t trust him alone in the kitchen!What is their favourite sleeping position? Kiku generally snuggles into Takeru, either face to face with her head tucked under his chin, or spooning, though she’s also just as likely to snuggle into his side and use his shoulder as a pillow, and Takeru usually has an arm around her.Who hogs the sheets? Takeru; Kiku’s good with the warmth she gets from him~Do they set an alarm each night? They try to? Try because Kiku can easily fall asleep cuddling with him, he’s so war and comfortable~Can a television be found in their bedroom? A small one, yes, though it’s usually off. It was put there for movies in bed, but they end up only really watching it whenever one’s watching something the other doesn’t like, or they’re sick in bed.Who has nightmares? Takeru. Kiku doesn’t know much about them at all, but she’s there as soon as she’s aware he’s having one.Who has ridiculous dreams? Rarely Kiku~Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? Takeru tries to until Kiku joins him, then it’s like a lion curling around his lioness Who makes the bed? Kiku, though when she can’t get to it Takeru does.What time is bed time? Legit whenever they get there. They try to get to bed at a fairly decent time, but it doesn’t always happen.Any routines/rituals before bed? They’ll brush their teeth together and talk about what’s coming up the next day, make sure they have their schedules straightened out. From there it’s making sure the doors are locked, then crawling into bed for a bit more chatting and cuddling until they settle down to sleep Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Takeru, especially if Kiku gets him up before his alarm
Who is the busiest? Kiku. And she refuses to say how much she dislikes that when it cuts into her time with Takeru.Who rakes in the highest income? Kiku~Are any of your muses unemployed? Not really, no?Who takes the most sick days? Technically neither, because Takeru likes what he’s doing and Kiku can’t really.Who is more likely to turn up late to work? Probably Takeru. XDWho sucks up to their boss? Kiku, though she doesn’t classify it as ‘sucking up’ when she’s honestly on friendly terms with her boss and stands up for them/gets along rather well with them.What are their jobs? Kiku’s a nurse, Takeru helps at his grandfather’s dojo Who stresses the most? Kiku would say Takeru and she wouldn’t be wrong, but she’s right behind him with fussing, too.Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? Love them~!Are your muses financially stable? Yup! Very few problems here
Who does the washing? Kiku~Who takes out the trash? Takeru!Who does the ironing? Kiku irons and if Takeru’s home, she gets him to fold/hang things up when she’s done. Who does the cooking? KIKU. Takeru’s banned from the kitchen unless the microwave’s involved.Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? Have you met Takeru, the walking fireball-Who is messier? Slightly more Takeru-Who leaves the toilet roll empty? Nope.Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Takeru does sometimes? Kiku only does if they’ve been in a hurry to hit their bed, and they only stay there until morning.Who forgets to flush the toilet? Noooooooope.Who is the prankster around the house? If it happens, they’re both guilty of it. Takeru teases and Kiku can’t help but get him back, which leads to a constant trail of very minor pranks. XDWho loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? That would be Takeru, and only when he’s flustered or panicked, like when Kiku goes into labor.Who mows the lawn? Takeru~ Kiku never admits she likes to watch Who answers the telephone? They both do~Who does the vacuuming? Kiku.Who does the groceries? Kiku, though sometimes she’ll send Takeru off to the store in her place, and frequently they’ll do it together.Who takes the longest to shower? Kiku, but that’s because she’s often buying a bunch of new things to try, like bath bombs for her baths and new shampoos and the like.Who spends the most time in the bathroom? Kiku, though thankfully it’s not too much extra time
Is money a problem? Nope!How many cars do they own? Just one, but walking is more their speed, so-Do they own their home or do they rent? Own.Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? By the coast~Do they live in the city or in the country? In their hometown in the countryside Do they enjoy their surroundings? Love it~!What’s their song? Fire In My Heart - Simple PlanWhat do they do when they’re away from each other? Kiku reads and keeps herself busy. Her family runs a fish shop she helps out in, eventually decides she wants to be a nurse… She’s got a lot on her plate and keeping busy with that minimizes the time she can focus on how much she misses Takeru, though she’s also certain he’s okay in the city/whenever he’s away from her. Takeru’s got his own fight to deal with, but it’s not going to stop them from phone calls and video messages online set up by Yusaku and Mako, either. Where did they first meet? Their countryside hometown How did they first meet? They actually met when they were about 4 or 5 - During a visit to his grandparents’, Takeru and his parents stopped in at her family’s shop for a bit of dinner shopping. While the grownups were busy, Kiku got to meet Takeru - And with it formed a friendship that’d last their entire lives. Who spends the most money when out shopping? Kiku, and Takeru’s never sure how the heck she manages to do that so fast-Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? They’ll both snicker a little but they’re also right there with a hand out to help them up. It’s not so much amusing as it is “Good god you never do that, are you okay?”Any mental issues? Takeru has PTSD. Nothing on Kiku’s side.Who’s terrified of bugs? Kiku, even if she never says it. If it can be classified as a ‘creepy crawly’, this butterfly’s flying SO FAR AWAY SO FAST-Who kills the spiders around the house? “TAKERU KILL IT-”Their favourite place? They’d both probably be quick to say the pier, but really it’s anywhere by the coast that’s quiet… And anywhere the other is.Who pays the bills? They tag team them~Do they have any fears for their future? Takeru’s usually afraid of his future, and while Kiku doesn’t know why, she knows it and is always there with a hand held out to him. Kiku’s not really afraid of much aside from her parents wanting her to take over the shop as they all get older, but after they have Sumi, she’s afraid of Sumi falling into the same life they had as kids, dealing with bullies like Ryujiro and his brother.Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? Kiku, though Takeru taking her out is a thing, too Who uses up all of the hot water? Kiku whenever she gets a new bath bomb or something for a shower~Who’s the tallest? Takeru. Kiku secretly occasionally pouts over it.Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? They’re both guilty, especially when they’re feeling playful or in a rush and can’t wait for the other to finish showering.Who wanders around in their underwear? Takeru in the summer and Kiku dies every time without fail, even if she doesn’t make it obvious-Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? Kiku! Takeru’s often amused by it, too~What do they tease each other about? Just about everything under the sun. XD Kiku’s favorite thing to tease him over is how fast he gets soft and sweet and his lack of understanding when it comes to technology, while Takeru’ll often tease her for getting flustered over things she should long since be used to. It’s always lighthearted and gentle, too, never meant to insult or hurt.Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? Considering he usually doesn’t much care about fashion? Takeru. Especially given Kiku loves fashion and celebrities and clothes shopping.Do they have mutual friends? They do, though not many - Mainly Mako, Hana, and a couple of classmates. Kiku’s not sure Yusaku and Kusanagi count when she barely talks to or sees them, even on her visits to the city, unlike Takeru who spends more time with them.Who crushed first? The answer is unknown~ Kiku thinks she did, though, but that might only be because she recognized it first.Any alcohol or substance related problems? None.Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Neither, unless Takeru can get drunk on coffee.Who swears the most? Takeru, but only when he’s angry and even then Kiku’s pretty sure she’s heard him swear like, maybe six times in their entire life together-
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chanoyu-to-wa · 5 years
Nampō Roku, Book 2 (51):  (1587) Ninth Month, Thirteenth Day, Midday.
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51) Ninth Month, Thirteenth Day; Midday¹.
◦ O-nari [御成]².
◦ Kuchi-kiri [口切]³.
◦ Two-mat room⁴.
Sho [初]⁵.
﹆ A portrait of Rinzai zenji [臨濟禪師]⁶.
◦ Kama ito [釜 糸]⁷.
◦ On the tana:  kan ・ habōki [クハン ・ 羽帚]⁸.
▵ Shiru saku-saku [汁 サク〰]⁹.
▵ Gan ・ shō-rō [鴈 ・ 松露]¹⁰.
▵ Yu-miso [柚ミソ]¹¹.
▵ Fu-no-yaki ・ kawa-take [フノヤキ ・ 川茸]¹².
[Go [後].]¹³
﹆ In the kuchi-hiro hanaire [口廣花入], a single chrysanthemum blossom¹⁴.
﹆ On the tana:  maru-tsubo [丸ツホ], on a hō-bon [方盆]¹⁵.
◦ Mizusashi Shigaraki [水指 シカラキ]¹⁶.
◦ Hishaku ・ hikkiri [ヒシヤク ・ 引切]¹⁷.
Su [ス]¹⁸.
◦ Chawan Soto-no-hama [茶碗 外濱]¹⁹.
    After tea was finished, [Hideyoshi] amused himself by arranging the charcoal²⁰.
¹Ku-gatsu jū-san-nichi, hiru [九月十三日、晝].
    The date was October 14, 1587, in the Gregorian calendar.
²O-nari [御成].
    This means to receive a visit from ones lord -- in this case, Toyotomi Hideyoshi.  On this occasion, it seems that Hideyoshi participated in the chakai unattended -- an indication of the level of trust that he was now placing in Rikyū.
³Kuchi-kiri [口切].
    Rikyū waited until Hideyoshi's visit to open the first jar of the new tea -- which had been harvested between April 27,  and May 17 (May 7 was the 88th day of the Lunar Year, and the feast day of Bhaiṣajyaguru, the Buddha, or Bodhisattva, of Healing -- Yakushi Nyorai [藥師如來] in Japanese -- so no processing of tea leaves was done on that day).
    Rikyū does not mention which of his cha-tsubo was used on this occasion (it is possible that he only had one, though his rising position in Hideyoshi’s household would suggest otherwise) -- though it would have been the jar that contained the best tea of the year.
⁴Nijō shiki [二疊敷].
    The two-mat room in Rikyū's official residence.
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⁵Sho [初].
    The shoza.
    With respect to the kane-wari:
- the toko contained the kakemono, and so was han [半];
- the room had nothing but the kama in the ro, and so was han [半] as well;
- and the tana held the kan and habōki (arranged side by side, with each touching a different kane), and so was chō [調].
    Han + han + chō is chō, which is appropriate for the shoza of a gathering held during the daytime.
⁶Rinzai zenji zō [臨濟禪師像].
    Though Rikyū mentions nothing but the subject matter*, this appears to be the painting, by the fourteenth century Japanese artist Soga Jasoku [曾我蛇足; his dates of birth and death are not known], shown below.
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    While most of the details of Jasoku's career have been lost to history, it is said that he studied Zen under Ikkyū Sōjun [一休宗純; 1394 ~ 1481].   Furthermore, various commentators add that Ikkyū, in turn, seems to have learned painting from Jasoku.
    Though the Soga family, which was one of the famous painting families of the Edo period, claimed descent from Soga Jasoku, in fact it appears that the the line had been broken, and that they had no actual connection with him (other than the shared -- or, perhaps, appropriated -- name).
    The kakemono is marked with a red spot in the Enkaku-ji manuscript of Book Two of the Nampō Roku, indicating that it was the featured utensil during the shoza. __________ *Possibly, because this was a domestic work, rather than one imported from the continent, such details were considered common knowledge, and so not important to mark down in his kaiki (which, after all, was a document intended purely for his own, personal reference).
⁷Kama ito [釜 糸].
    The designation should be ito-me [絲目 or 糸目].  Either Rikyū abbreviated the reference (perhaps because he was in a hurry to get all of the details down before he forgot them), or the original manuscript had begun to deteriorate by the time it came (briefly) into Tachibana Jitsuzan’s hands.
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     This kama, which is described as being an “old Ashiya kama” [古蘆屋釜], was owned (and perhaps designed by) Jōō.
⁸Tana ni kan ・ habōki [棚ニクハン ・ 羽帚].
    In addition to his bronze kan (which he seems to have used when suspending the kama over the fire from the ceiling), Rikyū also owned a pair that was made of iron.  This type of kan is known as sasage-kan [大角豆鐶], because the undulating surface resembles the seed-pods of this bean (which is an auspicious symbol).
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     A pair of sasage-kan is shown above, arranged on a tsuri-dana together with a go-sun-hane, as described in this kaiki.  (Notice that the opening of the kan is turned in the direction of the kama.)
⁹Shiru saku-saku [汁 サク〰].
     This was miso-shiru, containing coarsely chopped greens from the kitchen garden.  The greens were put into the soup just before it was served, so they would still be fresh and crisp when eaten.
¹⁰Gan ・ shō-rō [鴈 ・ 松露].
    Gan [鴈 – more commonly written 雁] is the wild goose.  The goose would have been provided to Rikyū by Hideyoshi's hawkers.
    Shō-rō [松露], which means pine-dew, refers to the Japanese native “false truffle” (Rhizopogon species), which are found growing in pine barrens near the sea.  The immature fruiting bodies (sporocarps), which are white inside, are preferred.
     While Rikyū does not specify how these two foods were served, perhaps it was in a clear soup* (with the goose mashed and formed into dango [團子] -- meatballs). __________ *Made by boiling the flesh and bones of the goose together with pieces of daikon and, in this case, the sliced truffles.
¹¹Yu-miso [柚ミソ].
    Yu-miso [柚味噌], as has been mentioned before, is actually the name of a dipping sauce -- that seems to have been one of Rikyū’s personal favorites, especially during the early winter when the yuzu had just ripened*.
   A small yuzu† is taken and the top end (where the stem was attached) is cut off like a cap.  Then the flesh is carefully removed, leaving the skin intact like a bowl.  This is filled with miso, and then placed beside or below a charcoal fire (the heat should come from the side, or above, rather than from below) until the outside of the yuzu begins to char lightly.  The heat causes the flavor and aroma of the yuzu to permeate the miso.
   This miso, then, was served with various raw vegetables (usually “crunchy things” like cucumbers and carrots, and other vegetables that could be cut into small “spears”).  The guest selected his vegetable and dipped the end into the miso before eating it‡.
   While on many occasions when he served this dish Rikyū mentioned that it was accompanied by sanshō [山椒] (“Japanese pepper”), nothing of the sort is said here, so it is unclear whether this spice was included or not**. ___________ *Even today, flavored miso is a popular dipping sauce for raw vegetable spears in Korea –  though usually the miso contains crushed garlic, sesame oil, and crushed Korean red pepper paste today, since something like yu-miso is too troublesome to prepare (because it can only be made in small quantities), and, of course, it would be limited to the season when yuzu are available.
†The size is probably not too important, so long as it is not overly large (a large yuzu will begin to char on the outside before the middle of the miso is even hot; and the farther away from the skin the miso is, the less yuzu taste and smell will be imparted).
  In Edo period Japan, the preference was to give each guest his own little yuzu filled with miso, into which he dipped his vegetables.  But there is nothing to indicate that Rikyū served it this way:  the yu-miso could just as easily have been scooped out onto several small dishes from one larger yuzu, with one dish offered to each guest, since it was the flavored miso that was important.
‡It is also possible that a selection of vegetable spears was arranged on a small plate, and the yu-miso was drizzled over them. 
    If it was included, a separate dish of crushed sanshō (”Japanese pepper”) would then have been offered together with the vegetables, so that the guest could spice the food to his taste.
**Perhaps Hideyoshi was averse to spicy tastes?  (The upper classes were said to prefer more delicate flavors, so perhaps Hideyoshi was intent on avoiding anything that might call attention to his plebeian origins.)
¹²Fu-no-yaki ・ kawa-take [フノヤキ ・ 川茸].
    Fu-no-yaki [麩の焼] are small wheat-flour crêpes, thinly spread with (naturally sweet) white miso, and then rolled or folded into bite-sized pieces.
    Kawa-take [川茸] is a kind of freshwater seaweed that grows in flowing water.  It would seem that Rikyū preferred to serve it raw, since he only served kawa-take during those times of the year when the rivers would be flowing with clean water (during the rainy season; and after the weather had turned cold) – so as to avoid the danger of enteric diseases that might result from using kawa-take collected from contaminated water.
¹³This word (go [後], meaning the goza) is not found in the Enkaku-ji manuscript of Book Two of the Nampō Roku.  Nevertheless, it is clearly implied from the context.
    As for the kane-wari:
- the toko held the chabana, and so was han [半];
- in addition to the kama, the room also had the mizusashi, and the hishaku, resting on the futaoki (these on the mat to the left of the mukō-ro, in association with the central kane, as shown in the sketch, below), making the room han [半];
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- and the tsuri-dana supported the bon-chaire, and so was han [半] as well.
    Han + han + han is han, as appropriate for the goza of a chakai that is given during the daytime.
¹⁴Kuchi-hiro hanaire ni kiku ichi-rin [口廣花入ニ 菊一輪].
   This was the large bronze hanaire now usually referred to under the name Kine-no-ore [杵のをれ].  It is in the Tokugawa collection.
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   The hanaire would have been placed, on an usu-ita*, in the middle of the floor of the toko.
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    The flower was a single chrysanthemum flower, with its leaves.  Since this chakai was held during the daytime, the flower could have been of any color, including white blushed pink by the frosts.
    The chabana (along with the chaire) is marked with a red spot in the Enkaku-ji manuscript.  This indicates that the hanaire was one of the featured utensils used during the goza.
    Both Shibayama Fugen and Tanaka Senshō importantly include a reference to the passage in Book One that begins “ko-zashiki no hana ha kanarazu ichi-iro wo ichi-eda ka ni-eda ka roku ike-taru ga yoshi...” [小座敷の花は必らず一色を一枝か二枝かろくいけたるがよし]† -- though this passage really is not especially enlightening, or revealing, with regard to Rikyū’s chabana here.
    They also devote considerable space to discussing what kind of chrysanthemum might have been displayed -- all while studiously avoiding any discussion of the kane-wari‡. __________ *As usual, this was what is now called a yahazu-ita [矢筈板], measuring 1-shaku 3-sun 2-bu from side to side, and 9-sun 2-bu from front to back.  It was painted with shin-nuri.
†Which I translated “with respect to the flowers for the small room, without exception only one kind [of plant material] should be used; and it is best if a single stem -- or perhaps two -- is placed [into the container] without any sort of manipulation.”  The full text of this passage, along with my commentary, may be found in the post entitled Nampō Roku, Book 1 (7):  Flowers for the Small Room; and Flowers for the 4.5-mat Room.
    The URL for that post is:
‡If one is ignorant of the possibility that the hishaku and futaoki can be displayed immediately to the left of the mukō-ro (this practice was morphed into placing the hishaku on the ro-buchi by Sōtan, which resulted in people forgetting the original precedent on which his arrangement was based), then it will be impossible to understand how Rikyū managed to satisfy the demands of kane-wari with the selection of utensils entered in the kaiki on this occasion. 
    This kind of arrangement originally appeared in the ichijō-han [ 一 疊半] room.
¹⁵Tana ni maru-tsubo hō-bon ni [棚ニ丸ツホ 方盆ニ].
    This is the chaire that is now known as the Rikyū maru-tsubo [利休丸壺] -- on account of its appearance in this kaiki.  This is a karamono chaire, measuring 2-sun 4.5-bu in diameter.
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    The karamono koku-dan hō-bon [唐物黒壇方盆]* shown in the photo (below) -- which seems to have been provided by, or in conformity with the teachings of, Jōō -- measures approximately 8-sun 5-bu in diameter‡.
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    As mentioned above, the chaire was also marked with a red spot, indicating that this, too, was one of the featured utensils.  Rikyū uses it several times more before the end of this kaiki, and then it seems to disappear from his collection.  Some have suggested that this repeated use indicates that Rikyū wanted to sell the chaire, and was angling for buyers.
    With respect to the temae, things would have been done in the same way as described under footnote 13 (and its sub-notes) in the previous post†. ___________ *Koku-dan [黒壇] is ebony.
†To describe things briefly, the chawan and koboshi would have been brought out and placed in their usual temporary seats on the left side of the mat, respectively.  Then the bon-chaire would have been lowered from the tana, and placed in front of the mizusashi (with the chaire located within the temae-za).  Then the futaoki and hishaku would have been moved to the right side of the mat, as usual, followed by the sō-rei.
    After folding the fukusa and placing it in the futokoro of his kimono, the host would attend to the bon-chaire.  Only after it was safely in its usual place on the left side of the temae-za would the chawan be moved in front of the host’s knees, the chashaku cleaned with the fukusa and rested on the tray (to the right of the chaire), and so forth.
‡All of the old “karamono higashi-bon” [唐物干菓子盆] of the various shapes (these are all between 8-sun and less than 9-sun in diameter) were originally imported from the continent (during Jōō’s middle period) for use as chaire-bon for the large katatsuki (which were the most popular tea containers at this time, due to the fact that the usual number of guests was originally 10 -- though later reduced to 5 or 6 people on account of the logistics of serving both one bowl of koicha and up to two bowls of usucha to each guest -- based on the pattern of the Shino family’s kō-kai [香會]).  These trays lost their purpose after people began to imitate Rikyū's use of the smaller chaire-bon (which were supposed to be 2-sun larger on all four sides, rather than the three-sun on all four sides preferred by Jōō); and, being prized (and so expensive) antiques, these trays were “repurposed” as higashi-bon during the Edo period, once the service of these kashi immediately prior to the drinking of usucha began to become commonplace (when, with the availability of already-ground matcha began to become common, which fell in with the government’s encouragement of the service of usucha using a different kind of matcha -- and a different set of utensils -- from the koicha).  This is a reflection of how Rikyū, and his teachings and practices, began to vanish at the very hands of the people (the Sen family under Sōtan, and the Tokugawa bakufu that recognized Sōtan as Rikyū’s official heir) who were supposed to be keeping his memory alive.
    While Sōtan recognized that a “small tray” was preferred for used as a chaire-bon, he apparently never understood the way that its size was supposed to be calculated based on the diameter of the chaire that would be used on it.  Thus any small tray was used with any chaire; and this remains the case, according to the teachings of the modern schools, even today.  Even trays that were selected by Rikyū are rarely encountered in association with the chaire for which they were chosen today:  the old chaire having been broken, the tray was reused with something else -- and that chaire rarely had the same diameter as the piece to which Rikyū had originally matched the tray.  (Thus we can find “orphaned trays” described in the catalogues of Rikyū’s utensils -- a happenstance that would have struck Rikyū himself as extremely odd, if not actually repulsive.)
¹⁶Mizusashi Shigaraki [水指 シカラキ].
    This was Rikyū’s Shigaraki mizusashi.
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¹⁷Hishaku ・ hikkiri [ヒシヤク ・ 引切].
    The hishaku was one of Rikyu’s take-wa [竹輪].
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     As shown below, the futaoki was placed near the far left corner of the mukō-ro, and the hishaku was rested on top of it (so that the handle, which runs parallel to the edge of the ro, would not extend into the yū-yo [有余]).
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¹⁸Su [ス].
    This means that the utensils described hereafter were brought out at the beginning of the temae (rather than being arranged in the tearoom beforehand).
¹⁹Chawan Soto-no-hama [茶碗 外濱].
    This was Rikyū’s personal ido-chawan; and the bowl is usually referred to as Soto-ga-hama [外ヵ濱] – the name of the place (at the northern tip of Honshū) where the chawan was recovered from the site of an old shipwreck – today.
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    And though nothing is said in this kaiki, Rikyū would also have used an ori-tame [折撓] of his own making as the chashaku, which would have been resting on the chawan (as usual), and brought into the tearoom together with it.
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    And the koboshi would have been a mentsū [面桶], the usual kind of koboshi traditionally used in this setting, even though it is not mentioned here.
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²⁰Cha sugite o-sumi asobasaru [茶過テ御炭被遊].
    This entry means that Hideyoshi decided to arrange the charcoal with his own hands after Rikyū’s temae was finished.  It seems to have been almost a sort of informal lesson -- he may have been curious about how to repair the fire under these circumstances.
    It is unclear (from the text of this kaiki) why Hideyoshi wanted to arrange the charcoal.  Perhaps he then proceeded to make a bowl of usucha for Rikyū -- which, since he was the only recipient, Rikyū would have felt unnecessary to mention (there would really have been no other reason to rebuild the fire except if Hideyoshi intended to make a bowl of tea -- since the fire was beginning to decline, as it was supposed to do at the end of a wabi gathering:  according to Rikyū, the measure of a chajin’s mastery is that he can build a fire that returns the kama to a boil efficiently, keeps it boiling strongly until the service of tea is finishing, and then begins to decline during the haiken that concludes the temae...yet the kama must not fall completely silent while the guests are still present in the tearoom).
    On the other hand, Hideyoshi was probably aware that Rikyū was going to host another gathering that night, so perhaps he wanted to help by arranging the charcoal (this would have had to be done at dusk, about the time that this chakai was ending) -- and, since the guests were important chajin, perhaps Hideyoshi was also hoping to make a good impression on them with the way he rebuilt the fire (the action would have struck them as both doing them a great honor, as well as demonstrating Hideyoshi’s skill as a chajin).
    If this was the latter case, as is customary at dusk, Rikyū probably emptied and cleaned out the ro, spreading a layer of fresh shimeshi-bai, and then adding some of the larger embers from the earlier fire.  It would have been around these that Hideyoshi laid his charcoal.
    In this case -- since the kama is usually emptied and then refilled with cold water (that had been kept, since dawn, in the large water-jar in the mizuya) during the sumi-temae that is performed at dusk -- Hideyoshi would have left after concluding his sumi-temae without preparing a bowl of tea for Rikyū (since the water in the kama would have been nowhere near hot enough at that time).
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flydotnet · 6 years
Hidden Guardians of Humanity
VRAINS Rarepair Weeks 2018 - Day 7: Other YGO series crossover/Other Fandom AU
Summary: Six teenagers regularly save the world from the misanthropic virus-like AI XANA on a virtual world. This is their story through one of these missions against humanity's greatest danger yet. 
Fandoms: Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS/Code Lyoko Ships: Hireshipping (Ema/Akira), Entrustshipping (Takeru/Kiku), Zinniashipping (Miyu/Aoi)
Wordcount: 3.8K words
Notes: "On ira, on saura, sauver notre existence, Se donner une chance de tout dépasser. On ira, on saura, sauver notre existence, Afin de faire, Un monde sans danger !"
I was stumbled at first with what to do for today. All the crossover ideas I had weren't very good... until I thought about Code Lyoko and how it was a perfect fit with VRAINS. A virtual world? Check. Keeping stuff secret from other people? Check. A recurring theme of AIs? Check. I rediscovered CL this year by watching the episodes now all up on YT (I think that's only for the original French dub, though). It's been a big part of my childhood and I surprised myself to like it even more as an adult. It was pretty messed up if you think about it: a bunch of teenagers ranging from 13 to 15 saving the world in secret on a daily basis while risking their lives to do so? That's dark for a kid's show dude. The series wasn't hiding it anyway: I can't count the exact number of ways XANA (a big bad virus-like AI) tried to kill the protagonists in. Anyway.
I changed a few settings. Kadic is supposed to be a middle school (collège), but since it's supposed to be a high school too (funny enough, the school it's based on, the Lycée Lakanal, is where I set a part of my original work), well why not. It fitted much better with the VRAINS cast too. I also took some liberties with the original 2003 run of the show to provide more modern technology like smartphones.
This story is, in short, a love letter to Code Lyoko and to my VRAINS OTPs. I may have forgotten to put the romance into that fic though.
PS. The quote in the beginning is the chorus to the Code Lyoko opening, "Un Monde Sans Danger" (A World Without Dangers). That song has been burnt into my soul ever since I was a kid. 
Event hosted by @vrainsrarepairweeks
AO3 version available here.
It was yet another day of class at Kadic High School, Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine. Nothing out of the ordinary, for once: boring Physics lessons, typical teenage drama, rumours going through the school about teachers and students alike. In that, it made no difference to any other day before it and any other day that would come after it. However, the routine was only a façade in this school near Paris.
Very few knew about the shortcut in the heater room of the dormitory or the one in the school’s park leading the abandoned factory nearby, resting in an island in the Seine. Most people would have just assumed that place was, well, abandoned and empty. The fact was that: that was wrong. That fact was proven untrue by the presence of a bunch of teenagers going there to save the world on a daily basis.
 However, today was a tranquil day in class of rumours and drama. There was always Naoki Shima spreading some kind of rumour on his idol, an e-sport player named Playmaker, which was mostly talked about by fangirls of him around the campus. Meanwhile, a little group of six students was gathering in their usual spot: near the coffee machine, on a bench, waiting for bell never to ring the beginning of classes.
They had formed this little group of friends of theirs in unlikely circumstances. It all started when Ema, from the twelfth-grade class majoring in computer sciences, discovered a way to access the abandoned factory in the river easily after a boring day of school. She apparently had to drag with her Akira, her classmate and a friend since middle school, there. Afterwards, they accidentally dragged with them Aoi, Akira’s younger sister in tenth grade, when she followed them to the factory on one day and stuck with them ever since. With Aoi came her own classmates Takeru and Kiku, who followed suit after they themselves found out about the factory by being friendly to the otherwise isolated Aoi.
 “Hey, guys,” Takeru opened the conversation as he looked at the other students in the courtyard. “It’s been a while since XANA last attacked… You think he’s going to come back soon?”
“I hope not,” Kiku replied with the most honesty in the world. “He almost killed sent everyone to space last time… We were lucky you were competing in the martial arts tournament that time, Takeru!”
“XANA will always come back until the Supercomputer isn’t turned off, I’m afraid,” Akira stated as he came back with two cups of coffee in his hands.
“Then that means you need to find the program to materialize Miyu soon!” Ema enthusiastically added as she thanked Akira for the cup of coffee. “It’s on me next time.”
“I’m doing what I can, but it’s going to take longer than expected. Last night was a fluke again,” he sighed as he rubbed his eyes with the hand not busy holding a cup. The yawn would be for another day.
“It’s fine, big brother,” Aoi simply said as she looked at him with a tiny smile. “You’re already doing your best, and Miyu has told us that before.”
“Your sister is right, Akira, don’t overexert yourself for that! I don’t want to recover your unconscious body on the floor of your room again and almost get scolded by Jim again for sneaking into the boys’ dorm for that!”
Takeru and Kiku simply giggled at the anecdote despite how many times Ema had already told them about it.
During Maths class, as usual, Ema was on her phone during yet another boring lecture from the teacher. There had to be someone watching over Lyoko when nobody could be at the factory in case an activated tower, XANA’s gateway to their world and all the potential damage that would always bring with it, showed up in the virtual world. That was a nice way to spend time: instead of sitting through a painfully tedious session of mathematics, she could just chat with Miyu and whoever else was online. It was funnier to be there and occasionally see Akira stare at her to be serious during a class for once.
He only didn’t ask her to stop on the spot because she otherwise could refuse to lend him their philosophy lessons whenever he’d simply stop understanding most of it. The confusing words and concepts didn’t work very well with his arithmetic brain. It was a fine compromise, though.
 Right when she was about to point out something funny Aoi had said in the chatroom with Miyu, she heard a strange buzzing sound. The neon over their hands started flickering ever so slightly, before the infection spread to the entire ceiling of the classroom.
“You know what this means?” she asked Akira in a whisper.
“A XANA attack. Did Miyu tell you about an activated tower?”
Her eyes immediately darted to the screen, only for a message to confirm their fears. Akira didn’t add anything more.
“Then what excuse do we throw?” she asked again, eyeing the little app she had on her phone she had freshly finished programming in her spare time (or whatever was left of it these days).
 Before she could ask anything, the bell rang. Their eyes bolted in different directions, checking for two different parameters: hers to the teacher, his to the hour on his phone. The former didn’t have a watch, the second didn’t match the time class ended at. As everyone was packing their things together to change classrooms, another ring resonated through the corridors: the fire alarm.
“Okay, it’s definitely a XANA attack”, Akira stated the obvious. “Warn everyone to meet together at the factory before we can get spotted by teachers or monitors.”
“Roger that.”
  It always took some time to reach the factory and gather everyone. That was why they had this habit of only meeting in the main computer room instead of in front of the factory, giving them more time to fight against whatever XANA had to throw at them on Lyoko. Akira and Ema had arrived first and launched themselves in the elevator to the main rooms before getting joined by Aoi shortly thereafter.
“Takeru and Kiku will be a bit late,” she told them, “I think they had class on a higher floor and had more troubles exiting the school.”
 Moments after, the three had taken their respective spots: Akira at the main computer, Ema and Aoi in the cylindrical scans on the floor under the computer room. He had never been a man of actions and was the only one with a real knowledge of how to use the technical beast that was the Supercomputer. Meanwhile, Ema had always loved the thrill of action: fighting creatures on Lyoko was good way for her to exhort her thirst for a way to break away from the real world, even if it was just for a few minutes. Aoi was calmer, but still followed through when she learnt this could help both her brother and the friend she had found in Miyu.
“Are you ready to get virtualized?” he asked them as they set foot in the room, footsteps resonating on the iron floor.
“Of course!” Ema replied with thrill in her voice.
“I am,” Aoi responded more seriously.
“Then let’s get on with it.”
 Four scanners presented themselves to the two girls. Each climbing in one, the virtualization process didn’t take more than thirty seconds anymore. They were used to it: getting transferred inside a virtual world wasn’t painful, at best it was dizzying the first few times. Soon enough, Aoi and Ema found themselves in a forest-like environment, all changed up to battle attire. It wasn’t just for show: if Aoi had wings, it was because she could use them to fly. Ema, who hadn’t design herself in her subconscious mind to get those, was kind of envious.
“Miyu should be nearby waiting for backup,” Akira’s voice arrived from the sky of Lyoko’s Forest territory. “Be careful to monsters, XANA has been waiting for us.”
“As usual,” Ema sighed, amused. “Let’s do this, Aoi.”
 As they ran to their destination, a tower with a red halo, a girl with long pink hair in pigtails and blue eyes joined them. Aoi’s eyes started to shimmer as soon as they noticed her coming towards them, changing her sprinting direction to directly meet up with their friend. They had a habit of hugging each other as soon as they saw each other too. They had gotten more and more physical when meeting up in Lyoko, to the point of holding each other’s hands nowadays when seeing the others. Ema was certain that, would Miyu know about love like any other girl (despite being a sentient AI that was, frankly, more human than some actual humans she knew), they would already be dating. She remembered overhearing Aoi train herself to declare her love to her friend in her dorm room, after all.
“I’m glad to know you’re alright, Miyu!” Aoi told her as they went back to reaching the tower.
“Thank you for coming so quickly, Aoi, Ema! XANA has sent three Bloks who are guarding the tower, we need to be careful!”
 Turning her eyes away from the two friends, Ema noticed one of the Bloks shooting at them.
“Out of the way!!”
Pushing Aoi and Miyu out of the line of fire from the creature sent to them, she took a direct hit to the shoulder from a laser beam, falling to the ground. Trying to shoot back with her own laser arrows at the creature, she was at least relieved to see Aoi and Miyu had made it behind a tree to find a way to shelter themselves from the incoming attacks.
“Ema!!” Aoi’s scream was accompanied by the mirror of Miyu’s mirror reflecting the hit the older girl was about to take, which would have certainly devirtualized her. The Blok took the hit right in its eye, exploding shortly after.
 The commotion from this encounter passed, the three girls hid behind the very same tree. There were mock Bloks in the area, almost twice as much as they had first expected. As she watched from behind their little hiding spot, Ema could only notice this would be harder than expected with Miyu virtually unable to fight for herself and herself having taken a hit already.
“That was such a close call!” Miyu sighed in relief. “We really need to be more careful…”
She was holding onto Aoi’s hand as she said so, her sceptre in her other hand. Nobody knew where that weapon came from, really, but they had brushed it off as a mere way to self-defend against XANA’s monsters who, as it turned out, mostly used laser beams with long ranges to attempt ending her own life.
“Let’s be more careful until Takeru and Kiku can get here,” Aoi decided, with the two others nodding in agreement.
  “Sorry we’re late…!” Takeru said as he entered the main computer room, breathless.
Akira immediately turned around, his one-ear headphone-microphone still on, a smirk drawing on his face. Backup was finally here.
“Jim tried to prevent us from reaching the factory when we tried to go through the heater room shortcut,” Kiku further explained.
“I see. Ema and Aoi required backup, there’s apparently too many monsters for them to deal with.
She glanced at her childhood friend whose back was against the wall, still not recovering his breath.
“Are you okay, Takeru?” she asked with concern all over her tone, hands on her chest.
“I… I’ll be fine… Let’s get to the scanners quickly, I’m sure Aoi, Ema and Miyu need our help…”
 Even if nobody added anything, Akira turning back to the monitor to make sure this wasn’t a burning failure yet, Kiku remained worried. As the elevator went down another floor, she couldn’t get her eyes off Takeru and how flimsy his breathing was. He had never had a pristine health record, and that despite how good he was at martial arts, which made it so she was always concerned in some degree for his condition.
When the doors opened to reveal the scanner room, she handed her friend her help. He gave her a slight smile, a quiet way to tell her not to worry, as they climbed into their own cylinders to get virtualized. There was no time to lose and no time to get concerned for Takeru when there was a tower to deactivate and XANA going on a rampage to make everyone deaf by the end of the day through abusing ringing systems, ringtones and speakers.
 The two soon enough ended in the Forest territory of Lyoko, with instructions given by Akira to join back the others. Running on their legs, the virtualization keeping them away from whatever feeling of physical fatigue they’d have felt from that, they soon noticed the group of monsters blocking the way and their friends behind a big tree.
“Oh, looks like XANA did already send a party,” Takeru noticed. “Let’s be sneaky and see if we can end them without Miyu being targeted by them.”
 “Takeru! Kiku!”
Miyu seemed ecstatic to see them arrive, screaming their names in joy. Only then did she put her hand on her month, remembering XANA’s monsters could hear them. It was easy to make a diversion, but that was it.
“Akira!” Ema yelled to the sky to get their control tower’s attention. “How much enemies are they?”
No response.
“Oh God, that’s bad,” she then spoke to herself. “He must have been knocked away from the main panel.”
“Something happened to my brother?” Aoi panicked immediately thereafter, before clutching Miyu’s hand to keep her calm.
“It may have,” Kiku added as she joined them. “One of us needs to go check.”
 They stared at each other, before Ema decided to take the head of things.
“Okay, I’ve got a plan. Aoi, you stay with Miyu to make sure she arrives to the tower in one piece! I’m going with Takeru to face them directly, while Kiku shoots them from the back. I’ve already taken a hit and Takeru has a powerful long-range weapon. Everyone’s good with that?”
“Roger!” Everyone replied in unison as they split in groups.
 Ema had in her mind the secret hope of being devirtualized immediately. Takeru had less health point than she did, but she had already taken a hit and was the only one with any knowledge of the Supercomputer outside of Akira who seemed to spend a huge chunk of his nights on it. It was a perfect match for who had to go back to the real world to check on their friends.
She could see Kiku in her white kimono-like robe, braid flowing through the air as she ran and ran, in the corner of her eye running behind Bloks to stab them with her spear in their top eye, jumping on them, braid going up and down, causing their own self-destruction. She was clearly always going for those targeting Takeru, in a nice touch. The boy was himself with her throwing fire at the enemies, either to blind them or critically damage them.
In the corner of her other, Miyu and Aoi ran with their fingers intertwined, the latter with her own weapon out, ready to jump into action if needed. It was a safer solution for them than for Aoi to hold Miyu as she flew over the battlefield just in case she’d get shot in the wings: would that happen, they’d both take considerable fall damage and risk getting devirtualized. The possibility meaning the death of Miyu if it took place, they preferred to stay safe and go a bit slower. Good stuff there.
 Because she wasn’t paying all her attention to monsters, Ema quickly found herself to be devirtualized by a second hit in the chest, making her virtual body shatter in pixels before she could resurface in the factory.
  Exiting the scanner after getting forcefully devirtualized wasn’t the best feeling in the world, but Ema had no time for dizziness. She ran as fast as possible to the elevator and rushed her hands over the panel to go to the upper floor. They weren’t strangers to XANA using towers to gain access to the real world. In fact, they were even used to Akira getting attacked as to hinder the progress of those on Lyoko. The question was: what had it done to her friend while she was away in the virtual world?
As soon as the door opened, she realized two things: XANA had used a severed electric cable to do its deed, and Akira was unconscious the floor because of it. Her first thought was to rush to his side, to check if he was doing fine. A hand on his wrist, another on his forehead, and her eyes half-focused on the severed cable which now looked as inert as it should be, she let out a sigh of relief when she heard his pulse.
“You scared us again, you idiot,” she muttered under her breath. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to keep an eye on an important mission.”
 She gently half-sat Akira against a nearby wall and jumped into the chair facing the screens monitoring everything. Embracing the control tower nature of it all, she picked the headphone and put it on her ear.
“Anyone, you’re receiving me? It’s Ema!”
Everyone or so replied positively.
“Lemme see…” Her eyes deciphered as much information as they possibly could on the monitors. “Takeru, you’re down to 20HP, be careful! One hit and you’re sent back home! Kiku, there should be a Blok behind you! Aoi, Miyu, you’re near the tower, you may be able to fly there…”
 She interrupted herself when she saw the cable rise back to life, just as she heard everyone call out for Takeru’s voice. Getting down to her feet, taking a fighting stance, she hoped to be able to fight it back enough to have the time for the boy to reach her room. She knew how to activate the Return to the Past to fix all the damage the buildings around the school must have taken from the excessive sound, if the fact she was able to hear some low-quality rap music from the underground rooms of a factory was any indication, but Takeru didn’t.
Avoiding getting tripped by jumping over the cable’s feet, she was relieved to hear Takeru running towards her. He looked a bit out of breath from running so quickly in so little time, but he took his own fighting stance.
“Ema, get to the computer! I’m sure the others need you there!”
 Nodding to him as to confirm his decisions, she jumped back into the chair to see the information: Kiku was close to devritualization with a mere ten HP remaining while Miyu was just about to enter the tower. Trying her hardest to ignore how one-sided Takeru’s fight against the cable was becoming in favour of XANA, she focused on the screens. The boy’s pained scream when his back slammed against the wall didn’t help. Before she could entirely redirect her focus, Kiku had been defeated by a last laser beam.
“Aoi, be careful, Kiku just got eliminated!”
“We know,” the brown-haired girl replied from the other side of the screen. “Miyu is entering the tower now, I’ll try to keep back the last enemies until she can deactivate it!”
“Good, but please make it quick, Akira got stunned and Takeru may be injured from fighting a cable. I’m afraid I’ll be the next, not going to lie there.”
 Kiku soon joined the scene, judging from the elevator’s doors opening again and her little steps rushing to Takeru’s side.
“Ki… Kiku…” His weakened voice tried to warn his friend. “Don’t… Come here…”
Without a word, avoiding getting knocked back by the giant cable, she kneeled next to him, her gaze soon fixated on her friend rather than the incoming danger.
“Are you alright, Takeru?!”
“I… I think I’ve broken something against it… But it’s gonna be fine,  don’t worry… I’m sure Miyu is about to deactivate the tower…” He gave a timid but warm smile to her.
She gently held him against her, a half-felt one on her lips…
“It’s going to be fine. It’s always going to be fine.”
Judging from Takeru’s weak grip, she knew his hand had been broken in his fight against the machine.
  Entering the tower, Miyu made her way as fast as possible to the little panel presented in every tower. As soon as she put her hand on it, the system automatically recognized her, greeting her with the ever same and cold protocol.
The entire tower progressively turned empty as it deactivated. From this little virtual pseudo-cocoon, she could only hope as she looked down everything was fine outside.
 Soon enough, the familiar energy wave of the Return to the Past resonated through the virtual world, making her smile as she thought that, once again, everything would be fine and that they had all saved the day.
  They were back in the same Maths class, which was still boring, still not interesting. A side effect of using the Return to the Past, obviously. At least, she could safely say that
“Hey, do you remember what happened to you before you got unconscious earlier?” she asked trying to hide her concern.
“I got electricized by a cable, that’s all I can remember. It doesn’t matter much anyway, the Return to the Past cancels every injury we could have sustained.”
“Well, that’s fortunate for Takeru, he broke his hand when fighting the cable.”
 Akira suddenly looked very pensive, before having a sort of epiphany flashing on his face.
“That makes me think… I should teach you how to use the Supercomputer, Ema, in case this ever happens again,” he whispered to her.
“I’m not against it. I already know how to use it, as you can see, but you could show me your… special tricks.”
The slight innuendo was enough to make him redden in a moment and look to the side.
“D-don’t phrase it like that…”
She grinned at his embarrassment. He was way too easy to tease, but it was always so much fun.
“Oh, by the way,” she added, “your sister is probably going to get a girlfriend soon, and she won’t even be material unless you come up with your program.”
“E… Excuse me?!”
“Miyu. She’s in love with Miyu and vice-versa. It’s just that you’re never here to see them flirt with each other knowingly or not.”
“Oh. That makes sense, when you precise it that way.”
“I know.”
 Now, if she had the same modesty as Aoi, maybe she would have the guts to tell him about her ever-growing crush on him…
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realmwrites · 6 years
[ read on ao3 ]
GerAme Week - Work and Play
Alfred flops against the table, his pencil falling from his hand to the floor. He groans theatrically. “Ludwig, help me study. I don’t understand any of this shit.”
Ludwig rubs his forehead with the palm of his hand and dips to pick it up. “You’re actually better than me at math. If you would just apply yourself you could help us both out and explain this better than Ms. Iliopoulos did in class.” He slides him his pencil.
“Man, it’s so fucking funny that you call her that instead of Ms. I, but it’s also probably why you’re her favorite.” He flicks the pencil back towards Ludwig.
“Alfred, focus.” He hisses, pushing the pencil back again. “I call her that because it’s her name, and I’m not going to study with you anymore if you keep being a nuisance. I want to get some sleep tonight.”
“I can keep you up in more exciting ways if you want.” He wiggles his eyebrows, spinning the pencil with a hand.
“Shut up.” He flushes. “Do your homework.”
“Ugh, fine. You’re no fun.” Alfred sits up and runs a hand through his hair.
His glasses fall crooked across his nose, and despite his best efforts to tame it, a shock of golden blond springs back up. It makes him look like a comic book character, square jaw, bright eyes and all, and Ludwig’s heart stutters in his chest. He shakes it off and forces his gaze back to his paper.
Alfred continues. “Can’t we take a break? We’ve been doing homework for hours and hours and hours. I’m going to die if I don’t stand up and kick something.”
“Don’t kick something.” He grumbles under his breath and scratches down the next equation.
“Can we at least take a quick walk? It’s good to stand up and do shit between assignments. We finished history already, so I think we deserve at least one break. Or maybe we can raid the fridge and eat something. Like those bread things your mom bought? I’m fucking hungry.”
He stares at the singular x2 on his paper, his irritation spiking as his concentration dwindles. Maybe Alfred is right. Maybe he does need a break, but he knows that if they pause, he’ll never finish at a reasonable hour.
“No,” he says.
“Jeez, okay, I’m going to take a break if you aren’t. Come find me if I don’t come back in an hour or two, or when you decide you want a break, too.”
“You better not be gone for more than fifteen minutes.”
“That’s barely long enough to take a shit.”
“God, Alfred, you’re disgusting.”
“Whatever, dude, you know you love me.”
“Just go take your break. I’m trying to be productive here.”
Alfred snorts and pushes out from the table. “Okay, okay, sorry, Mr. Straight As. I’m leaving.”
“Good.” Ludwig rolls his eyes, no real bite to his tone. “Oh, and by the way, if you eat all the snacks, I’ll throttle you.”
“Then maybe you better come with me.”
“Absolutely not.”
Alfred shrugs and saunters out of the room.
Ludwig gnaws at his lip, glancing at where he’d disappeared and back to his paper. Chips, chocolate, coke- it does sound awfully appealing, but he’d already said he wasn’t interested. Ludwig exhales in frustration, scribbling down the next step. Quadratic equations should be easy for him by now, but for some reason, his mind won’t let him factor. It’s only number twelve- less than half the assignment.
Alfred pops unbidden in his mind’s eye, grinning with all his perfect white teeth, and Ludwig throws down his pencil. He leans back in his chair and looks to the ceiling, praying to any higher power for his unhelpful problem to cease to exist. He’s stopped bothering with denial, but the more he accepts his hopeless dilemma, the more hopeless it seems to become. Alfred Jones is the most beautiful boy he’s ever met in his life, but it’s never changed the fact that he rarely focuses on his school work, eats all of Ludwig’s snacks and is, worst of all, unquestionably straight.
He erases number twelve. Five minus seven does not equal three.
By the time number twelve is completed, he's  surprised to have heard no shouting from the kitchen or exaggerated sounds of chocolate consumption. It seems that Alfred has genuinely decided to let him work in peace, and it’s almost disappointing.
He stares at number thirteen for all of five seconds before he starts towards the kitchen. Maybe Alfred is right. Maybe a few minutes of break won’t hurt after all.
When he pads onto the tiled floor, Alfred is nowhere to be found, but he’s clearly been present. New chocolate wrappers are crumpled in the trashcan, and someone’s left out a full cup of coke. He smiles despite himself. Alfred knew he’d come looking, but at least, he’d poured him a glass. He grabs it and sips, wandering towards the back door.
He pushes it open, and his eyes land on Alfred rocking back and forth in a chair on the porch. Alfred glances in his direction at the sound of the door, but he doesn’t greet him with anything more than a nod. Ludwig squints at his somber expression and walks towards him and the chocolates on his lap.
“Are you just sitting here and thinking?” Ludwig asks, reaching for a chocolate.
Alfred shrugs.
He sits in the rocking chair beside him and pops the chocolate in his mouth. Alfred stares off into the yard. Ludwig follows his gaze to the oak tree, its leaves swaying in the back and the birds chirping in its branches. The sun sends dappled shadows on the grass, and light filters onto Alfred’s face in oblong splashes. Serious doesn’t suit him, and Ludwig is quickly growing uncomfortable.
“Are you okay? Oh, and thank you for pouring me a drink.” He tries again. It’s odd to be the one initiating the conversation.
“Uh huh. Welcome.” Alfred nods, sliding the chocolates onto the table in front of them. “And I dunno. Sort of. I guess.”
“Did something bad happen?”
“No, but do you think I’m stupid?”
“What? No? You’re very smart. You only act ridiculous sometimes, but you’re smarter than me. I think school just might be difficult for you because it’s so monotonous. It’s boring for me, and I even like regimented predictability.”
“I’m not smarter than you, but thanks.” He stretches his arms above his head, rolling his ankles in little circles. “Sorry. I just got thinking, but hey, Lud, you know how you’re… gay?”
Ludwig’s heart stops for a dreadful second, his fingers going numb against his glass. Did Alfred know?
“Er, yeah. What… What about it?”
“I think I… Uh, I- How did you figure that out? This probably sounds really dumb, but how’d you know you weren’t into girls?”
“The same way you know you aren’t into men.” Ludwig shrugs, relieved to hear it’s this and not anything regarding his feelings towards Alfred. “I’m not attracted to them. I think some girls are cute. Eliza is beautiful, but it’s more of an observation than anything else.”
“But I don’t know that.”
“Of course-” Ludwig stops, his eyebrows raising. His heart flutters in his throat as hidden hopes and locked dreams rattle in their cages. He forces them down. It doesn’t mean a thing when this likely has nothing to do with him at all.
“No, I don’t know that I’m just into girls. Like I don’t know. It’s not like I want to bang when I see a good- a hot guy? But I don’t know. Does it count if it’s just one person? Being bisexual?”
He feels like he’s dying.
“It’s your identity, but what do you mean? Is this recent?”
“No. It’s- fuck, it’s, I don’t know, it’s been like this for a while now. I didn’t say anything because it was weird? Not that being… gay is weird. But it was- I don't really fucking know. I think this guy is really… hot I guess? But it's not just that. I thought for a while that maybe I just wanted to look like him or some shit, but it's like a crush? Like butterflies in your stomach whenever he smiles. I want to-” Alfred groans. “I don't know. What the fuck is happening to me?”
His throat constricts. The sun is too warm on his skin, and Alfred's blue eyes burn like sunspots through his heart. It could be him, but why when they knew so many better looking, kinder, more talented people? Why when it could be Kiku with his soft smile and witty jokes? Feliciano with his boundless energy and magnetic creativity? Ivan with his cooling presence and sharp tongue? Francis with his flamboyant confidence and effortless beauty? Too many better choices, too many easier friends. Besides, why would Alfred tell him anything if it was him?
“It sounds like a crush.” He barely registers his own voice. “Do you know if he's interested in men? Do you want to pursue him?”
“Yeah, he's not straight, and yeah, I think- No, yeah, I want to really fucking badly. I'm just scared it would ruin our friendship because I really care about him, and- I don't know, Lud. I'm so fucking confused. What would you do?”
Suppress all emotion and die, he thinks. “Is he open to dating?”
“I think so?”
Ludwig wants to take Alfred's hands in his own and look him straight in the eyes. He wants to tell him he's wanted to kiss him since freshman year, that he's never stopped wanting. He swallows down every sticky, choking feeling crawling up his throat. But he still feels sick to his stomach.
“You should ask him about his love life. If he seems open, it’s always better to tell them the truth. You can get it off your chest and move on, and if not, you can pursue it.”
“Okay.” Alfred's eyes bore into his soul. “You're single, right?”
“Yes.” And he will be until Alfred Jones exits his life.
He doesn't know which is worse: Alfred staying his closest friend and dating someone else or Alfred leaving his life forever. Both are too painful to consider.
Ludwig frowns. “This isn't relevant though.”
“Why not? Are you open to dating right now?”
Yes and no. Yes if your name is Alfred. No if you’re anyone else.
“Alfred, can we not talk about my love life?”
“Who is it anyways? And why are you only telling me now?” Ludwig's heart thumps wildly in his chest, his words dropping like anvil strikes on hot iron. He can't stop. “I thought we were best friends.”
“I haven't-” His face crumples, hurt writing itself across his features. “And yeah, we are best friends! I only told Kiku, but that's because I didn't want to mess anything up with you.”
Ludwig bites his lip hard. “You told Kiku before me.”
It makes sense. Kiku is the better listener. Kiku is the better friend. Kiku gives better advice, and Kiku isn't disgustingly horrible with anything emotional.
“Lud, no, it's not like that-”
“Then what is it like? How come-”
Alfred stands from his chair and in a heartbeat, his lips are pressed against his. Ludwig's mind runs blank.
Alfred's lips are burning, his breath puffing against his mouth and his hands balled up in his shirt. Ludwig leans forward, craning his neck to meet him and slinging his arms around his neck. He tastes like coca cola and chocolate. His fingers thread through the soft locks of Alfred's hair, and he tugs him closer.
“Lud-” Alfred yelps, but before Ludwig can process what's occurring, Alfred tumbles into his lap.
He blushes bright red, his hands gripping the back of Alfred's shirt and Alfred's knee between his legs. They’re chest to chest, and Alfred is just a breath away.
“I'm sorry-” Ludwig starts.
But Alfred laughs and slides his knee up beside his other until he's kneeling on the chair between his legs. He cups his face with his hands, his careful fingers brushing against his cheekbones, and Ludwig inhales sharply.
“Wait, so do you like me, or do you just usually kiss back people who kiss you out of instinct or some shit?” His face is flushed a healthy pink, and he's grinning wide. He looks like a vision, and Ludwig's heart is threatening to beat out of his chest.
“I like you.” He admits.
“Good because you were the guy I was talking about, and it's why I didn't tell you sooner, and also, do you know how distracting you are when I'm trying to do my math homework, and you're here chewing on your lip with that cute little crease between your eyebrows, and how much it makes me want to kiss you?”
Ludwig gapes, his thoughts scrambled in an incoherent mess.
“Is this bad? Should I get off?”
“No, it's good.” He quickly amends. He runs his hands through Alfred's hair with reverent awe. He traces down his neck to his shoulders, marveling at his warmth and his weight against him, and Alfred shivers beneath his touch. He bites his lip. “It's good.”
And it is, and Alfred is staring at him like he's announced he's a real live superhero, or he's promised him a trip to the moon. He's warm and real and bright, his eyes sparkling behind his dark frames and his hair fluttering in the breeze across his face. Alfred smiles, their noses brushing for an instant, and Ludwig's stomach does somersaults in his middle.
“See. When you do that it makes me want to kiss you and never think about math again.”
“You can. Kiss me, I mean, if you want. Actually-” Ludwig sets his hands on his glasses and slides them off. Alfred blinks, and without them, his eyes go almost bluer. He’s beautiful, but he always is.
Ludwig sets them on the table to their front and smiles. “Okay. Now you can if you want.”
“Whatever you want, Lud.”
Alfred cups his jaw in his hands and kisses him tenderly. He sighs against his mouth, his thumb running along his cheeks and his chest pressed against his front. It feels like fairy dust soaking into his skin, burning at his lips and his skin and his chest wherever Alfred touches. His hands slip to his waist, and he squeezes his hips gently, the contact tingling like stars beneath his grip. It feels like stardust and promises fulfilled beneath the full moon, inexplicable joy washing over him like lapping waves on the seashore.
Alfred breaks away, his cheeks flushed and his hands settled in his hair. He laughs and turns until he's sitting in his lap.
“Can we do this more often?”
Ludwig grins, wrapping his arms around his middle and tucking his chin above his shoulder. “Only if you promise to teach me how to do that damn assignment.”
“Good. And now that we're dating, we can have more fun breaks than just stuffing our faces with junk food.”
“We're dating?”
Alfred reaches back, his hand finding Ludwig's cheek. “If you want.”
“We're dating.” He agrees.
Alfred laughs.
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