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dailyprattle-blog-blog · 7 years ago
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Travel day over! And it’s only 98 degrees!! : / #rvliving #rvlife #traveler #summer #hot #workntravel #dogs #beer #saturday #travelday (at Shasta Lake, California)
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paradiselifestylesblog · 4 years ago
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Breakfast is served! 🥰 Tag a friend who wants to be here with you. ⬇️ ..... ...... 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 Follow 👉 @paradisetravels99 ..... .... ©️ @adrianbaias • • #mountainclouds #mountainretreat #mountaincalling #lakemountain #mountainplanet #explorethemountains #mountainbeauty #mountainsgirls #mountainpictures #splendidmountains #mountainpark #personaltravelagent #allyouneedistravel #workntravel #travelbloggerlifestyle #worklesstravelmore #inmytravels #italy🇮🇹 #dolomitesitaly #dolomites4you #italyview #italyiloveyou #dolomitesworld https://www.instagram.com/p/CHOGi5bjXGJ/?igshid=ypkzbt6horsp
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scholarshipja · 5 years ago
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#amazingopportunities from @amazingdoc365 available for you to #Applytoday Teach English in Japan See details at: https://www.ildsjamaica.com/interac Then get your professional resumes @amazingdoc365 #teachenglish #teachabroad #jobsinjapan #workntravel #withAmazingDistinction https://www.instagram.com/p/B9QAxdYhdsZ/?igshid=135hxvezzkw5o
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justtobealong · 7 years ago
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20170825 ᴮᴱᴬᶜᴴ ᴰᴬᵞ 米國日誌Day63(一樣是後記 / 結束五天地獄人生,感謝 @hellochiahua 拖我出門,猶豫一百年幸好真的有跟去,謝謝 @min1026dy 出借上半身泳衣讓我不會成為老人在岸上顧包,這大概是我有記憶以來第一次奮不顧身的到海裡面玩耍吧😂跳浪跳的很嗨森 / The first time to go to the beach in wildwood. 🌊🌊🌊 / #の芸米國日誌 #の芸碎碎唸 #daily #mypicstory #travelinusa #workntravel #beach #sea #vscocam #iphone7 #cieeworktravelers #데일리 #오늘 #일상 #여행 #미국 #아르바이트 #화이팅 #기억 #친구 #해안 #하늘 #바다
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ria1963 · 6 years ago
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This business isn’t for ‘everyone’ but please understand ..... EVERYONE can do this business! 😀 We all love to have a few extra $$$ coming into our household Jobs are not secure these days ... Lay offs are real. Have something to fall back on! This is a business. When you work it like the business it is, the rewards can be BEYOND your WILDEST imagination!!! Want a peek at what I do? PM me. We travel a lot and we both work at diffetent places to help pay for our travels around our beautiful country #australia because we still have a "normal" life with a house and cars and bills... but the extra income I make with my internet business helps put fuel in our bus to help us with our adventures. I’ll show you what has made such a difference in my life 🙏❤️ . .. #workfromhome #internetbusiness #workntravel #extraincome #naturalproducts #stayathomemumsndads #livelife https://www.instagram.com/p/BsMaVZ0By6-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17mle03ih9ipd
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youkillinme · 4 years ago
Tumblr'da bu sohbeti senin için bulduk
Come guys
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nicolabeatrix · 4 years ago
Are we about to experience the REAL cost of food?
When we got to NSW a couple of weeks ago, we thought about maybe checking out some different communities and farms, helping out here and there and learning stuff, so I updated my HelpX profile (similar to WWOOFing) and sent a few messages out to a couple of different Co-ops and Eco-villages. I was pretty skeptical about anyone being willing to take us on what with COVID19 and all and us coming from Victoria a ‘declared COVID Hotspot’ (shhhhhh! don't tell!).
Over the next day or so I received some replies but, surprisingly even got a few messages from people I hadn't contacted. They were reaching out to say that our profile looked great and they'd love us to come and help them out with their harvest, planting or shearing season, etc. etc. At first I was pretty chuffed! How cool is that? Dan and I must have such great skills and just be so amazing that people are actively SEEKING us out! 
And then, over the next couple of days the messages just kept trickling in, from all over the state, even from 100s of kms away. Soon it was a flood, so many messages, so many requests! What is going on? Why are we so popular? Are we really that great?And then I realised..... Nope. It's probably NOT personal. I'm probably NOT actually that great. (As much as I'd like to think so haha).
With bans on international tourists coming in, severely limited international migration and so many backpackers who were planning to be here for their year of "Work N Travel" either cutting their stay short or simply not coming at all, looks like a heap of farmers and homesteaders are pretty stuck. Where is all the cheap labour going to come from? It makes me realise just how frighteningly dependent our food system is on free or cheap labour from cash-strapped backpackers or new migrants desperate for some cash under the table, a roof over their heads and the promise of a second year visa. Who's going to bring in the harvest in the sweltering heat for just a couple of dollars an hour now?
I wonder if some of us freshly unemployed Australians will be taking up farm work to fill the gap...? (Somehow I doubt it!). And even if so, I wonder how much the cost of food will be once employers are forced to pay Australian workers a decent minimum wage. I suspect that what we think is the cost of food has actually been 'artificially' low for a very long time, and we might be about to see the REAL cost of food. Uh oh.
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phaiysk · 7 years ago
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#workntravel Reviewing work prepared by my MY team at #kualalumpur while sitting in the train to #hakodate #4hours effectively used - TH team is also working intensely cr. @arpamas_s - this is so called work while traveling lol #consultinglife #instashot #allshots (hier: Yamakoshi-gun, Hokkaido, Japan)
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dailyprattle-blog-blog · 7 years ago
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Yep! This is camping : ) #camping #rving #rvlife #beer #baseball #oregon #stateparks #workntravel
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marilenagrafakos · 5 years ago
Beautiful Mumbai memoirs at @twinsdanceartstudios with @swetadoshi18 @swathi_tdas @shraddhadoshi1991 @maitri0.o @abby_feelpurityofficial #dance #dancersofinstagram #danceindia #mumbaidancers #dancing #dancelover #danceroutine #dancechoreography #dancevideo #choreography #dancechoreography #choreographer #workntravel #mumbaitrip #dances #dancepassion #danceclass #danceworkshop #danceon #danceteacher #danceschool #mumbai #dancetime #ilovedance #lovetodance #dancelife #dancelife #dancedancedance #dancedance thanks to @paresh_lyrical and the beautiful twins #choreo #workshop #indiangirls @marilenagrafakos @marilena.grafakos @grafakosm (at Twins Dance Art Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA-ArkJiov7/?igshid=1dw4soc4339h0
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justtobealong · 7 years ago
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20170908 🇹🇼ᵀᴬᴵᵂᴬᴺ ᴳᴿᴼᵁᴾ 才離開了幾天就好想念最暖的你們 想念一起上班用中文罵人的日子 想念一起小聚喝酒聊天的夜晚 想念一起去逛各種超市的時光 幸好台灣很小比較容易相見 祝福大家接下來的美國旅行順利 / #の芸米國日誌 #の芸碎碎唸 #daily #mypicstory #travelinusa #workntravel #missyou #memory #2017summer #wildwood #taiwan #vscocam #iphone7 #cieeworktravelers #데일리 #오늘 #일상 #여행 #미국 #대만 #친구들 #보고싶어요
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kiwiaora · 10 years ago
Die letzten Tage und sonnige Jobaussichten
Auf Maries letzte Tage haben wir uns dann entschieden noch einmal zu Orten zu fahren die uns gut gefallen haben. Das war zum Einen Sunny Nelson (gerade nach dem Sch*Wetter an der Westküste super), außerdem Picton (mit dem schönen Tombstone Hostel) und Kaikoura an der Ostküste. Strand geht generell immer gut :D In Kaikoura war dann direkt am ersten Abend ein großes BBQ mit allen aus dem Hostel wo wir einige andere Traveller getroffen haben die am nächsten Morgen einen Whalewatchingflug machen wollten. Irgendwann kam dann das Thema auf dass es Rabatt gibt wenn mehr Leute mitkommen. Kurzentschlossen - wie man hier sowieso gezwungen wird zu sein - entschieden wir uns mitzukommen. Für 110 statt 170 Dollar! (bargain:D)
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Da ich leider wieder einmal etwas vergessen hatte - nämlich mein Kamerakabel in Christchurch :/ - gibt es nur Handybilder, dafür sind die Eindrücke im Kopf umso schärfer. So ein Wal ist ja schon mega beeindruckend!! Am nächsten Morgen machte Marie das Delfinschwimmen um 05:30 Uhr. (Es war leider der letzte Platz) was wohl auch ein richtig einzigartiges Erlebnis war.
Auf dem Weg zum Strand kamen wir bei einem kleinen public pool (also einem Freibad) vorbei, und weil ich ja auf der Suche nach einem Job für die nächsten Wochen bin lief ich einmal rein und fragte die Rettungsschwimmerin nach einem Job. Prompt bekam ich auch ihre Handynummer und sollte Nachmittags nochmal wiederkommen um mich durch einen ‚mountain of paperwork‘ zu arbeiten. Gesagt, getan stand ich um 4 Uhr wieder im Bad und sah meinen Namen und diverse Stunden auf dem Dienstplan. Hayley so: „Are these hours okay for you?“ :D (Ich hatte noch nichtmal eine Bewerbung geschrieben!)
Am nächsten Tag hatte ich den Job.
Zugegeben: eigentlich wollte ich ja auf die Nordinsel, aber Kaikoura ist definitiv nicht der schlechteste place to be Neuseelands, und der Job für mich schnelles Geld ohne mich bei 35 Grad auf einer Kiwiplantage mit nervigen Vorarbeitern 12 Stunden am Tag für maximal Mindestlohn kaputt zu arbeiten. Man lernt flexibel zu sein und mein neuer Plan gefällt mir schon wieder super :)
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dailyprattle-blog-blog · 7 years ago
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Today is my 2 year anniversary of leaving Boulder for a nomadic / gypsy life in my camper “Arla”....I left with a plan of not having one.... to let go and see where the world and road would take me....I don’t think I would change a thing. I’ve seen beautiful rivers, lakes, mountains, sunsets, ocean views and trees bigger than what’s in your dreams. I’ve met so many wonderful people who shared their story with me and aloud me to share mine. I’ve had some lows but more highs.... everything from being in the first city to see the eclipse, whale watching from my camper door, having the redwoods to myself, having wonderful people take me in... to blowing out countless tires and waiting on the side of the road for hours, camper breakdowns, a near miss on a curvy road, and a mishap with a gas pump...just like every wonderful memory came with a smile so did the bad, as the road changes course and something positive and amazing came from each bump in the road. It’s a strange life, I’m sure I’ve been called crazy, I felt that way sometimes, but the whole point is to take advantage of the time we have and under the circumstances we are given....the thing is there are no rules!! We constantly put rules upon ourselves for no particular reason except the fact we are taught to do it our entire life. I’ve felt so much in the past of watching the world pass me by and waiting for something to just happen. I feel less of that now, the evolution is not yet complete, the battle to challenge myself is just in the beginning phases. I’ve learned a great deal about my neighbors and even more about myself. Certain people want to say our land is not great.... I beg to differ, all you have to do is put yourself into it to see that’s a falsity in the grandest form. I’m sure I’ve gained more from the folks I’ve encountered than they do from me. #traveler #travelingdesigner #travel #reflection #workntravel #rving #rvliving #rvlife #designer (at California)
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justtobealong · 7 years ago
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20170807 ᴿᴬᴵᴺᴮᴼᵂ 米國日誌Day45 / 又是暴雨的一天,早班從11點延到12點又延到一點十五最後取消了整天班,於是難得四個同時在家的女子們開始炸物派對,炸雞腿肉炸雞胸肉炸地瓜炸薯條,吃了一堆油膩食物後直接午睡哈哈,睡到五點又收到email要晚班的人去上班,於是四個人又衝刺去上班,一開始發車就收到一美金小費☺️然後第二趟看到🌈偷偷掏手機出來狂亂拍三秒,整個晚上當了四次back conductor腳直接廢掉,後腳跟痛炸感覺明天會更痛😒😒😒 / After the rain, here comes the rainbow ❤️💛💚💙💜 / #の芸米國日誌 #の芸碎碎唸 #daily #mypicstory #travelinusa #workntravel #rainbow #vscocam #iphone7 #cieeworktravelers #데일리 #오늘 #일상 #여행 #미국 #아르바이트 #화이팅 #기억 #친구 #하늘 #무지개 (在 Wildwood Beach & Boardwalk)
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