#working on some marriage and proposal hcs and this just came to mind
i-write-boop-spoops · 19 days
i wouldn't put it past you and steven to randomly elope. like, one day, a couple years into your relationships, maybe you're engaged, maybe you're not, and you're about to go on another one of your trips, when one of you is like "let's get married" 🥰
can you just imagine it? the two of you (and the officiant too ig), somewhere secluded and picturesque, sharing your love together and sancitfying your union, away from prying eyes...
i'd imagine you'd still have a wedding later on, with a fancy reception and all your loved ones and guests. i also imagine, you'd eloped secretly too
do NOT tell joseph you eloped. he WILL have a heart attack if he finds out he wasn't at his son's real wedding.
even if elopinng was your idea, he'd still blame steven. and steven? he's not going to hear the end of it. he doesn't regret it one bit though!
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liannelara-dracula · 1 year
Can I get the mukami's for this prompt?
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 What their family is like, like the household and number of kids.
Hi love,
Good question, sorry it took so long and that some are short but I did my best. Hope you like it. :)
Mukami Boys Family + Household hcs
Requests are open
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Family + Background:
Ruki wasn't focused on marrying, he just wants to spend his life with you and you wanted the same.
You two were unsure of what that had in store for you.
So you weren't even thinking about marriage or having kids.
Your main focus was just being together.
The marriage just came along the way because Ruki loves you and thought the time was right. Although he honestly feels like he's already married to you.
Number of kids:
Two! A boy and a girl.
You had your kids before you were married.
This is mostly because he can never keep his hands off you and you have a hard time saying no, you eventually had a baby.
You started off as a family of three and lived in the Mukami mansion because you too were just starting out.
The both of you were trying to figure things out so Ruki figured it was best to just stay at the mansion at first.
Plus, there was plenty of room.
And his brothers don't really mind, they are actually excited.
Especially Kou, he can't wait to babysit and help with baby showers or whatever.
Of course your pregnancy was an adventure for you both because you were clueless about caring a supernatural baby and so was he.
And being parents wasn't something you to were planning or expecting.
You both wanted to stick to the lover phase for a while but things happened so fast and you to did like the idea of baby.
It's also cause Ruki is old-fashioned, I highly doubt he'd let you get rid of it. Whatever the case you don't want to.
In terms of giving birth Ruki would just take you to the hospital
Your first child was definitely a boy and looked exactly like Ruki.
When you had this little one it took some time of getting used to and you eventually worked out who would do what.
Ruki is pretty involved as a parent as are you and he does a fair amount for you and the your first kid.
He will get up for you at night if you are too tired.
Made sure you had a nursery for your firstborn.
And he was pretty attentive to what you needed.
He was honestly great about everything.
And the best part had to be when he'd interact with his mini-self.
As you too were getting comfortable with the new baby, within a year or two there was baby two.
Which was a girl!
And Ruki really grew to have a soft spot here. I mean this was a mini you, even though she had his eyes.
His daughter is someone he cannot say no to.
He finds her so cute, he just can't tell her no.
Ruki tends to worry about her a lot so he's a bit over protective.
But he also worries about his son equally.
He loves both of his kids and after being with you long enough and seeing the family he had created he thought it was now a good time to propose to you. (Let me be clear you where a young adult when he met you so that's why you weren't marrying and the relationship was one of many years).
It was cute though because he asked his kids first if he should marry you.
"What do you guys think? Should daddy marry mommy?" He'd grin seeing his kids get excited.
"YEAH!" They'd cheer.
He cooks, you don't, because he doesn't think you're good enough.
The kids even think that Dad is a better cook.
There isn't too much difference in your role as a parent, you too typically share an equal amount of the work.
He might be the one to teach them academically.
I think he is also a bit better at being strict than you.
Its something about his tone that gets his kids to listen if they're not listening to you.
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Family + Background
You two got married and you were expecting and he thought it would be nice to have two surprises in one.
He wouldn't stay with his brothers.
After all he is an idol so he would just move out into another house.
This way you two have the place to yourself and you two even have a little bit more privacy.
Of course, it is hard to do with his idol life but you both manage.
if you want me to be really honest I don't see that he'd ever have kids.
You are the one who stays at home considering that he works.
So you usually take care of things.
And the kids
But he appreciates it and when he can stay home he makes sure to spend time with everyone.
He plays with his kids a lot.
Especially when you want to get things done around the house.
I swear he is too lazy to clean and leaves that to you.
But you then leave him to watch the kids for when you go out.
He is usually the one who incorporates fun time for his kids.
He is known to be the more “fun” parent.
Mostly cause he says yes to like everything they ask.
Number of Kids
Two twin boys
He got more than he could ask for.
Sometimes wonders what it would be like if he had girls.
He is also training them to be idols.
It's mostly for fun, so they are his studio a lot.
He sometimes gets inspo from them.
And he dresses them on to.
They surprisingly don’t look like him, they resemble you but they have his social personality.
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You’re known as the big family.
He married you before starting a family though.
And even though having kids was on his list.
I don’t think he was planning on having them right away but it sorta ended up being that way.
When you two first got married you stayed at the mansion because you were still working things out.
And his brothers didn’t mind it.
They actually like having you two around.
Seeing Yuma smile is also rare for them too so they are glad you're around.
Although privacy can sometimes be an issue for Yuma.
Especially when arguing, although his brothers don't mind it too much.
In fact, Ruki finds it amusing hearing you two argue.
It's mostly because you and Yuma argue over silly things so it can be funny.
But not to you two.
You and Yuma both stay at home for the most part.
He spends most of his time in the garden.
And his brothers play as babysitters.
There is also a lot of noise and movement thanks to the kids.
And he is also involved in that.
Number of Kids
A lot, honestly it’s over ten.
This man makes you have too many babies.
If you thought you didn’t have it in you, you thought wrong.
So it’s probably 14 kids and probably one by one
So you were pregnant every year practically.
All of them were boys except the last one.
He had one little girl who looked exactly like him.
And most of the boys are mixes of you two.
Although your first looks like him too.
The kids climb all over him.
He yells at the boys if they run around in the garden.
Like he’s strict about that.
Although he carries his little girl when he’s in the garden.
He prefers it’s just her since she stays put in his arms and doesn’t complain. She just watches him but if a bug lands on her she’d probably start to cry.
It’s cause she’s still a baby
Although with his boys he’s good at playing with them and chasing them on the field.
He gets too rambunctious with them you end up scolding him.
He's pretty easy going but sometimes the kids scream too much and don't listen so he sometimes gets serious and then they stop.
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The quiet but sweet family.
You two were together for a while and when he proposed to you, you were also pregnant.
So it was two surprises wrapped up in one.
he was really excited.
And he was more than ready to start a family.
He probably lives with his bros but eventually wanted to move out and so he got a place for the both of you.
He does everything for you. Or whatever you need and vice versa.
He stays at home with the kids if you want too.
Azusa is happy to be at home with you and whatever you to do, you do together.
Whether it's cleaning, cooking, baking, watching tv, etc.
Although with one kid he finds the place empty and would like some more.
Number of Kids
Three, two boys and a girl.
They are all quiet and soft-spoken like him.
But they are all very sweet.
Except for when the screaming starts
Azusa usually gets them to settle down.
He reads them bedtime stories and he tucks them in.
He also plays with them a lot.
but overall you are a happy bunch.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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goorehound · 2 years
okay but here me out.... mary goore proposing/marrying mary hc 👀
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Took me a bit to get around to this but that you for bearing with me. Not really sure where the fuck I went with this but I hope it satisfies!
Mary Goore x Reader, marrying and proposal headcanons, sfw
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Marrying Mary
When Mary met you, he was vehemently anti-marriage. Fuck the system, why do I need the government to recognize my love for somebody, I don’t need signed contracts to keep me committed to somebody, etc etc. He was very vocal about his distaste for marriage.
But then, you were stoned. Discussing future plans, shooting the shit - and you said when you’re my husband and fuck did Mary ever get caught up on that. Husband. Yours. He liked the sound of that way more than he’d liked to admit.
You were embarrassed of course, you knew that wasn’t what he had in mind for the future - and you weren’t resentful of that. It would be nice to have a wedding, but you didn’t need that to spend your life with Mary. You planned to do it anyway ceremony or not.
When you sobered up, Mary asked you about it. Very seriously. Like, weirdly serious. Asking if you wanted marriage, if that’s something you were into, if that’s what you needed from him - and you explained the above. It would be nice, and you’d love to marry him, but it wasn’t a necessity. You were happy with him and you would be happy with him regardless.
Mary was cryptic and quiet and it was sorta fucking scary. He didn’t say much more about it, sort of drifted off into absent mumbles as he dug into his breakfast.
You weren’t aware of his ring shopping, or him awkwardly stumbling over his proposal in the mirror. Over and over and over. Styling his hair, slicking it back, buying some nice new clothes. Then he decided fuck that. It had felt way too weird, and he looked like a stranger, and he decided if you wanted to marry him it was for his janky style and all.
He was still nervous as all hell. He worked hard until he had the ring and enough money to buy the fancy beers and a nice dinner to take you out to a drive in movie. Settling up cozy with a makeshift picnic, and a little box weighing heavily in his pocket.
He was jittery the entire night, and it started throwing you off the longer it went on. It wasn’t like him to act that weird about a date, and somewhere in the back of your mind you thought he might be buttering you up to have a threesome.
That particular question never came. Instead you finished up your food, reclining back in his truck to finish watching the movie tucked underneath his arm and head pillowed on his chest, legs intertwined under a blanket.
His hand disappeared into his pocket for long enough that you’d forgotten he’d even moved. His closed fist came to rest on his own chest just below your face, slowly uncurling to show off a little box. His fingers practically trembled twitched as he opened it before your eyes. A nice simple ring. Nothing extravagant. Your heart was in your throat, your eyes were stinging, and you craned your neck to look up at him.
“I want to uh, be with you. For a while. Make it official, and all that jazz.” Endearingly awkward. “So.” He had to breathe through the nerves again. “Will you marry me?”
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Ooooh. HC request?
When they're planning to propose?
Tanaka, Iwaizumi, Atsumu? Pretty please and thank you 🫣🥰
TANAKA! Yes! I feel like he’s so underrated, even I barely have anything for him. I love this headcanon request, I hope that you enjoy it as well!
Atsumu was planning it out for months. He was ready, he was feeling bold. He had shown the ring to Osamu and his mom already, he had reservations for a nice restaurant and even got a new outfit to wear. He had a private room so that the two of you would be left alone so he could do it how he pleased. 
Not on the dessert like some people. Not in your food or even just getting on his knee and opening the velvet box up. He had memorized a whole speech for it. About how you’re the love of his life, how you make him want to be a better man, not only for you, but for himself and the fans. How before every volleyball game he has, he blows a kiss to the camera because he knows you’re watching if you aren’t there and how you’re his good luck charm. 
But in the moment, he froze. You were across from him, your hair curled, makeup sparkling. A gorgeous black dress that seemed to hug your body just right. When it came time before dessert, his throat closed up. It wasn’t hot, and yet he could feel his forehead starting to sweat. He had to loosen his tie in hopes it would help him breathe, and yet he was still left only staring at you in dumb silence when you smiled at him. 
In the end, he merely blurted it out. Missing several key points of his original speech. Half-way through he fumbled with his words and nearly forgot what he was saying as he watched your curious face turn worried. When you asked if he was okay and if he needed to get home and rest, the question just came out. 
“Will you give me the honor of having your hand in marriage?” 
It was the only part that he got right, but the best ending of the night that you never saw coming. 
Iwaizumi is the calmest man. He keeps his head steady on his shoulders, he makes calculated, smart decisions. In a pinch, he works well on his feet. As he aged, he only seemed to get smarter and calmer. When it came to buying the ring, he knew the perfect one as soon as he saw it. He thought about how to do it for weeks, fiddling with the ring when you were asleep. Finally, he decided to take you somewhere personal. Rather than proposing in a restaurant, Iwaizumi brought you to an old park that the two of you used to go to in high school to watch the sunset and stargaze in the early years of your relationship. 
He kept things simple in his head. He was going to tell you that he loved you, that you were the perfect woman for him. That you were everything that he had ever wanted in life and so much more. That you kept him sane when he was having a hard day; that you were always going to be his safe space, and that he will always be there for you like you are for him. 
And it went as perfectly in real life as it did in his head. He got down on his knee, pulled out the ring box and left you shocked silent while he spoke; he told you that you were the only person he ever envisioned himself with and that he’d love nothing more than to spend the rest of his life on earth with you in his arms. As everything Iwaizumi did, it was perfect. 
Tanaka was a hot mess. He was profusely sweating, hiding out with Nishinoya half of the day that he was planning to propose. The man had to talk him out of holding it off– again. He was scared, worried that you would say no. Scared you would think that he wasn’t good enough to consider your husband. Every worst case scenario came to his mind and he didn’t know what to do. He nearly hyperventilated and gave himself a panic attack. Thankfully for him, Nishinoya kept a calm head when he needed him to. With a gentle hand on his shoulder, a pat on the back and an assurance that he was more than enough, he finally calmed the man down enough to help him decide what to say. 
When he bought the ring, in his head everything went smoothly. He would do it simple, he’d propose and you’d say yes and you would start the rest of forever together. And then he thought he’d do it more traditionally– at a nice restaurant like you deserved, a fancy dessert with a shiny ring on top. Then he started worrying that you would say no and things wouldn’t go the way he envisioned. It only went downhill from there and it left him here on Nishinoya’s bedroom floor, shaking. 
Finally, he decided with the man to do it simple. That it didn’t need to be a huge gesture. That it could be as simple as him not even having a ring and simply asking you to marry him while you were cuddled up together and you would still say yes. So he took his advice, he lit your favorite candle while you changed clothes after work, he turned on the tv and got it ready with your favorite movie, and when you went to sit on the sofa, he finally pushed himself to get on his knee and open the jewelry box. 
“I love you. I know that I’m always going to love you. Will you… would you think… do you want to– would you consider marrying me?”
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pokkomi · 11 months
✦ sfw alphabet - kurona ranze
gn!reader, fluff, lotsa hc :3, 1.7k wc
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
pretty affectionate. he would definitely be a little shy around you at first, but once he’s comfortable around you, he wouldn’t hesitate to give you a hug or a kiss on your cheek!
his love language is acts of service + words of affirmation. he’s definitely the gentlemanly type, holding doors open for you and carrying your shopping bags or simply helping you wash the dishes. kurona probably can’t go a day without saying ‘i love you’ at least 3 times. he wants you to know how important you are to him.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
would be the type to always help you out. struggling with your homework? he’s got you. kurona definitely carries some kind of snack with him everywhere, and after meeting you, he always brings an extra. i feel like he would also give out great advices as a friend. possibly biased towards you, but still logical and rational.
i would imagine the friendship starting out as classmates, eventually warming up to each other after a class project. definitely super quiet, having you initiate all the conversations.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
he’s a fan of physical touch. would never refuse an offer from you, but would be a bit shy to initiate it.
kurona’s not very tall, standing at 1.68m. i think he wouldn’t mind being the big spoon or the small spoon. as long as he’s with you, it’s all perfect. he likes being intimate with you, so i think positions he’d enjoy are: leg hug, embrace, head on lap, and half-spoon.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
kurona doesn’t strike me as the type to date for fun. i think that every relationship he gets into are definitely looking to last.
not messy, but not a tidy freak. kurona’s room is definitely organized, with a few clothing items scattered on his bed/the back of his chair. probably cleans to relieve stress. when he’s feeling nervous or just bored, he’d probably tidy the house a bit.
can cook. whether if it’s edible is another question. probably burned water while trying to make instant cup noodles💀. when you come over to his place, he either makes instant noodles or attempts to find snacks lying around LMAO.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
i think kurona would break up with you in person. maybe ask you to meet up somewhere and tell you its just not working out. he tries to be as gentle as possible, not wanting to hurt your feelings more than necessary.
probably would pull the ‘it’s not you it’s me’ line💀.
unless it’s something seriously wrong like cheating, i think he would want to end it on a good note. maybe even go back to being friends if it’s mild.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
committed to you since day 1!!! i don’t think he’d accept a relationship out of pity or for fun, so if you guys are dating, he is serious about it.
if your relationship started in your school years, then maybe he’d bring up marriage in your mid 20s. if the relationship started in your early 20s, he might propose in your late 20s or early 30s.
tldr he def wants to get married and would pop he question in around 5~7 years.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
gentle all the way; both physically and emotionally
always careful around you, not wanting to accidentally hurt you 3:
i think he’s one of the very few bllk characters thats mentally and emotionally stable💀
wouldn’t let his emotions take the best of him, but when it comes to you he can’t help it :3
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
kurona love love LOVES hugs. it’s one of his main ways of expressing his love for you.
he hugs you a LOT. just came home from school? how about a hug to replenish your energy!
if its casual, he’ll sneak a back hug as soon as your back is turned to him. he enjoys nuzzling against your neck while doing so! if you two haven’t seen each other in a long time, the hugs are definitely gonna be long and warm.
probably also nibbles on your skin while hugging!!
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
pretty average timing i would say.
even when you guys were still friends, he often reassured you that he loves you.
he likes to show you subtle displays of affection, and words of affirmations are one of them.
during your relationship, kurona makes sure to say these words to you at least 5 times per day!
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
not a very jealous person. he trusts that you know your own boundaries. Although even then, he gets a little snippy whenever some dude comes too close. when that happens, he usually frowns or bares his teeth a little and the npc just scurries away LMAO.
would still be a little upset afterwards and asks you for hugs and kisses!!
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
kurona’s kisses are soft, maybe a little nibble here and there, but he always make sure to be gentle with you
he likes to kiss you on your cheeks and lips, munches on your cheeks sometimes
neck too if you’re both up for it!! i think he’d like to kiss your shoulder from behind as well ( ´ ꒳ ` )
i think he’d enjoy nose and forehead kisses, especially when you cup your hands on his cheeks while doing so :3
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
pretty used hc but kids are scared of him because of his predator-like teeth
but when they get used to it, the kids warm up to him pretty quickly
as for kurona, i think he would like quiet children. would feel overwhelmed with an over energetic child
probably wouldn’t know what to do with a child to be honest
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
kurona is NOT a morning person at all. if you’re a morning person, he’d probably try his best to wake up earlier to spend more time with you
but if you’re not a morning person either, you would probably spend a good hour in each others arms after waking up
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
super relaxing and calming
if neither of you are talkative people, you’d simply enjoy each other’s presence in bed
kurona would be the type of person who happily listens to you ramble about anything and eventually drift into sleep to your gentle voice
would video / voice call you if you aren’t living together. falls asleep with his camera on pretty often. if you fall asleep first, he’d watch you sleep for a few minutes and then hang up
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
i think it would take a while for him to open up
there’s not really much for him to tell, but deep dark secrets would take an immense amount of trust to tell
would start off with telling you about his family and what he likes, but that’s it.
probably scared that you’ll think he’s weird if he told you about childhood incidents
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
i would think that he’s a very patient person. wouldn’t get angry unless someone close to him gets hurt by another person
when someones being rude or nasty, he just ignores them
when he gets angry, you can probably see steam shooting out of his ears LMAO
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
would definitely remember important dates like anniversaries and birthdays, but he sometimes forgets things like your favourite order from your favourite restaurant
he strikes me as a person that remembers small details like you always packing candies in your bag before going out or how you always put on lip balm at night to avoid crusty lips in the morning
but he forgets obvious things a lot, like your favourite artist or your favourite manga 3:
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
birthdays!! whether it’s yours or his, he would love to spend your special day together. prepares very thoroughly beforehand to surprise you :3
probably the first date as well. always get shy whenever he reminisces the memory!!
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
not SUPER protective. he trusts that you can remove yourself from harmful situations. but he still makes sure that you’re all prepared before going out.
if you got hit on by a dude, he would definitely step in and make it clear that you’re taken. holds your hand during the process.
i think kurona would like to be protected as well, it makes him feel reassured that you care for him.
maybe swoop him to safety like superman :3
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
for dates, anniversaries, and gifts, kurona would be very thoughtful in picking the best scenario for you. he wants to make sure that every gift he gives are meaningful! each anniversary with him is romantic and different. probably spent weeks prior planning out everything so you’d like it. i think that for dates, kurona is more simple and casual. still puts in effort so both of you can have a good time but just not as much. after all, your dates can range from crashing at each other’s places to a whole ass day trip exploring the city.
for menial tasks such as housework, kurona would be very careful and attentive. make sures that your living area is dust-free after a deep clean.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
he chews on his nails a lot, especially when he’s nervous or stressed. tries not to do it as much ever since you pointed out that his nails were a lil crusty.
also forgets things a lot.
"have you seen my water bottle?? i can't find it"
"ranze, you put it in your backpack like 5 minutes ago"
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
not super concerned. he doesn’t think he’s super good looking or anything but he make sures that he’s dressed up before he meets you everytime.
takes the time to do his braids to look the best for you!
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
yes and no
i don’t think kurona views a relationship as something that makes him complete.
if you never went out with him, he wouldn’t have known what it would’ve been like.
but now that you’re by his side, kurona would say that he’d prefer it if you stay with him for the rest of your lives.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
doesn’t really like vegetables so whenever theres something he doesn’t like in his plate, such as green peppers, he’d pass it on to yours.
the green pepper theory :3
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
distrustful + insecure people!! he wouldn’t want to be with someone who’s constantly insecure about your relationship. if you’re always asking him where he’s going or who he’ll be with, he’ll get uncomfortable quickly. also doesn’t like being doubted. if you interrogate him after he goes out alone/with friends, he’ll lose his patience with you.
unkind words + refusing physical affection. if you constantly berate him, he’ll get hurt easily. also doesn’t like it when you refuse his touch for long periods of time.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
probably drools in his sleep😭. mouth wide open LMAO. snores a tiny bit, super quiet.
this might just be me but i feel like he often wakes up at night to get a drink :3
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Wonder what Sevika’s opinion on marriage would be?
I feel like she wouldn’t deem it necessary. She knows she loves you and you love her, she doesn’t need a ceremony or a certificate to tell her that. I don’t even know if marriage is a thing in the Undercity, they probably don’t have the social structure that Piltover does. At least, that was speculated when another anon brought up how zaunites don’t have last names.
But for this idea let’s just assume it is/ reader is a Piltie (I love that idea because you know Sevika would take every opportunity to pick on them about their topsider habits)
If you wanted one, I think you could work her down until she accepts it but it’d take a while. And I mean a while lol
But she wants you happy so she’d do it, under several conditions; one being it has to be a small affair with guests she approves. (No jinx)
If you’re friends with jinx good luck getting Sevika to change her mind. You’d have to get jinx to promise no shenanigans on that day.
I believe I talked with @abitohoney and @master-sass-blast about this, but Sevika would want to be the one to propose first. Here’s some shitty hc I came up with forever ago:
Sevika wants to propose to you. Something simple, doesn’t have to be a grand gesture because that’s just not her style. She makes the mistake of telling Silco and he somehow takes it as an opportunity to make suggestions on how she should do it LMAO
He’s just lonely and living his dreams through her, leave him alone.
Sev would want to make the ring special, will probably make it herself. Maybe from some scrap metal from her arm/ same material so you’ll always be carrying a part of her.
Begrudgingly asks Jinx to help. Maybe Jinx overhears the conversation with Silco and helps whether she likes it or not. (Probably threatens to tell you if Sevika doesn’t let her help). She’ll bring Sevika the wrong material, would just shit on Sevika’s ideas, and watch her struggle to make it and refrain from offering advice unless asked (cough begged cough)
Sevika would be struggling with a part of the ring and she’ll snap at Jinx for sitting there doing nothing. “Oh, I finished my part three days ago.”
To Sevika’s endless annoyance, the rings are beautiful.
Jinx trolls her/takes advantage of her lack of proposal knowledge and tells her to put the ring in a glass of alcohol, because that’s how pilties do it.
If she somehow falls for it, during the big moment she’ll turn her back and you’ll down it like a shot and choke.
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Childe/Tartaglia: Fiancé HCs
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Aww, I give major points to anyone that actually reads my tags because it’s a whole lot of word vomit and brainworms. THIS IS MY FINAL OFFERING TO CHILDE SO BUDDY  👏 COME 👏 HOME 👏 This will probably be my last fic this week since I’m going to be busy with term tests and 1.1. Can you tell how slow I am with these asks?
I need to stop tagging so much because tumblr keeps making me repost...
This isn’t necessarily a part 2 from my other Childe fic [ “Enemies” to “Lovers” ] but you can go ahead and read it that way. Not sure if this counts for tags but it doesn’t hurt. To be honest, I was planning for this to be the direct part 2 but then his character story dropped and I got slapped in the face with inspiration.
 [taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
@youaskedfurret​ @diaxfeliz​ @wintergreen-aix​ @dandelily​ @thegayrubberducky​ @lovelykittycatmeow​ @yuunoagivesmelife​  @dokidokisama @hanniejji​  @mikeysbike​ @unionwitch​ @musekala​ @twistedsunnshiii​ @stanzastic​ @akaasea​
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Childe/Tartaglia: Fiancé HCs
Your relationship with Tartaglia is unorthodox to say the least. Usually, the average length of an engagement is 13 to 18 months but you didn’t need a calendar to tell you it’s been far longer than that. You probably spent more time with your fiancé’s sister than with the man himself but that was okay with you. Tonia was a really sweet girl and you knew what you were getting into when you accepted and returned his feelings when you two first started going out.
Before he became a Harbinger you were friend’s with him and Tonia. Almost everyone in Snezhnaya was part of the Fatui, working in factories, or a devote follower of Tsaritsa. So it was a breath of fresh air to meet two people that didn’t align themselves to that mindset or become a slave to work. You slowly became closer to the two siblings until the day a stuttering and pink Tartaglia confessed his feelings to you. You think back on that moment fondly since that was probably the first and last time you’ve seen him act in such a shy manner.
The day he proposed to you was the night right before he became a Harbinger. It wasn’t anything grand and you were pretty sure he hadn’t even told Tonia he was planning on proposing that very night. He said that he was waiting for the right moment and somehow felt the right moment was when you were in-between consciousness. When you couldn’t even give him a proper answer since he popped the question right as you fell asleep, but for all intensive purposes, that was probably on purpose. You had to chase him down in freezing cold weather, coat not even properly tied, as you yelled he was a piece of shit and that if he never came back you would hunt him down and kill him yourself.
He just grinned innocently and waved back to you as the ship departed. When asked by a curious merchant who wasn’t native to Snezhnaya asked if he had some...family issues he simply waved it off and said you were his beloved fiancé. The merchant was left very confused on Snezhnaya’s customs and traditions on marriage.
You both made an agreement that only he would write to you. He said that it was because trying to get in contact with him would be impossible, considering how often he moves, plus the different names he goes under. But in actuality, it’s because he want’s to keep the people closest to him as private as possible. The Fatui know of his sister already and most likely know of your existence but as long as he remains a Harbinger they can’t do anything. He won’t let them. But the Fatui have many enemies and while he hates denying your existence, if it’s to make sure you live a peaceful life with his sister, he’ll continue to pretend he’s never heard of your name before.
While he writes to his sister that he’s taking care of trivial matters when he’s on his assignment, he writes a bit more honestly and detailed in his hidden letters to you. You make sure to keep them in a box hidden away from Tonia so she never discovers them but you have an inkling she knows what her brother is up to. She watches the way your face pinches, that your fingers clutch the paper a little tighter, and how you seem to tap the page two times in sequence.
Despite the raging winter storms that swirl around Snezhnaya, you are always warm. He thinks you’re secretly a pyro vision user waiting for the right moment to make good on your word and burn him alive. Whenever his travel’s run late into the night and he arrives home tired and cold, he seeks Tonia’s room to make sure she’s sleeping peacefully. Then to you to do the same. Sometimes when you’re lucky and you wake up early, you’re greeted to Tartaglia clinging onto you refusing to move because you’re warm. Even going through daily routine’s he always has an arm around you or some part of his body against yours. You feel that his habits is rubbing off on his sister because slow morning’s like these see’s you as the human heater. With Tonia hugging you from the front, arms wrapped around your waist, while Tartaglia support’s from behind, arms around the both of you. Your hands laced with his as you both act as a shield for little Tonia.  
Tartaglia’s hands are always numb. He could be in Natlan where it never snows or facing the harsh winters of Snezhnaya, they are always numb. As if the skin of his fingertips were scalded off. Touching anything gives him an uncomfortable sensation so he wears gloves all the time except for two occasions. When he need’s to replace his gloves with a new pair or to lace your hand into his. He can vaguely feel the heat from your hand, see that you don’t have the same callouses that he has from wielding weapons, and can feel the same tingling sensation that would usually have him wrenching his bare hand away if it had been anything or anyone else, besides his sister of course. Instead he holds on as if you’re his last lifeline in the middle of the ocean, commits to memory the feeling of your hand in his, and the pins and needles that prick his fingertips fade away.
He grows restless when life is ordinary and boring so he’s always off fighting or doing something completely dangerous. He was the same before he became a Harbinger which leads to some fights between the two of you. You both handle fight’s pretty badly due to the upbringing of Snezhnaya and it makes Tonia sad when she sees her family argue. So instead you convey your inner worries through taps. One is for annoyance. Two is for worry. Three is for anger.  Likewise, Tartaglia has his own system.
On one rare occasion, Zhongli managed to catch the sight of a flicker of light on Tartaglia’s clothing. It confuses him since aren’t ring’s meant to be worn on the hand? The only response he get’s from Childe when he asks why is a vague answer filled with mirth. He say’s that he’s holding onto it for someone. Zhongli doesn’t quite understand since wouldn’t it be better to keep the ring in a box if it were meant for someone else? Childe wears a ring on his pinky already but it might be a Snezhnaya tradition to wear one ring on the hand, while the other is close to the heart.
He keeps his cheerful attitude on even when it feels as if the world is crushing him. That might be why he names himself Childe. But when it’s just the two of you he takes the mask off, the armor slips off, and let’s himself relax. Time’s like this he just wants to hold you and as he puts it, recharge.
For all his confident nature in fighting he knows that a committed relationship with him is hard. That if you ever want to walk away and find someone new he won’t stop you, but that you never contact him or his family. He won’t open his heart for another person for a long while or ever. He would still give you your ring and whatever you choose to do with it is up to you.
Tartaglia’s goals won’t change. He still has his family to take care of and even if you decide to leave, that doesn’t change the fact he still sees you as apart of his family.
You don’t mind if his goal takes him away from Snezhnaya for years and years. Or if the letter’s he writes become fewer and fewer.  As long as he comes home you don’t mind waiting.
It’s the middle of the night and he’s still awake. He just returned from his last assignment and Tsaritsa is already sending him across Teyvat for “business” related reasons. He just finished checking up on Tonia to see her sleeping soundly. She’s growing up really fast, he smiles slightly at the thought. She can already sleep on her own. He gently opens the door to your room, well really it’s both of yours but he hasn’t been doing a lot of sleeping there, and cringes slightly at the creek the doors give.
He takes a small minute to lean on the doorway and relaxes. He won’t have enough time to bask in your presence if he’s too make it on time. The winter storm continues outside, as if Tsaritsa herself is yelling at him to start moving. He doesn’t think there’s ever been an instance when they’ve been silent.
“I care about three things in this world. My sister, you, and my home,” Tartalia says softly as he walks over and kneels down beside your laying form, resting his hand beside yours as he places a soft kiss on temple. “When those three things are safe I can rest.”
You tap him two times. Your hand has laced around his in a loose grip to which he tightens. You both sit in silence as he wait’s for the pins and needles to stop spreading across his arm before speaking again.
“I know I already proposed but let’s elope somewhere. My next assignment is taking me to Liyue. I heard it’s quite a beautiful place. I’m thinking a spring wedding perhaps?”
One more tap but he’s learned to take your annoyance as you jesting or being flustered.
“Promise me you’ll be safe,” you ask.
“I can try but I can’t guarantee everyone else will be,” he laughs.  
You tap him three times. If you weren’t half asleep you would have probably thrown your pillow at him. He gives one last chuckle as his finger’s rubs patterns into your hand.
“I promise,” he swears.
He hears you hum happily as you begin to relax back into slumber. Slowly letting the feeling of his heartbeat lull you to sleep until your grip loosens around his wrist. Even as the winter winds howl outside you can sleep so peacefully. Unlike him where in the back of his mind are restless thoughts. Tsaritsa is asking something huge of him, another test of his loyalty and strength. He silently stands up as to not wake you again, gives you one last squeeze of the hand, one last fond look, before he leaves. Closing the door as quietly as he can, he steels himself to go back out into the cold.
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twisted-imagines · 4 years
May I request some relationship headcanons (sfw & nsfw) for our Heartslabyul boys?♠♥♣♦
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*Slaps the roof of the fic* this bad boy can fit so many words! Almost 17k words. It took much longer to produce than any other of my works, even the savanaclaw hcs you guys loved so much. In my defense, this is almost three times as big and more detailed. I would be grateful if you told me whether it's harder to read or not, now that each point got longer (What a silly writer, asking the readers if they want less content).
Also, I'm not saying I have written a good chunk of confession hcs for each of them before I edited them out, but I kind of did. You might want to keep it in mind when my requests open 😏
Anyway, please enjoy and leave feedback💓 don't let it flop
Heartslabyul relationships headcanons(SFW/NSFW )
Riddle Rosehearts 🌹
• The Crimson Ruler of your heart. While Rosehearts household did as much harm as good to Riddle, it didn't fail to bring up a perfect gentleman. It's very soon that you find out just how charming he can be, while on the quest to court you.
• The thought doesn't visit his head right away, the possibility of him falling in love with you. Riddle knows he likes your company, happy that at least somebody can see things the way he does, while also providing him with valuable input from the other perspective. And he wants to listen to your thoughts, to know more about you. Perhaps that is the reason he invites you to have a tea with him progressively often, or requests you to lend him a hand at caring for his hedgehogs from time to time? And when your own friends, his fellow dorm members, start to see less of you than Riddle does, it's because he just provides for a better company, correct?
• But then, why is it so hard to take away his hand when it accidentally touches yours? Why does he want to hold it so bad? Why his chest won't stop hurting, when he thinks of you, how you would fit in his arms, how your lips would taste against his?...
• It takes quite a long time for him to confess to you, but when he does, it's the most romantic proclamation of love you've ever heard, he's like a prince straight out of fairytales you read in your childhood. Maybe no prince blushes or fidgets like him, but it's obvious Riddle is very sincere and is determined to convey how he really feels about you. It almost sounds like a marriage proposal, with the solemn vows to make you happy, he's very serious about the whole ordeal.
• His manners are always on spot, he treats you with respect his "subjects", Heartslabyul students, see only once in a lifetime. Except for you, only Trey can boast about having special treatment, but even he is not quite on your level; you dare to say you are being pampered by Riddle. Maybe, just maybe, with you he can be more lenient in implementing his rules, and not all mistakes you make have to lead to punishments, especially if "cutting your head off" doesn't really do anything to you.
• But sometimes even you are not safe from his outbursts, though he tries to avoid it as much as possible. He can't let any student, his dorm or not, tamper with rules or slack off for as long as he's the prefect and an honorable student at this college, but at times his temper still gets better of him resulting in Riddle resorting to his old habits.
He actually makes an effort to become a better person, improves himself daily, and wants you to see the results of his work and be proud of your significant other. Any ungraceful scene he causes makes him regret his behavior in the end, and if embarrassment doesn't eat away at him too much, Riddle will search for your encouragement and affirmation that you didn't change your opinion of him and don't think less of him.
If he thinks he overstepped the line he won't show up to face you for some time, as if he placed some rules on himself to not seek your warmth out. It would have been nice to hear an apology from him, alas Riddle is, unfortunately, the type of person who doesn't apologize, simply can't do it. But the punishment he inflicted on himself already seems like a proof of him admitting he was wrong, so maybe just let him off the hook? Dwelling on it won't really bring you two much happiness. You being able to let offenses go is very crucial in your relationships with Riddle.
• Especially, since he's the least likely to do it himself. If it's you who starts an argument, don't expect it to end peacefully. He can't be wrong, no chances of that, he's not going to accept it. You'll have to leave because of how frustrating it is, trying to prove something to him and seeing him already turning red and ignoring you. It's until later, in a quiet of his study, long after you left, that Riddle can think about what you've said. Even if you were wrong, just like he anticipated, Riddle will still come up with some idea or solution, so that you two won't argue further. He's waiting for you to come and apologize to him.
Wait, no, not quite. But rather for you to first find him, beg for an audience with him in his free time and then say your heartfelt apology, with a delicious strawberry tart you brought in hands. He's as petty as that. At least he shares the pastry with you, while he tries to discuss the reason for your quarrel and finally put it to an end.
• Riddle has a strong will to make your relationships work, he cares for you more than he can potentially show. He's subtle, always telling you to dress according to weather, take an umbrella with you, taking you out for lunch and dinner himself, just so you wouldn't forget to eat. It's also very often that Riddle asks you to avoid commotions and not meddle with dangerous business of other dorms. He appreciates your kindness, it rescued him too, but every time something happens in this college you always happen to be in the middle, and it makes him extremely worried. And it would have been better if you came to one of the most talented students in NRC when you needed help. If you told Riddle about your problems.
• Even if it's something little, he wants to know about it. Yes, he knows you are your own, independent person, but it wouldn't hurt to speak to him, especially if it's something he can help with, right? And still, he tries to shoulder more than he should, suddenly prying into your life more frequently, and you can't help but notice the change and eventually point it out. But how else is he supposed to play the role of a responsible, caring boyfriend?! He's confused, he's not used to those feelings. Family. Friends. He has never connected to somebody on such level or felt a romantic attraction to anybody. Do wipe his frustrated tears and tell him, that this kind of controlling behavior is not what you need and there are a lot of other ways to he can show his love for you. And since you're his partner, you should be correct too, especially when it comes to your own life, right?
• It's hard to catch and steal Riddle for yourself during working days, the man has a lot of responsibilities in the college, as a student, as a dorm leader, as a club manager, and so on. But if you remind him that he also has responsibilities as your boyfriends, Riddle will have a hard time declining. As soon as he takes care of all urgent business, you'll become his priority. Too many rules, too many restrictions for him to pay you the attention you deserve, Riddle thinks surprisingly often. How shocking it is to him, when some of them conveniently slip his mind, just when you're about to go on a date. How very generous of him to not hold anyone accountable for violating said rules, when he comes back to the dorm in high spirit and a small smile playing on his lips.
• Riddle's favorite ways to spend his past time with you is to, of course, invite you to have dinner with him, tarts and tea are a must as well as any of your own preferred snacks or drinks since the meaning of all of this is for you both to enjoy yourselves. The time when he mindgames himself is when he welcomes you to the practice of Horseback Riding Club under the pretense that you would be learning too. But see, he has come up with a special regimen for you when you have to sit directly in front or behind him, while either of you has a strong grip on other's waist. Or maybe you two can ride separately, while your horses stride in a peaceful manner. No broken rules in sight, you two just train together, how can somebody say that the infamous Heartslabyul dorm leader is having a date during his club meeting? So maybe listen to your senior, Sebek, stop talking, or rather screaming, back, because your actions violate rules more than Riddle's do.
• He's weak to any show of physical affection, every time you do something mildly romantic he becomes red all over. An amusing sight, truly. Riddle chastises you and tells you to behave yourself, but at first, he has to become less adorable when doing it for you to truly listen to him. If you still continue your onslaught, he surprisingly will not take any action to stop you. He can't bring himself to. He feels so warm and fuzzy, every kiss and hug grounds the reality of just how loved he is and Riddle can't get enough of it.
• Do mind, that he's very strict about PDA. Sorry, rabbit, but no stranger will see more then you two holding hands while in public. That's a rule and you already know how strict he is about them. He has to remain composed while going on with his day and there's also quite a reputation Heartslabyul dorm leader has to uphold. Riddle can't let anybody see him being all mushy and lovey-dovey with his s/o, you shouldn't even think about tempting him for he will get angry.
• Not much into spooning, but Riddle is not against hugging in general. He prefers to lay side by side after the working day, play with your fingers and chat about what kind of surprises Night Raven College has cooked up for you today, or some interests either you or he picked up recently. It doesn't matter, really, it can be some meaningless chat and he will still be satisfied, as long as it's you. If the atmosphere is more romantic, in that case, he might beckon you closer for you to rest on his chest, while he lovingly caresses your head.
• Kissing is a whole new level for Riddle and it takes some time before he's ready to transit to this stage of your relationship. Chances are, you will be the one patiently anticipating until he's ready, but the wait is worthwhile. He's both planned it and did not. You are having a great time in his dorm long after the classes and tasks of dorm leader end, enjoying each other's company while sharing your favorite desserts. Although Riddle knows he has to abide by the curfew just like any other student, it physically pains him to let you go out of his embrace. It's just the two of you, and you can see the longing in his eyes until his face is impossibly close, his lips on yours. It's sweet, with a note of sourness, just like the strawberry tart he's eaten prior. It feels like a dream to Riddle, but as soon as the magic of the moment is gone, he's blushing like crazy. The process of escorting you out of his dorm, unfortunately, has sped up quite a lot, as Riddle could no longer look straight into your eyes anymore, but at least you got to share that experience with him.
From now on kisses become more regular, but Riddle always tries to reserve them for special moments, interrupting Rosehearts while he tries to give you one may result in potential beheading.
• There's always some kind of challenge that life gives you, but hard work always pays off, Riddle knows it the best. He's willing to fight for you and for your relationships, you're already his most trusted confidant. You take up an important role in his life, he wasn't sure existed, but the one he definitely needed.
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• If the first kiss is an event on its own, then what can be said about the first sex? You're frustrated, Riddle is even more frustrated, and not only sexually. But it's his rules that you play by. Riddle sets up a romantic dinner and when he finally leads you to his bed late into the evening you can barely contain your excitement. He's painfully inexperienced, but he was diligent about doing his research so at least he has the basics in his mind. If only using it all in practice was as easy. His face is flaming hot and the sight of your naked, inviting body messes up his thoughts. The experience is sweet and intimate, Riddle pours out his heart to you, it's one of the most vulnerable experiences he's had with you. The physical part will get better over time.
• The more often you become intimate, the more interesting facts you uncover about your boyfriend. Soon enough you'll come to an understanding that your dear lover is of quite a special kind and there were instances you had to adapt to, or rather submit to him.
• Riddle naturally takes up a dominant role in bed, he loves to order you around and make you obey him. You're his lovely rabbit, pretty dove, docile lamb, and get showered with plenty of praise and rewards as long as you serve him obediently. He knows best how to take care of you, so your job is just to listen to his orders and abide by his rules. But you can do this, right, cutie? As long as you do, you'll have the sweetest, most caring and attentive version of Riddle tending to you. Sex and intimacy are not something he takes lightly so he'll try his hardest to make each time unforgettable, the best possible experience for you, especially when a chance to have you just for himself doesn't come often to Riddle.
• He's pretty fair, always repaying you for the pleasure your lovely mouth gives him. It's a treatment not even punishments can take away from you, although if it's the case, you will need to wait until you're forgiven before Riddle descends to give lots of loving to your lower part.
At first, he's not successful at making you orgasm with his mouth only, but he's anything but not determined. He listens to any advice you may give him about your own body and saves this information for later use, each oral better than the last. It will get to the point he won't need even a finger to have you unravel before him. As expected, he's the best, the most talented. He couldn't just let you get ahead of him, could he?
• Which was quite easy, to begin with, considering that at first, you were the one who made him cum just by using your mouth. The moment you take him, he's already panting heavily. One sweep of your tongue and he arches into you, unable to withstand such pleasure. One bob of your head and he's painting the insides of your mouth white. He can't build his resistance up, for the life of his, even when he's hell-bent on not letting you take him over the edge. It's the weakness worth exploiting though, for Riddle will always strive to make it even, of course, by reducing you to the same breathless, blushing state that he's in.
• Not the one whose cock will rearrange your insides or make you choke on it, no matter if he's gentle or not. There's a perfect balance even in his pants. Just perfect. Maybe it's one of the prettiest dicks that a man can possess. Average in size, with the ideal angle and brightest red tip when your boyfriend gets all eager. At times you're not sure if you want to keep marveling at him or appreciate him fully, gliding every ridge and vein with your tongue. Riddle always prefers the latter, guiding you straight to him by your head.
tw: sex toys, punishments • Riddle gives off the impression that he will "behead" you straight away if you dare to do something scandalous in public. And it's right. That breaches any and all rules, even his moral principles, completely unacceptable. He won't ever show that he's aroused if there are other people around. That one time you wore a skimpier outfit and flaunted all day in his dorm went especially bad. The seduction failed miserably, not even once did Riddle look at you. Well, you thought he didn't.
"What was it today? I deduced, a new way to earn yourself a punishment, was it not, my sweet? Well, since you crave it so much you shall receive your "special treatment"."
The collar he has for you is vastly different from the one he gives to other students, so prepare to have it chocking your throat while a very angry and frustrated Riddle has his way with you. He didn't yell or behead anybody once that day, he saved all his pent up anger just for you and he expects you take it all.
tw: bdsm-punishments • For all and any disobedience you show, expect to receive a proper punishment. The idea of punishment itself is very appealing to him. The dynamic, the scene, the choice of words, all of this has the blood rushing to his abdomen. While he loves to give and receive gentle touches, whisper praises into your ear and have you arch for his soft, caring touches, he also wants to hear you cry and moan out loud, see the way you shut your eyes tightly and brace yourself before each of his movement, have you beg for forgiveness, ready to do anything just so he would give you permission to cum. Sometimes, even mistakes that would usually go unnoticed by Riddle, since it is you, or at most required a lengthy lecture for you to endure, will lead to you being pushed onto his bed; a malicious, but oh so pleased expression on his face.
But when he says times and times again, that you can't tease him in public, finish yourself off when he explicitly tells you not to, or make him jealous by batting your eyes at other students and you still do it, that's when the real deal starts. He knows what you're doing that for. You're going to get it and you better be grateful, when you lay later on his bed crying from either overstimulation or broken orgasm, your exhausted body littered with marks from the riding crop he's bought especially for you, to discipline you like a naughty animal that you are. He expects you to learn your lesson and never break the rules he's set, for he has much worse in his stock.
• But if you want to reverse the roles, well... There's a surprise waiting for you - making a submissive Riddle come out is not that hard actually. For sure, he would want to retain the control he has over you, but you cupping his face, placing gentle kisses to his red cheeks while reassuring him that he deserved to just relax and accept your love, makes his knees week. But wait, stern look and a painful grip on his hair work well too, since bad boys need to be punished, and he's been a pretty annoying, arrogant one today.
Point him to his place, now he can address you only with the name you choose, speak only when he's asked to, and cum only when allowed to. And he tries to hold off so hard because he's a good boy, because rules need to be followed, but those cute mewls still spill from his mouth, his thighs tremble before the impending orgasm. Regardless of how well he did, when your session is over, cradle his head to your chest and let him know how much you love and cherish him, and how no matter what he'll always be the best in your eyes, that you're not disappointed with him in any way. He won't stop thanking and saying that he loves you until he's too exhausted to even keep his eyes open. Not burdened by heavy thoughts, expectations, and responsibilities everyone has for him Riddle looks so peaceful, you think to yourself, when he finally drifts off to the sleep, cuddled in your arms.
Deuce Spade ♠
• If he had just a few more brain cells at his disposal, Deuce would definitely join the "husband material" squad, but his last one died when he tried to confess to you, what a pity. He's adorable and loving boyfriend nonetheless, and treasures you like an apple of an eye. He may be clumsy sometimes, but you can always rely on him, the boy will try his hardest for you.
• Your love story is the embodiment of "friends-to-lovers slow burn" cliche, sponsored mostly by Deuce's own obliviousness. It may actually be looked upon as the story of you crawling your way out of this boy's friendzone, because, that's what you're to him at first. He's so happy he made some real friends, he's going to tell his mother as soon as possible! He doesn't even notice how special you, of all people, are to him. When Deuce tells his family stories about college, they mostly end with him praising or telling something funny about you. Mrs. Spade can only shake her head and snicker at how much information she already knows about her son's future significant other.
All the "inside" jokes in your circle of friends actually belong just to you two. You're the first who gets to see a funny meme he found, an interesting story he heard, know about some problems or hardships that he's going through. Yes, you're definitely his best friend! It's only natural that he feels possessive of you, no? And that he gets grossed out by the idea that you may date somebody else, and then those hugs and happy moments that you two share may stop suddenly, is called for, right?...
• Ace sees all those fleeting touches and puppy looks that Deuce sends your way when it seems like you don't notice. Actually, if he squinted hard enough he would be able to see a tail wagging behind Deuce every time you join them in the morning, or so Trappola thinks. He enjoys seeing you be so dejected by your "friend" status and frequently mocks you for it, but he wants you two to stop being stupid and "gross" and actually becomes the much-needed catalyst for your and Deuce's relationships. Just don't thank him, he won't let you live it down.
• Surprisingly, not much changes, after you start dating, at least not on the surface level. You still hang out with all your friends, go to classes together, get involved in some mess together just like always. But actually, Deuce feels happier, more at ease. He's got a significant other! And you're just perfect, the most loving and kindest. He finally gets to do all this romantic, "couple" stuff he's seen in films or read in books. He's excited to try it all with you, albeit when it's just the two of you. Things that can't include Ace and Grimm should be done without them.
• PDA doesn't go well for the boy, he gets all blushy and nervous, unable to even tell you to stop, because he's just blabbering and stuttering some nonsense. Could you have even predicted that a small kiss on the cheek would make him so flustered? It's a perfect opportunity to tease him if you're ready to treat him to a meal in the cafeteria as an apology later. Hand-holding is a must though, everybody should know that you're with him now, that he's your boyfriend, not any of them.
• He's going to puff out his chest so much, he's so proud to have a partner, someone as incredible as you. You're basically a deity in his eyes, no one can slander you, much less lay a hand on you. Anyone who's stupid enough will make acquaintances with ex-bully Deuce's fists. He can't bring himself to be apologetic after he snaps out, everything he does for you is automatically justified in his mind.
• Protective Deuce is always on duty, ready to defend you. Ask him to tone it down slightly however, if you get uncomfortable, he can get annoying pretty fast. You've somehow dealt with your problems before, he's not bringing much to the table, except for new reasons for a headache. When you tell him this he's going to be startled, he has only best for you in his mind! Reluctantly, he'll comply, but let him have at least some of his "boyfriend duties" - this boy craves validation that he's doing well, just like everybody else does. Deuce wants you to be proud of him, think that he's reliable and dependable. He's eager to help you more than ever.
• As much as he's shy to receive them, Deuce loves kisses! He's not a great kisser, you've bumped your teeth more times than you can count and practicing helps very little, so more often then not he resorts to close-mouthed ones. His cheek kisses are also so...wholesome? It's like a big dose of love is injected into you. When techniques don't do the job, Deuce's goal is to just make you feel loved. He hopes the sentiment is not lost on you, while he promises to get better at kissing.
• When he's especially stressed or tired he treats you like his recharge station. The first opportunity he gets to tackle you, be there some comfortable, flat surface under you, he's going to take it. Deuce doesn't mind to either curl up to your chest, while you softly pat his hair, or envelop you in his arms, just hide you away from the word so he can enjoy your presence. It does stroke his ego when you ask him to spoon you. Look, mama, your son is so reliable and caring! You notice that Deuce often tries to find a way for you not to see his face, "for what reason" is a reasonable question. Probably because this boy has the mushiest, happiest grin on his face and he's not about to show it to you so blatantly. He blushes so hard when you try to see his face, he's so easy to tease, huh.
"It's all your fault, [Y/n]! You're too cute!"
His poor heart can barely take it.
• Deuce is so shocked when you seem mildly irritated at him or bring up some issues you want to discuss. You see it on his face, that he genuinely doesn't know where it came up from, but sometimes you ask yourself whether he's that oblivious or unconsciously tries to dissuade the situation by acting dumb? But whatever it's about, Deuce wants to solve it as peacefully as possible. He avoids any confrontations with you, going as far as just straight-up agreeing to anything just so you would calm down. You doubt he fears you or your wrath, but you didn't think that he held you with such high regard as not to oppose you at all. At least any argument ends before it can possibly start, both of you finding the compromise and moving on.
• It all goes down when he's the one holding grunge though. You won't hear a peep from him, Deuce bottles everything up and gives you the worst cold-shoulder treatment possible, he's downright mean. The change couldn't be more prominent, a whole 180° from loving boyfriend to a snarky stranger you have never met before. You can't pry anything out of him, he refuses to tell and when you can't take it anymore, just wanting your boyfriend back, and either lash out or pressure him harder, he'll snap. It could have been something minor on your end, but because Deuce couldn't bring it up right away and started to overthink, the original reason for his distress blew up to unimaginable proportions. Angry Deuce is intimidating, he's conscious enough not to near you, but it still hurts.
When he eventually comes to his senses he's going to regret his behavior and apologize to you, he didn't have any excuse to treat you so horribly. Deuce didn't want to start an argument in the first place, that's why he kept silent, but soon enough his emotions got better of him. He promises to talk to you if something bothers him or if he feels that your relationships are not working perfectly. Maybe you'll agree for him to treat you to dinner? A nice evening to take your mind off of your quarrel. Those puppy eyes hope you won't say no, but Deuce will respect any way you wish for him to redeem himself.
• As soon as there's a free time in both of your schedules you're going for a date, no questions asked. Deuce is always happy to go out with you, even daydreaming about possible dates that you can have makes him giddy. He's going to research the best spots for a romantic getaway across the whole Twisted Wonderland and if the magic mirror can bring you there, you're definitely going. He hasn't been to most of those places himself, but he's more interested in looking at your reaction, since you didn't know they even existed, coming from an entirely different world.
• College is stressful, trying to be an honor student is even more stressful, especially when he's quite bad at being well-behaved and concentrated all the time too. But, well, those thugs were the ones who started the fight so he's not responsible for it! And he's just so tired right now, he can't cram another spell into his head or otherwise, it's going to explode. When he's at his limits, both physical and moral, he desperately needs your support. Hugs, kisses, praises, a cup of tea and cookies made by you, anything goes to show him that you care and he doesn't have to suffer alone. Your relationships give him strength and boost his confidence quite a lot. You're precious to him and he wants to treasure you for as long as possible. Who knows, maybe those wild dreams of him waiting for you at the altar will eventually come true?
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• Obviously a virgin, not to mention a clueless one too. Even if he's seen some porn or read articles, he's not prepared to become intimate whatsoever. He has been given "the talk" by his mother, he doesn't think anything of it can help him right now, but bits of it play in his mind. His brain is gone with your clothes, Deuce can only stare at your naked body, blushing profusely, which is kind of unnerving. With a little prompting or if you decide to just take the reigns in your hands, your first time can turn out nice, but there's always room for improvement. Do expect a nervous wreck Deuce once again when you finish, because he can't believe he has had sex with you, it's a really emotional moment for him.
• Deuce is pretty vanilla, there are not many kinks that he has, most of them are centered around you anyway, for example seeing you clad in stockings, cute lingerie, or maybe even a maid costume. You on top of him or Deuce being the one on the receiving side of whatever activity you may bring up also gets him going. He's always motivated to make you feel good, show how much he loves you, and is ready to serve you.
•♀️Maybe this boy does have some kinks after all because having you dominating him makes him feel some type of way. You're his dear girlfriend, his Lady, his Mistress, how can he ignore your wishes and commands, it's would be unacceptable, a disgrace to honor pet like Deuce. He'll do anything you want without a fault for just a few praises or your foot stepping on his manhood. He's ready to worship the ground you walk upon, but better bring this eager mouth to your mounds to suck on. He'll let out sweet moans, praising and complimenting you, he's grateful he can just be your baby boy, alone with you, partaking in any pleasure you share with him.
• That one guy who practically has a bright red announcement on his forehead that "he has had a nice fuck last night!". He's unusually pumped up and energized, while also tailing after you like a puppy. To some, more experienced students, it's obvious what you guys have been up to, Ace is especially mean, teasing the hell out of Deuce, but at least Deuce is getting some. Oh, no, guys you're not children, stop fighting~
• Deuce expected for a blowjob to be pleasurable, but in truth, he cannot compare anything to it, it's an entirely different experience altogether. The image of you on your knees, a lewd expression on your face, while you look straight into his eyes with your mouth around his dick, indeed it will stay with him for the longest time, haunting him in his wet dreams. Until you go and blow him once again. He will do anything for a blowjob, both to receive it and after you give it to him, to show how grateful he is.
• He has a slight bias to receiving oral, rather than giving, but purely because he's not very confident in his own skills. He always has a hard time navigating, forgetting your preferences and what usually brings you to your high. His own tempo is pretty slow, movements gentle but persistent, he likes to worship and pay you compliments along the way. Small moans sometimes penetrate his speech; it's his everything, seeing you be satisfied by him. He won't complain if you grab him by his hair and just do with him whatever you seem fit and for as long as you need. Just don't forget he has to breathe, for this dork will try to assure you that he doesn't have to, just so you wouldn't stop.
• Deuce has worked for his reputation, just so he wouldn't be seen as a delinquent anymore, worried about his grades every year to near the "honor student" title, and now you want to place it all on stakes by sneaking your hands down his trousers, saying that nobody will notice anyway? And he can't even tell you to stop, because he knows he will moan as soon as he opens his mouth. "[Y/n], you're a bully now!", Deuce thinks dejected when your hands bring him to one of his fastest orgasms. He doesn't speak with you for the rest of the day, silently hides his red face in your shoulder when somebody tries to ask him about his well-being. No, no, Deuce is perfectly fine, and if he gets sick his kind significant other will bring him to his dorm room at once! Of course, to just worsen his state with those hands and mouth~
Ace Trappola ♥
• A trickster, there's never a boring moment with Ace. He's not for a fragile heart, you encounter his teasing and not so pleasing remarks now even more often, since you two spend more time with each other as a couple. You're his partner in crime, always there for him when he needs your support, even if he often acts like you're the one who needs him the most.
• When did you even start dating? Was it when he invited you to Monstro Lounge to celebrate your success in the most recent test, and when all other guys "didn't quite make it" and didn't join you? Or maybe when you've spent the entire night in his room, playing card games or reading popular comics and suffering on the morning lessons again together, because you didn't get any sleep? For the longest time, neither of you even thinks of putting a label on your relationships. You hang out with all your friends just as fine as just you two do together. It's light-hearted and fun until it isn't and Ace notices. He has to restrain himself and not touch you in a way a friend wouldn't, not say pick-up lines and things that can be easily misunderstood since you're just friends and it's slowly getting on his nerves. He doesn't think of you as a friend anymore, he doesn't! What to do is unclear to Ace, he becomes snappier and meaner, ruining the day for everyone around him, because he can't figure out what to do with his emotions.
It can go a longer way, with his other friends confronting him, both because they are tired of dealing with his mood swings and worried about Ace. Or you can approach him yourself and solve this problem tête-à-tête, which of course would lead to faster results, much to Ace's surprise, with you ending up legitimately, undoubtedly dating him. He hoped, he hoped so much for such an outcome, but did he really think it would happen? He's talking your ears off with how predictable you are, that it was obvious you were in love with him, but deep down he's thanking whatever or whoever made it possible for him to date you.
• This boy doesn't handle jealousy well. When you're the one being jealous he just shrugs it off, teasing you for being such a worrywart or acting mockingly hurt, that you don't trust him since he's loyal to you only, but when he's not suddenly a center of your attention or somebody else allows themselves to touch and flirt with his significant other, he's livid, not a ghost of a smile on his lips. He's going to just barge in on your conversation with the other person, nearly creating a whole scene, before he whisks you away. Who could have thought that the Ace Trappola could be self-conscious and insecure? Tell him firmly that you've never given him a reason to doubt you, that it can't be more apparent that you love only him. He'll feel ashamed, uttering the quietest "sorry" and demanding affection from you in the same breath. Of course, he knows he's your only one, there are no chances it would be the opposite, just look at him! He just needs you to...hold him and remind him about it, it can sometimes slip his mind.
• Unfortunately, just like most couples you two are not strangers to quarrels or falling out with each other. And when Ace can't solve everything with his happy-go-lucky approach and you're done being forgiving and understanding there's a big storm coming for you. Arguing is impossible with him. Impossibly annoying and exasperating. No matter who starts first, Ace turns into the worst prick ever, he twists your words and ignores all and any attempts of you trying to reason with him. The best defense is an attack, that's clear in his attitude, he's going to turn everything on you and make it seem like you're the one to blame. He's prone to saying very hurtful things in the heat of argument, words he will regret heavily later. But it's going to be later, when he'll have to beg for your forgiveness and think of all possible ways to mend your relationships, at the moment he only wants to shift the blame away from himself, make it seem like he's the only "good guy" here.
No wonder if you get hurt in the aftermath, your boyfriend absolutely can't hold himself accountable for anything. But as soon as Ace notices your offended expression or a first tear he'll shut up immediately. He's suddenly well aware of all the lies he has told you and the realization of just what a jerk he is crushes him. He's going to escape faster then you can utter his name and not show up for at least a couple of days. He's sorry, he really is, and also very ashamed of what he did, but he can't find the words to express it, every time he tries your sad expression surfaces up in his mind.
You surely hate him, don't you? He can't have anything nice, and frankly, he thinks he deserves it. He can't even properly say how much he loves you, and that's after all what you've done for him, how much happier you made him just by reciprocating his feelings. Looking at his pathetic form, a flower bouquet in his hand, eyes not meeting yours, you can only sigh. If you do decide to get it past yourself and propose going out to some nice place, like Monstro Lounge, to sort things out, Ace will practically cry. He will treasure this second chance, hopefully, he won't need any third and fourth.
• Depending on your attitude towards PDA you're either going to absolutely suffer or relinquish in his attention because is this fellow affectionate. Nothing can stop him from kissing your cheek in the middle of the cafeteria or pull you into a hug during the lunch break. Bonus points if you turn red or become embarrassed. Getting irritated kind of checks off in his list as a nice reaction too. No reaction just means that you're cool with his PDA, c'mon, he knows you like it! He can get pretty bold too - impromptu make-out session until somebody screams at you to get a room. This got you a detention a few times, but is he going to stop? No, absolutely not. He reacts very positively if you reciprocate his advances, getting a bit blushy even. It means you're proud to display that you two are dating and that you love him so much that you can't help but kiss or hug him, even when there are other people watching, right? He's going to tease you about it, but actually, he couldn't be more delighted.
• A big spoon, he's going to pout if you try to "baby" him and will say that you look more like a backpack on him, even if you aren't. There are no instances of Ace fitting snugly into your arms because he won't calm down and will even throw a temper tantrum just so he would be the one holding you. Only once you're cuddled up into his chest, you can expect to get your hug and love dose. Well, not before you swat away his hands from your sides and any other ticklish or sensitive spot, Ace is not giving you a break. Chances are you'll have to also take his hands back from under your clothes and lower back. He's having a blast seeing you so irritated! Now if he were to blow in your ear what would you do-
No normal cuddle times with Ace, up until you try to leave him alone or hit him with a pillow into his head. Ace will then catch and restrict your movements, saying that you don't understand jokes at all, and wait for you to melt into his arms once again. Trappola thinks that laying peacefully, while occasionally sharing a kiss or two is nice too, he can stay like this for a long time, just don't abandon him, he doesn't think he will be able to handle losing these precious moments after getting used to them.
• Who knows if Ace had someone before to practice or just gave a hard time to tomatoes in the Botanical Garden, but it's a fact that Ace is very proficient at kissing, and the more you do it, the faster he's able to take your breath away. He's a very fast learner, soon picking up on everything you like, what type of kisses you prefer, where he should place his hands and so on. It's such an ego boost for him to see you flushed, your head dizzy after he separates from you, he can't resist going in for another kiss, successfully roping you into a full make-out session.
• If you think that by dating Ace you will be except from his tricks and pranks, think again. You're his favorite in the entire college, both person and target for teasing. The added bonus is that he actually teaches you some of his skills, tells secrets to some of his "magic tricks", he can't have you losing in card games or anything of that sort to anybody else but him. He will be so angry if you eventually start to beat him too, he complains that you cheat, but you both know that you're just better at cheating than him at this point. He'll have mixed feelings, he's both proud of you and annoyed. If somebody notes to Ace that you've picked up on some of his habits or vice versa he'll boast that, of course, you're a power couple, it's only natural!
• Dates with Ace are spontaneous, or at least he wants you to think so. Each one is actually planned beforehand by him, but he doesn't want to seem "lame" so he plays it cool as if he hasn't been gathering courage the whole day to ask you out. While date places inside the college are pretty limited, outside of it Ace chooses true rare gems, places that you wouldn't be able to find even with a guide or a tourist map. How does he know about them, where from, is a secret. He's so proud of himself when he sees you enjoying yourself. Ace will do anything to see that smile of yours more.
"Ahaha, I knew you would like it! You haven't seen Twisted Wonderland at all. Want to see other places? Well, you don't have a choice but go out with more!"
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• When it comes to sex Ace's head is full of unrealistic expectations and picked up skills that cannot be applied anywhere, especially on you. He starts all saucy and smooth, but when the realization that he's totally lost and doesn't know what to do settles in, Ace will kind of shut down. The next thing he knows it's you pinning him down and continuing where he left because hell no it would be ending now. And he rolls with it, tries to laugh it off, and even challenges you when he regains his confidence. To give him back the control or not is entirely up to, but that night is pleasurable and exciting nevertheless, with Ace's adaptability it's bound to work out somehow.
• And you can't comprehend the speed with which he improves as a lover. He was able to pick up on most complicated "magic" tricks, figuring out how to do magic with his hips and hands is a breather, you're basically an open book to him, he's been looking at and observing you for a long time, getting better at understanding your facial expressions, gestures, and how they corresponded to the emotions you felt; it's all in his head. Ace is pretty attentive to you and often links your habits to some kinks you may display when you're having fun together, delighted to see when he discovers a connection.
He's also very versatile, sex is all about enjoyment and exploring new things to him, he would lie though, if he said that he wasn't biased to seeing you under him at his mercy. Entirely possible to turn the tables around, but do expect he won't give up without a fight, it's simply not his style. He wants to test just how far you can go with him and vice versa.
•♂️ Just how feisty can he get? A whole lot is the answer, especially if you're not exactly the fan of submitting, much less to a red-haired punk like Ace. You genuinely think Ace would look much better on your own dick, but he's not giving you the pleasure, running his mouth, smirking the whole time, all bratty and naughty. He just begs to be roughed up a little, maybe even a lot, but you're the one calling the shots, since Ace's head is already pressed tightly into a pillow and that cute ass of his is perked up in the air, waiting for something, for anything, preferably to be filled by you. Only fair to make him wait for it too, no?
• Does he love to see you in-between his legs, you just nearing the area of his crotch makes him all excited. He's pretty dirty-minded, yes. You blowing him is one of the most frequent dreams in Ace's head, to the point your jaw would lock forever if you acted it out every time he thought of it. He's pretty open about how much he loves to receive oral from you so if you're comfortable doing it more often, Ace will enjoy every minute of it. Expect hands on your head, holding you down there, and, as long as you're consent, face-fucking you.
• Ace can be pretty egotistical, oftentimes not paying you back for your favor, jumping straight to the other part or blissfully falling asleep. But it's not like he hates going down on you, not at all. He likes to feel you up, turn you on, before slowly descend down on his knees, taking his time to tease you through your underwear until you can't take it anymore. It's a satisfaction, looking at his erotic expressions, half-lidded eyes that search your face for any kind of reaction to his ministrations. The longer he goes, the more painful the tent in his pants becomes, he can't be apathetic to having your sex in his line of sight, leaking and throbbing so arousingly. He can't help but bring one of his hands to his member to relieve at least some of the tension, obediently eating you out/blowing you, until you're satisfied.
w: sex toys • There are many ways to spice thighs up in the bedroom, and of course, using toys is one of them. When Ace suggests employing some of them next time you get frisky, he has likely already got his hands on such and can't wait to bring it out. He's not one of those guys who sees toys as a competition, he's pretty sure he's the main deal there anyway and uses any available vibrator, plug or beads both on you and himself without shame. Well, maybe he will get just a bit jealous if you use them without him when he's free and ready to bang with you, but what a joke, you know some lifeless toy is not the same as him. If you tell him otherwise he'll cry.
w: overstimulation • Those little funny things called sex toys are also very helpful when Ace wants to indulge himself a bit and devote a night to listening to your cries and moans as he overstimulates your poor, exhausted from countless orgasms body. It's a kink he's willing to explore only if you're the one asking him to as a reward for you or if he thinks you haven't been on your best behavior lately and need to be punished. His attitude towards the whole event is very different depending on what preceded it. Should he be gentle and condescending, petting your hair and chuckling at you after he coaxes just another orgasm out of you? Or relentlessly plunge into you, until your body is at your absolute limit? Don't worry though, safe words you pick with Ace are usually so ridiculous they will not slip your mind too easily, guaranteeing that you'll tell him when he's ought to stop.
• This man of many ambitions, Ace made his intentions clear right on the first year, that he wouldn't be against becoming a next dorm leader of Heartslabyul, and without Riddle around it may just become a truth. Now he's the rule here, and while he's definitely not the worst leader the dorm has ever had, he'll use the power his position gives him much more freely than his predecessor. It's not an easy task to scold or give a detention to prefect himself and Trappola is quite proficient at twisting anything that they have to say about him around, debunking any accusation, making a fool out of them. You can only sigh quietly, knowing perfectly well that this poor soul did indeed catch you with Ace's hand shower down your uniform bottoms in an alley not far away from the main building. Well, a blot is no blot till it be hit, it just doesn't seem like your boyfriend will stop embarrassing you in public in the near future. You hope no serious blow will be dealt with your reputation because of Ace's inability to keep his hands to himself. 
Trey Clover ♣
• The sole founder of "husband material" squad, Trey is unrivaled in being the best in this field and he's all yours. He's very serious about your relationships and works hard to maintain them, he grows and thrives with you by his side. There's not a day Trey doesn't tell or show you how much he treasures you, there's an inexhaustible pool of love for you inside of him and you relinquish in it fully.
• You are Night Raven College's token couple even before you two officially become one. It's obvious Trey cares about you more than just as a friend, there's an underlying gentleness and softness in all of his touches, all the words he says to you, gazes he casts in your direction. He knows what he feels for you is not a platonic feeling one bit and he isn't shy to give you some hints about it. As soon as Trey is sure you're comfortable with him being upfront about his feelings towards you and there's a high chance you will reciprocate them, he's preparing to confess to you and ask you to go out. It's nothing too pompous, but it still manages to impress you.
Trey will cook up some nice meal by himself and make sure your schedules are free, before welcoming you to Heartslabyul dorm or Rose Garden if the weather allows to. Of course, Riddle and Cater will wholeheartedly help their friend to get himself a significant other, Trey is free to stay past the curfew for as long as he needs to channel his feelings to you and Cater will shoot just enough photos to include later in your videos as a couple, the male can't help but swoon over you two!
• Trey is like a reward to you for enduring any hardships throughout your life, withstanding harsh blows and losses. Your heart is now in caring hands, and if he needs to, Trey will help you mend it back piece by piece. Until then he has enough love for both of you and even more. You don't have to struggle alone, he always reminds you that you can rely on and trust him. There are no unrealistic expectations Trey has about his life, he's a very down-to-earth guy, and one of his biggest dreams is to see you happy. He's got to know such an amazing person like you and learned to harbor a lot of adoration towards you, to him you deserve the whole world and all the love in it. As much as he has, he'll give it to you.
• Clover's love has many forms: you feel its warmth in homemade meals he makes for you, in sweet massages he sends you every time he gets the chance to text you during the day, in bear hugs Trey gives you after the long day in college, in hot kisses he presses to your face together with "I love you"s because he really does. You're never alone in times that you catch a cold, which is much rarer now, for a certain someone is all about reminding you to take your umbrella when he sees rain in the weather forecast, helping you choose effective vitamins, get enough nutrients and water, all in all, everything you see better when you observe your loved person from the side. And of course, your dental health is very much a priority. Sorry, it goes without a question, Trey frets over your teeth just as much as he does over his own, he starts a bonding activity to brush them together when you spend morning or evening at each other's dorms.
• Goes without saying how much Trey would treasure you taking care of him back. He has his moments of being dishonest about his own problems, that you should probably know as a loving partner, but ones he doesn't talk with you openly about. He can't resist your pouts or soft touches while you coax what's been bothering him, you have an unfair advantage on him, he thinks. Trey being forgetful is not unheard of too, thankfully you watch him pretty closely yourself. That handsome face and piercing golden eyes give you no choice, really, but it's a different topic. This man's head is always full of responsibilities and tasks he has to do, they can sometimes force something as simple as drinking water or taking a break out from Trey's mind. You can't have that, can you? He's going to smile gratefully if you give him little reminders, blushing slightly, not used to be on the receiving end.
• Arguments start from misunderstanding, undiscussed offenses, foul mood, and overwhelming emotions, and it would be impossible to avoid all of them while being in relationships, but you and Trey somehow manage to do it pretty often. Even though it can be sometimes hard for him, Clover tries to stay attuned to your emotions and notice when something is wrong. Thanks to his rather level-headed personality, Trey approaches every issue in a mature and respectful way, if there's anything you want to discuss with him it's always better to tell him about it straight on, otherwise by the time you do he will have already wind himself up with worry. If your tempers go out of control the worst you can expect from him is raising the tone of his voice and that's all. Trey is not someone who shows openly how angry he is, but it's pretty easy to notice he's feeling down after an especially bad fight or if he acknowledges that either of you hurt the other in the midst of it. He's always open to and waits for a chance to reconcile, he can claim he manages just fine, but going too long without you being near him or always there for him at least through a messenger is hard. He sees arguments as a challenge to overcome, to make your relationships stronger and is fine with them as long as you solve the problem afterward.
• And when it comes to hugging, oh, Trey is CEO of it! You feel like the most secure, protected, warmest cuddle bug in his arms, probably stuck there for a prolonged period of time, the man won't let you go on his own volition, never. Happy? Hug. Excited? Hug. Sad? A hug, a huge tub of ice cream or something he sure will make you happy, and a dozen of kisses to your forehead. Trey doesn't need meditation or yoga to relax, holding you close to his chest eliminates depressive thoughts and clears his skin. He has a preference to being a big spoon, but if you're big enough to hold him and not seem like a small animal clutching to his back then he's willing to be a "little" spoon, but just for a bit, such position makes him too mushy on the inside.
• A curious secret, disclosed only to you, but sometimes you wish you never had it that way. Only you know just what a tease your boyfriend is and how big is Trey's arsenal of underhanded methods to make a bright blush show on your cheeks! Gentleman, courteous and honorable, considerate, and kind to his other half, that's how everyone sees Trey Clover, and you too, albeit you also know how playful and unfair he can be at times. Did you really think he wouldn't notice how you react to certain words, especially praise, or tickling touches to your body on those particular spots, or any other gimmick that makes you shy and meek, all for him to enjoy the show? He doesn't abuse it often, but when in need of some serotonin Trey knows what exactly he has to do to brighten up his day, you're an integral part of his fun. And, well, if you're strongly against teasing, he can always think of a new way to mess with naive first-years or go and initiate cuddle times with you, that you won't refuse, will you?
• The kisses Trey gives to you often have a mature vibe to them. They're not over-the-top or too steamy when it's not called for, but he likes to involve some tongue action, stall you for some time before he finally releases you to go on with your day. Cheek kisses or kisses to the temple and forehead are common to, he can't have you go to classes without your daily dose of love and they're the best when he passes by you in hallways and has limited time to be affectionate with you.
• And being shy about affection in public is definitely not Trey's style. There is not a single soul that doesn't know you're dating, but affirming that fact is never a bad idea. Trey manages to stay classy and refined without neglecting you while going out somewhere and completely adjusts to your preferences, but he's calmer when he can at least hold your hand and doesn't have to fear losing you in a crowd. If you're not against, Trey can be often seen sneaking small kisses to your cheek, but don't expect him to shove his tongue down your throat, he has some manners after all. He can always do it behind the closed doors, he promises to you.
Preparing your own food and then dining together, in the company of each other sounds like an idea for a romantic date, but be assured Trey has a lot of other activities he would be keen on trying out with you. Finally, all those "relationships tips" posts Cater has been sending him since Trey gave the male his MagiCam will prove useful, he thanks himself for not deleting them. Clover is fine both with in- and outdoor dates, alternating between both variants. To his dismay, usually, he can allow himself only to welcome you in his dorm, his position as vice dorm leader takes up a considerable amount of his time, often leaving him too exhausted at the end of the day. However, you're always welcome to visit him for a sleepover and curl with Trey under the blanket, your boyfriend falling asleep almost instantly.
• Upbeat music, funny chatter, and happy laughter, all the while Trey prepares the dinner, handfeeding you some ingredients and letting you taste-test almost ready dishes. You're not obligated to help around, and in a case if you're not that familiar with cooking,Trey himself assures you that you can just sit there prettily and let him do his thing. He can give you lessons or teach you new skills or dishes, but it has to be separate from the normal cooking occasion. Although Clover will never refuse any help, particularly from his partner, so as long as you're confident you won't break something or set the kitchen on fire, he gives you a green light to participate in the process itself.
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• How deceptive of him to say that you're in caring hands and never mention how dexterous they also are, right until the moment he has you naked on his bed and under the guise of preparing you, unashamedly brings you to climax. Sooner than later you'll plead for him to go harder and finally give you the real deal that you've been eyeing for a while in his pants. Is he really that considerate or was just teasing you, you're not sure, but how his lips curl in a devious smirk upon hearing soft moans of his name from your lips doesn't help either.
• Regardless if he's being fair or not, your hole still requires some preparations before Trey can sink into you, this man packs some nice sized equipment in his pants, enough to rival several known non-humans. He's a bit apprehensive about going rougher on you at first, controlling the movements of his hips and not allowing himself go completely in fear of hurting you, but as you sleep with each other more often, you may convince him that you can handle more - a faster pace, deeper thrusts, his hands holding you closer. He asks you if are really sure, an unsaid warning in the gold of his irises. Rest assured, the possibility of you not being able to walk properly the next day is very high.
• Fret not, this man is absolutely the best at aftercare, and you're never seriously worn out or rouged up, to begin with, while your boyfriend pampers just the living daylight out of you. Trey wipes you clean, carries you to the bathroom if you need one, treats every little bruise, looking just a little too peeved about them, dresses you in comfy pajamas and definitely feeds you some snacks, while he pets your head and calls you darling and dear, compliments how great you are for him and how good he felt, you're just the best, he can't possibly get enough of you. He just laughs when it earns him a worried look in return, he's a good guy, don't you know, he's not going to strain you anymore that night, even though he's tempted. Oh no, sit tight, he can't let you go anywhere at such an hour, a responsible boyfriend wouldn't allow it. Sleep peacefully beside him, he's going to protect you from all harm.
tw: daddy kink • The reason why you would require nice aftercare after the deed stems not only from the necessity for Trey to care of your body but also of your mind. He's very into dominating you, leaving you vulnerable to both his words and touches. But don't worry little one, Daddy is there for you, he can see how badly you need to be loved, to be pleasured. While Trey does get a rush out of being the one in control, having you entirely at his mercy and sometimes disciplining you, he's also very gentle and kind and wants you to see him as somebody who will love you unconditionally will be always there for you, he wants to make sure you feel special and cherished. Trey is careful, he asks you prior about your limits and safe word is always there to ensure you only enjoy yourself, he wouldn't bear you getting hurt.
• But seeing you cry... It's his guilty pleasure. Tears running down your flushed cheeks, while he has you bent over his knee, spanking your ass, or beneath him, begging for him to let you cum, after he has edged you for countless times already. You look so sweet and adorable, gasping for air, your glassy eyes on him, but unable to see anything. He both wants to comfort you and make you wail even harder for him. Ah, you really bring all those twisted parts of him out, but you're his sweetheart, you can handle it, right? You will do it for Daddy?
• When it comes to turn-ons, there's one, in particular, Trey would like to explore with you. Who could have thought that responsible, reliable senior and relatively "normal" guy out of the whole Heartslabyul bunch would unashamedly surprise his dear significant other by sharing a dirty secret of his to see you bent over the counter in the kitchen? The proposition comes seemingly out of nowhere, one moment Trey is about to place the dough for just another tart in the fridge, and the other he has you trapped between himself and the table, a very prominent erection pressed into your rear. Trey creates a path up your throat, placing chaste kisses until he stops just by your mouth and questions whether you would want him to continue. If you do decide to humor him, prepare for the most exciting, and simultaneously the most frightening experience in your life, you're always at the danger of being walked on. It seemed however that unlike you, Trey genuinely hoped for somebody to come. He has to try another time, maybe it'll make every male in college know that you're off the limits, most likely permanently. He also swears to get it up with you more often, when you'll have your own kitchen.
• Trey adores positions where he can hold you against or cage you between some surface and his own body, it makes you look so beautiful and cute, as he's the only one able to command the tempo and you can just receive him into yourself and grace his ears with your pleasured cries and moans. Good old missionary is one of Clover's favorite too when he wants to go all out on you and pay you the attention you deserve.
• It's a heart-crushing sight, your boyfriend visits your dorm after the long and tiring day of helping Riddle to manage the dorm and also taking care of his own business. You want to help somehow, take care of the needs the man has, like getting a relaxing temple massage, a cup of hot tea, and a nice blowjob to top it off. Trey's eyes are full of adoration and gratitude, you can see them clearly as you allow more of his cock into your mouth, sucking and licking the shaft, releasing it when you can no longer breath properly, going without a break on a man such as Trey is difficult after all. But he's encouraging you, caressing your head and permitting hoarse moans to let you know how much he loves it. Blowjob as a stress reliever works exceptionally well for Trey, it obvious in the way his shoulders relax and deep frown goes away from his face when he spills into your mouth. Pray that your jaw doesn't lock, because this man may or may not have been withholding his release, just to keep watching you bob your pretty head on his dick. He's going to properly thank you, not at all repulsed to kiss you in the lips and assure that he won't forget this debt he has to you and will repay it soon enough.
• And you never have to wait long and never because you did it first. Trey does not think of himself as a remarkable gourmet, but he knows what's good and your taste even better than some of the best delicacies he's ever tasted. This tongue of his can work wonders on you, making you arch into his mouth chasing after the pleasure it offers, only for Trey to pin your hips to the surface you're on, he has a task and your trashing-around break his concentration. While on the one to blush easily, Trey can feel his cheeks become hotter, he has to take his glasses off pretty soon, he can't see a thing behind the misty lenses.
• In general everything that has to do with your or his mouth makes him hot and bothered. He's used to focusing his attention on that particular body part, just imagining how you can accommodate him into that small little cavern or having your private parts near his face, your taste on his tongue is enough to have Trey's pulse speed up and he makes a tactical retreat to his own room, to "take care of some business". Oral fixation is strong here. Even in a very pure setting, like brushing your teeth or feeding you something by hand, his mind starts to race with very erotic thoughts. Trey will never pass a chance for a make-out session, he definitely prefers kissing over any other form of affection display.
• What can be better than combining both your taste and the sweets he loves so much? This man's tarts actually have way more spice than vanilla in them. Indulging himself in eating out of you and biting both strawberries your trembling hand holds out for him and your soft flesh is not the weirdest thing you've probably done. Covering your body in whipped cream and "accidentally" licking your weak spots, your privates too, was novel and amusing at most. It's a "sticky" situation you would want to repeat again though. When experimenting with Trey you always know that however it goes, you will be in loving hands.
Cater Diamond ♦
• A playboy and a social butterfly, Cater is not somebody you would pin as a good boyfriend at a first sight, but don't be fooled by his acting: he's one of the most loyal individuals out there, while also extremely affectionate and supportive of you. Soon you will find yourself to be a center of his attention, a bright star that Cater's planet orbits. As carefree and lighthearted as your boyfriend is, there's more to him that an eye can see and than he's willing to show.
• Flirting is in Cater's nature and of course a few pick-up lines and flirty remarks fly your way, but the thing is, he doesn't usually attach much meaning to them, except for letting you know he thinks you're cute, and nobody bats an eye most of the time. So when you actually take him seriously or flirt back, Cater is lost. He's not really used to a two-way coquet conversation, he probably should answer to your advances? He must, after all, he did try to pin after you and to interact with you more. He's screaming on the inside, he doesn't want to screw this up by being too upfront or cringy, there's something about you that makes butterflies flutter in his stomach. You giving him the attention and compliments back really is the green light for him to pursue you further, something he probably wouldn't dare to do otherwise.
Your interactions are pretty lighthearted, albeit flirtatious and not-so-ambiguous, everyone can get that there's something going on between you two. People don't usually see Cater as a "boyfriend material", sadly, but it doesn't mean he is not longing for being loved and having a significant other, no, he craves it. He's ready to dive head-first into relationships to experience it all, he's in love with the idea of love. Still, he doesn't miss how comfortable he feels around you, that you've become his best friend almost instantly and when he wants to confide in somebody you're now the first person he thinks about. It's a long way ahead before Cater will start to appreciate you and not the "idea of you" that his mind created, but you'll eventually get to it, no one said it would be easy.
• Until then, it's mostly fun and giggles as you parade through college grounds together. The moment Cater is officially no longer single, everyone will know about it. His MagiCam is flooded by your couple photos, hashtags are long strings of compliments for you. You're basically everywhere: on his lock and home screen, his avatars in apps, posts in social media, he even creates memes or reaction pics with you and uses them in group chats. If you're not much of a public person all the incoming attention from everywhere will be overwhelming, but Cater is there to reassure you that you're just too cute to not be seen, all his subscribers already love you. Of course not as much as he does though~♡ Negative comments? No, don't exist, anybody stupid enough to say foul things about you is reported and banned swiftly.
He will recruit you to help him create an image collage on his wall in his room, or, really, a separate board because Riddle didn't give him the permission to touch the wall itself. There are so many pictures he wants to put up, he can't choose! When it's all ready, adorned in fairy lights in best traditions of MagiCam aesthetic posts, you can count photos that don't have you in them on the fingers of one hand: two with Trey, one for Riddle, one for Adeuce duo and another one with everyone in it. Everything else is just you and Cater.
"I can see everyone I love like this, isn't it cute?"
"That's mostly me though, Cay."
"Well, fair enough, I love you the most, my sunshine! I should post it, time for photoshoot~"
One unfortunate evening, the rare one when he feels horribly down and you're not there to cheer him up, Cater realizes that if you two had to walk separate paths he would have to rip a big piece of his heart away; little and enormous reminders of your presence in his life are everywhere. He takes his phone, the keychain on it is your gift, unlocks it and your picture is there, goes to his contacts and you're the first on the list, the melody for your call is different from others, but right now he's the one calling you, desperate to hear that whatever grim world his brain showed him it is not a reality.
• Cater is quite intelligent and knows how to read the room, you're never under the pressure with him. Of course, he tries to be affectionate as much as possible, but it's always within your boundaries. PDA is always present, whether it's swinging your hands, or giving kisses to your cheeks and forehead. You're adorable, soft and all his to relive all of his fantasies about snuggling his significant other and doing all the "couple" stuff.
You can notice, however, that in some instances Cater is not really "there", less tender and doting. Truth is, he's not always fired up and needs to be physical with you, but doesn't want to be left out or decline you some lovey-dovey times. When you notice it, even if it's so hard because when is this boy honest about his feelings, tell him to relax, you know he's not in the mood right now. You apparently hit close, because his demeanor changes right away.
"I can't hide anything from you, can I?"
Cater is all about quietly sitting beside each other, doing own thing but being comfortable with the silence, just enjoying the presence of the other. He didn't think you would find it an ideal way to spend your time, he's both surprised and glad he doesn't have to go out of his way and act all cheery and peppy. Each day he's more grateful that it's you who he's dating.
• Cater always thought he fared just fine, but with you coming into his life, he notices how many changes you've brought with you. "Cay-kun" doesn't always have to be positive when he's around you, and when he is happy it's because he genuinely feels this way, but it’s always the case when he’s around you. Less scrolling MagiCam feed and more chatting with you, he finds that stopping everywhere just to take photos while you're out for a date actually takes away a lot of time that could be spent on enjoying it with you. He doesn't have to rely on the camera to catch every moment with you if he can create even more exciting ones as long as you're with him.
First, second, several months anniversaries come unexpectedly. Cater can remember the date you started going our even if he was wakes up in the middle of the night, but to think that you're still dating by this time? He's both relieved and anxious, how much more time will it take for you to grow completely bored of him, it can't all be permanent, such things simply don't exist. And still, he hopes, he hopes, because he doesn't think he will be able to let you go.
When all is too much and he doesn't think he can take it anymore it's your touch that he doesn't shy away from, your eyes that can look at him in such state, you who he knows won't judge him for being unable to smile at the moment, who doesn't expect him to always be the Cay he shows to the world. Your love doesn't waver, gentle palm still cups his cheek, lips place loving kisses into the crown of his head. He wished it never came to this, but he needs you to be his support, at times his lifeline, when he feels like he can't speak to anybody else.
• While initially Cater placed a lot of trust into you simply because of your status as his "significant other" he learned to think of you both as his loved one and his best friend, he didn't have to play a role of "perfect boyfriend" for you to love and support him, a true revelation about how relationships actually work. Cater's threshold for weirdness it too high, you can discuss whatever you want with him and he will never judge, he'll even try to learn about it more or give you his own insight. Many strange inside jokes were born that way, no one, not even Riddle or Trey, have any understanding of what you two are howling with laughter about, and at this point they're too afraid to ask. With Cater you don't have to be afraid that nobody will support you or listen to what you have to say, even if he doesn't know what you're talking about at all he's always eager to listen since he knows you too will always be there for him.
• But when you are not willing to listen to each other, that's when your relationships are put to the test. It's pretty difficult to discuss unpleasant topics with Cater, like his flirting habits or social media obsession, because he doesn't even acknowledge you two have a problem, dismissing your concerns in a carefree manner which is frustrating at best. Infuriating at worst. If this conversation leads to addressing some other hang-ups that you have about him or will uncover more sensitive topics, he doesn't want to hold it at all. He twists and turns, tries to sway you to talk about something else, takes away your mind by flirting and being very affectionate with you. But he sees how his behavior hurts you and doesn't bring the results he counted on; Cater will then turn serious. You're afraid of the same thing, aren't you?...
I'd you didn't blow up and start a real fight before the realization hits Cater, you might as well gain something from this quarrel, otherwise, he will leave saying that he can't speak with you in this state. Because Cater doesn't share his "less positive" emotions freely it's hard to understand when you're having a problem or if he's angry and upset about something, but he also let's go offenses pretty quickly, so as long as you spend enough time with him, look out for him and help him through some difficulties, even indirectly, the man will feel secure in your relationships, he can overlook minor inconveniences.
• Kisses on the cheek, kisses on the forehead, hand kisses, flying kisses, embarrassing-you-in-the-middle-of-the-cafeteria kisses. They never end and always reach their target like Cupid's arrows, Cater makes sure of it. When you're not getting smooched by your dear boyfriend honestly? Even at night he spams you with heartfelt massages, including anything from beating hearts 💓 to kiss marks and kissy emoji 💋😘, all to send his love across to you in any form. Clingy much, but you will never suffer from the lack of attention with Cater. Everybody just tries to get a separate room themselves, no point in telling Diamond to stop, his lips will near you soon enough after he seemingly ended his onslaught. Queen of Hearts forbid you're in the same class as him, Crewel is so close whip the hell out of you two. "If you know what's good for you, prefect [Y/n], you better discipline that unruly, overly affectionate puppy of yours!" Looking at those sparkling green orbs, unmoving and fixated on you, awaiting what you will say, how can you refuse them? And even if you do, will you forgive yourself, when he lowers his head, heart-wrenching whine shudders from his lips. "You don't love me anymore?" reads in his eyes, trying to gaze at you sideways. You may lament for your fate as much as you like, this man will try everything, just you get your attention back to him.
• Aren't you tired? Don't you just feel like cuddling up to somebody, so he would wrap his hands around you, cradle you while he whispers sweet nothings into your ears? Cater does it, and frequently so. Skinship is something you never have a shortage of.
Cater is the ultimate cuddler; spoon, fork, whatever, as long as he has skin contact with you and you both feel comfortable. When you're having down-time during the day, or it's still early into the evening, Cater will choose a position that allows him to both hold his phone up and caress you with the other hand, so go ahead and cozy up into his chest while on top of him or in between his legs. Cater can stay in one position for a long time, shifting here and there, but he ain't leaving, that's for sure. It's important bonding moment between you, he needs his daily dose of hugs, what's better than to dedicate a few hours to doing just that. If he knows he won't be able to sneak away with you for some quality snuggle time, then he will sure as hell take every chance he gets during the day to hug you, when he runs into in the hallway, searches for you during the lunch break, finds you after the classes before either Riddle or Trey drags him away, but Cater can not spend a day without thinking whether he gave you enough love and if you didn't feel like he forgot about you.
• Are you prepared for a rowdy café tour? Because Cater wants you to visit each and every one of his favorite! You can go out with him, and make lots of cute selfies and taste all the different food Twisted Wonderland has to offer. Well after considering it carefully Diamond does come to the conclusion that you won't be able to appreciate and savor what those places have to offer you fully in only one day, so he plans for several dates ahead, each time something new! And they're just perfect! The weather is always pleasant, you have time to take in the beauty of this world, chat and have a nice time with Cater and he always knows when there's some event going on nearby. But because he can get distracted by shooting and uploading photos to MagiCam, try to stay near him and wander around too much, he's looking at you, or at least in the general direction where he saw you the last time as soon as he's finished with his business. One time when he lost you, whether it was intentional on your part or not, he got a huge scare, by the time he found you he was teary-eyed, pleading for you not to go without him. He feels responsible for keeping you safe and sound while you're on a date with him and he will sigh with relief only when he escorts you right to your doorstep that evening, no other way around it.
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• Your first time is very interesting, to say the least. It's not like Cater doesn't know what he's doing, but his heart just can't calm down. He has set up a romantic atmosphere beforehand, takes you out for a dinner, you find yourself being completely swooned by his suave act, how absolutely handsome he looks and how much you would like to dishevel those orange locks and place his lips on your neck to feel him place his mark on you while his hand takes off your underwear and... The romance of lit candles and rose petals thrown around is lost on you, when you have a chance to get your hands on Cater in the privacy of his room and finally see all your wet dreams come true. He doesn't resist any of your wishes or commands. Even though his hands shake and the brain is already a complete mush, Cater will make feel so good you will hook up on having sex with him, arranging for more evenings with him ere long.
• Sex is sex, but Cater feels like it becomes more interesting tenfold when someone is placed under the care of the other, simply put being submissive, and he performs well on both sides. Cater is open-minded and willing to experiment with many kinks and fetishes, into both giving and receiving them. You want to be absolutely demolished by him, tied up and overstimulated until your mind goes blank? Or maybe lavished in praise and pampered to infinity, called every cutesy name he can come up with, while he treats you a mouthful of his dick, only to take it away from you when you've wet it enough and listen to your begging for some time before he buries it deep inside of you, ultimately granting your most sacred wish and just spend the rest of the night with you bouncing on it until he pumps you full of his cum, enough to soil the covers irreparably? Okay, no problem, if he sets his mind to it, Cater can be the most excruciating, authoritative Master for you or gentle, fair Cay-kun, whose touch makes your heart arch and long for more.
• But say he's your slave tonight and the next thing he has to do is to kneel obediently and open that pretty mouth of his, and he's already there, looking up to you from his spot on the floor, tongue lolled out of his mouth, already panting, hungry for more. As soon as you set boundaries, Cater will submit to you dutifully, he's kind of bad at being a brat, he takes his role very seriously. Baby boy Cater loved to nuzzle into you, comment how much he adores you and everything you to him, laugh and giggle happily when you fondle and kiss him. Even if it's so painful, he won't cum until you grant him permission, tears stream down his face, movements uneven. Earns him a smack, because you told him not to break the pace, while he thrusts from his position on top. But all the control is in your hands, it's unimaginable for him to disobey you right now. He begs and begs for you to let him go faster, release his semen into you, voice breaking midsentence. Coo at him and either allow him to cum or ask to hold just a little longer, he's your prettiest, best baby boy, he can do it.
Or maybe restrict him, hands behind and legs open for you to see all of him, and place him on his stomach, blindfolded and gagged, able to only whine pathetically when you flog his perky ass or trace the rim and shove lubed fingers inside. By the time you're done with him, poor Cater is exhausted, tear marks obvious on the blindfold you take off. Once he can see you before him, he will reach out for you, shuddering when you embrace him, he can finally let out his breath and relax into you, having barely enough strength to follow simplest commands as you begin your aftercare.
w: selfcest(?) • Try and object that his unique magic doesn't see any use at the bedroom. There's no way he can't touch, lick, and kiss every part of you, you deserve to have only five-star service. One star for each Cater at most, but even with another pair of hands, hungry mouth and hard dick he can make it an experience you won't forget soon. He and his other self will suck on your nipples, their hands working on your core in tandem, preparing you, before they lift you up and fill you with their cocks.
• How about one of the Caters films you getting ganged up on by those handsome redheads, playful whispers mixed in with your moans and wet sounds of skin slapping. He will choose the best angle to catch your beauty, so when you or he watches the video way later, they could see how your body shivers from the pleasure pairs of hand give you, your muscles shifting and limbs twisting as you eagerly impale yourself on what one of Caters offers you. The camera would catch how he laps at the tears that escaped your eyes, and how another him has made himself comfortable in your hand, thrusting into it unrelentingly, just like the fourth Cater that's rocking your world, abusing your poor hole. His magic will eventually come to an end, but sure enough, he would be able to support it long enough to completely fuck your brain out, you won't even notice there's your one and only Diamond slowly wiping your body and kissing any marks that he had left.
If such footage makes you want to set both it and yourself on fire, mind to consider sexting with Cater? This guy had no shame sending you obscene messages even during the lessons, getting you all hot and bothered by the descriptions of what be would do to you if you two were together right now. During the break, you're bound to receive a picture of his hard dick, taken somewhere in the restroom. Cater will be ecstatic if you send one in return, so much that he might just as well need to relieve himself right in the same cabin, because he can't possibly go out in such state, his manhood making an obvious tent in his pants. And if you can sneak to the place where he's pleasuring himself at the moment, bonus points and either a possibility to bring sex in public places to a new level or extract your punishment on your horny brat of a boyfriend, choose your pick.
• Ah, the chaos and embarrassment that Cater goes through when after those rowdy 20 or so minutes in public bathroom, he goes out completely disheveled  with hickeys littering his neck. You two found out pretty soon, to Cater's mortification, that his skin is impossibly thin, any and every mark becomes a nasty bruise a few seconds after and doesn't heal for days on end. Nobody questions what he does at night, his neck probably tells the whole story. Not like he's going to hide them anyway, he couldn't be more proud and smug about the whole situation. Yes, he gets some, from no one other than you, and every time is just fantastic. Along his neck, he practically begs you to suck some marks into his inner thighs and chest. He gets so many kicks out of seeing purple and red hues fading away from his skin, but not fast enough so he could marvel at them for some time. Maybe if he traces them he could feel your teeth scrapping at him, you urging him to not withhold and cum in your hand that gets faster with every stroke. He really needs right now, are you going to answer your phone at such hour, only to be met with his breathy moans and groans resounding in your ear?
• When you can be beside him Cater prefers to have your hand fisting him dick instead, his own hand goes to your legs, you masturbating each other. Cater considers it's a nice to fool around like this once in a while, especially when you can't make much noise or don't have the energy for more physically tasking activities. It's still intimate and hot, and he will always choose you in favor of anything else, your sheer presence makes his nerves tinge, his own hand nowhere near as good, movements never bring him to edge as fast as yours do. He might spend all his day in bed with you, do you have any tasks more important than him?
• Choosing favorite position for penetrative sex would be awfully hard for Cater, each one has its own upsides. He loves seeing your face just as much as your backside, and while he feels very sexy on his four, being above you allows him a better angle and just another way to show off. Somehow he rocks any pose, always looking absolutely ravishing, his facial expressions are to die for. Man can even do an ahegao for you, but note that it should be requested beforehand~
But one pose has a special place in his heart. When you feel Cater grinding up at you from behind, but not doing any attempts to climb on top of you, on the contrary, holding you close to him as much as possible, he may be initiating some comfort cuddle sex. He doesn't want you to see him at the moment and he can't possibly let you go out of his embrace: he needs your warmth in his arms, surrounding him, tight wall squeezing down on him, milking every droplet of cum, all the while he leisurely thrusts up into you, but hard enough that you would have to concentrate on the grip of his arms around you, just so you wouldn't cum on spot. He wants you to, though, cooing and encouraging you to let go, sighing happily when he feels your clamp around him, but not stopping. He wants to prolong this moment as much as possible.
• Offer this guy a blowjob and you will see pants flying across the room faster then you can say "overblot". He's like a kid on the Christmas morning, excited to find his present, but Cater finds you in between his legs and he swears it's the best gift he's ever received. With bated breath he observes you unbuckling his belt, a surprisingly pronounced bulge there. His fully erect state is not be underestimated too, Cater can boast about having bigger than average length, alas he's not that big in girth. To fit it in your throat is quite a task however, you may need some time to adjust, maybe even a few tries to master it. Of course your boyfriend doesn't mind, he wholeheartedly supports it. Well, it would be less embarrassing for him if he didn't cum in the first few minutes, but he actually did well, considering that he definitely got a visual orgasm early on. But you looked so sinfully beautiful and erotic, how could he ignore it?! No living man would be able to stay apathetic when his loved one is working magic on him, while being an absolute sex deity! If you let him cum on your face he will vow to bent over himself just to grant you anything you can wish for. And if he can also snap a photo of your semen-stained face?! He's a goner, just a slave to your celestial self, you can play Cater however you wish.
Might as well remind him about your own needs, but chances are he's already down there, burring his face in your thighs, placing kisses everywhere, swiftly nearing the place you want to feel him the most on. In his determination to repay you back, he will temporarily forget that he even needs to breath, his mouth doesn't leave your core, he can only see, smell, and taste you. It's a messy ordeal, Cater's spit mixed in with your own fluids, dripping down his chin. Lot's of paper towels will be needed afterward, but right now he's almost high, like a man possessed, tongue swirling in ways unimaginable to you before, tiny supernovas keep exploding behind your eyes. It's a battle of stamina, who will collapse weakened and wasted faster, but at the end Cater's tongue is numb and your knees won't stop shaking, deeming it a win-win situation.
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nepenthendline · 4 years
Heyyy, could you do a headcannon post for tsukki, kenma, suga, Kageyama, and kurro, and how they would go about proposing to their s/o. I love your writing btw!!! 💜
proposal hcs make me so sOFT, and thank you so much 🥺🥺🥺 It means a lot! I’m going to bury myself in these hcs to get rid of the stress my uni are giving me rn also kageyama’s is so long omg i got a little carried away
slight timeskip spoilers (kenma, sugawara, kageyama, kuroo)
Requests are open!
Proposal Headcanons - Tsukishima, Kenma, Sugawara, Kageyama and Kuroo
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Tsukishima wasn’t one for extravagant publics displays of love and affection, so his proposal wouldn’t be either
he wanted it to be natural, not some crazy, over-the-top event that had everyone in the neighbourhood witnessing
it would be around 5-10 years (depending on how old you were when you started dating) of being together when Tsukishima decided he wanted to marry you, it’s not that he never thought about it, he just wanted to be sure this was the right decision for both of you
he had mentioned marriage to you one night a few months before proposing to test the waters and see your opinion so that he could gauge whether you would say yes or not
he took Yamaguchi with him to pick out a ring, he was great friends with you too so he knew your style and preferences well to help out Tsukishima
the proposal itself what somewhat planned, he knew the day he was going to do it but, other than that, he left it open to change
the two of you had gone for an evening walk across a pathway that overlooked the town, something you two do often to wind down
you two hadn’t spoke much, a comfortable, warm silence surrounding you besides pointing out the odd squirrel or brief check-ups on each others day
both of you had stopped at a railing on your walk, leaning against it to watch the sun set over the tall buildings
his hand was in yours, brushing his thumb over the back of it as he looked out to the view
“I love you (Y/N),” his voice was quiet but it seemed certain
he wasn’t the kind of man that told you he loved you multiple times a day, it was reserved for special moments and the times where he couldn’t get how lucky he was to have you out of his mind
“I love you too Kei,” you didn’t need to be loud, or shout your confession to the world to know that you both meant it deeply
“Marry me,” it sounded more like a instruction than a question and his gaze hadn’t left the sky
“W-what?” had you heard him wrong? was this a joke?
he turned his eyes to you, locking them with yours - this was the most serious and sincere you had ever seen him
“Marry me,” he repeated
you stood with your mouth slightly open, eyes wide as he pulled out a box from his pocket, opening it to display a simple, yet stunning ring
“I always thought that if you went for what you truly wanted, it would just end in pain and disappointment, that all the effort and sentiment would be for nothing, but with you it’s so easy. I might never be, but I want to become the best man for you, that you deserve, so marry me.”
gets married for tax purposes
marriage was not something Kenma had ever though about in his life growing up
he never thought he would get married or find someone he had a connection with and, honestly, he was fine with that
he didn’t really see the appeal of it in the first place
it wasn’t until many years down the line of being with you and his friends around him getting into relationships when he started to consider the possibility
the first time it came into his head was at Kuroo’s wedding
he spent most of the time wishing he could go home and get out of this uncomfortable suit, but there were times when he say Kuroo’s beaming smile that he was glad he came
some of the ex-nekoma team members had poked at him with questions of when he was going to get ‘hitched’, which he responded to with a sigh
he certainly wasn’t going to propose because others told him he needed to
the next time it crossed his mind was when he started a new game that his fans had recommended he play
it was a romance game which wasn’t his usual go-to genre, but it had incredible reviews and created a storm in the gaming world so he thought he might as well check it out
through the game he got to witness an endearing story of a couple that went at odds to be together
the story delved into their married life and all the little things they enjoyed together through the years
he didn’t really want to admit it, but it did make him feel a little emotional
he saw himself and you in the characters, as if he was watching his own life play out on his screen
every now and then you and Kenma played some games together so you could spend time with him and he could show you want had been interesting him lately, so he decided to show you this game
you thought it was adorable, so heartwarming yet a little sad at points, but you had always been a little more outwardly emotional then Kenma
“imagine if we got married haha, how cute would that be!” you gushed out in the moment without thinking as you played
“eh...I guess” it wasn’t really the answer you were hoping for, but at least he didn’t sound utterly disgusted by the thought
you continued to play with him for a while, tucked into his side and making comments every now and then
a particular endearing part was plating on the screen and your eyes shone as they fixated on the characters
he could tell by the glassy look that you were getting a little affected by the story, but you looked so cute
the way your lip pouted ever so slightly, and how you gripped at his hoodie, as if to steady yourself
he had a sudden rush of adoration for you, he really did love you and the last couple years of you living together had been wonderful, how he got to wake up beside you, do daily chores with you, how you supported him in his many careers
“Maybe we should get married,” he blurted out, you whipped your head towards him so fast you almost got whiplash
“Are you...proposing?” you questioned, with somewhat of a laugh in your voice
“huh...looks like I am.”
Sugawara was sensible, mature, a little bit of a tease and sometimes chaotic if Daichi wasn’t watching but also traditional
he had often thought about what it would be like to grow up, get married and have a family
it wouldn’t take long before he knew he wanted to marry you, even throughout the 3 years you had already been together he had daydreamed about marrying you more times than he could count
from all the memories you had together, all the times you helped enough other in rough patches and the learning the two of you wanted to continue in the future had him certain that he wanted you beside him forever
so he set out his plan
he took his old teammates, Daichi and Asahi with him on a hunt to find the perfect ring
Daichi was there to keep him in check and calm his nerves, although Asahi was probably the most nervous and Asahi had a great eye for stylish, beautiful pieces due to his designing career
now it was time to plan
he didn’t want it to be crazy, but he wanted it to be something, a whole event in itself
so he scheduled a meal for the two of you and some of your friends
it was at quite a fancy restaurant in the evening and your group had its own secluded table at the back, surrounded with dividers from the rest of the restaurant
all of you spent the meal catching up and laughing, but Sugawara seemed a little quieter than usual
you had asked him if he was ok, but he just replied with an ‘of course!’ and a smile, so you let it be
Asahi was shaking but you put that off to general anxiety
you guys had ordered desserts and everyone had gotten theirs first
as the waiter brought yours over, the table went silent
the waiter came from your left, Sugawara on your right, so you had looked over as he came
as he set the plate down, you noticed the words spelled out in chocolate sauce 
“Will you marry me?” 
you gasped and turned towards Sugawara, who was now on one knee next to you, holding out an open ring box
“I have known for so long that I wanted to marry you. You’re beautiful, smart, courageous and so loving, and I want to have you by my side forever. I promise I will continue to grow as your partner and take care of you every step of the way, so, will you marry me?”
the only thing in this boy’s brain is you and volleyball, its all his one braincell can cope with
that being said, he has never once thought about marriage
his whole life he has spend all his energy and focus on becoming a better player, the best setter he possibly can and standing on the court longer
but you were the first person to get him, to understand him and accept him as is while helping him improve and grow
you helped him to open up and communicate with people better
you helped him whenever he was frustrated with volleyball and a certain play he was working tirelessly on
you never once turned your back on him when he struggled or lost his temper
you were his partner, but it was different from a volleyball partner
he cared for you, every part of you, and always wanted to know if you were ok or spend time with you
you made him genuinely smile everyday and he knew that he wanted to be your partner for life
it came about when he was hanging out with Hinata on one of their rare days off to catch up
he had been talking about you constantly, expressing how much he loved you and adored you
“Why don’t you just marry them?” Hinata questioned with his held tilted, as if it was obvious
“w-what? Hinata boke!” he shouted as his face grew red and pushed Hinata aside
the two talked about it and Kageyama decided, very bashfully, that yeah, he should just marry you
but how does he ask you that?
he knew nothing about marriage or proposals, so he spend the next few weeks asking his friends, teammates, even his coach on how to propose to you
“Take them to an expensive restaurant!”
“Wouldn’t it be cute to propose in Disneyland??”
“Well, I proposed to my partner by sending them on a scavenger hunt”
he was bombarded with ideas, but none of them seemed right
none of them seemed like him
he was getting frustrated with the pressure of coming up with a good way to ask you to be his forever, it had to be perfect, it had to be special and it had to fit with your relationship
you noticed he was getting agitated a lot more recently, he was quieter and snapped more often, he stayed back later at the gym to train and he rarely ate dinner with you anymore
whenever you asked what the problem was, he replied with an ‘it’s nothing’ and stormed off
his teammates had noticed too and were less than pleased with his attitude as it affected their gameplay
one of his teammates had begged you to come to the gym and talk some sense into him when he started continuously overworking himself
it was 7pm when you set off from your house to the gym where he was still training
as you entered, you noticed that he was the only one here, hitting serve after serve that never seemed to land right
“Tobio,” you called out
“Baby,” you tried again but you couldn’t catch his attention from his deep focus on the ball
you walked over to him and lightly grabbed his arm, stopping him from serving the ball again
“Tobio, what’s wrong? Everyone is worried about you. Are you having trouble with a play? Because we can sort that out with your coach-”
he cut you off by mumbling something under his breath, much too quiet for you to hear
“What was that?” 
“I want to ask you to marry me and I don’t know how,” he said louder this time, his eyes staring at the ball in his hand as he gripped it tightly
“O-oh, right...” you were stunned, speechless, this wasn’t something you thought you would hear from him
“Everyone’s been telling me how to do it, but none of them seem right,” his voice was low and his gaze still hadn’t let the ball
you put a finger under his chin and lifted his face towards you
“It doesn’t need to be what everyone else tells you, we can do things our own way,” you tried to comfort him with a smile and he simply stared back at you
“So go on then,” you were beaming at him by now, yet his face got even tighter with confusion
“Go on, ask me to marry you.”
his jaw hung wide open, his eyes seemed to be staring into your skull like he had seen a ghost, this is certainly not what he expected
he tried to speak a couple times, stumbling on his words as they got caught in his throat
“It’s ok, take your time,” you brushed your thumb over the back of his hand as you held it, encouraging him to continue
“w-will you....will...willyoumarryme?”
BONUS: you two picked out a ring together afterwards, this boy has no sense of style, don’t trust him by himself
Kuroo had jokingly asked you to marry time multiple times throughout your relationship
the first couple times ended with you being a blushing mess while he teased you
but by now you just tell him to shut up go off sis
marrying you had always been part of the plan for him, just a natural progression of your relationship
while Kuroo can be quite the tease, he was extremely serious of his relationship with you and your future
he started off his plan by asking your dad if he would like to spend the day together, you know, father-son-in-law bonding time
what your dad wasn’t prepared for was Kuroo to turn up in a shirt, suit trousers and confess how he wanted to marry you
he had a whole speech prepared about how he would be the best husband for you, how he would be sure to take good care of you and, possibly, be the best father in the future if you planned to have children
you dad had to eventually shut him up as Kuroo kept going, saying how he would be delighted to have you marry the man
step one: check
now he needed to find the right ring
he had a look around at multiple stores but he couldn’t find anything that was unique enough to be called yours and that captured you or your relationship
since Kuroo had quite the high-paying job plus a little backing from a certain famous youtuber so the cost wasn’t an issue and he wanted to spoil you
so he got one custom made
he sat with a designer for hours creating the most stunning, distinctive ring that he knew you would love
step two: check
over the next couple days he planned a meet-up evening with your family and his where he would pop the question
you both had spent the day cooking and preparing for the evening before they all come to your house
you had all finished dinner and moved over to the living room to chat
Amidst all the chatter, Kuroo stood up and cleared his throat, grabbing everyone’s attention
“I have something I’d like to say,” he said with confidence, then turning to you with a grin
“The last few years with you have been perfect. We’ve had some ups and downs, but we have made so many amazing memories together. You really are my other half and I think everyday about how truly lucky I am to call you mine. You know me better than anyone else. I know I’ve asked you this a couple times in the past when we’re laughing together, but this time I’m serious,”
he got down on one knee, holding one of your hands while presenting the custom ring in the other
“will you do me the honour of marrying me?”
and the crowd goes wild
Tagging @togasknifes so she can read Kageyama ty ly
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samwrights · 4 years
i really like your seijoh baby fever hcs 😭 could i please request with 3rd gym + ushi and tendou ☹️
BABY FEVER PART 2 HUH 🤧🤧 alright, lets dive in y’all. Also, side note, I am sooooo soft for Akaashi’s inferiority complex. I just wanna hold his hand and tell him he’s perfect.
Also, Tsukki kinda got angsty??? I m sorry.
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This nut has baby fever with you
That baby radar we talked about last time—you both had it.
You can bet there’s a competition of who saw the cuter baby at the grocery store when the two of you go.
Though, no one ever wins because they’re all fckn cute.
You’re a little bit worse off than Bokuto though, in the sense that you won’t stop mentioning “when” you guys have kids versus “if”
And it’s kinda doing lots of funny things to him
Especially if you guys have friends over that have kids.
If you’re nowhere to be found, you can bet that you’re in the backyard playing tag or hide and seek.
H o l d I n g t h e m.
Friends who have babies are especially allowed over, just so you can hold them.
And feed them.
Oh my god, the way their eyes open?? So full of love and wonder??
Your weakness #7.
And Bokuto weakness #41—seeing you feed and hold a newborn
Never in his LIFE has the owl seen you look so happy and loving and glowing.
Not even on your guys’ wedding day.
You did but whatever, Bo.
Wait who’s got baby fever? You? Or Bo?
Both. Both is good.
But, Bokuto being him, he kinda starts to worry about the fact that you haven’t even brought up having kids.
Like y’all have been married for a year
This is what married couples do, right? No
So he’s in emo mode, but this is a whole different kind of dramatic.
He’s so serious and blunt and it’s kinda scary.
“[name], do you even want to have kids with me?”
“Bo, please tell me you didn’t just ask me that.”
But you can tell by the way his pupils his shrink yet his eyes become wider than the moon—he’s hopeful.
“Koutarou, I’ve literally been saying for the last four years, when we have kids. It’s kind of a given.”
“...can we get started then?”
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Akaashi gets soooo flustered when you start talking babies.
Because no matter how many different ways he looks at it, he thinks he’s not ready.
Especially when your newborn nephew gets dropped off for baby sitting.
How are you such a natural with kids?
Akaashi pretends not to notice the soft spoken voice you use for the baby.
Or the way it looks so natural, so right, to see you balancing him on your hip while you warm up a bottle.
He learned you’re also a co-sleeper and jump at the opportunity to nap with your nephew
It’s hard image for Akaashi to force out of his mind
But he can’t help but wonder if you’d do the same with your kids.
Then he starts panicking a little because he.’s falling down the rabbit hole of thinking he wouldn’t be a good dad.
Even more so when you bring up wanting to have a family with him.
Apparently you were prepared to just forego the entire idea of marriage and skip straight to family
Akaashi can and will freak out about that at another time.
“Shouldn’t we wait? Until we’re ready?”
“I am ready, Akaashi. But something tells me that you aren’t.”
“...I don’t wanna mess up.”
Akaashi isn’t very vocal when it comes to his insecurities—it came with the territory of handling Bokuto for a couple years.
So when he’s sharing them with you, you naturally jump into overprotective mom girlfriend mode.
“Akaashi, I wouldn’t want to have kids with you if I didn’t think you’d be a good dad.”
Did I mention he’s got a bit of a praise kink?
Cause that just went straight from his ears to his dick.
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Being married to Kuroo Tetsurou comes with a warning label.
One you had to recite as a vow.
“I will not bring up children until I am ready.”
You always thought it was a little weird when he asked you include something along those lines.
And, after a year, you sometimes forget your vow. You’re only human.
What else is human is this ADORABLE toddler in the car next to you guys at a stoplight who won’t stop waving at you.
“Aw, Tetsu look! Say hi!” The former captain’s eyes narrow questioningly, but he doesn’t say anything yet.
It only gets worse from here on out.
Why do kids like waving at you? Idk, but it happens pretty frequently.
Like when the two of you go out to eat and a baby in their high chair stops throwing their food on the ground, just to smile and babble as they look at you.
It makes you soft.
And, considering you’re sitting right in front of him, Kuroo sees the way your eyes become three shades lighter with every interaction.
“Remember your vow, baby.” He grits out, though the strain goes entirely over your head.
“Why did you make me say that anyway?” Kuroo never explained why—only begged that you included it.
“Cause once we start having kids, we aren’t stopping until you physically can’t anymore.”
“Hey, Tetsu?”
“Can we start when we get home?”
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If you expected all of these to be happy hcs, I hate to disappoint.
But Tsukki wants to strangle you when you bring up kids.
He’s brought it up so many times that he does not want kids.
No matter how many times you fawn over your friends’ children.
Or how much you splurge on gifts when you have to attend a baby shower.
That last one in particular especially made him want to fight you.
You will tease and joke over and over how much you just want him to impregnate you.
“[name], no.”
“Come on, Tsukki. You’d be such a hot dad!”
He’s not gonna deny that.
But he is definitely going to deny impregnating you.
Unfortunately, this is a recurring argument for the two of you.
To the point where you feel a little empty every time you hear once of your old friend’s just introduced another family member.
And Tsukki knows it’s wearing down heavily on you.
To where you almost aren’t really yourself anymore.
“I’m not agreeing to this,” he says one day when he finally sits you down, “but give me some time to...mentally prepare for being a family.”
“N-no, I’m okay, you don’t—“
“No, you aren’t. I miss you, [name]. And if this is what it takes to get you back, then I have to try.”
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Let’s be real—Ushi kinda dense.
So honestly, don’t expect him to pick up or understand the excitement you have when you see a baby
Or fawn over receiving wedding invites because someone still hasn’t popped the question.
I’m not pointing any fingers. Wakatoshi.
N e way. You’re not as eager for a baby as some. Or at least, you’re not as transparent about it.
Yes seeing little babies napping in their stroller sends your ovaries in a frenzy
Or seeing or hearing a baby cry in public forces your maternal instinct to go into overdrive.
But you were good! Really!
At least that’s what Toshi thinks
Until he overhears you on the phone with someone after getting home from work. Your mother, apparently.
“No, mom, he hasn’t proposed. Yes, I know we’ve been together for the better half of a decade, thanks for reminding me. No, you aren’t going to have any grandkids anytime soon.”
Oh. Was...was he doing something wrong?
“I should go, Toshi’s gonna be home soon.”
As soon as you open your bedroom door, you’re met with your stone-faced partner who was standing close enough that, if the door were still closed, he would have been pressed up against it.
“Are you upset with me?”
“Wha—no! No, you know how my mom gets...”
Ushijima may be a little dense, but he is at least somewhat aware enough to know when you’re lying.
“Let’s talk.” Not allowing you to escape, his large hands plant themselves on your shoulders just as firmly as his voice, leading the two of you to sit on the edge of the bed. “Is that what you want? A marriage? A family?”
“Of course, Toshi, I love you. We’ve been together for seven years—“
“Whatever you want, I will do for you.”
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You had always told Tendou you didn’t want kids any time soon.
And he’s totally okay with—gives you two the chance to be just that.
So you both agreed to you going on birth control. IUD specifically, just so you didn’t have to worry about anything for a few years at a time.
Nothing to worry about!
Except seeing your best friend hold her newborn is doing funny things to you
And your other BFF just found out she’s pregnant
Now they’re both kinda just expecting you to follow in line
“You guys know I’m not ready.”
But they see just how tender you are with the newborn
Or how you’re very involved with the pregnant one, constantly asking her questions of what she’s feeling and how excited she is to be a mom
They know you too well—you’re already entertaining the idea.
So while you and Tendou are laying on the couch together, you try to nonchalantly bring it up. Try.
“How would you feel if I didn’t replace the IUD this time around? Hypothetically speaking, of course.”
Tendou’s typically bemused face perks up. “Oh? Making plans without me?”
“Wha—no! I’m just asking a question!”
“Mm, okay,” though his tone is light, there’s a bit of a teasing drawl, “then, hypothetically speaking, I would try to convince you to finally let me get you pregnant.”
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Haikyuu!! Tag List
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@hihiq @dreamyjaems @tamcitrus @yourlocalmemedumpster @90s-belladonna​ @basicallyberry​
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dippindaz · 3 years
can i request some domestic headcanons for the sinclair brothers? or one of your choice?
like marriage life and family life related stuff?
please and thank you!! 🧡
Ahhh cute! Sorry I didn’t do Lester this time, I wanted to get this out faster and start working more on other ones. If anyone wants it I can make a separate Lester one down the road! :)
Domestic HCs with the Sinclair brothers💝
Warnings: Trouble with getting pregnant, NSFW mentioned, abuse mentioned,
Vincent Sinclair
When you first came to Ambrose neither you or Vincent ever imagined the two of you being married.
Yet here you were laying in bed after the happiest day of your life. Snuggling up to Vincent, there was one thing that was plaguing your mind.
“Vincent? Have... have you ever wanted kids?”
He froze. He imagined what it would be like if he had a child, but he never believed it was possible. He never even believed he would get a girlfriend, much less married!
It took a couple weeks for him to decide. He was scared of what their life would be in Ambrose. Eventually though, he told you he wanted to.
I don’t know why but I feel like you’d struggle getting pregnant. It wouldn’t be anyone’s fault but for some reason I just feel like it would take a while. Maybe a 9 months to a year.
I think Vincent wouldn’t have it on him to leave Ambrose so he would ask Lester to take you to a store to buy working pregnancy tests 🥺
I also think Vincent would be a great father. The kind that when his kid(s) are born he would very hesitantly and very gently hold of them and then just smile while staring at its squishy face.
I think while he’s quiet he’d be a fun parent parent too. Probably not so much outside fun but more of inside activities. I think I he’d also teach any of your kids that wanted to learn how to sculpt with wax.
He wouldn’t let them touch the melted wax for a while though and especially without gloves cause he doesn’t want them getting hurt.
Overall 10/10 significant other and 10/10 father. He just wants to make sure his family is happy! More than anything else.
Bo Sinclair
I feel like Bo is a little traditional with wanting to be married but I feel like he also wouldn’t want to be married. I ALSO feel like it would take a long-ass time for him to bring the idea up because he’d be scared you wouldn’t want to marry him.
I think you would probably have to sit him down one night or morning, sometime when he hasn’t been drinking beforehand. You’d have to bring up the idea to him most likely. Be calm about and don’t be pushy.
He’d be shocked you’re bringing it up to him. Glad you wanna marry him, but slightly salty he didn’t get to propose to you.
Regardless though you too would 100% get married at some point.
Honestly though, your wedding would likely be even smaller than Vincent’s and his S/O.
Probably just the two of you together.
In my opinion your honeymoon phase wouldn’t be much different than your normal relationship. Mostly because Bo isn’t very romantic and you already have a lot of sex. Maybe he’ll stay in bed a little longer with you in the morning though.
As for children, I think it would take a while for Bo to agree with it. He’d be scared he’d be like his father, he already has some abusive tendencies. The last thing he wants to hurt his own children how he was.
After a while of you two talking about it, he might come around to it.
When he does it’ll pretty much be sex every possible second until you get pregnant. Like somehow y’all manage to fit more into the already very filled schedule.
I don’t know why but I feel like you and Bo would have a slightly easier time getting pregnant than Vincent and his partner. Maybe 5 1/2-7 months? Not sure why but it sounds right.
Anyways, I feel like in the process of Bo warming up to having children he would try to stop drinking so much. He’d try to yell less and you, Vjncent, and Lester.
It was a struggle at first but I think he does get better at having just a bit more patience.
But his patience when it comes to your kids, is insane. He’s surprisingly calm and rarely yells when they’re around. I feel like they could be 6 years old and he still wouldn’t have yelled at them once yet. Maybe lost his shit in the next room over but never directly to them.
I feel like sometimes he’d just yell at you to get his anger out, I don’t think Bo would ever psychically abuse you but yell at you just cause he’s angry and frustrated? Very possible.
Regardless though, Bo is a surprisingly good father. He raises his kids well and while they might think of you as the fun one when it comes to different childlike activities, he’d 100% teach them everything he knows about vehicles and I feel like at least one of your children would find it very interesting.
So he doesn’t mind if he isn’t the fun parent. Bo never thought in all his life he’d find someone like you, but for him to have a family? He never even dreamed it.
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ryujin-zanba · 4 years
i realise given the notes that some of y'all are actually interested in reading what the newspaper articles say in this post so here they all are under the cut (please keep in mind that a lot of them contain personal headcanons and some hints at certain pairings which i will tag. it's okay if you disagree with/dislike the thoughts i have ab some characters' futures but if you find that's the case just keep it to yourself and dni please) ʕ•ᴥ•ʔง
[Poster which says: Vote for Froppy 🐸]
(Not so subtle Napoleon Dynamite reference from me)
 Hero Red Riot Saves the Day an Hour Before His Wedding!    As expected of our favourite man in red, but what did the groom have to say about this? (The groom is Bakugou and he was proud of Kiri ❤)
 Pro Weekly Deku takes title of Japan’s number one hero third year running! Following in the shadow of the longest reigning number one hero, newcomer Deku has a lot to live up to, but he is already breaking records and impressing critics with his heroism, and fans just can’t get enough of him.  In only his third year as a licensed pro, Deku has managed some incredible feats and is shaping up to give the former number one quite a run for his legacy. The retired pro recently shared in an interview that he could not be more proud of his junior and that he is cheering for our new number one the whole way.
 A New Ingenium Takes the Mantle But what can we expect of our dashing (pun intended) new pro? The youngest son of the Iida family is following in his brother’s footsteps as he officially takes on the name and the legacy of beloved hero Ingenium.
 Lemillion Saves One Million Golden hero Lemillion reclaims his position among the top five pros in only his first week back. After participating in the saving of a suspected one million lives involved in an international hostage crisis, Lemillion saw a 100% popularity increase in the polls and has been recognised by several world leaders for his incredible display of heroism. Lemillion has recently returned to hero work after taking a year off for paternity leave last Summer. A brief interview with the pro revealed that husband and baby are both doing well and their little one is already starting to show signs of developing a strong quirk.
(Mirio’s husband is Tamaki ❤)
 Former U.A Students Pay Tribute to Late Mentor Yagi Toshinori How the world is mourning a great hero and the people closest to him are upholding his legacy.
[Accompanying image of Toshi in his pinstripe suit, tired but smiling]
 Not All Heroes Wear Capes U.A high graduate goes on to make major advances in the field of restorative medical science.  Eri, formerly of U.A high school, is currently completing her doctorate at Tokyo University and is expecting to graduate this year with her first PHD. Her influence in the field, however, has already sparked plans for the implementation of several quirk-specialised branches in every major hospital across the country, a system speculated to be fully functioning as soon as next Spring. Having already successfully treated several prominent heroes throughout her blossoming career, we can expect many great things from Eri in the future and wish her all the best with her final exams.
 [Crude cat drawing next to the text 1-A]
(Reference to Aizawa’s cat drawing that he put on a banner for his class during the sports festival in Smash, which he then hid from them)
 [Magazine cover of Yaoyorozu with the top text ‘Women in Business’ and the bottom text ‘Creati’]
 Shouto-Out Former pro hero Shouto retires at age twenty five in order to pursue a career in nursing. After the new data that came to light last month showed an incline in children born to forced quirk marriages, the ex-pro expressed his interest in becoming involved with caring for and counselling the startling number of those taken into care every year as a result. His partner had this to say, “Shouto has had a lot of difficulty finding a path in life that he believes he truly chose for himself, but I think this is his way of being the hero he wants to be and he has my full support.”
(If you guessed Midoriya as Todoroki’s partner being quoted in this, you guessed right!)
 Hero affectionately dubbed ‘Pikachu’ by residents of local children’s hospital
(Kaminari, of course ⚡)
 Present Jack Pro hero and musical talent Earphone Jack has officially joined the Put Your Hands Up Radio team. Rumours that she is set to succeed Japan’s favourite radio personality have already started circulating, but we’re pretty sure the nation’s sweetheart, Present Mic, has got many years yet before we’ll see him retire.
 [Magazine cover featuring Midoriya with the top text ‘Deku’]
 Uravity Saves US Space Shuttle First person in history to be awarded a knighthood by NASA and her achievements haven’t stopped there. The hero known as Uravity is a staunch advocate for the proposed universal income scheme and her support for the bill has garnered such enthusiasm from fans that it is likely to pass in court this February.
(In the image I accidentally called her Uraravity instead of Uravity, sorry girl!)
 He’s Still Got It! Present Mic wins lifetime achievement award for Put Your Hands Up Radio, the show he has been proudly presenting since his debut as a hero. Maintaining a huge following and unwavering popularity, his nighttime slot every Friday from 1am to 5am has also earned him a place in the hall of fame for highest number of consecutive awards in radio hosting history, congrats man!
(Mic might not be one of Aizawa’s students, but he is just as proud of his husband’s achievements ❤)
 Tsukuyomi Gets His Wings Tsukuyomi and his quirk, Dark Shadow, have officially taken over at Hawks’ agency after the young hero retired from the field to pour everything into his successor. As it stands, Hawks will continue on to support Tsukuyomi and we wish them both the best with any future plans from here on.
(Possible spoiler for latest manga chapters... but I think the bird man might be taking a leaf from All Might’s book and finding someone to carry on his legacy 😅)
 Kacchan’s Kitchen Newly opened in the most up and coming area of the city, the restaurant will join several others on the renewed marina-front, though its owner and head chef are what really set the place apart. Already it has received great reviews from critics. 
(Personal HC alert! Bakugou decides the hero life isn’t what he wants anymore and invests in his culinary skills instead, making Kiri a very well-fed man lol)
 Dance ‘Til You’re Pink! Pro hero Pinky opens a second dance studio that offers new prospects for passionate kids who are unable to attend paid classes. Children from low-income families are invited to choose from a variety of options when it comes to which discipline they wish to pursue and all equipment, performance outfits and other costs are covered by the studio.
 The Modern Batman Or should we say Catman? Illusive hero known only by his mind-control ability is spotted petting a local cat during his evening patrol.
[Accompanying image of Shinsou petting a black cat and looking almost identical to Aizawa in his attire]
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ayyyez · 4 years
Could you do hc on Tobirama and s/o (she would be the younger sister of Madara and Izuna) on an arranged marriage to make peace and to make his brother's village dream true? SFW and/or NSFW
a/n: Heeeeeell yeh you can! Alright Tobirama hoes who love Uchiha!Readers come get ya’ll juice! Thanks for the request friendo! (hope it was worth the wait omg I’m finally getting these requests down) sorry these are so damn long I didn’t make it to the nsfw lol next time I promise! warnings: ahh little angst didn’t make it to nsfw 
-Tobirama is entirely indifferent to marriage. For him it’s something to create alliances and project the strength of the village. It makes no difference to him whether you are an Uchiha or not. Low-key will keep an eye on you but other than that it’s much of a muchness for him. 
-Let’s say it’s canon compliant and Tobirama killed Izuna well that makes things complicated but you try your best to no outright hate him. You have seen your fair share of war and it also ripped your family apart. All you have left is Madara and even he is left a broken husk of a man. So you decide to sacrifice your own self for the dream and light you brother once held. You agree to marry Tobirama.
-On some level you hope Tobirama sees things the same way and that he will make an effort to be kind. You knew it wouldn’t bring back your brother but it would make the marriage less insufferable. But Tobirama isn’t that sort of man, he will either say what he thinks or nothing at all. Niceties don’t come naturally to him and it’s foolish to expect them. 
-When the talks for marriage first happen it’s a sit down between Hashirama and Tobirama across from yourself and Madara along with the new Uchiha leader for good measure. You knew he was nothing more than a prop, a gesture of good will to show the Senju that your clan had changed. Hell, if you didn’t have to marry in order to add security then you would be the leader. Fate was certainly laughing in your face. 
-It wasn’t long before Madara blew up at Tobirama and the two were duelling a battle of the wits. Normally, Hashirama would step in to mediate but before he could utter a word you slammed your fist against the table startling everyone. 
‘Might I say a word toward my own marriage proposal?’ You said, not bothering to hold the air of formalities since your brother already broke them. 
‘Of course.’ Hashirama replied. 
-You looked between them. Tobirama looked shocked and honestly it was the first time you had seen much emotion etched on his face. Were it under any other circumstances you would have laughed but you were frustrated. 
‘Whatever the terms you wish you put forward,’ you took a deep breath, ‘I’ll do it. I’ll marry Tobirama Senju.’ 
Quite possibly the most regrettable words to ever come from your mouth but your options were taken from you. 
Madara called your name. ‘You can’t possibly consider actually agreeing to-’
‘I just did.’ You looked around at each other their stunned expressions. ‘If this is what keeps people safe, what keeps peace then I’ll do it. That is why we are here, right?’ 
-And that was how you signed yourself over to a Senju, the clan you were pitted against from infancy. Still it was worth it enough just to rile each of them up and remind them that you were no pawn to be trifled with. If you were to play then you would be a key player. As you should have been as the leader. 
-The ceremony was simple but with a large gathering expected of both an Uchiha and a Senju. But honestly it seemed everyone was enjoying the day more than the actual couple. You noted that there was nothing unusual about that. Marriage even before peacetime always hinged on power and passing on abilities. Your own mother coupled with your father for the strength of the clan.
-It was when you entered your new home, left alone with the man you now called you husband that you realised the reality of the situation. There was no going back now. You laughed to yourself as you looked out the window, realising the ridiculousness of the situation. ‘Sorry, Izuna.’ You whispered as you retreated to the bathroom to bathe. 
-You had become so numb that you barely felt the heat of the bath water against your skin. The steam cloaked around you like a defensive bubble as you scrubbed your skin. Maybe you would wake up and everything would be a dream? No, that wasn’t the cruel world you knew. 
-When you walked into the bedroom Tobirama was sitting at the end of the bed, staring at something on the wall and deep in thought. You didn’t bother speaking to him as you climbed into bed and beneath the covers. It wasn’t a marriage built out of mutual affection so why bother acting like it? You turned away from him and willed sleep to take you.
-Tobirama spent a few moments in the same position before he eventually shut out the light and climbed into bed beside you. He didn’t bother speaking to you either. It was one of the most restless nights for the pair of you and you never knew how much of a void there could be between someone so close beside you. 
-When the morning light shinned in through the window and the situation didn’t dissolve you knew this was your life now. The two of you lying there, on your backs in silence. 
‘I wondered what kind of man you were,’ you began, bluntly, ‘a killer sure but we are all killers.’ You swallowed. ‘What I didn’t know was whether or not you were the sort of man to force someone to do something against their will in order to secure this arrangement.’ 
‘You are not one to be forced and I am not one to force such things when they are not wanted.’ Tobirama said, flatly. ‘So let us leave it at that.’ He climbed out of bed and left the room.
-A smile came to your face. Should you be at least be happy your new husband didn’t have violent delights in that respect? You could hear Izuna mocking you in your head. Kami if he could see you now he would never believe it. With a groan you got out of bed and contented yourself with making breakfast. 
-The days passed by the same way. You and Tobirama spoke no more than a sentence to each other. You filled your days with errands, seeing old clan members and training your abilities. Possessing the sharingan was a precarious thing if you didn’t continue to train it. Sometimes you fantasised about over powering Tobirama in battle. You imagined the shocked look on his face. 
-The days bled into weeks and you were growing bored of life. There was only so much to keep you busy and you were going to lose your mind. That was when you walked by the newly established academy, watching the kids run in the field and an idea struck you. You could pass on your knowledge to the next generation and do something useful besides being someones wife while they ran the village. 
-There at the academy you found your new lifes purpose teaching the children of the new generation. It was challenging but also incredibly rewarding. Knowing these kids weren’t sent off into battle to watch people die was something that kept you going. Something you would fight to keep that way. 
-This new found light gave you hope. Maybe you could help achieve you brothers original dream after all and do Izuna’s memory proud? Perhaps all the of this wasn’t for nothing. 
-The new found joy began to light up your hope in home life as well. You began to converse more with Tobirama. It started with business talk. Enquiring about the academy and sharing your ideas. In turn he gave you his honest opinion, shutting down ideas that wouldn’t work but adding onto those that did. It was almost as though the two of you began respecting each other. 
-Tobirama was not blind to the shift too. He saw this as an opportunity to strengthen your marriage which was always so strained. He made it a point (although he would never tell you or anyone) to set aside time to work on plans for the academy. He would charge you with testing out ideas and plans and trusted your feedback on the matter. 
-He began visiting the academy more, speaking to you more and it wasn’t long before the two of you actually got along. It was nothing deep but it was so much more than it was before. It made you think that this could work. This could be a liveable life. 
-During the nights you noticed the distance between you and Tobirama wasn’t so vast like the empty void it was before. In fact, you could swear that physically he was closer to you as well. You wondered whether it was conscious or not but either way you didn’t mind. 
-When the two of you were home you would spend hours talking about the possibilities for the village. You talked about the children and your hopes for their future. He in turn explained how that could incorporate in everyday life of the village and create more opportunities for people. It was stimulating and it was nice. You felt yourself drawn closer.
-But then the anniversary of Izuna’s death hit you like ice water. You woke up with a feeling that something was wrong and then Madara came to see you. That’s when you remembered and with that came the memory of who killed him. You felt guilty for entertaining the thought of enjoying the company of the man who killed your brother.
-That day you spent with Madara, talking about the past and your family. With that came soul crushing pain but you didn’t cry. You had wasted all your tears years ago. You weren’t even sure you could cry anymore. Just like you could never see Izuna again. 
-That night you got home late. Tobirama inquired to your whereabouts but you ignored him. Once you reached the doorway of the hall he called out to you again. 
‘What are you doing?’
You stopped your hand curling over the frame.
‘It’s the anniversary of Izuna’s death,’ you said without turning back, ‘and I’m going to bathe.’ 
-You couldn’t look at him so you kept walking. He didn’t say anything after that either. After your bath you went to bed and he followed behind. You didn’t talk like you usually did, you didn’t even look at each other. And suddenly the void was back and you felt further away from him than you did in the beginning. It hurt more than you could bear. 
-The two of you grew apart after that. There were no more late night conversations or sharing ideas. He didn’t visit you at the academy anymore. When you came home you could look at him again but you didn’t say anything. 
-Tobirama was entirely aware of the change. He didn’t enjoy it but he wouldn’t accept full responsibility either. You knew he had killed Izuna when you entered the marriage so why was it different now? Deep down he knew why. The circumstances of your feelings for one another had changed substantially. But he would not feel guilty of something he had done in the past. Yes he had killed Izuna but honestly, if he hadn’t then it was likely Izuna would have killed him. They were at war after all. 
-Still, he did not enjoy that that fact was the reason for the shift between the two of you. However he would not move to remedy it either. It just wasn’t in him when he didn’t feel responsible. Well, that and he was stubborn. But perhaps he cared more than he would ever admit. 
-As the weeks moved on you didn’t feel such a heaviness weighing over your heart anymore. You would never truly be over Izuna’s death but you didn’t want that to weigh over your relationship anymore. You wanted it to be light again, liveable. 
-But when you got home you couldn’t bring yourself to say as much. You looked at him intently and when his eyes met yours you held their gaze. But still you couldn’t say the words. He seemed unbothered by this, glancing over at you ever so often through dinner.
-By the time you were in bed you contented yourself by promising to fix the void. And you lied awake thinking everything over, feeling angry, sad and confused all at once. You went through each emotion over and over until something moved next to you and broke your thoughts.
-The next thing you knew Tobirama was pressed against you back, his arms wrapped around you and clinging. At first you held your breath wondering what on earth was going on. But then you realised he was asleep and it made a little more sense. You had heard him roll in his sleep before but he had never clung to you like this. And suddenly all the sadness and anger inside you disappeared and you wanted to just savour this moment. 
-Taking a deep breath you turned in his hold to face him. You could barely see in the dark so you activated your sharingan. Then you saw his expression a lot softer in sleep than it did when he was awake. He looked so different, like the weight of the world no longer sat on his shoulders. And as you sharingan eyes shone through the night you imprinted his face on your mind, making a note to lock it away forever. 
-Then you sighed and closed your eyes willing sleep to take you. And it finally did, allowing you to get the rest you had been without for weeks. 
-In the morning you awoke, keeping your eyes closed as you felt Tobirama stir beside you. You felt him tense, as if he realised the position the two of you were in. He went to move but you reached out to stop him and he tensed again. This was uncharted territory between the two of you.
‘Let’s just stay like this for a little while.’ You mumbled, pressing toward him.
You felt his arms relax a little as they ease back around you.
‘I didn’t know you were a clingy sleeper.’ 
‘It’s not a fact I share easily.’ He grumbled. 
-You smiled, the first real smile in weeks. And then you opened your eyes, blinking them as they focused. In front of you was Tobirama, staring at you curiously but with no other discernible expression. You knew it wanted to ask what had changed between you two, why you were suddenly acting this was but he didn’t. Maybe he didn’t want your wrath to complicate things.
-You sighed. 
‘I’m not ever going to be able to forgive you for Izuna,’ you said, swallowing audibly. ‘But I won’t allow my feelings on the matter get between whatever this is anymore.’ Your eyes met his. ‘Are those terms agreeable?’ 
Tobirama looked at you, studying your expression for a moment. 
‘Yes, that is agreeable.’ He said, softly. 
‘Good.’ You whispered.
-The two of you laid there for a few moments, looking at each other, wondering where the two fo you would go from there. But then you decided that you weren’t the type of person to half heart anything. 
-With another sigh you leant forward, inching ever so closely until your lips touched his. The kiss was light for a moment, testing the waters until you pressed them closer, more firmly, cementing that you wanted to try this. And Tobirama kissed you back, his hands pulling you closer as his mouth moved against yours. And finally you were able to accept your marriage to Tobirama Senju.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Hey ! I would like to request a headcanon please !! ✨💕💕 how would Nobunaga, Shingen, Masamune (and if you want kenshin) react when they know that MC is worried about whether she will be able to marry or even be in a relationship with them because she is a foreigner and perhaps his people want someone of the same nationality (since in Sengoku period people in japan were even more traditional and try to preserve the lineage) thank you !! 💖❤️💕✨
Heheh thanx so much for this request, dear! Sidenote i was too lazy to do research cause ive been playing Mitsuhide’s route lol, so if some pieces seem off thats probs why! I hope you enjoy it! In my mind these boys would marry MC regardless of what the people think and would basically tell anyone who has a problem with you to go to hell. But thats just my opinion anyway! ^0^ Much like this whole HC is lol. Hope ya enjoy it <3
HC: Nobunaga, Shingen, Masamune and Kenshin react to Marrying Foreign MC
The two of you had been friends for a loooooong time now, and both of you were harboring feelings for the other
One day you finally built up the courage to confess, it was during your game of go
“Hey Nobunaga if I win this game of go, I’m going to claim and conquer your heart.”
He looked up and smirked at you “Alright then fireball but if I win then you are to be my girlfriend”
You had never taken the game so seriously in your life before, you put your all into winning that game
And believe it or not you WON, you had to rub your eyes as you stared at the board in disbelief
You were so happy you ran outside and shouted at the top of your lungs “I have defeated Nobunaga and he is now mine”. Mind you whispered that last part
The start to your relationship was tough, the Oda clan members were not happy about their lord taking a foreigner as a lover
They would especially send disapproving glances your way during banquets, lucky the warlords loved you to bits and 100% supported your relationship
One day in particular, some daimyos daughter was throwing so much shade at you for being a foreigner. Saying that you don’t belong here and that she should be with Nobu instead of you blah blah blah.
And if things couldn’t get any worse most of the Oda clan members were in attendance backing the prissy high lady
Nobunaga lost his shit at that moment; he had fought so long and hard to be head of the clan. He had killed his own brother for crying out loud, and even his own mother wanted to kill him. 
He was not going to let anyone tell him what he can or can’t do, especially not from the people who wouldn’t hesitate to backstab him at the first opening to rise in station and come into power
He stood up and in his most commanding voice proclaimed that you were the love of his life and that you were the only woman he would ever love. This whole speech ended off with him walking up to you and asking your hand in marriage
The Clan members and some allies of his were not happy, that is when Mitsuhide stated that he should let the people of  Azuchi decide who is to be the next woman worthy of being their queen and standing beside their beloved ruler Nobunaga. 
Nobunaga was a bit reluctant but agreed to it either way.
Needless to say, Mitsuhide always had his ears on the ground, and he knew the towns and farm people absolutely adored you. And after gathering the people in the courtyard, the dispute was settled and the true queen of Azuchi, was chosen. 
Nobunaga couldn’t be happier, he was practically jumping for joy
You couldn’t help but cry from happiness at the warm welcoming and approval you receive from the townspeople of Azuchi. Never again was your position questioned among the rest of the clan members.
This playboy would spend each night in the arms of a new woman
That is until he fell in love with you
His people thought it was just a simple fling like all the woman that had come before you
But soon the realized Shingen was starting to get serious about you
They really tried to hate you for being a foreigner, cause they wanted to preserve the lineage 
But they couldn’t bring it over themselves, especially considering Yuki also loved you so much
Yuki had told everyone what you had done for them and for Shingen.
It was thanks to you that their beloved leader was healed of his illness
And it was thanks to you that they were able to go back to their homeland peacefully
Plus, you were such a warm, friendly person and everyone that spoke to you couldn’t help but love you
Sit down Yuki this isn’t witchcraft it’s just your charming personality 
If anything, they had more of a problem with you being an Oda princess rather than a foreigner
But like I said regardless they all saw you as an angel or a goddess, pure and radiant, and definitely someone who would have their best interests at heart.
TBH his clan members were all too happy the Tiger was thinking about setting down cause these guys have been pestering him for an heir and Shingen ain’t getting any younger 
You worked hard to earn their respect and trust
When Shingen publicly asked you to marry him in front of all his people you were a little stressed that someone would have a problem with you. Shingen could see the reluctance in your eyes, so he looked around and said:
“Who here has a problem or concern with me marrying my dearest Goddess over here”. Absolute silence fell. You couldn’t help but smile and accept his proposal.
That night you realized just how loved you were by his people as every second person had hugged a welcomed you to the family.
You and Masamune had been together for a while now, and the boy was starting to get serious
He really loved you and couldn’t picture anyone else who could stand by his side and rule the date clan with him quite like you 
He made the two of you a yummo dinner and proposed. You loved this one eye dragon so much, so you instantly accepted
That night before you fell asleep you tuned around in Masamune’s arms to stare up at him
Your mind was being overactive with what-if scenarios, you really loved Masamune, but you knew his clan and people would not be pleased by the news of him marrying a foreigner
Not just that but you had seen him receive many marriage requests over the years, and there was one in particular that his clan was pushing him to accept
Masamune could see all the questions swirling in your eyes, he simply bent down and kissed your nose, forehead and then pulled you closer to him
He told you that he didn’t care what anyone else thought and that the two of you would take it one day at a time
Needless to say, Masamune’s people loved you, you had visited Masamune’s home many times and spent lots of time getting to know everyone. You were one of those genuinely friendly people who cared about people
It’s one of the traits that attracted Masamune to you, you didn’t care if someone was rich or poor you treated them equality
No no, the problem came with the higher-ups, they didn’t trust you, and they didn’t deem you worthy. After all, what did you know about history or tradition, you were just some random foreigner. 
When Masamune announced that you were his fiancé; they just said No, like they completely rejected the whole idea. Not only that, but they brought some other random princess out and told him that she would be better suited for him.
Luckily Masamune is a stubborn man, so he just ignored their “suggestions.” But like I said, the clan members and a few smaller date clan allies were not having it.
You went back home alone to Azuchi after the meeting with the date clan, leaving Masamune there to deal with them. You were honestly so upset, what was supposed to be a happy announcement turned into the worst day of your life.
Little did they know you and Nobunaga were very good friends, like you would pop into his room for tea at random times friend. The cry on his shoulder about the backlash of Masamune announcing his intention to marry you, kind of friends. 
And it just so happened that Nobunaga was one of their biggest allies along with Ieyasu, and let be real attending all the banquets got you in good with both of their clan members and if anything they were trying to convince you to marry those two idiots instead of Masamune. So, to say you were backed by two other powerful clans would be an understatement.
Nobunaga listened as you cried about everything that had been said, then he gave you a big wide smile and said: “Come fireball, let’s go scare the shit out of them to make you feel better.”
You Nobunaga and Ieyasu rode to Masamune’s home the next day, they burst into the council room doors, and saw that Masamune was still arguing with everyone over your marriage.
All heads were turned to Nobunaga as he stood by the door with Ieyasu and swiftly proclaimed that you were not just some foreigner but a princess of the Oda forces and if they have a problem with Masamune wanting to wed his sister then he would end the alliance right there and invade.
Ieyasu nodded in agreement 
Hehe you definitely had a smug look on your face, both Ieyasu and Nobunaga had claimed you as their dearest sister, not just that but Nobunaga had pulled out a letter from Kenshin and Shingen in which both also gave you their backing.
Kenshin’s letter obviously being very threatening and saying he would have no probs with allying with Nobunaga and going to war with them for refusing you lol.
Looks like you have some friends in powerful places
Lol those clan boys never questioned you or threatened you again. If anything, they blessed your marriage and stayed faaaaar away from you. They definitely didn’t want to get on your bad side
Kenshin had found his Goddess, of war, his soulmate, the and only woman who would ever hold his heart and soul
It was well known that you were the only woman that Kenshin looked at, the feared woman-hating Kenshin disliked all women but one.
And that would be you
If anything when Kenshin announced that he was going to marry you people were more surprised than anything else
Everyone honestly loved you, mostly they loved that fact that you were the only one who calmed Kenshin the hell down
His clan was overjoyed that he had finally found a life partner
They were honestly just starting to accept the fact that Kenshin would have no heirs
One night while cuddling with Kenshin, you voiced your concerns about not being accepted by his people because you were a foreigner
Kenshin legit looked you in the eyes and said if anyone dares oppose your marriage to him, or utter one bad thing about you he wouldn’t hesitate to kill them
Like he was pulled away from someone he loved in the past, but now it was different, now he had power. He would kill anyone that dare stood in his way! He will not lose the love of his life to anyone
Kenshin nuzzled into your neck and reassured you and then proceeded to pepper you with kisses, he loved you so much
And as if overhearing the whole conversation all of a sudden, the whole bunny army came into the room and joined in on the cuddles
Kenshin couldn’t help but laugh at the silly creatures “And love, you forget you command a whole vicious army of your own. I am sure the bunnies would not hesitate to stand up to anyone who tries to hurt their goddess”. As if agreeing with Kenshin the bunnies started nuzzling the two of you.
All your worries and anxiety were short-lived as when Kenshin made the official announcement, everyone was overjoyed. No one really cared that you were a foreigner, plus no one felt like having their head detached from their shoulders
And if that wasn’t enough, at the banquet celebrating your engagement, the bunnies all attended in celebration with the people, some of the bun buns would sit on your lap staring down anyone who might have worn the slightest frown towards you. These bunnies would not hesitate to attack anyone who made would make you sad just like their master. 
Hehehe this is probs not my best work but here it is anyways! <3
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darnittumbleweed · 4 years
hc: reid proposing to a bau!reader
He’s such a nervous wreck about it.
He loves you so much and you’ve been through so much together
He knows you’re the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with
There’s just the question of how to ask
He’s never been good at social situations but you’ve never minded
A proposal seems like a social situation he can’t screw up though
He carries the ring around with him for months. He finally pulled it from his sock drawer when he made up his mind to do this.
It was a family heirloom, one of the few his mother’s family has kept through the generations. It’s a a simple ring, a pretty pearl nestled between two tiny diamonds
He knows pearls are delicate but he trusts that you’re going to do your best to make sure it’s taken care of. He knows if it ever becomes damaged he’d be willing to shell out whatever it takes to repair it. He knows it’s worth the possible trouble. This heirloom has to be on your finger if you’re to be his wife.
His mother gave the ring to him soon after he took you to Vegas to meet her
That was years ago and he tried to explain you two weren’t ready for marriage
But his mother insisted you’d be the one, he’d realize it and when the time came he’d use the ring.
A lot has happened since then
His mothers health declined and then the mess with Mexico and cat Adams
Most people would have abandoned their boyfriends if they put them through such heartache.
You aren’t most people though
You’ve loved him unconditionally even when times have been rough
So your proposal needs to be perfect
He tries once or twice taking you out to a nice dinner the first time and then a romantic walk through the park but work calls you both away and he never gets to propose
He enlists the team to give him a hand
Emily asks Reid and you both to stay late and work on sorting through some old case files concerning a death row inmate who the BAU suspects might have some connection i these cases
You think nothing of the request. Reid is a quick reader and you’ve been told you have a relentless eye for detail so it makes sense you’d be asked to take care of the case files
Garcia helps Reid gather up the supplies
He slips you his debit card asking you to call for some take out. If you’re working late alone you might as well have some Chinese. he sweet talks you into going downstairs to grab said take out
While you’re gone getting dinner Reid, Garcia, Luke, JJ, and Emily work fast setting the scene
They disappear back to Garcia’s office as one of the security guards Reid has enlisted to help sends him a text you’re heading back upstairs
You are in shock when you enter the bullpen
The lights have been turned down and dozens and dozens of battery powered faux candles light the space setting a romantic atmosphere
Garcia’s cell phone has been left out playing the soft song Reid and you have danced to a million times back home at his apartment. Etta James’ At Last is your song
Reid is located by his desk a soft smile on his lips as he takes you in. You feel your jaw drop as you notice to red rose in his hand
You manage to drop the take out bags on your desk as you make your way to him
He hands you the rose as he drops down on one knee opening that jewelry box he’s been carrying around for so long now
You feel your eyes begin to water as he speaks. “I’ve been debating the best way to ask you this. Believe it or not I’ve tried before but work always calls us away before I get my chance. I figured this was a sign to use work to my advantage. I know our journey together hasn’t always been an easy one. You’ve stood by me through so much and you’re my greatest support. I spent so long convinced I’d never find love and then I found you. I’ve loved you from the second you walked through those elevator doors the very first time five years ago. I can’t imagine having to go back to life before I knew you. So I’m asking you to please marry me.”
You drop down to your knees In front of him frantically nodding your head. You can barely get the “yes” out before his lips are on yours
He smiles as he slips the ring on your finger swooning when you comment on how beautiful it is. “It’s been in my family for generations.”
Your lips meet again you two only parting when a familiar voice sounds out Garcia popping her head around the corner. “Did she say yes?”
With Reid’s reassurance that yes you did the other members of the team who helped make this happen join you in the bullpen a bottle of champagne in hand to celebrate and the announcement Rossi and the other members of the team will be arriving soon with more food so the engagement party can really begin
Reid and you share a smile as toasts are made by the BAU family to your engagement
You can’t wait to see what your future together holds
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resiheadcanons · 4 years
Headcanon - Marriage proposal and Marriage life to all the main characters (and Becca too please)
Yay, um sorry I did it really late 💔
Ok, I’m imagining this while the guys are in their mature age in the canon, I don’t actually think of them and marriage being that young 🤷🏻‍♀️
I do see her proposing to her s/o, I mean I see her wearing the pants in the relationship lol she’s such a woman. She would propose in a very serious not romantic way, she would just say “you know what? Let’s get married” she wouldn’t be a very present wife tho (her job), when she was younger she didn’t even think about children but now that she’s older, she really want to be a mother but she’s kinda scared of it too, for many reasons. She’s not really romantic, she’s corny in a funny way, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t care, I mean if is someone important in her life, she would literally die for that person (no pun intended). Oh and Barry walked her to the altar.
My man🤭 ok no. Chris in his older self is kinda more of a sweetie pie than when he was the young 25 year old Chris Redfield, so yeah his s/o came in the right time in his life, Chris is an idiot, a very corny and awkward idiot, so it would be really difficult for him to finally propose, he would prepare a whole romantic thingy for the love of his life, he would be so awkward around her/him, he wouldn’t be finding the right words to say it but a little “will you marry me?” Is all. They love each other so much so everything is alright. He’s a very absent husband, but he would make it up with his s/o for all that absence, if his s/o wants children he would want them too, he’s such a good dad and his children adore him, I mean what would you do if your dad is a zombie killer legend?.
Ok I’ve never EVER imagined Claire as a wife before so…yeah here it goes lol.
“Oh god… will you fucking marry me?” She would say in a very drunk way, while looking at her s/o like it was the first time she ever looked at her/him. But she really did mean it, lol so they got married in a big celebration, Chris was crying, so she called him a “pussy” ,they all got angry in the end, finally Leon walked her to the altar because Chris was still crying, she was laughing, but she finally got married. She doesn’t want children, even though everybody thinks otherwise, she actually would want to adopt kids (if her s/o want kids obviously), she’s really lazy that her husband/wife has to drag her out of bed, in their house there’s a little room that she only can enter, and is her painting room (she gets angry if anyone does), in many occasions she would make a painting with her s/o as a model.
When I imagine Leon and marriage, I just see him having like one or maybe two failed marriages, and when he finally founded the special one, never married her/him
Leon is awkward and kinda dumb when he likes someone but when is a longtime relationship he’s a really dorky guy. So yeah he’s in that point of the relationship when they’re so in love with each other and everything feels so familiar, the defects, the flaws. he values the little time, every minute he has with his s/o, because he has learned so much of how life can be at times. about he’s marriage proposal he would be very dorky but he would try to control it, but yeah this person has to be a real special one cause mr kennedy had seen some shit and he’s kina scared to pick the wrong one.  The marriage celebration would be very private maybe a few family here and there but that’s it, As a husband he would be very absent, and he is sorry about it but he always thinks about his s/o during missions, about how much he wants to be there for her/him, when he has free time he would just be sleeping and in bed all day, but his s/o understand it, and he´s such a sleepy cat, if his s/o want children he would be kinda defensive about it (cause he always thinks Sherry is like his only daughter) but maybe in the end he would want to have kids.
Uff… maybe in some very very veeery far future she would marry someone, idk I see this kinda out of character so instead of her I’m gonna do some bonus character in the end lol sorry :(
She would be kinda like Leon, not with the failed marriages lol, but with the subject of being right about her s/o, if this person is the right one to finally give the next step, I don’t see her so much doing the proposal, but she would do it if her s/o is taking too long and she know what he/she wants, she’s very present as a wife, she doesn’t want children at all, she’s the kind of wife that would cheer her s/o up every time, she would talk about work a little too much, she does not cook in the house lol, everybody came to her wedding, even though she didn’t invited them, Leon was there, Carlos was there, Sherry was there, even that Jake guy she didn’t even know.
•BILLY (this was for the Ada one)
He would be so in love, and he would appreciate everything of his s/o, every little thing, he's like falling more in love. His marriage proposal would be like so spontaneous, like he would be looking at his s/o just waking up, and he would ask her/him to marry him. Private wedding, cause of his issues, but he actually don't care if he doesn't have a big celebration, he just wants to marry his s/o. He's literally so romantic, every day with him would be like the first, he is so caring and lovely all the time, he would like to have children one day especially from the love of his life, he's a cool dad, like that cool dad that would laugh if you fall.
(I actually think of Billy and Rebecca marrying some day. But don't mind me lol)
Ok this HC was a little hard to do, but I managed to do it so I hope u liked it 🤷🏻‍♀️.
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