#billy coen headcanon
smutbutoutofnowhere · 1 month
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pinterest never lies…
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komotionlessqueenmm · 1 month
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Headcanon/Preference # 36
Gifs NOT mine.
Year posted - 2024
Rating - SFW (some subtle NSFW)
Reading time (roughly) - 4 minutes
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• Leon S. Kennedy •
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• Leon loves it for so many reasons. Firstly it's because of just how pretty it makes your lips, so kissable and shiny. Secondly he loves it because you love it, plain and simple, he's an amazing boyfriend.
• Leon not only likes seeing what new lip gloss you buy, but he also honestly enjoys going with you to pick out new lip gloss. But he will point out when you've obtained a bit too much lip gloss, and very very subtlety try to coax you into not buying more for a bit, at least until your stockpile has dwindled a bit.
• Leon never knew about plumping lip gloss until after you'd applied it, and kissed him later on. He was so shocked by it, and so confused at first. He grew to love it, but if he's being honest, his favorites are the ones that give your lips a unique tone. Like greys, purples, blues, and oranges.
• Jack Krauser •
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• Jack honestly loves it so much it feels very out of character for him. Like he's borderline obsessed with how it looks on you, and even with how it feels when you kiss. So he's always stealing kisses whenever you reapply it.
• He buys you new lip gloss all the damn time. You could have hundreds, and he'd be still buy atleast one more. He especially likes plumping lip gloss, and how it makes your kisses feel electric.
• Jack especially loves how it feels when you kiss his scars while wearing lip gloss. I mean he loves it even without the lip gloss, but with it it's just that much better. Plus it makes it feel like your kisses are lingering on his skin, and he lives for that.
• Albert Wesker •
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• Wesker honestly kinda hated it in the beginning of your relationship. He likes how it looks, well he loves it actually. But didn't much care for the feeling of it when you'd kiss.
• Eventually however he grew to appreciate it in a way. It was just another part of you by this point, and if for whatever reason you aren't wearing it when he steals a kiss, he'll just immediately assume something is wrong.
• Sometimes Wesker will forget to wipe off the lip gloss you left behind after a kiss. And when someone makes a stupid comment about it, he might just remark about how he's also got your lip gloss smears on his dick, just to shut them up... Even if it's true.
• Chris Redfield •
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• Chris won't lie, he hates it. He likes how it looks on you, and he likes that it makes you happy and all. But Chris simply can't stand the way it feels, to him it just feels oily and gross. You end up getting into the habit of wiping it off his lips for him after every kiss.
• He doesn't mind it in the end, and won't try to convince you to stop wearing it. It's something you like, so he'll tolerate it for you with little complaint. He'll also compliment you whenever he notices you're wearing a new shade.
• Sometimes Chris just likes to take his thumb and run it across your bottom lip. And just watching the lip gloss smear is almost sensual in a way, it definitely feels very intimate that's for sure, but sometimes it almost feels more than just intimate.
• Luis Sera •
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• Luis adores it so so much. Your lips are so soft from all the lip gloss use, and now his lips are so much softer from kissing you all the time, and simply never wiping the lip gloss off of his lips. Plus your lip gloss makes your kisses even sweeter.
• Totally keeps an extra tube of lip gloss in his pocket on the off chance you forget yours, or if you happen to loose yours. And yes the one he carries is definitely one of your absolute favorites, and he most likely bought it for you in the first place.
• Luis really enjoys when you pepper his face and neck with kisses, smearing your lip gloss over his warm skin, it feels like a kiss that'll last forever. And he craves more every single time. He's also totally the type to try your lip gloss out for himself, probably with you present even.
• Lucas Baker •
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• Similar to Wesker, Lucas hated it from the very beginning... He also likes the way it looks, how shiny and appealing it makes your lips. But he never could stand the feeling of it, even when you'd kiss his cheek.
• Unlike Wesker on the other hand, Lucas still fucking hates it, with a goddamn passion he hates it. And he will literally (and dramatically) wipe his mouth of it after every single kiss, even when he was the one to initiate the kiss in the first place.
• Lucas will 1,000% try to convince you to stop wearing lip gloss. If he can't convince you to stop wearing it all together, he'll at least try to convince you to stop wearing it so much. He will throw a bit of a fit if you won't give it up. He also groans and rolls his eyes whenever you buy new lip gloss of course.
• Billy Coen •
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• Billy teases the hell out of you for wearing lip gloss all the time, but don't let him fool ya, he loves it. It makes you look extra cute, especially when you're reapplying it. Plus it feels nice and silky, so it's a win win in his book.
• Despite his teasing, Billy enjoys watching you apply your lip gloss. Sometimes he'll tease you about making a mess, and intentionally smear it real bad. Afterwards stealing a quick kiss of course. And sometimes he'll just randomly get you a new lip gloss and be like it made me think of you. He's so cute it's annoying sometimes.
• Will beg you to keep your lip gloss on when y'all get down an dirty, especially if you're going to give him head. Then he'll tease you for leaving lip gloss smears on him, and then get salty if you try wiping it away.
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This ones been sitting in my drafts since last year! Totally forgot about it, and I hadn't finished it, until like 10 minutes ago. ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌ Anyways I hope you enjoyed. I originally wanted it to be longer, but I'm content with it the way it is.
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chiffon-and-spice · 1 year
RE HC's: Attachment Style, Love Languages
(Keep in mind these are literally all HC's and if you disagree, it's not cannon so don't get your dick in a twist. This is literally just how I see the characters. Most are bisexual because… it just feels fitting to me. Idk. If you don't see a character here that you'd like me to do, please let me know.)
Characters in this Post: Rebecca Chambers, Billy Coen, Albert Wesker, Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Leon Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Ada Wong, and Carlos Oliveira. (if you'd like a character not mentioned here done, feel free to ask <3)
Rebecca Chambers-
Sexuality: Bi/Demi-sexual
Zodiac: Virgo
Love Language: Becca definitely expresses her love through acts of service. She may not be all that great at expressing herself through words, and being busy with work allows her little time to be close to you in person. She will do little things like fold your clothes if they're still in the dryer, make your bed, do those chores you aren't looking forward to, and so much more. She loves the idea of helping make your life a little more easier. When it comes to being shown love however, Rebecca loves words of affirmation. She thrives best when you give her hella love and reassurance. Not being good with words, she admires how freely you can talk about your feelings for her. It literally lights up her soul.
Attachment Style: Despite a lot of the struggles Rebecca has been through, she's pretty secure in herself and the relationships she gets in. Even though she struggles with her words, she's super effective at communicating her feelings when it comes to issues. Rebecca is also really good at self-reflection and will work on herself in all the places she falters, to ensure you two have the most healthy dynamic. She's super trusting of you, and does not hesitate to give out reassurance if you ask.
Billy Coen-
Sexuality: Bisexual
Zodiac: Taurus
Love Language: Billy expresses his love through physical touch. Whether it be through gentle caresses or playful pokes and punches, he lovesss touching you in any way. He can't seem to keep his hands off of you. You go out, he will kick you playfully under the table, and in the morning he's the one to cling to you and not want you to get out of bed. Morning sex is a given with him. He loves to make you feel good, and he feels best when he's touching you. When it comes to being shown love, Billy is a big fan of quality time. He doesn't care what it is you're doing, he wants to be close. You have to go to the grocery store to do some mundane task, nothing makes him more excited than you inviting him to go. He especially loves when you take time off of work or other things to be with him. Knowing you took time out of your day and your life to make room for him makes his day.
Attachment Style: Billy hasn't had the best of luck in the relationship department, especially with his past, and it makes him weary of who to trust. He's got an anxious attachment style, and while he craves love he's also terrified it isn't genuine. Billy can be super clingy at points, and sometimes struggles when you don't seem to have time for him. He needs constant reassurance, that you're for him and only him. He realizes this about himself, and always makes sure to tell you before you start dating. When given reassurance, he is the happiest boy, and he will never tire of you showing him just how much you love him.
Albert Wesker-
Sexuality: Pansexual (this is actually not a stretch as his VA played him as a queer man Link
Zodiac: Aries
Love Language: Albert expresses his love through giving gifts. Bro is not good with words and not a fan of being touched. But if he's sees something that reminds him of you, he will absolutely get it. He will shower you in gifts. You mention needing a new set of pens to take notes, he's already half-way to the store, buying the specific ball-point or gel pens you require. Working late, he's stopping by your workplace with food from your favorite place. Have a favorite show or little obession, he will buy anything for you that relates to said thing. When it comes to being given love, Albert loves acts of service. When you do things for him, it makes his life a lot easier. Especially if it's something he's not looking forward to. Nothing impresses him more than you doing something for him, when he didn't even have to ask for it.
Attachment Style: Albert 1,000% has disorganized attachment. One minute you think he's absolutely into you, and the next he is running for the hills. He's terrified of rejection, but also craves acceptance. Albert sometimes completely shuts down and doesn't talk to you about his concerns with the relationship. A lot of the time, even he doesn't know why he's being distant. It doesn't seem to matter how good you treat him, he always has anxiety about your relationship, but if you're super patient with him he can be the most tender and loving soul you can have. Often the relationship may be confusing, and Albert doesn't really talk about his feelings. Sometimes, he can even be a little aggressive and lash out, but he always apologizes and begs for you to stay.
Chris Redfield-
Sexuality: Bisexual/Demiromantic (takes bro a lot to be romantically into you)
Zodiac: Scorpio
Love Language: Chris expresses his love through acts of service, man struggles with words like Wesker and physical touch can be too much for him sometimes. But occupying himself with things to do that'll make you happy is how he loves showing you his love. He can get physical every once in awhile, but he kinda does that with a lot of people, so it isn't exactly how he expresses his love. Doing things for you also allows him to express his love for you in a way that makes him feel comfortable. Like your coffee a certain way? Chris is working his ass off to make sure you get it. When it comes to being shown love Chris surprisingly likes words of affirmation. He can't speak for himself, so when you talk about how you feel it makes him weak. He wants more than anything to be able to speak the way you do, and that's why he appreciates when you do it so well. Using your words sometimes can be a bit much for him, and makes him want to pull away, but in the long run he does find comfort in them.
Attachment Style: Chris has an avoidant attachment style. He feels like he has to go through everything on his own, and if he isn't strong enough to do it by himself then it makes him feel weak. He can seem extremely emotionally closed off at points, which makes it difficult to communicate effectively with him. He has a bit of a negative mentality, that relationships aren't necessary and he does best on his own. Good luck getting him to talk about his feelings, because this man is closed up tighter than a shell. Most of his relationships have been in the casual/one-night stand area. Chris is the first to walk off during an argument, and can definitely hold a grudge. Being patient with him is pretty rewarding however, as he apologizes after awhile. This is very hard for him, but when he cares about you, he will try to better himself.
Jill Valentine-
Sexuality: Bi/Greysexual
Zodiac: Libra
Love Language: When it comes to expressing her love, Jill loves spending time with you. She will take breaks from work, and when she works from home she will seek you out in the house. Even if it's sitting in silence, she wants to be by your side. She's very dedicated to her job, so she can't think of a better way to show you how much she cares than to distance herself from work. She loves physical touch, and nothing makes her feel more appreciated than when you touch her. Especially on the thighs or arms. It drives her wild. Underneath that badass exterior, she's a cuddly bunny. When walking around in public, and you throw your arm around her shoulders, she never feels more loved and secure. Even if she knows she can take care of herself, having you around makes her feel secure and comfortable.
Attachment Style: Despite being a bit obsessive with Umbrella, Jill has a bit more of a secure attachment style. The most issues you may have is maybe not getting her full attention at times, but she will quickly rectify it if you point it out. She's effective at communicating her wants and needs and really appreciates when her partner does the same thing. Like Rebecca, she is also kind of patient, but she won't tolerate certain behavior past a point. If she's making a big effort, she expects you to do the same. She's super understanding of your traumas and past however, and will do her best to help you. She also encourages you not to be codependent and overall just wants you both to grow as people.
Leon Kennedy-
Sexuality: Bisexual (bro fucks a ton after RE2)
Zodiac: Leo
Love Language: Leon expresses his love through physical touch. Bro is so touch starved, he gets his cuddles in any time he can. Practically clinging to you like a koala. He loves running his hands through your hair and being big spoon to you. He covers you in kisses to, if the skin is exposed, he's going for it. Big fan of hickeys to, and loves marking you in easy to see spots. He also loves recieving love this way. When you hold his hand in public, he still gets little butterflies. Pressing yourself a little more into him, when you guys are sleeping, is the hottest thing you can do for him. Practically melts from it. He loves rougher touches to. Like you running your nails down his back or biting his lips when you kiss.
Attachment Style: Leon has an anxious attachment style, and is terrified of getting close to people. Like most of the RE men it seems. 😭 Probably cause he's seen so much death. When he does start getting close, he struggles to let go. He can be suffocating at points, with how much he wants to be around you. He wants to take every second in, because he's so paranoid about it being your last together. While Leon doesn't communicate his feelings verbally, you can easily read when things are off and after a bit of work he may reluctantly open a little. He's very hard to crack. Leon is very efficient at asking about your feelings however, and will gladly hear all of your problems. Somehow, despite not knowing how to fix his only problems, he always seems to have solutions for yours.
Claire Redfield-
Sexuality: Lesbian (cry about it)
Zodiac: Aquarius
Love Language: Claire is surprisingly great with words, and loves to show it. She expresses how she loves you through words of affirmation. She will tell you she loves you every single day, and she means it with all her heart. Claire is the type of partner to send you loving paragraphs before bed, and makes sure you get a goodmorning text every morning. She leaves sticky notes everywhere to when she thinks about it, with little things she loves about you. When it comes to being shown love however, Claire really enjoys quality time. Expressing that you want to actually spend time with her whenever you can means the world to her. Growing up with Chris, who's been very busy since she was a kid, she's always valued the little time she gets to spend with her loved ones.
Attachment Style: Claire learned a lot from Chris, which made her have the exact opposite attachment style as him. Being practically raised by him and having a good relationship with him, she's pretty secure in her attachments. Even when things get rough, she's always understanding and holds out hope. Claire has always been good at being self-sufficient, so she doesn't need to be around you 24/7 or hear from you constantly. Doubts don't really get a hold of her in your relationship, and she's super easy to connect and be vulnerable with. She'll even talk about her own personal experiences just to make you feel more comfortable.
Ada Wong-
Sexuality: Bisexual
Zodiac: Gemini
Love Language: Ada never explicitly states what or how she's feeling, she's very much a woman of action. This is why she expresses her love through physical touch. Though she's not entirely clingy with it. If you're around, it could be as simple as her feet across your lap, while you watch tv. When it comes to physical touch for her, it's not the soft little gently caresses you're used to. She likes to be rough, and she will not hesitate to pounce on you. When it comes to being shown love, Ada enjoys receiving gifts. Not being given things too frequently, it means the world to her when her partners comes to her with something they bought specifically because it reminded them of her. Hell, even if it's not something she quite understands or likes, she will try to play it cool while freaking out on the inside. Despite Ada's distant exterior, she's definitely an absolute softie.
Attachment Style: Girl has got disorganized attachment style, one hundo percent. She's hot and cold with anyone she's with, and you always second guess just how she feels about you. You convince yourself that it's part of the fun, and the second you start to distance yourself as well, she's showing right back up. Ada feels undeserving of a healthy relationship, so when she gets a good thing her first instinct is to flee. Being that she isn't entirely true to herself and is always putting up a mask, it's hard for her to make genuine connections. Ada is sick of the mask however, and is so desperately ready to let it drop and be loved. Once you have her, even if it feels like you don't, you're stuck with her. She will harass you for the rest of your life, and play it off as anything but an interest in you.
Carlos Oliveira-
Sexuality: Bisexual (he came out to me in character ai, so practically cannon)
Zodiac: Saggittarius
Love Language: Carlos loves spending time with his partner. When it comes to his work, he doesn't get a lot of free time, so the best way he expresses his love by using what little he does have with you. Hell, he'd take time off just to be with you. Despite being a massive flirt, when things get serious he isn't the best at expressing himself in a way that isn't lighthearted or teasing. So instead he shows it, by dropping everything just to be around you, if you so please. During his breaks, he stops by your workplace whether it be to give you a little kiss or something more. He checks up on you with facetime calls frequently, when he's away and can't stand when work pulls him away from you. When it comes to being shown love however, Carlos very much likes things to be physical. Anyone can say words, he knows this more than anyone being the huge flirty whore (affectionately) he is, but to actually act on these things sends his heart soaring. And not just sex, though Carlos is very fond of that aspect to, he's more into the careful and intimate touches. Being hugged from behind, soft kisses along his neck, you playing with his hair, he practically folds over it.
Attachment Style: Weirdly enough, Carlos is pretty secure in his attachments, though I think he's cautious about entering a committed relationship with someone. He doesn't just feel that kind of love with anyone, and when things do go beyond flirting and hook ups, you know you've got something special with him. Carlos might not be the best with words, but he's an amazing listener and will gladly listen to whatever possible issues that may arise between you two. Even if he struggles with how to put things into words, he tries his best to open up with you as well. Carlos's work has always kept him pretty occupied, so he's never really felt too wound up about being away from his partner or having to put some healthy distance between you to. If you can work with his pretty hectic schedule, he will gladly work with you. Carlos is also a super gentle lover when no one is looking. All his rough talk and flirts are definitely for show, and the second you start getting a little bit serious with him, he gets flustered.
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skytothemaxxx · 1 month
The RE group have a ‘family’ Life360 circle and a group chat and when they see someone goes somewhere they all text in the group chat like “where tf you going? You don’t got a mission??”
It originally started with Barry, Claire, Rebecca, Jill, and Chris. Leon got added after him and Claire got engaged. Sherry was added once she was older. Billy was added after him and Rebecca were engaged. Jake was added after him and Sherry engaged.
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serrennedyanonwriter · 3 months
Guess who’s doing the hc thing? Me!
1 | 2 | 3
Anyways, this is part one of ??? I honestly don’t know how many there will be since I’m not only doing certain characters and leaving many out. Please don’t be homophobic/transphobic/etc. If you really hate this, then just scroll. Thank you!
Rebecca Chambers
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I’m going to be honest when I say I hc a lot of characters as aroace and polyamorous as I myself am aroace and polyamorous, and I crave representation.
Anyway, I don’t see her dating a man. She hates them /hj
As for being nonbinary, she gives off the vibes, I don’t know how to explain it.
Continuing on, she’s also aroace as she isn’t really interested in anyone in either way. Like, it takes a lot for her to actually fall in love.
Also, she’s polyamorous because I said so, fight me /hj
Billy Coen
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Straight Ally
Going to be honest when I say I’m biased when it comes to him.
I don’t really like his character, not to say no one can. Like, he has a good backstory, just don’t like the stuff he says to Rebecca, who may I remind you is 18, and judging by the fact the game takes place in July, she recently graduated, and he’s like 26.
He gives me the ick, I’m sorry, and for that reason, I don’t see him as anything but a straight-cisgendered man.
While I can attempt to ignore it as the writers being weird, I can’t do it since then I’d be biased as I’ve not done it for any other creep in the series, and I’m not going to start now.
Albert Wesker
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I mainly hc him as pansexual because of his VA seeing him as such, so it’s kind of semi-canon.
Plus, he hates everyone equally, and I find that to be an amazing reason to be pansexual.
Trans because my boyfriend made me realize how funny it’d be for Wesker to know of Jake’s existence, just ignores it.
Aroace as I don’t see him typically being attracted to anyone in anyway.
And polyamorous because I love shipping him with Krauser and William, so why not make him have both at the same time? /hj
William Birkin
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Remember how I said I like shipping Wesker with him? Yeah, that’s why he’s polyamorous. He has a wife AND a boyfriend.
Bisexual as he’s a men and women kisser /hj
Chris Redfield
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I meant it when I said I’m headcanoning a lot of bitches to be polyamorous for I crave representation.
I know a lot of people see him as a mlm gay, and before I get jumped for seeing him as bisexual, I’m also a mlm gay.
If anything, he’s more attracted to men because come on, we all seen how he looks at Leon in Vendetta, that’s not how you look at a friend-
Demisexual because vibes. I don’t see him sleeping with those he’s not particularly close with.
Polyamorous because I crave representation /hj
Jill Valentine
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Unlike Chris, she’s more attracted to women. She’s always thought she was a lesbian, but eventually, came to the terms she is attracted to men, just rarely does she ever do.
Trans as I view a lot of RE characters to be trans, and I’m not sorry.
Aroace and polyamorous as again, I crave representation + she doesn’t seem to be really interested in anyone throughout the series.
Barry Burton
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Straight Ally
Unlike Billy, I’m not biased for him, I really don’t see him being attracted to men, just his lovely wife.
He is okay with any pronouns as well since he doesn’t really mind a they/them, she/her, xe/xem, it/its, etc. used on him, but he is cisgender.
We’ll get to Moira eventually, but I see her as trans, and Barry was very accepting of her.
Brad Vickers
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He’s questioning as I’d like to think he’s unsure where he falls sexuality-wise. He’s well-aware that he’s not straight, but he doesn’t know fully what he is.
Asexual as I see him not being attracted to anyone like that.
Leon Kennedy
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Bisexual in the way that if he hasn’t canonly flirted with women, I would’ve made him gay /hj
Trans because have you seen him? He sounds and looks like he’s just started taking testosterone in the RE2R.
Demisexual because I can see him wanting to get close before he does anything like that.
Polyamorous as I hc/joke about him having a lot of boyfriends (Luis, Carlos, Chris, Sasha, and Ethan).
Luis makes jokes that everyone else (except Carlos since they’re dating too) is a boyfriend-in-law to him /hj
Claire Redfield
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Bisexual/Trans-Feminine (yes, I’m aware I put the wrong flag, shh, I didn’t realize until now)/Asexual/Greyromantic/Polyamorous
Bisexual as I can see her being with both men and women.
Trans as I find it funny to think that Chris is surrounded by trans people.
Asexual as she dislikes anything to do with sex.
Greyromantic as I see her rarely falling in love.
Polyamorous as once again, I crave representation.
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zombpuppy · 2 years
caregiver billy coen! 🍼🚂⭐️
⭑ billy is a reluctant caregiver! but once he sees how cute you are he can’t help himself..
⭑ he’s most likely a big brother type, he is very very protective over you
⭑ he’s surprisingly good at taking care of kiddos, he can easily trade his gruff demeanour for a soft and caring one!
⭑ you suspect he probably had younger siblings based on how experienced he is
⭑ he loves to partake in any kind of sweet activity, one of his favourite things to do is brush your hair and read you stories
⭑ since he’s so strong he can also easily carry you anywhere! he probably gives the best piggy back rides ^_^
⭑ billy is amazing at cheering you up if you’re scared, he is the most protective caregiver ever
⭑ i suspect he’s not very good at cooking, but he does his very best for his little one! often times you have to go out for happy meals because he accidentally burns the food he makes
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proudcyanide · 1 year
in my dreams, Rebecca and Billy proved Billy’s innocence.
They now live together, Rebecca works like canon, Billy has no trust in law enforcement so he is now a tattoo artist (i’ve stolen this headcanon from someone on the Internet, i love this one) and they have two corgis (headcanon: Rebecca is a corgi type; Billy wanted a bigger dog, such a Rottweiler or a German Sheppard, but he gave up to make Rebecca happy) and one of them is named after Edward. They actually talked about starting a family, but since the situation is what it is and Rebecca is deeply involved in the battle against bioterrorism they decided that having a child wasn’t the best of ideas.
They are happy, after all
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thepunkranger · 3 months
Resident Evil Men: Would They Let You Peg Them?
(18+ only. Shared from my Reddit because Tumblr deserves these headcanons too)
Chris Redfield: No. Chris strikes me as a stone top. Even if he were to agree to bottoming, I doubt it would involve anything going inside of him.
Albert Wesker: 100% no. Might just disintegrate you for even thinking of asking. Despite his leather daddy aesthetic, I think actual penetrative sex with Wesker would be missionary and nothing more.
Billy Coen: Yes. Owns multiple Bad Dragon toys and can take them all. Has lost his taste for the Cuttlefish after the mansion incident, though.
Leon S. Kennedy: 100% yes. Might even buy you the strap-on for it. Super into it. Secretly likes it even more than traditional PiV sex, but you didn’t hear it from him.
Carlos Oliveira: Yes, but he takes a bit of warming up. Didn’t even realize it was an option until he saw a harness at a sex shop. Winds up absolutely loving it, though.
Luis Serra Navarro: 100% yes. Is already bent over for it. Did you want the J Lube or the Gun Oil this time?
Piers Nivans: Yes, but he’s super shy about it. Can’t even handle you mentioning it while out of the house. Also gets super flustered when you grab his ass.
Jake Muller: Surprisingly yes, and is a size queen about it. Will boast that he can take the gaper toys and actually can. If he doesn’t have a belly bulge he doesn’t want it.
Ethan Winters: Yes, but it takes a while. Starts out super uncomfortable with the idea of having anything “up there” but eventually gets curious enough to try. Winds up loving it for the intimacy.
Karl Heisenberg: Yes. Brings it up first and winds up basically heckling you the entire time. Probably makes increasingly improbable dildos out of metal as well.
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Hey, i see that you write for RE characters :) and i'll like to ask you for something (don't know if you accept requests now but here i go) can you make headcanons or a one-shot of Billy Coen as a boyfriend? ( i don't almost nothing of him and i LOVE HIM SO MUCH)
A/n: This is old! I’m very sorry this took so long, also Billy needs more love.
Prompts used:
-“I love it when you look at me like that.”
- “aw, sweetheart you know you don’t have to ask…come here.”
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Billy Coen was grateful that he met Rebecca Chambers, not only did the Medic save his life she was also able to clear his name. He was finally able to go back to you.
To have a normal life with you.
Back when he was in the military he’s treasure the looks you sent him before he would get deployed but now.
Now he can see that look every day.
It was a date night, he wanted to treat you. You deserved it since it actually took him the courage to leave the house after all the bullshit he went through, that you stayed by his side.
Billy was sure he would die a happy man if he could just see your smile one last time. Taking a bite of his food he managed to meet your gaze. A bright smile was on your face, love shinning in your eyes.
Love for him!
Shaking his head Billy flexed his fingers then reached out to let his thumb glide across your cheek. “I love it when you look at me like that.”
Laughing you shook your head leaning into the palm of his hand, you missed his hand. Missed his touch and right now you wanted nothing more than to be close to the man you loved. “Billy.” A small pout on your lips.
Watching you, a slight chuckle escaped his lips though a reading grin formed on his face. “aw, sweetheart you know you don’t have to ask…come here.”
Sitting up on your chair, you easily scooted it over him. Your head nestling on his shoulder as the man easily wrapped his arms around your waist. “I love you…you know that right.”
Humming, you placed a small kiss to his jaw. “I love you too Billy, I’m so happy you’re home.”
Home…yes…Billy was finally home.
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umbrellachronicles · 1 year
⠀⠀⠀UMBRELLACHRONICLES / an assortment of RESIDENT EVIL characters. multi-muse writing & roleplay blog. selective, private, experimental. low maintenance & activity.
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⠀⠀⠀WRITER & RULES / i am 30+ yrs old. this is for a mature audience. i do not know or follow popular fanon & fandom ideas or headcanons, do not presume them onto my iteration of these muses. AI is plagiarism, tag it so i don't have to see it. don't use super complicated formatting so that i can read it easily. have fun & thank you!
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⠀⠀⠀MUSE LIST ⸻ vladimir bodrovski, codename: SPECTRE - marvin branagh - sherry birkin - josh stone - billy coen. test muse: hector hivers, codename: BELTWAY.
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smutbutoutofnowhere · 4 months
HUNK after facing the most horrifying enemies, but seeing none of them are as scary as his smut:
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@ditzybuzzy what do you think of my meme?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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cannonfullofcanons · 7 months
Voices of the Past - Rebecca Chambers Headcanon
Sometimes, Rebecca revisits the Arklay Mountains. Specifically, she returns to the very spot where she and Billy Coen parted ways. She never tells anyone where she’s going; sometimes she doesn’t say anything at all, instead just up and leaving. Once there, she’ll sit down on the grass and just listen, listen as the breeze blows by, trees shaking in the wind. But as the sun sets, she always swears she can hear voices, far off in the distance, towards the horizon.
She hears Richard, Forest, and Kenneth, laughing, singing, and carrying on. Too distant to make out the words, but close enough to memorize the tune. Sometimes she hears Enrico and Joseph, cracking jokes at each other. She never knows the words, but the laughter is clear. But if it’s really quiet, and she really tries to listen, sometimes…she can hear Brad laughing it up right along with them. By the time the voices fade into silence, it always leaves Rebecca crying; she doesn’t know whether it’s real, or if it’s just in her head.
But it’s always worth coming back, just to hear them again.
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codandrestuff · 1 year
The Masterlist
Emojis and their meanings:
📃: General
✨: Fluff
🍆: Smut
🖤: Dark themes
😭: Angst
🖤Resident Evil:
👥 Preferences:
1. Leon Scott Kennedy
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
2. Chris Redfield
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
3. Jack Krauser
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
4. Albert Wesker
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
5. Luis Sera
((Imagines) (Headcanons)
6. Ada Wong
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
7. Claire Redfield
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
8. Jill Valentine
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
9. Sherry Birkin
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
10. Alexia Ashford
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
11. Alex Wesker
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
12. Excella Gionne
((Imagines) (Headcanons)
13. Piers Nivans
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
14. Billy Coen
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
15. Jake Muller
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
16. Carlos Oliveira
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
17. Karl Heisenberg
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
18. Alcina Dimitrescu
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
19. Donna Beneviento
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
20. Mother Miranda
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
🖤Call Of Duty:
👥 Preferences:
1. Simon "Ghost Riley" Riley
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
2. Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
3. Captain John Price
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
4. König
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
5. Kim "Horangi" Hong-Jin
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
6. Alejandro Vargas
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
7. Sebastian Krueger
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
8. Vladimir Makarov
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
9. Phillip Graves
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
10. Gary "Roach" Sanderson
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
11. Valeria Garza
(Imagines) (Headcanons)
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the-bar-sinister · 1 year
Evil Residents AU setting/plot:
A lot of our Resident Evil headcanons and fic (including The Monster's Name was Adam) takes place in what we call 'Evil Residents AU'.
After the events of RE: Village, a team of scientists dedicated to ending the threat of bioweapons gets a hold of the remains of the village Lords and manage to restore them to life for study. This success inspires them to clone back to life prominent bioweapon scientists and knowledgeable people with the intent of forcing them to work to undo the damage caused by their discoveries and other related threats.
These cloned and restored ‘assets’ are housed and live together in a secure complex and monitored by handlers consisting of various well intentioned parties familiar with containing the assets’ damage.
Assets: Albert Wesker, Alex Wesker, William Birkin, Annette Birkin, Alexia Ashford, Alfred Ashford, Steve Burnside, Ada Wong, Ashley Graham, Mother Miranda, Ethan Winters, Rose Winters, Donna Beneviento, Karl Heisenberg, Alcina Dimitrescu, and the Dimitrescu sisters.
Agents: Chris Redfield, Claire Redfield, Jill Valentine, Leon Kennedy, Barry Burton, Moira Burton, Rebecca Chambers, Carlos Oliveira, Billy Coen, HUNK, Sherry Birkin, Jake Muller
Admin/Science Team: George Hamilton, Rebecca Chambers, Nikolai Zenoviev
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Alphabet Soup for the Soul (NSFW)
Time to play the alphabet game. Below is a list of characters and letters with their intended meaning. Please choose up to 4 letters with a character and I will write them. If there is a character that's not on the list and I have written for them before, you can request them if you please.
You must be over 18 to play (I will check your blog and anons need to state their age and be able to prove it - you can send it to me in DMs if you like).
Let's Play!
Character List:
Resident Evil -
1. Leon Kennedy
2. Karl Heisenberg
3. Albert Wesker (I have an entire alphabet done for him if he's chosen. I will link it).
4. Billy Coen
5. Chris Redfield
Far Cry 3 -
6. Vaas Montenegro
Better Call Saul -
7. Ignacio "Nacho" Varga
Bleach -
8. Grimmjow Jeagerquez
Bungou Stray Dogs -
9. Dazai Osamu
10. Chuuya Nakahara
11. Ryuunosuki Akutagawa
One Piece -
12. Trafalgar Law (I have an entire alphabet written for him if he is chosen. I will link you to it).
13. Vinsmoke Sanji
14. Sir Crocodile
15. Eustass Kid
16. Vinsmoke Ichiji
17. Donquixote Doflamingo
18. Smoker
19. Donquixote "Corazon" Rosinante
20. Charlotte Katakuri
A = Aftercare 
B = Body part 
C = Cum
D = Dirty Secret 
E = Experience 
F = Favourite Position 
G = Goofy
H = Hair 
I = Intimacy 
J = Jack Off 
K = Kink 
L = Location
M = Motivation
N = NO 
O = Oral
P = Pace 
Q = Quickie 
R = Risk
S = Stamina 
T = Toy 
U = Unfair
V = Volume
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
X = X-Ray 
Y = Yearning
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blood-darkened-moon · 2 years
Resident Evil
Jill Valentine | Chris Redfield | Claire Redfield | Leon S Kennedy | Ethan Winters
Umbrella Albert Wesker | William Birkin | Ozwell E Spencer | HUNK | Morpheus
Resident Evil 0 Billy Coen | Rebecca Chambers | James Marcus | Lurker | Proto Tyrant
Resident Evil 1 Lisa Trevor | Barry Burton | Brad Vickers | George Trevor | Zombie
Resident Evil 2 Brian Irons | Sherry Birkin | Annette Birkin | Ada Wong | Marvin Branagh | Mr X | Licker
Resident Evil 3 Nikolai Zinoviev/Nicholai Ginovaef | Nemesis | Mikhail Viktor | Carlos Oliveira | Tyrell Patrick
Resident Evil Code Veronica Alexia Ashford | Alfred Ashford | Alexander Ashford/Nosferatu | Edward Ashford | Veronica Ashford | Stanley Ashford | Thomas Ashford | Arthur Ashford | Steve Burnside | Rodrigo Juan Raval | Bandersnatch | T-078 | Hilda Krüger | Hilbert Krüger
Resident Evil 4 Ramon Salazar | Jack Krauser | Luis Sera | Ashley Graham | Mike | Verdugo | Regenerador
Resident Evil 5 Sheva Alomar | Excella Gionne | Ndipaya | Popokarimu
Resident Evil 6 Piers Nivans | Derek Simmons | Carla Radames | Jake Muller | Helena Harper | Deborah Harper
Resident Evil 7 Jack Baker | Marguerite Baker | Lucas Baker | Zoe Baker | Joe Baker | Mia Winters | Eveline | Molded
Resident Evil 8 Alcina Dimitrescu | Bela Dimitrescu | Cassandra Dimitrescu | Daniela Dimitrescu | Mother Miranda | Little Eva | Karl Heisenberg | Donna Beneviento | Angie Beneviento | Salvatore Moreau | Rosemary Winters | Maiden | The Duke | Lycan
Chronicles Javier Hidalgo | Manuela Hidalgo | Sergei Vladimir | Ivan 
Revelations Jack Norman | Alex Wesker | Natalia Korda | Moira Burton | Rachel Foley
Operation Raccoon City Lupo/Karena LesProux | Bertha/Michaela Schneider | Four Eyes/Christine Yamata | Beltway/Hector Hivers | Spectre/Vladimir Bodrovski | Vector
Ships/Groups Ashford Twins | Birkin x Wesker | Valenvaef | Weskertine | Valenfield | Beladonna | Rebecca x Billy | Leon x Ada | Wolfpack | Albert x Alex
RE Trivia | RE Meta | RE Headcanon | Fanfic Umbrella Pharmaceuticals
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