#i heart kurona ranze
pokkomi · 11 months
✦ sfw alphabet - kurona ranze
gn!reader, fluff, lotsa hc :3, 1.7k wc
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
pretty affectionate. he would definitely be a little shy around you at first, but once he’s comfortable around you, he wouldn’t hesitate to give you a hug or a kiss on your cheek!
his love language is acts of service + words of affirmation. he’s definitely the gentlemanly type, holding doors open for you and carrying your shopping bags or simply helping you wash the dishes. kurona probably can’t go a day without saying ‘i love you’ at least 3 times. he wants you to know how important you are to him.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
would be the type to always help you out. struggling with your homework? he’s got you. kurona definitely carries some kind of snack with him everywhere, and after meeting you, he always brings an extra. i feel like he would also give out great advices as a friend. possibly biased towards you, but still logical and rational.
i would imagine the friendship starting out as classmates, eventually warming up to each other after a class project. definitely super quiet, having you initiate all the conversations.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
he’s a fan of physical touch. would never refuse an offer from you, but would be a bit shy to initiate it.
kurona’s not very tall, standing at 1.68m. i think he wouldn’t mind being the big spoon or the small spoon. as long as he’s with you, it’s all perfect. he likes being intimate with you, so i think positions he’d enjoy are: leg hug, embrace, head on lap, and half-spoon.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
kurona doesn’t strike me as the type to date for fun. i think that every relationship he gets into are definitely looking to last.
not messy, but not a tidy freak. kurona’s room is definitely organized, with a few clothing items scattered on his bed/the back of his chair. probably cleans to relieve stress. when he’s feeling nervous or just bored, he’d probably tidy the house a bit.
can cook. whether if it’s edible is another question. probably burned water while trying to make instant cup noodles💀. when you come over to his place, he either makes instant noodles or attempts to find snacks lying around LMAO.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
i think kurona would break up with you in person. maybe ask you to meet up somewhere and tell you its just not working out. he tries to be as gentle as possible, not wanting to hurt your feelings more than necessary.
probably would pull the ‘it’s not you it’s me’ line💀.
unless it’s something seriously wrong like cheating, i think he would want to end it on a good note. maybe even go back to being friends if it’s mild.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
committed to you since day 1!!! i don’t think he’d accept a relationship out of pity or for fun, so if you guys are dating, he is serious about it.
if your relationship started in your school years, then maybe he’d bring up marriage in your mid 20s. if the relationship started in your early 20s, he might propose in your late 20s or early 30s.
tldr he def wants to get married and would pop he question in around 5~7 years.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
gentle all the way; both physically and emotionally
always careful around you, not wanting to accidentally hurt you 3:
i think he’s one of the very few bllk characters thats mentally and emotionally stable💀
wouldn’t let his emotions take the best of him, but when it comes to you he can’t help it :3
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
kurona love love LOVES hugs. it’s one of his main ways of expressing his love for you.
he hugs you a LOT. just came home from school? how about a hug to replenish your energy!
if its casual, he’ll sneak a back hug as soon as your back is turned to him. he enjoys nuzzling against your neck while doing so! if you two haven’t seen each other in a long time, the hugs are definitely gonna be long and warm.
probably also nibbles on your skin while hugging!!
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
pretty average timing i would say.
even when you guys were still friends, he often reassured you that he loves you.
he likes to show you subtle displays of affection, and words of affirmations are one of them.
during your relationship, kurona makes sure to say these words to you at least 5 times per day!
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
not a very jealous person. he trusts that you know your own boundaries. Although even then, he gets a little snippy whenever some dude comes too close. when that happens, he usually frowns or bares his teeth a little and the npc just scurries away LMAO.
would still be a little upset afterwards and asks you for hugs and kisses!!
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
kurona’s kisses are soft, maybe a little nibble here and there, but he always make sure to be gentle with you
he likes to kiss you on your cheeks and lips, munches on your cheeks sometimes
neck too if you’re both up for it!! i think he’d like to kiss your shoulder from behind as well ( ´ ꒳ ` )
i think he’d enjoy nose and forehead kisses, especially when you cup your hands on his cheeks while doing so :3
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
pretty used hc but kids are scared of him because of his predator-like teeth
but when they get used to it, the kids warm up to him pretty quickly
as for kurona, i think he would like quiet children. would feel overwhelmed with an over energetic child
probably wouldn’t know what to do with a child to be honest
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
kurona is NOT a morning person at all. if you’re a morning person, he’d probably try his best to wake up earlier to spend more time with you
but if you’re not a morning person either, you would probably spend a good hour in each others arms after waking up
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
super relaxing and calming
if neither of you are talkative people, you’d simply enjoy each other’s presence in bed
kurona would be the type of person who happily listens to you ramble about anything and eventually drift into sleep to your gentle voice
would video / voice call you if you aren’t living together. falls asleep with his camera on pretty often. if you fall asleep first, he’d watch you sleep for a few minutes and then hang up
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
i think it would take a while for him to open up
there’s not really much for him to tell, but deep dark secrets would take an immense amount of trust to tell
would start off with telling you about his family and what he likes, but that’s it.
probably scared that you’ll think he’s weird if he told you about childhood incidents
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
i would think that he’s a very patient person. wouldn’t get angry unless someone close to him gets hurt by another person
when someones being rude or nasty, he just ignores them
when he gets angry, you can probably see steam shooting out of his ears LMAO
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
would definitely remember important dates like anniversaries and birthdays, but he sometimes forgets things like your favourite order from your favourite restaurant
he strikes me as a person that remembers small details like you always packing candies in your bag before going out or how you always put on lip balm at night to avoid crusty lips in the morning
but he forgets obvious things a lot, like your favourite artist or your favourite manga 3:
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
birthdays!! whether it’s yours or his, he would love to spend your special day together. prepares very thoroughly beforehand to surprise you :3
probably the first date as well. always get shy whenever he reminisces the memory!!
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
not SUPER protective. he trusts that you can remove yourself from harmful situations. but he still makes sure that you’re all prepared before going out.
if you got hit on by a dude, he would definitely step in and make it clear that you’re taken. holds your hand during the process.
i think kurona would like to be protected as well, it makes him feel reassured that you care for him.
maybe swoop him to safety like superman :3
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
for dates, anniversaries, and gifts, kurona would be very thoughtful in picking the best scenario for you. he wants to make sure that every gift he gives are meaningful! each anniversary with him is romantic and different. probably spent weeks prior planning out everything so you’d like it. i think that for dates, kurona is more simple and casual. still puts in effort so both of you can have a good time but just not as much. after all, your dates can range from crashing at each other’s places to a whole ass day trip exploring the city.
for menial tasks such as housework, kurona would be very careful and attentive. make sures that your living area is dust-free after a deep clean.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
he chews on his nails a lot, especially when he’s nervous or stressed. tries not to do it as much ever since you pointed out that his nails were a lil crusty.
also forgets things a lot.
"have you seen my water bottle?? i can't find it"
"ranze, you put it in your backpack like 5 minutes ago"
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
not super concerned. he doesn’t think he’s super good looking or anything but he make sures that he’s dressed up before he meets you everytime.
takes the time to do his braids to look the best for you!
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
yes and no
i don’t think kurona views a relationship as something that makes him complete.
if you never went out with him, he wouldn’t have known what it would’ve been like.
but now that you’re by his side, kurona would say that he’d prefer it if you stay with him for the rest of your lives.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
doesn’t really like vegetables so whenever theres something he doesn’t like in his plate, such as green peppers, he’d pass it on to yours.
the green pepper theory :3
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
distrustful + insecure people!! he wouldn’t want to be with someone who’s constantly insecure about your relationship. if you’re always asking him where he’s going or who he’ll be with, he’ll get uncomfortable quickly. also doesn’t like being doubted. if you interrogate him after he goes out alone/with friends, he’ll lose his patience with you.
unkind words + refusing physical affection. if you constantly berate him, he’ll get hurt easily. also doesn’t like it when you refuse his touch for long periods of time.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
probably drools in his sleep😭. mouth wide open LMAO. snores a tiny bit, super quiet.
this might just be me but i feel like he often wakes up at night to get a drink :3
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caluette · 3 months
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bastard münchen game night ⚔️
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goshushin · 1 year
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「俺の」 kris/くろいさ
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ii2ko · 2 months
— synopsis. not missing you after splitting up would’ve been easier if it wasn’t for everything that reminded of you surrounding him.
pairing. various bllk boys x reader | genre. angst, post-breakup. | mlist
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HE THINKS ABOUT YOU STILL, but in denial he does. whenever in public by passing a store you both used to go to as a date or just as a way to give gifts you liked to each other, he thinks of you guys together again. of course, it’s even obvious he misses you. even if he tries so hard to get over feelings he calls left overs, he just can’t. and everyone notices.
he suggests it’s normal to be this hung over a break up, which it is, but to this extent? he’s already bought you apology gifts for how he acted before in hopes of you at least forgiving him and returning to good terms. friends at least. but he doesn’t let anyone know about that, because who would he be if everyone was right about him still missing you?
WAS THIS TRULY THE BEST? he gets the whole deal of breaking up and supporting each other from the sidelines, a way of saying ‘oh i still like you but not that way!’ is nice, since your still in each other’s lives… but does it really have to be this way?
he knows that you know small words of praise and encouragement mean differently when it comes between you.
“congratulations on winning today’s game.” you say with a small smile. he returns one and runs off to his teammates, reluctantly avoiding you. though he might avoid you, in the back of his mind, the idea and past memories of the actual ways you’d congratulate him is different.
he thinks back on the winner kisses you’d give him with your big smile that could light up dark tunnels, kisses that could warm a cold face, and a hug that felt like a mother’s embrace.
he wishes you two could’ve ended differently.
HE WANTS YOU BACK, HE CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT YOU. all his friends, teammates, hell even coaches overhear from time to time hear about how much he regrets ending things with you. even if it was for the best (worse in his opinion), he just can’t stand the feeling of letting someone like you go through his grasp.
everyone’s tired of it honestly; by how much he would talk about you during practices, breaks, morning, night, even while eating. his yearning for you is clear, everyone just wants you two back together to shut him up, but he knows better than to contact you after everything. I mean, who calls up their ex begging for another chance?
he does.
EVERYTHING’S OKAY AS IT IS, he thinks. it’s okay you two went your separate ways, because that’s how life goes. though the thought of you makes his head hurt and his heart ache, it’s okay.
he mentally agrees with himself that no matter what happens between you, all he wants is that you’re happy and perfect as you are. even if he isn’t by your side. even if he wants to be; holding your hand, playing games together, watching movies, and regular things couples did.
but it’s okay. everything is okay as it is, he thinks. even if you’re not in his life anymore, since you wanted to pursue the no contact move. he agreed with you that it’s for the best and that you guys should live your lives doing what you must.
even if it isn’t what he wants, even if he hates it. it’s okay, because you’re happy as it is.
NAGI SEISHIRO, HIORI YO, rin itoshi, kurona ranze, KUNIGAMI RENSUKE, raichi jingo.
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𝜗𝜚. hhehehe did u guys realize title was based off frank ocean’s song,,,, but anyways hi! first bllk fic since like last year or so, and this has been in drafts for a whole year omfg but anyways I hope u guys like this!! please like and reblog if you did hehehwheh…
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vandal-flower · 7 months
We Never Go Out of Style~
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Blue Lock Boys with a s/o who is fashionable.
Requested Characters: Shouei Barou, Ryusei Shidou and Ranze Kurona
Notes: Don't look at me like that...
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Shouei Barou
He dresses very decently, you just add a little sparkle to the mix.
"Shouei, trust me. The biker boyfriend aesthetic fits you."
He's your favourite test model subject meant just for you.
Sometimes, his sisters also join in to play dress up with their older brother. (Just think about it!)
He acts annoyed, but he's secretly enjoying it to the fullest.
When people tell him how good he looks, he always responds with:
"My s/o picked this out for me. Not like you would know with what you're wearing."
He becomes sour when someone compliments your outfit before him.
"A peasant like them complimenting you before me? Hmm, they should know their place before the king, and royal spouse.
He be holding grudge matches ever since he was born. Beat his own world record. (Isagi and Rin could never!)
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Ryusei Shidou
We love dragging men back to the closet. This one especially.
Like you know he has a sense of style, but HE DOESN'T.
"Ryusei, please you can't wear rags with hot pink, and with that horrendous belt. It's an ugly neon."
So that's why you are in a relationship with him. You love him with your whole heart, despite everyone calling him a zesty cockroach. (True love)
He truly loves how you help him, as all your attention is on him, and him alone.
I think he really loves you...
When people tell him how good he looks, he always responds with:
"Oh this? My radical s/o got it for me. Jealous you ain't got a partner like them?
He gets angry when someone compliments your outfit before him.
"He knew I was here first, yet he had the spine to compliment you."
Put him on a leash before he jumps someone. (Just call Ego to pay for medical bills.)
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Ranze Kurona
The one character most of us are at peace with. Shark boi.
"How do I look (Name)?"
"Ranze, you're wearing a pink shark onsie to bed, while I'm wearing a ____ shark onsie. We're matching!"
Honestly he's so...so pure. I can't. He looks good in almost anything, but prefers a little pink on it.
Also some shark themes truly get him going!
He always takes your advice, since you're more experienced in the fashion field. He loves the fact you get to help him. (😭😭)
When people tell him how good he looks, he always responds with:
"Oh, thank you, thank you. My s/o helped me pick this out, you should check their social media!"
He's actually calm when someone compliments your outfit before him.
"I'm a little sad that I wasn't able to compliment you first, but I still think you look beautiful. Very beautiful!"
Boys in Blue Lock, take notes! Kurona is the green flag you could be. (🤭🤭)
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Do you got style?
My inbox is open. Check out my Rules.
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uns4lted · 3 days
ꜱᴏ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴄʜᴏᴏʟ ᴡ/ ɪꜱᴀɢɪ ʏᴏɪᴄʜɪ, ʜɪᴏʀɪ ʏᴏ, & ᴋᴜʀᴏɴᴀ ʀᴀɴᴢᴇ
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characters: blue lock pairings: isagi yoichi x gn! reader, hiori yo x gn! reader, kurona x gn! reader genre: fluff a/n: i knew i had to make a drabble out of these three cause i swear they are so underrated and they deserve some love! this drabble is inspired by taylor swift's so high school <3
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── .✦ isagi yoichi
You spot Isagi in the hallway before he sees you—he always does this thing where he runs a hand through his hair as he laughs with his friends. You don’t even realize you’re staring until your heart skips a beat, and suddenly, you’re pulling your gaze away. It’s like clockwork, how you want to find him in the crowd just so you can disappear the moment his eyes might meet yours.
There he is, talking about practice, the next big game, his goals—always something about soccer. You know you should focus on your own life, your own worries, but whenever Isagi’s around, it’s like the noise fades, leaving just him. And it’s not like you want to talk to him, not exactly. It’s safer like this, hiding in plain sight, watching him from a distance where your feelings can’t betray you.
As you walk down the hall, you sneak one last glance over your shoulder. Isagi’s still talking, laughing, completely unaware of the effect he has on you. And honestly? Just seeing him like this—handsome, confident, and so captivating—makes your heart race every time, even if he doesn’t notice. Maybe one day, you’ll be brave enough to let him.
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── .✦ hiori yo
You’re sitting cross-legged on the floor of Hiori’s living room, a controller in your hands, trying to keep up with the chaos on the screen. Isagi and Nanase are completely absorbed in the game, their voices rising as they shout strategies at each other in a heated multiplayer match. But you? You can barely focus.
Hiori is sitting next to you on the couch, closer than necessary, his knee brushing against yours every time he shifts. The room feels warmer than it should, the weight of his presence making it impossible to concentrate.
“Hey, try this,” Hiori says, leaning in to show you something on the controller. His hand covers yours for just a moment, fingers brushing your skin, and you freeze.
Your heart does a little flip as his hand lingers for a second longer than it should. You glance up at him, but he’s still focused on the game, his face calm and casual, as if he didn’t just light a fire under your skin with that small touch.
Isagi is yelling something about strategy, Nanase is laughing, and all you can think about is the way Hiori’s fingers graze yours again. This time, it’s intentional—his pinky hooks around yours as if testing the waters. You try to stay cool, your heart racing, praying that neither Isagi nor Nanase notices what’s happening right beside them.
But they’re too busy with the game, and you’re too distracted to care. The world outside the screen fades as Hiori’s hand subtly, slowly, finds yours. It’s like the smallest secret between the two of you, hidden in plain sight, while his friends remain clueless.
It’s just a game, you remind yourself. But somehow, Hiori’s touch makes it feel like so much more.
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── .✦ kurona ranze
The night was quiet, just the two of you sitting close under the twinkling lights of the park. There wasn’t much conversation, but that was how it always was with Kurona. He didn’t need to fill the silence with words; he just had a way of making you feel like you belonged, even without saying much.
Your fingers brushed against his on the bench, a familiar connection that neither of you questioned anymore. It was always this subtle with him—little touches, shy glances. He wasn’t loud about his feelings, but they were there, humming softly between you both.
“Kurona,” you broke the stillness, your voice soft. “Tell me about the first time you saw me.”
His head turned slightly, his eyes widening just a bit, like he hadn’t expected you to ask that. He was quiet, as usual, but you could see the faint color rising in his cheeks, the way his gaze darted away for a second. He always got like this when it came to feelings—unsure, but not because he didn’t know what he felt. Just because he wasn’t used to speaking them out loud.
He hesitated for a moment, fingers twitching beside yours before he gathered the courage to entwine them fully. “The first time?” His voice was barely above a whisper, but it was steady, even though you could see the blush deepening. “I… I noticed you right away.”
Kurona looked down, trying to find the right words. “You were with your friends, laughing about something. I remember thinking… I wanted to hear you laugh again. To see you smile more.” His thumb brushed against the back of your hand, a nervous gesture. “But I didn’t know how to approach you. You always seemed so… out of reach.”
You smiled softly, feeling your own heart speed up at his confession. “And now?”
His eyes met yours again, and though his cheeks were still flushed, there was a calm sincerity in his gaze. “Now? I… don’t feel like that anymore.” He paused, then added, voice softer, “Now, I don’t want to imagine a day without you in it.”
You squeezed his hand, feeling the warmth of his shy but genuine affection. Kurona might not always have the words, but in moments like this, he didn’t need them. You could feel everything he wasn’t saying.
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will be making another so high school pt. 2 w/ chigiri, nagi, & bachira! likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated!
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koiir · 1 year
— How your boyfriend shows his love to you (through gift giving)
𓈒࣪ 𐐪𐑂 ─ Parings; Reo, kurona, rin x gn!reader
𓈒࣪ 𐐪𐑂 ─ Genre; fluff, comfort?? (for Rin’s part) | wc; 1.4k
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𓈒࣪ 𐐪𐑂 ─ REO MIKAGE
It’s only natural with the amount reo has saved on his account that he spends as much as he wants on you, how could he not? It’s cliché—having all the money in the world and splurging it on the one he loves, but reo doesn’t care. Especially when he is able to see your surprised expression whenever you see a new gift awaiting you.
You don’t have to do anything at all, it’s like you yourself is enough to deserve a new gift from him. The moment reo has that feeling, he is on his way to find the perfect gift for you.
That feeling for reo is when he can’t control the love in his heart for you, whenever he is alone you bet he is giggling and kicking his feet after you send a text or photo to him. He usually gives you stacks of gifts whenever he returns back to you, wanting to show you how much he has missed you.
Ever the romantic, how many days he has gone without you he will get a gift for every day. You can remember the time he was away for three weeks….you couldn’t help but be dumbfounded when reo knocked on your door with bags and bags filled to the brim with all twenty one gifts. (Reo even had a reason for why he got you each gift)
At the end of the day, the lesson is that It doesn’t matter what you tell reo—he will never not gift you something. He thinks he might go crazy if he doesn’t spend on you, but he does have a knack for creativity and even makes you diy gifts! (Ofc only with the best of materials)
You two will find yourself having cute little dates as reo tells you to cover your eyes, you can tell he is smiling with the way he is giggling—not being able to speck properly. It isn’t until you open your eyes you see the amount of materials placed on the tabel and reo with a proud grin, telling you that he has a great idea in mind for you two.
Whatever reo wants, he gets. So his logic is “whatever I think YOU want, you get.” You can only roll your eyes at his words, but reo knows you only deserve the best.
Kurona who is the best and loving boyfriend one could ask, you two have been friends since childhood and he’s always stuck by your side—not daring to leave the one person he cares for a lot. Kurona is rather quiet and to himself, but with you he is more talkative and himself but he still struggles—so the best way for him to show his love to you is by gift giving! A loving and sweet gesture from him to you.
One example is the multiple shark plushies in your bedroom, all from yours truly Kurona. You can only smile and snuggle them as you think of him, thinking of his shark like teeth and that adorable smile of his. He’s easily flustered, so you told him about that and his face immediately turned away from yours as he covered his face. “You’re better than those plushies though.” You tell him smiling at his state, he only mumbles “stop it…stop.” as he lets you hold him enjoying the affection.
Second, he somehow finds the cutest Knick knacks for you that can be found in your room or even as accessory’s. He got you two matching keychains when you two went to the aquarium that one time, you got a shark keychain while he got your favorite sea animal. This was the perfect way for you two to carry something that reminded you of each other.
Third…(and certainly not last) kurona is one for cute little dates specifically at cafes. He offers to pay all the time, and doesn’t allow for you to pay. He loves sharing his food with you as he gets twisted bread, that reminds you of his side braid.
He certainly doesn’t expect you to feed him, “you’re cute Ranze, so why not feed you?” You tell him as he takes the bread while blushing. “It’s good though, so good.” He then turns the tables as he takes another piece of the twisted bread and gives you some, you two being in your own world only caring for the other.
It’s like kurona finds happiness as he sees your smile whenever he does any act of service to you, also being able to see that smile when he gives you something as an act of love. He can’t help but mimic your own smile as he feels his heart thump and cheeks flush.
You think of the time when he surprised you with a shark plushie awaiting you in your bed, holding a note in its mouth with some snacks around it. Clearly as a way to cheer you up, the note having endearing words from kurona as he adds a little shark drawing with a heart.
You can only hold the plushie as you lay down, feeling a wave of emotions realizing how lucky you got. How could someone be so perfect?
𓈒࣪ 𐐪𐑂 ─ RIN ITOSHI
It’s almost in Rin’s nature to be cold and rather serious, always keeping to himself. Maybe that’s why he’s never been use to this, you. So from the beginning, he makes sure you know he cares with little displays of affection—that being through the gifts he gives you.
It’s quite cute to see rin like this, seeing as he has an annoyed expression as he was caught trying to hide the bag he was holding. You can see it’s a designer bag, you can’t help but grin seeing rin look away. “What’s that rinnie?” He groans looking away, but a blush appears on his face as he sets the bag down and looks at you.
“It’s a gift…for you.” You walk up to him as you pick up the bag and he keeps his eyes on you watching you open it up—only to see the bag you’ve been eyeing for a while. How did he..?
“I’ve noticed the way you looked at it, the other day.” His words make you halt as you look back at him, he is still clearly flustered as he avoids your gaze but his voice is softer.
Ah. You remember now that the other day you and rin went out, it was simple walk around the city as you two viewed different shops. You didn’t think rin would notice since it was almost dark, but he did—he noticed the way your eyes lingered on the glass with the bag in view, clearly intrigued by it and wanting it.
Rin knew you wanted it no only because you clearly looked at it with eyes of need…but also because rin had the same habit. It’s the way his eyes would stare at Something in a daze, clearly wanting it—just like his gaze at the soccer ball during a game, or you.
Your heart rate seems to get faster hearing his reasoning for the gift, but you know rin has more in store as you look behind the couch and see more bags. Rin noticed your gaze and sighs, feeling defeated as he wanted to hide them and let you find them. He found it embarrassing and humiliating how you caught him doing this…
“It’s an apology…for the time away.” You know what rin is implying, he feels bad for being distant recently because of all the training he has had. Rin had always had the fear that he would ruin what you two had, fearing that his personality or actions would ruin your relationship. He wasn’t the best with words, and he was scared of saying the wrong thing. He knew gifts couldn’t always explain how he exactly felt, but he needed to show you that he cared. One way or another.
You knew rin always had these thoughts, so you sat next to him laying your head on his shoulder as you help his hand gently. “It’s not your fault rin, you didn’t have to do this you know?” You smile at him, making sure he doesn’t look away so he can see the sincerity in your eyes.
Rin leans into your touch, just feeling at peace knowing you understand him and he doesn’t need to say anything. It’s perfect, the way you understand him better than he does. But rin knows for a fact he will keep e this up, making sure you know how he feels with his actions.
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A/n; kurona has my heart if you can’t tell
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setsunasbabe · 4 months
they propose to you during the eras tour
x gender neutral reader
with aot, bnha, jjk, kny, haikyuu, tokyo rev, bleach, bsd, csm, bllk, hxh, op, naruto, ons characters
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the kind of partner who would propose to you during Love Story at a Taylor Swift concert. they saw this idea once on tiktok and directly thought of your obsession for the singer. they don't even like her music that much and proposing at a concert wasn't on their bucketlist. however, when they saw the way you reacted to one of these videos. they decide to put their pride aside and make this moment worth it for you. they asked the person behind you to film so they'd have a souvenir (and a proof) of their proposal. as you're singing along to the song you realise you don't see your boyfriend in your peripheral vision. your heart race slowly rises up but drastically accelerates as you see him crouching on the ground with a box in his hand. as he asks you to marry him you say yes (obviously) and rush to hug him as a tear of happiness rolls down on your cheek. indeed it was rare and you were there.
aot: JEAN KIRSTEIN, mikasa ackerman, ymir, armin arlert, reiner braun
bnha: kyouka jirou, katsuki bakugo, SHOTO TODOROKI, himiko toga, eijirou kirishima, SETSUNA TOKAGE
jjk: YUUJI ITADORI, megumi fushiguro, SATORU GOJO, mai zenin, yuuta okkotsu, choso kamo
kny: IGURO OBANAI, mitsuri kanroji, AKAZA, kanao tsuyuri, kyojuro rengoku
hq: tooru oikawa, IWAIZUMI HAJIME (27) ATHLETIC TRAINER, atsumu miya, eita semi, keiji akaashi, morisuke yaku
tokyo rev: takashi mitsuya, SEISHU INUI, rindou haitani, manjiro sano, CHIFUYU MATSUNO
bleach: rukia kuchiki, SHINJI HIRAKO, grimmjow jaegerjaquez, renji abarai, soi fon
bsd: chuuya nakahara, michizo tachihara, tecchou suehiro, LUCY MONTGOMERY, ichiyo higuchi
csm: asa mitaka, denji (he would mess up the lyrics), aki hayakawa, reze, quanxi
bllk: yoichi isagi, meguru bachira, REO MIKAGE, ranze kurona, tabito karasu, rin itoshi
hxh: machi komacine, pakunoda, chrollo lucilfer
op: VINSMOKE SANJI, portgas d. ace, nami, nico robin
naruto: sakura haruno, ROCK LEE, hinata hyuga
ons: mikaela hyakuya, shinya hiragi
and your favs...
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-"He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
And said
'Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone
I love you, and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress
It's a love story, baby, just say yes'"-
- "Love Story (Taylor's Version)", Fearless (Taylor's Version), Taylor Swift
dividers by @v6que
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seivsite · 1 year
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synopsis: blue lock boys react to you arresting them for stealing your heart (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)
includes: ( separated ) isagi yoichi, kurona ranze, yukimiya kenyu, chigiri hyoma x gn!reader. it’s way longer than what i intended to write so yeah, established relationship, a bit chaotic, ( part one ) — wc: 1507
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“Isagi, can you please come here?” you called out from the couch. He immediately stopped whatever he was doing and rushed to your side. Since you rarely use his last name and typically use his first name or pet names, he became concerned, thinking that he had done something wrong.
Isagi’s eyes widened in surprise as his hands were bound by a little cloth. He looked at you, confusion written all over his face. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” he asked, trying to make sense of the situation.
You smiled mischievously and said, “I am arresting you for stealing my heart.”
Isagi’s confusion turned into a mix of surprise and amusement as he realised it was a playful declaration. He chuckled and shook his head. His face flushed a faint shade of red, and his ears tinged with a rosy hue as he mustered a response. “I apologise for unwittingly stealing your heart, but I’m afraid I can’t return it to you,” he expressed.
You pouted in response and retorted,
“Well, if you can’t return my heart, then you’ll have to pay a fine.” You adopted an arrogant tone, playing along with the role. Isagi couldn’t help but tease, smirking slightly as he asked, “Oh? And what’s the fine, Ma’am?”
You assumed a thoughtful pose, pretending to consider the fine. However, Isagi saw it as an opportunity to free his hands and cup your cheeks, kissing you passionately. It caught you off guard, leaving you momentarily speechless. Isagi pulled away, a playful smile on his face as he asked, “So, is that satisfactory? Are you happy now?” Your silence and flushed face spoke volumes, and Isagi chuckled before pulling you into a loving embrace for the rest of the day, considering it his ‘payment.’
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“Ranze-chan,” you called out, gesturing for him to come closer to you.
“Yes, yes, yes, what is it? Do you need anything?” he asked, walking towards your sitting form on the bed.
“I have something important to tell you…” you began, looking into his eyes and holding his hands. Kurona looked at you accusingly.
“And what’s that?” he tilted his head slightly, waiting for your answer. You continued mischievously,
“You’re going to be arrested.”
“Uhm, what? You’re joking, right?”
He looked at you with an awkward and confused expression. Then he took a step back.
“Are you serious? Are you not joking?”
He tried to stay calm, but anxiety was evident in his eyes. The idea of getting arrested didn't sit well with him. It sounded scary.
“Why?! Why is that going to happen?” he stammered, panic evident in his eyes.
“For stealing my heart~” you winked at him and stuck out your tongue.
Kurona blushed heavily, his eyes widening in surprise. His jaw dropped open as he stared at you in disbelief and shock. For a few seconds, he was left speechless, unable to find the right words to reply. He just looked at you with flushed cheeks, appearing very happy. Excitement filled his smile as he took a step closer. He still seemed to be in disbelief, not expecting that answer from you.
“Fortunately, you can avoid it by giving a certain someone cuddles and kisses,” you continued, raising a finger.
His face turned completely red, and his jaw dropped open again. The blush on his face indicated his surprise and embarrassment. He stood in shock, cheeks still flushed, unable to say anything. He looked as if he had been hit by a truck. In a good way, of course. He was incredibly happy but also a little embarrassed. It was adorable to see him in this state.
Gradually, he became more composed and finally closed his jaw. He chuckled softly, cheeks still flushed, and nodded.
“Well, I guess I have no choice then.”
He started walking towards you, a gentle smile on his face and a loving gaze in his eyes. He closed the distance between you two and placed his hands on your face. He was very close now, about to kiss you on the lips.
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You finished your photoshoot with Yukimiya and now you're back at your shared home, a lavish apartment with large windows and glass doors overlooking the city. Yukimiya sat on his chair, smiling at you while holding a glass of orange juice. He motioned for you to sit down on the sofa and smiled.
“The shoot went great, yeah? I hope you didn’t get too tired today.”
“Yeah, it was. How unfortunate though, I just got a call earlier,” you said, taking a seat opposite him.
“A call? What call?” Yukimiya raised an eyebrow in confusion. After asking, he took a sip of his orange juice and waited for your response, his smile still on his face.
“Yeah, they told me you might get arrested if you keep doing this thing,” you said, looking up towards the ceiling.
Yukimiya raised his eyebrow in confusion and put his glass down.
“Arrested? Why?” He leaned towards you in curiosity, still looking at you with a confused expression. “What did I do?” He raised an eyebrow as he leaned closer, waiting to hear your reasoning or answer.
“Yeah, something about stealing my heart,” you smirked at him.
Yukimiya was stunned and couldn’t help but turn bright red at your remark. His eyes widened in shock before he regained his composure and chuckled. He looked at you, leaning closer.
“That’s a nice line. Did you practice that?”
He smiled at you and raised an eyebrow, waiting for your answer.
“Hmm, perhaps. Did you like it?” you tilted your head, leaning closer to his face. He was startled yet again as his cheeks started to turn bright red.
“Hmm, I liked it. You have a gift for making those kinds of cheesy pickup lines.”
He was still blushing hard as he looked at you and smiled. Yukimiya stared at you for a few seconds before he snapped out of it and realised how inappropriate he was being. He sat back on his chair and chuckled nervously. His face was still bright red, but he tried to ignore it.
“I’m sorry. That’s probably very embarrassing for you.”
He sighed and took another sip of his orange juice.
“What you said was very cute. I was just taken aback, that’s all.” He smiled politely and waited for your response.
“Awe, isn’t this the time you give me a kiss, Kenyu?” you pouted at him.
Yukimiya’s face turned even redder as he was taken aback by the suggestion. He was silent for a while, cheeks still bright red.
“I…” he hesitated.
He seemed to want to kiss you but appeared frozen in the moment. You took the lead by placing his glass on the table and leaned closer to give him a kiss on the lips, holding his cheek in your free hand.
Yukimiya was surprised by the suddenness but couldn’t avoid your kiss. He remained frozen and shocked as his face turned an even brighter shade of red. He was silent for a while before the realisation of you kissing him hit him, causing his heart to skip a beat. After the initial shock, he kissed you back, pulling you even closer.
You pulled away and said, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he responded, smiling at you and chuckling.
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“Hyoma, do you want to know a secret?”
“Hm?” Chigiri looked up at you with a raised and curious brow, smiling softly.
“Enlighten me.” Chigiri said in his soft voice, leaning in closer to hear your secret.
“You’re hereby arrested for stealing my heart,” you whispered to him.
Chigiri’s eyes widened in surprise, and he felt his face and ears heat up.
He stammered awkwardly, a soft smile adorning his lips as he stared at you. His face turned beet-red, his heart racing, and he started sweating from the flustered feeling.
“Hmm, for your punishment, you have to give me 50 kisses!” you teasingly said, not thinking he would actually follow through with it.
Chigiri blushed even more and gulped as he looked directly into your eyes.
“50 kisses..?”
He repeated quietly, slowly scooting closer to you. His heart raced, and he looked up at you, giving you adorable puppy-dog eyes. A few strands of light pink hair covered his right eye, and his long, dark eyelashes contrasted his ruby red eyes. His eyes seemed a bit dilated due to his blushing. He gulped nervously before finally nodding his head.
“Great! Let’s start with this,” you said, giving him five pecks on his lips while holding his cheeks in your hands.
Chigiri blushed even more, and a loud ‘mmph’ sound escaped his lips after the first five pecks. You held his face in your hands, rendering him speechless from embarrassment. He looked down at his shoes, sweating as his face turned beet red. Chigiri looked back up at you and gave you a timid smile.
“Hehe, don’t get speechless just yet. There’s more where that came from. Get ready,” you winked, pulling him towards the couch.
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NOTES. i made another one bc i miss my pookie wookies.
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merlucide · 5 months
Hiii kira!! Are your requests open?? If yes, could you do kurona or otoya comforting reader bc reader is hospitalized? (I just LOVE LOVE LOVE your writing, too!!!!! It always brings me so much joy!!!!) If they are closed you can ignore this tho, no pressure!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Notes: omg ofc!! you have no idea how much your words mean to me😭 seriously thank you so much!! It brings me so much joy that you enjoy my work 💗💗 hope this was what you had in mind<3
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He comes to the hospital so frequently that all of the staff knows who he is.
Like sir you were here 30 minutes ago, this is your 4th time coming here today. he’s rigged the system
He just is excited to see you :3
He brings tons of snacks (if you can eat them) and plushies every time he comes. 
He’ll sit on the end of your bed and talk with you about literally anything. 
He tells you about the things him and Da Boyz 🥶 did recently and how cool he was lol. 
He of course asks how you’re doing, if you don’t want to talk about it he’ll do his best to respect that but he can’t help but pry a little.
He knows your probably stressed and feeling down about your stay, so he’ll try to lighten the mood with whatever he can do, even if that means making a fool of himself damn he must love you
If you cry he’ll do his best to comfort you, he’s not the best at that but he’ll try to crack a couple jokes and let you lean on him. 
He thinks you’re doing a great job getting through this. Being hospitalized isn’t fun or easy. He tells you that you’re so badass for not letting this situation defeat you. He said your a total kuniochi because of this.
He calls and texts you so often(if you can use your phone). 
He sends you so many stupid TikTok’s/memes, they’re so stupid it’s funny. He sends you so many selfies too, sitting, in bed, eating, on the toilet, etc etc.
He’s proud of you for dealing with this, he knows you’ll get through this hard time just fine. <3
Every time he visits you in the Hospital he brings you a bouquet of handpicked flowers.
He always gives you a big hug when he see you (if your able to)
Kurona will just sit at your side and hold your hand.
If you want to talk, he’ll talk, if you don’t want to that’s fine too.
He knows that this isn’t easy, and he’s really proud of you for doing your best to get through it. 
He’ll talk to you about things he did that day or shark fun facts.
He’ll do anything you want to try to make your stay nicer. 
He’ll bring your favorite foods(if you can eat them), he’ll paint both of your nails if you want(you guys match ofc!)
If you need to cry about it he’ll hold you with both of his arms tightly. 
He reminds you that you are strong enough to get through this, and it will be over in time. 
He does his best to make you feel like you’re not alone in this.
It breaks his heart to see you so down. 
He calls every morning and every night (as long as the doctors say it’s okay for you to use your phone).
He sends you kitty memes and sunset pictures.
Kurona will stay by your side until your discharged from the hospital and until the end of time<3
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I hope this was okay! I wasn’t sure how to approach this so sorry if it’s not what you had in mind! Hope you’re okay! <3
made April 23rd 2024
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iwashieonhiatus · 1 year
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚜 𝚘𝚗 𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚑!|𝙱𝙻𝙻𝙺 pt2
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📌 kurona ranze, niko ikki, zantetsu tsurugi, michael kaiser, alexiss ness, oliver aiku
・゚゚・。 warnings- gn!reader, established relationship, 18+ characters, pro players(20+), fluffy. Synopsis: Things they do as your bf.
☆ KURONA- Conversations of the day, especially at night, you two lying down, warm matching pajamas, legs entwined and telling about how the day was or something new you discovered; He loves to tell you curious facts and likes it when you do the same. Stroke his hair and he’ll snuggle into you, almost purring with happiness. He also likes to do your hair, no matter if it’s staying home or go out.
☆ NIKO- He likes to read manga and watch anime with you and when you two are away, he watches your recommendations and vice versa so that when you are together, you both can comment. He likes to be in the middle of your legs, head on your chest, getting petted on hair while his favorite character dies and you hold back the tears, trying to be strong since he’s crying. Oh, every once in a while orders arrive, a collection of assorted manga with a little ‘they remind me of you’ / ‘we in manga’ card.
☆ ZANTETSU- Inside jokes you always need to remind him of the context and he will laugh for a while and say something that will become another inside joke between you. You guys got the nickname “laugh couple”.
☆ KAISER- He tries to be the best boyfriend possible and eventually the best husband, so he has a second account on Instagram where he follows people who give loving advice and puts it into practice with you, all to receive your bright smile and an “I love you immensely”. Well hidden, he reads books that women have written telling about how to deal with women and tips for a happy relationship. Deep in his heart and head, he just wants to be the best for you; All to my love vibes.
☆ ALEXIS- This man, in addition to being perceptive, he has an excellent memory. Is your favorite perfume running out? He’s already bought another one! Did you like the photo of an outfit? He bought it! Are you wanting something? He guessed it and gave it to you! He also has his phone synced with yours, getting notification when your period is near, so he can prepare everything.
☆ OLIVER- This man has a Casanova past - he paid attention to women, looking like a great man and thus winning their hearts. But with you, this man is totally in love, looking at you with affection and admiration when you are distracted and always having everything in advance- heel made callus on the ankle? He’s got a band-aid and he’ll carry you on his back! Did it get cold, and you didn’t wear a blouse? He’s got one somewhere in the car! Oh, he always carries your purse and shopping bags and always has a free arm around your waist in case you trip or he needs to pull you close to in crowded places.
© iwashie 2023, please do not translate, modify or republish my works
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goshushin · 1 year
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kris ようちえんのグッズが...
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yooils · 1 year
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2:57 . kurona ranze x gn! reader. fluff drabble. slight character study
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"you never call me by my name."
KURONA looks up from his place on your floor and catches your gaze, eyebrows raised as if he can't believe the implications behind your words. (you’re unbelievably pretty, he thinks; even with your hands tangled in his vermillion hair and exhausted eyes from watching five movies in a row.
sure, he thinks of you as much more than a best friend, but isn’t that relatively normal for a friendship that’s lasted through hell and back..?
really, kurona knows he can dodge the question with ease, especially when you’re both half delirious on energy drinks and cup noodles– an unfitting diet for an athlete such as himself– but for once in his life, he feels compelled to speak.
your fingers are still running through his hair as the ticking of time seems to slow before him.
for vaguely a third of his life, you’ve been a parasite by his side– one that's clung to him (or maybe it was the other way round) ever since he was six, face painted with an obvious dislike for interacting with people. it's never occurred to him that there would be a day where he would lose you– you were always naturally in the picture, in both his past and his future.
but now, he’s slowly losing you to the flow of time– or rather– of life.
(he knows that you can tell he’s nervous; fingers occasionally drumming against his thighs, swallowing the lump in his throat, and flickering eyes that never seem to land anywhere. heavens, even he’s able to discern the feeling he’s been experiencing as nervousness, and self-awareness is never a good sign.)
“…when i say their names, i always imagine what they think of me.”
and it sucks, because i’m head over heels for you.
”–and i don’t wanna think about how you see me, because you’re the only person i… like.”
–i’m half in love with you, but in the way that i want to marry you and live out our little fairy tale forever in a small town cottage even though i’m quite literally about to go to a football camp. so maybe it’s not half, maybe you’ve taken my entire heart and engraved your name all over it.
on the off chance that you actually recognise kurona's poorly-communicated feelings, he thinks, he’ll take anything.
even a rejection.
the cheshire smile on your face makes his heart skip a beat. he has no idea how his heart is still beating to this day. (that’s the grin he knows as the scary smile, he discerns; the grin you do when you know something people don’t.)
“say, 'rona, do you have a crush on me?”
your bluntness doesn’t come as a surprise to him. it’s one of your endearing traits, really.
the feeble ‘mm’ sound he makes is deliberately noncommittal as he averts his eyes away from you– although the rapid rush colour blossoming on his ears speak volumes more to you than he ever could.
if only you could also hear how fast his heart was beating.
you cup his cheeks delicately, unable to contain the smile that sprung into your lips when you finally realised what this actually meant. (that your childhood best friend– that you've been in love with since that one time he patched your wound up, mumbling worried words under his breath when you were twelve– actually likes you back. you're a bit skeptical, yes, but it's kurona ranze, and he would never hurt other people you intentionally.)
kurona scrunches his eyes close to avoid eye contact with you. you're giggling at how comical he looks, before all noise dies down again and you muster up the courage to bring yourself to speak again. "so if you knew how i felt about you too, would you be comfortable with saying my name..?"
"s'ppose, i suppose."
your eyes hurt from how much your smile has been crinkling them. or maybe seeing kurona lying on your lap is too much. he's a sight for sore eyes, really, but whenever he makes eye contact with you, you feel as if your heart's been pierced by cupid's arrow again and again; forcing you to accept your feelings rather than swallow them forever.
"kurona, i like you more than anyone in this world. even when you have a bad haircut. or leave me behind to go to a training camp to become a pro footballer. or when you try to–"
"stop, 's more than enough, enough." he intervenes, his hands covering his flushed face and burrowing either further into his blankets.
you look expectantly at him. he caves in.
"(name)..?" he squeaks out, voice cracking as he feels the unfamiliar texture of your pretty name in his mouth. (which is strange, because he's pretty sure he always wakes up with your name on his mouth.)
he's less self conscious than he had expected himself to be.
"ranze. 'rona. kurona ranze."
the way his name slips of your tongue is still his favourite, he thinks, blushing profusely at the sudden mantra of the names you've called him over the years.
ranze was a new one. he likes the sound of his first name on your tongue.
(if only he knew that years later, you would be the one to take his last name too.)
the next morning, he wakes up with you curled up next to him on the couch– abnormally peaceful. he prefers you when you're talking. and when he mouths your name under his breath, all he feels is a weird tingly sensation in his chest, akin to the feeling he gets when his favourite band's new song is out, or when something is unexpectedly pleasant to him.
because kurona, at 15, realises that his favourite word is your name.
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snaillock · 1 year
kurona ranze as your bf: random hcs
tags: male!reader, reader is taller than kurona(5’6), reader is a blue lock player, me gushing over a character that has literal crumbs of info available so i’m making this up as i go, oh my god he is literally a bipedal lemon shark
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kurona ranze. *sighs dreamily* kurona ranze…
he is literally a magenta lemon shark (*gasp* a strawberry lemonade shark… bro my fucking mind)
you two would literally be the “excuse me, he asked for no pickles” bf x standing behind you at the register bf
i do believe he has a good amount of self-confidence but only speaks when he feels it’s necessary so he’s completely cool with you being the more assertive one in the relationship
he is also so so loyal. one of the most loyal men you’ll ever meet and is just as reliable off the field as he is on field
i feel like he isn’t a big fan of pda so you gotta show him your love when you two are alone cause it feels a lot more special to him. besides you guys prob gotta hide it from all the bltv cameras anyway
when he warms up to the relationship more, he’ll absolutely love physical affection from you even becoming clingy for your attention once you two are alone
you absolutely love doting on him (i mean just look at him) and he clearly enjoys that type of attention from you so much but would never admit it out loud
he is literally the perfect height for easy discreet forehead kisses so you can simply sneak one in quickly and walk off before he can fully process it
it’s so cute how short he is that if you’re able to pick him up, you would (if he’s comfortable with it ofc) but if he gets a leg cramp during training, then that’s the perfect excuse to carry him off the field so he can rest
when he gets flustered, it’s just the most adorable sight ever. his cheeks getting just as pink as his hair and him nervously gritting his teeth, possibly hiding his face in his shirt collar
speaking of his hair if you two share the same dorm room together, you could offer to do his braid for him in the morning before practice or a big match. such a simple yet sweet act of affection that makes his heart flutter when he feels your hand going through his hair
you’ve ever seen those tiktoks of a lemon shark getting nose rubs? yeah it’s exactly like that
don’t get me started on his teeth. he seems pretty neutral about his shark like features so feel free to openly gush about how cute they are to him. he’ll probably let you poke and prod at the pointy ends when he feels like it
he gives me a partner who just randomly bites you affectionately vibes and i’m not just saying that bc of his serrated teeth (it is mainly bc of that) but i can imagine whenever he doesn’t feel like expressing his love verbally, he just gives you a good ol’ chomp right on the meat of your bicep!
the way he repeats his last words (it’s a speech tic idc what anyone says) is also so so endearing that part of his character is just *chefs kiss*
you two were probably pretty subtle about your relationship only bc you two mutually agreed on not being too open about it with the others plus your teammates won’t expect such a pairing anyway.
can you imagine their surprise when they do find out? it probably started out with some of the observant ones noticing how weirdly… ‘close’ you two have gotten. small rumors forming about what possible relationship you have with kurona, mainly thanks to you accidentally slipping out a pet name one time while you were greeting him in front of the team
until all their suspicions are confirmed when one of your teammates spots you two kissing when you thought you were completely inconspicuous and alone
once the secret was out, you two were certainly crowned the cutest boyfriends in blue lock
hello message from me from the future. if you want more male reader content, then check out more of my blog :3
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balladxrecs · 1 year
fic recs, blue lock
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𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫— none of the fics are my own works. authors will be credited・if you see any discrepancies please inform me so i can fix it asap・will not link a single profile / masterlist multiple times・all recs originally posted on tumblr unless stated otherwise
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☁️ — fluff・❤️‍🩹 — angst; 💔 — hurt no comfort・🤭 — suggestive・🔥 — smut
⚠️ — dark content
. . .
loving boys as tay swift songs・seiberries
isagi, bachira, chigiri, kunigami, nagi, reo, rin
where do babies come from?・x-noechi-x
reo, chigiri, sae, yukimiya, loki, isagi, barou, hiori, kurona, niko, nagi, rin, kaiser, kunigami, bachira, shidou, otoya, oliver
a love that's so juvenile ☁️・yoisami
isagi, bachira, chigiri, nagi, reo, rin
"did you lock the door?" 🔥・pipppinn
chigiri, sae, rin, barou, kunigami, nagi
everyone can tell how much in love with you he is ☁️🔥・ringasm
rin, reo, niko, kaiser, isagi, ness, nagi, shidou, yukimiya, karasu
k trend with blue lock boys・geeerage
isagi, chigiri, reo, loki, bachira, kaiser, aiku, rin, sae, barou, nagi
falling in love ☁️・n0niff
bachira, kurona, kunigami, nanase, tokimitsu, ness, rin, sae, oliver, kaiser, barou, shindo, otoya, nagi, chigiri, niko, isagi, yukimiya, hiori, loki, reo
first time with . . . 🔥・angelltheninth
bachira, reo, kunigami
first words ☁️・okk-tsu
isagi, ness, kurona ranze, kaiser, barou, kunigami, sae, chigiri, reo, bachira, rin
how they fuck you 🔥・ph4ngz
isagi, chigiri, bachira, rin, sae
how they fuck you 🔥・ph4ngz 
reo, nagi, kunigami
mindless habits ☁️・sphireath-wisp
bachira, chigiri, rin
remember me ☁️・ilyluffy
isagi, chigiri, kunigami, nagi
tales of the heart ☁️・suashii
rin, chigiri, nagi, reo
as taylor swift lyrics・lazyalani
reo, nagi, chigiri, aiku, sae, rin, bachira, ness, kaiser, otoya, yukimiya, isagi
teacher's pet 🔥・missouki
rin, chigiri, reo, shidou, kaiser
[ FICS ]
cute date ideas ☁️・shoyoist
bachira, reo, chigiri, kaiser
home wrecker?!・koiir
rin, chigiri, bachira
say that you miss me 🔥・hyomaslut
bachira, chigiri, rin
what did you just call me?・enassbraid
nagi, chigiri
what is this? boyfriend material ☁️・hyomaslut
isagi, chigiri, reo, nagi
you open up the blanket for them ☁️・garoujo 
nagi, sae, rin, bachira, reo
asking for nudes・hyomaslut
isagi, rin, chigiri, reo
chaotic flow・kaiser1ns
(1) isagi, bachira, rin・(2) shidou, sae, kaiser
getting every question wrong・milkistoshi
sae, rin, reo, nagi
strawberry field test・okkotsyui
isagi, kurona
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— writers,  if you’d like to have your story / name removed, please just message me and let me know and i’ll get right on that
@angelltheninth // @enassbraid // @garoujo​ // @geeerage​ // @heartzreo // @hyomaslut // @ilyluffy // @kaiser1ns // @koiir // @kunigxmis // @lazyalani // @milkistoshi // @missouki // @nekorei // @n0niff // @okk-tsu // @okkotsyui // @ph4ngz​ // @pipppinn // @seiberries // @shoyoist​ // @sphireath-wisp // @swanphantasm // @suashii // @yoisami // @x-noechi-x
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koiir · 1 year
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— In which the boy has only every felt insecure, yet that insecurity of his is turned into something he embraces. All because of you. — Based on twice’s Feel Special
Pairing; Kurona ranze x gn!reader
Genre; fluff, comfort with slight angst
A/n; i love him so much like omfg<333 a little something for all the kurona stans
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There are certain days / days where I suddenly feel all alone
He hears the alarm, the one Kurona set up the night before so he could ensure that he is ready when the time comes. He hated the mornings, grumbling while rubbing his eyes open. Ranze then remembers why he got up so early, the date you two had planned—well, the one you surprised him with.
A smile makes its way onto his face, sudden waves of emotion over coming him as he shakes off the smile, taking note of the way his teeth seem taunt him as he can’t find happiness without feeling a little self conscious.
Whenever those days come / you tell me how precious I am
He remembers in the years he had know you, how you would always make Ranze feel special about his teeth and tell him how unique they were, comforting him of his insecurities. It was often that people would compliment his teeth, as to only getting backlash on them, you seemed to be the only person who would want to make him smile more.
And so he did. Now looking at the mirror, kurona cracks a smile at the thought of you, and you being the reason for his bright smile.
All those words you say / I turn into someone special
“There you are! I was getting worried I wouldn’t be able to find you.” Coming up from behind him, you grabbed his hand.
Once facing you, Kurona saw the smile on your face, smiling back at the hope he could resemble your own smile.
“Lets go, I Wanna show you the sharks. So cool,” giving your hand a soft squeeze, he led you into the entrance of the aquarium.
A place Ranze had always been fond of, so when you mentioned taking him he couldn’t help but smile until he brushed it off.
“Don’t do that Ranzeee, please i Wanna see that pretty smile of yours.”
You had wrapped around your finger, Ranze would do anything you told him. So with a blush covering his face, he looked back at you showing you the smile that he use to hate. Now embracing it more, as it was the reason for your happiness.
That’s what you do / again I feel special
Now facing the glass, Kurona was able to show you which shark was which. Telling you facts of each one that he had somehow memorized.
It being a trait that you had told you found cute once, so every since that day — He would take time out of his day researching about them along with animals that fascinated you.
I just wanted to hide / Didn’t wanna face the world
Everything was going well, as you two kept walking around looking at the wonders of the aquarium. That was until Kurona noticed the staring from a the small kid, it shouldn’t have been this bad, but then the kid bursted out crying.
He knew why, all because of the damn smile of his. Ranze had laughed at what you said, his smile evident and catching the eye of the young child.
That smile, mainly his teeth, being the cause for the child cry’s. He looked away, hoping that the mother to the child wouldn’t notice the perpetrator that didn’t even mean to be. Guilt, along with his insecurities flooding back into him.
Then you appeared before me / with a warm smile, you held of your hand
“Hey, focus on me, us Ranze.” You grabbed his chin, making him face you.
Like the sun shines, your smile made his heart blaze with love, not looking away from the smile that made his days.
“It doesn’t matter what the hell that kid thinks. You have the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen, imagine being able to resemble an animal with those teeth? Is that not cool or what?”
Ranze bit his lip, trying so hard to not let out a smile at your words. Becoming flustered at the words you spoke to him, looking away from your gaze.
“Cmon Ranze, show me that pretty smile of yours.” He couldn’t believe the teasing you were doing to him.
“Stop… it’s embarrassing [name]. So embarrassing.” Even with what he had said, he knew he couldn’t deny your request any longer. Finally letting his smile show, only for you.
“I love you [name]” he muttered, pulling you in for a hug. Hiding his face in the crook of your neck, finding comfort in you.
Everything’s alright / From nobody to somebody, I became a very special me
“Today was so fun, tired though… so tired.” The day came to and end, with you and kurona heading over to his home to spend the night with one another.
“Almost home Ran… just wait a little bit longer and then we can rest.”
It was once you two finally arrived at his home, that he plopped into the couch. Sighing at the softness that came from the blanket.
“Wanna watch something?” You knew what he actually meant, in the end you two would end up cuddling with Ranze holding you tight not wishing to let go.
It’s not like you mind though, the movie in the background played as you tried to focus on it. But it was so hard, with the way Ranze kept nuzzling in your neck—placing soft kisses, you couldn’t help but grow tired. Eyes soon closing shut, falling into slumber.
Looking up, He saw the peaceful face you held while sleeping. He doesn’t know how many times he’s smiled today, but since it’s you—his smile will not once come off his face.
“I love you [name]… sweet dreams.”
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I love him sm bro I can’t… fighting for dear life with these little crumbs we get of him
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