#working a bit on a fic but idk this one is more comedic in tone so far
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Mmm Raven's semblance linking her emotions/soul to others and feeling what they feel as if it were her own emotions vs Ozpin's god knows how many decades of self-loathing, guilt, pain—but also love, the genuine affection he has for those around him, including her, that he cares for from the bottom of his heart
and she understands him maybe a bit too much
#ozraven#ozpin#raven branwen#woe. ozraven be upon thee.#these two are angst central istg#working a bit on a fic but idk this one is more comedic in tone so far#not really want i want to do for a slowburn...#perhaps ill just turn this into a oneshot and then write the multichapter slowburn#rwby#my post
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Electrons Fic Masterpost
My first AO3 fic, started long ago. Inconsistent quality. Frequently interrupted by unpleasant IRL events. Controversial ending. Complete.
Zuko makes the decision to join the GAang during CoD and the story goes completely AU after (and before) that. The fic is mostly about dealing with the trauma of childhood abuse and cultural differences.
In progress. Inconsistent tone. Funny and angsty in a way that could be intentional tonal dissonance or could be bad writing, for you to decide.
Teenage Lu Ten finds Aang instead of Zuko. He's a bit more of an entitled dumbass than Zuko was and way less traumatized (for now). This fic is mostly about complicated family dynamics and becoming a better person.
Little mermaid AU! Just kidding, unless... In progress. Scary AF. The story many people have told me they tried to read and had to abandon because of the spooky elements.
The GAang battles spirit shenanigans of many different types while also struggling with their identities and trauma. This story is about self-expression and being/finding your authentic self.
The Avatar and the Doctor
First story is complete and works as a standalone. Will eventually (hopefully) have five stories, one for each modern Doctor (no, War isn't invited, sorry Mr. Hurt). Premise seems like crack, but actual story is weirdly very sincere and heartfelt.
The Doctor lands the TARDIS on the Avatar world and befriends the GAang. They go on adventures, both in the Avatar world, Earth and [redacted]. Time travel abounds! Suki gets to talk to Kyoshi. Fun is had. This story is about combining my two favorite completely dissimilar franchises and weirdly (IMHO) making it work.
After the Comet
Is this even still a thing? IDK. In progress (I guess). About the struggles of post-war reconstruction. I had lots of plans for this. They're unlikely to ever materialize. I had a whole thing about Katara's complicated relationship with motherhood, gender dynamics, the diaspora, etc... Anyway...
The GAang tries to heal the world while also coping with their own struggles. This story is about perception, ours of ourselves, others of us and ours of others. It's also about how impossible morality is sometimes. Oh, and birds; it's about birds.
The in progress story that started out as random musings and became the story I get asked to update the most. Is formated nonlinearly, wasn't a super popular choice. I'm in the process of rearranging the chapters to make it a linear story.
Aang and Zuko are age-swapped. That's it. That's the plot. I mean, there's more to it than that, but you get it.
In progress. The fic I spend the most time thinking about. I have this plotted out all the way to the end. If I actually finish this, it will probably be the longest thing I ever write. I'm not even 2% through it though, so...
This is an "element" swap with a bit of a twist. Katara is a war child and a Firebender, while Zuko inherits waterbending from Avatar Roku. This story is about the many different types of love as well as self-acceptance.
When My Name Was Keoza
In progress. Probably. Odds are I will abandon this soon. This story is based on my favorite book from my childhood, When My Name Was Keoko, about the Japanese occupation of Korea during the second world war. I was a very fun kid.
Katara is discovered to be a Waterbender and taken away from her home to the Fire Nation, in a way similar to how Native American children were often forced into reservation schools. She is raised to be a loyal Fire Nation citizen, and this changes, well, everything. This story is about cultural genocide.
A comedic Salvage spin-off where Zuko gives people The Talk.
An abandoned WIP where Yue finds Aang instead of Katara.
Two gift fics for an exchange event about Hama and Jetko.
Whatever the hell This is.
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Hello! This is totally random and all, but, outside of the entire debacle that is TAC's treatment of mental health, what would you consider one of the most frustrating aspects of the original series (the Fowl Parent's 'redemption', the treatment of mental health professionals, etc.)? Idk, your takes are always intriguing and well-thought-out, I greatly enjoy reading them. (p.s.- I recently reread 'London's Burning' and I just wanted to let you know how much I love that fic, it's absolute GOLD).
I think both topics you brought up (Fowl family + mental health) are ones that connect to what I view as where the series sometimes missed the mark for me. Let me preface this by saying that I’m talking about very, very subjective preferences in storytelling, and I don’t think the series “failed” by including these narrative choices.
Personally, I think Colfer’s strongest ability as a writer is character building. My favorite scenes in the series were when characters were given space to interact with one another and thus reveal more about who they are — for example, the scene where Holly shoots a hole in a coin and Artemis catches it, the scene in the parking lot after the En Fin shooting, and so on. I think these scenes connect to another aspect of the series I enjoyed, which was when scenes were given the space to be very earnest. It’s hard to write emotionally resonant scenes — one can all too easily stray into the territory of melodrama or the tonally hollow. Scenes that were given the space to touch upon more sensitive topics, such as grief, anxiety at the prospect of entering a new friendship, and genuine love for one’s friends felt like they made the humorous parts of the book even stronger, the there was a balance between the cartoonish comedy and the more grounded character work.
As the series progressed, I think some of that balance was lost as Colfer tried to find the tone for the latter half of the series. Books 1-4 felts like they were a little more unified and connected in both the story and themes they wanted to explore, whereas books 5-8 felt a little more serialized in structure, which in turn lent itself to more of a light-hearted tone. Which is fine -- the original books were certainly comedic, and the series is middle-grade fiction. But I think that shift sacrificed some of the magic of the first few books, as regardless of whether one is critiquing or celebrating the different parts of the series, I think it is clear that there is somewhat of a difference (tonally, etc) between the different parts of the series. I think toning down a “villain of the week” plot structure for the end of the series might have helped create plots where themes related to the Fowl family, or mental health, or what it means to be human or a fairy in that world could have had screentime.
And again, this is just my opinion! On the whole, I love the series, and there’s a bit from each book that is precious to me in its own right. However, if I were to change anything about the books, it would be related to this sticking point I’ve just described.
Also, I’m so glad you liked that fic, that’s so kind of you to say!
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For the WIP meme! Your monster looks like mine! Rio + Annie broTP! Annnnnd a number! #3!
ty ty welcome to the circus or whatever, hahaha. i’m still in sleep debt idk what i’m saying.
OKAY! so, rollerskating on, your monster looks like mine is the sex pollen fic I keep banging on about. I decided if I was going to do a widely panned trope I was going to go big vs going home (see also: dean pov, overdoing it in the face of perceived adversary is kind of my thing) and am trying to give it a theme and an arc and a truly unreasonable amount of angst.
it takes place not that long after s3 and the two of them are like, you know, fairly well marinated in their animosity for each other and get thrown into this situation where they have limited control over how they physically feel about their proximity (heyo sex pollen!) and by god if they’re forced to be even a little bit vulnerable with each other they’re going to make it count and like, forcibly rip each other’s secrets out of each other (the hitman! lucy! 213! 209!). the whole idea behind the theme (and title) is a kind of hazy like calls to like, they’re both monstrous in overlapping ways and how they recognize/react to it is at the root of how they act towards each other. also, it’s alternating POV.
idk, I have ambitious plans, a sprawling notes document, and probably like a third of it drafted but it’s super rough and I was in a weird place when I wrote it so it’s probs going to get reshaped a lot once I have the full draft out and see what I’m working with, but I have dug out a snippet under the cut!
He shows up a good twenty minutes after he told her to meet him, not bothering to park, just pulling up next to the van where she’s still fuming in the driver’s seat and telling her to get in. She gapes at him through the window, mouth opening and closing while she cycles through her options, deciding how she wants to play it. Curiosity must get the better of her though, because she hops in the passenger seat without a word—a fuckin’ miracle in and of itself.
She holds it in for all of five minutes which, credit where credit’s due, is about four and a half longer than he was expecting.
“Where are we going?”
She’s got that pissy little holier than thou tone going on, the one that always makes him itch to knock her down a peg or two.
“Bet you find out when we get there.”
The silence that falls between them’s thick enough it’s nearly tangible. Somethin’ ‘bout havin’ her in the car, even as big as it is, makes her feel closer than sittin’ next to her at a picnic table.
Rio takes shallow breaths, trying not to notice the hint of her perfume coating every inhale—something floral but not sweet, makes him think of night blooms and creamy, lush petals, makes him remember how much richer it smells right up against her skin.
He takes the next turn harder than he needs to, throwing them both around.
Elizabeth huffs and readjusts, making the leather creak. The tension radiating off her loosens his shoulders, and he relaxes back in his seat. He can see her drumming her fingers on her knee out of the corner of his eye, then smoothing her palms along her thighs like she’s trying to wipe something off.
“Why bring me? Why not Mick or—or...any of your other guys?”
He scoffs, playin’ it up more than he needs to so she knows it’s a stupid question. “I roll in with back up, it looks like I think I need it. I roll in with you…”
He lets the sentence hang there, lazily turns his head to look at her and watch her bristle like a cat as she fills in the blanks. The funny part is of everyone he’s dealin’ with tonight she came the closest to finishin’ him off but he’s not about to tell her that.
“‘Sides,” he continues, just to rub salt in the wound. “I need someone to take notes.”
“I’m not your secretary,” she snaps, that fake as hell yes sir, no sir mask she’s been painting on lately slipping and the tips of her claws coming out. Rio’ pulse jumps in answer.
“Yeah? You ain’t a sharpshooter either but you gave that your best go.”
That shuts her up for the rest of the ride. He’s almost disappointed.
rio + annie brotp
this one is just a concept as of now. the idea is rio and annie are roommates who maybe occasionally hook up when they’re bored, but mostly kind of just bump along sniping at each other and openly judging each other’s lives and choices but in a functionally dysfunctional sort of way, and their equilibrium is thrown off when annie’s older sister needs a place to stay for a while bc her life is falling apart. idk if/when I’ll ever get around to writing it because there is uh, lol, obvs some major yikes potential depending on what choices I make with different dynamics and I know rio and annie is v much not most people’s cup of tea for obvious reasons. I def want to write something with them being friends at some point though bc there’s a lot of comedic potential there that v much appeals to me.
this is a dialogue prompt I wrote an opening for and then apparently abandoned it entirely with no notes to myself so thanks past!meg! you dick!
Beth knows that Annie and Ruby thought she was trying to be funny when she said Rio had a habit of popping up like a genie, and she was, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
She’s as used to it as it’s possible to get used to being caught continually off-guard. There’s a part of her that’s constantly on high alert every time she goes out, no matter where, scanning her surroundings, convinced that she’ll see him in the strangest of places. She never does though, and if she feels anything about that at all, it’s only relief and a continual low-level annoyance that he’s got her in a state of perpetual vigilance.
It’s easier to convince herself of that when she doesn’t take into account those three months he was gone. How she couldn’t stop herself from looking, her attention snagging on all the different pieces of him she’d see in other people out of the corner of her eye: short dark hair, a slender build, a certain way of walking more liquid than anything else. Her breath would catch, her pulse would trip, but then she’d blink and the picture would become clear. It was never him, he’d never sneak up on her again because he was—
But he’s not, he’s here, in her kitchen, in the middle of the night Beth discovers as she screams, dropping the water glass she was coming in to refill in a move eerily similar to the first time she met him but with less groceries and more potential to cut her feet to ribbons.
“What are you doing here?” She asks, pushing past him to grab the broom and dustpan from the mudroom. He grunts as he shifts to the side, trying to get out of her way but she doesn’t think anything of it. “It’s three in the morning.”
why is Rio there? who knows! not me!
my wip folder is a mess and a mystery to me as much as you but ask me about any that strike your fancy anyway
#more wip stuff!!!#actually looking back at the sex pollen draft it's not bad#it's just thin#and i think that was what was making my brain file it under ALL GARBAGE#but i can work with this it just needs a few more passes#and likee#you know#for me to finish it#wip sampler#ask me stuff#my fic#shut up meg
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