#wordpress fix
lilium--bosniacum · 1 year
I’ve made a (renewed) list of documentaries, lectures and other videos I’ve watched about Srebrenica
A cry from the grave
Srebrenica Genocide: No Room For Denial
ICTY remembers: Srebrenica genocide
Why Srebrenica had to fall
A deadly warning, Srebrenica revisited
The house Fata didn’t build
Women who refuse to die
Remembering Srebrenica channel on YouTube with many short videos
FAMA methodology channel - has many short videos and lectures
Establishing the facts - Jean-Rene Ruez
The place of the Srebrenica massacre in the Bosnian genocide - Marko Attila Hoare
The role of the UN - Hasan Nuhanović
Genocide memorial day lecture (role of the UN) - Hasan Nuhanović
(the last two are important for understanding how the UN abandoned Srebrenica and contributed to the massacre)
Drone footage of Potočari from above, just so you can see how the Memorial Center now looks.
Bosnian only, no translation
Daleko je Tuzla
Putevi spasa
Zbijeg - priča Hasana Nuhanovića
Zločin i kazna - Srebrenica
Nesmireni snovi
And here is a lengthy but detailed and well written text on why a revisionist documentary called “A town betrayed” is not a good source to learn about what happened in Srebrenica.
In addition, there are separate posts about Višegrad and Prijedor.
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nazliwrites · 10 months
The urge to finish a book I have no interest in finishing is very high right now.
Loving a book meanwhile also hating to love it is a real thing. Right?
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boomstab-papa · 8 months
from the website owner who bans you if you link to his blog
"We have a contractual obligation to try to make Live as successful as possible through the end of the year"???!!!!???!? (emphasis mine)
contractual with who???!!!?!?!
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coquelicoq · 1 year
I don't know if it's rude to ask, so apologies in advance if I sound mean, but… how come you repeatedly bring up old posts of yours from three or more years ago? Do you remember each original post you make and intentionally bring them back? Like, I don't think there's anything wrong, your blog can be whatever you want, obviously, and your stuff is always funny or curious in some way, just… I'm kind of lost as of how it came to be, I guess? I don't think I remember my own posts after 6 months, much least if I have to go back to 2020!
ahaha no it's usually just because i'm going back through a tag looking for something else! i recently went back through my entire "my posts" tag (which contains...1468 posts, dear lord) and while i was doing that saw several posts that i felt like reblogging for whatever reason. so it's usually not that i remember them and go looking for them on purpose, it's that i come across them incidentally in the course of doing something else.
if you want to know why i reblog them after coming across them, 1) usually i don't! you are seeing the tip of the iceberg lol, and 2) it's mostly because it's hard to resist the "sooo true, bestie" urge, even when the bestie is just...yourself.
#sometimes...things that are written by me...are things i agree with#but oftentimes they are not once a few years have passed lol. i mean i just looked at 1468 posts by yours truly#and queued probably 1% of them#oh i also went through my asks tag which was another 500 or so posts#if you want to know why i'm putting myself through this it's for a really ridiculous reason#namely: several nights ago i had insomnia brought on by (get this) being too excited to sleep because my brain wouldn't stop#coming up with crosslinguistic french/english puns#and a couple of them in particular i was like oh god this would be a great tumblr username!#however as i've said before i had no plans to ever change my username (even though i don't like it)#because doing so would break any links that contain my current username#i had resigned myself to just living with this username forever. but once i thought of some usernames i actually like#it became harder to resist the urge to change it...#so now i have this convoluted plan to try to identify and tag as many of the links as i can#so that after i switch names i can go back and fix the links#however i'm not sure how feasible this is. there are a lot of links#and no matter what i do short of going through all 45k posts on this blog i will be bound to miss some of them anyway#(i think getting a domain would solve this problem but i don't wanna get a domain bc i'd have to give wordpress my legal name)#indecisive superhero meme w the buttons 'the need to have punny username' vs. 'the need to be able to find things on my blog'#asks#anon#actually anon probably the majority of the time i rb something i wrote 3 years ago it's bc i forgot about it#i come across it and am like oh yeah! this! and it's like a brand new discovery so i put it back on the dash lol#anyway thanks for your ask! i got a kick out of it 😂
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disgruntled-lifeform · 9 months
The Weavers and Spinners Guild I'm a part of has a volunteer requirement for all members and I took one look at our website and thought:
I can fix her
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wordpressdotcom · 10 months
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Staging sites help to prevent mishaps on your live site, by ensuring seamless testing, bug fixing, and content refinement before pushing any new changes from the testing environment. It's like rehearsing before a big performance. Learn more about staging sites on WordPress.com: wordpress.com/staging-sites
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jenndubya · 2 years
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I got a thing today. So guess what I’m gonna be working on?
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cannibalcreeps · 2 years
Dude, check out this Wordpress article I found
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Lol, well they're not wrong with the three boys being creepies
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ecom1stclass · 2 years
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wordpressmastery · 2 months
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cyberhttp4 · 2 months
 WordPress custom theme customization
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dtecheducate · 4 months
WordPress Errors - Find and Fix Them
Identify and resolve common WordPress errors with ease in this guide. Learn how to fix and keep your website running smoothly.
WordPress is a popular content management system used by millions of website owners worldwide. However, like any other software, it can sometimes encounter errors that can disrupt the functionality of your website. In this article, we will discuss some common WordPress errors and provide solutions to fix them. Table of Contents Introduction Resolving WordPress Email Delivery…
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aeldata-usa · 5 months
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reliqus · 6 months
How To Fix Your Hacked WordPress Website?
Are you a WordPress website owner who has recently fallen victim to a hack? Don't panic, you're not alone. With the rise of cyber attacks, many websites, including those built on the popular WordPress platform, have become targets for hackers.
But fear not, because the experts at Reliqus Consulting have compiled the top tips to fix your hacked WordPress website and get it back up and running in no time. Our team has years of experience in website security and has helped numerous clients recover their hacked websites.
So sit back, relax, and let us guide you through the process of securing and restoring your website. Keep reading for our valuable tips to fix and recover your hacked WordPress website.
Identify the Signs of a Hack
It's crucial to identify the signs of a hacked WordPress website as soon as possible to prevent any further damage. Here are the common signs that indicate your WordPress website might be hacked: 
1. Unexpected Website Behavior: If your website is behaving erratically, such as redirecting to unknown websites, displaying pop-ups, or showing inappropriate ads, it could be a sign of a hack. 
2. Suspicious User Accounts: Check your WordPress dashboard for any unfamiliar user accounts, particularly those with administrative privileges. Hackers often create such accounts to gain control of your site. 
3. Changes in Website Appearance or Content: Any sudden or unapproved changes in your site's design or content can indicate a security breach. 
4. Slow Website Performance: A noticeable slowdown in your website's speed could be a result of malware running in the background. 
5. Search Engine Warnings: Search engines like Google may flag your site as "hacked" or "unsafe," which can be a clear sign of a hack. 
6. Frequent Site Crashes: If your website is frequently down or unreachable, it may be due to a cyberattack. Remember, the sooner you recognize these signs, the quicker you can take action to fix your hacked WordPress website.
Backup Your Website Data Regularly
A vital step in protecting your WordPress website is to regularly backup your data. This creates a safe copy of your site's content, themes, and plugins that you can restore if a hack occurs. Ideally, perform daily backups and store them in a secure location such as cloud storage or an external hard drive. WordPress plugins like UpdraftPlus or BackupBuddy can simplify this process.
Update Your WordPress, Theme, and Plugins
Outdated WordPress, themes, or plugins can contain security vulnerabilities that hackers exploit. Therefore, regularly updating these elements is key to protecting your website. WordPress automatically updates minor versions, but for major releases, you need to initiate the update. Likewise, always update your themes and plugins as soon as new versions are released. 
If you're unsure about which plugins need to be updated or how to go about it, don't hesitate to reach out to us at Reliqus Consulting. Our team of professionals is always ready to assist you with all your WordPress update needs, ensuring your website runs the latest, most secure versions of all its components.
Scan Your Website for Malware
Scanning your website for malware is a critical step in repairing a hacked WordPress website. Use reliable security plugins like Wordfence or Sucuri to thoroughly inspect your site for malicious code. These tools can identify hidden malware, suspicious files, and security vulnerabilities that might have allowed the hack. Make sure to perform a deep scan and review the report carefully for any anomalies. 
Remove Malicious Codes and Recover Hacked Files
After identifying malicious codes from your malware scan, it's time to remove them. Use your security plugin's removal feature or manually delete suspicious files. But be cautious not to remove essential files. To recover hacked files, use your latest backup. If the backup is also compromised, try WordPress' core file replacement feature or utilize professional WordPress website malware removal services. 
Tighten Your Website Security
Boost your website's security by installing robust security plugins like Wordfence or iThemes Security. These plugins provide features like firewall protection, brute force attack prevention, and regular security scans. Additionally, enforce strong passwords for all user accounts and limit login attempts to deter hackers. Implement two-factor authentication for added security. Consider using a web application firewall (WAF) to block suspicious traffic. 
Get Professional Help If Necessary
While these tips can help you secure your website, implementing them can be time-consuming and potentially overwhelming if you're not tech-savvy. That's where the professionals come in. 
At Reliqus Consulting, we specialize in WordPress website malware removal services. Our team of experts is ready to step in and tackle these technical issues on your behalf. For just $79, we'll take the necessary steps to fix your hacked WordPress website. 
You won't have to navigate the complexities of website security - we'll do that for you. This way, you can focus on what you do best: running your business. 
So why wait? Let our professionals at Reliqus Consulting handle your WordPress website security today.
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king-galaxius · 6 months
She Fixed A Turkey Just for Him!🤯
The food ran out. She fixed a turkey just for him!🤯 The chances of anyone eating dinner today is slim! Originally, everyone was supposed to eat tamales. However, tamale guy did not show up to work to give her the five dozen tamales she ordered! On this bordered….. Jim! Without a replacement meal, no one can really say, “Fuck him!” What a fucking flake! All we have now to eat is…
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[solved] How to fix WordPress HTTPS issues when behind an Amazon Load Balancer?
[solved] How to fix WordPress HTTPS issues when behind an Amazon Load Balancer?
If you are running a WordPress site behind an Amazon Load Balancer, you may encounter HTTPS issues due to the way the load balancer handles SSL/TLS encryption. In this article, we will discuss how to fix these issues and ensure that your WordPress site is properly configured to use HTTPS. Step 1: Install an SSL/TLS certificate The first step in fixing HTTPS issues is to ensure that your WordPress…
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