#woolly senecio
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k-star-holic · 1 year ago
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50 years of shaman ⁇ Woolly senecio ⁇ Hye-ok KIM ⁇ For the first time, go to the shaman and study ... Acting basics again ⁇
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drhoz · 10 months ago
#2174 - Senecio garlandii - Woolly Ragwort
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Not the best common name incidentally - there's another Senecio in the Falklands with the same name, and Packera dubia (AKA Packera tomentosa) in the SE US. It IS a fairly hairy plant though.
These daisies grow up to 1.2m in height, in open woodland and dry schlerophyll forest on the sheltered souternn and eastern side of rocky hills and upcrops. The original range was quite small - an inland area straddling the New South Wales and Victoria - but thanks to land clearing it's now Vulnerable in NSW and critically endangered further south.
Like many Australian species, bushfire enhances the germination of seed, and it can resprout after fire.
The Rock, NSW
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yaoi-hate-machine · 3 months ago
what is ur favorite plant + if u could be an animal what would u be + describe in detail any and all weaknesses you have that someone would need to know if they were going to, say, try to beat you in a fist fight. or something
1. hmm my favorite plant is probably either aloe vera, woolly senecio, or lamb’s ear. i am a stereotypical gay and i rly like succulents
2. if i could be an animal uhhhh. honestly i would really like to be a blue whale or some huge aquatic creature like that. almost no predators, no real hunting to do, just swimming and sucking down krill and fucking and vibing
3. (eyes you suspiciously) well… i’m currently in physical therapy for my evil spine. that’s a pretty big weakness. but also i will kick the shit out of you so there’s that
anonymously message me (3) things you want to know about me
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alexis-dot-com · 4 years ago
Uh oh, Azura bought (more) new plants
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Those last ones, the Sempervivums, were free which was a nice surprise. They're also TINY, like, they all fit in the palm of my hand, and those smallest ones are literally the size of peas.
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morefloweringlessscrubs · 6 years ago
I also may be illegally downloading a senecio haworthii
So if anyone has any propagation tips they would be welcomed 
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the-deeds-to-shibden · 4 years ago
Friday 20th September 1839
[Another shortish entry from St. Petersburg, still managing to encompass mining, botany, books, and languages. Anne and Ann first visit the mining university, and then head over to the botanical gardens, where Anne as usual takes a great interest in the various plants, comparing them to the ones at far-away Shibden. A Russian grammar (2 volumes and 855 pages) and dictionary are bought at yet another famous bookshop with Pushkin connections, and another Russian lesson is taken.]
[up at] 7 1/4
[to bed at] 11 50/”
fine morning Fahrenheit 62 1/2º now at 10 25/” after having breakfasted at 9 and written out yesterday’s accounts and inked over journal of yesterday – out at 11 – at the mines in 20 minutes – In the rooms (halls) – till 2 5/” – then in the mines from 2 10/” to 3 10/” – gave the 1st man a five Rubel note – the 2nd a silver rubel and the man at the door a 20 kopek silver piece – 
Detail of the building (finished in 1811) of the St. Petersburg Mining University (School of Mines) on Vasilyevsky Island (picture source):
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then to the Botanic garden there at 4 10/” about an hour’s drive from the mines – Tall dahlias – round bed of in the middle golden rod – round that lilac flower phlox – then an outer circle of peonies – then outside circle of the broad leaved pink flowering saxifrage (not in flower here) that we have in the walk at home – marigolds and ragworts (senecio, ragwort) – great deal of the low spreading, reddish-stemmed, single-flower (not in flower here) rose tree that we have over Gray’s cistern at home and that my aunt brought from Harrogate – Red American dogwood with clusters of a lividish white berry (like elderberry clusters, but the berries white) –  Barberries in fruit, lilacks – sumach – what accacia is it that forms hedges here (e.g. alonging /sic/ the Neva here alonging /sic/ the road outside the garden) and is everywhere green and hardy looking?   
there is here the bush bearing a little black berry that we saw so common at the Pyrenees – with a rather birchy shaped and veiny leaf – the red-berried dogwood or Elder so common at the Pyrenees, in fruit here, very pretty – and the shrub with woolly underneath thick leaf that used to be at the bottom of the orchard at Shibden  – came away at 5 5/” much of the red-berried I know not what with a maple like leaf that grew between the 2 brook Ings at Shibden
An 1843 plan of the St. Petersburg Botanical Garden (image source):
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Polygonum orientale  a sort of sweet dock in red flower
at the bookseller’s Bellizard and compagnie maison Hollandaise, au pont de police* –
F. Bellizard’s bookshop in the building of the Dutch church of St. Petersburg, a detail from V. S. Sadovnikov’s famous watercolour Panorama of the Nevsky Prospekt (1830-1835); Bellizard’s French shop sign is clearly visible, and one of the figures strolling by the house is supposed to be the poet Pushkin himself (image source)!
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 bought French Russian grammar and dictionary** – home at 6 35/” dinner at 6 50/” good – Had Mr. Nouvel 2nd time from 7 1/2 to 9 20/”  then tea and Ann went to bed – I sat reading my grammar till 11 35/”  (had had Grotza in the mean time) – very fine day Fahrenheit 60º now at 11 35/”  
*maison Hollandaise (French) = Dutch House;
au pont du police (French) = by the Police Bridge
**Anne’s accounts book SH:7/ML/AC/32 gives more details about her purchases, so we know exactly which grammar and dictionary she bought at Bellizard’s, and then used to study Russian throughout the rest of her last voyage.
WYAS page:  SH:7/ML/TR/14/0017
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years ago
Friday 20 September 1839 Travel Journal
7 ¼
11 50/..
fine morning F62 ½° now at 10 25/.. after having breakfasted at 9 and written out yesterdays’ account and inked over journal of yesterday – out at 11 – at the mines in 20 minutes – In the rooms (halls) till 2 5/.. – then in the mines from 2 10/.. to 3 10/.. – gave the 1st man a five R. note – the 2nd a silver rubel and the man at the door a 20kop. silver piece – then to the Botanic garden there at 4 10/.. an hours’ drive from the mines – Tall dahlias – round bed of in the middle golden rod – round that lilac flower phlox – then an outside circle of peonies – then outside circle of the broad leaved pink flowering saxifrage (not in flower here) that we have in the walk at home – marigolds and ragworts (Senecio, ragwort)  - great deal of the low spreading reddish-stemmed, single –flower (not in flower here) rose tree that we have over Grays’ cistern at home and that my aunt brought from Harrogate – Red American dogwood with clusters of a lividish white berry (like elder berry clusters, but the berries white) –
Barberries in fruit, lilacks – sumach – what accacia [acacia] is it that forms hedges here (e.g. along the Neva here along the road outside the garden) and is everywhere green and hardy looking? –
there is here the bush bearing a little black berry that we saw so common at the Pyrenees – with a rather birchy shaped veiny leaf – the red berried dogwood or Elder so common at the Pyrenees, in fruit here, very pretty – and the shrub with woolly underneath thick leaf that used to be at the bottom of the arched at Shibden and came away at 5 5/.. much of the red-berried I know not what with a Polygonum orientale, maple like leaf that grew between the 2 brook at Shibden a sort of sweet dock in red flower
at the booksellers’ Bellizard and cie. maison Hollandaise, au pont de police – bought French Russian grammar dictionary – home at 6 35/.. dinner at 6 40/.. good – Had Mr. Nouvel 1nd time from 7 ½ to 9 20/.. then tea and A- went to bed – I sat reading my grammar till 11 35/.. (had had Grotza in the meantime) – very fine day F60° now at 11 35/..
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little-garden-of-mine · 6 years ago
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Senecio Haworthii
Woolly boy 💖
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surrealgardening · 7 years ago
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Happy Wednesday! I love this plant. Senecio Caposus 'Woolly Senecio" or 'Silver Coral' (at Oakdale, California)
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kevinscottgardens · 3 years ago
24 au 30 janvier 2022
Another week off work. Apologies for the lack of photos this week. I met with M., Mme. and James Monday morning to discuss a few things including the new meadow area. Karen came over for apéros, a nice long chat and dinner. We enjoyed leftovers from Sunday, pork and potatoes-gratin with a fresh green salad, followed by cheese and then dessert and a nice bottle of wine.
Lucien departed Tuesday. I’m chasing up the flowers I tried to send to Stéphane for his 50th at the beginning of the month. My trottinette is on its way back (or perhaps it will be a new one) and is scheduled to be delivered Thursday. I’ve resumed working on Arabella’s database.
I spent all day Wednesday reading. I finished two books: Living Well is the Best Revenge, Alentejo Blue and one journal Hortus no. 139. I still want to finish Jesus-Christ buvait de la bière, before book club on Monday night.
Thursday, my trottinette arrived in the same box I sent it to be fixed, good recycling. I hope they actually fixed the electrical problem.
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My doctor visit went as I imagined, I’ll be off work two more weeks. A lot will depend on what the physiotherapist says Monday. I went to see Marc for a massage and he paid special attention to my arms. They felt a lot better afterwards. Then I meandered over to have dinner with Dee and Kim. 
Friday I had ultrasound on my right shoulder and elbow. I received an email stating that my request to swap my UK driving licence for a French permis de conduire is still in process. I’m doing a lot on Duolingo this week. I am feeling quite lethargic and unmotivated, I really need to kick that so I can do a lot of reading and learning French over the next two weeks.
Saturday I didn’t leave the house. No exercise for me at all. I finished binge-watching Sex Education on Netflix. I’m head of the leader board in the diamond league for the first time on Duolingo. I read a bit in French too. I also did a small puzzle.
Sunday I attempted to make crèpes. The batter wasn’t very smooth. I checked on my mutual funds... they are all tanking... I should go up and water the Pelargoniums I have growing in pots in the glasshouse. I discovered one of my two cymbidiums has two buds. I repotted them about a year ago. I sent Bala (RGB Kew) a photo. We’re going to have a catch up next week.
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I eventually made my way up to the glasshouse and I’m glad I did, everything really needed a drink. They should be good for another week now.
Sarah-Jane rang and we went out for a drink and to let her vent a bit. I started watching Plan Cœur (Hookup Plan) on Netflix; it’s really helping with my modern spoken French.
Cours de français hebdomadaire
jeux de cartes - card games
paquet de cartes - deck of cards
As - ace
Roi - king
Dame - queen
Valet - jack (knight)
enseignes ( couleurs ) - suits
trèfle - club
carreau - diamond
cœur - heart
pique - spade
Plant of the week
Asteraceae Senecio seminiveus J.M.Wood & M.S.Evans
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common name(s) - yellow halfwhite groundsel; Zulu : khotolia-ea-noka synonym(s) - none conservation rating - none native to - South Africa location - Domaine de l’Orangerie leaves - finely divided greyish-hairy foliage; peculiar white-woolly leaf buds contrasting with the glabrous mature foliage flowers - heads radiate, one to three in terminal corymbs; involucral bracts ± 12, ± equalling disc florets, glandular-pilose, base often cobwebby; flowers: ray florets ± 13; ray and disc florets bright canary-yellow fruit - achenes c. 3mm long, cylindric, ribbed, glabrous habit - evergreen perennial, compact, well-branched, to 300mm tall and 500mm wide habitat - mesic grassland, montane, rocky areas; in rounded clumps on cliff faces or sprawled over rock sheets or in the crevices of rock sheets; between c. 2,130m and 3,170m above sea level pests - generally pest-free disease - generally disease-free hardiness - to -5ºC (H3) soil - well-drained sun - full sun propagation - seed, cuttings, layering pruning - just to keep compact nomenclature - Asteraceae - star; Senecio - old man, senex, senis, the name in Pliny refers to the grey hairiness as soon as fruiting commences; seminiveus - no information found
References :
Denver Botanic Gardens [online] http://navigate.botanicgardens.org/weboi/oecgi2.exe/INET_ECM_DispPl?NAMENUM=19220&startpage=1 [23 Jan 22]
Gledhill, David, (2008) “The Names of Plants”, fourth edition; Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 978-0-52168-553-5
IUCN [online] http://www.iucnredlist.org/search [23 Jan 22]
John Grimshaw’s Garden Diary [online] http://johngrimshawsgardendiary.blogspot.com/2010/11/senecio-seminiveus.html [23 Jan 22]
Plants of the World [online] https://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:247545-1 [23 Jan 22]
SANBI [online] http://redlist.sanbi.org/species.php?species=3152-419 [23 Jan 22]
SARS-CoVid-2 update (incidence rate per 100,000)
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apartmentbotanist · 5 years ago
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Summer weather makes me think of my succulents and cacti. For me, when the weather starts to warm I love to clean and prep my succulents so they can grow beautifully again. Keep your eye out for an igtv all about how I clean up my succulent pots. I recently made room for this beautiful Senecio haworthii also known as Woolly senecio. If I had to describe it I would say it’s the vintage farmhouse of all succulents 😂 #plantsincolor #summer #warmweather #woollysenecio #seneciohaworthii #senecio #peach #blush #summer #plantcare #apartmentbotanist https://www.instagram.com/p/CAuV0aHAahk/?igshid=1r9dtf8ligano
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greenplantreligion · 8 years ago
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Woolly senecio Senecio haworthii
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nearthecityofchorrol-blog · 6 years ago
Nature garden takes children on a ‘journey of the senses’
An revolutionary garden designed to offer children of all talents the probability to access and luxuriate in nature has been unveiled at the Hampton Courtroom Palace Garden Pageant to have fun the authorities’s Yr of Inexperienced Action.
Created together younger individuals with disabilities and the Sensory Belief, the garden will take guests of all talents on a journey by means of the senses, with crops specially chosen for his or her multisensory attraction.
Scent, contact and style are all appealed to with the furry leaves of woolly thyme, while the velvety leaves of senecio ‘angel wings’ are for children to touch and feel. The garden is adorned with ceramic tiles designed by children with disabilities and their families.
The Yr of Inexperienced Motion Garden may also ask guests to pledge to assist improve the surroundings so we grow to be the first era to go away it in a higher state than we discovered it – a key goal of authorities’s 25 Yr Setting Plan.
Surroundings Secretary Michael Gove stated:
“The Yr of Inexperienced Action Garden is a demonstration of the position gardens and other outside areas can play in sparking pleasure for nature in all children.
“Now more than ever it is vital that we ensure that the next generation is engaged with the environment, not only for their own health and well-being, but for the health and well-being of the natural world itself.”
Helen Rosevear, co-designer of the Yr of Inexperienced Action Garden, stated:
“Household gardens give children one of their first opportunities to connect with nature, and the Yr of Green Action Garden exhibits how we will all create areas for everyone to take pleasure in whereas being aware of how they will benefit wildlife and the setting.
“Family gardens, schools and other organisations can create features such as dens, sensory domes and bug hotels, but on a smaller scale we can all choose plants that have a multi-sensory appeal as well as being attractive to wildlife.”
Analysis exhibits that spending just two hours a week in nature has unimaginable advantages on well being and wellbeing. That is why the government launched its year-long drive – the Yr of Inexperienced Action – to help everyone become involved in tasks that help and enhance nature. By designing the garden to be accessible for all, it can assist improve access to the pure world for children of all talents.
Visually, the garden moves from combined, stimulating colors of sunflowers and candy peas on the patio and pollinator area to more calming blues and purples of lavender. The paths and surfaces created from recycled shredded rubber to make a agency but forgiving floor for children.
There’s a sensory dome to offer a quiet reflective area, especially beneficial for children with further wants, while a coated craft space supplies a area for the entire household to interact in nature-based actions and play.
The garden can also be environmentally friendly with built-in water storage and composting, crops which were specially chosen for both their low water demand with a view to scale back water use and their attractiveness to pollinators, and permeable paving to permit water to percolate and stop flooding.
Claire Francis from the Sensory Trust stated:
“We are delighted to be co-designing this Year of Green Action Garden and hope that it inspires many people to use our simple, low-cost techniques to create deeper, lasting connections with nature in their own garden”
The creation of the garden comes halfway by means of the authorities’s Yr of Inexperienced Action forming a half of the Government’s 25 Yr Setting Plan, where people and businesses are being inspired to do extra to assist nature and the setting. Children and younger individuals are at the coronary heart of the Yr of Green Motion, which is why the authorities has pledged £10m to assist children from deprived backgrounds higher entry the natural setting.
Since its launch in January, the authorities has outlined formidable plans to overtake the waste system and rework household recycling, pledged help for charity Step As much as Serve’s #iwill4nature campaign, and set out plans to guard some of the country’s rarest and most threatened fungi.
Prime ideas for creating accessible gardens
Peak – a vary of container and plant heights will convey your garden into straightforward reach for a vary of ages and skills. Think about vertical planters, raised beds and planting near paths.
Surfaces – think about the path and patio surfaces of your garden. Recycled shredded rubber offers a firm but forgiving surface, especially good for children.
Paths and routes – attempt to avoid steps, sharp bends and unfastened or uneven surfaces. Think about the journey by means of the garden, round routes, tunnels and dens may be great fun, ensure these are accessible too.
Seating – a good bench or seat not solely appears great however is important for having fun with the garden for somebody with low stamina.
Shade – this will make or break a garden for anyone that should avoid publicity to the solar. You can also make shade from material canopies, timber or plant coated pergolas.
Prime ideas for creating a sensory garden
Plant selection– don’t just attain for crops which might be heavily scented, take into consideration color patterns, texture, and the sound they make. Some crops, reminiscent of snapdragons, sunflowers and lengthy grasses are nice for play and craft. Contemplate planting some edibles for extra-sensory attraction and the pleasure of harvesting your personal meals.
Water – water offers a robust sensory experience, both tactile and auditory. Even a shallow pool of water or simple water function can present alternatives for play, and rest.
More than crops – animate your garden with objects which are fascinating to explore by way of totally different senses. Tactile sculptures, textured tiles and bamboo sound tubes might be created out of natural gadgets present in the garden and may provide enjoyment by means of the entire yr.
Trip – a comfortable or den can present a welcome area for outing and rest.
Plant highlights
Silver birch (Betula pendula)
Chosen for its visually putting bark and lightweight foliage, silver birch casts dappled mild patterns on the sensory dome. Bark adds sensory ornament on the dome cover. Silver birch offers meals and habitat for over 300 insect species – leaves that feed ladybirds and caterpillars, seeds for birds, and houses to woodpeckers.
Woodland strawberries (Fragaria vesca)
Woodland strawberries are a tasty deal with for individuals and wildlife. Children love discovering the small fruits whereas birds and insects take pleasure in feasting on the fruits that get left behind. They’re straightforward to grow and are a good selection for a low-water-demand garden.
Bamboo (Phyllostachys bissettii)
Bamboo is chosen to reveal a sustainable material with a wide selection of uses. In the garden, harvested bamboo has been used to make the sensory dome and the bugs hanging inside. The planted bamboo tunnel supplies a sensory journey in addition to shelter and shade for nesting packing containers.
Senecio ‘Angel Wings’ (Stachys byzantine)
A plant chosen for its huge velvety leaves that invite children’s arms to discover the extraordinary texture. Their silver color provides robust visual contrast and they’re in style with bumble bees. They’re straightforward to grow and as a herbaceous perennial they’ll remain in the garden yr after yr.
Woolly thyme (Thymus pseudolanuginosus)
Woolly thyme, like different thymes, combines wildlife and sensory attraction in a single small plant. Its mushy, furry leaves are a tactile and aromatic highlight while its flowers are a magnet for bees and different pollinators. It’s straightforward to grow and nicely suited to a dry garden.
Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus)
Chosen for their shiny, vibrant colours and long flowering display, nasturtiums are a visible delight. Additionally they present edible flowers and add a extra uncommon style opportunity in the garden. They supply food for long-tongued bumblebees and butterflies, in addition to insects corresponding to ladybirds and lacewings.
About the designers
Helen Rosevear
Helen is a specialist in inclusive and sensory-rich garden designs and has worked with the Sensory Trust on earlier garden and panorama tasks. Helen lives in North Wiltshire and works as the in-house garden designer at Cotswold Estates and Gardens Ltd.
Jane Stoneham
Jane Stoneham (MPhil Panorama design and horticulture, BSc (Hons) Horticulture) is a leading authority in sensory-rich and accessible garden design at the Sensory Trust. She has carried out and suggested on designs for retirement schemes, faculty grounds, hospitals and public greenspace and her books are used round the world. Helen and Jane have labored collectively on inclusive and sensory-rich tasks for over 20 years.
About the Sensory Trust
The Sensory Belief is a leading authority on inclusive and sensory design. It uses nature and the outside to improve the well being and wellbeing of individuals dwelling with incapacity and health points, their families and carers. It works all through the UK and shares its approaches internationally with a vast community of organisations and people. Its purpose is to make the outside accessible and gratifying for all individuals, regardless of age, capacity or social circumstance.
About the contractors
Cotswold Estates and Gardens is a long established company offering a first-class complete landscaping service which incorporates, consultation and design, challenge administration and development, and maintenance and aftercare. Cotswold Estates and Gardens have been instrumental in creating progressive methods for upcycling supplies and utilizing sustainable development practices for our garden.
The post Nature garden takes children on a ‘journey of the senses’ appeared first on Laptop Computer Info.
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Nature garden takes children on a ‘journey of the senses’
An revolutionary garden designed to offer children of all talents the probability to access and luxuriate in nature has been unveiled at the Hampton Courtroom Palace Garden Pageant to have fun the authorities’s Yr of Inexperienced Action.
Created together younger individuals with disabilities and the Sensory Belief, the garden will take guests of all talents on a journey by means of the senses, with crops specially chosen for his or her multisensory attraction.
Scent, contact and style are all appealed to with the furry leaves of woolly thyme, while the velvety leaves of senecio ‘angel wings’ are for children to touch and feel. The garden is adorned with ceramic tiles designed by children with disabilities and their families.
The Yr of Inexperienced Motion Garden may also ask guests to pledge to assist improve the surroundings so we grow to be the first era to go away it in a higher state than we discovered it – a key goal of authorities’s 25 Yr Setting Plan.
Surroundings Secretary Michael Gove stated:
“The Yr of Inexperienced Action Garden is a demonstration of the position gardens and other outside areas can play in sparking pleasure for nature in all children.
“Now more than ever it is vital that we ensure that the next generation is engaged with the environment, not only for their own health and well-being, but for the health and well-being of the natural world itself.”
Helen Rosevear, co-designer of the Yr of Inexperienced Action Garden, stated:
“Household gardens give children one of their first opportunities to connect with nature, and the Yr of Green Action Garden exhibits how we will all create areas for everyone to take pleasure in whereas being aware of how they will benefit wildlife and the setting.
“Family gardens, schools and other organisations can create features such as dens, sensory domes and bug hotels, but on a smaller scale we can all choose plants that have a multi-sensory appeal as well as being attractive to wildlife.”
Analysis exhibits that spending just two hours a week in nature has unimaginable advantages on well being and wellbeing. That is why the government launched its year-long drive – the Yr of Inexperienced Action – to help everyone become involved in tasks that help and enhance nature. By designing the garden to be accessible for all, it can assist improve access to the pure world for children of all talents.
Visually, the garden moves from combined, stimulating colors of sunflowers and candy peas on the patio and pollinator area to more calming blues and purples of lavender. The paths and surfaces created from recycled shredded rubber to make a agency but forgiving floor for children.
There’s a sensory dome to offer a quiet reflective area, especially beneficial for children with further wants, while a coated craft space supplies a area for the entire household to interact in nature-based actions and play.
The garden can also be environmentally friendly with built-in water storage and composting, crops which were specially chosen for both their low water demand with a view to scale back water use and their attractiveness to pollinators, and permeable paving to permit water to percolate and stop flooding.
Claire Francis from the Sensory Trust stated:
“We are delighted to be co-designing this Year of Green Action Garden and hope that it inspires many people to use our simple, low-cost techniques to create deeper, lasting connections with nature in their own garden”
The creation of the garden comes halfway by means of the authorities’s Yr of Inexperienced Action forming a half of the Government’s 25 Yr Setting Plan, where people and businesses are being inspired to do extra to assist nature and the setting. Children and younger individuals are at the coronary heart of the Yr of Green Motion, which is why the authorities has pledged £10m to assist children from deprived backgrounds higher entry the natural setting.
Since its launch in January, the authorities has outlined formidable plans to overtake the waste system and rework household recycling, pledged help for charity Step As much as Serve’s #iwill4nature campaign, and set out plans to guard some of the country’s rarest and most threatened fungi.
Prime ideas for creating accessible gardens
Peak – a vary of container and plant heights will convey your garden into straightforward reach for a vary of ages and skills. Think about vertical planters, raised beds and planting near paths.
Surfaces – think about the path and patio surfaces of your garden. Recycled shredded rubber offers a firm but forgiving surface, especially good for children.
Paths and routes – attempt to avoid steps, sharp bends and unfastened or uneven surfaces. Think about the journey by means of the garden, round routes, tunnels and dens may be great fun, ensure these are accessible too.
Seating – a good bench or seat not solely appears great however is important for having fun with the garden for somebody with low stamina.
Shade – this will make or break a garden for anyone that should avoid publicity to the solar. You can also make shade from material canopies, timber or plant coated pergolas.
Prime ideas for creating a sensory garden
Plant selection– don’t just attain for crops which might be heavily scented, take into consideration color patterns, texture, and the sound they make. Some crops, reminiscent of snapdragons, sunflowers and lengthy grasses are nice for play and craft. Contemplate planting some edibles for extra-sensory attraction and the pleasure of harvesting your personal meals.
Water – water offers a robust sensory experience, both tactile and auditory. Even a shallow pool of water or simple water function can present alternatives for play, and rest.
More than crops – animate your garden with objects which are fascinating to explore by way of totally different senses. Tactile sculptures, textured tiles and bamboo sound tubes might be created out of natural gadgets present in the garden and may provide enjoyment by means of the entire yr.
Trip – a comfortable or den can present a welcome area for outing and rest.
Plant highlights
Silver birch (Betula pendula)
Chosen for its visually putting bark and lightweight foliage, silver birch casts dappled mild patterns on the sensory dome. Bark adds sensory ornament on the dome cover. Silver birch offers meals and habitat for over 300 insect species – leaves that feed ladybirds and caterpillars, seeds for birds, and houses to woodpeckers.
Woodland strawberries (Fragaria vesca)
Woodland strawberries are a tasty deal with for individuals and wildlife. Children love discovering the small fruits whereas birds and insects take pleasure in feasting on the fruits that get left behind. They’re straightforward to grow and are a good selection for a low-water-demand garden.
Bamboo (Phyllostachys bissettii)
Bamboo is chosen to reveal a sustainable material with a wide selection of uses. In the garden, harvested bamboo has been used to make the sensory dome and the bugs hanging inside. The planted bamboo tunnel supplies a sensory journey in addition to shelter and shade for nesting packing containers.
Senecio ‘Angel Wings’ (Stachys byzantine)
A plant chosen for its huge velvety leaves that invite children’s arms to discover the extraordinary texture. Their silver color provides robust visual contrast and they’re in style with bumble bees. They’re straightforward to grow and as a herbaceous perennial they’ll remain in the garden yr after yr.
Woolly thyme (Thymus pseudolanuginosus)
Woolly thyme, like different thymes, combines wildlife and sensory attraction in a single small plant. Its mushy, furry leaves are a tactile and aromatic highlight while its flowers are a magnet for bees and different pollinators. It’s straightforward to grow and nicely suited to a dry garden.
Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus)
Chosen for their shiny, vibrant colours and long flowering display, nasturtiums are a visible delight. Additionally they present edible flowers and add a extra uncommon style opportunity in the garden. They supply food for long-tongued bumblebees and butterflies, in addition to insects corresponding to ladybirds and lacewings.
About the designers
Helen Rosevear
Helen is a specialist in inclusive and sensory-rich garden designs and has worked with the Sensory Trust on earlier garden and panorama tasks. Helen lives in North Wiltshire and works as the in-house garden designer at Cotswold Estates and Gardens Ltd.
Jane Stoneham
Jane Stoneham (MPhil Panorama design and horticulture, BSc (Hons) Horticulture) is a leading authority in sensory-rich and accessible garden design at the Sensory Trust. She has carried out and suggested on designs for retirement schemes, faculty grounds, hospitals and public greenspace and her books are used round the world. Helen and Jane have labored collectively on inclusive and sensory-rich tasks for over 20 years.
About the Sensory Trust
The Sensory Belief is a leading authority on inclusive and sensory design. It uses nature and the outside to improve the well being and wellbeing of individuals dwelling with incapacity and health points, their families and carers. It works all through the UK and shares its approaches internationally with a vast community of organisations and people. Its purpose is to make the outside accessible and gratifying for all individuals, regardless of age, capacity or social circumstance.
About the contractors
Cotswold Estates and Gardens is a long established company offering a first-class complete landscaping service which incorporates, consultation and design, challenge administration and development, and maintenance and aftercare. Cotswold Estates and Gardens have been instrumental in creating progressive methods for upcycling supplies and utilizing sustainable development practices for our garden.
The post Nature garden takes children on a ‘journey of the senses’ appeared first on Laptop Computer Info.
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tarsoakedgossamer · 6 years ago
Nature garden takes children on a ‘journey of the senses’
An revolutionary garden designed to offer children of all talents the probability to access and luxuriate in nature has been unveiled at the Hampton Courtroom Palace Garden Pageant to have fun the authorities’s Yr of Inexperienced Action.
Created together younger individuals with disabilities and the Sensory Belief, the garden will take guests of all talents on a journey by means of the senses, with crops specially chosen for his or her multisensory attraction.
Scent, contact and style are all appealed to with the furry leaves of woolly thyme, while the velvety leaves of senecio ‘angel wings’ are for children to touch and feel. The garden is adorned with ceramic tiles designed by children with disabilities and their families.
The Yr of Inexperienced Motion Garden may also ask guests to pledge to assist improve the surroundings so we grow to be the first era to go away it in a higher state than we discovered it – a key goal of authorities’s 25 Yr Setting Plan.
Surroundings Secretary Michael Gove stated:
“The Yr of Inexperienced Action Garden is a demonstration of the position gardens and other outside areas can play in sparking pleasure for nature in all children.
“Now more than ever it is vital that we ensure that the next generation is engaged with the environment, not only for their own health and well-being, but for the health and well-being of the natural world itself.”
Helen Rosevear, co-designer of the Yr of Inexperienced Action Garden, stated:
“Household gardens give children one of their first opportunities to connect with nature, and the Yr of Green Action Garden exhibits how we will all create areas for everyone to take pleasure in whereas being aware of how they will benefit wildlife and the setting.
“Family gardens, schools and other organisations can create features such as dens, sensory domes and bug hotels, but on a smaller scale we can all choose plants that have a multi-sensory appeal as well as being attractive to wildlife.”
Analysis exhibits that spending just two hours a week in nature has unimaginable advantages on well being and wellbeing. That is why the government launched its year-long drive – the Yr of Inexperienced Action – to help everyone become involved in tasks that help and enhance nature. By designing the garden to be accessible for all, it can assist improve access to the pure world for children of all talents.
Visually, the garden moves from combined, stimulating colors of sunflowers and candy peas on the patio and pollinator area to more calming blues and purples of lavender. The paths and surfaces created from recycled shredded rubber to make a agency but forgiving floor for children.
There’s a sensory dome to offer a quiet reflective area, especially beneficial for children with further wants, while a coated craft space supplies a area for the entire household to interact in nature-based actions and play.
The garden can also be environmentally friendly with built-in water storage and composting, crops which were specially chosen for both their low water demand with a view to scale back water use and their attractiveness to pollinators, and permeable paving to permit water to percolate and stop flooding.
Claire Francis from the Sensory Trust stated:
“We are delighted to be co-designing this Year of Green Action Garden and hope that it inspires many people to use our simple, low-cost techniques to create deeper, lasting connections with nature in their own garden”
The creation of the garden comes halfway by means of the authorities’s Yr of Inexperienced Action forming a half of the Government’s 25 Yr Setting Plan, where people and businesses are being inspired to do extra to assist nature and the setting. Children and younger individuals are at the coronary heart of the Yr of Green Motion, which is why the authorities has pledged £10m to assist children from deprived backgrounds higher entry the natural setting.
Since its launch in January, the authorities has outlined formidable plans to overtake the waste system and rework household recycling, pledged help for charity Step As much as Serve’s #iwill4nature campaign, and set out plans to guard some of the country’s rarest and most threatened fungi.
Prime ideas for creating accessible gardens
Peak – a vary of container and plant heights will convey your garden into straightforward reach for a vary of ages and skills. Think about vertical planters, raised beds and planting near paths.
Surfaces – think about the path and patio surfaces of your garden. Recycled shredded rubber offers a firm but forgiving surface, especially good for children.
Paths and routes – attempt to avoid steps, sharp bends and unfastened or uneven surfaces. Think about the journey by means of the garden, round routes, tunnels and dens may be great fun, ensure these are accessible too.
Seating – a good bench or seat not solely appears great however is important for having fun with the garden for somebody with low stamina.
Shade – this will make or break a garden for anyone that should avoid publicity to the solar. You can also make shade from material canopies, timber or plant coated pergolas.
Prime ideas for creating a sensory garden
Plant selection– don’t just attain for crops which might be heavily scented, take into consideration color patterns, texture, and the sound they make. Some crops, reminiscent of snapdragons, sunflowers and lengthy grasses are nice for play and craft. Contemplate planting some edibles for extra-sensory attraction and the pleasure of harvesting your personal meals.
Water – water offers a robust sensory experience, both tactile and auditory. Even a shallow pool of water or simple water function can present alternatives for play, and rest.
More than crops – animate your garden with objects which are fascinating to explore by way of totally different senses. Tactile sculptures, textured tiles and bamboo sound tubes might be created out of natural gadgets present in the garden and may provide enjoyment by means of the entire yr.
Trip – a comfortable or den can present a welcome area for outing and rest.
Plant highlights
Silver birch (Betula pendula)
Chosen for its visually putting bark and lightweight foliage, silver birch casts dappled mild patterns on the sensory dome. Bark adds sensory ornament on the dome cover. Silver birch offers meals and habitat for over 300 insect species – leaves that feed ladybirds and caterpillars, seeds for birds, and houses to woodpeckers.
Woodland strawberries (Fragaria vesca)
Woodland strawberries are a tasty deal with for individuals and wildlife. Children love discovering the small fruits whereas birds and insects take pleasure in feasting on the fruits that get left behind. They’re straightforward to grow and are a good selection for a low-water-demand garden.
Bamboo (Phyllostachys bissettii)
Bamboo is chosen to reveal a sustainable material with a wide selection of uses. In the garden, harvested bamboo has been used to make the sensory dome and the bugs hanging inside. The planted bamboo tunnel supplies a sensory journey in addition to shelter and shade for nesting packing containers.
Senecio ‘Angel Wings’ (Stachys byzantine)
A plant chosen for its huge velvety leaves that invite children’s arms to discover the extraordinary texture. Their silver color provides robust visual contrast and they’re in style with bumble bees. They’re straightforward to grow and as a herbaceous perennial they’ll remain in the garden yr after yr.
Woolly thyme (Thymus pseudolanuginosus)
Woolly thyme, like different thymes, combines wildlife and sensory attraction in a single small plant. Its mushy, furry leaves are a tactile and aromatic highlight while its flowers are a magnet for bees and different pollinators. It’s straightforward to grow and nicely suited to a dry garden.
Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus)
Chosen for their shiny, vibrant colours and long flowering display, nasturtiums are a visible delight. Additionally they present edible flowers and add a extra uncommon style opportunity in the garden. They supply food for long-tongued bumblebees and butterflies, in addition to insects corresponding to ladybirds and lacewings.
About the designers
Helen Rosevear
Helen is a specialist in inclusive and sensory-rich garden designs and has worked with the Sensory Trust on earlier garden and panorama tasks. Helen lives in North Wiltshire and works as the in-house garden designer at Cotswold Estates and Gardens Ltd.
Jane Stoneham
Jane Stoneham (MPhil Panorama design and horticulture, BSc (Hons) Horticulture) is a leading authority in sensory-rich and accessible garden design at the Sensory Trust. She has carried out and suggested on designs for retirement schemes, faculty grounds, hospitals and public greenspace and her books are used round the world. Helen and Jane have labored collectively on inclusive and sensory-rich tasks for over 20 years.
About the Sensory Trust
The Sensory Belief is a leading authority on inclusive and sensory design. It uses nature and the outside to improve the well being and wellbeing of individuals dwelling with incapacity and health points, their families and carers. It works all through the UK and shares its approaches internationally with a vast community of organisations and people. Its purpose is to make the outside accessible and gratifying for all individuals, regardless of age, capacity or social circumstance.
About the contractors
Cotswold Estates and Gardens is a long established company offering a first-class complete landscaping service which incorporates, consultation and design, challenge administration and development, and maintenance and aftercare. Cotswold Estates and Gardens have been instrumental in creating progressive methods for upcycling supplies and utilizing sustainable development practices for our garden.
The post Nature garden takes children on a ‘journey of the senses’ appeared first on Laptop Computer Info.
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whathungerpangs · 6 years ago
Nature garden takes children on a ‘journey of the senses’
An revolutionary garden designed to offer children of all talents the probability to access and luxuriate in nature has been unveiled at the Hampton Courtroom Palace Garden Pageant to have fun the authorities’s Yr of Inexperienced Action.
Created together younger individuals with disabilities and the Sensory Belief, the garden will take guests of all talents on a journey by means of the senses, with crops specially chosen for his or her multisensory attraction.
Scent, contact and style are all appealed to with the furry leaves of woolly thyme, while the velvety leaves of senecio ‘angel wings’ are for children to touch and feel. The garden is adorned with ceramic tiles designed by children with disabilities and their families.
The Yr of Inexperienced Motion Garden may also ask guests to pledge to assist improve the surroundings so we grow to be the first era to go away it in a higher state than we discovered it – a key goal of authorities’s 25 Yr Setting Plan.
Surroundings Secretary Michael Gove stated:
“The Yr of Inexperienced Action Garden is a demonstration of the position gardens and other outside areas can play in sparking pleasure for nature in all children.
“Now more than ever it is vital that we ensure that the next generation is engaged with the environment, not only for their own health and well-being, but for the health and well-being of the natural world itself.”
Helen Rosevear, co-designer of the Yr of Inexperienced Action Garden, stated:
“Household gardens give children one of their first opportunities to connect with nature, and the Yr of Green Action Garden exhibits how we will all create areas for everyone to take pleasure in whereas being aware of how they will benefit wildlife and the setting.
“Family gardens, schools and other organisations can create features such as dens, sensory domes and bug hotels, but on a smaller scale we can all choose plants that have a multi-sensory appeal as well as being attractive to wildlife.”
Analysis exhibits that spending just two hours a week in nature has unimaginable advantages on well being and wellbeing. That is why the government launched its year-long drive – the Yr of Inexperienced Action – to help everyone become involved in tasks that help and enhance nature. By designing the garden to be accessible for all, it can assist improve access to the pure world for children of all talents.
Visually, the garden moves from combined, stimulating colors of sunflowers and candy peas on the patio and pollinator area to more calming blues and purples of lavender. The paths and surfaces created from recycled shredded rubber to make a agency but forgiving floor for children.
There’s a sensory dome to offer a quiet reflective area, especially beneficial for children with further wants, while a coated craft space supplies a area for the entire household to interact in nature-based actions and play.
The garden can also be environmentally friendly with built-in water storage and composting, crops which were specially chosen for both their low water demand with a view to scale back water use and their attractiveness to pollinators, and permeable paving to permit water to percolate and stop flooding.
Claire Francis from the Sensory Trust stated:
“We are delighted to be co-designing this Year of Green Action Garden and hope that it inspires many people to use our simple, low-cost techniques to create deeper, lasting connections with nature in their own garden”
The creation of the garden comes halfway by means of the authorities’s Yr of Inexperienced Action forming a half of the Government’s 25 Yr Setting Plan, where people and businesses are being inspired to do extra to assist nature and the setting. Children and younger individuals are at the coronary heart of the Yr of Green Motion, which is why the authorities has pledged £10m to assist children from deprived backgrounds higher entry the natural setting.
Since its launch in January, the authorities has outlined formidable plans to overtake the waste system and rework household recycling, pledged help for charity Step As much as Serve’s #iwill4nature campaign, and set out plans to guard some of the country’s rarest and most threatened fungi.
Prime ideas for creating accessible gardens
Peak – a vary of container and plant heights will convey your garden into straightforward reach for a vary of ages and skills. Think about vertical planters, raised beds and planting near paths.
Surfaces – think about the path and patio surfaces of your garden. Recycled shredded rubber offers a firm but forgiving surface, especially good for children.
Paths and routes – attempt to avoid steps, sharp bends and unfastened or uneven surfaces. Think about the journey by means of the garden, round routes, tunnels and dens may be great fun, ensure these are accessible too.
Seating – a good bench or seat not solely appears great however is important for having fun with the garden for somebody with low stamina.
Shade – this will make or break a garden for anyone that should avoid publicity to the solar. You can also make shade from material canopies, timber or plant coated pergolas.
Prime ideas for creating a sensory garden
Plant selection– don’t just attain for crops which might be heavily scented, take into consideration color patterns, texture, and the sound they make. Some crops, reminiscent of snapdragons, sunflowers and lengthy grasses are nice for play and craft. Contemplate planting some edibles for extra-sensory attraction and the pleasure of harvesting your personal meals.
Water – water offers a robust sensory experience, both tactile and auditory. Even a shallow pool of water or simple water function can present alternatives for play, and rest.
More than crops – animate your garden with objects which are fascinating to explore by way of totally different senses. Tactile sculptures, textured tiles and bamboo sound tubes might be created out of natural gadgets present in the garden and may provide enjoyment by means of the entire yr.
Trip – a comfortable or den can present a welcome area for outing and rest.
Plant highlights
Silver birch (Betula pendula)
Chosen for its visually putting bark and lightweight foliage, silver birch casts dappled mild patterns on the sensory dome. Bark adds sensory ornament on the dome cover. Silver birch offers meals and habitat for over 300 insect species – leaves that feed ladybirds and caterpillars, seeds for birds, and houses to woodpeckers.
Woodland strawberries (Fragaria vesca)
Woodland strawberries are a tasty deal with for individuals and wildlife. Children love discovering the small fruits whereas birds and insects take pleasure in feasting on the fruits that get left behind. They’re straightforward to grow and are a good selection for a low-water-demand garden.
Bamboo (Phyllostachys bissettii)
Bamboo is chosen to reveal a sustainable material with a wide selection of uses. In the garden, harvested bamboo has been used to make the sensory dome and the bugs hanging inside. The planted bamboo tunnel supplies a sensory journey in addition to shelter and shade for nesting packing containers.
Senecio ‘Angel Wings’ (Stachys byzantine)
A plant chosen for its huge velvety leaves that invite children’s arms to discover the extraordinary texture. Their silver color provides robust visual contrast and they’re in style with bumble bees. They’re straightforward to grow and as a herbaceous perennial they’ll remain in the garden yr after yr.
Woolly thyme (Thymus pseudolanuginosus)
Woolly thyme, like different thymes, combines wildlife and sensory attraction in a single small plant. Its mushy, furry leaves are a tactile and aromatic highlight while its flowers are a magnet for bees and different pollinators. It’s straightforward to grow and nicely suited to a dry garden.
Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus)
Chosen for their shiny, vibrant colours and long flowering display, nasturtiums are a visible delight. Additionally they present edible flowers and add a extra uncommon style opportunity in the garden. They supply food for long-tongued bumblebees and butterflies, in addition to insects corresponding to ladybirds and lacewings.
About the designers
Helen Rosevear
Helen is a specialist in inclusive and sensory-rich garden designs and has worked with the Sensory Trust on earlier garden and panorama tasks. Helen lives in North Wiltshire and works as the in-house garden designer at Cotswold Estates and Gardens Ltd.
Jane Stoneham
Jane Stoneham (MPhil Panorama design and horticulture, BSc (Hons) Horticulture) is a leading authority in sensory-rich and accessible garden design at the Sensory Trust. She has carried out and suggested on designs for retirement schemes, faculty grounds, hospitals and public greenspace and her books are used round the world. Helen and Jane have labored collectively on inclusive and sensory-rich tasks for over 20 years.
About the Sensory Trust
The Sensory Belief is a leading authority on inclusive and sensory design. It uses nature and the outside to improve the well being and wellbeing of individuals dwelling with incapacity and health points, their families and carers. It works all through the UK and shares its approaches internationally with a vast community of organisations and people. Its purpose is to make the outside accessible and gratifying for all individuals, regardless of age, capacity or social circumstance.
About the contractors
Cotswold Estates and Gardens is a long established company offering a first-class complete landscaping service which incorporates, consultation and design, challenge administration and development, and maintenance and aftercare. Cotswold Estates and Gardens have been instrumental in creating progressive methods for upcycling supplies and utilizing sustainable development practices for our garden.
The post Nature garden takes children on a ‘journey of the senses’ appeared first on Laptop Computer Info.
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