#wooden utensils
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vestaignis · 4 months ago
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Мезенская роспись – тип росписи деревянных прялок и утвари (ковшей, коробов, братин и др.) сложившийся к началу 19 века в низовьях реки Мезень. Известность мезенской росписи дало село Палащелье Мезенскоого (Лешуконского) района Архангельской области, поэтому ее называют еще и палащельской. Самая древняя датированная прялка с мезенской росписью относится к 1815 году, хотя изобразительные мотивы подобной росписи встречаются в рукописных книгах 18 в., выполненных в мезенском регионе.
По стилю мезенскую роспись можно отнести к наиболее архаичным видам росписи, дожившим до нашего времени. Рисунки имеют глубокие корни. Найдены наскальные изображения на берегах Белого моря и Онежского озера, которые перекликаются с рисунками Мезенской росписи.
Готовое изделие расписывали по чистому негрунтованному дереву сначала охрой с помощью измочаленной на конце деревянной палочки, потом птич��им пером делали черную обводку и наносили узор. Расписанный предмет покрывали олифой, что предохраняло краску от стирания и придавало изделию золотистый цвет.
Наиболее яркие персонажи Мезенской росписи: – красные кони – условный знак Солнца, его движения по небосводу; – оленихи – небесные роженицы, они дарят жизнь всему живому на Земле; – уточки, гуси, лебеди – души далеких предков, которые вьются вокруг и помогают нам в трудную минуту; – елочки – олицетворение мужской силы; – мифологическое дерево жизни – состоит из ствола, заполненного ромбиками, бесчисленными родами. Корни дерева завиваются в спирали, олицетворяющие подземный мир. Верхушка увенчана солярным знаком – знаком небесного мира.
Роспись выполняется в два цвета: черный – сажа и красный – охра. Когда-то краски приготовляли из красно-коричневой береговой глины и сажи, растертой на смоле лиственницы – "таючей сере", а с конца 19 века вместо глины стали употреблять сурик. Все изображения очень статичны и лишь благодаря многократному повтору возникает ощущение динамики.
В Северодвинске, Архангельске и других местах сейчас широко развернуто производство сувениров в мезенском стиле – подносы, чаши, солонки, декоративные доски, шкатулки и др.
Mezen painting is a type of painting on wooden spinning wheels and utensils (ladles, boxes, bratinas, etc.) that developed by the beginning of the 19th century in the lower reaches of the Mezen River. The village of Palashchelye in the Mezen (Leshukonsky) district of the Arkhangelsk region gave Mezen painting fame, which is why it is also called Palashchel. The oldest dated spinning wheel with Mezen painting dates back to 1815, although pictorial motifs of similar painting are found in 18th century manuscripts made in the Mezen region.
In terms of style, Mezen painting can be attributed to the most archaic types of painting that have survived to this day. The drawings have deep roots. Rock paintings have been found on the shores of the White Sea and Lake Onega, which echo the drawings of Mezen painting.
The finished product was painted on clean, unprimed wood, first with ochre using a wooden stick soaked at the end, then a black outline was made with a bird feather and a pattern was applied. The painted object was covered with drying oil, which protected the paint from being erased and gave the product a golden color.
The most striking characters of Mezen painting:
red horses - a conventional sign of the Sun, its movement across the sky;
female deer - heavenly mothers, they give life to all living things on Earth;
ducks, geese, swans - the souls of distant ancestors, who hover around and help us in difficult times;
fir trees - the personification of male power;
the mythological tree of life - consists of a trunk filled with diamonds, countless genera. The roots of the tree curl into spirals, personifying the underworld. The top is crowned with a solar sign - a sign of the heavenly world.
The painting is done in two colors: black - soot and red - ochre. At one time, paints were made from red-brown coastal clay and soot ground on larch resin - "melting sulfur", and since the end of the 19th century, red lead began to be used instead of clay. All images are very static and only due to multiple repetitions does a sense of dynamics arise.
In Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk and other places, the production of souvenirs in the Mezen style is now widespread - trays, bowls, salt shakers, decorative boards, boxes, etc.
Источник:/podelunchik.ru/mezenskaya-rospis,/stroyfora.ru/p/post-1727, //iamruss.ru/mezenskaya-painting-on-wood/,cozyhome.ucoz.ru /forum/6-80-1#2977,//patlah.ru/etm/etm-01/podelki/rospis/mezen/ mezen.htm,/www.culture.ru/materials/52919/mezenskaya-rosp.
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inkcurlsandknives · 8 months ago
A local thrift hosted a 4th of July 50% off everything sale and I went a bit mad with power
I'm working to make my entire wardrobe Saints of Storm and Sorrow themed slowly but surely and I'll def show some of those book looks off soon
BUUuuuut In a random $1 bundle of whisks and bamboo spoons and ladles I found this gorgeous most definitely handmade 😍 cherry wood spatula that is honestly making my whole day and the whole trip worth it.
I used it to cook this evening and I think I have a new favorite utensil for my non-stick pan
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Look at it freshly oiled and you can see where the maker wood burned? Etched? Cherry into the back of the handle
One day I hope my spoon carvings are half this nice. It fits so perfectly in my hand and the flipping edge is so nice and thin
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artisansdesigned · 1 year ago
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Wood Cup and Saucer Set | Wood Cup With Handle | Wooden Cup | Coffee Milk Water Mug Drinkware Cup | Eco-friendly Sustainable Wooden Cup
Beautiful and unique cup saucer set is hand crafted and polished from natural shisham wood. Place it in the buffet hutch or in your dining table, it is surely going to grab serious attention of your guests.
wood cup
wooden cup
wood tea cup
tea cup
coffee cup
wood coffee cup
coffee tea cup
handmade wooden cup
eco friendly cups
kitchen decor
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olekciy · 2 years ago
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Cup in Scandinavian style. Apple tree, amber, woodburning.
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rakeshtrave · 4 months ago
Upgrade Your Cooking with Wooden Spatula and Utensils
For a healthier and eco-friendly kitchen, switch to a wooden spatula and other wooden utensils. These tools are gentle on cookware, naturally durable, and toxin-free. Perfect for everyday cooking, wooden utensils keep your non-stick coatings safe and add a touch of rustic charm to your kitchen setup. Make the sustainable choice today!
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utensils852 · 4 months ago
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Wooden utensils for household cooking
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beingjellybeans · 2 years ago
The perfect gift for foodie moms: Ka Tunying's Ma's the Chef Pasta Set
Mother’s Day is already here, and what better way to celebrate this special occasion than by giving Mom a gift that she will love? If, for some reason, you’re still looking for that special something that will make her heart skip a beat, consider gifting mom with the Ma’s the Chef (Pasta Set) from Ka Tunying’s. From Ka Tunying himself Ka Tunying’s is the casual “tambayan” and “restoran” in one…
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sofiaruelle · 1 year ago
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Yes she does accidentally drink paint water when she’s in the Zone™️ 🍄 🍄 🍄
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try-to-use-supplies-art · 3 months ago
rating types of writing utensils because I’m stuck at home w/ COVID and am not good at doing constructive things with my life
Mechanical pencils- most satisfying things ever. My little brain loves to hear the click, and then compare different lead sizes. I want to take them apart.
fountain pens- you can do a lot with these little fuckers. Hate the fact that so many brands *cough* KAWECO *cough* LAMY *cough cough* make you pay so much for their other writing utensils with the fountain pen body- how much does that body truly cost to make? But I am in love with my jinhao swans and platinum preppies, even when they decide they don’t like me anymore.
wooden pencils- can’t take them apart, but they definitely show how much they’ve been loved. Fun seeing the line width get thicker and thicker as you write.
rollerballs- basically fountain pens but more controlled and more wasteful. Pilot V5 however, is my love and one and only. Need to figure out how to put actual fountain pen ink in there.
ballpoints- they write on everything. Beautiful. Show stopping. Precise. Hand cramps. Ow.
gel pens- frowning at how quickly they run out and how much they need to be replaced. One of the reasons I’m into fountain pens.
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artisansdesigned · 1 year ago
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Wooden Bowls, Breakfast, Soup and Dessert Bowls, Wood Bowls, Wooden Container, Kitchen Storage Bowl, Wooden Soup Bowls Kitchen Decor
Each and every one of these beauties is crafted from a solid piece of a fig tree and hand-polished to perfection, they turn any meal sweet or savoury into a treat, so get ready to indulge in a new-found joy for eating.
Wood Bowl
Wood Serving Bowl
Salad Bowl
Wooden Bowl
Housewarming Gift
Wedding Gift
Large Wooden Bowl
Olive Wood Bowls
Wood Bowls
Olive Wood
Wooden Bowls
Salad Bowls
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microwavablefork · 3 months ago
So technically you're a plastic fork then?-
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nah hold on cause why you got a point there,, maybe the real microwavable forks was the plastic we made along the way
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utensils852 · 4 months ago
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Factory direct cooking wooden utensils
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plinkoplinko · 4 months ago
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Sorry for the shit image but. This is the worst ever texture/experience (besides wooden utensils) like its so uncomfortable. This is the reason i refused to play in sprinklers when i was little
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sl33py-g4m3r · 10 months ago
Anyone else have a favourite wooden spoon or something?
Like I’m always cooking at my siblings to help them out with their depression; and I have a favourite wooden spoon….
The wooden spoon disappeared and now I have to use the wooden spoons with the thicker not round handle on them.
They’re chunkier and unwieldy.
I miss the smaller wooden spoon.
Maybe a gremlin or fairy wanted to make food with it and took it?? Off to the void with you.
Please bring it back~~~ I love that spoon.
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ofcowardiceandkings · 1 year ago
tfw ur trashbag landlord wants more money for a damp shoebox of a property when he's just blown off all of the problems each time :)
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