#wonder p5x
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kitukun · 2 months ago
WIP!!! P5X Opening with our beloveds!!! A LONGER WIP IS ON MY YT
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And some frames
The gif, was my fave part to animate, the details of futaba's costume were super fun, I also draw joker with a gradient so its usually a problem but he didn't fuck me over this time haha
There are hidden characters erm so find em?
In the metaverse parts, I used p5r's opening's color palette, while I used p5 vanilla's colors in the school uniform parts
Please do check my other art, it really helps
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persona-game-info · 6 months ago
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Shigenori Soejima art for the Atlus TGS 2024 Media Briefing
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ennaakat · 2 months ago
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thebrightsilverlining · 11 months ago
P5X and the Importance of Community
There’s something interesting about how P5X is handling confidants. Obviously, I’ll have to wait until it gets officially localized, but there seems to be a running trend in regards to community.
See, X is different from P3,4, and 5 in that the protagonist did not move before the start of the game. There’s no adjusting to some new environment and meeting a bunch of people there. Wonder has lived here all his life. So making friends isn’t about becoming a part of a new place. Instead, it’s a signifier of Wonder’s change in attitude.
Wonder’s whole deal is that he was just kinda coasting through life. As the lyrics of Ambitions and Visions points out: “Act like I don’t care. Why even bother? That’s what I though then. Just another bluffer.” He was a go with the flow guy who couldn’t be bothered to put in the effort whose bitterness and lack of ambition was the reason why things weren’t going the way he wanted in life. A fact that he didn’t really want to admit.
But that changes when he becomes a Phantom Thief and he begins to actually put effort in and start caring. The whole idea of the Phantom Idols is that Wonder’s connection to the Sea of Souls allows him to see the potential in people. To see who they could be. Meaning he’s learning to shed his previous ambivalence and see people for who they really are and who they could become.
This becomes even more impactful, because he’s not in some new place with new people. He’s in his home, with most of the people having already been living there alongside him. So it’s not a matter of the world changing. It’s his perception of it that changes. It’s him realizing that the people he’d written off are actually pretty amazing.
So one of the confidants is his next door neighbor and his mom’s friend. Someone who was always around but he never bothered to really get to know. It’s his mom’s friend and they’re both old, what could possibly be interesting about that? They probably talk about whatever it is middle aged women talk about. Boring.
Except she’s not. Once he starts paying attention he finds out that she used to be a fashion designer. And she was good at it!? Not to mention those photos of her when she was younger. Who knew that Mrs. Tomiyama was COOL?!
And hey, did you know that she also has a nephew? Yeah, he’s only like a year older than you and he wants to be an actor someday. Gonna star on tv in Featherman and make so many people smile. If you’re getting to know Mrs. Tomiyama you should probably get to know him too. Who knows? You might even become friends.
And hey, what about that girl that’s always helping her father with running the local bar? You must’ve passed her by a million times by now and you’ve never spoken a word have you? Did you know that she wants to be a nurse when she grows up? Or that she’s planning to simply stay home instead so she can take care of her father with his back problem?
Or what about Yaoling Li? Did you even know that a college student from China had moved into the neighborhood? Right next to the Fujikawa residence! You know, where Yukimi lives? She’s your age, why did you never even try to become friends? But maybe it’s time to remedy that, especially if you’re both gonna befriend Yaoling, who is still struggling with the signage at the local market.
It’s all about the community. That community that’s always been there, that you just never bothered to pay attention to. The people so unique and varied, with dreams and aspirations and lives so complex you can barely imagine. That you could get to know, so long as you were willing to put in the effort to do so. And maybe, if you did, you might just find your life is better for it.
It’s a concept I find incredibly interesting, and one I really hope is done well in P5X. Because, if so, it might just be my favorite handling of confidants/social links yet.
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acseeker · 5 months ago
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love them till I die
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asu-esur · 6 months ago
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Repost is prohibited.
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nyxnyxnyxterie · 3 months ago
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nami-moittli · 4 months ago
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I am. Doing something
Lisa and An look so similar, and p5 is a lot like p2 so why not connect them!
Lisa’s dad has an older brother who got married to a Japanese woman, who I want to say kickstarted his descent into being a complete Japanophile, but I haven’t really figured out the ages for that to work yet. I wanna say he was like, early to pre teens when Big Bro Silverman started dating/got married to his wife but idk
Anyway Big Bro Silverman and his wife have a daughter, who then gets married to the Papa Takamaki, explaining the name change (ofc I coulda made Big Bro into Big Sis Silverman and had the same effect but wtvr) and they have An.
But Wonder’s parents are canonically just- SHHH in my head p5 and p5x take place in different timelines, which is why I’m comfortable in saying that in my headcanon, Wonder is Katsumaya’s kid and in the p5x timeline Katsuya’s dead which is why his home life is, vaguely nonexistent from what I’ve heard. In mainline p5 timeline he’s a way happier kid and him and Ren are really close!
But Ren’s parents are probably really bad, we don’t hear from them ONCE- Shut up shutupshutupshutup that’s your opinion, Flowerchild AU 🔛🔝 I love them. Tatsujun adopted Ren at about age, idk 3-4? So Tatsujun’d be about 21ish? Also due to ✨gayness✨ I doubt that Tatsujun are married legally (Idrk Japanese laws very well, let alone their gay ones lol) and Jun’s last name is Kashihara bc. The Punishment is in fact Eternal
Alright I stole the idea of Yuka (persona 1) being Ryuji’s mom right off of @/hypogryffin, so yeah
Again Zenkichi and Saori being siblings is smth I got from hypogryffin, but it’s reasonable to come to this conclusion because they have the same last name. Also, if we say that Zen is 44 in p5s during 2017, and Saori is 18 in 2009, then that means that there’s an about 18 year difference between them, which is very funny to me. Also I think Minako would love to meet little 6ish year old Akane and that’s fun
Also, idk if I want to go the Futago sibs route or add in Baofu being Futaba’s bio dad, which would both be interesting. I do like the idea of Ken and Akechi being half siblings tho, so I put that in (also I accidentally misspelled Shido’s first name lol)
So. Yeah. Fun
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wyrmwind636 · 6 months ago
seriously, anybody else notice this? (I added the box so they were more visible)
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weibenwolken · 11 days ago
*scrolling through the comments section of Faz's latest P5X video (the one with Akechi)*
*found this*
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Wait, is this true? Because, depending on what ending is it, there's gonna be sooooo many implication on what Joker did prior that game
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magicalfrenchwitch · 4 months ago
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Can't believe the only Persona protagonist we see texting his parents is in a spin-off mobile game.
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persona-game-info · 3 months ago
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P5X Christmas artwork
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ennaakat · 1 year ago
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Made some P5X phone Wallpaper edits
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thebrightsilverlining · 1 year ago
Types of Phantom Thief Outfits
Oftentimes when someone genderbends one of the male Phantom Thieves, their Thief outfit is always redone to include a skirt. This is something I always found strange, considering the fact that none of the girls wear skirts as part of their Thief outfit. In fact, with P5X introducing a truckload of new Phantom Thieves, I realized that the lack of skirts and dresses almost seems to be a rule when it comes to the designs, as NONE of the new characters wear skirts.
So, because of that, I wanted to break down the kinds of outfits the Thieves actually wear, from most common to least common.
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The most common type of outfit the Thieves wear is a one-piece. While most of these are skintight bodysuits (Oracle, Puppet, Panther, Queen, etc), there's also jumpers (Fox), and rompers (Riddle). These outfits can include modifications and additional parts (Skull's vest and Moko's cape) but ultimately the main outfit is one article of clothing.
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Next up is long pants. The second most popular category, it is pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. All these characters where a typical ensemble of long pants and a shirt, with a variety of different styles and accessories to keep things from becoming boring.
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After long pants are shorts. Notably, there are only women in this category, while the previous categories had a mix. These shorts can be worn with or without leggings, with Sophia's outfit getting the closest to something that could be considered a dress, due to how short her shorts are and the fit of her shirt. If the character is not wearing leggings or tights, they seem to instead be put in long socks.
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Now we enter into the smaller categories. Only two characters are in the poofy pants category, but I thought it was worth pointing out. Not too much to say here. Both poofy pants characters have their entire body covered, with boots or leggings going right up to the end of the pants.
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Finally, we're in the singular character categories. Bui gets the closest to a skirt or dress, even closer than Sophia. However, because of the way her outfit is designed, it appears as if she's wearing a long shirt with leggings, rather than a really short dress. Worth noting, though, due to the fact that it is one of the few outfits that could be argued to be a dress.
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Finally, Wonder gets his own slot, because I genuinely can't tell what he's wearing. Is that a bodysuit with leggings? Shorts with leggings? Where does his cape end and his under outfit begin? Who knows. So he gets his own category.
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acseeker · 9 months ago
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*tears him apart like a dog does to a plushiue*
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hayanosan · 2 months ago
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I really love Wonder, that is why I draw him a lot...:D
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