#woman exercises
dailyfitnessgirls · 1 year
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chuckg2 · 6 months
Sarah Holden
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littlegreenhouseplant · 5 months
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Went for a run!
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
Okay, are belly button piercings "trashy," or do you just associate them with femininity, or women, or sex work and strike it down as inherently less worthy? Are 'tramp stamps' "trashy", or do you just associate them with femininity, or women, or sex work and strike it down as inherently less worthy? Is pole dance "trashy", or do you associate it with women, or sex work and strike it down as inherently less worthy?
These are examples, but I find it interesting when people link things with womanhood or femininity or - gasp! - sex work and then immediately condemn, scrutinize, and dehumanize those who even dapple a little in these things, even if it isn't for sex work or to "look trashy." It's funny how the feminine or woman is seen as trashy until proven otherwise, and it's shameful that people still hold the bias that women must prove their humanity by not "being trashy" or "acting like a hooker."
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missmichellets · 7 days
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Say hi if you're a yoga lover 🥰
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superheroworkouts1 · 21 days
Shout Out: @Monique Collier
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therealbeardedgent · 2 days
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
a great advice for when you are afraid that your oc is too similar to a canonical character is to Take your oc and dump them directly into the place of the canon character to see how They'd react to the situations. they react too similarly for your tastes? edit them up.
example: it was worrying me quite a lot that Zephyr might be too similar to Moon. both an old female ("female"... it's supersized microwaves how female could it be /j) Gen 1 iterator that is the senior of her group that collapses and her absence seems to somehow both affect a lot and not at all the rest of the group, both are relatively kind as evidenced by their interactions with slugcats. alright, that's really similar- don't feckin like that! but big part of that is the inevitable fate of all iterators (all will one day collapse). you could call it a trope, cliché. tropes and clichés are tools for the story to take a root somewhere and then the characters themselves help develop it in an unique way
"okay, so i'm going to throw Zephyr into Moon's situation and compare how both of them (would in Zeph's case) deal with it to see if their personalities are too much the same." i say to myself result:
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Key Element Discovered: Moon Does Not Possess The Will To Utilize La Chancla Within Five Seconds Of Being Confronted With A Bitchy Child. Let Us Build Off From That
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John Frederick Herring Sr (English, 1795-1865) Exercising the Royal Horses, Detail, ca.1850
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chuckg2 · 3 months
Yana Smith Kuznetsova
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dailyfitnessgirls · 1 year
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biophilianutrition · 6 months
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Fitness & Wellness
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Femme Fatale Guide: Simple Tips For Healthy Eating & Exercising Habits
As someone who lost 30-40 pounds and has kept it off for over a decade, here are some practical ways to eat better and move more that still allow you to have a life and enjoy your food & workouts.
Tips for Healthy Eating Habits:
Adopt a healthier lifestyle out of self-love and improvement, not self-punishment or hatred
Shift into an abundance mindset: What foods and types of movement can you use to add/enrich your life? Focusing on what you're cutting out will only backfire
Prioritize produce: Find fruits and vegetables you love (a decent variety, around 5-10 options, is a good start)
Focus your meals on plant foods: While you don't need to cut 100% of animal foods out of your diet, making at least half of your plate fruits, vegetables, potatoes, or beans will help fill you up and support your vitamin requirements
Research & experiment until you find a rotation of healthy meals you love: Make your healthy eating routine as mindless and straightforward as possible. Once you find a handful of healthful breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack options you enjoy, it becomes infinitely easier and more enjoyable to stick to a healthier lifestyle
Cook 80-90% of your meals at home. Know what's in your food. Control the amount of any added oil or sweetener you incorporate into any dish
Decide on at least 2 sweet and 2 savory healthy snack options you can always have on hand to support hunger or a craving throughout the day (mine are fruit bowls, a small bowl of oatmeal [with or without a few almonds], plain popcorn, carrots & hummus, and frozen edamame)
Have fun tea, coffee, and water options available: Always eat if you're truly hungry. But, for the times you're bored or stressed, having a vanilla or cinnamon tea, a cup of cold brew, or a lemon/fruit-infused water can satisfy your desire for some palette simulation
Be mindful of potential vitamin deficiencies: Your hair, skin, digestion, mental health, and energy can easily be on the rocks due to a vitamin deficiency. Get your levels checked to every year or two to ensure you're in optimal health. As a vegan who lives in a seasonal climate, I take B12 and vitamin D daily to keep up with these nutrient requirements
Allow yourself a weekly indulgence and splurge on special occasions. Prioritizing your health, not deprivation, is essential to make your life high-quality and worth living
Tips to Make Exercise More Effortless & Enjoyable:
Create 2-3, 60-120 minute (1-2 hour) playlists with different upbeat, EDM, or dance party vibes: Use these playlists to set the tone for a long walk or a gym workout
Keep a "Workout Bank" on your Youtube favorites list: Curate a handful of 10-30 minute pilates, strength training, or dance sculpting classes to always have an option available
Block your workout or walk into your schedule: Make a meeting on your calendar, set a reminder or an alarm with an upbeat song on your phone. Make a movement date, and prioritize yourself. It's for your health – your most priceless asset
Book a workout class with a friend. If you want to go solo, book it a week in advance, and tell at least 2 other people about your plans. Describe the workout class you're taking in as much detail as you can. Pique the other person's interest to incline them to ask you how it was after the class. This social pressure can make you feel more accountable to follow through with your workout in the end.
Dance around your room for 10-30 minutes in the morning before work, after work before dinner, or as a nightcap. Any movement counts
Practice moderation: Don't try to work out every day. Maybe you can get some steps in or have a solo dance party, but don't try to overdo it and stress out your body. This practice will only lead to quick burnout and no long-term motivation. Sustainable routines win the race
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the-iron-duck93 · 2 years
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superheroworkouts1 · 2 months
Shout Out: @Savannah Pesante
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therealbeardedgent · 2 months
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Fitness does a body good.
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