eliasdrid · 3 months
76 for the spotify doodle ask game!
I had no idea what to do with this song but I ended up doodling these cute furry lesbians while listening to it on repeat so!
#76 The Free Life - Turbowolf
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flowers-of-io · 3 months
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@wolvereaux oh you GOTTA read the Books of Sorrow!!!!!!! Seriously, it will rewire your brain. I'm not exaggerating. It is one of the most pieces of literature ever. I am submitting an official government petition for you to read the Books of Sorrow.
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intosnarkness · 4 months
🐎 Would you ever do a medieval or pirate au?
No to medieval, my historical niche is (and always has been) pre-revolutionary America because I was a historical reenactor in that period from the age of 10-15ish. If you want, I will find pictures of baby me in costume.
I've plotted one whole pirate AUs before (hawkeye2) but any pirate story I ever write is going to be a Muppet Treasure Island AU because that is by far the best pirate movie ever made.
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esaevian · 3 months
42 for the ask game! >:3c
One Step Closer - Linkin Park
here's me in high school discovering music that didn't mention "Jesus" or "God"
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fwizard · 11 months
trick or treat! :D
hello!!! hello hello
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ectodrool · 2 years
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Headshot sketch commission for @wolvereaux :D 
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aparticularbandit · 5 months
end rewrite 2 for WIP Wednesday!
WIP Wednesday Game
can do and have done! thanks so much for asking! :D
“Walk it…walk it off?” Mikan echoes, brow furrowing.  “B-b-but you just…you just got sick!  You should stay in bed!  I—”  She presses down on Ryoko’s shoulders, forcing her back.  “You…you need to rest!”
“M-Mikan!”  Ryoko digs her fingers into the mattress and forces herself to stay upright.  Her stomach churns.  Her head itches.  “I—”  She cuts herself off, swallows.  Even after the water, her mouth still tastes bitter.  Bile, copper.  Bad.  She can’t kiss her to convince her like this, not the way Mikan would want, so instead, she leans up and kisses Mikan’s forehead instead.  Then she slips, rests her forehead against hers, and murmurs, “I’m not leaving you, ‘kay?  I just….”  She breathes in.  “I need to think.”
To clear my head.
(Something laughs at that thought, a sound that echoes through her brain.  It sounds like her.  It might be her.)
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jaggedwolf · 5 months
for specific assumptions about you from your fanfic - you either have, or wish you have, found family >:3c
oh, this is interesting! found family is a trope I greatly enjoy reading/watching/etc (when executed within certain parameters), but I never think of it as something super evident in my fic, funnily enough.
IRL, I think I have a far greater need for alone time than any character whose PoV I've ever written, haha. But yes, I tend to rely upon/be more emotionally open with my good friends than anyone I'm biologically related to, though I find the notion of them all being in one unified group that gets up in my business annoying, and have no desire for that.
So eh, half-yes, half-no?
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req'd by @wolvereaux
text: Love is stored in the friend who reads your fanfiction
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copperbadge · 5 months
Radio Free Monday
Good morning everyone, and welcome to Radio Free Monday!
Ways to Give:
Anon linked to a fundraiser for mousedetective, who needs to pay off loans so she and her family can get off the street and into affordable housing; you can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
Anon linked to a fundraiser for a friend, Hope, who is raising funds to cover housing debt from roommates who left abruptly, as well as medical bills; she worked through the pandemic in food service but has no emergency savings left after that. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
Anon linked to a fundraiser for dashnite, who is raising funds to escape an abusive living situation and immigrate to be with their partner; you can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
wolvereaux is raising funds to cover the unexpected replacement for their car's windshield; they drive delivery for a living and are losing several days of work until the replacement is done, making it even harder to cover the cost. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
Follow Up:
melayneseahawk wanted to let folks know that after appearing in RFM, the Worlds Elsewhere Theatre Company's stream and fundraiser of Musica Universalis Book 2: Regenerational Trauma went extremely well! As of Sunday they had passed their fundraising goal and were working through the stretch goals; you can watch the recording of the stream here (or split into acts here) and they are still taking donations, which you can read more about and support here. They wanted to thank everyone who attended, donated, or shared the links so others could!
Recurring Needs:
Anon linked to a fundraiser for their friend dyken, a nonbinary lesbian from Latin America who along with their partner has been having trouble covering bills, food, and mental health treatment; their family is abusive and unwilling to help financially. They are accepting donations via paypal and commissions via ko-fi; you can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
rilee16 is raising funds to get out of an abusive home situation where their roommate has been aggressive and stealing from them; with irregular work hours and a tax debt due, they also need funds to repair their phone, which is dying, and cover utility bills. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
loversdoom is a college student from the Philippines, studying away from her family, and her parents are unexpectedly unable to support her education; she is dealing with a number of expenses and is now looking at costly medical procedures as well. You can read more and reblog here or give to the fundraiser here.
Anon linked to karla-hoshi or Hoshi on TikTok, who is raising funds for cancer treatment for her cat Naku; they caught the cancer early and hope that he can survive it, but can't continue treatment without funding, and they have recently had other emergency expenses to cover. You can read more, reblog, and support the fundraiser here.
And this has been Radio Free Monday! Thank you for your time. You can post items for my attention at the Radio Free Monday submissions form. If you're new to fundraising, you may want to check out my guide to fundraising here.
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nythscribble · 10 months
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couple of lads
Hez and his babysitter (i am very new at the game) @wolvereaux's awoken titan Talwyn
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abidethetempest · 6 months
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a dooble of my OC Sigil-3 and my buddy @wolvereaux's OC Tal! they are boyfriends :)
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intosnarkness · 3 months
2, 9, and 16 for the fic ask game! author choice :3
How did you come up with the idea?
Wanna talk about Private Myths? It's not done, but it has a simple genesis: I fucking love shared dreamscapes. In fact, I feel a little guilty because I realized I've written it twice before (Clint/Kate and Peggy/Steve) and people are talking about it being original which.. nah. I'm playing the hits.
I'll post some references in the last chapter, but I am infinitely inspired by Latin American Magical Realism. I wrote a lot of it in Avengers fandom (notably Don't Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid and probably my favorite fic of all time, Yesterday, Upon the Stair) but spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to bring it to the Grishaverse because... they already have magic? How do you bring magic of mundanity to a world where there are people who literally manipulate molecules with their mind? You'll find out how I squared it, but it was a struggle to figure out why this would happen. (And that is where my Magical Realism departs from classic Magical Realism - in the classics, it happens because it happens. I tend to give reasons, because my readership expects it, and complains when I don't, like in I Come Clean.)
If you want a more linear answer, you have to go read Pedro Paramo and text me when you realize what's happening in part two. Warning: You absolutely must read that book twice to get it to make sense.
Did you get stuck at any point? How did you get past that?
On Myths, yes. I got very stuck on part 3 and started it over and cried to @dreamtigress who came into my doc and enabled me like a good friend does. I also have a small block on chapter 5, but I'm currently reading FirstPrince smut about it and watching GDQ so I'm sure that will fix it.
Last night I also made potato salad about it, that was not as effective.
Talk about the fic’s biggest moment & how you came up with it
Chapter 4 is so, so important but the very end was not originally planned. Originally there was supposed to be a sex scene (Inej going down on Kaz) and he was supposed to wake up and we would see some of the journaling he was doing in his recovery effort.
But. Inej suspects by this point that this isn't just a dream and Kaz does not believe her. I realized that she wouldn't do anything sexual with him if he didn't know the truth, because he couldn't give consent in a way that matters. (Consenting to dream sex that isn't real is a different beast than consenting to dream sex that is.)
So Kaz pulling the clover from his hair is deeply important because it allows them to start chapter 5 on the same footing. They'll both know and that gives them the ability to have a more legitimate connection and make informed choices. The only question is how much they're willing to give. Hopefully you'll find out next week.
(fic writer asks)
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river-shards · 7 months
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Commission piece of @wolvereaux 's Destiny ocs!
(Click for better quality, my comms are still open!)
Reblogs are appreciated <3
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nachosncheezies · 1 month
Tagged by @thursdayinspace! (i only saw it by sheer luck, as apparently my notifs are broken these last few days! Apologies if anyone else had tagged me too) Thank you!
Favourite colour: this is classified information rn bc I plan to use it in another tag game lol
Last song played: All-Star by Smashmouth, courtesy of the do you like this song poll blog 😂 not a bad tune, though.
Currently reading: I don't remember! Next time I open my e book will be a surprise all over again xD
Currently craving: So many things... chicken club sandwich? Cheese and mushroom crepes? A tex-mex? A katsu curry? Gyudon? Ooh... a cheeseburger 😍
Coffee or tea: I prefer cold lemonade (american-style, not fizzy), but if I have to choose, herbal tea.
Something that made you happy today: Two things! I went to visit an elder relative who has dementia, and they were having a good day, remembering people and things more than usual, and able to make normal conversation. A rare treat, these days. :) Then just a while ago a few littles had their parents ring me so they could tell me they liked a baked treat I had sent to their house. Actually I guess three things, because I'm also not too sick today, so I was able to enjoy those things much more than I might have.
Tagging @rogue-thirteen @wolvereaux and also @indelibleevidence @lurkingwhump and @narvaldetierra , if you want. No pressure :)
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titanicfreija · 2 months
"Titans don't give a shit. I saw one on the Tangled Shore the other day, she just started beating this servitor to death, had to have punched it ten times! Just determined! It kept trying to hit her and it even did a couple of times, but she didn't care! Punched it over and over until her arm went right through!"
Rise turned to look at Freija, who had slouched over the bar top, turning purple.
"What's up?"
"I think they're talking about me," the Titan whispered. "I did that. I ran out of ammo and it got me real bad while I tried to reload, so I punched the shit out of it to stun it, right? But it took me too long to reload. So I kept hitting it, hard enough to keep it from hitting back, until I finally killed it."
Rise's raspy laugh hissed in her comm and Freija put her head to the bar. "It's a reflex! Gun goes click, I'm gonna throw a hammer at it or I'm gonna punch it!"
"Yeah! I know!"
@wolvereaux. @annieruok94
(true story. Only I "overheard" it on Reddit)
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