isolaradiale · 1 month
Without prior reserve, I would like to apply for Euini from Witch Hat Atelier. Thank you!
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Euini!
You will be housed in APARTMENT 308!
You’ll retain the ability to use sound spell. and you will receive a pen and ink set.
– ⋆ diadem.
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orphicdawn-a · 7 years
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i’d say i’m sorry but lbr i’m not
@theusurper / @wolfshroud / @watchended​
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theusurper-a · 7 years
🔥 + bob-b
unpopular opinion meme
robert baratheon had a huge dick. sick of everyone sterotyping him as small dick mcgee. 
he’s big dick mchuge.
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iarainn · 7 years
@wolfshroud replied to your photo: presented without context: dnd edition
whispers softly, ‘what the fuck’ ( especially since i write as meera too lmao )
that’s a good question; i have no easy answers
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obuljagon · 7 years
wolfshroud replied to your post: “Why shouldn’t we rule ourselves again? It was the...
i mean it was out of fear and at the prospect of another field of fire so yeah they’ll do it again – out of fear…?
.... or you know because she’s not a shit queen like the tv show has portrayed her as? torrhen stark marched south and when met by aegon and his loyal lords he called a truce and went to bend the knee. that doesn’t mean daenerys would do the same, and their king has already bent the knee in show canon not because of fear but out of respect and admiration for the queen daenerys is??
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@wolfshroud replied to your post “sansa at 11: “Sansa could sew and dance and sing. She wrote poetry....”
i don't think she actually meant it?? it was sarcasm tbh??? bc petyr thought she wasn't smart enough to wreck him??
she meant it. she’s spent years absolutely convinced she was a silly little girl who knows nothing and believes only in impossible songs. her self-confidence is absolutely shot. so it’s good that she’s somehow convinced herself she can learn but she’s still so much better than this…
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orphicdawn-a · 7 years
@wolfshroud replied to your post:
imo it makes the rebellion even more justified because perhaps robert knew she was with child, perhaps they had been sexing up because you they’re already promised to each other. so he had to go after her because by law he’s required to defend her honor and it strengthens it if a child is involved bc it validates that it wasn’t just over this “1 girl k” also rhaegar is gross and doesn’t deserve the romanticizing
just all of this !! this is what i want to be known for !! please on my tomb write that “kay loved robert + lyanna = jon” it for real could make sense and if she was early in her pregnancy when rhaegar rapes her then it makes sense she could pass off the belief that her pregnancy is with him and not robert and we don’t really know how long jon had been alive before ned found them so he could have been like 2-3 months old at the time.
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theusurper-a · 7 years
wolfshroud replied to your quote: winterfell, more like winterHELL amirite guys haha
i can relate hahah
you done gone and made this quote sad
think about what u done 
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amidalc · 7 years
"your hair is beautiful." i need
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         “   do you think so,        you are   MUCH   TOO   KIND   to say so,        sweetling.   “               she smiles,         running her brush though the younger’s dark hair,         meeting her gaze through the looking glass.               such a sweet young thing,           jeyne was.,                though they had   NOT   KNOWN   one another for long but padmé   WAS   ALREADY   beginning to grow fond of her.               “   but yours is lovely as well,          TRULY,          you should appreciate your own pretty locks.   “
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missandeiofnaath-a · 7 years
BICH im mad bc they said like 2 episodes ago that melissa or whoever the hell she is was danielle's most trusted adviser but we only ever see troy lambshanks talking to her so im sat here wondering what the fuck she doin because melissa's boyfriend/partner gregory has been gone this whole time so?? these are the Real questions
i seriously had to read the whole thing before catching on to this because i was truly about to google who tf melissa was on the production/writing team and wtf they were saying oh my fuckiNG GOD this is absolutely my favorite message ever holy shit lmfao WHERE THE FUCK IS GREGORY HUH MELISSA IS WAITING FOR HIM AND SHIT LIKE DAMN DANIELLE I THOUGHT U WERE ROOTING FOR US FUCK
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crimehid-blog · 7 years
send the thing and i’ll generate a sentence ; accepting ( #201 )
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                   “ so you actually were telling the truth. “ laurel commented once the realization dawned on her. “ i’m sorry, i just didn’t know what to think at first. now i have to fix this mess too… “
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                                @wolfshroud​  ||  a memory from their past 
She saw it, the truth in his eyes long before her hand ever touched his neck. But the crowd behind her would not take her word for it, would not believe his innocence. Children from the village, raped and murdered. And the man standing before her was the accused. The pain in his eyes was obvious, that the people he’d lived alongside his whole life would believe such a crime to be his. But fear drove people to cling to an easy solution. And he had been the unfortunate one to face their wrath. 
Of course, he vehemently denied that he could do such things, and Kahlan could see in his eyes that he was telling the truth. She’d never had to speak up for the innocent before, having only ever been summoned to confess the guilty. But speak up she did, finding her voice amongst the crowd. Still though, they did not believe her, demanded his confession. 
Torn, she turned to Giller, her wizard and travelling companion - it wasn’t safe for a Confessor to travel alone these days. Especially not a young one such as herself. All he had to offer her was tightening of his lips. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she stepped up to the man, who was nodding at her firmly. To him, wearing this crime was worse than confession, and if that’s what he had to do to prove his innocence, he was willing. 
Blue eyes flicked up to meet his, and she wished she could draw strength from the conviction she saw there. However, she could only match it with tears, welling in her eyes as her hand lifted, wrapping loosely around his throat - she needed not grip him fiercely. With a breath, time became hers, Kahlan letting go of the constant control she held over her powers. The shattering force emanated from every pore of her skin, thunder without sound rocking the ground, knocking back those who stood too close. 
He fell from her hand, his knees hitting the ground as those words left his lips. “Command me, Confessor.” It took her a moment to find her voice, quietly asking him to tell her her the truth - and it was all he could offer. His min was hers now, bound to him and her every wish. His words gushed forth, that he had never touched the children, had not been responsible for their fates. 
Kahlan barely heard the gasps from the crowd, those who had just convicted an innocent man of confession, though she slowly became aware that they mutter among themselves. Hushing the man, she turned to them. “When a Confessor assures you of one’s innocence, in the future, you will listen to her, will you not?” There were nods, before the people began to shuffle away, no longer wanting anything to do with the scene before them. 
“Giller…” Her voice was quiet, though pleading as she turned to her wizard. “I don’t…what do I do with him?” She’d confessed the guilty in the past, and order them to good deeds in service of their village as payment for their crimes…but this. This man did not deserve this. With shattering realisation, Kahlan remember that she hadn’t even asked him his name. 
“Brophy, my mistress. Though you may call me whatever you wish.” Cringing at that, she returned her gaze to Giller, who seemed to be thinking. “There is something, though it is rarely used…It will not cure him of confession - that is impossible, but it may…it may help.”  
She was already nodding, following along when Giller led them away from the village square, Brohpy at her heels. He stood over her protectively when they stopped, Kahlan not having the strength to command him otherwise, simply sitting while the wizard went to work with his spell. When he gestured for the man, Kahlan had to ask him to enter the circle Giller had prepared in the dirt - though Brophy’s eyes never left her. A gaze Kahlan found hard to meet. She’d done this, stripped him of his life. She only prayed Giller could do something for him. 
She couldn’t follow the wizard’s chant, though within seconds, the man before them was surrounded in a eerie white light. It grew until Kahlan had to look away, flinching when a sharp cry burst from the man’s mouth. The long sound twisted, morphed until it was something else entirely, a low howl. 
The light winked out, the young Confessor horrified at what stood before her - a wolf, larger than anything that naturally lived in the Midlands. “Giller! What have you done?” The wolf seems alert, glancing down at himself as if taking in his new form. But surely that couldn’t be true. 
“My lady, please, do not be alarmed...” The words nearly caused her to fall backwards, perfectly formed from the wolf’s mouth. Her eyes flicked between Brophy and Giller, the wizard explaining that the new form would lessen her hold on the man’s mind - that like this he should at least be able to live his life as he chose, though it would no longer be a human life. 
“Brophy, I’m so sorry,” Her head shook as she sank to her knees, feeling a soft muzzle pressed against her cheek a moment later. “Do no be, Mistress. I chose confession - I did not commit those crimes, and I could not live with everyone thinking that I had. I’m grateful to you for granting me my innocence. I would have lived happily in your servitude.” 
Her hand came up, threading into her fur. “You didn’t deserve this.” The nuzzle against her cheek pushed her back slightly, until she could look into his eyes. Eyes that didn’t show simple, blind adoration, but something deeper, and she relished in seeing it. “I will happily live like this. Perhaps the wolves will treat me better than my people did. Mistress, I can feel freedom - I can stray from you if you let me. Though, I am still yours. Should you ever need me, I will be there, under your command.” 
A nod, though Kahlan can’t imagine ever calling on him for such a thing. He had every right to live a free life, as free as he could get. Shakily, the young Confessor took her feet, brushing off her dress. A stain stuck to the white silk, one not so easily brushed away, and it nearly brought fresh tears to her eyes. She had changed today, had lost yet another sliver of her childhood innocence, just as she had been warned she would. She was the most powerful being in the Midlands, and yet she was at the beck and call of those who requested use of her powers…whether that use be right or wrong. 
Swallowing, Kahlan’s hands clasped in front of her, gaze meeting the bright eyes of the wolf. “Brophy, I…command you to find your freedom, you use it as you wish..” The wolf bowed, a flick of his tail as he turned and trotted into the forest, leaving Kahlan feeling somewhat alone in the world. Until a hand found her shoulder, strong and reassuring. “Goodbye, Brophy.”
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fyrsael · 7 years
“ nothing can stay. ”
❝     shall  you ?       ❞      a  victory  of  gold ,   a  war  between  houses  and  worlds  and  she’s  got  slick  skin  from  BLOOD  she  did  not  spill .    when  did  this  truly  become  her  war ?    sometime  after  the  death  of  robb  stark ,   she  suspects .    ARYA  STARK  but  her  eyes  say  different   /   she  bleeds  war  and  this  place  reeks  of  black  magic .    perhaps  the  bastard  had  been  touched  by  the  void  as  well .    he  did  have  a  bad  habit  of  picking  the  worst .    she  unravels ,   a  stern  nature   &   she  is  not  easy  on  the  eyes .    she  does  not  want  to  be  easy  on  the  eyes .    no  woman  should  be  a  slave .    hands  clench ,   for  gods  alike ,   she  is  no  kind  girl .    there  is  no  spring .    no  rebirth .    BOLTON ,   STARK ,   LANNISTER ,   BARATHEON ,   THEY  MEANT  NOTHING .    silly  men  playing  at  being  gods .    all  the  while ,   a  true  god  woman  sat  across  from  them ,   a  laugh  on  her  lips  when  they  said  she  was  not  meant  for  battle .
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in  a  land  of  gods  and  monsters ,   fear  grows .    and  he  has  watered  her  for  years   /   the  liar   &   the  bastard .    an  ancient  oak  tree  bloomed  inside  of  her ,   strong  in  her  bow  and  promise .    winterfell  was  not  the  home  of  the  brave .    not  anymore .      ❝     come  with  me .    you  need  not  hide  in  fear  anymore ,   arya .    follow  me  to  the  empire  and  i  swear  that  monster  shall  never  lay  another  hand  on  you  again .       ❞
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iarainn · 7 years
@wolfshroud replied to your post: honestly gaspard’s kinda perfect for theon because...
but he aint doin that nowadays is he :)))))))
... he smiles less often now
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deathchanged-blog · 7 years
wolfshroud replied to your post: tfw people don’t give enough of a shit about beric...
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am i hot tho 
geddit fire sword
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missandeiofnaath-a · 7 years
wolfshroud replied to your post: tumblr is putting twd suggestions for me……… i feel...
dont fuckin give in
i squint every time i go on my rosita blog just cause...... that fandom cray sometimes
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