#wolfenstein II: youngblood
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jacensolodjo · 5 months ago
Wolfenstein II New Colossus is $6, while Wolfenstein New Blood, Wolfenstein the Old Blood, and Wolfenstein Youngblood are $5 each on Steam!
Get some nazi killing games for less than a gallon of gas.
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the-truth-is-there · 1 year ago
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Video Game Heroines - Part 2
Sonya Blade (Mortal Kombat) Nitara (Mortal Kombat) Kitana (Mortal Kombat) Li Mei (Mortal Kombat) Mileena (Mortal Kombat) Tanya (Mortal Kombat) Ashrah (Mortal Kombat) Jade (Mortal Kombat) Sindel (Mortal Kombat) Jacqui Briggs (Mortal Kombat) Skarlet (Mortal Kombat) Sareena (Mortal Kombat) D’Vorah (Mortal Kombat) Cassie Cage (Mortal Kombat) Kira (Mortal Kombat) Frost (Mortal Kombat) Sheeva (Mortal Kombat) Alyx Vance (Half-Life: Alyx) Heather Mason (Silent Hill 3) Chell (Portal I/Portal II) Jess e Soph Blazkowicz (Wolfenstein: Youngblood) Nara (Chorus) Clementine (Telltale Games' The Walking Dead) Alex Chen (Life Is Strange: True Colors) Comandante Sheppard (Mass Effect) Kate Walker (Syberia) Jade (Beyond Good and Evil) Fenyx (Imortais Fenyx Rising) Marianne Severo (The Medium) Selene Vassos (Returnal)
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lorz-ix · 2 months ago
Oh god another marathon
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Wolfenstein: The New Order (2014)
First time playing, my only previous experience with the series was the original Wolfenstein 3D, I've always been more of a Doom fan. I didn't fully know what to expect, I have enjoyed the recent Doom games a lot, so I was thinking maybe it would be a somewhat similar deal, just by a different studio, made a couple years earlier.
The New Order has a bit of a gritty PS3 shooter vibe. It is very much over the top, as Wolfenstein should be, but it's less extreme and more grounded than Doom (not trying to come off like that's a negative whatsoever). The story feels a bit by the numbers, but it is serviceable, satisfying enough, it has some standout moments. Everything else is really fun, Machine Games have earned their reputation making FPS games with great gunplay. The bosses can be gimmicky, but I don't hate that as an alternative to a straight bullet sponge. The addition of a branching storyline is also neat for a second playthrough, even if the changes aren't huge.
Great game, tons of fun, it's decently long for what it is. No notes.
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Wolfenstein: The Old Blood (2015)
An expansion to the previous game that was released individually, it acts as a prequel to the events of the first game. As should be expected from an "expansion", it is notably shorter than the other games, and the story is much simpler. A bit forgettable if you're coming for the plot.
As for the gameplay, it's a good change of pace from the first game, I appreciate the approach. It puts a lot more emphasis on the stealth sections of gameplay, so if you don't hate those, you get a few hours to bite into. They can get though too, I definitely had to give a number of attempts to several scenarios.
Skippable to a degree but not bad by any means, as an add-on to the first game it's what it needed to be. More content to enjoy, but different enough to not be just more of the same.
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Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus (2017)
Boy, I sure remember when this one came out and I was way more susceptible to gamer outrage bait. Wolf2 is so much more into "modern politics" than the previous entries. It comments on America's fall into fascism, racial and revolutionary politics, there's "strong black/female characters" that will lecture white guy meathead BJ on stuff he doesn't understand... some of that stuff can come off a bit annoying depending on your mentality at the time. It's absolutely more nuanced than it might sound, particularly the way they depict the way americans react to nazis ruling their country, I did like a lot of what's here. However, some aspects of the story do come off very much as something an american liberal (pejorative) would write.
The gameplay itself however is nothing but an upgrade from the previous game. They figured out a very simple way to have the split timeline from the first game carry over to here, and they added tons more things to do aside from playing through the main story. Gunplay is top-notch, as it should be. The biggest oddity is the lack of traditional boss fights, opting instead for harder-than-usual combat scenarios at key times in the story, which was a bit of a bummer.
Banger of a game, probably the best so far, but I still had my gripes. It's very close to being perfect, which is why the things I don't fully like hit harder.
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Wolfenstein: Youngblood (2019)
Honorable mention since I already talked about everything else, but full disclosure, I did not finish this one.
I could see Youngblood working well as a co-op shooter spin-off for the series, since co-op shooters have proven to be popular and really fun with friends. My biggest issue with it is that it also acts as a direct sequel, but the story/writing is absolutely not on par with the rest of the series. It's simply nowhere near interesting enough to push me to play more and more like the other games did. Combine that with the slower, RPG-ish gameplay, and the game feels like a bit of a drag. It's not a bad shooter, and I'm sure it's entertaining with a friend, but it gets old too fast, and it's massively underwhelming that this is what we got after the ending of Wolfenstein II.
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cola-canine · 1 year ago
And finished. Wolfenstein (2009) is... alright, I guess? I think for everything I liked about it, there was another thing I had a pretty big gripe with. If I were to give an elevator pitch, it felt like the setting and Indiana-Jones-type narrative Return to Castle Wolfenstein had mixed with the confined city exploration of a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game.
The first half of the game is great with some genuinely fun missions and it's fun to explore the more open-world-like parts of Isenstadt but I think it just kind of loses its fun in the later half with boss fights that are so simplistic and short you can't help but wonder if there was supposed to be more or if it just needed some more time in the oven.
The new nazi types were actually kind of cool and stood out amongst the more standard-type enemies whenever they appeared. As mentioned in previous posts, some of them were absolutely terrifying in spots. It didn't take long for me to figure out what weapons worked most efficiently against these new types which I appreciated.
As for the weapon roster, it worked in parts and others I felt like it lacked: With no pistol or shotgun available (which surprised me, because there were several parts where I thought I was going to be getting a shotgun) and the more focus on ranged weapons made combat fun but not as fun as it could've been. The experimental weapons are the absolute highlight of the bunch - absolute beasts when it comes to large groups of enemies.
The medallion's different gimmicks worked pretty great but it's sort of a "That's it?" feeling once you discover and get a feel for all of them.
I wouldn't call this a bad Wolfenstein game by any means, it's just different and fun to check it out because. Should this game still be delisted from every digital storefront? Absolutely not. Ranking (out of the ones I've played): 1 - Wolfenstein II: The New Collossus 2 - Return to Castle Wolfenstein 3 - Wolfenstein: The Old Blood 4 - Wolfenstein: The New Order 5 - Wolfenstein (2009) 6 - Wolfenstein 3D 7 - Wolfenstein: Youngblood
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darkspellmaster · 7 years ago
E3 2018 Thoughts on Bethesda
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Second weakest presentation I thought in regard to how the set up was. Andrew WK did a great job with his song for Rage 2, but man, no one knew what to do and the audio made it hard to hear. Also the presenters jokes were…um…not that great. Plus though was the line about "fuck Nazis on every platform possible." Really liked that one.
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Rage 2… I have no idea what is going on in that…because I couldn’t see any of the screens because it stayed on Andrew. While I appreciate that factor for seeing a great singer, I wanted to know what they were putting out for it. Maybe next time intersperse the singing and the on screen video? Again I never played the first Rage, so I have no idea what is going on with this one. I will say that having the very tall developer who was nervous and the average developer on stage was visually amusing in a Loony Toons kind of way, but seemed that something didn’t click right regarding the timing of the trailer and their talking. 
Finally got to see the trailer and I have to laugh about something regarding this trailer. So you got to see game play as the Ranger Character Walker, and I can already see issues coming out with the vehicles in regard to the camera. I’m sure that’s going to be worked on till it has to go gold. The other thing was that it seemed to be a cross between Mass effect and maybe Doom, and possible other games of a similar nature...Reboot’s episode that became the Mad Max Fury Road Movie...that’s it. Also nice movement from cut scene to playable moment, sound track sounds great. 
Funny moment...So I’ve been watching Troy Baker and Nolan North on their Youtube series playing video games. It’s rather funny and enjoyable to watch. Mind you these are old games, so retro. Anyway...Walker seems to be voiced by Nolan, and all I kept thinking was of his struggle to beat the Spiderman Atari game, and began to wonder if somehow parts of Walker’s days, when he’s not out killing things, are spent chilling out trying to beat old Atari Spiderman games. Just something amusing. 
Side note...I do want that talking head for some odd reason. 
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Doom Eternal is coming out…yay? Not a Doom player, so I can’t say much on this. It’s nice to see the old suit back on, although my gut is telling me this may be an online thing like Microsoft’s new Halo game will be. 
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Prey was an interesting game that actually got into your head and showed a lot about your character and person given it’s story. Prey MoonCrash should be an interesting one dealing with Mimics, and it looks to be a game of Hide and Seek. Not sure what else to say about it other than, find the Mimic. and also a VR game that will be coming out. I kinda felt bad for the presenters when their jokes didn’t land. 
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Hey look we get an expansion to Wolfenstein II, Wolfenstein II: Youngblood. We’re going to play the twin daughters of the lead character from the latest game. Awesome. We’re going to be in Paris. Very cool. We’re going to be fighting Nazi’s again. Rockin! We got no game play…crap. While the trailer looked cool, I would like to know more about it before I put down my money on this. Also...co-op...am I going to die a lot...I think I’m gonna die a lot. 
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Hey we have more expansions to Elder Scrolls online…Okay, and Scrolls Legends are getting stuff…alright…Oh and now you can play a mobile game of Elder Scrolls called Elder Scrolls Blades that you can play with one hand, and you can do it while you’re in a meeting with a boss. Yeah that really inspires confidence in your co-workers who are not fiddling on the phone. Does Blades look good, yeah, but I’m not downloading. If you like that, go for it.
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Oh and if you haven’t gotten enough of Skyrim Very Special Edition, that you can now play on you Alexa….Bethesda, I think you’ve milked this game enough…although it was very funny, and you can actually play this…Yeah I’m Skyrimed out.
So what else do you have…Well we have a new Fallout Game that we debuted just a few Hours ago at Microsoft’s presser.
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Fallout 76 had my attention for a bit. I loved the idea of it being an early story, the location using West Virginia was a nice change of pace from random locations, and certainly looked gorgeous in design. And the choice of song brought a tear to my eye due to Whisper of the Heart, but I like the song Country road. And the use of the urban legends and folk lore in that area came to light in the monsters and creatures that you run into. All awesome…until we get to the fact that you can get your hands on Nukes…um….why? How? What for…? Then the big reveal, oh by the way it’s all online with other people playing with you…And there went my enthusiasm for the game. At least the servers can be locked for just friends, but playing Fallout as a GAAS is going to be annoying because you can Nuke each other, which is something I pointed out with Skull and Bones. You have assholes who ruin the fun, and when they’re around you’re screwed. Also not a single player game, though you can play it solo…yeah….pass for me.  Also game play was basically walk out of your room in the vault. Fun?
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Lastly we had two very short trailers for a new game coming out called Starfield…which made  me go, “what?” when I saw it. We see space, we see a planet, and we see a station…then a blast of white light and what looks like a hole and warping to some place…but that’s it. So not much on that front…
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Oh and we’re finally getting an new Elder Scrolls game, Elder Scrolls VI. When is it coming, we don’t know, what does it look like, not much given it’s a landscape and a castle. Other then that, we got nothing. There are some hints that it might be a bit like Fallout 76, so I’m holding my breath on this. Given the way it was talked about...please don’t make this an online game...please. 
Over all I’d say a C for this presentation. Jokes didn’t always land, the videos, while nice, felt like someone was asleep at the wheel. While it was great to hear Andrew WK playing, the stream I was didn’t let me hear him properly so I couldn’t tell what he was singing. Nice Trailers, but I do think they need to work on the jokes. Glad to see the teams though getting shout outs. 
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sushigirlali · 6 years ago
My Top 11 Most Anticipated Video Games 2019
I have no idea which of these games are actually coming out this year, so this list is basically just my video game dream board. If even half of these amazing titles drop, it’s going to be an epic year in gaming!! Honorable mentions go to Anthem (Bioware), Cyberpunk 2077 (CD PROJEKT RED), Devil May Cry 5 (Capcom), and Resident Evil 2 (Capcom).
Most Anticipated Video Games | 2018
1. The Last of Us Part II (Naughty Dog)     Release Date: TBA     Platforms: PS4
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2. Wolfenstein: Youngblood (Machine Games)     Release Date: 2019     Platforms: PS4 / Xbox One / PC 
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3. Ghost of Tsushima (Sucker Punch)     Release Date: TBA     Platforms: PS4
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4. Days Gone (Bend Studio)     Release Date: 04/26/2019     Platforms: PS4
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5. Twin Mirror (dontnod)     Release Date: TBA     Platforms: PS4 / Xbox One / PC 
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6. CONTROL (Remedy Entertainment)     Release Date:TBA     Platforms: PS4 / Xbox One / PC 
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7. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (Respawn Entertainment)     Release Date: TBA     Platforms: PS4, XBOX One, PC
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8. Man of Medan (Supermassive Games)     Release Date: TBA     Platforms: PS4, XBOX One, PC
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9. Death Stranding (Kojima Productions)     Release Date: TBA     Platforms: PS4 
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10. In the Valley of the Gods (Campo Santo)       Release Date: TBA       Platforms: PS4, XBOX One, PC
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11. The Sinking City (Frogwares)       Release Date: 03/21/19       Platforms: PS4, XBOX One, PC
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imx-doomer · 7 years ago
Dumb fuck, I just realized that I've been calling that new Wolfenstein game with the wrong name.
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g4zdtechtv · 7 years ago
Zero Punctuation - E3 2018
Time to fork out now for the overpriced grindy tat that we can't even play yet.
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gebo4482 · 6 years ago
Wolfenstein: Youngblood –Official Story Trailer PEGI
Revolutions Are Better with Friends
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thegamecollection · 4 years ago
It’s official! Microsoft have dropped a serious wedge of dough to secure themselves a rather large acquisition... By large we mean massive, and by massive we mean Bethesda. Well, actually it’s their parent company ZeniMax Media, but when you spend 7.5 billion dollars (yeah you read that right), you can call it what you want, when you want.
This is a very exciting time for all you Xbox gamers and shows that Microsoft have well and truly come to play! But does this mean that future titles will be deprived of multi-platform releases going forward? I mean, would you spend billions of dollars to then just allow your competitors to share the wealth? Well according to Xbox main man, Phil Spencer...  multi-platform releases will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis! You PlayStation gamers can breath a semi-sigh of relief. For now!
In case you’d missed it, here’s the hefty list of Bethesda titles that are NOW available on Xbox Game Pass:
DOOM Eternal
The Evil Within
Fallout 4
Fallout 76
Fallout: New Vegas
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
Wolfenstein: Youngblood
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition
The Elder Scrolls Online
Dishonored Definitive Edition
Dishonored 2
With some iconic titles from the DOOM, Fallout & Elder Scrolls franchises, we’ve been spoiled for choice. We guess the only question to ask is, where do we start?
Stay up to date and give our blog a follow for more news, reviews and gaming info you can use!
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neon-knight-riders · 5 years ago
Since I’m pouring out tea tonight and i’m salty as fuck from proofreading a good 3000 pages or whatever, why not go off a bit more?
Gaming has some of the laziest settings and concepts in the world now, and I’m gonna blame it all on the fucking gamer TM market
I’m not talking indie stuff/adventure games. I’m talking AAA. Y’all slept on some fucking great stuff in the past decade ‘cause it didn’t fit your “I’m a TOUGH MANLY MAN” aesthetic. And you took on so much crap just feel hardcore!
Call of Duty has been a piss-poor joke since 2012. WoW has been busily shooting itself in the foot since about 2010. You cried and sobbed and whined over Master Chief getting feelings so we had to sit through Halo: Age of Ultron in 2015. 
I’m frankly glad Gears of War hasn’t bothered listening to you. I’m glad that the new face of Gears is a short-haired, highlights-sporting girl in practical armour. I’m glad she’s not built like a supermodel. Fuck, I’m glad that one of the best selling adventure games of the past decade was about two disaster lesbians solving a murder mystery (fuck that ending though, glad the comics aren’t up on that bullshit.)
‘Cause y’all slept on the greatest gaming love story in The Darkness II. Y’all slept on new ideas and new concepts but ate up fifty ports of Skyrim you could mod so every peasant had a chest big enough for back problems. You slept on Watch_Dogs 2′s lovable rogues and the fact it was the best sequel to shake up an edgelord game since Saints Row 2. Hell, y’all fuckin’ slept on Saints Row ‘cause it stopped being “serious” and “hardcore.”
I don’t want another stupid robot war. You don’t get to have one, not after you let Terminator: Resistance go by without notice. I want Doom Eternal to do well, but i don’t think y’all deserve it when your biggest criticism of Wolfenstein Youngblood wasn’t that it was a shallow cash-grab with a lack of plot and bullshit game mechanics, but was that the two female protagonists were “annoying” and “SJWs” despite the fact the series has always been about fucking up bigots and Nazis. Remember when you complained Wolfenstein II was too political?
I guess that’s what the Tom Clancy series is for now, all those “non-political” war games. Well, sunshine, I’m gonna be political here.
You want a market that’ll stop fucking your wallets to death and trying to monetize every aspect of your experience? Stop opening your mouths next to the AAA industry’s tables and swallowing their dongs instead of their scraps. ‘Cause fuck, this market needs to change. Shit wasn’t like this in the 90s.
Also, speaking of robots? Just let us fuck the robots, devs. Can’t be worse than what you’re doing to the stories.
And let’s stop pretending that the death of a woman is a story in of itself. The Darkness II didn’t play that, and neither can you. 
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demifiendrsa · 6 years ago
Wolfenstein: Youngblood – Official E3 2019 Trailer
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Standard edition Key visual
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deluxe edition key visual
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Wolfenstein: Youngblood is a brand-new co-op adventure from award-winning studio MachineGames, developers of the critically-acclaimed Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, in partnership with Arkane Studios Lyon. Play as one of BJ Blazkowicz’s twin daughters and undertake a do-or-die mission to find their missing father in 1980s Paris. Wield an arsenal of new weapons, gadgets, and power armor abilities in a fight to kick Nazis out of the city of lights.
Paris 1980. BJ Blazkowicz, hero of the second American Revolution, is missing. Nineteen years after the events of Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, BJ has disappeared after a mission into Nazi-occupied Paris. Now, after years of training and guidance from their battle-hardened father, BJ’s twin daughters Jess and Soph are forced into action. Team up with a new cast of freedom fighters and brave the unsettling sights and sounds of twisted, alternate reality 1980s Paris.
Key Feautres
Murder, They Wrote – Team up with a friend or play alone with an AI companion in the first modern co-op Wolfenstein adventure. Perform new tag team maneuvers, crank up the voltage with the devastatingly powerful new co-op weapon, the Tesla Gun, and show off your flair with skins and emotes.
Escape from Paris – Wolfenstein: Youngblood features the most open-ended Wolfenstein experience to date. From a new base of operations located deep in the heart of the Paris catacombs, plan how and when to attack and dismantle the Nazi regime.
Sweatin’ to the 80s – The wonder years, these are not. Featuring harrowing takes on iconic Parisian landmarks to graffiti-tagged streets, leather-clad Nazis, and an all-new soundtrack inspired by the synth heavy tones of classic 80s action films.
Lock and Load – Wield the latest advancements in power armor tech, weaponry, and armor to stamp out Nazi scum. Level up, explore, and complete missions to unlock new abilities, weapon attachments, gadgets, cosmetics, and more to complement your playstyle.
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thumbscrewgaming · 6 years ago
E3 2019 Rundown with links
Electronic Arts E3 2019
Nothing too new for EA, but they did lay out a straight forward list of the games headlining their event; basically all their larger titles. It is a few hours to sit through all of the round tables, so I’d suggest just watching what you want. a.k.a. Star Wars.
Star Wars JEDI: Fallen Order
APEX Legends
Battlefield V
Madden 20
The Sims 4
Watch the whole thing here:
Microsoft E3 2019
What a packed presentation of games with showings of Japanese games, hardware, Halo, and Cyberpunk 2077. The Halo trailer didn’t provide much other than humanity is kind of fucked and Cortana will obviously be coming back. Cyberpunk got the John Wick treatment and I didn’t expect it to be such a dark game. Project Scarlett means nothing to me as I still feel that my Xbox One S is doing fine and I’m pretty sure I can’t even see in 8K. 12 minutes looked really interesting, and I kind of want to play as a deer in Way to the Woods.
Xbox Project Scarlett revealed
Halo: Infinite will launch with Project Scarlett
Cyberpunk 2077
A new story trailer presented by Keanu Reeves, and yeah he’s in the game.
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Bleeding Edge
12 Minutes
Microsoft Flight Simulator
Wasteland 3
Dying Light 2
Crossfire X
Elden Ring
Way to the Woods
Blair Witch
A few other games in the presentation:
Gears 5 – no gameplay shown
Forza Horizon 4 Lego Speed Champions
Age of Empires II
The Legend of Wright
The Outer Worlds
Tales of Arise
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
Minecraft: Dungeons
Watch the whole thing here:
Bethesda E3 2019
They go into a rough patch as 76 did not get the best of receptions, but they address it. My brother plays 76, so he should be psyched for the new update that brings in NPCs. Nothing new was said about the new standalone Fallout or Elder Scrolls games.DOOM grabbed the spotlight and ran with it most of the time. #GhostWireTokyo and #Deathloop both sound pretty awesome.   
Fallout 76
Fallout 76 has a big update coming October 2019
Nuclear Winter is the latest addition to the battle royal formula.
Ghost Wire: Tokyo
Spooky? Supernatural evil? Conspiracies? A bow! Hell Yeah!
The Elder Scrolls
     No new words on the standalone Elder Scrolls games.
     Online - A few DLC’s are announced
     Legends - New stuff announced
Commander Keen
A new-ish IP for mobile. The game’s title apparently comes from another game made by ID Software from the 90’s.
Rage 2
New Rise of the Ghosts DLC announced
Youngblood is coming out July 26th
A new IP from the makers of Dishonored, and it looks pretty fucking awesome.
A software solution that helps developers stream games better.
DOOM: Eternal
The game releases on November 22.
Battlemode is the new DOOM multiplayer mode.
Ubisoft E3 2019
They come out strong with the leaked Watch Dogs: Legion. (I feel everything is god damn leaked lately.) Legion presents a world in which there are no NPCs. NPCs have now become APCs or All Player Characters. It’s a crazy idea that I hope pays off. Legion still looks like it will take the ‘angry teenager’ approached to the storyline, but I hope there is some depth to it. We didn’t get any new gameplay from Ghost Recon during the conference, but I’m sure new videos will pop up during the week. God and Monsters looks like a wannabe Zelda and Roller Champions looks like a play on Rocket League.
Watch Dogs: Legion
               Legion 101
Ghost Recon: Breakpoint
The Division 2 Year 1 update
Roller Champions
Gods and Monsters
Watch the whole thing here:
The press conference starts at 1:10:00.
 Square Enix E3 2019
There was lots of Final Fantasy. A decent amount of time was given to the Final Fantasy VII remake. Rightly so, it’s been one of their most highly anticipated games. The demoed presented a mix of real time and selection based combat. Final Fantasy VIX: Shadowbringers had a lengthy trailer that looked dark and dirty. A Final Fantasy VIII remaster was announced, and Square Enix is also releasing all of the Final Fantasy soundtracks. Outriders is announced, it’s a drop in, drop out shooter that involves monster killing. The biggest surprise was an Avengers AAA action game in a new story with new faces. We only got a trailer, but it looked pretty good.
Other games:
The Last Remnant: Remastered
Dragon Quest Builders 2
Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age
Battalion: 1944: Eastern Front
Kingdom Hearts 3 DLC
Dying Light 2
Romancing Saya 3
Life is Strange 2
Watch the whole thing here:
Nintendo E3 2019
How the hell does Nintendo end up with a guy named Bowser? That is some black magic stuff right there. Though Doug Bowser came off a little stiff the games he helped announce did not. Luigi’s Mansion 3 was a great surprise. I’m always exciting for Zelda content and we got two with Link’s Awakening and a teaser for Breath of the Wild 2.
Luigi’s Mansion 3
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2
Empire of Sin
The Sinking City
Watch the whole thing here:
Many of these title will no doubt have more to show during the week, so keep up to date on their respective developers and publishers to see more.
And as always
Game til it hurts!
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savior-of-humanity · 6 years ago
so!! im thinking of adding a few new muses to the blog!! here’s what i’m thinking thus far;
- Shin Godzilla (Shin Gojira) - Jess/Soph Blatzkowicz (Wolfenstein: Youngblood) - Velkhana (Monster Hunter World: Iceborne) - Atreus (God of War 2018) - Jörmungandr (God of War 2018) also tbh im thinking of removing some muses that i hardly ever use, here’s some that i’m thinking of removing;
- All of my current Steven Universe muses (Steven/Yellow Diamond/Blue Diamond) - Abathur (Starcraft II) - Sorlag (Quake Champions) - Captain Thomas Lasky (Halo) what do you think? would any of you be interested if i took up those particular muses + removed the ones im thinking of removing?
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randyphk-blog · 6 years ago
E3 Standard Hype Post
The fun and games of E3 have come and gone for the most part. My favorite reveals for games I will be buying were for Planet Zoo, Evil Genius 2, Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order, and Watch Dogs Legion. Among the games I’ll be watching friends play are The Outer Worlds, Cyberpunk 2077, Borderlands 3, Wolfenstein Youngblood, and maybe Dying Light 2.  I’m a creative gamer and Planet Zoo is definitely in that theme. If Frontier follows the DLC pattern of Planet Coaster and Jurassic World: Evolution I’m going to be very pleased with the options for massive environments and truly diverse rosters of animals in the same exhibits. My biggest fear is rooted in Planet Coaster’s ability to hog all my power and I have a pretty beastly rig; will these animals and their unique needs/reproductive history/poo animations eat up my computer even more? We are an eternity out from release this fall in the gaming world so I’ll just be patient.  Evil Genius 2 is a wacky hotel in the front, evil lair to dominate the world in the back base building and henchmen deploying game full of ridiculousness. I can’t wait to lure an infiltrating spy into a shark tank. And the sharks better get fricken laser beams.  Star Wars gets my time because I am weak. I’ll admit it; the combat looks amazing and the missions look slightly more open in how you accomplish them than a truly linear railroading game design. Set before Episode 4 I’m going to enjoy freeing some enslaved Wookies on Kashyyyk.  I enjoy open world games that give me a vehicle and a real-world location to explore. I played the first game set in Chicago immediately after I took a trip there and immediately fell in love with being a tourist all over again. London is a great city to explore at the pace of an elderly character named Helen. I can’t wait to deploy her nifty robo-spider onto the faces of many an enemy.  The Outer Worlds revives the great questing and world exploring of Fallout and Skyrim from Obsidian Entertainment, creators of Fallout: New Vegas. Who needs to run for President as a Democrat when you can just play this game and lead a rebellion against megacorporations colonizing planets at the edge of human-inhabited space?  Cyberpunk 2077 = More Keanu Reeves.  I’m interested in more great dialogue and humor from Borderlands 3 but I’m tired of the actual gameplay. This is going to be a great one to watch on Twitch or Youtube to see Clap Trap face down his true nemesis: stairs.  After Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus I’m ready to see more Nazi scum face their deaths at the hands of liberating insurgents with more plot armor than Mario. With Wolfenstein: Youngblood I expect more great mechanized warfare and spray and pray bullet battles with the genuinely touching storytelling of The New Colossus built into the production. I was surprised at the amount of heart in The New Colossus and truly look forward to seeing that in play with B.J. Blazkowicz daughters at the lead characters seeking their father in Nazi-occupied France.  Lastly I I was taken in by the marketing for Dying Light and let down by the actual game. The publisher driven expansion into a standalone battle royale variant further disappointed me. The game is still great even if the storytelling was weaker; I’m hoping with Dying Light 2 they’ll learn from their mistakes and it seems to put your character on the clock with being among the infected will incentivize some riskier paths in the parkour-driven world. 
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memedealer64128 · 2 years ago
The Id Software Universe
Wolfenstein: The Spear of Destiny Wolfenstein 3D Wolfesntein RPG Return to Castle Wolfenstein Wolfenstein 2009 Wolfenstein: The Old Blood Wolfenstein: The New Order Wolfenstein: The New Colossus Wolfenstein: Youngblood Commander Keen: Invasion of the Vorticons DOOM RPG 1&2 DOOM (1993) DOOM II DOOM 64 DOOM 3 DOOM (2016) DOOM: Eternal Quake Quake 3: Arena Quake 2 Quake 4
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