#wolfe & ordnance
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Wolfe & Ordnance Store
Brisbane, Australia
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If you don't mind, answer a few more for a curious Clanner? 🟠💰⛓️📚
Thanks kindly. - @mechwarrior-rose
🟠= Restoring the Star League. It was by no means the perfect society, but it did lead to centuries of effective peace and cooperation among humankind. It was the ultimate goal of the Great Father, and one we now can bring to reality - and I have been honored to begin the military side of the process. I am the new commanding officer of a revived Royal Black Watch, will be running the new Gunslinger program and the first new Martial Olympiad, and apparently am on track to become the first Commanding General of the SLDF since Hohiro Kurita in the 3060s. To eventually take on the same position as the Great Father held... is an honor I can barely believe may be in my future. 💰= By far, the worst purchase I have made was the giant inflatable bouncy castle version of a Dire Wolf I purchased for Damien Caruso's fifth birthday. He was the son of the leader of Fursona's Fusiliers, Savannah Caruso. I had thought the purchase would enliven the party. It did. To the tune of at least ten injuries when we adult mercenaries decided to partake as well. And it turns out talons do not mix well with what is essentially a thin, continuously pumped balloon. Making, and subsequently having to see, Damien cry... was perhaps the worst crime I have ever committed. He didn't speak to his "Aunt Mysty" for two weeks afterwards. I felt horrible. ⛓️= I have taken several. The best, the one I miss the most, was Victoria. Victoria Jade Falcon, formerly Victoria Espinosa of the Aurigan Directorate.
I met Victoria in the course of the Aurigan Civil War; her actions in that war would later see her to be known as the Butcher of Perdition. We defeated her several times in that campaign. The first few times she was in her Catapult-K2, until Savannah took it out with a point blank Thumper shot from her Bull Shark.
Victoria survived that Thumper shot, incredibly. She faced us one more on Coromodir, at the hands of a modified King Crab. We took her prisoner, after she came to her senses - once her 'Mech was disabled, and the rest of her lance were dead.
As I fired the shot which disabled her 'Mech, I was allowed to claim her as a bondswoman, though I had to wait until 3050, once her prison sentence in the Taurian Concordat was carried out.
She served well as a bondswoman, and I freed her in relatively short order, during the latter stages of the Invasion. She soon after passed her Trial of Position and became abthaka, joining a second-line unit.
I have been told that she died defending the civilians of São Paulo, during the final battles of the Jihad on Terra. Apparently her last words were expressing a hope she had redeemed herself for what she had done on Perdition, all those decades before, and taking a Manei Domini Heavy Level III with her in the process.
Considering she ended up saving nearly 30,000 people with her sacrifice, I would say she redeemed herself... The Butcher of Perdition died that day, and the Savior of São Paulo was born...
I do miss her. 📚= I am a direct descendant of Elizabeth Hazen (not in the usual sense of her passing on genes used by the next in line, but directly via the original genetic samples she provided) - and also of Turkina herself. I pride myself on that heritage, and try to live up to it. Having the sword that one of my genemothers gave to the other helps me remember. Furthermore, I am a fan of the Great Father (moreso than of his son, the Founder), and of his SLDF our Clans descend from. I try to uphold the Great Father's ideals every day of my life. Lastly, I have always identified with the Royal Black Watch, of which Elizabeth Hazen was a part. I was enamored with the tales of their last stand at Gorst Flats, their campaigns against Amaris, and how, even after being hit with thermonuclear ordnance, the Black Watch survived, and did not give up.
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vague-humanoid · 2 years
While Boston Dynamics show off their robot’s dance moves, others turn similar-looking devices into dystopian killing machines.
Much like their flesh-made cousins, robot dogs do not lack attention on the internet. Many have seen the footage of Spot, a high-tech quadruped developed by the US-based company Boston Dynamics, flaunting its dance moves.
However, the latest addition to the robot dog content stream looks like something out of a science fiction movie. Twitter user Sean Chiplock shared a video of someone in Russia firing a gun from a quadruped robot.
Even though the post’s author discusses robots Boston Dynamics make, the one seen in the video is not made by the American company. As Sean Gallagher, a Senior Threat Researcher at Sophos points out, the robot dog is of Chinese origin.
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The design of the robot looks a lot like Go1 robot dog Unitree Robotics makes. For example, the back side of the device in the video exhibits a distinct pattern on a plastic covering between its hind legs. A similar design is visible on devices in Unitree’s promotional material.
The Hangzhou-based company is selling the Go1 model of the robot for $2,700 on its website, a fraction of over $75k that American-made Spot would cost its owner.
While the robot doesn’t seem to handle recoil very well with the gun on ‘burst fire’ mode, switching to a ‘semi-automatic’ setting allows the robot to hit targets without moving around too much.
The robot in the video has patches on its surfaces with insignia associated with the Russian military: a Russian flag on one side and what seems to be a Wolf, which Russian special forces use.
The original video was posted on Youtube by Moscow-resident Alexander Atamanov.
Use in conflict
Recently reports came out that the US Army had agreed to send one of its two Boston Dynamic-made robot dogs to Ukraine, where it will carry out demining operations around the capital Kyiv.
The robot dog will help an American non-profit HALO Trust remove unexploded ordnance, including cluster munitions, and drag them to be safely exploded in batches far from civilians.
Although Boston Dynamics prohibits using the Spot platform as a weapon, its possible application for military and law-enforcement purposes is evident.
The robot dog trained alongside French troops in a reconnaissance exercise earlier this spring. However, its employment in the NYPD ended quickly last year after the public deemed it too creepy.
Fears that robot dogs will be used against humans have been vocal for several years. Most notably, a cult anthology TV series Black Mirror dedicated a whole episode, Metalhead, to the device in 2017.
The plot follows a group of humans hunted by a robot dog. Series creator Charlies Brooker said the inspiration for the episode came after he saw one of Boston Dynamics’ promotional videos.
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jarwoski · 7 days
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brookstonalmanac · 1 month
Events 5.25 (before 1960)
567 BC – Servius Tullius, the king of Rome, celebrates a triumph for his victory over the Etruscans. 240 BC – First recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet. 1085 – Alfonso VI of Castile takes Toledo, Spain, back from the Moors. 1420 – Henry the Navigator is appointed governor of the Order of Christ. 1521 – The Diet of Worms ends when Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, issues the Edict of Worms, declaring Martin Luther an outlaw. 1644 – Ming general Wu Sangui forms an alliance with the invading Manchus and opens the gates of the Great Wall of China at Shanhaiguan pass, letting the Manchus through towards the capital Beijing. 1659 – Richard Cromwell resigns as Lord Protector of England following the restoration of the Long Parliament, beginning a second brief period of the republican government called the Commonwealth of England. 1660 – Charles II lands at Dover at the invitation of the Convention Parliament, which marks the end of the Cromwell-proclaimed Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland and begins the Restoration of the British monarchy. 1738 – A treaty between Pennsylvania and Maryland ends the Conojocular War with settlement of a boundary dispute and exchange of prisoners. 1763 – First issue of Norske Intelligenz-Seddeler, the first regular Norwegian newspaper (1763–1920). 1787 – After a delay of 11 days, the United States Constitutional Convention formally convenes in Philadelphia after a quorum of seven states is secured. 1798 – United Irishmen Rebellion: Battle of Carlow begins; executions of suspected rebels at Carnew and at Dunlavin Green take place. 1809 – Chuquisaca Revolution: Patriot revolt in Chuquisaca (modern-day Sucre) against the Spanish Empire, sparking the Latin American wars of independence. 1810 – May Revolution: Citizens of Buenos Aires expel Viceroy Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros during the "May Week", starting the Argentine War of Independence. 1819 – The Argentine Constitution of 1819 is promulgated. 1833 – The Chilean Constitution of 1833 is promulgated. 1865 – In Mobile, Alabama, around 300 people are killed when an ordnance depot explodes. 1878 – Gilbert and Sullivan's comic opera H.M.S. Pinafore opens at the Opera Comique in London. 1895 – Playwright, poet and novelist Oscar Wilde is convicted of "committing acts of gross indecency with other male persons" and sentenced to serve two years in prison. 1895 – The Republic of Formosa is formed, with Tang Jingsong as its president. 1914 – The House of Commons of the United Kingdom passes the Home Rule Bill for devolution in Ireland. 1925 – Scopes Trial: John T. Scopes is indicted for teaching human evolution in Tennessee. 1926 – Sholom Schwartzbard assassinates Symon Petliura, the head of the government of the Ukrainian People's Republic, which is in government-in-exile in Paris. 1933 – The Walt Disney Company cartoon Three Little Pigs premieres at Radio City Music Hall, featuring the hit song "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?" 1935 – Jesse Owens of Ohio State University breaks three world records and ties a fourth at the Big Ten Conference Track and Field Championships in Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1938 – Spanish Civil War: The bombing of Alicante kills 313 people. 1940 – World War II: The German 2nd Panzer Division captures the port of Boulogne-sur-Mer; the surrender of the last French and British troops marks the end of the Battle of Boulogne. 1946 – The parliament of Transjordan makes Abdullah I of Jordan their Emir. 1953 – Nuclear weapons testing: At the Nevada Test Site, the United States conducts its first and only nuclear artillery test. 1953 – The first public television station in the United States officially begins broadcasting as KUHT from the campus of the University of Houston. 1955 – First ascent of Mount Kangchenjunga: On the British Kangchenjunga expedition led by Charles Evans, Joe Brown and George Band reach the summit of the third-highest mountain in the world (8,586 meters); Norman Hardie and Tony Streather join them the following day.
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videbi · 8 months
Five federal law enforcement agencies you might not know
There are dozens of law enforcement agencies in every sector of the government. Did you know these five existed?
January 14, 2015
By David Brown
Everyone knows about the “big” federal law enforcement agencies: the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the U.S. Marshalls. But the Department of Justice, to which those three belong, isn’t the only game in town. In fact, there are dozens of such law enforcement agencies in every sector of government. Here are a few you might not know about.
The Central Intelligence Agency has its own police force called the Security Protective Services. Like everything else associated with the CIA, the SPS exists behind a veil of secrecy. What is known about them comes primarily from job postings. They are responsible for the physical security of CIA facilities and have such specialized divisions as K-9 units, explosive ordnance disposal teams, and a threat management unit responsible for assessing and coordinating threats to “company” compounds. Training runs 12 weeks at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Georgia and is followed by five weeks of specialized CIA training.
The Diplomatic Security Service is like the State Department’s hybrid version of the FBI and Secret Service. Special agents for the DSS provide security to the secretary of state; investigate passport fraud; are responsible for cyber security and counter-terrorism as it relates to threats against State Department property and personnel around the world. This obviously includes U.S. embassies abroad, making this a battle-hardened law enforcement agency.
Nukes in the wild are serious business, and among the swath of agencies and organizations responsible for a weapon’s transportation and physical security is one big commonality: the authorization to shoot people who get in the way. The National Nuclear Security Administration and its parent, the Department of Energy, operate the Office of Secure Transportation, which is responsible for transporting nuclear weapons and material. (They often work with the U.S. Air Force.) The OST generally moves their cargo in, meaning that tractor trailer driving alongside you might be secretly transporting uranium and guarded by men with heavy machine guns. The moral here is to be nice to truck drivers.
“In a nutshell,” said Michael Spochart of the United States Capitol Police, “the U.S. Capitol Police is to the legislative branch and Capitol Hill what the U.S. Secret Service is to the executive branch and the White House.” While in Washington, members of Congress are protected by the Capitol Police. In congressional districts, the Capitol Police coordinate security services with local police and handle direct threats to representatives. The role of the service expanded after 9/11 when anthrax was mailed to Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy. Two members of the Capitol Police–Jacob Chestnut and John Gibson–were killed when a gunman attacked Capitol Hill in 1998. The men were laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery.
There is a federal law enforcement agency called the Shadow Wolves and you do not want them to hunt you down. They are part of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and operate along the border in Arizona’s Tohono O’odham Nation. These guys use ancient methods of tracking to find drug runners and aliens in the most inhospitable deserts and mountains in the United States. According to the official Shadow Wolves fact sheet put out by the Department of Homeland Security, “An experienced Shadow Wolf can spot small items snagged on branches, twigs bent or broken, or even a single fiber of cloth or burlap from a sack or bag that could be filled with drugs. They can read faint footprints in the dust and determine when they were made, where they came from and whether or not traffickers are carrying additional weight such as backpacks filled with drugs.”
About the author
Uniform Stories features a variety of contributors. These sources are experts and educators within their profession. Uniform Stories covers an array of subjects like field stories, entertaining anecdotes, and expert opinions.
Read more articles by Uniform Stories by clicking here
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alphawave-writes · 3 years
Fuse/Caustic (GasGrenade? Fitznox? Dunno, I’ll use them both) SFW fanfic
Read it here or find on AO3 via this link.
Synopsis: Caustic decides to confront Fuse on a certain incident that occurred live on intergalactic waves involving Fuse's hand and his posterior.
Caustic is certainly not the guy to get his ass slapped. Caustic is certainly not the type of person to let people close enough to even slap his ass in the first place, but the games forces him to take a closer proximity to people. Relationships are confusing, messy diagrams of webs and chains and links, just as human bodies are, and it reminds Caustic why he never went into Genetics. Or, for that matter, why there are few who would dare approach him.
But Fuse is a special type of individual with all of the worst traits of the dumbest legends. He has the loud mouth of Mirage, the act-first-think-later attitude of Octane, and—on the rare occasion he gets serious—the wry snark of that pestiferous Crypto. It's no secret that Salvo is full of savages, which makes him a surprisingly capable teammate, so of course the producers of the Apex Games decide that for his very first game, he should be in a team with Caustic and Bloodhound. Of course he talks a big talk, but otherwise he has shown himself to be a capable individual on the battlefield. Unlike Crypto or Natalie or the countless other scientists he knew in the past, Caustic doesn't expect Fuse to be the kind to stab him in the back.
And then Fuse slaps Caustic's ass. Live. For all to see.
And with that, his carefully tailored public reputation, the persona of Caustic, it has all crumbled down to a few key words. Caustic: the man who's ass got slapped on intergalactic waves, and appeared to like it.
"Mate, it's just a cheeky thing the mates do to each other on Salvo. You're telling me you guys don't slap each other's ass after a game of footy or somethin'?"
"This is not Salvo," Caustic reminds Fuse for what must be the hundredth time. Internally, he has to remember to check up what 'footy' is. Probably Salvonian slang for something gruesome.
"Yeah, nah, I get that, doc, you don't have to remind me," Fuse sighs. "Look, even I admit I was tryna rile up the crowd, but I didn't mean to get you stuck in all this sh—mess." 
At least the man has some common sense not to use such vulgar language around him. Quite frankly he finds such crude words indicative of low intelligence. "It does not matter what the crowd thinks," Caustic says, even though he knows that's a bit of a lie. "What matters is that you have put me in an uncompromising position."
"Well, I haven't got you to an uncompromising position yet," Fuse smirks.
Caustic glares at him. "I expect you to rectify this immediately."
"OK, OK, sheesh. Look, I'll let ya in on somethin', if you wanna let the whole thing slip away, you just gotta let it die first. Fighting fire with fire may work on the field, but it ain't gonna stop people from coming up with ideas. Trust me, the amount of people who thought I was shacking up with Mags—er, Maggie—of all people…" Fuse shivers. When Caustic doesn't look convinced, he adds, "I've got an interview coming up tomorrow. If it pops up, I'll just say it's a Salvo thing. If it doesn't, I ain't gonna say squat."
Caustic doesn't know if Fuse is more wily than he gives himself credit for, or if he is just as idiotically open as Caustic assumes him to be, but his first instinct is to trust Fuse will keep his word. It's a strange instinct for Caustic to have.
"Fine. But I expect you to not mock me anymore in the future."
"No prob, doc. Although if you don't mind an old fella saying something?"
Caustic just knows he's going to regret this.
"You do got a nice ass. Real girth to that thing," Fuse wolf whistles appreciatively as he not so surreptitiously glances at Caustic's behind. "Ditch the apron, and I bet that beauty could be an ordnance on its own."
"Fuse," Caustic growls.
"That's the name, don't wear it out," Fuse smirks.
With a surprising amount of speed, Caustic takes Fuse into a hold and shoved him to the wall. His voice is low, his hold absolute. Months  and years in the Apex games have taught him many, many ways to kill and just as many to subdue.
"Oy, easy on the vest."
"What's your game?" Caustic hisses.
"Nngh. Let go of me!"
"Or what?"
Fuse tries to turn his head, his laidback expression transformed into something darker. Caustic does not disbelieve Fuse's claims of being a mercenary on the last, but he found his boast of being one of Salvo's best a stretch. But he's
"You wanna try me, Doc Nox?" Fuse grunts.
"How did you…?"
That second of surprise is all it takes for Fuse to slip out of Caustic's grasp and reverse the situation, pushing Caustic into the wall. It is now that Caustic sees he has miscalculated. He was too tight, put too much strength and effort to shove Fuse into the wall. The correct grip is a little bit lower, utilising not just hands but knees. Fuse's hold might seem more laidback compared to Caustic's attempt, but there is no doubt that Fuse has done this plenty more times before in the past. Despite his bigger size, Caustic doesn't imagine he will slip out quite so easily unless Fuse allows him to.
So there are hidden depths to this man after all. A fascinating test subject for the future, to be sure.
"Don't think I didn't do my research before comin' here. I gave it all up to be here, and I don't go all in without knowing the stakes. Had a client of mine try ask me to track you down. Said that ain't my style, but I remembered. And when you stay a merc at my age," he taps his skull with his metal hand, "you tend to remember things."
Caustic grunts. "I have no idea what you are talking about."
"We all know being in the Apex games protects you, and you know what? It's the same for me, mate. You play up the cameras, kill and get killed over and over again for entertainment, and if they like you, you get to live another day. And I also know once people know who the mysterious doc Caustic is, they ain't gonna risk letting you kick about and murk up the Apex bloody games."
"Then blackmail me. Kill me," Caustic hisses.
"Believe me, if I were hired to, I will. But since I'm not…" Fuse lets go of Caustic. He takes a step back, his light fingers drifting away from Caustic’s clothed limbs. The move is casual but done deliberately. A lot of what Fuse does and says, Caustic realises, is deliberate. Whether it's the result he wants is a secondary concern.
Caustic turns to Fuse and stares. "I do not know if you're idiotic or moronic to let me go without some form of payment."
Fuse sighs. "Doc, this ain't the games and this ain't Salvo. You said that, right? Ain't gonna spill your secret because I feel petty or nothing. We both want to be here, and we'll do our bloody hardest to stay here. You wanna take it out on me, take it out on the ring." His lips curl into a smirk. "I'm also more than happy to take it out in the bedroom, if that's your thing."
Caustic bristles. He's no imbecile, he knows when he is being propositioned, but he is not playing that game. Not with a man he barely knows. "You still want something from me. Tell me now."
"Well, if you really want to buy my silence," Fuse allows a small smile, "how about a drink sometime? You, me, couple bottles of beer, bit of classical music. Get to know each other better."
There is a lot to decipher with that sentence. A lot. But of all the the things Caustic can possibly address, "Classical music?"
"You know, Acca Dacca, INXS, Tame Impala. The real classics, not like that stuffy ones, ey?"
Caustic stifles a groan. "When you say classical music, I was expecting Mozart. Beethoven."
"Would you accept if I did that kinda classical music?" Fuse crosses his arms and leans just a bit too close to Caustic. 
"Typical Salvonian," Caustic mutters under his breath. Always so forward. Always think they can take whatever they want.  
"Ain't an answer, mate," Fuse says.
It's data. Possibly useful data from a new test subject. That's what he's going to tell himself. "One drink, at a venue of my choice. I can and will leave at any time I choose." 
"Deal. Tomorrow at 8 alright?"
"Cool. Then I'll see ya later, darl." Before Caustic can react, Fuse gives another firm slap to Caustic's ass and quickly walks away without another word, disappearing down the hallway.
As Caustic watches Fuse walk away, hand on his ass and equations ringing through his head, he begins to suspect that he might have bit off more than he can chew. He takes out his notepad, which he uses to write notes on the go, and flips over to the latest page.
8pm 12th February. Meet up with subject Walter 'Fuse' Fitzroy for alcoholic beverages and music. Objective: obtain data on subject. Ascertain weaknesses and strengths. Assess whether to team up with for future battles.
Note to self: bring padded pants and lotion.
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steelandcampfires · 4 years
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Double Slug, (2) - 7/8oz slugs by War Wolf Ordnance
These look good for Hog hunting.
@bard-owl @norseminuteman
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nwbeerguide · 4 years
Get to know Von Ebert's Blameless Muse, Wolf Summoner, and Pils; available at their taprooms for takeout or delivery.
A month since most of the West Coast enacted a stay at home order, breweries in Oregon and Washington have adapted to the new reality. With the new reality gone are socially acceptable dine-in options, replaced by takeout or delivery of your favorite beers. As one of those breweries, who have adapted to the new 2020, Von Ebert is releasing more canned beer than in the past. 
In their continuing support of customers' willingness to leave their home, brave the streets, in the name of supporting local businesses, Von Ebert has three more beers for your consideration - Blameless Muse, Wolf Summoner, and their classic Pils. 
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image courtesy Von Ebert Brewing Company
Released a week and a half ago, Von Ebert’s Blameless Muse was the latest bottled beer available for takeout. Inspired by the line in the famous William Wordsworth poem, Yarrow Revisited, Muse is a farmhouse ale unlike any other with a little help from Oregon’s Ordnance Brewing. 
For the two breweries, the day begins by adding additions of Mecca Grade Estate Malt, before additions of yarrow flowers, grand fir boughs, ponderosa pine needles, and brettanomyces mixed in. The result of the added ingredients, upon bottling allow for a beer that takes on “...arborous, earthy, and floral characteristics.”
“We wanted to create a beer that showcases multiple ingredients that our wonderful and bountiful state has to offer,” said Sean Burke, head brewer, Von Ebert Glendoveer. “In conceptualizing Blameless Muse, we also sought to highlight areas of the state that we felt could offer foraged ingredients that would result in a beer that would be truly unique and place based.”
Under-modified Gateway malt, inspired by the historic Belgian “wind-malts” that were air dried in the lofts of barns, was used to create Blameless Muse. It provides a burst of fresh-cut hay aroma. Shaniko, a malted white winter wheat, was used to give the beer a rich and creamy flavor. Both come from Mecca Grade Estate Malt in Madras, Oregon.
Making this collaboration fun, Ordnance Brewing harvest yarrow from the owners’ nearby farm and from Ordnance’s brewery doors in Boardman, Oregon. With the addition of yarrow, the beer has a hint of bitterness and some fun aromatics. 
Finally, by adding grand fir boughs and ponderosa pine needles, Von Ebert brings a little of Eastern Oregon to the Rose City, courtesy of the Blue Mountains. 
Bottle-conditioned with brettanomyces for several months, the brewers have deemed Blameless Muse ready for your consideration. 
 “We believe that this beer offers a land-based tasting experience, one that is deeply rooted in ecological beauty and is defined by the state and region where both breweries are located,” said Burke. “We hope this conveys who we are as craftspeople and the amazing place we call home.” 
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image courtesy Von Ebert Brewing
Following up on Blameless Muse, Von Ebert is pleased to announce the limited-run of their Wolf Summoner American-style IPA, in 16-ounce four-packs, and Pils, available in 12-ounce six-packs.
“With the sudden shift in the way consumers are enjoying our beer, we’re trying to be versatile and give everyone as many options as possible,” said Sam Pecoraro, head brewer, Von Ebert Pearl. “Getting our flagship Pils into a twelve ounce format allows us to send one of our favorite beers to distribution and hopefully into the hands of more fans of German-inspired lagers.  Grab a six-pack and hopefully we can do this again sometime soon!”
For the uninitiated, Von Ebert’s Wolf Summoner is an American-style India Pale Ale made with Rakau, Galaxy, and El Dorado hops. At 6.4% ABV and 79 IBU (international bittering units), beer enjoyed this hop combo. Which is why, after strong reception from the first canning, Wolf Summoner is being packaged up and sold a second time. 
As for Von Ebert’s Pils? This beer requires no introduction with its use of Hallertau and Saphir hops and pilsner malt. At 4.9%, Pils is your reward after escaping the house for a neighborhood hike or finishing chores in the yard. 
Available for takeout, delivery look for Blameless Muse, Wolfs Summer, and Pils available while supplies last. 
For more information on this and other beers from Von Ebert, visit http://www.vonebertbrewing.com. Von Ebert Brewing's two locations are at 131 NW 13th Avenue in Portland's Pearl District and 14021 NE Glisan Street in the Glendoveer neighborhood.  
About Von Ebert Brewing
Von Ebert Brewing sits at the crossroads where storied traditions meet bold new ideas in brewing. Independently owned and operated, Portland, OR, based Von Ebert produces award-winning beers in a variety of styles. In addition to modern IPAs and crisp lagers, the oak-aged, bottle-conditioned heritage beer program sets the brewery apart. All of the beers pair perfectly with the elevated American pub cuisine served at both brewpub locations. For more information, please visit www.vonebertbrewing.com. 
from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/2xmjtG0
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streetsofdublin · 4 years
SAGGART CEMETERY [ST MARYS]-160293 by William Murphy Via Flickr: There are four surviving pre-Norman monuments in the village of Saggart and all of them are located within this graveyard, sited across Garter Lane from the Roman Catholic Church. During my visit in April 2016 I could not identify any of them so I needed to conduct some more research before I revisit the site. Unfortunately, my research has not been productive but I have discovered that other visitors had similar issues. It is now Ferbraruy 2020 and I hope to return within the next few weeks. The graveyard predates the current church and is located on the site of previous church buildings, although believed to be the monastery of St Mosacra, the actual site is 1.5 km away. The first edition Ordnance Survey map from 1843 shows the graveyard to be oval in shape, with access provided by a lane leading directly from the village; prior to this, the area is recorded by mapmakers as the site of a ruined church. Within the graveyard, there is a noteworthy memorial to Dublin merchant Edward Byrne, who was a member of the Catholic Committee, which included Wolfe Tone, which petitioned King George II in 1793 on behalf of the Irish people.
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aspected-benefic · 5 years
Prompt #5: Vault
As elders often said to the younger folk, "You haven't lived long enough." More in the context of, what Ash had assumed, to be about one's knowledge of life. Despite these heeded warnings, however, Ash felt as though he had lived just long enough to see patterns in behaviours and situations.
One lesson Ash had learned to take to heart since day 1: expect the unexpected.
One moment, Ash Lawrence had been on a leisurely stroll. Quiet, tranquil, nothing but a crisp breeze and the sound of the ocean waves to accompany him. The next thing he knew, he had jumped into the fray of a wild bandit case. Ash's starting contribution? A precise and well-timed shot to the back of one bandit's feet. Said ruffian crashed to the ground, curled up and wincing in pain. While some of the yellowjackets proceeded in bounding up their pray, the other three with their leader included already made off in the grand distance.
"Apologies for getting you caught up in this mess, adventurer," said one of the yellowjackets, "but thanks for yer help all the same."
"Save your thanks until after we catch them." said Ash.
Rather than attack blindly, Ash fell upon his natural instincts and first surveyed the situation and area. One large ruffian in the middle and two gangly, lesser dressed minions on either side. It didn't take a genius to guess that the one in the middle was the target in question. Still, judging by the fact that a couple of the yellowjackets had taken their time to apprehend the injured bandit, the entire gang was the target. Not just the leader. A network, most likely. Ash wouldn't have been surprised if this motley crew had some more hands hiding in the wakes. On top of all this, with the unfortunate positioning of the guards in front of Ash and not the way around, the machinist would most likely fire an accidental few rounds of friendly fire. Standing and aiming was one thing. Running and aiming? Another.
The bandits veered around into civilization. Ash's instincts had proven correct. Not only did the bandits have more options to hide from the plethora of narrow alleyways, had this group possessed more hands in the making, Ash and his his escort of authorities would have an ambush waiting for them. To make matters worse, ever since the bandits lost one of their own, the remaining few suddenly gained newfound speed. Ash waved his hands to summon the wind around him and his allies - an ability he had learned as a Bard. Yet, the bandits had a head start and soon, just as Ash had predicted, both Ash and the company he was with lost sight of their targets.
But not for long.
"Over there!" One of the guards pointed to a narrow alleyway.
To think that these order of events moved just as Ash had anticipated. Predictably so.
And in another predictable moment, just as Ash and the yellowjackets veered around the corner, they caught sight of the bandits, only to see the last of them crawl over a tall, conveniently placed wall. Ash fired at the bandit, but his bullet collided not with his intended target, but the tail end of a rope, which slunk over the top of the wall and beyond.
The yellowjackets came to a halt. The roegadyn marauder clicked his tongue. "Dammit!" he growled. He attempted to scale the wall, but without any significant ledges atop its smooth, brick surface, and with the buildings on either side too far from each other, scaling without a rope was no option.
"Is there any way we can get around this wall?" Ash asked.
The miqo'te yellowjacket - the one who had pointed out the alleway - shook her head. "Repairs be goin' on here. 'n they knew it. Th' only way around be all th' way around th' damn lot, 'n by th' time we do that, they'd be sailin' off into th' great beyond."
Ash looked up at the wall. At least twelve yalms high. No way the group could scale the wall in time. The bandits had predicted this much of course as indicated by the rope. And, in ordnance with the law of the unlucky, all options had been blocked off.
Or, so everyone thought. One option remained: one that Ash thought he would never have to consider again.
He could... jump over the wall.
Ash felt his body twitch. He felt his chest tighten and his heart beat faster. His mind flooded his senses with memories of times before. The past... the father that never looked his way... his failures, his inadequacies...
I put that life behind me. This is my life now. The way of the firearms. I don't deserve to go back to that life, I-
Then suddenly, his fear stopped.
It was as though time around him slowed down to a crawl. All the nervousness, the tension, the hesitation vanished as he felt a blanket of calmness envelop him. For the first time in a long time, Ash had no dots to connect - no trail of patterns and behaviours to follow. Not even a logical reason to what he now felt. Like his mind, which had tried to move into several different directions at once, now all alined to one path straight ahead of him.
Ever since that fated day, I vowed never to run away ever again. If my childish hesitation causes everything to fall to the wayside, I dare not live with myself. There are still things I can do. I can do this.
As though his body had already known what he wanted to do before he had made up his mind, Ash found himself leaned forward and crouched to the ground. His firearm gently brushed against the concrete ground. He took one last deep breath. 'Perhaps there is something in this mess that I can predict: the past does indeed catch up to you, doesn't it?'
He raised his head upwards, not at the obstacle in front of him, but to the skies far above the wall. With no more mental barriers left to stop him, he vaulted into the air.
The wind scorched across his face, a sensation he hadn't experienced in what felt like forever. He soared over the wall and still moved on. Everything below him looked so small - the yellowjackets, the brick floor...
... and the bandits.
Once the trio saw a looming shadow above them, their eyes grew wide and they froze in place, unable to comprehend the image of a machinist sailing over their heads like a flying acrobat or a vaulter.
No, like a dragoon.
Their moment's hesitation was all Ash needed. While still overhead the trio, Ash aimed his firearm directly at them. In rapid succession, the bullets found their marks. The bandits hands now freed of their weapons. Their shoulder blades pierced with hot metal. And when Ash landed near to them, all he needed to do was stand there and aim his firearm at whoever moved until the yellowjackets finally came on scene with more of their members in tow.
As the yellowjackets cuffed and carted off the remaining bandits, the roegadyn and miqo'te who Ash had accompanied stayed behind with the hyur.
"The last time I saw anythin' or anyone go flyin' like that, I shot a cannonball with 12 onzes of gunpowder!" chirped the roegadyn. "Ye ain't hiding any of that in yer boots, are you?"
"Not that I'm aware of. Just some good old fashioned socks." said Ash.
The miqo'te snapped her fingers. "No wonder that accent of yers sounded familiar. Yer from that cold place up in nowhere, ain't ya? Don't they have those... dragoon people there?"
Ash paused. "Yes, yes they do."
The miqo'te looked as though she was about to elaborate, but like her roegadyn comerade, they got called away. The two yellowjackets waved goodbye to Ash, who waved back at them in return until they vanished into the distance. Once they left, Ash exhaled. Closing his eyes, he chuckled to himself. Funny how he often dismissed the wisdom of his elders until experiencing their words for himself. They were truly correct; Ash suddenly felt as though he hadn't lived long enough.
"What will I do now...?" he muttered.
((Entries 2 and 3 were from Ash’s canon story way back in Heavensward. I imagine this one to take place around the Stormblood or Shadowbringers time. So a lot of time has passed since then and now. X3 ))
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krinsbez · 5 years
GI Joe: Remixed, Vipers
OK, so..let's talk Vipers.
To begin with, here's Wikipedia's list of Cobra Trooper variations, for reference:
Air Devil - Acrobatic Aerial Assault Trooper
B.A.T.s - Cobra Battle Android Troopers
Cobra Blackstar - Cobra Elite Space Pilot
Cobra C.L.A.W.S. - Combat Light Armored Weapons Specialist; Heavy Weapons Trooper
Cobra Coils - High Speed Pursuit Vehicle Drivers; Cobra Tread Fire Driver
Cobra Eels - Cobra Frogman
Cobra H.I.S.S. Driver - Cobra H.I.S.S. Driver
Cobra Moray - Underwater Elite Trooper
Cobra Officer - Cobra Squad Leader
Cobra Stinger Driver - Cobra Stinger Driver
Cobra Soldier - Cobra Basic Infantry
Desert Scorpion - Cobra Desert Trooper
Incinerators - Cobra Flamethrowers
Lampreys - Cobra Moray Hydrofoil Pilot
Night Creepers - Cobra Mercenary Ninjas
Night Vulture - Cobra Air Recon Trooper
Sea Slugs - Cobra Sea Ray Pilot
Snow Serpent - Cobra Polar Assault
W.O.R.M.S. - Weapons Ordnance Rugged Machine Specialists; Cobra Maggot Driver
List of Viper variations
Aero-Viper - Condor Z25 pilot
Air-Viper - Cobra Air Force trainee
Alley Viper - Cobra urban assault trooper
Astro-Viper - Cobranaut
A.V.A.C. - Air-Viper, Advanced Class; Firebat pilot
Bio-Viper - amphibious Mega-Monster
Cyber-Viper - cybernetic officer
Desert-Viper - Cobra desert trooper
Elite-Viper - elite regiment officer
Fast Blast Viper - field combat
Flak-Viper - Cobra anti-aircraft trooper
Frag-Viper - Cobra grenade thrower
Gyro-Viper - Mamba pilot
Hazard-Viper - toxin specialist
H.E.A.T. Viper - High-Explosive, Anti-Tank; Cobra bazooka trooper
Heli-Viper - Cobra Battle Copter trooper
Hydro-Vipera - Cobra underwater elite trooper. Also known as the "demons of the deep"
Ice-Vipera - Cobra WOLF driver
Jungle-Viper - jungle assault trooper
Kitchen Viper - mentioned in the comics only; never actually seen
Laser-Viper - Cobra laser trooper
Medi-Viper - medical trooper [7]
Mega-Viper - Mega-Monster trainer
Monstro-Viper - savage Mega-Monster
Motor-Viper - Cobra Stun pilot
Nano-Viper - Cobra commando
Neo-Viper - officer/infantryman
Night-Viper - Cobra night fighter
Ninja-Viper - martial arts
Nitro-Viper - Detonator driver
Para-Viper - Cobra paratrooper
Pit-Viper - infiltration trooper
Range-Viper - Cobra wilderness trooper
Raptor-Viper [8] -
Red Ninja-Viper - ninja warrior
Rock-Viper - Cobra mountain trooper
Sand-Viper - desert infiltrator
S.A.W. Viper - Semi-Automatic Weapons; Cobra heavy machine gunner
Secto-Viper - Cobra Bugg driver
Shadow-Viper - counter intelligence
Shock-Viper - fire assault trooper
Sludge-Viper - Cobra hazardous waste Viper
Star-Viper - Cobra Stellar Stiletto pilot
Strato-Viper - Cobra Night Raven S³P pilot [9]
Street-Viper - urban combat trooper
Sub-Viper - underwater demolitions
Swamp-Viper - amphibious assault trooper
Techno-Viper - Cobra battlefield technician
Tele-Viper - Cobra communications
Terra-Viper - Cobra Mole Pod pilot
Toxo-Viper - Cobra hostile environment trooper
Track-Viper - H.I.S.S. II driver
Viper - Cobra infantry
Viper Guard - Cobra infantry
Viper Pilot - attack glider pilot
Now, it's important to note, contrary to their depiction in most media, in our take, Vipers are actually quite competent, being on par with the standard troops of most First World militaries. OTOH, Blueshirts get just enough combat training that they aren't completely useless on the battlefield; Blueshirts can, say, round-up civilians for slave labor, deal with anti-Cobra militias or vigilantes, or serve as security guards or the equivalent of uniformed police in Cobra-controlled areas, but are not expected to fight real soldiers. Rather, Blueshirts do all the other tasks a military needs to operate, although some specialized work is done by Vipers. Cobra recruits are first trained as Blueshirts, and can then apply for Viper training, but military vets are fast-tracked to the point that they can sometimes go straight to Viper training; said training program was designed by Big Boa and Major Bludd, the latter of whom is considered the father of the Viper program, and is idolized by most Vipers. Big Boa is less beloved mostly because he's actively involved in their training and he has no qualms about injuring, maiming, or even killing his trainees.
Anyways, in general, a Viper outranks a Blueshirt, but a Blueshirt Officer outranks a Viper, and is in turn outranked by a Viper Officer; this isn't really a hard and fast rule though, as Cobra's command structure is deliberately fluid. Somewhat similarly, Specialist-Vipers don't technically outrank regular Vipers, but their skills are more valuable to Cobra, so...Each cadre of Specialist-Vipers has it's own leader (or sometimes leader) who get their own name, but generally still wear their cadre's uniform, and are therefore subordinate to those who have names and custom uniforms. Generally. Sometimes several cadres will also answer to another, higher named/uniformed officer specifically (EG all the pilots report to Wild Weasel; Toxo-, Hazard-, and Sludge-Vipers are under Cesspool; Tele-, Techno-, and Medi-Vipers report to Dr. Mindbender, all naval personnel report to She-Wolf, a pseudo-OC who will be discussed later) Beyond this, there's no strict rank structure involved; if you can get people to follow your orders, you're in charge, and if you kill a superior you're just as apt to be given his job as punished. (note that @Night_stalker has created many Specialist-Viper Leaders for us, though some already existed, but I’m not sure how to post ‘em here)
Many Specialist-Vipers not only receive specialized training, but also are given drugs or some form of surgical modification (such as those given to Strato-Vipers to enhance their reflexes and resistance to G-forces) or enhancements (such as the Hydro-Vipers' implanted gills) or both to make them better at their jobs; these often have long-term negative side effects (which is why, despite grumbling from the Jugglers, Gens. Austin and Hawk refuse to reverse-engineer for American use some of Mindbender's Feel-No-Pain Juice or Not-Get-Tired Pills or whatever), but Cobra doesn't care. They also get a hefty dose of extra indoctrination, which of course, includes brainwashing.
Given Cobra Commander's divide-and-conquer approach to management, and the general backstab-happy nature of Cobra, it should not be surprising that inter-service rivalry between Specialist-Viper cadres is encouraged. In addition, many cadres have developed their own unique subcultures, a sampling of which follows:
-You will note that several of the above categories appear redundant. Sometimes they are (EG Sand-Vipers and Desert Scorpions), because see above vis a vis CC's management style, other times not For example, Hazard-Vipers are trained professionals in dealing with hazardous materials, Toxo-Vipers are grunts who handle the manual labor portion of dealing with hazmat stuff under the direction of the Hazard-Vipers (thus decreasing the odds of something untoward happening to a valuable specialist). Being a Toxo-Viper is (usually) a temporary assignment which regular troops will be given as a punishment detail, while Sludge-Vipers are an elite cadre of Hazard-Vipers who work directly under Cesspool, and deal with the creation and use of Plasmatox. Additionally, Incinerators are specifically flamethrower guys while the Shock-Vipers deal with incendiary ordinance in general. There are also examples where it's a bit of both, for instance while Alley-Vipers are heavy shocktroopers trained/equipped specifically for urban combat, the Street-Vipers are a sub-division of the Elite-Vipers for same.
-At some point, the Medi-Vipers became a cult devoted to Asclepius, the Ancient Greek God of medicine and notable snake enthusiast, though obviously they diverge quite heavily from the historical Cult of Asclepius. They are quite feared by other Cobras, because (thanks to  @Night_stalker) “on the field, while they'll patch you up, it's more like a ‘Stop bleeding to death and get back to work! FOR COBRA!’, instead of the nice calming normal medic you get, and off the field, they're the guys who implant mods, and pick Dr. Mindbender's experimental subjects.” Note that they are not fond of Dr. Mindbender, because they're the ones who have to clean up the mess when his experiments go awry.
-It is commonly believed by other Vipers that the Range-Vipers are cannibals. This is somewhat unfair; while yes, they're less squeamish about the idea of eating human flesh than normal people, it's still something they'd only do as a last resort.
-Hydro-Vipers are not actually fish-people, and they get really pissed off when you call them that.
-The Pilot-Vipers have picked up Wild Weasel's belief that pilots are a superior breed, and this attitude is only heightened in the Aero-, Heli-, Strato-, and Star-Vipers, who all consider themselves superior to the other Pilot-Vipers; they still basically worship the ground Wild Weasel walks on, though.
-The Tele-Vipers basically live on meth, adderall, and caffeinated energy drinks.
-Every Viper Pilot wants to be an AVAC. The AVACs think their erstwhile comrades are saps, because it actually sucks.
-Since most Hydro-Vipers used to be Morays, and the Morays used to be Eels, they get along pretty well. Ditto the Sub-Vipers. They have nothing but contempt for the Sea Slugs, Lampreys, and other aquatic vehicle pilots.
-Snow Serpents consider Ice-Vipers traitors for cross-training with the Eels.
-Techno- and Tele-Vipers have a notably bitter feud, but also have a sort of "y'all are pitiful scrubs inferior to the Glorious Software/Hardware (remove whichever inappropriate) Master Race, but at least you're better than the rest of these knuckle-dragging ignorami" thing going on towards the other Vipers
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dailytechnologynews · 6 years
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i combed through DARPAs public Projects so you dont have to
This is a selection of DARPA.mil public programs that I think are of interest, it is a bit dense but gives a clear picture of where technology is currently headed on the cutting edge and plenty of these programs have capabilites a future minded person would find quite interesting
100G program The 100G program is exploring high-order modulation and spatial multiplexing techniques to achieve the 100 Gb/s capacity at ranges of 200 km air-to-air and 100 km air-to-ground from a high-altitude (e.g. 60,000 ft.) aerial platform. The program is leveraging the characteristics of millimeter wave (mmW) frequencies to produce spectral efficiencies at or above 20 bits-per-second per Hz. Computationally efficient signal processing algorithms are also being developed to meet size, weight, and power (SWaP) limitations of host platforms, which will primarily be high-altitude, long-endurance aerial platforms.
The ultimate goal of the DARPA Accelerated Computation for Efficient Scientific Simulation (ACCESS) is to demonstrate new, specialized benchtop technology that can solve large problems in complex physical systems on the hour timescale, compared to existing methods that require full cluster-scale supercomputing resources and take weeks to months
3.Active Social Engineering Defense
I find this one especially interesting because the definition of "attacker" could easily shift to "dissenter" enabling complete control over the currently unregulated spread of politically inconvenient ideas through the internet
The Active Social Engineering Defense (ASED) program aims to develop the core technology to enable the capability to automatically elicit information from a malicious adversary in order to identify, disrupt, and investigate social engineering attacks. If successful, the ASED technology will do this by mediating communications between users and potential attackers, actively detecting attacks and coordinating investigations to discover the identity of the attacker.
4.Advanced Plant Technologies
Great now you will have to be suspicious of new weeds popping up your backyard
The Advanced Plant Technologies (APT) program seeks to develop plants capable of serving as next-generation, persistent, ground-based sensor technologies to protect deployed troops and the homeland by detecting and reporting on chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) threats. Such biological sensors would be effectively energy-independent, increasing their potential for wide distribution, while reducing risks associated with deployment and maintenance of traditional sensors. These technologies could also potentially support humanitarian operations by, for example, detecting unexploded ordnance in post-conflict settings. DARPA’s technical vision for APT is to harness plants’ innate mechanisms for sensing and responding to environmental stimuli, extend that sensitivity to a range of signals of interest, and engineer discreet response mechanisms that can be remotely monitored using existing ground-, air-, or space-based hardware.
5.ARES This one has a neat picture
https://imgur.com/a/no7OHl2 ARES is a vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) flight module designed to operate as an unmanned platform capable of transporting a variety of payloads. The ARES VTOL flight module is designed to have its own power system, fuel, digital flight controls and remote command-and-control interfaces. Twin tilting ducted fans would provide efficient hovering and landing capabilities in a compact configuration, with rapid conversion to high-speed cruise flight.
The goal of DARPA’s Airborne Launch Assist Space Access (ALASA) program is to develop a significantly less expensive approach for routinely launching small satellites, with a goal of at least threefold reduction in costs compared to current military and U.S. commercial launch costs. Currently, small satellite payloads cost more than $30,000 per pound to launch, and must share a launcher with other satellites. ALASA seeks to propel 100-pound satellites into low Earth orbit (LEO) within 24 hours of call-up, all for less than $1 million per launch.
7.Nanoscale Products
The A2P program was conceived to deliver scalable technologies for assembly of nanometer- to micron-scale components—which frequently possess unique characteristics due to their small size—into larger, human-scale systems. The goal of the A2P program is to achieve never-before-seen functionality by using scalable processes to assemble fully 3-dimensional devices that include nanometer- to micron-scale components.
The ADEPT program’s four thrusts cover simple-to-use, on-demand diagnostics for medical decision-making and accurate threat-tracking; novel methods for rapidly manufacturing new types of vaccines with increased potency; novel tools to engineer mammalian cells for targeted drug delivery and in vivo diagnostics; and novel methods to impart near-immediate immunity to an individual using antibodies.
9.Battlefield Medicine
the Pharmacy on Demand (PoD) and Biologically-derived Medicines on Demand (Bio-MOD) initiatives. The combined efforts seek to develop miniaturized device platforms and techniques that can produce multiple small-molecule active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and therapeutic proteins in response to specific battlefield threats and medical needs as they arise. PoD research is aimed at developing and demonstrating the capability to manufacture multiple APIs of varying chemical complexity using shelf-stable precursors, while Bio-MOD research is focused on developing novel, flexible methodologies for genetic engineering and modification of microbial strains, mammalian cell lines, and cell-free systems to synthesize multiple protein-based therapeutics
The Biological Robustness in Complex Settings (BRICS) program aims to transform engineered microbial biosystems into reliable, cost-effective strategic resources for the Department of Defense (DoD), enabling future applications in the areas of intelligence, readiness, and force protection. Examples include the identification of the geographical provenance of objects; protection of critical systems and infrastructure against corrosion, biofouling, and other damage; sensing of hazardous compounds; and efficient, on-demand bio-production of novel coatings, fuels, and drugs.
The Big Mechanism program aims to develop technology to read research abstracts and papers to extract pieces of causal mechanisms, assemble these pieces into more complete causal models, and reason over these models to produce explanations. The domain of the program is cancer biology with an emphasis on signaling pathways. Although the domain of the Big Mechanism program is cancer biology, the overarching goal of the program is to develop technologies for a new kind of science in which research is integrated more or less immediately—automatically or semi-automatically—into causal, explanatory models of unprecedented completeness and consistency. Cancer pathways are just one example of causal, explanatory models.
12.Blue Wolf
Unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) have inherent operational and tactical advantages such as stealth and surprise. UUV size, weight and volume are constrained by the handling, launch and recovery systems on their host platforms, however, and UUV range is limited by the amount of energy available for propulsion and the power required for a given underwater speed. Current state-of-the-art energy sources are limited by safety and certification requirements for host platforms. The Blue Wolf program seeks to develop and demonstrate an integrated UUV capable of operating at speed-range combinations previously unachievable on current representative platforms, while retaining traditional volume and weight fractions for payloads and electronics.
The Clean-Slate Design of Resilient, Adaptive, Secure Hosts (CRASH) program will pursue innovative research into the design of new computer systems that are highly resistant to cyber-attack, can adapt after a successful attack to continue rendering useful services, learn from previous attacks how to guard against and cope with future attacks, and can repair themselves after attacks have succeeded. Exploitable vulnerabilities originate from a handful of known sources (e.g., memory safety); they remain because of deficits in tools, languages and hardware that could address and prevent vulnerabilities at the design, implementation and execution stages. Often, making a small change in one of these stages can greatly ease the task in another. The CRASH program will encourage such cross layer co-design and participation from researchers in any relevant area.
The Communicating with Computers (CwC) program aims to enable symmetric communication between people and computers in which machines are not merely receivers of instructions but collaborators, able to harness a full range of natural modes including language, gesture and facial or other expressions. For the purposes of the CwC program, communication is understood to be the sharing of complex ideas in collaborative contexts.
A simulation of the spread and evolution of online information, if accurate and at-scale, could enable a deeper and more quantitative understanding of adversaries’ use of the global information environment than is currently possible using existing approaches. At present, the U.S. Government employs small teams of experts to speculate how information may spread online. While these activities provide some insight, they take considerable time to orchestrate and execute, the accuracy with which they represent real-world online behavior is unknown, and their scale (in terms of the size and granularity with which populations are represented) is such that they can represent only a fraction of the real world. High-fidelity (i.e., accurate, at-scale) computational simulation of the spread and evolution of online information would support efforts to analyze strategic disinformation campaigns by adversaries, deliver critical information to local populations during disaster relief operations, and could potentially contribute to other critical missions in the online information domain.
16.Satellite Repair
Recent technological advances have made the longstanding dream of on-orbit robotic servicing of satellites a near-term possibility. The potential advantages of that unprecedented capability are enormous. Instead of designing their satellites to accommodate the harsh reality that, once launched, their investments could never be repaired or upgraded, satellite owners could use robotic vehicles to physically inspect, assist, and modify their on-orbit assets. That could significantly lower construction and deployment costs while dramatically extending satellite utility, resilience, and reliability.
17.Deep Exploration
Automated, deep natural-language processing (NLP) technology may hold a solution for more efficiently processing text information and enabling understanding connections in text that might not be readily apparent to humans. DARPA created the Deep Exploration and Filtering of Text (DEFT) program to harness the power of NLP. Sophisticated artificial intelligence of this nature has the potential to enable defense analysts to efficiently investigate orders of magnitude more documents so they can discover implicitly expressed, actionable information contained within them.
ElectRX The Electrical Prescriptions (ElectRx) program aims to support military operational readiness by reducing the time to treatment, logistical challenges, and potential off-target effects associated with traditional medical interventions for a wide range of physical and mental health conditions commonly faced by our warfighters. ElectRx seeks to deliver non-pharmacological treatments for pain, general inflammation, post-traumatic stress, severe anxiety, and trauma that employ precise, closed-loop, non-invasive modulation of the patient’s peripheral nervous system.
19.Engineered Living Materials
The Engineered Living Materials (ELM) program seeks to revolutionize military logistics and construction in remote, austere, high-risk, and/or post-disaster environments by developing living biomaterials that combine the structural properties of traditional building materials with attributes of living systems, including the ability to rapidly grow in situ, self-repair, and adapt to the environment. Living materials could solve existing challenges associated with the construction and maintenance of built environments, and introduce new capabilities to craft smart infrastructure that dynamically responds to its surroundings
20.Enhanced Attribution
The Enhanced Attribution program aims to make currently opaque malicious cyber adversary actions and individual cyber operator attribution transparent by providing high-fidelity visibility into all aspects of malicious cyber operator actions and to increase the government’s ability to publicly reveal the actions of individual malicious cyber operators without damaging sources and methods. The program will develop techniques and tools for generating operationally and tactically relevant information about multiple concurrent independent malicious cyber campaigns, each involving several operators, and the means to share such information with any of a number of interested parties.
Handheld Laser guns yo
The DARPA Excalibur program will develop coherent optical phased array technologies to enable scalable laser weapons that are 10 times lighter and more compact than existing high-power chemical laser systems. The optical phased array architecture provides electro-optical systems with the same mission flexibility and performance enhancements that microwave phased arrays provide for RF systems and a multifunction Excalibur array may also perform laser radar, target designation, laser communications, and airborne-platform self protection tasks.
Materials with superior strength, density and resiliency properties are important for the harsh environments in which Department of Defense platforms, weapons and their components operate. Recent scientific advances have opened up new possibilities for material design in the ultrahigh pressure regime (up to three million times higher than atmospheric pressure). Materials formed under ultrahigh pressure, known as extended solids, exhibit dramatic changes in physical, mechanical and functional properties and may offer significant improvements to armor, electronics, propulsion and munitions systems in any aerospace, ground or naval platform.
DARPA has launched the Gremlins program. Named for the imaginary, mischievous imps that became the good luck charms of many British pilots during World War II, the program envisions launching groups of UASs from existing large aircraft such as bombers or transport aircraft—as well as from fighters and other small, fixed-wing platforms—while those planes are out of range of adversary defenses. When the gremlins complete their mission, a C-130 transport aircraft would retrieve them in the air and carry them home, where ground crews would prepare them for their next use within 24 hours.
HAPTIX builds on prior DARPA investments in the Reliable Neural-Interface Technology (RE-NET) program, which created novel neural interface systems that overcame previous sensor reliability issues to now last for the lifetime of the patient. A key focus of HAPTIX is on creating new technologies to interface permanently and continuously with the peripheral nerves in humans. HAPTIX technologies are being designed to tap into the motor and sensory signals of the arm to allow users to control and sense the prosthesis via the same neural signaling pathways used for intact limbs. Direct access to these natural control signals will, if successful, enable more natural, intuitive control of complex hand movements, and the addition of sensory feedback will further improve hand functionality by enabling users to sense grip force and hand posture. Sensory feedback may also provide important psychological benefits such as improving prosthesis “embodiment” and reducing the phantom limb pain that is suffered by approximately 80 percent of amputees.
The IVN Diagnostics (IVN:Dx) effort aims to develop a generalized in vivo platform that provides continuous physiological monitoring for the warfighter. Specifically, IVN:Dx investigates technologies that incorporate implantable nanoplatforms composed of bio-compatible, nontoxic materials; in vivo sensing of small and large molecules of biological interest; multiplexed detection of analytes at clinically relevant concentrations; and external interrogation of the nanoplatforms without using implanted electronics for communication. The IVN Therapeutics (IVN:Tx) effort seeks unobtrusive nanoplatforms for rapidly treating disease in warfighters. This program is pursuing treatments that increase safety and minimize the dose required for clinically relevant efficacy; limit off-target effects; limit immunogenicity; increase effectiveness by targeting delivery to specific tissues and/or uptake by cells of interest; increase bioavailability; knock down medically relevant molecular target(s); and increase resistance to degradation. If successful, such platforms will enable prevention and treatment of military-relevant illnesses such as infections caused by multi-drug-resistant organisms.
DARPA has launched the Memex program. Memex seeks to develop software that advances online search capabilities far beyond the current state of the art. The goal is to invent better methods for interacting with and sharing information, so users can quickly and thoroughly organize and search subsets of information relevant to their individual interests. The technologies developed in the program would provide the mechanisms for improved content discovery, information extraction, information retrieval, user collaboration and other key search functions.
27.Light-matter Interactions
Recent advances in our understanding of light-matter interactions, often with patterned and resonant structures, reveal nascent concepts for new interactions that may impact many applications. Examples of these novel phenomena include interactions involving active media, symmetry, non-reciprocity, and linear/nonlinear resonant coupling effects. Insights regarding the origins of these interactions have the potential to transform our understanding of how to control electromagnetic waves and design for new light-matter interactions. The goal of NLM is to bring together and integrate these emerging phenomena with fundamental models that can describe and predict new functionality. These models will provide design tools and delineate the performance limits of new engineered light-matter interactions. Important applications to be addressed in the program include synthesizing new material structures for sources, non-reciprocal behavior, parametric phenomena, limiters, electromagnetic drives, and energy harvesting.
The Neural Engineering System Design (NESD) program seeks to develop high-resolution neurotechnology capable of mitigating the effects of injury and disease on the visual and auditory systems of military personnel. In addition to creating novel hardware and algorithms, the program conducts research to understand how various forms of neural sensing and actuation might improve restorative therapeutic outcomes. The focus of the program is development of advanced neural interfaces that provide high signal resolution, speed, and volume data transfer between the brain and electronics, serving as a translator for the electrochemical language used by neurons in the brain and the ones and zeros that constitute the language of information technology. The program aims to develop an interface that can read 106 neurons, write to 105 neurons, and interact with 103 neurons full-duplex, a far greater scale than is possible with existing neurotechnology.
29.Neuro - FAST
Military personnel control sophisticated systems, experience extraordinary stress, and are subject to injury of the brain. DARPA created the Neuro Function, Activity, Structure, and Technology (Neuro-FAST) program to begin to address these challenges by combining innovative neurotechnology with an advanced understanding of the brain. Using a multidisciplinary approach that combines data processing, mathematical modeling, and novel optical interfaces, the program seeks to open new pathways for understanding and treating brain injury, enable unprecedented visualization and decoding of brain activity, and build sophisticated tools for communicating with the brain.
Satlets: A new low-cost, modular satellite architecture that can scale almost infinitely. Satlets are small independent modules (roughly 15 pounds/7 kg) that incorporate essential satellite functionality (power supplies, movement controls, sensors, etc.). Satlets share data, power and thermal management capabilities. They also physically aggregate (attach together) in different combinations that would provide capabilities to accomplish a range of diverse space missions with any type, size or shape payload. Because they are modular, they can be produced on an assembly line at low cost and integrated very quickly with different payloads. DARPA is presently focused on validating the technical concept of satlets in LEO.
Payload Orbital Delivery (POD) system: The POD is a standardized mechanism designed to safely carry a wide variety of separable mass elements to orbit—including payloads, satlets and electronics—aboard commercial communications satellites. This approach would take advantage of the tempo and “hosted payloads” services that commercial satellites now provide while enabling lower-cost delivery to GEO.
31:Revolutionary Prostetics
Revolutionizing Prosthetics performer teams developed two anthropomorphic, advanced, modular prototype prosthetic arm systems, including sockets, which offer users increased dexterity, strength, and range of motion over traditional prosthetic limbs. The program has developed neurotechnology to enable direct neural control of these systems, as well as non-invasive means of control. DARPA is also studying the restoration of sensation, connecting sensors to the arm systems and returning haptic feedback from the arm directly back to volunteers’ brains. The LUKE Arm system was originally developed for DARPA by DEKA Research and Development Corporation. The modular, battery-powered arm enables dexterous arm and hand movement through a simple, intuitive control system that allows users to move multiple joints simultaneously. Years of testing and optimization in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs led to clearance by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in May 2014 and creation of a commercial-scale manufacturer, Mobius Bionics, in July 2016. In June 2017, the first two LUKE Arm systems were prescribed to veterans. The Modular Prosthetic Limb, developed for DARPA by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, is a more complex hand and arm system designed primarily as a research tool. It is used to test direct neural control of a prosthesis. In studies, volunteers living with paralysis have demonstrated multi-dimensional control of the hand and arm using electrode arrays placed on their brains, as well as restoration of touch sensation via a closed-loop interface connecting the brain with haptic sensors in the arm system.
Safe Genes performer teams work across three primary technical focus areas to develop tools and methodologies to control, counter, and even reverse the effects of genome editing—including gene drives—in biological systems across scales. First, researchers are developing the genetic circuitry and genome editing machinery for robust, spatial, temporal, and reversible control of genome editing activity in living systems. Second, researchers are developing small molecules and molecular strategies to provide prophylactic and treatment solutions that prevent or limit genome editing activity and protect the genome integrity of organisms and populations. Third, researchers are developing “genetic remediation” strategies that eliminate unwanted engineered genes from a broad range of complex population and environmental contexts to restore systems to functional and genetic baseline states.
The Targeted Neuroplasticity Training (TNT) program supports improved, accelerated training of military personnel in multifaceted and complex tasks. The program is investigating the use of non-invasive neurotechnology in combination with training to boost the neurochemical signaling in the brain that mediates neural plasticity and facilitates long-term retention of new cognitive skills. If successful, TNT technology would apply to a wide range of defense-relevant needs, including foreign language learning, marksmanship, cryptography, target discrimination, and intelligence analysis, improving outcomes while reducing the cost and duration of the Defense Department’s extensive training regimen. TNT focuses on a specific kind of learning—cognitive skills training. The premise is that during optimal times in the training process, precise activation of peripheral nerves through stimulation can boost the release of brain chemicals such as acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine that promote and strengthen neuronal connections in the brain. These so-called neuromodulators play a role in regulating synaptic plasticity, the process by which connections between neurons change to improve brain function during learning. By combining peripheral neurostimulation with conventional training practices, the TNT program seeks to leverage endogenous neural circuitry to enhance learning by facilitating tuning of the neural networks responsible for cognitive functions.
The Synergistic Discovery and Design (SD2) program aims to develop data-driven methods to accelerate scientific discovery and robust design in domains that lack complete models. Engineers regularly use high-fidelity simulations to create robust designs in complex domains such as aeronautics, automobiles, and integrated circuits. In contrast, robust design remains elusive in domains such as synthetic biology, neuro-computation, and polymer chemistry due to the lack of high-fidelity models. SD2 seeks to develop tools to enable robust design despite the lack of complete scientific models.
DARPA’s SeeMe program aims to give mobile individual US warfighters access to on-demand, space-based tactical information in remote and beyond- line-of-sight conditions. If successful, SeeMe will provide small squads and individual teams the ability to receive timely imagery of their specific overseas location directly from a small satellite with the press of a button — something that’s currently not possible from military or commercial satellites. The program seeks to develop a constellation of small “disposable” satellites, at a fraction of the cost of airborne systems, enabling deployed warfighters overseas to hit ‘see me’ on existing handheld devices to receive a satellite image of their precise location within 90 minutes. DARPA plans SeeMe to be an adjunct to unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology, which provides local and regional very-high resolution coverage but cannot cover extended areas without frequent refueling. SeeMe aims to support warfighters in multiple deployed overseas locations simultaneously with no logistics or maintenance costs beyond the warfighters’ handheld devices.
Working together, DARPA, along with companies from the semiconductor and defense industries—Applied Materials, Global Foundries, IBM, Intel, Micron, Raytheon, Texas Instruments and United Technologies—have established the Semiconductor Technology Advanced Research Network (STARnet). This effort builds a large multi-university research community to look beyond current evolutionary directions to make discoveries that drive technology innovation beyond what can be imagined for electronics today. The universities are organized into six centers, each focused on a specific challenge.
Function Accelerated nanomaterial Engineering (FAME) focuses on nonconventional materials and devices incorporating nanostructures with quantum-level properties to enable analog, logic and memory devices for beyond-binary computation.
Center for Spintronic Materials, Interfaces and Novel Architectures (C-SPIN) focuses onelectron spin-based memory and computation to overcome the power, performance and architectural constraints of conventional CMOS-based devices.
Systems on Nanoscale Information fabriCs (SONIC) explores a drastic shift in the model of computation and communication from a deterministic digital foundation to a statistical one.
Center for Low Energy Systems Technology (LEAST) pursues low power electronics. For this purpose it addresses nonconventional materials and quantum-engineered devices, and projects implementation in novel integrated circuits and computing architectures.
The Center for Future Architectures Research (C-FAR) investigates highly parallel computing implemented in nonconventional computing systems, but based on current CMOS integrated circuit technology.
The TerraSwarm Research Center (TerraSwarm) focuses on the challenge of developing technologies that provide innovative, city-scale capabilities via the deployment of distributed applications on shared swarm platforms.
The Z-Man programs aims to develop biologically inspired climbing aids to enable warfighters to scale vertical walls constructed from typical building materials, while carrying a full combat load, and without the use of ropes or ladders. Geckos, spiders and small animals are the inspiration behind the Z-Man program. These creatures scale vertical surfaces using unique systems that exhibit strong reversible adhesion via van der Waals forces or hook-into-surface asperities. Z-Man seeks to build synthetic versions of these biological systems, optimize them for efficient human climbing and use them as novel climbing aids.
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redsun55 · 3 years
Redsun55 Stream Music Info
“Roundup On the Prairie” by Aaron Kenny
“River Crossing” by ALBIS
“Daudir”, “Towards the Horizon” by Alexander Nakarada
“Extreme Energy” by Anwar Amr
“Banjo Kazooie - Title/Intro + Medley (Remix)” by Ben Zimmerman
“Going Higher”, “Happy Rock”, “A New Beginning” by Bensound
“Hooky With Sloane” by Bird Creek
“New Bark Town (Lofi - Remix)” by Blizzn
“Woody Woods (8-Bit; VRC6) - Mario Party 3″ by Branflakes
“Meanwhile Back At the Saloon”, “Rattlesnake Railroad” by Brett Van Donsel
“Battle of Heroes”, “Imperials Marching”, “Luke vs. Vader”, “Opening”, “Phantom of the Bricks” by BrickTrick
“Davy Jones Theme (LoFi Pirates of the Caribbean)” by Cadred
“Super Mario Land (Lo-Fi Instrumental)” by Chew Chew Beats
“Campfire Song”, “Firefly”, “Tumbleweed Texas”, “Tupelo Train”, “Way Out West” by Chris Haugen
“Rock Thing” by Creo
“Donkey Kong Country Theme (DJ AG Remix)” by DJ AG
“Chapstick”, “The Gunfight” by Everet Almond
“Battles of the Generations”, “A Dog and His Duck”, “It’s a Small World (Geshtro Remix)”, “Kongo Beat”, “Lavender Town”, “The One-Winged Angel”, “Overworld (Super Mario Bros. 2 [Geshtro Remix]”, “Spindashing Hills”, “Spooks of the Pumpkin King”, “Super Sarasaland Jam”, “There Are Mobs Nearby”, “Triforce Mania”, “Up Towards Spiral Mountain”, “Wakka Walking”, “1-Up Smash” by Geshtro
“No Secrets”, “See You Tomorrow” by GoSoundtrack
“Pirates of the Caribbean (Lo-Fi Version)” by Hazar
“Cianwood City”, “Danny”, “Dire Dire Docks”, “Mice On Venus”, “National Park”, “Overworld”, “Piranha Plant Lullaby”, “Staff Roll”, “Subwoofer Lullaby”, “Sweden”, “Wet Hands” by Helynt
“Mayan Temple (Banjo & Kazooie - Mayahem Temple Remix)” by Howard Treesound
“Dear Death”, “Force of Habit”, “Significant”, “Sleep Deprivation”, “A Song About a Friend”, “The Stars in the Sky Resemble the Thoughts in My Mind”, “These Four Walls in My Head”, “Untitled”, “We Are Inevitable” by The Inevitable
“Bastila’s Struggle”, “Emond’s Field”, “Faeries”, “Glimpsing Into the One Power”, “Infiltrating the Empire”, “Into the Heart”, “Lost in the Desert (Lost on Tatooine)”, “Mirage”, “Revan’s Tribulations”, “The Streets of Baerlon” by Ivan Duch
“Locally Sourced”, “World Map” by Jason Farnham
“Acoustic Guitar #1″, “Crying in My Beer”, “Green Daze”, “Lazy Day”, “Marathon Man” by Jason Shaw (Audionautix)
“Tuscon Tease” by John Deley and the 41 Players
“Song of Storms (Lofi Hip Hop Remix)” by Jonas Munk Lindbo & GameChops
“Moonshine Town” by JR Tundra
“Jungle Japes Remastered (Donkey Kong 64 Orchestral Remix)” by JustRyland
“Colorado (Mickey’s Speedway USA Remix)”, Mickey’s Speedway USA Orchestration [”Chicago”, “Colorado”, “Grand Canyon”, “Hawaii”, “Washington D.C.”, “Yellowstone”], “New Bark Town (Pokemon HGSS Orchestration)” by Keatonkg360
“Drankin Song”, “Montauk Peak” by Kevin MacLeod
“Cactus in the Valley (Piano Cover)”, “Destiny 2 Beyond Light Main Theme (Piano Cover)”, “Hot Air Balloon (Piano Cover)”, “I See the Light (Piano Cover With Guitar)”, “Let It Go (Demi Lovato Version) [Piano Cover]”, “Let It Go (Idina Menzel Version) [Piano Cover]”, “Memphis May Fire Medley (Select Songs From Challenger) [Piano Cover]”, “Oswald’s Theme (Piano Cover)”, “Sailboats (Piano Cover)”, “Who Else Will I Have Ice Cream With (Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Medley)”, “Wreck-It Ralph Main Theme (Mario Paint Composer Cover)” by Kyukiemusic
“Everyone You Know”, “Hey Sailor”, “Your Voice is American” by Letter Box
Banjo Kazooie Soundfont [”Amazing Grace”, “America”, “America the Beautiful”, “Arabian Nights”, “Bad Romance”, “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”, “A Bug’s Life”, “Cantina Band”, “Deck the Halls”, “Diddy Kong Racing Theme”, “Donut Plains”, “DuckTales Theme”, “Foggy Mountain Breakdown”, “Fortress & Castle”, “Friend Like Me”, “Frosty the Snowman”, “Fur Elise”, “Ghost House”, “God Bless the USA”, “He’s a Pirate”, “Holly Jolly Christmas”, “Home On the Range”, “Hyrule Field Theme”, “I Bring You a Song”, “In the Hall of the Mountain King”, “Independence Day”, “Inside the Castle Walls”, “Jingle Bell Rock”, “Jingle Bells”, “Koopalings”, “Lavender Town”, “Little April Showers”, “Lon Lon Ranch”, “Lost Woods”, “Love is a Song”, “May the Fourth Be With You”, “The Misty Mountains Cold”, “Ode to Joy”, “Oh Holy Night”, “Oh Susanna”, “One Jump Ahead”, “Pomp and Circumstance”, “The Power of Love”, “Prince Ali”, “Rainbow Connection”, “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”, “Sally’s Song”, “Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town”, “The Star-Spangled Banner”, “Strip It Down”, “Super Mario World Bonus Theme”, “Super Mario World Ending Theme”, “Super Mario World Special World Theme”, “Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Theme”, “There’s a Star-Spangled Banner”, “This is Halloween”, “Turkish March”, “Underwater”, “United States Anthem”, “Vanilla Dome”, “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”, “When the Saints Go Marchin’ In”, “A Whole New World”, “Yankee Doodle”, “5th Symphony”], Banjo-Tooie Remixes [”Game Select”, “Intro”, “Mayhem Temple”, “Ordnance Storage (MuseScore 3 Remix)”, “Ordnance Storage (SNES Remix)”, “Title Screen (Bluegrass Remix)”, “Title Screen (Christmas Remix)”, “Title Screen (Fairgrounds Remix)”], Diddy Kong Racing Soundfont [”Krook’s March”, “Los Angeles”, “Phineas and Ferb Theme”], Donkey Kong 64 Remixes [”Angry Aztec”, “Army Dillo”, “Banana Fairy Isle (Version 3)”, “Battle Arena”, “Bonus Barrel”, “Candy’s Music Store”, “Cranky’s Lab”, “Credits”, “Creepy Castle”, “Crystal Caves”, “DK Isle”, “DK Rap”, “DK’s Treehouse”, “Frantic Factory (Version 3)”, “Fungi Forest Day (Version 2)”, “Gloomy Galleon”, “Hideout Helm”, “Jungle Japes”, “Jungle Japes Mine Cart”, “K. Lumsy”, “K. Rool Final Battle”, “King Kut Out”, “Krem Isle”, “Mad Jack”, “Main Menu”, “Monkey Smash”, “Pause Menu”, “Snide’s HQ”, “Troff ‘n’ Scoff (Version 3)”, “Wrinkly Kong”], Donkey Kong 64 Soundfont [”Battle of the Heroes”, “Bohemian Rhapsody”, “Chim Chim Cheree”, “Circle of Life”, “Cranky’s Theme”, “Crocodile Cacophany”, “DK Island Swing”, “Drunken Sailor”, “Duel of the Fates”, “Eye of the Tiger”, “Feed the Birds”, “Gang-Plank Galleon”, “Gotta Go Fast”, “Hakuna Matata”, “Imperial March”, “The Incredibles Theme”, “Life is a Highway”, “My Heart Will Go On”, “Never Gonna Give You Up”, “Oogie Boogie’s Song”, “Pink Panther Theme”, “The Scare Floor”, “The Star-Spangled Banner”, “Stickerbrush Symphony”, “Take On Me”, “Toccata and Fugue in D Minor”, “Victory Celebration”, “Yoda’s Theme”], Donkey Kong Country Soundfont [”Be Prepared”, “Can You Feel the Love Tonight”, “Creepy Castle”, “Donkey Kong Land Boss”, “Gruntilda’s Lair”, “I Just Can’t Wait to Be King”, “Jungle Japes”, “Koopa’s Road”, “Spiral Mountain”], “Freezeezy Peak (Remix)”, “Los Angeles (Mario Kart 64 Soundfont)”, “Mickey Mouse March (Mickey’s Speedway USA Soundfont)”, “Across the Stars (Star Fox 64 Soundfont)”, Super Mario 64 Soundfont [”Athletic”, “Banjo-Kazooie Theme”, “Character Select”, “Davy Jones”, “Faithfully”, “Immortals”, “Independence Day”, “Jump”, “Life is a Highway”, “Look Through My Eyes”, “Ode to Joy”, “Overworld”, “Pokemon Theme”, “Poor Jack”, “Rainbow Cruise”, “Ride of the Valkyries”, “Son of Man”, “Stairway to Heaven”, “Star Trek”, “Sweden”, “Waluigi Pinball & Wario Stadium”], Super Mario Bros. Soundfont [”Aladdin Medley”, “Banjo-Kazooie Main Theme”, “Fur Elise”, “The Lion King Medley”, “Never Gonna Give You Up”, “One More Time”, “Overworld (Super Mario Bros. 2)”, “Overworld (Super Mario World)”], Super Mario World Soundfont [”Aquatic Ambience”, “Endless Staircase”, “Fur Elise”, “Indiana Jones Theme”, “Star Trek”, “Turkish March”, “William Tell Overture”, “You’ve Got a Friend in Me”] by Matthew the Music Fan 2021
“Happy Mandolin” by Media Right Productions
“Pokemon Gym”, “Azalea Town”, “Ecruteak City”, “Fairy Fountain”, “Kakariko Village”, “Legend of Zelda Main Theme”, “Lost Woods”, “National Park”, “Ocarina of Time”, “Song of Storms”, “Title Screen”, “Zelda’s Lullaby” by Mikel
“Divided Soldiers” by MrDinko
“Waluigi’s Island - Mario Party 3″ by MusicalWolfe
“Complete OST Remix From Donkey Kong (NES)” by Nintempo
“Three Kinds of Suns” by Norma Rockwell
“Destiny Island (Chill/Lofi Remix)”, “Traverse Town (Lofi Mix)” by Original Kyle
“Escape From the Temple”, “Queen of the Night” by Per Kiilstofte
“Waluigi Pinball (Player2 Remix)” by Player2 & GameChops
“Spiral Mountain (Remix)”, “Super Mario Bros. 2 Overworld (Remix)”, “Super Mario Bros. 3 Overworld (Remix)”, “Super Mario Land Overworld (Birabuto Kingdom) [Remix]”, “Treasure Trove Cove (Remix/Cover)” by Qumu
“File Select Lofi”, “Main Theme Lofi”, “Overworld Lofi”, “Star Theme Lofi” by Rifti Beats
“Blizzards”, “Southern California”, “Target Practice” by Riot
“Monochrome Dreams/Timeless River Remix” by RiserEmilioX
“After the Battle”, “The Alpaca Hunter”, “The Astral Plane”, “Aug”, “Bahamut’s Realm”, “Bastil”, “The Beach”, “Becoming Myth and Legend”, “Ben’s True Form”, “The Black Adder”, “Bludvaren”, “The Boy and His Bear”, “Brain Dead”, “Brunhilde Hearthome”, “The Bugbears”, “Bysil”, “Cedar Country Intro”, “Charge!”, “The Church”, “Don’t Fear the Muzak”, “Dr. Frank Enstein, III”, “The Dugars”, “Ending in Little Whiskey”, “False Abigail”, “False Bahamut”, “Governor Gill”, “Grimm”, “Gunpowder”, “G-Reap (Instrumental)”, “Into the Dark”, “Jack”, “Jack’s Metal Wagon”, “Jarus”, “Joan Redsun”, “Killing the Monster”, “Maleocholas”, “Michael”, “Michael, First Paladin of Bahamut”, “Mind Flayer”, “Mystery of the Deer Carcass”, “Ornon Released”, “The Other Side of the Puddle”, “The Plains of Doom”, “The Portal Opened”, “Pretty Boring”, “Queen Arlana”, “Rainley”, “Reanimation”, “Rebuilding Rhomash”, “Rhomash Defeats the Skeleton Horde”, “Rhomash Scarbearer”, “A Riddle”, “Rise of a Lich”, “Robbing Reach Trust”, “Sage”, “Seebo Turel Nim”, “Throne Room”, “To War”, “The Story of St. Sauna”, “Vampire”, “Vassanoka”, “Welcome to Bludvaren”, “The Werewolf”, “West’s Port”, “Wolf’s Hold Bar Piano” by RJ Moore (Redsun55)
“Dearly Beloved” by RoboRob
“The Wild West” by Ross Bugden
“Galactic” by Seb Jaeger
“The Buccaneer’s Haul” by Shane Ivers 
“Awakening”, “Calgary Hill”, “Cut It”, “Daisy Dukes”, “DC Love Go-Go”, “Drop and Roll”, “The Engagement”, “Eviction”, “Grand Navy Plaza”, “Harvest Time”, “Heartland”, “Highway Danger”, “Humidity”, “Log Cabin”, “Open Wide”, “Parasail”, “Runaways”, “Sawdust”, “Seasonal”, “Succotash”, “Sugar Zone”, “Tucson” by Silent Partner
“He’s a Pirate (LoFi Hip Hop)” by STNF Music
“Digital Gunslinger”, “Pirate Waves” by TeknoAXE
“Mickey in New Mexico (Mickey’s Speedway USA Remix)” by TheJayNinja
“Creepy Castle (LoFi Donkey Kong 64 Remix)” by Tingle’s Jingles
“Garage”, “Horses to Water”, “Stalling”, “Uptown” by Topher Mohr & Alex Elena
“Way Out West” by Twin Musicom
“Mars, the Bringer of War”, “Mercury, the Winged Messenger”, “Venus, the Bringer of Peace”, “Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity”, “Uranus, the Magician” by The United States Air Force Heritage of America Band. The Planets orchestral suite tracks written by Gustav Holst, obtained from Wikimedia Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:The_Planets_Suite
“The Pirate King” by Untold Journey
“Avocado Street”, “Despite the Traffic”, “Eagle Rock”, “One Down Dog” by Wes Hutchinson
“Beach Party”, “Redemption”, “Wild West”, “Destiny”, “Lonely Cowboy”, “New Lemon in Town”, “Seaside Beach”, “Wilderness Safari” by Zitronsound
“As We Go”, “Lonesome Avenue”, “My Sad Old Heart” by The 126ers
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rootdavid801 · 4 years
Locate All the Training Manuals on The Last of Us 2
The Last of Us 2 has finally been released after waiting for a long time. About the game, players are so excited and ready to play the story of Ellie and Joel. The post-apocalyptic world is now way too dangerous but packed with lots of stuff to find out. However, training manuals about the game are still a major thing in the game. Players are required to find out every training manual while playing. 
Developers have improved the game a lot, so now you can recognize every single thing about the enemy and areas. Along with the series upgrade, the up-gradation in fighting and skills also has been upgraded. If you want the old and new skills trees, you need to look out for every training manual which is hidden in the entire game. In the following information there might be some spoilers ahead if you are ok with it, so just keep reading the details.
Training Manual 1 – Crafting
The first training manual of Ellie will be found in the Courthouse at Seattle. You need to visit there, which is also a part of the storyline. You don’t have to go there especially, because it is already a major location of the game. The following book will be found at a bookshelf near to blue filing cabinets. It will unlock the Crafting skill tree.
Training Manual 2 – Stealth
The second number of training manuals will be a little hard for Ellie. Once Ellie is released from WOLF of Seattle, move to the bookstore with the Pride flag at front. You can find a manual inside on the table near the typewriter that will unlock the skill tree of Stealth.
Training Manual 3 – Precision
The third manual of Ellie will be found when you leave the theatre for the first time in Seattle. Find the Golden Liquor shop and fight with a bunch of Shamblers in the basement. After that, locate the manual near the decaying corpse through the counter. From this training manual, you will have a skill tree of Precision.
Training Manual 4 – Explosives
The final training manual for Ellie will be located when she finally leaves Seattle theatre the second time and undertaking Route 5. The following manual will be found on the bed which is on the second floor of the apartment. From this manual, the skill tree of explosives will be yours.
Training Manual 5 – Covert Ops
Abby’s first training manual will be discovered when she will be attacked by Scars. Your training manual will be located on the boat which is suspended in the air. Inside that, you will find a book that will unlock the skill tree of Cover Ops.
Training Manual 6 – Firearms
The second manual of Abby will be located in the auto repair store where you will enter after meeting with Yara and Lev. On to the grey cabinet next to the wrecked window and a water cooler area, you will find your training manual skill tree of Firearms.
Training Manual 7 – Close Quarters
Another training manual of Abby will be found in an apartment which is known as Tall Building. Get into the building and find out the safe in a building near to the desk. Open the safe by code 30-23-04 and take the manual skill tree of Close Quarters.
Training Manual 8 – Ordnance
The final training manual of Abby is located on an island where Scare lives. You will find a big truck there and its doors to the cargo bed. Into the floor of the truck, find out the training manual, which is a skill tree of Ordnance. This adventure game is so huge, and you will find plenty of great stuff there. Every location and area of the game is unique, and you need to battle with several types of enemies and avoid traps while playing.
David Root is a self-professed security expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. He writes for Mcafee security products at Mcafee.com/activate .
Read more - https://mcafee5.uk.net/locate-all-the-training-manuals-on-the-last-of-us-2/
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 5.25
567 BC – Servius Tullius, the king of Rome, celebrates a triumph for his victory over the Etruscans. 240 BC – First recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet. 1085 – Alfonso VI of Castile takes Toledo, Spain, back from the Moors. 1420 – Henry the Navigator is appointed governor of the Order of Christ. 1521 – The Diet of Worms ends when Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, issues the Edict of Worms, declaring Martin Luther an outlaw. 1644 – Ming general Wu Sangui forms an alliance with the invading Manchus and opens the gates of the Great Wall of China at Shanhaiguan pass, letting the Manchus through towards the capital Beijing. 1659 – Richard Cromwell resigns as Lord Protector of England following the restoration of the Long Parliament, beginning a second brief period of the republican government called the Commonwealth of England. 1660 – Charles II lands at Dover at the invitation of the Convention Parliament, which marks the end of the Cromwell-proclaimed Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland and begins the Restoration of the British monarchy. 1738 – A treaty between Pennsylvania and Maryland ends the Conojocular War with settlement of a boundary dispute and exchange of prisoners. 1787 – After a delay of 11 days, the United States Constitutional Convention formally convenes in Philadelphia after a quorum of seven states is secured. 1798 – United Irishmen Rebellion: Battle of Carlow begins; executions of suspected rebels at Carnew and at Dunlavin Green take place. 1809 – Chuquisaca Revolution: Patriot revolt in Chuquisaca (modern-day Sucre) against the Spanish Empire, sparking the Latin American wars of independence. 1810 – May Revolution: Citizens of Buenos Aires expel Viceroy Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros during the "May Week", starting the Argentine War of Independence. 1819 – The Argentine Constitution of 1819 is promulgated. 1833 – The Chilean Constitution of 1833 is promulgated. 1865 – In Mobile, Alabama, around 300 people are killed when an ordnance depot explodes. 1878 – Gilbert and Sullivan's comic opera H.M.S. Pinafore opens at the Opera Comique in London. 1895 – Playwright, poet and novelist Oscar Wilde is convicted of "committing acts of gross indecency with other male persons" and sentenced to serve two years in prison. 1895 – The Republic of Formosa is formed, with Tang Jingsong as its president. 1914 – The House of Commons of the United Kingdom passes the Home Rule Bill for devolution in Ireland. 1925 – Scopes Trial: John T. Scopes is indicted for teaching human evolution in Tennessee. 1926 – Sholom Schwartzbard assassinates Symon Petliura, the head of the government of the Ukrainian People's Republic, which is in government-in-exile in Paris. 1933 – The Walt Disney Company cartoon Three Little Pigs premieres at Radio City Music Hall, featuring the hit song "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?" 1935 – Jesse Owens of Ohio State University breaks three world records and ties a fourth at the Big Ten Conference Track and Field Championships in Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1938 – Spanish Civil War: The bombing of Alicante kills 313 people. 1940 – World War II: The German 2nd Panzer Division captures the port of Boulogne-sur-Mer; the surrender of the last French and British troops marks the end of the Battle of Boulogne. 1946 – The parliament of Transjordan makes Abdullah I of Jordan their Emir. 1953 – Nuclear weapons testing: At the Nevada Test Site, the United States conducts its first and only nuclear artillery test. 1953 – The first public television station in the United States officially begins broadcasting as KUHT from the campus of the University of Houston. 1955 – In the United States, a night-time F5 tornado strikes the small city of Udall, Kansas as part of a larger outbreak across the Great Plains, killing 80 and injuring 273. It is the deadliest tornado to ever occur in the state and the 23rd deadliest in the U.S. 1955 – First ascent of Mount Kangchenjunga: On the British Kangchenjunga expedition led by Charles Evans, Joe Brown and George Band reach the summit of the third-highest mountain in the world (8,586 meters); Norman Hardie and Tony Streather join them the following day. 1961 – Apollo program: U.S. President John F. Kennedy announces, before a special joint session of the U.S. Congress, his goal to initiate a project to put a "man on the Moon" before the end of the decade. 1963 – The Organisation of African Unity is established in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 1966 – Explorer program: Explorer 32 launches. 1968 – The Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri, is dedicated. 1973 – In protest against the dictatorship in Greece, the captain and crew on Greek naval destroyer Velos mutiny and refuse to return to Greece, instead anchoring at Fiumicino, Italy. 1977 – Star Wars (retroactively titled Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope) is released in theaters. 1977 – The Chinese government removes a decade-old ban on William Shakespeare's work, effectively ending the Cultural Revolution started in 1966. 1978 – The first of a series of bombings orchestrated by the Unabomber detonates at Northwestern University resulting in minor injuries. 1979 – John Spenkelink, a convicted murderer, is executed in Florida; he is the first person to be executed in the state after the reintroduction of capital punishment in 1976. 1979 – American Airlines Flight 191: A McDonnell Douglas DC-10 crashes during takeoff at O'Hare International Airport, Chicago, killing all 271 on board and two people on the ground. 1981 – In Riyadh, the Gulf Cooperation Council is created between Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. 1982 – Falklands War: HMS Coventry is sunk by Argentine Air Force A-4 Skyhawks. 1985 – Bangladesh is hit by a tropical cyclone and storm surge, which kills approximately 10,000 people. 1986 – The Hands Across America event takes place. 1997 – A military coup in Sierra Leone replaces President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah with Major Johnny Paul Koroma. 1999 – The United States House of Representatives releases the Cox Report which details China's nuclear espionage against the U.S. over the prior two decades. 2000 – Liberation Day of Lebanon: Israel withdraws its army from Lebanese territory (with the exception of the disputed Shebaa farms zone) 18 years after the invasion of 1982. 2001 – Erik Weihenmayer becomes the first blind person to reach the summit of Mount Everest, in the Himalayas, with Dr. Sherman Bull. 2002 – China Airlines Flight 611 disintegrates in mid-air and crashes into the Taiwan Strait, with the loss of all 225 people on board. 2008 – NASA's Phoenix lander touches down in the Green Valley region of Mars to search for environments suitable for water and microbial life. 2009 – North Korea allegedly tests its second nuclear device, after which Pyongyang also conducts several missile tests, building tensions in the international community. 2011 – Oprah Winfrey airs her last show, ending her 25-year run of The Oprah Winfrey Show. 2012 – The SpaceX Dragon 1 becomes the first commercial spacecraft to successfully rendezvous and berth with the International Space Station. 2013 – Suspected Maoist rebels kill at least 28 people and injure 32 others in an attack on a convoy of Indian National Congress politicians in Chhattisgarh, India. 2013 – A gas cylinder explodes on a school bus in the Pakistani city of Gujrat, killing at least 18 people. 2018 – The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) becomes enforceable in the European Union. 2018 – Ireland votes to repeal the Eighth Amendment of their constitution that prohibits abortion in all but a few cases, choosing to replace it with the Thirty-sixth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland.
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