#wolf attack
120daysofsodomm · 1 day
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whump-tr0pes · 25 days
Lux in Tenebris, Medieval AU - Wolves, Part 2
Part 1
Contents: wolf attack aftermath, environmental whump, caretaking, blood, wolf bite, nonsexual nudity
Ilya’s clothes were soaked through with sweat and blood. A fine mist fell from the sky, soaking them further. They shivered from the pain and the cold. Water dripped from their hair into their eyes. Tears streamed down their face as they leaned heavily on the boy, and he took their weight, making his way through the dark underbrush as if he could see in the dark. Ilya glanced at his yellow, reflective eyes. Perhaps he could see in the dark after all.
After what felt like hours, they finally made it to the strange boy’s home. It was little more than a hovel, dug out from underneath a massive tree stump the size of a house. The boy dragged Ilya to the base of the tree and pushed past a flap of cloth hung between two enormous roots. Inside, it was pitch dark, but dry and warm. The boy guided Ilya in the inky blackness to what felt like a pallet of tree branches covered with thin furs. Ilya sank onto it, breathing hard. They sobbed weakly.
“Thank you,” they croaked.
The boy backed away. There was a rustling, a scrape, and a match flared to life. The wick of a lantern caught and illuminated the small home. Herbs hung from the earthen walls, and strips of cloth and leather stretched between the roots like columns. A small fire pit stood in the corner, beneath a mud chimney leading out. The boy knelt and piled wood over scraps of twine and moss to build a fire. Ilya gasped and reached for their leg. The flesh was already inflamed.
“Wh-what do I call you?” they said weakly.
The boy’s hand froze, flint held tight in his fist. He stared at the small pile of wood. “I do not have a name,” he said.
Ilya blinked. “But—”
“Rest,” the boy said. He struck the flint and steel, sending a cascade of sparks over the tinder. “Just lie still. I’ll help you get dry once I have this lit.”
Ilya fell back to the pallet. Flames already seemed to lick at their leg from the inside, even before the boy lit a fire in the pit. Their chest heaved against helpless sobs as the pain only worsened.
Finally, the fire caught. The boy gently blew the flames higher. It caught the smaller sticks, then the larger ones. He stood and turned to face them.
In the firelight, his eyes were just as strange as when he had rescued them. The pupils were wide, black as night, taking up almost the entire eye. Ilya found themself shrinking away from him. The boy hung his head and went to his knees beside a chest near the door. He drew out a blanket and turned back to them.
“You should get dry,” he said softly. “If you stay in those wet clothes…”
Ilya nodded.
The boy approached with the blanket, holding it over Ilya while they worked their own waterlogged cloak and tunic off. They shivered as the water dried on their skin. The boy covered them with the blanket.
“Your…” The boy’s cheeks flushed. Ilya could see it, even in the dim light cast by the fire and lantern. “Your pants should…”
Ilya nodded. They loosened the rope belt around their waist and eased the pants off their hips. They cried out and fell back as agony shot through the wounds on their leg.
“Please,” they sobbed. “Please, will you… I need h-help.”
The boy’s mouth tightened. He kept his eyes studiously away as he gently slid the pants down Ilya’s thighs. He pulled them off their intact leg and covered the leg with the blanket. Ilya squeezed tears from their eyes as he gently – so, so gently – pulled the pants over the torn flesh of their other leg. They bit back a cry as he retreated with their wet clothes and hung them from hooks near the cloth that served as the door.
He returned with a fresh scrap of leather that he tucked under the leg. Blood oozed and soaked into the leather. Sweat broke out on their brow again, and their hands pulled into fists. The boy chewed his lip as he stared at the gnarled wound.
“I am sorry,” he said weakly. “That this happened to you.”
Ilya opened their eyes. He was looking at them, his brows pulled together.
They wet their lips. They slid their shaking hand over the blanket until it reached the edge of the pallet. They didn’t have the strength to reach out further. “Wh-when it… happened to you,” they whispered. “Did you have anyone? To help you?”
His eyes tightened. He glanced at their hand, then back at their face. “No,” he said softly.
Ilya swallowed. They stared up at the dark, woody ceiling.
“Then I’m sorry, too,” they breathed.
The boy was silent for a long time. Ilya’s fingers twisted in the blanket. They panted as talons of pain pierced their leg.
“I need to go,” the boy said. He stepped back, staring at the floor. “I don’t have the herbs I need to make a poultice. But you’ll be safe here. If you… if you stay.” He raised his gaze to theirs.
They nodded, swallowing. “Th-thank you,” they croaked. “Thank you.”
He gave a stiff nod, then turned on his heel. He disappeared through the doorway and out into the damp night. Ilya tilted their head back against the furs and allowed themself a weak sob.
@womping-grounds , @free-2bmee , @quirkykayleetam , @walkingchemicalfire , @inpainandsuffering , @redwingedwhump , @burtlederp , @castielamigos-whump-side-blog , @whatwhumpcomments , @whumpywhumper , @stxck-fxck ,  @whumps-the-word , @justwhumpitwhumpitgood,  @inky-whump ,  @orchidscript , @inkyinsanity , @this-mightaswell-happen , @newandfiguringitout , @whumpkitty , @pebbledriscoll , @im-just-here-for-the-whump , @endless-whump , @grizzlie70 , @oops-its-whump , @kixngiggles, @1phoenixfeather , @butwhatifyouwrite , @carnagecardinal , @laves-here, @mylifeisonthebookshelf , @wolfeyedwitch , @batfacedliar , @also-finder-of-rings , @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump, @extrabitterbrain, @i-eat-worlds
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sleepylittle-wolf · 4 months
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I bet on losing dogs [My twin really likes my quick little sketches so I tried to keep this one as close as I could when I drew it digitally.]
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missathlete31 · 1 year
Dead On Your Feet- Chapter 5
Chapter 1 is Here
Chapter 2 is Here
Chapter 3 is Here
Chapter 4 is Here
Summary: An AU in which Hangman is team leader and takes the missile to save Rooster, yet Bradley comes back to save Hangman as well. As he struggles to get himself and his teammate home, Jake is pushed to his limits in more ways than even he anticipated.
Chapter 5 Summary: Jake and Bradley realize it’s not just enemy soldiers they need to worry about in the frozen tundra.
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Hours pass during the lethargic and sluggish limp the battered pilots maintain, until the sun seems to reach the highest point in the sky and begin its descent towards the west. Jake knows as he focuses only on the point in front of him that they need to keep moving. The air is getting colder and his body is not only dealing with his injuries but hypothermia as well. His flight suit is singed to pieces, offering very little protection in this chilly wind and though Rooster’s uniform is in much better shape his body hunches as though freezing as well. The issue is that Jake doesn’t feel cold or not like he should walking in a winter wonderland of harsh winds and snow drifts. He can try to chalk it up to the exertion of carrying his wingman and himself for miles but something still doesn’t feel right.
Just another concern for Jake to hide from Bradley.
The other man has enough problems to worry about as it is. His leg looks more and more painful with each step the team makes despite his attempts at staying off it. Rooster has passed the point of wincing with each movement, adapting to alternating moans, groans, and whimpers that make Jake want to hit something for reducing Bradley freaking Bradshaw to this quivering mess. There’s nothing to hit besides tree trunks though so the blonde pilot opts to just shoulder more weight, his ribs screaming in protests and his lungs closing up more. He shouldn’t be able to do this much walking, should be in a hospital bed on the carrier or back at North Island but well, life has never been fair to Jake Seresin and it’s not about to start. He is a master at compartmentalizing though so the pain and the hurt get locked away, the key forgotten. The only thing Jake cares about is getting Bradley out of here.
A noise behind them startles the two; Jake jumping more than he would normally allow himself but he doesn’t have to be too mortified as Bradley is just as distressed. The noise sounds again and Hangman knows it’s some kind of wildlife, big too if the snap of twigs is any indication. The last thing the two Americans need is some sort of ‘The Revenant’ level bear fight so he moves to get Bradley’s attention back on task, “Come on” he urges.
“But-“ another branch is broken, closer now. “What the hell was that?” Rooster whisper shouts as he shifts to look behind them, taking Jake’s momentum with them. It’s only through sheer force of will that the blonde keeps them standing. “Did you hear that?” Bradley’s face is paling.
“It’s nothing, we need to keep going.”
“It didn’t sound like nothing” the brunette is stubbornly planting his feet, halting any more movement from the duo, “maybe it’s soldiers-“
Jake shakes his head, “It’s not soldiers.”
“How do you know?”
Hangman sighs, mustering up some annoyance for his tone in order to badger Bradley enough to let them keep going, “because soldiers don’t sound like that. That was an animal or something.”
“An animal?” if Bradley’s voice cracks at the end Jake is too tired to tease him on it. Instead he gives another long suffering sigh, “yes Bradshaw, this is the wilderness we’re stuck in-“
“What kind of animals are out here?”
Jake’s no expert but he’s fairly certain he hears a growl from somewhere to their left. The words ‘sitting ducks’ flash in his mind and he suddenly wishes that they were facing another helicopter instead of whatever grizzled beast is stalking their shadow. He’s never been shot before but Jake is fairly certain a bullet will kill him a lot faster and a lot less painfully than being shredded by some carnivore’s teeth. He all but pulls Bradley back in the right direction, “we need to keep moving-“ he pleads but another growl cuts the sound from his throat.
Rooster hears this one, his face turning as white as the snow around him as he turns in the direction of the sound. “What is that?”
“Probably a wolf, maybe a Siberian tiger” Jake tugs again, but Bradley is as solid as a brick shit house when he wants to be and he’s not moving. “Bradshaw we need to move-“
“S-Siberian tiger?”
Jake is reminded that though he was born in Pennsylvania, Bradley grew up in sunny California for most of his life. The only wildlife the brunette has probably ever seen was at zoos or exhibits. Jake himself has seen a few small coyotes from his days in rural Texas but the most dangerous animals he’s ever faced are snakes which feel quite inadequate in the face of a looming predator.
A howl snaps Jake’s mind back to their predicament, the answer to the question of what is waiting for them in the trees finally solved as a wolf stalks out in the clearing. It’s a beautiful creature, all things considering; its fur thick and tufted of meshed grey’s and white’s. Its snout is pointed a bit in the air, sniffing the humans’ trail right to the end, and Jake isn’t sure if he’s imagined the slight upturn of its mouth as the wolf recognizes that it just found its next food source.
Rooster is trembling next to him, the words shocked out of him as he pants in clear distress. Jake’s arm slowly untangles from under the brunette and he steps away, leaving Bradley balancing on his own. The sound of whimpered alarm escapes from his wingman before Jake turns back, surprise coloring his features. Rooster meets his gaze with a glare of grim acceptance before the older man motions for the blonde to head away. It dawns on Jake then what his partner thinks he was trying to do and he would be lying if he said it didn’t hurt. Bradley is clearly expecting Hangman to bolt, to leave him to the wolf and save only himself. Jake shouldn’t be surprised, he’s earned his nickname many times over, but it still stings.
But Jake isn’t Hangman, or at least not that Hangman today and he moves not to leave Rooster, but to stand in between the brunette and the wolf. There is a moment of Bradley’s stunned expulsion of air that feels like vindication to Jake but it doesn’t last long as the wolf strikes.
The wolf lunges giving Jake all of two seconds to take one more step away from his fellow pilot and get his hands back up to brace. The collision from the powerful beast into the blonde’s battered body sends him immediately to the ground and his head connects sharply enough for him to see black dots in his vision. Jake’s adrenaline is the only thing that keeps him conscious as pain erupts all over, the wolf’s paws landing on his chest with a force of a freight train. The animal’s teeth are dangerous close to his face, drool spilling all over the blonde as he struggles to hold his arms up as some sort of blocker. The move earns him a wolf bite to his right forearm, the wolf clamping down and breaking the skin with what feels like knifes. Jake screams, loudly, not even registering that he’s broadcasting his position to enemy troops or other animals, though he would gladly take the soldiers if they get him the hell out of the razor sharp hold on his arm. He feels blood begin to drip as the wolf shakes his limb in its grasp, his bones getting precariously close to snapping. His mind is becoming overwhelmed with the sensations, shutting down as this wolf leans closer to take its prize. All Jake can hope for is that it ends quickly and that Bradley has used his sacrifice to crawl to safety. His leg might be broken but imminent danger is a powerful thing and the brunette is resourceful when he wants to be. Hangman imagines the big man huddled up in a tree and it brings a smile to his face, out of place as a mixture of wolf saliva and his own blood ooze down on his hair and forehead. The wolf’s teeth have dropped his arm and moved to devour the entrée, Jake’s face. The blonde closes his eyes.
A high pitch whimper comes from over him and suddenly the weight pummeling him into the snow is lifted as the wolf bolts. Jake opens his eyes to see Bradley waving a thick branch above him as he yells but the words are so muffled to the blonde’s ears, he can’t make it out. Rooster stands tall above him, making Jake feel small and insignificant. He assumes the wolf has run away when Bradley drops the weapon he had been brandishing (though still keeping it close) and all but falls next to Jake in the snow. His hands immediately hover, almost as though afraid to touch, his eyes comically wide. “S-Seresin” Bradley murmurs, sniffing back a sob of what sounds suspiciously of barely concealed anguish, “Oh God Seresin.”
Jake is still laying face up in the snow, his bitten and bleeding arm falling onto his battered chest as his lips tremble with the exertion of just trying to get oxygen in let alone speak any words. He can’t fathom what to even say if he could. His muscles are tense yet pliant, the fight or flight instinct slowly seeping away and leaving him in a stuttered state of unsure being. Everything hurts but yet almost from a distance, as though Jake’s body is ready to just let go at just the barest hint. The blonde is ready to embrace it, to shut it all down and just welcome the inevitable until he feels Bradley sob again next to him. “Seresin- Jake- shit you’re okay, it’s okay” the older pilot sounds like he is pleading but he takes trembling fingers to his injured teammate’s face, “stay- stay with me” he sniffles.
“I-I’m here” Jake offers up his left arm in a staggering effort and is pleased when the brunette grips his good arm as though it were a lifeline. “The wolf?” he questioned, scared that in this time of respite the wolf will be back with reinforcements.
“I think I scared it off” Bradley takes a wide look around them, his shoulders hitched as his hand not still clutching Jake moves to reach for the branch once more, “I don’t see anything” he informs.
“Smart to use…” Jake’s breathing is labored as he struggles to speak, “the branch” he finishes, finding his teammate’s brown eyes falling back to his injured body.
“Smarter than your plan” Bradley offers back, though there is no malice behind his words, just devastating concern. It hits Jake just as hard, “what were you thinking?” Bradshaw questions.
The blonde would shrug if he were able but his body just stays prone, “I… wasn’t-“he admits.
The scoff Rooster gives back sounds strangely fond, “well that’s obvious. Taking on a wolf like that, you really are going to lead me to an early grave Seresin.”
Jake’s face blanches at his teammates voice, remembering the time in the Hard Deck a few weeks ago that feels like a former lifetime but still stings. Of course Bradley is right, his actions were reckless and instead of saving Rooster he actually put him in more danger by forcing the brunette to come and save him. Feeling once more like the failure he always ends up being Jake closes his eyes and turns his face away, “I didn’t mean to” he muffles out, “you should have left me.”
“Hey” Bradley is gripping his chin, forcing Jake’s green eyes back to meet his gaze, “I meant because you gave me a goddamn heart attack you moron” he chides gently, his own eyes wet with unshed tears, “you are the biggest pain in my ass Seresin but you don’t get to die on me, not like that. I need you out here okay? So no more playing hero with wolves or tigers or anyone. We are getting out of here together, understood?”
“I don’t want to kill you too” he whispers back.
Bradshaw’s face shifts and for an agonizingly long second it looks like he might just start to bawl before he manages the saddest smile Jake has ever seen. The older man bites on his bottom lip, “I’d be dead without you buddy, okay? Don’t think I forgot that.”
“I’d be dead without you.”
“Crazy what teamwork does, doesn’t it?” Bradley teases, his hand landing gently on top of Jake’s heart. “We can get out of this Jake, we can” he reiterates when he sees a look of disbelief from his wingman, “if we work together okay? Like we used to.”
“I don’t think I can do it” the blonde admits weakly, motioning to his prone and bruised body.
“Well we are going to take a little rest first okay?” Bradley moves closer, “and then when we get some of your energy back we can start moving again.”
“But the wolf-“
“Don’t worry about that” the other man urges softly, “you just rest and think about what you will do when we get back to the carrier.”
Jake closes his eyes and thinks of how wonderful a warm bed would feel under him. Normally the blonde hates being confined in the medical wing but right now he would do anything to be under the careful ministrations of the nurses and doctors on the carrier’s medical staff. A grumble from the stomach of the man next to him informs Jake of what Rooster is thinking about and he can’t help the weak laugh that tumbles out of him, “thinking about lunch Br-Bradshaw?” he mocks.
“Thinking about a platter of wings from the Hard Deck” Bradley admits not even phased by Jake’s chiding.
The blonde nods, “and a pitcher of beer.”
“Playing the piano-“
“Demolishing everyone at darts and pool-“
Rooster rolls his eyes but doesn’t argue, “Penny letting us close out the place-“
“Maverick covering our first round-“
Bradley snorts, “you saved my life Seresin, I’m pretty sure Mav is covering more than just your first round.”
“We completed a suicide mission Bradshaw; we better get all our drinks covered for the rest of our lives.”
“Damn straight” Rooster’s voice carries the teasing southern drawl of Texas, mocking Hangman’s tone and inflection from his statement that first day of mission briefing with Captain Mitchell when he held up the F-18 manual. The sound brings a smile to Jake’s lips as he lifts a weak hand to knock Bradley’s wrist two times fondly, “damn straight” he agrees.
The jovial exchange tampers down, leaving the two in a not quite uncomfortable silence. Rooster’s eyes are still watching their surroundings, his hand still a presence on the blonde’s chest. The feeling is warm on his hypothermic body and it forces Hangman to lower his defenses. “I want to go home” Jake whispers, and the embarrassment he expects isn’t there, or he’s just too broken to notice it anymore. Tears start to fall from his eyes, sliding down his temple and mixing with the disgusting concoction of liquid on his face. He sniffles treacherously, his mouth contorting in grief over his predicament, “I really want to go home.”
“I’ll get you home.” It’s a hard promise, especially from a man with only one functioning leg but Bradley seems determinedly steadfast and Jake knows how stubborn the Bradshaw man can be. He nods, wincing at the effort and then whimpering as his body starts to recognize how cold he is still laying completely flushed in the snow. Rooster picks up on it of course and moves to be right next to the blonde, cautiously helping the man to sit up while being mindful of all the injuries. His arm seems to have stopped bleeding, the snow doing the trick but leaving the glaring evidence of the wolf’s sharp grasp in the penetrated holes in his forearm. They are vicious wounds, stark and ugly on his once unblemished skin. Jake wants to cry more at the sight but any hope of vanity has been all but demolished at this point. The blonde doesn’t disguise his pitiful sniffle though.
Bradley looks up and manages a tiny grimace as he tucks Jake’s shredded arm carefully into the younger man’s chest. Rooster bundles the smaller man up with a gentleness that should seem foreign for the big man but instead is surprisingly instinctual. “Here we go” the brunette muses, taking Jake’s shivering form carefully and cuddling him into his own body. Just the tiniest stroke of comfort feels amazing to the touch starved blonde pilot and Jake can’t stop the whimpered sob that escapes his mouth as Bradley pulls him just that little bit closer until Hangman is cradled under the crook of Rooster’s neck. In any other situation Jake would be mortified at himself and at his partner for this cuddle session but now he just feels safe, a sensation that’s been absent from his life for as long as he can remember. He allows himself to bury his face more into Bradley’s chest, enjoying being held.
Rooster shaking hands find purchase as he wipes at the blonde’s face to clear it of its prior mess but with a feather light touch that shows he is still being cautious of the burns on Jake’s skin.
When the man is finished Jake expects Bradley to lower his hand but instead the other man moves to carefully card through Jake’s tussled blonde hair, the motions reassuring and lulling the injured man into an almost sleep like state. “It’s okay” Bradshaw sounds like he is crying but Jake is too tired to look up and see for sure, “you’re okay,” the older man continues as though he is willing his words into reality, “you’re going to be okay.”
Jake knows he should be Hangman again, should push Rooster’s hands away with a sneer and an eye roll but everything seems so exhausting. Instead of getting them back up and trying to get home, the younger pilot forgets his promises to Maverick and himself and just lets himself snuggle into the warmth of his teammate’s chest. The respite from the wind and the cold feels so good to Jake right now and he feels his eye lids start to droop. The last thing he hears is Bradley’s continuing mantra of comfort, telling Jake how he ‘is okay’, and ‘it’s all going to be alright’, before Hangman falls into sweet oblivion once more.
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Okay so this is the point where the story kinda jumps the shark (or wolf). I hope you guys are still with me on this. I know it’s a big AU here 🙈
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wonderkat11 · 2 months
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JD || Wolf Attack On The Floor 🐺
"If you're an animal then tear up the floor"
Yep, it's inspired by Veruca Salt and the squirrel attack, but it's On The Floor and the wolf attack of her from this inspiration update from Werewolves of Just Dance 4 in a fundamental truth in Halloween Moon, but for On The Floor, she was located on the snow and getting attacked by wolves!
Made in IbisPaintX for Digital Art maker.
No Rude Comments please.
On The Floor belongs to Just Dance: The Series (Ubisoft).
See also:
SpeedPaint: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AiSM9Y3Y0UY
(Note: Unfortunately, this isn't Mature Content at first, it's just a little bit of a bruise and some of the blood details.)
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batri-jopa · 1 year
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Fanart of the book Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer
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abuddyforeveryseason · 8 months
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This is the Buddy for January 21st. It's a Headless Man! People from the days of yore sure were stupid, right? Believing in men whose faces are on their chest.
But it's weird, isn't it? Why is it that people from the middle ages (and before) would believe in such monsters as dragons, griffins, unicorns and monopods? Didn't they live in proximity to nature? Or at least, more than people do nowadays, at least? Surely some farmer or shepherd from the Xth century must've noticed he had to worry a lot more about wolf attacks than about dragons.
The thing is - at least from what I've gathered - they believed monsters did exist, but they all lived far away. People back then might've lived side by side with animals common in their region, but they didn't travel much. So, it was easy to believe stories about dragons living in far-off lands, like in the maps that had "Here Be Dragons" on random corners, or countries inhabited by monsters without heads.
After all, it's not like, say, an english peasant would have any chance to see an elephant, either. In medieval bestiaries, elephants and dragons were enemies. By the logic that dragons aren't real, he could deduce elephants aren't, either.
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vintageterror · 10 months
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rightnewshindi · 17 days
बहराइच में भेड़िए ने पांच साल की बच्ची पर किया हमला, दादी ने जान पर खेल कर बचाई जान
Uttar Pradesh News: यूपी के बहराइच जिले में भेड़ियों का आतंक जारी है। सर्च ऑपरेशन तेज हो गया है। इस बीच सोमवार देर रात उसी क्षेत्र में एक और भेड़िये के हमले में पांच वर्षीय बच्ची घायल हो गई। बच्ची को सामुदायिक स्वास्थ्य केंद्र महासी भेजा गया है, जहां उसका इलाज चल रहा है। बच्ची अपने घर में अपनी दादी के बगल में सो रही थी, तभी अचानक एक भेड़िये ने उस पर हमला कर दिया, हालांकि उसके परिवार के सदस्यों और…
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sohannabarberaesque · 2 months
Lest we forget about Loopy De Loop selling himself as "ze good wolf" in the name of challenging negative perceptions and stereotypes against the lupine race by example--only to have such backfire with hilarious consequences.
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hindikahaniyacomedya · 2 months
Heroic Rescue: Chubby Cow and Mother Tiger Defend Tiger Cub from Wolf At...
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entertainmentadda12 · 2 months
Heroic Rescue: Chubby Cow and Mother Tiger Defend Tiger Cub from Wolf At...
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sleepylittle-wolf · 5 months
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Wolf kissed.
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funnycartoons · 2 months
Heroic Rescue: Chubby Cow and Mother Tiger Defend Tiger Cub from Wolf At...
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crazycartoons056 · 2 months
Heroic Rescue: Chubby Cow and Mother Tiger Defend Tiger Cub from Wolf At...
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monsterregister · 2 months
Heroic Rescue: Chubby Cow and Mother Tiger Defend Tiger Cub from Wolf At...
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