#woh anon
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meraki-yao · 1 year ago
My two cents on the story some Nick fans hate Taylor:
From what I've seen around they are mainly people who have been following him since before rwrb and if you look carefully they are often huge purple heart fans (and have a slight obsession with the "relationship" between Nick and Sofia) therefore I think that this hatred for Taylor derives from 2 things:
1. They hate that so many people have gotten closer to him because of rwrb but they share the support and love with someone else. That's why they always have to specify that for them Taylor is unemployed (unlike Nick), Taylor is not a good actor (unlike Nick who is the best around for the next 100 years), Taylor is loved only for his hot body and we are all envious that Nick is mentioned around as an actor etc etc. It's impossible for them to accept that people can appreciate both and one must necessarily be better and more loved than the other and they are better fans because they have been following him since before rwrb and they don't want him to still be associated with this film because he will never be "the sole star" but has to share everything with Taylor.
2. Racism. From certain comments they make it is undeniable that this has great relevance in this situation and I don't even want to delve into it because it's not even crazy it's simply disgusting and this is definitely the worst part.
They hate rwrb (but praise Nick as Henry and think he's the only one who did well in the movie) and keep making up this bullshit about how Nick hates the project, hates the cast, his body language says he was uncomfortable on that set, this is the only cast he hasn't remained friends with, Taylor tries hard for have his attention to be relevant but Nick just proves they have no contact and they need it to be true because that's the only thing which they can cling to to hope he doesn't make the sequel. Oh, plus Nick is too busy to accept the sequel and it would be a downgrade for him to do the sequel given the career that awaits him, unlike Taylor who only has rwrb to work and be relevant (all read with my own eyes unfortunately)
In short, I don't know how they can think this is good for Nick and how they can think this is the type of support he deserves and would like. As another blog said, we can't stop them, there are moments they become more vocal and mean and the more we respond the meaner they become saying things like "you get angry because you know it's the truth"
They treat Taylor like a monster, like he's a really bad person, they've done bad things towards him like doxxing and spreading false information about him to convince everyone what an evil person he is.
They say he uses Nick, before Nick's response when he signed the book they said Taylor bullied him with those drawings on his face all because they have this unhealthy relationship with an actor and they think they have some right over his life.
You've explained their (ridiculous) mentality really well, and frankly, it drives me insane that there are people in the world who think they understand one person's career/relationship/life when he doesn't know them
On the note of purple hearts, I didn't watch the movie and I don't plan to, but when I just got into the RWRB fandom and started learning about Nick and Taylor, and I kinda saw some comments from us, that's kind of... something like Purple hearts fans are mad at RWRB because of... opposing political beliefs?
Oh, also agree on the racism thing. Fuck racism man.
My one hope is this bullshit doesn't affect Taylor and Nick. I have faith in their relationship not to turn sour or blame each other because 1, it's not each other's fault 2, they're grown ass adults who understand how this industry, parasocial relationships and fan culture work, but if any of these shitty comments reaches either one of them it must hurt, and arguably hurts Nick more than Taylor, because these people are hurting your friend in your name. That's fucked up.
Again I think the best thing we can do is ignore them, block them and remember that we hold the actual truth: Nick loves RWRB, and Taylor, and Henry. And he and Taylor, on both sides, plus Matthew and a couple editorial writers, stated and showed that they are genuine friends with genuine chemistry.
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emmetverse · 3 months ago
Original anon here. Isn't Zone of Truth a radius? Is 30 ft enough to cover the whole house?
⨳ ... Theoretically, yes.
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randomnameless · 4 months ago
Will Marianne's actual in-game characterization ever be represented again in Heroes, or is she doomed to be flanderized into "Momo suffered so much sad uwu" for the rest of the game's timespan?
Mean me wants to say she has no characterisation to give anything substantial to FEH to work around, but it's me being mean.
I guess that anything relating to her Relic, and Relics in general, will be flanderised and the truth will never be revealed because tea bags, and even if FEH tried, last year, with F!F!Billy (was it last year?) to give more meat to that subplot by saying Sothis from Nopes was pissed and wants revenge because her kin were slaughtered, even FEH can't craft stuff KT/IS left purposedly hanging in their games.
Sobbing about Momo though, give the impression that the devs care about the "lore" of Fodlan and give another, imo, more interesting angle to Marianne even if it comes as the cost of woobifying Momo but hey, since it's a given that no one gives a fuck about Nabateans, it's alright, poor Momo was a victim of his curse uwu, let's just not/never talk about what that curse is.
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appallinnballin · 6 months ago
hey do you happen to know any songs that suit ruvente (or them individually). or have a playlist. for research purposes. your art of them fucking rules btw i can die in peace
Analyse - The Cranberries
Wicked Game - Chris Isaak
Down - Stone Temple Pilots
also thabks you so much 🥺🥺!!!!
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kathegoose · 10 months ago
What if the mimic was called the freaky, and instead of mimicking, freaked it up sexual style
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aasssshhhhh · 2 months ago
unhinged perv grow tf up
I am growing (character development bhot hua hai) but I'll always be an unhinged perv. Thanks for the new title 🥰🥰🥰
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bl-bracket · 2 years ago
umm so I'm really bad at noticing allegories and stuff like that like they could probably spell it out for me and my oblivious brain would just skim over it so um can i maybe get more about woh being a trans allegory? like i think i can see what you're thinking of but i want to be sure
Okay so like you have to understand that I binged Word of Honor in a few days while sick and had this idea then and even then it's not fully flushed out at all so this is not a complete thought nor is it a good one probably.
(And also being trans myself means I read trans subtext into everything lol)
But like ZZS having that very rigid way of dressing in Window of Heaven and then once he leaves he has his hair down and all these different outfits except when he's taken back as a prisoner they make him wear his old uniform and do his hair the way he used to. And also how Four Seasons Manor is apparently known for their ability to disguise themselves and change appearance. And like then WKX has like so much gender. He refers to himself as Gu Xiang's father but Chengling's mother. And his relationship with women is like an essay in and of itself. Oh! And there's like that saying that they bring up several times about how a clingy man wins over a tough woman's heart or something and how that's supposed to be Wei Ning and Gu Xiang, but also WKX and ZZS (with ZZS being the woman in the saying) and also with Chengling asking ZZS to be his master. And then also in the Ghost Valley how the male ghosts have more out there presentations while the female ghosts present like regular women. But also how women seem to have much more agency in the Ghost Valley compared to elsewhere. And then Scorpion King's whole deal and with the top 4 assassins he has.
Anyways there's probably more but that's all I have off the top of my head right now.
Given enough time, a rewatch or two, and some academic bullshitting, I could probably put together a more cohesive thing about how like the Ghost Valley represents gender nonconformity and like the Five Lakes Alliance and Window of Heaven and all of that represent an enforcement of traditional gender roles.
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wayradwheelie · 9 months ago
sleeping to avoid your problems is suspicious especially when there's a possibility you're not sleeping
..leave me alone please and thank you
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misssclumsy · 1 year ago
trouble & problem arises of course when you will not reply to their texts! yes, for sure, fuck. They have been texting you all day since morning and you have just seen the messages and calls and just kept it on hold. You ain't find them important enough to reply. That is not cool. It could be a friend, or your partner as in your boyfriend or girlfriend. How in this holy shit world you do not have a few seconds to reply to their texts? nah, that's not possible because you are most of the time on your phones. This really hurts 💔
I spend whole hour to think what should've answer but.... Ahem... Oh... I mean... See...holy shit i mean i just saw texts and feel like responding later but i utterly forget that i HAVE to answer, untill a whole week passed and I have a bunch of unsend texts and asked fill in my ask box and inbox (literally freakin sorry for not answering them) (in some cases it goes six month straight, remember @yarrrdonut) (ik I'm sounding so freaking rude rn but i swear I'm not that bad person 🤧)and suddenly while doing homework/eating/at 1 am on my bed while manifesting sleep/on my way tuition I've got a flashback that there's a bunch of seen text in inbox and I have to answer them immediately but a sudden feel of shame hit me like I'm not a good friend and I don't deserve friends they're probably hating me for not answering them and the thought of texting'em rn is exhausting i mean it requires lot of mental effort to think the answer and then send to that person. then I was having a literal panic attack that people are thinking of me as a rude bitch (that I am), not a nice friend who don't give a f to the people or friends who care for her and text or call her.
I AM literally sorry for that but ok... I would try to answer.. I'M TRYING SO FREAKING HARD NOT LOOSE TRACK OF FRIENDSHIP.. BUT ... B.. sorry
Idk what my whole answer sounds like but hope this help- https://youtube.com/shorts/-DRdLjxs2e8?si=0iYDIVfz18LqQaZZ
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hongjoongpresent · 2 years ago
What's your favorite creature?
Do you like any kind of tea?
Blue eyes white dragon or red eyes black dragon?
HAMSTER most animal ever
I like most tea really. But if I had to pick I'd pick starmint (is that a word in english?)
Red eyes black dragon ^-^
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review-anon · 2 months ago
Is Satoko not allowed because the moment she'd step onto the Voidship a lifetime of anon abuse would be sent her way?
//Its more because a) I don’t know if I want the WOH parents in here full stop and b) Satoko is a very plot important character in DTFA.
//If she shows up in ASOOT and I have a better idea if to use the WOH parents or not, then I might be tempted after she’s had her arc in DTFA.
//Currently if she appears in the Voidship, she gets ejected straight into the Void where her body is subjected to spaghettification and she then dies.
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pawbeanies · 11 months ago
Hi. Know you saw my big ol’ wall of text ask, but I thought I’d give you something shorter, here. I’ve been thinking about you, wondering how you would feel in my arms, how your hands would fit in mine. You’re real cute. I hope I can work up the nerve to DM you sometime soon.
- 🍑
!!! hi!!! hi againnn... ive been thinking about the ask like all day because im silly and so easily distracted flsjfkdf but heyy... hey!!! focus on other stuff too... or else i'm gonna have to start paying rent to live in your mind or something hehe
but also?? noo i don't think i'm very cute. i'm just extra silly on here because. i have the opportunity to be hehe.. i'm not all that cute i just type funny i'll be real with you. just getting out all the brain thoughts like this and all
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randomnameless · 4 months ago
I read a lot of your posts basically saying Wilheim left Adrestia after his son's death, but is it only your headcanon or somewhere in the games?
I usually try (but then i often forget) to tag the headcanon stuff with "fodlan au" or "fodlan hc", but as for Willy leaving Adrestia, it's basically in Rhea's big "did you know Wilhelm was the greatest Emperor who ever Emperor'd" infodump speech she hits Barney and Cyril with at the end of Nopes' Nabatean paralogue!
Finally, Nemesis—the leader of the opposing forces— was defeated at the Battle of Tailtean. Having achieved his chief ambition, Great Emperor Wilhelm ceded the throne to his son, Lycaon.
Nemesis died, apparently this was Willy's ambition (uh...) and after Tailtean he gave his throne to his kid, Lycaon.
Wilhelm continued to assist Lycaon in battle.
apparently they were still fighting? JP line is this "その後もヴィルヘルムは、リュカイオンの 後見として戦場に立ち続けましたが……"
But from what I can roughly understand, Willy is still around to support and help Lycaon when he has to fight.
Important thing to note : When Lycaon is Emperor, Wilhelm is still around to "assist" him.
But Lycaon perished at a young age, and Wilhelm soon retreated into the background.
Lycaon "perished" and Willy... retreats in the background. He is not around anymore when Lycaon disappears.
JP wise we have this : リュカイオンの早世によりヴィルヘルムも 役目を終え、表舞台から身を引きました。
Again, from what I understand, it's roughly the same save that the "and Wilhelm soon retreated into the background" is more like something like "so Willy retreated into the background" : Lycaon's death means the end of Willy's role, even if we know there was a successor (the Empress who dueled an Aegir for the throne!).
Other important thing to note then : When Lycaon is no more, Wilhelm fades in the background
He relinquished this shield to Seiros, and together they returned it to Indech's workshop.
We know at least after bailing out of Adrestia he and Rhea were still hanging out and they returned Seteth's shield to Indech's hamlet, what happened to him afterwards, we don't know.
-> When Lycaon is no more, Wilhelm doesn't assist the new Emperor/Empress like he did for his son. He fades in the background. He meets Seiros and they travel again.
That's the canon.
If the order of events is a bit muddled (did he say fig to Adrestia before or after returning Seteth's shield?), fact remains that he was willing to assist and support his son - a callback to the Rodrigue-Felix duo from this route? - but refused to do the same for the Emperor(s) following Lycaon and "faded" away.
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remythologise · 1 year ago
loving the merlin renaissance (it never died), just wanna say i was completely blindsided by how completely the 800k wip you recced has consumed my every waking moment even though i haven't read merthur in years, and this is coming from someone who still hasnt given in to the 1,2M wip peer pressured (affectionate) by spnblr even though i've consumed way more destiel than that just since Nov 5th. anyway thanks you never steer me wrong xx tumblr needs to remember how insane merthur is
YESSSSS I’M SO GLAD 🎉🥂🥳 I have read DtA and I will say I personally enjoy this fic even more (DtA is still an exceptional fic and creation though! Just my personal taste!) Anyway I am so so so glad to have influenced you towards this masterpiece of literature… genuinely the last (incomplete) part is at the forefront of my bookmarks bar but I don’t want to finish it and not have any more to look forward to 😖 I am kind of mad I started my personal merlin renaissance with this fic because nothing is topping this so I’m going to look on any other fic with standards that are way too high 😭
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funishment-time · 3 months ago
Do you ever think about how Junko is canonically a devent enough caretaker that the warriors of hope loved her and felt safe around her (Jataro's fairytale art says a lot about how Junko treated him), how they have nothing bad to say about her even when told she was using them, how Junko saved 5 kids from committing suicide and treated them with more kindness than they had ever known.
And sure, manipulation and all, Monaca did have the resources Junko needed, but between her considering a killing game her way of showing affection towards her classmates, I can't help but think Junko did care about those kids, cared so much that she played both sides in a civil war to keep it going (Kurokuma and Shirokuma) and put those kids in a nightmare scenario disguised as heaven because despair is how she shows love.
Do ever think about how the warriors of hope are going to have to grow up with the knowledge that the one person who cared enough about them to save them over and over is also, like, the furry anti-christ.
anon i think about this CONSTANTLY. i think about how Junko was quite literally nothing but Good in the eyes of those kids and how i really don't know if they'll ever be fully "deprogrammed" so to speak. how do you tell four to five severely abused little babies that the person who saved them, treated them well, and showed them an iota of hope...was actually, like, worse than Hitler or whatever? the furry anti-christ indeed. even Nagisa, who seemed to be the most openly self-aware of Monaca's Wee Underlings, admitted that if Junko abused them, he'd rather she did it than adults/their parents.
maybe that's why the WOH got shafted a bit in the HPA arc's finale: there was no short way to Communicate what "saving" them mentally, physically, and tbh spiritually would have taken, if they could be saved at all. (granted, the way DR3 went was still stupid, but perhaps better than attempting any other ending narrative for them, all things considered.)
i do still wish we could have one tiny little manga about them post-DR3, though. i don't need therapy speak and softness and tears, that's for fanfic, but like one panel of indication that someone's keeping tabs on them from afar. maybe dropping them medical supplies and new clothes every six months. tag and release with the feral cats, y'know. that's it
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bl-bracket · 1 year ago
Any updates on when this is starting back up again?
Ah yes, the question we're all asking! So long story short, I moved, started a new semester, got burnt out, got a bit sick, and got a lot busy. Currently my schedule is freeing up some, but unfortunately I've gotten some health conditions recently (nothing serious don't worry!) that are significantly limiting my energy levels and general stamina. Unfortunately, this bracket isn't super high up on the priority levels (re: I'm very busy irl) and also takes a lot more effort than a lot of other options I have in my free time.
So to sum up: I don't know!!! I'll try to get to it in the next few weeks, but a lot is going to depend on how much energy I have and how the health stuff shakes out (again it's not serious so don't worry!!! It's more annoying and bothersome than anything else!!!). Some of the polls for the next round are drafted, but the round in quite big with a lot of contestants so it will take me a bit!!!!
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