#wof newt
flawseer · 8 months
Jade Mountain Academy students
#5 - Mudwing chapter
This entry might feel a bit less diversified than the ones before it. These are two sets of siblings who shared their respective clutch, so there are a lot of physical elements that are shared between them (I try to keep siblings from the same clutch relatively similar-looking, see Winter and Icicle in part 2). I hope these Mudwings still look different enough. I also gave them light-colored jaws because Clay had it on the cover of his book and I think Mudwings look cute like that. It helps their faces stand out in the graphic novel style.
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Tribe - Mudwing
Winglet - Jade
Color - Burnt umber red
Relatives - Clay (brother), Sora (sister), Marsh (brother)
Clawmate(s) - Turtle (Seawing)
Favorite subject - Anatomy
Least fav. subject - History
Physical characteristics - curly horns; scar across snout; smallish stature, wiry with well-defined musculature
Other characteristics - socially outgoing and confident; mediative/soothing personality, eager to resolve conflicts
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Tribe - Mudwing
Winglet - Gold
Color - Caramel brown
Relatives - Clay (brother), Umber (brother), Marsh (brother)
Clawmate(s) - Icicle (Icewing)
Favorite subject - Anatomy
Least fav. subject - History
Physical characteristics - curly horns; average size with well-defined musculature; slightly darker and broader than her brother Marsh (do not confuse)
Other characteristics - socially withdrawn (keep monitoring for now, suggest counseling if no improvement); appears to be suffering from post-traumatic stress (was approached, insists she is fine); avoidant behavior around Icewing and Seawing students (keep monitoring, discuss with staff how to approach); left academy grounds for a day without giving notice, claims to have needed to "clear [her] head", no further questioning at Clay's request (monitor future behavior, ask siblings to keep an eye on her)
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Tribe - Mudwing
Winglet - Silver
Color - Sepia brown
Relatives - Newt (brother)
Clawmate(s) - Fearless (Nightwing)
Favorite subject - Literacy
Least fav. subject - Science
Physical characteristics - horns with feathered edges; light neck scales; stature broad, heavyset, with well-defined musculature
Other characteristics - good work ethic, very motivated; bit of a temper; very argumentative (try to channel into constructive outlets)
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Tribe - Mudwing
Winglet - Copper
Color - Tawny brown
Relatives - Clay (brother), Umber (brother), Sora (sister)
Clawmate(s) - Coconut (Rainwing)
Favorite subject - Anatomy
Least fav. subject - Exercise
Physical characteristics - curly horns; average size with well-defined musculature; slightly narrower frame and lighter color than his sister Sora (do not confuse)
Other characteristics - fidgety, difficulty sitting still, habitually touches his talons; socially anxious (suggest relaxation seminar, maybe counseling); Bigwings reported allergy to walnuts; concerned about "ghosts" (suggest assembly to put persistent Stonemover rumor to rest for good)
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Tribe - Mudwing
Winglet - Quartz
Color - Moss green
Relatives - Sepia (sister)
Clawmate(s) - Ermine (Icewing)
Favorite subject - Cultural Exchange
Least fav. subject - Exercise
Physical characteristics - horns with feathered edges; light neck scales; smallish stature with average build
Other characteristics - appears to enjoy preparing and sharing food (unobjectionable, but suggest seminar on allergy awareness); occasionally belligerent, anger-management issues (suggest counseling); clawmate reported incident of untoward aggression (suggest monitoring, counseling)
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wuzhere75 · 1 year
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WOF JMA base edits 3/3
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twistofstory · 4 months
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And here's the guy from the main story~
Wolffish's a full rainwing who was raised among seawings and had picked up a lot of seawing expressions and curses from his family. He discovered the properties of rainwing venom on his own and even learned to spit it quite accurately, and the old scar on his tail serves as a reminder of the danger of this ability. At an older age, he finally visited his native forest and became imbued with traditions of his tribe, but did not stay - he quickly became bored with the life of the rainwing, and he loved his work too much. What kind of work? Wolffish was a mailman. In wartime, his camouflage skills became simply irreplaceable - this way he could deliver a letter to almost anywhere on the continent, avoiding clashes with any dragons. Word about the unusual carrier quickly spread, and lucrative, but much less harmless offers started coming to him. Wolffish didn't refuse them - since his skills can be useful not only for simple letters delivery, why not? Money is money, and the opportunity to provide a comfortable life for yourself and even help your family sounded irresistible. Life was great and all, but interests of his customers often ran counter to each other, and, unbeknownst to himself, Wolffish made some enemies. One day his luck ran out and he got caught... Varan pulled him out of this scrape, and from this began a new era of Wolffish’s life - first as one of the confidants for the gang leaders, and then as Varan’s personal bodyguard. Wolffish isn't confrontational nor vindictive, and he is friendly with his comrades, but most of the Center members treat him with some caution. His camouflage, tracking and venom shooting skills, perfected over the years, have made him one of the most dangerous gang members, and few dragons would risk crossing his path. The habit of walking around the camp unseen also does not help Wolffish get closer to the dragons, so his usual social circle is limited to Varan’s second-in-command, the leader himself and, unexpectedly, Newt. What’s interesting is that Wolffish and Newt aren't just good friends, but also ex-lovers - their relationship developed very rapidly, and just as quickly grew from romance to platonic friendship. Breakup was pretty painless, and they remained quite close. Prejudices towards dragons from different tribes are not so pronounced in the gang, and yet only Newt and Wolffish understand what it's like to be a rainwing (or half-rainwing) far from homeland. What’s ironic is that the “seawing” Wolffish has a much more “rainwing” lifestyle than Newt, who grew up in the tropic forest, but they still often have “sun hours” together (Newt may have inherited most of the genetics from his mudwing side, yet sun is also extremely necessary for his health). Unfortunately, things haven't been so great between them recently. The tense atmosphere of the Center in the light of recent events has affected the relationship between all members, and Newt has an additional reason not to trust his comrades. Wolffish's still a part of Varan's inner circle, and Newt isn't sure he'll put their friendship above loyalty to the gang leader if things go wrong.
Fun fact: “a very competent flirt” was the initial concept for Newt in the first version of the story, but over time I moved away from this idea.
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newts-and-sharks · 6 months
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My dragons ✨
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magicpancil · 1 year
Also hello fellow Sepia fan :] Another suggestion: you could draw Sepia hanging out with Newt! (Cause they’re always seem to be together in the books) Or you could just share/doodle your designs and headcanons for them :D
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YESS!! Sorry this took a while i wanted to give them some more love hence the full render :3 My love for those two started when i was making their designs and for some reason when I was drawing Newt i felt so many sudden emotions I almost started crying??? Still not sure why that happened but in that moment I decided that they are my children.
Since Newt's gender was never specified in the books I like to think they're non-binary. Sepia is transfem imo. I also like to think that Newt is very very tiny. Idk I just think it's cute :)
I'm still thinking up their backstory (let's be honest we'll never get it from canon so i think I'm free to make it up) but it's not my last time posting them so I think I'll have more time to share my hcs in the future.
Much love, Iwan.
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minttea31 · 7 months
For the mudwing requests, could you perhaps draw Sepia and/or Newt? My fav mud sibs <3
Sepia (right) and Newt (left)
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Sorry this took so long I think I hit a funk
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outsmartingbasilisk · 2 years
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Ermine sketches for my WoF Reimagined AU At Jade Mountain Camp Ermine was one of the more enthusiastic campers with their competitive spirit during the first year. However, after Snowfall destroyed the circle system they’ve been put out and moody even for an IceWing. Their clawmate Newt hasn’t seemed to pick up on the change in attitude.
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corgiisaloser · 10 months
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Siblings fr
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ilikemicrowaves · 1 year
(Spoilers for the upcoming guide book)
I was looking through the wof wiki for references and I git distracted by Sepias page.
I read further a found out:
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If you want to read for yourself you can check here:
It is entirely OK if you did ship them as we had not much information about them before. If you continue to ship please stay away from my blog.
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snaill-dragon · 1 year
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More wof ocs: a group of sand/mud siblings who travel together and a random young mudwing who isn’t actually an oc but just for this scene. They’re carrying it back home.
A little more on the individual siblings:
Sediment, the large darker brown mudwing in the back: he/him. Only has firebreath. You can’t see it here but he also has spots. Sediment is the bigwings of the three, and is a quick thinker, but doesn’t like to fight.
Newt: striped guy in the middle, yellow forehead. He/him. Newt is wingless, has no fire or poison. But has a tail barb that can still scratch. Newt can be grumpy at times, but is hard working and very kind to others when they need it.
Bone: pale one on the right. She/her. Bone is named for her pale scales. She’s more of a listener then a talker, but idealistic and has no fear or shame. She does have firebreath and very weak venom. It just makes people sleepy.
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newtwithinternet · 1 year
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Why peacemaker in my duolingo
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kiskivmiske · 1 year
It is kinda sad that there are dragons in WoF , but no dragon-related species, if you know what I mean. Dragons are the only creatures in their clade. They have a completely different body plan from all known creatures, and there were new creatures introduced in the series, like dragon flame cacti or dragonbite viper, but no mention of six-limbed lizards or anything that could be dragon's ancestor. I mean, they could originate from another planet, or their own species were wiped out by invasive Earth species, but still. I probably should make one speculative evolution tree for dragons when I finish requests, but here is what I think.
Coelacanth's or its relative's descendant walks out on land just like tiktaalik did. It keeps all of its 8 limbs, but 4 of them are more fit for swimming, while the rest is used to walk on land.
Time passes, legs become stronger, the fish grows claws to get a better grip on the surface. Fins also progressively become stronger, propelling the body underwater, while claws and teeth are used to snatch prey.
Soon, fins become more complex, develop anatomy similar to front limbs, with a shoulder and an elbow joint. The ancestor starts to spend more time, going further and further into the continent, climbing trees and rocks. This dragon's ancestor, let's call it a Swampglider, looks like a deformed hybrid between a MudWing, a HiveWing and a newt: brown or greenish in color, with four short limbs and four fins. It hunts in swamps and rivers, coming to lay eggs on land, in warm mud or in piles of decomposing leaves. Eventually, its hunting territories grow bigger, as the creature starts to use claws to climb trees. It discovers that fins allow to glide from one tree to another. It gains a new method of defense: venom glands under their teeth rebuild themselves to spray venom towards the attacker. Its legs become longer allowing it to run without dragging belly on sharp rocks. It now has a built closer to modern day dragons, although it's the size of a large house cat, but steadily growing in size from generation to generation.
Now, as it rules water, land, and air, Swampglider goes even further, leaving the swamp behind. The West of Pyrrhia is still a lush jungle, connected on the other side with Pantala, Ice Kingdom does not exist yet, but it will soon change.
As Swampglider's habitat becomes more diverse, it starts to split into different species. All species but one, start to lose one pair of wings, while the other pair becomes more flexible and strong. East of Pyrrhia, all the way to mountains, is inhabited by woodland dragons, not much different from original Swampgliders. They are also brown or green, sometimes with hints of blue, yellow or red. The ones who live near the ocean are mostly blue-ish or brown, rainforest dragons are mostly green, while dragons of the southern shores have more distinct yellow and orange hues to blend with autumn foliage. In all of those species, scales host photosynthetic bacteria. Ocean dwelling dragons and swamp dragons still have their gills, while the others lost them. The wings became stronger, the dragons now achieved powered flight.
Dragons of the mountains have slimmer build and bigger wings. Their venom spit has changed to ignite upon release.
An ice age is coming, and ocean on the north starts to freeze, spreading on the Tail islands and the head of the continent. And, on the North of the mountains, a new species rises: these dragons have copper in their blood instead of iron, and their venom spit has a very effective coolant in it. Warm blooded mountain dragons move towards the center and the Southern Ocean, as it is not as cold as the other one. Other species also move, pushing southern woodland tribe to spread all the way across the shore of the supercontinent. Swamp dragons, being forced to move to the northeastern volcanic islands, acquired a new defence mechanism: immunity to fire. That allowed them to live on those islands, which are too dangerous for the others because of their volcanic activity. They don't need sensitive gills anymore, as they do more harm than good. They don't use photosynthesis anymore and are becoming stronger and more effective hunters, always sticking in packs, they increase their kill rate. To hide from the cold, they spend free time and sleep in heated spring pools. Crossbreeding with mountain dragons gave them fire breathing ability, too, but it's not as strong as in other species, because they are not warmblooded.
In the western jungle, bug dragons emerge from those who retained all four wings for hovering flight, rather than gliding. They have more diverse methods of venom attacks. Some of them have poisonous glands under their claws and on the tip of the tail. To make the process of hatching easier, bug dragons have a much shorter egg phase, dragonets hatch undeveloped, with rudimentary wings. They actively eat for several months getting fatter, and then hide into a small burrow, coat themselves with air-drying slimy coat and hibernate. After the winter, they emerge fully developed. That way small dragonets have a bigger chance of survival during winter months, when there is not enough food and significantly more rivalry, to wake up when the food is in abundance
Meanwhile, woodland dragons have developed an unique ability to sence brain signals of other creatures. After a period of time, the had split into three subspecies: mountain dragons hybrids, who can breathe fire and read minds, forest dragons who use psychic abilities to trick others into thinking they are invisible by affecting photographic memory centers, and woodland dragons who can only read chemical signals from plants and translate them into coherent data about the plant to avoid eating diseased and inedible fruits. The first species had lost its photosynthetic bacteria and become fully nocturnal.
Sea dragons are forced to move from shallow waters deeper down from cold icy surface to heated derpwater vents rich with life, their photosynthetic bacteria changes to bioluminescent algae.
And then the continent started to crack. Eastern islands drifted to the North, western half of the continent separated and started to drift further away. Volcaolnoes erupted one after another, and methane filled the air. The ice age is gone and a global warming takes place. Ice cap is melting. Water currents change. Now, lush jungle on the west dries up, becoming a desert. At this point we can call dragons by their names, even though they aren't all pureblood.
MudWings and IceWings move back to the continent, pushing SkyWings and RainWings further to the South, while they, in their own turn, chase away NightWings and LeafWings, who, unable to defend themselves from venom spit, had to flee into the desert. NightWings, due to being nocturnal, aren't affected much by the change of temperature and are fine with desert climate. They kidneys can handle high salinity, so, instead of searching for oasis, they remain in a small wooded peninsula, closer to the ocean. LeafWings, having much more competition, are unable to fight back and forced to stay on separating Pantala. BeetleWings separate, one half stays in Pantala's grasslands, the other stays in Pyrrhian desert.
After separation, grasslands become more humid due to being near the ocean, and new rainforests emerge, food becomes abundant, and BeetleWings and LeafWings don't have to fight for supplies anymore.
Overtime, Pyrrhian BeetleWings lose their larval stage and one pair of wings, and, by breeding with SkyWings, become separate tribe, SandWings. Their hearts developed four separate chambers instead of three, which prevents blood from mixing and loosing heat. This mechanism helps them keep their bodies warm in the night, when the temperature drops.
The other part of BettleWings has retained their "larval" stage through neoteny, and it has become increasingly longer. The dragonet grows at a normal pace now, instead of turning into a fat potato worm thing, it's metabolism isn't much different from a normal dragonet, but they don't pupate and get wings until sexual maturity.
IceWing s have lost their natural habitat and have to move to Pyrrhia, suffering from heat in the northern desert, their number dropped to several thousands. Because of inbreeding, many dragons with deformities were born, one of them could bend laws of physics itself to his own will. This ability will later be known as "animus". Unusual IceWing, later named The Great Ice Dragon, being born with an unique magic ability, has sacrificed himself to preserve the cold on the head of the continent. Although IceWings have come through a bottleneck (drastic decrease in their number), they have survived.
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cometchasr · 11 months
fic recs from many fandoms (MILD SPOILERS)
these are based off my likes personally and are in no way any form of review i suck at reviews
the dragon and the scavenger by wobblywyvern. one of the first fics i ever read. unfortunately unupdated since sep 2020, and im still crying over it. cliffball best ship.
finding peace by warrior of spectra. another one of the first fics i ever read. finished, very good, raging over cliff/peacemaker not being real but thats me.
different threads by firehawk1100. darkstalker/indigo. i like it better than shadow of the mind (his other fic, winterwatcher). just. beautiful. i suck at reviewing but its good trust me
diamonds fall and fates change by fabokraken. our first ao3 fic, woo!! the others except finding peace are also on ao3, but i found them on ffn and thus that site goes first. its adorable. its fucking adorable. i love arctic and foeslayer so much. i love not-evil darkstalker. i love everything. darlie is my beloved.
wings of fire: changing seasons by fatespeaker. actually a whole series. winter, therefore automatic win. the characters and the plot just... interact so well. the intrigue. it all.
tinystar's beginning by twilidramon. i havent read this one in forever but. scourge!! my beloved. its good, i remember.
second chances and a scourge upon fate by deerlyqueery. more scourge!! we love our edgy boi. and we love making him gay!!!!
a spark from starclan, rusty's skyclan and collars and claws by salmonfang. theyre completely separate, and you should read their other works too, but these are the ones i read (albeit in diminished form because. lazy ykyk). there is, something. about this writing. beloved
blackfire: book one by xenonex. theres art, its adorable and fluffy, its also filled with drama, rarepair, everything
exile by mallowstep, aerial-jace and kudossi. something that holds terrible and beautiful memories for me (personal reasons). but just, the whole idea. the emotion, the vibes. the it all. this is the one that spawned the way i style my works, because i fucking vibe with the vibe so much, and ive turned it into a very different beast, but here it is. the core, one great part of my writing story. read it its so good
The Dragon Prince
(only 2 because ive read about zero tdp fanfics, it doesnt actually have any dragons smh)
the devil you thought you knew by strangefake. aaravos. AARAVOS. MAGIC EXPOSITION. PHILOSOPHY. BLURRY GOOD AND EVIL. DELICIOUS. wonderful as hell holy shit
sun fueled rage by photoniccyclone. sol regem takes over the world and we have to stop him. ungodly long chapters, lots of scenes, angst, angst, angst, angst, angst.
thats it but i know newt wouldnt let this list go without me adding my zanrex fic, the stars were forever bright for us, which im actually somewhat proud of. the cracks are showing, but they always do. also, you, the reader of this post, make some tdp dragon-centric fanfic. we're fucking starving.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
the history of this fandom and its works is long and expansive and storied and i have so many recs i would never be able to fit them here (mostly because i havent read like all of them). needless to say, we've started making our own content in overdrive at the lack of new shit.
the entire pmd writer's union collection. im in this server. fics are top-notch, environment is top-notch, except when it isnt for me and me personally. if one wishes to join i may or may not be allowed to give you a link. anyways, the ones ive read are down below, and are all in the collection (duh!)
warped skies by team ion. linked is the arc 1 rewrite, the original is here. its beautiful. its a trainwreck of emotions, and i havent started on arc 3 yet (thats the good shit). the chapters are extremely long, the characters are extremely good, i shill it everywhere, i love this fic and i havent even gotten halfway through. its the other main influence on my writing, although more in ambition and inspiration than in actual style like exile. hell, i started DoP because of it. the post is out there somewhere. its just. it is. it is, it is. i think you can see a common theme with my ineptitude at describing fics, but. read it. read it. masterpiece
daily life in pokemon paradise by kitsu-19. gates slice of life. beautiful characters. the moguls and swift and it all. its. its so interesting, and full of life, and you fall in love with the characters. it feels so much more alive. i cannot describe shit. read it, youll get what i mean.
royal replacement by turkeyuwu. gay. politics. legal document(s?) (just the one so far). great masquerade. untrained alolan vulpix uses light that burns the sky. plot inspired by a chinese webnovel, so you just know its gonna be batshit insane and ridiculous. i find myself incapable of describing shit at the moment. read it
My Little Pony
fuck it, we're going all in.
equestria at war, by EaW dev team. unlike all the others, this one requires about $200 to fully unlock. its a hoi4 mod, and its beautiful. griffonian empire best.
changing expectations by kkslider. buggos!! buggos!!!!! more importantly, actual mlp fic with gay in it! long, so many plottwists, phasma is our beloved slightly traumatised changeling king, actual history and lore, alcoholic celestia, pictures!! READ
afraid of the light by binibean. celestia trauma from all that bullshit. angst. somethings not right. i love these stories.
night wing by gravity012. guy gets SIed into a big immortal magic birb. stuff falls apart, he goes on adventures with celestia and luna, changelings and thestrals are very cuddly. so fluffy. until it isnt.
then it becomes very sad.
(also he freezes the tree of harmony for making nightmare moon happen. badass)
this is a fucking long list.
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twistofstory · 4 months
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Newt is one of the Center's messengers, and he is responsible for the Morticians squad. He joined the Scavengers back in their golden era, being inspired by gang's ideals - or, rather, ideals that one of the Scavengers introduced to him. Soon enough Newt learned that the gang, in fact, was neutral and wasn't trying to stop the war, but by that time he had made friends among his “colleagues” and therefore decided to stay. Newt is the true soul of the company, which has a great effect on the morale level in the Center, especially in light of some of the last year's events. Responsible and thorough in his work, he earned the respect of the gang's leader Varan, and his positive attitude was a pleasant contrast to the disposition of the average Scavenger. In recent years, Newt has often begun to overstay with his respective squad, which is usually frowned upon for messengers, but in his case this fact is often overlooked - the Morticians, after all, are an extremely small team even by gang's standards, and the help of another adult dragon for them is very useful. However, Newt tries not slack off to much - lenging any unneeded attention to himself or to the Morticians is the last thing he needs right now.
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newts-and-sharks · 2 years
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Hyena doodle and no I did not spell his name wrong idk what you’re talking about
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magicpancil · 1 year
Gonna make another post about it just in case (spoilers for A Guide to the Dragon World):
So in new leaks for A Guide to the Dragon World it has been revealed that Newt and Sepia are siblings. With that new information I just want to say that I will no longer ship these two and I'll edit my posts and headcanons to be strictly familial and platonic.
I don't think I need to say much more than that. We didn't know anything about these characters relationship before but now that we do I hope nothing bad will come out of past wrong assumptions.
I do not welcome proshipping on my blog whatsoever.
Stay safe everyone! - Iwan
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