#woah haven't used that tag in a while
etoiile · 1 month
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itoshi rin knows that outward expressions of affection are not his strong suit. he's aware of his inability to say "i love you," no matter how much he says so in his head. he's aware of his inability to run to you and encase you in his arms, no matter how much he longs to. he's aware of his inability to show you through his words how much he truly does care for you, no matter how much he would really like to.
however, you don't mind. you knew exactly what you were getting into at the start of your relationship. this is mostly due to the fact that contrary to popular belief, itoshi rin often says "i love you." he just doesn't often say it with his words.
rin says "i love you" when he comes to your house with your favorite soup and a romcom whilst you're sick. rin says "i love you" when he carries you to your room and tucks you in bed when you fall asleep in his car. rin says "i love you" when he silently puts his hand on the corner of the table you're passing by, knowing that you'll likely bump into it and bruise. rin says "i love you" when he gives you his lunch when you forget yours at home. rin says "i love you" in a language louder than words.
not many people know that, however. most people think he's just stiff and cold, and truthfully, he thinks so too. he doesn't understand how you see so much good in him. it just isn't fathomable that someone like you could fall for someone like him. he doesn't understand it, but he doesn't question it. instead, he cherishes you with all his heart—the one person who truly gets him. the one person who's been and will be with him through everything. the one person who will stay by his side for all of eternity. the one person who loves him, and the one person he loves too. (maybe he'll tell you that someday. for now, though, he'll stick to picking up mcdonald's for you at 2am.)
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© 𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐈𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 please do not copy or repost my work on any other site. interactions appreciated! 🤍
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sleepy-gee · 17 days
for the ship bingo (I'm annoying everyone who reblogs this from me🤭)
snowjanus, sejarcus (where's the love pls) and jessistrata??
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mikimeiko · 5 months
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astonmartinii · 11 months
ultimate wing man | daniel ricciardo social media au
pairing: daniel ricciardo x horner!reader y/n is notoriously single, and her dad decides to take it into his own hands.
if you want to leave a tip x
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liked by christianhorner, danielricciardo and 603,561 others
yourusername: galentines was a must this year
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user1: this girl cute and rich how come no man has come in for her?
yourusername: i ask myself that everyday tbf i am a catch 🎣
user2: i need to be her friend asap
christianhorner: looking lovely darling as usual
yourusername: thank you papa
yourbff1: thank you for the champagne father horner
yourbff2: thank you for driving to london to pick us up at 2am father horner
yourbff3: sorry for throwing up in the porsche father horner
christianhorner: no worries girls, all will be forgiven if you convince y/n to go on the date i set up for her
yourusername: will you stopppppppp i just got out of a relationship ur not gonna be grandpa for a good fucking while
christianhorner: you can be the one to tell your mum that
yourusername: please your ego can't take being called grandpa
user4: so what i'm hearing is i need to be friends with y/n to get my nights out paid for by christian horner
user5: i know yall hate christian but his relationships with his kids kinda make me like him
user6: no i agree with you, it's super cute and you can't handle that he's just good at his job
maxverstappen1: oh i see, @danielricciardo why didn't we get our tabs covered?
danielricciardo: clearly aren't loved as much here :(
yourusername: i mean i'm his literal flesh and blood
maxverstappen1: but we make him money ???
yourusername: and i spend it?
danielricciardo: so we're funding the galentines benders?
yourusername: eh probably, i do have a job but i'd rather spend other people's money lol
user7: she's so real
user8: she is my professor of girl maths
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourusername and 408,943 others
tagged: yourusername, maxverstappen1, danielricciardo
christianhorner: had to get the grill out for this bank holiday weekend with the family
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user10: christian referring to max and dan as family sergio i am so sorry
user11: the state of the seasoning makes me think that sergio dodged a bullet
yourusername: thank you papa but disappointed not to see you wearing the apron i got you for christmas
christianhorner: i'm sorry y/n but i'm not going to wear a "this chef wants to fuck toto wolff" apron at a family event
yourusername: shame, you wear daniel's merch all the time
danielricciardo: awwww christian i'm blushing
user12: i'm sorry christian horner owns a "this chef wants to fuck toto wolff" apron and we haven't seen it
user13: y/n horner you are a national treasure for real
maxverstappen1: woah who are those sexy guys in the last picture?
yourusername: the way i can't escape yall even at family events
maxverstappen1: not our fault ur dad loves us
danielricciardo: though there are definite perks
christianhorner: my cooking skills?
danielricciardo: sure...
user14: christian's obsession with daniel needs to be studied
yourusername: i think it's just a horner thing tbf
user15: HUH?
user16: i mean who isn't obsessed with daniel
liked by yourusername
user17: to be honest i would love for y/n and daniel to be a thing i am TIRED of constantly reading about how her latest bf has cheated on her
user18: for real that girl is in the trenches all the time she needs a good guy
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liked by danielricciardo, alexalbon and 650,450 others
yourusername: not really the dress for a pasta dinner but look at the material
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user22: miss ma'am i thought we were a no on the dating thing for a while
yourusername: i'm dumb i know but i have a good feeling about this one !!
user23: i think i've seen this film before
yourusername: have some faith my dad picked him so it's not my terrible taste
maxverstappen1: wait so you actually went on the date your dad set up for you?
yourusername: uh yeah when you have taste this bad you need intervention
maxverstappen1: you said it not me
yourusername: you said nothing every time i brought them to the garage
maxverstappen1: not to your face lol i was trying to be nice in front of your dad
yourusername: hmmmmmm well part of me thinks you guys won't have any complaints about this one
user23: i hate that i am so invested in this
alexalbon: so the date happened and lily and i still haven't gotten the debrief yet? i see how it is.
yourusername: bro i just got home and sat down give me some time
alexalbon: let me put the kettle on and then call us
yourusername: i can't promise i can tell you who it was just yet
lilymunhe: you're such a tease !!!
yourusername: gentleman don't kiss and tell
user24: walk with me: christian set this date up, christian loves daniel, daniel and the guy in the picture both have tattoos, daniel usually comments on all of y/n's posts but is silent on this one
user25: get a life (i believe you 100%).
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liked by christianhorner, yourusername and 1,209,667 others
tagged: yourusername
danielricciardo: enchante
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user27: daniel really said fuck y/n's soft launch
maxverstappen1: YES the garage owe me $50
yourusername: you bet on who my date was?
maxverstappen1: well i bet even though it was the most obvious thing in the world who your dad would choose
yourusername: my dad has good taste?
user28: it's annoying me how cute this is
user29: i need it to be me next time
yourbff1: father horner can you matchmake for me next please, anyone on the grid will work
christianhorner: my days of being cupid are over unfortunately, pulling this off was way too stressful
user30: you telling me horner gets more stressed over setting his daughter up rather than whole ass races
yourusername: you're lucky you're sexy i had the whole soft launch planned out
danielricciardo: my sexiness has gotten me out of a lot in life
yourusername: it won't get you out of this family dinner though
danielricciardo: oh please your dad is only having dinner so he can see me
yourusername: unfortunately true, at least i love you as well now
danielricciardo: you always did, don't lie
yourusername: yeah but i don't want to inflate your ego any more
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourusername and 803,459 others
tagged: yourusername, danielricciardo
maxverstappen1: someone save me from the constant torture of third wheeling
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user32: max is such a mood, i too become suicidal around any happy couple
yourusername: i don't remember you complaining when we literally made you dinner and hung out with you all night because you were "bored and lonely and wanted to annoy us"
maxverstappen1: *annoy my favourites
danielricciardo: we're well aware we're your favourites, we're the only ones who will tolerate you
maxverstappen1: well when you put it like that it makes me sad
yourusername: nooooo maxy we love you
user33: max using a meme of himself is peak max verstappen behaviour i can't lie
landonorris: wait so where was my invitation?
yourusername: this wasn't an invite only event it was me and daniel trying to have an evening in
maxverstappen1: but i thought you liked that i bought jimmy and sassy :(
danielricciardo: i love you so much but we can barely feed ourselves and max so maybe we shouldn't be in charge of another living creature
yourusername: can we at least cat sit :(
danielricciardo: of course honey
user34: oh to be drinking wine on the couch with my boy friend daniel ricciardo
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liked by christianhorner, charles_leclerc and 780,563 others
tagged: danielricciardo
yourusername: thank you dad, you picked a good one x
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user35: i'm so jealous rn don't hit me up
danielricciardo: i think you picked THE ONE
yourusername: he's never going to shut up about this but i'll deal with it to be with you
danielricciardo: i'm blushing y/n
yourusername: i can make you do a lot more than blush
maxverstappen1: CHILDREN PRESENT
user36: this shit is like a straight up fairytale, christian should actually go into professional matchmaking
user37: girl yeah this match was made in heaven but we all know it's because christian LOVES daniel as well
user38: he's been gagging for daniel to be his son in law since like 2014
landonorris: thank god this happened, this man was PINING for so fucking long
danielricciardo: okay like no need to blast me
yourusername: omg you pined too, suddenly i'm not as much of a loser as i once thought
danielricciardo: you were never a loser babe
landonorris: maybe you were if you had a crush on him in 2014
danielricciardo: LANDO I WAS A CATCH IN 2014
yourusername: you've always been a catch babe don't worry
christianhorner: i know what i'm doing, i'm glad you're finally happy
yourusername: thank you dad xx
danielricciardo: thank you soon to be dad xx
user39: WHAT
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liked by christianhorner, maxverstappen1 and 1,304,766 others
tagged: yourusername
danielricciardo: i drove in your dad's wedding, but it'll be ours next
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user39: i think i heard christian's screams of joy all the way from the other side of the world
christianhorner: so happy for you two
danielricciardo: thank you so much for having faith in me
christianhorner: i know you'll treat her well and i know she'll treat you well, i'm excited to have you in the family
yourusername: awwww dad you're such a sap
maxverstappen1: do i need to marry into the family to still be invited to horner events?
christianhorner: no you're still invited max
yourusername: dad's golden boys will always have invites so you're safe max - bring seb to the next one too
user40: not all of the golden boys having championships other than daniel
danielricciardo: still ended up with the best prize in the end
yourusername: DANNY oh wow....
danielricciardo: not wrong though, i have no regrets because it all led to you
landonorris: @christianhorner i am painfully single please help
christianhorner: i'm not a miracle worker
yourusername: horners take no prisoners
note: pls enjoy this lil one, i did this as a palate cleanser before i get to p3 of into the arms of another and all the dragging that's about to come
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keyotos · 11 months
the only exception
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summary ⎯ where blade thinks there is no more hope for love, but you may be the only exception.
tags ⎯ soft blade. mentions of blade's past. reader uses his real name (yingxing) like once on accident. emotional rollercoaster. blade goes through the 5 stages of grief except its not grief it's love. blade is bad at feelings.
tana's thoughts ⎯ gave into the voices and i starting writing this.
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the xianzhou is not like it used to be, yet it has not changed that much either. at least, that's what blade noticed as he stood by one of the railings at starskiff haven. he watched the starskiffs come and go as he stood there, motionless.
he had a cup of tea from the tea parlor nearby. some customers wanted him to engage in tea discourse with them because he was an "outworlder," but with one glare from him, they knew better than to press on. so now, he was alone in the dark with sunglasses on.
starskiffs seemed to improve throughout the years. his favorite snack stand was gone, one he used to visit with you. blade tried to ignore the burning sensation in the middle of his chest at the thought. but the stupid mungbean soda vending machines were still there. damn them, he thought.
blade took off his sunglasses momentarily as he rubbed his eyes. sunglasses were obviously meant to be worn in the sun, not in the dark: they were causing him eye strain. he tried to be as subtle as possible, not trying to attract any cloud knights or realm-keeping employees. his face was still on a wanted poster, after all.
blade turned back to find a cloud knight with a mung bean soda in their hand. his mind instantly turned to you, given that you were also a cloud knight who loved mung bean soda (unless that changed as well), but he snapped back to the current situation. he was about to be arrested. the cloud knight cornered him, spear in hand as they slightly lifted up their helmet to take a sip out of their drink.
have cloud knights gotten sloppier? why are they drinking soda when they were about to arrest someone? blade furrowed his eyebrows, but still got into a defensive position.
he was about to swing at the cloud knight until they held their hands up in surrender, "woah, dude," they slowly said, raising their hands up, "i'm not gonna arrest you," they placed their mung bean soda on the railing, and removed their hat.
and it was you. he was just thinking about you, and you appeared. the sight felt surreal. you, who he had been so close with all those years ago. you, who became his first friend on the luofu. you, who still lingered in his mind after all these years, who he thought about even when the mara was affecting him.
you've changed. though you haven't exactly aged, you look older. you look exhausted; your face didn't glow as it used to. blade thinks he is partial to blame for that. your posture is profoundly straight and no longer slouched⎯something you used to struggle with.
the wind blows through your hair, scattering some leaves around with it. your expression is neutral as you throw all your armor on the ground and dust yourself off. there is no smile adorning your face. everything feels so identical, but so different.
his stance softened, but he didn't let up. when you saw that, you only sighed in response. after kicking some stray pieces of armor to the side, you lean your back on the rail as you sipped your soda. the sound of the armor colliding together on the floor made blade cringe.
"i don't actually wear armor, by the way," you swung the drink in his vicinity, offering him a sip using a hand gesture. when he didn't respond, you took another swig. "i have my own uniform. pretty cool, isn't it?" you tilt your head down towards your outfit.
blade doesn't understand. why were you speaking to him as if you two were still friends? could you recognize him under the glasses? it has been so long, he'd be surprised if you recognized him at all.
blade tries to maintain his cover. he is silent while you raise an eyebrow inquisitively, wondering why this stranger wasn't responding to you. you're waiting for him to speak, blade notices. he doesn't say anything. you tilt your head to the side, and blade tilts his head the other way.
you sigh, "you know, not many people are out here so late," you sip out of your soda can, looking at blade while he looks at the starskiffs. you continue, "an old friend of mine used to do this. we'd go out every night and create elaborate stories about strangers, and then stare at starskiffs."
you're telling blade about himself. or, his past self anyway. there's a present ache in his heart, hearing how you speak about him. blade feels like an imposter, standing here with sunglasses on while you talk about him. you sound melancholic, like you miss him. a stupid thing for you, blade thought.
"he's gone now," you turned and leaned forward, now watching the starskiffs with blade. he gets a sense of deja vu, and the feeling sends chills all over his body. you rest your head on your arms on the rail, "i miss him though. he was a little awkward, but he was kind."
"and sometimes," you turn your head towards blade, "he was a little annoying. like he would keep hating on my soda," you hold your soda up to blade, but all he could think about was how you just called him annoying, "or he'd force me to go to bed early. coddle me. nag at me to do my laundry⎯that was very annoying. like, hello? i'm an adult, i could totally do my own laundry," you ranted as you watched the starskiffs.
"maybe you should've done your laundry earlier," he mumbled to himself. he made sure it was low enough that only he would be able to hear it. if you noticed, you didn't say anything; you were still focused on the starskiffs passing by.
blade takes the time to look at you. to study you. it felt like everything about you was so different, but you were still the same. you still chatted about anything to strangers (something he always chided you about). you still drank mung bean soda. you didn't have that growth spurt you dreamed about.
but you were quieter. ironic, because you just jabbered about the annoyances blade had caused you years ago. but you didn't give out too many details. you didn't mouth off about what tea parlor was best, or recent gossip from earlier. you kept things to yourself. blade doesn't know if he should be happy or not.
something was off. there was a wall between you now. and it felt so wrong. blade knows he isn't entitled to anything⎯not anymore, at least. but the feeling of disconnect between two people who were once rooted together physically pained him. even with everything that has happened, he did not want to see you like this.
"i hope he visits soon," you look at him with eyes that glitter among the stars. you're still hopeful; that has not changed. you speak like the sun is shining in your body, and your words are laced with warmth that eases enough for blade to let his guard down. that's when he realized that you're still glowing, and you never stopped.
but your words also bring a stabbing pain into his heart. why are you still longing for him? you should have moved on. you should have found someone better for you. someone who will not harm you at any given moment. but here you are, missing him. hoping he comes back.
"seriously? i just told you that i missed you and hoped you came back, and you say nothing??" you grimaced, looking exasperated. there's a slight crack in the wall now, but blade doesn't notice.
he had other things to concentrate on. like what you just said.
blade did not find this very amusing. his eyes widened underneath his sunglasses and he took a few steps back. after all these years, you could still find him in a crowd full of people. it was love he did not deserve, yet still begrudgingly craved.
"how did you know it was me?" was all blade could utter. he was too alarmed to ask any other questions, or press on your story. or to ask more about you.
you glower and huff, "so he does speak," you cross your arms over the railing as you turn to make eye contact with your past ally.
"how did you know?" blade snarled. he didn't intend for his words to come out as harsh as they did, and the moment they left his mouth, he wanted to shove the words back in and eat them. he had forgotten how you made him feel like an idiot sometimes just by doing absolutely nothing.
your eyes widen and your eyebrows slightly jump up; blade wishes he could erase that expression from his head permanently. however, instead of reacting to it, your composure remains calm. it unsettles blade; he has never seen you so calm before. when you two were young, you got into arguments with those who barely picked a fight with you. you were straightforward and aggressive: blade shouldn't have admired that about you, but nevertheless, he did.
you're less temperamental, and blade doesn't know if he likes it or not. he was worried. after a lifetime of emptiness and recklessness, blade worries. he worries about you: your life, your job, your wellbeing. he worries if you got promoted or not, or if you're living happily.
do you have a partner? blade tries to ignore the flames surrounding his heart as he thinks about your love life.
"oh please. after all the years we've spent together, you'd think i wouldn't be able to spot you in a crowd?" you let out a dry and curt laugh, "just because your hair got darker and you changed your outfit, does not mean you are unrecognizable."
"not to me, anyway," you quietly add, turning your gaze away from him and back to the starskiffs. there's an overwhelming feeling that was welling up in blade's body. it wasn't mara, because it felt more peaceful. but the urge was still strong. he wanted to grab your chin and turn you back towards him; he wanted you to look at him again and explain. to tell him about everything. he doesn't care about the topic, but he will listen no matter what.
blade feels foolish. how could one conversation (if you could even call this a conversation) make him feel so lovestruck? every single feeling for you⎯that he thought he had discarded a long time ago⎯reappeared out of thin air. it all came rushing back at him: your personality, your terrible jokes, and every single thing he grew to love about you. blade tried so hard to dismiss those feelings in the past century, and in the midst of a few minutes, all his past work crumbled.
when blade doesn't say anything, you take a sip out of your drink. the silence is tense; it is opposed to the once comfortable silences you two shared while watching starskiffs. blade thinks that, in another life, nothing would have changed: he would not have become mara-struck, and you two would watch starskiffs fly for hours on end.
but everything has changed now. and there's no going back to fix it. blade will shove down every morsel of affection he feels for you again. and this time, they won't come back up. starting tonight.
you give him a small smile, "so, wanna tell me what you've been up to?"
he will shove down every morsel of affection. starting tomorrow night. another crack in the wall between the both of you.
the feeling of wanting to capture someone's smile is maddening. you drive him crazy, and you make him more insane than mara ever could. all of this because of one smile? blade pictures your small smile once again. it's incomparable to your true smile, though. one where you're showing all your teeth and your eyes crinkle with such bemusement it drives him amuck.
once he pictures your toothy smile, he sinks deeper into the talons of endearment.
"aren't you supposed to arrest me?" he deflects, trying to stem away from his previous lovesick thoughts. maybe, if you arrest him now, he could flee from the luofu forever. maybe then, he'd have a reason to avoid you for life.
you make a 'pfft' noise with your mouth, and the sound is familiar and stupid. it has no reason to make his heart flutter the way it just did.
"if i wanted to arrest you, then you'd be in the hall of karma ages ago," you boast, "luckily for you though, i'm on a break."
"didn't know cloud knights slacked off now," blade rolls his eyes under his sunglasses. he thinks that if he's rude enough towards you, then you'd get the message that he's changed, and you would leave. he's not the same person he was before. if he didn't deserve you back then, he most definitely did not deserve you now.
"well, i'm not a cloud knight anymore," you step closer to him, "i'm a lieutenant."
so you got promoted. blade deeply tries to ignore how his breaths get more shallow after the mention of your promotion.
instead of congratulating you, blade instead replies with, "so you're the same rank as that kid that follows the general around?"
your face falls, and dread swarms throughout his body, spreading through every vein and artery and organ. every regret blade has does not compare with whatever he just said. blade finds that, whenever he thinks about regret, your face has always remained through his sea of remorse. you are the one thing he regrets in many different ways.
blade regrets meeting you. he regrets indulging in your offers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. he regrets spending his nights with you. he regrets every time his heart leapt multiple beats whenever you were near. he regrets letting his guard down around you, because even now⎯whenever he is with you⎯he feels incredibly relaxed, despite not having to see you in centuries.
he regrets you. he regrets not being able to say goodbye to you. he regrets leaving you with so many qualms. he regrets not being able to see you change. he regrets the fact that he never got to confess to you. he regrets the fact that he still loves you, because why else would he be feeling this way?
the idiot keeps his mouth shut, even though he wants to apologize. "i didn't mean it," he wanted to say, "i'm sure you are very capable now. you stand up more straighter and you look more put together. not that you didn't look put together before. well, actually you didn't, but that's not the point."
it occured to blade that he was rambling about you in his mind. he was describing you in his mind. he was going crazy. nobody else notices these things about you. but blade physically could not tear his eyes away from you. the more he stared, the more he noticed more: such as the way your shoulders were more upright, your breathing was slow and even, and you surprisingly didn't look like you wanted to kill him. the you from centuries ago would have thrown him off the ledge.
you sigh, pressing your fingers to the bridge of your nose, "i see you've met yanqing."
blade says nothing, which simply prompts you to keep talking. a tiny slither of comfort enter's blade's body: it was refreshing to see that after years, some things will never change.
"he's jing yuan's retainer," blade internally (and bitterly) revels in the fact that you don't use any formalities with jing yuan anymore, "he can be a bit... much. but it makes sense. he's only a kid, you know? i like him," you move your soda can to the side to make room for your arms. you're leaning on the railing again, and you were not looking at blade anymore. it should not scatter uneasiness around his nerves.
he wants to share an anecdote of his own. blade yearns for connection with you for just once more. when he is around you, there's an ache in his heart. it was always there; past and present. he thought it would be subtle, like a symptom of a short-term illness. but soon he realized, the symptom he shrugged off was a manifestation of something bigger. and blade never truly recognized how long his sickness would last. because here he is right now, sick as a dog in your presence.
if wanting to fuel your everlasting fire was a sickness, blade decided that he would be diagnosed as terminal.
blade tsks at your statement. you are not impressed; your face looking slack and skeptical. there have been many times where he has been on the receiving end of that look, yet he feels the air swirl all around in his stomach every time you look at him that way. he also tries to slow his heart rate down: there should be no reason why he should be elated at the fact that you're looking at him.
"don't give me that," you cross your arms, "he reminds me of you," you pause, letting the silence overtake the both of you. there are so many unsaid things that the silence feels full, yet still too quiet. you know that the past is a sensitive topic for blade (and you as well, but you choose to dwell on that another night).
"back when we were kids, anyway," you quickly add on.
blade scoffs. scoffs. he does not see himself in yanqing, and he also does not know how you came up to that conclusion. it was ridiculous and strange. blade had to fight a scowl off his face: yanqing and him were nothing alike. if anything, the child was the spitting image of the general.
at least time hasn't changed your terrible analogies.
"terrible?" you point a finger at him, nearing his sunglasses. oh. he said that out loud. "i'll have you know, my analogies are great!"
"you compared me to yanqing, who resembles jing yuan the most," blade shifts his head to the side as he crosses his arms. your finger made his glasses shift down slightly. he could see you a lot better now without the dark obstructing his view, and he internally curses at the wanted posters for being the (indirect) reason he has to wear the glasses.
you let out a sound of disbelief, which resembled blade's scoff and your huff from earlier, "first of all, i was describing temperament. second, terrible?!?"
"if you were describing temperament, then that child would be your twin," he says, trying to fight off the feeling of his lips turning up. this feels familiar. it feels homely, almost. the world melts away when he is around you. every person, place, worry: disintegrated away by your warmth. did you know that? how do you do that? how do you make all the problems in the world disappear so easily?
you let out a breathy laugh, turning away from blade one more time. except, this time, you turn back, a grin evident on your face. it's dark in starskiff haven at the moment, but blade is sure that he just saw the sun in your smile. out of his peripheral vision, he looks to see if anyone else has noticed. have they noticed the light coming from you? how do they notice notice it?
the world continues to move, but with you, it seems that everything is perfectly still.
"i'll have you know, i worked on that whole temperament thing," you held up a hand to his face, "i'm chill now."
"oh really?" blade skeptically raises an eyebrow. you can see it through the crack in his facade left by the sunglasses. you can see his eyes a little bit more clearer.
"oh yeah," you drag out, taking a long sip of your soda. you turn on your back and spread your arms across the railings, mimicking a tired soldier, "i'm chill."
and this feels so normal, like if it was a typical night on the luofu. you and him spending time together once again. everything fell back into place so easily, as if the events of all those years ago never happened. why was it so easy?
various emotions coarse through his body, each feeling worse than the last. he can't stay. he can't live. he knows that the longer he stays here with you, the harder leaving you gets. but things have changed, even if you have not. you probably couldn't even love him the same either, logistically speaking. there were too many obstacles standing between the both of you: loving him was impossible.
he still does not understand why you still speak to him.
greeted by his silence, you choose to continue the conversation further, "this soda really helped," you slide the drink over to him again, "it's been a few years. you should try it again."
"a few years, huh?" blade eyes the drink. biggest understatement of the year.
"yeah," you eye him. your eyes are telling him to say something. blade, in all of his fearlessness, is scared. he has not been scared in a long time. the feelings of fear rushing back into him leave him stranded to his own devices, and he has no clue how to react. he used to turn to you for these things, but now, you are the reason for his fear.
you step closer to him. you are close enough that your shoulders are now touching. when you speak, blade tries to control the agitation growing in the pit of his stomach. destructive thoughts impede and pervase through his mind.
"they hate you."
"things will never be the same."
"whatever you had once, it has all gone down the drain now."
"please try the mung bean soda."
blade snapped out of his head to see you holding up your drink right next to his face. he leaned his head backwards as he was met with your pleading eyes.
you took him out of his trance like it was nothing. you didn't have abilities like kafka did, yet you were able to take him out of his spiral using only six words. how was it that everything surrounding you became so easy?
"i'm not drinking that," blade says with a stern voice. he hopes that his glasses hide the panic that was once apparent in his eyes.
"c'mon," you begged, "just one sip⎯"
"why are you even doing this?" blade irritatedly snapped.
you raise an eyebrow and pretend to not know what he was talking about, "because i want you to try new things...?"
"you know what i mean."
you set down the soda can again and let out a long sigh. you run your hands through your hair, and blade thinks this is it. this is the moment where you snap back like you usually would. this is the part where you tell him that he should leave. he's too difficult, too hard to love.
"did you think i was lying back when i said i missed you?" your entire face softened. there was no light-heartened smirk or grin. you look sad. there are no other words to describe how else you look except sad. blade could not think of any other words. all he could focus on was you.
"i wasn't lying," you say, sounding more desperate than before, "i miss you so much, yin⎯blade." your tone turns sharp when you say his name now. this is it, blade tells himself, this is the part where you leave.
"you matter to me," you eunicate, "i still believe in you. i don't care about the past; i'm not letting it hold me back. which, i know is probably wrong on some level, but i don't care. because i miss you a lot."
"it's not even the fact that i miss us from before," you're rambling now. blade does not have the heart to stop you, "but i just miss you. blade or yingxing, i couldn't care less. i miss our late night talks, so when i saw you here tonight, i jumped at the opportunity to talk to you," you threw your hands up in the air, and then ran another hand through your hair, "and when we spoke⎯even with everything that happened⎯everything felt so easy while talking to you. and everything was okay. and i just wanted that so badly," your voice trailed off. blade swore he could hear it crack a little.
you had felt the same way he did. blade does not know if he was just consumed by an overwhelming sense of air flowing through his chest, or feeling something drop in his chest after you said what you said.
"sorry," you had nothing to apologize for, "i just word-dumped on you," you were using another one of your weird terms again, "i just wanted to let you know that i've always missed you. i've missed everything about you. and i don't want to let you go."
i still love you.
you don't say that. you finish your tangent with a long sigh and another swig of your soda can. it's almost empty. mentally, you feel like that soda can right now. you just dumped years worth of feelings on blade, and he responds with silence.
this is it, you think, this is where he leaves.
but he doesn't. he brings you closer. blade grabs your wrist before you can put the drink back down, and he brings the can to his lips. he faces the fact that he just put his lips where yours were. for a brief second, he imagines that he was pressing his lips onto yours⎯not the soda can.
blade takes back everything he said earlier. he does not regret you whatsoever. he yearns for you. he needs you to function. he wants you: all the time.
he does not regret meeting you. he is not a believer of gods, but he wants to praise whichever higher power that allowed your fate to intertwine with his. he does not regret spending every moment of his time with you; those have been some of the happiest memories in his life.
most of all, he does not regret loving you, because who would regret the warmth of an everlasting flame?
love has been something blade has lived without for many years. but it all comes back so effortlessly with you. and now he realizes why: he loves you like air fans flames. he will keep on giving into your love, so long as you are still there. it doesn't matter when or where: it just matters if you are there.
"i thought you didn't like mung bean soda," you look at his ear rather than his face, not ready for rejection.
"you wanted me to try something new, didn't you?" blade only looked at you, wrist still in hand. he ponders how he was ever scared of your love.
“i didn’t think you would try it so soon,” you pathetically laughed.
“sooner than you’d think,” he quietly mumbled, only so the two of you could hear it. his fingers were grasping the top of your hands as he still held onto your wrist.
“look,” you place the drink down, slinking your hand out of blade’s hold, “i know you’re probably going to be gone soon. that’s fine. couldn’t really expect you to stay because of your… you know. job,” you awkwardly explain, tucking your hands behind your back.
“but,” you sounded more optimistic, and it seemed as though the street lights all lit up, “you know that friend i was telling you about? the annoying one?” blade rolls his eyes, you only laugh at his reaction, “i hope that he visits more often.”
hope. you hope for him to come back. you hope for more. blade hopes for more too. he wants more, actually. craves it.
but he plays hard to get, “well, if you keep calling your friend ‘annoying’ i doubt he’ll visit as often as you’d like,” and he smirks. you have to bite your lip, hard, to restrain your giddy smile.
“well, i was just telling it as it is,” and it’s easy again. and you want this as much as blade does. and this is hope. this is hope that, even after everything, you’re still here and love is still alive. the wall is broken so easily.
“mhm, okay.”
“i’ll see if i can sort something out,” blade tells you, taking another drink of your soda. he’s emptied at this point. he’s only taking the “drink” so he could try to hide his (growing) blush from you.
“i thought you ‘weren’t going to visit’ as often,” you pouted, rolling your eyes.
“well, i never said that. i said your friend was going to do that. just giving you some advice, that’s all,” he teased. you felt your heart swell up: everything was going to be fine.
“your advice is shit.”
“you’re shit.”
yeah. everything will be okay.
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if this looks familiar it’s bc this is an expanded ver of the xianzhou men hcs i did like a week ago. this was from blades part and i liked it sm i wrote more. wish i could have done the end a little bit more justice but i am TIREDDDD it was 4:30 in the morning.
but if u made it all the way down here i hope u enjoyed!! i put my tanussy in this and i wrote for like 5 hrs so pls enjoy LMAO
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jeonride · 10 months
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dinner for two
SUMMARY; mingi made a dinner for the two of you <3
FEATURING; song mingi x gn!reader
TAGS; just fluff ft. boyfriend!mingi, domestic au
WARNINGS; suggestive, some kissing, reader is shorter than mingi, use of pet names
NOTES FROM KALA; i just wanna grab dinner with him and oh, shit, men who can cook are attractive as hell. the image of mingi cooking stays in my mind until now sjsjsj
jeonride's masterlist / join the taglist here !
now playing gravitate by jessica domingo
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Mingi smiles in satisfaction as he just finished to cook galbijjim for the dinner. His heart is beating fast due to nerves while waiting for you to come home from work. Please, I hope you like my cooking, he whispers to himself. Lately Mingi has noticed that you have no appetite, so he's just trying his best to get you back to eating three meals a day and staying hydrated! Your busy work, lack of exercise, and your behavior that keeps skipping your meals made Mingi worried until he decided to cook dinner for you.
Mingi's eyes blink a few times as he heard the passcode being entered into the smartlock of your apartment door. His body stands rigid, but his lips curve a smile. He's hoping that you would praise him by making you dinner. Well, this big baby of yours always wants to be praised by you, he feels so loved when you say words of encouragement to him, as if to show how much you love him.
"Baby!" Mingi runs into your hug as the door opened, smelling the scent of your perfume from the blouse you're wearing. His hands linger around your waist, and his actions make you smile in an instant. Your boyfriend is so lovely for being clingy like this.
"I'm home, baby. How was your day?" You ask softly and then give him a peck on the cheek. Mingi buries his face in the crook of your neck, giving a small bite out of his excitement for you.
"No, I should be the one asking that. How was your day, baby? And did you have dinner?"
Oh, please. Mingi hopes you haven't eaten yet. Please tell me you haven't eaten with your co-workers-
"Ah, I haven't eaten yet. My assignment got me nervous like I'm on a payment due."
Ah, thank goodness. Mingi smiles at your reply which always has a touch of humor in it. The you Mingi knows is used to being easy going, you don't take your work so seriously that it makes you stressed and sick. You're indeed busy and force yourself to do all the assignments, but you also limited your brain from thinking too much, you don't want to get sick. You don't want to give a hard time to Mingi, you understand your boyfriend is also busy and has a job besides devoting his attention to you.
"I made you dinner, baby. Welcome to Mingi's kitchen!" Mingi smiles cheerfully, his face beaming. Oh, look how beautiful that smile is! You bet even a bouquet of flowers can't beat its beauty.
"Let's go, have a dinner with me," Mingi's tone of voice is filled with excitement as he leads you to the dining table.
"Woah! ! You made this for me?" You stare at the dining table with two plates of galbijjim that are still warm from having just been made. You are once again amazed by Mingi's ability.
"Seriously Mingi, what can't you do?"
Mingi laughs amusedly, he rubs your back gently. "Thank you for saying that, baby. You just made my heart flutter, for real."
"Oh, Mingi." you chuckle along with him. Then you turn to face him with that sweet smile of yours, "Thank you for always taking care of me, Mingi. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Baby..." Mingi's eyes turned teary, both moved and saddened. "I don't know what I'd do without you by my side either. We support each other, okay? I'll always be by your side if you need me."
The atmosphere suddenly becomes emotional, and you move closer to embrace Mingi's body. Finally. You feel at home every time you're in his arms. Truly, Mingi's embrace feels very safe and comfortable as if you can be protected from all kinds of dangers in this world.
Mingi rests his chin on top of your head, lulling you softly to soothe you while whispering his feelings toward you, such as "I do really love you, tiny." he says. "So come on, eat with me. You're already smaller than me, so you should eat more."
"Excuse me?!" you chortle, punching his chest playfully. "Stop saying that, don't babying me. You're the baby here."
"I'm not a baby when I can make one," Mingi replies vulgarly, but his face looks overly relaxed. He just released that innocent laugh of him when you glare at him.
"That mouth of yours is filthy, Song."
Mingi doesn't reply again, but you can see his lips form a smile as he pulls out a chair for you to sit on. "Please take a seat, my dear."
But you shake your head. Mingi's expression changes, he's confused. "You don't want to eat my cooking?" oh really, his tone sounds so sad and hurting, you feel guilty. But you have something else in your mind, though.
"Mingi, you're the one I want right now."
He tilts his head to the side, unsure of what you've said to him. "Huh? What was that supposed to mean?"
"It means i want to eat you, baby."
Mingi instantly swallows hard his saliva down his throat. His ears turned red, but his expression changes again quickly, looking annoyed this time. "I made you dinner with a lot of effort but you're saying you wanna eat me?!" he sighs, "You should've said it."
He smiles, ruffling your hair. "Ah, you're really something else, my baby." he says before landing a soft kiss on your lips. "Of course you can eat the chef too, but you have to eat his cooking first because he has been worried about your health all day."
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© jeonride 2023. all rights reserved. please do not copy, translate, plagiarize, or repost any of my writing anywhere!
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oops-all-concrete · 5 months
What would you think of how would each BG3 companions to Tav being secretly a god that has been tagging along with them all this time? Just curious
Ooohhhhh this sounds funnyyyy
Context: I'm imagining Tav is a god and has God status, a place in the pantheon and everything, but-! So continuity makes sense and the whole journey is still necessary, I'd assume them a curious God of some miscellaneous small thing so their powers wouldnt be THAT useful anyhow (God of clouds, God of fur, God of bread) but yeah!
BG3 companions react to Tav secretly being a...God???
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Lae'zel -
She's suspicious at first, disbelieving of course. But as she watches Tav just summon (whatever they're the god of) from thin air, she frowns. "Chk. You may be of godly status, but if you're unwise enough to get kidnapped by a ghaik nautaloid, you are no mighty God." She finishes, nose upturned and almost- dissapointed??
Shadowheart -
Once shes been convinced, she frowns. "I don't think I've ever known of such a God...granted, Lady Shar only allowed for us to study her." She admits. She's quite hesitant, but she does ask. "Have you ever...met lady Shar/Seluné? Can you tell her I say hi? Is that appropriate?"
Wyll -
He's also hesitant to believe, but he's so curious once he believes you. "Wait, so, what's it like being a God? Does being a mortal feel weird? Are you immune to anything? What happens if you die? Does someone become the new God of what you're the God of? Are you even allowed to be here? What does the immortal plane smell like?" Just, a million and one questions and he wants ALL the stories.
Karlach -
"Woah! That's so cool, I wish I was a God...I'd be the God of potatoes. Is that already a thing?" Regardless if its true, she let's Tav have their fun. She also refers to every time she's saved by Tav as 'Divine Intervention' which isn't...wrong?
Gale -
"Ah, I got that impression, albeit with doubt." He says, sounding only a little smug. "Your disguise is well crafted, I'll give you that. Definitely something I aspire to learn from" he smiles fondly. Then there's a pause. "...I understand its not quite your field but you wouldn't be someone who could fix the whole...orb in me chest could you? Or would that also put you under Mystras ire?"
Astarion -
He seems immediately intrigued. "Really? I thought you were a little calm for all of this, but I never would have guessed- no offense. I'm sure you're very...powerful in your own way!" He says, somewhat forcing a smile. "So- does prayer work, or does the world have to be ending for everyone in order for you to pick up a summon?" He asks, curious, but seeming somewhat irritated too. He doesn't elaborate on why.
Halsin -
He seems doubtful at first but believes you quicker than you expected. "I hadn't imagined thr gods would send one of their own to come and save me from goblins or...help lift a shadow curse left by Shar of all people." He says, a faint smile on his face. "While I am in your debt, you should my life is already pledged to Silvannus. I hope what I'm already doing is enough"
Jaheira -
She looks Tav up and down, crosses her arms, and then- chuckles? "Sorry, I just- I feel like I finally have evidence I've been here too long. I haven't passed away to some dumb idea yet, so the Gods sent one of their own to get me." She laughs it off but then looks at Tab quite seriously. "...you're not here to get me are you?"
Minsc -
"I know!" He replies happily, not missing a beat. "Boo alerted me of your origins immediately. He's delighted to be joined by another of the pantheon, even if a lesser God" He smiles, mindlessly as ever.
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sydsaint · 1 year
Please I love this secret softie so much 😩
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Summary: Adam pairs the reader off with Max to get rid of him for the night. The reader finds it to be a nuisance at first. But she quickly learns that there is more to Max than what everyone sees on tv.
It's a typical Wednesday night for the AEW roster. Dynamite is about halfway through its broadcast and the team of MJF and Adam Cole have just picked up another win in the blind tag team elim tournament. 
"Great work out there, Adam, good buddy." Max playfully hits Adam on the back of the shoulder with a hearty chuckle. 
"Yeah, thanks." Adam nods stiffly, still not used to Max being this friendly. 
The pair are returning to the locker rooms when Adam spots Roderick coming down the hall, and you're with him. He grits his teeth at the thought of dealing with another bout of Roderick and Max drama. 
"Hey, Adam, buddy. Isn't that Roderick down the hall?" Max speaks up after a moment. "Woah! And who's the hottie that's with him?" He adds when he spots you next to Roderick. 
"That's my sister," Adam replies dryly. "Y/N." 
Max's eyes widen in surprise as you grow closer with Roderick in tow. The two of you are casually catching up since you haven't seen Roderick in a while. "Your sister?" Max repeats Adam. "I didn't know you had a sister." 
"Well, I do." Adam nods. "Y/N, Roddy! What are you two doing here?" He asks when you finally get to his side. 
"I'm here catching up with Roddy." You shrug. "And Roddy's just here to film some stuff for next week's show." You add. "Who's your buddy?" 
Adam glances at Max who is essentially staring a hole into your head before he turns back to you and Roddy, a plan now implanted in his head. "This is Max, my tag partner for the tournament." He explains. "Hey, can I talk to you for a second, Y/N?" He asks you. 
"Sure." You shrug and step away from Roderick and Max with Adam. "What do you want?" You ask your brother plainly. "And don't act like you don't want something, Adam. I can tell by the look on your face that you do." 
"Guilty," Adam admits. "Listen can you do me a favor and please hang out with Max for the rest of the night?" He asks you. 
Your jaw twitches in response to Adam's request. "Really?" You narrow your eyes at him. "Why me?" 
"He thinks you're hot," Adam explains. "Please, Y/N? He's driving me insane." He pleads with you. 
"So you want to drop him on me so he can bother me instead?" You reply. 
"It's just for tonight, I promise." Adam doesn't let up. "Come on! Just take him out for drinks and make him buy." He suggests. 
You close your eyes and let out a small sigh. "Fine." You grit your teeth. "But you owe me, Adam!" You poke his chest. 
"I know." Adam nods. "Thank you." 
"Yeah yeah." You sigh again. "Hey, Max!" You turn and walk back over to Max and Roderick. "We're all planning on heading out for drinks tonight, but I'm leaving right now. You want to come with me?" You ask him. 
"Really?" Max replies. "Adam, you didn't mention that we were gonna get drinks after the show." He turns to Adam. 
Adam shrugs and quickly makes up a lie to cover his ass. "Uh, yeah." He nods. "I was going to tell you when we got back to the locker room." 
"Oh." Max nods. "Yeah, sure. I'm always doing for a little pre-gaming before the real fun begins. I'll see you in a bit then, buddy." He grins at Adam. 
"Right." Adam flashes you a pleading look. 
You get the hint and begrudgingly tap Max on the shoulder. "Come on, let's get out of here. Adam, We'll see you in a bit. Say hey to Britt for me." You dismiss yourself and Max. 
The journey from the arena out to one of the bars nearby is mostly silent. It isn't until you and Max are settled at the end of the bar does he really speaks up. 
"Get whatever you want. The first round is on me." Max offers with a smile. 
"Thanks." You match his smile and order a drink from the bartender. 
You and Max both get your drinks and fall into a casual conversation. "So, Adam didn't tell me that he had a sister," Max explains. "What do you do for a living? You in the business like Adam?" He asks you. 
"I wrestle for ROH." You nod and take a sip from your drink. "Have been for about 10 years now." You add. 
"Really?" Max replies with intrigue. "You must wrestle under a different name?" 
You take another sip from your drink and scan the bar. As you look around a reasonably attractive guy catches your eye for a second. You smile at him before you turn back to Max. "Yeah, I didn't want to deal with the drama and piggyback of using the Cole name when Adam was already getting so popular." 
"Right. You wanted to make your own name." Max nods. 
"Exactly." You are a bit surprised by Max's understanding of your situation. "Anywho, what about you? How is tagging with Adam going? Weren't you two at one another's throats a few months ago?" You ask him. 
Max nods and brings his drink to his lips. "Yeah, I guess we did kind of hate each other for a while there." He chuckles. "But I don't know. Adam kind of seems like he's willing to let the past be in the past you know? At least I hope he does. I've been having fun these past few weeks with him. He's a good friend." 
"None of your other friends are jealous of Adam getting all your attention?" You joke with a small laugh. 
"No, not really," Max replies quietly and you notice him fidgeting with his glass. "Truth be told, I don't really have many friends." He chuckles to himself. "Everyone is just kind of gone now. Not that I'm not the one that burned all those bridges." He explains. 
Your eyes widen a little bit at Max's surprising heartfelt confession. "Oh." You reply quietly and finish off your drink. "Yeah, I kind of know what you mean." You let out a small sigh. "Sure, when you've been in the business long enough, you're bound to burn some bridges and make some enemies. But I'd like to think that I've burned just a few more than I should have." 
"You too huh?" Max matches your self-deprecating laugh. 
You and Max talk a little bit more about work and your habit of making enemies out of friends. And soon enough, you start to feel bad that you assumed that Friedman was a bad guy. 
"Hey, can I tell you something, Max?" You ask after you've got a few drinks in you. 
"Sure." Max nods. "What's up." 
You play with your empty glass for a moment and try to get over your embarrassment. "Adam kind of asked me to take you out for drinks so he could get away for the night." You explain sheepishly. "He's not coming." 
"...Oh," Max replies quietly and your heart breaks. 
"I'm so sorry." You shake your head. "I've heard so many stories about how much of an egotistical dickhead you are. And I just assumed that all the stories were true. But we've been sitting here for like 3 hours now. And you're not! You really seem like a great guy! And I'm the one that's a total bitch here." 
You finish your confession and study Max's face while you wait for a response. And you fully expect Max to either chew you out or simply just get up and ditch you right then and there. But he doesn't. Instead, you watch him compose himself and beckon the bartender over for another drink. 
"It's alright." Max turns to you while the bartender is getting you and Max both another drink. "Trust me, I know how unbearable I can get at times." He chuckles. "Adam probably just wanted some time alone with Britt. I get it. And I get you thinking that way about me. Everyone believes it. Trust me." He adds. 
"Do you want me to go?" You move to get out of your chair and leave. 
Max shakes his head and hands you a fresh drink. "You can if you want." He assures you. "But I'd like to keep this night going if you do too. Personally, I think that it's time that both of us stop burning those bridges when things get tough." 
"Yeah? Me too. Thanks, Max." You nod and sit back down in your seat. 
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wanderbreadsworld · 1 year
One Bed, Oh No
Kenny Omega x reader
Summary: Checking into the hotel with your best friend was fine. Sharing a room was a common occurrence, so no big deal! Until you open the door and see only. One. Bed. No big deal right? It's not like you haven't shared one before when things are tight. But this bed is barely big enough for one of you, let alone both of you...With growing feelings on both sides, how will you figure this out? (A/N; it's a full-sized bed, so it's pretty small lol)
Tagging @besthimbomachine, I hope you enjoy it. She's not proofread, but she'll do lol.
"Y/N, come on! It's cold!" Kenny called out from the door to the hotel, standing there with his suitcase and duffelbag, waiting for me. I stopped trying to pull my stuck suitcase out of the car to deadpan to him, giving him a "fucking really?" look. But when that only seemed to make him laugh, I went back to my suitcase. after another moment of struggling, the suitcase was free from the trunk of the rental car, and I nearly fell backwards from the force I used to get it out. Closing the door with a slam, I made my way to the door, shivering all the while.
Once we stepped inside through the automatic doors, the warm air of the lobby hit us, and we both couldn't help the happy sigh we released. A shiver running down my spine as I closed my eyes and relaxed. It would still take some time of being inside to fully warm up, but this was an amazing start.
While I was enjoying the warmth, Kenny checked us into our room. When I opened my eyes, his blue ones were looking down at me, waiting for me to notice him. His cheeks were flushed from being outside. I knew my own face looked the same, especially after wrestling my luggage out of the car. It wasn't something I thought much about until now, but Kenny looked cute with a blush to his skin. But I couldn't stare at him forever right now, we had a show to get ready for, so I spoke up, seeming to catch him off guard. Like he was lost in his own thoughts as he peered down at me.
"Let's go get settled then. You have a show to wrestle in, and I have catering to terrorize." This earned a chuckle from Kenny, shaking his head as he turned to lead the way, mumbling something about me always being so hungry. Rolling my eyes at his remark, I followed after him down the carpeted hallway, finally taking in the surroundings.
The hotel was generic. Patterned and distracting floor, simple wooden doors, along with a sort of beige wallpaper and semi-fancy light fixtures on the walls. / I was so busy looking at our hotel and judging their design choices, that I nearly ran into Kenny.
"Woah, watch it. I'm just trying to get us in here." Kenny joked, sliding the key card into the latch, opening it with a satisfying beep. Pushing the door open and letting me in, I apologized, blushing slightly from embarrassment after almost running into his big, strong chest. Wait, what the fuck? Why am I complimenting his chest? At the very least, why the fuck am I thinking about him that way with him right here. Those kind of thoughts were alone thoughts only. Although now, with our close proximity, his blush from earlier, his still playful and sweet attitude despite being freezing cold. It was all pushing forcefully to the front of my mind.
'I don't know, maybe I just need to rub one out before tonight. I have been around people nearly all day the past few days' I shrugged to myself, stepping further into the room. Only to then stop in shock as the culmination of my lustful thoughts, and the realization of only one bed, hit me like a truck.
"Oh no," I muttered to myself, but it was just loud enough that Kenny heard. He was still getting into the room, trying to gently set his stuff down so he could inspect the room.
"What 'oh no'? Is the place trashed already?" Kenny finally turned to look at the room, seeing only the one bed. "Well it's not that bad. We can share." He walked around the bed, inspecting it and seeing just how small it was. I would barely fit him, let alone the both of us. Kenny raised his eyebrows, rubbing his scruffy chin as he thought to himself.
"'Oh no' may be right." Kenny seemed to be lost in thought for a moment before shaking his head and clapping his hands, startling me. He moved too fast for me to come up with any snarky retort about it being the wrong room before he was going through his duffle bag to make sure he had everything he needed for tonight.
"I guess I can sort it out later during the show. Since you'll be busy getting your ass kicked," I joked, trying to distract myself from the current situation, and trying to return to a sense of normalcy. My jab only made Kenny let out a bark of a laugh, throwing his curls back as he looked at me with a faux glare.
"You know I always win. Besides, even if I lost, I'm the one sleeping in that bed. I'm too big to even attempt sleeping in that chair in the corner." I hadn't even noticed it, turning back around and looking to the corner stood a plush chair with a lengthy cushion. Pushed together, and if I stayed curled up all night, it wouldn't be the worst thing I've ever had to do, but it wouldn't be fun. Although Kenny was right, no matter what, he would get the bed. Instead of arguing further, I snatched his Nintendo Switch from his bag, much to his protest, and rolled my eyes at him as I got m favorite game ready to play. Tonight was going to be a long one.
Catering was delicious as always. Along with one of my best friends there, Willow Nightingale, I was beginning to forget about our situation back at the hotel. Until Willow asked a seemingly pointed question that made me stop.
"So, how's the hotel room?" Willow asked innocently as I sputtered, blushing furiously at the unexpected question. Which only made her laugh, those around us luckily too engrossed in their own conversations that they didn't notice. Her face told me that she knew more than she was letting on, but she didn't budge giving anything else away.
"It's fine. They must've fucked up and only given us one bed though. The thing is comically tiny. It would be fine for me, but it would barely fit Kenny." I tried to laugh. I still didn't want to think about it. Before we left, while Kenny was getting his bag together, I asked the front desk if there was a mistake. But there wasn't. That room had our names on it. And the hotel was too full for us to swap rooms, or for one of us to share with someone else.
"Well, sounds like you have to share." She winked, to which I rolled my eyes. Willow is one of the only people, other than myself, who knows about my crush on Kenny. Although I never told her, she figured it out on her own just by watching the way I interacted with him. And she SWEARS he acts the same way towards me, although I never believe it. Suddenly, a thought dawned on me. 'It was her!'
"Ugh. I don't know what we're going to do. He's too big to NOT take the bed, and neither of us can sleep on the floor," I sighed, wishing I could retreat into myself and this problem wouldn't exist. Things would be easier if I didn't have to navigate not only a friendship, but feelings for one of my best friends.
"Well... You know you can share. I mean, if he's okay with it, who are you to turn him down Y/N." Willow reasoned, setting her drink down to take my hands in hers to help make me look at her. And when I did, I saw genuine care and encouragement to go for it. Shrugging and shaking my head, I broke eye contact, unsure of what to do. Of course I wanted to share with him. Be snuggled up to his warm body, and be all pressed against each other. It was the dream. But I didn't want to hope for that, and then be disappointed if he didn't want to share.
"It's just. I don't even know Willow. It's a lot. Just, so much is going on." I closed my eyes, trying to think of anything else but the hotel, and being confronted by my feelings. Willow's hands on my own kept me grounded as she soothed the backs of them with her thumbs, patiently waiting for me to open my eyes again. And when I did, I was greeted by her warm smile, and I couldn't help but smile softly back.
"Tonight, when you go back. If he asks you if you want to share, I need you to do something for me, okay?" I nodded, already having an idea of what I was agreeing to, despite also dreading it. "I need you to not back down. If he wants to share with you, take it. I PROMISE it'll be okay." Willow's words were so soft and genuine that I couldn't help but agree to her demand.
The chitchat of catering slowly filtered back into my perception as I took a deep, steadying breath. Nodding again to show her I would do it.
"Sometimes, and I don't know how, but you know me better than me," I laughed, getting a chuckle out of Willow too as she shook her head.
"I have my ways. Now you, relax. Go sit down and I'll grab you a drink too." I took her offer, resting on one of the nearby couches, my turn to wait for her this time.
'Maybe things will be okay' Was my last thought before Willow came back talking to me about the latest show she was watching to help pass the time.
Commotion slowly died as the show wound down. Dynamite was over, and all of the wrestlers were getting ready to head back to their hotels. Faced with the realization that I'll have to face Kenny and our single bed, I'd be lying if my thoughts didn't drift to more sinful ways we could share the bed, and what may happen being so close. But now I had to face the reality as I stood outside of Kenny's door, waiting for him to step out and be ready to leave.
I didn't watch much of the show, but what I did see was Kenny's match. I barely remember who it was against, as all I could look at was him and the way his body moved. The way his arms flexed when he lifted his opponent. To the way his chest and abs glistened with sweat. At one point, Willow caught my attention, telling me to "stop drooling before someone notices". To which I closed my mouth and sat back in my seat, trying to look normal and ignore the simmering heat between my legs. So now, here I stood, waiting for the center of my lustful thoughts to step out of his locker room.
When his door finally opened, I jumped. I'm not sure where, but he looked clean, like he had taken a shower. His curls were damp, and when he stepped closer to me, I could smell a fresh spray of his sandalwood and vanilla cologne, along with his shampoo. Both together, and so close, nearly making me dizzy. Kenny noticed, asking if I was alright before I brushed him off, telling him that I was just tired after a long day. He didn't seem to believe it, but shrugged and let it slide, following me to the rental car back to the hotel.
Kenny offered to drive, which I happily let him, trying to look out the window as I built up the courage to ask him if we could share the bed. Before I could open my mouth, Kenny spoke up instead, making me jump so high it scared Kenny as well.
"What're you thinking about? You've got that worried look on your face that you get when you're thinking about something really hard." Kenny joked, trying to lighten the mood. The question forced me back into reality, and instead of thinking too long about what to say, I decided spitting it out would be the best way to go about things.
"Can we share the bed instead? I mean, I just don't want to sleep in the chair or on the floor. I know it's tiny, but we can share, right?" My question sounded more like a plea. In a way, it was. I wanted to share the bed with him, to have an excuse to be so close. Hopefully he didn't notice the need in my voice when I asked.
"Of course. I'd never actually make you sleep in that chair you know," Kenny's words were soft, almost inviting and definitely comforting. "Especially since all you'd do is complain in the morning "oh my back hurts, Kenny you bitch for making me sleep here"." He laughed, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Despite his tease, I still felt like I won here. Quickly, I texted Willow, telling her it's all good. And just as quick, a response from her said "Tell me how good it is ;)". To which I could only roll my eyes, blushing furiously at the thought of what more could happen from being so close together.
Back in our room, things moved fast. Kenny took a shower and cleaned up while I turned on the TV to some channel for background noise as I got ready for bed and waited for the bathroom to be open. When it did, Kenny stepped through in fresh pajamas, letting me in to do my own routine. Despite doing every step, which takes me a little while, it all still moved so fast.
And as I crawled into bed with Kenny, my heart pounded. I hoped he couldn't notice. Luckily Kenny, tired from his match and fresh out of a relaxing shower, was already out. So I turned off the lights and TV, rolling over so our back were together. Checking my phone one last time was another text from Willow, saying "goodnight, don't let the Kenny-bugs bite ;)". I rolled my eyes at her attempt to change the saying, but still chuckled at it. I told her good night before turning off my phone and getting some sleep of my own. Kenny's warm scent and body heat lulling me into a deep sleep.
"Oh Kenny." I moaned as his lips caressed my neck with kisses. His own moans filling the room as he rutted his hips against me. Large hands held my hips in place as he rolled on top of me, pressing my front into the bed as he thrust his hard-on into my ass. Praises left his lips. Things about how good I felt, how he's been wanting this. Everything I've ever wanted to hear him say to me spilled from his lips.
"Y/n, fuck I need you," Kenny moaned, holding himself against me for a moment to feel the pressure of our bodies together. "Oh fuck no," Now his voice sounded worried. Worried something was wrong, I turned over to look at him, but he was gone.
When I finally opened my eyes from my dream, I met Kenny's. They were filled with shock and horror at what's happened. Quickly, he pulled his hips away, my own chasing them for a moment, my sleepy mind just wanting more pleasure.
"I'm so sorry, oh my god," Kenny proceeded to apologize profusely. But there was still a problem. 1) his voice was too loud for how tired I still was. And 2) I was still horny. When he went to sit up and pull away to go to the bathroom and clean up in shame, I put a hand on his arm to keep him still.
With lust filled eyes, I looked at Kenny the way I've always wanted to. The effect my gaze had on him was evident by his blush further creeping down his neck as he covered his erection in shame.
"Kenny," I stopped to let him look at me. "If you don't fuck me right now, I'm going to walk out of this room and find someone else to help me with this. So please, don't let me go to a stranger, or god forbid, one of our coworkers." He looked stunned at my words. Not only at the words I said, but at exactly what I was asking. Kenny took a moment to look down at the bed, glancing at his lap before shaking off any doubt in his mind. Wheeling back into me, his lips locked with mine. Our hands finding their way around the other's torso as we kissed with a passion that I never thought he'd have with me.
It was everything I'd dreamed of. His soft lips. Scruff scraping against my chin lightly. His big and rough hands somehow so warm and soft as they pushed and pulled at my skin. My own hands threading through his curls as I laid back down, pulling him atop me. Kenny slotted himself between my legs and moaned as he settled against me, his clothed cock pressing right where I wanted him. And when he rolled his hips against me, I whined at the friction. It felt big. Part of me wondered what I was getting into, but the rest of my mind didn't care. It felt good now, and it was with him.
He pulled away after a moment to catch his breath, looking down at me with eyes that were dark with lust and desire. His face so close, and his body felt so good against mine that it still felt like I was dreaming. For a moment, we sat in silence, just enjoying each other's presence and bodies against one another. But the moment soon grew stale as I wanted, no, needed more. The heat of his body was too much, yet just right.
With our gaze still locked, my hands travelled down his sides to his hips, to the waistband of the shorts he was sleeping in. He let me struggle to push them down for a moment before pulling back and kneeling so he can take them off. His cock springing free and making my breath catch in my throat and my mouth water. The tip was an almost angry red as it leaked precum. He must've been so close to release in his dream before he woke up.
Before I could reach out and touch it, his own hands were on the waist band of my own shorts, gently pulling them down my legs with a smirk on his lips. A quiet gasp leaving him when my lower half finally lay bare before him. After a moment of admiration and anticipation, Kenny practically pounced on me, rutting his hips against mine as his lips covered my own in another heated kiss.
Everything in my body screamed for him, desperate for him to be inside of me. So when his hand reached down to tease my entrance, I pulled him back by his curls, a whine leaving his lips at the pain.
"Kenny, if you don't fuck me right now, I swear to god. Play with me later, but fuck me now. Please~," My words went from demanding, to pleading on my very last word. His hand stopped moving, but still rested against me as he processed my words.
"I can play with you later? Deal." With that Kenny pulled his hand away, replacing it with his cock. Slowly, he began rolling his hips once more, pushing into me slowly. With each thrust, I whined as he filled me more and more. At a certain point, my legs around his waist pulled him in the rest of the way, pulling a whining moan from Kenny's lips as he felts my warm walls envelop him fully.
Finally, he was fully seated inside of me. Every inch stretching me deliciously as both of us reveled in the pleasure. I'm not sure which of us moved first, but Kenny's hips began to buck into mine. Already, the pleasure inside of me was beginning to build as I did my best to meet his thrusts. His soft lips on my neck making me shiver as he left gentle, small marks on the skin. My hands gripped his muscled back, keeping him pressed on top of me as our bodies moved together.
"Kenny. Fuck, feels so good." I forced the words out, wanting to praise him. I would say that there was more to be said, but then I'd be lying. Something about the pleasure he was giving me left me breathless, wiping my mind blank as my only thought became seeking more pleasure. So with no more room for words, my body acted instead. My hands raked up and down his back, lightly scratching and sending shockwaves of pleasure through Kenny. He stopped to shiver at the sensation before moaning with a few more brutal thrusts before returning to his original pace.
It wasn't fast, but it was hard and needy. Kenny's pretty lips mumbling that he's going to cum. His pace faltered, hips becoming sloppy as I encouraged him. Sweet nothing's, words of encouragement, and promises of more to come pushed him over the edge. The sound of the Kenny Omega whimpering in my ear as he came inside me nearly made me cum on the spot, my eyes rolling back as I gave him such immense pleasure, and felt my own in being filled.
My knot of pleasure was still there, still tight, but for now I was sated. Knowing Kenny felt good, I felt good, and there would be more later. All of that let me rest easy as we breathed together, Kenny falling on top of me, his full weight resting down on me. With my mind clearer now, I took a deep, steadying breath to speak.
"Regret not making me sleep in the chair?" I tease, my finger tips tracing up and down his back as his warm breath fanned over my chest. His curls tickled my skin as he shook his head, still not lifting it up.
"I regret not doing this sooner. Let's talk in the morning?" He asked, and I just nodded in response. This moment felt too good to fill with too many words and thoughts. So instead, Kenny got up, pulling out of me and crawling behind me so he could pull me into his arms. With some more sweet words and kisses, I fell back to sleep, exactly where I always wanted to be. Right in Kenny's arms, against his warm chest. Tomorrow would be a big conversation about what we wanted to be, but right now, I was happy to just be right here.
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bun-z-bakery · 1 month
A/n: this took wayyy longer than expected! But we're so back! This ones a bit short but I still hope you enjoy. Thanks to everyone who's been reblogging and liking my stuff 🩵 also if you want to be tagged whenever I post the next chapter let me know!
Silent sun (8)
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You exclaim as you finish tying off the string. You scoot back to admire your work.
"Looks good! I'm honestly surprised!"
Poppy praises your stitch work. Even you admit it wasn't all that bad at all. 
You place a hand on DogDays leg closest to you.
"Can you feel my hand, sunshine?"
His ears perk up at the nickname and he sits up. He tries to move his legs to no avail.
"Give it a minute."
Poppy is hopeful. She knows more about these things, so you don't question her. 
He sighs in frustration.
"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll– WOAH!"
You're caught off guard as DogDay grabs you and sits you sideways on his lap, his legs now crossed as he hugs you.
"Now I can finally protect you properly, Angel!"
"Aw, I'm so glad you– your tail!"
His tail thumps loudly against the floor.
The three of you laugh, and you rise from his lap. 
DogDay attempts to stand, but he wobbles like a newborn puppy exploring the world for the first time. You were much smaller than he was, but you still held his giant hands to help stabilize him.
It took a while for him to get used to the feeling of his legs, but once he became comfortable, it was like he became a whole different person with his new range of movement.
Oh my god, he's massive! 
You mentally freak out at the behemoth mascot towering over you.
"Shall we dance?"
He jokingly offers his hand and you take it.
"Gladly good sir."
You play along and dance to your own rhythm, the sound of your combined laughter fills the room, but that doesn't last long.
Unfortunately for you, he's observant.
"You're bleeding?!"
He grabs your arm and inspects the rip in your jacket. You haven't been able to tend to your wounds, nor did you think it was a big deal, your companions thought otherwise.
"Who did this?! When did this happen?!"
"Please calm down!"
You shout as you cover your arm, the guilt now washing over you.
"I'm sorry... It's just this was supposed to be your moment..."
"Can we see?"
Poppy adds, and hesitantly you remove your jacket, revealing the slightly tattered and dirty shirt that your jacket was protecting.
You hold your jacket in your free hand and show off the blood-covered makeshift bandage. 
"That looks pretty bad Angel..."
"I'll be ok guys, plus it's not my first injury, no need to worry."
"Come here."
DogDay frantically rips a clean part of one of the blankets and pats the open spot next to him.
"You really don't have to..."
"I–we can't have you dying on us! Please"
Dogday pleads, making you sigh in defeat as you hold your arm out. He unwraps the bloody bandage and does his best to tend to your wounds.
"How did this happen?"
He panics as he pulls out a shard of glass that is still in your wound. The thought of it being trapped under your skin makes you shutter.
"It's... A long story..."
If you told him he'd probably panic even more, plus you just didn't want to relive everything this place put you through again. 
"If you need more rest, we could stay!"
Poppy offers, at this point you've made everyone worried. It wasn't your intention, but that seems to be common when it comes to you.
You shake your head in response. 
Once DogDay is done tying your new bandage, you stand and offer to help him up. 
"Alright, let's head out!"
You clap your hands and head towards the door, the others following right behind you.
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"It's clear, come on!"
You wave to others, you've never been so happy to see light, even if it's artificial. Before the four of you can go any further, a phone ringing catches your attention. 
"What's that noise?"
DogDay asks as he looks around. 
"Oh, it must be Ollie!"
They haven't met either? How odd. 
"Ollie is a friend of ours!"
Poppy explains while you answer the phone
“Hey, are you alright?! No ouchies or lost body parts?”
Ollie asks from the other side of the phone. You quickly glance at DogDay and continue the conversation. 
"Yep, I'm good! So is everyone else!"
"Everyone else? Who else is with you?"
He asks, confused, which in turn confuses you as well. 
Could he no longer see us?
"Well, I've got DogDay, Poppy, and Kissy with me!"
You exclaim, DogDay makes his way closer to you and places a hand on your shoulder hinting to you to 'hurry up'. 
"Angel who's–"
You shove the phone into his hand, he shakes his head, and you motion for him to speak. Reluctantly, he holds the phone up to speak to Ollie.
"Uh hello?"
"Who's this?"
"... "
You whisper to the giant dog, now frozen in place. 
DogDay really didn't know what to say, he was too preoccupied with deciphering if this friend might be a threat.
"Hiya DogDay! I've been helping our friends locate their way around Playcare! I hope you're treating them well!"
From where you're standing, Ollie sounds muffled, but Dogday's response helps you piece together the conversation. 
"Well, of course! Angel has been nothing but wonderful. I owe them my life..."
He shifts awkwardly in his stance.
"Uh, who's this "Angel" you're talking about?"
“OH! It's a nickname."
He chuckles awkwardly, you hold his hand and mouth 'You're ok'.
"Oh, I get it now! I’m really glad you’re both okay… I don’t wanna lose any more friends in this place. So where are you four now?"
DogDay playfully places an arm on your head, careful not to put too much weight on you, his giant hand covers your view. You could hear Poppy giggling behind you.
"We're back at playcare, and we're unsure where to go next..."
"Hmm well, we're really close to the end! You're going to head to the Counselor's Office instead. It's not ideal... but it should have enough juice. If you can get that generator going and plug it in... Reroute the red smoke and ba-bam! I think we'll be done! See ya!"
The line goes dead and DogDay puts the phone back.
"He's odd..."
"Pfft let's go!"
You lightly punch his arm as you continue making your way to the counselor's office. 
You know you can trust Ollie, he helped you get this far after all.
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"If we make it out alive... What's the plan?"
You ask, breaking the uncanny silence.
"Well... We'll be free!"
Poppy replies as if it wasn't obvious. 
"No, no, I mean... What if I found us someplace safe?"
"That would be nice Angel."
DogDay adds, his tail wagging in excitement at the thought. 
"Hey, I'm going to check in here! Wait out here! I'll be quick!"
You quickly make your way into one of the rooms, leaving the three to stay on guard as they wait for your return.
"So when's the wedding?"
DogDays was caught off guard by Poppy's question. He knew what she was referring to.
"Oh don't act dumb, we can tell!"
She teases and giggles at him. He was clearly flustered by her remarks.
He catches sight of his reflection in the dark window across from the room you're searching in. Seeing himself instantly shifts on his mood.
"What's wrong? I was just messing with you, I'm sorry!"
"Do you really think Angel would willingly love a monster?"
They were silent, Poppy was about to speak up before you came out of the room with your new finds in hand. 
"Guys, look!"
You hold up an axe and a toolbox
"I can repair my grab pack now! Oh! And here you might find this useful, it's so heavy!"
You hand DogDay the axe. It seems to have been made for someone of his size. It struck you as odd, but you learned not to question it if it wasn't important.
"Hey, did something happen?"
You look between the three, hoping there isn't any bad blood brewing behind your back.
"No we just... Do you know how to fix your grabpack?"
Poppy tried to change the subject, but you caught on. 
"I'm a mechanical engineer, I can fix almost anything with the right tools. So what really happened? Was there a fight?"
"No Angel, we're ok I promise! Wait, is that how you've been getting around without issues?"
You giggle at DogDays curiosity. 
"Bingo! Now let's go you three!"
You were about to take the lead but DogDay decided to beat you to it. 
"Angel, stay close to me and don't leave my sight, ok?"
You hum in response.
"Yeah Angel, stay close to your protector~"
Poppy laughs out, and DogDay stays quiet through her teasing. You could've sworn you heard him growling, you wrapped your arm around his.
"No worries sunshine, I don't mind you being my protector."
You smile at him, even if it's just for a little while longer. He hopes this will last even after you escape. 
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n0v4t33z · 9 months
Dark Desires: Chapter I - The Cat's Out of the Bag
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Pairings: VampireCatHybrid~Seonghwa x Female Reader, VampireCatHybrid~Ateez x Female Reader
Genre: Horror, Angst, Romance, Vampire Ateez, Paranormal?
Word Count: 7.6k
Tags/Warnings: For Mature Audiences, Violence, Language, mentions blood, Magic, Fantasy, Some Fluff, Highly Suggestive at times (This is a warning for the whole story overall)
Chapter specific: kidnapping, non-sexual nudity, flirting, blood, lying?
Author's Note💌: Hi! So this is the first chapter of a story that I've been working on for a while, long ago when "The Black Cat Nero" first came out and since it's October I figured it would be nice for me to post I also just wanted to join the other fic writers posting a Halloween themed fic but since I cannot write smut for the life of me for Kinktober I decided to just post this instead. I haven't fully edited this story so I'm sorry if it's cringe in some parts but I'll try my best to fix those parts eventually. In the meantime I hope you guys like it! Please be kind! 🌙🐈‍⬛
Spotify Playlist 🩸
☽ ──── ༺𖤐༻ ──── ☾
On a chilly autumn night right after an exhausting shift at work, I close the store and bid goodbye to my co workers for the day. It was dark outside now and the sky was awfully empty tonight except for the moon, it wasn’t a full moon just yet but just as beautiful. So while walking to my bus stop, I come across a black cat with mesmerizing amethyst colored eyes. "Woah, I've never seen a purple eyed cat...hm that’s so weird. Is it maybe my eyes playing a trick on me?" I blink and slowly walk over to the cat and turn on the flashlight on my phone “Come here kitty are you hungry?” I look at the cat’s eyes and they were indeed a beautiful amethyst color. Wow, that’s so cool. It must be some sort of rare defect. The cat walks over to me purring and rubbing its tiny little head on me. I put down my phone on the ground gently pet its soft black fur while reaching into my purse with my other hand "You're so cute…Look, I’ve got a snack!"
I grab the Tupperware containing the leftover meat from lunch and set it in front of the cat so that it could eat. I happily watch the cat eat the meat in the small bowl while gently petting its tiny little head. Suddenly behind me I hear metal scraping on the floor and to my surprise I turn to see a man whose eyes are almost a dead like hue of greyish blue, with scratches on his chest and cheek area along with a huge bruise on his left cheek. He was wearing a velvet jacket and a black silk shirt exposing most of his chest and his ash brown hair was pulled up with a few hairs framing his pale lifeless face. Without saying anything he smirks raising the shovel above his head and before I'm able to scream he brings down the shovel and hits me behind the head making everything go black.
 I slowly open my eyes holding my head in my hands tightly only to feel a throbbing headache, when I look around I see I’m in some sort of abandoned church with 8 very handsome deathly pale guys looking straight at me with one of them being the same man from before with the shovel. I noticed that one of them had purple eyes, kind of like the same ones that stray cat that I fed on the street. Could it be that guy was the cat I saw? No. It can’t be. That’s physically impossible. When it finally dawns on me the severe situation I’m in I sit up and I scoot away from them sensing a bit of tension in the room "Wait. Who are you guys? Why am I here…" The man with the velvet jacket (Who was no longer wearing it) walks up to me and kneels on one knee and with his ice cold hand lifting up my chin and smirks in satisfaction "You my dear, are going to be working for us. So forget the life you had before because you have a new one here and it's to serve us." 
My bottom lip trembles and my eyes well up with tears, almost in an instant warm tears stream down my cheeks. The pale man in front of me wipes away my tears and says in a slight menacing tone "Don't cry, we're not going to hurt you. right guys?" Not believing a word he says I shake my head and begin to cry "No. Please, let me go….I swear I’ll do anything."  He chuckles while he strokes my cheek with his thumb "Will you?…" he clicks his tongue "Or are you just lying because you’re scared right now? Look at you, you’re shaking.." I glance down at my hands and notice they were in fact shaking. I feel kind of weak, I feel nauseous, I don't feel so good. "Let me introduce myself I'm Hongjoong, pleased to meet you Miss..." he raises his eyebrow waiting for an answer "I, uh- I'm y/n." I stammer causing him to smile "That's a beautiful name, well Miss y/n you are to address all 8 of us as your Masters at all times." He turns around and looks at one of the guys "Seonghwa, can you please get Miss y/n cleaned up and dressed. Out of everyone here I trust you won't try to pull anything stupid since you're the eldest here and are more in control of your erm...urges." A tall and slender man with hair a beautiful shade of silver, dressed all in black with a black velvet jacket and a long black satin cape, his eyes being that of a dark emerald green hue with a light golden ring around the pupil steps up next to me. He was beautiful, tall and unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. His demeanor seemed very cold with a very intimidating gaze but as soon as his eyes met mine they softened. "Come, let's get you cleaned up. Hongjoong left you so dirty."
He gently takes my trembling hand and leads me to a dark room and turns on the light and a few candles. He closes the door behind us and he walks over to the bathtub to run a bath then turns to me and warmly smiles "Your bath is ready, don't worry I'm not going to look I'll wait outside for a few minutes then I'll bring you some warm towels." I nod and wait until he was gone. Maybe if I cooperate they’ll let me go? Actually, something doesn’t feel right. The energy here feels wrong, something evil is here and I can feel it. 
I get in the warm bubbly bath and let out a deep sigh still shook up from the whole situation. I’m starting to feel homesick. I didn’t even get to tell my mom goodbye,  My eyes well up in tears again and I silently begin to cry. I miss home. I had no idea where I was much less know when I'd be able to see my family again. I hear a sudden knock at my door and see the beautiful man walk in with some towels and some folded up clothes he then lets out a small gasp and puts down the towels and clothes on the bench next to the bathtub he  sits down and reaches over and wipes my tears away "Sweetheart, don't cry. I know it's scary being put in a place you don't know with people you've never met but I promise they won't hurt you and if anyone tries to you let me know and I'll handle it." I sniffle "I just want to go home Master Seonghwa, I'm scared and I miss my family." He furrows his brows and gently strokes my hair "I'm sorry, but you can't leave my dear." My eyes glistened with tears "Why not?" He looks away then looks back at me with sadness in his eyes while he continues to stroke my hair trying not to meet my eyes "I just can't."
It was silent for a few minutes after that so after I calm down a bit I decided that in order to try and get rid of the awkward ambience I should at least try to get to know this man since he was being very friendly so far and not some weird perv gawking at me. So, in the middle of him washing my hair I ask "So, how long have you been alive?" He thinks for a bit while he rinses my hair "Hmm, about 400 years." I audibly gasp "Wait, what? 400 years?! That's a really long time you're a living history book!” he chuckles "Yeah I am, a very lonely one at that." I turn to him and furrow my brows "That can’t be..There must have been someone who must have caught your eye, you’re just so beautiful. Have you ever been in love? Or have a tiny little crush on someone?" He nods his head slightly sad then looks at me and forces a faint smile. "Somewhat, yes but enough of me. What about you Miss y/n?" I sigh and I look down "Yeah I was, it was the worst mistake I've ever done. He ended up cheating on me and eventually left me for his co worker. Almost 3 years of my life just wasted. It's been almost a year since that happened but I'm still kind of upset about it." He worriedly looks at me "I'm so sorry you had to deal with that situation, I'm sure one day you'll find love." I shake my head "I doubt it since I'm pretty sure I'm going to be stuck here for the rest of my life." He looks at me fondly for a good second and lets out a soft sigh "Well- ah...Um I'll let you finish washing up I'll be right back." he gets up and wipes his hands on a hand towel near the sink and closes the door behind him. That was weird, he just left so suddenly...
When I finish washing myself and drying myself I look through the pile he brought until I find some undergarments. When I finish putting them on I connect the long thigh high white socks to the garter and put on a long sleeve collared black and white knee length maid's dress. On the apron on the bottom right corner was a tiny black cat shaped stitch, and for shoes some black shoes to match. A few minutes later after finishing the beautiful emerald eyed vampire brushes my hair and helps me put on a white ruffled headpiece with 2 thin ribbon bows on each side. He hands me a set of keys and smiles "Now you can go about your chores. Don't worry about dinner for me and your Masters, we go out to feed when needed so just worry about keeping the house clean and doing the laundry. Also, don't ever go inside the white door with the black crest on it. That is strongly forbidden. So if you need me I'll be in my work office down the hall or in my room." I obediently nod "Yes Master." in return he gives me a warm smile and walks off.
 Later, while dusting off the picture frames on the main room of the house, I notice a painting of a very handsome looking man, judging from his clothing the painting must have been old though. Maybe? Was it someone’s family member or someone’s grandfather? I hear laughing coming from the corridor behind me and notice it was 2 of the guys from earlier one of them had a scar on his chest peeking out of his sheer patterned button up shirt, he was wearing black pants and black boots to match his jet black hair and the other one with the beautiful amethyst eyes, a piercing on his lip with his earring being connected his piercing, his buttoned up black vest covering some type of tattoo on his chest but letting his pale muscular arms in full view. Along with black leather pants and black boots to match his beautiful Raven hair. Looking at them in better lighting and up close, as handsome as they looked it looked like they haven’t slept in years, their eyes looking really bloodshot.
Immediately after making eye contact with me they both walk over to me, I notice this and I stop what I'm doing and stiffly bow "Hello Masters… I- Umm I'm sorry but I was never told your names." The one with the purple eyes smirks then reaches over and takes my hand, places his ice cold lips on the back of it and gently places a kiss on it. He looks up at me and says "My name is San, you were the beautiful girl who stopped to feed me. You know, if Hongjoong hadn't kidnapped you and brought you here I would have let you take me home." My face begins to feel really hot and involuntarily I let out a nervous laugh. The one with the scar on his chest shoots San with a very annoyed expression then he looks back at me with a small smile "I'm Wooyoung, it's nice meeting you." I nod then I give him a small wave "It's a pleasure meeting you both Master San and Master Wooyoung. If you guys need anything at all I'm here to help." San gently boops my nose and says in a low voice "Thank you Miss y/n we'll definitely keep that in mind." Both San and Wooyoung walk away presumably to their rooms but not before they take one last good look at me. Umm, I’m hoping they’re not eyeing me to take my blood or something.. Once they’re completely gone I let out a long sigh and rest my head on the wall. My god they’re so scary..I just wanna go home.
When I finish cleaning the main room, I walk over to the main corridor of the house and while walking by I hear singing coming from one of the rooms there. I have to find out who was the one singing. Suddenly, from a distance I see a tall man with bright ruby red eyes emerge from his room, he wore a sheer print button up shirt with a long silk blazer, black pants and slicked back light brown hair, he looked as if he had recently fed on blood. He also had a wound on his cheek and on the side of his temple. He looks at me with a very cold gaze that I immediately stop on my tracks and I bow "Master umm…." He quickly interjects "Mingi." Then I nod and forcefully smile. If I said I wasn't terrified of this man I'd be lying. He looked very handsome but he also looked lethal. He walks past me but before he could walk away very far I muster up the courage to say "It was a pleasure meeting you Master Mingi, please have a good rest of your day." He proceeds to walk away without saying another word. After he walks far enough I let out a sigh of relief.
Luckily, the hauntingly beautiful singing continues and as I walk closer it gets louder until I'm led to a door with a single golden music note on it. As soon as I step in front of the door the singing stops and I silently gasp and before I'm able to react and run away the door swings open to find a tall strong build guy with light blue eyes, Auburn hair with a really expensive looking suit. "I-I uh…. I'm so sorry but your singing was beautiful. I've never in my life have heard such beautiful singing in person." He warmly smiles and takes my hand and sits me down on the piano bench and without another work he just begins to sing a hauntingly beautiful tune. Mesmerized, I stare at the man before me singing at an incredible range. When he's done I happily clap and smile "That was beautiful Master, um… You never introduced yourself so I have yet to know your name." He slowly walks over to me until he stands in front of me and kneels down to my level. "My name is Jongho, but you may call me Master Jongho if you’d like.." he smiles and brushes a strand of hair behind my ear "Well, it's nice to meet you Master Jongho you have a beautiful voice. I’m y/n." He sits next to me and and turns to me "Thank you, and you're beautiful yourself." I nervously fidget with my hands "So Master Jongho, how'd you learn to sing so beautifully?" He looks up at the ceiling as if he was trying to recall his answer “Hm, I've always wanted to sing but as a human I just never got around to doing it from all the work I’d have to do to help my mother out. So when I turned into this, I had alot more time on my hands so In all honesty. It actually only took me a few years to achieve my goal with constant practice. Seeing as you're here now though I'll be able to sing to someone again since you enjoy my singing."
He gently takes my hand in his and deeply looks into my eyes "Feeling your humanly warmth makes me miss being alive. I died and was turned into this pretty young when I was around 20 human years old." I quietly gasp "Oh I'm so sorry Master Jongho, if it means anything as long as I'm alive I'll always cheer you on even though I don't know you very well I can still tell you have a big heart." He chuckles and holds both of my hands "Do you promise?" I nod and gently squeeze his ice cold hands "Of course Master, I've got no reason to lie." we both exchange warm smiles until I decide that maybe I should go. I'm probably distracting him, more or so he's probably getting hungry... I get up and lower my head "I’m so sorry Master, I have to go now. I don't want to interfere with your practice time but if you need anything at all please let me know." He gives me a soft smile “There’s no need, but I see you might be very busy with house work my apologies Miss y/n.” He waves goodbye “If you have a question don’t hesitate to look for me I’ll gladly help.”  I nod and slowly close the door behind me. Wow, he was so nice! His singing is as sweet as his personality. Wait, I just hope it’s genuine kindness and not the manipulative kind so that they can feed on my blood.. I’m still so uncomfortable here knowing that they can easily turn me into an appetizer. Actually, no I don’t even want to think about it.
 After leaving Jongho's practice room, I walk around downstairs until I come across the same chapel from when I arrived. After entering, I realize how dusty this place really is. so I decide to run to the kitchen and retrieve cleaning supplies. When I get back to the chapel I noticed a tall black hooded figure hunched over the altar, I slowly walk over to the figure and assuming it was another one of my masters I stand behind him and say "Master, are you ok?" Surprised, he turns and looks at me with his dead looking grey eyes and covers his arm with his cape as if hiding something. He silently nods keeping his gaze away from mine. In the distance I see a beautiful blonde man wearing a black and white patterned blazer with a black v neck t shirt with a distinctive small red neck scarf. He was holding a wine glass filled with presumably blood because of the viscosity of the liquid while sitting on the window sill of the circular stained glass window.
After seeing me, he slowly sets down his glass and turns into a cat right before my eyes. Wha- this is most definitely not normal. He jumps down and turns back into his previous form then says "Hello Miss y/n what brings you in here?" Still shocked from having seen a man just turn into a cat and then back to a man, I stammer a bit and say "Well, I saw that the chapel here was a bit dusty and dirty and I wanted to clean it up for you guys." He nods "Oh, thank you Miss y/n. By the way I'm Yeosang and this tall guy over here is Yunho." I bow giving them both a curt smile "it's nice to meet you Master Yeosang and Master Yunho." Yunho stands up and extends his hand in my direction causing me to look up at him and smile "I love your cape Master Yunho, it fits you well." I shake his hand and he smiles "Thank you so much Miss y/n. I can help you clean up the chapel, I'd feel terrible if you had to clean all of this by yourself, it'd take you hours to finish here." I shake my head "Oh no Master that's why I'm here to clean, you don't have to worry about it. I've got it." He shakes his head firmly and gently pats my head "No, I insist." He takes off his cape and Yeosang sits down on one of the pews and makes his glass of blood appear in his hand with a book in his other hand "I'll watch you guys, I'm exhausted." I turn to him with a playful smile "Let us know if we did a good job Master Yeosang." He chuckles and raises his glass "Of course sweetheart."
A couple of hours pass until eventually Yunho and I finish cleaning up the chapel and we both sit down on a pew next to Yeosang. "So how'd we do?" I look over excitedly at Yeosang who looks around slowly "Hm, It looks so nice, It's been years since I've seen this place look this clean." Yeosang glances over at Yunho and says "Also, I didn't know you cleaned up so well, maybe you should do it more often?" Yunho gives Yeosang a look and shakes his head "No, I'm going to be cleaning up after you." Yeosang pouts and says "Hmm, fine I'm sure y/n here would help me with that right?" Yeosang looks over at me with a pleading gaze causing me to laugh and nod "Of course Master Yeosang." Yeosang swirls the blood in his glass and gives me a faint smile "Care to join us for drinks?" Woah, what? He's offering me a drink? What does he mean by "drinks"? Does he mean alcohol or actual blood? The bile of my empty stomach slightly rises causing me to get a bit nauseous.
I think it is now my queue to leave.. I get up and gather up the cleaning supplies "Oh, actualy thank you for offering but I have to go now. it was nice meeting you Masters Yeosang and Yunho. I'll let you guys enjoy the clean chapel now! Master Jongho is probably waiting for me to bring him his tea.." Yeosang tilts his head and blinks "But Jongho never drinks tea.." Yunho, Yoesang and I stare at each other for a few moments then I swallow the big ass knot in my throat triggering my stomach to grumble "My apologies, tea for myself not Master Jongho. I'm just a bit hungry now which is why I'm not making any sense since I feel a bit weak." Yunho's eyebrows draw together and reaches over to get the supplies from my hands "Oh no, do you need help?" I shake my head "I'm okay, with a bit of food I'll feel much better. Now, If you may excuse me I'll get going now." I give them a small smile and chime "I also hope you guys enjoy your new clean space I'm sure it makes a huge difference, let me know if any of you need anything else." I slightly bow my head, Yeosang raises his glass slightly to acknowledge me. Meanwhile Yunho waves goodbye and says “We most definitely will you don’t need to worry Miss y/n.”
I close the chapel door behind me and I sit on the floor exhausted. Man, I'm beat.. I wonder how long it's been since that chapel was last cleaned? I'm almost positive it's been more than fifty years. While I sit there motionless trying to regain a bit of strength to head over to the kitchen I recollect Yunho hiding something in his cape when I entered. I wonder what he could be hiding. Seonghwa happens to pass by and sees me sitting on the ground. He walks over to me "Miss y/n are you ok? Why are you on the floor?" I quickly get up "Oh, I'm sorry Master Seonghwa. I'm really tired I just finished cleaning the chapel, Master Yunho insisted on helping me too but it was still alot of work." Seonghwa reaches over and pats my head "I'm sure you did an amazing job. I was actually just looking for you, did you meet all of your Masters?" I nod while I fidget with my hands "Yes but out of all of them I think Master Mingi doesn't really like me. Like at all." He gently strokes my cheek with his ice cold finger "Give him time Miss y/n, it takes a while for him to warm up to others you did nothing wrong I promise." He checks his pocket watch then looks back at me "I'll tuck you in to bed before we all head out to feed okay?" I give him a slightly confused look "You'll what? Oh, no Master there's no need for you to tuck me in, I'm a grown woman I can do it myself I'm not a child." I nervously laugh which causes him to chuckle "You're right, I just want to make sure you'll actually be asleep when we leave." I raise my eyebrows in slight worry "Why is that?" He presses his lips into a kind smile with the corner of his eyes slightly crinkled "I feel like a human like you should never have to witness a vampire feeding, it's not very pretty. In fact it's something I always tend to do in private because of how gruesome it can be to those who've never witnessed it." My stomach flips causing my nausea to come back "Oh.." He gently cups my cheeks and gently squeezes them "You're so cute. but please don't worry you'll be okay I promise you no one will hurt you. This is more just so you can have the peace of mind of not witnessing anything you shouldn't." Something tells me I really should just listen to him and stop doubting it. "I'll see you later then okay?" I quietly nod and he gently runs his fingers through a lock of my hair and walks away leaving me in slight shock. Yeah, maybe I should do what he tells me to even though a part of me is panicking making me think he actually wants me to sleep so I can be his next meal. He's probably just testing me if i listen or not.. Gosh my brain isn't making sense, I need food.
I pick up the cleaning supplies and head to the kitchen, I put up the supplies, wash my hands. and walk towards the refrigerator "I'm starving, I wonder if there's food here." I open the refrigerator and pantry, and to my surprise there were fresh groceries and meat. Weird. I thought they didn’t eat human food? So how did these get here? I shrug and go on and prepare some dinner for myself then Master San, struts into the kitchen sits on the counter next to me and meows. I glance over at him and pet him playing with him for a bit until he begins to purr "Ahh, I know what you want…You want some meat don't you?" He meows and turns into his regular form, he sits on the counter and looks at me and smirks I then look over at him and say "Let me finish cooking the meat, I don't want you to get sick." Luckily San sits there patiently waitng for me to finish until eventually I finish cooking the meat then I go to the fridge, cut open a small bag of blood and generously coat the meat in the blood. I plate the meat with some rice for San and I put it on the table "Here you go Master San I slightly fixed this dish to fit your tastes" I sit down next to him with my own plate of food. He takes a bite out of the meat and throws his head back closing his eyes in pure bliss "Miss y/n this is delicious! Can I eat with you from now on?" I take a bite out of my food and nod "Sure you can if you want to  but I thought vampires couldn't eat human food?" He shakes his head while shoveling meat and some rice in his mouth, he sits there chewing for a few seconds until he finally speaks "Well, we can actually it's just that human food won't benefit us at all and won't satisfy the hunger that blood does. Vampire hunger is much different and painful than human hunger."
A disembodied voice interrupts San and I slightly making me jump from how sudden it was "I'm sorry but I smelled something really good, I'm still not used to someone actually cooking in here it's been ages since I've eaten actual food" Shortly after Wooyoung walks into the kitchen with his hands in his pockets. San motions Wooyoung to come over and says "Here try this, Miss y/n is a genius this is delicious I don't know why we never tried this." he shovels rice and some of the meat coated in blood into Wooyoung's mouth, while chewing his eyebrows raise forming a surprised expression on his face then he turns to me in awe "Wow, that's actually pretty good… Can I please have a plate?" I nod and get up from my seat "Oh of course Master, sit down I'll bring it to you in a few seconds" I prepare a plate for Wooyoung but before I sit down I turn to San and say "Would you like seconds Master?" He nods and gives me a smile so big his eyes turn into little crescents, then I prepare him another bowl and set it down in front of him. With the leftover blood still in the bags I use them to make an earl grey tea infused with blood, I set down the tea cups next to their plates while they devour their food. I set the tea kettle in the middle of the table then I sit down and eat. "So when we found you that night, where were you coming from that you had yummy food with you?" San asks nonchalantly, Wooyoung glares at San and shakes his head then apologetically looks over at me "You don't have to answer that." I shake my head and smile "Nah, it's okay. I was just walking home from work is all." San blinks "Wow, that reminds me I haven't worked in years.." Wooyoung nods "Yeah me either, the last time I worked was when we'd get paid in grain." I gasp "No way you're that old.." He smirks "I am, and proud of it." San smacks Wooyoung's arm "Stop rubbing your immortality in Miss y/n's face that's rude" I giggle and shake my head "It's okay Master San, I actually find it pretty cool you guys have been alive all these years. If it's okay for me to ask, what was your former jobs like?" Wooyoung looks at the wall behind for a few seconds presumably to try and recall his past until he responds "My father was a merchant, I helped him load up our carts and stuff like that to and from the markets. It was pretty heavy work but nonetheless I enjoyed it because I got to spend time with my father." My eyebrows rise "Woah, that's definitely hard work but I'm glad it was hard work with someone whom you cherish that makes it much more worth it." Wooyoung nods with a slight smile "Yeah, I helped him till the very end, same with my mother. I helped my whole family until they were gone." I reach over and gently pat Wooyoung's shoulder "I'm sorry, outliving your own family must have been extremely sad." San glances at Wooyoung gently squeezing the back of his neck and slightly frowns "It is, it's one of the most painful things of being a vampire. It really messes you up for a while." I look at both San and Wooyoung and give them a comforting smile "I know maybe this is weird considering my days are numbered as a human but just know your family is probably happy knowing you're living your life well. Maybe in a very unorthodox way but none the less you're keeping their memories alive." Both San and Wooyoung glance at each other and look down at the table.
Did I say something wrong? "My apologies, for the unwanted advice." Wooyoung shakes his head and smiles "No need, we just remembered something is all." There's something they aren't telling me. "Oh, okay." I awkwardly look at the window behind them and take a sip of my tea "What about you San, what was your job?" San smiles "Guess." I tap my index finger on my chin and look at his physique. Considering how broad his shoulders are and how toned his body is, he probably did some sort of manual labor as well or maybe that could have also been his vampire power up. "Miss y/n?" I hum and look in San's general direction "I was thinking sorry, but I think I have a pretty good idea. You were probably a lumberjack right?" Wooyoung's eyebrows rise in amusement and he reaches over and pats San's back "It's those shoulders isn't it?" I nod and nervously smile "Ah, yeah..." San plays with the piercing on his lip with his tongue then looks into my eyes and smirks "Close, I was actually the son of a farmer so my family owned a farm. Funnily enough I didn't look anything like this when I was alive. These muscles are a product of what I turned into, unfortunately I was always very small so I was always in charge of feeding the animals with my sister while my father and his other employees did the heavier stuff. " I swallow hard and look at the tea kettle in front of us "Oh I see, do you at least have fond memories of your old self?" San nods "Of course, my old self was me as I was meant to live my human life and this version of myself is I, as I meant to live it as a vampire." Wow, he's very confident and wise, I guess he really doesn't mind being a vampire. "It's like you guys get a second chance at life, does that mean you fully embrace being undead?."
Wooyoung slightly frowns "I can't speak for the others but, it's kind of complicated. Like with everything in life it comes with its downsides. Unfortunately this life is a bit more brutal than our previous lives were. which kind of makes us miss our mortality sometimes." Hm, I don't want to bring up memories they're trying to bury besides I don't want them to think I'm being nosy. I look at their empty plates and get up causing a wave of confusion between them both. Almost like they knew what I was thinking San says "Thank you so much for the food and tea Miss y/n it was delicious." I warmly smile and begin to pick up their dishes "Of course you're very welcome Master San and Master Wooyoung, it was nice being able to sit down and have a conversation with you two." They both wave goodbye and before they exit the kitchen San turns to me "Miss y/n I'll see you tomorrow again right?" I hum queueing them to make their way out of the kitchen.
A while later while cleaning up the kitchen I hear footsteps approaching and I slightly tense up until I hear the footsteps come to a halt. I turn around and see Mingi, I quickly bow and say "Master Mingi, hello do you need anything?" He nods and hands me a basket full of bloodied clothes "This is my laundry, just came to drop this off for you." I walk over to him and take the basket from his arms "Thank you Master, I'll have this clean in no time." He turns and walks away without saying a word, I then sigh. I can't force someone to like me, so I might as well just deal with it at least everyone else is ok with me being here so far. I walk over to the laundry room and set down the basket of laundry, sorting though all of the clothes making sure none of them are left without spot cleaning. So a few hours later of scrubbing bloodied clothes, and drying it in an actual dryer as opposed to air-dried Mingi's laundry is finally finished. So when I walk over to his room and I knock on the door with no answer.  Something in my gut told me he wasn't in his room so I decide to knock again, but again no answer. I slowly open the door and see that no one is in there. Oh no.
I quietly close the door behind me and I set the basket on his bed, his room is filled with alot of displayed weapons from different times in history from the medieval "Morning Star" to the 1920's "Tommy Gun" I silently gasp and whisper to myself "He is lethal...who is he? Who are these vampire guys." I look behind me towards the door "I better get out of here before he comes back." I run out of the room and down the corridor while I look behind me to make sure no one saw. Everything seems like it's going okay until I run into Hongjoong causing him to grab me by both my arms tightly "Miss y/n, there you are. Seonghwa is looking for you."  His bloodshot dead grey eyes look down at me "Master Hongjoong I'm so sorry, I just got startled by something I'm so sorry." He cocks an eyebrow and slowly a huge smirk appears on his face clearly getting a kick out of my panic "You better not be causing trouble sweetheart, I don't want to end up having to punish you." I quickly shake my head "No, I promise I'm being good Master Hongjoong." He grabs my arm and walks me over to Seonghwa who was already waiting for me in the bathroom "Seonghwa, I found her." He meets my eyes and smiles "Hello there Miss y/n, time for me to get you ready for bed and tuck you in." This is so embarrassing, is there really a reason for this? Does he really have to keep an eye on me that close? Haven't I proven myself yet?
 Once Seonghwa gets the bath ready and leaves to get some towels and clothes I get in the warm bath making my mind begin to wander. All of those weapons. Are they planning on killing me? Is they why everyone just acts kind of weird? I mean, I know they're all vampires but what's with the tucking me in thing? Gosh, I wish I could be at home. None of this makes sense as to why I'm here, why does Master Seonghwa insist on me being asleep before they leave. My thoughts are interrupted by Seonghwa walking in with the towels and clothes, he sits down on the bench next to the bathtub "Miss y/n did you start washing your hair?" I quietly shake my head too scared to speak up, he then furrows his brows then puts the back of his ice cold hand on my forehead "What's wrong? Are you ok? You've been quiet since Hongjoong brought you to me."  I nod and faintly say "I'm fine, just tired." He rolls his sleeves and proceeds to wash my hair "You must have worked very hard on your first day today, let's get you cleaned up so you can get some rest." He then rinses my hair and smiles "I hope this can cheer you up but, Jongho told me you discovered his beautiful singing and that you couldn't get enough of it. So, we decided he was going to help me tuck you into bed." I look up at Seonghwa, his beautiful smile, his gorgeous slicked back silver hair with a few stray hairs that fell ever so slightly over his eyes. He's so gorgeous he makes me feel so nervous. His emerald and gold eyes look for a reaction written somewhere along my face, so he fondly and intently stares back at me. I was so fixated on his hauntingly gorgeous features I almost forgot I wasn't looking at a photo of him until I quickly snap back to reality "Wait, he's going to sing?" Seonghwa smiles "Yes, he is." I gasp and cover my mouth with my hands "Are you sure he's okay with that? Wouldn't it be a bother?" He shakes his head "I promise you it's not a bother he insisted." He reassures me, he then absentmindedly begins to wash my body, his ice cold hands touch my warm skin and I shiver. I shyly look up at him he and he gasps.
"I'm so sorry I forgot how cold my hands are, my apologies if it made you uncomfortable. I'll wait outside for a few minutes so you can finish bathing and changing" he gets up and scoots the towel closer to the bathtub, once he leaves I finish bathing and drying off. I slip on my soft nightgown, it was a nice shade of pale pink almost white and it fit me perfectly. I put on some slippers then I hear whispering outside of the door. Hmm, this should be good. I slowly walk over to the door to take a listen, from the sound of it it's Hongjoong and Seonghwa. I undo a couple of buttons on my nightgown for a cover in case anyone opens the door. "No, I already told you we need more time, it's too soon. She hasn't even been here one night."  Says Seonghwa in a low whispering tone "Do you know how impatient Draven is getting?! Seonghwa please don't tell me you're already attached to this girl? How is she any different from the girls before her?" Hongjoong adds slightly irritated "I told you, it’s her and all I know is that we need more time, stop talking about this here...I’ll tell you later."
As soon as the talking stops I tip toe closer to the bathtub then seconds later the door opens and I start to button up the undone buttons from my nightgown. I see Seonghwa carefully peaking into the bathroom "Done?" I hum running my fingers through my wet hair "Alright, now let's get you tucked in." Seonghwa walks me to a room with a sigil on the door, I noticed the same sigil under the bed only that it was big that it slightly peeks out out over the edges of the bed. "This is your room, get yourself comfortable, I'll go get Jongho." I climb onto the bed and surprisingly it was very comfortable. I get under the fluffy pink covers and remember that many girls have probably been here before me then I feel a pit in my stomach begin to grow and I begin to feel a bit uneasy knowing this is a literal death bed.
Seonghwa and Jongho come in and close the door behind them, now that I think about it 2 vampires and 1 girl in the same room doesn't sound very safe. Jongho pulls up the chair next to the bed while Seonghwa sits at the edge of the bed then Jongho says "Hi Miss y/n, I'm going to sing some songs for you." I lay down and they briefly look at each other then Jongho begins to sing, the song was so eerily beautiful that by the 2nd song I slowly started drifting off to sleep. Today was so exhausting and my body really felt it. Eventually I fall asleep, but unfortunately a really loud thump wakes me up and I lay there in bed trying to process if what I heard was a dream or if it was real. Deeming it something from my sleep I ignore it then half asleep my mind begins to wander. Why on Earth am I being treated like a child? A grown ass woman getting a bath and getting tucked in to bed from a 400 year old handsome vampire guy? Not to mention he picks out my clothes and my undergarments too? And what did they mean when Seonghwa said they needed more time? MIngi’s room was a whole weapon museum, what? This was too much, it was all a bit weird.
A blood curdling scream interrupts my thoughts causing me to quickly shoot up from the bed. In almost an instant my palms become sweaty, so I get up and I try to open the door but it's locked. My breathing quickens while I try to open the door again but it was in fact locked, I'm screwed. I hear footsteps quickly approaching so I quietly run back to the bed and lay back down.  A few seconds later I hear a click of the door being unlocked. I close my eyes and the footsteps come close to me then they sit down at the edge of the bed "I bought more time for us." Seonghwa gently rests his hand on my leg over the covers "Even at that, when we run out of time I won't let anyone hurt you. I've waited for you for hundreds of years, and I'm not going to let some greedy demon ruin the moment for me." He scoots over next to me and although I couldn't see him staring at me, I could feel it. He leans in and gently kisses the top of my head. I can't think, wait. What's going on?! I feel him get up from the bed followed by slow footsteps until the door closes once again and locking the door behind him. When I open my eyes and lay there in shock, I pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I realize now that this was far from a dream and as weird as it sounded to think that a very handsome 400 year old vampire was in love with me, it might actually be true. Somehow. 
☽ ──── ༺𖤐༻ ──── ☾
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A murderous game of cat and mouse
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Part 1
Summary: The Scarlet witch just couldn't stay away from you, this cat and mouse game was getting annoying, you couldn't blame her though, you missed her too.
Nat loves interrupting you two and pissing Wanda off so it's a win win for her too
Warnings: 18 + Minors DNI, small amount of smut, like R giving Wanda some oral that’s it (first time writing smut in a while, and even longer since I’ve had any so no judging 😂) little knife play of course, Nat being the most annoying woman in the room but also relatable
Tag list: @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
Words: 2,500
"Y/n! Are you listening?" The piercing voice of one of your men Clint barton made you jump dropping the picture you were holding "fuck me Clint why don't you just slap me next time to get my attention"
The man laughed patting you on the back and trying to look at the picture you dropped "what do you have there?"
You didn't let him instead picking the picture up and stuffing it in your bra "you want it, you have to go fishing for it"
"You're gross you know that?" He laughed sitting on the chair opposite you and getting serious for a minute “so, is your stalker still giving you the runaround?”
You shook your head “no, I cockblocked myself by telling her I like the chase and I want to keep going-
“Woah woah woah! You’re telling me you had this woman in the palm of your hand and you let her go?! I thought you were smart?” You rolled your eyes Nat had already through this with you including a few head slaps then a face slap when you mentioned wanting an orgasm from her to make up for the head slaps
"Yeah yeah I know, anyway do we have anything to do today?"
The man shook his head "no everything's sorted for today, you could go and get your hot stalker" he sent you a cheesy smile and you wanted to smack the smirk off of his face "go home barton" you said blankly and he gave you a thumbs up "see ya tomorrow boss!" He left you alone and you sighed relaxing in your seat leaning your head back and pulling the picture out of your bra looking it over once again, the look on her face while licking the knife would be engraved in your mind forever.
There was a sharp knock on the door suddenly and you whipped out your gun aiming it at the door, how dare someone interrupt your quiet time "state your name or as soon as you open that door I'll blow your brains out"
There was a small chuckle from behind the door and you raised an eyebrow "not much of a cat and mouse game if you come to my office is it?"
The door opened revealing the scarlet witch and you lowered your gun "I'll be truthful my love I hate staying away from you, fuck the game I want you now" she walked to your desk sitting on it facing you "you sound desperate" you say smiling but she just shrugged "you haven't been trying to find me either baby, I was getting lonely"
You pulled your chair close to the desk, she spread her legs so you could be closer to her and you placed your hands on her thighs stroking them "I'm sorry, we've just been really busy here"
She nodded along, placing her hands atop of yours "I understand princess but when we’re you gonna make time for me?”
You dipped your head down sadly “sorry”
The woman remained stoic “where’s your knife?”
"In the drawer" you replied and you opened it pulling the object out, Scarlet took it from you admiring the shininess "I'm glad you kept her clean" she ran the knife along your cheek pressing the tip into your cheek just enough the keep you still "maybe I should punish you for ignoring me, were you with Romanoff?"
Your eyes widened slightly and she clicked her tongue "I see, do you want her dead? Do you want to see the blood pool around her shaking body as the light leaves her eyes?" In a quick second the knife sliced down your cheek cutting you but you didn't flinch being used to the pain knives brought
"Do you want to hurt me?" She asked sadly bringing the knife up to her lips licking the small amount of blood from it making you swallow hard "no, no I don't want to hurt you"
The woman jumped off the desk coming round to behind your chair where you were still sat unsure of what to do "when was the last time you fucked her?" Her arms found the bottom of the shirt you were wearing and lifted it above you head throwing it to the floor then spinning the chair around smiling at the lacy bra you had on
"Tell me" she asked again cutting the straps of your bra carelessly nipping your skin with it
"last night" you finally said and the cutting on your bra stopped and she sliced your other cheek, okay you'd had enough of being cut, she's hot but come on
"It’s Wanda" she corrected you, her real name? At least you were getting somewhere
"Wanda, how about you calm down, okay?" You took ahold of the knife putting it down on the desk behind you "I want you-"
"Prove it" Wanda said and you chuckled "okay sit on the desk then" you stood and the remains of your bra fell from your body "well, it's a good thing I have more" you looked at Wanda looking at your chest "want a taste?" Her fingers reached your breast holding them in her hands "you're not getting any satisfaction from me today, you're gonna pleasure me" she pinched your nipples and you jerked away "shit there's sensitive"
Wanda smiled "I know, I can't wait to have my fun with them"
You didn't question her instead letting her get up on the desk again and spreading her legs "want a taste?" She mocked you laughing at your rolled eyes
Instead of responding you knelt down pulling her pants down her long legs tossing them away and kissing up her thighs leaving deep purple marks in your wake "don't tease me detka"
You kissed her over her panties revealing just how wet she was, you didn't even take her panties off just moved them to the side moaning at the sight of her wet cunt "shit you're so wet"
"Stop talking and just fuck me" you smiled and licked through her folds seeking out her clit and when you found it you sucked hard feeling Wanda buck into you urging you on
"God you're so good with your tongue" Wanda gripped your hair tight keeping you in place, it didn't matter if you couldn't breathe, not that you minded, if you died like this it would be the greatest death ever
You felt Wanda clench around your tongue knowing she was close you kept going through her orgasm bringing her close to another one prying her legs open when she tried to close them "Y/n...Y/n so sensitive..." she tried but you ignored her licking and swallowing everything she gave you and she was delicious, you could definitely die right now.
"Y/n!" The door slammed open and you had a slight moment of dejavu when Nat's voice echoed through the room, trying to reluctantly remove yourself from between Wanda's thighs but she gripped your hair keeping you in place
"We're in the middle of something Natalia" you heard her hoarse voice say as she tried to regain some control and Nat scoffed "I can see that psychopath, am I allowed to speak to my boss or isn't she finished yet?" you didn't even have to look at her to know she was smirking
Wanda was smirking too, pulling something from her chest pocket pointing it at Nat "how about you talk to her later when she's finished?"
"ooohhh a gun I'm so scared"
You tapped Wanda's thigh and she glanced down at your eyes that pleaded to be let up which she allowed letting go of your hair and pushing you from her with her legs
You stood up facing Nat trying to put on a professional face "Nat, how about we-"
Nat held up her hand stopping you from continuing "before you start, please wipe your face, and put a shirt on I can't take you seriously with cum on your face and your breasts out in the open"
You blushed reaching for your shirt quickly putting it over your head and the looking for something to use to wipe your face when Wanda handed you a tissue "there you go medovyy, I think you look perfect the way you are though" she winked putting her pants back on, you didn't know your face could blush harder and yet you felt like it did
"Anyway Nat what do you need?" You cleaned your face throwing the wipe in the trash looking back at your friend "actually I don't need anything but I heard moaning when I walked past so obviously I had to barge in to make sure my boss was safe"
You went to speak but Wanda was already in front of you with the gun firm against Nat's head "give me one good reason why I shouldn't put a bullet through your skull"
"I could give you hundreds of reasons but I know that's not what you want to hear" Nat was always calm in stressful situations and this was no different "so Y/n we have that dinner meeting with Agatha in an hour so we should probably get ready"
She glanced at the angry redhead "you could come too if you want, having a psychopathic guard dog there would probably be a good thing" she laughed to herself "you won't be laughing when I put a bullet through your head"
Nat sighed "you know I'd blame your anger on being sexually frustrated but I walked in on you being eaten out and from previous experience I know that you've probably had about 3 orgasms so far...she's great with her tongue right?"
You flinched when the handle of Wanda's gun smacked Nat across the face, cutting her lip, which Wanda smiled at before frowning when Nat just chuckled "well, you definitely have a swing on you, that'll prove useful at the meeting, now come on you two the car's waiting"
She left giving you a wink and Wanda turned back to you "she's more of a boss than you are princess, I like her"
You rolled your eyes, jealousy creeping into your body "you like her? You've threatened her and just slapped her across the face with the back of your gun, if that means you like someone I'm a little jealous"
Moving behind your desk to clean some things up and collect your gun Wanda watched you carefully "how do you deal with jealously?"
You finished behind the desk and moved around to Wanda wrapping your arm around her waist pulling her flush against you "I deal with it as well as you deal with it"
Wanda's eyes widened "oh milaya devushka I really want to see that, I'll get you so rilled up with jealously that the red mist takes over your mind and you kill everyone who looks at me" she kissed you hard moaning at the still lingering taste of herself on your tongue "fucking delicious" she said breathlessly and you chuckled
"It's your own taste"
"And I taste delicious-
"Come on you horndogs! We can't keep Agatha waiting!"
Wanda closed her eyes and grumbled "I don't like her anymore"
"Do you actually want to come?" You asked and Wanda nodded "our game of cat and mouse can be on hold for now, I'll be the best guard dog you've ever had instead”
"Will you sit at my feet and let me scratch your head? You joked but Wanda didn't instead she did said something that surprised you "I'll wear a pretty collar with a leash that you keep a hold of...and if for any reason you feel like you need it, I'll get under the desk and lick you like the good puppy I can be"
"Shit" you couldn't say anything else, it was just hazy, the thought of this big bad serial killer on her knees pleasing you while you were in a meeting was all you could think about
"Princess? We shouldn't keep the Russian whore waiting, come on" she dragged you out the room still in your hazy gaze imagining her on the floor with her head on your thigh as you softly stroked her hair and when you asked it she’d be between your legs making the dinner/meeting go so much better
"You'd look so cute with a dog collar" you managed and Wanda smirked "who said I don't have one already?"
"You're going to fucking kill me" you approached the car seeing Nat with a cigarette in her mouth tapping her foot impatiently "I'm glad you could pry yourselves away from each other long enough to come outside, get in the car" she threw away her cigarette and got into the drivers side while you two got into the back
The car was started up and Nat turned to the two of you "I swear to god if you two start doing anything in the back of this car I'll slit both your throats, it's a rental and I don't want to explain to the owners what the stains in the back are"
Wanda flipped her off "we'll do whatever we want Natasha"
The woman sighed before saying "fine, but if she gets action I want some too"
"Y/n won't touch you anymore Nat she belongs to me" Wanda threatened but Nat just looked at her in the rearview mirror "who said I want anything from her anymore? I think our hate hate relationship could leave to some hot sex, plus we're both redheads so it'll be fiery"
Throughout this interaction Wanda's hand flexed on your shoulder gripping it tightly whenever she spoke "and what makes you think I'd touch that dirty body of yours?"
Nat shrugged turning a corner into an alleyway and stopping the car "Maybe one day you're psychotic ass might change its mind, if the woman I normally fuck is now a pet for a serial killer then I want a taste of what she's having"
She got out of the car coming to the back and opening the door for you to get out, you thanked Nat and when Wanda stepped out Nat didn't get time to say anything before Wanda grabbed the back of her neck bringing her into a heavy kiss and slipping her tongue inside her mouth groaning at her taste
"Hmm I'll definitely think about it shlyukha" Wanda licked her lips giving Nat a pat on the cheek
"Takes one to know one psychopath"
You rolled your eyes "if you two are quite done, let's go" Wanda could tell you were obviously grumpy and grabbed ahold of you kissing your neck "are you jealous? Are you going to go into a blind rage?" Her voice was ragged against your neck, you know what you said about being jealous but you'd never hurt Nat, sexually you would sure but you'd never want to kill her.
"No Scarlet witch I won't be killing my friend" a stern tone evident in your voice making Wanda smile "using my stalker name are we? I love it when you're rilled up, can we go killing later? Seeing you up close and personal covered in blood will be the hottest thing I've seen in weeks"
You pushed her away slightly surprising the woman looking to Nat to open the door "let's get this over with" you we’re pissed, you couldn’t touch Nat or anyone else because you’d get punished, fucking hypocrite psychopath.
you went through the open door slamming it leaving the two redheads stood there "what the fuck happened?" Wanda exclaimed and Nat laughed "you thought making her jealous would be a good thing? You silly little psychopath"
"But she said she dealt with jealously like me, I don't complain and be whiny about it"
Nat rolled her eyes "you're in for it later, now come on idiot, she's scary when she's mad"
"That's what I wanted but I didn't think shed be mad at me"
Nat pushed Wanda through the door "make it up to her then"
Wanda groaned "all I wanted was to kill people for her and then fuck her while I was covered in blood"
“Too bad, you’re in a relationship now”
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year
hi! love your writting, super glad you're keeping the male reader tag alive- there's so few of those out here.
39. tell me something i dont know about you
+ "when im with you i feel like myself. i feel like every side of me is present and accepted. and i feel good about it- i feel good about who i am when im with you"
with Stiles x ftm reader?
fluffy & a little hurt comfort-y, with Stiles letting the reader know that despite dysphoria, he sees him exactly the way he wants to be seen.
Stiles Stilinski x FTM!reader
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You and Stiles had been friends since you were in diapers, your dads worked together so when they found out they were both expecting kids around the same time it was basically fate that brought you two together.
You finally started dating your freshman year of high school, Stiles had been crushing on you since kindergarten after all and Scott was the one who talked him into actually telling you how he felt but two years later when you were ready to come out as trans he was who you were most terrified of telling.
You're laying in his bed, just cuddling and listening to music, weeks have gone by and you still haven't found the right words to tell him the truth.
"Have you ever thought about how crazy it is that we've literally known each other our entire lives?" Stiles states.
"No one knows me better than you do," you reply despite knowing you have a huge secret you're keeping from him.
"There has to be something left to learn still, come on Y/N tell me something I don't know about you," he chuckles.
You're silent for a moment, Stiles believing you're just thinking really hard to find some weird obscure fact about yourself but finally you reply with, "when I'm with you I feel like myself. I feel like every side of me is present and accepted and I feel good about it- I feel good about who I am when I'm with you."
"Woah that was unexpectedly deep, where did that come from?" Stiles laughs.
You sit up, Stiles suddenly getting concerned at the change of energy in the room.
"There's something I've been trying to tell you for a while now and I don't know how you're gonna take it," you say nervously.
"Hey, you know you can tell me anything," he says rubbing your arm to try to comfort you.
"Stiles… I'm trans," you blurt out.
Stiles looks at you for a moment trying to process what you said, "okay… can you tell me what that means exactly for you?"
"I uh… never really felt like a girl you know even as a kid but it wasn't until about a year ago when I realized that what I was feeling was gender dysphoria."
"So you're a guy?" He asks.
"Yeah I am," you say looking away from him assuming he wouldn't want to be with you anymore.
Stiles puts his hands on your cheek and gently tilts your face to look at him again, softly kissing you.
"You aren't mad at me?" You question.
"Of course not," he assures you, "I love you, I have since we were five years old and nothing will ever change that. I see you for exactly who you are and if you say you're a guy then that's awesome, no matter what I will always love you."
You just smile and kiss him again, feeling the love radiating off of him.
"Have you told anyone else?" He asks.
"No you're the first person I wanted to tell."
"Do you want me to be there when you tell people cause I will fight anyone who doesn't support my boyfriend," he says.
"I like when you call me that," you chuckle.
"You mean my boyfriend? Better get to used it cause I'm going to be telling everyone that I have the coolest boyfriend in the world," he smiles, pulling you in close and laying you guys back in the bed to cuddle again.
Of course it took him some time to adjust but he really was the rock in your support system and even spent an entire week pulling all nighters researching how to be the best ally and partner to you.
He was there for you when you told your parents and your friends, he helped you picked out a new name and was always the first to correct anyone who used your dead name or the wrong pronouns.
You couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend.
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barnesbabee · 1 year
𝕯𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖑'𝖘 𝕶𝖎𝖘𝖘 - 𝕰𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙
ᴅᴇᴠɪʟ'ꜱ ᴋɪꜱꜱ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ - ᴇɪɢʜᴛ - ɴᴇxᴛ
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ATEEZ ꜱᴇᴏɴɢʜᴡᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ꜰᴀɴꜰɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ
You became wary of your surroundings after the talk with Seonghwa. You tried to maintain composure during work (you didn't want your boss to think you were "off your game" again), but you couldn't help but be suspicious of every new person that walked by you, of every strange sound, and of every shadow.
"Hey Y/N?"
You jolted in your seat at the sound of your colleague's voice.
"You scared me!" You said, laughing as you placed your hand over your heart.
"Oh, sorry!" She said, bowing "we wanna know if you're coming to the company dinner tonight, you still haven't confirmed."
You had completely forgotten about it, seeing as there was shit chasing you, your mind was somewhere else completely.
"Uh, sure! Yeah, count me in." You said with a smile, trying to hide the nervousness of being out in the open.
The woman tapped the frame of the door lightly and smiled, walking away while thanking you for the confirmation.
You weren't sure how safe you felt in an unknown environment, with a bunch of people you also didn't know, so you stood up and ran after her.
"Hold up!"
The other woman stopped and turned around to face you.
"Is it okay to bring a plus one?..." You asked, hoping your "guardian angel" could tag along for some extra protection.
Your colleague gave you a dirty smile and winked.
"Got ourselves a boy toy, have we?"
You felt your face heat up and a lump was caught in your throat.
"Well uh, sort... of?" You replied.
The truth was, there was no label that could possibly be attributed to what you two had, it was more than just an emotional, romantic, or physical connection, it transcended all that.
"We said no plus ones but someone dropped out last minute so I guess it's fine. Does he have any allergies or something? Is he vegan?"
"He's all good! I think..." You whispered that last part, as you weren't sure, but you assumed an immortal being wasn't sensitive to nuts and seafood.
When you sat back down at your desk you grabbed your phone to text Seonghwa about the dinner.
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You smiled like a teenage girl in a rom-com talking to her crush, and put your phone away, anxiously (and happily) waiting for the dinner, since it would make you two official.
You realized these mundane things were irrelevant, Seonghwa had risked his own existence and broke the rules of something bigger than anyone on earth to be with you, there was no bigger assurance of the will to spend eternity with someone than what he had done for you, but somehow these small earthly rituals made you feel more at ease, made it all feel somewhat normal.
An hour passed by and you and your co-workers called an Uber to take you to the destination, which you quickly sent to Seonghwa so he could already be there when you arrived.
"Woah- look at that guy... I wouldn't mind it if he joined us for dinner, I know what I'd have..." Your co-worker commented, eyeing Seonghwa up and down the second you stepped out of the car.
"Maybe he will! You commented, and waved your hand in the air "Hey, Seonghwa!"
The man lifted his head and his confused expression turned into a big bright smile as he located you.
"Hello, angel." He greeted you, followed by a kiss, once you walked closer to him.
"Guys this is Seonghwa!" You introduced.
Your co-worker, that had previously commented on him, was red as a cherry.
When you walked into the restaurant she grabbed your shoulder and whispered in your ear.
"Y/N I am so sorry I had no idea! That was incredibly inappropriate I'm sorry!"
You laughed at her panicked expression.
"It's alright, you didn't know!"
She exhaled, relieved that you weren't offended or angry at her, and you sat down at the assigned seats. The waiter brought the menu, and Seonghwa, to your confusion, refused it.
"Have you come here before? Do you just... know the dishes?" You whispered to him.
"No, but I know what I want. I will have the fried chicken." He whispered back, his eyes big and sparkly with excitement, looking right into yours.
"Seonghwa," You said with a little laugh "This is a fancy place, they don't have fried chicken."
You might as well have stabbed him and it would've hurt less. Seonghwa slowly took the menu out of your hands and searched through the items, however, he ended up asking you to order for him since he had no idea what any of it was.
Aside from the struggle of getting Seonghwa to eat fancy food, the dinner went well, and you ended up forgetting about the fact that you were in imminent danger. The night went so well, in fact, that you ended up at a club. You were all way overdressed for the occasion since you had all come dressed in formal attire, but after the wine and occasional champagne back at the restaurant, neither of you cared.
"Hey, I'm getting another caipirinha, mmkay?" You slurred in Seonghwa's ear.
"You stay here with them, I'll go get it." He said, afraid that something would manage to grab you and run away amidst the confusion of the crowd near the bar.
Not long after Seonghwa left your line of sight, a man appeared in front of you. His waist was slim, hugged beautifully by his jeans, and accentuated by the fact that his shirt was tucked in, his shoulders were wide, his jaw prominent, and his lips were red and pouty. You snapped out of it once you realized you were checking him out, and the man didn't miss it either, you could tell, by the way a dimple appeared on his left cheek, the result of his smirk.
"Sorry," the man said, coming in closer so he could whisper in your ear, as his hand made its way to your hip "but I couldn't help but notice you, you're the most fucking beautiful person I've ever seen."
The man slowly pulled you closer to him, and you allowed your body to mold against his for some reason- you couldn't pull away.
"I have a boyfriend." You managed to squeak out.
"Well, he isn't here, but I am."
"I don't even know your name..."
"My name? My name is San, but you can call me anything you want."
Two of his fingers tipped your chin up and his lips slowly approached yours.
You couldn't pull away, something in you drew you to him, you wanted to have him right then and there, your mind was clouded and you were incapable of even picturing Seonghwa's face, all that you could think of, every moment spent with your boyfriend, was replaced by the image of this man you just met. Your body moved as if it was being puppeteered, as if you had no free will.
"Y/N, what the fuck!?" You heard in the background.
The voice was familiar, but even then you could not pull away, and you could see San smirking, you could feel something was wrong, but you could not move.
It wasn't until Seonghwa physically pushed San away from you that you were able to come back to your senses. There were immediate tears in your eyes, a million ways to apologize ran through your mind and you looked at your limbs and torso as if you had had an out-of-body experience and had just gained control of it again.
You were about to try to explain to Seonghwa what happened (even if you didn't know what had happened), until Seonghwa spoke.
"You..." He said, looking at San, his voice dripping with disgust, rage, panic, and fear. You could see his blackened veins peeking out of his collar, and his stance had completely changed from an offensive state to a defensive one.
San stretched out his arms and smirked once more - it seemed like that was his only facial expression.
"Ta-daaa! Surprise old friend!"
Taglist: @seiiblue​ @potaeto-writes-on-wp@songsoomin@whatudowhennooneseesyou@hjys99@sansmilkbread@hwalysm @iwannabemyselfff (DM or send an Ask if you want to be added)
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lackablazeical · 2 years
WOAH, I really love ur Addams/rottmnt AU! I really love their designs, especially April and Mayhem's! few questions
why is mikey so feral in this AU
Whats raph like? he's always so quiet and Donnie looks like an evil scientist
hows splints and casey(or Cassandra) in this au AKA Could you share some stuff on this beautiful au pls (don't mean to come off as demanding just in case XP)
But yes I do have some answers for these!
1. Mikey is feral mostly bc he's very spoiled and he grew up In an environment that encouraged behavior like that! He is the 'Mama's boy' (in the AU, Splinter and Big Mama are canonically married, Splints still lives in the NY sewers, BM still in hidden city and her hotel), and BM definitely encourages his bad behavior. No one really tells him no, and he's an attention hog. He likes getting reactions so doing outlandish stuff and saying cruel things gets him that reaction! He's also an adrenaline junky and a pyromaniac, he'll put himself/others into danger for fun! Plus, BM DOES treat him like a pet, what do you expect. Boy is flea ridden/hj
2. Raph is very quiet and stoic! He still hates being alone, but he also definitely Dislikes being bothered, teased, or pranked. While the most outwardly 'chill', he's very quick to violence. He is the reason Leo has those bite/teeth marks on his shell! Raph bit him <3. His comfort item is Mrs. Cuddles and he always has her with him, which definitely makes it a target for Mikey shenanigans and such! He does still love hugs and snuggles tho, and likes bows, sewing, and cartoons! He doesn't talk much, and he especially won't if his brothers aren't around. He doesn't care much about anything, he's just along for the ride! The brothers often try to, like, 'sic' Raph on eachother by blaming things or just asking REALLLYYYYY nicely (also yes, Don is definitely a mad scientist. Please get him some lab safety etiquette at least some lab goggles)
3. LEOSAGI <3333333 ACTUALLY JUST MY COMFORT CHARACTERS I SWEAR. I have a writer friend who enjoys making small snippets of this AU, and I may ask her if I can post them here or if she would like to post them on A03? So yall can get even more content of the Boyz <3 (NewFallenLeaves on A03! Check out her ROTTMNT stuff, it's wonderful)
4. APRIL AND MAYHEM YES!!!!!! They are both definitely some of my favorite designs of this AU, April is just so beautiful and Mayhem is such a little Creatur. Babey demon demigorgon. Evil beast/pos (fun fact! Mayhems face can split apart in 4 different ways, one way looking like a demigorgon! I'll probably post that sketch sometime soon!)
5. Splinter is great! As Lou Jitsu, he was a film star who behind the scenes was involved in a lot of crime, especially back in Japan with things like the Yakuza. As a rat, he is VERY MUCH based on Gomez Addams. He's fun loving, caring, and loves a good spar session. He may be a bit neglectful of his boys (same as in canon) but he loves and accepts their weird and wacky behavior all the same.
This is his design! Some bits may change but as it stands I am happy w/ it! :D
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He owns a decent of pieces of the Shredder Armour as, like, almost trophies? It also helps mean that the Foot will not build the Shredder fully, Aka none of that mess to deal with :]
As for Cassandra, she's not really in the AU at all! I just haven't really been able to think of much for her. As an antagonist, I didn't know whether to lean towards more Addams esque behavior or make her more 'normal' (as normal as she can be JSBSJEB) to have a type of parallel. Idk? Any suggestions and ideas for her would be welcome and I'd tag you if I ended up using/posting any of it!
As for extra content, tomorrow or in the next following days I will either post more random sketches, more Usagi lore (specifically his family) or maybe some finished refs? Whatever I feel like, so look for that >:]
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metaphorical-goblin · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @aawrightworth!
1. How many works do you have on A03? 31!
2. What's your total A03 word count? 259,660! ...woah
3. What fandoms do you write for? Mostly Ace Attorney! Though I do have another published fic for Dungeons and Daddies, and a couple more WIPs for other fandoms in the future
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Woo fun!
The Things We Agree to Believe are True
Double Date
Taking the Lead (NSFW)
The Essential Guide to Avian Development
And I Will Stay with You Through Spring (NSFW)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? *Yes,* absolutely! Honestly, comments (and responding to them) are probably one of my favorite parts of actually publishing fic. I get a lot of joy from writing them, but seeing and hearing from other people that liked them too, or share the same headcanons? *chef's kiss*
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Honestly, probably my most recent one, Her Brother's Keeper. I don't typically write "bad ending" fics, so this one was definitely a big step for me haha
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Again, most of the things I write have happy endings, so this is hard 😂
I personally really love it when "the war is over" and they can finally just get married and be CHILL so I'd have to say either "The Things We Agree to Believe are True" or "The Essential Guide to Avian Development."
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not really, thankfully! I've had a couple comments from John Phoenix here and there but I don't take it personally.
9. Do you write smut? Sometimes! I have a bad habit of writing smut that Must Have 10K Words of Prelude First, and while I am trying to "break" that habit, I actually really enjoy a story to go with it!
10. Do you write crossovers? I actually did write one for the Wright Anything Zine a few months ago! Of course, it was DnDads x Ace Attorney, and I... need to publish it lol
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Oh goodness, not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No I haven't! I haven't had much of anything with that much traction though, but it would be cool in the future!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but I would love to! I was actually talking through it with a friend a while back.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship? Of course I love Narumitsu, but I don't know if it's my "all time favorite..." I'm not sure what it is off the top of my head!
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Ironically enough, it's also the first Ace Attorney fic I ever wrote! It's a farmer Phoenix AU in which Miles also has amnesia, and over the course of his recovery they of course fall in love (dawwww). I would also love to add more to the Elfworth series! I have. His whole life planned out lol
16. What are your writing strengths? To be honest, I'm not completely sure! I like to think I can come up with original plots or ideas, but I know I still have a lot of work to do.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Sometimes I have some trouble connecting my points or writing "effective" scenes, amongst other things. (dang now these questions are making me want to keep up with this...)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I don't do it too often! Typically if I do include it, I'll either use something that is very common knowledge or provide a translation in the author's notes. Having said that, I've written some unpublished stuff for Avian AU where Phoenix and his mother are talking, and in *that* case I just wrote the dialogue in English with a clarification that they are speaking a different language. I'm always so nervous about getting a translation wrong though lol
19. First fandom you wrote for? Ohh man. Probably My Little Pony or Minecraft to be honest. Don't ask; you'll never see them and they're written in missing notebooks anyway 😂
20. Favourite fic you've ever written? AHH THIS IS SO HARD! I love a lot of my fics just so so much. I absolutely adore Avians and the Elfworth series, just because I love writing AUs and coming up with lore and everything. I also really really enjoy Kindergarten Cop and Great Big Leaps because I love writing little kids and how they act because they make me laugh.
I think overall, though, my most favorite would have to be "The Things We Agree to Believe Are True." It was fun, experimental, and just a really euphoric way to write a new story as I was getting through my senior year. I had a blast with it, and I'm always so thankful that it got so much support, as well!
Feel free to ignore the tags if you like (I know I'm hopping on this a little late lol), but answer if you feel like it! @kbots @edwirdon (and also just a blanket tag for anyone that might feel like answering!)
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