#woah Trohman
falloutboyfan18 · 7 months
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Joe Trohman
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badnewswhatsleft · 8 months
05 dance dance mv - commentary (full band)
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emoredxd · 2 years
When fall out boy said, like, anything, I was like "woahhhh dude that was fucking amazing" and then I'd keep thinking its amazing
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so-much-for-stardust6 · 5 months
High School Reunion- Patrick Stump
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summary: you go to your high school reunion and bump into old friends. but seeing a certain someone makes you question your life
lowercase intended
warnings: smut
a/n: i did NOT proof read this so if there’s any spelling mistakes pls excuse them 🙏
i fiddled with my car keys, an uneasy feeling in my stomach. i sighed before opening my car door and getting out. i stared at the club, seeing people walk in and out. i shut my door and locked the car. i took in a deep breath before heading towards the building. once i told the bouncer my name, he let me in. i didn’t want to be here, but it’s my high school reunion. i was nervous to be here alone, all my friends i had became exes so i really had no one here. my eyes scanned the room, seeing so many familiar faces. i walked towards the bar, instantly wanting a drink. i saw my wedding ring glisten in the club lights. my heart skipped a beat, feeling some sort of guilt that i forgot i was married. i shook off the guilt once i remember how unhappy i am with him. i sat down on the stool, waiting patiently for the bartender.
“what can i get you?” the woman asked.
“shots of tequila, please.”
“coming up.” she started making my drink.
she placed at least 5 shots of tequila in front of me. i didn’t hesitate to grab them and quickly swallowed. i took a quick look at my ring, somewhat glad my husband was working today. he would’ve forced me to stay by him all night, and i wouldn’t be downing these shots.
“y/n? is that you?” i hear behind me.
i turned around to see joe trohman, my old best friend.
“holy shit, joe?” a smile breaks out on my face.
“holy shit, how have you been?” he brought me into a hug.
“livin’ the best life.” i lied.
“how about you, still in that band?” i ask.
“yup! one of our records sold millions!” he beams.
“oh joe! i’m so proud of you!” i smile.
“you should come say hi to the rest of the band!”
“are you sure? i’ll be intruding.” i say.
“it’s no worries, don’t you remember all of us hanging out? going out to get pizza and end up blasting music in pete’s shitty old car.” he laughed.
“i totally forgot! it’s been so long since i’ve heard from you guys.” i grab a shot.
“let’s take one together.” he took a shot.
“ready? go!” he exclaimed.
we both tilted our heads back, making the liquid go down smoothly.
“now we’re talkin’! let’s go.” he lead me to a booth.
“guys! guess who i found!” he pointed at me.
“Y/N!” they all yelled.
i looked at everyone in the booth. of course they all looked different, but i could still recognize them. andy had short hair now and a lot, and i mean a lot, of tattoos coving his arms. pete has tattoos as well, plus he grew out of his emo phase, i’ll miss that guy-liner. then there he was, my high school crush, patrick stump. he looked so different, a black fedora sat perfectly on his head.
“h-hey guys.” i waved at them.
“it’s been so long. how have you been?” pete stood up and hugged me.
“i’ve been great. how about you guys? joe told me you’ve sold millions with a record.” i say.
“yup! our band blew up!” andy beamed.
i sat down next to joe, catching up with the guys.
“woah, y/n. is that a wedding ring?” andy asks.
i look down at the ring, a feeling of sadness filled me.
“oh, yeah. it is.” i awkwardly chuckled.
“who’s the lucky man?” joe playfully winked at me.
“oh uh, y-you wouldn’t know him.” i fiddled with my ring.
“he’s a lucky man.” patrick spoke up.
hearing his voice made my breath hitch. tears started to form, threatening to spill.
i quickly stood up, excusing myself to the bathroom. i ran into a stall, having my back against the wall. i started sobbing, rethinking my whole life. once i started dating my husband, i was happy. we laughed and had our fun times but once we married, i was just a person in the house. i’ve had thoughts about divorce but couldn’t bring myself to it. but seeing patrick again brought back so many memories, memories of how much i’ve liked him.
i wiped my tears and stared at my ring. i quickly took it off, shoving it inside my pocket. i walked back out to the floor, wanting to go home. i looked back at the booth, not wanting to leave without saying goodbye. i walked back over, their eyes landed on me.
“are you okay?” pete asked.
“yeah, totally! i’ve got to go, it’s getting late.” i lied.
“here, let me give you my number, so we can stay in touch.” joe wrote down his number on a napkin and gave me it.
“thanks, i’ll call you in the morning.” i tell him.
“see you guys later!” i waved.
i quickly walked out the club, wanting to get away.
“y/n! wait!” i hear someone yell.
i turn around to see patrick running towards me.
“what’s up-“ i was cut off by his lips on mine.
i felt a warm feeling that i haven’t felt for years. i instantly kissed back, our lips molding together. he quickly pulled away, the look of guilt spreading across his face.
“i-i’m so sorry. i shouldn’t have done that, i know you have a husband- i just really like you. i’ve liked you since high school, but never had the guts to tell you. seeing you tonight has brought back so many emotions and memories. i’m so sorry.” he rambled on.
“shut up and kiss me again.” i mutter before pulling him into another kiss.
he grabbed onto my hips and pulled me closer to him.
“can we go somewhere private?” he whispered.
“your place. my husband would be home soon.” i said.
“oh god, your husband. i totally forgot, we can’t do this.” patrick pulled away.
“don’t go, please. get in the car and i’ll explain.” i held onto his hand.
“okay…” he hesitated.
we got into the car and sat in silence for a few minutes.
“i’m unhappy, ‘trick. i don’t love him, not as much as i did before we got married.” i confessed.
“is that why you took your ring off?” he pointed at my hand.
“oh uh, yeah.” i nervously gulped.
“one thing though, i’ll move countries and change my name if he finds out we’re sleeping together.” he said.
“we’re what?” i asked.
“i said, we’re sleeping together…” he came closer to my face before softly placing his lips on mine.
he rested his hand on my cheek, slowly deepening the kiss. his other hand rested on my thigh, rubbing soft circles.
“give me the directions to your house.” i mumble against his lips.
we quickly pulled away, buckling up and heading towards his house. the sound of my phone ringing made me jump. patrick picked it up, reading the name.
“it says, “josh”. do i answer?” he asked.
“no! i mean- no. that’s him, my husband. if you decline it, he’ll know i saw his call. let it ring.” i explain.
patrick nodded and set the phone back down. i stared at the road in front of me, the sound of my phone filling the sexual tension in the air. we finally reached patrick’s house, immediately parking in his driveway and rushing in the house. he fumbled with his keys but eventually unlocked the door. once the door was shut, his lips were on mine again. i was shoved against the door, his hands roaming my body. we quickly took our shoes off, not wanting to track dirt around the house. we swiftly moved throughout his living room, ending up in his kitchen. his breath slightly smelled like alcohol, while mine probably smelled like pure tequila. he led us to his kitchen island, shoving me against it.
“jump.” he muttered.
i listened to him and jumped on the island. he stood between my legs, his hands resting on my thighs. his tongue explored my mouth, discovering every inch of it. his hands slowly snaked higher up my body, landing on my boobs. he began to softly squeeze and massage them, causing me to let out a soft moan. i’ve never felt this good in forever, the way his hands softly caress my body makes me feel a type of way. he pulled away from me, his lips now going towards my neck. he began to suck on it, definitely leaving dark marks. his hands went to the hem of my shirt, pulling it up. i grabbed ahold of the hem, practically ripping the shirt off of my body. patrick set his fedora aside, slipping his shirt off as well. he went to unclasp my bra, doing it on the first try.
i widened my eyes at his action, not expecting him to do it well. he saw my reaction and smirked at me. he dipped his head down towards my boobs, creating even more hickies for me to hide. i ran my hand through his hair, softly tugging at it. he smirked against my skin, knowing that he’s doing it right. i began to fumble with the buttons on his jeans, desperately wanting them off. he obeyed to me and unbuttoned them, pulling his pants and underwear down and letting them pool around his ankles. he swiftly unbuttoned my jeans, catching me by surprise. i leaped off the counter, pulling both my pants and underwear down and throwing them on the kitchen floor. i hopped back up on the counter, patrick immediately going back to his position.
“are you sure you want to do this?” he looked me in the eyes.
i nodded, not caring nor thinking about my marriage. he smiled brightly, giving me a quick peck on the lips. he pumped himself a few times before slowly inserting himself inside me. we both let out loud moans, feeling pure bliss from the warm feeling. he began to thrust, biting his lip and whimpers escaped his mouth. i threw my head back, letting out a throaty moan. he took this opportunity to pepper kisses all over my neck, occasionally lightly sucking on it. i pulled him closer to me, but i felt like we weren’t close enough. i scooted towards the edge of the counter, wanting him to be deeper inside of me. i felt him grab my legs and wrap them around his waist. i obeyed and squeezed my legs around his waist, burying him deeper inside of me. our moans echoed throughout his house, the sound of our skin hitting one another followed right after.
he lifted me up off the counter and lead us to his fridge, where he pressed my back on the cold door. i arched my back, not expecting the feeling of coldness on my back. he pressed me against the door, the fridge shaking with every thrust he made. he rested his face in the crook of my neck, softly biting down on my shoulder. i tugged at his hair, feeling a burning sensation bubbling up in my lower stomach.
“i-i’m close-“ i gasped out.
i forgot how good this feels, almost like getting a really good massage.
“me too.” he grunted.
soon after he said that, he let out a loud moan and i felt his warm cum fill me up. his hips stuttered as he jerked back and forth. i expected him to pull out and finish me off with his mouth or something but he ended up getting back on track and began thrusting again. the feeling in my lower stomach rose again, quickly building up.
“i’m gonna cum-“ i moaned out.
“do it.” he gritted through his teeth.
and on command, i came. i arched my back, throwing my head back as i tightened against him. that sent him over the edge, making him cum once again. he slowly thrusted, riding out both of our highs. once he stopped, my body felt limp. my legs were numb and shaking a bit.
“you were so good. you did great, baby.” he whispered against my neck, softly kissing it.
i felt butterflies erupt in my stomach. i never had josh tell me stuff like that, he’d just immediately go to sleep. aftercare is really important, but i’ve never experienced it. i just hugged patrick closer to me, not wanting this feeling in my chest to leave. i pull away, seeing his sweaty face staring at me.
“can i please stay the night. i-i can’t go home looking like this.” i tell him, pointing at the hickies he left.
“of course. let me get you some of my clothes.”
he pulled out of me, causing me to drop my legs down to the floor.
as soon as i had the chance to stand up by myself, i fell to the floor. patrick quickly ran by my side, picking me up bridal style.
“i’ll clean up our clothes later.” he smiled.
i chuckled at his words as he lead us upstairs. he sat me down on the bed as he went through his closet.
“how about this, a nice long family guy t-shirt and some batman underwear.” he smiled before throwing them towards me.
i caught them, looking at the design.
“wait- isn’t this my shirt?” i look at the shirt sitting on my lap.
“y-yeah. we hung out one day by the lake and we ended up swimming. when we drove you home, you left the shirt in the car so i took it home and washed it so i could take it back to you.” he nervously explained.
“but i never got it back. why?”
“i-i forgot. i promise i’m not a stalker! i’m not those guys who steal clothing and j-jerk off to them!” he quickly defended himself.
“it’s okay, ‘trick. i don’t think you’re those type of guys.” i laugh before putting on the clothes.
“you look pretty sexy in my underwear.” he eyed me up and down.
“and you look pretty sexy in- well, nothing.” i laugh.
he puts on some clothes and gets in bed. we cuddle up against one another, talking about how we’ve been the past few years. and throughout this whole night, i forgot that my wedding ring is in the pocket of my jeans that are sitting on the kitchen floor of another man i used to love.
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rosegoldcas · 6 years
When I was first getting into FOB someone on Tumblr told me that there was a super secret hidden track on SRAR called “Woah Where Did The Eyebrow Go?” And my dumb ass believed it for like a year because this band is just Like That
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y'know what
screw my last post about champion
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mafaldaknows · 4 years
Add this to your Charmie playlist:
BOB DYLAN by Fall Out Boy
When they say, "You and what army?"
I guess they're talking about you and me
Baby, nobody will love you
Nobody will love you like, like I do
I guess that's half true
Come down, come down
Come down from your holy mountain
I'm down, I'm down
So put your shame on a billboard for a second
Sometimes, sometimes
The only way out is through
'Cause everyone loves Bob Dylan
I just want you to love me like that, yeah
Would you bury me next to Johnny Cash? I'm obsessed
Do you love me like that? Yeah
So what fates do we share?
Windows down, wind in your hair
Baby, no one ever thinks of you
No one ever thinks of you as much as I do
Not, not even you
Come down, come down
Come down from your holy mountain
I'm down, I'm down
So put your shame on a billboard for a second
Sometimes, sometimes
The only way out is through
'Cause everyone loves Bob Dylan
I just want you to love me like that, yeah
Would you bury me next to Johnny Cash?
I'm obsessed
Do you love me like that? Yeah
Woah, oh, oh, oh, oh
Woah, oh, oh, oh, oh
'Cause everyone loves Bob Dylan
I just want you to love me like that, yeah
Would you bury me next to Johnny Cash?
I'm obsessed
Do you love me like that? Yeah
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Peter Wentz / Patrick Stump / Andrew Hurley / Joseph Trohman
Bob Dylan lyrics © Sony/atv Songs Llc, Chicago X Softcore Songs
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Frenemies. (teenage!Joe Trohman x Reader)
There you were, strolling down the school hallways, in a good mood for the first time the entire week. You had completed and handed in all assignments, exam season was officially over, and it was Friday – life was not shitty, for once.
Then, you rounded the corner and when you approached your locker, all inklings of happiness flew out of the metaphorical window. Because there, leaning against your locker and thumbing through their phone with earphones in their ears, was the bane of your existence.
Joe Trohman.
You drew in a deep breath and screamed internally as you mentally prepared yourself for the interaction that was about to occur.
The two of you had been friends since the first day of high school; now here you were, a couple months before you graduated and left high school behind forever, and you still hadn’t managed to get rid of the guy.
You see, the term ‘friend’ is used very loosely, here – there was very little love lost between the two of you. Joe had joined your friend group when (Y/B/F) had taken a liking to him in freshman year; the two of them grew close quickly and as a result, you too were stuck having him around.
You weren’t sure what it was – if it was that your personalities clashed, if you both wanted the title of (Y/B/F)’s best friend – but whatever the reason, you and Joe were constantly at each other’s throat.
But, oddly enough, that was only half of the dynamic of your relationship. While, yes, you fought (a lot), you were both still incredibly close. It was weird. He was still one of your best friends, but you hated him.
It was confusing to everyone who had the privilege of being in the company of the two of you, but it was even more confusing to you. You knew he regarded you as a close friend, so why would he constantly bully you by doing stuff like this?
“Joe!” you yelled in aggravation as the boy pulled the hair tie off of your hair, letting it fall down in a way that was not at all elegant. “Stop being such a-“
You cut yourself off by gasping as he ‘accidently’ stepped on your foot with his heavy boots. You frowned and responded by angrily punching him in the arm, to which he answered with a small laugh and a flick to your cheek.
“Why are you here?!” you all but shouted in his face, groaning in annoyance as you fixed your hair and roughly shoved your books in your locker.
“We always walk out together,” he reminded, gesturing around at the rest of your friend group that was heading towards you, having just finished at their own lockers.
“I know.” You slung your backpack over your shoulder and shut your locker door. “I meant why are you here – in my life?”
“Aww, I love you, too,” he put on a sickeningly mushy voice and scrunched his face up as he pinched your cheek in mock affection.
You instinctively pushed his hand away and stomped off to stand on the other side of the group – far away from him.
“You know you two are gonna get married one day, right?” one of your guy friends leaned in and whispered to you.
You laughed. “Not a chance in hell.”
“Oh my god!” you complained as your unopened Powerade was ripped from your grasp and unforgivingly gulped down by the imbecile you were forced to associate yourself with. “I just bought that!”
Joe shrugged and swallowed the remainder of the blue liquid before wiping his hand over his mouth. “So go and buy another; it’s not like you can’t afford it.”
Before you could register what was happening, one of Joe’s hands had reached out and swiped your purse from where it was tucked under your arm. With no shame whatsoever, he unzipped it and grabbed a couple notes – much more than was necessary.
“Look,” he made a show of holding up your money before starting off, “I’ll even go get it for you.”
With a two-fingered salute, the curly-head shot you a smile before swaggering off – in the opposite direction of the vending machine – leaving you fuming.
And painfully thirsty.
You were deep in conversation with one of your friends, relaying your plans for the upcoming break while simultaneously trying your hardest to ignore the constant flurry of punches being thrown at the junction between your forearm and your shoulder.
“OW!” You jerked your head to the side when Joe landed a particularly hard punch, and glared at the male. “That hurt, you fucking abortion!”
He only laughed at you, in a mixture of shock and amusement, and went for another punch; only this time, you countered it and delivered six solid ones to his arm instead.
“Get. The. Fuck. Away. From. Me,” you growled, accentuating each word with a strike.
He paid no mind to your request, instead choosing to seat himself on the bench next to you, turning up the volume on his ever-present earphones.
You released a small yell of frustration as you turned back around; your friend just shook their head and took a sip of their coffee, already used to seeing this scenario play out.
“Totally gonna get married.”
It was the next day and school had let out about a half hour ago. After having finally escaped the throes of Joe Trohman – at least for today – you were on your way down to the local coffee shop, with an extra foamy caffeinated beverage the only thing on your mind.
A tiny sigh of content slipped past your lips as you opened the door and the wonderful aroma of coffee beans and freshly baked pastries wafted through the air. You sat down at your usual spot in the corner booth after placing your order, and got comfortable in your seat.
The comfort and happiness was temporary, though. Because who other than Joe would walk in not a minute later, ordering a coffee and paying with what was no doubt money he took out of your purse.
Cursing under your breath, you slouched down into the booth, praying that he wouldn’t spot you. He did, of course, and a huge grin broke out on his face as he bounded over to you.
“Hey, bitch,” he greeted, sliding into the chair on the opposite end of the table. “Fancy seeing you here.”
“I always come here on Wednesdays, dickface,” you retorted, “You know that.”
“Hmph,” was all he offered as a reply, because his mouth was already filled with a bite of your bear claw. He reached for another piece and you shoved the entire plate towards him, suddenly losing your taste for it.
“Look,” you breathed tiredly, shoulders slumping, “I come here to escape the hell that is being around you. So, if you will, kindly fuck off.”
A pained expression formed on the curly-head’s face. “Ouch. Why do you hate me so much?”
Your jaw dropped so far that it almost hit the table. “You’re kidding, right? Oh, please tell me you’re kidding,” you laughed in disbelief.
He looked genuinely confused – like a little puppy – and you scoffed.
“Oh my god,” you mumbled, shaking your head before leaning forward and resting your forearms on the table, “You make my life hell every single day. You constantly bully me, you’re always going out of your way to piss me off, and you honestly have no idea why I don’t want to be around you most of the time? How stupid are you?”
Your outburst caught Joe off guard, and he leaned back in his chair as he widened his eyes and held his hands up in defence.
“Woah, hey. All of those things are just me messing around. That’s our thing… isn’t it?” His confidence wavered towards the end of his speech, leaving a bout of uncertainty hanging in the air.
“Our thing?” You nearly jumped out of your skin. “In what world is torture considered a ‘thing’?!”
He narrowed his eyes and held out one hand to you. “’Torture’ is a bit of a strong wor-“
“You have made yourself the bane of my existence for the past four years, Joe!” You didn’t give him a chance to finish, too invested in your implosion. “And for what reason, I don’t know.”
“’Cause I love you,” he blurted.
There was quiet as the two of you just sat there, staring at each other, not daring to blink.
“You’re not funny, you fucker,” you clicked your tongue, a frown forming on your face. But you couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped your mouth at the absurdity of it all.
When you realised that Joe hadn’t joined in on the laughter, your face fell and a knot formed in your stomach.
“You are joking… right?”
The panic in your voice and on your face was evident, which was what caused Joe to break. He started laughing seconds later.
“Obviously,” he rolled his eyes before wheezing and gesturing between the two of you, “Do you honestly think that we could ever…? No. Definitely not.”
Your relief was clear by the way your posture relaxed. “Okay, that’s it,” you blew a raspberry and gathered your belongings and drink, “I’m way past my Joe limit. Don’t enjoy the rest of your day, asshole.”
You wiggled your fingers and gave a fake smile before heading for the exit, leaving Joe to toss a crumpled up napkin after you and yell his own goodbye.
“Yeah, better go fix that nest on your head!”
His snarky comment earned him a middle finger in the air, courtesy of your retreating figure, and he kept that stupid grin on his face as you tossed him a final glare.
Then, as you turned around and started down the street, his gaze turned into a solemn one and he watched you walk away, wondering if he would ever be able to let his true feelings show.
Thank you for reading x
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pmvstump · 7 years
i associate music, names, smells and tastes with colors and feelings/temperatures. Example? Joe Trohman is a solid dark blue and cold
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thepatricktreestump · 8 years
Remember: Josh Dun fanfic
A/N: Just a reminder that I’ve gotten all of your requests, it’s just a matter of finding the time to write and post them. But don’t worry, I promise I’ll get to them soon! Love you guys! xoxo
Anonymous said: Hey! May I request a Josh Dun imagine? Maybe like where the reader gets drunk and they come home to Josh and the reader's all like "kiss me" and Josh does but he stops her before they do anything else bc Josh wouldn't take advantage of the reader and it's all cute and shiz lol. Love your writing! :) <3
*gender neutral
Bright lights, fancy awards, elegant attire, loud applause, crisp champagne, a crowd full of people, and your two best friends, it was a night like no other. Ever since Tyler and Josh’s new album hit the top of the charts, they had been busy as hell. Whether award shows, parties, interviews, concerts, touring, music video filming, or just traveling on the road, they always seemed to be the center of attention. It didn’t surprise you that they had won another award, but you were surprised when they decided to go to the after party. Usually they would bow out, decide to go back to the tour bus, and instead, blast music, eat cereal, and do their own little thing. They were never usually ones for parties. But however, winning an award and just finishing tour, going to a grand scale celebrity party must’ve sounded like the perfect way to celebrate. “Come on, y/n,” Josh insisted. “It’ll be fun. We don’t even have to drink or anything, we can just go there, talk to some people, dance for a little bit, that’s all.”
“Just a couple hours,” Tyler agreed.
“I never said I wasn’t going,” you narrowed your eyes. “I’m just double checking that this is really what you guys want to do.”
“Why? You doubt me and my partying abilities?” Tyler playfully gasped, putting a hand to his chest and acting deeply offended. “Believe me, y/n, I can bust a move like nobody knows.”
“Whatever,” you rolled your eyes. “I’m just making sure none of you will chicken out on me halfway through the night.”
“Never,” Tyler shook his head. “I’m on top of the world right now, and I don’t think I want to come down anytime soon. How about you, Josh?”
“Huh?” Josh lifted his head from his phone. “I was just scrolling through the group chat. The party starts in a couple minutes. I’d start heading over now.”
“Teenagers and their phones,” Tyler clicked his tongue.
“I’m researching,” Josh laughed. “I have to find the address somehow.”
It wasn’t long before you guys had arrived, and sure enough, it was just as you had imagined it. There was a plethora of people crowding the dance floor where a professional DJ and live band were playing music, a kitchen equipped with a bar tender serving all sorts of drinks and foods ranging anywhere from a five-foot-tall chocolate fountain to gourmet French fries, a longue where people were smoking and snorting who knows what kind of drugs, and of course, the usual pool table in the corner. “They went all out,” you shouted to Josh over the music as Tyler led you both towards the kitchen.
“Typical party,” he shrugged, putting an arm around you as you approached the bar tender. You and Josh were just friends, but you had to admit, you had a tiny crush on him, and when he put his arm around your shoulder, you couldn’t help but feel a small tug on your heartstrings. You tried to ignore your stupid feelings and took a seat next to Josh before asking for a drink.
“I’ll have a tequila,” you ordered. Josh eyed you strangely. “What?”
“I don’t know,” he tried acting casual. “I think I’m just going to stick to Red Bull tonight.”
“You should have at least one drink,” you argued, thanking the bar tender with a nod as he handed you a glass and you downed a shot. “Loosen up, celebrate, have some fun.”
“I’m already having fun,” he chuckled, popping open the tab of his can before taking a sip. “As long as I’m with you, I’m enjoying myself.”
“Flirt,” you smirked, trying to ignore the blush in your cheeks and ordering another shot. “You sure you don’t want one?”
“Somebody’s going to have to drive us home, remember?” he raised an eyebrow.
“Tyler already agreed to do that on the ride here,” you pointed out. “Here, I’ll order a margarita and you just have a sip or two.”
“Y/n,” Josh began to protest, but you were already waving at the bar tender to hit you up. You started on your next drink and Josh took a deep breath. “Maybe you should pace yourself a little bit. There’s still a lot of the night to go.”
“I’ll be just fine,” you rolled your eyes. That’s when Josh looked down at his phone. “What’s the matter?”
“Mark Hoppus just got here,” Josh explained. “He wants to congratulate me on the award and some stuff, talk for a little bit, catch up. Is it okay if I leave you here?”
“Yup,” you nodded. “I’m not going anywhere!”
“No more drinks,” Josh narrowed his eyes. “Not until I get back anyways, got it? It will only take a couple minutes. Look, Tyler’s right over there talking to Pete Wentz if you need somebody.”
“Don’t worry about me,” you groaned. “Go talk to Mark. I’ll be right here waiting for you.”
“Okay,” Josh complied hesitantly before sliding off his seat, gulping down the rest of his Red Bull, and then heading off to find his friend.
The rest of the night was basically a blur. You remember someone sitting down beside you, either Joe Trohman or Brendon Urie, and they had convinced you to have a couple more drinks. The bar tender had eventually cut you off because you had reached your limit for the night. One of your favorite songs came on and you stumbled onto the dance floor, slurring out the lyrics noisily, a random stranger picking you up off the floor, and then Tyler coming to save you. “Woah there,” Tyler steadied you. “You’re a mess.”
“Where’s Josh?” your incomprehensible attempt at speaking tumbled out of your mouth.
“Hmm?” Tyler cocked an eyebrow. “Oh, I think he went back. He couldn’t find you.”
“He left?” you slurred out.
“Yeah,” Tyler nodded. “To his hotel room. It’s getting late anyways. You should probably go back too. He’ll take care of you, I’ll leave you with him for the night. How about that?”
“I’d like that,” you responded happily.
“Goodness gracious, y/n, you’re reeking of alcohol,” Tyler frowned. “How much did you drink?”
“Just a little,” you replied.
“Uh huh…” he murmured. “Well how about we get you home?”
“Is Josh at home?” you sputtered out excitedly, your mind nothing but a jumbled mess of thoughts.
“He’s at the hotel, yeah,” Tyler answered. “But come on. We’ve got to get you in the car and then drive there too.” It took a while for him to drag you out to the driveway and help you into your seat, but eventually you were sitting shotgun, buckled in, and somewhat sane as Tyler drove down the road.
“Can I talk to Josh?” you wondered.
“Of course you can,” Tyler laughed. “We’ll see him in a little while.”
“No,” you whined impatiently. “Right now.”
“Right now?” he raised his eyebrows, gaze flickering from the road to you. “Uh, sure. You can call him if you want.”
“I can?” you asked eagerly.
“Sure you can,” he chuckled. “I mean, we’ll see him in just a couple minutes, but if you have to talk to him so bad, you can go right ahead.”
You fumbled for your phone in your pocket before pulling it out, somehow by miracle able to properly call Josh on the first try. The phone rang several times before he answered. “Hey y/n,” he greeted. “Sorry, I got kind of sleepy and I asked Tyler to take you home. How are you doing?”
“I’m so happy,” you sighed, slurring your words. “You should’ve been there.”
“Oh gosh,” Josh groaned. “Did you drink some more?”
“Just a little,” you insisted.
“A lot,” Tyler piped up.
“Don’t listen to him,” you argued. “I’m just a bit tipsy, that’s all.”
“You want to stay with me tonight?” Josh offered. “In case you get sick or something? I’m sure you won’t be so happy in a couple hours when all that junk starts to ruin your system.”
“That’s what I was thinking,” Tyler explained loud enough for Josh to hear. “If that’s alright with you.”
“It’s cool,” Josh replied. “You’ll be sticking with me tonight, y/n.”
“Sounds like a plan,” you grinned.
“Don’t get too excited,” Tyler rolled his eyes. “You’re probably going to have a killer hangover tomorrow morning.”
When you rolled into the parking lot of the hotel, Tyler could barely get you standing on your two feet. “I’m kind of dizzy,” you admitted. “Maybe that’s why my feet don’t work.”
“I’m dizzy just looking at you,” Tyler laughed. “Come on, let’s get you upstairs and to Josh’s room.”
“How do I walk if my feet don’t work?” you pouted.
“Your feet work just fine,” Tyler sighed. “You just need to try to use them.”
“I want Josh,” you insisted, swaying a couple times before Tyler stood you upright.
“I’m about to give up on you,” Tyler glared playfully. “Don’t make me call him down here to carry you.” “I’d like that,” you giggled cheerfully. “I’d like that a lot.”
“Y/n, you are so drunk,” Tyler rolled his eyes.
“I want to see Josh,” you complained as he tugged you towards the door of the hotel, shoving you towards the elevator. “I love Josh.”
“Oh, I’m sure you do,” Tyler smirked. “You don’t have to be drunk for me to figure that out.”
“I love him so much,” you repeated.
“Well you better behave yourself,” Tyler narrowed your eyes, helping you out of the elevator and supporting you as you ambled down the hallway to Josh’s hotel room. When Josh opened the door, he stared at you, widening his eyes.
“Oh geez,” he muttered. “I thought I told you not to drink anymore!”
“You got it from here?” Tyler asked, pained look on his face. “I’m dead tired. Y/n’s been quite the handful.”
“Hey!” you snapped. “I’ve been an angel!”
“Have you now?” Josh chuckled.
“I’m going to turn in for the night,” Tyler sighed. “You have fun with that one.”
“I’ll try,” Josh teased. He lugged you into the room and sat you on the couch. “Try to get some sleep, okay?”
“No!” you whined, tugging at his arm when he tried to walk away. “I want to stay with you.”
“You want me to stay out here for a little while until you fall asleep?” he wondered.
“I want to fall asleep with you,” you corrected. “Pretty please? With a cherry on top?”
“You’re cute when you’re drunk,” he rolled his eyes.
“You’re cute all the time,” you insisted.
“Sure,” Josh laughed. “Come on, how about you join me and we can go to my bed?”
“Bed?” you raised your eyebrows and grinned.
“Stop it,” he shook his head. “I mean so we can sleep.”
“You want to sleep with me?” you smiled slyly. “Joshua Dun.”
“You’re just being silly,” he argued. “Come on, we’re going to go sleep. In bed. Now.”
“Whatever you say,” you shrugged, goofy grin still plastered on your face as he just laughed and scooped you up in his arms, carrying you to the hotel bed and before tucking you in. “Bridal style.”
“That’s right,” he chuckled. “I don’t want you falling on your face, it’s best if I carry you.”
“You carry me like a bride,” you yawned happily. “Does that mean we’re going to get married?”
“Sure,” he joked. “If you want.”
“That would make me so happy,” you sighed, turning over to face him, scooching closer to him underneath the sheets. “You and me, together forever.”
“You’re so drunk,” he laughed. “I bet you won’t even remember any of this tomorrow morning.”
“Is that when our wedding is?” you tilted your head. “Tomorrow morning?”
“Sure, why not,” Josh decided.
“Can I ask you something?” you frowned. “It’s important.”
“Of course,” he smiled. “Anything you want.”
“Can you kiss me?” you inquired, hopeful eyes gazing up at his. “Please?”
“Uh…” Josh stared at you for a second, debating it. “I’d love to, really, but I think you’d rather have me kiss you when you’re sober. So you remember, you know?”
“So you want to?” your eyes lit up.
“Yeah,” he admitted. “I’d love to. But I’d also want you to remember.”
“Maybe I don’t need to remember,” you offered. “Maybe it can be our secret. Just tonight.”
“Just tonight?” Josh raised an eyebrow, still contemplating it in his head. You were being awfully tempting, and those lips looked so soft and sweet, but he knew it was wrong. He shouldn’t do anything you wouldn’t be comfortable with sober. Much less, he had just confessed that he wanted to kiss you! He was crazy! What if you remembered that tomorrow morning? What if it was just your drunk self-talking? Questions swirled around in his brain and doubt began to eat away at him, anxiety slowly seeping into his brain.
“Please,” you begged. “Come on, Josh. Just one kiss won’t hurt.”
“I guess it won’t,” he agreed shyly.
“Then come on,” you insisted, staring at him. You lowered your voice to barely a whisper. “Just kiss me.” He leaned in and rested a hand behind your head, pulling you close and kissing your lips gently, lingering a moment before pulling back, opening his eyes and staring at you.
“I love you,” he breathed, still lost in your eyes, trying to figure out what he had just done, much less, said.
“I love you too,” you grinned. “Come on, let’s not stop there.” You leaned in for another kiss but he shook his head, closing his eyes tight before opening them again.
“Not tonight,” he took a deep breath. “Maybe when you’re sober, but I um, I shouldn’t have done that y/n. You’re not thinking right.”
“I’m thinking perfectly fine!” you rolled your eyes. “Please Josh, I want more.”
“So do I,” he mumbled. “But I really don’t think we should do this now.”
“Josh,” you stated his name and reached forward to grab his shirt, snaking your hands down his chest and trying to tug it up. “We can’t stop there.”
“Yes,” he chuckled. “We can. We should.”
“I want this off,” you whined, tugging up his shirt again but he just laughed nervously, tugging the hem of his shirt back down to his waist.
“Let’s try to keep our clothes on, okay?” he raised his eyebrows. “I think it’s best you get some sleep, clear your head, and we’ll try this again some other time.”
“Not another time,” you complained. “Now.”
“I know, but we can’t,” he insisted. “It’s not right.”
“Didn’t it feel so good though?” you argued. “Your lips on mine? Being so close? Just the two of us, in this bed, together? Didn’t you feel something?”
“I did,” he nodded slowly. “However I think you just aren’t in the right circumstances to do any of that right now. You probably don’t even understand half of the things you’re saying. How about we cuddle and fall asleep, is that okay?”
“I want more than cuddles,” you persisted.
“Look, y/n, I’m sorry,” he sighed. “But please, I’m not going to argue with you anymore. Let’s just go to sleep. Please?”
“Okay,” you mumbled.
“Thank you,” he sighed. He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. “Goodnight sweetheart.”
A couple minutes passed before you fell asleep, eyes closed, wrapped in Josh’s arms. You both laid there in silence, a mixture of soft snores, quiet heartbeats, and shallow breathing. That was until the sun filtered through the blinds and there was a churning, horrible, miserable feeling in the pit of your stomach, and you stumbled out of bed, escaping his arms and staggering to the bathroom, flinging open the door and retching all the contents of your stomach into the toilet bowl. Vomiting wasn’t a pretty sight, especially during a horrific hangover, and you felt absolutely embarrassed you had caused the mess in Josh’s hotel bathroom. You heard him stirring in bed, calling your name, and your face instantly turned red. Your head was spinning, a terrible migraine overtaking you, and sure enough, you found yourself puking up even more. You felt Josh kneel beside you, rubbing small gentle circles on your back, brushing your hair out of your face. “I’m sorry,” you sputtered out. “Shit, I’m so sorry-”
“It’s okay,” he reassured. “Don’t apologize.”
“I feel miserable,” you mumbled and he frowned, handing you a towel to clean your mouth and flushing the toilet, helping you up and giving you a hug.
“I told you not to drink anymore last night,” he reminded.
“Did I?” you wondered, watching his eyes soften as he released the embrace.
“You don’t remember anything… do you?” he whispered.
“Why? Did uh, did something happen?” you looked around and started to realize how strange it was that you slept in Josh’s bed, he was cuddling you this morning, and you supposedly got absolutely wasted last night. “Fuck, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he shook his head. “Don’t worry about it, nothing happened. I just let you stay here for the night because I was afraid you might get sick. I’m glad I did, I mean, I wouldn’t want you all alone with a horrible hangover.”
“Thank you,” you stuttered out. “Goddammit I feel absolutely miserable.”
“I’ll get you a glass of water and some Advil,” he decided. “Just take it easy, okay? When you’re done you can just lay on the bed. Got it?”
“Yeah,” you nodded slowly. “Thanks so much.”
“No problem,” he gave a small smile. “I just really hope you feel better soon.”
You took a wet washcloth and wiped your face, taking a deep breath, then heading to the bed, rolling underneath the sheets. Josh approached you, handing you a cup of water and a couple Advil, which you downed and thanked him before resting your head on the pillow. “Can you, uh, stay with me? Maybe?” you asked shyly. “I don’t really want to be alone.”
“Sure,” he replied, pulling up the covers and lying beside you. Without thinking, he put an arm around you, pulling you closer, and you smiled. “Uh, is this okay? If I do this?”
“It’s more than okay,” you laughed. “I just wish I didn’t feel so shitty so I could enjoy it more. It’s not often I get cuddles.”
“You got plenty last night,” he chuckled.
“About that…” your voice trailed off. “What um, what did I do exactly? Last night?”
“You were fine,” Josh reassured. “I kept you under control. Tyler made sure you behaved.”
“Behaved?” you took a shaky breath.
“Yeah,” he smirked.
“W-what did I do?” you stammered.
“I don’t know,” he shrugged. “I mean, obviously you don’t really remember. And when you were drunk you promised it would be our little secret.”
“Josh-” a worried, embarrassed, scared look spread across your face.
“Don’t worry,” he insisted. “Much to your disliking, I made sure we kept all our clothes on.”
“What does that mean?” you grew quiet, twice as self-conscious now.
“You really want to know?” Josh raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, I sort of do,” you admitted. “I mean, if I’m as rambunctious as you say I was.”
“Maybe I should tell you when you feel better,” he decided.
“I want to know,” you argued. “Now. Please?”
“You were getting sort of, um, suggestive last night,” he explained. “You wanted to do stuff, but I told you no cause you were absolutely wasted. You got all mopey and sad and kept persisting and we uh, we kissed, once. But then I made you go to bed.”
“We kissed?” your face turned bright red. “Oh gosh, I’m sorry, look I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s okay,” he laughed. “I’m fine. I just thought that um, you might want to know.”
“Yeah,” you nodded slowly. “So… was it a good kiss?”
“Maybe you would’ve remembered if you weren’t so drunk,” he rolled his eyes jokingly.
“No really,” you persisted. “Or was it awkward?”
“Maybe you should find out for yourself,” he suggested.
“What do you mean?” you narrowed your eyes.
“You know exactly what I mean,” he whispered. You stared at him for a second before capturing him in a kiss, pressing his lips on his and feeling him pull you closer, eyes closed, mouths opened, tongues moving in syncopation, his body so close to yours. When you pulled away you both opened your eyes, staring at each other, and you blinked twice.
“Did that really just happen?” you wondered, gasping for breath.
“Yeah,” Josh breathed, eyes staring into yours. “It did.”
“No, like last night,” you clarified, taking a deep breath and still unable to move your gaze away from his. “Did that happen?”
“Not as intimate, no,” he shook his head. “And uh, I don’t know about you, but I liked this one a lot better.”
“Me too,” you smiled. “Hopefully I’ll remember.”
“You think, uh, we should do it again?” he hinted. “Just in case?”
“Josh,” you laughed. “I don’t think I’ll be forgetting any of this anytime soon.”
“Do you still feel horrible?” he tilted his head to the side.
“I feel much better,” you replied. “But like you said, I think another kiss wouldn’t hurt.”
“You know you didn’t have to be drunk to kiss me, y/n,” Josh reminded. “I would’ve kissed you sober just fine. All you had to do is ask.”
“I was scared,” you admitted. “I mean, hell, what’s Tyler going to think?”
“I think he already knows,” Josh laughed. “You told him you were in love with me last night.”
“I did?” you widened your eyes. “What else happened that you never told me about?”
“You wanted my shirt off,” he added.
“I still do,” you teased.
“I’m pretty sure I can make that happen,” he gave a sly smile.
“Yeah?” you grinned.
“Yeah,” he murmured.
“I think I found the perfect cure to a killer hangover,” you chuckled.
“What? Kissing?” he raised his eyebrows.
“Nah,” you shook your head. “You.”
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falloutboyfan18 · 1 year
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Joe Trohman at the 2023 Los Angeles Times Festival Of Books
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sunshinetrans-blog · 8 years
hey I need to follow awesome blogs and lovely people do you recommend any?? Plus any you can make friends with?? Who do you consider to be your closest friend/s on here ?
Ooh!! Okay woah there’s a lot. I’ll do popular blogs that I love, and then friends (mutuals are mixed in with the popular blogs but idk if they consider me friends or not whoops)
there are so many i’m so sorry, i know i left out like a million different people and i feel terrible but i don’t have time to tag everyone i’m sorry!! 
Popular: @trohmann @trohmosexual @trohmans @hesitantaliengee @no-fun-club @not-billie-joe @alloftheginjointsinalltheworld @alwaysfob @anervousboyslife @billhaderisadork @bitterbeebo @blackcvrds @bo0zey @boozsey @cemetery-driven @cemterydrive @chokejpg @chubbystump @cyanidefrnk @d-i-z-z-y-o-n-d-r-e-a-m-s @dearpercocet @demoltionloving @transbowie @disloyalorder @drbenzememe @eribooooo @falllout-boi @falloutdyke @ffudgesticks @fishyexistence @fobmaniac @frictioninyourjeans @frnkierosociety @ghostparachutes @ghostoutthecloset @heeyyyoungblood @hellyeahjoetrohman @justfolieadoit  @infinityonhigher @lesbianfob @murderfrank @notrevenge @parachctes @parachutesfrank @patienceiero @patrickstumph @patroh @pavhate @peppermintpatrick @peteachu @petewenturies @pmvstump @prehiatus-patrick @prehiatus-pattycakes @pretty-in-pete @pstumph @punkboyway @rad-rt @raytoroz @revengefvcker @saintdooms @saportuh @saverockanroll @scftghost @sinfinityonhigh @smolfrnk @softfrnk @softpatrick @soulpuns @stillfeelthatrushinmyveins @sweatpea @sweaterpawpatrick @thatswherepetewentz @thnks4thwntz @typicaltumblerer @val-velocity @vcnom @vengefulfrnk @vintagewentz @vivalafrnk @wellpetericktbh @xkilljoy-unicornx @xcfrnk @yourbuddyreggie   @infinityonhigher
Friends!: (these ppl are great and i love them a lot and yes!!)
@junk-hoe @chubbypatrick @tofingerscrossed @sinnerfrank @briarrepose @spinsthestars @frnkvol @my-hesitant-stomachache (this is my boi danny i love him to pieces) @hesitantaliengee @icethespiciest @mcr-fobpatd (this person is insanely nice and friendly they will love you 5ever)
If i forgot you or tagged you twice i’m so so so very sorry, and i hope you all have lovely days
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falloutboyfan18 · 7 months
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Joe Trohman
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falloutboyfan18 · 2 years
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Joe trohman ig update
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falloutboyfan18 · 2 years
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Joe and Pete
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falloutboyfan18 · 2 years
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Everyone Joe trohman is going to be on a podcast. Check it out. Link below 👇
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