#joe trohman x reader
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s1ushyz · 3 months ago
How many aura points did I lose spam texting my best friend abt fall out boy (he does NOT gaf about fall out boy)
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49 notes · View notes
barringtonishigh · 1 year ago
mychemicalbarrett's masterlist
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Pete Wentz:
Aftershow Snuggles (M!Reader)
Scene!reader Headcanons
Sharing (GN!Reader)
Patrick Stump:
Insomnia (GN!Reader)
Headcanons (GN!Reader)
Surprise, Surprise (F!Reader)
Joe Trohman:
Nothing yet!
Andy Hurley:
Late Night Walk (M!Reader)
Headcanons (GN!Reader)
William Beckett:
Nothing yet!
Adam Siska:
Nothing yet!
Mike Carden:
Nothing yet!
The Butcher:
Nothing yet!
Michael Guy Chislett:
Nothing yet!
Ryan Ross:
Best Friends to Lovers Headcanons (GN!Reader)
Jon Walker:
Nothing yet!
Dallon Weekes:
Starry Skies (GN!Reader)
Streamers (GN!Reader)
Gerard Way:
Infodumping (M!Reader)
Baby. You're A Haunted Movie Theater (M!Reader)
Mikey Way:
Nothing yet!
Frank Iero:
Buzzed (GN!Reader) (TW// cancer)
Snuggles & Sniffles (F!Reader)
You're Safe (F!Reader)
Ray Toro:
Nothing yet!
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55 notes · View notes
sibsteria · 2 months ago
Where is my mind?
Mikey Way x Fem!Reader
Warnings/Content: smut, angst, fluff, fem!reader, abuse mention, minimally awkward virginity loss
Summary: mcr high school!au (appearances from fall out boy, later), Gee is your best friend and you are into Mikey. One faithful night, things come to a head and you make a choice, will you regret it? Does Mikey have feelings for you? Maybe a love triangle is to come…..
(this will be a multiple part series, i have really been missing the good old wattpad band fics lately, so this is imo a glorified reprisal of those days)
1 | 2 | 3
Sitting outside of the principle’s office after school, waiting for Frank, is not how you wanted your Thursday afternoon to go. He just had to throw that chair at Bob- I mean, the kid deserved it but, you had places to be.
You heard the door click as he walked out to the hallway where you were, 99% of people had already left to go home after school, his shoes echoed the halls as he walked out of the office.
''Hey, Y/n...'' His hand finds the scruff of his neck, he smiles and shrugs his shoulders.
''I-...I'm not even gonna say anything. Come on, the others are waiting in the van.'' You chuckle and scruff up his hair and flicking him in the nose before legging it down to the exit.
''Hey!'' He screams after you, trying to catch up.
The van door is open as Ray sits in the driver's seat, Gerard next to him and Mikey is in the back. The van itself usually smelt like a mixture of weed, gummy worms, god awful body spray, alcohol and a strong slight tinge of BO. It belonged to Gerard, but Ray was borrowing it this weekend having just become a certified driver.
You scream as Frank nearly catches up, ''Mikey, move!'', you dive into the van and shuffle to hide behind Mikey as Frank jumps in after you.
''Aren't you brave.'' Frank says to Mikey and smirks.
''Okay, enough now, I just got my license and I don't need you and your stupid self to get that taken from me.'' Ray rolls his eyes, this is the first time he has driven us, it's usually Gee.
You sneak a glance at Mikey, his head leaning against the wall, trying to drown out Frank's boisterous noise. He glances over at you, his eyes widen a small amount as he catches you, you swallow and dart your eyes somewhere else. A heat of embarrassment cups your cheeks and you just pray you aren’t that red in the face.
Mikey smiles a little, before turning back to look out the window.
Friday morning you decide to once again, as usual, to get a ride to school from the boys.
You stifle a cry as you look in the mirror, there is no hiding it today.
You never let them see you cry, it’s not the perception of yourself that you like them seeing.
You’re supposed to be the tough and rough one, the edge, where cares don’t exist when you are around. What a load of-
You can hear the creak from his bedroom floor from the downstairs bathroom, that’s enough pity party for today, you gotta get out of here.
Waiting in your front yard, you bring your cigarette up to your lips shakily, placing it between them and letting them wrap around the end, you take a firm pull.
As it the smoke escapes you- stinging your eyes a little as the wind blows it back, you withdraw the cig from your mouth, the tip of it stained a burgundy from your lips. Mornings like this are serene as the water from the gutter babbles and trickles from the roof onto the porch. The neighbourhood is silent at this hour, just the homeless and school kids awake- by now they would already be at school- your group were always late.
Your next door neighbours and coincidental friends Gerard and Mikey are your saving graces, the latter watches as you smoke your shitty morning away with a moment of peace. They both hear it at night and in the morning, and whenever you are in your house, really. Even though you acted solid, they can tell just how much you are breaking each day.
You didn't know Mikey had been watching you as you brush at your nose and eyes, pushing away the sadness, messy eyeliner being your typical look on any normal day, it never starts out fucked up but it always ends that way- sometimes before you even left your house.
The air was brisk, you had forgotten your jacket inside but there was no way you were going back in. Goosebumps appeared on your arms, you torn tank top not doing any justice to the cold, rubbing your knees together as you pull down your denim shorts- your tights ripped- although that was a fashion choice. You rolled your feet around in your dirt ridden, worn out boots, trying to capture some warmth. You dug around in your fabric messenger bag, trying to find the fishnet layer you new you had in there, to go over your tank. Your hand rummaged inside- your lipstick, cigarettes, matches, hair tie, purse, ID, eyeliner pencil and half a bottle of vodka banging against each other as you struggle to find it. You did find a banana clip though, a couple of scratches in the plastic- basically brand new in Jersey- you hold your cig in your mouth as you clip your hair back. The unwashed knotty hair was not a cool look, you make sure your fringe swoops over your tender eye, a hair poking you in it, making you wince a little.
You didn't hear Mikey hop over the fence.
''Wanna wear mine?'' Hs jacket was already off, presented to you as his slight smile covers his face. He had on a long sleeve top with a graphic tee over it.
''Oh, Mikes, I couldn't do that- you'll freeze.'' You frown at him.
''Nah, it's okay, you need it more than me.'' The encounter is awkward yet sweet. ''Seriously, I won't let you say no.'' He titters out a small laugh.
You give into the generosity, shrugging on his oversized hoodie, it smells exactly like him- drowned in cologne, the air freshener of the Way house, and of course- his own scent. He was always a little stinky, but ever since you got to know him- he started to smell better and better, introducing himself to showers. You doubted it had anything to do with you, though.
You internally beamed at this, you can smell him whenever you wanted now, until you eventually give it back. Maybe he won’t notice it go missing?
''Thanks...'' You blush and smile, your feet moving against the gravel and rocks on the ground.
“Honestly, it’s no problem…” His sentence trails off as you hair uncovers a bruise on your eye, “He…he hit you again?” Mikey whispered, thoroughly angry, his face dropping, he was sure the silence meant good things this morning.
“Yeah, but-“
“-no, no buts. You’re staying with us, tonight, at least. Just wait until Gee hears about this.” You and Gerard had been friends for longer than you had known Mikey.
“Till I hear about what?” Speak of the devil and he shall appear, rather, my angel.
“Take a look at this.” Mikey tugs on your arm pulling you over to their front lawn instead of yours, getting out out of the view of your front window.
Gee pulls your hair back gently, the black eye revealing itself.
“Fuck.” Gerard breaths in through his teeth, tongue pushed to the roof of his mouth.
Your lips start to tremble as you pull Mikey’s jacket closer around you. You could always act unbothered by it all until Gee looked you in the eyes.
“Oh, little miss, you can’t go back there tonight. Give him time to cool off. Someday we’ll move out o’ here, once the band takes off, I promise i’ll take care of you.”
“We’ll. All of us. Take care of you.” Mikey mumbles, putting his hand on your arm, giving it a rub. Gee picks up your limp hand, rubbing a comfort over your knuckles, in an attempt to soothe you.
You swallow thickly, the taste of tobacco and stale soda from this morning swimming in your mouth.
“Don’t let Frankie know until we are off the estate, we can’t have another broken window, he already doesn’t pay for heating.”
The brothers chuckle a little, angst still present in the atmosphere.
“Probably for the best.”
You wait with the two until Ray and Frank pull up in the van, you take care in hiding your face from Frank as you climb inside, sitting in-between the Ways.
Pulling into the school parking lot, you finally put your guard down and let Frank see your face, Gee rubbing your arm as you do so in comfort.
“Are you fucking kidding me?! I’m gonna- gonna run him over, I really am- Ray! Start the van!” Frank is heaving, raving, screaming.
“Frankie, stop. He’ll just make it worse later.” You place a hand on his shoulder.
“Well, you’re not going back there tonight, I already called mom.” Gerard says, Mikey nods.
“I told her, she’s coming with us after school, and for the whole weekend now that I’m thinking about it.” Mikey recalls.
“You’re right. I just can’t- can’t believe it! Well, I can- but-“ You cut Frank off.
“It’s okay, i’m alive.” You shrug.
“Yeah, for now. Gotta smoke?” Frank huffs.
“Sure.” You giggle.
You and Frank lean on the side of the van across from the others, blowing your smoke into the air, and sometimes in each others faces to piss you both off. No one wants pure burnt tobacco in their face if it isn’t spiked with something more.
The bell rings, you quickly dab out your cig butts and all start running inside, taking a quick swig of your vodka bottle before you start the day.
“You better share that later.” Frank narrows his eyes at you as you reach it to class, late for homeroom anyways.
“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t?”
You got maybe about an hour of sleep last night? So falling asleep by your second class of the day was forseen, the smell of Mikey’s jacket helping to lull you off. You were sure to get detention for this, hey, at least you know you will be seeing Frank after school instead of waiting like yesterday. Ray sits next to you in mathematics, you aren’t sure why he isn’t in a smarter class.
The teacher drones on and on and acts like a lullaby almost.
As guaranteed by the end of class and many, many harsh berates for falling asleep- sure as shit, you had detention.
Leaving class was like a breath of fresh air, teenage, odourous, fresh air.
Nowadays, you hardly got bullied, having raised your status with Frank- he’s definitely not afraid to get in a fight, may it be for himself or on behalf of one of you. Which helped, people don’t touch him anymore- he’s a bit of a loose cannon.
You decided to take a page out of his book a while back, so people mostly left you alone.
That said…
There was a new clique, so to speak- on the rise, a couple of exchange students from a couple of states over grouping up the old hierarchy. You knew it wouldn’t take long until you had to reiterate just how much you don’t like to be fucked with, and instead of picking at you, they picked at someone much worse to mess with.
Down the hall you saw a vague scene, a group of girls and maybe two guys?
The closer you got, the more steam came out of your ears.
They stood there, laughing, picking on, humiliating Mikey.
You took a moment to see how far they would take it, one of the guys decides to push mikey into his locker, making a loud tin crash. That doesn’t it, then.
You stormed over, standing in front of Mikey, forcefully shoved yourself in their faces.
“You think it’s funny to pick on someone who has done literally nothing to you?”
“Oh, please, nothing? He’s stood around all mopey like a little loser, someone had to take the top spot, we are sure not letting you losers have it. Freaks, I swear none of you have even heard of deodorant-“
You punch her straight in her nose, a spurt of blood spraying your knuckles along with her shirt, she stumbles back and one of her guy friends catches her. Tears form in her eyes and she tries to find a comeback but she is unsuccessful, clearly not used to her victims fighting back at her old school.
“If you wanna say something, say it. I would love to have a reason to punch you again.”
“Y-you’re psycho!” She pushes out, trying not to cry.
“You mess with my family, the people I love, ever again- I can guarantee I will break something else, and it won’t be as quick. Don’t you ever, look, talk, or even think about Mikey ever again. You got it? You look like the poster child for pro-choice, did your mother buy you condoms instead of a cabbage patch kid?” You spat at her, Mikey grabs your wrist gently from behind you.
The girl only swallowed before quickly swerving and walking away briskly.
“I don’t understand why she thought she had the right to do that to you, Mikes-“
“That was fuckin’ awesome.” His eyes are shining down at you, a smile gracing his lips.
“You don’t know how I felt watching them do that to you.” You pull him into a tight hug.
His heart picks up pace at this, he wraps his arms around you quickly, welcoming the contact.
He lets himself breath in the scent of your hair, quietly.
You allow yourself to relax into the heat of his chest, embracing the comfort he gave you. Your cheeks blushed up as his thumb rubbed against your back, affectionately.
You both pull away, you take a little longer to stare into his eyes, pushing up his glasses with your finger as you noticed they had slipped.
What? Why did you just do that? That’s weird, why would you do that.
Your eyes widen as you realise what you had done, you turn to leave before a certain best friend of your is walking up the hallway.
Mikey is stood there in shock. Was that weird? That was really intimate.
“I just saw Holly? Nice one, dude.” Gerard speaks up from behind you., saved by the Gee shaped bell.
“Thanks, Gee, really proud of that. I just wish she had said something else so I could have smacked her down again.” You laugh nervously, choosing to ignore the situation you had created out of your own feelings.
Let’s just say you got a hefty punishment, after school detention for a a month, the school decided not to call your dad after they had noticed the bruises and scrapes for years at this point, even some broken bones. They wouldn’t dare report the abuse but- they would never tattle on you to him, not wanting to worsen anything. You basically had free will with a few detentions, that you would share with Frank anyways. After all, there was no use detering fights in Jersey.
After school and yours and Frank’s detention the drive back was full of comfort and laughter, and not just because Frank had lit up a giggle stick and passed it around.
You all had taken a small rest just to chill in the middle of a forest near your estate to smoke a little more, the time turning late. You of course, did, share the vodka with Frank.
You and Mikey, through the hotboxed van, had locked eyes as you sat next to each other, no amount of magic grass could ever make you forget how much you want him, your biggest secret, your shame.
You let out a breath, blowing out the smoke that was in your system before passing it over to Frank. Mikey smiles before looking away, a blush on his face that you don’t really notice.
Another weird fucking moment for the books.
You eventually pull up at the Way house, parting ways with the others.
Your dad is sat on the porch, surrounded by empty beer cans, a bottle of whiskey in his hand half empty.
“Shit.” You whisper, ducking behind their front fence.
“Wha-“ Mikey shuts his mouth when he sees your dad on the front. He tugs at Gerard to do the same, all of you crouched, slowly shuffling along the fence wall.
You all manage to make it inside, through the back, going around the house so he didn’t see you walk through their front door.
“Fuckin’ christ. He has never waited like that.” You appear extremely stressed out, running a hand through your hair, pacing back and forth. “What if he looks for me? What if he comes here?”
“Hey, it’s okay, if he comes here- you hide yourself somewhere? You can hide, can’t you? Get mom to open the door? She knows you’re here tonight and she obviously knows what’s going on.” Gerard proposed a loose plan.
“Okay, okay. He can’t be violent to your mom, he wouldn’t do anything publicly. Always mumbling how he ‘can’t go back to jail’.” You nod and agree with rambling words.
A knock at the door startles you all and you all collectively scream, ducking down.
You let their mom open the door, it was just a neighbour after some milk.
“Fuck, maybe we smoked too much.” You giggle at your paranoia.
“Nah..not enough.”
You decide to have a private talk with Gerard, well needed, it had been a while.
After some tears and angry talk, you were ready to relax, you gave Gee a the biggest hug you could muster before deciding to go up to Mikey. You always swapped sleeping arrangements when you stayed for longer than one night, wanting to give either one peace. Tonight would be Mikey, tomorrow Gee, Sunday- Mikey and it goes on.
You tended to stay over on the weekends, your dad getting paid on a Friday- using his paycheque on the town and the dealers and usually a hooker or two, too busy and fucked up to notice your absence- he had things to occupy him. Once that money was gone when Monday rolled around- you face reality and put yourself back up for the abuse.
Bidding goodnight, you head from the basement to Mikey’s room.
You sit on Mikey’s bed, directly next to him, Gerard definitely already passed out in his basement room. Frank had left you a roll to smoke, he’s never usually this generous but after what you went through earlier, he felt kind enough. Sitting in Mikey’s shirt and panties of your own, his lanky frame making it more like a dress, you pull out the matches from your bag on the floor before sitting against the headboard.
You light a match with the nail of your thumb, Mikey practically drooling over you, before lighting it up, not that you notice.
“Fuck today has been…” You trail off, already tremendously baked.
“Intense?” Mikey finishes for you, subconsciously, he pulls your shirt down as a part of your abdomen is showing.
“Mhm.” You mumble as you take a drag, a large huff of exhaustion and annoyance rattles from your chest as you blow it out, up towards the ceiling.
“You know…I really hate seeing you like this, you don’t deserve it.” He adjusts his glasses, as he recites a small comment directly from his heart.
“Thanks, Mikes, if more than five people thought that- maybe things would be different for me.” You shrug.
“We’ll get outta here soon, promise.”
“Hope so.”
You press play on the stereo on his nightstand, tuning it to a low-fi rock channel.
“That is more like it, I’m done being down today.”
You take a rather large pull of Frank’s present, an idea springing to your busted mind, you don’t think about any possible implications that could render from it.
“Hey, you ever swapped smoke before?” The sentence passes your lips and you feel your body grow warm at the thought of doing that with Mikey.
“Uh-uhm no, not really. I smoke with Gee and the guys and well…not really something I do with my brother.” He giggles, nervous.
“Would you…ever try it?” You turn yourself on your side and prop up your head with you hand, looking down at him.
“N-now? With you?” He looks shocked, almost scared.
“I mean, if you don’t want to or if you’re uncomfortable it’s okay. I’ve only done it with Frank-“
“You did it with Frank?” You can’t tell if its jealousy, disgust or interest in his voice.
“Yeah, on a bored Sunday evening and he didn’t have a lot of smoke, dealers weren’t active that particular day- we thought of it as a way to make do.”
“Can- um, can I try it? With you..?” He tries to swallow, his lips and throat completely taken over by cottonmouth.
“Sure.” Too zoned to realise how intimate you are about to be together, you take a sizeable drag, before inching slowly towards his lips.
You’re heart, like it has its own mind, starts to hammer as you get closer and closer to him.
His glazed over eyes looking up at you- he looks so peaceful and perfect.
His lips are still closed, so you take your thumb and put it up to his bottom lip, opening them up.
You close your eyes as you start to blow your smoke into his mouth, your lips sometimes grazing his. There’s something so erotic about this moment, it makes your insides feel like a carnival ride.
Your nose bumps his as you pull back, letting him blow out his own smoke.
His eyes are darting around your face, his hand comes up to hold your hip gently, you escalate by gently straddling him, putting the smoke to your mouth once more.
All Mikey can do is pray his body doesn’t betray him right now, the last thing he needs is a boner, just because a pretty girl is on top of him.
But it’s not just a pretty girl, it’s her.
You lean down again, your nipples poking out of your shirt due to the breeze in the room, he can feel it as you connect your chests.
You cup his face with one hand as you bring your lips closer to his, for the second time, this time he instantly opens them.
You slowly blow the smoke into him, lips touching a little more than the last time.
The lyrics to a pixies song, long forgotten in the background, the air is thick, tension biting the air.
It’s hazy and you can’t think straight, you’re done blowing but you can’t seem to move, still hovering over his mouth.
His hand on your hip grips you a little tighter.
A small kiss is planted on your lips, he made the first move.
You rub his cheek with your thumb, kissing him back, it lasts a few seconds this time.
The temperature in the room switches as his lips slam onto yours, his other hand snaking up your back to hold your head, pushing it down into his lips. The smoke still in your hand, you quickly dab it out in the ashtray next to him, saving the third of it for later.
It’s the most passionate experience you have ever had, all you tasted was his tongue and his scent made your head spin, his fingers dipping under your shirt he fixed not only twenty minutes ago.
Mikey can’t stop himself from bucking his hips up, hard as steel now, so much for avoiding temptation.
He taps your clit with his actions, your mouth opening in shock.
Is this happening?
“Mikey…” You mumble, between your kisses, he migrates to your jaw, nipping slightly.
“Yeah? You okay?” He breathes out, licking a stripe up to your ear lobe before giving it a soft bite.
You can’t help the small moan you let out, that feels so fucking good.
“Are we? Is this gonna happen?” You heave, in a low whisper.
“Do you want to?” Mikey pauses and kisses you, deeply.
“I mean, I’ve only done it once…I don’t think I’m too good..” You nervously hum.
“I’ve…never done it at all. I want it to be you, though? If you-…please? Can we?” Well when he’s begging like that, what else can you think about.
“Take your fucking shirt off.” Your mind snaps, hands grasping the bottom of his graphic tee, pulling it over his head and throwing it somewhere into the depths of his room. He wraps his arms around the back off you, letting his lips meet yours again.
What the hell are you doing?
This is your best friends, brother.
But it feels so, so, right.
The kisses turn slow, agonising and almost romantic as his hands gesture you to lie down next to him. You comply, letting your hair splay out on his pillow, he stares down at you, his hand trailing down from your shoulder to your thigh.
Your heart is knocking against your chest as he lifts the shirt up a little, your underwear on show for him to see.
His hands are a little shaky, a mix of the weed and the situation you both put yourselves in.
“Should I, um, do you want me to put my mouth on you, or?” He scratches his neck a little, nervous.
“You don’t have to, you can use your fingers if you like?” You shrug, reaching to grab his hand, guiding his fingers to your clothed clit.
“I can take them off if you want?” You propose, he nods like a deer in headlights. “Take your pants off too, can’t do nothing with them on, Mikes.” You giggle, trying to make the situation less tense.
“Yeah, ‘course.” He scrambles of the bed, undoing his belt and letting his pants hit the ground, the sound of his buckle clanking as it connects to the wood.
You stay lay down, pulling down your underwear, before you can throw it- Mikey is on top of you again, kissing you like it’s his job.
You can’t remember dropping your panties out of your hand, and you don’t notice Mikey grabbing them and stuffing them under his pillow.
Whilst he moves his lips against yours, his hand starts to trail down again, a finger lightly pressing against your clit. You hum in approval as a spur for him to carry on.
He starts unsure circles, keeping a rhythm, however lightly pressured they may be- he is a bassist after all.
“More.” You mumble against his lips, bucking up into his hand, showing him what you want.
He starts to wind them a little faster, adding more and more pressure until it’s perfect and pleasurable.
“Mikes…” You whisper, as he kisses down to suckle on a spot of your neck.
“Fuck.” His eyes squeeze shut as you moan his name, lips trembling against you.
“Stick ‘em in.” You tap his fingers up with a hip move.
He does as told, putting them to his mouth, spitting a little before pulling them back down- this time to your hole.
He tentatively dips his fingers in, you encourage him, sliding down on them a tad.
His middle finger and his ring finger sink deep in until you hit his knuckles- recognising his middle finger due to the cold metal feeling of the ring he wore on it.
“Curl them, upwards.” You kiss his jaw, to him you look beyond beautiful.
Your cheeks are a dusty pink, eyes glazed over- a little red albeit from the previous activity. Your hair is a mess, well it always was but that’s what he liked about you. You lips a little raw from when he’d been kissing you, you looked gorgeous to him.
He starts to curl his fingers, his instrumental skills coming in damn handy, you arch a little with the perfect pressure he applied.
“Oh-“ You moan a little, grabbing his bicep thats holding himself up above you.
He bites his lip, staring at you a little too hard for his liking, but he just can’t help it.
This goes on for a few minutes, him adding his thumb to rub your clit and then removing it just to tease you- as he had found. Virgins can have fun too.
“Do it, Mikes, put it in.” You nod at him, and then down to his dick.
“You ready?” His cheeks redden, his excitement clear.
“Are you?” You chuckle a little, moving a piece of hair out of his face, it was a comforting act, he starts to gather some spit in his mouth.
Bringing himself up, he kneels, his cock screaming for attention, he’d never gone like this before- always relieving himself on his lonesome before it would get angry.
You decide to bring yourself up, leaning back on one of your hands, giving his tip a little kiss, looking up at him through your eyelashes- still adorning your mascara.
“Jesus.” He cussed out, the view of you, under the mercy of his own dick.
You smile softly, laying back down and opening your legs for him to slide in.
He positions himself, a simple missionary, sturdy and reliable.
The spit he was collecting in his mouth is spat into his hand and then onto his cock, he lather it around, giving himself some preemptive strokes, gasping at the feeling of finally being touched.
He spits again, this time bringing it to your pussy, making sure it will go in easy, after all it had been a while since you had experienced it- not that you needed the extra lubricant anyways.
His tip found your entrance, it was real now, this was happening.
You were taking Mikey Way’s virginity.
He starts pushing in, slowly, letting you breathe through the slight discomfort.
He looks you in the eyes as he goes deeper in, a feeling resonate with affection- it’s more tender than expected.
It’s almost uncomfortable as the feelings in the room aren’t proclaimed nor said, yet a certain understanding is there along with raging uncertainty. It’s a mess, and it’s so you.
Nevertheless, as he bottoms out, feeling you completely, he’s wrapped up in you. You’re warm and soft and so much better than his hand could ever be.
He pulls out a bit, pushing back in, repeating this until he’s sure he knows the motion.
He starts to become confident in his thrusts, his dick almost coming fully out before he shoves it back in.
He is a whimpering mess, hardly able to keep himself up with his forearms, you pull him close into your neck letting him hit you at a better angle more comfortably.
You lift your knees, wrapping lightly around his lower back, stroking his hair as he thrusts over again and again.
His pelvis bone is hitting your clit in sync with the thrusts now, boosting your pleasure.
You give out soft, breathy moans into his ear accidentally as he hits a particular spot, he combats this with a whine- continuing exactly what he was doing.
“Mmf’” He mumbles into your neck. “Agh, so good…this…so good…you-“ You grab his shoulder blade, anchoring yourself as his speed increases.
“Mikey-“ You moan out, head back into the pillow and eyes screwed shut.
“Fuck!” He grunts, his hand coming up to stroke your hair as he continues pounding into you. “Say my name, please, baby.” He whines, begging you for it.
If that wasn’t the hottest thing you’d ever heard.
“Mikey, please, m’nearly there.” Mikey feels as if he is about to shut down.
He can feel himself coming to an end soon, and he wants you there with him, he really does.
“Want me- inside..or?” He struggles to comprehend his words as he’s thrusting.
“Yeah, yeah, inside.” You breath out, strangled moans following.
His pressure on your clit, the feeling of him hitting deep inside, the stroking of your hair. You can feel the quick build of your orgasm, it comes on fast and strong- like you just hit the ground after jumping off a skyscraper. It’s intense and perfect and you can’t help but let your fingernails scratch his back a little as you find a grip onto reality.
“Oh-“ He moans at the feeling of your nails digging in and scratching down, igniting his own release.
He speeds up, letting himself ride his high, before slowing down to a still.
He doesn’t pull out immediately, staying buried within you, covering your insides and his own dick with his come.
“Christ.” You breathe out, realising what you had just done, and at how it felt to melt together with your biggest infatuation.
Mikey is silent, his hot breath fanning against your neck, time standing still.
What do you even do about this now?
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bardoftheshire · 2 months ago
omg i actually love your work, could you make a patrick x fem! reader with the one bed trope? like maybe the bus broke down during a tour and the other guys got rooms before they did, and there’s only one room left, with only one bed. doesn’t have to be anything suggestive, i just love seeing a flustered patrick 🤭🤭🤭
OMG!! One bed tropes are my absolute favourite!! There'll be a BUNCH of fluffy stuff and flustered Patrick, just like you asked. Thank you so much for this ask!
(*Might* make a suggestive NSFW kinda version of this but keep the story kind of the same because I just want to.. take this with a grain of salt..)
Just One Bed?
Patrick Stump x Gn! Reader
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Summary; It was halfway through the tour, and halfway to the next city, but just to everyone's luck, the bus had some unfortunate issues. Needing everyone out of the bus to be fixed, you found the cheapest motel, and just to yours and Patrick's luck, you two had to share a room, and a bed.
Notes; I love pre-hiatus Patrick so much you have no idea, so let's just say around Infinity? Anyway, it's currently December as I'm starting this so it's been put off for a while😭
Warnings; Just foul language.
Everyone was sitting on the small tour bus couch, or a pulled up dining chair, with a game of Monopoly set up on the small "dinner" table you had in there.
"You owe me 100! You landed on my property, Patrick!" Pete bickered.
"No I don't! It's only set at 50, look at the card, dude!"
You sipped on your soda as you watched the two fight. You'd assume that they'd be more mature, but honestly, Monopoly tended to bring out the absolute worst in everyone. Your family was another good example of this.
"Patrick, just give Pete the 100 so we can get going with the game." Joe groans.
"That's not fair though! It's 50 and I know it's 50, he's just laundering money! I'm not giving him a fucking 100!" Patrick exclaims, making it sound like Pete was commiting actual crimes in the game.
Well.. he was, to be fair.
"Pete, you're getting 50 less, just take the 50 or you're not getting anything, we need to continue the game." You sigh.
"You're only saying that because Patrick's your favourite.." Pete pouts.
You shoot a glare at him and continue sipping your soda.
Patrick picks a 50 out of his stack and hands it to Pete. Pete takes it and puts it into his very messy and unorganised stack of the fake paper bills.
"Finally.. It's your turn now, Joe." You sigh.
These past 30 minutes into the game have been nothing but unhappy groans and sighs. Didn't help everyone was tired, but Pete suggested some "bonding time", that didn't seem to be going too well so far.
Joe picks up the set of dice and throws it onto the board. Only for them to be completely knocked off the table along with other pieces on the board. A large bump going along with it.
"Dammit! We can't do shit!" Joe curses.
A hiss and sputter come from the left side of the bus, making your face scrunch up in confusion.
"What the hell was that? Do you guys hear that?" You ask as you look around at the scattered pieces and spilt can of soda on the floor. That's gonna be annoying to clean with a paper towel.
"Guess that means we can sleep, goodnight." Andy says, throwing his fake paper bills carelessly on the table and walking off.
You sigh and get up from your seat, going up to ask the drivers what had happened, only to find them outside.
"Uh, hey, do you guys know what happened?" You ask.
"Well, we hit a pothole on the way and it ended up popping our front left tire, and it's pretty bad. I don't know how long it's going to take for us to get this fixed." The driver explains.
"Will we still be able to sleep here?"
"Probably not. Everyone will probably have to end up getting a place to stay for the night. We'll be lucky if we're even able to get back on the road on time tomorrow morning."
You nod and go back into the bus, poking your head in to see Pete and Patrick arguing about something.
"Hey, guys. So, the bus's tire popped so we kinda have to find somewhere to stay." You explain.
"What? Can't we just stay in here?" Joe asks.
You pull your lips into a thin line and shake your head, earning a groan from him.
"I talked to Rickey and he said we'll have to get rooms. I didn't argue with him, he's the one driving. If I had a choice to stay here, I would."
You sit back down in your seat and sigh. You were already so tired, and to hear that you would have to wait even longer to sleep frustrated you. You already knew you were going to be grumpy tomorrow morning.
"I don't think anyone has any connections to anyone here, huh?" Joe asks.
Everyone looks at each other, shaking their heads with a sigh.
"So we're gonna have to find a motel or something? Where even is the nearest one?" You look around.
Patrick pulls out his computer and looks for a while, eventually turning it around and showing everyone else the screen.
"I don't know, guys. The nearest one is kinda far away, like, I'm talking 100 some miles far." He explains
"How would we even get there? I think right now the bus will only get us so far, and we obviously can't walk.."
"You guys know taxis exist, right? Just call one over here, y'know." Pete shrugs.
"Wow, Pete. That's actually the smartest thing you've said all day, good job." Joe snickers.
Pete kicks him from under the table, earning a hiss and glare from Joe.
You felt bad that no one ever took Pete seriously sometimes, but with some of the shit that he's pulled over the period of time you've known them, it was for a decent reason.
"I'll call one now. Y/n, do you think you can go get Andy?" Patrick asks, dialing a number into his phone.
You walk into the sleeping quarters and go to Andy's bunk, pulling open the curtain to wake him up.
"Dude.. I'm trying to sleep." Andy groans, covering his face with his arm.
"We have to leave. The bus broke down and needs to be taken to a shop or something, so we have to find a place to stay. Patrick's calling to see if he can get a cab to come out here right now." You explain before going back into the living area, leaving Andy to be.
"..yes, yeah, it's just on the left shoulder of the road. Alright, thank you." Patrick says, before hanging up his phone.
"I take it you guys got a cab?"
"Yup. Joe found a motel close by, too. The cab should be here in about 20 minutes." Patrick says, turning his attention towards you.
You hum and go back into the sleeping quarters, packing a small tote bag with "pajamas" (which in reality was just an old pair of sweatpants from high school and a T-shirt from when the band was just starting out.) and an outfit for tomorrow.
The boys did the same, all but Pete's put in a similar manner. Joe picked his clothes and folded them, Patrick and Andy did the same.
"Hey, can I put my clothes in your bag? I don't wanna carry them," Pete asks with a yawn.
You look at him and roll your eyes with a sigh, "Sure. Toss it in there," You say, pushing the bag closer to him with your foot.
"Awesome! You're the man, Y/n," Pete exclaims.
You liked his enthusiasm, though with your state of tiredness you frankly found it a bit irritating.
You bounced your leg up and down impatiently and yawned. You were really tired. The one night that Pete decided to "make" everyone stay up later to bond, is the one night where you have to stay up even later just to wait for a cab to come out to seemingly the middle of nowhere.
The 20 minutes you waited soon felt like hours, each second feeling more like a minute.
Once the cab finally arrived, all of you tiredly grabbed your bags and exited the bus. Putting your bags into the trunk before cramming into the backseat of the car with Andy sitting in the front.
"Where to?" The cab driver asked, turning to Andy.
"The nearest motel if you can."
The driver nodded and began onto the road.
Pete grumbled and complained the whole time about not being able to get the front. And while you would typically get annoyed at this, you totally got where he was coming from. Four adults crammed into the backseat of a small car wasn't something that would typically be comfortable.
Halfway through the ride you felt yourself nodding off, and after trying your best to keep your eyes open, you finally gave in, leaning onto the shoulder of the person on your left.
"...Y/n, wake up. Hey,"
You were awoken by your shoulder being gently shaken and a voice.
Your eyes flutter open and you yawn looking up to see Patrick with a sleepy look on his face.
"We're at the motel. We gotta get out so the cab driver can go, you can sleep when you get your room, okay? I'll help you with your stuff." He says, helping you out.
"No, I'm.. I should be fine," you say, stopping halfway to yawn.
Once you come out of your sleepy state, you get your wallet out of your back pocket and grab a 20 dollar bill, handing it to the cab driver as an apology for not only the long drive, but also staying extra because of you.
You quietly walk with Patrick to the check in office, your feet dragging along.
You put an arm over your face and squint, the fluorescent lights that laminated the room hurt your eyes and you were able to hear the buzzing of it. It smelt of cheap car air fresheners, on top of something else you couldn't quite place your finger on that those air fresheners were failing to cover.
Patrick cleared his throat, trying to get the attention of the person behind the counter.
"Yes?" The clerk says, looking up from his magazine.
"Um, can we just get two single bed rooms for one night?" Patrick asks awkwardly.
The clerk rolls his eyes and gets up, looking at the keys for the rooms.
"There's only one single bed room left,"
Your eyes widen and you look at Patrick, then back at the man.
"Are you sure there aren't any available rooms left? Not even one?" You ask.
"What do you think. They're all booked, okay? Do you want the room or not?" The man said, an annoyed, tired expression on his face.
"Yeah, we'll take it." Patrick abruptly says.
"Here's the key. Room 014. Enjoy your stay, the bed is real firm," The man says, handing Patrick the motel keys. "Check out time tomorrow is 12:10pm or earlier,"
"Okay, have a great night." Patrick bids the man a goodnight and walks out with you.
The two of you walk up the room and open it. It smelt of musk and had cobwebs in the corner of the room, indicating it hasn't been occupied or cleaned in a while.
You and Patrick place your bags on the floor. "I'm, uh.. I'm going to go and change in the bathroom, okay? Let me know when you're finished,"
You turn to him, "Alright. I shouldn't take too long. Thank you, Pat," You reply.
That nickname started about a month into the first tour you went along with the band. Apparently according to Joe, he never let anyone call him that. But with you, it was an entirely different story. He could never help but blush when you called him that, because it was only you that did. That he allowed you to.
He nods and looks away to try and hide the ferocious blush that was startinv to go up to his ears and goes through his bag to find his pajamas. Which, just like you, was just a random shirt and pajama pants. Batman pajama pants.
You smile at the choice of his and do the same and change into your own pajamas, but as you do so halfway, you notice that a plastic bag was in your bag.
Pete left his stuff.
You sigh and finish getting ready and take the bag out before knocking on the restroom door.
"Hey, Patrick. I'm finished so you can come out if you are, too. Pete left his bag in mine so I'm gonna go take it to him,"
Patrick opens the door, his hair messy presumably from changing into a new shirt.
"You know which room they're in?" Patrick asks.
"Nope, I'll just knock on every door until I find him," You joke.
"I don't think that's a very good idea, Y/n," Patrick responded seriously.
"I was just joking. I'll text Andy since he's most likely to respond. He was in the check-in room with Joe and Pete so he should know,"
You walk over to the room Pete and Joe were staying in, seems like Andy and me and Patrick were the ones that got stuck with the single bed rooms. Andy on the other hand was luckier.
You knocked on the door, the plastic bag in your hand crinkling, waiting for the door to open.
"Y/n! You're a life saver, I thought I was going to have to sleep in my jeans," Pete exclaimed.
You look at him, your brows furrowed and a slight smirk on your face, "Haven't you done that before, though? I mean, I could list a bunch of weird crazy shit you've done more than once,"
Pete rolls his eyes and takes the bag from your hands, "Have fun sleeping with Patrick, he snores!" he says, sticking out his tounge before shutting the door.
You stood there flustered. How the hell did he know?
You flinch at the noise and huff, turning around and walking back to the room you and Patrick would be staying in.
'Shit, the key,' You think to yourself as I feel my pockets and noticed the key was no longer with me. 'I hope I didn't drop it.'
You knock on the door and wait, hoping that Patrick wasn't asleep yet. A more neatly, put together Patrick opens the door and lets you in after realizing it was you.
"I think I forgot the key in here," You laugh as you look on both nightstands, then the desk, and finally the restroom, you were unable to find it.
"God I'm too tired for this right now.." You groan.
'I'll find it later in the morning.'
"It's 3:22 am, I'm pretty sure that's normal," Patrick laughs before laying a pillow down the middle of the small bed and getting under the covers.
You turned off the lights and got under the covers which were unfortunately itchy and left you a little cold, though struggling to not fall off due to the lack of open space. You would just have to deal with it unfortunately.
But you couldn't.
You closed your eyes over and over again trying to make yourself fall asleep. You turned and tossed, you counted sheep, listened to the sound of your breathing and heartbeat for about 10 minutes already, now you've been staring at the ceiling as if that would help.
"Patrick, are you awake?" You asked looking to the right of you to see him doing the same as you.
"Yeah. Can't sleep for some reason," Patrick sighs and turns to his side facing you.
"I don't have any space, I think I'm going to fall off," You giggle.
Patrick hesitates for a second before saying, "I can take the pillow off from the middle,"
You think about it for a second but before you could even think rationally and just deal with it, you automatically blurt out, "That'd be awesome."
Once he removes the pillow and tosses it on the floor, you scoot in a little closer, now facing him.
You could feel the warmth radiating off of him and you were suddenly no longer as cold as before.
"Alright, um, goodnight Pat. See you in the morning," You clear your throat and turn back around.
"Goodnight, Y/n."
You still couldn't sleep. You stared at the red glow coming off of the alarm clock and watched the minutes passing by.
3:57 am.
You couldn't take it. You were so tired yet you found trouble sleeping.
"Y/n, you okay?"
You turn around once more, just as you'd been doing multiple times. "Yeah, still can't sleep is all,"
For the second time you turn towards him.
"What's on your mind?"
You thought you had no clue what was on your mind. But as soon as he asked that question you knew why.
You were sleeping in the same bed as Patrick. The same Patrick you'd had this "little" crush on since 2002. 5 years.
"Just.. stuff I guess." You said, voice slightly above a whisper.
Now that you knew exactly why you couldn't sleep, everything about him started to flood your mind and senses. The way he smelt of the remanants of a cheap cologne, the way his breath tickled your nose, the way his eyes looked in the moonlight that ever so slightly lit up the room, the way you could hear his heartbeat, the same bpm as most of the band's songs.
"Want to talk about it?"
You shook your head and thanked him for the offer, "what's on yours?"
Patrick was glad that the room was near completely dark, as once again his face began to flush, though his heartbeat quickened.
"Uh- I don't know. Nothing really," He lied.
A long, awkward silence occurred as the both of you looked into each other's eyes, averting them at times.
You hesitated for a long while, "Can I just like, I dunno, get a little closer to you or something," Now this one was more bold. "Maybe hold me?"
You immediately flushed and so had Patrick. The heat could be counted as a high fever if you were to check it.
Patrick scooted closer you you and brought you closer to his chest, his arms wrapped around you.
You closed your eyes and let out a breath of relief, one that you didn't know you were even holding.
"Thanks, Pat." You smile.
"No problem, N/n, goodnight." He responds with a yawn.
You felt a sudden calm and began to drift off to sleep. To be met with dreams and a sudden dread that you'll soon wake up.
You wake with a sudden pounding on the door, still being trapped in Patrick's embrace.
"Y/n! Patrick! Wake up before I open the goddamn door!"
You tried to pull out and pry Patrick's arms around you, but he could sleep through a nuclear war unfortunately.
You hear the jingling of the lock and Pete barges in along with the rest of the boys.
"Oh, dude no way! You guys actually went for it!" Pete exclaims, pointing a finger at you and Patrick.
"This isn't what it looks like, Pete," You groan, still attempting to pry yourself out. "Someone wake him up please,"
All three of them snicker.
Pete walks over and puts his finger in his mouth and sticking it in Patrick's ear, giving him a wet willy.
Patrick flinches and lets you go, slapping away Pete's hand, "Dude! What the hell!"
You quickly get up and get out of the bed, standing at the end of it awkwardly as Joe and Andy gave you a knowing look.
"Um, I'm just gonna go- change. In the bathroom." You clear your throat and grab your tote, speedwalking to the door and shutting it.
You quickly get ready and we're able to hear bickering from the other side of the door. You sigh before opening the door, only to be met with Pete running towards you and placing his hands on your shoulder, shaking them.
"Did you guys do it?"
You squinched up your face and pushed him away from you, "What? No, dude. I slept in the same bed as him, but not with him, are you gross??"
"You know me, but I think Andy might secretly be worse," Pete says, whispering the last part.
You were grouchy and tired. It was 8am and you had only gotten four hours of sleep at the most, compared to the 7 or 8 you guys usually get.
"Out, now." You said, pointing to Pete, Andy, and Joe.
"Oh, so Patrick gets to stay but we don't? Favouritism!" Joe says before leaving the room.
You pinch the bridge of your nose and exhale.
Patrick was awkwardly standing at the end of the bed, his glasses and hat still not on. You softly smile and grab them from his side of the nightstand and hand them to him.
"Thanks," He smiles as he gingerly takes them from your hands.
"No problem. You should really go and get ready, though."
Patrick does the same as you had before and takes his clothes to the bathroom to change. You clean up the very little mess that the both of you had left as he did so. Making the bed, tossing the plastic disposable cups that had been used for water, etc.
You didn't even bother to shower, not with how late all of you were already.
"Hey, so uh.. last night," You turn around and see Patrick fixing his cap.
"Oh.. I didn't make you like.. uncomfortable or anything right?" You say anxiously.
"No! No, not at all just- I dunno-" Patrick looks down at his feet and shrugs.
"Come on! Dudes, we gotta go, the bus has been here for like, 20 minutes already and we've been waiting on you two!" A voice met with some loud knocking interrupts the conversation.
You sigh and get your bag. You then realized that you still didn't have the key to the room.
"Hey, Patrick? Do you have the key?"
He shakes his head.
"Open the damn door or I will! We gotta go!" Joe shouts.
'Oh, they have it..'
You swing open the door, "Give the goddamn key back, Joe," You demand.
Joe mutters something and hands you the key.
"Found it.."
Patrick laughs and exits out the door and you follow, taking the key and locking it before leaving.
All five of you check out and go onto the bus, Rickey clearly annoyed that everyone was late.
"It was their fault." Joe says, pointing to you and Patrick as he enters the bus.
"Oh shut it Joe. Sorry, Rickey. Had some trouble waking up." You apologise.
"Yeah right!" Pete shouts.
You roll your eyes and enter the bus, going to the small couch and placing your bag onto the floor carelessly.
You were exhausted. If everyone was lucky they'd get to the venue early enough to practice a little bit before soundcheck.
Patrick sits next to you, discarding his bag the same as you had just done before.
"God, I'm so tired.." He yawns.
"Take a nap then, Pat."
He puts an arm on the back of the couch and closes his eyes as he puts his cap over them.
"Hey, Y/n?"
"Yeah?" You look at him, his eyes droopy from still being tired.
"Last night didn't make anything weird between us, right?" Patrick says, tipping his cap up.
You let out a breathy laugh, "I asked this literally 10 minutes ago. Didn't you say it was fine? I mean- is it.. fine..?" You second guess yourself.
"I mean, I think it's fine.. more than.. fine?"
You give a sly smirk and nudge him with your arm, "What do you mean by "more than fine"?" You ask.
Though some false confidence showed, you tried your best to not let your voice falter.
The same practically was happening for Patrick. He was so easy to fluster and flush, it was impossible to even attempt hiding it due to the lit up "living room."
The same "I don't know's" repeated, and you still awaited an answer.
You lay your head down on his shoulder and feel his body tense up and quickly relax again.
His arm wraps around your shoulder and pulls you in closer, closer like he had done last night.
Last night.
I finished this to the best I could, and totally put it off for ages, so I apologise, man😭😭😭
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werewolfsknn · 2 months ago
not going to lie, got one comment that was encouraging towards x readers. so i’m taking requests :3 asks are open.
i won’t write smut as i just don’t think that’s something i’d like to focus on? but i’ll writer for gender neutral or male, fem, whatever reader :). bandom specific.
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sunshine-blastbeat · 9 months ago
I Wanna See Your Animal Side
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Summary: This is a very important time in every young adult's life. It's time to find out what type of were-creature you are! But you won't have to go through it alone, when you have your best friend with you. 
Pairing: Patrick Stump X Wentz Sibling!Reader 
Pronouns used: None! 
Word count:1143
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It was April 26th, the day before your birthday, and tonight was the night. You were going to find out what animal you were. You were a little nervous. Finding out what animal you were would determine how people would look at you, what kind of jobs you would get, and most importantly it’s the thing that represents you as a person. 
On a person’s 20th birthday, at 12 AM, they would go through a transformation to figure out what kind of were-creature they were. What animal a person turns into can’t be predicted, not even genetically. Your mom was a gazelle, your dad was a panther, and your older brother, Pete, was a rabbit. There almost seemed no rhyme or reason to it, which made it all the more nerve racking. You had seen before how getting an undesirable animal could mess up your life. You knew a few couples who broke up when one of them transformed into a mouse and the other was a cat. And not to mention the dozens of stories of families getting torn apart when one of the children is a black sheep in a house of wolves. But your parents always made sure to let you know that no matter what you turned out to be, that they would still love you and that everything would work out. 
It wasn’t all too bad because you weren’t going to transform by yourself. It just so happened that you and your best friend were born on the same day. Patrick was the best friend anyone could ask for. He always understood you and was always there for you. When he and Pete had started a band together it was like Patrick had become another member of the family. He was always over for band practice, sleeping over, and eating dinner with the family. Hell, he practically lived there. 
You had made plans with Patrick to be together when you transformed. Your family had originally wanted to have dinner together when it happened, but you convinced them to let you two have a private transformation together. 
Around 11 PM Patrick showed up to your house and you both climbed onto your roof and watched the stars as you waited for midnight.
“What do you think you’ll turn into?” You ask him.
“I don’t know.” He said with a shrug, staring off into the sky. 
You roll your eyes at his answer, “Well, what are you hoping to turn into?” 
“I don’t know. Pete’s is pretty cool, so I think a rabbit would be neat, he’s always half shifting and doing these cool jumps and flips on stage. And Andy’s a kangaroo, so he naturally has a more defined muscle structure because of it so that must be pretty cool. But I don't really know what I would want to be.” He says, “What about you?”
You cringe slightly at the thought of your future. “I don’t give it much thought, really. It makes me nervous. Like, what if we are complete opposites or our animals are predators and pray?”
Patrick frowns for a minute as he thinks about what you said. “I don’t think it will matter. I think that whatever happens we're going to stick together and we’re going to make the most of it.” Patrick turns to you with a soft smile as he places his hand on top of yours, giving it a light squeeze. 
You try to smile back, but are on the verge of fighting back tears. You quickly look away, pulling your hand from Patrick as you do.
Patrick places a hand on your back, quickly trying to comfort you, “Hey, what's wrong? It’s going to be ok, I know you’re worried, but it’s going to be fine.” 
Trying to fight back tears, you turn back to Patrick. “But what if it's not ok? What if after tonight you decide that you can’t be around me anymore? Everyone always says they’re going to stick together after they transform, but in the end they always end up ditching each other.”
Patrick places a gentle hand on your chin, tilting your head so you can look him in the eyes. “Y/N, that’s not going to happen to us. Because I care about you so deeply and I don’t want anyone else to be by my side. Even if you turn out to be a boa constrictor and I'm a rat, I would never leave you. Because… I’m in love with you, Y/N.” Before you even have time to process the confession, Patrick has leaned down and placed his lips on your, leaving your face burning brighter than ever before. 
Just as he pulls away, the alarm on your phone goes off, signaling that it is a minute till midnight. You reach over and grab Patrick's hand, looking him in the eyes.
“Patrick, I love you too.” Just as the words leave your mouth, there is a glowing orange light that radiates from Patrick. So bright in fact that you must close your eyes. When your eyes reopen you are staring directly in the face of a massive grizzly bear. Realizing that the bear before you is in fact Patrick, you begin to look each other up and down before looking down at yourselves. 
“Ok, Fur, so not a snake.” You think as you examine yourself. You lift your hand towards your face to examine what kind of hands you even have. “Paws. Big paws at that.” you think again. Looking back you see a long bushy tail. You’re a Wolf! A really big wolf, like a timber wolf or something!
You channel the energy from within you and transform back into your human form, Patrick doing the same. You hug Patrick with your arms wrapped over his shoulders as he wraps his arms around your waist. 
“Trick, I'm a wolf!”
“I know!”
“And you’re a bear!”
Patrick laughs, “I know!” 
Filled with joy, you stand on your tiptoes to kiss Patrick on the lips, instantly calming you both down. “And I love you.” you say.
“I heard you for the first time.” He says, with the sweetest smile on his face.
 “And I love you too.” 
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~ 5 Months later, on August 31st, 5 minutes before midnight ~
You stand with Pete, Andy, and your boyfriend, Patrick, as you all give support to Joe, who is about to transform for the first time. 
Joe is standing in the middle of his backyard, his shirt is off and he is screaming at the moon. 
“Well, he’s… excited?” you say, huddled next to Patrick.
“Yeah… yeah, he is.” 
Before you know it, a bright red aura pulses from Joe. You and the others shield your eyes aways from the nearly blinding light. When you look back, that's when you see what he was.
A Racoon.
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falling-out-for-the-boys · 1 year ago
I was sad and then I listen to Pavlove on Spotify and now I’m the happy
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sm4sdoldbye · 8 months ago
paid requests
i am. so broke. and have been pretty much completely taken off the schedule at my job.
iiiii will write fics for like. what i think is pretty cheap.
i lowk will only write fall out boy stuff
500 word fic - $5
1000 word fic - $10
500-1000 words with smut - $15
howeveerrr i hardly ever write smut and will not write anythign super strange
message me requests n i will give u venmo or cashapp !!
ty to anyone who takes me up on this offer it is greatly appreciated
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stump-o-matically · 1 year ago
first post on ao3!
hey folks! i posted my first fanfic on ao3, it's a pete wentz x gender neutral reader fluff where he takes you to build a bear for the first time. you can find it here:
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s1ushyz · 8 months ago
Scene queen
Pairings | pete wentz x scene queen reader
Band | fall out boy
A/n | wow first request thank you! So I will say this is me writing anything in a very,, very long time and I cannot stress that enough. This isn't really a full on fic? But it's something until I get used to writing again 😭 hopefully though you still enjoy what I wrote
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Pete wentz is a man who has had many hair styles and many hair colors,, now when he finds a lifelong partner who just so happens to have a scene style (that can include all kinds of awesome hair styles and colors) I can tell you he's in love.
When he first met you, it was at a club he was a dj at. He just so happened to spot you sitting at a booth drinking with friends, and everything about you instantly interested him. From your poofy hair with colorful extensions, your makeup that was absolutely flawless, down to your outfit that consisted of so many colors and patterns and even your jewelry, it all just caught his eye
He was so eager to go and talk to you that he practically jumped out of the dj booth to make his way over to you before you left
Once standing at your table, he leaned against it, introducing himself and even complimented your style
That sparked up a whole conversation that led you to stay behind at the club with pete as your friends all went home. The two of you got to talking way more and found out you both have a lot in common, which pete was absolutely excited about. As the night went on, you eventually had to part ways since you stayed until the club was closing
You gave him your number before saying your goodbyes and heading back to your apartment; Instantly you got a text in the cab from an unknown number,
"Hey! It's pete from the club. Just want to say thnks for a great nite. Ur pretty awesome,,maybe we can go out for coffee soon just to see each other again,,definitely will be passing out once I'm back at my place so might not get back to u in time. Hopefully I'll see u soon sweetness! "
A smile painted your lips as you let out a soft sigh. Pete was the most amazing man you've met and you thought maybe you two might have something going on. You texted back before you got off the cab to head into your building and smiled as you shut off your phone for the night
"Pete! Def so glad I met you 2nite,, and I'm up fr coffee tomorrow!! X3 come pick me up at 5 at *insert adress*. Had a hella gud time. Hope 2 see u tomorrow! @_@"
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After the coffee date you and pete hung out more and more each day getting to know eachother more and even getting closer. Eventually pete asked you to be his girlfriend
Pete has been and always will be supportive of your style, He'll go out of his way to buy you clothes,jewelry, ect so you have things to go with your style, He'll even help you dye your hair while also touching his up a bit.
When you two are in the car he even let's you play some of the bands you like. It took him a little to get into the music but once he did, he was hooked.
He definitely brags about you to the boys which caused him to have a ban on bringing you up at practice (he still does anyway)
If you ever want to try out some makeup on him he's totally down. Checking himself out In the mirror after all is said and done
"Oh shit that's a lot of glitter but damn I know how to rock it! You did amazing babe but it looks even better on you"
In all pete is a very supportive boyfriend who loves you and your style with all of his heart. It's honestly interesting to him so expect a few questions about your style on that coffee date,,x
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barringtonishigh · 1 year ago
My fanfiction info~!
Whattup! I'm Barrett and i write fanfiction!
I currently write for:
Pete Wentz
Patrick Stump
Joe Trohman
Andy Hurley
William Beckett
Adam Siska
Mike Carden
Michael Guy Chislett
The Butcher
Ryan Ross
Jon Walker
Dallon Weekes
I will write:
X readers/ocs!!
I WILL NOT write:
Basic dni stuff
Anything that makes me uncomfy :/
My requests are OPEN!!
My masterlist:
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misfits-in-motion · 7 months ago
hyello !!! tis tooth again !!!! i wanted to share some guidelines abt writing/fanfics etc !!!
☞ requests are: open!! ☜
who i will write for:
- mcr
- fall out boy
- more tba
what i will write:
- fluff
- angst
- smut/nsfw
- most of anything tbh
- hcs/blurbs/shorts mostly
what i would like upon request:
- any deets you can give me !!
- masc, fem, nb/what pronouns
- scenario, obv
- im open to polyam requests too !!! basically anything !!!
- i do not have a set writing schedule
- i do this for fun, and may want to stop
- my skills are debatable !!
- HOWEVER i am willing to work with peeps !! i just like to be silly !!!
perhaps more tba, but im feeling creative and shiz so yeah !!!
- tooth out
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sibsteria · 1 month ago
Our lady of sorrows…
Mikey Way x Fem!Reader, Secret!xReader
part two
Warnings/Content: angst, fluff, mentions of abuse, not proofread too much, I think this part is rather lazy with writing so I apologise, part three out soon!
Summary: forgot to mention, this is around 1998-2004 I didn’t wanna put a specific year so I can include a variety of things :) I also don’t want to include things such as Gerard’s alcoholism and drug addiction, personal troubles the boys had, etc. as this is meant to be fiction for fun, any troubles within the story with be fictional and apart of my story. Maybe just maybe Y/n’s ex boyfriend is name dropped in this? Can her and Mikey figure this whole thing out?
1 | 2 | 3
The air that followed was a sting to your skin, a million thoughts a minute, racing against one another. The next step is lost, he remains buried deep inside you, thick swallows and breaths slowing to shallow.
“I’ll uhm-I’m gonna go clean up a little. You wanna take a shower or something?” He slides out and it’s such a bearing feeling, empty, as if he had pulled out the air in your lungs. You fail to notice his hopeful eyes casting down at you when he stood, he was never one with words.
Stupid. Stupid! You are so fucking stupid, Mikey, God. Say something to her….his inner monologue harassing him, desperate to open up his heart.
He stood there, mouth dry, head heavy. He was silent, nothing was coming out- something had ripped his voice right from him.
Frustrated and angry at himself, he leaves, a dusty towel from the floor protecting his nudity as he leaves for the bathroom.
Was that it…? Was this a one time thing? Not that you wanted to put that pressure on him but there were no words of comfort or confirmation. Tears bite at your waterline, fighting to escape, no. That’s just embarrassing. The disdain in your heart would never last long- even if your feelings got hurt- your love for him would return right back to how it always was. You couldn’t stop loving him, dreaming of this moment in the past, it was a sure shock to you.
Mikey is fighting with himself in the bathroom, close to tears himself, that’s just embarrassing. Why didn’t he say anything? He knew you were looking at him, watching, waiting for him. Now you probably sat there, confused and most definitely upset. He didn’t want you to think this was nothing because it wasn’t to him, but he just couldn’t say it.
Your throat clenched, you felt like throwing up, and you were sure you weren’t just pulling green.
You had to make a choice, endure this night next to him, lay in darkness. Or do you leave?
He probably wanted you to go, not sparing you a word or a glance, that’s why he’s been gone so long. Just waiting for you to leave.
You begrudgingly make your choice, wiping yourself off with some tissues you found on his nightstand, grabbing your bag and clothes. Thanking above that you still had his shirt on, you slowly crept out, tiptoeing through the silent house. Barefoot at the too of the basement stairs, you knew Gee wouldn’t mind the intrusion, but what’s your reason?
Hey Gee, I fucked your younger brother and can’t bear the awkwardness and heartbreak?
No, that would be for Frankie, later.
You could think about it whilst you tried to sleep, Gee wouldn’t notice you come in.
Still fighting tears, you had manage to creep down into his room, a perfect space for you to slide into bed next to him.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Okay, he could explain when he came back, right? He would apologise and hold you close, all out of any possible excuse he could use. Yes, that’s the plan.
Partly confident, he left the bathroom, using silent breathing exercises to amp himself up.
He pushed open the door, still hearing the stereo playing, he started to speak.
“Y/n- listen…I-“ His breath catches, you weren’t there?
He swallows his heart down his throat, the thought of you leaving had made it launch up. Was he that bad? Oh god, was it him saying nothing? Had he ruined a sure, good thing he could have had?
Had you left the house, completely?
Biting his lip, he didn’t know what to do, did you have your phone today?
He decided nothing could go wrong if he sent you a message.
Where R U? U Ok? We need 2 talk
He hits send, praying for a reply, it wouldn’t be your fault if you had left it in your house but he hoped that wasn’t the case.
Laying in the dimly lit basement, you hear a chime from your bag, you couldn’t sleep anyways.
You sit up, leaning over the side of the bed, swimming your hand in your bag until you felt something that resembled your phone.
You read the message, oh, he was definitely going to break your heart. We need to talk? This was for sure a one time thing.
You sighed quietly, debating a reply.
Talk tmr, nite
You bit your lip and hit send, you really needed to get some sleep.
Yeah, he deserved that response, he thought in his head. He hoped you were safe, he was sure he would have heard the front door if you left?
He better get some sleep, too.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
You slept decently despite the fact of all that happened, the comfort that Gee could give, even in a non response state, was a great aid to an ailment.
You were shaken awake, met with questions, as expected.
“Hey, sugar? You awake, yet?” Gee shook your arm.
“Yes, I’m god damn awake.” You groan with a mumble and then giggle as he tickles your nose with a strand of your hair.
“What’ya doing here? Thought you were with Mikes last night?” He questioned, not necessarily suspicious of anything at all.
“Snored too much, couldn’t sleep, y’know.” Impeccable acting from you, this wasn’t exactly a lie, he was like a foghorn most nights. This had happened a couple of times, you’d smack him on the arm a couple times before dipping to sleep with Gerard. A believable stunt you thought of late last night.
“Ah, well, guess I’m the lucky one, my future partner will praise me for my lack of snoring.” He beamed, he totally believed what you said.
“Future partner, my ass. You and Frank will live in a dirty apartment with fourteen cats at fifty.” He knocked his shoulder, before yawning.
He hummed in agreement.
“Well, you will be there with us, I see no romance in your life, missy.” He got you there.
“So true it stings.” You half smiled.
“Whatever happened to your old boyfriend? The one from Chi-“ You cut him off at the mention of your ex, the only other person you could say you had been in love with and probably still in love with. You told Gee about him, and just how amazing that relationship had been, gushing and mourning the loss of a great partner. Of course he was the one you had lost your virginity to, both of you together and unsure, learning with each other and it was perfect.
And the worst part was it wasn’t a terrible breakup, it wasn’t your fault you were forced to move state, it wasn’t your fault you broke your cell phone when you got here- losing his number forever. You remember that night more than you wished to.
And the day you left.
You both cried, hugging, refusing to let each other go on moving day, he promised you would always be the last good thing about that part of town. He was your everything. He was sweet and kind, absolutely adorable. God, you did miss him. But there was no way you would see him again, he probably thought you’d stopped talking to him on purpose- that you didn’t want to see him again. Didn’t love him.
That was way off, but there was no chance he would ever come looking for you after that.
“He definitely doesn’t want to see me.” Forlorn and defeated you lean on Gee’s shoulder.
“We could get married at forty? If we are still miserable souls not having found our match?” He sighs.
“Sounds like a plan, we would have to adopt Frank, of course.”
“Oh, it goes without saying.”
You had been indefinitely cheered up as a couple of hours went by. You had to get up and get ready eventually, the boys were coming round for band practise, and then later you were gonna go into this underground dive bar that Frank and you had been to a couple of times before bringing the guys- and they let in under 21s, letting you guys play there a lot of times, too. You secretly thanked yourself for developing a wardrobe box of sorts in Gee’s room, your best clothing piled inside.
You decided to take off Mikey’s shirt, putting on some comfy clean clothes, you had no idea who out of all of you each piece belonged to but it didn’t matter.
Seeing Mikey was playing on your mind, were you ready to face that mess?
You had no choice, you couldn’t let Gee know anything was up, so you had to.
Trailing after your best friend up the stairs, you peek into the living room, Mikey already sat on the couch- zoning out to the TV.
“Mornin’” Gee greets his brother, his ears perking up, immediately looking to see if you were there. His heart stops when he sees you, god, you looked so beautiful- even after everything last night.
“Hi, Y/n.” He waves, trying his chances.
“H-hey.” You avoid his eyes, darting off to the kitchen to get a glass of water, even treating yourself to some ice.
He fucked up, you couldn’t even look at him.
“I’m gonna’ go out and get some snacks later, want anything?” Mikes turned to his brother.
Gerard mumbles a loose list of items, the usual snack run.
You walk back into the room, standing and sipping your glass, well aware of the tension between Mikey and you. You were almost sweating because of how thick the air is, painful.
“Got it. Y/n, will you come with? Could use a hand or two?” Your eyes widen for a moment, you look between him and Gee. Well, fuck, you can’t say no can you?
“Sure, give me a moment to fix my hair.” You still can’t look at him, running to the closest mirror to tie it up with a hair tie you had found, preparing for the worst.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
The walk to the store was silent for a while, neither of you had the guts to speak, until Mikey decides to break it.
He grabs your wrist, ever so gently.
“Y/n. Can we talk?” He doesn’t let go of your wrist, you finally meet his eyes after avoiding it for so long.
“I guess.” You act distant prepared for heartbreak.
“Listen. I know I didn’t say anything last night and I am not gonna’ stand here and make excuses, you don’t deserve that from me. I really don’t know what happened, it’s like I couldn’t speak, nothing would come out. I am so unbelievably sorry if I made you feel like shit, that was not what I wanted, at all.” He wasn’t done but he felt like continuing to ramble an apology would do him worse off, he wanted this to be a conversation.
“Okay…thank you for that. I wasn’t the best either. I left because I thought you didn’t wanna see me, I thought you were waiting for me to leave. Like, when you said nothing and just left, I thought that was it. I guess I just want to know what your feelings are?” You open up, you don’t have the energy to do any less for Mikey.
His feelings? He didn’t even know what they were. He knew he had feelings for you, strong ones. But the definition? No clue at all.
“M-my feelings? Uhm-“ You took a deep breath, here it comes, “I really don’t know, I wish I did. I have feelings for you…I do, really. I just don’t know where we take this from here? I don’t do relationships, I never have, I don’t know where to start, but I know I want you, somehow.” That wasn’t too bad. “I think you are so beautiful and obviously I see you as one of my best friends-“ He is starting to lose you with that.
“Think of it this way. Do you want to date me? Do you want to fuck me? Anything like that springing to mind?” He winces at the word fuck.
“I…I don’t know.”
“Think about it and get back to me. Could I do one last thing?” You don’t know what possesses you, or where you found the courage for this, but it’s better now than never. You would give him something to think about.
“Sure…anything.” Mikey fixes his glasses, as you take a step closer to him.
“Can I kiss you?” Your heart stammers, if this is goodbye to it all, then you want one last kiss.
Mikey doesn’t reply with words, he just nods, his ears turning pink.
You swallow your nerves, cupping his face before bringing him down to meet your lips with his, somehow all your nerves melted away.
The sensation of him kissing you makes you lighter than air, you hope this isn’t goodbye and that he has the sense to love you.
Mikey starts kissing back harder but you pull away, if he wants to kiss you again, he knows the decisions he has to make.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Band practise was in full swing, switching from written originals to winged pieces from Iron Maiden, to just pure chaotic screaming and noise.
You stood in for the drummer most practises, unable to find one that would stay for long, you didn’t want the spotlight in your life but that didn’t mean you would let your friends fail. If you had to be the drummer indefinitely, you would, for them.
“Can we take a break? I am dying for a cigarette….” Frank huffs, stretching out his back.
“Yeah, yeah, we’ll take ten.” Gee waves him off, leaving the room, presumably to wet his windpipes after some decent screaming.
“You are so locked in, Y/n, this is a sick as fuck practise, today.” Frank compliments, mumbling half through his cigarette as he lights it.
“Why thank you, Frankenstein, trying my best as always.” You got the hang of perfecting a drumstick spin, adding one to the end of your sentence letting it spin between your fingers.
I wonder what had you so drum happy today? Small, stolen glances during your haphazard set between you and Mikey had you blushing, easily hidden by the violent act of drumming making you red in the face. Could that be why? The awkwardness had slowly melted away during the day, just leaving a sense of nervousness.
You decide you had to eat something, having gone without all day. You grab what you could guess was a blueberry muffin from the counter, that would do.
You sit on the couch, Frank across from you on a chair and Mikey sat on the floor near the drum kit.
There’s a weird look on Frank’s face, one you can’t quite make sense of, you raise your eyebrow at him.
“Enjoying your muffin?” He stifles a giggle, what in the world was he playing at?
“Yes…why?” You question, slowly.
“That’s not important- What does that muffin taste like?” He hums, tilting his head.
“Um….blueberry?” You roll your eyes, weirdo.
“And?” He bites his lip.
“And what? Blueberry, that’s it.” You stop eating, confused at what he was playing at.
“And…” He drags out his word, raising his eyebrows at you, it dawns on you. Not again.
“DID YOU FUCKING LICK THIS?” You scream, jaw dropping.
“Like a LOLLIPOP!” He cackles, dodging the muffin that flew at him, you grunt, tackling him off the chair.
“You little freak- swear I’m gonna-“ Mikey silently chuckles, covering his mouth in the corner as you attempt to smack him in the head, tousling on the floor.
“Hey! Knock it off!” Ray runs in, having followed Gee, he snatches his guitar off the floor as it is dangerously close to getting kicked.
“Thank you, Ray. She’s, crazy!” Frank is heaving, still dodging your hits
“Sorry, Ray, he licked my fucking food, again.” You growl.
“Oh, never mind, please yourself then.” Ray shrugs.
“Ha!” You scream down Frank’s ear.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
You stare at yourself in the mirror, was this too much? Not enough?
You had actually done something with your hair, it sat in perfect, teased curls, having used an ancient curling iron Gerard had found.
A dress you had been saving for a special occasion, hugs you perfectly- a lovely mix between grunge and gorgeous. Some would say ruined- you would say improved by fishnets and your docs- comfort over classy. Picking up Frank’s old leather jacket, that he had bought to be a baggy item, was just as baggy on you. You let the jackets shoulder slide down resting on your upper arm, like a shawl or sorts.
You took more time on your makeup, going a little more out than you normally would, even you could admit shyly to yourself you looked kinda good. Heavy eyeliner, all smoked out and big, not like the usual under eye- it makes you wanna put this effort in again. You finish it off with a black lip, not the usual red-purple that stained your lips for days. You fix your piercings that were a little crooked, putting some cooler earrings in too.
You do a final look, dusting off your clothes and spraying some sweet perfume to mask the smell of the Way’s.
You hear the door to Gerard’s bedroom creak open, you turn your head to find Ray.
“Oh, sorry Y/n-“ He smiles when he sees you. “You look really beautiful, y’know.” He nods toward you. You laugh a little.
“I think for once I can say I do look a little pretty today.”
“I don’t mean just now either, you are beautiful, and I know you don’t see it.” Your heart tugs itself, trust Ray to make everything feel better.
“Thank you, means a lot to me, Toro.” You avoid his eyes to avoid crying and ruining your makeup.
“I think you are missing something, though.” You raise your brow at him.
“What might that be.”
Ray looks around the room, a bouquet of artificial black roses stood in a vase, he immediately goes up to them. Picking one up, he finds some scissors and cuts the stem close to the head so just the flower head and a bit of stem is left. He grabs a few of your bobby pins he found near your makeup before pinning it into your hair.
“Now it’s all together.” He fixes a few fly-away hairs, like a dad or a brother would on prom night.
“It looks perfect, why didn’t I think of that?”
“Make sure to turn some heads.”
“I will.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“I heard there’s a new band playing tonight, their turn in the hot seat.” Frank muses, all of you stood around in the Way living room, still waiting on Mikey.
“I love it when a new band comes along, like seeing how they play and what drum techniques different people use.” You shrug.
“Well, they aren’t better than us, that’s guaranteed, which is why we have a half an hour set after them.” Frank tells his little secret and all of your groan a little.
“C’mon, I thought we were getting fucked up tonight? You remember what happened last time we were hammered.” You cringe at the memory of Frank falling into your drums and ruining the whole performance after breaking the snare.
“We are going to control ourselves, have a couple of drinks, and thennnnnn- afterwards we can let hell loose?” He proposes, like it was his plan all along.
“Fine.” You smile, the rest of the band in agreement. You can start to hear Mikey’s footsteps coming closer and closer to the room, you do a quick pat down when no one was looking making sure there was nothing stuck on you.
He uses the entrance behind you, announcing himself.
Mikey’s world turns in slow motion as you turn around, meeting his eyes, you looked more breathtaking than ever.
He wished it was his jacket you were wearing, not Frank’s, but he doesn’t want to rush this.
“Don’t she look drop dead gorgeous?” Gerard hums to Mikey, all he can do is nod and stare, pushing back his thoughts and wants- the ones screaming kiss her.
For now, he would have to behave himself.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Ray never drank too much anyway, a glass or two for night and due to Frank putting you down for a performance you decided to bring the van to use your own instruments- all except your drums- that was too much effort- so Ray would be the casually designated driver.
The drive there was fun, cigarette smoke slipping through the open windows whilst hard rock and the occasional ballad (definitely not Frank’s mix) blared through the speakers.
You saw the entertainment sign as you neared.
Tonight at ‘Puzzles’:
Fall Out Boy !
(appearances from My Chemical Romance)
Cool name, but not as cool as yours, you had thought. Your exes band didn’t even have a name when you had left them, it wouldn’t be them, surely. Although the thought always played on your mind- one day would they find their way here?
You parked round the back like always, opting to leave your stuff in the van.
You walked into the bar and everything was in full swing, just how it always was, The dirty floor, the sound of smashing bottles from behind the bar, the music playing heavy through the speakers and an abundance of drunken laughter.
The band wasn’t on yet, you hadn’t missed the opportunity to judge them, deciding to grab a drink you yanked Frank by the hand to join you.
“Hey, Y/n! Frank, what’s up, man!” The bartender bro bumps Frank before giving you a friendly wink and a smile.
“Hey, Ted, bud.” You wave, he automatically points to the cheapest bottles beer and you both nod in amusement.
Your coins clink together as you lay them down on the bar, paying for yours and Frank’s, he would get the next one anyways.
“Thanks, hun.” Frank cheers’ you, before you both bring the bottles to your lips, chugging half.
The rest of the guys join you shortly after, creating a messy semi circle near the bar.
“I know we said go easy but…shots?” Gerard’s eyes sparkle mischievously, you all cave immediately.
“I’m in.” Mikey.
“Fine, you’re paying.” Frank.
“I can’t say no.” You.
“I’ll just take a beer.” Ray, smart.
The shots are poured and you all clink them and table tap them before knocking them back.
You put your shot glasses back on the table before someone taps on your shoulder.
It couldn’t be the guys as you’re facing them, and you don’t really know anyone else so who would that be?
You spin around with a confused look on your face, your eyes widening as you see who tapped you.
“Pete! What the hell, man, What are you doing here?” You are pulled in for a hug, god, you missed him- your old best friend. Did he bring him? Was Pete on his own?
The guys give you a confused look, you wave them with your hand- you would explain later.
“Hey, Y/n- actually, we are play-“ He was cut off by the stage microphone.
“Ladies and gentlemen! New here tonight and ready to play for you all- I want you to give a wild, Jersey, welcome to Fall Out Boy!” The new band is called to the stage. The crowd murmurs a little giving a cheer.
“We are here to play!” Pete beams, gauging your reaction. Your face drops, you can’t swallow, he can’t be here on his own. That must mean-
“See you after the set, Y/n. Somehow I just knew you would be here.” Pete bids you goodbye, heading to the stage.
You watch as they all pick up their instruments.
You run to stand in between Gee and Mikey.
“He’s here.” You whisper in Gee’s ear, he gives you wide eyes, knowing exactly who you mean.
First there’s Andy, heading to the drums- you remember when he first let you on his kit- you fell in love with them. He gave you pointers and helped you fuel your love for them more throughout the years.
Joe, sweet old Joe. The laughter filled afternoons, where you sat around trying to throw candy in each other’s mouths.
Pete, your old best friend, the tears shared and times you spent together never seemed to leave your mind.
And then…
He looks good, so good. You hadn’t seen him since moving day, the day you left Illinois.
Damn it.
You watch with awe, as he shyly introduces themselves again, picking up his guitar. You can’t draw your eyes away from him.
You don’t notice how Mikey looks at you, do you know this band?
“Uhm, so there’s someone here in Jersey, who I- we lost a long time ago- a lot of these songs we wrote about her. I hope to see her whilst I’m here. This is- Grand Theft Autumn!” Could he be talking about you?
Before Patrick starts singing, Pete whispers in his ear and his eyes widen. He must know your here now.
The pressure is on.
“Where is your boy, tonight? I hope he is a gentleman.”
“Maybe he won’t find out what I know.”
He sounds amazing as ever, you can’t help but smile.
“You were the last good thing about this of town.”
You gasp as he sings with full chest, the last thing he ever said to you before you left Chicago.
Tears brim your eyes, he must think about you too.
The band is in full motion, Patrick’s eyes searching the crowd, you know he is looking for you. Are you ready to face him? After all these years?
You realise shortly you will have to play in front of him, show him what your band is made of.
What about Mikey?
You start the ponder the unresolved feelings, snatched away from you in Chicago. The new blooming feelings in Jersey.
You can’t stop staring at Patrick, the way the stage lights hit his face, all your feelings swarming inside the hive that is your stomach.
“I need another round.” You mumble in Frank’s ear, he grabs you and pushes you up to the bar ordering four more beers, two for you and two for him.
“I don’t know what’s going on, but something is clearly fucking with you.” Frank half smiles, paying for the drinks.
“I fear the truth would break you, my love.” You laugh, feigning a sadness.
“Try me.” He ponders at you, you debate to tell him the situation.
On one hand, Frank would never tell anyone if you told him to stay quiet. On the other hand- ah, screw it.
“I fucked Mikey-“ Frank’s mouth drops open, like you just shot a dog in front of him, “mm not done, babe. My ex is up there and I am for sure still in love with him-“ Frank just stares, wide eyed, “and I’m in love with Mikey.”
“What the fuck.”
“I know-“
“You fucked Mikey?”
“Yeah, last night and-“
“I always thought it would be Gerard.”
“Shut up, you did not.”
“Uh, yeah.”
“He is like a damn brother to me!”
“Yeah, now he is.” Frank snorts, dodging a smack from you as you giggle at him.
“So what’s the deal with your ex? The band actually play pretty good so, before I praise them on their skills I’d like to know if I should punch anyone or not?”
“I haven’t spoke. to Patrick for like, three years. I broke my phone when I got to Jersey and it had all my numbers in. Thought he’d be angry and forget about me, turns out, half their set is about me. He might still be angry at me- for thinking I just stopped talking to him. Oh, god, do you think he is here to yell at me?” You hold your temple, stressing out.
“Hey, hey. If he yells at you- you know I’ll- actually you don’t need to know what I’ll do.” He chuckles, giving you a side hug.
“Thanks, Frankie. You’re the best.” He smiles with his tongue between his teeth.
“You know, I’d ask you for more details on Mikey but I think that’s a conversation for later as he is comingrightthiswaybyeeeee!” He rushes out the last few words before sneaking off.
“Hey…” You turn around, Frank already lost to the crowd.
“Hi, Mikes.”
There is a nervous pause.
“You know the band?” He comes right out with it.
“Yeah…the bassist, Pete was my best friend and…yeah I knew them in Chicago- they didn’t even have a name then.” You decide to spare the information about Patrick.
“Cool, so…you and this Pete guy…it wasn’t him who you-“ You cut him off.
“Oh! No, no…Pete is- was just a friend.” You smile forlornly, remembering the friendship of the past. Maybe now you could get back in touch?
“Okay, good. I’m..not much of a fighter.” He laughs and gestures to himself.
“Aw, no, come on. I’m sure you could pull a punch.” You punch his shoulder, so gently, he only moves an inch.
“Let’s hope I never find out.” You look into Mikey’s eyes and feel a certain guilt.
A guilt that you still love Patrick.
A guilt that he doesn’t know anything.
A guilt that you love him.
“Mikey, I-“ You are cut off by a pair of lips on yours.
He pulls you insanely close, cradling your head in his, it’s passionate- more than any other kiss you’ve shared. He pulls away, shocked at himself.
“I am so sorry, you just looked so gorgeous in the light and- I have had a few drinks- I am so sorry.” He apologises, rambling on.
You look up to the stage discreetly, their last song ends and they start to exit the stage, you lose all the members in the crowd.
You panic. He deserves to know the truth.
“Mikey don’t be sorry. It’s not that I don’t want to kiss you- I just-“ You groan, trying to think of a way to explain, “I just want you to be sure of your feelings. I’m not someone that enjoys being fucked around with. Which is why you should know-“
“Y/n.”. A familiar voice behind you makes your stomach drop.
“Know what?” Mikey grabs your hand, pleading with you to tell him what’s wrong.
“I can’t believe it’s you.” You turn around, there he is, sure as day.
“Pat-“ Before you can speak, he pulls you into a hug and suddenly you’re eight years old again- meeting Patrick for the first time.
He smells the same, you feel a tear roll down your cheek, losing it as it falls onto his jacket.
“Your brother told me everything, back home. How your dad had told him you broke your phone and lost all your numbers- and I just knew you never stopped talking to me- I knew it.”
Your brother, being old enough to stay in Chicago, had one phone call with your dad when you moved, you mentioned about a broken phone- the only nice thing he had ever done was replace it. And that was only so he could now where you were at the press of a button- you wouldn’t dare reject his calls.
You missed your brother so much, but he knew you would have called if you could.
He must have told your brother- who told Patrick, who must have told the boys.
“Nice to meet one of Y/n’s friends from Illinois.” Mikey nods at him, Patrick looks at him confused.
“Friend? Did you not-“ Patrick turns to you, but before you can say anything, Mikey is kidnapped by Gerard and Ray- forcing him to come help them get their instruments.
“You looked like you could use a little help.” Frank whispers in your ear, before motioning that your set is on soon.
“Thank you.” You whisper back.
“What’s going on, Y/n? Did you not tell anyone about us?” Patrick doesn’t seem upset, just confused.
“I did…I promise. I just…I missed you too much to cope at all, I just couldn’t talk about it. I thought I’d never see you again.” You look at him, defeated- overwhelmed by everything all at once.
“I missed you, too. More than anything.” He grabs your hand, your heart flutters. You look a little different to how he remembers you, well, you are a lot different now. He still thinks you are drop dead gorgeous, more so even.
“I um, I gotta go prepare for my band to play. But here-“ You grab the pen hanging out of his jacket top pocket before scribbling your new number on his hand, “If we don’t get a chance, we will talk soon?” You smile.
“Yeah, yeah, of course, we are here for a couple weeks- Joe’s visiting his aunt a couple of towns over, so- I’ll be here. Wait- you’re My Chemical Romance?” His eyes shine, he’s never seen you play like you do now, you can’t wait.
“You know what- seems like I am.” You giggle before downing your beer and waving goodbye, running to the van parked out back to get your sticks, opting to use the house drums already on stage.
Your heart hangs heavy with all of tonight.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“And now welcome to the stage- a favourite here at Puzzles, you know them, you love them. They got a new album out in a couple of months- it’s My Chemical Romance!” Marshall, the announcer for most nights, gives you a high five as you all step out. You had decided to play a a few songs from your only album- I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love.
Of course the new one was in the making, and how things were looking seems you would be the drummer indefinitely. You often helped with the writing process, giving you a deep understanding to each lyric and beat.
Gerard amps up the crowd and you try to spot the boys in the audience, you do, you can see them by the bar.
Pete noticed you looking and gave you a wave, nudging Patrick, who gave you a shy wave too. Andy gives you a thumbs up, and Joe just smiles, nodding over.
“We decided tonight, we’re gonna start with a little something called Headfirst for Halos-“ Gerard motions over to me and I start my cue.
“1, 2, 3-“ You blur into the microphone next to you and as soon as your sticks hit the set- you know this is gonna be a good show.
Every song makes you sweat even more, your swinging your hair around, trying to keep it from sticking to your forehead. Frank’s nearly hit Mikey in the head five times and has already licked Gerard, Ray is stood- grounded- head banging like usual and definitely with more grace than you.
You guys finish off with the song that meant the most to you, Demolition Lovers. Having wrote a lot of the lyrics about Mikey- you felt a special connection to this one specifically- it was the band’s lovechild which basically gave you all (mostly Gee) the idea of the next album.
As Gerard sings, you can’t help but find Mikey with your eyes, he usually stand on his side of the stage, moving a klmetre or two but this time- he walks closer. He’s now playing at you- putting his heart into his bass
“I’m trying, I’m trying.”
“To let you know how much you mean”
“As days fade and nights grow”
“And we grow cold”
You start the cry a little, the lyrics you wrote, you feel it in your soul.
The song ends and you can’t do anything but sit there, the hot lights shining down on you.
“Our CD’s are behind the bar as usual if anyone would like one, we have been My Chemical Romance, thank you so much!” Gerard screams down the mic, you look at Mikey, he offers out his hand.
You take it, letting him pull you off stage with the guys, as you walk out the bitter cold air is pleasure against your skin- hot like metal.
Everyone starts putting their equipment back into the van.
“Cigarette?” Frank quips, having his own today he offers out the box.
“Deadly.” You breathe, taking one out, using Frank’s cigarette to light it as you forgot your bag at home.
“How about you just…be our drummer? You’re already the best out there, you never let us down. I know you don’t like spotlight and all but you write songs the way we do and we need you-“
“I’ll do it.” You laugh.
“Really?” Frank’s hopeful eyes shining at you, they had asked a few times with you always declining.
“Yeah, I’ll do it.”
“Guys! She’s in!” Frank screams, all of a sudden you are surrounded by sweaty, stinking males putting their paws all over you as they hug you.
“Finally!” Gerard kisses your forehead.
You just hope your whole boy situation doesn’t break up the band.
“You need me, what can I say?” You pretend to play it off cool.
What a night you are in for.
63 notes · View notes
bardoftheshire · 1 year ago
This is also another one that hasn't been requested, but the FOB brain rot is real guys. Anyways, this one isn't exactly age accurate I guess?? More so of an AU if anything.
How Misery Loved Me
Patrick Stump x Fem! Reader
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[Tumblr did it again and ruined the quality of my gif..]
Summary; I don't know how to write summaries for works that aren't requested, my bad, guys this is my own fault, especially when I know I have asks.💀
Notes; I'm sorry it's another fem reader but school is piling up and finals week is coming up and I still want to write, but fem readers are easier right now. I also just gave the girl that went to the dance with Pete a random name. (This is one of the corniest and most cliché things I've ever written).
Warnings; Mutual pining, foul language, some angst, and there's multiple pov changes.
Word Count; 10,307
<Now playing - Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy>
0:54 ──ㅇ─────── 3:00
"So, which one do you think looks better?" You ask, turning around to look at Patrick, who was sitting on your bed.
"That one's nice, but I think the second one you wore was better. But seriously, I think you should pick which one you want."
"That's the thing though; I don't know which one I want to wear because I like three of them," You say, falling face down onto the bed in the spot where all the previously discarded dresses were.
"Then take all the other dresses out and pick just those three, and then we can narrow it down to what you want," Patrick says, looking down at you.
You groan and turn over, then get up again, beginning to pick all of the other dresses except for the three that you liked, hanging all of the other ones back up and putting them into your closet.
You take the three other dresses with you behind the divider you had in your room, changing into one of the dresses and walking back out.
"Okay, this one has a pretty colour and it's comfortable, but I think it's just a little too short for my liking, so I think this one can go." You say, looking at yourself in the mirror, smoothing out the dress.
You walk back behind the divider, changing into the second dress and hanging the other one back up.
"This one is a perfect length, and it's a nice colour but the straps constantly fall off my shoulders, but I think if I were to sew them to fit me, or even just safety pin them to my bra, it would probably be okay."
You do the same as you did before, going back to the divider, changing into the other dress, and walking back out.
"This one is comfortable, and it fits good, as well as a good length, but I'm afraid that it's going to end up being too much." You say, looking at yourself in the mirror and turning around.
"That's the one that I liked. I don't think it's too much, though. It looks nice on you," Patrick says, scooting farther back onto the bed.
"So, should I wear this one or the other one?" You ask, looking down at yourself, feeling the material of the dress in between your fingers.
"I think that one,"
You nod, smiling as you go back to behind the divider, changing into your pyjamas this time and laying the dress down nicely for Friday's dance, then putting the other one away into your closet.
After doing so, you close up the divider and lay down on your bed halfway with your legs dangling off of it. You close your eyes and listen to the music playing from your CD player, nodding your head to the song.
You open your eyes slightly, looking up at Patrick and admiring his features. His hair was medium length, with those sideburns that you adored so much. Oh and his smile, he could light up a room with that smile. His eyes were such a pretty blue.
You see Patrick look down at you and then quickly look away when he sees that you were staring at him, you doing the same.
You quickly sit back up from your bed and walk to your player to change the CD.
"I still haven't completed the math homework that's due Thursday and was thinking about what other ones I still had to do. Have you done them yet?" You say trying to get rid of the awkwardness, taking your Catalyst CD by New Found Glory out of its case, then taking the other one out of the player and replacing it, pushing the play button and turning up the volume dial.
You turn back around and see Patrick's eyes widen.
"Oh shoot! I forgot about that! What was it again?" Patrick asks, his hands covering his face.
"We just have to do the problems on page 27 from our books, it's not that hard but I can let you copy mine if you want, I'm not done with it yet so you'll have to finish the rest." You say, walking over to your bag to get your book out.
"That would be awesome, I'll just copy them down on a paper if you don't mind it,"
"Knock yourself out, 'Trick,"
You place the book down onto your small desk in the corner of your room. The desk had scattered sheet music, old graded history and english papers, a table lamp and pencil jar placed on the left, and your closed laptop sitting in the middle of the desk.
The wall it was facing was decorated with old concert tickets and wristbands, framed pictures of you and your family, as well as unframed pictures of you and the rest of the boys, most of them of you and Patrick.
Patrick walks to the desk, sitting down in the chair and grabbing one of your blank lined papers from a spot where more sheet music books were stacked up.
You sit back down onto your bed, humming the beginning of All Downhill From Here to yourself and picking at the fibers on the plush throw.
"Has anyone asked you to homecoming yet?" Patrick says, still looking at the book and copying it down.
"No, not yet. I honestly wouldn't mind not getting asked and just hanging out with you and the rest of the guys though,"
"Really? I'm surprised no one has yet. But Pete has a date to homecoming now actually so I think it would be just me, Andy, and Joe together," Patrick says, placing the pencil down and turning around in the swivel chair.
"Pete got a date? Did he finally ask that girl?" You ask.
"Yup, he lit her yard on fire with the word "homecoming?" and she said yes," He explains.
"He lit her yard on fire?! I don't know about her but if someone lit my yard on fire to ask me to some dance saying yes would be the last thing i'd do, I think that's just common sense though, or at least it should be, but apparently not for her!" You exclaim, looking at Patrick in shock.
"Yeah, I told him it was a bad idea too and he still did it. I've got to give it to him though, at least he was confident enough to do that and it actually got him a date," Patrick laughs.
"Are you going to ask anyone to the dance?"
"I want to ask this one girl, but I don't think I'm going to end up actually doing it, I'm not as confident as Pete is when it comes to that sort of stuff," Patrick says, spinning around in the chair.
"Anyways, I should probably get going now though, it's going get dark out soon and my curfew is coming up, I don't need my mom yelling at me again," Patrick says, getting up from the chair and walking over to you.
"Oh shoot, have you really been here that long? I didn't mean to keep you here that long, sorry about that," You say, getting up.
"Don't apologise, I like hanging out with you, it's much better than just sitting in my bed reading comics the whole time. I mean, I love those comics but again, I much prefer hanging out with you instead," Patrick says awkwardly.
"Okay, get going though, it'll be too dark for you to walk home soon enough," You say.
You give Patrick a hug, him leaning down a little bit as he was just ever so slightly taller than you.
"Alright, bye Y/n, I'll see you tomorrow. Thank you for letting me copy, you seriously just saved my ass," Patrick says, opening your door and leaving the room.
You close the door and sigh, sitting at your desk, finishing the last three problems you had, then turning off your lamp and CD player.
You get your bed ready to sleep in, putting the extra pillow on the floor and get under the covers.
I'm so stupid, he's nothing more than a friend and it's always going to be that way, stop creating these stupid thoughts in your head.
You sigh and close your eyes, falling asleep within a few minutes.
-Patrick's POV-
"Dude just ask her. If you don't ask soon then some other guy will. Homecoming is tomorrow, she's going to get asked, Patrick, believe me." Pete says, leaning against the lockers next to mine.
"I don't know, Pete. I mean, if she says no then it's going to be awkward between us or something, I don't want that." I say, rummaging through my locker for my math book.
"Believe me, Patrick, she'll say yes." Pete puts an arm on my shoulder and gives me a look.
I sigh and close my locker, not being able to find the book. It's fine, I didn't need it right now anyways. I'll have to look for it when I get home though.
The bell rings and I walk to my class with Pete, him departing ways with me shortly after as he had a different class this period.
God I really don't want to be here right now.
Ding! -"Good Morning everyone! Today is Thursday and it's currently 20 degrees out. The yearbook club is meeting today during lunch, as well as chess and game club. Those that need to retake their photos have today and tomorrow to do so, and those that need to retake any midterm tests will do so next week on Tuesday in the Algebra classroom or room B213. And now for the most exciting announcement; homecoming is coming up tomorrow and tickets are still being sold during lunch time, so maybe get yourself and a special someone a ticket as they won't be sold at the door. Those that are helping plan the dance will need to meet in the student lounge until Friday. Have a great day, and once again buy those tickets!"- Click!
'Ugh. Another reminder that I still don't have the balls to ask her out to the dance.' I think to myself, pinching the bridge of my nose and getting all of my things out for the class.
I sit through the class, taking notes as the teacher talks, ignoring the balls of scrunched up papers being thrown across the classroom. The class seemed to go on so much longer than it usually felt like it did, but maybe it might be the rowdiness of my classmates.
I finish the class and continue to go to all of my other periods until lunchtime. Finding my regular table with everyone else and place my bag down and head to the lunchline, which was almost always shorter except for Wednesdays as the food tended to be much better then everything else all the other days.
Honestly though, most of everyone's lunch breaks are just spent waiting in line unless you either got lucky enough to be first or if you brought your own lunch for the day.
After standing in the line and finally getting my tray, I head back to the table.
"...No, no, no, no, no. You don't understand guys, this is like, the first time I've ever been asked to any kind of dance ever. This is huge for me!" Y/n exclaims, slamming their hands on the table.
"I don't know man, the guy that asked you is kind of an asshole," Andy says, everyone else other than Y/n agreeing.
Shit, I should've listened to Pete.
"Come on dude, you're really gonna ditch me, Patrick and Andy for some guy that you've never had a conversation with?" Joe says as he continues chewing on his sandwich.
I place my tray onto the table, sitting down in between Pete and Y/n in the seat that I was always in.
"Pat! Hold on I was looking for one of my CD's this morning when I was getting ready and found this under one of my blankets I had on the floor. I think you might've left it the last time we studied together." Y/n says, pulling a large math book out of her bag and handing it to me.
"Oh shit, thanks, Y/n. I was looking for this earlier this morning," I say, taking the book from her hands, looking at it for a second and then placing it inside my bag.
"Yeah no problem. Oh, oh! You'll never guess what happened during the second passing period," She says excitedly, grabbing my left shoulder and shaking it slightly, then patting her hand quickly on it.
"What happened?" I ask, taking a bite out of the sandwich on my tray of food.
"So, you know that guy Mark in our chemistry class right? He kinda has like this dark brown semi-curly hair, the one that always wears that letterman jacket,"
"The guy that pushed me directly into that one girl because I wouldn't give him my notes?" I say, swallowing the bite of my sandwich and opening my carton of milk.
"He did that to you?" Y/n asks, gently placing her hand on my back.
I dismiss her hand, "That doesn't really matter, did he ask you to the dance?"
Y/n's face had a hurt look, one that I couldn't quite place my finger on. Her face then softened, continuing with what she was saying.
"But uh, yeah. He asked me if I wanted to be his date to homecoming and I said yes. He's not a bad looking guy so I figured why not," She finishes, giving a small shrug.
I nod slowly, staying silent as I continue taking bites out of my sandwich, listening to everyone else talk about their own things for the remainder of the lunch period.
I get up and throw my tray with everyone else, grabbing my bag and waiting for Y/n at the table so we can walk to class together.
How come you always have to chicken out on things like this? If you don't start saying something soon to her she's going to-
A sudden light punch on my arm brings me out of my trance, I turn to see Y/n and gently punch her back, smiling at her.
"You okay, Pat?" She asks, a soft smile on her face.
I nod my head, starting to walk with her to our next class together. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just got lost in my head for a second there". Y/n hums and continues walking, pushing past everyone else in the crowded hallway.
Does it make me a bad friend for not being completely happy for Y/n, anyone would be but I can't seem to shake off this feel of jealousy in my body.
Me and Y/n enter the classroom, going to our shared work table and place our bags down on the floor next to it and take our seats.
"What did we work on yesterday in this class? I dozed off," Y/n whispers.
"Oh, I could tell. Did you know that you snore?" I say jokingly.
"Oh shut up, I was out for forty minutes, but can you please tell me what we did?" Y/n says sarcastically, giving me a light punch in the arm.
"We just had a study hall for class. Mr Hadford didn't feel like teaching so he just told us to do whatever, so you're fine unless you absolutely needed to work on something else,"
"Good to know," Y/n places her head onto my shoulder.
-Reader's POV-
"Come on, Y/n. Are you sure you really want to go with Mark Anderson? The guy is a douche, you've seen how he treats people like us!" Pete exclaims.
"What do you mean by people like us? Pete?" I ask, turning around from my desk to look at Pete.
Pete was over at your house because you two wanted to hang out together. He was in the same spot that Patrick sat in your bed the other night. You couldn't help but feel slightly upset with yourself that you agreed to go with mark instead of asking Patrick to go with you. Or instead, hoping Patrick would ask you.
Sure, it'd always been fun just going with the rest of them, you guys just did your own thing and stayed together, dancing how you wanted without caring if other people thought it was odd, because all five of you always had fun.
But for once someone had actually asked you, wanted to go with you, and to be honest, some terrible part of you wished that Patrick would get jealous and ask you to go with him instead.
"You know what I mean by that, Y/n. We've always been the geeks no one else really hangs out with, we've always been the only ones that hang out with each other, because be honest with yourself, when was the last time we ever talked with other people for more than a class period?" Pete explains.
You turn away, going back to what you were doing before. You hated that he was right. Why would some asshole jock ask you in the first place, you'd never even talked to him until earlier, and the conversation lasted 2 minutes at most.
"I didn't mean to be mean, well, maybe just a little, but I have a bad feeling that Mark didn't have good intentions when asking you." Pete says, getting up from the bed, putting his hand on my shoulder.
"But what if Mark is being genuine? What if I said no and missed out on something that could be serious?" I sigh, turning to face Pete.
"But Mark really isn't the best person at all. I mean, he's done something shitty to most of us by now, who knows if he'll do it again, or to you.. As your friend, I don't want you getting hurt, and neither would the rest of the guys, especially Patrick, and you know that. At least I would hope you do,"
"I know, I know.. It's just, ugh god. I mean, you can't say anything, you asked that poor girl by lighting her front yard on fire!"
"So? At least I'm a better guy than Mark Anderson. The guy is notorious for being a douchebag, don't compare me to him." Pete says, falling down onto my bed dramatically.
God, Pete is starting to make me question my decisions, maybe I should listen to him, what if Mark really does have bad intentions.
"I can't believe you didn't ask Patrick to go with you. You know he wouldn't have said no, right?" Pete says, his arm over his eyes.
"When he was here the other night I asked him if he was going to ask anyone to the dance and he said that he wanted to ask this girl. I didn't bother after that, if he already had someone in mind I wasn't going to ask, I don't want to be that type of girl. I've seen other girls do that to guys and it either makes them feel like they're being pressured or in an awkward sort of position." You sigh, finishing organizing the plethora of loose sheet music on your desk and placing it in a folder.
"Whatever man. All I'm saying is that you could've said no to Mark and hung out with the rest of the guys. You didn't have to go with him."
"Piss off, Wentz. I don't want your shitty advice, it's just making me feel worse," You say annoyed.
"I had the balls to ask someone I liked to homecoming, you didn't. You made a mistake and still insist that 'oh come on Pete, he can't be that bad, even if he made your guys' lives miserable, I'm pretty sure he'll be nice even if we haven't ever talked to each other, I want to give this dumb asshole a chance.' And to be honest Y/n, you're kind of a dumbass for that." Pete was now standing up, stopping in front of you two feet away, rolling his eyes and mimicking you.
"Get the fuck out of my room, Pete.." You say, your voice starting to get that raw feeling and tears threatening to form in your eyes. You felt stupid for starting to cry over something you started.
Pete storms out of the room closing your door, you could tell how annoyed he was by the sound of how loud his footsteps were, then leaving your house with a slight slam of the door.
What he said hurt. A lot. And just as before, you hated how right he was, how he was able to tell you every single thing you could've and shouldn't've done and he was still right. He acted like an ass but you knew it was with good intent and that he didn't want you to have the possibility of getting hurt, he was like an older brother in that way, but it pissed you off that he felt the need to scold and talk to you as if you were a child. How did something as simple as hanging out with each other turned into an argument so quickly?
You were too frustrated at that point, and on top of that, homecoming was the next night. God I'm an idiot, I need to sleep..
-Timeskip the next day-
The girls in the hallway giggled and talked to their friends about how excited they were for homecoming. How they were going with their boyfriends or how someone cute or popular asked them.
Despite how excited everyone was around you, you remained nervous and the feeling of anxiety only grew stronger every step you took down the hallway, finally making it to Patrick's locker where Andy, Pete, Joe, and obviously Patrick were standing.
"Good morning, Y/n, or not such a good morning..? Are you okay, man? You look like shit," Joe says, reaching across to examine your face.
"Thanks, Joe. Good morning to you too, I'm just fine," You say, swiping at his hands to get them off of your face.
"Hey, Y/n," Patrick says, giving you a small wave with a smile on his face. Gosh he was always so cute without even trying.
"Hey, Patrick, good morning," You say, mustering a small smile despite how you currently felt. "Good morning, Andy. How are you guys feeling other than excited like the rest of everyone else?" You ask, letting out a sigh.
Groans emit from everyone except Pete, one would know exactly why.
"I don't know, man I'm pretty excited, shouldn't you be too, Y/n? Are you excited to go with Mark?" Pete says, looking at you with a grin on his face.
"Sure, whatever you say, Wentz." You say, glaring at him.
The bell rings throughout the hallways, everyone starts to scramble to their classes, seemingly still talking to their friends about the dance as they do so.
"Me and Andy gotta go to pre-cal, we'll see you guys during lunch. Try not to die from excitement," Joe says, walking down the hallway, giving a monotone "woo-hoo".
We all depart and walk to our separate classes. Math was probably one of the worst first classes to have, or more specifically Trigonometry. It wasn't even that you hated it, but rather the kids in it. They were loud and were often rowdy, and the teacher didn't care enough to say anything about it, and today you knew it was going to be much rowdier than most days. And when you walked in, you were exactly right.
You sat at your desk, placing your bag down and grabbing your book out of it. One more day until winter break starts, just one more day until you don't have to be around this chaos and sleep in.
The class went by quicker than it usually did, you just finished some problems in your workbook and listened to music on your iPod to drown out the sound of your classmates not very quietly talked to others.
After finishing your other two periods you walked through the hallway to get lunch.
Someone from behind grabs your shoulders and gives them a squeeze, "Boo," the voice says quietly. You turn around to see Pete standing in front of you
"Oh uh, hey, Pete." You say, adjusting the straps of your backpack awkwardly.
"Hey, Y/n. I'm sorry about last night by the way, I was kinda being a dick to you and said some things to you that would've been better if they were left unsaid. I don't want our friendship to go to shit so I wanted to apologise." Pete says, looking at you sympathetically.
You sigh and look up at him, "I'm sorry too, Pete. You were right and it upset me that you were, I also don't want there to be any sort of tension between us. I'm honestly kinda glad we resolved it,"
"What's that supposed to mean?" Pete asks, smiling as he begins to walk with you to the lunch line.
"Well, I mean I could've totally lived without being your friend, you're not all that important or whatever," You sarcastically reply.
"Pfft, I think I can say the same for you too, L/n," Pete says and gives you a small punch to your arm.
Both of you get lunch and then head to your usual table where just Andy was sat, reading an issue of Uncanny X-Men with one of his earbuds in.
"Hey, Andy. You're not gonna get any lunch?" You ask, placing your tray onto the table and sit next to Pete.
"Nah, not right now. I'm gonna wait for the line to clear up so I can finish this," Andy replies, taking his other earbud out and wrapping the cord around his iPod.
"Where's Joe and Patrick? Did they come by yet?" Pete talks with his mouth full, shoveling the spaghetti on his tray into his mouth.
"No, they haven't come by yet, I'm assuming both of them got stuck in computer lab, I heard the teacher's an ass so I wouldn't be surprised if they did. Hey, does the spaghetti come without the meat in the sauce or is it just that?"
"Ah okay, thanks, Andy. Yeah they have just the tomato sauce, the meat is an add on type thing," You reply, taking a bite of your food.
Andy gives a nod of affirmation and continues to read the comic in his hands.
You and Pete continue to eat, Andy soon finishes his comic to go get lunch and comes back shortly after.
"Have Patrick and Joe still not come by yet?" Andy says, as he sits back down in his seat and sets his tray down.
"Nope, nothing yet," Pete replies.
Worry began to set in your stomach, nothing could've happened to the two, except maybe Joe getting in trouble and dragging Patrick along with him.
You decide to pull your phone out and ring Patrick and after a couple of rings it goes to voicemail. You hang up and look at your phone for a moment before closing it.
"Patrick leaves his cell on silent during school, try Joe instead, or you could always go look for them." Andy says, swallowing a bite of his pasta before talking.
Shoot you forgot about that. You open your phone back up and dial Joe's number, it doing the same thing as when you tried Patrick's number.
"I'm gonna go look for them, do you guys wanna come with?" You ask, getting up from the table.
Pete looks at Andy then back at me, "Nah, I think we can just stay. Me and Andy still have to finish our food,"
You nod and walk out of the lunch hall, heading down to upstairs building C to get to the Computer Lab. Once you were at the classroom you knocked on the door, not long after the teacher opened it.
"What is it you need?" The teacher says seemingly annoyed.
"Have you seen Patrick and Joe? I believe they have you as their 3rd bell and I haven't seen them." You ask, slightly intimidated by the teacher's height and demeanor.
"They're in lunch detention right now, actually."
You let out a small 'oh' and thank her before walking back to the lunch hall. Wow, Andy must've been right about her being mean.
You return back to your table and sit back down next to Pete, sighing. "They got themselves stuck in lunch detention,"
"What? How did they do that?" Andy says, Pete snickering next to you.
"I don't know! I went to the computer lab, knocked on the door, then asked the teacher if she'd seen them or knew where they were and she just told me that they were in lunch detention," You explain, running your hands through your hair.
Pete is now laughing even louder and so is Andy, now you can't help but laugh a little with them too.
Lunch finishes and all three of you dump your trays. You grab your bag and start walking to your 4th bell History class.
As you walk in you see Patrick sitting at the table you two share with his head down. You walk to it and place your things down and sit next to him.
"What happened, Stump?" You say, placing a hand on Patrick's arm.
"I don't wanna talk about it." Patrick says with his voice muffled from still having his head down.
"Alright, I won't pry about it, but you have to put your head up so that way we can work. I can't have a partner if he's got his head buried in his arms the whole time." You chuckle, taking your hand off his arm and getting your things out of your bag.
The rest of the day went by and soon enough you were in your room blasting AFI's Sing The Sorrow album as you got ready for the dance.
You had the dress that Patrick helped you pick out and some simple makeup on, just a little bit of eyeliner on your waterline and a light coat of mascara on your bottom lashes, just leaving your top lashes curled.
You pause your music and put the CD back into its case, grabbing your phone on your way out of your room.
You spot your dad sitting at the kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal, "Hey dad, how do I look? Does it look okay or should I change something about it?"
"Hey, kiddo. You look nice, that looks just fine. Let me take a picture before you head out, okay." Your dad gets up from where he was sitting and gets the camera out
You stand in front of an empty space where paintings he made were the only thing that adorned the walls behind you. You smile and he takes the picture, then he comes next to you and takes a picture of both of you.
"Alright, have fun and don't do anything stupid. Take your coat too, it's cold out." He says as he gives you a hug.
You grab your coat and tell him bye before going outside. Joe was your ride to the dance, so you waited outside for him to come. In a few minutes he pulled up with his hand me down 1998 Toyota Corolla, Andy sitting in the passenger seat.
"Hey, Joe, thanks for taking me. Hi, Andy," You say, getting into the backseat of the car.
"No problem. You stoked for it? Your date is that Mark guy, right?" Joe asks as he begins driving.
"Yeah, I guess."
"You seemed to be stoked about it yesterday, what's wrong now?" Andy asks.
You shrug your shoulders and sigh, regardless of the fact that they couldn't see you. "I dunno, I just- feel bad about leaving you guys, we've been going with each other the past two years now. And on top of that Pete won't be there either because he has a date too."
"Don't worry about us, Y/n, we'll be fine, and you can always come with us and hang out if you get tired of Mark," Andy says and Joe nods in agreement.
"It's not really that, I guess. I mean, I didn't get to ask the guy I wanted to and just kinda said yes to Mark even though I didn't want to go. To be honest the guy is a dick and I've seen how he reacts to other girls rejecting him, and I just didn't want him to spread gross lies about me like he did with the girls that said no to him."
I was stupid for saying yes, but I would've also been stupid if I said no. It was a lose, lose situation and my grave was already dug when he asked me. I'm hoping that he just ditches me and says that it was a joke that he asked me, that no one would ever ask me. You wanted to get out of that situation even if it meant him humiliating you in front of a crowd of other people. You knew that's exactly what would happen if he did do it.
"Why didn't you ask the guy you wanted to before? We had like, two weeks to do so." Joe asks, his eyes still focused on the road.
"Honestly, Joe, I don't know."
Other than the soft music coming from the radio, the rest of the ride to the school was quiet. All of you get out of the car once you make it to the car lot and park. Joe locks his car and you guys walk to the building that leads to the gym, all three of you giving your tickets to the teacher that had a table set outside.
You head into the hall and tell Andy and Joe to go on ahead while you wait for Mark. You felt uneasy about it, just as you thought on the way here, hoped that he would come to say something about you and ditch.
Mark arrived and greeted you and walked next to you until you were inside the gym. You see Pete and wave to him, then spot Joe and see Patrick peeking over to wave to you. You smile and wave back to him but it was cut short as Mark took your arm and pulled you to a spot where other guys and girls he often hung out with were standing.
God, this is not gonna be a fun night..
He introduces you to his friends. Some waved but most of them snicker and sneer at you. You shuffle in your spot uncomfortably as all of them talk to each other, not really knowing who they were and not wanting to be included in the conversations.
The band that was supposed to start the dance off with one song started to play and everyone began to clap to the beat of the beginning.
'She says, she's no good with words but I'm worse. Barely stuttered out a joke of a romantic stuck to my tongue,'
These guys are pretty good, holy shit.
'Way down with words too over dramatic. Tonight it's "It can't get much worse," Vs. "No one should ever feel like"'
You would like to dance and enjoy the music but it just wouldn't feel like it does when you were with the guys. You had no clue what to even do, you just kinda, stood there as everyone in the group just continued talking to each other.
'Dance, dance. We're falling apart to halftime. Dance, dance. And these are the lives you love to lead. Dance, this is the way they'd love, if they knew how misery loved me,'
"Hey, uh, I'm gonna go to the food table, alright?" You tell Mark awkwardly.
"Yeah, uh-huh, whatever, go do what you need to." Mark says, dismissing you with his hand and immediately going back to his conversation.
'Why don't you show me a little bit of spine. You've been saving for his mattress, love,'
You walk to the table, having to push past the crowd before getting there. You grab a cup and pour some punch into it, then grab one of the dessert cups and a spoon.
You sit at the bleachers to eat the dessert and drink your punch, throwing the empty cups and spoon into the trash once you were done and grab a dessert cup for Mark then head back to where he and his friends were.
You tap Mark on the shoulder and raise the dessert cup to him, motioning that you got it for him. "I got you one of these while I was over there."
Mark looks at you with a look on his face you can only decipher as disgust and destain. "I don't know how someone such as you can think that anyone other than your weird little friends would actually want to be next to you. I thought you were supposed to be the smart girl and somehow you still didn't get it." Mark says, laughing at me. His friends doing the same.
'Why don't you show me a little bit of spine. You've been saving for his mattress. I only want sympathy in the form of you. Crawling into bed with me,'
You look at him for a brief few seconds with a blank look on your face before shrugging. "Yeah, that's fair enough, but if you wanted a reaction out of me like all those other girls you could've at least tried a little harder. Thanks, man." You say before walking away, the dessert cup in your hand. You walk back to the table to put it back so it wouldn't go to waste and head to the bleachers. You see Andy sitting, reading one of the comics he brought with him.
You head over and sit next to him. "Hey, Andy. What are you doing here by yourself? Where's Patrick?"
"I could ask you the same. Patrick's in the mosh pit." Andy says, pointing to the pit that formed in the middle of the crowd.
"He's what? How'd that happen? He's not one for that sorta stuff. I'd expect that from Pete," You laugh.
"I think I saw someone drag him in. He was just kinda dancing by himself, I saw some girl slap Joe in the face earlier too, we can only guess why," Andy sighs, setting his comic down.
"So, what happened with Mark?"
'Dance, dance. We're falling apart to halftime. Dance, dance. And these are the lives you love to lead. Dance, this is the way they'd love,'
"He asked me just so that he could embarrass me in front of his friends," You shrug.
"Are you okay? I'm sorry that happened, dude." Andy says.
"Oh I'm fine, it only bothered me a bit but most of it was because he included you guys into it. I'm glad it happened, I get to hang out with you guys now, that is if Patrick comes out of that pit alive." You say, laughing at your own words.
"That's good, I'm glad you're okay," Andy says, picking his comic back up and continuing to read it.
'Dance, dance. Dance, dance. Dance, dance. Dance, dance.'
The song ends and the dance circles and small mosh pits begin to empty, most of everyone else going to their own group as the band starts taking all of their stuff down.
Joe makes his way to where you and Andy were sitting, a glass of punch in his hand. "Oh hey, what's up, Y/n?"
"Nothing much. What earned you a slap on the face by the way?" You ask, Andy snickering next to you, his nose still in his comic.
"We're not going to talk about that, okay.." Joe responds, rolling his eyes and taking a sip out of his cup.
Pete makes his way towards you guys with his date and introduces her to you guys. You wave and say hi, introducing yourself to her as well. She seemed like she was a nice girl.
"Y/n, what happened to Mark?" Pete asks, his hand holding the girl's.
"He just asked to try and embarrass me in front of his friends. It didn't bother me though, I was kind of expecting it honestly. I just walked away after telling him it didn't and came over here and just hung out with Andy," You explain.
Pete gives you a knowing look as a way of saying "I told you so," without saying anything. You roll your eyes at him in response and look at Amy. "So, I'm just curious, what made you say yes to Pete when he asked you to homecoming by lighting your front yard on fire?"
Pete looks at me and then back at Amy. "You don't need to answer that, how about we go and get some punch?" He says. Amy giggled as he began to pull her along with him. He glared at you before he walked away with her.
You stand up and groan a little from your aching feet that the heels were causing, turning around to look at Joe and Andy before telling them you were going to look for Patrick, earning a thumbs up from Andy.
You push past a few people to try and look for him, finally spotting him talking to some girls and then them walking away giggling and whispering to each other.
You walk up behind him and cover his eyes with your hands. "Guess who?" You whisper into his ear.
"I guess Y/n." Patrick chuckles.
You remove your hands from his eyes and he turns around, adjusting his glasses a little bit.
"You look good, Pat." You say, smoothing out his suit jacket with your hands.
"Thanks, so do you." Patrick responds. Both of you look at each other for a few seconds, not paying attention to anything else going on around you. You look away in slight embarrassment, stepping back a little and clearing your throat.
"How was your first mosh? And how did you not die?" You laugh.
"I was just kinda thrown into there unwillingly but I guess it was cool, a little more aggressive than I thought a mosh pit would be, especially for a high school homecoming pit, and I fell once and then left after that happened," Patrick says, looking at his shoes.
There was another awkward silence. You'd known each other for almost 4 years and this is probably the one time where you two didn't know what to say to each other.
"If you guys are done being weird, we were all going to get the picture taken before it starts to get too crowded," Joe says, standing in front of you two and motioning to go with him. You thanked him in your head that he broke that silence
You and Patrick follow Joe to the wall that had a fancy background for students to take pictures, where the rest of the guys, including Amy, were standing waiting for you.
"God, we've been waiting ages for you guys. What were you doing that took Joe so long to find you two?" Pete scolds. He sounded like a mother that had a teenager stay out too long after their curfew and was upset with them. Pete was just always kind of the parent of the group, though. Surprising for someone that acted like such a child sometimes.
"Shut up, Pete. We have people behind us that want to take a picture too, just get the picture taken and then we can do whatever we want afterwards." Joe says, pushing you and Patrick forward to the area as Andy hands the teacher his digital camera.
Everyone gets into their spots, Pete was next to Amy and had his arm around her waist, Joe and Andy stood next to each other smiling, and you put your hands on Patrick's left shoulder and leaned on him like you always did with these photos and smiled. The teacher counts down and takes a couple pictures to get some good shots.
"Do you guys want to do a silly one or are you all too old for that?" The teacher asks.
Everyone says yes and we all get into a new position. Andy and Joe made a heart with both of their hands and leaned towards each other like they were going to kiss, Pete and Amy had their tongues sticking out, and Patrick was holding you bridal style and you put your right arm up in a sort of cheering motion. The teacher then took those pictures and when she was finally done you all got out of position and thanked the teacher as Andy got back his camera from her.
"Let's see, did they get the pictures better than they got them last year..." Andy whispers to himself, but just audibly enough to where people next to him could hear.
You laugh to yourself as you recall last year's pictures. The teacher that was taking them took nothing but blurry pictures or ones where some of us had our eyes closed, there was only one picture that was decent enough that we printed out for ourselves.
You all look over Andy's shoulder or arm as best as you could as he went through the pictures, deleting a few blurry or bad ones here and there, and laughing at the shots of the funny ones.
"We actually got good pictures this year, guys. I'll look through them some more and print out the best ones for all of us." Andy says, turning off his camera and putting it with the rest of his stuff.
"Are you gonna want some prints too?" Andy asks Amy.
She looks at Pete for a second, and then back at Andy, "Yes please, that'd be great."
Andy sends back a thumbs up to her, and Pete takes her back to the "dance floor". That is, if you could even call it that.
"Alright, I'm gonna go find a girl to dance with, maybe more than just to dance with if I'm lucky. Peace!" Joe says before walking away.
"I don't know about that, but maybe you'll be lucky enough to earn a punch to the face this time," You call out, earning a glare and an angry grumble from Joe.
There was a silence for a minute or so after you laughed at what you said and the reaction you got from him. But it wasn't an awkward silence, just one where there was nothing to say afterwards.
Patrick takes a long and deep inhale, not letting it out before saying something. "Maybe I'll find a girl to dance with." Patrick clears his throat and and adjusts his glasses as he turns to look at you.
"I'm sure you will, Patrick. Go to the floor and ask someone." You say, smiling as you encourage him.
Patrick lets out a sigh and looks down at his feet, then back up to you, avoiding your eyes as he speaks. "I'm trying to.. What I'm trying to say is do you want to dance with me, Y/n." He stutters out at first, speaking a little faster as he says the rest. His cheeks and the tips of his ears were flushed red.
You freeze in shock and stare at him with wide eyes, your mouth was slightly agape and you would only assume that your face was probably the same shade of red, if not darker than Patrick's based off of the way you can feel your cheeks starting to burn up rather quickly.
"Um, uh, y-yeah. I'd um, I'd love to, yeah." You stutter out awkwardly, smiling at Patrick.
You look out of the corner of your eye to see Andy with his face in his hands, shaking his head as he does so.
Patrick awkwardly holds his hand out, looking everywhere but at you. You take it and walk with him to the dance floor, and just as you do, a sappy slow dance song comes on.
How on earth could this be one of the only times that a slow dance song comes on? You would've assumed that Pete might've been up to it, but it was probably some unlucky 1 out of 1,000 chance.
"Uh, Y/n? Can I please have this dance with you?" Patrick awkwardly asks. You turn your head to look at him then quickly look at your shoes after a few seconds out of embarrassment.
"Yeah, that'd be great." You say quietly with a smile. You laugh to yourself, glad that you weren't the only one that was nervous. And you had no idea how, but you felt your cheeks getting even hotter than they were before.
You and Patrick face towards each other and you awkwardly place your hands on his shoulders. It was especially awkward when Patrick asked if he could put his hands on your waist.
You both stayed silent and avoided eye contact for the first couple of moments of you dancing together. And no matter how much you were enjoying it, how euphoric it felt, you just couldn't look at him. Though not in a bad way.
You finally look at each other and Patrick gives you a nervous smile, his cheeks still a reddish tint.
You smile back at him and wrap your arms loosely around the back of his neck, pulling him closer to you. It was a bold move even for yourself, and you quickly regret it, wondering if it might've been too bold of a move.
Patrick stiffens a bit, but quickly relaxes and proceeds to dance with you, slowly swaying with you to the music.
"Hey, Patrick. Can I tell you something?" You say, your voice shaking a little.
"Yeah, go ahead." Patrick says just as equally nervous, or at least it sounded like it.
You think for a moment, debating whether if you should tell him what you were going to say or not, then finally deciding you should.
"You can't laugh at me or anything, please." You hesitate for a second. Patrick looks at you with his brows furrowed, what seemed to be a confused look.
"Um, I like you. More than one should be for being just friends with someone. I- what I'm trying to say is that I like you romantically." You admit, shutting your eyes closed in fear for what his face would turn into.
Patrick stops dancing, yet not letting go of you and stays silent for a few moments. You open your eyes to look at him, knitting your eyebrows together to try and pinpoint what exactly his expression was, but not being able to.
Patrick pulls you closer and gently places a shaky hand on your cheek and leans in to kiss you, his lips touching yours.
You freeze for a moment in shock, but ease into it and kiss him back, wrapping your arms a little more tightly around the back of his neck to pull him down, deepening the kiss.
It was definitely an inexperienced kiss, not that you would know that, being this was your first, but it soon turned into a more enjoyable one.
You two pull back, breathing just a little heavier than you normally would. You two looked at eachother, laughing lightly to yourself as you feel the high of exhilaration.
Both of you don't say anything the rest of the song, you just continue to dance holding each other closely, your face buried into his neck and his cheek pressed to your hair.
The song ends, too quickly for your own liking, and another upbeat pop song starts to play.
You hold onto each other for a while longer.
"Do you wanna go back to the bleachers?" You ask, finally pulling away from him.
"Yeah, there's not really much to dance to with this music, it's kinda weird when everyone else isn't with us." Patrick replies, adjusting his glasses.
You smile and slip your hand into his, walking with Patrick to the bleachers where Andy was.
Patrick stops when you two were a few feet away from the bleachers. "Am I just going insane, or do I see Andy making out with that girl over there."
"I was just thinking the same thing." You say, your mouth slightly agape at the sight.
Someone from behind grabs your shoulder, you turn around to see who it was and to no surprise, it was Pete.
"Hey guys, what are you two doing standing here like weirdos? Why aren't you guys dancing together?" Pete says, shaking both yours and Patrick's shoulder gently.
"Because we were just looking at that." Patrick says, briefly pointing at the scene happening on the bleachers.
Pete looks in between you and Patrick to look. "Oh wow, they're really going for it, huh? When did that happen?" He says, seemingly having the same reaction as you and Patrick did.
"We have no clue. We came here to plan on sitting with Andy and it was just already kind of happening. Oh, by the way, where's your little girlfriend, by the way?" You ask, teasing Pete.
Pete rolls his eyes at you and his face quickly turns into one of what you immediately recognised as mischief, one that induced fear upon you. He was about to say or do something you knew you wouldn't like or be happy about.
"How was that kiss by the way? It looked like you two really enjoyed it, me and Amy are happy for you! Maybe we should tell the guys so they can congratulate you guys too!" Pete says enthusiastically with a shit eating grin on his face.
Patrick looks at you with a mortified look, you mirror his expression and turn back to Pete. You couldn't find any snarky remark to say back to Pete, you were just completely speechless after what he had just said.
Amy walks up to Pete and taps him on the shoulder and puts her hand in his when he notices it's her.
"Hey guys! Are you having fun! I saw you two dancing a little while ago." Amy says, a sweet smile on her face.
"Oh uh, hey Amy. Yeah, yeah, we're having fun. Um, what about you?" You ask, stumbling over your words a bit, still thinking about what Pete said.
"Thats good. Me and Pete going to go back to dance, do you guys want to come with us? The dance is about to end in 15 minutes."
You open your mouth to talk only to have Patrick beat you to a response.
"No, we're alright. But thank you for asking, Amy." Patrick replies.
"Alright, have fun! If you need us we'll be somewhere in there." Amy says, grabbing Pete's arm and dragging him to the dance floor. Pete looks over his shoulder and sticks his tongue out at you and Patrick.
"Do you wanna go outside?" Patrick asks, a small smile on his face.
"Yeah, yeah. It's kind of noisy in here." You respond, following along with Patrick. You slipped your hand into his as you continued to walk with him.
You now realized just how sweaty you were. You don't know if it was because of how hot it was inside of the gym or if it was because you were with Patrick. Now that you think about it, it's kind of gross.
As you walk out the doors, you feel the cool wind blow on your face, immediately cooling down how hot your cheeks felt. You both sit down on the grass.
There was a calm silence around you, only having faint music playing from the gym and distant chatter of students and teachers keeping the noise present.
"I would've never thought that would've ever happened." Patrick says, a faint blush on his face as he looked in the distance.
"What? Pete finally getting a girlfriend or Andy making out with that girl?" You snort.
Patrick looks at you and rolls his eyes. "Well, yeah maybe the Pete part, but I mean us. It sounds so cliche but I wouldn't think that I would ever get to, well y'know.." Patrick shrugs.
The way the moonlight illuminated his face made the light freckles peppered across his face more visible, and the way it made the colour of his eyes look all the more beautiful. The chill of the wind made his nose slightly red, and his cheeks had a flush to them.
You smile and look at him. "Honestly, me either. But I'm glad it did."
"I don't know what they put in that punch because I do NOT remember being that confident or bold." You add on, laughing a bit.
You lay down on the grass and look up at him, admiring his features like you did the same way you did the day he was helping you pick out your dress, except when he looked at you this time, you didn't look away.
"It's kind of cold." Patrick says, rubbing the tip of his nose.
You smile and laugh, getting up. "Do you want to go back inside?"
"No, I think I'm ready to go back home. It's too crowded and hot in the gym and too cold out here." Patrick replies, getting up off of the grass and offering you a hand to pull you up from the grass.
"I agree with you there. Do you think you can drive me to my house?" You get up, brushing your dress of from any dirt of dead grass that may have stuck onto the fabric.
Patrick nods and you both walk to his car.
"Should we say bye to the guys before we leave?" You say, getting into the passenger seat of his car and closing the door.
"No I think they should be fine. And Pete would probably just tease us." Patrick says and starts his car, pulling out and exiting the car lot to get onto the road.
The drive to your house was almost the same as the ride Joe gave you to the school, but it wasn't an awkward silence that filled the car but rather a pleasant and calm one.
After about 10 minutes of driving Patrick pulled into your driveway. Both of you got out, as Patrick had insisted on walking you to your doorstep.
"Thank you, Patrick. I had fun with you tonight."
"Yeah, of course. I had fun with you too." Patrick smiles.
You grab onto Patrick's shoulders and lean towards him, gently placing a peck on his cheek, pulling him into a hug after.
"Goodnight, Patrick. I'll talk to you later on, okay?" You say, burying your face into his shoulder.
"Goodnight, Y/n. I'll talk to you later." Patrick says, placing a kiss to your temple.
You two break the embrace and you turn around to open your door, walking into your house and closing the door.
All of the lights were off and it was silent, so you would only assume that your dad was already asleep.
You take off your shoes and take them in your hands and walk into your bedroom.
You close your door and change out of your clothes, throwing them into your hamper and changing into your pajamas.
You smile to yourself as you recall the events of the night, only to be interrupted by a knock at your door.
"Yes?" You shout before opening your door.
"Your friend Andy is on the phone right now, he wanted to talk to you. Here, can you bring it back to me when you're done?" Your dad says, handing you his phone.
"Yeah, of course, dad. Thank you." You say before going to sit onto your bed.
"Hey, Andy, what's up?" You say, holding the phone to your ear.
"Where are you? We've been looking for you for like 15 minutes now." Andy says worriedly.
"I'm at home right now, Patrick drove me. Why didn't you call my cell?"
"Because when I called you I heard your phone ringing in your bag. You left your bag and jacket over here and we thought you were still here because it was left here on the bleachers." Andy scolded.
"Shit! I'm sorry, dude. I didn't mean to worry you." You apologize.
"It's fine. But I'm kind of upset you didn't say bye to me. Do you want me to drop your stuff off later?"
"I'm sorry, I should've said bye. I'll make it up to you, Andy I promise. But if you could bring my stuff for me later on tomorrow that would be awesome."
"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then. Goodnight, Y/n."
"Goodnight, Andy. Thank you."
"No problem." Andy says, hanging up.
You shut the phone and get up, walking to your dads room to put his phone onto his nightstand and walk back to your room.
You close your door and pull your covers up and slip into your bed, immediately falling asleep due to the exhilaration of the night wearing off.
<Now playing - Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy>
3:00 ─────────ㅇ 3:00
AN; I think I started this in early December and now it's already the third of February so it's been a process. I'm sorry this took me so long to post but it's probably one of my longest works and because I also kept hitting parts of the story that I had no clue what to write. I do hope that you enjoyed it, though. I also have another Patrick Stump x Reader fic that you could find in my masterlist.
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Mistletoe - Joe Trohman x Reader
Prompt: M: Mistletoe (How do they react to suddenly being placed under a mistletoe with their crush/lover?) Reader: can be read as any gender (no pronouns used) Warnings: attempted peer pressure Word count: 1 256
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Of course it was the label's Christmas party, and of course it was under the mistletoe where you were faced with the very real possibility of kissing Joe for the first time. Not that you did not want to, on the contrary. 
Just... not like that.
Not when he seemed to be so uncomfortable, not in front of his band mates, and the fellow managers of the other bands, not while the air of the room was smelling of alcohol and cigarettes (seriously though, who was smoking indoors?). All in all: when you had imagined kissing Joe for the first time, it had been after a cute date or after a breathtaking show he had played, or to saying goodbye after a great tour had ended. Yes, admittedly, you had fantasised about these scenarios, more than you’d ever admit. But you were not lost enough in these fantasies to lose sight of reality. And that was that all these dreams were completely out of reach.
You had known that even before Joe had stared down at you with shock-widened eyes after Pete had pointed out you were standing right underneath the mistletoe together. It was obvious that he did not want to. He immediately grew stiff and his glance filled with panic as his eyes skipped from Pete back to you.
Your heart shattered, and you were certain everyone in the room had heard it, but again, you were not so lost in your fantasies that this reaction of his would have come as a surprise. Did it hurt nonetheless? Of course.
Thanks to Pete a couple other people now had their eyes fixed on the two of you.
“Uhm, I...” it was painful to see how uncomfortable Joe was. It looked like right now he only wished for one thing: being able to teleport far away from this situation.
“Come on Joe,” Pete cheered his bandmate on, “don’t chicken out now!”
You really had wished that if you ended up underneath the mistletoe with someone, it would be with Joe. You really had wished that if the two of you would be thrown into this situation, he would laugh, the way he always did, wrap his arms around you and kiss you sweetly. But you really, really did not want him to be peer pressured to do it. So when he shuffled a step forward, stiff, uncomfortable, uncertain, you took a step back.
Sending him a smile, which you hoped seemed not too forced, you brought up your hands between the two of you, a simple yet clear gesture you did not want him to step closer.
“I don’t really feel like it,” you stated, the crowd around you sighing disappointedly and turning away. It was no lie after all. You did not feel like kissing Joe, or have him kiss you, when he obviously felt so unhappy with the idea. At least he seemed to relax at your statement.
“Okay,” he mumbled, but sounded a tad bit too relieved.
After that he disappeared without any other word to you.
Even though all you wanted to do was head home immediately, and bury your heartbreak in hot chocolate, christmas cookies and a couple of your feel good movies, you resisted the urge and instead stayed for almost 30 more minutes before taking a glance at your wrist watch and deciding that now it was late enough in the evening for the “I’m tired”-excuse.
Saying goodbye to Pete and Andy, you headed over to the door, where Patrick was waiting for you. With risen eyebrows you looked at him as he pushed away from the door frame he had been leaning against.
“Are you okay,” he asked, and you cursed him for his ability to read people so easily.
“Sure,” you quickly lied, knowing he saw right through you.
“About Joe-” he stopped when he saw the way you tensed up and lowered his eyes. “Get home safe.”
“You too,” you smiled forcedly, before walking past him.
You had already taken a few steps outside into the parking lot when suddenly someone called your name. Your heart skipped into your throat as you recognised the voice as Joe’s and you had to stop yourself from speeding up your steps. You really did not want him to apologise, ask what had happened, nothing. You just wanted to go home and forget about all this, so you could resume your duty as Fall Out Boy’s manager in the new year without any worries.
“About earlier...”
Even though you did not feel like it, you stopped and turned to Joe.
“It’s okay,” you shrugged, trying to sound indifferent. “You looked really uncomfortable, so I figured it would be easier if I were the one to say no.”
“Yeah,” Joe, who had caught up with you stopped a few feet away, “Thanks for that. And yes, I was... pretty uncomfortable. Thanks for understanding.”
“Anytime,” you mumbled.
Thinking the conversation was over, you turned away from him, only to get your wrist caught by him as soon as you were taking the first step.
“Hey, wait,” Joe took a step closer, “I still owe you that kiss!”
“You don’t owe me anything, don’t worry. I saw how uncomfortable you were at the idea. I don’t want you to do something you wouldn’t enjoy.”
Joe’s eyes grew wider than they had been thirty minutes ago underneath the mistletoe.
“What,” he asked, clearly taken aback, “you- you said no because you thought I didn’t want to kiss you? Don’t be ridiculous, (y/n)! I’ve wanted to kiss you since... well honestly ever since you became our manager. Just not in front of the whole label watching!”
The rushing of blood almost drowned out the sound of the cars, racing down the nearby street.
“I mean...” Joe continued, averting his gaze shyly, a completely untypical gesture for the guitarist, “If you don’t want to that’s completely fine with me. Just thought if I don’t ask, I’ll never know.”
You did not know what to say to that, you only stared at him, thoughts racing a thousand miles an hour. He had been so uncomfortable not because of you, but because of your surroundings? It had been important enough for him to wait out here in the cold for you just to ask you that?
“So... Can I kiss you?”
The question finally brought you back to reality. Looking up at him, you felt your cheeks burn hotly in the cold night air.
“Yes,” you answered quietly, before adding an almost inaudible “please.”
Joe smiled, his cheeks dusted over pink, as he stepped closer to you. His fingers were still wrapped around your wrist, so he let go and instead slipped his hand into yours. The other he placed at your cheek, his fingers cold from however long he had waited for you out here. Carefully he leant in, as if he was worried you’d back away any second, but instead you closed the small gap, pressing your lips against his. You could feel him smile into the kiss, his breath fanning over your cheek as he pulled you in closer, his thumb gently running over your skin.
When you eventually parted, both of you were smiling like complete idiots, and truthfully who could blame you?
“Thank you,” you whispered, leaning your forehead against his.
“What for?” You felt him rise his eyebrows
“Not letting me leave like that,” you replied.
Instead of honouring your response with another, he simply pressed his lips against yours again.
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@alexstyx​ @jayloverthe3rd​ @robinruns​ @lookalivefrosty​ @butterflycore​  @omgsuperstarg​ @fivelegance​ @casmustdiee​ @cmtryghoul​  
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sunshine-blastbeat · 10 months ago
Chasing Buses
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Summary: You go to work expecting it to be just like any other day, little do you know that this job will chance the course of your life forever.
Pairing: Patrick Stump x Reader
Author's note: I haven't written fanfiction in like 5 years so im out of practice when it comes to this lol. regardless i hope you enjoy it! and feel free to leave some constructive criticism so that i can hopefully improve!
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Another day of work. That was all today was supposed to be. Your job wasn’t easy, but it wasn’t that bad either. You worked for a tour bus company. Your job was to ride along with the band and bus driver throughout the tour and to help keep the bus stocked with drinks, food, and whatever else the band requested. Basically, you were a glorified gofer.
You’ve toured with tons of bands before. Some were super easy and nice and some treated you like garbage. Even the bands who didn’t even acknowledge you were better than the latter, and it was always the bands that would put so much effort into how they appeared to fans. You didn’t have a very wide range in terms of music taste, so when those types of bands would be on your bus and would find out that you didn’t listen to their music, that's when they would start looking down on you. 
You headed to the pick up spot with your luggage for the tour. Turns out you would be in charge of two buses this time. From what your boss told you, this band had 4 members and they would be riding 2 and 2 in each bus, so you would need to take inventory at each venue so you could figure out what you needed to pick up for each bus. As you approached, you noticed that it looked like only 2 of the members were there. They were both relatively short men, probably just about the same height as you, if not just an inch or two taller. One was slightly chubby, with his ginger hair peeking out from under a slightly crooked trucker hat. The other was more lean with shoulder length hair and a labret piercing. They were just standing outside the buses, looking around and texting on their phones, looking a little frantic. It was already 11:45 and they needed to get out of there by 12 in order to make it to the first venue on time. 
“Hey, uh.. You guys in the band?” You say, walking up to the two.
“Oh, yeah, I'm Patrick and this is Andy.” said the ginger man as he motioned towards the other, “We’re just waiting on two others, they should be here pretty soon.” 
You nodded your head and headed towards one of the buses to put your stuff away. After picking one of the bunks and throwing your bags in it, you walked back out the bus to hear a car screeching as it pulled up. Two more men hopped out, one with the really curly hair instantly went to the trunk to grab their bags while the other man, the one with dark emo hair, got out and shouted back into the car, “Thanks mom! I’ll make sure to call you!” The Woman in the car waved at all the boys before pulling off. Patrick waved and yelled “Bye, Ms. Wentz!” as she drove away. 
"Great,” you thought, “now that the others are here we can start getting on the road and get a head start in travel.” Before you can get a chance to introduce yourself to the other two, they are pushing each other, yelling, and running onto one of the buses; coincidentally, the bus that you had already put your stuff down in. “Great.” you think. You momentarily think about getting your bag and moving it into the other bus with the two more tame men, but before you can even fully consider the idea the leading driver steps out and tells you all that it is time to leave.  Hesitantly you get on the bus where the two lunatics are. 
Stepping on the bus you find that the two have already started to make themselves at home. They already have their bags open and strewn about the sitting area and one of them is already smoking a bowl. You Sigh at the mess that is already in front of you and the thought of what is to come.
 Just then the emo looking one approaches you. “So, uh… who are you?” he asks.
“I’m Y/N. I work for the bus company.” You say.
“Shit, we got a babysitter??” The curly haired one says, after talking a rip off his pipe. 
“I'm just a gofer. Whatever you guys need on the bus, I’ll get it.” You tell them.
“Oh, sweet! So like anything? You can get us ANYTHING?” the emo one asks.
“Anything that is legal, yes.” You inform him. 
He shrugs at your response and takes a seat next to the other man, plopping down on the sofa. “So, Y/N. Tell me, is this a dream come true for you?” He asks.
“What?” You ask, a little taken aback by the odd question.
“You know. You look to be in your 20s, you dress pretty alt,” He motions to your black tee shirt with white long sleeve under and your baggy jeans. “So you have to be into Fall Out Boy. You must be pretty stoked to be touring along with THE Pete Wentz,” He points to himself, “and Joe Trohman.” he points to the other man. 
You laugh at the assumption, gaining a raised eyebrow from Pete. “What? What's so funny?” He asks.
You compose yourself before speaking, “I have no idea who you guys are, dude! I don’t have time to listen to music because of the restraints of my job. The only thing I get to listen to is whatever the driver listens to on the road, which usually happens to be Aerosmith.” You say, nodding a head towards the driver’s seat. Pete and Joe look at you for a second, then each other, then once again back at you. 
“Sweet!” They both say in unison. “It’ll be great to have someone our age to hang around that doesn’t care who we are. It’s impossible to talk to anyone who isn’t in the band without them freaking out and having a moment.” Pete says. You laugh at the excitement the two express at the thought of making a new friend. 
After getting settled in a little bit, Pete and Joe tell you more about themselves and the other members of the band. You learn that Pete and Andy are both 26 and Joe and Patrick are both 21, they're from a city just outside of Chicago, and that Patrick is single and that you are “totally his type” as Pete puts it. You roll your eyes at this comment. You're used to getting hit on in your line of work, it comes with the territory of spending months on buses full of men. You choose not to mix work and relationships, knowing that it just gets messy and leads to people getting hurt, plus the last thing you need is your boss to find out your helping the clients out in that way. 
Before you know it you're already pulling up to the venue bus parking. You take a quick inventory of both the buses and make a list of anything that needs to be restocked. While the crew are getting the stage set up, you get in the rental car that your company sets to be delivered at each venue for you specifically to do your job. You make the run to the store, making sure to get enough water, snacks, and other meal items for both the buses. You make sure to follow the special requests that were left for you, like making sure to get a selection of vegan options for Andy, and even pick up a few extra things for yourself, like your favorite candies. Once you’re all done with your shopping, you get loaded into the car and drive back to the venue. It’s still a little early so the parking lot isn't too bad, but there are a few really dedicated fans who are already lining up at the front door. You pull around to the restricted back and flash your badge at the security, who lets you drive right through. 
When you pull up to the buses you see that the band members are standing right outside, playing around with some toy that Pete had brought with him. As you step out and walk around to the trunk of the car, Patrick instantly perks up and rushes over, “Hey, let me help you!” He says, Grabbing a few of the bags from the trunk and bringing them towards the buses. 
“One second!” you say to Patrick before he enters either of the buses. You walk over and double check the bags that he is carrying. “Okay, these ones go on Pete and Joe’s bus. The rest should go for you and Andy, and then we can put a case of water on each bus.” Patrick nods at these instructions and carries the bags onto the appropriate bus while you bring yours to the other. You get everything put away and then head back out to get the case of water for the bus. As you walk out you see Patrick coughing a bit as he steps off the other bus, he quickly walks over to you. 
“You’re ok with them smoking on the bus?” He asks you.
“They paid extra to be able to, so I can’t really object to it.” You tell him, shrugging your shoulders. Patrick looks at you with a frown on his face. 
“Besides, I was planning on moving over to your bus before we take off from the venue tonight. Something tells me that no matter how well I hide some of my snacks, Pete is going to end up finding them.” You say, earning a chuck from Patrick. “Yeah,” he says, “Pete has a nose like a doberman, you can't keep anything from him.”
By the time you get the groceries all put away the guys are already off to the sound check. You use the down time to move your things from your original bus to Patrick’s bus, and then make your way backstage to watch some of the show. You pick a spot just off the side of the stage where you won’t be in the way. The concert starts and you learn real quick why Pete was surprised you didn’t know who they were. They freaking rock! Every song is something amazing and Patrick’s voice, oh man can he sing! You were truly taken aback by their music. 
As they played, you must have had a look of amazement, because when Patrick looked over at you he had the biggest smile on his face. Pete, noticing the beaming smile that Patrick had and looked in the direction he kept glancing at. It was like Pete could smell the electric bond that you two were sharing in the moment and knew what he had to do. 
When the show ended you were grinning ear to ear as Patrick walked up to you. 
“So I take it that you liked the show?” he asked. 
“You guys are really something! When I first saw you I had no idea you had such a beautiful singing voice!” you say.
Patrick blushes slightly at the comment, “T-thanks, I'm really happy that you enjoyed it.” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. As you walk with Patrick back to the buses, you hear what sounds like a raging bull running towards you from behind. As you both look back you see Pete and Joe carrying a yelling and kicking Andy, running with him towards the buses. Before either you or Patrick have time to question what they were doing, Pete and Joe carry Andy onto their bus and slam the door. Before you know it, the bus starts taking off. Confused, both you and Patrick rush to get on the other bus in order to follow after them. 
“What was that about?” you ask Patrick.
“I have no idea, but knowing Pete and Joe, it's probably not going to end well.” He says, sitting next to you on the sofa in the shared space. Just then you feel your phone go off. It’s a text from Pete, “when the hell did he put his number in my phone?” You say as you open the text.
Pete: enjoy the free time w/ trick xoxo ;) 
You sigh at the text, knowing now that Pete is absolutely crazy.
Just then Patrick also gets a text. 
Pete: make some moves and make them count. andy is pissed and i dont want it to be for nothin >:)
Patrick blushes at the text. Realizing how his friends were trying to set him up. 
You both sit there awkwardly for a minute, unsure of what to say. 
Patrick clears his throat, “so, uh, Y/N… What are you into? Like do you have any hobbies or favorite movies?” 
You shift in your seat slightly, still feeling the awkward tension. “Well, I play bass and draw a bit, but I don’t usually have a whole lot of time to enjoy those things, being on the road most of the time makes it hard to get a break where I can practice.” You say, rubbing the back of your neck. “As for favorite movies, I mostly like stuff from the 80s, so The Goonies, Top Gun, Indiana Jones and The Breakfast Club. but my all time favorite movie is Ghostbusters.”
Patrick instantly sat up with excitement, “Really? Ghostbusters is my favorite too! I basically have all the words memorized. What's your favorite line?” 
“Yes it's true,” you begin to say. Patrick knows exactly what line you're referring to and joins in, saying it in unison with you. “This man has no dick!” You both laugh with excitement over your shared interest. Talking more and finding out you have a lot in common. 
Soon the buses pull up to a gas station to refuel, allowing everyone to get down for snacks and to stretch their legs. You and Patrick happily hop off the bus, still chatting and laughing.
Pete, Joe, and Andy also get off their bus and begin walking towards you too. Andy looks defeated, tired, and his face and hair are covered in dead bugs.
“Andy, what happened to you??” Patricks asks.
“Their whole bus smells like weed. I couldn't handle it.” Andy said with an exhausted tone.
“Dude spent the entire ride with his head out the window. I know he's straight edge, but we didn’t even smoke at all while he was with us.” Pete says, budding in. 
You and Patrick help to get Andy back onto your bus so he can clean his face and rest, 
“Oh hey, I actually brought my copy of Ghostbusters with me! We can pop it in the DVD player on the bus and watch it together!.. I-if you want.” Patrick says, stuttering a little bit at the end, realizing how what he just asked sounds like a bit of a date. 
“Oh hell, yea!” you say, “Wait, I have the perfect snacks for us to share!” You say, retrieving your secret stash. You open the bag, revealing the assortment of black liquorice, hi-chews, and butterscotch drops. Patrick’s heart skips a beat seeing all his favorite candies. You set up the sofa with pillows and blankets and make it super cozy as Patrick gets the TV set up. You both watch the movie, laughing and reciting every line, word for word together. By the end of the end of the movie you’ve both fallen asleep, cuddled into each other and holding on as if your lives depended on it. 
From that night forward, you and Patrick were inseparable. 
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Andy: guys let me back on your bus please
Pete: why? i thought you didnt like our bus?
Andy: they put on ghostbusters and it's unbearable. i feel like i'm listening to it in stereo 
Andy: *Image attachment*
Andy: they fell asleep finally, but i already know theyre going to be doing this every night. trade me buses plz
Pete: aww look at them, so cute 
Andy: pete plz 
Pete: sux 2 sux. Xoxo <3
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