#wlw protagonist
incompleteninny · 2 years
The sixtieth free, unedited chapter of my upcoming book, “The Heist at Cordia Aquarium” is now available on its website (or click here to read from the beginning).
The name for this release is “Claws, Brawls, and Balls”. I think it’s funny. Please laugh.
"She saw my face — … — get her — … — I'll finish the job."
In the midst of barreling down the wavy corridor of the Hall of Discovery, sweat turns to ice against Avery's skin. She tilts into her sprint. No. A pompadour-having ogre does not get to murder me.
Then, as if someone ripped open the blinds of a dark room, Avery's mind swallows her up and spits her into a crisp, vivid world of possibility. An intrusive thought as tangible as the monster hurtling after her.
Her viewpoint switches. No longer behind her own eyes, but from the side. A profile view of the hallway and herself running. The man is there too, gaining a couple inches each second. She struggles: pumps her legs and arms even harder to outpace him.
Something tears.
Pain shoots up her leg; pain even her disembodied self can feel. She collapses to the carpet. A single bound is all it takes for him to reach her and...
Avery mashes her eyes shut. "Not now!"
The man calls out, closer than she expects and with a distinct, New Boston accent. "Yeah? Well that ain't an option."
She whips her head around. Whoa, how did I miss an accent that thick?
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thesoftboiledegg · 1 year
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khaopybara · 2 months
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you naughty girl. you always make me worry. requested by: anon
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switch-kun · 2 years
Poor baby, does it hurt so much? Not being able to move or speak for yourself? Having the vibe on your clit and those pretty ribbons wrapped around your wrists? Barely having my hands on you, which is what you waited so, so long for, all because you were so impatient? Touching your 'lil cunt as if you couldn't just wait for me to fuck you? I bet it hurts to be so overstimulated, so tortured— and aww, are you squirming? But isn't this what you wanted? To be fucked like the bitch you are? Oh, that's a shame. You brought this upon yourself, darling. If only you hadn't pushed my buttons all day then you wouldn't be here right now. If only you behaved, stayed patient, asked for it nicely, but no— you just had to be a little brat, with your tight-ass outfits and oh-so-innocent attitude. Acting all clumsy and bending over to tempt me, giving me that rogue look that I know all too well. I'm not that gullible, baby. So you fucked up big time, and now, you'll just have to endure your loss. Let's see how many orgasms it'll take for you to reach your breaking point.
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beedokwrites · 1 month
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Doing some more writing promo, this time with:
Can I Crossdress My Way Out Of This Arranged Marriage
The title is a mouthful, but it tells you most of what you need. Think Legends and Lattes, but trans, gayer, and with more casual magic.
Available on Amazon and Itch:
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marrarts · 2 months
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Here is my entry for @magicmooshka 's DTIYS challenge!!
I looked forward to reading the new GO GIRL GO! panels every day, it is such a funny, sweet, cute comic 💗 so I really loved participating in this challenge.
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liberandi-causa · 3 months
The Novice and The Serpent
Her flames had not quite died, just yet.
Protagonist pants, amid the struggle to keep her speed, to be faster—faster than the thing that gives chase relentlessly, of a slower pace, yet consistent. A stalker who looms closer should the Protagonist stops to catch her breath.
Desperation began to fill her eyes, the dark woods offer little to no help of her plight nor did it console the fact that she's there.
No longer in a dream—as real as that damned deal earlier had been.
Or perhaps, she could climb up. Hide until dawn arrives—then her soul to be left intact, preferably without an alteration of its ownership. After all, the deal says only to escape its grasp until the sun sets its first light, without specifically mentioning hiding as something she wouldn't be permitted of doing.
But on a gloomier prospect, Protagonist knew well why that thing didn't act clever despite its immense power, nor did it gain speed; as It meant to tire out Protagonist—to catch her at last when she no longer possess the strength to continue even a mere walk.
Her thoughts juggled when she slows down. Sounds of broken branches heard just nearby, enough to send her once again on a state of most alert. What once had been stable, is now in disarray.
By the stars, what did they say?
A barrier, you dimwit!
She stopped in a sudden halt, direction turning to her back — to where the footsteps were. Hands forming the shape to invoke a protective barrier, while her mouth chants an ancient draconic tongue.
And that thing, finally, showed itself.
A raven-haired beauty with dark red lips and a hauntingly beautiful black dress, made as if tailored to her figure. Her locks extends to her waist wrapped in a belt studded with black diamonds, and the rest of the dress covers partially of her feet, leaving a slight opening on the front.
Antagonist smiles, a pale hand raised to the air as if palpating an invisible wall that separates them by a few short metres.
"Given up already?"
"Restrategising more like." Protagonist snorts.
"Dearest, you and I both know that giving up isn't such a bad idea." Antagonist slowly walks around the barrier, "I'd make a loving partner in exchange of course, to an eternal subjugation to my affections."
"See, that's where you're wrong. Bad idea starts from wherever the word subjugation is used."
Antagonist lets out a laugh, almost sinister-like in the ambience of the dark forest illuminated merely by the moonlight.
"So, what's the new strategy like?" Antagonist's voice turning more joyful.
"Ah, had you been on my side and let me go, I'd let you in on the whole plan."
"Aw, a little hint then, love?"
Protagonist frowns, "I emerge in victory and you to grant me whatever it is that I wish per our agreement."
"Are you sure?" Antagonist braves another step, only to be blocked by the barrier.
"Positive. I mean, look at you now," Her head tilts, gesturing at the protective wall standing firmly, "The outlook doesn't look that grand at you, huh?"
Dark mist gradually appears from the tip of the Antagonist's fingers, engulfing completely the barrier. Then, translucent cracks gradually forming; earning a panicked look from the Protagonist, prompting her to turn away and run.
However, before there was any momentum to propel her feet, a pair of arms pull her backwards into an embrace. Protagonist half-expects to lose her balance, only to find something forced her to lean on her back on something—
"Love, you should know well that as someone older than a dragon—a dragon magic will do the least to stop me."
Protagonist turns her head, only to be greeted by a gentle kiss that commands her to sleep.
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helenaheissner · 3 months
LDRFT ebook is now available!!!
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tinnchan · 2 years
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Khun Sam's angsty hot girl night routine.
Gap The Series: Ep. 1
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thefallofbabyl0n · 6 months
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save me butch Akira… save me…
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incompleteninny · 2 years
The sixty-eighth free, unedited chapter of my upcoming book, “The Heist at Cordia Aquarium” is now available on its website (or click here to read from the beginning).
Valerie's office is foreboding at night. Shadows creep down the walls, cast by the vines of plants. Tons of them — nestled in pots — dangle from the ceiling by chains. At the slightest shift of air, they sway and their chains rattle, filling the room with a haunting melody. The melody of a a gaol-bound lich; of armored skeletons marching.
It sends goosebumps crawling over Avery's skin and resonates with the pain of her dislocated shoulder. She sinks further into the sofa — unable to do more than exist. I'm safe here. I'm safe.
Her usual internal contrarian fails to prod her: maybe it's too exhausted to carry on torturing her. Still, her thoughts aren't silent. They wax and wane, just like the moonlight outside shimmering through shifting clouds. Hazy, ethereal, unstable. Teasing the outskirts of sleep.
With a few more seconds, she's gone. Falling through her mind. She jolts up, out from the depths of the cushion's warmth and onto the edge of the sofa. No! I can't sleep. Not yet. Not until the police get here.
This week, how about we repost this bisexual disaster’s character concept sheet?
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screensavorstudios · 10 months
Happy Itch Creator Day!
Get Jill O Lantern Chapters 1 & 2 for just 2.99! Pick up this queer, time bending, murder mystery now! https://itch.io/s/110238/jill-o-lantern-bundle
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vvynia · 5 months
these manga panels i’ve been seeing of nana shimura and lady nagant got me acting up, yall. like they so fine…
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mioxeno · 1 month
Yoko Hiromine
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beedokwrites · 10 months
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In the distant future, nanotech allows for rather more interesting medical transitions than we have today. Maraĵa's’s job at an aquatic resort covered her gender transition with a side of shark-ification and she’s been loving her new body.
She’s worked out a nice and simple pattern to her daily life which is thrown on its head when a VIP brings an elite squad of very tall and intimidating bodyguards. Specifically because some of them are women and poor Maraĵa's’s lesbian heart can’t resist such a tall and muscular woman flirting with her.
Only there's more to the bodyguard she swoons for than there seems at first.
A short story available on Amazon and Itch.
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“Did you do a scan?” they asked and she was almost offended that they did.
“Obviously. She has vocal chords. She just doesn't use them for talking, I assume.” The protagonist’s colleague looked down into the already small enclosure the siren had to call home. “They’re obviously shaped differently. But all together, her throat is built just like ours. She should be able to communicate with us using her voice.”
“And you scanned her correctly?” The protagonist shot them a deadly gaze.
“I know how to do my job,” she said. “This isn’t the first new species I have encountered and it is by far not the first animal I have looked at. I have studied biology for years.”
Her coworker looked at her for a long time and then sighed.
“Make her talk, then. The only reason why you get to experiment here is because your subjects could revolutionise medicine...and the entertainment sector.” They pressed the reports she had requested into her hands with more force than needed. “Make her useful. That’s the only excuse for something to live here.”
Before they left, both of them stared at the creature below where only her shadow was visible. The siren was turning in the water with grace and once the protagonist was alone with her again, she felt an eerie cold that reached into her bones.
“Oh, man,” she mumbled. It couldn’t have been more than twenty minutes ago when the siren had woken up from the scans. She had been disoriented and slow but now, she was swimming around in circles. During the transport, her tail had been injured (which had made the protagonist curse the truck driver) but nothing had been broken. Just a few scales had been lost and luckily, only little tissue was damaged. Nevertheless, the protagonist had been furious that something like this had happened.
Admittedly, the protagonist had never worked on something this...challenging. Most of the time, she felt like a doctor experimenting on a patient. She felt cruel and insane but when the protagonist looked at the siren’s sharp teeth and her gills, she felt more like a scientist who was rightfully doing this.
Because it was for a good cause. Research and progress. It was important to never forget her goal.
She sighed and closed her eyes as her heart tried to calm down. Her gaze fell onto the dead fish in the bucket next to her feet. Their glassy eyes stared into oblivion and she felt responsible either way.
“Fine,” she mumbled to herself again and crouched down, her lab coat kissing the dirty floor. She took a fish out of the bucket and let it dangle in the water, still holding the cold body. It didn’t even feel real.
After a few seconds, she saw the moving shadow deep down stopping the circular round. Slowly, the siren swam up and soon enough, the protagonist could see her head break the water’s surface.
Her hair was long and dark, clinging to her head and shoulders. Her eyes were abnormally big and something about her seemed familiar to the protagonist.
In a way, she was quite beautiful and in a way, the protagonist began to hesitate. She held up the fish, showing it off as if to say “come and catch” but it felt weirdly wrong. However, the siren followed, dove down and came back up, holding onto the metallic platform the protagonist was standing on once she had reached her.
They were close, closer than they’d ever been when both of them were awake. Asleep, the siren didn’t look real but as her eyes stared into the protagonist’s soul, she was quite aware that she was alive.
“You sure are a sight for sore eyes,” the protagonist said. The siren didn’t blink. She didn’t answer either. “You must be hungry.”
She stretched out her arm as best as she could and to her incredible surprise, the siren tilted her head and let her sharp teeth sink into the fish, holding it in her mouth like a cat would.
The protagonist blinked, caught off guard and smiled.
“Huh,” she said. “You really are cute.”
She stretched out her hand to brush hair out of the siren’s face.
And something inside her stomach turned, it was a burning, a punching. As she touched the siren’s cold skin, she felt something she had never felt before.
She swore to herself to forget this but no matter what she did, this moment haunted her for weeks.
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