#but Avery is still a very good person who is cute
incompleteninny · 2 years
The sixtieth free, unedited chapter of my upcoming book, “The Heist at Cordia Aquarium” is now available on its website (or click here to read from the beginning).
The name for this release is “Claws, Brawls, and Balls”. I think it’s funny. Please laugh.
"She saw my face — … — get her — … — I'll finish the job."
In the midst of barreling down the wavy corridor of the Hall of Discovery, sweat turns to ice against Avery's skin. She tilts into her sprint. No. A pompadour-having ogre does not get to murder me.
Then, as if someone ripped open the blinds of a dark room, Avery's mind swallows her up and spits her into a crisp, vivid world of possibility. An intrusive thought as tangible as the monster hurtling after her.
Her viewpoint switches. No longer behind her own eyes, but from the side. A profile view of the hallway and herself running. The man is there too, gaining a couple inches each second. She struggles: pumps her legs and arms even harder to outpace him.
Something tears.
Pain shoots up her leg; pain even her disembodied self can feel. She collapses to the carpet. A single bound is all it takes for him to reach her and...
Avery mashes her eyes shut. "Not now!"
The man calls out, closer than she expects and with a distinct, New Boston accent. "Yeah? Well that ain't an option."
She whips her head around. Whoa, how did I miss an accent that thick?
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riddles-n-games · 1 month
TIG AU One Shots: Gymnastics Pt. 1
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Pairing: Avery and Jameson Summary: A gymnast's mantra is to never touch the floor when they are on bar for any reason other than when they are finished their routine. Falling is not an option, that's why there is someone to catch them when trying a new move. Will Avery let her new partner do the same? Length: Moderate Story Type: One Shot
A/N: It's someone's 22nd birthday per our timeline today and it's also his champagne bday per that logic too. Happy birthday to our one and only ticking time bomb, Jameson WINchester Hawthorne.
“You know you could just ask me to spot you?
“You know you could just leave me alone."
He grinned. "Ahh, but then who would catch you when you fall?"
"Your brother, my assigned partner." She didn't wait for his next retort and did a warmup flip.
When she got to five, she stopped and jumped off to get more chalk. However, much to her chagrin, Jameson was still there. He walked up and leaned against the wall in front of her. She did her best to keep her eyes focused on her task as she smoothed the chalk onto her palms.
"Well, actually, Coach has reassigned Xander with someone else. To Max.” Her head snapped up at that. His smile widened; he loved catching her off guard. She narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously.
"Pretty sure he would tell me immediately if that happened. And if that's the case, why hasn't Coach come to tell the rest of us?"
He put his hands up in defeat. "Hey, you can go ask Al if you don't believe me. And Coach is sick today, I just happened to see her this morning when she was in her office. I was taking a drink when she saw me and called me over to talk about the change."
She raised a brow skeptically but eventually gave a slow nod. “Ok. Well, thanks for letting me know. I’ll call you when I need to-" A hard smack against the vault table and the giggles that followed broke her off. Jameson looked up and Avery turned, following his gaze to find the culprits haphazardly entangled; Xander and Max. She blinked. There they were, not even a full five minutes after the switch was revealed, conveniently together. Traitors.
Her best friend was sprawled all over her former partner, Xander's arms wrapped around her back and they were still laughing. It seemed that Max was the one who'd been vaulting but made an error and landed on him as he tried to valiantly save her from the failed attempt. Yep, that was very characteristic of her BHFF, sacrificing himself for the greater good, when it benefited him, that was.
But that's not what was getting to her. Max’s too wide grin, Xander’s dreamy look, his hands lingering at the small of her back, the way she wasn’t scrambling to get off him… How had she missed this? She knew they were good friends, they all were, but they hadn't seemed close in that way before.
She glanced back at Jameson to see what he was making of the situation and found him smirking amusedly as he watched the pair. He must have felt her eyes on him because his gaze locked onto hers and he raised a brow in question. Avery tilted her head in their direction and he only shrugged, his smirk turning into that crooked smile when he was being genuine. It was cute-No, don't go there.
At the moment, she had to be the bigger person and get to the bottom of her friends' deception so she started striding over to the vault mat.
"Go easy on him, Avery!"
She stopped in her tracks and twirled around, pointing an accusing finger at Jameson. “You knew about this, too? How long?” Her answer was nothing more than laughter from the definitively guilty party and a mischievous wink. A while then. She rolled her eyes. "Don't think I'm letting this go, Hawthorne. I'm coming after you later."
"Wouldn't dream of it," he called after her as she resumed walking over to Xander and Max. It was time to get answers.
Xander and Max. Max and Xander. Alexander and Maxine. Maxine and Xander. Maxine and Alexand-Ok, that’s enough. She was getting overwhelmed. No, she was definitely already overwhelmed.
She was happy for her best friend, there was no doubt in her mind about that. Xander was a great guy and Avery would be the first to advocate for him; after all, he helped her through some of her darkest times. Max and him got along very well and when they teamed up on game nights, they were top tier menaces. The chemistry was there from the start.
So how did she not notice what was going on right under her nose? If there was anything that Avery prided herself with, it was being observant yet here she was. 4 months, that’s how long they’ve been together without her realizing.
She thought herself a fairly attentive friend; after harder trainings, they'd go out to the local cafe, post work shifts, she'd offer her to stay for milkshakes, on shorter lesson days, she'd suggest the library or the mall so they could be together while they did schoolwork. And then there was the obligatory, at least once per month, reserved "catch up" day on a weekend where they would spend the entire day together to rant about anything and everything in their personal lives.
But truth be told, that hadn't been the case in the last while. She'd been busier lately, advancing a level opened up a whole new set of competitions and that meant dealing with new competitors, learning new tricks, practicing new routines, longer trainings, twisted ankle, new job, sleepless nights, the list went on. For six months, her life had barely been hers. Their last catch up day had been two months ago after a successful comp which even then had been hard to schedule because of the crazy prep training. It hadn't been for lack of trying on either of their ends, but it was clear; their lives were shifting dramatically and things were amping up for both of them which is exactly what gave Xander an opening.
While Max and her still spent a lot of time together during training, the schedule demanded certain things from them which took away the uniformity they had. However, Xander's was untouched and when Max had her breaks, she was still training which gave him the perfect opportunity for them to bond. Her change in job also inhibited on some of their former free time but Max had finally started an internship which somehow brought her closer to Xander since he also interned there. And now, most recently, the partner change.
Jameson Winchester Hawthorne. Jameson. Jamie. Her new partner. She tested it out in her mind. Avery and Jameson. Jameson and Avery. It had a nice flow in theory but would it work in reality?
Jamie was certainly a character; he was Xander's older brother, Max's former spotting partner, rings and parallel bars extraordinaire, his skills on vault took him to new heights every time, and he had a knack for solving riddles. He was also very flirty and a charmer which of course made him a hit with the ladies. Coach chewed him out for that often. He couldn't help it, he was a looker as his Nan would say and he was handsome, Avery couldn't deny that.
They were good friends with a funny dynamic where he would tease her and she'd pretend to be annoyed at him. But when they paired up during escape rooms or mystery games, they were unstoppable which proved that he was formidable as a teammate. And Avery was somewhat grateful for it. However, he also had a terrible habit of being flirtatious with her. One of his favorite games was "Ask and Reject"; he'd ask her on a date and she would deflect, then he'd make a joke at how she wounds him so and she'd roll her eyes. That was the script every time without fail.
While it was all in good fun, she had to believe that part of it was done intentionally. He liked her, she was sure of it, why else would he keep pursuing only her? Jameson was cute, she'd admit silently, he was good-natured as much as he tried acting a player and she certainly didn't mind when he was shirtless on the rings.
So there was an attraction there and she did like him but dating was a hassle. She was busy and a boyfriend would just be a distraction; why bother? It was better like this, that way no one got hurt and she could let herself get a taste of what it's like being wanted, just a tiny bit to keep on dreaming what could be. It was necessary torture even if the romantic inside her died a little each time.
Having finished her 10 minute break, she stopped fiddling with her hair and took a swig from her water bottle before going over to the warm up area to stretch again. Every so often Avery liked to do some mid-training stretches to refocus on her next set of exercises and assess her limbs for any damage. She'd just started twisting her core when she spotted Jameson recovering post pommel horse practice and he was flexing his arms in that way when the upper back became stiff. He was turned to the side and his shirt rode up a bit, flashing his abs for a brief moment and she froze like a deer in headlights. It happened a few more times before he started to turn and she quickly looked down before he could catch her staring. The teasing would be endless.
She continued her stretches, pointedly avoiding looking his way until she was done and went back to the bars. Only once she got there did she feel eyes on her and she looked up when her gaze locked on his. He smiled crookedly and winked to which she looked away and rolled her eyes. As she blew at a loose hair, she heard him yell across the room, "Good luck, Grambs Cracker."
"Thanks." With a steadying breath, she jumped up and righted herself in the air before flipping. She exhaled. What to practice? Coach had given her a list of moves she should start practicing for her next routine which included Wieler kips, some Endos, quite a few pikes, hip circles and some new transitions that she hadn’t incorporated before. It was all very demanding but she was up for the challenge. She’d just try the transitions later when she got a groove going.
And so it began.
Pike. Twist. Handstand. 360 turn. Straddle. Release. Transition. Low bar land and back flip. Rest. Cast. Maloney. Back to the high bar. Her body swung backwards with the movement. Let the force of the swing guide your body into the next skill. It’s easier to let momentum do the work for you than fighting it. That’s what Coach had told her many times when she was but a young starry-eyed overachiever. Think of yourself as a pendulum and the momentum is what helps you make magic. She did it then.
Her legs were nearing the top; locking in. Inhale. Peak. Hold. Release. Exhale. She embraced the rush of adrenaline as the pull of gravity took over and increased her speed before she swung forward into another handstand. And that is the art of the swing. Another brief pause, just enough time for a split second decision. Blind change. Her choice could only be a pike skill but what would it be? Church, Galante, or Ricna?
Coach was very excited for her to be doing more variations with pikes and Stalder since she'd been good at using them in combinations before. One of these days, she might even make her own skill and Avery didn't want to disappoint when she did.
It'd been a few days since she last practiced the moves so she might as well start with a favorite. Galante it was. But first, a few pike circles to warm up. She let her legs fall forward and pointed her feet at a 90 degree angle just as she swung down again and her feet touched the bar.
She was ready. On the fourth rotation, she pushed back into a handstand and imagining like the audience just went completely silent, she dropped on the beat. Her body bent in half by the time she reached the midpoint and then her legs split into a straddle just as she was about to complete a full circle. And then, she let go. She was airborne.
In moments like these, she believed she could fly in the same way she was sure the spectators were convinced gymnasts could touch clouds just by a leap and a bound high enough. There was no fear, just bliss and the thrill of the next flight, no matter how short it was. Just like that, it was over and she reached for the bar. Steadying herself for the wood grooves rubbing against her palms, her fingers made contact but only briefly. The tips of her fingers brushed downward only to be met with air again as she felt her right ankle hit the bar.
Pain shot through her leg as the force of the hit rebounded her at an angle, leaving her grasping at air as she fell downward to the mat. She was sure her soul was leaving her as her stomach dropped in realization. This isn't happening. Suddenly, her hair whipped into her face, swiping at her eyes sharply, making her blink.
"JAMESON!" She heard someone yelling from afar. Max. Just as she thought she would hit the ground, keeping her eyes shut and bracing for impact, rapid footsteps bounded in her direction. Next thing she knew, arms were wrapping around her torso and pulling her upward, causing the blood flow to go back up to her head. She grimaced and refused to open her eyes. The sound of heavy breathing filled her ears and warm hands around her upper back and thighs grounded her.
Someone was holding her, she didn't know who yet. "Avery, are you okay?" She shook her head before reflexively bringing a hand to her forehead when it started throbbing again. But that voice. Jameson. He caught her; that made her open her eyes before she ultimately regretted that too. The brightness blinded her and she closed her eyes again, bringing her hands to cover them. "Hey, easy now. Take your time, we don't need you losing your eyesight."
She felt him lowering her to the mat and withdrawing his arms from around her as she felt him shift his weight next to her. Her skin immediately shivered without his touch. "Keep breathing. In and out, slow. Good, can I take your hands off your eyes now?" Avery nodded numbly. Gently, his hands wrapped around hers and pried them off her face, rubbing soothing circles into her palms as she finally dared opening her eyes. She did it slowly this time like he suggested.
"There she is." He smiled softly at her and placed her hand on her knee before cupping her cheek. She leaned into it. She needed this. That really shook her. Things like that happened rarely to Avery Grambs; that's why she liked bars most compared to other events. She was so certain of herself and it's why she was the best in the gym in the skill. It's why there were so many gold medals hanging on her wall. But even a champion falls, that was something she always had to remember. All of them.
Just because you're at the top that doesn't mean you're not going to fall. Remember you're only human. When you're at the top, the only way is down and it can be a nasty fall, kid, Nash's voice echoed in her mind. His brothers had learned that the hard way too many times.
"Do you want to get up?" Jameson's soft tone coaxed her out of her thoughts and she looked at him startled. "You wanna get up?" The question was repeated.
"Okay, let me help you." He leaned back on his knee and she let him grasp her hands. "Ready?" "Yup." She exhaled, focusing on pressing the balls of her feet into the mat for grip. "Okay, on three. One, two, three." With sudden speed, he'd pulled her up and took her off balance, making her smack into his chest like a ragdoll. His arms wrapped around her instinctively and didn't move from her waist when she righted herself. Both of them were red in the face and panting.
"You good?"
"Yeah, been better, though."
He chuckled. "I'm sure." Then his expression turned sober. "But you sure scared me shitless, Aves. I was barely there on time. Please let me know when you're doing the newer routines so I can be ready to spot you. It doesn't take away from my time to keep you safe."
She could only nod. There was nothing she could say in protest. He was right which was a rarity for Jameson. But in this case it worked.
"Good. I'm glad we got that straight. I'd ask what happened but you look like you need a moment for that yourself." She let out an anxious laugh at that and nodded again. Make that a week! "I do have one more question... Go on a date with me?" He sounded out of breath.
Avery's eyes locked onto his in surprise. It was so sincere and he looked solemn but his green eyes shined with such hope. How could she refuse him especially now that he saved her life?
"Sure." Her answer came out just as breathless.
"Great, now don't do that ever again. You really caught me off guard there."
"Yeah, that was definitely not planned." She brought a hand to her sweaty forehead and swiped at the hair stuck there. "And trust me, I avoid that every chance I get."
"Well, next time, you can just call and let me catch you when you feel like you're falling for me. I love saving a damsel in distress especially when she's assigned to fall into my arms."
"Shut up." He grinned before leaning down and pressing a kiss to the side of her head. Her eyes widened when he let her go and her cheeks burned with the oncoming blush. As he left, lingering just a bit when he unwrapped his remaining arm from her waist, she kept her head down trying to fight the smile playing at her lips. When he was further away, she turned slowly, her face feeling hot and smiling stupidly, big and wide and unabashed. But, when she looked up, Max was in front of her with a satisfied smirk. Very satisfied.
"Not a word." Her friend's evil merry laughter was the only thing she heard as she walked to the locker room to blush in peace.
A/N: Hey, I hope you guys enjoyed that; thanks for reading. Also, Happy Jameson Appreciation Day! I am so happy that we finally a canon date for my best boy’s birthday and that we get to celebrate him for it. For those of you who are interested in learning more about the bar skills that I mentioned in this fic, here are the sites I used:
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beachy--head · 1 month
Drabble time! A companion piece to this drabble where Harriet bargains with Jackson to get a pet and ends up with a kitten.
This is for @babyjapril and @himbo-jackson-avery, who always have the best tags and were wondering about Jackson as a cat dad. Ask, and you shall receive! (or something like that.) My brain wouldn't shut up until I wrote this, so here you go.
Jackson’s sigh cannot be louder even if he tried.
“Fine, we can adopt a kitten. But!” he adds before his wife and daughter can shriek with joy. “This cat will stay in the garden, he’s not going on any furniture ever, and Hattie, you have to help feed him and clean after him, okay?”
He’s not a cat person (not an animal person at all, actually), and he already envisions a future made of scratched furniture and cat hair on every piece of clothing Hattie owns, but the smiles on Harriet and April’s faces make up for it a little bit.
Still. That cat better not expect anything from him.
“Yeah, okay, he’s cute. And Hattie picked a good name with Oliver. But you’ve been cuddling him for the past hour, can you put him back on the ground now?”
“Jealous, Avery?”
“I’m not!”
“Why is he following me everywhere? I almost stepped on the damn thing ten times this afternoon.”
“Guess he’s just recognizing your natural leadership."
“Ha-ha-ha. Is this because I brought up the Gunther thing from way back this morning? You don’t have to be a sore– Oh come on, you almost made me fall, you stupid cat!! I swear, this thing has no survival instinct.”
“Leave him alone, will you?”
“Make him leave ME alone!”
“Have you noticed that he likes being scratched behind his ears? He makes such a goofy face every time.”
“Uh huh.”
“Nothing. You just seem awfully cozy with him, now.”
“I’m just noticing things. You know, in a scientific approach of my surroundings. It’s no different from observing a patient, actually.”
“Daddy. You have to take good care of Oliver while mommy and me will be in Moline. I made drawings to show you how to do it, and mommy did the words.”
Jackson smiles when he sees the five sheets of instructions created by his daughter (this is 100% April’s DNA, no arguing), and holds his little finger for a pinky-swear. His daughter takes it, looks him in the eye.
“But you DON’T sleep with him in your bed. He’s only allowed to sleep on MY bed, and when I'm not there. Promise. And you have to send me pictures of him.”
“Am I allowed to live in the same house as him, or…?”
“Yes, Jackson, I showed her the picture where Oliver is eating his food. Yes, I also showed her the picture where he's playing on our bed. Yes, the one with his new collar, too. And the one when he’s yawning. And the one – Did you go into the office at all today?
“I think we should go to the vet.”
“It’s a very small puncture wound, Jackson. I’ve disinfected it, and he cleaned it himself, too.”
“But it could lead to an infection.”
“Tomorrow it’ll be like it never happened. Trust me, there were so many cats on the farm who kept fighting with each other, having bites and marks way worse than this one, and we patched them up ourselves every single time.”
“But just in case…?”
“He’s going to be fine, Jackson.”
“I know, I know. Of course, we could ask,” he squints at his phone’s screen, “Dr. Davis for her input, it says here she’s specialized in felines and her clinic offers complementary training in–”
“Jackson, if you press dial on that button, I swear to God I’m telling Hattie the damn cat has been sleeping in our bed for the past week.”
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averyhotchner · 2 years
Avery's TopGun:Maverick recs pt.2
alrighty, almost 3 months later, here is my list of favourite TopGun: Maverick fics that no one asked for. like last time, it's mostly hangman, rooster and a bit of bobby boy. but i am slowly starting to fall for mickey and coyote.
please make sure to follow the age limit set by the writers!
jake "hangman" seresin
Fuck: The Universe (mini-series) by @roosterbruiser
okay maybe this is recency bias, because i did read this whole mini series yesterday and today, but still. it checks all the boxes, and of course i love the trope of jake is an ass to everyone but his girl, who also happens to be way better than him. also part 7 cracked me up.
real friends (series) by @starlightstories
i read real friends then found fuck: the universe, and i realized i really really really like the loverboy jake grumpy reader trope. i have no shame.
hey stupid, i love you (one shot) by @callsignseagull
okay this fic is very personal to me. i genuinely felt like the reader in this fic because i'm going through a very similar thing right now, and it tamed so many of my insecurities. i can't wait to reread soon!
loving you is... (series) by @demxters
guys frat hangman. that's all.
sleepy baby (series) by @discount-shades
the lengths at which this man goes just to find his princess, goals.
Where I'm From (one-shot) by @sometimes-i-write-good
sweet man jake, back at it again stealing hearts
Minimal Losses (series) by @ohtobeleah
this series and the rooster prequel NCIS ARE SO GOOD. im a sucker for this shit.
Sweet Nothings (series) by @sweetlittlegingy
yup! yup! yup! make sure you get your blood sugar checked before reading this because it's so damn sweeeeeet
Seeing Red (series) by @call-sign-jinx
picture this: its 2015, you're on wattpad and every single fic is a social media fic. but THIS? this is everything. the amount of work that goes into making a single text screenshot, not to mention the plot! its truly incredible and had be crying, laughing and sitting on the edge of my seat. i can't praise this series, and the other fics in this universe, enough.
yours (one-shot) by @theharddeck
this one... yeah its cute. but its down right sinful as well
bradley "rooster" bradshaw
I Will Always Love You (one-shot) by @amysteryspot
this one is short and sweet and honestly made me cry while eating my blt quarter pounder.
Pamper Night (on-shot) by @dagger-wren
okay this fic started as a cute little date night/self care night fic. BUT THEN, the ending had me falling in love with this dysfunctional squad. of course rooster and his girl are mom and dad, like who else.
Eat It, Twilight (one-shot) by @fandomxpreferences
okay i know this is a hangman fic, but i dont care. the rooster bff part was what i loved the most. also the plot is highlarious, and its probably because i was high when i read it, but still. chefs kiss.
Terms of Endearment (series) by @ohtobeleah
this series will be the death of me. each time a new chapter gets released im holding my breath on whether its gonna be all angst or all fluff. but either way i know its beautifully written.
And They Were Roommates (series) by @starryeyedstories
this. its hilarious and i cannot wait for more!
robert "bob" floyd
Christmas Gift (on-shot) by @call-sign-jinx
one of the most common bob fics i see is him with a teacher, and honestly i love it. who else would be as sweet and as patient as this man. i have the utmost respect for anyone who works in education, ESPECIALLY those who work with kids under 13. anyways, love this fic.
King of My Heart (one-shot) by @croimilis
dunk bob is the sweetest person ever!
Apple pie (mini-series) by @andorskenobi
the warning is very real, pls take it seriously <3
honorable mentions:
@sunlightmurdock @callsignvalley @toms-gf @make-me-imagine @callsignsaturn @madsnowstorm @jupitercomet @katsu28 @sehnsuchts-trunken @roosterforme (literally anything emily writes will be on a rec list i make)
i just wanna send my love to all the writers on this platform. whether you're just posting your first fic, or just finishing your 5th series, i appreciate you so much. i don't always have the time to comment and i'm dumb and don't understand how to reblog efficiently (working on it), but please know that all the effort and time you put in to making these works is truly admirable and i wish i was as talented as any of you.
okay thats all for now. i need to start making these more often cause theres so many i left out, i was just too lazy to scroll and find them.
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writer-rubes · 6 months
Head in the Clouds
A Wholesome Fic
A/N: Here’s part two! Seriously, go follow @fluffyhare if you haven’t yet. Their work is so cute, romantic, and precious! The relationship Avery and Casper have just melts my heart! They’re also just- a really sweet and caring person overall. So go follow them- But if you’re a minor, please don’t interact with them, they hate that. Then again, if you’re a minor, you shouldn’t be interacting with me, either. Please be respectful. Thank you.
Anyways, this chapter does have tickles in it! The first one was some needed exposition, now we’re getting into the good stuff. For this one, we’ve got Ler!Avery, Switch!Casper, and Switch!Rubes. I’m saving Avery’s session for last. This is very self indulgent, so- here goes nothing. Also- it’s way longer than I expected it to be-
Head in the Clouds
Chapter 2/3: Uncommon Bonds
Summary: Rubes visits Avery’s place with Casper, and they have a very important conversation about her notebook, and her place in the ‘community’. Fluff and shenanigans ensue.
CW: Insecurities, Trans Body Dysphoria, Anxiety, Panic Attack, tooth rotting fluff, SFW tickles
Casper and Avery belong to @fluffyhare
I was happy with the new friends I had.
Avery and Casper were incredibly fun to be around. Casper was such a joy to talk to, and when Avery wasn’t around, we’d talk for a long time. Avery was so kind, gentle, and considerate. I never saw him alone, Casper was always there with him. Which I thought was cute.
Casper made good on his promise to see me in the library. He came in to say hi while picking up books for Avery. And sometimes he’d ask me to come over to his apartment after work. I exchanged numbers with him and Avery. I just loved that I was their friend, even if it felt like I was a third wheel sometimes. But they assured me I wasn’t doing anything wrong. They wanted to hang out with me.
They wanted to hang out with me…
That in itself warmed my heart. Though I had family and friends online, I didn’t have many people in real life. And I didn’t have family living with me. I was alone. And being around a sweet person like Casper, and someone as whimsical and awe inspiring as Avery, it made me feel like I meant something.
Little did I know, one month after our first meeting, I’d get involved in something I thought only happened in stories.
I didn’t have work today, so I was just sitting on the couch in my apartment. It was evening, and I had some calming music playing in my earbuds, and I was writing in my notebook meant for my serious writing. Not my wholesome stuff.
I was frustrated. I had realized when I got to work a month ago that I had lost that pink notebook. The one with all of my wholesome writing, and tickle stuff in it. I looked everywhere, but I couldn’t find it. I searched the beach several times, and I was too scared to ask Casper and Avery for help. I was worried someone found it and looked through it. I got a new blank one the other day, but my filled one was still out there.
A knock on the door snapped me out of my worry. I stood up, setting my blue notebook on the side table. My worries could wait. My cat, who had the personality of a dog, rushed to the door the moment she heard the knock. I pushed her back with my foot to make sure she didn’t run out the door. I opened it, and I smiled slightly seeing the friendly face of Casper.
“Hey, Casper.” I said, resorting to picking up my cat to make sure she didn’t get through the door. “What brings you here?”
“Hey, Rubes.” Casper smiled as I picked up my cat. “I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to Avery’s place tonight.” My eyes widened slightly.
“Casper, are you sure?” I asked quietly. “I mean… That’s a big thing, and I already feel like I intrude on yours and Avery’s relationship as is. I don’t even know where he lives.”
“Oh, he lives in an old lighthouse on an island just off the coast.” Casper replied.
“What?” Then again, that wasn’t too big a shock. He can’t exactly show himself in public that often. He was usually in Casper’s apartment. And when he was in public, he was wearing a human disguise, which I learned how to spot.
“Well, you’ve never been there.” Casper said. “And Avery said he wants to talk with you.” My heart sank as Casper said that. But I forced that dread down.
“Okay… let me just get my cat to not chase me out the door…” I picked up a catnip toy, rattling it to get her attention. I threw it, and she chased it across the living room. She nuzzled into it, and flopped on the floor.
“Aw, what a cute kitty.” Casper said. I nodded.
“She’s very sweet.” I grabbed my bag, making sure to grab my blue notebook instead of my newer pink one, and I made sure to lock my apartment door. Casper walked with me out of the complex.
Casper and I went to where Avery planned to meet up with us, when my heart stopped for a brief moment. I recognized this place. It was the same pier I was thrown off of. I still wasn’t over it despite it being over a month. I hadn’t gone to that pier since. And I was afraid that the figure who threw me in would return. Casper walked onto the pier first, but I stopped right before walking on the wooden part.
“Rubes, what’s wrong?” Casper picked up on my fear immediately. I sighed softly.
“This was… where I fell.” I whispered. “I’m worried it’ll happen again, and that…” I trailed off. Casper put a hand on my shoulder.
“It’s okay… I was scared too when I first fell. But I try not to associate the pier with… falling off. I associate it with when I met Avery. If I hadn’t fallen off, he wouldn’t have saved me, and we wouldn’t have fallen for each other.” He tried to assure me. “So try to associate the pier with meeting Avery. Like I did.”
I tried to think of that. How Avery saved my life. How I could keep breathing because of him. How I enjoyed a cup of tea with them on the foggy beach. All those lovely times over the past month were because of him. So I took a deep breath, and took those steps onto the wood of the pier. Casper smiled at me.
“See? It really helps, doesn’t it?” I nodded slowly.
“It does… thank you, Casper.” I whispered. He nodded.
As we walked down the pier, I kept trying to think about how the cloud saved my life. How I had so many fun experiences because of him. That really comforted me as I walked down the pier with Casper. Wow, that tactic really worked. When we reached the edge, Avery was awaiting us. He was leaning on the wall separating the pier and the ocean.
“Dewdrop, you made it.” Avery floated to Casper and gave him a kiss on the forehead. “And Rubes, so wonderful to see you.” I smiled at him.
“Hi, Avery…” I whispered. He chuckled softly.
“It will be an honor to have you visit my home. I tidied up just for our guest.” Avery stared up at the clear, starry sky. “Come on, you two. No time to waste.” I nodded.
“Okay… Casper said you lived on an island, right?” Avery nodded at my question before I continued. “So… where’s your boat?”
“Avery doesn’t have one.” Casper informed me. My eyes widened slightly.
“Right, Avery’s a cloud… But what about us?” Avery chuckled.
“I can just carry my Dewdrop over in my arms. But for you, I can carry you with my wind abilities.” My heart stopped at that idea.
“What?!” I backed up a little. “Are you insane? There’s no way that’s safe!” Avery chuckled at my reaction.
“Now, my dear. I will not let anything harm you. I assure you, it’s completely safe. It startled my Dewdrop the first time it happened, but he grew to have fun with it.” He held out his hand. “Do you trust me, Rubes?”
I thought for a moment. I had seen Avery’s powers before. They were fantastical, to say the least. He felt like he came straight out of an old storybook. And he’s been so kind so far. He’d never let me fall.
“Yes, Avery… I trust you.” I took his hand, and he led me back to the edge of the pier, where Casper was eagerly awaiting us.
“Now, let’s get going. We have much to discuss.” Avery chuckled.
Without warning, he scooped Casper up in his arms, bridal style. Despite expecting it, Casper yelped. Avery leapt up from the pier, floating in the sky with Casper safely in his arms. Casper clung to Avery’s shirt. I stared up at them, awe inspired. With a flick of his fingers, a strong gust of wind swirled around me, and lifted me up into the air with them.
“Avery!” I screamed as I was lifted up.
My eyes were practically glued shut, I was shivering from fear, muttering ‘I’m gonna die’ over and over again. But after a moment, I gained the confidence to force open one eye. Then the other. Surrounding us was a clear night, a sea of stars above us, and the deep blue ocean below.
Whoa, what a view, I thought to myself. I could even see the lights from Port Oleander from here. And what a feeling, too! I thought the feeling of flight and weightlessness only occurred in dreams, or in stories. Yet here, with Avery, they were real. I admired the beautiful sights around me, and the adrenaline from this feeling. It was a rush.
I laughed in merriment as this feeling spread endorphins all throughout my veins. Avery chuckled at hearing me laugh. And he hadn’t even started his plan yet…
We arrived at Avery’s lighthouse. Though it was abandoned, it was oddly welcoming. Maybe because I knew it was the home of such a kind cloud. He landed on the balcony of the lighthouse. He lowered me down until my feet were planted on the ground, and the whirlwind around me vanished. I grabbed the guard rail of the balcony. I was relieved to be on solid ground again, but the rush of adrenaline from that flight was unbelievable.
“Wow… that was wild.” I muttered as Avery set Casper down.
“Yes, flight tends to give quite the rush.” Avery chuckled. He opened the door to the inside of the lighthouse, letting us both in before entering himself.
My eyes practically glowed with endearment. He had turned the lighthouse into a lovely home. There were bookshelves lining nearly every wall, there was a study desk with papers over it, and a big, fluffy bed on one side. There was even a table and chairs.
“Your home is beautiful, Avery.” I told him. Avery chuckled.
“Thank you… Now, how about I make some tea while we discuss a… special matter.” Avery went to his tea cabinet to make it for us. He had a tea cabinet? Lucky!
However, I felt a bit nervous. They brought me here to talk with me. What exactly was it about? Did I do something wrong? Was I being annoying to them? I knew I was awkward and weird, but they could have at least texted me about it! They both had my number! I gripped the edges of my skirt as an anxiety response.
“I know that look, Rubes.” Casper suddenly piped up. I turned to face him.
“Casper?” He smiled at me before speaking.
“You’re anxious. And that’s okay. Honestly I might feel your freakout secondhand.” He muttered. “But trust me. If we had a problem with you, we would have told you a while ago.” I nodded slowly.
“But… I’m just being a third wheel to you.” I muttered. Casper shook his head.
“No, no… You’re not. Avery and I hang out all the time. That’s our own special time. When we hang out with you, it’s different. We want to spend time with you, not just each other. You’re our friend.” A soft smile appeared on my face.
“Thank you, Casper…” I muttered. Avery returned with a few teacups, and he placed them in front of us. I nodded to thank him, and I drank from the teacup. Vanilla chai… my favorite.
“Now, Rubes…” Avery began. “We brought you here to discuss something we discovered on the first day we met.” He walked over to a shelf, and I was confused.
That is, until he pulled out my pink notebook, the one I had lost.
The one that had all of my tickle writing.
My face turned completely pale.
He handed it to me, and I snatched it from him. I held it protectively to my chest.
“Before you ask…” Casper spoke up. “We already read it.”
I whimpered softly, my cheeks going from pale to red. So they knew. They knew of… that part of me. I thought I had kept it under lock and key, but it seemed I couldn’t get anything past them.
“I… If I had an explanation for why I have that notebook, and why I… have that content within it, I’d give it to you in a heartbeat.” I told them. My heart rate went up as I spoke. The first sign of a panic attack. “I don’t know why I’m so obsessed with… this! I never knew why, even now, as an adult!” Tears built up in my eyes, and I was struggling to breathe. I was so afraid. So afraid I would lose them because of this.
“I hate that I have this part of me! I don’t know why I have it, but I do! And no matter how hard I try to get rid of it, let it go, or just forget about it, I can’t! I don’t know what is wrong with me, or why I have this weird, childish, and gross obsession!”
Eventually, I couldn’t speak anymore. Tears were flowing down my face, it was burning red from embarrassment and fear, and I was gasping for air. I was panicking. But I couldn’t stop it. I was lightheaded, and I felt frozen in place. Both of them knew what was going on. This was a panic attack. Avery rushed in front of me to console me.
“Hey, hey…” He spoke in a comforting tone. He placed both his hands on my cheeks. His hands were so soft, and cool against my hot face.
“Oh, Rubes…” He muttered, wiping my tears with his thumbs. “We’re not judging you. Not one little bit.” He spoke in the gentlest tone I had ever heard. “Neither of us are upset, or weirded out by your love of tickles.” My cheeks turned redder when he said the word. Without breaking a sweat, even.
“And believe it or not… we both have the same interest as you.” Casper admitted to me. I gasped softly, and turned to face him.
“What? You… you do?” I asked, sniffling slightly. Casper nodded.
“Y-yes.” Casper’s own cheeks turned red. “Avery discovered it just two months after we started dating. And… we use it to bond a lot. He’s… really good at it…” His voice got quiet as his cheeks burned.
“See?” Avery smiled at me. “We’re not judging you. Not one little bit. In fact, we’re delighted to have someone who sees tickling in a similar light to us! We accept you for who you are. Every part of you.” He kept his hands on my cheeks, and tilted my head up so I’d look at him.
Upon hearing what Avery and Casper said, it made my heart feel… warm. Warmer than ever. I was beyond relieved and happy. I started to calm down, and my panicked tears switched to happier ones. Suddenly, Avery held me in a firm, yet gentle hug. I was briefly stunned by the action. But… it meant more to me than he might think. I returned it, resting my head on his shirt. He was much taller than me…
“T-thank you…” I muttered through my tears. “But even if you are accepting… I didn’t want you to find out through my notebook.” I admitted. “It’s… really embarrassing that this was the way you found out…” Avery nodded.
“Yes, I suppose so. And I apologize for looking through it without your permission.” He spoke as he ran his cool, plush fingers through my short hair. “If it makes you feel any better, your work is lovely. And quite adorable.”
I sniffled, and let go of him. I wiped my tears with my sleeves, but Avery fetched some tissues for me instead. Casper rested a hand on my shoulder.
“We’re not going to see you any differently because of it.” Casper assured me. He took his hand off my shoulder and stood by Avery’s side. “Besides… you didn’t judge me when I told you about my queerness…” I nodded slowly, but glanced away.
“That’s different, Casper…” I muttered. “You struggled with it for so long. And I don’t know what it feels like to be you. With that struggle of not feeling like yourself in your own skin… I can only imagine how it feels for you.”
“And I appreciate that you respect it…” Casper told me. “Not everyone did. Some did after a while, some never respected it. You and Avery… you respected it immediately, and saw me the way I was on the inside.” He smiled brightly.
I wiped away the rest of my tears with Avery’s tissues. They were both so kind.
“Of course I respect it. I tend to look for what’s on the inside. Not surface stuff. I’ve had a lot of trans friends, and... they all struggled like you. I’ll only see you as how you feel on the inside.” I told him.
There was silence for a moment, before Avery shattered it with a question that got my cheeks flaring.
“So… about that ticklish part of you… Does this mean you wanted some of what you wrote to happen to you?” I took several deep breaths before answering.
“M-maybe?” I knew I couldn’t hide it from them anymore, even if I tried. Avery chuckled as I spoke.
“So, care to say your alignment, then?” He asked.
“I beg your pardon?” I said, confused. Casper laughed slightly.
“He means are you a lee? A ler? Somewhere in between?” I finally understood when Casper used those terms.
“Oh… I’m a switch.” I muttered. “But I lean more towards a lee.”
I realized one second too late that I might have made a mistake saying that…
“Well…” Avery chuckled softly. “Perhaps we could indulge you?” He offered. He used a gust of wind to push me backwards, onto the soft carpet.
“Whoa, wait!” I cried in shock, covering myself. “I-I haven’t gone through this in years, I don’t know if I’ll… actually still like it!” Avery’s smile only got bigger.
“Well, let’s find out if you truly do enjoy it, shall we?”
I panicked, and tried to run, but I felt Avery grab me by my hoodie. With one fell swoop, he pulled it off me, leaving only my light pink shirt underneath. That wasn’t decent protection at all.
“No!” I squeaked out. Avery turned to Casper, and they nodded to each other. Casper sat down on my knees so I couldn’t get up. Avery used one hand to pin my wrists. He didn’t pull them over my head, but I couldn’t move them to protect my torso.
“Oh, so you also beg despite not meaning it?” Avery teased. “You’re more like my Dewdrop than I thought. Besides, I read that notebook cover to cover. I know what you want, Rubes.” I whined in response.
“Casper!” I cried, trying to get some sort of help from him. Casper just smirked.
“Sorry, Rubes. Nothing I can do. Besides… Avery will probably go after me, next! So I’m enjoying this while I can!”
“That’s right, Dewdrop~” Avery teased. “But for now…” He smirked at me, with a smirk I never thought he could produce.
“C-can’t we talk about this?” I asked, hoping that he wouldn’t. But at the same time, a craving started surfacing. One I hadn’t felt in years. Avery was right, he was about to give me what I had been deprived of for so long. I had a whirlwind of excitement and dread within me.
And here I thought this stuff only happened in the stories I wrote!
“I’m afraid not, my friend.” Avery chuckled. “Now, let’s test the waters, shall we?”
I gulped, but I knew I couldn’t really do much about this. I already let out a startled squeak when I felt him trace a single, soft finger across my stomach. I bit my tongue, trying to keep my giggles in. I wasn’t sure why. Why was I being stubborn when a part of me wanted this?
“Oh, let those giggles out, dear.” Avery said in a teasing tone. “Nothing’s stopping you.” He chuckled, adding more fingers to gently run over my stomach.
I bit down harder, feeling embarrassed. My heart rate went up, and I felt like my face was going to burn off. But a quick stroke over my navel shot a ticklish shock through my body and up to my head. A squeal escaped me before I could stop it, and giggles spilled out of my throat. Now that the dam was broken, Avery took it upon himself my tease me more.
“I’ve never heard you laugh like this before…” Avery mused. “My goodness, it’s even squeakier than Casper’s! And almost as loud, too!” Casper blushed as he said that.
“I’m not that loud!” Casper retorted. Avery just chuckled.
“Oh, Dewdrop. I’m surprised you haven’t gotten a noise complaint from how hard and loudly you cackle.” He teased, making Casper’s blush deepen.
“Apologies, Rubes. My attention shifted.” While he was teasing Casper, he had kept his fingers on my stomach, gently wiggling them over my stomach. That was even worse than just running his fingers over the spot.
“I-I can’t!” I squeaked out through my laughter.
His touch was even more gentle than I thought it would be. His fingers were soft and plush-like, even with my shirt. And he was gentle, too. Extremely gentle. He was a scientist, and a cloud. He definitely had the hands that worked with delicate instruments, and his cloudy body made his fingers softer and smoother than anything I had ever been tickled by. Avery let out a bigger laugh.
“Oh, come now, dear. You can’t tell me you’re not having fun. You’re barely even struggling~” Avery sang. “And your laughter just sounds so happy. Like you’ve been rectified after all these years~”
His teasing only made it much worse, and my giggles escalated. I struggled to move on the carpet, but Casper sitting on my knees prevented most movement from there. And Avery holding my wrists with one hand kept me from pulling them over my stomach, and crawling away. He chuckled and stopped for a moment, and slowly lifted up my shirt to just below my lower ribs.
“No! No!” I begged through my giggling. Even if he had paused, I still had the giggles, and they were not leaving me be. Avery smirked and shook his head.
“Oh, Rubes… You told Casper and I that you thought you were overweight.” He said in a gentle tone. “But you really aren’t. You’re beautiful just the way you are. Besides, there’s just more tummy to tickle. Is that such a bad thing?~”
I shook my head, but he tauntingly wiggled his fingers above my bare tummy. It was bad enough with my shirt covering it, but the idea of those soft, plushy fingers on my stomach with no shirt protecting me made me start giggling before he even started. Before I could beg more, I felt his soft, smooth, and cool fingers wiggle against my bare tummy, occasionally dipping into my navel.
“Eek!” I squealed out, bucking as hard as I could. My giggles turned into laughter, and I didn’t know how much more I could take.
“Oh, what cute laughter.” Avery mused. “And it’s just one hand on your tummy, and you’re already in a happy laughing fit. I didn’t realize you were this ticklish. Almost as much as my little Dewdrop. He’s so ticklish that even a breeze could get him to giggle.” Casper’s face burned as Avery said that.
“Who are you trying to fluster? Me, or her?” Casper cried through his embarrassed whines. Avery laughed seeing Casper melt.
“How about both? Two flustered red faces are better than one.” Casper and I both whined at the same time, though my laughter made it sound far different from his.
“Now, I wonder how you would react with two hands on that ticklish tummy of yours…” Avery chuckled. My eyes widened through my laughter.
Before I could say anything he lifted the hand tickling me, and snapped his fingers. Two ghost hands appeared behind them, and snatched my wrists. This time, they lifted my arms above my head. I yelped, and bucked, but neither Casper or Avery got off, and those hands didn’t let go. This was mind-blowing that this was actually happening. Outside of just… writing it myself.
“This isn’t fair!” I cried through my nervous giggles.
“Oh, I’m just getting started.” Avery smirked, and glanced behind him. “Casper, would you be a sweetheart, and lend me hand? Her knees aren’t gonna tickle themselves.”
“No, please!” I begged, feeling Casper’s weight shift to my calves. “Aren’t I suffering enough, Casper?” I struggled, but I still could hardly move my legs at all! Casper smirked at me, just like Avery.
“Come on, Rubes. We all know you’re hardly suffering.” Casper stated. “We read that notebook. We’ve got a lot of things that can be used against you~” He started to gently squeeze my knees, and flutter his fingers on the front and backs of them. My leggings offered little to no protection against his touch.
“Casper!” I squealed out, laughing again.
My knees weren’t as ticklish as my stomach, but Avery’s teasing had already weakened me. Speaking of Avery, he started using both his hands on my tummy. One wandered around it, even gently pinching my sides on occasion just to get a squeal out of me. The other stayed near my belly button, tracing around it, and dipping in a few times. All the while, he was teasing me, asking me how much it tickled, or how they weren’t judging me for that notebook, or my love of tickles.
Any coherent thought was out the window for me. This felt like I was living one of my notebook writing pieces. This was torture! They were killing me! But at the same time, this felt… satisfying. For years, I just wanted someone, or something, to make me laugh my troubles away. To tickle me until my brain turns to mush. To tease me and tell me that I wasn’t a freak…
And these two seemed happy to give me that comfort.
One this was for certain. I was happy.
But I could only handle so much. And due to being so touch starved, my tickle tolerance was lower than it should have been. My cheeks were red, and laughter tears were running down my face. Avery could tell I needed to breathe, so he stopped, and got Casper to stop too.
“Are you alright, Rubes?” Avery asked me. I nodded. Though those ghost hands still held me firm.
“Y-yes…” I muttered. Avery gave me a few minutes to catch my breath. My goodness… that was a rush I never thought I would feel again. I had brothers, and they tickled me before… but it was nothing like this.
“You’ve got a nice laugh, Rubes.” Casper mentioned. “You’re real sensitive, too… Almost as much as I am…” He chuckled nervously. Avery laughed slightly.
“See? You understand, Dewdrop.” Avery and Casper got off me, and helped me up. But those ghost hands still remained. They held my wrists just above my head, just barely exposing my armpits. Avery smirked once more.
“Now… I have one more spot I would like to try. Then I’ll let you go. You think you can handle it?”
I gulped, knowing exactly where he was going to go. Under my arms. They were about equal to my stomach in terms of sensitivity. But that meant it would be just as unbearable. Casper backed off, his cheeks turning red again.
“Besides, this is just another way to tease my Dewdrop~” Avery mused. “Their worst spot is here. And it’ll be fun to watch him get worked into a tizzy.” He tapped my left underarm with one finger, making me squeal. Casper covered his face.
“Avery!” Casper whined. Avery chuckled.
“Look, Dewdrop. Here’s what’ll happen to you, next.” He gently wiggled his fingers underneath both my arms, making me let out a scream so loud that Casper had to cover his ears.
I tried to tug my arms down, but those ghost hands held firm. They were not letting go, or even budging when I pulled. Though his fingers were over my shirt, it offered so little protection. It tickled so badly, and I had no way to stop my laughter, or my squealing. My cheeks turned red as the cloud teased not only me, but Casper too.
“Oh, this must be awful for you, Rubes. Or is it thrilling? I happened to notice the high amount of underarm tickles in your notebook. Almost as much as tummy tickles. Perhaps telling me your favorite spots to be tickled?~” He laughed, continuing to gently tickle under my arms.
“Kitchy, kitchy, coo~”
I practically lost it. Combined with Avery’s gentle fingers, his teasing just made it all the more torturous, and exciting. I felt lightheaded, either from the lack of air, or the thrill I was getting from this. Maybe a mix of both, even.
It felt like an eternity, but in reality, it was eight minutes. Avery stopped his tickling, and let go of my wrists. The ghost hands disappeared, and I fell to my knees on the floor. Avery chuckled, and bent down. He placed a hand on my cheek.
“Now do you believe we won’t judge you?” I nodded slowly, too out of breath to speak. He smiled gently.
“Good.” Avery said in a gentle tone. “Those who judge you for this aren’t worth it. You are an incredible person, and just because you love tickles doesn’t make you weird in our eyes. In fact… it makes you more fun. You have such a sweet laugh.”
I sniffled slightly. I felt tears in my eyes. They were happy tears this time… Avery and Casper were just some of the sweetest people I had ever met. Without thinking, I wrapped Avery in a tight hug. He smiled, and returned it, rubbing my back with his hand. His touch was so soothing… Avery let go after a moment, before smirking again.
“Now, let’s hope you recover quickly so you can help me tickle my Dewdrop.” He said, making Casper perk up.
“Avery!” Casper cried.
He tried to run, but a pair of ghost hands quickly snatched his wrists and pulled them just above his head, like they did with me.
“Now wait a minute! This is cheating!” Casper yelped, struggling to pull down his arms, but those ghost hands had an iron grip despite being soft.
“Avery, please!” He begged, already giggling despite us not touching him yet. Avery chuckled.
“Come now, Dewdrop. This’ll be fun for all of us.” He turned to me for a moment. “I’ll tickle his neck, you tickle his tummy.” My smile faded when he told me that.
“I don’t know, Avery…” I muttered, backing up a little. “I don’t have that much experience with… this.” Avery laughed.
“It seems you can’t say ‘tickle’ either.” Avery teased. “Just like Casper. But if you’re really afraid of hurting him…” He handed me a couple of feathers. “Use these, Rubes. They’re gentle, with no chance of hurting him, and they’re very effective.” He fluttered his fingers over Casper’s neck, making him let out a higher pitched squeal than he’d like to admit.
I gulped slightly. I had tickle fights with my brothers before, and they were always a rush. However, my brothers always tickled me roughly, so I did the same back to them. But I had never tickled anyone with feathers before. Were they really as effective as they were in the stories I’ve read and wrote?
Only one way to find out.
“Sorry, Casper… Actually, I’m not. This is kinda just revenge.” I giggled slightly. I slipped the feathers underneath his shirt, and brushed them all over his tummy.
Casper screamed. He didn’t think feathers would be that effective, either. They weren’t as firm as Avery’s fingers, but they were soft and wispy, just enough to get the nerves stimulated.
“Avery! Rubes!” Casper cried, squirming as much as he could. But neither of us let up.
I was almost always the one receiving tickles, so it was kind of odd giving them after so many years. But at the same time, it was so liberating. I never thought I’d get the chance to tickle someone like this, with feathers for that matter. It was a completely separate feeling from being tickled, yet it gave the same rush.
Avery smiled listening to his little love’s laughter. It made him feel butterflies, and it only made his love for Casper grow. And Casper? Though he was begging through his screams of laughter, he was having fun. I was being gentle with him, and Avery knew exactly where to get him to get laughter.
Avery and I kept tickling Casper for almost twenty minutes, with a few breaks here and there. When Avery stopped, so did I. I pulled the feathers away, and the ghost hands released Casper’s wrists. Casper collapsed to the floor, taking several deep breaths. He was exhausted. Avery picked him up, and rested him on his fluffy bed. Rubes smiled slightly.
“You really love him, don’t you?” I asked. Avery nodded.
“Yes… He’s the light of my world. He means so much to me. And I appreciate that you’re there for him.” I nodded slowly.
“Of course… He’s so sweet. And talented…” I stated. Avery gave Casper a pillow to cuddle for a bit, while he led me back to the balcony.
“Come on… I’ll get you home. We already decided Casper will stay with me tonight.” Avery flew up into the night sky above, and that familiar whirlwind swirled around me, and carried me up with him.
Though the view was beautiful, and it felt incredible to be weightless, I was too exhausted to really feel the same rush. He had tickled nearly every bit of energy out of me, and that only increased while I was tickling Casper. Avery brought me back to my apartment window. It was pulled open, and he gently set me down inside.
“Today was wonderful, Rubes. And I’m so thrilled you’re a member of the community. I hope we can have fun like that again soon.” I nodded sleepily, and he flew off into the night.
I shut my bedroom window, and I went straight to bed. I was exhausted, but in the best way possible. I yawned, and flopped onto my bed, my cat hopping up and curling up next to me. As I drifted off, a small smile stayed on my face.
I was happy they accepted me.
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poorsadorphanposting · 9 months
This is an RP blog for the DoL AU of my OCs Edin and Esmee Koizumi! Run by @degrees-of-fuck the thing the myth the absentee.
TW for weird quasi-incestuous bullshit in general as well as creepy and self destructive behaviour / TW parental pseudocest under the cut. TW morgan basically. It's not anywhere else so that one can be skipped over.
Esmee: She/Her ||| Edin: He with people they don't trust, They with people they do. (They pref.)
Major canon character relationship under cut for useful info just in case, but any and all interactions are welcome!
Not necessary reading, but it's here and might inspire some interactions idk.
SYDNEY: Sydney and the twins were Sunday School Buddies growing up - and Sydney was, I think, the first person the twins felt comfortable actually talking to after being left in doltown. They're still friends now, but they've never been able to hang out as much as they'd like. I think Sydney is as concerned with Esmee's recent changes in demeanor as Edin is.
BAILEY: Oh, Bailey, Bailey, Bailey... Bailey's kinda all they have at this point lol. Thing-like-family wise anyway. Edin constantly clamors to keep Bailey in a good mood so they won't be hurt while they're spending most of their time at the orphanage. I think Bailey wants to fucking punt them. Esmee hates Bailey, but wants their Attention and proof that she Exists to them, in some way.
LEIGHTON: OH BOY. They both haaaaaate Leighton. Leighton was Esmee's first kiss and kind of kickstarted her downward spiral a bit. As petty revenge for how uncomfortable Leighton makes her, she has taken to acting like the two of them are a MARRIED COUPLE. And is extremely annoying with it. Edin naturally despises Leighton for all this, paired with the Sydney stuff, but is also too terrified of them to act out or say much. Sometimes, Edin goes to detention in Esmee's place on the sneaky. This doesn't go well for them. Also in game, the same instance where Leighton took her first kiss, Esmee somehow managed to make Leighton cum in their pants by doing? Nothing? I wasn't even trying to get the achievement it just happened. My theory is either magic cum spell, or Leighton enjoys the sound of her sobs so much they just climaxed on the spot.
WHITNEY: Whitney probably bullies Edin relentlessly, though not necessarily sexually. They're just a sad nerd that's fun to push around. This makes the whole wanting to bang their twin sister thing awkward. As for Whitney and Esmee, they get into fights a LOT. I think even when they're dating, it's a pretty deranged dynamic. (Not affectionless tho <3 I did make that comic where Whitney takes psychic damage over Esmee's Demented Torture Porn Only Fans lmao) They both suck so so much. ... OH YEAH thing that happened/happens in game that's fun to reference: Esmee lost her oral virginity ingame to transguy Whitney's Strap but already had S mouth skill somehow, so her very first time sucking dick, she made him cum so hard he CRIED. In front of Leighton. the game didn't acknowledge it but it described him as Sobbing. She also somehow manages to make them cum in their pants Constantly in game it's so so funny. Use this info how you will. ((Based on this, the Leighton thing + at LEAST one other insane incident, my friends and I have started joking abt her having a fucking Cum Spell))
AVERY: Avery initially went for Esmee (dances, flirts, lets him hit it) but then Esmee proceeded to be her irritating, scene causing, threat to humanity self, so they went for her clone instead. Edin probably isn't a favourite of Avery's since they stutter a lot and are terrified of sex, but they ARE cute, easily manipulated and have their funny little music thing. Now Esmee pops Avery's tires and films them and is generally making a special effort to ruin their life.
BRIAR: Edin doesn't know who Briar is or what Esmee's main job is. All they know is that she constantly comes back in the wee hours, exhausted and looking like a MESS. They hate this. Esmee works for Briar most nights when she's not off treasure-hunting. One of the few people she actually takes semi-seriously, I think. She's a good dancer, soaks up horrendous damage like nobody's business and loves attention, but thus far has been stubborn about keeping her technical virginity.
MORGAN: Um. Esmee uh. So after being abandoned by her parents, the whole 'being relentlessly pursued by a violent and possessive maniac that claims her to be their daughter and refuses to let her go' thing she encountered while in the sewers kind of. Scratched a certain itch in Esmee. Yeah.
KYLAR: LOL Esmee and Kylar are uh. Allies I guess. I wouldn't say friends necessarily, but allies. Esmee helps Kylar with the creepshots and the intel gathering and general wingmannery in exchange for various demented favours. Edin used to feel bad for Kylar and wanted to talk to them, but these days they have a petty grudge against them. Same obsessive crush :/)
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linawritesocs · 2 years
my ocs (+ ships) as palette names!
all palettes were assigned based only on the titles and not the colors! though some palettes (the (name)-core ones) do have my ocs' vibes ndjdkddk
avery: wishing to rant about fanfiction but not wanting to show how much of a nerd you secretely are, you can’t just ask a guy why he’s in love, some days i’m afraid i will cut my eyes by the sight of glass shards (yes i picked this one only bc of his surname jdksksdkl IT DOES HAVE HIS VIBES THOUGH)
vance: only the floor candy can sustain me (vancecore), the act of balancing a bottle of juice on your head, some days i feel like a lobster on a skateboard 
merrill: next time maybe don’t go into the forest at night hm buddy? just a thought, you are who we say you are because public opinion beats self worth every time, putting on a show to seem alive / when i don’t feel alive (wow these last two are SAD) 
allen: focus on me (ignore the blood), do you remember when you told me that you love me when you told me that you love me when you told me that you, murder and other expressions of love 
roland: stand still as the darkness grows roots in your mind, i loved you i did so how did we end up like this, men like us die alone because we think we deserve it (;w;)
fake!jay: hey quick question are we really about to commit arson? (literally his dynamic with allen), the doctor tried to check my heartbeat only to find out i don’t have one (a reminder that he's not really human!), the privilege of being born somebody else (THIS ONE. OH GOD THIS ONE) 
real!jay: the lack of self esteem i’ve felt since i learned how to read or write (;w; AGAIN), soda cans are great i love accidentally spilling liquid on myself, when i was a small child i held an iguana once 
austin: i’m always at least a little bit scared hopeless and frustrated, a classmate of mine once borrowed one of my pens and then decided it was such a good pen he’s just gonna keep it (austincore), crying because cats are cute and deserve the world 
minnie: this is the third time someone put strawberries in the bathtub who keeps doing this please stop (minniecore), the horrifying ordeal of having loud neighbours, unexplainable excruciating pain that started suddenly and will never go away 
hayden: an unhealthy relationship with one’s own identity (THIS IS LITERALLY HAYDEN), what flavour is your mind (a reference to him trying to understand other people's personalities more so that it's easier for him to manipulate them), the only thing greater than my ego is my impostor syndrome 
riley: i’m a weirdo who likes to eat chalk, have you found yourself or your loved ones suffering from a case of empty eyes, an overemotional state projected upon the unsuspecting public (LITERALLY HIS UNIQUE MAGIC)
angel: this will hurt you more than it’ll hurt me - and that’s okay!, the girl in a blue dress that lives in every village ever (angelcore), the magical princess’s strawberry-scented battle axe of infinite bloodshed 
bunny: wasting your life feeling like an underperforming tool in someone else’s hands (her relationship with angel..), the eye lips eye emoji face fills me with unbridled rage, what do you MEAN there was a fire 
seth: your house has no anomalies but i’m reporting you for bad taste in art (YEAH THIS DOES SOUND LIKE SETH), you love them now you’ll hate them later (sethcore),  i haven’t left the house in months (his backstory 😔)
and now, the oc ships!
avery x allen: what are you doing in my house / now now i don’t usually make it a habit to - stop yelling - break into people’s homes but as you can see sometimes i do, once again i am forced to ask what in the world did you bring into our home / what do you mean what did i bring it’s very clearly a radioactive waste barrel don’t pretend you don’t know that, the tall faceless lad out the corner of my eye who watches me sleep while pointing at the door 
vance x riley: the man who looked at me so sweetly in soft flavours of deep beige, wish me luck honey (i couldn’t ask for more), just friends but we kiss sometimes 
merrill x cater: can you help me find what’s wrong with me, men like us aren’t supposed to feel these things, it’s past my bedtime and i’m thinking of you (i don't talk a lot about this ship but trust me, i love them SO MUCH)
merrill x austin: of all the things you could be doing why are you romancing soda cans, wish we could go out for coffee but you hate me and i hate coffee, sorry that your rant about how the game i like ruined the whole series forever didn’t make me like it any less 
allen x nemis: my girlfriend said i eat corn weird which now that i think about it would explain why i’m consistently covered in butter (listen it does sound like them), look at her go biting everyone who comes near her like a champ, here’s cheers to the man who stole my heart away 
allen x hayden: let your tender hands rip me apart, what’s a little murder between friends, i’ve been chugging poison waiting for the day you inevitably take me up on my offer and take a proper bite out of me (THIS ONE. POWERFUL)
minnie x sebek: your love has brought me to the point of no returning, don’t try to tell me how i’m supposed to breathe, people ask me how i manage to think of you everyday and to be completely honest i never know what to say because it feels so natural 
hayden x elpys: i need you to understand that i really do want what’s best for you - and that simply isn’t me, you are a dream in a crowd of nightmares, you must have real self confidence mortal to attempt flirting with something all holy 
seth x riddle: dunks you in tea LOL, get your shoes off my bed you animal (these ones are chaotic and i love it), he to whom the cake’s dedicated 
seth x rollo: i touch you and my hands burn my hands burn my hands burn (what have you done) (yeah it was painful to type this one), give me salvation i swear i won’t bite, well first of all i am positive what you did is a criminal offense / and second of all why didn’t you invite me (hiii i love "seth x rollo as a villain couple" so much <3)
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Title: A Little Bit Country
Author: Brian D. Kennedy
Genre: YA Fiction | Drama | Romance | Friendship | Music | LGBTQ+
Content Warnings: Homophobia | Racism
Overall Rating: 8.4/10
Personal Opinion: For Luke Barnes, country music ruined his family’s life. For Emmett Maguire, country music is his life. These two boys could not be more opposite but by chance, they both end up working at Wanda World where they meet and slowly fall for each other. Sweet and romantic with a side of celebrity scandal and mystery, this book will enrapture all your senses as you read it. I will admit that I mostly found it romantic from one character’s end though.
Do I Own This Book? Nope.
Spoilers Below For My Likes & Dislikes:
- Emmett and Luke have good chemistry together. Mostly, I felt it from Luke’s end. The way Emmett fully supported Luke’s dream of being a chef and made him promise not to give up on it was just so sweet. And calling him an artist on top of that, I felt that.
- I love Aunt Karen. She was so unabashedly there for Emmett no matter what and wholeheartedly supported his dreams to be a singer. I hope she finds happiness of her own regardless of what shape or form that takes.
- Vanessa is also great. She’s such a supportive friend to Luke and I know it must’ve been hard for her to be around someone who could never love her the way she loved him once. But she was still there for him. She got him his new job, she drove him home when he was drowning his sorrows in alcohol, and she stayed with him even when he came out. I hope she finds happiness too.
- Jessie and Avery are great too! Country music really is overwhelmingly straight and white. So having Jessie (Chinese) and Avery (Black) advocate for themselves as having a place in country music is awe-inspiring to me. I love how much they love it even if it doesn’t love them at times. That shows their passion and dedication to their craft.
- When Emmett sang “Dream Cowboy” instead of Wanda Jean’s other songs, I felt so proud of him for choosing to be himself. He’s still young and he has time to hone his craft. He will make it big in his own time, I’m sure of it.
- Cesar and the other chefs at Grandma’s Cupboard are all wonderful human beings for welcoming Luke so easily into their kitchen and teaching him how to cook. I love when older folks support younger folks with no ulterior motives. And the fact that Luke got a job as a prep cook for another kitchen after quitting Wanda World thanks to Cesar brought a tear to my eye.
- The twist that it was Wanda Jean who gave Verna Rose the locket and wrote those love songs was very well done. I saw it coming a mile away too but I still loved it because I could feel the love between those women. I just knew in my soul they were once in love. And it makes me so sad that Verna gave it up to live a “normal” life. When Wanda Jean released her new song though, coming out, I was just on the brink of tears. Truly, I felt that queer joy.
- The ending is so cute. But my absolute favorite part about it though was Emmett holding a poster of himself to give to Luke. That is adorable and hilarious at the same time. And the fact that Luke wants it signed too is just so cute. Like, I love when people are the biggest fans of their partner’s work. As they should be!
- Fuck Grady’s cheating ass and Cassidy’s complicity. How dare she look like Carrie Underwood when “Before He Cheats” exists. Mostly I’m just mad that Aunt Karen got hurt. On the other hand, Jessie and Avery got something good out of this so… yeah. 
- Fuck Orrin too! Yes, he gave Emmett the opportunity of a lifetime but he also told the kid to pretend to be straight? I mean, I saw it coming so whatever but it still makes me cringe. You’re acting like this in the 2020s? Yikes.
- Mostly fuck Whizzer and Bulldog though. They showed up early enough that they set the tone for the town and it was just gross for me.
- I’m going to be honest, I didn’t feel the chemistry much from Emmett’s end. I felt like he was only in love with Luke because we were being told that. I didn’t really see what Emmett saw in Luke besides his looks. I felt like I was missing substance. Like Emmett never got to try any of Luke’s food! Luke never really talked about himself to Emmett! Plus the cold way Luke treated Emmett in public just left a sour taste in my mouth. How can you be in love with someone like that?
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cloudy-leonhart · 4 years
I JUST READ YOUR VETERANS WITH FILIPINO S/O AND IM SO PROUD WCEIWVEHHW, can i also request a veteran reaction to like, their s/o gets flirted with a guy and their s/o is totally oblivious. (also, nanaba is very cute, ate nana 😭✊)
wait but this is such a good request 🥺 maybe that’s just me, I like jealous headcanons lmao-
[author note: I have a few fic requests in my inbox rn! Please dw if u requested a fic, it takes me a little longer to write fics than headcanons so please don’t think I’m ignoring your request! I also had to rewrite this, I had a bad weekend and tumblr keeps deleting my drafts but I still want to provide for my followers, so I apologize that it’s only half of the veterans! I’ll add Nanaba and Moblit once I do get the motivation too! ]
Summary: S/O get’s flirted with, vets are big jealous babies.
Gender Neutral Reader.
Recommended Song: How Long - Charlie Puth.
TW: some swearing, suggestive themes, yucky boys hitting on you.
Theme: Fluff, canonverse.
Characters: Erwin, Hange, Levi, Miche.
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Erwin Smith
Honestly even he couldn’t tell at first that the noble man (lets call him, Gene.) you were talking to was flirting with you.
You were absolutely oblivious, you think Gene is just having a conversation with you and Gene thinks you like him.
When Erwin notices it, at first he’s like “hmm, maybe Reader’s talking business with him.” And then Gene kissed the back of your hand, in which he felt his eye twitching. He started pouting really bad, he looked like a kicked puppy from across the ballroom. He didn’t want to be rude, so he kept reassuring himself that it was a friendly gesture.
You were absolutely clueless, like “this is fine.” clueless. You had no idea Gene was trying his hardest to court you. Until You felt Erwin behind you, that is.
You know those big coughs that you do to get someone’s attention. Yeah, Erwin coughed REALLY loud. Mind you, Erwin probably towers most nobles. So imagine the face on Gene when he saw this tall, titan-slaying commander towering over him. I think he almost peed his pants honestly, he was like “uh..it was nice meeting you, miss Last name, but uh..I- I uhm.. Igottago-“
Yeah he speed-walked his scared ass outta there, you were kinda just like “what?” You saw Erwin’s shadow and just turned around with the cutest smile on your face.
“Erwin!” You chirped, he softened his glare on the noble and looked at you, cue his pout coming back. “You really didn’t know?”
“Know what?” You asked, walking with him, hand in hand. You guys were walking back to your carriage to go home for the night.
“Reader, he was flirting with you, quite literally trying to court you.” Erwin groaned, his jealousy starting to show. You were still a bit confused, so you just stared at him with a blank expression.
“He was just being nice Erwin, come on.” You nudged his arm, trying to get him to loosen up, he looked at you, in which you looked at him with puppy dog eyes, in response he groaned, being a sucker for your puppy dog eyes.
He huffed, “you’re staying back at the headquarters from now on.” Your eyes widened slightly, “What?! Why?!” You shook him arm. “Because I don’t want you being flirted with, you’re mine reader, and I’m yours.” Erwin squished your cheeks together.
“Owf Cwouse I’m youws-“ you took his hands off your cheek. “You’re the only man for me,” you laughed as you entered the carriage.
“Now get in, I’m feeling a little empty inside and you’re the only who can fix that.”
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Levi Ackerman
Oh dear, if you’re willing to flirt with the Levi Ackerman’s S/O, you’re basically asking for a death wish.
He usually isn’t too jealous when it comes to someone flirting with his S/O genuinely because he’s either busy doing something or he isn’t there at all but...
He’s not called Humanity’s Strongest for nothing. Both of you were in charge for training the cadets. You were known for your kind behaviour, so obviously a lot of the cadets would ask for your training.
In which Levi was okay with because, duh less work for him. He was doing fine until he glanced at you and saw a male cadet getting a little too close. (calling him, Sam.)
You guys were in a secret relationship at the time, he didn’t want anyone teasing you or him about anything so both of you kept it a secret.
See, he regrets that decision right now because it’s really a pain in the ass to see Sam acting like he doesn’t know the moves when he knows damn well he taught the brat those moves a week ago.
So with a clenched jaw, he glared at Sam as you were behind the cadet, teaching him the same move Levi taught him.
Levi looked across the field to see you behind Sam, helping him strike his punch correctly, he felt angered and a little jealous, watching you be so touchy with him.
He sighed and shook his head, trying to calm himself to keep him from doing something, that is until he watched as Sam tripped you just so he could “catch” you. He caught you in those romantic poses.
You weren’t really paying attention to what he was trying to achieve and instead thanked him, unaware of his plan to kiss you. You tried to get out of Sam’s hold, until you realized that Sam was getting close to you.
You were about to start freaking out until someone pulled you into their arms, you looked at your “saviour”’s face, seeing it’s Levi. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing to a section commander, cadet?” Sam gulped, walking back. “Just making sure captain Reader’s okay, captain Levi.” Sam saluted, sweating profusely.
“That requires you tripping them and almost kissing them?” Levi’s eyebrow raised as his arm tightened against your waist, that’s when a lightbulb lights up in your mind, ‘Is..is Levi jealous??’ “uh well-” Sam tried to explain himself, “I taught you this move last week, you have no excuse to ask for captain Reader’s help.”
A scowl was long planted on Levi’s face. Sam scoffed, “Okay, so I wanted to court captain Reader, but Sir, they’re single, you can’t blame for wanting to court them.” Levi took a step forward, you prevented him from beating Sam up.
“They’ve got a boyfriend.” He spat out, basically death staring Sam down. “And who’s that?” Sam laughed out.
Levi clicked his tongue, before you knew it, Levi’s lips were on yours. “Me.” He stated.
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Hange Zöe
Hange, they usually are chill most of the times, to be honest they don’t get too jealous, it’s only when it’s painfully obvious, that’s when it starts to tick them off.
I mean, making Levi Ackerman mad is one thing, but Hange?? I’m already planning your funeral. One of the corps’ rules, never ever make Hange Zöe mad.
It does not help when their S/O absolutely is oblivious. 
Hange starts off with being a little skeptical and glancing at you from afar. then it becomes a stare once in a while, and then their mood gets soiled.
they start to become irritated, at this one garrison squad member (let’s name him Avery) talking with you. You should actually be helping them with their experiments.
And they snap when they see you being offered a flower.
Little clueless Reader, just confirmed Avery’s death, it’s been signed this point on.
You could hear AND feel Hange’s stomps nearing both you and Avery.
God help the poor garrison member, because they’re about to be sent to heaven with how jealous and irritated Hange is.
“Hey, Avery.” Hange’s voice cut through your guys’ conversation, “Hange!” you chirped, holding onto the flower Avery had gifted you. “Hange! You’ve met Reader here right?” Avery asked, also unaware of Hange’s attitude.
“yes, they’re actually my partner.” Hange’s teeth was gritted as they took their rightful place beside you, pulling you close. Cue the awkward silence, “Oh my god, Hange I’m so sorry, I thought they were you know-” Hange didn’t even let him finish. 
“Just get the fuck out, Avery.” Hange gave him a glare that almost made Avery shit his pants. “Yes captain!” He saluted and left before Hange could murder him. “What was that about, Hange?” You asked as they took the flower out of your hand.
“He was courting you, and you were letting him, darling.” Hange stated, as you covered your mouth with your hand, “Oh! I’m sorry Hange! Darn it, I’m so oblivious.” You scolded yourself.
“It’s good you can still remember that you belong to me.” Hange continued, inspecting the flower gifted to you. “Of course, you only, Hange.” You agreed, looking at them. 
“Wanna prove it to me then, Reader?”
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Miche Zacharias
Miche is kind of like a grizzly bear, you should never be around him when he’s mad or jealous. 
He tends to be more aggressive when it comes to him being irritated, I don’t mean to headcanon him as a wolf, but I know he just growls when a little thing goes wrong.
He’s possessive over you now, but now he’s basically just suffocating you with his over-protectiveness.
I feel as if he can tell when someone has some kind of weird scent, and it basically spoils everything he can smell.
He tends to hover around you once he gets jealous, he’ll get clingy and probably need to have you touching him somehow, holding hands, side by side. He just needs to be touching you.
He’s the type of person to also just, push away who ever you’re talking with, and just drag you away. 
One time, you and him went on a date and the person who worked there hit on you right in front of him, Miche made him almost piss his pants.
Miche and you were out at an event for survery corps members, celebrating your recent successes with your latest expedition. Miche was with Erwin and Levi while you chatted up a storm with a noble named Walter. 
Miche could feel himself about to break his glass, watching you and Walter laugh together. “So, are you seeing anyone?” Walter asked, you stopped laughing, shocked that he’d ask you that question out of nowhere.
“What?-” At this point Walter had a hold of both of your hands, you were absolutely still in place, “Actually don’t mind that, can I court you?” A big smile was on Walter’s face, wondering about your answer. “I-” 
“You actually can’t, they have a boyfriend.” Miche had long appeared behind you, towering over both you and Walter. You closed your eyes, in a bit of relief, “Yes, this is Miche, he’s a section commander and my boyfriend.” You smiled, hooking your hand with Miche’s, silently hoping that Walter would leave you both alone.
“Ah, I’m terribly sorry, I thought you didn’t have a partner, that’s my fault.” Walter quickly apologized, seeing how intimidating Miche was. “well, I-..I should go, it was lovey meeting you and your boyfriend, Reader.” Walter speed-walked his way out of his situation, leaving you with a pouty and jealous Miche. 
“Why talk to those who look like they have it tiny, Reader?”
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angrelysimpping · 3 years
It’s so rare I see someone who likes Darryl! I really loved the scenes where you get to save them. Do you have any headcanons about them or Landry? I think my favourite might be Jordan, their shower scenes are too cute 🥰
Anon you have unlocked some part of my brain that can think of something other than Whitney and Kylar and I don’t know how to thank you
Headcanons under the cut because I went a little overboard =P. TW for past abuse because, well, Darryl’s past
Their glasses are for reading only. They don't need them for everyday use. This is why Darryl will set them on top of their head when not using them
It would be better if they kept their glasses on a chain around their neck. Wouldn't forget where their glasses are (as often) if on a chain. Doesn't like the look of it though, thinks it makes them look too serious
Would be interested in a romantic relationship but not necessarily a sexual one. Not necessarily with the PC, but just in general
Sex is a big deal for them bc of their past. Any sexual relationship would start as a friendship then turn into romance then, maybe, into sex. Would take a long time to evolve from one to the other
Knows Briar and is not on good terms with them
Avoids going near the school at all costs. Does everything in their power to avoid Leighton. Might have actually banned Leighton from the club
Feel like Darryl would be a huge nerd. Like, could go off on a target about some minor historical fact for over an hour
Doesn't drink often. Only does when their head gets stuck in the past
Doesn't swear a lot. Even though they run a strip club that has some explicit VIP services, Darryl is saying 'dang' and 'Frick'
Will swear when their emotions run high! Knows every bad word under the sun and will use them!
Can't really do physical altercations because their fight/flight/freeze/fawn instinct is stuck on 'freeze.' Same for verbal altercations. Only enters into verbal fights on other people's behalf
Not one for physical contact unless they really trust you
Has three pet cats who are spoiled to hell
Afraid of dogs
I don't know why but I can't shake the idea that Darryl and Eden could be good friends?
What do you mean you don't know what wi-fi is???? What do you mean you've been running a criminal operation without using the internet at all???? How?????
Doesn't know what 'a Google' is
Could be taught a few tech things but not much
You're a criminal Landry, do NOT give that random stranger your personal information
That Nigerian prince isn't real, do not give them your bank info. You have pulled almost the exact same scam on people in person 
If your password is 'password123' I’m taking your phone away until you learn how to secure it properly
7 wpm typing speed on a good day
Worked their way up to where they are. Started out stealing from houses and pickpocketing
Doesn't steal as much now, more into trading favors and selling to the black market
Knows a few very powerful people
On neutral terms with Bailey and Briar 
Micky is their child now
Very plain. Could easily be mistaken for someone else. Uses it to their advantage
When you agreed to go to this party with Avery, you did not expect to spot Landry among the guests. You almost didn’t recognize Landry at first. They're wearing nicer clothes than normal, if still on the lower end of the spectrum for a gathering like this. You make eye contact with Landry from across the room. They give you a slight nod and keep moving. Leaving Avery is not an option, not unless you're willing to face their rage later. You push Landry out of your mind and try to focus on the people Avery is talking to. It’s boring but these conversations usually don’t last too long. Avery tries to talk to as many people as possible at these parties; making connections, rubbing elbows, that whole shtick. As luck would have it, the next person Avery singles out to schmooze with is Landry. When Avery introduces Landry as 'Jesse,' you don’t bat an eye. You give Landry a shy smile that you know will earn you points with Avery, if at the expense of teasing at the pub. Maybe Landry will cut you some slack? After all, you don't say anything about how after shaking Landry's hand, Avery is wearing one less ring
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elpercotreviews · 2 years
The Inheritance Games Book 1 Review
Update 08/26/22: I fucking lied. No I didn't finish the book, I only got 56 percent through TBH 😭😭😭 It's just when I wrote this review, I thought I'd have finished it and edited it with a better understanding of the story by the time I uploaded this post. But I never finished it, I couldn't bring myself too. Point still stands that it's not the worst book I've read. It's not a bad book. Just couldn't convince myself to keep reading/I did try to keep reading but at the pace of like a couple pages a week 😔 I think I couldn't finish the story cuz it feels TOO high school/wattpad in a way that makes it feel unrelatable to me??? In my full review below, you'll see more of what I meant. Maybe if I feel bored, I'll try to finish the book, but I got other books on my Kindle I think I'll prioritize first.
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The vibes are like a mishmash of The Westing Game, Knives Out, Umbrella Academy, and a wattpad story, more specifically a bts/kpop fanfiction or "I got sold to 1D" wattpad story BUT IN A GOOD WAY I SWEAR. Like make the grammar worse and add more spelling errors, and I deadass could imagine this front page of wattpad. It's because, let's be real, this story ain't literature and that's perfectly fine. We're here to watch this girl become a Crazy Rich not Asian be surrounded by four cute equally not Asian and unequally Rich boys.
I thank the advent of booktok and the resurgence of YA/NA literature because I have so many books to read now and I'm out of my reading stump, but I wish this book (amongst others) was written a few years prior. Because, I'm not getting any younger. I'm 22, which to some is a baby age, and to others, is ancient *shudders* so unfortunately YA main characters are now outside of the age range that I find to be attractive. Luckily, I like to read stories as if I'm the main character (a consequence from my obsession with otome games and interactive fiction) so I just imagine myself in her shoes if I was the same age. But since ya know REALITY is older, I found myself attracted to NASH of all people in this book lmaooo. I'm an unfortunate sucker for bad boys, and he was the only age appropriate boy to lock onto lmaooo.
If I read this book at 18, I would've ate Grayson and Jameson UPPPP. Jameson weirdly and vaguely reminds me of Albert Moriarty specifically from the Moriarty anime and is crossed with Benedict from Bridgerton. IDK I think it's the more cheeky/sly vibes while still being kinda emo. Grayson's personality is typically more my type and yet I found him to be kind of a shit IM SORRY. I think it's cuz the story suffers a tad bit by the wattpad-esque vibes in that the characters need to drive the point home that "this is my character and my personality!!!" Xander's personality was very Honey-senpai/BOY vibes so I'm not even gonna comment on him, in my eyes he's a child and nothing else.
Now the female lead. Avery, Avery, Avery. The girl who is constantly getting her name said wrong. I have a friend in real life named Avery, but her personality is so different from this story's Avery that I can't imagine them being remotely the same. Avery here is ... she's Y/N and I think anybody reading this story can see what I mean, in the nicest possible way. She was THIS CLOSE 🤏 to me calling her a pick-me. THIS CLOSE MMKAY 🤏 but she never quite reached that point so I can forgive her. Avery is on THIN ICE for me liking her. I give her a lot of benefit of the doubt cuz she's 17 and she's proven over and over in this book's universe that she's a bonafide GENIUS. But I live in reality, and to me, she's just a smart cookie, genius being a stretch. I just have a personal pet peeve with geniuses in media, specifically that I've yet to read/watch a character I've felt was truly a "genius" by real world standards. And yes, this applies to even my precious baby Spencer Reid. And yes, this applies to Benny Cumberbund's Sherlock Holmes. I solved every episode before him except for the Hound of the Baskervilles episode cuz of the whole psychedelic trip thingy going on + the later end episodes where there's no case just *plot*.
Now if you couldn't tell I'm a sucker for escape rooms, murder mysteries, puzzles, riddles, etc. but surprisingly I don't read too much of the mystery genre. But what frustrated me a tad bit about this book is that the mystery is contrived. There's a mystery cuz the dead man orchestrated it all and laid out clues. I feel like I would've enjoyed a more organic mystery, like a case (Sherlock Holmes, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, etc). The story is in first person, so you can only rely on what Avery finds out herself and from other people, and I guess I'm just a mystery fiend who wishes to solve everything herself. It's not the book's fault but just a personal nitpick, that I have to wait for Avery to figure something out for the *plot* to progress.
Idk, overall not a terrible book. I don't love it, but it's decent and I'll probably read the 2nd and 3rd books as well. Is it crazy amazing and a page turner? No. But did I stop reading it? Also no. And there are books I've quit right away (These Violent Delights. A Fate of Wraith and Flame <- SO BAD) so this book automatically beats those!
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lilyharvord · 3 years
Omg describe the parent trap au pls I'm begging you
AH! Okay! I've got five requests... means I have to do it XDDD
(bear in mind I had this idea before broken throne came out and we knew Cori and Shade were a thing)
1. Mare and Cal are still young, they're dealing with the ramifications of everything. Mare gets pregnant, they have twins. Their relationship sort of falls apart... and they go their separate ways, each one taking a twin daughter. Mare to Montfort, Cal to the States
2. Some years later (11) the twin daughters both end up at the same sort of camp thing (not sure exactly what's going on there, but they do). They totally hijack each other and end up being forced into an isolation where they only have each other. Then they realized: HOLY SHIT YOUR MOM IS MY MON AND YOUR DAD IS MY DAD. Then they hatch their "master plan" to get Mare and Cal back together. One daughter Coriane (Cal's) and the other Avery (Mare's) switch places, going back to the opposite parent in hopes that they will have to come back together to switch them back.
3. Shenanigans obviously ensue. And Cori realizes horribly quickly that Mare is dating someone... and Avery kinda didn't know about it. The guy (who is not Tyton because I Would NEVER slander that boi like that) is an asshole period. So Cori has to be a snappy little shit and tries to break them up. I just have this one conversation in my head where the guy confronts her and is like: For your information, I adore your mother, she's exactly the kind of woman I always dreamed of marrying. And Cori just leans forward and goes: and my mother's political and military standing wouldn't have anything to do with that... would it? And he goes from being nice politician guy to straight dick in .2 seconds and leans forward to day: listen here puss, I'm marrying your mother in three weeks, whether you like it or not. Is that clear? And once I do, I'm shipping your ass off to the Lakelands. And that's when Cori sends emergency message number 1 to Avery in the States who has been busy ignoring her panic because she's having the time of her life with her dad.
4. Anyway, Julian is the one that figures it out, cause he follows Avery after she runs out to place an emergency call to Montfort to tell Cori to hang in there. He makes Avery tell Cal and we get the cute scene where she's in his office and she has a little suitcase with her, and he laughs and asks where she is going when she buries her face in his shirt. And all muffled says: I'm going to find Cori. And he laughs again and says: I see Cori, so where is she exactly? And she just kinda sniffles looks up at him and says: In Ascendant, with her mom Mare Barrow. And Cal just kinda of looks up at Julian who gives him that little smile. And then he cups Avery's face, lifts it up to look at her, and says: You're not Cori.... you're Avery? and then he puts it together. They decide to go to Ascendant to switch them back. Cal is low key a wreck all the way there, and Julian goes with them with Sara because he's low key gotta chaperone his stressed out nephew still. (Little does Cal know that Julian, Sara, Cori, and Avery all planned it so that they go to the place Mare/Fiance are looking at for their wedding, without Cal knowing what's happening, and without Mare knowing anything at all.)
5. They all end up there, They get separated from each other for a split second and when they happens, Cal ends up spotting Mare getting into an elevator with her asshole fiancé, and she literally almost falls over leaning to the side making sure she is actually seeing her ex-husband and not a ghost of him induced by her low key guilt over remarrying (especially since who she thinks is Avery has been so very opposed to it). Then Cal goes up (mind you, he may be slightly drunk cause... it's funny in the movie, so it works here) runs into both the girls, and finds out Mare is getting re-married, and they try to convince him to stop it, but he won't hear any of it, and tells them he is only there to switch them back.
6. Cal goes down ahead of the girls, and is in the bar trying to get something to deal with the raging headache he has, and who does he run into but Asshole Fiance who is so freaking excited to realize it's him because wow, political ambitions to the max there.
6. Anyway, they go down to a garden and the girls are sitting there with Julian and Sara, and Mare is literally on the HUNT for Cal. She's so confused why he's here, etc. etc. Then she spots him walking down the stairs of the garden (it can be in slow motion while he's adjusting his jacket if you like 😏) and she literally runs into someone, and ends up in a fountain. Cal pulls her out, and she's just looking up at him shocked and confused, and then the girls show up and explain what they did and Mare's just baffled until she laughs and hugs them both. They sit down, Cal gives her his jacket and they talk for a second and Mare just says: I can't believe this... seeing them together, seeing you again... I just-- And then asshole fiance shows up and is like: FINALLY! There you are! Oh um...oh good, you've met! Honey, I was just speaking with him in the bar and um, we were talking about some trade deals, and um wait, I dont understand how did you two meet? and Mare... why are you all wet? and Mare just looks at Cal and goes: you're doing a political trade deal with my fiancé? and Cal's like: i didn't know he was your fiancé? And then Mare's like hahahaha how did we meet? How did you two meet? And Fiance just goes: Am I missing something here? And Mare going: hahaha this is one small world. Cue Avery popping up near his elbow and saying: Hey. And then him sniffing and going: hello. And then Cori popping up and going: Hi, how's it going? And him having a small freak out before Mare sort of grimaces and says: Um... did I ever mention to you that Avery was a twin? And he's just totally put out and grumbles: you neglected to mention that little detail. And the girls are more than happy to introduce Cal as their dad, and fiancé just goes: well, this is a small world. And Mare just awkward grimaces and says: and getting smaller.
7. Anyway, the girls make them go on a cute little date, and they sort of talk about why they broke up and why she left, and we get my favorite dialogue exchange from any movie every made and Mare says: well, I got on an airship to Montfort, and... you didn't chase after me. And Cal just sort of leans forward and says quietly: I didn't know you wanted me to. Then we cut to the next day, they're agreeing to send the girls back and forth between them for certain things, and then low and behold their trouble making daughters show up wearing identical outfits, and the girls give them their proposal. They will tell them who is who after they go on the camping trip. (Aka the one Mare takes Avery on every year in Paradise Valley). Cal crouches down and says: This one is Cori, I'm sure of it. And the one he's point to who is actually Avery just smirks and says: Are you sure dad? You wouldn't want to take the wrong kid all the way back to Archeon would you? And then they're forced to agree to said camping trip.
8. Cue my absolute favorite part of the 1998 movie, where we cut to the fiancé going: AND WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO FOR FIVE DAYS? STAY HOME AND KNITT? And Mare just turns around and says: listen, we're in a bit of a situation here. And then Cal's coming down the stairs from the Barrow's town house with his backpack like: 🙃 I have such bad timing. And Fiancé turns around and says: hold on, why is he going? And mare's irritated as all get out so she just snorts and says: because it's part of the deal... we go on this trip... together. And then Cal walks up and being the little shit he is says: is there a problem? And the guys just looks him up and down and goes: Yes, as a matter of fact, I'm not so sure I'm okay with this. And Cal immediately knows how to make this man's life fucking miserable, so he says: Oh I completely understand. The ex in the next sleeping bag is just... so awkward. And Mare just puts her head in her hand and Cal gives this guy his best sympathetic grin and says: which is why I suggest you go with them. And the girls in the truck are like: DAD! NO! And Cal's just like: No I insist. And then the guy is walking down the stair, looking for all intents and purposely like a jackass, and Cal's behind him, already trying to contain his laughter. And the guy gets in the truck, looking annoyed as all get out, and the girls are pissed, and Mare's just looking at Cal like: I can't decide if I wanna kill you or laugh with you. And then Cal just pats the side of the truck and says: alright have fun. And the guy kinda leans across Mare and says: I mean on second thought, maybe this isn't the best idea... I mean... I"m not much a... nature person. And Cal's like mock horrified and says: No, no you really should. This is a great opportunity for you to spend time with the girls and get to know them. And then he gives that jack as his prize winning, shit eating grin and says: Cause starting next week, they're half yours. And Mare just sticks her tongue between her teeth with her smile and puts her shades on and drives away. Cue Kilorn coming up next to Cal and smirking with him and saying; Oh I would pay BIG money to see that man climb a mountain.
9. The camping trip goes miserable, they come back early cause the girls create chaos and the fiancé leaves. Delivering the key line: Once we're married, I'm shipping those BRATS off to Tiraxes. Got it? IT's me or them, take your pick.
They come up the stairs to the town house and Cal's there (wearing super comfy clothes) and is mock shocked when he says: what happened? And the Avery just goes: we've been grounded. and Corie comes up behind her saying until the end of the century. And Cal's just like: why? What happened? and Cori says: we played a couple harmless pranks, and [insert fiancé's name] got a little upset. And Mare storms up behind them and says: Upset? A little Upset? Then she glares at the girls and then at Cal and says: But like father like daughters. You're grounding starts now. And the girls go inside, and Mare just kinda stays out there, fiddling with the engagement ring she took off and says: One day I'm going to have to thank them for this. And then Mare and Cal kinda of have a cute little conversation and then that night, they have their little romantic moment where they almost kiss, but then Mare pulls back. The next day, they leave. (At this point they weren't in Ascendant, they were in a smaller Montfort city near Paradise Valley). So Mare goes home. And once she and Avery get there, they walk into their apartment, and Cori's sitting on the couch, and Mare's just like: oh... um hello. And Cori just smiles and says: it took us about two minutes after you left to realize we were never letting you go again. And Mare's like: us? And then Cal comes out, and is like: us. And Then we get my Second favorite dialogue exchange of all time where Mare goes: so what now? Am I supposed to... to say that we're going to work all this out, that we'll... fall in love again and raise out children together and cry hysterically? And Cal just pulls her close with a smile and says: Yes, to all of that. Only you dont have to cry hysterically.
Then we get happy ending cause YAY the girls won and their parents are back together. Anyway, as you can see I've thought about this AU for far too long and I actually came super close to writing it but then decided, eh better not.
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solarsunsimagines · 3 years
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Pairing: Jack Avery x genderneautral!Reader
Warnings: None
Request: Nope
It was Christmas Day, and I decided that finally after 3 years of dating, I would invite Jack to spend Christmas with us, which is perfect because after practically all flights were cancelled due to the snow storm, he has nowhere else to go anyway. He did agree to come, which was extremely exciting for me.
A few hours before Jack got there, my cousin showed up with her kid, who is honestly my best friend when she comes to visit. Her name is Faye, and she's only two, but she's really a funny kid.
As soon as she arrived, she jumped into my arms and refused to get down, so she was stuck to me for the rest of the day.
"Someone's boyfriend is here." I hear my older cousin Sean, shout from the front door, assuming it's Jack, I get off the chair - still carrying Faye - and walk over to Sean.
I spot Jack and get butterflies, I noticed that he also made a very big effort with his outfit for today -black suit. I go up to him and give him a hug and a kiss - both were a bit awkward because of Faye on my hip, and Sean standing with us, staring at us.
"Do you have to watch us like that?" I say to Sean.
"No, but I'm still gonna." I roll my eyes and turn my attention to Jack, who is looking at Faye.
"Who's this?" He asks in a cute voice.
"This is my cousins kid, Faye. Faye say hi to Jack."
She buries her head in my shoulder and mutters a small 'hi'. I laugh at her and drag Jack by the arm, into the kitchen so he can help my mom.
"Jack! Finally you're here, I'm so glad you could make it. Take off your jacket and get comfortable because you'll be here a while." Mom jokes, I smile at their interaction.
"Do you need any help?" I ask her.
"Yes actually, can you do the pigs in a blanket?"
"Definitely." I say and try to put Faye down, but of course she refuses. I walk over to Jack and hand Faye to him, surprisingly she lets him hold her, even though she still hides in his shoulder.
"You're the babysitter now." I kiss his cheek and get back to helping.
A little bit later, I walk into the lounge, and find everyone chatting, but what really catches my attention is Jack, sitting on the floor, coloring with Faye. It was the cutest sight. I smile at the moment and snap a quick picture.
I post the picture on Instagram, with the caption 'Christmas with my two favorite people'. Almost instantly people start liking the picture, but one person catches me off guard with a comment,
"Since when do you and Jack have a kid?"
I almost burst out laughing at the comment, but I compose myself before anyone notices.
I quickly reply to the comment, and put my phone on silent for the rest of the night.
"I thought they would never leave." I moan as I sit on the island, while my mom wipes down the counter.
"Me too." I giggle at her, and look over to see Jack walking into the kitchen.
"You will be staying the night, right Jack?" My mom asks him.
"Yeah of course." He smiles.
"Good, I'll go set up the guest room for you." She walks out of the kitchen as Jack walks towards me.
"So how did you enjoy babysitting?" I laugh.
"She's a cool kid, so it was more like hanging out." He says, trying to make babysitting look cool.
"I saw your post. About me and Faye, and how people thought she was ours."
"Yeah? I think I handed it quite nicely."
"You did. 'Not our kid, but in the future we'll have some of our own'. But I'm not ready for more kids." He says almost hesitantly.
"Of course you aren't, we're so young, we aren't at all ready for another one, besides Lav is all you need right now."
"Okay good, because your comment made me think that you wanted one now."
"Definitely not, I'm just focusing on us right now." I reach out my hand for his, which he kindly takes and steps closer to me.
"I'm more then okay with that." He smiles and kisses my forehead.
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averyonelovesjack · 4 years
learning to raise a baby ~ daniel seavey
requested: yes:)
Can you please do an cute imagine about y/n and Daniel having a baby together and taking care of the baby and figuring the parenting stuff out together. Ur amazing
summary: follow a few different events in the life of daniel and y/n learning to raise a baby.
warning(s): baby, literally too lazy to edit this i’ll come back later lmao
word count: 2608
author’s note: i have such baby fever omg 
disclaimer: i def need to clarify that i am 18 years old and do not have a baby and i have no close friends with babies (in person, at least) therefore this is purely fiction. i watch a LOT (i mean A LOT) of family vloggers and like teen mom accounts raising their kids, so basically all of my knowledge comes from that. i hope no one takes offence to my depiction of it, but my intention is purely just to write this cute fic idea, and i don’t want to pretend like i know anything about parenting or raising a child or anything like that!! okay that’s all!!
I could barely see my feet as I painfully took in another breath of air and started walking forward. Awoken at 3am with terrible back pain and a pool of amniotic fluid at my waist, Daniel and I now rushed to grab our hospital bag and make our way to the labor and delivery section of our nearest hospital. 
everything went so fast. before i was actively having a child, it felt like my pregnancy would never end, but now that it’s actually happening and i’m having a child, it felt like pregnancy flew by.
just a few days ago, i was sitting on the countertop in my bathroom, impatiently waiting to see if i was pregnant or not in hopes that daniel wouldn’t get home from the studio early and find me. i had just given daniel the surprise of his lifetime when i woke him up at four am to tell him i was pregnant because i just couldn’t keep it from him anymore to do a fun reveal. i remember how we both cried, too excited to even go back to sleep. 
just a few days ago, daniel and i were sitting in my obstetrician’s office as we got to hear our eight week old fetus’ heartbeat for the first time. we both cried. it feels like just a day or two ago we cut into a pink colored cake and found out that our precious baby girl would be coming. all of the breakdowns about what stroller to buy and which crib matches the nursey best felt like just moments ago. and now, all of a sudden, i’m ten hours into labor and i’m ready to push.
pushing was painful, but the thought of holding a sweet babygirl soon just kept me going. daniel squeezed my hand tight, standing by the end of the bed watching our beautiful daughter make her way into the world.
i gave the final push and soon i heard a cry that made everything in the whole world worth it. they say you never truly understand love until you’ve had a child, and as soon as i held our daughter, i felt an overwhelming sense of truth in that statement. i never knew such a distinct moment could be the greatest day of my life, but as soon as i laid my eyes on her, i knew that i would never get a day greater than this one. 
our daughter laid on my chest for a while as daniel sat by my head, holding both my hand and hers. eventually, the nurses cleaned her off a bit and wrapped her tightly in a swaddle for daniel to finally hold his daughter. i watched the tears fall from his bluer than ever eyes that never left her little face. by the way she settled in his arms and fell asleep, i knew i was going to have a daddy’s little girl on our hands. 
it felt like forever, just watching daniel and our baby getting to know each other. soon enough, though, the doctors finished with the stitches and i heard a knock at the door. 
within seconds, both of our parents came into the room, bearing wide smiles. daniel sat in the seat next to me, both of us staring at the beautiful baby in front of us. 
“does she have a name?” keri asks, slowly walking up to the two of us, careful not to be too loud. 
daniel and i look at each other, and then i give him the nod to tell everyone. “callista avery mae seavey.”
“our little baby callie.” i smile at the name. daniel and i both loved the name callie, but wanted it to be a nickname. avery was after his bandmate who really helped us through this whole preparing to be parents thing. mae was a pretty nickname from my side of the family that was good to separate avery and seavey. our little callie mae. 
it was three am and both of us were awake to callie’s loud screaming. turns out that daniel and i had a very colicky daughter who, when awake, wanted to scream at the top of her lungs. daniel was in the nursery trying to grab more diapers and wipes that, out of exhaustion, we forgot to restock last night when we ran out. i held callie in our arms, rocking her gently and trying to get her to go back to sleep. 
“does she have a dirty diaper?” daniel asks, placing the diapers in the corner of our messy bedroom. a few days into callie’s life, we realized we should’ve left the changing table in our bedroom until she was ready to sleep in the nursey, but both of us were too tired to even think about moving the furniture around. so for now the corner of the room was storage and a changing pad on the bench was our late night changing table. 
“i don’t think so.” i answer, giving him an exhausted look. “her diaper isn’t heavy and i tried to feed her, but she doesn’t seem to be hungry. i think she just woke up and is being colicky again.”
“how long did the doctor say the colic will last?” daniel asks. 
“she didn’t.” i sigh, going to take a seat on our bed as i continued to calm callie. daniel sat beside me. “go back to sleep, i got her.”
“no, i know you’ve been awake all night. try to go to sleep, i’ve got her.” daniel says, and then takes callie from me. “did you take melatonin tonight?”
“yeah.” i say. “i know your body goes through a lot of changes postpartum, but i’m really not liking the insomnia.”
“okay, well, you lay down, and i’m gonna sing to you both, okay?” daniel says and then starts to rock callie to sleep as i laid beside them. and then he started to sing softly. 
callie was born a little over three months ago and daniel and i haven’t had a date night since then. when we fearfully realized that last week, jack and anna were both quick to offer some help. we hadn’t felt comfortable leaving callie yet, especially since she wasn’t always the easiest. we had lots of help and people offering, but neither daniel nor i were good at asking for help. that’s definitely something we’re both still working on, especially now that we have a baby. 
finally though, jack and anna convinced us. originally, we were going to leave them with daniel’s parents, but anna and jack were pretty convincing. jack had lots of experience since he himself is a dad, and anna was very close with gabbie when she had lavender. jack also decided to invite zach for some more company, which was cute.
daniel and i had a hard time saying goodbye to callie, even though we really were only going to be out for two hours at most. we knew neither of us could stay away for that long. 
the restaurant wasn’t too far from the house, which was nice because it cut down on our time away from callie. i think both of us were a little nervous to leave her. we both know that she’s three months old and other people are more than capable of watching her for a few hours, but it’s still hard to not be worried about all of the things we could be missing out on.
“oh my gosh, anna just sent a picture of callie.” daniel says in the middle of our dinner, holding up his phone to show up me the picture of our daughter in the adorable pajamas her aunt bought. 
“i miss her.” i admit, knowing he was feeling similarly. “do you think they had a hard time getting her to sleep? i hope she’ll be good for them tonight.”
“i’m sure she was fine.” daniel says, then later . “you know, maybe we should skip dessert. relieve them a little early.”
“she’s growing up so fast.” i tell him. “i’m not ready for her to keep growing.”
“we’re gonna blink and she’s gonna be cursing us out because we wouldn’t let her go out with her friends.” daniel continues. “not that we would do that, because honestly, i’ve always thought we’d be a little cooler than that.”
i laugh at his comment. “oh, we’ll definitely be cooler than that. we’re not gonna be the lame strict parents that doesn’t let their kids go out with their friends.”
“oh definitely.” daniel agrees. “except i will be strict about doors open if someone is over. i don’t care who she’s in her room with, but that door better be open. i am taking no chances.”
“i feel like that’s fair.” i add. “i know we’re parents, but wow, until i think about that future, i kind of forget.”
“i’m very glad that’s a long ways away.” he comments. “i’m barely ready for her to be three months old, we do not need to get ahead of ourselves. take this parenting thing one step at a time.”
“i could not agree more.” i smile, leaning over the table to kiss daniel’s lips gently. 
i walked out of my one year old’s nursery with her in my arms. we watched as daniel and anna hung balloons up around our california apartment. it’s just about an hour before callie’s first birthday party, and now more than ever, i could not be more grateful for daniel’s family’s offer to help us set up. 
rather than fighting with figuring out food for the party, we decided to get it catered. christian and tyler offered to go pick up the food at the restaurant for us, which was extremely helpful. his parents were setting up some decorations around the front of the apartment. 
i had just put callie in her adorable dress that i specifically picked out for this party. we weren’t the type to throw parties, so we weren’t 100% sure what to do or what to expect, but we decided to just stick to family and close friends. callie was too young for us to strictly invite her friends over. at this stage in her life, her friends were whoever was at mommy&me that week. 
the party was going to be small. daniel’s family, my family, daniel’s bandmates and close friends, and then my close friends. 
thankfully, we finished decorating and setting up with about thirty minutes left to spare before the party. rather than worry, i decided to just sit on the couch with anna and daniel. keri took callie from me, wanting to spend some time with her granddaughter, and giving daniel and i a brief break before the party started. 
“i cannot believe she’s a year old.” anna exclaims to me. “you guys have been parents for a year. that’s crazy to think about.”
“it’s definitely a little bit weird.” i giggle in response. 
“you guys make it look so easy, being young parents.” anna says. “i know i’m younger than you guys, but still, i cannot imagine having a kid anytime soon.”
“i didn’t think i would either.” i tell anna. “for me, i wasn’t really ready until i met dani. i realized that i was ready because i wanted to do this with him. it’s different for everyone, i’m sure, but at least personally, that’s how i knew we could be parents.”
daniel wraps his arm around me on the couch, kissing my cheek softly. “yeah, it’s the same for me. when you find someone you want to do everything with, it gets easier to imagine yourself parenting together.”
“that is really cute.” anna says. “this is what i mean, when i say you make it look easy!!”
“it’s definitely not easy.” i laugh. “but it’s a little bit easier when you work as a team. we talk things through and decide together, instead of just making decisions separately. it’s a lot easier to feel like you’re making the right decision when you talk things through.”
“and that is all the parenting advice you get, because while i am most definitely ready to be a dad, i am not ready to be an uncle.” daniel says, getting protective over his younger sister. 
“being an uncle is way easier than being a dad.” anna laughs. “but trust me, i’m not having kids any time soon. at least not intentionally.”
“well, i have to be the cool uncle. someone’s gotta bail the kid out of jail and hide it from you.” daniel jokes.
“first of all, why would my kid go to jail??” anna asks. “and second of all, you might’ve been first in the race for cool uncle before callie arrived, but since becoming a dad, you’ve fallen behind. the cool uncle can’t have kids, that’s not how that works.”
“well i’ll break that standard, because i’ll be the cool uncle.” 
“i just want to be the aunt that gives good advice at one o’clock in the morning.” i tell them. “someone’s gotta do it. i expect that for callie, anna, so i will do that for your kids.”
“oh, of course. nothing but the best for callie. and future kids.” anna agrees. “speaking of, future kids? any thoughts on that? mom wants me to scope that out.”
“eventually.” i smile. “sooner rather than later.”
daniel took callie on a walk. he’s been really adamant about spending at least thirty minutes a day on a walk with her. now that she’s getting a lot more balance and ability to take a lot more steps, he loves taking her to the playground a few blocks from our apartment. usually, i like to go with them, but today i made up an excuse about things i had to get done at home.
i felt especially grateful for that routine of his today, because i needed a few minutes to myself. i’ve been feeling particularly nauseated recently, and as soon as i woke up the other day, i could feel that i was pregnant again. in the past, i had always thought that when i was paranoid about being late, but now that i’ve actually experienced pregnancy, i can feel that there’s a little fetus inside of me.
daniel and i haven’t exactly been trying, but we haven’t been taking as many precautions as we were when callie was first born. now that she’s over a year old, we feel better about having another baby. we weren’t too rushed, because we lot spending time with just our little girl, but we didn’t want to wait too long and have her grow up without a sibling. having a sibling was always a priority of daniel and i’s. seeing as we both grew up with siblings, we know how important it is to have a sibling. 
my stomach fluttered with butterflies as i followed the instructions on the pregnancy test. after realizing i was pregnant with callie, i had bought a ton of tests that i didn’t end up using because it was so obvious that i was indeed pregnant. that was extremely helpful for right now when i don’t have time to go sit in traffic for thirty minutes just to go to the pharmacy. 
i sat on top of the counter, leaving the pregnancy test face down while i tried to scroll through tiktok and distract myself. it was probably the slowest five minutes of my life, other than finding out about callie. 
the timer went off on my phone. i take a deep breath and carefully lift the pregnancy test off the marble bathroom counter.
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slashesotron · 4 years
Emoji Ask Meme Answers 💕
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+ a bonus doodle from yesterday 💞
Atlas, Avery, Patchouli, & Juniper answers within!
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ROMANTIC Atlas struggles a bit in terms of traditional romance, because he mostly shows his love by serving you! He’ll bring you food and drinks without being asked, take care of the household chores, and basically try to make your life as trouble free as possible.
Still, he’ll pay attention to what you like, and even do stuff like follow your tumblr / twitter / pinterest to get a better idea; don’t be surprised if those cute curry rice animals show up on your plate one day (though hardly as nice as the picture... he tried) or the pretty bouquet you pinned gets presented to you in real life!  
SLEEP This boy is a big cuddler. Even in his sleep, he’ll reach for you and snuggle up tight. He’s not picky on whether he’s big or little spoon, as long as he can feel your heartbeat.
SAD Atlas has spent most of his life mostly alone. The only family he has left is his uncle, who’s out on business most of the time, and his one good friend lives pretty far away. He’s grateful for the company and conversation when people come into the shop, but for the most part, he’s very used to doing things by himself.
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ROMANTIC Patchouli is a very heart on their sleeve type of person. They tend to be very openly affectionate and readily say ‘I love you’... but mostly they show it through touch. Hand holding, shoulder squeezes, butt paps, cuddling, nuzzles. . . you name it, if they can reach you, you’re gettin’ it.
BEDROOM Atlas - The aesthetic in there is, very surprisingly I’m sure, black; the frames are black, the bug enclosures are black, his unmade bedding. There are band posters on the walls, most variously beat up, clippings from old magazines, flyers for concerts. All the logos are very spiky.
Aside from his bed, though, it’s actually pretty tidy. A bookcase filled with books, a desk with a computer; it’s lived in, but hardly messy. There are candles too, unlit, and some bleached animal skulls. One on something that might be an altar. It smells like old incense. There are also framed bug displays on the walls, various beetles, butterflies, moths, all sorts of things.
Taking up a lot of the room are terrariums and enclosures of various sizes, which house hissing cockroaches, a horned beetle, a praying mantis, a walking stick, a couple tarantulas, a very very big snail, and a pair of giant millipedes.
An electric guitar sits in a stand in a corner; a sleek, matte black, spiky thing, with bright chrome accents and a leather strap.
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Patchouli - Their room is a bit similar to Ren’s, albeit with a darker (but mixed) aesthetic. Anime and nerd stuff, plushies, a bed that’s almost a nest with the amount of pillows and blankets on it. There’s a desk with a computer, a couple of video game consoles (including handhelds), art stuff. . . it’s usually very tidy.
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Atlas will never touch you without permission, unless he’s so out of his mind he can’t help it. He does have the natural inclination to, say, grab your hips if you’re on top, but he’ll stop himself every time unless you’ve told him not to. The reason for this is the same as why he won’t make the first move; all power in the dynamic belongs to you, and this comes so naturally to him he would never question it. That’s not to say you can’t train him to ravish you, because you absolutely can - it’ll just take him some time to overcome his aversion to handling you that way, because at first it feels wrong.
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Aside from playing guitar, caring for his bugs, and making insect displays, Atlas does some vulture culture stuff if he happens to find a good specimen... he also likes to hang out with / feed wild bugs. Catch him sitting on the forest floor surrounded by 800 snails after a rain. He just thinks they’re neat... 🐌
Atlas isn’t very vain, and his daily routine doesn’t involve a lot of preening. Every now and then, though, it’s time for his nails to be re-painted, especially since machining parts tends to chip his polish pretty bad (though he likes it a bit chipped anyway). It’s a relaxing process for him. He takes the time to do it nicely, and he’s pretty good at it from years of practice... then he makes sure they get the time to dry properly by watching a movie. It’s kind of his version of a spa day.
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As we know, Avery can’t ever get mad at his beloved, even if they do the things that would normally set him off into Stage VI (unless you really, really pushed your luck)... but other people aren’t so lucky. More than once, Avery has come out of a fugue state to find his knuckles bloody and a crumpled body in front of him- usually somewhere far less secluded than he’d like. 
It’s fine.
Avery LOVES cooking, especially if it’s for his beloved! He usually puts music on and sings while he works, and if you come within grabbing range you might get danced with! He loves to have your company, even if he doesn’t need help (and he usually doesn’t). Just be careful not to distract him too much or dinner will get burned... again.
Genuinely I don’t know what I could write about Avery sexually that I haven’t touched on already 🤔 I’m THINKIN’.... 
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Juni doesn’t really have any family! Unless you count the legions of Hell, of course. And they very much aren’t interested in starting a family of their own- unless that means a whole bunch of MC pets ;3
Sometimes, when Juniper’s bored, they’ll go out at dusk and find someone wandering somewhere secluded, like in the forest or by the railroad tracks... and go all out with a very enthusiastic murderfuck. Usually these are later called horrific animal attacks, but it leaves everyone who sees it shaken. No animal attack they’ve seen looked like that. There were intestines in the branches seven feet away...  
Juniper paints on the walls of their cabin... on old pizza boxes... on the floor, sometimes. And maybe even on you! 💕 Naturally, this usually ends up leading to spicier things, and paint on you both.
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Another big big cuddler. He’s almost aggressive in his sleep, tangling you into his limbs inescapably and burying his face in your neck. Gods be with you if you wake up and have to pee. When he sleeps alone, he tends to sprawl and take up the whole bed, and ends up messing up the blankets. He sleeps like the dead on account of being perpetually sleep deprived! 
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carissalizz · 4 years
Upstead Valentine's Love Song Challenge ❤️
14th Feb 2021: Valentine's Day!!
3 year old Avery Lynne Halstead came running towards the kitchen when the smell of bacon wafted through the air. She rounded the corner and saw her dad standing over the stove, flipping what looked like her favourite. Pancakes. "Daddy! Daddy!"
Jay turned around and scooped up the little girl in his arms. "Good morning, princess" he smiled and kissed her on the cheek. "Good mowing daddy. Is pancakes?" Jay chucked at his daughter's pronunciation. Avery was still learning how to pronounce words but she sounded too cute. "Yes, pancakes with bacon and a yogurt parfait. It's Valentine's day and these are your mom's favourite breakfast foods."
"Va-wen-ties day." Avery sounded out. "What?"
"Valentine's day is the day of love. I love mommy very much so today will be special for her." Jay replied as he continued to cook breakfast while carrying little Aves. "How mommy daddy love?" She asked and all Jay could do was smile. He put Avery down but dragged her stool for her to stand on.
"Well Aves, I met your mommy when we were both working. Grandpa Hank's team was there and mommy was on a different team back then. She came and tried to take control but she ended up joining our team to help us. She then stayed and we became partners. Mommy's eyes were so blue and beautiful, that was all I could think after meeting her. Then, when we started working together, daddy and mommy worked super well together. Mommy is so brave and strong when she's at work, yet she is so caring and gentle when she's at home with us. I love that about her."
"Mommy's the best mommy!" Avery exclaimed, loving the story her dad was telling her. They moved towards the kitchen island now that Jay finished cooking and was plating everything.
"Yes she is, baby. Her personality is beautiful. After 4 years of working with her, I finally told mommy how I felt. Actually, she told me first and then we kissed. It felt like magic, you know. Then after a few months, I asked mommy to marry me. I love her so much and when she said yes, I cried."
"Daddy happy cry!" She learnt that from her mom. " Is mommy capey?" Avery pointed to the mug on the counter.
"Mmhm, daddy's going to make mommy her coffee. Everyday since we started working together, I always got coffee for mommy." Jay smiled at that memory, getting coffee with his girl everyday at their favourite cafe before going into work or getting her one on the way in.
The pair continued to prepare the breakfast tray for Hailey that they didn't notice the woman standing in the hallway. She too smelled the food and got up to take a look. What she didn't expect was to hear her husband tell their daughter all about their relationship. It honestly melted her heart that the father-daughter duo were so close, something she didn't have but was glad that her daughter did. They were almost done with breakfast, and knowing what day it was, the older blonde snuck back into the room and laid in bed as she heard the door creak open.
"Happy Valentine's Day mommy!!"
"Wow! Thank you baby girl!" Hailey hugged Avery, who launched herself into her mom's arms, and kissed her on the head.
"Happy Valentine's Day Hails" Jay set the tray of food on the nightstand and made his way to his two girls, careful not to spill any food. Avery got enough of hugging for the morning and wiggled out of her parents' embrace. Jay took this opportunity to capture his wife's lips in a tender kiss, showing her that he still loved her the same as all those years ago, maybe even more. "I love you, so much" he whispered as the broke apart and all Hailey could do was smile as her ocean eyes watered.
"Mommy happy cry?" Avery came as she saw Jay wipe her mom's tears.
"Yes baby, happy cry. Mommy's so happy and so lucky to have you and daddy to celebrate this day of love with."
Jay brought the food over and the family of 3 ate, thoroughly enjoying Jay's cooking. Who'd thought? Jay Halstead, cooking...
"You know" Hailey started, Avery too distracted to notice her parents in conversation. "I heard everything you said earlier to Aves..." Jay's face turned into one of surprise but before he could comment, his partner continued. "Thank you for all the years we spent together. You make me feel as loved as I felt in that bar when you first kissed me. And I will do my best to let you feel all of my love because you deserve the world, Jay Halstead."
Jay beamed, unable to control himself and kissed her once again. They only broke apart when Avery snuggled in between them.
Every year, Hailey Anne Halstead said that that was the best Valentine's Day ever, and this year was no different. With her beloved husband and their beautiful daughter, a perfect blend of the 2 detectives, she definitely was one lucky girl.
Beautiful Crazy by Luke Combs
Make You Feel My Love by Adele
Beyond by Leon Bridges
Day 7 (aka the final day) of @upsteadofficial's song prompt challenge. I had so much fun coming up with little one shots and experimenting with different styles in this challenge :) Thank you for supporting hehe.. I didn't think I'd make it to the end so thank you very much! Happy Valentine's Day to all and I hope you enjoyed this too!! 🤗🥰💙🙆‍♀️
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