#wlw flynn
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misaswif3 · 8 months ago
i don’t understand why men have to be such assholes
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munsonsfairy · 10 months ago
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alright, blondie 🌞💐⭐️✨💟
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potchi-fics · 3 months ago
caitvi tangled au
          this is the story of how i died. don’t worry, this is actually a very fun story. and the truth is, it isn’t even mine. this is the story of a girl named, 
and it starts with the sun.
          now, once upon a time, a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens. and from this small drop of sun, grew a magic golden flower. it had the ability to heal the sick, and the injured. oh, and there’s this old woman, you might want to remember her— she’s kind of important. 
well, centuries passed and a hop, skip and a boat ride away grew a kingdom. the kingdom was ruled by a beloved king and queen. and the queen, well, she was about to have a baby; but she got sick. really sick. she was running out of time, and that’s when the people usually start to look for a miracle. or in this case, a magic golden flower. 
this old woman, named mother gothel, hoarded its healing power and used it to keep herself young for hundreds of years. and all she had to do was sing a special song. 
flower, gleam, and glow,
let your power shine.
make the clock reverse,
bring back what once was mine,
what once was mine.
alright, you get the gist. she sings to it, she turns young. creepy, right? told you she’d be important. 
          as mother gothel finishes her special song, she hears distant voices approaching to where she’s kneeling. Hurriedly, she covers the magical flower with a bush, however, in her hurry to leave the scene, her lamp bumps into the cover and exposes the magical flower. and just as she was about to be spotted, she disappeared— her green light fading into the darkness and a yellow one replacing the night. 
a guard yells out, “we found it!” his lamp illuminating his face.
without wasting time, they quickly dug around the flower, careful to not hit any stem. they lift it carefully as mother gothel watches in frustration behind the untamed shrubs of the forest where they make their way back to the castle to bring it to their king and queen. they placed the flower in a bowl filled with water, letting it be soaked, and with tender actions, the king led the edge of the bowl into the queen’s mouth, letting her drink it. 
          the magic of the golden flower healed the queen. a healthy baby girl, a princess was born, with beautiful dark navy blue hair. i’ll give you a hint, that’s caitlyn. to celebrate her birth, the king and queen launched a flying lantern into the sky. and for that one moment, everything was perfect. and then that moment ended. 
flower, gleam, and glow,
                  a wrinkly hand darts out to touch the glowing hair of the sleeping baby.
let your power shine.
                 the magic turned that wrinkly hand to that of a young woman, making mother gothel smile sinisterly down at her. the glow from caitlyn’s hair bouncing on her youthful face.
make the clock…
              the snip of scissors, followed by her gasping out the word reverse, interrupted her song— stunned that caitlyn’s hair turned black once cut. she stares at her hand with a horrified look as she turns old once again. she grabs caitlyn, and sneaks off onto the balcony, taking one last look at the startled king and queen, before jumping off with the baby in her arms.
gothel broke into the castle, stole the child, and just like that, gone!
          the kingdom searched and searched, but they could not find the princess. for deep within the forest, in a hidden tower, gothel raised the child as her own. teaching caitlyn the special song as she brushes her luscious dark locks, successfully manipulating the little girl. gothel has found her new magic flower, but this time, she was determined to keep it hidden. 
caitlyn innocently asks mother gothel, her back turned against her as her hair gets brushed, “why can’t i go outside?”
“the outside world is a dangerous place, filled with horrible, selfish people. you must stay here, where you’re safe.” gothel continues to brush her hair, tenderly using the nickname she gave her, “do you understand, flower?”
“yes, mommy.”
          but the walls of that tower could not hide everything. each year, on her birthday, the king and queen released thousands of lanterns into the sky in hope that one day their lost princess would return. 
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jinxekkotimebomb · 3 days ago
The original Shauna Shipman.
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venush0llows · 11 days ago
need a caitvi tangled fic somebody pleaseee think of the potential
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bearygoldie · 11 months ago
Cute little Cassunzel thingy I drew (and by drew I mean put together a bunch of screenshots of Cass and Raps and traced them cuz I had a vision and my drawing skills are not up to par with that😭). Hope you love it!💗
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hehe i love it, i hope you do too🫶
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forsapphics · 1 year ago
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CONVERSATIONS WITH FRIENDS (2022) · S01, E12: Episode 12 — dir. Lenny Abrahamson
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ricelacethrust · 5 months ago
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caught this ebay listing and theyre just looking at each other .... lesbianly ‼️
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iamfarfromvibingrightnow · 1 year ago
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Julie's reactions to their budding romance is something that can be so personal
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misaswif3 · 7 months ago
i’ve never been the type of girl people miss
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snowflakewolf1285 · 30 days ago
Phineas and Ferb OC - Charlotte Flynn (Estelle)
I’ve seen a lot of people make designs for their version of Phineas and Candace’s bio dad/parent. And while Lawrence will forever be their one true father, I wanted to give it a shot for fun. Except, I decided to attempt something a bit different than what I’ve seen some other people do.
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This is Charlotte! I’ve had her as an idea for a while, and decided to finally showcase her. I gave her some more of Candace’s attributes while also hinting to some Phineas (pointy nose). She has a very calm and easygoing personality and is very caring. She majored in astronomy and has a love for all things space. She can speak English/French and has a bit of an accent (come on, we all know Linda has a thing for foreign nerds). She and Linda met in college since they had similar majors, and fell in love overtime. Eventually, they got married and later had the kids.
I would love to explain more about her but this post would be super long if I did. So, if you’re curious about Charlotte and want to learn more about her, her interactions/relationships with other characters, and more, send in some questions! I’d love to answer them and maybe throw in some doodles alongside them.
Please keep questions and comments respectable ^^
Note: As for why Charlotte’s head isn’t, you know, a triangle: I’m going with the idea that if the episodes that feature Phineas and Ferb’s past ancestors are canon, then Phineas’s triangular head would come from Linda’s side of the family (I think?)
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inezrable · 10 months ago
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potchi-fics · 3 months ago
the tower (part two of caitvi tangled au)
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          the peaceful day was ruined when caitlyn suddenly opened the window of her tower, exclaiming a little ‘aha’, running a hand through her head and resting on the side of her neck, her eyes looking suspiciously on the corner of the window, landing on a not suspicious chameleon hiding behind a plant pot.
she hums out, “well, i guess rifel’s not hiding out here.” her voice gets quieter as she seems to walk away.
          rifel, the cheeky chameleon he is, lets out a noise of victory, his yellow face holding out a grin, his entire body covered in brown except his blue belly to blend in with the pot. but that only lasted a second though because a few strands of hairs wrapped around his tail before quickly pulling him up. the reptile lets out what seems a scream of surprise, hanging upside down and facing an upside down caitlyn as well, scaring him to green.
“gotcha. that’s twenty-two for me.” her eyes excited and gleaming with her own victory, she returns to the ground, letting the poor animal down slowly, “how about twenty-three out of twenty-five?”
          rifel could only stare at her with an annoyed look, tired of playing the same game over and over again. caitlyn, hands on her hips, staring back at him. 
“okay. what do you want to do?” she takes a seat at the window, rifel perks up and his tail points excitedly outside of the tower, “yeah, i don’t think so. i like it in here, and so do you.” she maneuvers herself so that her feet are dangling on the edge of the window. she points her finger at her towards the end of her sentence and rifel retaliates by sticking out his tongue, she tries to convince the chameleon. “oh come on, rifel, it’s not so bad in there.”
          she carries him on her palm, going back in her tower, running across the room— her hair following behind. and so her day begins: at seven AM, she’s doing her chores: sweep until the floor is clean, polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up. and of course, sweep again and by then, it’s seven-fifteen. all done with her chores, she’ll read a book, or maybe two or three; considering that’s her only books. she’ll add a few new paintings to her gallery afterward, she’ll also play guitar and knit and cook basically wondering when will her life begin.
she’ll indulge herself with puzzles and darts and bake after her lunch. do paper-mache, a bit of ballet, and chess. she’s not done yet, she’ll do pottery, ventriloquy, and candle-making. then she’ll stretch, maybe sketch, take a climb, even sew a dress for rifel. then she’ll reread the books if she has time to spare. she’ll paint the wall some more, she’s sure there’s room for somewhere. and then she’ll brush and brush and brush and brush her hair— stuck in the same place she’s always been. and she’ll keep wondering and wondering and wondering and wondering: when will her life begin?
she runs back to her window, the thought of the floating lights appearing, makes her curiosity deepen more, because it always happens on her birthday. walking to the painting she made, taking a brush in her hand and adding minute details, asking herself if her mother might let her go for the first time to see the floating lights. 
          sliding off rooftops, jumping from pillar to pillar, sweat drips down the side of her head as she makes her way to the top of the structure. carefully balancing herself on the ledges, the height not scaring her, vi, as well as two other accomplices: twins. they look exactly alike except one has an eye patch. the three made their way to their destination.
“wow, i could get used to a view like this.” vi soaks in the view from the top of the building, not caring that she’s meters high.
a gruff voice calls out to her, “rider, come on.”
“hold on,” she brings up a hand to shush them, not even bothering to look back, “yep, i’m used to it.” she puts her hands on her hips, a sly grin forming on her face, “guys, i want a castle.”
“we do this job, you can buy your own castle.”
          he grabs vi by the scuff of her shirt, roughly pulling her so that they can do the “job”, not letting vi utter another word. they tie a rope around her waist, securing it nicely before dropping her down the window, with the two supporting her weight. 
once she was able to put the crown in her bag, a guard sneezes.
her chin resting on the palm of her hand, with the other grasping the satchel, “hay fever?”
he responded, briefly looking back at her, “yeah.” realizing it was her, he turned to do a double look, “huh? wait, hey, wait!”
          but she’s gone. with her feet only being spotted by the dumbfounded guard. the three thieves run like their lives depended on it.
“can’t you picture me in a castle of my own? because i certainly can.” they sped up, with her running between the twins, heading for the forest. “all the things we’ve seen, and it’s only eight AM in the morning. gentlemen, this is a very big day!”
“this is it,” rifel sitting on the side of the box that contains her paint, caitlyn talked to him, “this is a very big day, rifel.” he jumped on her forearm, nodding his head as if he understood, “i’m finally going to do it. i’m going to ask her.” her gaze determined, she feels him run to her shoulder.
          mother gothel’s voice echoes, resulting in caitlyn gasping in suspense.
“let down your hair.” she sings happily.
she looks at rifel, “it’s time.” he stares mischievously, a smile occupying his derpy face, “i know, i know. come on, don’t let her see you.” she puts him on the wall, letting him change the colors that allow him to blend with the wall. 
“caitlyn!” gothel calls out for her once more, “i’m not getting younger down here.”
caitlyn spots her mother down on the ground, her hood covering most of her face, “coming, mother.”
          she hooks her hair and throws it out the window. gothel catches the tip of her hair and wraps it around her hand, grabbing it onto the hair, she makes a makes-shift step so that caitlyn can pull her up. caitlyn lets out some quiet grunts as she pulls gothel up, but years of doing the same thing made her build up strength. it takes a couple of seconds but she did pull her up the tower.  
caitlyn, though out of breath, greets gothel, “hi, welcome home, mother.”
“ugh, caitlyn,” gothel removes her hood, exclaiming in astonishment, “how you manage to do that every single day without fail. it looks absolutely exhausting, darling.” gothel runs her hand down caitlyn face.
“oh,” caitlyn chuckles, albeit still panting a little bit, “it’s nothing.”
gothel boops her nose, indirectly insulting her, “then i don’t know why it takes so long.” but she heartily laughs afterward, “oh, darling, i’m just teasing.”
          caitlyn looks down with an unknown look, still chuckling to shake the comment off. she gathers herself, bracing her shoulders, a smile coming back on her face.
“so, mother, as you know, tomorrow is a very big day,” they walk to stand in front of a mirror, she didn’t get to say anything more.
“caitlyn, look in that mirror,” gothel pulls caitlyn by the shoulder, “you know what i see? i see a strong, confident, beautiful, young lady.” taking a second to admire the mirror. “oh, look, you’re here, too.” once again, with the backhanded comments— gothel laughs it off again. “i’m just teasing. stop taking everything so seriously.”
          gothel elbows caitlyn— strong enough to make her sway to the side, before gawking at herself in the mirror, pulling back her eyes and assessing her teeth— grey streaks of hair prominent on her head.. pushing through, caitlyn ignores all of it, she has one goal set in her mind.
“okay. so, mother, as i was saying, tomorrow is…” 
gothel glares at her hand after noticing the slight wrinkles, “caitlyn, mother’s feeling a little run-down. would you sing for me, dear? then we’ll talk.”
desperate now, caitlyn rushes to set up a chair, “oh, of course, mother.”
          she pushes gothel down to her seat, runs to get her brush, and rushes to finish the song. wait’s from mother gothel try to slow her down but it was no use. before she knows it, a puff of hair blows at her, making her look younger again: the wrinkles gone, the streaks of grey gone.
caitlyn rushes to get in her face, “so, mother, earlier i was saying tomorrow is a big day, and you didn’t respond. so i’m just gonna tell you, it’s my birthday.” she laughs and leans her head on gothel’s bicep, “ta-da!”
“no, no, no, can’t be,” she gently removes caitlyn from her, attempting to dismiss her daughter’s oncoming proposal, “i distinctly remember, your birthday was last year.”
“that’s the funny thing about birthdays. they’re kind of an annual thing,” caitlyn cheekily replies, nervousness lacing her words. she sighs, sitting back down, “mother, i’m turning eighteen, and i wanted to ask… what i really want for this birthday.” she plays with her hair now, beginning to mumble, “actually what i wanted for quite a few birthdays now…”
“caitlyn, please, stop with the mumbling.” she scolds caitlyn, her eyes rolling, “you know how i feel about the mumbling. blah-blah-blah-blah.” gothel’s hand mimics a mouth yapping. “it’s very annoying. i’m just teasing, you’re very adorable. i love you so much, darling.” she pinches her daughter’s cheek and boops her nose to show that she’s only joking.
          caitlyn’s face morphs into sadness, like a kicked puppy and she hears rifel squeak, offering comfort. she looks at him and she sees him waving his tiny hand to encourage her to try more. she hesitates but she blurts it out.
“i want to see the floating lights.”
gothel chuckles in surprise, the exclaim making her pause from picking up an apple, “what?”
“i was hoping you’d take me to see the floating lights.” she stands up to show gothel the painting she made: it’s caitlyn sitting on top of a tree, with her hair flowing down to the ground, while watching the floating lights.
“oh, you mean the stars.”
“that’s the thing,” she throws her hair up to the hook of a window on their ceiling, pulling it open, letting sunlight seep through, “i’ve charted stars, and they’re always constant. but these,” she gestures to her painting, “they appear every year on my birthday, mother. only on my birthday. and i can’t help but feel like they’re meant for me. i need to see them mother. and not just from my window, in person. i have to know what they are.” her eyebrows furrow in desperation, hands clasped.
gothel scoffs, closing the opened window to where she came in earlier, “you want to go outside? why, caitlyn…” she walks to caitlyn and twirls her, patting her head lightly, “look at you, as fragile as a flower. still a little sapling, just a sprout. you know why we stay up in this tower…”
“i know, but…”
“that’s right. to keep you safe and sound, dear.” she caresses caitlyn’s soft locks. she dramatically puts the back of her hand on her forehead, pulling the curtain close, dimming the tower, “guess i always knew this day was coming. knew the soon you’d want to leave the nest.” she walks up the stairs, “soon but not yet.”
caitlyn attempts to get a word in but gothel shushes her, “shh. trust me, pet. mother knows best.” she slams her hips, the vibration making the lever go down and closing the window caitlyn opened prior before— now, darkness enveloped the entire tower. caitlyn lights up a candle, “mother knows best. listen to your mother.” posing as a scary monster, caitlyn sees her and screams, “it’s a scary world out there. mother knows best. one way or another, something will go wrong, i swear.”
          caitlyn, ever the innocent and naive teen she is, is starting to believe what her mother is saying to her.
“ruffians, thugs, poison ivy, quicksand,” gothel portrayed those using objects that is similar to shadow art. “cannibal and snakes, the plague.”
she looks at her left to find her mother showing a scary face while holding a green lantern, she screams, “no!”
“also large bugs, men with pointy teeth,” caitlyn falls down due to gothel pushing her using a mop, letting her see the ‘men with pointy teeth’ she painted on the floor, “and stop! no more, you’ll just upset me.” once again with the dramatics, gothel sits on the floor while leaning back and putting her hand on her forehead.
          caitlyn wrapped herself in her hair, making a cocoon, with a candle in front of her. her gaze looks around wildly, truly terrified of what mother is telling her.
“mother’s right here. mother will protect you.” she lulls her into a feigned sense of comfort, pulling her up. she opens her arms for caitlyn, “darling, here’s what i suggest…”
          she hugs her ‘mother’ only to find out that it’s a mannequin. she sees the real one walking down the stairs theatrically, candles on each step.
“skip the drama, stay with mama,” she puts out every single candle, their home turning dark again before she appears under what seem a spotlight, she opens her arms, “all i have is one request.”
          caitlyn runs into her mother’s arms and this time, it’s real. she feels gothel’s arms around her, grounding her, and one hand moving to pet her dark navy blue hair.
“yes?” she pulls away from gothel, slightly looking down at her mother.
gothel’s gaze holds strictness, “don’t ever ask to leave this tower again.”
“yes, mother,” her voice fades out softly, feeling her mother’s hands on her shoulders tighten.
“oh,” mother gothel affectionately tell her, “i love you very much, dear.”
“i love you more.”
gothel gently pulls her head down, kissing the crown of her head, “i love you most. don’t forget it, you’ll regret it— mother knows best.” she’s leaving the tower again, using caitlyn’s hair to go down, “ta-ta! i’ll see you in a bit, my flower!”
“i’ll be here,” she walks to the window, sitting and resting her chin on her arms, gazing down on the ground with a longing look.
          and just like that, the idea of her leaving the tower gets shut down. with her hair still swaying in the wind.
          back to the thieves— vi pants, coming to a halt beside a tree, gasping out in horror at what she’s seeing. it’s her in a wanted poster.
she rips it off the tree, “oh, no. no, no, no, no, no. this is bad. this is very, very bad. this is really bad.” the twins, their hands on their knees, chest heaving, stares at her in reply. “they just can’t get my nose right.” she shows them, her face displaying that of someone who just got their heart broken.
“who cares?”
“well, it’s easy for you to say,” vi responded back sassily, her eyes rolling, “you guys look amazing.”
          she stares in envy at the portration of the twins but her attention is caught by a faint neighing of horses. she looks back and the guards have caught up to them. without a second thought, they run again. turning and turning to lose their trail, adrenaline pumping into their veins. however, they stop when they see that they end up at a dead end.
“all right. okay. give me a boost and i’ll pull you up.” vi starts, 
the twins look at each other, “give us the satchel first.”
“wha…” vi looks at them betrayed, “i just.. i can’ believe that after all we’ve been through together, you don’t trust me?” ending her sentence with a hand on her chest.
          she doesn’t get much of a response from them, they just stare at her like they are done with her shit. letting out the word ‘ouch’, she grudgingly gives them the satchel. one twin stands on his brother's shoulders, allowing vi to climb them like a monkey. she intentionally steps on the twin’s head, successfully reaching the top.
his hand reaches out, “now help us up, pretty boy.”
“sorry,” she flashes them her foxy smirk, showing them the satchel. “my hands are full.”
“what?” he pats down his body, “rider!”
          long gone now, vi almost slips making a hard turn, the mossy and wet mud tainting her boots—behind her are four guards mounted on horses, chasing her down. 
the general, or atleast vi is assuming he’s the general, shouted at his men, “retrieve that satchel at any cost!”
“yes, sir!” the soldiers obeyed, holding crossbows. 
          vi was able to duck under a fallen tree just in time to avoid five arrows being shot at her. she looked back at them for a second, tensing that they really were gonna do anything to get the satchel. the forest seems like a blur to her, the speed and intensity of it all, the arrows flying past her, digging into trees, anything— she’s hysterical now.
“we got her now, maximus.” the general spoke to his horse.
          thinking quickly, vi uses a vine to launch herself high in the air. she circles back and spots him, using her momentum to kick the general off his horse. she laughs triumphantly at this and grabs his reins. but the horse notices her rather quickly, stopping in its tracks. they look at each other.
vi grunts out in frustration, lightly kicking him, “come on, fleabag! forward!” the horse, maximus, eyes the satchel and tries to bite it to get it back. “no. no!” maximus thrashes around wildly, buckling and still biting for the bag; victoriously getting a chomp,  “stop it! stop it! give it back! give it to me! give me that!”
          due to the force, it gets sent up in the air and lands at a perfectly convenient spot: a tree that is hanging horizontally off of a cliff, and the satchel landed right on the very edge of the tree, hanging on a tiny, slim branch. perfect convenient spot.
they race to it, pushing one another, hitting, et cetera. vi almost falls but she manages to grab the trunk, clinging to it like her depended on it— well, it did. maximus’ hooves thumps against the trunk, aiming at her hands and legs that is wrapped around the tree. that goes on until she’s near the satchel but she sees it slipping off; going faster, she barely gets there in time but she grabs it before it falls.
a smiles adorns her face, it was quickly wiped off when they hear the tree make a noise. it snaps off and a scream from a human and a neigh from the horse fills the vast forest. a rock sticking out, breaks the tree off in two. they should be dead but no, the mountain they fell off gave them the chance to roll instead, saving their lives. maximus shakes himself off and smells the ground, trotting past a big rock—vi is hiding behind it. the things she’s seen today, truly. she keeps an eye out, hands looking for a wall to lean on but instead, she nearly falls.
vi hears maximus in the distance, so she opts to part the hanging leaves, entering the secret cave. she hurriedly hides behind the stones, the silhouette of the horse making an appearance. maximus leaves and she sees it: the tower. caitlyn’s tower. 
using arrows, she climbs the tall tower, using the crevices of the stones to dig the heads of the arrows. her muscles burned, and she is running out of breath, but she did it. she reached the window. climbing inside and closing it, she takes the satchel into her hands and opens it.
“alone at last.”
but a clang of a skillet pan rings throughout the tower. she falls face first and behind her reveals a terrified caitlyn. holding the said skillet.
note: not proof read
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lnternchaos · 7 months ago
rapunzel and merida (my fav princesses) 🌼🏹
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shipp so good they live in totally different universes 🍃🍃 I remember when I was younger and I used to see those random crossovers (like jack frost x elsa; merida x hiccup; rapunzel x mavis ) so this is my contribution ;p (I shipp eugene&raps btw)
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closeee also ah omg brave and tangled are completely masterpieces 🧚🏽‍♀️
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imembarressedsohere · 5 months ago
Flynn x Carrie Edit.
also on instagram
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growing-past-me · 2 years ago
They really gave that gay ass fish a wife named Yona 💀💀💀
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