#wl flower
astragatwo · 1 year
sooo about project moon requests can you draw flower from wonderlab if you read this lobotomy corp comic?
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I think I've read Wonderlab a minimum of 6 times
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dairyfreenugget · 5 months
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(Alt text under read more)
Many times I've written scenarios where PK lays curled up around PV when they're sick or hurt (either physically or emotionally), or simply just bonding and lounging together as wyrms do. Finally decided to draw how I imagine how in the hell he's able to curl up around them with their height difference. The answer: Compress! That! Bug!
Plus, that stretch that cats do, with their legs stretched out and covering their muzzles with their paws? So cute, I imagine PV does that often
ID start: A pencil on paper doodle of the Pale King and The Hollow Knight / Pure Vessel from Hollow Knight. The Hollow Knight is curled up into a tight ball, their arms pressed close to their chest and legs pulled up close to their torso, with one leg tucked under their left arm. They're laying against their father, The Pale King, who lays with his tail curled around them, arms crossed over his chest and glaring at the viewer or somebody just off-screen. End ID.
ID start: A pencil on paper doodle of the Pale King and The Hollow Knight / Pure Vessel from Hollow Knight. The Pure Vessel is stretching while laying on their back, their muzzle pulled in close to their chest with their hands laid on top of it, and their legs outstretched. They're leaning against their father, The Pale King, who lays curled up around them with his head laid on his arms, one of his eyes barely open as he looks at his child. End ID.
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
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Pretty girl doodle drop
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cookieofearthbread · 5 months
@milk-and-trickery (White Lily and Blueberry Yogurt)
White Lily had wandered towards the Silver Tree before stopping in front of it and stared at it for awhile as her expression was unreadable and the hero was deep in thought.
Ever since she became the new guardian of the Silver Tree; she's been doing everything she could to learn as much as possible about the power gifted to her by the late faerie king…
Wanting to know everything about it to fill and satisfy the curiosity that plagued her dough.
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That’s when she discovered that she could peek inside of the tree; taking a glance inside of the prison if her heart desired it and with that piece of information discovered.
She couldn’t stop thinking about it as the cookie began to wonder what the prison was like inside of the tree and if it would allow her to take a peek at the other beasts as the only thing she got close was the silhouette paper puppets that the jester used in his play.
Thus, the visit to the Silver Tree to see if she could perform the magic.
She carefully placed her hand on the trunk, feeling the humming sound from the silver tree, before taking a deep breath and closing her eyes to focus. She knew it was dangerous but she just needed to know. Her mind would never rest until she got answers to her questions.
When White Lily opened her eyes; she found herself in what she could only simply describe as a black void and looking down on herself showed that she took on a ghostly appearance as her body was half transparent.
No doubt it was because she wasn’t truly inside the seal.
Regardless, White Lily wandered around to see if there was anything more to the prison instead the black void as surely that wasn’t it and a beast cookie had to be somewhere around even if she wasn’t planning to talk to them.
After all, why should she talk to them, especially Shadow Milk Cookie? Who would no doubt would not be happy to see her in the slightest.
Soon, the ancient hero sensed a presence nearby, causing her to wipe around, her eyes narrowing sharply, prepare to take a defense position, when she saw a glimpse of blue, however her expression shifted to a blank one when instead of the jester’s attic; the cookie was more regal in appearance.
It reminded her of a teacher or a scholar.
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“Who are you?” She asked, her tone firm and her expression returning to the sharpness, and the hero held her staff out to create distance between them, as despite the scholar appearance; the other did resemble the jester’s appearance to a certain degree, which put her on edge.
Was it Shadow Milk Cookie or another cookie?
Although that would beg the question that if this wasn’t Shadow Milk Cookie then who was he?
And why were they in the seal?
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sakitenmaenjoyer · 3 months
trying to plan future pulls is agony bc there's no shot im gonna have enough crystals for all of this. also i'll have to skip a lot of banners i love :(((
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kurtbrussels · 2 years
back in middle school, part of the wonderland torment in my story was everyone misgendering and deadnaming alice while trying to convince her she is someone else until it finally got to her
and now that im older i realize it was.. pretty distasteful.. but i feel like theres still a good idea in there somewhere i just dont know how to form it
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I've been staying up late and I came up with three different aus in one night, this is one of them!
I call it "Early Awakening".
In context, It's an Au where Pure Vanilla, Hollyberry, Dark Cacao and Golden Cheese end up becoming beasts, Pure Vanilla decides to use his new power to see the future, but sees how White Lily ends and Dark Enchantress is born.
So the new four beasts decide to keep the flower in a golden cage, they love her, so they won't harm her, but they will keep her prisoner.
This happens when they just got the Soul Jam, which were infected with corruption, and found kingdoms, White Lily is not corrupted or anything.
And meet White Lily, the consort of the beast.
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Being the consort, the main desire of the beasts is that she be the mother of their heirs.
WL is most of the time locked up in the PV castle, although sometimes she is moved to another kingdom with another beast.
She gave birth to Royalberry and Dark Choco, she loves them very much.
WL wants everything to be like before.
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merci-bitch · 1 year
I need some headcanons with Olivia Benson 🤧
hi, been a while haha. Got lots of these I’m trying to work through, thank you all for being patient <3
It’s a bit long, whoops
gotta love Livy love
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- Alright so
- You two weren’t meant to be a thing
- But as Noah says, “Fate!”
- He’s you biggest supporter
- You arrived a few months before Amanda, so you worked with the team when Elliot and Olivia were still partners
- Back then everything was alright and Olivia found you sweet
- After Elliot left and Amanda arrived, she despised you, like she despised Amanda
- Both you and Amanda kinda bonded over it
- You felt very out of place but Amanda kept you grounded and you grew close
- It wasn’t until much later Olivia started changing, becoming nicer towards you and Amanda, silently apologising for her behaviour
- You were there through everything like everyone else
- The WL time and when she found Noah
- Always offered to help her with Noah, and she was always grateful for it
- You two grew close over time and felt safe with each other
- The team is your family
- You two weren’t planned or even suspected to become a thing
- It happened after she and Tucker broke up
- You were with her one evening and it just happened
- A kiss
- The rest is history
- Noah is the one who convinced his mum to let you move in with them
- “Sleepovers every night!”
- She couldn’t possibly say no to his puppy eyes
- Or yours for that matter
- Olivia absolutely loves that you and Noah get along so well
- Before you moved in when you came over, you seemed far more interested in Noah than her
- She loved it
- Noah is a big part of her and his opinions matter as much as her own
- Time pass by and now you’ve been together more than two years
- Olivia is now captain
- And boy oh boy
- Olivia is a gentle lover
- The best of the best
- She’s got trauma and a lot of things going on
- But she’s so grateful to have someone who doesn’t question her feelings
- Someone who treats her like a normal person
- You were one of the only people to treat her normally after WL
- Not as someone who’s broken
- She’s comfortable and safe with you and for her that means everything
- She trusts you
- Which is a huge deal for her
- Specially after Elliot
- She’s the big spoon
- Even though sometimes she just wants to be held close
- Loves late nights with you
- And Noah of course
- Her beautiful boy
- He’s growing so fast
- Almost makes her cry
- Noah knows the story of when you first got to SVU, but he gets just as offended when you tell him how his mother suddenly stopped being nice
- How she despised you and auntie Amanda
- And as much as Liv scolds you for telling him the story over and over again, she sends you sneaked winks
- Small touches here and there
- Enough to keep you grounded
- No PDA
- But if it’s a late night, or empty office, she won’t say no for a quick kiss
- The slight panic in her whenever you’re hunting down suspects and she hears a gunshot and can’t see you anywhere
- You once got shot and Liv nearly killed you herself in worry
- You tried to make a joke out of it as you lay on the ground with her hands pressed against your wound
-“I’ve fallen for you, Benson”
- She hates your jokes
- Noah finds them funny, and apparently that’s the only thing that matters
- You and Noah always make little surprises for her
- On Christmas, Mother’s day and her birthday
- Flowers, cakes, drawings, anything
- It’s the cutest thing ever
- You really turned her life upside down, but for the better
- Liv Love Laugh
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gncbozo · 5 months
Voices of Hallownest
Headcanons about the gods of Hallownest and their voices .
I don't specially think the gods of Hallownest truly have a voice. I think that they use the sound/voices of their followers.
When you hear a god (pk, radiance, wl) you do not hear a singular voice as one would expect but multiple (all of their followers voices whether they are young, old, male, female, or in very rare occasions, dead). If a god's "speech" is strong, booming, present it means that they have a great number of devout in which they can draw multiple voices from ( a god can choose whose voice they are taking ). Ofc this process has an effect on the devout, when the divinity uses their voice often/to much/with to much intensity, their worshipers will most likely have a sour throat or a raspy voice.
For exemple; the Radiance used hers a lot . She basically screamed in armory with her followers and it had repercussions, the moths had very sour throats and raspy or distorted voice ( it showed in Hallonest's prime and in the game event) . When she was forgotten she could barely talk, her speech was only a small pained whisper. But when the infection began her screeches were heard again (through the infected) more violent and angry then ever.
The Pale King does not use his voice very often, he cared a little bit more about his subjects well being than the Radiance (he doesn't really need to talk to be understood, a simple look of the eye or flick of the claw will make someone seize the order/want/intentions) this ensue in the citysen of Hallownest having clear and define voices.
The white lady, her, only uses the voice of trusted friends and ladies in waiting, like her knight Dryya, Marmu and others...
(And these trusted friends get showered with honey treats for their throats). She mostly uses female speech as she prefers how it sounds..
I also think that a gods voice can take some what of a physical form .
Like, golden light would come out of radi's mouth when she talks.
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It would look like that
PK's speech would literally float in the air
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Exactly like that !
And WL would have flowers come out of her mouth like that one brothers Grimm tale witch I CAN NOT remember the name of... (it was sm like "toads and diamonds")
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lilacartsmadsion · 4 months
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“You want perfection? I’LL SHOW YOU PERFECTION!”
“Do not invoke The Nameless One’s Wrath”
That was the warning The Apoditic One spoke. To the Wizards and To the Whole of Earthbread.
Except…The Wizards did not heed that warning…
Long ago, when Wizard City was ruled by the gods known as Wizards recruited The Nameless One to create a plethora of Cookies to harness the power of the Moon.
Time and time again…The Wizards would deny creation after creation from the god, until he finally was able to create a cookie of their desires.
Once the Slumbering Moon was born, the Wizards praised her existence…while the rest of her essence were scattered to the horizon…
While the Wizards celebrated…taking the credit for the creation of The Slumbering Moon and no longer acknowledging the existence of countless other life forms that helped make her…The Nameless One suffered.
For the Nameless One loved all his creations, even the Beasts who dared to rebel against him caused him to grieve them when he sealed them away…
He watched as time and time again did the Wizards discard the essence of his Creations into the abyss, frantically searching for a way back, he watched as they suffered and were heartlessly buried as test subjects in the soils of Earthbread.
He could not take the suffering anymore, in his anguish and fury the Nameless One let out a guttural cry. All those who heard it bowed their heads in fear, with the exception of the False Gods, The Wizards.
Through the Darkness the rest of the gods fled the wrath of The Nameless One as he channeled his own emotions into the most powerful of doughs…
The Ultimate Dough. With his sheer wrath, a cookie born from darkness was born out of the anger of the god. She drove away The Wizards upon his command. “See to it that these False Gods learn their place in this world!”
Like cowards the Wizards ran from the gates of Wizard City, for a while, the sky was red as Strawberry Jam…and there was silence…
Once the false gods had fled from the lands of Earthbread The Nameless One commanded. “Let all who trespass into this land learn my wrath, see to it that none shall enter here again.”
And just like that…stationed in the very borders of Earthbread, The Pillars of Darkness guard the Outside World with an Iron Fist. None shall enter and None shall leave.
Beware the Wrath of the Nameless One, for The Dark Enchantress will consume you into the endless Abyss.
So yeah that’s DE’s backstory in this AU. This is why she can’t have started the Dark Flour War.
In this AU Gingerbrave killed all the Witches so WL wouldn’t have gone to the feast. She did travel to Beast Yeast where Gingerbrave spends most his time
However as I said DE still exists. Just in a different way. She’s stationed as a guardian of Earthbread placed at its borders to keep from things like Witches and Wizards. (Minus the Witches)
Also yes those are Gingerbrave’s eyes, he started putting makeup as a reminder for Mystic Flour Cookie, the only Beast who saw his true face.
Some of the words in this story are ‘overdramatized’ as they are words based on the interpretations of Cookies. No one actually knows what Gingerbrave said, not even Moonlight Cookie who was there during the story.
Inspirations for DE’s design
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For Mystic I just took her necklace. I mostly based her off of Pomegranate here. And since I wanted to give a nod to her original backstory, I decided to add some inspirations from WL’s hair and gloves. As well as making DE’s dress gradient to White. As well as make her dress resemble the petal of a flower.
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Hiii!!! This is my first time requesting a thing!
So uh, I don't know if Tumblr will eat this, but i wanted to heavily request a summoner reader cookie! I doubt you accept this because the say summoned creatures are from a game called Creatures of Sonaria... Like a crossover-
Plot and plus from my huge imagination 😃:
|•Reader Cookie can summon things from alternate universes, and tame almost anything thanks to the witches for blessing her with that ability (beast tamer, or not?)
•So after the seal was broken, WL(White Lily) couldn't really close the seal back and get SM(Shadow Milk) and so because of this the other beasts were able to escape.
•Having not even being able to do much with SM, everyone was terrified because now they have to try and stood against the five of them (if they even were able to do so..)
•So, as they watch in terror as the beasts make complete havock amongst the forest, they also get scare for dear Reader Cookie since they were still in the Faerie kingdom and that's where the beasts are heading
|Now the real thing where Reader Cookie enters and make their debut lol, i think u were waiting for me to say of them.|
•So Reader Cookie was somewhere amongst the Faerie Kingdom large gardens, laying down on their back on a patch of flowers while giggling and and looking up at something, tho there was nothing at all? They were muttering things and mostly alike talking with the air. That's it until one of the beasts found them (can be any of them) but didn't really make their presence know and only call the others to see this strange cookie interact with apparently nothing (not)
—OK SOO, here are a little bit of more in depth explanation of reader cookie power!
-If the summoned beast is invisible or can get invisible, Reader cookie will see say creature with a white outline on it, even in distance but not too much.
-The creature can't be aggressive towards Reader, even if being it can't hit them it like a gut feeling of being connected towards them as Reader does still have the power of controlling then as their will, but they see that too cruel and just let them decide whether or not they want to be with
-Oxytalis, the summon creature! (They are quite huge and creepy looking rose lol)
•They have and invisibility, corrosive and leech life abilities.
-They have a really well development smell sensitivity, so they almost detected immediately what the Beasts where there.
-In size, they are enormous, which is like double the size of a house.
Wiki info:
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Mystic Flour Cookie was so very, very confused when she first saw you. At first, it seemed like you were talking to nothing.. until her magic allowed her to see.
You're a summoner.. how interesting!
She approaches casually, and despite her nature, she's more than inclined to talk with you. She finds it very easy to, slipping into casual conversation.
That, and she finds herself drawn to you. You're so.. kind. Gentle. Something she wants to protect, oddly. And maybe.. she can.
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dairyfreenugget · 5 months
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I have a disorder where I accidentally make characters look very dragon-like in this AU
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
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FINALLY bit the bullet and drew some concept designs for the other fankids
They're gonna get updated as I draw more of them but these are a good start
(Feel free to check the tags for more info on them)
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bluegekk0 · 8 months
what kinds of nicknames does the au family use? I'm kinda assuming that The Couple has like a million nicknames for each other
I'll start with the two gays cause you're right, they have the most nicknames. And I haven't really thought much about nicknames for the others, so we'll see how that goes haha
Grimm definitely uses nicknames all the time, especially for FPK. There's Dear Wyrm, My Wyrm, Beloved Wyrm, basically anything that's his name with an affectionate adjective before it. There's Darling, Love/My Love, Sweetheart/Sweetie is another one he says often, there's even an occasional Baby. Then there's other nicknames. I really like the idea of him calling FPK Dumpling lovingly, just to emphasize his softness and round shapes, in a way that reminds FPK that Grimm absolutely loves him in every shape and form. And of course, he has plenty of suggestive nicknames for him as well, and those are sure to make FPK blush like crazy. Generally he keeps coming up with new affectionate names for him, and there's so many that no one in the family can keep up. I imagine there were many situations where Hornet heard him say a completely new one and was like "did you seriously just call him that?". She just doesn't get it...
FPK unfortunately isn't as creative with nicknames, he can't possibly match the sheer creativity Grimm offers him, and he usually resorts to just saying his name and usually adding a loving adjective in front of it. Dear Grimm and My Grimm are the ones he uses the most often, though if he's feeling inspired he may say something along the lines of My Flame, but that's very rare. He'll also call Grimm Love frequently, though usually in the "Grimm, Love" format. Grimm really likes hearing his name in FPK's voice, and the latter definitely noticed. No need for FPK to use his creative juices when just purring Grimm's name is enough to get the other's full attention.
Hornet doesn't use many affectionate nicknames, she calls FPK Dad, and everyone else with their name. Though she does call Zote many nicknames. Buffoon is part of her daily vocabulary at this point and it's all thanks to him. Imbecile hits hard, but she really likes Blockhead in particular. Bonehead is another one she uses, but Zote keeps arguing that she's just stating a fact. He's not the brightest. As for what nicknames others call her, there's Dear Hornet, the most frequent one used by FPK, and he used to call her My Baby Girl when she was young (she thinks it's embarrassing). Grimm used to call her Little Spider, and he still does it jokingly now. Zote often bites back in response to her insults and mockingly calls her Princess, which usually earns him a mouth full of puddle water. Holly often refers to her with Dear Sister in writing, though she prefers if they just say her name.
Holly doesn't really use nicknames either, mainly since they can't speak, though they sometimes call the family members with affectionate adjectives in writing. Mostly Dear, though. It's something FPK used to say a lot when they were growing up in the palace, particularly towards WL and other important bugs in the court, but I like the idea of him slipping one time and calling them Dear Vessel. So that stuck with them, and now they use it all the time to refer to others. Dear Father, Dear Grimm (though they do sometimes refer to him as their father) and so on. Even Zote gets called Dear Zote by Holly, though he always tells them to scribble that out and instead call him by his proper title, Zote the Mighty. Holly also gets affectionate names from both FPK and Grimm, there's the classic Dear Holly coming from FPK, though he often emphasizes their relationship by calling them My Child, My Sweet Child, or anything like that. Grimm also frequently calls them My Child, Sweet Holly or Flower.
Zote mainly uses insulting nicknames, usually in his squabbles with Hornet. And he gets pretty creative with it. He sometimes calls Holly Nuts and Bolts referring to their scrap arm, though it's noticeably less hostile than his usual nicknames, plus Holly doesn't mind it. He once called Grimm Wacko Vampire which made him laugh for a good minute. FPK doesn't get his own nickname, but Zote always calls him Your Crazy Dad when talking to Hornet. Hornet gets Princess thrown at her in a mocking way like mentioned earlier, and there's probably other names he calls her that I'm not creative enough to come up with now. The kids are mostly safe from insulting nicknames, though he called Lewk a Mangy Varmint once when telling him to stop chewing on his cloak. He also gets some nicknames from the others. Excluding the ones Hornet calls him, there's Little Jester coming from Grimm, for example.
Lewk often calls his dads Papa or simply Dad, though when specifying who he's talking to, he'll often add their name at the front, so Grimmdad and Wyrmdad. The others he calls by their names.
Asta and Milo can barely speak and have trouble pronouncing the names, so they just say Papa when trying to get the attention of Grimm or FPK. Just like Lewk, they try to call the others using their names, Holly is the easiest for them to say, the rest they just mumble while trying to get them right.
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cookieofearthbread · 5 months
@handfulofmuses (White Lily and Matcha)
White Lily was tapping the pen in her hand against the table as she trying to think what to do.
She was practically in charge of a entire kingdom which the heroine didn't planned at all however she didn't want to abandoned the kingdom either as it would be unfair to the faerie living there whom lost their king.
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There was the matter of the fact she never been a ruler before; never wanting the rule, as she simply wanted to travel around Earthbread to learn as much as possible and she saw becoming one would tie her down to one location and limited her.
She could always ask the other about it... If they were willing to help her.
Her thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock on the door and she called out to the cookie who happened to be Silverbell Cookie. They both exchanged greeting before the faerie gave her a report that he spotted a strange cookie lurking outside of the kingdom which made her frown slightly.
She soon told the faerie she will check it out alone despite the other's concern about her safety which White Lily quickly reassure him that she would be fine.
It did not take long for the Ancient Hero to reach the location where Silverbell Cookie spotted the unknown cookie and for her to spot said cookie. A frown on her face as she wondered where on Earthbread the other cookie came from as she knew the area didn't have any normal cookies living nearby.
Thus she approach the strange cookie carefully, with her guard up, and spoke in a firm voice.
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"Who are you and what are you doing here?"
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elalalune · 11 months
do you know any songs that you think would fit your wonderland au?
I have some!! I mostly put these based off a few lines from their lyrics for my wl playlist
Also most tend to be shanks centric for some reason 🙈
Fish in a Birdcage - Rule #9-Child of the Stars
Freddy Mercury - The Great Pretender
Halsey - I am not a woman, I’m a god
Jaymes Young - Don't You Know
Lorde - A World Alone
Lorde - Ribs
Lorde - White Teeth Teens
Melanie Martinez - Carousel
Owl City - I'm Coming After You
Ricky Montgomery- Talk to You
Taylor Swift - Wonderland
Troye Sivan - FOOLS
Troye Sivan - YOUTH
Will Stetson - Lower One's Eyes (his eng cover of flower's lower one's eyes)
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