#without immediate need/potential exposure
icryyoumercy · 2 years
i keep thinking about that list of covid-vaccine side effects, and how it says '90% of everyone experienced side effects' and 'the most common side effect (9 out of 10 people) is pain at the site of injection'
and i just. i would argue that this isn't a side effect? it's a pretty straightforward effect of sticking a needle into someone's arm and then injecting them with any sort of substance?
#the beer virus chronicles#vaccines are precious puppies#i wonder if there's ever been a study#with say tetanus boosters#because we know tetanus vaccines last easily fifty years#but the boosters are supposed to happen every ten? twenty?#so it should be possible to set up a pretty low-effort long term study#where everyone who comes in for a tetanus booster#without immediate need/potential exposure#is asked if they want to participate in a study of vaccine side effects#if they don't they just get their shot and are asked to report any and all side effects#if they do they get a fifty/fifty chance#of either the vaccine or equal amount of NCl solution#of course the whole thing needs to be double blind#and they are sent home with all of the forms and questionaires and everything#and then we just wait until there have been say 1000 people who agreed to do this#which should be fairly quick if it's international#or somehow coupled with mandatory boosters#and then we have a reasonable base line#of people reporting pain at the site of injection#in the absence of any sort of vaccine side effects#so that when it comes to vaccine side effects#we can say '9 out of 10 people experience this'#'but x out of 10 people experience the same from just having a needle stuck into their arm'#so at least the statistics could be corrected for it#you could possibly even call in the same people twice#like with dunno three months between#one time for the vaccine one time for the controll#so that they will receive their booster in a timely fashion#but people still get the data on side effects
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starlightomatic · 4 months
ngl feel really really weird about the direction we've gone wrt internet safety for teens. when i was a kid it was hammered into us that we should never reveal our real names, our faces, or our ages on the internet. in fact it was extremely important not to reveal your age bc if you did, predators could target you.
now we've decided that the locus of potential sexual harm from adults is not predators who set out to target teens, but rather well-meaning adults who might accidentally let a minor see smut on their blog. so we make everyone broadcast their ages to everyone. which puts a target on the backs of teens who are now advertising to everyone that they're underage.
we also situate sexual harm of minors in "a minor saw sexual content!!" which, listen, im sorry to tell you this but teenagers have sex drives and want to see sexual content. a 16yo is not being harmed by reading a smut fic.
now i do understand why nsfw blogs don't allow minors to interact, bc the interaction constitutes an issue since that's on some level a teen and adult interacting sexually. but the issue is not that a teen saw something sexual, it's that you should not be having that interaction with them. still i am not convinced that that is riskier than giving predators knowledge of who to target.
i also worry what happens when all the well meaning people with best practices turn teens out of their spaces -- who does that end up leaving them with? i'm not saying the solution is to invite them in but there has to be some other, third option. i also think we need to understand the difference between a 17yo liking a sex-related shitpost on tumblr vs an actual intentionally predatory sexual interaction from an adult.
i don't think it's necessarily bad to set a boundary and not allow them to like the shitpost, but i don't like the idea that it was harmful for them to have even seen it. i think it's actually positive for teens to have exposure to adults who are talking about sexuality in consent-based, sex-positive, queer-informed ways to balance out all the shitty, sexist bioessentialist perspectives they're getting elsewhere.
also again, we should remember that the issue is sex-based interactions between teens and adults, NOT that teens are bad or wrong for being interested in sex and sexuality. if a really young teen is too interested in that it could be concerning but age-appropriate levels of sexuality are fine and good and i don't want kids to think they're wrong, dirty, or bad for experiencing sexuality.
i think there's a balance here where we need to make sure interactions are safe without diving headfirst into a spring-awakening-style world where we assume teens are too innocent and pure to know anything about sex which results in risky behavior, not practicing safe sex, and not understanding consent. and i get worried sometimes that the current culture around this leads us there.
i especially worry about this in regards to kink and bdsm because i don't know if there are any educational resources out there geared to teens. i do think it's a good idea to wait until you're 18 before doing anything hardcore or too intense, or even kink at all, but if they're going to anyway (and some will) i'd rather teens have a solid safety backing and knowledge as opposed to just acting on instinct because that can really be dangerous. and something i really worry about is people who turn 18 and immediately show up to play parties and start hooking up with people without having that background knowledge because they were prevented from accessing it before then, since it's so easy for abusers to exploit them. young adult women are already extremely vulnerable in those spaces.
i don't know what my exact solution to these issues is but i feel really concerned about where we're heading. i've been wanting to say something for a while but have been afraid that people would interpret this the wrong way. i'm sure some still will, but i hope this can at least start a conversation about these issues.
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
I think L gave us a lot of hints/messages about what might be going on post-premiere in that Jimmy F appearance. Let’s note that this was after Papgate, after his and N���s social media posts in the fallout period, and after Milan if I am remember correctly? The more I think about it the more I think his team crafted the content we saw to reset his public image, explain some things, and encourage the audience to give him some grace. It was damage control/positive PR/but also some explanations for what we are seeing.
First off, he came off relaxed and confident, a big contrast from how stressed he looked when he had been papped. I think they were also trying to portray him as a friendly and relatable regular guy who had suddenly been thrust into fame as a heartthrob and romantic lead.
Him running from the carriage scene music/talking about how he is not used to the level of fame and exposure and recognition that has come with the success of the show (barber story, needing security in Brazil).
The reference to JB passing down the guide that was called “How to fall in love in front of 82 million people” - more messaging that it is difficult to have that level of scrutiny and specifically when playing a romantic lead when you have insane chemistry with your costar.
The romantic lines, read B-ton style (these are so L/N coded and reference things L or N have brought up in interviews, with the exception of “East Peasy Lemon Squeezy.) We’ve got:
Espresso lyrics - song with significance to the ship, also what L was listening to getting ready for the London premiere, Honeybee, come get that pollen lyrics
“Penelope, we were on a break!” -this is the biggest hint right here of why L was papped/appears in a relationship with another woman after we have seen his and N’s chemistry jump off the screen for 6 months and also in the show itself. THEY (N/L) WERE ON A BREAK. I don’t think he wanted to be on a break, but they were, and I think they’re now on another one while he tries to get his affairs in order. And note that he says “Penelope,” not Rachel, which would be the accurate pop culture quote. Which doesn’t really make sense because he and P are never on a break during the show unless you count the time she stops writing to him and he goes off the rails. Penelope is code for N. Also he is referencing the R/R relationship/timing issues again.
Then the Barbie quote. I think this somewhat addresses him being attached to a strong beautiful powerful woman (LWD or N, take your pick) and that dynamic of potentially being overshadowed and having to find your own self worth in order to handle it . I don’t think that last part about being her Ken was scripted (JF even gives him a wtf look and then it gets cut when it airs), but he made it clear he is happy being her Ken. He basically claims his ass as hers on National TV without meaning to.
I think the interview didn’t have purposeful mention of N for a reason, he was trying to emphasize his role as a B-bro and an actor and romantic lead in his own right, and connect him to the other male leads, and the clip they chose showed that.
He then follows up with a social media post confirming a late night/non-work/non PR beach walk with N and said security guards. I mean… that was a date, and for him to post that in the face of everyone saying he had hard-launched A and he and N were “all PR” is crazy. They also have to be aware of all of the Brazil reports and speculation.
I think the messaging was: This is level of fame and exposure is new, he’s figuring it out, give him a break. Also, everything is okay between N&L so don’t worry, there may be reasons for why what we are seeing doesn’t make sense but they are figuring it out between them.
Would the general audience pick up on all of that? No, but the hardcore fans would so they layered it all in there. Maybe his PR team isn’t that dumb afterall?
I know there’s speculation N was there- I don’t know if she was but her immediate like definitely showed support and that they are still a team. Wouldn’t surprise me if she had a hand in some of that strategy.
I think this is the first in depth analysis I have ever seen on the JF appearance that I mostly agree with.
Thanks for sharing 💜🥃
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secret77778888 · 1 month
A very mindful deep dive into Nicola's posts.
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DISCLAIMER: This is LUKOLALAND only. Do not read if you're not a shipper. This is PURE SPECULATION. No harm intended.
Recently, the ever-graceful and thoughtful Nicola has been quite active on Instagram, treating us to regular posts. True to her style, each post is carefully considered, and as always, she's been incredibly mindful of her audience. With every update, she's sent Lukolaland into a whirlwind of excitement or total chaos, as fans eagerly dissect each post in search of hidden meanings. Even when we're unsure of the exact message, the theories continue to swirl.
 Theory 1 The scrabble game is a message for the Adjacent.
N likes scrabble and she has a degree in English, take that in account.The words on the board appear to be randomly placed without an immediately obvious hidden message. However, we could interpret or connect the words in various ways to find underlying messages based on the context, a complex and layered message, potentially from N to someone possibly "A".  Here’s my interpretation using literal meanings, slang and abbreviations.
DAD: Might refer to L (N and L are referred to as Mom and Dad), bringing in a personal element to the message.
DIRT: Refers to something unethical or malicious, indicating wrongdoing.
DEAD: N might be signaling that something is irrevocably over.
FATE: suggesting that no matter the actions taken, some outcomes are destined.
LIED: Suggests that someone has been dishonest. N might be accusing "A" of lying or referring to a broader context where lies have played a significant role.
LAG: Could suggest that someone has been slow to act, respond, or understand the situation. It might imply that someone has been too slow to realize the consequences of their actions or has been dragging their feet in addressing something important. Could refer to L
HUG: Could signify a need for her to comfort L, showing that despite everything, there’s still a longing for connection.
HEY A: a greeting or attention-grabber, setting up the following points.
WATCH: A warning to "A" to be cautious, as something is about to unfold.
HIL: Indicates that "he is leaving," possibly confirming that L is departing or has already decided to leave.
WOO: Implies attempts to win someone over, possibly through romantic gestures.
RIB:(slang) Implies teasing or provocation, possibly indicating a tense or challenging dynamic.
GIZMOS: Represents unknown factors or tools that are in play, adding complexity to the situation.
OOMS: One of my subscribers Refers to A or an unspecified party involved in the situation who monitors N’s activity on social networks
WERE: Suggesting it’s in the past now.
FLED: Suggests that someone may have run away or is trying to escape the situation.
FEAR: Indicates that fear might have motivated A’s actions or warns her of the consequences that should be feared.
RIV: Conveys feistiness and readiness to the fight.
PRUNE:(slang) Refers to someone being foolish, which could be an insult or critique directed at "A."
PRINT: Suggests that something may have been a scandal or will become public knowledge, hinting at exposure.
MINT: Could refer to money, possibly hinting at financial motivations or consequences.
SEX: Implies that intimacy or sexual manipulation was used, perhaps as a diversion or as a key factor in the situation.
STONE: (slang) testicles symbolizes courage or resilience, possibly suggesting that someone needs to be strong in the face of adversity.
JET: Suggests leaving quickly, possibly advising "A" to be prepared to depart or implying that someone has already left.
The combination of these words suggests an undercurrent of tension, with themes of trust, control, exposure, and perhaps an attempt to seek comfort or truth in a challenging situation. It might be a reflection possibly relating to a complex relationship or public scrutiny. The mix of positive and negative words could imply that N feels wronged, is seeking validation, or is trying to navigate a challenging situation.
Theory 2 Her post for her best friend birthday, a jab at N’s friends.
N knows how to kill two birds with one stone. She posted pictures of her with her best friend C with the following caption:
“Happy Birthday @C I love you so much that I could never imagine my life without you!!! Remember the time paparazzi took a picture of us and to protect me you grabbed my face?”
This seems a little bit random but it’s not. It’s actually quite relevant. During that time, Luke’s friends faced a lot of backlash for revealing his whereabouts and private activities supposedly without his consent or knowledge, with some even speculating they were in cahoots with the paparazzi. In contrast, Nicola’s post demonstrated how a true friend should act in such situations, and C perfectly exemplifies what genuine friendship looks like. They should take notes and thank those ladies for this masterclass.
Theory 3: Bless the telephone is for L
Bless the Telephone" is a soulful, gentle song by Labi Siffre The song's theme revolves around the significance of hearing the voice of a loved one through the telephone. It's a reflection on how such a small and ordinary act receiving a phone call can bring immense happiness and a sense of closeness, even when physically apart.
The lyrics express gratitude for the ability to connect with someone dear, emphasizing the warmth and reassurance that a simple phone call can bring.
“It's nice to hear your voice again I've waited all day long Even wrote a song for you It's strange, the way you make me feel With just a word or two I'd like to do the same for you
It's nice to hear you say "hello" And "how are things with you? I love you" But very soon it's time to go An office job to do While I'm here writing songs for you
Strange How a phone call can change your day Take you away Away The lyrics express the joy and comfort found in hearing someone's voice,This could relate to Nicola's feelings towards Luke, where she yearns for a connection that might have been strained or weakened these past months.
The line, "I've waited all day long, even wrote a song for you," suggests one person putting in a lot of effort to maintain or reignite the connection, while the other person is busy. This could symbolize an imbalance in their relationship, where N feels she is investing more emotionally while L may be preoccupied with other aspects of his life.
This could reflect how N might feel that despite the challenges in their relationship, small gestures from L still have the power to bring her joy and remind her of their connection.
N perceives L's words or actions as powerful enough to change her day or mood, highlighting the sensitivity and emotional investment she has in their relationship.
This song could be N's way of communicating that she values the connection they share and is thankful for it, no matter how small or brief their interactions might be.
The song captures the bittersweet reality of how something as simple as a phone call can momentarily lift someone's spirits, even when the underlying issues in the relationship remain unresolved.
Theory 4 Juna is about L
“Come to me slowly
It's when you talk close enough That I feel it on my skin, breathe it in Most of these days (most of these days) I don't get too intimate Why would I let you in? (Why would I let you in?) But I think again
I don't even try I don't have to think With you, there's no pretending
You know me, you know me And I just might know you too, know you Come to me ready”
The song "Juna" by Clairo revolves around themes of intimacy, vulnerability, and authenticity in relationships. It conveys the idea of gradually opening up to someone special, letting down emotional barriers, and allowing yourself to be truly seen and understood by another person.
Clairo's lyrics suggest that being with someone who knows you deeply brings out the best in you, inspiring you to explore new facets of your identity and live life more fully. Overall, "Juna" is a celebration of genuine human connection and the beauty of sharing meaningful experiences with someone who truly understands you.
N could be sharing a part of her emotional world, inviting L to understand her feelings on a deeper level.
The lyrics express a hesitation to become too intimate or let someone in easily ("Most of these days I don't get too intimate"). This could symbolize N's cautious approach towards deepening her emotional connection with L, possibly due to past experiences or fear of getting hurt. N said that she hasn’t been in love since she was 9.
Despite the caution, there is an acknowledgment that with this person, there's no need for pretense ("With you, there's no pretending"). This line could reflect how N feels a genuine and effortless connection with L where she can be her true self without having to put up any walls. She has always stated that L is a special relationship in her life like no other.
The lyrics suggest a mutual understanding and recognition between the two ("You know me, you know me, And I just might know you too"). This could indicate that N feels that L understands her on a deep level, and she believes she understands him as well, that there is a strong bond between them.
The invitation to "Come to me slowly" and "Come to me ready" implies a desire for the relationship to progress at a pace that allows both to be fully prepared and present. This could signify N's hope that their relationship will continue to grow, but at a pace where both she and L are emotionally ready to embrace it fully.
These lyrics reflect the delicate balance of vulnerability, caution, and deep connection. N may be grappling with the tension between her natural inclination to protect herself and the undeniable bond she feels with Luke. The song captures the idea that true intimacy takes time and readiness, and it suggests a hopeful anticipation of deepening that connection when both are fully prepared.
Conclusion on both songs: I I believe both songs are directed towards L because N is a very private person, and she’s fully aware of what Lukolaland thinks and hopes for. I don’t see her intentionally misleading a large part of her audience. I also think she was in love with L during the PR tour, and the distance and awkwardness we’ve seen between them wouldn’t exist if those kinds of feelings weren’t involved. The feelings seem mutual, and there’s an undeniable strong bond between them, as many in the fandom believe. It’s rare to have that with someone, let alone multiple people.
She isn’t missing EF or JD, as she’s been seen with them recently, and it’s safe to assume they’ve been in touch. If she were dating one of them, they’d already be together, and she wouldn’t be waiting for him to be ready. There are countless love songs she could have chosen, yet she picked these specific ones.
For those who doubted her intentions, she responded beautifully with a framed picture captioned: “Very demure, very mindful.” She loves a double entendre.
Final thoughts:
I believe that Nicola is very deliberate and thoughtful in how, when, and why she engages with her audience. She’s incredibly smart and aware, and while she might have a busy life, this kind of interaction is a meaningful part of it. Despite her being very demure, she’s also very human and very mindful and not above sending subtle messages. This is one of the reasons we admire her so much. While we might tend to overanalyze her every move, there’s often an underlying message in what she shares. These messages are usually intended for everyone because she chooses to make them public, rather than keeping them private or posting them only on her personal Instagram. She considers her fans and communicates with them in this way. I think she enjoys being playful and giving us little challenges. For me, it’s: Message received, challenge accepted.
*Correction: I've come to realize that I made a mistake. When Nicola said she hasn't been in love since she was 9, she was actually making a comparison with Penelope.
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suzukiblu · 10 months
Five headcanons from the obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon AU for Plot Bunny, which may or may not all make it into the actual fic itself. Headcanons are slightly leaned towards Kon’s powers because Plot Bunny was specifically interested in my headcanons for those in this AU, but also including Tim being a useless bisexual.
Kon brags constantly about the things his TTK does that are either Superman-esque abilities or that he thinks are either impressive or flashy enough to pass for impressive. He does not think to brag about things like “technically I have a 360-degree field of perception”, because he’s like “well it only works if nothing’s flying or hovering and it’s not like vision, so it’s just whatever” as opposed to being like “most things/people cannot fly or hover and it also accounts for things like people hiding behind cover, so actually it’s real fucking useful, isn’t it”. Frequently he just doesn’t think to mention little utility-specific uses of his powers at all, in fact. No, this acid isn’t touching him, he can be acidproof if he wants. No, he can’t actually choke on anything. Yeah, he can set bones and relocate dislocations on himself and others without needing an X-ray or an MRI involved. Sure, he could just stop somebody’s heart, but why would he?? 
Tim has gotten out of the habit of a lot of his hobbies in favor of Robin-ing. Robbies. He has Robbies now, not hobbies. It’s not like he never picks up a camera or a skateboard or a video game anymore, just . . . well . . . like, not never, that’s all. He’s pretty sure he touched his skateboard last week? When he . . . moved it to the other corner while he was cleaning his room . . . uh. Well. Still counts, right?? 
Kon has much better fine motor control over his TTK than he usually bothers to demonstrate in the field because he actually spends a lot of his time bored and understimulated in a lab environment, so he just fucks around with it to entertain himself. For him, it’s an extension of his sense of touch, which makes him incredibly tactile as a person. But he also thinks it might be a little weird how tactile he is compared to other people, so he is much likelier to be petting the soft silky thing with his TTK than his actual, oh, I don’t know, hands? Because people don’t even notice when it’s his TTK, obviously, but they definitely notice when he's doing it with his hands. He actually does a lot of little things with his TTK that people don’t usually pick up on, because it’s just things like adjusting crooked frames and plucking lint off people’s clothes and fixing their hair or tucking their shirt tags into their collars and picking inconvenient locks, and if Tim knew Kon could do that kind of thing so subtly and easily, he would immediately lose his ever-loving mind about it. And also teach him how to pick pockets and crack safes, probably. Kon, obliviously, does not realize just how fucking useful those little things could actually be in hero-ing, because to him they're just normal little tricks he can just do whenever, not anything special or impressive. And like, why would he pick the lock when he could just punch the door down? Superman would punch the door down, right? And punching the door down looks cooler! So obviously he's gonna do that! 
Tim accidentally developed his initial crush on Kon via constant exposure through stupid teen magazine posters. He will swear on his life it started when they first met and fought supervillains together, but no, it was definitely that Kon was hot in those stupid cheesy posters that Tim kept running into while he did research on the new kid in the superhero community. Also he read so many of those lame tabloid interviews. Just . . . so, so many. Ugh. And he actually does keep up on Kon's Twitter and probably his Insta too. 
Kon absolutely accidentally holds himself back from his full potential as a superhero without really realizing it because he thinks “what would Superman do?” while mostly knowing Superman through hearsay, information uploads from biased sources, and what few facets of his personality Clark is actually willing to show him. So he has a very skewed image of him, obviously, and is trying to grow up and be a person Clark isn't and no one really could be. But Kon identifies himself as Superboy because he doesn’t have anything else he knows how to be, and Superboy came from Superman, so he concentrates less on certain aspects of his powers and more on the Kryptonian-imitating ones. Again: he could just unlock the door, but Superman would punch it, right? Right??
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lovexjoe · 2 months
The reader is a famous actress and dated Jacob for 3 years / ended he finds out he has a child at the bb4 premiere one year old
You and Jacob were dating for 3 years till you guys called it quits…well he called it quits. Your relationship was very private so he appeared single to the world. It was half your idea and half his idea. Apparently his manager said it helps if he appears single cause it draws more attention to him. After shooting Bad Boys Ride Or Die he barely returned your calls and was just acting completely off. You couldn’t believe that someone you knew since high school could treat you like this, but fame will do it to ya. You let it be and took your loses.
2 months after the breakup you found out you were pregnant. You left endless calls asking Jacob if you guys can just talk in person one last time. Without context, you sounded desperate but you just didn’t want the potential of your phone calls being leaked. You managed to grab a job in the music industry under a stage name. You produced a few beats for the movie and with that you got invited to go. Greaaaaat. You didn’t really have a choice either cause your management needed you to get more exposure.
You birth a beautiful baby boy all by yourself and today on the day of the premiere he was one year old. You did a few interviews while your baby sitter had Alex inside away from the crowd
“Omg Y/S/N you look stunning tonight! Congratulations on your baby boy turning one today!” The interviewer gushed over a few pics you posted of Alex earlier.
“Awww thank you so much, it’s insane that he’s already a year old. Time flies!” You continue chatting it up with each interviewer. Happy that everybody was really sweet and respectable. You didn’t realize until the last interview that Jacob was right behind you in line for interviews. You felt his eyes on your back. Oh fucking great.
You hurried your way through the crowd hoping you could lose him. When you made it inside you cut the corner to go to the bathroom but you felt a hand grab your arm. He pushes you in the family bathroom, locking the door.
“Y/N do you want to explain to me, why the fuck I wasn’t informed that I have a child?!” Jacob’s jaw was clenched and it was the first you really seen him pissed off. But you know what? So tf were you.
“Oh hi Jacob! Maybe if you returned the 20 missed calls I left you asking to speak to you, you would know! You don’t get to be pissed! You left me! I did all of this by myself and I fucking hate you for it!” At this point you had tears streaming down your face. All the pain, lonely nights, sleepless nights: rushed to the surface.
It broke his heart that you went through pregnancy alone. He was crying as well. He couldn’t believe he missed this crucial time with you and his son.
“Y/N I’m sorry just please please let me make this up to you.” He pulls you close, wiping away your tears. It would be wrong to be petty in this situation cause Alex needed his father.
“I’m not gonna make this easy on you.”
“I understand. I fucked up but I need you and my son. I lost too much time already.” You nodded as he pulls you in for a hug.
You two fixed yourselves up, walking out the bathroom hand and hand. You met up with your babysitter and Jacob couldn’t believe his eyes. You gave birth to a baby him.
“Alex meet your daddy!” You placed Alex in his arms and he was immediately in awe. Alex was already giggling and grabbing Jacob’s face.
You were hurt, yes. But you wouldn’t change this for anything.
Taglist: @yeahnohoneybye @cardi-bre91 @onlysarang @romanreignsluver1 @minwn
@armandosbabymama @dyttomori @bbyplutosblog @vergilnelosparda @believeinthefireflies95
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If he gets his shit together Carmy could be an amazing husband and father
Currently, Carmy is a hot mess. But I really hope the show doesn’t intend for that to be his end game. Yes, he will always struggle with mental health issues. People aren’t cured of them, it’s a matter of managing life with them. If only mentally healthy people had spouses and children most of us wouldn’t be here and the world would be a lonely place. Unless someone is a danger to themselves and others I hate it when I hear people trying to dictate who should reproduce and who shouldn’t. I don’t even want to get into the mildly hinting at eugenicist implications of such statements.
Carmy has a way to go. Some may say he shouldn’t have had a romantic relationship. Looking back I actually think it was good that he at least tried. At the moment he thinks it was a mistake and he shouldn’t try again. But that will change as he progresses. It was a learning experience. It showed that he is capable of giving his heart, caring for a partner, being romantic, letting loose, being domestic. It also shows that there is a part of him that is unfulfilled without a relationship. It was just bad timing with the wrong person. 
Beyond that I think part of Carmy’s character is a sense of respect and care for women. He speaks up when Richie harasses Sydney and when the guys were being vulgar about Claire at Christmas. He hasn’t really had a role model for chivalry and feminism but he has those values and isn’t afraid of being called “weird”. He doesn’t seem to care about fitting into the Berzatto male paradigm. He actively tries to escape it when it comes to worldview. This is why Richie calls him “woke”. Richie is built different. Mikey is built different. 
Carmy is a product of the best traits of his generation and exposure to different lifestyles. He’s traveled. He’s worked with women as his superiors and equals. He’s not afraid to bring Sydney on as his CDC, Tina on as her Sous, and Natalie as project manager. He has anger issues that are often directed at Sydney but it’s not because she’s a woman. We never see him try to dominate in his relationship with Claire. He also isn’t intimidated that Claire has post-graduate education and may have more long term earning potential than him unless he really becomes a culinary mogul. 
Carmy has paternal instincts. At the kid’s birthday party he knew they would want ketchup, he made the ecto-cooler, he was more concerned than anyone else about them being sedated. He made Tiff probably the best Sprite on the planet. I’m sure when Nat’s baby arrives he will be smitten, even if a fish out of water. I’m curious if he has interacted with Ava. 
With the staff he is nurturing when opportunities arise. He sold off some of his prized denim to keep the place afloat. He still makes the beef even if it’s the wrong cut. He continues service after the toilet explodes because they have to keep it movin. He consoles Marcus when he fucked up service. He also warns him to stay on track but didn’t hold it against him when he actually did go off point. He bails Richie out with their parachute. He sends Marcus to Copenhagen, Tina and Ebra to culinary school, Richie to Chef Terry. He gives Sydney the space to experiment and fail. He keeps everyone on and paid. He fucks up big time and becomes unhinged but he earnestly apologizes. He’s trying. He cares. He knows he needs work. He wants to provide in the best way he’s able at the moment. 
So with time, patience, and consistency, perhaps years from now I can really see him being a great partner and father. Carmy is a survivor. He doesn’t give up, he’s gonna make shit happen, he’s good at pivoting, he stays committed. Please let him have a wife and kid(s) someday if he desires. Thinking he should be alone forever is deeply pessimistic. 
Adding: Carmy is also very attentive. His radar goes off immediately when Sydney is upset. He tries to fix it. He’s struggling now but he wants to put in the work and won’t leave things with them at odds. He’s not too proud to apologize.
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just-another-josh · 11 months
Kara had the best of intentions.
She really, really did.
But let’s be honest, she didn’t stand a chance. She was setup to fail since childhood. During her time on Krypton, she never saw an actual, honest-to-Rao wedding proposal; not anything resembling Earth standards, mind you. No, it was basically your parents marching you down to the local council building when you came of age and submitting your DNA to the Matricomp to find a genetically suitable partner. The nobler the house, the better. It was no different than an arranged marriage on Earth.
On the off chance you did meet someone you wanted to bond with, the process was the same, save for your DNA was only tested against your potential mate’s. When Kara reached adulthood and reflected on the matching process, ‘cringy’ was the best way she could describe it. She was honestly happy the ritual didn’t survive Krypton’s destruction and by extension was not practiced on Argo. She loved keeping her culture alive and all, but she had no interest in telling Alura and Zor-El to “piss off” if her parents ever had the audacity to suggest she of submit her name.
Her exposure to proposals on Earth were limited, at best. Sure, she’d seen her fair share of people popping the question in the multitude of rom coms she’d watched and books she’d read, but her sample of real-world proposals was…sketchy. Eliza never shared the story of how Jeremiah proposed to her simply because it brought up too many bad memories. Kal and Lois were always vague when sharing the story of their engagement. As for Alex and Sam, their proposal took place immediately after destroying Al’s bar fighting Lex and Nyxly for the Love totem; any guidance they had to offer lacked credibility.
Without any authentic, trustworthy examples available to her, Kara decided to forge ahead on her own when she made the decision to propose to Lena. She convinced herself she didn’t need any help; she’s the editor-in-chief of CatCo magazine, hell, she’s Supergirl for Rao’s sake. She could come up with the perfect proposal that would blow the CEO’s mind! Something that would ooze love, devotion, and romance.
Kara spent a month coming up with the perfect set-up. She’d already forged the bonding bracelet in the Fortress and, with a little help from Sara Lance and Iris West-Allen, had purchased the perfect engagement ring (she didn’t involve her sister in the process; Alex had a big mouth whenever she hung out with Lena). She had a special box created to house the bracelet and ring for an optimal presentation; lining it with blue felt on the exterior and red felt inside.
As for the location, she decided to keep it simple and propose at their penthouse. She would fill the living and dining areas with candles to set the mood; sparing a few for the bedroom in case they decided to celebrate their pending nuptials in a more intimate setting.
She wanted to look particularly radiant that night, and with Nia’s help, Kara found the perfect dress at an upscale boutique. Not wanting the Naltorian to know why she was getting the dress (much like Alex, Nia also had a big mouth), Kara told her that she and Lena were going to dinner at a fancy new restaurant. Kara was nervous and disappointed when she was told the color dress she wanted had to be fitted and altered and couldn’t take it home that day, but the sales clerk assured her it would be ready before their “special night”.
Kara planned the perfect meal for her zhao. It would be a magnificent dinner filled with her favorite Irish foods. The Kryptonian knew she wasn’t the best cook, but she felt confident she could prepare Irish stew, soda bread, Colcannon Mash, and traditional Irish apple cake with custard sauce after watching a few YouTube videos.
Last but not least, Kara spent weeks preparing the speech she would give Lena when she proposed to her. The first draft went through multiple edits before she scrapped the whole thing and rewrote it. After rewriting the speech from scratch four more times and dozens of edits, Kara was finally satisfied. The hero thought it was the greatest piece of writing she’d ever done; in her mind, eclipsing even her Pulitzer winning expose on Lex and Red Daughter.
The plan was simple: Kara would propose to Lena on a Friday night. The CEO always got off in time for dinner on Fridays; a compromise the CEO made with the hero when they moved in together. She would meet Lena at the door wearing her very expensive dress; dinner already platted and on the dining room table. They’d enjoy a candlelit dinner with her and Lena’s favorite sappy playlist playing softly in the background. Once dinner was finished, she’d ask Lena to dance with her and when the playlist hit their special song (Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift, of course), Kara would produce the box that she had strategically hidden under the coffee table, get down on one knee, and propose. If Lena said ‘yes’ (Kara was at least 90% sure she would), her and her new fiancé would enjoy dessert and later head off to their bedroom to make love the rest of the night.
“Easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy” as Winn would say.
The first indication that things were not going to go smoothly was a delay with the alterations to her new dress. The clerk at the boutique called her three days before the big night saying that the seamstress had been ill and was behind on her orders, but before Kara could hyperventilate, the clerk assured her it would be ready Friday morning with plenty of time to spare before dinner. Kara spent the next fifteen minutes doing controlled breathing exercises Eliza had taught her when she first arrived on Earth, reassuring herself that everything was going to be okay.
The rest of the week passed without further complications; it wasn’t until Friday morning that everything started going sideways.
Kara received word from the clerk at the boutique that her dress had been destroyed in a sewing machine mishap. Kara tried to roll with the punches and asked if they still had the dress in the color that she initially tried on. Unfortunately, the clerk informed her that that style of dress had sold out. After receiving a half-assed apology from the clearly disingenuous clerk, Kara poked her finger through her phone as she ended the call. The Kryptonian rushed to her private bathroom and spent several minutes doing breathing exercises again. Kara quietly mumbled to herself between breaths, “Everything’s going to be okay. This is just a minor setback. It’s okay. I’m okay. I’ll just dig out that dress I wore when we crashed Morgan Edge’s party. Yeah, that’s it, that’ll work. Everything’s going to be great!” She got up, splashed some water on her face, and went back to work.
Fortunately, Kara was able to escape CatCo in the early afternoon. With her personal phone taking up residence in the trash can, Kara grabbed her seldom used work phone, shot a text off to Lena telling her that she’d be using it the rest of the day, and flew (literally) out of her office to pick up the ingredients for the night’s special meal. The hero hated that she had to wait until the last minute to hit the grocery store, but between EIC and Supergirl duties that week, she just hadn’t had the time. Luck seemed to be on Kara’s side as she had no issues finding the supplies she needed and getting out of the store swiftly.
She returned home around 4pm and began fixing dinner in earnest, super-speeding through prepping the ingredients. She boiled potatoes, sliced up beef, apples, and veggies, whipped together dough, and sauteed some of the chopped vegetables in olive oil. She had everything prepped and ready to cook within twenty minutes (the potatoes took forever to boil, and she didn’t trust speeding up the cook time with her heat vision).
Kara didn’t realize the stew would take three hours in the crock pot before it was ready, creating a slight problem; Lena was due home in two hours. Kara turned the heat up to its highest setting to speed up the process. The bread, Colcannon, and apple cake would only take a half hour in the oven, so she moved on to the next phase of her plan.
Placing the candles throughout the penthouse was simple enough, but she ran into a bit of an issue when she went to pair her phone with the built-in sound system. Her work phone did not have the playlist she wanted downloaded on it and she couldn’t download it from the Cloud. Lena refused to connect any phone that didn’t have her personal encryption software installed, hence the reason why Kara never used her work phone. The Kryptonian for a generic YouTube playlist to stream directly into the living room speakers.
After speed cleaning the penthouse, setting the dining room table, and checking the progress of the stew (it was lukewarm at best), she readied her other dishes for the oven. A slight hiccup with the remaining dishes: each had to be cooked at different temperatures for different lengths of time. Unfortunately, the penthouse only had one oven, but Kara had prepared for this. Her plan was to average out the cooking times of the three dishes and repeat the process for the cooking temperatures. Bubbling with pride at her ingenuity, the blonde put the remaining dishes in the oven.
Her tasks completed; Kara noted she had forty-five minutes before Lena was due to arrive home. She used the time to take a shower, get dressed, and do her hair and make-up. As per usual, she kept her make-up light, save for using a darker shade of red lipstick. She styled her hair in a pompadour-style updo reminiscent of the way she wore during her exposure to Red K. Although she would never admit it to another living soul, she actually liked her wardrobe and style choices while she was infected; her fondness for that awful experience ending there.
Twenty minutes later, Kara exited the bedroom looking (and more importantly) feeling sexy and confident. She spent the next five minutes lighting the candles spread about the penthouse. Sadly, she had to light each candle at human speed; the candles would be blown out if she went any faster.
With twenty minutes left before Lena walked through the door, Kara walked into the kitchen to inspect her still-cooking food. Everything in the oven looked like it was progressing as planned; nothing was burned, smoking, or on fire, a win in Kara’s book. Much to her chagrin, the stew was still undercooked. Starting to panic, the Kryptonian decided to take a risk and use her heat vision to heat the stew to the appropriate temperature. Focusing on the simmering meal, Kara released two narrow, blue beams of heat vision. She had to use the utmost control to ensure she didn’t incinerate the stew (or the crock pot for that matter). She was reminded of all the times Eliza had had her finish cooking the Thanksgiving turkey in a similar fashion. Heating up a turkey was easy in comparison to what was essentially a thick soup; the slightest slip up could result in a boiling cauldron of inedible slop. As she slowly brought the hearty meal to temperature, she could smell a delicious combination of meat, vegetables, and spices. She couldn’t help the beaming, congratulatory smile on her face.
As far as Kara was concerned, she was killing it.
As if the universe had decided that Kara’s cockiness needed to be tempered, the alarm from the smoke detector roared to life causing the hero to lose focus; an intense burst of heat vision blowing the crock pot and its contents throughout the kitchen. Kara screamed as she was covered in thick, viscous brown chunks. The startled hero backed away from the oven and collided with the food prep area; the force of the impact crushing the lip of the marble counter with a loud crunch. Kara spun around to inspect whatever damage she’d done to the counter and in the process smacked the bottle of olive oil she’d used earlier. The oil splashed in all directions; some ending up on the candlelit dining table. The highly flammable oil ignited when it made contact with the candle’s open flame which resulted in bright flames springing to life on the tabletop; increasing its intensity quickly when the cloth napkins turned to kindling.
Seeing the mini-inferno spreading across the tabletop, Kara released a panicked yelp. “No, no, no, no, no, no!” she cried. She swiftly positioned herself near the table and extinguished the flames using her freeze-breath. The force of the artic blast knocked several candles off their perches: some landing on the floor and some on the furniture. Luckily, the candles were extinguished by the same force that knocked them over, but hot, liquified wax splashed onto the carpet and furniture indiscriminately.
With the table fire quelled, Kara turned back towards the kitchen to identify what had set off the smoke detector. The blonde zeroed in on a plume of smoke billowing out of the oven and rushed back into the kitchen. In her panic-driven haste, the Kryptonian ripped the oven door clean off its hinges and carelessly flung it away. The freshly launched door smashed through the glass sliding door and landed with a loud clang when it landed on the balcony.
Kara peered into the now doorless oven. “No!” she bellowed when she saw the soda bread burned to a crisp; thick black smoke rising from its charred corpse. The apple cake was well on its way to becoming charcoal but had yet to transition into a gaseous mess. The Colcannon resembled a Jello mold.
Kara, a crushed look on her stew-stained face, stepped back from the oven and doused the still smoking dishes with a quick burst of freeze-breath. She slowly became aware of the obnoxious shriek continuing to be emitted from the smoke detector. The Kryptonian removed the glass dish containing the Colcannon from the oven and flung it at the detector, smashing both to pieces.
Mercifully, the penthouse fell silent.
“Miss Zor-El, there is an incoming call from building security.” Hope’s soothing but indifferent voice broke the silence.
“Okay,” Kara quietly responded, clearly in a haze.
“Miss Danvers, this is Chet at the security desk. We’re monitoring a smoke detector activation coming from your unit. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, just a little accident. Everything’s fine,” the hero flatly responded.
“Another issue with your toaster oven?” the guard said jokingly.
“Something like that.” She let out a shuddering breath at the guard’s playful ribbing, but the joke fell flat as it was just another reminder of her past cooking failures and compounded the gravity of her current situation.
“No worries, Miss Danvers. I’m glad everything’s okay. Please contact us if you need anything. Have a good night.” The guard hung up without a response; not that Kara really cared at this point.
Kara surveyed the penthouse; slowly taking in the scope of the damage. The kitchen counter and dining table both sported large scorch marks; the counter also showed a Kara-size indentation. Chunks of crushed, white marble littered the floor. The front of the oven sported black smoke residue that made a trail up to the ceiling. She turned towards the living room and saw that multiple candles were strewn about the carpet. Their white couch and loveseat bore splashes of now-cooled wax. The shattered sliding door and the severed oven door lying on the balcony floor added the finishing touches to the carnage.
Kara’s eyes filled with tears, but she refused to cry. She turned away from the damage and nonchalantly made her way to the bathroom. Once inside, she robotically wiped the brownish, caked-on stew residue off her face with a wet washcloth. Her face clean, she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her once well-quaffed hair had wild strands hanging loose, her dress had crusty brown splotches running from top to bottom, and, turning to look at her backside, pieces of plaster and crushed marble covered her ass.
Kara squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head in disbelief. She exited the bathroom without making any other attempts to clean the remaining muck out of her hair or off her dress.
Kara returned to the living room and sat on their wax encrusted couch and the very edge of the cushion, her body ramrod straight.  After a few minutes sitting quietly, the Kryptonian reached under the coffee table and retrieved the blue box containing the bonding bracelet and engagement ring. She set the box on top of the coffee table and longingly gazed at it. She closed her eyes and, as if finally giving permission to break free, a trickle of tears began to slide down her cheeks.
This is how Lena found her when she entered the penthouse.
The CEO mindlessly glimpsed at the mangled penthouse; mere seconds passed before her brain caught up to what she was seeing. “Kara!” She moved quickly to the couch, a look of panic in her eyes. “What happened? Did someone attack you?” Kara gave no indication that she was aware of Lena’s presence, let alone respond to her questions. Lena sat on the edge of the couch next to Kara, grabbing her by the shoulders and turning the seemingly catatonic Kryptonian’s body to face her. Lena closely examined her stunned girlfriend. She focused on the brown stains littering Kara’s dress, going so far as to scrape some of the crusted substance off with her fingernail.
After a brief examination of the unknown substance, a perplexed Lena gently cupped Kara’s cheek and ever so slowly turned the hero to face her. Lena saw a smattering of tears running down her cheeks.  “Darling, what happened?” she asked with all the gentleness she could muster.
A look of pure anguish fell over Kara’s face and the floodgates opened. The hero pulled Lena into an almost too tight hug and buried her face in the CEO’s shoulder; uncontrollable sobs erupted from her. Rage, disappointment, embarrassment, and a litany of other emotions poured out of the blonde as her body was racked with an onslaught of tears. Muffled wails soon followed, the hero’s body quaking with each mournful cry.
On the verge of tears herself, Lena kept her composure as best she could. Her girlfriend needed her to keep her shit together and, although the CEO had no idea what was going on, she intended to support the hero in any way she could. She squeezed the blonde as tight as she could and ran her fingers through her hair, periodically planting chaste kisses on her forehead and softly whispering reassurances that everything would be okay.
After fifteen or so minutes, the Kryptonian’s cries were reduced to shuddered breaths and occasional sniffles. Taking this as a sign the blonde had finally calmed down, Lena decided it was a good time to get to the bottom of her girlfriend’s meltdown. “Are you feeling up to telling me what happened?” Kara’s body briefly stiffened, but the hero nodded into the brunette’s shoulder, nonetheless. She slowly extricated herself from Lena’s embrace and situated herself on the couch so she could properly face her.
Lena took one look at the bloodshot and puffy eyes on Kara’s tear-streaked face and her heart broke. “Oh, my giehrehv-divil, please tell me what happened.” Lena tucked a few strands of wet, matted hair behind the blonde’s ear.
Kara nodded and took a deep, shuddering breath. “I…I tried to plan a…a special evening for us. I ordered a special dress from Matti D and…and…I…was going to make some authentic, Irish food…and…and…so we could have a nice candlelight dinner…and then I was going to put on our favorite playlist…so…so we could dance…and then…and then…I was gonna…gonna give you…” Kara glanced at the blue box on the table and let out a painful, hiccupped whimper. “But everything got ruined!” she said with an angry stutter. “The seamstress destroyed the dress…so I had to put on this…this old rag which I know you like…but it’s four-years-old…and then…and then I broke my phone when they called me, so I didn’t have access to our playlist…” The intensity in Kara’s voice began to increase, as did the intervals between stuttered breaths. “…and…and I tried to cook dinner…but everything burned…and then…the table caught on fire and…and…I broke the counter…and…I ripped the door off the oven and threw it through the sliding door…and the wax on the couch…” Kara choked on a sob. “I wrecked everything!” she howled before crumbling into heaping mess of tears.
Lena deftly pulled the hysterical Kryptonian into her arms and began rocking her. She rubbed small circles on her back and planted more soft kisses on her forehead. The hero didn’t take long to recover but Lena refused to release her. Instead, the CEO slowly moved herself and Kara into a lying position on the couch; Kara readjusting her body so Lena could spoon her. The brunette planted soft kisses behind the Kryptonian’s ear, Kara melting further in her embrace.
The couple stayed cuddled together for an indeterminant amount of time before Lena broke the silence. “Is that for me?” she asked, indicating the blue box.
Kara somberly sighed.  “It was supposed to be.”
“Now I don’t get it?”
Kara scoffed, “I don’t think you’d want it.”
“And why is that?” Lena asked, eyebrow raised inquisitively.
Kara sat up and turned to face the CEO. “Why?” she said incredulously. “Look at me…look at all this.” Kara waved her hand indicating the living room and kitchen. “Lena, I’m a dumpster fire!” the Kryptonian pleaded.
Lena sat up and grabbed ahold of Kara’s hand, lacing their fingers together. “Is that really what you think?”
Kara shrugged. “It’s how I see myself sometimes. Especially after I do shit like this,” she said as she motioned towards the kitchen again.
Lena thinned her lips as she carefully considered how to respond to Kara’s unfair assessment of herself. “So, because you see yourself as a dumpster fire, I should reject whatever’s in there.” Lena pointed at the box.
“You would if you knew what was in it,” Kara whispered defeatedly.
Lena chuckled. “Oh, my sweet, sweet, darling. I’m fairly certain I already know what’s in there.” The CEO confidently smiled, a glimmer of warmth in her eyes.
Kara gasped, her shoulders slumped, and she looked away; attempting to avoid the certainty in her girlfriend’s gaze.
Lena pulled at Kara’s hand. “Hey, don’t run away.” The Kryptonian turned towards the brunette but refused to make eye contact with her. Lena cupped her chin and gently guided Kara to face her. “I need you to look at me and listen,” Lena said with conviction. “You say you see yourself as a dumpster fire. Do you want to know what I see?” Lena asked rhetorically, not giving the blonde any time to reply. “When I look at you, I see a loving, considerate, romantic, and giving woman who…I don’t know…for the quadrillionth time since I met her, went out of her way to show me just how much she loves me…no one has ever gone to the lengths that you have to make me feel like I’m cherished. Honestly, you could accidently destroy our entire penthouse and I would still love you.”
Lena laid a soft kiss on Kara’s hand. “We’ve been through hell and back to get to where we are. I would be a damn fool if some broken appliances and a few scorched furniture made me question how what we’re trying to build here.”
“But I had this perfect plan…” Kara whispered.
“Darling, I can’t imagine how disappointed you must be, and I’m so sorry all this happened.” Lena squeezed her girlfriend’s hand tighter. “But please understand, I don’t need perfect, Kara. I just need you, imperfections and all…especially the imperfections…they’re what made me fall in love with you in the first place.”
Kara minutely nodded, still not looking convinced. “I just…I sometimes feel like I’m not good enough for you…like…somehow I’m not worthy of your love,” the hero said, averting her eyes.
Lena couldn’t help the astonished gasp escaping her lungs. “Kara. How could you say that? How could you ever think that?” she said with a hint of anger in her voice. The CEO lightly grasped the Kryptonian by the shoulders and made sure she had her attention. With a pained look on her face, Lena calmly said, “I’m sorry for raising my voice. I of all people understand how you can feel like that sometimes. When it came to you, I felt unworthy for years. I thought to myself ‘There’s no way I’m a good enough person to have Kara in my life’.  And don’t even get me started on where my head was at when we started dating. I felt like a fraud. I convinced myself that I didn’t deserve your friendship, let alone your love.”
Lena’s eyes were filling with unshed tears. Kara noticed and mirrored her girlfriend’s painful expression. “But I don’t feel that way anymore, and do you want to know who finally got me out of that spiral?” Lena leaned in to rest her forehead on Kara’s. “You, my giehrehv-divil. You spent years showing me that I not only deserved to be loved by you but loved by our friends and family. You never gave up on me. I spent those same years doubting everything you tried to show me. Until one day, one day I started to believe it. There was no special event or earthshattering circumstance that opened my eyes. I just remember one day I was looking in the mirror and came to the realization that I was good enough, that I was deserving of your love, and that I was worthy of you.”
Both had tears cascading down their cheeks. Kara leaned in and gave Lena the gentlest of kisses, the blonde grinned into her girlfriend’s lips. The couple broke apart and Lena filled Kara’s hands with her own. “And let me tell you something, if that box has in it what I think it does, you, Kara Zor-El, are more than worthy enough to ask me the question that goes with it.”
A light dusting of pink appeared on Kara’s cheeks. “Promise?” she said bashfully.
Lena softly smiled. “Promise.”
Kara slammed the brunette into the arm of the couch with a bone crushing hug; almost knocking the wind out of the surprised billionaire. The Kryptonian ended up atop her girlfriend and buried her face in the crook of her neck. Lena could feel Kara’s smile tickling her skin, the blonde adding a hum of contentment once they were comfortably settled.
After enjoying a few minutes of happily snuggling with her girlfriend, Lena, staring contemplatively at the Kryptonian curled up on her side, brushed her lips against the blonde’s forehead and asked, “Kara, do you know what the odds are that, out of all time and space, the two of us would end up here, on this couch, in each other’s arms?”
Kara thought a moment before mumbling “no” into Lena’s neck.
“Well, in the interest of saving me the trouble of rattling off an obscenely long number, let’s just say a person would be more likely to be randomly struck by lightning...” Lena paused to let her words sink in.
Kara removed herself from Lena’s neck and leveled a raised eyebrow at her; clearly unimpressed. “That’s not a big…”
“…25 times,” Lena interrupted, sporting a mischievous grin. Kara’s eyebrows flew to her hairline, and she let out a low whistle. Lena nodded in agreement. For the first time since she arrived home, Lena was treated to her girlfriend’s trademark, radiant smile. The CEO cupped the Kryptonian’s face and slowly ran the pads of her fingers down the baby soft skin. The brunette’s features softened into a look of adoration and something akin to awe. “I don’t know if it was fate, a cosmic coincidence, or hell, even Rao that brought you to me, but I cherish every moment I get to be with you.”
Kara’s eyes began to well up again. She swiftly captured Lena’s lips with her own, her kiss desperate and hungry. They kissed until Lena had to come up for air. Kara leisurely moved off the brunette and sat up straight. She glanced over at the kitchen and frowned; a frustrated sigh followed. “Well, I guess I better get to cleaning up this mess.” Kara moved to get up but was quickly stopped by Lena’s hand grabbing her wrist.
Lena scoffed, “The hell you are. I didn’t triple the insurance coverage when you moved in for nothing. I’ll have a clean-up crew in here tomorrow to deal with this.” Kara reluctantly nodded in agreement. “No, you and I are going to order some take-out because I’m starving…as are you, I’m sure. While we’re waiting for dinner to be delivered, we’re going to get you out of that dress and into the shower, hopefully we can wash that goulash out of your hair.”
“It’s Irish stew…or it was supposed to be,” Kara said with a hint of embarrassment.
Lena’s face lit up. “Darling, that’s so sweet of you!” She sat up and gave Kara a quick peck on the cheek before continuing, “The food should be here by the time we get out of the shower, so we’ll eat, and then it’s straight to bed so I can show you how much I love you.” Lena seductively bit her bottom lip and wiggled her eyebrows. “Multiple times.”
Kara giggled excitedly and rose from the couch. “I’ll go get your phone out of your purse, I have no idea where my work phone ended up and I have no interest in finding it right now.” She had barely taken a step before she felt Lena’s hand grip her wrist again. She looked down at the seated CEO confused.
“I think you’re forgetting something,” Lena said, eyeing her girlfriend with an expectant look.
Kara scanned around the room; not finding anything that needed to be attended to immediately, she asked, “What am I forgetting?”
“Didn’t you have something you wanted to ask me?” Lena motioned towards the blue box on the coffee table.
The Kryptonian followed her girlfriend’s eyeline and when she realized what the brunette was alluding to, a deep blush and a look of shock overtook her features. “Oh…yes…right…okay!” She let out a long breath and shook her arms to loosen them up. Kara took several deep breaths and rolled her shoulders. “I can do this…I can do this,” she not-so-quietly told herself.
While Kara was having a mini-nervous breakdown, Lena sat silently trying her best not to laugh at the Kryptonian’s panic induced calisthenics. The brunette could not hide how much she was enjoying watching the blonde come unraveled.
Appearing to have psyched herself up sufficiently, Kara lifted the box up and cradled it in her hands. She opened her mouth as if to speak but stopped short. The Kryptonian set the box back on the table and began patting at her chest with both hands. Having not found what she was apparently searching for, she slid her hand into the top of her bra and, after digging under the cup for a few seconds, removed her still empty hand. She repeated the process with the other cup, once again coming up empty handed.
“Kara, what are you doing?” Lena said, leveling her girlfriend with a perplexed look.
The Kryptonian smiled sheepishly and held up her index finger. “Ummm, be right back.” She super-speeded out of the living room leaving a bewildered, windswept Lena without answers. Kara reappeared in front of the CEO within seconds, her face reddening and her jaw clenched. “I left my speech at the office,” Kara said through gritted teeth. “I worked on that speech for weeks.”
A small giggle escaped Lena’s lips, but she quickly slapped her hands over her mouth trying to quiet herself.
Kara threw her hands up in defeat, her body completely deflated. “Seems to be the theme this evening. Well, I guess I’m gonna have to wing it!” she said in exasperation. She aggressively swiped the box off the coffee table and unceremoniously plopped down on one knee.
Lena smiled, took Kara’s hand into her own, and lightly kissed it. “Relax, darling. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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th3w00ds · 5 months
Sharper Headcanons
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Sharper's a regular human
Although now, due to an experiment gone wrong, he got his arms and his legs replaced with a mix of metal and his own flesh, basically prosthetics
Very advanced ones, as he's a scientist and inventor and made them himself
He can feel through them, and they usually look exactly like regular limbs
That stays true even if others touch them, though you could probably feel the wires and circuitry in his arms/legs if you pressed down hard enough
Even though they do have machinery in them, they do still have human flesh and tissues
Hence in Take Me Anywhere where his body and the wires/circuits seem to be one whenever he's injured
Because, well, they are one
Sharper has a tendency to get hurt on accident a whole lot
That damages his prosthetics and exposes the circuitry underneath them
Which to him hurts just as much as a wound of whatever caliber it is would hurt to a normal human
A master at inventing and chemistry
In fact, once he had a whole company
It was called Sharper Industries. He unfortunately shut down his company after getting very addicted to his own invention: The Sharper Industries Immersion Tube, and the Hallucina-Puff Memory Gas that allowed the tube to work
Sharper hadn't completely made sure that the Memory Gas was perfected before he started producing and selling the Immersion Tube to the public, hence the "Excessive exposure to HPMG may damage some to all brain function" warning on the product
The reason Sharper got so addicted to it was after his ex-girlfriend, Jessica (whom he was on good terms with before her passing) died in a car crash during a storm while going to visit her family
Sharper, even with all his life-altering and potentially life-saving inventions, couldn't save her
Due to all his guilt about the accident and his belief that he could've done something to change it, he obsessively enters an Immersion Tube that he had installed at his home
Just to see her again
Over and over and over and over
Sharper couldn't stop thinking about Jessica and what he could've done to help her, even if he was the head of a wealthy company and, by all accounts from everyone around him, "needed to move on," Sharper couldn't
Not yet
His addiction to the Immersion Tube ended up nearly killing him
Sharper realized this due to his worsening health, worsening immune system, extreme memory issues, frequent migraines, flashbacks, and emotional instability
So he stopped using his Immersion Tube, and shut down his company. At the time it was just an extended leave, but without their founder, the company started to fall into disrepair quickly
By the time we see him in Take Me Anywhere, he's gotten over the majority of his addiction to HPMG
Although Sharper still goes occasionally have withdrawal (I have no idea if this is how addiction works so if I get anything wrong I apologize)
What Sharper hasn't gotten over however is Jessica and her death
At that time, he is now attempting to create a "perfect version" of HPMG in his personal lab
More abandoned warehouse which Sharper has repurposed into his home and current laboratory
Yeah he just kind of found it abandoned, moved his stuff in, and was like "Alright this is my home now, I can conduct my research without interruption!"
Sharper hasn't gotten extraordinarily far in his perfect HPMG research, but has certainly made lots of progress
There was an unexpected side effect of one of his test versions of his altered HPMG
When he took it, all the injuries he had at the time were healed immediately
No matter the severity
While it worked wonders for physical injuries, it didn't work so well for mental ones
He is very, very determined to get there one day, to the perfect version. If not for him, then for Jessica
@nwtbobsessedemo @bondoes-art @themoonisrotting @colourfulmes @nightshade-error @flaming-dolph16
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pokemonshelterstories · 11 months
Hello! I saw your bling and wanted to ask something of you, if that’s alright!
See, I have a shiny Absol (his name is Atelier) who’s a bit of a spoiled pupper. I’m an exorcist, so I help dispel ghosts, and since he’s a Dark type, we often work together for it, but he often gets a little lazy afterwards (which is usual, my concern is coming up, trust-). We haven’t had any appointments in the last two weeks, but he seems…lethargic, I suppose? He does have an Absolite, but we haven’t Mega Evolved in a long while.
I’m a bit scared, honestly. He’s been my buddy since I was twelve, and I’m worried. I’ve tried *everything,* favorite treats, toys, friends-hell, my Nidoqueen Elizabeth had to carry him to our next site.
I’m sorry if this is getting a little long, but I’m just horribly worried. He’s my boy, and to have him act like this makes my heart hurt. I’m just hoping to get an answer, and thank you for your time!
(Ooc: saw this blog and was very interested! I love the way things are described here, it’s like a vet’s place and I love it so much.)
he needs an immediate vet visit. anytime your pokemon starts to become lethargic without explanation, especially to the point of not being able to walk, you need a medical checkup.
i'm not sure how old your buddy is, but absol can live a very long time- even exceeding one hundred years! unfortunately, that also means there's a lot that can go wrong in that time. they're stoic pokemon that don't tend to show signs of illness until it gets to the point that they aren't capable of hiding it anymore. unfortunately, i can't give you a good idea of what might be wrong, but i do want to warn you that it is potentially something serious. sudden onset of extreme lethargy usually makes me think cancer, heart or liver disease, pain caused by a condition such as arthritis, or some sort of infection.
it's also possible that this is the result of long-term exposure to resentful or life-draining ghost types (sometimes referred to as "cursebearer syndrome"), a condition that sometimes affects non-ghost types that battle frequently with ghost type pokemon. whatever it is, though, it needs to be handled by a veterinarian.
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villainsimpqueen · 2 months
Barren Lands Lore Dump 4.
Lore dump topics: Reproduction, Mating Rituals, and Child Raising & handling the sick or hurt.
Reproductive Parts/ SEX 
ALL barren navi have two slits, an outer slit which protects the inner slit which leads to their gentiles from sand. 
The inner slit leads to their genitals for males as their neat tucked inside their Penises would start to expand and slide out of the inner slit from the outer slit in full length. Once edjucalting it will start to sofen and deflate sliding back in and the slits will also start to deflate and slide shut. 
Males Testes are internal versus out. Though when they swell the bottom part between the outer slit opening and taint will start to expand allowing their internal testes to expand when needed. Males' pensies are loaded eith bumpd and groves being smoother at the base, the head having an arrowhead shape with two ‘spikes’ being flexible to anchor inside of the female not allowing the male to be able to slip out until ejaculation. Ensuring pregnancy 
Female inner slits will open up to their clit and entrance, their Clits being the opening of their entrance allowing stimulation to be formed by the Males penises ridges, bumps and grooves. 
This will aid in producing wetness which makes the act more enjoyable and add lubrication for when the males pensiss spikes start rubbing against their internal walls. 
Mating Rituals
Red sands & Golden sands 
Unlike other Na'vi clans, Barren Lands Na'vi do not actively search for mates. They trust in Eywa to guide a fully mature male to a suitable female. This belief reflects one of their few spiritual tenets regarding Eywa and is a critical aspect of their cultural practices.
When a male and female do meet, the male must demonstrate his worthiness. This involves successful hunts to show he can provide food and displaying strength to fend off predators and rival Na'vi. These demonstrations are crucial as they assure the female of his capability to support her and their potential offspring.
Upon acceptance, the pair mates and connects their queues, creating an eternal bond through this spiritual and physical union.
 Birthing Process
The birthing process of Barren Lands Na'vi starkly contrasts with other Na'vi clans. While other Na'vi species give birth to crystalisks and use their queues to provide nutrition and health care to the newborns, Barren Lands Na'vi do not follow this practice. Instead, females do not carry their pregnancies to full term, as prolonged pregnancy can lead to significant nutritional loss and expose them to risks from rival Na'vi and predators. They give birth prematurely due to their inability to sustain long-term pregnancies without jeopardizing their own health and survival.
Immediately after birth, parents rub the newborn with sand. This gritty cleansing removes womb fluids and birthing scents that could attract predators. Following this, the parents dig a small burrow some distance away and place the newborn inside. This marks the beginning of the newborn's connection ritual to Eywa.
Connection to Eywa from Birth
The newborn is left alone in the burrow for 24 hours, a critical period in which they are considered to be "in the hands of Eywa." This trial by exposure tests the infant's resilience to the Barren Lands' extreme conditions. Survival through this ordeal signifies strength and potential for future endurance.
If the child survives without freezing, overheating, falling sick, or attracting predators, the final test occurs when the parents return. They call out to the infant. A successful response from the child—indicating it has the strength and awareness to recognize and react to the parents' calls—signals to the parents that the child is protected by Eywa and worthy of their care.
If the infant responds, the parents retrieve and care for it, now assured of its strength and potential to thrive in the harsh environment. If the child fails to respond, it is deemed too weak or sickly to survive the Barren Lands, and the parents leave it, believing it to be in Eywa's care.
Through these practices, the Barren Lands Na'vi ensure only the strongest and most resilient of their offspring survive, maintaining the strength and survival of their clan in one of Pandora's most unforgiving environments.
The Blue Sands barren Na'vi 
Na'vi from the Blue Sands tribes can find mates within or between their tribes, but some choose to leave their tribes to embark on a solitary journey within the Blue sands believing that Ewya will guide their true mate to them.
 For those seeking a profoundly sacred experience, they venture beyond the Blue Sands, traveling to the Golden Sands and, in extreme cases, even to the Red Sands. This journey is fraught with peril, as it involves navigating unknown territories, lacking knowledge of where to find oases, and standing out in the unfamiliar landscapes. These risks make hunting more difficult and increase their vulnerability to predators and rival Na'vi.
Proximity to the Tree of Thorns.
Near the Tree:Tribes that live close to the Tree of Thorns do not resort to the "Leaving in the Arms of Eywa" method. Instead, they take their premature babies directly to the Tree, allowing the first connection to Eywa through the spirit tree. This proximity to a powerful spiritual site negates the need for more drastic measures.
Nomadic Tribes or Distant from the Tree
Far from the Tree:Nomadic tribes or those living further from the Tree of thorns, sometimes straddling the borders of Golden Sands and Blue Sands territories, face a different situation. These tribes have two primary options:
  Travel Back to the Tree:Some may choose to undertake the journey back to the Tree of Thorns to establish the crucial spiritual connection for their newborns.
  Alternative Method:Others might adopt the "Leaving in the Arms of Eywa" method, similar to the practices of the Red Sands and Golden Sands tribes of the barren lands. This involves digging a burrow and leaving the baby there for 24 hours, a practice believed to connect the child to Eywa in a deeply spiritual, though perilous, way.
Raising Young in the Barren Lands Na'vi Landscapes 
Raising offspring in the Barren Lands presents distinct challenges and varying success rates across the three primary landscapes: the Blue Sands, the Red Sands, and the Golden Sands. Each region’s unique environmental conditions and social structures significantly impact the survival and upbringing of Na'vi children.
Blue Sands Na'vi
The Blue Sands Na'vi have the most favorable conditions for raising children among the three regions. Their structured clan system provides a supportive environment for nurturing young ones.
 Clan Structure and Support: The Blue Sands Na'vi benefit from a robust clan structure, with numerous members available to assist in hunting, protection, and education. This communal effort ensures that children receive the necessary care and guidance.
 Spiritual Practices: Proximity to the Shadowing Thorn Tree, the spirit tree of the Barren Lands, allows the Blue Sands Na'vi to perform sacred rituals. These include connecting children's queues to the Thorn Tree, facilitating a spiritual bond with their ancestors and Eywa. This practice is similar to those of their forest-dwelling ancestors.
Care for Vulnerable Children: Children who are sickly or physically challenged have higher survival chances. They are often given to clans residing near the Thorn Tree, where they are raised to become the tree's keepers. This act of mercy contrasts sharply with the harsher fates that might befall them in other regions.
Red Sands and Golden Sands Na'vi
In contrast, the Red Sands and Golden Sands Na'vi face greater difficulties in raising children to maturity due to the lack of clan structures and harsher environmental conditions.
Parental Responsibility In both regions, the responsibility of raising children falls solely on the parents. They must provide all necessary protection, food, and shelter in extremely harsh climates.
Environmental Dangers: Children are at constant risk from predators and rival Na'vi, who may attack in competition for scarce resources such as food, water, and shelter. The mortality rate due to starvation and dehydration is significantly higher in these landscapes.
Survival of the Fittest: The survival rates of children in these regions are low. Those who cannot thrive or are physically unable to survive face potential abandonment. If parents are indifferent or unable to spend the time to prepare a  merciful herbal concoction, these children might be left to perish.
Spiritual Practices: The opportunity for children to connect to the Thorn Tree and to Eywa is extremely rare, if not nonexistent. Spiritual education is primarily conducted by parents. Only a few Barren Lands Na'vi parents are willing to undertake the perilous journey to the Blue Sands to perform this sacred act.
 Comparative Analysis
Blue Sands: High success rates in raising children due to strong clan support, spiritual practices, and mercy provisions for vulnerable children.
Red Sands and Golden Sands:  Low success rates in raising children due to isolated family units, high risks from predators and rival Na'vi, and severe environmental conditions. Opportunities for spiritual connection to the Thorn Tree and Eywa are extremely rare.
The Barren Lands Na'vi exhibit varying degrees of success in raising their young, heavily influenced by their respective landscapes and social structures. The Blue Sands Na'vi benefit from communal support and spiritual practices, resulting in higher survival rates for their children. In contrast, the Red Sands and Golden Sands Na'vi face significant challenges, with solitary lifestyles and harsh environments leading to lower success rates in child-rearing. Opportunities for spiritual connection to the Thorn Tree and Eywa are minimal for the Red Sands and Golden Sands Na'vi.
Child growth- Adulthood. 
When Barren Lands Na'vi are born, they have overly engorged tails. This evolutionary trait helps the infants survive the first 24 hours of abandonment by their parents, a ritual in which they are left in the arms of Eywa. The babies draw sustenance from their tails, enabling them to survive until they are reunited with their parents and can nurse.
The breast milk of Barren Lands Na'vi mothers is thick, condensed, and nutrient-rich. This is necessary because they only lactate for 6 to 8 weeks, as their bodies shut down lactation to prevent parental malnutrition. During these weeks, the babies gain fat and muscle rapidly, doubling their premature newborn size and developing all their baby teeth.
By the seventh week, parents start weaning their offspring, introducing them to a diet of raw, rare, or chewed meats. The Barren Lands Na'vi have evolved to grow rapidly from birth, slowing down after their first year. By the end of their first year, they are the size of a five-year-old human, capable of running and hiding from danger, and can be left alone safely while their parents hunt.
In the first few years of life, Barren Lands Na'vi children remain nameless until they prove their strength and resilience to their parents. This detachment helps parents cope with the potential loss of a child. A child earns a name during their first hunt with their parents, where they must deliver the final blow to the kill. This achievement is celebrated by tying the first bead to their spirit cord.
The child then participates in a ritual offering to the Great Mother, where they skin the kill, make a pouch, and place the best cuts of meat and the heart of the beast inside. They then leave this offering on the highest dune in sight.
The child continues to hunt with their parents and learns spiritual practices until they are 15-18 years old. During this period, tensions may rise as parents focus on younger siblings, often requiring the older child to look after them. If the young adult refuses, they must prove their independence by completing a solo hunt and catching an animal that provides substantial food. Failure results in being relegated to a child's role through physical punishment or passive-aggressive behavior.
Success in the solo hunt grants the young adult the freedom to leave and survive on their own, guided by Eywa to find a suitable mate.
 Treating the Sick or Severely Injured Among the Barren Lands Na'vi
 Blue Sands Na'vi
The Blue Sands Na'vi are better equipped to handle illnesses and severe injuries due to their structured clan systems and resource-sharing practices.
Healers and Medical Resources: Small tribes or clans often include skilled healers. These healers have access to a variety of herbal medicines, made possible through inter-tribal trade.
Resource Availability: The availability of diverse resources and the ability to trade with neighboring tribes enhance their capability to treat infections and other ailments.
Survival Probability: While death from sickness, infection, or injury remains a possibility, the survival rate is significantly higher in the Blue Sands compared to other regions due to better medical care and resource availability.
 Red Sands Na'vi
The Red Sands Na'vi face harsher conditions and have limited access to medical care, making illness and injury potentially fatal.
Tribal Support: In the rare instances where small tribe structures exist, there may be a slight chance of survival due to collective support. However, these tribes are few and far between.
Resource Allocation: The decision to treat a sick or injured individual depends on the perceived likelihood of recovery. Resources, time, and effort are allocated only if the chances of success are deemed worthwhile.
Merciful Endings: If treatment is not viable, the options are abandonment or administering a merciful herbal concoction to ease the individual into a painless death. Solitary mates or parents may abandon a sick or injured loved one if no resources are available.
 Golden Sands Na'vi
The Golden Sands Na'vi, often living as solitary couples or individuals, face the most severe challenges in treating illness and injury.
Scarce Resources: With limited access to oases and plant life, resources for medical treatment are extremely scarce.
High Mortality Rates: Sickness or injury often leads to death quickly due to the lack of medical resources and the harsh environment. A severely injured or ill individual is seen as a liability, risking the survival of the healthy.
Impact on Offspring: A sick or injured parent can jeopardize the survival of their children, leading to higher abandonment rates. Fatally ill or injured children may also be abandoned to protect the healthier members of the family.
Merciful Concoctions: The preparation of herbal concoctions to provide a peaceful death is rare due to resource scarcity. However, some may take the risk to gather the necessary ingredients to ease the suffering of a loved one.
The ability to treat the sick and severely injured varies greatly among the Barren Lands Na'vi. The Blue Sands Na'vi benefit from structured clans and resource sharing, resulting in higher survival rates. In contrast, the Red Sands and Golden Sands Na'vi face significant challenges due to limited resources and harsher living conditions, often leading to higher mortality rates and abandonment of the sick and injured. 
And now your all caught up! Im still working on animal lore and plant life lore.
Next post will show examples of Barren Lands Na'vi!
lore #5? A look at Barren Lands Navi Fanart
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How to Remove Arm Hair with Minimal Irritation
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Removing chest hair is a common concern for many individuals seeking a smooth and hair-free look. Whether you're preparing for the beach, wanting to feel more comfortable, or just prefer a hairless chest, finding a painless method can be challenging. Fortunately, there are several effective ways to achieve this without enduring discomfort. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various methods, focusing on the highly effective and virtually painless option of laser hair removal. We'll also touch on other popular techniques, compare their effectiveness and comfort levels, and provide practical tips for achieving the best results.
Understanding Chest Hair Removal Options
When it comes to chest hair removal, the options are plenty, but not all are created equal. Let's delve into the most common methods and discuss their pros and cons.
1. Shaving
Shaving is perhaps the most common and immediate method of chest hair removal. It’s quick, inexpensive, and can be done at home. However, it comes with its own set of challenges:
Pros: Quick, inexpensive, and can be done at home.
Cons: Temporary results, risk of cuts and ingrown hairs, hair grows back quickly and can be itchy.
2. Waxing
Waxing involves applying hot wax to the chest and then quickly removing it, pulling the hair out from the roots.
Pros: Longer-lasting results compared to shaving, smoother finish.
Cons: Painful, can cause skin irritation, and needs to be done regularly as hair grows back.
3. Depilatory Creams
These creams break down the protein structure of the hair, allowing it to be wiped away.
Pros: Easy to use at home, painless if done correctly.
Cons: Chemical burns or allergic reactions, unpleasant smell, temporary results.
4. Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is a method that uses concentrated light to target and destroy hair follicles. This method is particularly effective for larger areas like the chest and provides long-lasting results.
Pros: Long-lasting results, minimal pain, reduces hair growth over time.
Cons: Requires multiple sessions, can be costly, needs professional treatment.
Why Choose Laser Hair Removal for Chest Hair?
Laser hair removal stands out as one of the best methods for removing chest hair without pain. Here’s why:
Effectiveness: Laser hair removal targets hair follicles directly, leading to a significant reduction in hair growth over time. For many, this means fewer sessions are needed compared to other methods.
Minimal Pain: While some discomfort may be felt, it’s often described as a mild tingling sensation. Modern laser technology has improved to the point where treatments are generally well-tolerated.
Precision: Lasers can target dark, coarse hairs without damaging the surrounding skin, making it a precise and safe option.
Convenience: Each session is relatively quick, and the results last much longer than shaving or waxing. Over time, you may only need occasional maintenance sessions.
Preparing for Laser Hair Removal
Before undergoing laser hair removal for your chest, it’s important to prepare your skin to ensure the best results and minimize any potential side effects.
Avoid Sun Exposure: Tanned skin can increase the risk of side effects. Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for at least six weeks before treatment.
Shave the Area: Shave your chest the day before your appointment. This helps the laser focus on the hair follicles without burning surface hair.
Avoid Other Hair Removal Methods: Stop waxing, plucking, or using depilatory creams at least four weeks before your treatment. These methods remove the hair root, which is needed for the laser to work effectively.
Clean the Area: On the day of your appointment, ensure your chest is clean and free from any lotions, creams, or deodorants.
The Laser Hair Removal Process
Here’s what to expect during a laser hair removal session for your chest:
Consultation: A professional will assess your skin type, hair type, and discuss your goals to tailor the treatment plan to your needs.
Preparation: The area will be cleaned, and a cooling gel may be applied to protect the skin and help the laser penetrate more effectively.
Laser Application: The technician will use a handheld laser device to target the hair follicles. You might feel a slight stinging sensation, but it’s generally well-tolerated.
Post-Treatment Care: After the session, your skin might be slightly red or swollen. Apply aloe vera or a soothing lotion, and avoid sun exposure.
Post-Treatment Care and Results
After your laser hair removal session, proper care is essential to ensure the best results:
Avoid Sun Exposure: Keep the treated area out of direct sunlight and use a high-SPF sunscreen to protect your skin.
Moisturize: Use gentle moisturizers to keep the skin hydrated and reduce any redness or swelling.
Avoid Heat: Steer clear of hot showers, saunas, and vigorous exercise for at least 24 hours to prevent irritation.
Patience: Hair will gradually shed over the following weeks. Multiple sessions are required for optimal results, as hair grows in cycles.
Removing chest hair without pain is possible with the right approach. While shaving, waxing, and depilatory creams are common methods, laser hair removal offers the most effective, long-lasting, and virtually painless solution. By understanding the process and preparing properly, you can achieve a smooth, hair-free chest with minimal discomfort.
Is laser hair removal safe for all skin types?
Yes, modern laser technology can be adjusted to suit different skin types. However, it’s essential to consult with a professional to ensure the best settings are used for your skin type.
How many sessions of laser hair removal are needed for chest hair?
Typically, 6 to 8 sessions are required for optimal results. The exact number depends on factors like hair density and growth cycle.
Can I shave between laser hair removal sessions?
Yes, shaving is the only recommended method for hair removal between sessions. Avoid waxing or plucking as they remove the hair root.
Are there any side effects of laser hair removal?
Some temporary side effects may include redness, swelling, and mild discomfort. These usually subside within a few hours to a day.
How long do the results of laser hair removal last?
Results can last for several months to years. Many people experience a significant reduction in hair growth, needing only occasional maintenance sessions.
Embark on your journey to a smoother chest with confidence, knowing that painless and effective solutions like laser hair removal are available. For more detailed information, visit Laser Hair Removal and learn about specific options like Chest Hair Removal and Leg Hair Removal.
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boopiddyboop · 1 year
Bang Chan Natal Chart Reading
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Hello and welcome to my first individual chart reading on this blog. While I read charts (especially of K-Pop artists) mostly for fun, I wanted to try something a little more involved in scope. I rotated between candidates for the first victim, but ultimately I landed on Bang Chan (who may or may not be my ult bias? More on that later). I have hopes to do other idols whose birth times are confirmed as well, if there’s any interest in reading more. Or even if there’s not. Honestly, this entire blog is pretty self-indulgent.
Full Disclaimer: Most of my knowledge is by traditional astrology, which involves but is not limited to: using whole signs, excluding Uranus-Pluto for natal charts, different sign rulers, and different planetary interpretations.  Astrology is subjective by nature; I do not think my way is best, simply that this is the version of interpretation that makes the most sense to me. This is not a professional service, simply a hobby meant for entertainment purposes only.  Feel free to disagree with or question my conclusions.
Now, with that out of the way, let’s get into the meat of it:
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Sun: Libra - 5th house
Moon: Libra - 5th house
Mercury: Libra - 5th house
Venus: Scorpio - 6th house
Mars: Sagittarius - 7th house
Jupiter: Aquarius - 9th house
Saturn: Aries - 11th house
Ascendant: Gemini
Midheaven: Aquarius - 9th House
North Node: Virgo - 4th House
Starting from the top, Bang Chan’s chart ruler in Mercury in Libra, which presides over his Gemini Rising. Sun and Moon are also in Libra. What does it all mean? Well, for one, Libra is one of the two signs ruled by Venus (the other being Taurus). Typically speaking, Libra is an incredibly artistic sign, looking for beauty in the world. It seeks to be fair and just, which can lean into being indecisive at worst. It’s no wonder that Libra is touching every part of Chan’s big 3. Who he is, how he feels, and how he communicates, all in Libra- between that and his 10th house in Pisces, another incredibly artistic placement, I have little shock that he ended up in music. It just suits him so well. With all that Libra energy sitting in the 5th house, a benefic house and the ruler of fun and pleasure, he’s very charming. Someone who comes off as a friend almost immediately. Magnetic, even.
Chan’s Libra 5th house is ruled by a Venus in Scorpio. As I mentioned in my previous blurb about Stray Kids’ charts, without that Scorpionic influence, I think Chan would simply float away with his ambitions (Libra, as a Cardinal sign, is very idea oriented and less execution).. Instead, Scorpio adds a lot of the emotion and ambition needed to make them a reality. Scorpio Venus, ruled by the malefic Mars, gets misinterpreted both positively and negatively, but I do think that its influence in his chart is largely helpful. With it being placed in the 6th house, the house of work and health, it's giving caretaker vibes. Acts of Service as a love language type. 
Moving on to the seventh house, Chan has a Mars in Sagittarius that is…interesting. Mars, the sign of energy and fight, is sitting in the house of long term relationships and opposite of self. Mars in Sagittarius is actually a decent placement because that fire sign is helping his Mars work as intended, but sitting in the seventh house, this points to potentially being hasty in relationships. Also, may enjoy dynamics with a little bite to them. I’m reminded of the clip of Chan, specifically.
So the 9th house is the house of other cultures, right? It’s little surprise that Chan has both his Midheaven and Jupiter sitting here in Aquarius. Success, expansion and public exposure in foreign cultures. Groundbreaking interpretation, I know. Though, when it comes to Chan, I wonder what one would consider the foreign culture? Ethnically Korean, raised in Australia, professionally working back in Korea. Which one to consider home? With his North Node sitting in the 4th house, the house of home, I think this is a question he has asked and may continue to ask across his life. 
Finally, I’ll make my final observations on his Aries Saturn in the 11th house. Saturn in Aries havers (1996-1999ish)  tend to have extreme irritation and constriction in their life wherever this is placed, if not balanced out. Unfortunately, the major aspect to this placement is its opposition to his Libra Sun. It seems like a war between the self and the dreams. The fun and the vision. I don’t think it’s a reach to say that he definitely experienced this dynamic in his predebut years, but that’s the fun of doing celebrity chart readings- you have a lot of source material to work with in confirming your biases.
All in all, I do really like Chan’s chart! He’s not without his struggles, but I think a lot of the energy is cohesive. As an aside, my personal chart is so incredibly similar but trine to his (Air/Fire dominant, with a smattering of water influence to tame that), that it's no surprise that I was immediately drawn to him. I love seeing astrologically how we tend to pick biases that either sync or balance with our energy.
Questions, comments, or requests can all go here
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cursed-angelic-art · 8 months
For the ask game, TianYue or LiuShen?
Don’t Ship It
Why don’t you ship it? Honestly, never really heard of or thought about this ship before, and I don't really uhh participate in Yue Qingyuan much. For some reason he is unshippable to me, and I think it's because he's too easy to project onto and I don't like seeing any of myself or my relationships in anything I ship. I am rereading the books though, so maybe I'll have a different opinion.
What would have made you like it? Maybe just more exposure in fancontent and a shift of opinion on yqy ships?
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? It definitely has potential. There's a hint of enemies to lovers in there, even if it's faint. There's two sad middle-aged men who have lost a lot maybe finding something new in each other. Could be fun!
Don’t Ship It (mostly)
Why don’t you ship it? Literally because: Where is Binghe?? Where is my son?? What did they do with him? Why is SQQ not concerned? I also think these two could go decades without confessing anything to each other or even realizing feelings. I tend to read Liu Qingge as somewhere on the aroace spectrum and SQQ as bingromantic bingsexual. I don't really go for slowburn friends to lovers. Needs more zest.
What would have made you like it? More Luo Binghe. SQQ has two hands. More conflict (Binghe getting involved). Basically I read a lot of Bingliushen. Love bingliushen.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? Definitely. I think their relationship in canon is hilarious. Your life gets saved by your most despised shixiong, so you immediately become ride or die for them til the end of time? I think their relationship is beautiful and while I'm answering these asks from a romantic viewpoint, I do love their canon friendship a lot. I can see a good jumping off point for romance there.
Ship/Don't Ship Ask Game
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atargetedindividual101 · 10 months
Narcissism-How a Smear campaign Works
The SMEAR CAMPAIGN – a silent and preemptive attack to destroy
There was such a huge response to the post yesterday on Narcissists and their ‘smear campaign,’ so I wanted to add a little bit more as far as understanding what is behind this. To start off you have to first ask yourself WHY any person would smear your integrity to OTHER people, especially if you were in some sort of reciprocal relationship with them. The why is easy to understand once you are out of the abuse cycle and looking from the outside in or when you start to gain clarity over the situation. So some fundamental facts:
1. The Narcissist needs to protect themselves from being exposed as the abuser they are.
2. No normal person would enlist other people into a campaign to attack another person that they supposedly loved, cared for, or had any relationship with.
3. Normal people work through things without enlisting friends, family, and coworkers – a relationship is personal between two people – not two people and the whole world. If there were actually the horrendous problems the Narcissist ALWAYS projects then the two people would come to a mutual understanding and either seek help or move on (again in a normal relationship).
4. The Narcissist enlists their soldiers or minions to carry out their agenda or dirty work to get the word out there that they were the victim with the support now.
5. The smear campaign is more devaluation through triangulation or backstabbing – it is perfectly crafted to inflict personal damage BEHIND THE BACK of the victim. They will use everything they know about you against you – they are very familiar with your whole life so they can mix bits of truth into their hideous lies!
6. The Narcissist has been doing this all along because they inevitably end up in a situation with every person where the Narcissist’s accountability comes into question so they start a decisive and preemptive attack because they know that the victim is becoming wise to their agenda or abuse and it is time to run!
7. It is meant to disable the victim in a manner to make them more vulnerable. The Narcissist continues to control them with fear and isolation and leaving their destructive message long after the Narcissist has moved on – again to protect the Narcissist from exposure and to keep you stuck in this mind frame.
8. The smear campaign is designed to make listeners shocked in such a manner that they have to stand up and take notice to the allegations and perhaps get involved. In other words they will accuse someone of sexual abuse, physical abuse, or any number of things that could potentially destroy the victim’s reputation and integrity in a horrendous manner.
9. For the victim it is the element of the surprise with a smear campaign. They walk into a situation that they have no knowledge of and unprepared for the allegations. Usually the smear campaign involves people from the victim’s immediate circle of family, friends, loved ones, coworkers, etc.
10. We ALL have an expiration date and this is just the final cycle of the abuse the Narcissist utilizes to really silence and disable the victim with extreme fear of more negative retribution.
To sum it up it is just more of the same abusive pattern that the Narcissist creates to further manage down the victim or basically destroy them. The devaluation was leading up to the smear campaign as the final step so the Narcissist could walk away unscathed with the same message to the victim that they were disordered, crazy, the abuser, liar or any number of scenarios. The smear campaign brings this to fruition because the victim is now hearing these same messages coming from the outside world and feeling totally isolated. BAM - that is where the Narcissist drives the abuse straight into the head of their victim. The victim is damned if they do, or damned if they don’t respond. But that Narcissist has driven more of their abuse into the victim and disabled them even more through enlisting other people to fight their delusional battle or divide and conquer. The negative messages that the Narcissist has been manipulating the victim with throughout the entire relationship start replaying in the victim’s head once more, the victim is worn down and vulnerable, their emotions also come into play, now they are faced with this smear campaign, and more than likely the discard as well, and they become isolated, traumatized and silenced. Psychological rape and terrorism from a very shrewd, destructive and disordered creature or a Malignant Narcissist! The normal evolution of this abuse is described in three cycles – idealize, devalue and discard. I am adding a fourth cycle which is the final blow to destroy the victim and that is traumatization through the smear campaign! This traumatization doesn’t go away with simple words that basically describe the hideous actions – it requires strong healing to achieve clarity and time to heal first and then see it from a healthy perspective. But at least understanding the process plants the seed into a victim’s head to start moving forward. That starts with no-.minimal contact.
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
The aftermath of last year's fiery train derailment in eastern Ohio doesn't qualify as a public health emergency because widespread health problems and ongoing chemical exposures haven't been documented, federal officials said.
The Environmental Protection Agency never approved that designation after the February 2023 Norfolk Southern derailment even though the disaster forced the evacuation of half the town of East Palestine and generated many fears about potential long-term health consequences of the chemicals that spilled and burned. The contamination concerns were exacerbated by the decision to blow open five tank cars filled with vinyl chloride and burn that toxic chemical three days after the derailment.
The topic of a public health emergency came up in emails obtained by the Government Accountability Project watchdog group through a public records request. But EPA Response Coordinator Mark Durno said the label, which the agency has only used once before in Libby, Montana — where hundreds of people died and thousands were sickened from widespread asbestos exposure — doesn't fit East Palestine even though some residents still complain about respiratory problems and unexplained rashes. Officials also believed the agency had enough authority to respond to the derailment without declaring an emergency.
Durno said the reason a public health emergency isn’t being considered is that “we have not had any environmental data” about ongoing chemical exposures in the extensive air, water and soil testing program.
The EPA said in a statement that the order it did issue telling Norfolk Southern it was responsible for the damage declared that "the conditions at the derailment site ‘may constitute an imminent and substantial endangerment to the public health or welfare or the environment.’” So the agency said it didn't see a need for a public health emergency because it had the legal authority it needed to respond.
But area residents like Jami Wallace see plenty of evidence that their hometown has become a disaster every time they open Facebook and see posts about their friends' kids covered with rashes or struggling with chronic nosebleeds. Other posts talk about the smell of chemicals returning after heavy rains.
“They keep saying it’s a coincidence, but if this was your family, wouldn’t you get tired of it being a coincidence?” Wallace said.
Lesley Pacey, who is an environmental investigator with the watchdog group, said she wants to make sure that East Palestine residents get the help that they need to recover from the derailment.
“I talk to residents all the time and they’re having new seizures pop up, cancers. I mean, a lot of the damage has already been done to these people,” Pacey said.
Federal and state officials continue monitoring for additional problems in the small community near the Pennsylvania border, according to Durno. The EPA also keeps testing the air and water in the area as it oversees the railroad's work to clean up the mess.
He reiterated that none of the agency's more than 100 million tests of air, water and soil ever showed concerning levels of chemicals apart from the soil immediately around the derailment that was dug up and disposed of last year.
In the recently disclosed emails, an EPA lawyer tells one of its PR people it was “best not to get into this” when he was asked whether a document explaining the agency's order telling Norfolk Southern to clean up the contamination from the derailment should include anything about medical benefits. That kind of aid, which could include Medicare coverage, is only available if EPA declares a public health emergency.
“But again there was no data suggesting that that was necessary. And to this date, there is no data that suggests that that’s necessary,” Durno said
The railroad has already spent more than $1.1 billion on its response to the derailment, including more than $104 million in direct aid to East Palestine and its residents. Partly because Norfolk Southern is paying for the cleanup, President Joe Biden has never declared a disaster in East Palestine, which is a sore point for many residents. The railroad has promised to create a fund to help pay for the long-term health needs of the community, but that hasn't happened yet.
The emails also provide a reminder that the EPA was aware of the potential dangers of releasing and burning the vinyl chloride. But that was already made clear when the EPA advised officials on scene that phosgene — which was used as a chemical weapon in World War I — and hydrogen chloride would likely be created when vinyl chloride is burned and warned the public about that possibility.
The officials who made the decision to release the vinyl chloride — Ohio's governor and the local fire chief leading the response — decided that releasing and burning it was safer than risking a tank car or more exploding.
Ultimately, Durno said the EPA found only low levels of hydrogen chloride in the plume of thick black smoke and no phosgene. And he said the agency took extensive samples throughout the area to monitor for those chemicals during the burn and evacuation even though weather conditions kept its specialized plane with additional testing equipment grounded on the day of the burn.
The head of the National Transportation Safety Board said recently that her agency's investigation showed that the vent and burn of the vinyl chloride was unnecessary because the company that produced that chemical was sure no dangerous chemical reaction was happening inside the tank cars. But the officials who made the decision have said they were never told that.
The NTSB's full investigation into the cause of the derailment won't be complete until June, though that agency has said that an overheating wheel bearing on one of the railcars that wasn't detected in time by a trackside sensor likely caused the crash.
The EPA has said the cleanup in East Palestine is expected to be complete sometime later this year.
Rick Tsai, a chiropractor who ran in the March primary for the U.S. congressional seat on the derailment, sees a dismal future for the small township the longer that it goes without the resources it needs to make it safe again — resources the public health emergency designation could help provide.
“People are just about to give up,” he lamented. “I don’t think people have much hope anymore.”
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