#with their own brothers fyi!
nightrae13 · 1 year
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Yes, I watch MSA, and now, I’m honestly on the mood to see these guys get drunk together after what they both went through lol. 
I always thought Austin and Caleb deserved better, but after editing them (probably gonna come out after Holy Week ^^) with that initial motivation, I just felt worse for them. Austin was a well-written character, and I can’t believe Emma just straight up only waited for Caleb to snap, so she can have a reason to break up with him lol (he’s an ultimate bf material and she wasted him XD). They’re flawed characters esp. Austin but they still loved their gfs no matter what.  I am aware that you can’t force or stop your feelings towards a person, but the girls still cheated with these guys who loved, cared and made so much effort for them with their very own brothers. I just really feel bad for Caleb more because he continually supports and believes in his gf only for him to be villainized in the end just because he reacted in a way normal people do when they find out their partner is cheating on them with their brother. For Austin, he’s one of my favorite guys (even if this art style isn’t my bias as I’m only watching MSA for a good story) and I’m at least happy he got a redeeming moment and closure. Tbh, Sam and Apollo could have been one of MSA’s best love stories if only she wasn’t dating Austin when she started to have feelings for her bf’s brother. Girl legit thought how her bf’s twin is hotter in their first meeting lol. Austin might be a jerk sometimes, but he wanted her to be happy.. and Apollo too. He just suffered like Apollo, and he deserved to be happy after sacrificing his feelings for the people most important to him.
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themoonking · 10 months
see someone spreading misinformation about ancient greece online, gently correct them, they say "well discerning whats canon and whats fanon in greek mythology is really difficult". i am killed instantly.
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4theseus-s · 2 years
newt: hey i just got a new marmite. what should i name him?
theseus: a new WHAT?!
jacob: love it or hate it
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youhavelessproof · 2 months
reminder that even if you don't ship batcest you should be upset with DC sanitizing their found families. 🩵
if you like fanfic where the Batfamily is a perfect loving family with no issues, more power to you, but you should still be upset about the current state in canon. because liking something in fanfic is not the same as liking something in canon.
story potential is actively being taken away from us because no one is allowed to have complex feelings about each other. Dick and Bruce aren't allowed their impossible to name relationship, Dick and Jason aren't allowed their love/hate relationship, Dick and Cass aren't allowed to have mutual but different negative feelings about each other, Dick and Babs' relationship has to be squeaky clean, etc. etc.
what's the point of having a group of characters to focus on if they're never allowed to have lasting conflict?
found family should never be forced to follow the heteronormative nuclear family propaganda we've all been fed and yet here we are. Bruce doesn't need to be Dick's dad for it to be understood that Bruce helped form Dick into who he is today. Dick and Jason don't need to be strictly brothers for them to be family. there is more to family than strict labels. especially in the context of queer history.
there is nothing wrong with liking fanon, but letting it be applied to canon without a second thought isn't good for anyone. I promise you that even if you're enjoying this now, it will be detrimental for canon stories.
and before you think to yourself that you don't care about canon anyway, yes you do. these characters wouldn't exist in fanon if not for the fact that canon existed. you might not have read a single comic in your life and never plan to, but you should still care because comics are the only reason you have these characters to begin with.
I have so many more thoughts but I'll end with this. Dick especially will never fit into a picture perfect family according to nuclear family standards because, in his own words, "Nightwing belongs to two families." (he's talking about the Titans here fyi. because the Titans are also family. family that is constantly dating each other.)
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vbecker10 · 4 months
Talk to Me (Part 2)
Part 1 / Part 3 / Part 4
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: (4 months after the first part) You and Loki have grown incredibly close, to the point where you both have feelings for each other but are afraid to admit it. One night, you have a nightmare while staying in Loki's room and he calms you but accidentally shows you his Jotun form in the process, triggering his own insecurities.
Warnings: fire (a small one), panic attack, fear of running a friendship, Loki being insecure about being a frost giant
A/N: Well... here's the second part I didn't plan on making lol @irishhappiness made a comment wondering how Loki would comfort Y/N if she has a nightmare which triggered her powers and then this just sort of happened... also there will now be a third part that I am working on 💚
FyI - I used some of my own experiences with panic attacks for this part, I know they are all different but this is just what they feel like when I have them
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It's almost midnight when you finally see Stark Tower and smile knowing you are home, and going to see Loki again. You had both been away on missions for the last week but he texted you that he arrived back hours ago. You text Loki and let him know you'll be landing in a few minutes and Thor nudges your shoulder.
"Texting my brother again?" he asks with a smile.
"Yes," you dramatically hold your phone away from him. "Do you mind?"
He laughs, "Of course not. I'm glad to see you two have grown so close."
When the jet finally lands, you walk down the ramp and see Loki waiting for you near the entrance to the building. Thor waves and Loki rolls his eyes, keeping his hands in his pockets. He is unable to hide his smile when he sees you step out from behind his brother.
"I had a feeling it wasn't me he was waiting for," Thor jokes, looking down at you.
"I'm sure he missed you too," you laugh. Loki, as if to prove he is only there for you, walks past his brother without a word and wraps you in a tight hug. You hug him back, your body relaxing instantly the moment you're in his arms again. "You give the best hugs," you mumble against his chest.
"Does he?" Thor asks and takes a step towards his brother when he finally releases you.
Loki faces Thor and reminds him, "Y/N is still the only person allowed to hug me."
You giggle and hit Loki's arm gently, causing him to look back at you, "Be nice."
"I am being nice," he smirks. "I didn't threaten to stab him if he tries to hug me like last time."
You roll your eyes at him but Thor laughs and pats his younger brother on the back hard before leaving you both for the night. You pick up your bag and walk together towards the Tower, telling Loki the highlights of your time away. When you finish, you ask Loki how his mission was.
"Successful of course," he says proudly then he adds, "I wish we had been assigned together. You are far better company than the Captain and Stark. Plus, then I would not have had to miss you."
You giggle and try to hide the blush that creeps up your cheeks at his words. You would have preferred Loki was your partner on your last mission as well, or all of your missions for that matter.
"You should probably head to bed," Loki suggests when you reach the elevators even though the last thing he wants to do is say goodnight to you already.
"Or we could watch the last episode of that show you insist you hate," you offer hopefully. You didn't want to admit you were exhausted, you just needed to spend a little time with him.
He chuckles, "We could do that."
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You sit next to Loki on the couch and try to focus on the show but you're finding it difficult. Not only are you fighting to stay awake but Loki is also sitting closer to you then he ever has before. When you first started this show a few months ago, he would sit at the other end of the couch, placing a collection of snacks between the two of you. Over the course of the series, he had gradually started sitting closer and closer to you. You weren't sure if he was doing it on purpose or not but it wasn't something you were going to complain about. Tonight, there is no space left between you, your shoulders touch and his leg rests against yours comfortably.
All you want is to lean into him and feel his arm around you but you don't move. He really has gotten good at giving hugs and you've decided that means he is also very good at cuddling. It is a theory you want to test but your friendship is too important for you to risk it. He is still in such need of a friend and you have to put that first.
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You almost make it to the end of the hour long show, but not quite. Your head nods and comes to rest lightly on Loki's shoulder as you finally lose the battle to stay awake. He looks over and smiles when he feels you shift. He could tell you were too tired to watch the show but there was no chance he was going to turn down spending even a minute with you.
He runs his fingers slowly through your hair and you smile in your sleep. You nuzzle against him and he wishes he could hold you the whole night. He knows he can't though, you are simply friends. He sighs, wondering if this is as close as he will ever get to falling asleep with you and places a soft kiss on the top of your head. His heart skips a beat when you respond by mumbling his name in your sleep. Carefully he gets up from the couch and helps you lay down on the pillow he conjured. He waves his hand again and covers you with the softest blanket he can create.
He stands over you for a moment, taking in how cute and peaceful you look curled up under the blanket. He whispers, "Sleep well, darling," then goes into his room.
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Loki lays in his bed but finds himself unable to get close to sleep. He wishes he could pick you up and bring you into his bed so he could keep you close. He has never missed anyone the way he misses you, he has never had a person in his life like you before.
When he was a child, it seemed as if he had dozens of friends but they weren't really his. They were Thor's friends and he simply inserted himself in their games. As he grew older, he found it harder and harder to relate to his peers and they slowly distanced themselves from him.
You are the only person who has ever chosen him over Thor or anyone else for that matter. He knew he was truly your first choice when he was the one you came to two months ago when you became an aunt in the middle of the night. He could barely believe the fact that he was the person you wanted to share one of your happiest moments with. He sat with you for over an hour, looking at the same ten pictures of the little new born but he would have done it all night if it meant he could see you smile and listen to you laugh.
He groans and puts his hand over his eyes, there is no doubt in his mind that he is your closest friend and you are his. He can talk to you about anything but the one thing he cannot bring himself to tell you is that he wants to be more than your friend.
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Loki's eyes finally close but only moments later he sits up, his body rigid with fear as you scream. He throws off his blankets and runs into the living area.
"Y/N," he says your name in a panic, his heart pounding in his chest at the sight in front of him. You are sitting up on his couch, looking at the blanket he placed over you which is fully engulfed in flames. You hold your hand shakily over the fire but you can't pull the flames back, you are still too frantic from your nightmare to control your powers.
Loki instantly drops his illusion and waves his hands towards you as he comes to your side. The icy air covers the blanket and quickly smothers the fire. You kick off the charred blanket and pull your legs up to your chest, lowering your head on your knees as you breath heavily.
"Are you okay?" he asks, putting his arm around you as he sits on the singed couch. You shake your head no. "What do you need?" he asks but you don't respond.
You squeeze your hands shut tightly to stop them from trembling and look up towards Loki's voice but you are lightheaded and the quick movement makes you dizzy. You know he asked you something but his voice seems far away as does the rest of the room. You can no longer feel the couch you are sitting on or the floor under your feet, you are vaguely aware that you are disassociating but there is nothing you can do to stop it. Your heart pounds faster in your chest and you fear it may never slow down again.
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Loki takes your hand and pulls you up from the couch when you don't answer him. He sits on the floor with his back against the couch and guides you down so you are sitting directly in front of him with your back flush to his chest. He takes your hands in his and let's out a quiet gasp of pain when sparks erupt from your fingers.
"Y/N," he whispers in your ear. You mumble his name in return and he asks, "Can you name five things you can see?"
"What?" you ask, confused by the random question. His cool fingers interlace with yours and small clouds of icy air calm the flames that are rise from your hands.
"Tell me five things you can see," he repeats in a low voice.
You try to focus on answering him. You can hear your heart pounding in your ears as you look around the far off living room. Slowly, you list five objects.
"Good, now can you tell me four things you can touch?" he asks quietly.
Your breathing is still ragged as your chest tightens but you push yourself to think about Loki's second question. You take a breath then look around to find the first three objects. "And I can feel your hands," you give Loki your fourth answer, his fingers squeeze your hand gently. As you say each item, you can almost feel the room shrinking to a less distorted size.
"How about three things you can hear?" he asks.
"My breathing," you turn to rest the side of your head on his chest, "Your heart beat and your voice," the answers come quicker now.
"Two things you can smell?" Loki asks, you finally register how worried his voice sounds.
"My shampoo," you answer, suddenly remembering when Loki told you he loved the way your shampoo smelled. You bought four more bottles of the fruit scented soap that weekend. "And your cologne," you tell him, a smile crosses your lips when you inhale deeply and breath in your favorite smell.
"You're doing so well, I just need you to tell me one thing you can taste now," he says.
"Do the apples on your dining table count?" you ask him as your eyes scan his apartment.
"If you think they do, they count," he responds and you nod that they should count. "How do you feel?" he asks after a moment.
"Better," you realize suddenly. Your heart rate feels normal, even your breathing is steady and easy. You are no longer lightheaded and feel as if everything around you is real and not distorted. You ask, "How did you know how to do that?"
"I read that it was a popular grounding technique," he explains. "I looked into ways to help you after you told me your nightmares sometimes triggered panic attacks."
You smile at the effort he had gone through to make sure he could help you, "Thank you Loki." You feel safe and comfortable pressed against Loki and look down, feeling your hands still in his hands. Loki's skin is a deep shade of blue and it takes you a moment to realize why. You shift to face him, his crimson eyes fixed on yours and he smiles. "Is this your Jotun form?" you ask, touching the ridges on his cheek with your fingertips lightly.
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His smile vanishes and he immediately shifts back into his Asgardian form, pulling his fingers free from your other hand. "I'm sorry," he says nervously as he gets up and walks away from you.
"For what?" you ask getting up but he ignores you. "Wait, Loki," you call as he heads towards his bedroom and pauses under the door frame. You walk towards him and say, "Please don't do that. Don't shut me out." You slip your hand into his and he looks at you. "You promised you would talk to me, remember?"
He sighs, "I did promise that, didn't I?"
You nod and try to smile, hoping he will open up to you. You are always worried Loki will retreat behind the walls you've worked so hard to break down.
A small smile tugs at his lips and he says, "I don't know what I did to deserve such a fiercely devoted friend."
You shrug and hold your forced smile as you feel a twinge of pain in your chest when he refers to you simply as his friend.
"We will talk in the morning, I promise," he says as he moves to pull you into a hug. "You need to rest."
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
@soubi001 @mochie85 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @animnerd @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @lokisgoodgirl @mischief2sarawr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @lulubelle814 @goblingirlsarah @foxherder @alexakeyloveloki @siconetribal @lokidokieokie @kneelingformyloki @jiyascepter @eleniblue @loreniscrying @muddyorbsblr @alyeskathewave @loz-3 @firedrakegirl @javagirl328 @princess-ofthe-pages @morally-grey-variant @soulpiercing @km-ffluv
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pensbridge · 3 months
1 thing that the Bridgerton siblings all have in common is that they are going to act in the most innane, chaotic, borderline animalistic of ways.
Anthony: speed runs toward Daphne and Simon without thought to pry them off from fucking in the garden only followed by bitch punching Simon square in the face; schemes to find the "perfect" wife (one who fits his checklist) to only later realize he feels for her sister....but doesn't stop there, and continues his plan as if he doesn't realize that his perfect wife is actually right there, therefore he should not have to attempt to marry the other in his escape that can only be described as a self-destruct endeavor to not accept happiness; ruins the plan AT the wedding; also smells his future wife as she passes (and gets caught); the gazebo..nuff said
Benedict: is generally a little shit (see him at dinner tables, in large gatherings, and just around his siblings); criticized an artist in front of their own work. he wasn't aware, which just adds to the chaos. walks into spaces without a clue to what is going on before him (i repeat: criticizing the artist's painting; also his chaotic arrivals at sibling councils calling for immediate action); in an ongoing frustration over his artistic expression that is meant to be expression of his feelings; proceeded to get high and took the whole bottle of substances; almost jumped out of a window fr
Colin: proposes to a woman he barely knows in a mad dash impulsive instinct that evades kissing her; walks out from the dinner with his fiancé without notice on the sole basis that he does not want to hear his future in-law sing badly. yes she is indeed terrible, fyi. failed engagement -> impulse flee from the country; ahh (sigh) he is feeding the ducks; loudly proclaims his "mis-affections" for a woman who is actually his future wife, then lends himself to help her find a husband like he doesn't see the big yellow sign flashing to reveal himself as the spouse in question
Daphne: is ½ of the couple about to desperately fuck in the garden; previously was involved in a scheme to fool the people of their surroundings that she was on her way towards marriage; ran away from a prince who was about to propose to her. I understand, but we are in dire, desperate times here. fell for the garden-fuck buddy, and became obligated to marry him, but he doesn't want kids oh no.........married him; in the "I know something my brother's fiancé doesn't know" club of 3 (peace-out, staying out of the drama; c u @ the wedding)
Eloise: trots into a room full of her mother and siblings LOUDLY inquiring how a lady becomes pregnant; accuses a maid of writing a gossip column as if she does have much time on her hands to observe and overhear the secrets of those in her surroundings, and further write about it with an internal sassy voice like she doesn't have chores and duties to tend to everyday to survive; does everything in her power to avoid men, marriage, and anything to do with the opposite sex... except one (which is scandalous no matter how cute/innocent). tears apart her bff's room in haste after the shock effect of Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen
Bonus) 'Mother' Bridgerton: nearly asked a servant to lie on her in need for her "garden" to be tended to
Here's some more events from Season 3 that is added on to Bridgerdums malfunctioning:
Benedict: insults someone again/talks without thinking; generally has no idea what's going on; shit's (ship's) going on right in front of his eyes and he has no idea (tbh this is everything that I expected from him and this is EVERYTHING (he's chilling); so obvious trying to escape the desper-taunt; sooooo obvious trying to chat it up with L.D./Aggie Danbury, my girl
Colin: where do I start...playing 'Where's Waldo' with his bff for half an episode; LYING LIAR WHO LIES, 17 cities...you went to 17 cities?! (i'm just shocked); perhaps we should go somewhere more private??? /rushes to apologize with full sentimental remarks (good); rushes to offer the help as previously mentioned; kisses his best friend to help her out it's only fair; "OF COURSE!"...back on the hunt for pretty bff; *ooh watching bff eat a pastry, malfunction ahh* -> buys the pastry; the entirrreee hot air balloon scene (he waits, he rushes...he's definitely a fight mode with mental gymnastics flight in the lead up); can't speak in the middle of a ball; downbadism yellow sheet drop; crashes a proposal, cuts in the dance, literally so obvious, *angry* "perhaps that is for the best"; chases down a carriage ON FOOT; the (in)FAMOUS carriage; chaotic proposal
Eloise: she hates socializing with men and she's gonna shout it; cracking jokes with The Plastics; oops loud queen...let the cat out of the bag; /forever the accuser (now w/Cressida, former queen of The Plastics); she HATES society, guys, I don't think you understand; "MY BROTHER?!???" x2 (3x04 deleted scene + 3x05 tick tock Lady Featheringdown)
Francesca: the most sane, but living up to her name; dun dun dun piano; introvert escape room expert; finds a man without talking to him; rushes out of the new boyfriend hang to play her piano
Gregory: fell and broke his arm being nosy AND faaaaaailedddd; dummy was just fascinated by a balloon
Hyacinth: she's gonna be trouble, we just know, ok/always always always right
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weirdmorefics · 5 months
benedict with a younger sister who he catches at one of the parties he goes to talking to a man who has less than innocent intentions with her and she’s oblivious and just thought it would be a fun place to drink bcs that’s what she’d heard when was out at the park earlier that day
A/N- Sorry for it taking a while I really am starting to believe in the fanfiction curse. I also made up the seedy guy who had unhonorable intentions in this story just an FYI.
Readers Pronouns- She/Her
TW- Sexism
Word Count- 1,653
Summary- Benedict goes to a local gathering of artists and happens to find his darling younger sister enjoying the company of some of Benedict's unsavory friends.
Unhonorable Intentions
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I am a rake. I take no shame in this fact. I am allowed to be a free spirit it is my birthright as the second-born son. No obligations no responsibility. I would loathe to be in Anthony's shoes. Though Y/n seems to have made it her mission for me to walk in his shoes tonight. What is she even doing in a place like this? Last I knew she preferred literature over the arts. Yet she hangs on a man's arm as he explains his next work. in progress that he is sure will be his Magnus opus. I glare at them hopefully sister notices my gaze burning into her side so I can continue my night as if nothing happened. However, when I glare at them I realize who the man she is talking to is and now I know there is no way I can continue my night. Unfortunately said man felt my gaze instead of Y/n and smiled and pulled her forcefully along with him.
"Bridgerton! It's grand to see you! We've missed you at the club!" Alexander shakes my hand roughly and I return it with an insincere smile. "Saw you eyeing my new muse, I regret to inform you I don't share." God, I want to gag as I know what he does with his so-called muses. Y/n smiles at being called his muse she does love it when I draw her but this man does not have honorable intentions. He and I have very different definitions of what a muse is. My idea of a muse is someone who inspires you to create, Alexander's idea of a muse is a woman to sleep with and then abandon.
I straighten back to assert my taller posture over the man, "And I regret to inform you your so-called muse is my darling baby sister." I look down at her with demanding eyes, "I do say it is time we get back to Mother. Isn't Y/n?"
She looks taken aback by my tone, "What do you mean? I just got here."
Alexanders' grin increases tenfold, "A Bridgeton! Benedict I had no idea you were hiding such a beauty to yourself! If I was her brother I'd never let her out of the house either." This man is truly revolting the artist community here is unfortunately very small and I have to find a way to remain civil.
Y/n smiles, "So you know Alexander? That's too bad really I was hoping to learn some different art techniques from him to impart to you! I had no idea you knew such a famous artist!"
I grit my teeth, "Famous now Alexander are we?"
This flusters him for a moment but he recovers quickly, "Aren't all artists famous in a different sort of way?"
I want to laugh at such an absurd response… sadly Y/n is far too naive for her own good.
"I agree wholeheartedly! Benedict is the most famous artist in our family! I'm quite jealous of his talent I must admit! It makes sense he would be at such a regal event filled with so much talent. To be truthful I overheard this soiree would have fabulous drinks on this morning's promenade and couldn't resist," she gushes over my talents and breaks my heart for not being more present in my siblings' lives.
Anthony just seemed to have it all handled, Daphne was married off, Eloise could certainly hold her own ground, Francessa was so busy with her studies, and Mother had Gregory and Hycanith under control. Even though Y/n is Eloise's twin she couldn't be any more different she believes the best in everyone and is too quick to forgive in my opinion and Alexander is taking advantage of that and I will not let that stand.
I smile down at Y/n, "Y/n you downplay your own talents no need to associate with a man whose talents consist of preying on women through false pretenses."
Her eyes widen to the size of quarters, "Benedict you can not make such outrageous claims!"
I pretend to not know exactly what she is talking about, "You mean your talents? Your poetry talent is outrageous and that's not a claim it's just a fact."
She blushes at the compliment but for some asinine reason still wants to defend Alexander. Though it seemed her brain could not keep up with the unusual compliment from me and the unflattering words I spoke about Alexander she just stuttered unintelligible anger, shock, and joy all marking her face. Alexander on the other hand was just fuming red.
"First you insult me Bridgerton then you demean poetry as a genre by encouraging a woman to write it." he snarls.
I have never seen Y/n turn so quickly and before anyone in the room knows what's happening a resounding slap is heard over all the chatter and everyone turns to the noise. Alexander's eye is twitching and a red welt in the shape of my sister's hand is forming on his face. He glares at her with murderous eyes but she holds her head high I have never seen her this determined and it makes me wonder what else I missed while she was growing up and I was galavanting around with men like Alexander.
She points an angry finger at him like Mother would when she would scold us, "Gentleman like yourself actually I wouldn't even call men like you gentleman but that's beside the point. Men like you say women are too emotional to do anything but care for the home. Poetry is all about emotion it's supposed to make you feel something like the art you make, or apparently don't make from what I just learned from Benedict's side comment. I would also like to remind you who is in charge of our country or rather what sex they are?"
All eyes are on us and Alexander looks like he might strangle Y/n with his two hands if the vein bulging out of his forehead is any indicator.
"Oh and by the way when I complimented your line work on your latest piece I was lying it was shit but you know how men can be so emotional I didn't want to hurt your feelings," she fake pouted. This is definitely not the young sister I once knew she may still be naive but she has now learned to use her talent with words as a knife.
Alexander's arm shoots to roughly grab her but I am quick to block, "I'm Alexander but we must be going. It was so nice talking to you as always. I would definitely take my dear sister's words under advisement to spend more time working on your line art." I then pull him very closely into my body and if anyone hadn't seen the previous incident they would have thought it was just two chaps hugging. I whisper, "Less time with lines of ladies and coke you might find yourself able to make straight lines. And if I ever hear you laid a hand on my sister I will kill you myself." I roughly release him and he scrambles backwards ungracefully as all eyes on him.
I link arms with Y/n, "Come on we must really be going now."
Once we make it outside away from prying eyes she quickly bursts into sobs, "Gods what have I done! I was just so angry he'd judge me just based on my sex. God, what if Lady Whistledown writes about me!" She starts pacing with her hands on her forehead and this is the Y/n I am all too familiar with, " Oh God what if Mama reads it! What if I ruin the Bridgerton name? Anthony will never forgive me!"
I clap and quickly gain her attention back, "You certainly won't be the first Bridgerton featured in Lady Whistledown and I am certain you will not be the last."
"Not helping!' She shouts back.
"No one will be mad you stood your ground… in fact, I am quite proud of you."
Her eyes study me, "Are you serious? I just slapped your friend in a soiree full of your peers."
"Anthony was more of an acquaintance," I add.
She rolls her eyes, "That is not the point!"
I sigh, "Yes, I am proud. You defended your honor and didn't need my help to do so. Though I am sure any of your brothers would be there in a heartbeat to defend it including me."
She smiles, "You're proud of me."
"I am not saying it again," I state.
she starts to repeat you're proud of me in a sing-songy voice.
"My pride in you is diminishing and my worry is growing. I think I will be around more often seems like Anthony isn't keeping a watchful enough eye on you if he let you go to a seedy event like this."
She tilts her head, "But you were at the event?"
"Exactly I only attend seedy events, though it appears now I must reform. Think of me has your second Anthony," maybe having responsibilities won't be so bad if I get to see Y/n chew out more men like Alexander.
She groans, "I don't want another Anthony how will I ever do anything fun."
"That's the point Y/n," I smile.
She groans, "I hope Lady Whistledown writes you into the story and makes you sound dreadful."
"As long as she writes how daring and smart my younger sister is we will be on good terms," I smile as she groans again at her failed attempt to get under my skin.
"Thank you, I guess," she responds.
I may be late in helping my siblings but at least they all still have some more growing to do and I plan to be there for all of it.
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daisynik7 · 1 year
In Between
Pairing: Eren x f!reader x Reiner
Genre: college au, one-shot
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~4.5k
cw: threesome, cunnilingus, nipple play, blow job, vaginal sex (doggy), creampie, horny reader (I mean, who isn’t), pet names, use of the term ‘big brother’, but there is no actual incest here I swear and I’m so sorry. This is just filth. 
Summary: Your “big brothers” from Alpha Tau fraternity take care of you for a night. 
Notes: OKAY, so I’ve had this in the back of my mind for a while now. Fun fact for those of you who have read my other series Rush: I originally wanted to make it an Eren x f!reader x Reiner fic but was intimidated about writing a love triangle, so I axed it. Instead, here’s porn with little plot to satisfy this itch. Enjoy! Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated, I would LOVE to hear what y’all think! 
Additional Notes: This might be the smuttiest one I’ve written so far, idk, you be the judge. As always, READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED. Also, think of this as an alternate universe to Rush, I’m using a lot of details from it, but there is no correlation. Okay, I’m done talking, have fun.
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It’s a Sunday night and Sigma Nu Kappa begins their first chapter meeting of the spring semester. Petra Ral, your sorority’s social chair, stands at the podium, a delighted smile on her face. “Good evening, sisters! I have very exciting news: Alpha Tau has agreed to pair with us this semester! This means we’ll be joining them to collaborate on charity events and most importantly, social gatherings.”
There’s a collection of giggles and pleased hums. Mikasa, your big sister and best friend, nudges you. “This should be fun.”
Although the two of you are the same age, Mikasa rushed SNK as a freshman, you joined as a sophomore this past fall. She picked you to be her “little sister” when you were a pledge, adopting you into her family line called The Angels. Since then, the two of you have been inseparable. 
Petra continues. “A neat thing we’ll be doing is combining families! We’ll be assigning each of our family lines to one in Alpha Tau. Consider them your ‘big brothers’. FYI, these were assigned at random.” 
She passes a stack of papers to each row. When you get yours, you try to find which family you’re being paired with. Before you can, Mikasa scoffs. “Of course.”
Next to The Angels is The Warriors. You turn to her with a questioning look. “The Warriors?”
“Guess who?”
You pause to think, then answer, “Eren?”
“Yup. Random my ass,” she jokes. 
Eren is Mikasa’s actual brother, older by a year. You’ve never met him in person, but you’ve heard plenty of stories about him from her. Petra notices her reaction and grins. “Okay, maybe yours is not so random. It just makes sense!” 
“So, what are we supposed to do with our assigned family?”
“It’s just for fun. It’s a nice way to get to know the brothers and build a strong connection with them. They’ll look out for you and take care of you, especially at the parties.” 
Since joining last semester, you haven’t properly bonded with anyone in the other organizations, too busy acclimating to sorority life as a new member. Now, with a bit more exposure to Greek Life, it’s time to build your own relations, make new friends. Maybe even find a boyfriend. It’s been a while since you’ve had sex, and you find yourself desperate for it. This new partnership with Alpha Tau is a good opportunity to find potential candidates. 
And, with the help of your new big brothers, you might be able to achieve this.  
The first exchange between Sigma Nu Kappa and Alpha Tau happens on Friday night, inside the fraternity house. The theme for the party is Game Day. Everyone is required to wear a sports jersey of some kind. You and Mikasa come in oversized basketball jerseys paired with black bicycle shorts. When you arrive to the house, it’s packed with your sisters and Alpha Tau brothers. Immediately, your big sis leads you into the kitchen where the drinks are. 
You help yourself to a serving of Jungle Juice, the common frat party concoction. Mikasa, already on her second, mentions, “I texted Eren. He’s finishing a game of beer pong with Reiner, so they should be meeting us soon.”
You chug the rest of your drink, excited to finally meet The Warriors. Several minutes pass, in which you spend time chatting with your sisters and refilling on more Jungle Juice. You turn around once you hear Mikasa yell, “Finally!”
In front of her are two well-built men, one with dark, brown hair wrapped in a stylishly messy man-bun, wearing a sleeveless jersey, showing off his tone arms. The other has a shorter, blonde cut, standing a few inches taller in a football jersey, displaying his broad shoulders. 
“Sorry, the game went longer than expected. Neither of us could sink a shot,” the brunette explains. You assume this is Eren, based on family pics Mikasa has shown you. “So, where’s our new little sis?”
You step towards them, hovering beside Mikasa to introduce yourself. They both smile at you, shaking your hand. “Welcome to the family.”
You exchange small talk, asking the standard questions to break the ice. Reiner, Eren’s big brother in the fraternity, is a senior, scheduled to graduate this spring with his bachelors in psychology. He hopes to eventually become a therapist. Eren is a junior, majoring in education to become an elementary school teacher. You were expecting them to be intimidating and arrogant, the stereotypical frat boys. Lucky for you, they are surprisingly easy to talk to.
In the midst of your conversation, Mikasa checks her phone and announces, “Jean just got here. I’m going to hang out with him for a bit, is that cool?” She seems to be directing it at you, specifically. 
“Don’t worry, Mikasa,” Eren says. “We’ll take care of her. Right, Reiner?” 
He nudges his big brother, who smirks. “Yeah, we’ll take care of her, alright.”
As soon as Mikasa leaves to hang out with her boyfriend, the energy shifts. Maybe it’s your imagination, but there’s a different vibe being alone with your new brothers. They have polite expressions on their faces, but behind it is something…sinister? Wicked? Naughty?
You refill with more liquor, your nerves getting the best of you now that Mikasa is no longer there to protect you. Before you tip the drink into your mouth, Reiner intercepts and covers the lid with his palm, stopping you. “Don’t drink that anymore. All that Jungle Juice will give you a hangover. Let’s take shots instead.”
“Yeah, we got some vodka in the fridge.” Eren opens the door to the refrigerator, reaching in to retrieve a brand-new bottle of Grey Goose. “Big brother here works for the Psych department so he can afford top shelf.”
“Yeah right, like you can’t afford it with daddy’s money,” Reiner retorts. “Did you know his dad is a doctor?”
You nod. “Yeah, Mikasa has mentioned that.”
“I’m not getting a cent after undergrad, though. He’s pretty disappointed that I’d rather be a teacher than take over his practice. At least Zeke’s going to do it.”
“That’s your half-brother?” you ask. Mikasa’s briefing of her adopted family, the Jaeger clan, is coming in handy.
“Yup,” he confirms, pouring the liquor into three cups, poorly estimating a shot’s worth in each.
“Being a teacher is just as important a job as a doctor,” you comment. “Maybe even more, considering the impact you make on the students. It’s a crime how underpaid they are. That’s my opinion.”
He offers you the shot with a small smile, watching you carefully. “What other opinions do you have?”
“I’m sure you have lots of opinions in that pretty head of yours.” He passes the third cup to Reiner without taking his eyes off you. 
You’re unsure what to make of his comment, so you don’t respond, pretending to be fixated on consuming the shot. The buzz is starting to kick in, cheeks warm, head pleasantly airy, inhibitions loosening the slightest bit. Luckily, you’re being taken care of by your big brothers so that you don’t do anything reckless tonight.
The other two throw back the alcohol easily, Eren quick to refill their cups. He waves the bottle at you. “Want another?”
You refuse. “I’m good, thanks.”
“Can’t hold your liquor?” Reiner asks, moving to stand next you at the counter. 
“I know my limits.” You lean into him, comfy against his large physique. You play with the hem of your jersey, observing the other party goers in the living room, dancing to the music blasting through the speakers. Mikasa and Jean are nowhere to be seen, most likely doing it in his room upstairs. You spot a few of your other sisters dancing alongside the Alpha Tau brothers, having a grand old time.
“Should we dance?” you suggest, hoping they agree. You want to join in on the fun. 
Eren chuckles. “Reiner doesn’t dance.”
He stands up straight, setting his cup down. “That’s not true. I can dance.”
“I didn’t say you can’t dance, I said that you don’t. I have never, ever seen you dance, dude.”
With a mischievous grin, he looks at you and says, “Well, I guess there’s a first time for everything.”
In an instant, Reiner is leading you to the living room, Eren following close behind. It’s crowded, the small space not accommodating for the size of this party. The three of you squeeze in the middle, surrounded by other warm bodies, too intoxicated to care about being smushed. Someone shuts the lights off and only a dinky strobe illuminates the room. You start moving to the music, bobbing your head back and forth, swaying your shoulders to the melody of whatever top hit is playing. Eren is in front of you, copying your motions, a lazy smile on his face. Reiner is to your rear, close enough that you feel the fabric of his jersey brush against you. 
Eren leans forward, lips grazing your ear. “You’re so pretty, you know that?” He shuffles closer to you, still dancing to the music. 
From behind, Reiner drifts towards you, hands at your waist, his husky voice hot on your other ear. “You look so good dancing like this.”
It’s sweltering now; from the lack of air in the cramped capacity, the alcohol taking its effect, the swing of your hips in tandem with the bass. Or the situation you currently find yourself in, sandwiched by two extremely attractive men, breathing compliments in your ear, exploring your body. They trap you, Eren’s chest basically pressed to yours, your back flat against Reiner. His hands are still at your sides, while Eren reaches for your nape, pulling you in to kiss along your neck. 
You should stop it. That’s what you should do. Whatever this is, it’s wrong. These are supposed to be your quote unquote big brothers. What would Mikasa think? 
But something snaps in you. It’s curiosity. The need to know. What would it be like to be fucked senseless by them? It has your imagination running wild. How can you deny this opportunity? It’s basically being served to you on a silver platter.
“Let your big brothers take care of you,” Reiner whispers, nipping at your ear lobe, grinding his hips on your ass. It’s so wrong. So wrong, you keep chanting in your head. 
Eren fondles your breasts through your clothes. “You want to feel good tonight, right baby? We can help you feel good.”
Is it the pet name that pushes you over the edge? Or is it the allure of being pleasured by two guys at the same time? Either way, you reach behind you to run your fingers through Reiner’s hair while you take your other hand to tug Eren forward into a sloppy kiss. 
“Fuck, I think she wants it,” Reiner murmurs, licking a stripe behind your ear. “Let’s go.” 
“Follow us, baby. We’ll take care of you tonight.” Eren grabs your wrist, leading you upstairs to follow Reiner into his room. It doesn’t seem like he has a roommate, considering the beds are combined to create one that is nearly king-sized. Too busy inspecting the interior design of a typical frat boy, which so far consists of flattened boxes of beer packs hung up like posters and a large Alpha Tau flag strewn across one side of the wall, the sound of the door shutting loudly brings you to your senses. 
You’re very aware now that it’s the three of you, alone in this bedroom, air dense with sexual tension. Suddenly, you’re nervous. You’ve never had a threesome. It’s certainly been a fantasy of yours, but to experience it first-hand, you start having self-doubts if you can really go through with it. 
Eren, sensing your trepidation, puts his arm around you, rubbing your shoulder. “Hey, you okay? We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
Reiner, who’s already sprawled out on the bed in his boxers, clothes promptly stripped off, adds, “Yeah. We can just chill here. It’s all good.”
They’re not pressuring you, which you appreciate. You’re hesitant, sure. But you haven’t changed your mind. You want this. You want this bad.  
“I want to do it,” you state, removing your shorts and tossing them aside. 
Reiner laughs, sitting up to watch you, shoving his own boxers off. “You’re eager. She’s eager, Eren.”
“Yeah, she is,” Eren muses, tugging at your wrist. “Let’s go to the bed, sweetie.”
Reiner scoots over to make room for you, palming his growing erection, watching Eren strip you nude. When you’re naked, you turn to Reiner to kiss him. He smiles before shoving his tongue into your mouth.
“Lay down for us, baby,” Eren purrs, now naked, boner stiff against his sculpted abs, kissing your stomach. He peers up at you with twinkling eyes, almost innocent, knowing for a fact he’s about to wreck your pussy apart.
Reiner lies beside you, cupping your cheek, large tongue working its way deep inside your mouth. His hand trails down to your chest, squeezing at your breast. “Do you like having your nipples played with?” he asks, lips glossy with spit.
You nod, eyes glancing at Eren, his head positioned between your legs, palms spreading your thighs wide, staring at your pussy already sticky with arousal. Reiner refocuses your gaze on him, muttering, “Pay attention to me, princess.” Another nod and you close your eyes, kissing him, enjoying the soft caress of his hands on your tits. 
Below you, Eren, the fucking menace that he is, doesn’t start slow. He wraps his lips around your clit, swishing his tongue against it until you’re whimpering from pleasure.
“Oh fuck, she likes that, Eren. Keep doing that. I want to see her come all over your face,” Reiner smirks, brushing his rough thumbs on your hardening nipples. He moves down, facing your chest, sucking on your breast until it’s hard and plump. “Fuck, your tits are amazing,” he rasps, flicking his tongue. 
Eren gives you a break, slowly licking your sensitive bud a few times before latching on once more. It’s almost too much, body instinctually jolting from his touch. You endure it, though; the sensation too divine to stop. 
“Finger her, Eren,” Reiner demands, as if reading your mind. The desire to be filled is overtaking everything else.
Tongue flat on your clit, he hums in the response, middle finger teasing your slick entrance before slipping inside, knuckle deep. Still, it’s not enough. Even Reiner knows it.
“Put another,” he growls, eyes focused on your pussy being wrecked as he continues to play with your tits. “Fill her up.”
Eren obeys, sliding his ring finger along with the middle, pumping his digits inside you. You’re a whining mess, unable to control the lewd sounds escaping your mouth. Drool leaks out from the corners of your lips, your tongue lolling out from being fucked out. Reiner chuckles, releasing you with a loud pop. “You’re a loud one, aren’t you? You need something in your mouth to keep you quiet.” He grazes your tongue with his thumb, staring at you hungrily. “Suck on these like they’re my dick.”
All you can do is nod dumbly, grabbing at his thick wrist to stick his three middle fingers down your throat. He pumps them into your mouth as he suckles at your nipples, like an animal desperate for milk.
You’re overstimulated, from having your mouth and pussy stuffed, to your most erogenous zones being consumed by lips and teeth. Your toes curl from the pleasure, throat dry from the endless moaning around Reiner’s rough digits, skin damp with sweat and saliva. The orgasm hits you like a wave of electricity coursing through your veins, exciting every nerve in your body. You whimper on Reiner’s fingers, tickling the back of your mouth, causing you to gag slightly. 
“Fuck,” Eren muffles below you, still lapping at your clit. The wet squelches sound even more lewd from your noticeable orgasm. He flicks his tongue on your sticky mess, smearing it over your puffy bud, repeating the action several times until he’s satisfied.
“Ah, Eren. Fuck,” you breath out, mouth relinquished from Reiner. He has been relentlessly working your tits, swollen and sore from his efforts. When he’s done, he slides back up the bed beside you.
“Look at the mess you made.” He grips at your chin, directing your gaze at Eren, who’s face is glistening, smirk coated in your shiny cum. 
“You did so good for us,” Eren says, crawling up the bed to join you on your other side. He gently pinches your tit, sucking on your neck. Reiner kisses you on the mouth, massaging the other breast. You grasp their hard cocks, stroking them simultaneously, resulting in both of them moaning. 
“Fuck, baby.”
“You’re a good girl, aren’t you?”
“Fuck yeah, she’s such a good girl.”
“So fucking good for us.”
The three of you stay this way for a while, erections growing unbelievably stiff in your fists. One of their hands, at this point you’re not sure whose, is at your clit, tapping it and rubbing fast. You’re convinced that you can come like this if they let you. 
“Think she’s wet enough?” Reiner asks his brother.
“Yeah, she’s really fucking wet, dude. It’s going to feel so fucking good.” Eren answers. “Can you take it, sweetie? Can you take Reiner’s fat cock?”
“I can take it,” you breathe out, needy and aching to be filled again.
Reiner moves to the bottom of the bed. “Are you on the pill?” 
You nod, humming against Eren’s mouth, occupied with kissing him. 
“Good. I want to fuck you raw.”
“Come inside her, Reiner. Give her a fucking creampie,” Eren murmurs, kissing your forehead affectionately, despite the filthy words coming out of his mouth. The way they speak to each other, instructing one another on what obscene act to perform on you next, spurs you on. Makes you feel like you’re in fucking heat, ready to be bred. 
“You want my cum inside you, princess? Want me to fill up that tight cunt?” Reiner spits into his hand then strokes himself, teasing your slit with his tip. 
“Yes,” you respond, voice shaky.
“That’s not enough for him, cutie,” Eren whispers to you. He massages your clit gently as Reiner slides his cockhead up and down your folds. “He likes it when you beg for it.”
You’re too desperate to care about pride. You’re going to beg for this, no matter what. “Please, Reiner. Fuck me, please.”
“That’s more like it,” he grunts, stroking himself faster. “Get in front of her, Eren.”
Eren gives you one last smooch before sitting up and kneeling at the top of the bed, tossing a few pillows to the floor to make space. 
Reiner taps at your hips. “On your hands and knees, slut. And stick that ass up for me.” His voice is raspy, demeanor rougher than a few minutes ago. Something has taken over him; it’s his carnal desire to fuck you into the mattress. 
You do as your told, arching your back to give him a nice view of your pussy, wet and fluttering, ready for cock. Without warning, he smacks your ass cheek, laughing. “I’m going to fuck you so good. You have no fucking idea.”
Eren kneels in front of you, erect and oozing with precum. “You’re so cute, you know that? So pretty.” He caresses you delicately, thumb brushing against your cheekbone. “Can you suck my dick, baby? Pretty please?”
You’re beginning to understand the dynamic that’s going on here. Eren is sweet, tender, and considerate. Then there’s Reiner: rough, harsh, and greedy. Opposites of each other, working together to tear you to pieces, rip you into shreds. Two sides of the same coin. 
You wrap you fingers around Eren, leaning forward to spread the bead of precum along your lips like gloss. He smiles at you, still cupping your face. “So fucking pretty.” 
Reiner continues to tease you, gathering your slick onto his cockhead to rub it on your bud. “I’m going to fuck you now, princess. Let me take care of this pussy.” Aligned with your entrance, he slowly slides in, your walls stretching to adjust to his girth. You hear him suck in a breath behind you, cursing. “Fuck, you’re tight. Such a good girl.”
“You are a good girl.” Eren pushes past your lips. You take him into your salivating mouth, surrounding him with your wet heat, tongue tracing the prominent vein running along his shaft. “Our good girl. Our good fucking girl.”
You bob your head on his dick, further and further until he’s deep down your throat. You keep him there, swallowing around him, resisting the urge to gag on his cock. Through teary eyes, you peer up at him, looking for approval, wanting him to be proud of the way you take it. He meets your gaze, breathing heavily, eyes wild with lust, staring at your stuffed mouth. His kind disposition from earlier is crumbling; he caresses your cheeks tenderly, but his expression gives him away. Still, he stays still, hesitant to take control.
Reiner, however, is on a different level. He starts fucking you, pulling his cock out halfway only to slam it all the way back in, pace picking up gradually after each thrust. The force causes you to plunge further onto Eren, nose buried in his dark pubic hair, spit seeping from the corners of your mouth. Your muffled whimpers vibrate around him, causing him to moan from the sensation. 
“Fuck, you’re doing such a good job,” he praises, holding your head cautiously. 
Reiner holds you firmly at your hips, fucking you hard and fast, grunting. “Take my cock, princess. Take it like the fucking slut you are.”
You pull off of Eren just enough so that only his tip is engulfed by your mouth. With your fist jerking his shaft, you blow him, swirling your tongue on the slit. “Fuck, that’s it, baby. Feels so good. Gonna make me come.”
“Make Eren come,” Reiner huffs. “Make him nut in that slutty mouth.” He’s found your sweet spot, barely pulling out to hit it over and over. You’re soaked around him, convinced that your arousal is dripping onto the sheets, making a mess of his bed.
“I’m coming,” Eren warns, stomach tight, eyes shut. His warm cum shoots into the back of your throat as you suck him off, swallowing every drip. He slumps against the headboard, catching his breath. “Thank you, baby,” he murmurs, bowing down to kiss your puffy lips. “Thank you.” 
“I’m gonna come soon. Gonna fill you up with this load,” Reiner growls. Your ass smacks against his groin, his heavy balls tapping lightly onto your clit. You’re close to your second orgasm, but you need just a little bit more.
“Come here, Eren. Play with it while I fuck her.” It really is as if Reiner can read your thoughts, aware of exactly what you need to push you over the edge, get you closer to that peak. 
Eren crawls down the bed, kneeling beside you, hand reaching between your legs, finding your swollen bud. When he does, you cry out, “Ah! Fuck!”
They both laugh, Eren brutally rubbing it as he watches Reiner fuck you from behind. 
“Look how creamy it is. That’s all her. She fucking loves it.”
“Our pretty girl loves getting fucked.”
“Pinch her little clit. Make her come on my cock.”
Eren squeezes your clit gently between his thumb and forefinger. It’s too much. You let go, the orgasm so intense, you’re trembling, fists bunched in the bedsheets below you, whining in ecstasy. 
“Holy shit, I’m coming.” Reiner thrusts into you a few more times before his cock spurts inside you. 
“Fuck,” Eren swears, loosening his grip on you.
Reiner stays in you for several seconds, coming down from his high. He slowly pulls out, his cum and yours leaking out of your fluttering hole. They both breathe out a satisfied fuck, staring at the flow of cum dripping out of your slit. Someone, you’re not sure who, plants a smooch on your lower back. Most likely Eren, the more affectionate of the two. You lower your torso onto the bed, relaxing into the mattress, exhausted and satiated from the insanity that just occurred.
Once again, you find yourself sandwiched between them, both facing you, smiling. You turn on your back to stare up at the ceiling, glancing at each of them, unsure what to say.  
Eren is the first to break the silence. “Did you have fun, cutie?” He turns your head towards him, nuzzling his nose with yours.
“Yeah, I did,” you answer, grinning. “That was amazing.”
“You came so much, princess,” Reiner adds, chin grazing the skin of your shoulder, palm tracing languid circles on your breasts. Eren kisses you on the lips while Reiner works on your neck. The three of you stay like this until a phone starts ringing. 
“Shit, that’s probably Mikasa,” Eren mutters, breaking away. He hops off the bed to retrieve his phone on the other side of the room. Reiner quickly turns you toward him, taking this opportunity to kiss you passionately as his brother answers the phone. His arms are snug around you, cozy and comfortable in his warm embrace. 
You don’t pay attention to Eren’s conversation, focused instead on making out with Reiner. It ends as soon as Eren comes back into bed.
“What did Mikasa say?” you ask.
“She’s looking for us. Specifically, you. She’s worried.”
“About what?”
“Probably about us corrupting you,” Eren laughs, nestling his face into your neck.
“I guess she’s on to something,” Reiner responds, copying Eren. 
You snuggle them. “She doesn’t have to know about this. It’ll be our little secret.”
“You’re okay with sneaking around next time?”
“Next time?” In your head, you already decided this would be a one-time kind of deal. Not because you want it to be, but because you assumed they wouldn’t want to do this again. 
“You don’t seriously think this is the last time we’re doing this, do you? Baby, you’re too cute,” Eren says, grinning.
Reiner chuckles. “You’re stuck with us now, princess. You’re way too good to let go. Right, Eren?”
“Yeah. I think we’ll keep you for a while.”
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End Notes: Happy birthday Eren!
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purebloodhcir · 23 days
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𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐥𝐮𝐬 𝐀𝐫𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 —— is an english & french pureblood wizard, born to Orion & Walburga Black & is younger brother of Sirius. He is a member and current heir of the noble house of Black, an old wizarding family. Regulus was sorted into slytherin and became a member of the slytherin quidditch team as their seeker during his time in Hogwarts. After escaping death multiple times & betraying the dark lord and stealing one of his horcruxes , the twenty four years old wizard works now as the potion professor at hogwarts and runs his own potions shop in diagon alley.
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𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎: mostly headcanon version of Regulus Black from the Harry Potter Universe. This blog contains heavy topics like death, curses, mental health issues & violence. Dont interact if muse or mun are under 21. This blog runs in english but since im not a native speaker, mistakes will happen. Im highly selective since my time here is limited. My muses timeline changes in the early 80s from the canon part to headcanon as the character originally dies under the age of 18.
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FYI: Just because im playing a character based on the JKR' Books does not mean i agree with her views on transgender people. It should be peoples right to be who they want to be. Im a part of the queer community myself just as my mun and will never accept JKRs view on transgender people. I dont support anything she did or does. Yet i still enjoy some of the characters she created and the fandom that made everything better and more open. Stay safe!
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AITA for taking my kid’s bike?
I (37f) have two sons ages 10 and 12 who ride their bikes to school. Recently 10 has got it in his head that helmets are dumb and sweaty and he will not be wearing one. He refuses to put it on when he leaves, and when I make him his brother tells me later that he takes it off as soon as they’re out of sight. 10 doesn’t deny it, and he usually arrives home sans helmet. I told him that we could either get him a new, cooler, more comfortable helmet or he could walk to school. But his brother and the neighbors they ride to school with still told me he was taking it off, and he didn’t deny it, so I took away his bike. He now has to leave early walk to school. I’m not driving him because he’d rather that than bike and I really don’t have time. (I work from home but have a bunch of meetings when the kids are leaving for school).
He is obviously furious and says that it is unfair and stupid. The thing is, I kinda agree with him! I’m basically doing this on the testimony of his pre-teen brother and the neighbor kids, I have no other proof except that he doesn’t deny it when I ask. Instead he makes arguments about why he shouldn’t have to wear a helmet. Eventually he’s going to agree to wear the helmet and start hiding that he’s taking it off, at which point my only way of knowing is if the other kids tell me. And that’s unfair to all of them, I can’t put them in a position where their brother/friend will be punished solely based on what they say.
Their Dad is deployed for a few more months but he agrees with me and backed me up to 10 over the phone. He thinks 10 shouldn’t get the bike back until ‘we can trust him again’ but he admits he has no metric to determine that. My parents think that they were totally justified in letting me and my siblings bike on busy roads without helmets and that I’m overreacting.
(FYI we live in a part of the USA that doesn’t have great bike infrastructure, it’s not like in some places where bikes get their own elevated lanes or barriers, and the kids have to cross a busy road to school).
I’m really torn up about it, especially when he calls me the worst mom ever and says he hates me.
What are these acronyms?
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lipglossanon · 1 year
I Can Be Your Thrill (Can I Be Yours?)
subby steobro!Leon S. Kennedy x older fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, stepcest, reader is only a few years older than Leon but everyone’s 18+ just fyi, subby Leon, needy Leon, lovesick Leon, big dick Leon 😌, bossy reader, kissing, dirty talk, oral (f receiving), cum eating, unprotected sex, creampie, breeding kink, uhh that’s all I can remember 😆
slightly proofread for once 😯 😆
Title from Flowers by The Neighbourhood
It’s a lazy Saturday afternoon and you find yourself at home alone, which is always nice. Your mom and stepdad left on some overnight gambling trip leaving you and your dorky stepbrother home. Dorky might be a little harsh you think. Leon’s sort of corny but in that endearing kind of way. 
He tries so hard to be a doting little brother that you’ve developed a soft spot for him. It also doesn’t hurt that he’s probably the hottest guy you’ve ever seen in your life. It’s funny to you that for him to be so much bigger than you, you’re the eldest. You sigh out loud, mentally picturing your younger, tall, buff stepbrother; he doesn’t make it easy. 
Once he and his dad moved in with you and your mom, you both ended up going to the same high school. Since you’re only a few years older, you and your friends used to tease the cute little brother you inherited with your mom’s new marriage. 
Leon was a good sport about it when you look back on those times, he let you drag him everywhere; he even let you use him as a guinea pig for your lipgloss or nail polish testing. He’d sit on your bed while listening to the radio as you painted his nails whatever fun color you wanted to test out, not wanting to use your own cause where’s the fun in that?
You frown to yourself; you used to hang out with Leon a lot until you graduated. Now with a few years of college under your belt, taking online courses while working a part time job, you don’t really see him as much anymore. Your parents think it’s the best thing for you to stay at home, not wanting you to struggle when earning your degree, so at least you get to see Leon from time to time. 
Speak of the devil, you can see from the couch as Leon comes through the front door, kicking his shoes off before he even notices you lounging in the living room. 
You watch with a little smile as you see him get flustered at what you’re wearing; it’s nothing too crazy, but the shorts ride a little high and your shirt’s so thin that you can nearly see your nipples. If you needed, you could argue that you’re relaxing at home so it’s no biggie. 
Also you just love to tease Leon. He’s so sweet to you that it kind of makes you want to pick on’em just a little bit. 
“Welcome home,” you smile up at him as he walks closer to the couch. 
“Thanks,” cheeks pink as he shyly replies, “you just hanging out here today?”
You hum in agreement and bring your legs up to criss cross them, patting the couch cushion next to you. 
“Wanna join me?”
His eyes dart nervously to you then back to the spot before he nods. 
He sits down but you shift until you’re sitting side by side, thighs nearly brushing. You practically drape yourself on his arm as you throw your legs across his lap. 
You hear him gasp a little as his posture stiffens. Smiling to yourself, you walk your fingers down his thick bicep to his forearm. 
“What’d you get up to today, little bro?” 
He shivers and clears his throat, “O-oh uh s-some of the guys wanted to c-chill.”
His little friends used to come all the time, and would always hit on you. You sort of egged it on just because it ticked Leon off. The last time they dropped by, the suave one, Luis, tried his damndest to get you to go out with him. You hammed it up with giggling and touching his arm, but really just kept it up for Leon. 
Once Leon actually saw what was going on, he grabbed you and tossed you over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. He walked to your room and dropped you down onto the bed. 
“Don’t talk to Luis,” Leon’s blue eyes narrowed at you, “he’s bad news.”
You raised up to sit crossed legged on your bed ignoring the wetness pooling in your panties. 
“Aww, you worried about little old me?” You laughed, feeling excited at Leon’s attitude. 
“I mean it, sis,” he pouted at you (pouted! ugh it makes you swoon to think back on), “please don’t go out with him.”
You smiled up at him and make grabby hands. A relieved smile crossed his face and he let you pull him down for a hug. 
“Promise I won’t, Leon,” he sighed into your neck at your words, goosebumps racing across your skin. 
“Thank you,” as he pulled back you saw a blush cross the bridge of his nose.  
Bringing yourself back to the present, you ask, “Well did you have fun?” 
“Y-yeah,” his voice is soft, “we met up with some girls from school.”
“Oh?” you press closer to him, squishing your breasts against his arm, “did you hit it off?”
You see his cheeks darken with a blush as he ducks his head down with a mumble. 
“Hmm?” you press closer pushing your face next to his, feeling the heat of his blush. 
“Kinda,” he pulls back, eyes watching you nervously, blush now reaching down to his neck. 
“Kinda?” you tilt your head, baring your neck to Leon, drawing his gaze to your skin, “well did you get a cute girl’s number or what, little brother?”
He closes his eyes with a small shiver, before reopening them with darker pupils, “No, I-I didn’t. A few of the other guys did.”
“Aww,” you cluck your tongue, “better luck next time, Leon,” you reach up and ruffle his hair with a giggle. 
He huffs a laugh, eyes soft as they watch you, “Yeah maybe next time.”
You both smile at each other, soft and sweet, the moment stretching between the two of you taffy thick. 
He sways towards you and pauses so close your eyelashes brush. His chest hitches but before he can say anything there’s a knock followed by the doorbell chiming.  
You’re both slow to pull away, Leon shaking his head as he pushes you to stay on the couch. 
“I got it,” his eyes drop to your chest then legs before dragging back up to your face, eyes serious, “don’t move.”
You giggle and press your foot against his thigh, pushing him away from the couch. 
“Okay, Mr. Man-of-the-house, go see who it is.”
He smiles at you, grabbing your ankle tugging it gently, “That’s right,  so stay here.”
Butterflies light up your insides as he turns and walks over to the front door. He answers the door, but doesn’t move so you can’t even see who’s there. Nosiness getting the better of you, you move off of the couch and sneak over to the door. 
“You cut out early, Leon,” a male voice gripes, “what am I gonna tell Ada? She’s been bitching at me for weeks to get you to show up to this group date and you blow us off?”
Leon shifts his weight to cross his arms as he leans against the door jamb. You bite your lip as you let yourself do a once over of his big biceps and muscled forearms. 
“Yeah, so? I’ll tell you like I told Luis, I’m not interested. Ada and I went out one time and she ghosted me ever since. Why the hell would I want to see her again?” 
You frown at Leon’s back. Ada.. Ada.. Ada… the name seems like it should ring a bell but you’re drawing a blank. 
“You know that’s just how she is,” the voice bargains, “she likes playing hard to get, makes her mysterious or some shit. C’mon, if we head out now we can catch up with’em before the movie.”
Leon’s posture goes cold, “Then fuck off, Krauser. Ada can play hard to get all she wants but I’m not interested,” he shrugs, “I’m not going.”
You take a side step and the floor creaks loudly. Leon straightens up and gives a quick glance at you before turning back to Krauser. 
“Oh, I see,” Krauser laughs, “you got plans with some hot little number, eh comrade?”
You roll your eyes and walk towards Leon, weaseling your way under his arm as he tries to block the door from you. 
“Hi,” you pop up with a grin, pressing your side all against Leon’s, “it’s nice to meet you! I’m Leon’s sister.”
You come face to face with a ruggedly handsome guy who has an air of jock mentality. A slow grin overtakes his features.
“I didn’t know Leon had a sister,” he looks over at him, “shame that it must’ve slipped his mind.”
“Yep,” Leon grit out, trying to subtly pull you back in the house. 
Krauser’s glacier colored eyes rake down your body salaciously, “Why don’t you come along with us? I was going stag tonight so you can be my date.”
You bat your eyelashes at him, “As appealing as that is sauerkraut, think I’m gonna pass.”
Leon’s lips twitch hard to stifle the laugh building in his chest as he finally tugs you back behind him. 
“You heard the lady,” Leon grinned at Krauser’s dumbfounded expression, “have a nice night, Krauser.”
Shutting the door in his face, Leon loses it. He grabs you around the middle and buries his face in your neck as he laughs. 
“I can’t believe you,” he wheezes, “god, he’s never gonna live this down.”
You giggle and rub your hands through Leon’s hair, “C’mon let’s go watch some shitty TV. I wanna hear about this group date you ditched.”
He groans but lifts his head up, pulling his arms back, “Yeah like that sounds appealing.”
You grab his hand and pull him until you’re both sitting on the couch, similar to earlier only now your back is against the arm rest as you practically sit on Leon’s lap while he faces the tv. 
“Spill,” you wrap both arms around one of his and jostle him, “I wanna hear why you turned down a hot date with Ada,” you do a poor job waggling your eyebrows at him making him scoff. 
He rolls his eyes, “You don’t even know who she is.”
“So?” you pout, “dish! I wanna know!”
His hands rest on your thighs, randomly massaging and tracing his fingers along the skin as he talks, “We met up and went out and then she completely ghosted me. Ignored my calls and texts, blocked me on all of her socials.”
You feel a flicker of annoyance that only ramps up as Leon talks, voice sounding resigned—matter of fact. 
“I mean I guess she was out of my league. She was a new transfer, s’why you don’t know her,” he continues, “but everyone was chasing after her and I just lucked up on getting a date with her.”
“Leon,” you say his name softly, wanting him to feel better. 
He keeps his gaze down on your legs as he keeps running his hands along them, “And we also hooked up that night, but then after she just ignored me so I kinda left it at that.”
You reach out with your fingertips and gently grab Leon’s chin, turning him so he faces you. 
“You don’t need someone like that, Leon,” your eyes are heated, indignation making your voice clipped, “that was super shitty of her to do and you definitely deserve better. She sounds like a fuck boy,” you roll your eyes with an angry huff, “actually if you want, we can catch up with your sauerkraut friend and she can catch these hands.”
He laughs at you—with you, sea blue eyes soft and fond, “Mm I think she might kick your ass and then I’d have to kick her ass, which would result in definite jail time.”
You fake gasp, “The audacity Leon Scott Kennedy! I could totally kick ass. You’ve never even seen me fight!”
He laughs again, hands sliding up to your sides to graze your ribs, “Oh yes I have, you try to fight me every time I tickle you and you always lose.”
“I let you win, like a good big sister does,” you sniff haughtily, squirming as Leon’s fingers start to lightly dig into your sides, “you better not, Leon.”
“Or what?” he grins, fingers slowly walking their way down your ribs to dig into your hips. 
You squeal and kick out your legs but Leon just grabs you and drops you into his lap so he can tickle and pinch your sides. 
“Leon!” breathless laughter bubbles out of your throat, “stop! You’re so mean!”
“C’mon fight me off, show your little brother how tough you are,” he taunts, “c’mon, you said you could do it.”
You keep squirming, trying to catch your breath and failing as giggles escape your lips. You try to grab at Leon’s hands but he twists them out of your grip easily and he digs them back into the spots that make you squeal the loudest. 
On one particular jab into your ribs, you rock your hips just right and feel how hard Leons gotten underneath you. He hisses, flushing red all over as he grabs your hips to hold you still—away from his half chubbed cock. 
“Fuck, ‘m sorry,” he looks off to the side, embarrassment and shame radiating off of him in waves, “just give me a minute and I’ll, uh, leave.”
“Leon,” you pull in a breath trying to regulate your breathing from all the laughing, “hey look at me, please.”
He slowly drags his attention back to you, a hang dogged expression on his face. 
“It’s okay,” you whisper, hoping he can tell how much you mean it, “promise, okay? If anything, I’m kinda flattered.”
You smile at him and he gives you a weak one in return.
“Y-yeah? You’re not grossed out or anything?” his small voice makes your heart pang in your chest. 
“Of course not,” you assure him, running your hands through his hair to soothe him, “you can’t help it when you have a warm body rubbing all over you, it’s just hormones at that point.”
His face drops further, “Sure.”
You stop petting his hair and let your hands settle on his shoulders, “Hey I mean it.”
“I know, just that—“ he clams up and looks away again. 
“Leon,” you lightly shake him, “hey I promise it’s okay, it’s not me that—“
“But it is,” he blurts out, hands tightening their grip on your hips, “it is because you’re on my lap.”
It comes out breathier than you intended but it does get Leon’s attention, eyes questioning and anxious.
He’s not expecting you to move again so you easily rock down on his thickening cock, making him grip you tighter and stilling your movement. 
You bite your lip, arousal at the situation making your clit throb and panties wet. 
“Leon,” you sigh against him and grab one of his hands to move it down to your hot cunt, thin shorts already becoming damp with slick. 
His pupils blow wide as you let go of his hand letting him touch you with his broad palm. 
“This is— you’re so—“ he stutters, eyes darting from yours down to where he’s cupping your pussy, “can I?”
You giggle. He’s so adorable right now, so overwhelmed and nothing has even happened. You rock against his palm with another sigh. 
“Mm should probably take this to your room,” you lean forward and whisper in his ear, “gonna get you all wet and messy, baby brother.”
He groans and shuffles to the edge of the couch. 
“Grab my neck,” he directs, grabbing your ass and lifting himself up.
You gasp then laugh, “God you really are strong.”
He somehow blushes harder, “I guess.”
You kiss his warm cheek as he quickly carries you to his room. 
“You are, Leon,” you murmur and kiss his ear, “you’re so kind and sweet,” you kiss his neck, “and handsome.”
He leaves the door open once he enters his room, kneeling on the floor to gently sit you on the bed. Your belly swoops to see him at your feet gazing up at you like you hung the moon. 
“Should we be doing this?” he whispers in the quiet, “it seems..”
“Dirty?” you ask, watching as his eyes study your face, “but doesn’t that make it hotter?”
He whines and presses his face against your thighs, hiding his face, voice muffled as he whispers, “Yeah, ‘m so hard right now it hurts.”
“Poor baby,” you coo and pet his hair, nipples hard and pressing against your shirt as he whines again. 
“Get up here and lay down for me, Leon,” you tug his hair making him lift his head with a moan, pupils dark. 
“You don’t want me to..” he trails off, cheeks so flushed he looks feverish, “you don’t want me to do anything first?”
You smile at him, heat rushing over your body at his sweetness, his neediness. 
“Maybe later, pretty boy,” his eyes flutter at the nickname, “want you up here first, okay? Can you do that? Be a good boy for me?”
He moans loudly, and nods jerkily as he crawls up onto the bed next to you. 
“Yeah, wanna be a good boy for you,” he lays flat on his back, cock tenting his jeans obscenely making your mouth water. 
“Shirt,” you gesture and he quickly takes it off. 
You straddle one of his legs, tapping the button of his jeans with a fingernail, “Wanna get all the way undressed for me, baby brother?”
His hips buck up, “Can’t—can’t c-call me that,” another low moan as he slips his jeans and boxers off, cock slapping against his stomach precum drooling from the uncut tip. 
You sigh in pleasure as you run your fingertips over his thick thighs, “Why not? I think we both know you like it.”
Your eyes finally shift from his bobbing erecting up to his blushing face, “I know I do, baby brother.”
His cock jerks and drips all over his stomach making you smile coyly at him, “Mm see? At least he agrees with me.”
Leon moans, hips humping the air, “Please.”
You move your hand from his thighs to feather your fingertips against his balls before wrapping around his dick. Your fingers close around him in a fist, making you drip once you see they aren’t even able to touch. 
“Leon, you’re so big,” you whisper excitedly, slowly stroking down then back up. 
“Y-you like it? Don’t think it’s too much?”
You drop a kiss to his sticky tip making him groan. 
“Definitely not,” you bite your lip, eyes watching as he keeps oozing precum all over your knuckles, “you’re really big.. but I like it. Gonna stretch me out so good.”
He whines, back arching as his hips fuck your fist. 
“S-she said it wasn’t— that it was too much, not good for—“
Your expression softens as you slow your fist, “Leon, she’s an idiot. Every girl I know would fucking love to sit on your dick.”
He moans brokenly, cock kicking hard in your hand. 
“Really,” you smile at him and he shakily returns it. 
You go back to firm strokes, quickly picking up speed and tightening your fist around his dick. 
“So good, so g—fuck,” he whines, eyes looking up into yours as you jerk him off. 
“Yeah?” you’re smiling at him, voice sweet, “want you to feel good. You’ve been such a good boy, haven’t you? Such a good little brother.”
His hips jump up as his cock kicks and drools precum all over your fingers, making them stickier as you stroke him off. 
“Wanna be your good boy, wanna be big sister’s best boy,” he pants, eyes dropping back to your hand that’s barely able to wrap around his fat dick. 
You pull his foreskin down to tease the drippy tip of his cock with your other hand making his thighs twitch like crazy.
“F-fuck, fuck, so sensitive, ungh—“
“Leon,” you nip at his earlobe, “I really want to ride your face.”
His cock leaks all over your hand as he whines, “Please, please, wanna eat you out so bad. Sometimes it’s all I can think about.”
You squeeze your thighs together, “Tell me. Tell your big sister what you’ve thought about.”
He grinds his head back against his pillow, “Burying my face in your pussy, and not being able to stop til you’re satisfied, and you just ignoring how hard I am,” he shivers, dick weeping precum. 
“What else?” you whisper, softly stroking his cock. 
“J-just using me as your dildo,” he gasps, abs tightening when you squeeze his cock, “fuck. Yeah, you just using my dick as a toy, not letting me cum o-or making me cum in you and still ride my dick even though I’m too sensitive.”
You moan and kiss him, letting him sloppily lick into your mouth. Leon’s eagerness makes your cunt throb. 
“You wanna nut in me, baby brother?” you moan, jerking him off faster, “cream your sister’s pussy? Mmm so dirty.”
His eyes roll back as you duck your head down to kitten lick the fat head of his cock. 
“S-stop, I ungh, I’m gonna c-cum,” his hips jump up, pressing his cock against your mouth and smearing precum across your lips. 
You pull completely away, not even touching him anymore, to watch his cock throb and kick against his stomach. 
“T-thank you,” Leon’s tear filled eyes look at you with complete adoration, “don’t wanna cum too soon.”
You grin at him, “Even if you cum, I’m not stopping, little bro.”
He rocks his hips up with a low whine, “Not fair that you’re so hot, ‘m gonna blow my load before we start anything.”
You slip your shorts off, taking your panties and placing them around his head— making sure the gusset is right over his nose and mouth. He moans, hands clenching his sheets as his tongue laps up the slick puddled in your panties.
“Isn’t that better?” you coo, climbing into his lap. 
You both moan as you drag your slick cunt over his cock, sandwiching him between your pussy lips so the head bumps your clit on every slow roll of your hips. 
Leon’s hands grab your hips but only to hold you as you rub your pussy all over his cock. 
“So good,” he moans, muffled behind the fabric, “you’re so wet.”
“What, you’ve never had a girl get this wet for you?” You laugh, “I find that hard to believe little brother.”
He shakes his head, “N-no, not like this. Not like you. Fuck, you’re so—“
You arch down, letting his dick catch the edge of your hole before pulling back. 
“I’m so what?” you let your nails drag up from his stomach to his heaving chest, teasing across his nipples. 
His back arches into the feeling, pink buds hardening under your fingertips. 
“You’re so perfect,” he whines as you settle on his cock, “the perfect big sister. So smart and sexy a-and god now I know you have the best pussy.”
Warmth blooms in your chest at just how earnest he sounds, “Really? How many pussies have you actually seen, Leon?”
“A c-couple,” he stutters out nervously, “I’ve only slept with two people.”
“Aw,” you pout at him, leaning up to pull the panties off his face wanting to see his eyes, “I was hoping I could steal your first. Pop my little brother’s cherry.”
He blinks at you, dark eyes adjusting as he blurts out, “You can, I mean the other two times weren’t great to be honest. Just quickies in the backseat of a car.”
“Leon,” a smile stretches across your face, “are you saying we should pretend I’m your first?”
He nods, “Yes, yes that’s what I mean. Please. Never thought I’d get a chance with you,” he blushes all the way down his chest, “but always wished you were my first.”
“That’s.. so sweet, Leon,” the butterflies flare up in your chest again, making you feel bubbly, “did those other girls not wanna take their time with you?”
He grins sheepishly at you, “I guess not? They didn’t exactly call afterwards as you know, so guess it wasn’t any good.”
Your brows pinch, “Leon, you deserved a good first time. Someone should have taken you apart in a bed until you couldn’t move.”
He rocks his hips up against your pussy, sliding against your clit making you moan. 
“Will you?” he pleads up at you, “I know you’d make it so good for me.”
You sigh acting put out but you can’t wipe the smile on your face, “I was going for a dirty quickie, but I guess we can make it sweet.”
“We can do both,” he grins at you trying for coy but landing on saccharine, rubbing his dick against your clit, “wouldn’t mind my big sister fucking me stupid.”
You whine and grind down on Leon, “Next time, you can fuck me wherever you want.”
“In the living room? Wait,” he groans, “wanna fuck you in the shower. Finger you while you jerk me off til everything’s all wet and slippery.”
“Yes,” you pant, grinding harder against him, “you better finger me til I squirt.”
“Fuck, fuck,” he whines up at you, “you’re gonna make me cum if you keep talking like that.”
You bounce on his lap so his cock wetly smacks against your pussy. 
“Oh really?” You give him a teasing smile, “my pretty little brother gonna cum all over himself before he even puts it in?” 
“P-probably,” he whines as you giggle at him. 
“You’re so cute, Leon,” you sigh, stroking his nipples with your fingertips and watching his abs jump, “I wanna cum on your cock so you’ll have to wait on eating me out.”
He mewls, watery eyes fluttering, “But you said you were gonna sit on my face.”
Your cunt throbs, “Mmm save that for later, big boy.”
He bucks his hips, “Promise?”
You giggle and raise up on your knees, “Promise, baby brother.”
He moans, loud and open mouthed. While he’s distracted, you grab the base of his cock and center it over your dripping hole. He drags his eyes down to watch as you slowly sink down his throbbing dick. 
“Fuck,” your brows pinch, “you’re so big, Leon.”
He moans again, hips humping up into your pussy making you squeal as he buries his cock halfway into your wet hole . 
“So good,” he slurs up at you, “pussy s’fucking good.”
You give a strangled laugh, easing yourself inch by inch down the rest of Leon’s thick cock until you’re sitting flush against him. He’s so deep it feels like he’s in your throat. 
“Fuck,” he whines, rubbing his hand over your belly where you can feel his dick throb, “I’m s-so deep.” 
He can’t hold his head up from the overwhelming pleasure, letting it drop down onto his pillow with a low groan. 
“Mmm yeah you are,” you dizzily reach down to feel him bulging your lower belly, “you’re gonna ruin my pussy, Leon.”
“Yeah?” he’s moaning as your fingers stroke over the bulge from his dick, “you like it? Feels good?”
Warmth buzzes in your chest at his sweet earnestness. 
“Yeah, Leon,” you sigh softly, settling yourself down on him, letting you both get used to the feeling. 
“Wanna be your good boy,” he’s grabbing at your hands to put them on his chest, “wanna be good for you, so good for my big sis.”
You push off of his pecs, raising up just a few inches to slide back down making him whine and buck up into your clenching heat. 
“You are being so good, Leon, so pretty and sweet for me,” you coo, “got such a nice big cock for me to use.”
“Yes,” he hisses, “use it, use me whenever you want.” 
“Mmm,” you moan, slowly riding him, dragging out the syrupy hot pleasure between you, “see? Such a good baby brother.”
“Can I play with your tits?” he asks, eyes dark and needy, “really wanna touch’em.”
“Yes,” you sigh sitting back on him to slip your shirt off, breasts bouncing with the motion. 
“God fuck you’re so—“ he squeezes his eyes shut for a minute before heatedly looking back up at you, “god, you’re gorgeous. Lookit those fucking tits, ‘m just, you’re—“
He cuts himself off with a low whine as you grind down in his lap from the praise. 
“Mm y’sure know how to flatter a girl, little brother,” you giggle at his panting moans. 
“S’true,” he gets out, practically drooling as you slowly bounce on his cock, “can’t believe you’d let me fuck your perfect pussy.”
You whine and hump yourself down harder on his cock, splitting your pussy open on every thrust. 
“Leon,” you moan at him, taking his hands and putting them on your breasts, “god, you’re gonna get me addicted at this rate.”
“Good,” he groans, “want you to use my dick anytime you want. Use me to cum whenever, fuck, wanna be your toy, just a dildo for your pretty pussy.”
“Yes!” you arch down, burying his cock deep in your guts, feeling as his fat tip kicks against your cervix making you clench repeatedly down on him. 
“So good, Leon” you hold still driving you both crazy as your fluttering walls milk his cock, “want me to use your big fat cock as a dildo? F-fuck, Leon that’s so hot.”
“Want you so bad,” he gropes your breasts, thumbs swiping over the nipples, “I’ll be whatever you want, just tell me who to be.”
“Oh, Leon,” you clench around him as he tugs on your sensitive nipples, “I like you the way you are.”
Your eyes soften as he watches you with a heavy lidded gaze, “Let’s swap, want you to get on top. Set the pace you like.”
“Y’sure?” his hands keep caressing your chest making goosebumps cover your arms. 
You pull off of his dick with a bitten off moan as Leon lets out a full on whine. Your legs shake a little and you laugh as you fall next to Leon on the bedspread. He turns to you, face light and happy. 
You pull him in for a kiss, tossing your leg over his hip. You trade kisses and giggles, softly making out until the giggles turn into low pants and moans with hips rolling to grind into one another—Leon’s cock dragging across your slick coated pussy. 
You finally drag your mouth away, clit pulsing from how fucked out Leon already looks, “You said you wanted to pretend it’s your first time?”
“Uh huh,” his dilated eyes, sweep over your body and back up to your face, still rutting his leaking cock over and over your cunt.
“Those other girls really don’t know what they’re missing out on, Leon,” you murmur against his swollen lips, “you’re so sweet for me.”
He grins at you, cute aggression making you dig your nails into his shoulders. 
“Is this really what you want?” you whisper, eyes searching his for any doubt, “promise I won’t be mad if you want to stop now.”
“I want to!” he assures you, grabbing your hip to press himself snug against your soaked pussy, dick bumping against your clit making you mewl. 
“Promise, I want it,” he groans, letting you grind your sensitive bud up against his dripping cock, “honestly been imagining this for way too long.”
“Yeah?” you gasp as he lifts your leg higher until it’s wrapping around his ribs.
“Yeah, pretty much ever since I moved in,” he laughs derisively, “pathetic huh. There’s no way you thought of me that way.”
“Hey be nice,” you kiss his lips, biting his bottom one as you pull away, “you were too young for me then so you’re not wrong, but.. well you’ve gotten my attention in the last year.”
“No way,” he surged forward to kiss you hard, then move to your jaw down to your neck, tongue tasting your skin, “god I would’ve tried sooner then. Not wasted my time with Ada.”
“Good rule of thumb is to not mention previous conquests while in bed with another woman,” you pinch his hip, “and I wish you would have, too. But,” you squeeze him with the leg you have wrapped around his ribs, “now I have you all to myself.”
You rock your hips against him, gasping when the tip of his cock catches the rim of your hole. 
“All yours,” he mumbles into your neck, “m all yours, your good boy.”
He ruts his cock upwards and breaches your needy pussy, sliding deeper and deeper into you until he finally bottoms out with a pained groan. 
“S’good every time,” he bites your neck gently, making you hiss and clench around him. 
He whines as he rocks his hips back and forth, cock slipping in and out of your wet clenching heat. 
“Can we stay like this?” he wraps his arms completely around your body, tugging you until there’s no space to go anywhere, your head tucked into his neck. 
You hum in agreement, “Sure, as long as you feel good.”
“It’s perfect,” he moans, bucking into your cunt harder a few times before going back to his softer thrusting. 
“Good boy,” you coo in his ear, “my baby brother is so good for me, huh?”
“Yes, yes, yes,” he chants, grabbing your ass with both hands to hold you against his hips as he grinds deep into your spasming pussy. 
“You serious about being my personal cock toy?” you nip his earlobe, “want me to tie you to my bed with pretty ropes and let me use you all night?”
“Please,” he chokes out, hips rabbiting into your squelching cunt, “I’ve fantasized about that so much. Just want you to boss me around, take what you want.”
You moan, biting the shell of his ear, “Then starting tonight I want you naked in my bed. You don’t get to touch until I say so. I’m gonna ride your face and if you’re good, I might let you jerk off.”
His back arches, a low groan from his chest slipping past his lips, “Anything, anything, please.”
You giggle, pussy walls fluttering and milking his dick, “Oh baby brother we’re gonna have so much fun.”
He whines a high airy note, sounding so pitiful, “M gonna cum soon, so close.”
You roll back, pulling him with you until you’re pinned under his bulky weight, “How do you want to finish?”
His eyes nervously look down your body to where he’s fucking you open, fat cock splitting you in two with each hard thrust. 
Mouth panting, he looks back into your eyes, “C-can I put you in a mating press?”
Slick drips past his cock as you let out a mewling whine. 
You’re nodding before you even answer, “Yes, that’s so hot, Leon. You want to breed your sister’s pussy that bad?”
He moans, “Y-yeah, want to pin you down and fuck my cum into you.”
“Mmm,” you smile up at him, “I’ll let you do that this time since it’s your first.”
He eagerly slips his cock out of your soaking wet pussy and grabs your thighs, pushing your legs up to you shoulders. You loop your arms around your calves to hold yourself open for him. Leon shuffles until he’s in a crouch, dick angled down tip pressing into your hole as your pussy tries to suck him in deeper. 
“Fuck,” Leon whispers, eyes watching as he lowers himself into your greedy cunt, walls pulsing around his thick cock making him lose his composure and bottom out quickly. 
Body shivering, you moan feeling too full. There’s no way you’ll ever recover from having Leon buried in your guts; you weren’t kidding when you told him he’s going to ruin your pussy— he already has.
“Move, please, Leon,” you finally gasp out, his cock feeling like it’s lodged in your throat, “s’too much.”
“Sorry,” his dark eyes gaze at you in worry, “I can sto—“
You clench down on him making yourself squeal before finally gritting out, “Don’t you finish that fucking sentence. Want you to fuck me, Leon. I like that it’s too much. I’ll tell you if I want to stop.”
He nods, pulling halfway out and rocking back down making you whine. 
“Those stupid girls did a number on you,” you grab onto his shoulders, keeping your legs tilted up for him to fuck into you, “but I can fix that.”
“Uh huh,” Leon’s hazy unfocused eyes are trained on where your pussy is spread open, your hole obscenely stretched around his dick.
You smile at him, feeling warmth buzz through your body followed by white hot arousal as Leon rubs against your g-spot just right.
“There, there, oh fuck,” you pant, nails digging into his muscled shoulders, feeling as his tendons flex to hold himself up while pistoning into your sloppy sounding pussy, “fuck, fuck, oh f—Leon!” 
He adjusts his arms, placing one above your shoulder to balance himself so he can slip the other one down to gently rub and tease your clit.
“Good boy, Leon, you’re soo good,” you grind your head back into the bed, feeling too much all at once making your thighs jump and toes curl.
Leon’s so pussydrunk he can’t even form words so he just whines and grunts as he fucks into you harder and harder, the sound of skin slapping filling the room.
“Cum, g’nna cum, too good, fuck, gonna fill you up,” he babbles, brow furrowed as his hips chase his pleasure to completion, “can’t stop, sorry sis, can’t—g’nna cum in you,” he whines long and loud, “fuck ‘m about to cum in my big sister, fuck, gonna breed her pussy perfect fucking puss—“
He drops his weight down onto you making you scream as the fat head of his dick kisses your womb, pleasure-pain zinging from your cunt all through your body making your back bow off the bed. Your eyes are wide and unseeing, staring up at the ceiling as Leon stuffs you full of his cum. His cock kicks inside you as your pussy is completely filled with his hot sticky release. You dimly realize you’re cumming and have been since Leon fucked down into your cervix. 
“You’re milking me so good,” he slurs, pushing his face into your neck, “can’t stop cumming.”
You whine, pussy walls pulsing around his fat cock as you feel thick spurts of jizz paint your insides white. Your hands move up from his shoulders to slip through his sweaty hair, petting him as you both try to catch your breath. Tugging his strands, he lifts his head and you surge up to kiss him, messy and wet. He sighs into the kiss, eagerly licking into your mouth letting spit drip down his chin making it a wet slide of lips and tongue.
He bucks forward making you moan into his mouth.
“God, wanna go again,” he pulls away, lips shiny and swollen eyes bright, “wanna fill you up again, please?”
“What?” your brows pinch in confusion, “what do you—ohh,” you moan as Leon fucks into your spent cunt, cock hard and throbbing again.
“Got me so bricked up, can’t help it,” he pants against your neck, hips picking up speed as he settles his weight down on you, wrapping your legs around his waist, “it’s a fucking wet dream I get to do this with you.”
“Leon,” you moan, tugging his hair but he stays lodged in your sensitive pussy, fucking you deep and fast, “you’re being so bad.”
“Noo,” he whines, not stopping as he fucks into you over and over and over, “just can’t help it, you feel too good, my hips won’t stop.”
“Bad boy,” you gasp as the tip of his dick knocks against your womb, making your eyes roll back in your head and toes curl, “gonna have to punish you.”
“Yes, yes, please, punish me,” he grunts into your neck, mouth open and sloppily licking at your skin, “just don’t make me stop, can’t help it.”
You can only pant and moan as Leon rails you into his bed again and again; your orgasm is slow and heavy making you cry out when it hits you, hips arching and spine curving to get Leon as deep in your cunt as possible.
“G’nna cum again, gonna breed you so good,” Leon sucks a bruise on your neck, “thank you, thank you, thank you.”
He kisses you sloppily as he cums inside your aching pussy, walls milking him until he’s spent. He finally pulls back, cock pulling out with a wet suctioning noise making you both moan. Leon watches in awe as his cum oozes from your fucked out hole, pussy lips fat and swollen. 
You buck up into the wet heat of his mouth as he buries his face in your abused cunt.
He hums in reply, grinding his face into your pussy and moaning as he eats the cum and slick from your oversensitive hole. You push him off of you with your feet, his face coated and messy.
“On your back,” you harden your tone, “now, Leon.”
He looks at you abashedly but does as you say. You quickly throw your leg over him and hover your cunt over his face.
“Since you need a lesson in listening,” you rock your clit down against his nose making him groan, “I’m gonna let you clean up the mess you made, baby brother. Then I’m gonna cum all over your pretty face. You don’t get to touch me anywhere else and you don’t get to touch yourself. Understood?”
He’s nodding before you even finish talking, “Yes, yes, ‘m sorry, I’ll be good, I swear.”
Your smile has bite as you reply, “You’ll be good if you want to keep tasting this pussy.”
He moans and you sit completely down on his face making his eyes roll back. His hot tongue greedily licks into your sore pussy.
“Clean it up, baby brother,” you coo down at him, “got my pussy all dirty.”
You feel as he groans low in his throat, rubbing his face deeper into your cunt, tongue fucking up into you. You grind down against his mouth, moaning as your clit rubs and bumps his nose.
“So needy, little brother,” you pet his hair, “gonna have to work for it though, pussy is a privilege.”
You’re jostled as he ruts his hips into the air. Giggling, you rock your hips further onto his tongue. 
“Getting close,” you sigh, watching his eyes flutter, pupils completely swallowing the blue, “gonna make me cream your pretty face, baby brother.”
He growls up into your cunt making you mewl, bouncing down on him a little harder. He presses his tongue up just right as his nose catches and bumps your clit making you see stars as your orgasm washes over your body.
“Cumming, cumming, oh fuck,” you whine, riding his mouth as slick gushes from your cunt to fill Leon’s eager mouth.
You let him lap and suck at your pussy until overstimulation makes you raise up on shaky knees. 
“Good boy,” you rub your hand down his face, fingers dancing over his red, swollen lips, “did so good for me, Leon.”
He nuzzles into your hand, eyes completely hazed over, “Mmm good. ‘M sorry.”
“I know you are,” you laugh softly, easing yourself up to lay down next to him, “you’re still getting punished though.”
He shivers, love sick eyes watching you, “‘kay.”
You look down your body and then at Leon, “We’re a mess.”
He dazedly looks at your creamy cum slicked thighs and groans, eyes slipping shut, “You’re gonna make me hard again.”
You giggle and push against his bicep, “Then let’s go take a shower. And only a shower.”
He smiles at you, all bubblegum sweet, “Sounds good.”
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blegh-110 · 3 months
okay i need a part two where she gets her own group and kinda starts acting like sam and she starts partying and hanging out with older boys to cope and sam gets all mad and jealous
unless you already have an idea either way i love ur fic 🙏🙏
fyi, anon is referring to "im not a princess, this aint a fairytale" part of older brother's best friend!sam. Honestly I was going to write this after I was finished with the whole series, but I'm kinda in a little writing rut right now and I've been wanting to write this since I got it so hopefully this will help with it. Anywaysss…
Let's say this happens, and Sam is at one of his high school parties where kids are drinking and doing drugs and all that kinda stuff, and he sees reader there across the room. That boy is beyond shocked!!
 He thinks it makes sense for him to be there, he's been making not so great decisions and hanging out with the wrong people lately. But you? He knows how much you hate big, loud crowds like this, as well as the smell of weed and smoke from cigarettes. He knows because the last time he saw you you had given you a quick side hug after convincing his teacher to let him out of detention, you quite literally scrunched your nose and turned your head when your nose made contact with his shirt. He and his friends had smoked a bit in the parking lot right before. 
So right when he sees you he’s wondering what the fuck are you doing here? And why? Do you have a ride home? Who did you come with?
Then he goes from concerned and confused to really fucking concerned and confused when he sees a boy handing you a drink and putting your hair behind your ears. He’s heard about this other guy and he’s a total asshole. He knows because he sits right next to a group of girls in his math class who absolutely hate him, apparently he cheated on one of them and just treated her horribly. As soon as he sees him touch you he’s storming towards you two, not caring who he shouldered and bumped into. 
“Alright, get the fuck away,” Sam pushed the other boy’s shoulder roughly, then grabbed your bicep and began pulling you with him, “lets go.”
“Sam, what are you doing?” You attempted to free yourself from his grip but he was just going through the crowd of people so fast that your feet couldn’t stop moving with him. Soon enough he had gotten you outside to his car. 
“C’mon.” He looked back at you expecting you to get in but you continued to stand in your place, the very last thing you wanted was to be near him.
“Does your brother know you’re here?” That was what broke you, if he found out he’d blow up on you. With defeated and frustrated tears in your eyes you got in the passenger seat, letting out an annoyed sigh when Sam closed the door for you. 
“I don’t know who you’ve been hanging out with, but you need to be careful around people like him.” You didn’t say anything in response, only staring out the window watching the cars go by and the silence killed Sam. He didn’t like that there was no confusion or worry at his words, so he continued talking, just so he could hopefully get something from you.
“I’ve heard some awful stuff about him, he probably looks like a nice guy but he’s not.” He looked at you, maybe he just didn’t see your reaction.
“Guys like him, (Y/N), they’re gonna treat you like shit if you’re not careful.” He spit out, thinking if he was aggressive with his word then you would understand what you were getting yourself into. 
“That’s hard to imagine.” Is all you say and Sam is fully ready to stop the car, reevaluate everything he’s done and apologize but he keeps driving. This was not how he wanted it to happen. Not when you were already angry and not when he didn't have his thoughts all together. So he gripped the steering wheel tightly and sighed, trying to let out his growing frustration in silence. 
And when he was back home, he was up for another hour going insane wondering if that wasn’t your first party you’ve been to, and that maybe that wasn’t the first time you were out with the other guy (it wasn’t your first party and it wasn’t your first time with him lol).
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emlovessid · 20 days
@into-the-jeggyverse for the bingo prompt beard scruff, 662 words bingo masterpost
Regulus wakes to an arm heavy over his waist, breath fanning across the back of his neck.
There’s a moment where he wonders whether Barty drunkenly ended up in his bed instead of his own last night, and is ready to untangle their legs and kick him in the shin when maybe-Barty adjusts in his sleep, tightening the arm around Regulus’ waist and pulling him closer. He feels lips press lightly against his bare shoulder, unable to help the shiver that runs through him at the brush of beard scruff across his skin; Barty has never been able to grow anything remotely close to a beard.
Eyes flying open, he realises he’s not in his room at all. And that’s when it all comes rushing back to him.
Laughing over slices of pizza about the garlic bread James had burnt to a crisp; I swear to god I set a timer, I don’t know what happened.
James’ reluctance and eventual surrender when Regulus suggested watching a scary movie; you’re paying for my therapy after this, just FYI.
The space between them on the couch that became smaller and smaller with each jumpscare and blood-curdling scream from the speakers, until they were pressed against each other from their shoulders down to their knees. The way James’ hand darted out to grip his the next time he flinched, Regulus only hesitating a moment before stretching out his fingers to thread them with James’ and giving them a comforting squeeze.
The next part is a bit blurry for Regulus, all he remembers is that one minute they were both watching the movie and the next they were only a breath apart, eyes meeting for a moment before their lips brush, tentative at first until something snapped and they crashed together. 
He remembers the warmth of James’ hand as it slipped underneath Regulus’ jumper and met his bare skin, the taste of James’ lips as they parted at the touch of Regulus’ tongue, the sound of James’ moans as Regulus runs his fingers through his hair, the feel of James’ stubble against his chin, his neck, the inside of his thighs.
This time when he feels James – not Barty – adjust behind him, he rolls over to face him. He looks so peaceful in sleep, eyelashes resting atop his cheeks, mouth parted slightly. He tries not to be embarrassed by how long he lies there watching James sleep, before Regulus eventually slips out from underneath him to head to the bathroom down the hall, heart tugging at the small whine half-conscious James lets out.
He’s just closed James’ bedroom door behind him when he comes face to face with his brother, a cup of tea in each hand on the way back to his own bedroom.
“Morning,” Sirius says casually, though the smirk at the corner of his lips makes Regulus nervous.
“You slept with James, didn’t you?”
“What?” Regulus chokes.
With a wave of his hand, Sirius clarifies, “Well, at the very least you made out with him.”
“How did you—” he splutters, realising too late he’s just confessed, not that Sirius hadn’t somehow figured him out already with only one look at him.
“James and I have been friends for a long time. Over the years, I’ve been witness to a number of James’ hook ups leaving the flat the next morning. Unsurprisingly, all of their chins looked a whole lot like yours does right now.”
Regulus’ hand flies up to his face, wincing when his fingers press against the tender skin of his chin that James’ beard scruff has apparently torn to shreds. When he looks at Sirius again, he’s grinning triumphantly into his cup of tea.
“I hate you,” Regulus groans.
With a mock gasp, Sirius says, “I think you should be thanking me, actually. After all, it’s because of me that you even know James.”
He has a point, but Regulus isn’t willing to concede. Not today. “I still hate you.”
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ariaste · 4 months
hheeyy I am probably gonna buy your pirate book regardless, because it does sound wonderful, but just so I know what I'm getting my little ace brain into: the gizmodo article you linked described Brother Julian as having "a frankly inconvenient vow of celibacy" and i had terrible flashbacks of the way the dragon age 2 fandom talked about Sebastian so like. Does Julian *also* think his vow is inconvenient, or am I going to have to go in accepting that funny queer pirates who resolve things with polyamory is worth wincing through a few conversations where his suitors just Cannot Believe someone so hot doesn't want to fuck oh my we must save him from himself or. whatever the fuck. Again, i loved A Touch Of Gold And Iron so I do trust you, but I've had authors i trust suddenly and unthinkingly have their characters spout aphobic talking points before, so i just want a warning, i guess. Thank you and I promise this isn't intended as a judgement of any kind, just me making sure I'm taking care of myself
No worries! I have not seen any of the Dragon Age 2 discourse and I don't know who Sebastian is, but I think I can sort of glean from context what you mean.
The answer about Julian is a little spoilery for mostly worldbuilding and a bit of his character arc, but not plot. I'm gonna try to put it under a cut, but tumblr is broken sometimes, so if the cut does not work, I apologize to the general public.
Julian is a monk of the Vintish church, which is sort of "what if the Catholic church but make it The Enlightenment" -- their religion teaches that the pursuit of knowledge and Understanding is deeply holy and that the Emperor of Heaven filled the world with mysteries specifically because he wanted humanity to figure out his little puzzles. Monks of this church take vows not to give up all "sinful" things, but to give up the one thing that occupies their mind above all else and causes them to be distracted from the pursuit of knowledge. For some people that might be alcohol, or gambling, or an addiction, or wearing pretty clothes, or anger/resentment, or whatever. For Julian, that thing was sex. He is the most allosexual man who has ever lived. He LOVED sex. It was a source of pure joy and delight and fulfillment for him -- he's one of those people who can find something wonderful and attractive in pretty much everyone he meets.
There were some Urgent Circumstances fifteen years ago in his past where taking that vow was preferable to the alternative that would have happened if he hadn't taken it, so in that sense it was a tool that served a purpose -- it was at one point a deeply convenient way of saving his own ass. I also think it was an important lesson for Young Julian to realize that sometimes you have to make sacrifices and that sacrifices HURT.
However, whether he would say in hindsight now that it was inconvenient... I think he has mixed feelings. He's very good at nuance, Julian is, and so he recognizes that all his experiences have made him into the person who he is and that he has Learned and Grown and Gained Knowledge Of Himself, which he does sincerely believe is a holy and righteous thing -- he deeply values the journey that he has been on. But at the same time.... at his heart he's just a fun guy and secretly an absolute gremlin in his own ways, you know? And tools that were once useful and relevant do not always remain so. Hope that helps!! I am on the ace/demi spectrum myself, so I've got some irritating experiences of the ways that people write about ace characters and try to "fix" them -- this is definitely not that situation.
Also, just cause you mentioned you're ace -- FYI there isn't any on-page sex in the book, just lots of dumb sex jokes and flirting. :)
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mcgrillzdumpinc · 10 months
I'll likely make a more in depth post once I've read through all the translated light novels but
Hello Apothecary Diaries fans I am in volume 8 and would like to reassure you about the choking scene from volume 5
Spoilers under the cut!
Okay so there's a scene at the end of volume 5 (the manga is not there yet) that many have interpreted as sexual assault. For the sake of those sensitive to such topics, I'm going to give a light on spoilers version of the scene and then an in depth analysis. Personally, I do not view the scene as sexual assault, but it is very forceful and carries A LOT of very sad subtext. You'll understand what I'm getting at in the more depth part.
So, the general gist of the choking scene.
MaoMao and Jinshi are in the garden to escape a banquet. They talk for a bit about a very scary incident that occurred that day (thankfully nobody was killed) and share casual conversation. Then Jinshi brings up that they're at this banquet to find him a wife. I won't spoil the specifics, but fyi MaoMao has been wearing an accessory this whole time that loudly announces (to everyone except herself, of course) that She's The Favorite™. Despite how obvious Jinshi has been with his intentions, including holding her hand and combing his other fingers through her hair while mentioning the whole wife thing, MaoMao evades him while thinking "I'm not capable of love". So, she tries to dodge him by offering up another woman. This is what causes Jinshi to snap and choke her, as well as hold one of her arms behind her back to stop her from fighting back.
He doesn't kill her. As far as damage to her throat, the text doesn't indicate any. He then leans his weight on her. MaoMao then remembers how she was taught sex techniques against her will be the Verdigris House women & decides to use those techniques against Jinshi. She then promptly leaves and Jinshi feels like the most pathetic man in world.
The two don't interact beyond official matters until towards the end of volume 6. Jinshi brings more rare medicine in lieu of an apology. The two talk around the wife situation again and MaoMao gets tickled. It isn't until volume 7 that they have an actual conversation breakthrough.
That's my light on spoilers version of the events. Now I'll give a more in depth version, that's honestly a good chunk of my own meta-analysis around the events of volume 5.
Honestly, volume 5 is full of really interesting scenes regarding Jinshi and MaoMao. This is the first volume after Jinshi has been forced back into Imperial Brother status, yet the first thing I noticed that actually changed between JinMao is how MaoMao takes initiative with him now. As soon as she learns an insect plague might be on the horizon, she dives into unprompted research and delivers her findings to Jinshi. She's no longer working at the palace or for Jinshi, but she still takes on the extra burden. She also takes initiative to get Jinshi some extra sleep (though she misinterprets his desire to not sleep alone). And later in the novel, when they're in the paper makers' village, MaoMao acts so cute when reapplying Jinshi's burn scar makeup. I'll let screenshots talk for me.
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Like man. She's so cute. And I wonder, if these two didn't have to deal with social standing and imperial drama, would we get way more of them just being cute and companionable? If MaoMao wasn't an unwitting member of the Who Wants To Be An Imperial Princess race, would her feelings for Jinshi have grown without so much pushing and urgency on his end?
But I digress. I think a lot of volume 5, especially once they reach their travel destination, is MaoMao trying her best to keep her blinders on even though she is in the thick of imperial drama. She's especially desperate with regards to the blazingly obvious fact that a certain someone of very high status is in love with her. I think the end of chapter 6 does a very good job of driving home one of the major reasons why MaoMao is reluctant to trust Jinshi's feelings.
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To add fuel onto this unfortunate fire is that MaoMao, as an unmarried courtesan's daughter, was attacked as an infant by her mother, sought after by fucking Lakan of all people, ignored while crying as a baby, and forcibly taught sex (to the point of tears!). She also had to cover for Luomen's own eccentricities, specifically ensuring they had enough money to feed themselves. MaoMao, to put it shortly, has been taught not to believe she can attain anything beyond her very simple life of being a lowly apothecary.
And then here's Jinshi who, as a prince, has been forced to grow up fast & have all his favorite things taken away from him. I think MaoMao is the first time he ever wanted a person. He is, for lack of a better word, obsessed with her. I think a lot of his pushiness & tendency to be clingy with her is him desperately trying to make sure he doesn't lose her. If he makes her his wife, then, well, she can't leave.
And I think the choking scene is him finally at his breaking point. At this point, he has lavished her with gifts, been very forward sexually with her twice, and given her a new hairpin that is essentially this story's version of a promise ring. It's MaoMao's repression/reluctance vs. Jinshi's desperation and so far she's winning.
But then she pushes him past his breaking point and he takes physical action against her. MaoMao responds by performing an unspecified sexual act on him.
So why don't I personally take this scene as sexual assault?
Mainly because I think the people actually guilty of sexual assault her are the Verdigris House women who forced MaoMao to learn sex.
As far as I understand it, whether MaoMao can actually say no to Jinshi is left up to interpretation. If we're talking on social status terms, she can't say no. But if you look at Jinshi's overall treatment of her, both before and after this scene, I very much think MaoMao can say no and instead chooses to defuse the situation.
Because what isn't for interpretation, however, is MaoMao's abysmal impression of what love and sex can actually be for her. So she defuses a situation by using sex, something she herself doesn't like, and doesn't allow Jinshi to reciprocate, which leaves him feeling terrible, too.
I want to be clear. I do think Jinshi is in the wrong for physically attacking MaoMao. But the sexual portion of the scene, at least to me, falls squarely on the shoulders of MaoMao's fucked up backstory.
Anyway, I think I've typed for long enough. I am using the official translations of the light novel for this analysis, so if any fans have access to alternate translations or WN only knowledge that throw my analysis in the trash bin, please let me know (fyi puedo leer el español).
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hopeluna-archived · 1 year
Love languages + Obey Me!
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Characters: The older brothers
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ CW: none! Just fluff
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ A/N: gonna have the younger brothers hcs out in a bit 'cause I was too impatient and just wanted to give you guys something imao OH! and just an fyi! My requests are open rn <3
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!! Lucifer
Giving: Gifts. Lucifer often has a hard time expressing his affections outright and so most of the time, he resorts to giving you gifts. A flower bouquet every other day, your favourite sweet from Madam Scream's, an outfit that you had your eye on ; Lucifer remembers every other thing that you mention to him, even once, so that he could give you something you'd like.
Receiving: Quality time. He's a busy demon, with taking care of his brothers and the HOL, being Diavolo's right hand man, the student council and just every other problem in Devildom. So Lucifer really appreciates the comfortable silence when you take your time to spend a while with him even if its both of you doing your own individual work.
!! Mammon
Giving: Acts of service. Mammon likes taking care of you, its obvious to literally everyone. It can be bringing snacks to you when you're buried deep in your work, carrying a bottle of water with him in case you get dehydrated after a long day, silent and almost unnoticed acts are Mammon's way. If you ever thank him for doing all this, he'll exclaim and deny it all.
Receiving: Words of affirmation. Mammon has been called a lot of choice words by people, and as much as he tries, the words cut deep sometimes. So assurance and words of love are a sure way to make this guy's heart melt right into a puddle. He'll flush and become a mess when you do this, but you can just see it in his eyes he appreciates it, a lot <3
!! Leviathan
Giving: Quality time. Levi feels quite content when you spend time with him, even if you are occupied with your own activity and him with his own, it makes him happy to think that you would find time and willingly want to spend it with him. Much like Lucifer, he likes the silence 'cause it means you both are comfortable just soaking up each other's presence.
Receiving: Acts of service. Things like you bringing over his favourite snacks when you're about to binge watch, bringing him some coffee when he's up late at night absolutely makes his heartbeat go a little bit faster. You may think he doesn't notice all this, but he does and it makes him giddy at how you subtly take care of him.
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© hopeluna. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost any of my work in this or any other site. Do not steal or modify my ideas/concepts either.
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