#Austin wanted Sam and Apollo to be happy in the end
nightrae13 · 1 year
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Yes, I watch MSA, and now, I’m honestly on the mood to see these guys get drunk together after what they both went through lol. 
I always thought Austin and Caleb deserved better, but after editing them (probably gonna come out after Holy Week ^^) with that initial motivation, I just felt worse for them. Austin was a well-written character, and I can’t believe Emma just straight up only waited for Caleb to snap, so she can have a reason to break up with him lol (he’s an ultimate bf material and she wasted him XD). They’re flawed characters esp. Austin but they still loved their gfs no matter what.  I am aware that you can’t force or stop your feelings towards a person, but the girls still cheated with these guys who loved, cared and made so much effort for them with their very own brothers. I just really feel bad for Caleb more because he continually supports and believes in his gf only for him to be villainized in the end just because he reacted in a way normal people do when they find out their partner is cheating on them with their brother. For Austin, he’s one of my favorite guys (even if this art style isn’t my bias as I’m only watching MSA for a good story) and I’m at least happy he got a redeeming moment and closure. Tbh, Sam and Apollo could have been one of MSA’s best love stories if only she wasn’t dating Austin when she started to have feelings for her bf’s brother. Girl legit thought how her bf’s twin is hotter in their first meeting lol. Austin might be a jerk sometimes, but he wanted her to be happy.. and Apollo too. He just suffered like Apollo, and he deserved to be happy after sacrificing his feelings for the people most important to him.
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