#with her feeling like she wasnt as good of a person as jack is but instead of getting manipulated by mdcr
poniko-w · 13 days
been making concepts for magical girl adukin au.. i am forming a semi-consistent plot & having fun.. i might draw some other characters in magical girl outfits even if ive sort of laid out what the "canon" magical girls are for the au, but idk who i would draw.. maybe fusakin and syumitaro because well. ones a balloon with a human body and the other is God
#ekurambles#i really like this au if i am being honest even if it is just for funsies.. been working on it inbetween doodles and requests#i have a lot of things jotted down on how adukin even like.. became a magical girl in the first place#& i definitely think it could tie into her feelings in the maingame after the events of mo3#with her feeling like she wasnt as good of a person as jack is but instead of getting manipulated by mdcr#she sacrifices her own selfworth to act more like a hero and force herself to be someone she isnt (“magical girl adu”)#rather than accept who she is and not try to live as a cheap copy of someone who already loves & cares abt her *for* who she is.#taking on a much more dangerous nightlife as a magical girl just to feel like she can amount to any of what jack has done#& that'd probably also lead into jack and his magical boy form where he just wants to help protect her even though adukin hates that idea#she knows she can protect herself and she knows jack isnt trying to say that shes weak (he thinks shes really fucking strong)#but she cant accept his help without accepting herself first otherwise shes just going to keep comparing herself to someone-#-who already thinks shes perfect as the foulmouthed yet kind numa that she is#+ the whole thing with bachikin being the villain shes trying to defeat even if she doesnt know that#because like. she loves bachikin. it is an adubachi-based au afterall#bachikin is only doing these things to create what she thinks is a perfect world#where it's just her and adukin and nobody can judge them or keep them apart#shes been an awful person in the past and she doesnt know how to handle these emotions shes feeling#so she thinks that she has to deal with it the same way that she's dealt with all of her problems in the past#taking what she wants (adukin) and not letting anyone else near her#and bachikin is completely unaware that adukin is the one trying to stop her from doing this#probably in part because she doesnt want to believe that adukin wouldnt also want to live in that idealized world shes created for them-#-in her mind.#...Ok i gotta shut the fuck up this is way too long.
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atiianeishaunted · 1 month
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blue writing is lance's notes fyi anyway uhh character bios below !! long ass writing warning but worth it i promise chat pspsp | no notes version AND the transparent PNGS down at the end!
character bios:
Allura [???] | A lone princess who is burnt out and stressed out her mind, her only solace/stress relief being the garden she has where she can have peace and quiet, shutting her brain off while she does the tasks of tending to her precious plants and bugs. She tries her best to remain as friendly and optimistic as possible, if not for her own sanity, however thanks to the stress and pressure put on her, she has a tendency to lose her cool and sometimes shut down entirely. She has a passion for commanding and loves honing her fighting skills as that was one of the ways she bonded with her father. She more often than not can be seen in comfortable clothes, she doesnt mind dresses and does enjoy dressing up but will only do it when shes going out the castle or theres a meeting. | this gal couldve been an burnt out autistic queen DREAMWORKS, YOU COUDLVE MADE HER ICONIC .... let her be a dorky nerd whos a hater sometimes, pretty please
Takashi Shirogane | A garrison commander (no one is really sure of his job title to be honest with you..) who's insanely passionate about his job, to the point where hes willing to sacrifice it all if the garrison wills it. Anything to serve. He tries his best to fit in and be hip with the kids, he tries to come across as the 'chill' teacher, but students of his have reported that after a few months, any amount of chillness is thrown out the window. If not that, hes often not even in class, too busy doing missions he wasnt assigned to. He's intense. Very intense. Knows his way around words though for the most part, can be very convincing and a bit maniuplative, very goal driven. He means well though? Thats what he says. He always throws a quick sorry if someone brings it up with him, so that must mean something. | sorry in advance if you follow along with Sonder's story... unrelated but dreamworks wrote a banger antagonist without even realizing!
"Keith" Kogane / "Morse" | Unknown origins. He was a talented garrison pilot who could practically fly with his eyes closed, a jack of all trades, short tempered and prone to losing it but all things considered, the perfect cadet for the garrison's goals, he came out of nowhere practically, just poofed in like a ghost and wiped the floor with everyone. He really just needed a good guiding hand. No one is quite sure what gender he is, his androgynous appearance and tendency to respond to anything besides being called a girl have people baffled to say the least. He's very clearly not all there in the head either which goes hand in hand with his odd bursts of ego and then odd bursts of whining, these bursts often include talks that could only be described as cult-ish. People have their theories. Beyond those bursts, hes mostly very deadpan and quiet. But despite his strength and that intense feeling of fear and dread people get when they're around him, he's.. popular, somehow. Admired greatly for his devilish good looks. A universal appeal if you will. He doesn't seem to notice. Or perhaps doesnt care. Either way he's far too busy following Shiro around and treating him like the second coming of god to really indulge in romance for now. Lance's self proclaimed rival, Keith is also unaware of this. | also sorry in advance for this one if you follow sonder's storyline Lance McClain | A former Garrison cargo pilot who moved up in rank when Keith got kicked out. Keith is his rival and also all that Lance can talk about, even after the guy got kicked out and left for dead (Lance overheard some things while sneaking out past the teacher's lounge). He has a very noticable personality and loves to be the center of attention, hes still finding his footing and figuring out what he wants to do with his life and who he wants to be. Despite his many claims, hes not all that popular. He can't really flirt with girls all too well. His general goal is to be so well known so he won't ever be forgotten, hence why he begged his mom to let him dye his hair and get piercings (if he used Keith as an argument, thats none of your business.) (he saw keith dying his hair once or twice and instantly wanted to copy, its a bad habit.). He loves LOVES taking care of his appearance and is fairly vain, he has extensive routines and will freak out if he can't follow them. His ego and overbearing confidence is all to drown out his deep insecurities and fears. He tries his best to come across as a suave, cool, charming, awesome, any positive adjective really, person but in all reality he's a mama's boy, a dork, a loser if you will who has a love for the retro and is a huge gamer. If he must admit, he and Keith'd get along great actually, Keith ticks alot of boxes and honestly Lance deeply admires him and wants to be like him. | dreamworks dropped that lance was a gamer and loved retro stuff and then never talked about it again. sigh. Hunk Garrett | Hunk has many passions, mainly inspired by parents, he mainly specializes in cooking and mechanics, he enjoys tinkering with things, taking them apart to see how they work and working from there to see if he can rebuild it with 0 instruction, hes gotten good at it. He's Lance's childhood best friend, they're extremely close and are often seen constantly poking fun at eachother. Its all in good fun though. Hunk struggles extremely with anxiety and has a service dog back home that he left at home when heading to the Garrison as he worried he couldn't take care of it while studying. Despite his anxiety, he quite enjoys talking to people and sharing things he enjoys with them, he often tries to get over his fears by branching out and | I looked up his name from the old show because he deserves an 'actual' name, free my boy, he was done so dirty, also i remember when we all thought hunk had two moms (or was that just me ..) and i live by it tbh, two moms and a dad whos still active in his life, 3 whole parents for the greatest fella ever
Pidge Holt | Not much can be said about Pidge, they keep to themselves and don't share much about themselves. Just like Keith, their gender is often up to debate and when asked, Pidge will never give a consistent answer. They're a major tech wiz and with their talents, they're a complete menace. Pidge is prone to being mischevious and pranking others, often taking jokes a bit too far. They're egotistical and find that robots are their preferred companions in comparison to humans. | loser chronically online 13 year old who would tell you to kys, matt probably has to take away their electronics all the time LMFAO purposely made their outfit look a bit strange bc , theyre a kid whos a NERD /aff let them dress a bit stupid and let them cringe at it 5 years later ty
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No notes version and PNGS below :-)
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im insane about this reboot!! please reblog and im willing to elaborate if anyone wants me to <333 hrgfhrfg i really want this to take off bwaa
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twisted-king · 6 months
Hi! Hello! I was wondering if you wrote any platonic hecs in twst? If you do, can you write gn!mc always finding a away to mention/talk about her home world? Maybe add a little bit of homesickness for angst👀.
Platonic hcs with the first years pls:>
Btw I really love you writing style!♡
AAAA oh my gosh thank you so much! I have no idea what im really doing aha...
Absolutely!!! here's a key:
Epel Ace Deuce Sebek Jack You
First year friend group + Reader who talks about home
They love you
they REALLY do
But this is excessive.
"Back at the farm we used to drink hot cider after a long day out in the snow, actually one time we-" "Heh.. like how my mom and I used to..." "Used to what?" "Oh its nothing... Just a tradition. We'd get together every Tuesday and go for bubble tea" "Oh..."
Epel understands feeling far from home, and he wants to try and relate with you but he doesn't know about half the stuff you're saying.
"hahah I got a higher score than you this time. Mayeb you shoulda studied a bit harder like lil ol me~" "Shut up Ace! It's a difference of like... two points!" "Two more points than you!" "oh you-" "My friends and I used to compare scores all the time, she always asked for help studying but.. haha she always got better grades than me."
They feel SO awkward when this happens
Deuce almost feels like he's showing off in some kind of way. He wants to be an honor student AND a good friend to you, so he's trying to creatre new memories with you, he's just having some trouble.
"Hey! I uh- I learned out to make one of Trey's tart! The one from the unbirthday party you liked so much?" "Oh thank you Deuce! It's kind of funny actually-" oh no,,, "My sibling and I used to bake for each other to say sorry."
Ace on the other hand is curious, but he kind of wishes you could be with the group sometimes.
"And then Lucius was like-- On top of Deuce- get this- while he was STILL sleeping" "No way..!" "Seriously?" "Hah- how pathetic, I NEVER fall asleep in Trein's... admittedly dull, lessons." "I used to have a dog, he could sleep anywhere"
And suddenly, it's quiet again...
Jack tries to keep your mind off things
He takes you out on relatively silent runs, he invites you to track meets, you can join or just watch him and Deuce! You've been looking a little down recently so, this makes sens to Jack, Deuce enjoys having you watch him run too, his friends give him extra motivation to beat his last personal best!
But... now you're crying?
Ace, Epel, and Sebek are on their way too, they wanted to do something nice for you and suprise you and -oh no...
They drop everything.
Your friends rush toward you, maybe you're hurt? you like... NEVER cry around them.
And suprisingly, Sebek can get you through the worst of it
"You're sad. and far from home. and that is hard. Especially for a pu ny huma-" "Sebek!!" "Right, uh... But we are here with you now. And we care for you."
"You're our best friend, I don't think anyone would be 'round here if it weren't for you."
"I don't feel as alone, riding solo just... wasnt it."
"'Sides, class isnt nearly as fun without you in it?"
"We really care about you, Prefect. You're our friend."
They gather around you, peacefully letting you cry after they let you know how muhc you mean to them.
"I just... I miss home so much..!"
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the-offside-rule · 1 year
Daniel Ricciardo - Does Your Mother Know?
Requested: yes
Prompt: Does Your Mother Know - Abba
Warnings: mentions of a one night stand
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Daniel sat in the meeting room of the McLaren technology centre. He was out two days ago but couldn't shake that hungover feeling. "You'd wanna act sober Daniel, Zak is coming in soon." One of Daniel's engineers said. Daniel groaned and sat up, forcing a neutral kind of smile, hoping he came across as fully recovered. Daniel was full awake once he heard the door open and in walked the American with what looked like an assistant. "Alright, how's everyone doing today?" Zak asked in his usual chirpy voice. "A lot better today." Daniel lied. Daniel looked over to the assistant who looked like she had just seena ghost. "Who-" Daniel stopped himself from speaking further. Fuck. Surely this was a nightmare of some sort. No way she was here. "Oh sorry, I almost forgot. This is my intern for the month. She's acting as my assistant. Daniel, guys, this is Y/n Y/l/n." Y/n and Daniel stared at eachother and when they were required to look at something else, they still managed to glance eachothers way. 'This cannot be happening." Daniel thought to himself. "There is no way she is an intern here. No...fucking...way."
Daniel moved his way through the crowd, trying to make his way to the bar for another drink. His friends only brought him out so he could try get over his ex. It wasnt working. They insisted that he tried to make some moves on some girls but he wasn't feeling it. He wasn't quite ready to move on, which he thought was perfectly okay. But with how everyone was telling him he was wrong, he was starting to rethink himself. "Jack Daniels and coke." He shouted over the music. He finished the last dribble of his previous drink and set it down. "Oh come on! It's just sambuca!" He heard a girl beside him say. He turned to see a girl with four shots of sambuca and her three other friends laughing and telling her no. "We aren't drinking, Y/n. We're going back to our flats. There are these really good looking guys that want to get with us so we're not ruining this for us just so you can drink!" Daniel pulled a face at how rude they were being. "You don't ditch your mates for some dick!" The girl shouted, standing up for herself. "No? Well I'll gladly ditch you!" And with that, the other three walked away.
Daniel was confused. He's never seen such a second in his life. The girl turned back around and stared at the shots. It was like he could almost see her train of thought, whether she should down them all or chance asking for a refund. The girl then turned to him and gave a light hearted smile. "You'd hardly like to do some sambuca, would you?" Daniel chuckled and nodded out of pity. "Of course. Can't turn down free shots." She said two over to Daniel and kept two for herself. "Alright, ready?" He asked. She nodded and the two backed their shot. Daniel coughed as the sambuca tickled his throat, but when he turned over to the person he was doing the shot with, she had a straight face and ready to do the next. "Jesus, how do you not even make a face?" He asked, reluctantly grabbing his second. "I'm used to it. It just tastes like Bonjela." She insisted, clinking her glass with Daniel's. "Do you think you like it because you maybe drank too much?"
"I didn't drink too much. I never drink too much." The girl replied. The bar tender put Daniel's drink down in front of him and held out the card machine so Daniel could pay. He swiped his card along the screen and slid the bottle of coke over to her. "Drink this, it might make you feel better." He said. She shook her head and slid it back over. "Water makes you feel better. Not coke." She waited for the bar tender to come back and asked him for a glass of water which was gotten quite quickly. She started by taking sips. She'd been here way too often recently. "You're quite handsome." She said. Daniel was taken back by her sudden compliment. "Don't take it in a weird way. You don't even need take note of it. I'm probably drunk." Daniel laughed.
"You're very young, no?" He asked loudly over the music. The girl shook her head and drank the last of her whiskey. "Not at all! I'm 24!" She replied. Daniel chuckled. "Does your mother know you're out here trying to chat up drivers?" He asked. "Who says I'm trying?" Daniel let out a light hearted laugh. "There's that look in your eyes." He said. She looked confused. "What ever do you mean?" She batted her eyes. "Does your mother even know you're out?" He teases. "Im not not young."She paused. "But what mother doesn't know, won't hurt her." Daniel felt a smirk growing on his lips. "Care to dance?" She asked. Daniel looked around but couldn't see his friends anywhere. His gaze fell back onto her, before he agreed. "I can dance with you." He said. "We can do a lot more than dance." The girl tried to say it quiet enough, but Daniel had caught it. "What? You want to chat? Or we can flirt a little maybe."
Once the pair found a place to dance, Daniel pulled her in closer. "I know what you want but you seem a little young for that kinda thing." She groaned. "I'm not young. I'm old enough to know what I want and when I want it." Daniel looked at her through hooded eyes. She was driving him crazy. He couldn't bare remember the reason he was in the club in the first place, but he was more than happy to be there now. "Do you think we should go somewhere more private?" She asked. "Only if I get a name." She replied as quick as he asked. "Y/n."
"Daniel." He took her hand and led her out into the carp park at the back of the club, opening his McLaren sports car, and climbing in with her. From then on, everything was a bit of a blur.
"And that concludes our meeting." Zak announced, standing up to leave. Y/n stood up, holding her laptop into her chest and walking out quickly to avoid any further conversation with the Australian driver. Daniel caught onto this and chased after her, trying his bets to play it off as casual. His eagerness to speak to the intern earned some very confused looks from other engineers in the meeting room. "Y/n!" He called after her. "At least let me introduce myself properly this time!" Y/n spun around and looked at him blankly. "I knew you looked so familiar in the club. I knew I knew you from somewhere. I just feel so fucking dumb." Y/n said. "If it's any constellation, I feel stupid as well." Y/n arched an eyebrow. "Well I usually ask girls out first before I- well-" he paused. "You know what I'm on about." Y/n gave a light hearted chuckle and nodded. "Yeah, I get it. Ugh, this feels so weird." Y/n admitted. "It does. How about wr resplve it over lunch? Maybe dinner?"
Y/n didn't expect that but nonetheless, she played along. "Is this some half asked way of asking me out?" Daniel smiled. "Only if it worked." Y/n felt herself giggling like a school girl, leaving Daniel unsure as to what her answer really was. "I can do lunch." And so, Daniel walked to the canteen with the intern. Where will this take them? Who knows. I'm sure it can only end well though, right?
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whole-circus · 1 year
I was wondering if you'd put your depiction on the creepypastas if the reader was a Tomie Kawakami like entity. I don't know if you have ever read or seen this character by Junji Ito or not so only do this if you're comfy
PS: have good day, hydrate and rest °v°
Creepypastas with Tomie Kawakami like!
➥ with Jeff the Killer, Jane the Killer, Eyeless Jack, "Ticci" Toby, BEN Drowned, X-Virus
Hi! I just LOVE that idea!! I must say I enjoy reading Junji Ito's works (even if Tomie wasnt my fav)! Here you go hun, if you want some other characters feel free to say! >:3 Good day for you too, take care! Also you waited so long im sorry, I had to made small break and now I feel like my "work" is shitty!!!!
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Jeff the Killer
Okay I feel like at first Jeff would pretend that he is not into you..who knows why? His own deep insecurities? Or he just doesnt like the idea of how flirty you are? You know, he usually is the one making first move and toying with others (making them obv uncomfy, he act like definition of "white straight good guy" lol). But no worries, he does find you absolutely cute, thinks you are prettiest person walking on earth (and you are all that actually). Listen, he wont magically turn into huge simp..but! you make him feel things. Congrats, you have high chance to broke Jeff and make him lovely-dovely on his weird way towards you! No matter if you are already in relationship with him or not, he gest pretty possesive and jealous over you! Come on, you cant be all pretty and cute AND have everyone all over you! People who adores you might end up dead before you will be able to kill them. Definitely would try threaten people to stop talking to you..its up to you if you find it cute or scary tho!
Jane the Killer
Jane gives me huge femme fatale vibes so i feel like you would really vibe together (no matter your gender)! And come on!! She understands the need of revenge like no one else!! Jane wants to beat Jeff ass! Adores you so much..not only you are absolutely gorgeous but also pretty smart too! Appearance matter in some way to her, but I think she would actually be into intelect and personality more than how you look like. And the fact that you are such a great manipulator!! You will make her fall in love with you even more. She is such a cutie im telling you! Jane is jealous but she puts that aside all that aside and she just worries about your yeah well technically you cant die, but what damage your brain will damage your brain and stay for long time! She doesnt want you to get hurt, even if you are doing the big scary job here!
Eyeless Jack
Demon partner with demonish partner? Isnt that perfect? Yeah yeah, you are diffrent from eachother but definitely have common ground, arent you? Dunno why but I feel like your charm wouldnt work on him just becasue of what he is. That doesnt mean that he doesnt find your ass cute tho! He just you know..its not really obsessive but more of actual feelings. Even if other pastas fell in love with your character too, then Jack would be a bit diffrent and at first fell for who you are and not what you look like! When it comes to possible of jealousity, he is not that much of envious about people who you flirt with/or they flirt with you! He clearly understands that you do it more for your..entertainment and to cause chaos (and maybe some sort of revenge). Also he is immortal, you are immortal - best couple to ever exist! You will spend eternity with eachother so he doesnt have anything to worry about!
"Ticci" Toby
Damn reader, you will break Toby! He gets so shy and so blushy around you.. Especially if you are flirting with him! Doesnt really like the idea of you and other people being a bit flirty. He gets jealous easly and it leads him to being insecure and doubtful of himself - he knows that he is not perfect, and all your actions make him even more anxious. Toby does care so much about your opinion so he just bottles it all up, not wanting to mess up even more! But I bet you are smart human being and feel that something is wrong. Just reassure him that you love him a lot and he is way diffrent than people you talk to (well, he is in fact atill alive, isnt he) and he is good to go!
BEN Drowned
Ben is Ben, not a simple thought in his head. Yeah kidding, but he just cant help but simp over you so so much! Like he is down on his knees at your service the second he sees you! Dont get me wrong, you are not only what you look like but its the first thing he notices about you! It would be almost too easy to manipulate him, but we dont do that here..(at least I hope so). Anyway, he literally worships you, you are the most good-looking person out here! And he is a ghost, he has seen a lot. About your habit of flirting around and then watchin somebodys downfall? I cant say he is not jealous, but he wont show it. Also finds your actions pretty funny. Who doest like to see someone dying becasue of their stupidy? Yeah, definitely not Ben, loves the chaos you cause.
Cody enjoyes how flirty you are! Okay well, maybe he only enjoys that if you are flirty with him! For real, you get him all giggly and blushy to be honest. Its so easy to tease him and so fun to look at! Propably tries his best to do the same but fails miserably. Your relationship give me a bit of nerd x popular partner vibe lol! You know, he literally spends half of his time in lab or studying for fun + Cody propably stinks. Now here you are, having such a mesmerizing appearance!! (You are fun to be around to, lets not be so vain!) . At the same time he asks many question, its just in his nature to enjoy knowing things. He just cant help but wonder what or who are you..but who wouldnt want to know that?..And please try to get idea of testing you or making small experiments out of his small silly head!! He is weirdo like that! But at the end of a day he is your weirdo!
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dazii-kons · 10 days
reverse dc au but its not robins
You read that right! Let me introduce you to the most random, nonsensical swap AU,Despite the title, the Robins are in it, but they aren't the main focus.
.....Well, I guess Damian is a pretty big part of it, BUT here he was never a Robin, so I stand by my point.
Shadow Damian and Hopeflare Jon, partners in "crime" since they were Veil and Superboy, are on a mission to take down the last CADMUS base that’s left. Surprisingly, it actually is the only existing one (sorry, Match fans—he's not going to show up for a loooooong while).
They arrive to find a bloody mess and a broken environment. There’s no heartbeat, no sound of breathing, nothing any living person would make...except the sound of dripping blood.
Checking all the rooms, Damian finds the one where all the bodies seemed to have been escaping from, and inside, he finds... a mini version of his best friend???except he has curly hair styled in an undercut,his skin is tan and he's wearing a bloody hospital gown.
Thus comes Subject 13, aka Project Cm.Kh/S>sb(a metaphor for a CADMUS-made Kryptonian hybrid of Superman’s son beta), a clone of well ,Superman’s son made with the DNA of Hopeflare, Lex Luthor (who has a bit of techno-meta DNA from his mother), and an unknown human donor (Lois Lane), whose aging process has been stopped by an explosion. He’s stuck in the body of an 11-year-old, a skinny and fragile little boy with knowledge many historians could never dream of. And as a bonus, he comes with a stack of new, unknown powers—so fun!
Short story long, he gets out very quickly with no trouble,as if he wasnt fighting two jl leveled heros and uses the weird pink telekinesis like power (ttk) to make the building collapse. Oh, and also, he hates Jon and somehow knows Shadow's secret identity by just looking at him-not even his face ,that's masked, so it would still be weird, but not as much—but at his chest, more specifically the dark little “s” crossed by an “h” (which is Shadow's symbol).
The mini Jon, as they decided to call him, vanishes from existence for almost six months, making Damian almost convince his partner to stop looking because he’s ruining himself.
In this time, Kon—still choosing a last name—is having the nicest time of his life in the house of Tim Drake-Wayne (age 11) and two of his friends: Stephanie Brown (age 17) and Bernard Dowd (age 10).
Stephanie was kicked out for her addiction by her hero father. Still struggling with it, she was in a situationship with a villain whose name is unknown, but she has moved on from that, Currently, she is two months pregnant, and after a long talk with Tim (who's shockingly smart for a kid), she decided to keep the baby because, screw it, she /Tim/ has the money and enough time to give them a good life. She moved in with Tim because his parents wouldn’t notice anyway, considering they let an 11-year-old have an apartment and live alone. (Jack and Janet are neglectful, but they do love Tim and aren’t fanon.)
Bernard, who was found by Stephanie beaten to a bloody pulp and about to be sacrificed to some vultures, was practically forced to come live with them after Stephanie had one conversation with his parents and her 'soon-to-be-mom''fuck you bitch'' instincts kicked in.
They decided on the name Kon purely because Tim found footage of OG Superman calling that his cousin, Supergirl. That, and since it was the only Kryptonian word that sounded somewhat decent that was found in media, they went with it.
Tim is the protégé of Batman, the second Veil, and rarely goes out on missions since the big bat thinks he’s too young (as if Damian wasn’t 7 when he became Veil),But he still does, sometimes Catwoman and her own kitten, stray, join him
Stephanie is Lilac Arrow (currently looking for a new name, feeling like it’s too close to her father's, and she doesn’t admit it to him—not anymore) and is an ex-Speedy, an active vigilante since she plans to take a longer break of six months until the baby is at least two.
So Kon is finding himself with his friends, learning how to be a person with rights and a life to live.
The whole fic is just consumed by these three being besties as they get older, maybe with a sprinkle of TimBert childhood sweethearts, nonbinary Kon, Stephanie getting to raise her son, and Jon going batshitt about finding his little something that’s for sure related to him while Damian is just done.
Flaline is also there as Damian's emotional support, promising to kick Jon’s ass to take care of himself when he can’t. i prob make more of this au with other characters or of this exact scenario but idk,tell me what you think
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whataboutsimple · 29 days
everybody knows that ellegaard and magnus are like mentor figures to olivia and axel but how about gabriel and petra? (in an au where gabriel doesn't get put on the bus after s1) petra likes adventuring and maybe in the space between s1 and s2 when everybody's busy in their respective towns she joins good old gabriel as wandering warriors exploring the world and fighting monsters. maybe you could slip some old man yaoi in there somehow
That's actually a good idea!
Maybe even after S2 she understands that she can't just keep her friends tied to her and instead of offering Jesse to go with her, she decides to go back to Gabriel and ask old man how did he managed to let his friends go so easy?
There's a heart-to-heart talk between two warriors where Gabriel tells her that he was always so devoted to Order he simply couldn't look through their bad actions and actually stop them, when it was too late.
He tells her how his friends and his friends are completely different persons and she shouldn't compare them to each other. Instead she should look through the situation and understand that her friends, even when they weren't too close to her, still stayed with her when she needed it, but if she wasnt' in right, they told her about it.
Explaining, how it hardto always keep in touch when there are so many worl for all of you, how this "hero lofe" destroyed their freindship not because they couldn't spend time with each other, but because they were to pleased with feeling of fame to ever look back at what they lefr there.
And unliket them, her friends still stayed true to themselfes, simple friends with simple life and dreams.
After that he tells her she can either go back and try to hold all of them where they don't want to be ore let the situation go and believe that they always will return. So she decides to let go. And since she has no one else around, she asks if she can join him in his adventures.
Through time they develop more of "father-daughter" relationship, Gabriel teaching her every little detial about fighting, waepons and world itself he knows, meanwhile she keep him so needed compane, and he finally feels not alone.
They go back to BeaconTown when it comes time for another foundation day! This time everybody gathered there: Jesse, Lukas, Ivor, Axel, Olivia, Ellegaard, Radar - everybody! And they kind of shockedto see Gabriel: no one saw him around since the whole WitherStorm thing. But Petra is kind of excited: she wants him to meet Jack!
As people wave back and forth and there's this little talk between main gang, meanwhile adults gathered around simply watching how kids spend time and Petra suddenly turns to Gabriel like: "Dad, bane of atthropods works only on spiders and silverfishes, right?" and he casually says "yeah" meanwhile everybody aroundare shocked.
Petra continious telling stories about their adventures, meanwhile Ivor takes Gabriel away for a little chit-chat. What was that? Why she called you dad? What is going on?
And Gabriel is actually not happy with that. First of all Ivor meaninglessly exposed Orders lie, created this stupid WitherStorm which left a scar on his arm, their friend was killed because of this thing and other friend only Notch knows were, if he's still alive, and what now? He wants to leave Gabriel all alone again by assuming something that is not even there?
He's not so gently asks Ivor to leave him the fuck alone finally and stop trying to destroy his life yet again.
After the event, Petra sees something is wrong, but doesn't want to push too much. They supposed to leave tommorow, so she decideds to do something else instead.. ask the person who dragged her fath- uhm- Gabriel away. Ivor.
She's not happy with what she heard. She's a freaking adult, she can take care of herself! Ivor can child Jesse around, not her! Ivor quickly explains that they both are idiots and got it all wrong, he was just worried for Gabriel because he's not the type of person to spend time with someone else.
"Well, if you actually would've putted your head out of your ass, you would know he enjoys the company and loves when close people are around him. Try to actually get to know him instead of going after this "he's a blant liar" thing."
And somethow it really effects him. Looking back, Ivor realizes they never ever even gave a chance to Gabriel to proper speak his thoughts. Their "group decisions" somehow never included his opinion.
It scares Ivor. He was claiming to be friends with swordsman, but never actually knew him? Real him?
So he decides to do what he do the best: enter Gabriel's life yet again, but his time he'll make things right. Warrior was always interesting to him anyways.
Oh ow, that's a lot. Didn't plan to do this - letters were typing themselfes without my permission, but yeah, Gabriel/Ivor because it's the only pair that were making sense in the story I made up here! Hope you'll enjoy it, dear Anon!<3
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nemirutami · 2 years
I discovered you recently and was scrolling through your stuff when I fell in love with your Joker redesign. It’s just so Good! Not only is your art style perfect (for all your art, really) but the thought you put into it was just wonderful. My favorite part were the horns, they just fit so well! I’d love to see any other ideas you have, but really I just wanted to gush about how much I loved it. Thank you!
Aw, that makes me so incredibly happy!!!! As much as I rag on P5's story execution, I do adore all the potential there is to the characters and the potential in redesigns that better fit the character's personalities. I'll repost all the ones I've finished for funsies, but I think now is actually a good time to mention that I'm going to be compiling all my p5 redesigns into a little zine (a re-de-zine haha) with more detailed thought process behind what I was thinking when redesigning them (there wasnt enough blank space for all my notes, or my sketches)! I'll add some blurbs from the document I have in [these] brackets! I actually focused heavily on his mask, so I'm super relieved and excited that it's what you liked most about it!
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[[Aside from Akechi’s prince outfit (which I think was flawlessly executed), I knew that I couldn’t allow myself to butcher Joker’s design- especially since I intended to remake his mask, despite his mask being perfect as it is (and was also my base for the Black Mask design before I decided to remake everyone else). // My main concern was to make the outfit represent all of PT’s, not just Joker, but I also wanted to highlight Akechi’s part in playing as his foil. As such, where Akira has a heart shape connecting all phantom thieves together by a silver string of fate, Akechi has a distorted red glow that extends chains to weigh him down as well as wings to show his ability to choose his own path.]]
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AKECHI [[I wanted to keep his face obscured, but add an option to show himself if he wished. So, a hood helped cover him up for me. It helped me make it feel as though it’s a “lost” part of Robin Hood that still clings on to his Black Mask design- a desire (though weak and decaying) to be a good person underneath it all for someone he once cared about. //
Akechi's chains (from his heart) symbolize his outlook on bonds, and how they tie you down, whereas Jokers symbolize the strength he has with his teammates. I felt like this was a little too sad to write on the concept page. Reading “Goro Akechi has no friends and it manifests in his Black Mask outfit” isn’t the most uplifting sentence you want to stumble across.]] ANN [[Ann was often forced to hold her tongue around Kamoshida in order to protect Shiho, and Shiho in turn tried to do the same to protect Ann. The whip I created for her is a play on the phrase “hold your tongue” showing a lion with it’s mouth open and its tongue hanging out- filled with thorns and ready to be used as a weapon to protect those that she values. One of her biggest weaknesses now becomes her force for change and success, and she ultimately uses her power as a thief to open the maw of the man that told her to be quiet- revealing all his ugly secrets with his own words.]]
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FUTABA [[This one doesn't have any notes I can share yet, but she took ages to design, so that's why, lmfao!]]
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[[ I wanted to make him blend in more with a classic SMT demon such as Jack Frost, but still distinct enough to stand out as “more than a demon”.
Since Morgana is the collective human hope, I think he can take any shape or form. I only retained his cat persona because I wanted to stay true to the original design concept of it being an animal. If I was allowed complete creative form over a “guiding light” however, I think I would base Morgana’s design on Anubis or psychopomps- guides of souls (souls of human hope). The interesting thing about psychopomps is that while Anubis is also an example of one, commonly, so are crows. Meaning, I would have to design Morgana to fit a canine in order to imply Akechi himself could have perhaps had a guide similar to Mona if he was not used to bring about ruin. However, Morgana’s cat aesthetic is tied into Joker’s own traits (sometimes down to mannerisms), so getting rid of the cat persona was not something I really wanted. That, and the fact the last protagonist was based on a loyal dog made it hard for me to choose canine. I would have liked to pull something out of zoroastrianism if possible, but I was not sure how far I could take it before his design became entirely unrecognisable. And the point of a redesign was not to entirely change them to become different characters, but just to play around with different themes to better fit the character and their backstory/feelings/traits.
I really hope this content was fun to read!!!! The next design I have in my WIPS is Yusuke. Honestly, I find Ryuji and Yusuke are going to be super challenging, since I ADORE their designs and I genuinely do not want to just touch them up randomly without purpose and happen to downgrade them. Morgana and Ann were my easiest targets haha.
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beardisable · 1 year
so i watched the 8 hour jack stream(jesus) aka watched genloss top to bottom again and listened to his theories and stuff(i really vibe with the "kidnapped as kids" angle more now) and started thinking about some theories he and chat mentioned and.
now im thinking with like. ok its probably a pretty common theory, this post was what prompted this additional idea of mine actually, but ill explain it a bit: the theory that, since sneeg and charlie can come back over and over again, and they have referenced like, refusing to do the cooking challenge in ep 1, and how charlie was playing the mouse trap but ate the cage, they have obviously done the same kind of scenes we saw ranboo do, right. and then in the Announcement video we see the same kind of "missing poster" type headshots of them, with the caption "Found them!"
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i dont remember exactly where it was confirmed that showfall made the missing person posters, but like. yeah. these images are for missing posters like ranboo had. and with sneeg being caught by the security in ep 3, he had tried to escape, just like ranboo and charlie. and i feel like this wasnt the first or last time they have tried this!
also, during that screenshot the announcer says "our hero will meet a cast of crazy characters, who you may recognize", aka the audience has seen these "actors" before in other things! this is their first live show but what have they made before...?
then, with one of the Very first lines Ranboo says in the first episode, "it wasn't supposed to be like this"... showfall/hetch made it seem like this is ranboos first show and he's being tested for how well he does as The Hero.
I dont think what we saw is Ranboos first time starring in a showfall production.
its the first live thing like the announcement video said but i think hetch lied when he talked about how its a test, i think Ranboo's been here at least a few go arounds, if not tens/hundreds/thousands of times. WHICH MEANS in the end when he gets his memories back... theres an infinite amount of possibility of things they could remember for what they have been made to do in the past :) Bc remember, while this is comedy->horror, it was still relatively tame and non-explicit (at least by my personal standards?) so it is quite possible they have been in more R rated horror stuff, slashers, gore, actual saw, some kind of even worse psychological horror things, but also that they might have had incredibly good experiences like love and joy and community and anything positive too, and to remember all that in a rush... oh boy so i believe it is a circular reproduction, maybe they run through scenes repeatedly over and over while perfecting every little detail and getting different takes of genuine emotion but every time Real and a First experience... some kind of purgatory(omg christian hell reference) or endless torture or such...
ok that got really maybe unneccessarily angsty so heres my other thought:
i love me a fucking colour theory and colour symbolism! it bothered me a bit how like. in the promo game we get ranboo, then green friend/the villain(obviously charlie, tho the villain part still confuses me a Bit since its not quite true?), the blue friend/the taken(obvs sneeg) and then the red stranger/the saviour. and like it would logically follow that the red is hetch right?
jack when theorising said the titles are self descriptive, which i buy into, at least for the first episode context, charlie is the villain role, sneeg was taken(put in a cage and later snatched by the sharkciclester), and hetch was trying to help and save ranboo from this situation! but then in the second ep we also have red puzzler, and red niki? i WISH niki had. any kind of bigger role to build a Saviour type off of her but i dont think she does :( the puzzler is an option, since they make it seem like the puzzler tries to save ranboo? and thats actually a whole other thought like. since we know hetch was not actually helping ranboo, was the puzzler Genuinely helping them, and somehow showfall found out and killed him?? idk ANYWAYS that colour coding falling apart a bit made me think about how ranboo is also red!! rgb trio yknow??
if the titles are self descriptive... well i dont think Ranboo really felt like The Hero much, especcially not in the end...
I think Ranboo is actually meant to be the Saviour.
Esp with the jesus coding! I believe this kind of thing has happened many times before, with sneeg/charlie/ranboo/others realizing that shits fucked, and trying to escape, only to be caught and put back in the production. I think Ranboo(main character syndrome) was in a previous iteration the Saviour, who tried to help sneeg and charlie and others get out of there, to save them, save everyone. but they failed. got captured. once again waking up again with a "it wasn't supposed to be like this..."
and so the cycle continues, and the content wheel keeps spinning.
(ive only been in tumblr tags so feel free to link me any other ppl who arrived at the same conclusion)
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contortedoptimist · 3 months
Long unedited ramble-post mostly about will graham below.
Will has a negative opinion of psychogy and affini from before the events of s1 hannibal. He failed the psych eval to be an agent, expressed distaste at the criminal minds museum and his answer to crawford he has at least a base knowledge of what autism/asperges is and the totally not concerning phrase "you won't like me psychoanalyzed" reads to me as someone has tried before (most likely just "you won't like me if you know me"). He seems to dislike on principle mental illness labels given lightly even to criminals he does not care about, contesting them immediately in favor of a more nuanced description. He isn't scared or dislikes social interaction (he seeks out pp he likes and is able to get a wife, be a prof, no prior accidents) he looks... Intimately aware he's different wich is what makes him unique and useful but also lonely. He is a different species. Has no interest to blend in more than he has. He does not find other people that interesting, not only H. Never meting someone who just gets you sounds terrible to me. He works fine under jack because Jack doesn't really treat him like person. He is an object to use that he believes with the appropriate measures(H) can be fixed and overclocked as necessary. Will is fine with this because the alternative is being some weird freak you gotta be careful with even if you don't like him and he'd rather be crawfords can of WD-40 for stuck cases. He is attached to the job be he sees it as his biggest redeeming social  value: to use his otherness for good. Without it he's feel personally bad and would loose his best asset to be accepted by the others. He doesn't recognize in any label and getting tagged with one he wod see as a hindrance and upset him more than hes willing to admit (he only ever complains of the inaccuracy of the attempts to do so but I know him personally OK?) This is something he's unwilling to compromise on for the comfort of others. He knows how badly some want to "know what he is, unmask him" and no one seems interested in trying to understand instead. Alana first rejects him as patient (good) but never takes a step forwards he desperately wants, she  is going to help but does not want him in her bubble. More than loving Alana I think will liked Alana, wich is already huge for him. Alana might be the first time he's ever wanted to try inviting another person in his space and is quite taken by the rejection. I know will is not the solitary type by the 7 dogs he wants to be part of social structures everyone just sucks to him. He is not getting his socialization needs met at all and he does not want to think about it he is doing the (very simplified) equation: his needs are the hannibal type = he is bad. Maybe if he wasnt so repressed about this he would have not gone so off the rails at the first taste of blood, less inner turmoil, more shooting hannibal. Re:mental illness. When in prison he wants hannibal dead, he gets wrong the part where he's fine with someone else doing it for him. He wants him dead n2 for ruining his life/rep/etc and n1 for the mental invasion. Stopping the chesapeake ripper is tertiary. What hannibal did to him is the most violating thing he could have done, and we're not talking about the tube and ear down his throat. He crossed boundaries in Wills mind Will himself did not venture to(wich leaves them unguarded) and it makes him so so so mad. Chilton is the insult to the injury bc now there's a cretin who thinks he can do that too.
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bugboysgf · 2 years
Find Our Way
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Jack and y/n go to highschool together. Will having the same dreams make them find their way to each other? *if this does well it will be a series (also didnt edit this sorry for the mistakes)*
“You pass on this side, I do the other side.” Jack told urban. He was having his first show in louisville and he wanted the whole school to come. Obviously he knew nobody was really going to come but it was worth a shot. He was a nobody he wasnt famous or really well known but he knew this was the only way to get his name out.
“Got it.” Urban said he started passing the flyers out to everybody. “Hey you” you turned around to look at Urban. You had your cheer outfit on because you had a game later today.
“Hi?” you looked urban confused. He never really talked to you before and you were confused as to why he was today.
“Come to this after the game.” He handed you the flier. You look at it and realize it was Jack that was performing.
“Its today”
“Only a one day notice?” you raised your eyebrow at him.
“Welp don't come then.” he shrugged his shoulders then left. You rolled your eyes at his attitude.
“You're coming with me,” you told your friend.
“I'm not. You're the one with a crush on jack. I don't get it, just befriend him.”
“I can't do that.” you said
“Why not. It's not like he's gonna say no you're a triple threat you can sing, act and cheer. Plus actors and singers go together.”
“I don't think it counts being in one commercial”
“You guys basically have the same dreams just try y/n.”
“Can't believe I decided to go with you.” your friend rolled her eyes.
“I can.” you smiled “come on”. You notice most of the people were Jack's friends. There were only about 10 people there counting you and your friends. Your friend excuses herself to go grab a water.
“You came.” Urban said, walking up to you. “I'm not surprised.”
“Why is that?” you ask, confused. “I see how you are looking at my boy jack. It's so obvious.” you scoff and acting like you didn't know what he was talking about
“I look at everybody I have eyes.”
“Yea right.”
“Look, I just came to support. I know how hard it is to make it big.”
“Oh I forgot your little actor. I saw the commercial Jack did too.” he teased. Suddenly you felt embarrassed had everybody at the school seen it? The only person you cared that saw it was jack. What did he think about it?
“Don't feel embarrassed he thought it was cute.” Urban said with a smile. “Hey everyone.” you and urban people turn your attention to jack. Right as he was about to start jade finally came back with two waters in her hand. She handed you one and kept one to herself.
“So did you like it?”
“Yeah white boy did alright.” jade shrugged.
“Stop calling him that.” as you were about to leave you heard somebody calling your name.
You turned around and realized it was urban with jack. Shit now you have to talk to him.
You walked over to them and every step you took your heart started beating faster.
“Hi Jack,” you smiled shyly at him.
“Hey, what's up?”
“Imma go do something bye.” Urban excuses himself. This dickhead set me up, you thought to yourself
“Ummm you did really well tonight.”
“You know my songs.”
“What?” you asked confused. “You know my songs.” he said once again. “I saw you in the crowd singing along. Shit you were caught. Once you have a crush on a person you always want to know everything about them. So one night you went on youtube and looked at jacks videos.
“Oh yea.” you smiled.
“I saw your commercial.” Why does everybody bring up the commercial Jesus christ. “You did a good job. You wanna be an actor?”
“Yup hoping a make it big, i'm trying to get more jobs but my agent is telling me to-”
“You have an agent?” Jack asked, shocked.
“Oh yea i got signed like 2 months ago.”
“Damn your the shit then.” Jack smiled. You looked at his blue eyes and just couldn't stop looking. He had you memorized by him.
“Yea i guess so.” you laughed.
“I might have also heard you singing in the school musical. You're really good. We should make a song together or do a cover if you're down.”
“I'm down.”
“Well see you around princess.” he said walking away. You tried to hide a smile but you couldn't.
The whole night the word princess was replaying in your head.
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sleepy-vix · 6 months
okkk just finished legendary
i- wow
i definitely liked this ALOT better than caraval.
i found that tella was a far more interesting narrator and i was truly rooting for her every step of the way.
i REALLY want to read finale now. like im invested in dante and jacks' characters and i wanna know what happens next
but i have to wait till monday so i can go to school and borrow it :( (i might have to even wait longer than monday bc when i borrowed legendary on friday, finale wasnt there- somebody had borrowed it. i hope that somebody returns it on monday so i can read it)
ok so here are my thoughts on legendary:
-overall it's a 3.5 stars. i feel like 4/5 is too generous, but i did like it alot more than caraval (which i rated 3/5. i think i might actually change caraval's rating to 2/5 and then legendary can be 3/5 bc i dont rlly believe in using 0.5 ratings.... but for now i'll just keep legendary's rating as 3.5)
-the writing was nothing phenomonal. it was still very young adult, just like caraval's was, and i cringed alot from the way that the characters spoke. tella, i like you, but saying "i'm going to pray for the angels to come and cut his tongue" made me want to vomit
-the descriptions were basic as always. i could imagine things, but it wasnt 4/5 star good, hence why i refuse to label legendary as a 4/5 read
-tella was definitely more interesting to read than scarlet. her goals felt more believable, she was more cunning and determined, she was more confident, and she did so much to drive the plot along
-i felt like dante and tella's romance was more believable. they do not need to kiss and touch and flirt everytime they meet but i give them a pass for it because its part of their personalities ig
-the whole storyline overall was more interesting. there was alot of mystery and manipulation and i had no idea what is real or not which is what made it so good :)
thats all i have to say for now
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sleepyelliee · 6 months
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poker face.
before you continue!
GN READER, contains violence, cussing, catholic guilt, READER IS NOT RELIGIOUS, implied death, robbery, killing, arson, brief mentions of property and starvation, implied grief, implied trauma, racism, sexism. Loosely proofread, lmk if I'm missing a label. no 'y/n' just 'you.' flirtations towards reader, reader is an adult.
this is not a jack story ! this is actually for one of my friends, @creamqueen, everything that is mentioned below belongs to them - drawings, personality, etc. you should definitely check her out, she is such a sweet girl and her art is actually god-blessed.
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"Damn it! you fucking bitch!"
It wasn't uncommon hearing the gang that you recently joined cuss each other out whenever they played poker, blackjack, or finger fillet. Almost every morning you would wake up to the sound of bill or micah smashing their fists into the wood of the table couple feet away from you whenever they lost a game.
You rub your eyes, an attempt to wake up faster but only met with the glimpse of the sun shining before you, causing a reflection of the past two months that you ponder on for some moment - how somehow your mansion and luxurious life got taken away from you, all the golds and diamonds you would pour on yourself vanish to complete ashes as it all got burned down. Now, you were sleeping on the ground with a flimsy tent giving you a sense of protection, or trying to as you are now stuck in a gang of outlaws or low-life men - your father would claim.
You knew the reason why you were living from all riches and luxury to hiding out from the law with a group of men and women, something your mother won't condone, nor wanted for you but she decided to marry a liar who scams people.
Everything eventually catches up one day, and it was sadly you - loosing everything due to your fathers past actions with his....clients, per se. A part of you thought about reporting it to the law but either way, your family reputation would drop and yours would too. You knew the outcome behind it, and your fate is running from the law and trying to get along with killers.
As you pull yourself up from the rocky ground that was covered with a thin blanket that was supposed to ease off some of the back pain seems to be lacking its job with all the pain you feel in the back, every morming.
After two months of riding with these folks, you thought only a couple of them were decent - hosea, charles and young lenny along with the women. You believed arthur, john, dutch and breanna were cold-heartless killers, afterall you seen them shoot people between the eyes without any hesitance or doubt when they do it. Personally, you never seen micah or bill kill someone like that, but those two individuals were equally infuriating to deal with.
You were already used to the teasing comments about being a "rich-snob" from almost all the gang members, the only man who was...okay was javier - a mexican man who seems to be going through some guilt of some kind, you thought he was trying to seek salvation when you first met him but those thoughts quickly faded away as you observed the gang more and more.
You noticed how Javier and Breanna have some type of chemistry, perhaps it was due to the racism they faced, guilt...or that damn scarasm that they always give you whenever you walked past them.
Breanna wasnt the worse gang member out there, she was good at a lot of things, killing people - that thought made you scoff. She was a sharp shooter, a money maker due to how she manages to win every single poker game you've watched, and the scars on her face and littered across her body didn't make her less imidating then they did.
You walked towards the table where majority the gang members were crowded, you were ready to be called some petty name again before breanna catches your attention with her name calling.
"hey, c'mere. let me show you how to play or do you think that pretty head of yours is too good to learn?" She snickered, reaching out a hand towards you to pull you down on the wooden stool next to her. You could feel all the gang members eyes turn to look at you, some snickering in the background which caused you to eyeroll.
Breanna continues, "Seems like Bill over here wants to play with a rich snob like you, honey." You already know how this would end, your money getting drained and the constant sarcastic comments escaping that curly heads lips. Breanna turns her head toward Bill giving him a scoff as she reached over the table to retrieve the cards back again, shuffling them for a moment before handing it to you.
You were unsure how to play poker, nor any card games but you were taken back when you felt her hand reach over to pull you closer to her stool, a method of her trying to coach you as you played with the man in front of you.
As you began to start playing, quite unsure with the actions you were currently doing and just hoping for the best, you can already hear that curly heads whispers in your ear as she guides you. Every single word was a way for you to decode an cheat more and more - Breanna prayed you would have at least enough common sense to follow her up in each direction, or she might as well but a bullet into your head - that thought makes her snicker and now she was secretly planning to tease you with that.
Sometimes you didn't appreciate her sarcasm and she knows it, which is all the furthermore she continues to do it.
Soon enough, the game began to close up and she gave you a further instruction, leading to you completely draining out bill's wallets. The man stood up and banged his money onto the table, walking away as a grumble escaped his throats.
Your gaze turned to Breanna, seeing her flash a shit-eating grin. You knew that now that is going to be her latest tease with the rest of the gang members - the rookie of the gang won against bill !
You don't know how you managed to be the latest victim of her sarcasm to somehow eventually becoming one of her favorites. She spoke about her relationships with molly and you asked if she was a heterosexual - causing you to get the lecture of her life that she isn't ...."one of them" , she would claim.
Breanna was surprising open about Javier and their whole chemistry. You asked if it was because of guilt, and she didn't hesitate to answer "yes." She spoke about how america is cruel and harsh, indicating that you got it lucky. She spoke about how work unfair, hard and the best thing she could've done was run with the gang.
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heyy!! sorry if this was bad or short, I tried my best to write her since her character completion is complicated, but I hope you enjoyed !!
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likeadevils · 10 months
yeah there was an interview a few months after the credit thing where jack was asked about it and said he was told they would be credited…idk I do still think that was part of it but I kind of feel like it was more she was upset Taylor didn’t defend her/stick up for her in some way in that regard cause I also think she said something about how that taught her at the end of the day it’s a business idk exactly what she said and then I think she maybe thought since she was so vocal in her support taylor would be a more hands on mentor or something
so while i was answering this i wanted to do my due diligence so i skimmed a bunch of articles and read jacks interview where he talks about the credit thing and while i was finally typing up my answer my phone died so i am so sorry this took so long but!
i think is also very possible that like. it’s not that she expected taylor swift the person to do something, it’s that all of a sudden this thing that she would turn to for comfort— taylor’s songs— reminded her of one of her biggest insecurities. like even if taylor swift the person did nothing wrong, i think i would still feel the need to distance myself from taylor swift the brand. i think olivia’s team (possibly, i just read the jack thing and the only trying it confirms for sure is jack wasnt the one to ask for credit, it’s still unclear to me if taylor did) reaching out to taylor’s to add credit implies that the whole like, don’t expect people to look out for you thing is a lesson she learned from the good for you/misery buisness situation and then applied to taylor. but like, idk man, hurt works in mysterious ways, we still don’t know a lot of the details of what went down behind the scenes, your guess is as good as mine
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bonesandthebees · 10 months
3. rainduo
cant stop thinking about rainduo and how they are doomed to fall apart, but they cant help but still care about each other bc they hurt each other basically indirectly yk, like wilbur never hurt niki in any way but he sided with tommy after he tried to kill jack and like they partially got over that, wilbur went to niki for comfort and he let her do his tattoo and told her his name and stuff but than niki planned with jack to kill tommy and held wilbur back from trying to save him but it was bc she wanted for him to get to safety but SHE HELD HIM BACK FROM SAVING TOMMY and like it was always obvious that they will choose tommy and jack respectively over each other, but if it werent for that incident they couldve been friends, they wouldve been close and just yeah so much
makes me wanna smash my head against a wall
or when it comes to the murder thing and how when thinking about it wilbur doesnt think much of jack killing tommy he can make sense of that in his head quite fine, he can see where it came from, but what hes actually most hung up on is niki holding him back, that was a personal attack on him bc SHE HELD HIM BACK FROM SAVING TOMMY
its interesting to note that he mourns what he couldve had with schlatt but we never really see him mourn what he had with niki, like was it bc with schlatt they were doomed by their positions, but with niki it was mostly her choice, she chose to hurt tommy without any manipulation really, just a lot of represed emotions coming out, like she did really put the last nail in their friendships coffin while caring about wilbur so much at the same time, I believe it wasnt really jack pushing tommy but the fact that SHE HELD HIM BACK FROM SAVING TOMMY that dealt the irreparable damage (who knows maybe it might get better in the future but thats a different story)
but hey now we have rainduo in rose, they will surely heal the hurt right? right? (I already dont have hope for rose rainduo they are basically set up to break apart in a very painful way, excited to see it tho)
the minute jack and tommy were on the outs with each other rainduo was doomed. they were always going to side with their respective best friends. but they could've been so close. wilbur trusted niki so much and she trusted him too. the two of them could've had such a good friendship if things hadn't gone to shit and it's really so tragic
in a way though, rainduo is always tragic, aren't they?
yeah wilbur feels more betrayal from niki holding him back than anything else because jack's motivation makes sense, but he and niki were supposed to stay out of it. but even though niki didn't push tommy in, she held wilbur back. she took away his choice to try and save tommy. she was trying to help him get out in time but she took that choice away and wilbur has had enough choices taken away from him in his life.
...yeah! let's, uh, look forward to rose. definitely will be healing and not at all painful. haha. ha.
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breadnabreadd · 1 year
I'm curious why Sam would accept such a dangerous role.
I assume there are other characters from the books, what are her interactions and relationships with then like if she meets then frequently? Does she spend more time in the human world or Wonderland?
✦ Howdy! So...
Sam accept this role not because she wanted to but she needed to. If she wanted to live peacefully and be freed from these Jabberwocky Creatures and keep the realms safe and balanced, she needed to accept that role. In the beginning she didnt agree on this, since she isnt ready for such responsibility and thinks she is not the best person for it (and she also thinks everyone on the Wonderland are completely bonkers, which she isnt so wrong about it). but slowly she started getting used by it and accept it, and kinda started to enjoying her magical and mad adventures between the two worlds a little bit. And of course she doesnt enjoy when she almost dies in a big fight between a jabberwocky creature--
In fact the "Into the Borderland" world got the characters from the books! And got other characters I've created because... oh, well, why not? :3c
Mostly of Sam interactions with the Wonderlandians are almost similar with the Alice interactions with the Wonderlandians in the original book. Almost. I cant explain it without showing some examples, so how about I say how it is like Sam's relationships with two Wonderlandians and their personalities?
Let's start with the first Wonderlandian she meet with, and surprisingly it wasnt the white rabbit. It was the Jack of Hearts!
♥️🃏 Jack of Hearts are a member of the royalty of hearts in the kingdom of hearts, call him Jack or just Hearts. He is kinda the adopted son of the Red Queen of Hearts (The Queen of Hearts got three children if we count with Jack).
Jack was the person who saved Sam from a Jabberwocky Creature attack after she crossed into the borderland (eyy) between the two worlds accidentally, so she didnt even had any idea of what was going on and who was him. He knew that Sam wasn't no ordinary human so he convinced her to go to the wonderland with him so she could figure out what was going on. He teached her how to survive around wonderland and understand it's rules, and yadda yadda. He is always helping her to fight and make plans against the creatures in a way to defeat them.
Jack's age is around Sam's age. They dont got much age difference, its probably about a year or 2. He is very proud of himself, full of self confidence but he is a gentleman and a really sweet dude with a good heart. He is kinda of the theatrical kid, always looking for the dramatic. Sam find him a little annoying and a few times reckless, but she doesnt mind much tho. They two are good friends.
A funny thing about him is that sometimes when he tries to look cool and then fails successfully, he tries to hide it by faking it all was a part of his plan and have a winning smirk on his face. He also got feelings towards Sam and acts a little romantic towards her but she doesnt even notice him.
Sam: "Oh my god! Did it hurt when you fell???"
Jack: "When I fell over my knees for you?"
Sam: ... *inhale.*
And now... let's go to the most mysterious and smiling Wonderlandian, the Cheshire cat.
💜☁️ The Cheshire Cat is a normal looking cat, well, if you assume a pink cat with a big wide smile as a normal cat characteristics then, yes! He is a normal looking cat.
Remember that in wonderland you dont find Cheshire, he is the one who finds you.
When someone is lost in the Wonderland, the Cheshire cat appears and tries to "help" the lost person to find their path (Well he actually makes the person confused and in the end the own person finds their own way, so... I guess he helps a little bit???). And one time when Sam lost herself from Jack and doesnt know how to leave the woods, the cat showed up to her. They two had a interaction very similar to the books and the classic disney animation version of it. Sam doesn't seem to understand what is up with that weird cat but she tries to not to think too much about it, after that everytime Sam is feeling lonely or is "lost" (In both meanings, like losing herself from her path or not knowing what to do) Cheshire shows up to her and helps her in his own kinda way. He also randomly shows up just for funsies because he can.
Cheshire: "He went that way."
Sam: "...Who?"
Cheshire: "The white rabbit."
Sam: "Really?? Where did he go?"
Cheshire: "He who?"
Sam: "The white rabbit."
Cheshire: "What rabbit?"
We dont know much about his magical abilities or his real power, we only know he can change his form, teleport around and be invisible.
And that's all for a few relationships she got with the Wonderlandians, in the future I can tell about her relationship with others.
✦ And for the last and not least... I would say she stays in the two worlds like the same much? I guess so. :'3c
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