#with fists or dick
pokeberry5 · 11 months
the scrunglies
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there was almost a background
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ghostbsuter · 9 months
"I can see dead people." He mentions with a shrug, using the chopsticks to fish more noodles into his mouth.
Dick stares at him. "Huh."
"Is that why you help?" He asks, getting more spring rolls.
"Yeah. Once someone becomes a ghost, word gets out quick, and they come to me. Always tatling about unfairness and justice." The kid waves the words around, rolling his eyes.
Dick just pretens to he uninterested, despite his mind racing at the new info. He is piecing past moments together, every shadow leaping away, every note with tips, leads and—
"Do you... like it? Doing all that?" Richard approaches thus carefully, brows furrowed at the kid opposite of him.
Danny moves his head, giving a 'so-so' answer. "It's not much to like, I can see ghosts, and they know it and use it. If it brings them to peace or whatever– well, that's just a plus."
Dick stares. He places his chopsticks down and looks at Danny worried.
In turn, the kid sighs. "Sometimes gifts become curses the longer you have it."
And Dick understands.
Mind made up, he throws a pair of keys at the kid, watching fondly as the other catches them with confusion.
"Next time use these, instead of entering through the window."
Danny mock-salutes with a shit eating grin. "Yes, Officer grayson."
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willowser · 11 months
katsuki blames the alcohol for making him stupid.
really stupid.
not that he's had a lot, but his tolerance is low for a guy of his size, and he can feel the edges of his inhibitions dulling with every drink of whatever denki has shoved in his hand. it doesn't taste like absolute shit, which is rare enough to have him indulging, just a bit, for the agency halloween party.
another sip has his head feeling a little swimmy, and before he knows it, his eyes are trailing across the room until they find you. again.
whatever the hell you're supposed to be tonight—a witch, or something else in a pointy hat—is really fucking with him, and has since you walked in. the costume isn't revealing in a sense that it's inappropriate for a work event, but it's...hugging you in all the right places. in every single one of them.
without tights, it would be on the too-short side, but—and no, katsuki can't fucking explain this—something about them is making everything worse. and your calf-high boots ain't helping, either.
it's just—your fucking—hips.
katsuki couldn't tell you what song is playing, but you're swaying back and forth to the tune and one of his canines digs into the plastic of his cup, so deeply that it makes a terrible creaking sound and dents beneath the pressure—and that's when a sharp elbow is delivered to the center of his chest.
mina is at his side when he looks, and her wide, freaky eyes scan his face before narrowing in her little shit-eating way.
"you're a pig."
katsuki chokes, and the little freak takes that as an admission of some kind.
"oh my god," she gasps, mouth falling in all her disgust and awe. "you can't even deny it!" and then she laughs, high and chirpy, and there's no way you can't hear her. "oh, you're down bad."
"cram it," he snaps, sinking his scowl into his cup. "i dunno what the hell you're talkin' about."
"you know i really thought better of you," mina sniffs effectively, turning her face up and away. "not the type to be blantly checking out somebody's ass."
katsuki bristles, and his aggrivation growns until the plastic in his hands starts to melt. "i wasn't—"
"i'm kidding!" mina snorts before flicking him in the nose, narrowly dodging the hand he swipes out at her. "quit being a baby and go shoot your shot already."
"piss. off."
but the hero is unaffected by him, simply scrunching up her face in response before turning on her heel to disappear further into the party.
she's wrong, katsuki thinks, because he's not a pig like sero or fucking dunce face or even kirishima, from time to time, who gets red in the face over a low cut shirt and a pair of tits.
fucking ridiculous, katsuki thinks, because he's way better than that.
it's just—the alcohol. that's making his lids heavy and his thoughts dark and his face hot. has him peeking at you over the lip of his cup, has him picturing you in his head when he's forced to look away.
and, well, maybe, the short cut of your dress has a little something to do with it, too—but he's keeping that shit to himself.
taking it to the grave, even.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
I wonder how many times Clark and the batkids + Alfred revived Bruce with the Lazarus Pit and just never told him abt it
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noxcheshire · 5 months
But I like the idea of the phantom world being reincarnated into very unexpected people.
Like I still love the idea of Danny being Martha or Thomas.
Or Dani being another clone, or her being Damian, and Sam being Poison Ivy and or Martha, etc.
But I also like the unhinged nonsense of Sam being a clone in the dc world — ideally Kon, and Dani (or Dan) being Bruce, while Vlad is gasp Thomas Wayne.
I just think the idea of Danny finding out that in an alternate world he married a nicer and age appropriate Vlad and had the son the guy has been demanding for so long in their world is hilarious.
The absolute mental breakdown that boy will go through: this is my son, and I love him, look at him go being a hero and kicking ass, but holy fucking Ancients above I fucked VLAD —
And on the other hand, can you imagine Bruce’s reaction? To his alternate mom being a sassy teenage boy, his alternate dad being an older guy ‘preying’ on this kid that absolutely HATES the guy, and being an absolute creep while his alt self **gestures to your choosing** is either a tiny girl menace or the biggest and meanest growling ghost that is BARELY tolerating being in the same space as the living.
But they also hate his alternate dad and would punch him into next week with Mom! Danny.
This man will being going THROUGH IT.
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Stephanie sobs as Barbara passes her a tissue. Her boyfriend, Tanner has dumped her leaving her heartbroken.
Barbara: You gonna be okay?
Stephanie shakes her head.
Barbara: I’m so sorry he hurt you. You didn't deserve any of what he put you through, but good news I invited some friends over to give you comfort.
Stephanie: Really, Cass is coming?
Cass: I’m already here.
Stephanie jolts, turning around to see Cass behind her. Cass has a smile on her face.
Cass: I was hanging out with Barbara earlier, I didn’t teleport here.
Stephanie: I was confused for a second. Who else is coming?
Barbara: Well-
Frantic banging at the door.
Barbara: That’s them.
Barbara rolls to the door. The batboys are waiting at the door before rushing in.
Barbara: Rush in, don’t wipe your feet or anything.
Dick Grayson sits next to Stephanie.
Dick Grayson: What happened,Steph?
Stephanie: Tanner cheated on me!
Stephanie bursts into tears. Dick Grayson hugs her.
Jason: He cheated on you with who?
Stephanie: She was his friend from school… he said she was just a friend!
Duke Thomas: That’s how they trick you. Same thing happened with one of my exes.
Dick: Same.
Jason: Five times, now.
Tim: That was my first relationship.
Damian: I don’t date. I’m just here for moral support.
Barbara: Have all of us excluding Damien, had that happen?
The group, minus the kid: Yeah.
Stephanie: Yeah but the cheating part wasn’t what hurt the most. It was why he said he did it.
Dick: What did he say?
Stephanie: He said I was annoying and smothered him. He said my jokes weren’t funny and that… that he can’t date girls who have more muscle than him!
Stephanie stops talking to sob more. Jason pulls out his phone and types in Tanner’s name.
Stephanie: He said I’m too opinionated and don’t even make him happy anymore. He said I looked ugly and wasn’t worth his time.
Dick Grayson chuckling angrily, trying to remain calm.
Dick: He said that to you?
Stephanie: Yes. Finished it off saying I’d never find anybody with how I am. Then he laughed when I cried!
Jason: Oh he did now! That mother fucker! I’ll be back!
Dick: Wait, Jason, Jason don’t go alone. I’m coming with you. I got my escrima sticks!
The two men run out.
Dick walks back in a second later.
Dick: Where is he currently?
Stephanie: At the local arcade, he said he wanted to play some games after dumping me!
Dick, laughing angrily: Jason he’s at arcade!
Duke: I’m not letting this slide! Barbara, I’ll buy you a new umbrella.
Duke follows behind the two men, taking the umbrella at the front door.
Barbara: Is he going to beat him with that? Okay.
Stephanie: Wait stop them! Tanner and his friends are pretty good fighters, they could do some damage to them.
Tim, resting a hand on Stephanie's shoulder: I think our brothers will be fine.
Cass: I’ll go with them to make sure they don’t hurt him too much. I’ll try to resist the urge to punch him, but I make no promises.
Cass leaves next.
Stephanie: I was busy with patrols and keeping up with Batman… it’s my fault… I shouldn’t have thought someone like him would like me. He was right, wasn’t he?
Tim’s left eye twitches, having cracked.
Tim: I- I should go to make sure they don’t harm him too much… definitely not going to participate in beating his ass.
Tim follows behind the three equally angry boys.
Damian: Can I come?
The older boys: No!
Damien attempts to leave, being yanked back by Barbara.
Barbara: No, that’s grown up business. They aren’t going to hurt him or anything… probably. I should call Bruce.
Damian: I have to stay here with the crying person?!
Damian glances at the sniffling Stephanie.
Damian sits next to her: There. There. You’re not to blame for anything. You may be annoying, but that’s what makes you a delight to be around... at times. You’ll find the right person for you. He just wasn’t the one.
Barbara: That was actually really sweet to say Damien.
Damian: Mother has had a lot of failing relationships so you just prepare the speeches. I mean every word though, you’re a good sister to me and if he can’t see that kindness that even Kite Man appreciates, then he sucks.
Stephanie, whimpering: Oh Damien, you so sweet!
Damian is pulled into a tight hug. He groans softly, patting the girl on the back.
Barbara, talking to Bruce: Yes, yes, Tanner is a jerk… Yes, you were right about him… Steph is fine, I got her. The guys and Cass went to find Tanner, he’s at the local arcade with his friends… yeah they’re going to beat his ass and probably his friends. You should pick them up in about twenty minutes when they get there… Thanks Bruce.
Barbara ends the call. She rolls over to Stephanie.
Barbara: I picked up some post breakup snacks. Would you like to cope with food or a movie?
Damian: Please pick one, I can’t breathe!
Stephanie, sniffling and laughing: Food please!
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nrhshm · 3 months
i want a fic of ace being a father to the little girl after she’s born 🥺🩷 i know he’d be the best dad in the world. i want it to be the FLUFFIEST fic on the planet (no pressure though <3)
Why hello there! My pleasure!!👋
. S/o is g/n
. Spoiler free
. Sfw
Ace as Father to his 4 year old Child (Imagine)
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"Rock paper SCISSORS!" The two competitors glance at their significantly different hands.
"Haha!!! I win!!!" The little girl squeals in glee, as her defeated father fake-groans in defeat. He knows he can win the round quite easily, but would his heart bear seeing his 4 year old's droopy face after that? No way!!
Ace has devoted his entire life to keep his little cherub happy, even at the smallest moments he is around with her. To him, this little creature made everything he had valued, worthless, yet has shed it's light on a new purpose: To see her toothy chubby smile every. Single. Day.
"I win Papa! You're a dinosaur now!" She jumps in pure anticipation, knowing that her father had lost the bet.
The bet states that the loser of Rock Paper Scissors has to carry the winner around the ship until Thatch calls for dinner, which should be in... two hours!
"Upsies!!" She makes grabby gestures with her hands as Ace bends down to lift her up on his back. Almost immediately, she wraps her short, tiny hands around her father's neck.
"What are the odds??" Jozu gasps with heavy exaggeration. "I thought Ace would win!!"
"I wouldn't dare to imagine it. That is just, weird." Izo immediately replies. "Besides, y/n would rain hellfire on all of us, if such thing happens." Everyone deadpans at the thought of your furious form.
"Shhhh! She shouldn't know about this!! We're supposed to be sleeping!" Ace exclaims. (D/n)'s large black eyes, follow her dad's gestures, and tries to mimic them. "shhh!!"
Happy baby, happy father. You can clearly see Ace's wide smile whenever his daughter is around. Even if it involves going without his usual afternoon snacks, just to make her happy earning this victory, he'll do it with no hesitation.
Immediately after that, The whitebeard commander secures his daughter on his back, and goes around playfully attacking his other crew members.
"Dinosaur goes RAWRRR!!" He immitates.
"Rawrrr" His firefly cheers with a fist in the air.
You, on the other hand, watch the scene with an endearing smile. The urge to scold them has been far gone. Well, how can you?! When such a team of utter cuteness is doing the ship wonders of positivity. So far, Ace has been a great father to your child, considering how reluctant he was to have one. They both share the same fiery energy, and have the same gleeful smile that lights up your world.
You shake your head with a smile of your own. Oh, how lucky have you gotten...
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brain-rot-hour · 3 months
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Eepin 🥹
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robinverse · 2 years
Thinking of how the Kryptonian legend that the name Nightwing comes from is the story of a man who was cast away by his family and still dreamed of protecting the weak and justice, and after Clark explained how the man in the myth used his talent and skill to fight for the weak and became a legend, Dick’s first question was ��did his family ever realize their mistake?”
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eikichi-supremacy · 6 months
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If nothing else Koenma is a Kuwabara stan and I'm right there with him o7 (I need to write the kuwameshi fic that goes with this fr)
#maybe one day i'll write that au i have sitting in my head#ever since the comment he made about making kuwa spirit detective instead ive been thinking about it#like...what if yusuke is still recruited same as canon but like#kuwa was already spirit detective? doing assignments for the guys upstairs and all#and they made yusuke help him after his resurrection instead of going solo#and it's hilarious because they still have the ''rivalry'' set in place so it's like#now i gotta be coworkers with this guy i was in a fist fight with last week?#yusuke is like you can't be serious you want me to fight DEMONS with the guy who cant even beat ME? lmaooo okay#kuwa would be more in tune with his powers atp in this au and super offended like hello#why would i use my reiki on a FELLOW HUMAN CHILD you DICK i can hold my own on my assignments just fine#but he's actually really excited to be able to spend time with yusuke doing something besides getting his ass handed to him#they're both genkai's students (she's endlessly annoyed but they grow on her)#i just think it'd be fun cos like#it'd be harder to exclude kazuma from shit if he's literally been involved in this shit before he even met#kurama and hiei#kuwabara isn't really told about yusuke's resurrection so things go mostly the same up til he's brought back#they're both called to koenma's office and it's the spiderman pointing meme 💀#it's koenma's first time seeing kuwa in person as he usually just sends assignments with botan#yusuke has already seen him cos of the resurrection arc#and koenma is SUCH a fanboy ''kuwabara it's such a pleasure. you know you're my best worker 🥺''#''um urameshi am i seeing things or is that a fuckin baby'' yusuke will NOT stop laughing#it fucks koenma up so bad he makes sure he's in his adult form when he's around kuwa next#cos he wants to be the respected boss but also guy that you can chill with!! he's so cringe#okay yeah i need to write this it's such a fun concept#kuwameshi#yu yu hakusho#kuwabara kazuma#yusuke urameshi#koenma
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arabian-batboy · 2 years
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In whose footsteps will he follow?
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dukeofthomas · 2 months
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qcomicsy · 9 months
Dick being canonically 5'10 and Jason 6'0 just for some artists to keep repeatedly getting wrong will be my downfall. At least let them be the same size if you're afraid of making Dick a short king that bad.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
:(( Early Adoption AUs where Dick and Jason kidnap baby Tim is such, such a good trope.
It all started when they were playing in the yard.
They miss Bruce everytime he leaves for a dumb meeting, and if they have to wait outside for him until it darkens, that's what they'll do.
They're having fun. Alfred even allowed them to turn the sprinklers on and get the bathtub toys out. It's not everyday Gotham allows sunshine showers, after all.
Jason spots Tim first.
A mess of dark locks creeping through his pink binoculars. Tim is a small kid. Jason notices the chair behind him. He also notices the inside of his house is fairly empty.
They don't agree on much, not on anything, really.
But they KNOW a baby isn't supposed to look that sad.
Bruce comes home a couple hours later, sighing in relief as moonlight shadows cool down his skin. He practically melts under the sun. Alfred jokes (or at least, Bruce hopes he is) its the vampire genes in him.
Still. He rarely, if ever, sees Alfred nervous.
" Don't you want to tell me about patrol?"
Bruce frowns, " You don't like hearing about it. I have to shower. I can't play with Dickie and Jay if I reek of blood."
" Just go to the other bathroom."
Now, he's suspicious. " In the bathroom you never let me use? Because the boys used it like a water park? The bathroom you've explicitly told me you'll make me an orphan again over?"
Alfred shrugs, " It's a nice bathroom."
There's giggles streaming through his bedroom door and Bruce pauses. He knows exactly how his babies sound when they're happy.
He knows the tell-tale mischief in Dick's bright snickers and Jason's ear popping shriek is Bruce's favorite sound.
But there's another one, smaller and thinner, yet joyful.
He gives Alfred one last look before entering, and the sight freezes him in his tracks.
Right there, there's his boys, drowning in his work suit jackets, with glitter markers smeared all over their eyelids. The bright reds and greens pop around Bruce's eyeliner.
And in the middle of them there's tiny, itty bitty Tim Drake, also smudge-eyed but GLOWING with a toothy grin.
"B!" Dick's eyes are wide, " Uh...So you're probably wondering...About this."
Then, Tim surprises them all when he points a finger at him, " Batman."
Oh, boy.
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I need Billy to get Clark Kent-ed in a fic and sent to cover a Wayne gala
Billy and Bruce meet, names are exchanged, and Bruce worries if this kid is doing okay and if there’s a father position open. Billy is there for some Wayne-Sivana partnership with Magnificus, asking a lot of well informed questions and acting like a little cherub.
Them bad guys break in, one has a gun to Billy’s head and Billy, in true street kid fashion and with the experience from his last 57 kidnapping attempts; bites the hand over his mouth, throws the guy whose twice his size over himself and twists his arm, and dismantles the gun before Batman swoops in and saves the rest of the day.
Batman checks on him, asking if he’s okay, and Billy drops the good kid act and straight up tells him to piss off because he’s not getting adopted by a furry man-child who lives a state away from his hometown
Any Robin or sidekick that was there just cheers the kid on from the roof top screaming “DODGED THAT BULLET!” after having spent the whole gala trying to keep them apart before Bruce could bust out the adoption papers
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rickybaby · 5 months
another vid of daniel from AU GP
Daniel | Aus GP 2024
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