#with a nuclear bomb preferably
can-your-fave-cook · 2 months
Eric Cartman
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unidentifiedspoon · 2 months
thanks to everyone who didn't tell me about the marvel occurrence. thanks for letting me live in peace and sanctity for just 24 hours more.
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bonesxbows · 3 months
Ring of Fire (Cooper Howard x Reader)
You and Cooper are heading to collect a bounty, but it's a lot farther away than you anticipated. He's used to the sun but your pristine and non-irriated skin isn't. Heat stroke is imminent and could end up killing you if Cooper doesn't intervene.
(WARNINGS) - descriptions of heat stroke - descriptions of severe sunburns - descriptions of dehydration
The show reignited my fallout obsession but Cooper's character is so goddamn hard to write in a sorta romantic way since we mostly see him being an ass to everyone after the bombs. I still tried my best so hopefully it comes across okay. I think I also got the hang of his accent the more I wrote for this too
Anyway, I wrote this during a heat wave when I was miserable and needed some comfort lol so if you're reading this I hope it can bring you a little bit of comfort too. Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated :)
Whoever said California was a pleasant heat sure as hell hadn’t walked through the desert after a nuclear fallout. Everything burned; the sand, the sun, the air, your legs, your nose. It was unbearable and if it hadn’t been over the promise of a large stack of caps at the end of the road you would have given up a long time ago. 
“If I see one more dried-up lakebed I’m gonna fucking lose it.” You mumbled, rubbing the sand from your eyes again. 
“Quit your complainin’, we’re almost there. An’ I told ya to stop doin’ that.” Cooper swatted at your arms, making you put them back down at your sides again. You scoffed but obeyed his directions. 
“I’m never gonna make it there if I can’t see where the fuck I’m going.” 
“Maybe, but you sure as shit ain’t gonna see nothin’ never again if your eye gets infected. Your body don’ have enough moisture to keep your eyes slick with the way you keep yappin’ your mouth off and wastin’ it.” He retorted back, his face snarled up into his usual scowl. You didn't say anything more for a good long while, not because of his fancy way of telling you to shut up but because talking was starting to become more and more physically taxing on you the farther along you went. There was nothing but more sand, more heat, and more nothingness for as far as you could see across the horizon. Every step added another weight to your head, making it feel like it was stopped up with cotton that weighed a million pounds and banged against the inside of your skull like a war drum. Your body felt like mush and your clothes felt twice as heavy. But you kept going, trudging behind your cowboy, using him as a guide through the pain. 
That is until you started to see three of him. And what was that whinnying sound you kept hearing coming from? Plus you swore there was a herd of something chasing the two of you what with all the stomping hooves you were hearing too, but every time you turned around there was nothing but sand dunes and the outline of destroyed L.A. on the horizon. 
“Wait. I…I think I need to take a break. In the shade preferably.” you stopped and told him after gunfire was added to the list of sounds you were hearing in the distance. One more step and you were sure you were going to end up with a mouth full of sand. 
“We don’ got time for pit stops sweetheart, keep movin’,” he replied back, still keeping his pace forward, not realizing you had stopped completely. Or just not caring. He wouldn’t leave you behind, not for long at least, but he still wasn’t listening. 
“Cooper fucking listen to me this time,” you shouted, hoping to catch his attention. You succeeded, as soon as his real name fell from your lips he made a dead stop in his tracks. “Please,” you added in a softer voice. You hadn’t meant to shout at him but your body was so overwhelmed and you were tired of being ignored. He tilted his face towards the sky and let out the most audible annoyed sigh you had ever heard from him before finally turning around to face you. 
“Alright, I’m sorry for pushin’ ya, just not so loud next time ‘kay? I don’ need the whole goddamn wasteland knowin’ my name.” he said as he walked back towards you. “Well, you’re still standin’ so that’s a good sign. What’s the matter?” you were used to his gruff exterior by now but you were just grateful he was finally taking you seriously. 
“I…I’m not sure? My head hurts so fucking much and I keep hearing things…I think. My skin feels like it's on fire and I-”
“Heat stroke. Goddamnit.” He cut you off, not even listening for you to list any more symptoms out loud. He sounded pissed, but you had learned by now that his angry voice and his overprotective voice were kinda one and the same. 
“...Heat what now?” you asked, but he never quelled your confusion. Instead he focused on scanning your surroundings. There wasn't much, there usually never was anyway, but he must've found something in the distance that would work for what he had planned. 
“Hm, that’ll do,” he said, more so to himself than to you. You weren’t really listening anyway, that whinnying sound was back and it was taking every ounce of energy you had left just to stay standing upright. He turned back to you and said…something, but you couldn't make out any of it. His lips were moving, sure, but all you could hear was muffled static as if you were underwater. Your face must have had a look of confusion plastered on it because it didn’t take long for him to figure out you were unresponsive, the way you just stared at him and blinked also didn’t help. 
He approached you and started to pull the sleeves of your jacket off, peeling the leather from your sticky sweaty skin off entirely. You stood there and let him, you may have been hearing things and had all the energy of a newborn sloth, but you could still recognize Cooper, and you trusted him more than anyone else. If he thought your jacket needed to come off then you trusted he had a good reason for doing so, even if the wind was starting to feel extremely cold on your exposed moist skin. 
He tried to talk to you again but you just continued to stare at him, watching his mouth move but none of the words making it to your ears. He shook his head and threw your jacket over his shoulder, grabbing one of your wrists and looping it over his back as he grabbed you under your arms and started to half drag you forward towards whatever makeshift shelter he had found. You tried to help, tried to get your legs to move with his, but it felt impossible. At some point, your head began to droop and your temple bashed into his shoulder, making you cry out in pain. He stopped to assess the damage, no doubt cursing you for being so clumsy even though you still couldn't hear him. He tucked a loose strand of your hair behind your ear and kissed your forehead where it had made impact with him before placing his hat on top of your head and continuing onward. The new barrier between the unforgiving sun and your dried-up eyes was a small relief to your unbearable discomfort, one you cherished every second of before your vision went dark for good this time. 
When you opened your eyes again you were thankfully in the shade this time, your skin still felt like it was on fire but at least the sun wasn't continuously beating on it now. You were sitting on the ground propped up against the side of a half-destroyed barn and you dug your fingertips into the sand, grasping for the cooler sand that usually lay a layer deeper than the surface, an old trick Cooper had taught you. 
The memory of that lesson in your mind had you spring up, frantically trying to find your cowboy again. Your jacket was still missing, and his hat was still on your head, but you couldn’t see him anywhere. You wanted to get up, you even tried to, but your limbs felt like jello and you discovered your toes and fingertips were numb. You tried again anyway, kicking at the sand with your feet to find purchase and clawing at the rotting barn boards to pry yourself upwards. 
“Hey, now it took a lotta effort to get you here, don’ tell me you wanna leave already.” You heard his voice and stopped, watching him as he came through one of the broken doorways into the barn, his spurs clicking behind him with every step. 
You blinked, making sure it was really him this time and not something else you were imagining again. But there he was; scorpion belt buckle, cowboy boots, saddle bags and all. He dropped what he was carrying next to the doorway, where you saw your jacket lying on the ground, and then came to sit in front of you, grunting as he knelt down and made himself comfortable. 
“Feelin' better?” he asked. You went to answer but then immediately felt just how dry your throat was. You coughed and tried to lick your lips, but your tongue felt like sandpaper against the already rough skin. You had never experienced a dried-up tongue before and you never wanted to again, it felt like a worm had crawled into your mouth and nested behind your teeth. Cooper was already prepared through and placed a can of water into your hands, already punctured with his knife. 
“Here. Small sips though, ‘kay?” he told you. You nodded, disappointingly understanding him even though you wanted to guzzle the whole can down right then and there. But you did as he told you, taking a slow and small sip, relishing the feeling of the liquid making its way down your throat and easing the pain a little. You tried to lick your lips again, this time succeeding in wetting the crusted-up skin. 
“How bad is it?” you croaked out, vaguely remembering what he had said earlier. Heat stroke, whatever that was, felt like one of the worst things to ever happen to you.
“Well, you’re still alive, despite losin’ consciousness and being fried up like an iguana on a stick from that there sun. I don’ think I’ve ever seen you with such a tan.” he smirked, poking fun at the lack of time you spent outside before meeting him. It wasn’t your fault life was safer inside a city and behind four walls of a shack, but still, it amused him to remind you of your sheltered past every chance he got. You rolled your eyes, grateful that you were at least still alive. 
“Will it scar? Or peel off like your skin did?” you asked, not sure which possibility you hated most. 
“Whaddaya mean?” he tilted his head at your question, confused. 
“You know, the burns.” you showed him your bright red and blistered forearms as emphasis to what you were talking about. You could only assume your face looked just as bad. He couldn’t help but laugh a little at your question, which only agitated you. “I’m being serious here!” you barked. You creased your brow, which you realized immediately was a huge mistake as the tension on the freshly raw skin caused fireworks to explode in your head and flames to shoot across your skin. You winced from the pain and that got him to stop chuckling. 
“Sorry sweetheart, no, neither is gonna happen. You might lose some skin, but not in the way you're thinkin’. It’s just a sunburn, not like you got attacked with a flamethrower. You’ll be fine.” he explained finally. You couldn’t help but sigh in relief, although you still weren’t sure what this so-called “sunburn” was and how it was different from a regular burn. But you knew he wouldn’t lie to you, so you believed him. 
“So what now? We still got at least a day’s walk to town.” with your emergent questions out of the way your mind turned right back to business. Caps were on the line and you were itching to claim them, despite the discomfort traveling imposed on you in your current state. He liked that about you, your desire for caps and the willingness to chase after them with him, though he would rather bite a radroach raw than tell you that to your face. 
“Now? Now we stay put for a while, at least til those burns heal up some. Ain’t no bit of leather and an ol’ beat-up hat gonna protect you enough from the sun if we try to continue on. Right now the only thing I need you to worry ‘bout is finishin’ that water that’s still in your hands.” he leaned back against the opposite wall from you, kicking his legs out and propping his head up with his hands. 
“But-” you tried to rebuttal his decision but he cut you off again before you could. 
“Nah uh, don’ even think about arguin’ here. We even try walkin’ and you’ll collapse again ‘fore we even make it a mile. Best to just stay here and try again once you’re not so dehydrated and redder than a tomato. Few days rest won’t hurt nothin’.” 
“Yeah maybe except our profits,” you told him, quicker this time so he couldn’t interrupt you again. 
“I ain’t riskin’ you over a pile of caps. We’ll make due either way,” he said before closing his eyes, marking the conversation officially over by him. You didn't have a reply anyway, it was rare for him to mention how he felt about you aloud, and each time he did you were left speechless. You stared down at the water can in your hands, tracing your finger gently over the raw edges of steel where his knife had cut through it for you. The metal had been bent back inside the can a little, almost as if someone had shoved a finger through the hole and pushed it back, smoothing out the outer edges where your lips had touched the can. Something in you had a suspicion that if you checked Cooper’s glove you would find scratch marks that would match the size of the hole perfectly. 
Your eyes flicked to him. You weren't sure if he was legitimately asleep or not, but his eyes were still closed and he hadn’t moved an inch. He always talked to you more like an old friend rather than a lover, yet you were pretty sure you were the only person he showed any amount of kindness to. Suddenly his hat felt a little heavier on top of your head as you sat there and pondered where your relationship with him stood. 
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anonymous-dentist · 6 months
Also, since we're talking My Little Pony tonight, let me give my two cents:
Pony Roier- Pegasus, Very Fast Pegasus, prefers not to fly these days after getting injured in a race against his friend Pony Spreen that he was rigged to lose
Pony Cellbit- Unicorn, survivor of the Pony Hunger Games, is convinced that his Cutie Mark means that he was born to be a killer but it really means he's very very good at solving murder mysteries
Pony Bagi- Unicorn, Pony Cop, has been trying to court Pony Tina for MONTHS but keeps being shot down before anything can become official
Pony Tina- Changeling, runaway Changeling Princess, has been voted Ponyville's Best Dressed for five years running
Pony Pac- Pegasus, lost a wing because of Pony Cannibalism in Pony Alcatraz, pointedly doesn't look at Pony Cellbit's Cutie Mark every time they run into each other
Pony Fit- Earth Pony, prosthetic leg thanks to Pony 2B2T, claims that his nuclear bomb Cutie Mark is just a mushroom and is pretending to be cottagecore with his "roommate" Pony Pac
Pony Mike- Unicorn, sometimes gets possessed by the personification of the Element of Creativity (aka his wife Mine), has a matching Cutie Mark with Pony Pac
Felps- Felps, is just straight up Felps, doesn't seem to realize he isn't a Pony
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tayaalovsx · 4 days
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I feel like he wouldn't give a pet name for his gf, more like call her his idiot or dumbass, as more time passes he grew to call her his idiot or dumbass, not just the nickname~
Cuddles with him would be something that need to be in the Antarctic, beacuse of his quirk his body heats up a lot more and I feel like even if he sweats a bit it would be a whole nuclear bomb~
If his gf likes the way his mask pushes back his hair he would wear it especially for her this way, if she makes just a small comment he would wear it everyday~
He fills up the gasps in his mask with an eye liner and no one can make me believe otherwise, and so which makes him something like a pro in the make up, so he would do some eye liner for his gf~
Compliments aren't his thing, I just feel like he's not so good at giving them and gets flustrated at receiving them~
He likes his gf natural, no make up, no hairstyle no anything. he feels like if he shows his soft side to his gf she needs to show him her bare face in return. his logic is build diffrent
Can sing, a decent singer. But for the love of God he won't and I mean WON'T ever sing in front of the others. I feel like he prefers death then going in front of a bunch of extras and singing. But for his gf he would (only in front of her, or and Jirou/Kirishima, they are the less noisy about it)
Softie for his girl. Not the biggest and the warmest man on this planet but he's more calm around his significant other. He doesn't curse as much, and is quiter. But will throw sarcastic comments at her
I feel like his type would be brunettes, simply beacuse he needs a change in the exterior. Green eyed girls or brown eyed are also his type, beacuse they are a good mix to his red eyes.
If his girl loves some kind of outfit on men, he would wear it, on.every.possible.date! He wants his gf to like him, he probably cares only for her opinion
If she wishes he will calm down the nicknames for his classmates, he wouldn't stop calling them extras for nothing in the world tho
He likes his girl bratty, it brings him joy to see someone standing up to him with good statement but also if she were to be a little bit childish it would be a bonus as well.
a girl dad, maybe he would be a boy dad but I feel like it would just be a mini version of him, quite literally and he wouldn't like that very much. but as a girl dad he would adore and spoil the little kid, yes he would treat both genders equally, but he prefers to be a girl dad
his hair is natural, and so if it rains he would complain non stop, and I just feel like his gf would be one of the girls who straightenes their hair and it would just be a humorous situation to watch them bicker with the rain.
he hates skinny jeans, I mean I hope I'm not the only one. he always wears baggy clothes, intight would only be a shirt or a tank top. he likes to flex infront of his gf so yes, black tank tops are something he wears often when training.
His ideal type of date, is just being around his girl, doesn't mean where or when he needs her close to him, since she's the only one who can stand up his attitude and no make a deal out of it.
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fatherfigurefusion · 4 months
Danganronpa: Another Iteration (or a talent-shift AU for DRA)
Haruhiko Kobashikawa, Ultimate Surgeon
The protagonist, and 1/3 of the three "brain cells".
Comes from a family of field medics.
Ending up garnering lots of attention from the media for performing flawless surgeries at the age of five.
Would much draw attention away from the whole "medical prodigy" thing, but would lay down his life to save people (savior complex protag, my beloved).
Is a bit too into the anatomy parts of medical textbooks.
Mikako Kurokawa, Ultimate Pilot
Was groomed from a young age to be an unstoppable war machine.
Was told from a young age that "actions speak louder than words", resulting in her not talking much.
Doesn't really open up to anybody, not even her servant/adoptive brother.
People are often unnerved by the pale six-foot-one girl with noticeable muscles underneath her uniform, and rightfully so.
Yuki Maeda, Ultimate Exorcist
Has powers straight out of an isekai/shounen manga, and the underdog protagonist energy to match.
In spite of his title, Yuki actually specializes more in being a spiritual medium and summoning/communicating with the spirits themselves.
Is headmates with Utsuro, a far colder spirit in charge of the actual exorcisms, who finds just about any other activity "boring".
Has an awful and traumatic past that lead to both his attachment towards the dead and his alter.
Rei Mekaru, Ultimate Lucky Student
Primary trial saboteur.
Okay, I have two different prompts for a Lucky Student Rei.
First prompt, essentially Teruko Tawaki (right down to the backstory), but she doesn't need to get backstabbed for her to turn her back on others.
Second prompt: the Nagito-esque Rei I outlined here.
Either way, a total menace.
Teruya Otori, Ultimate Professor
One of Haruhiko's supports and 1/3 of the "brain cells".
Highly-intelligent and would drop tons of obscure trivia in a conversation, to the point that you would leave knowing a whole lot of stuff.
Father was the principal/dean of a K-12 school, and decided to hire his genius son to teach people.
He especially loves teaching grade-schoolers, but that kind of leaks into his interactions with his classmates (they all have at least one gold star/lollipop).
Akane Taira, Ultimate Merchant
Classic rags-to-riches backstory, with her going from a door-to-door saleswoman to a street vendor to the founder of a popular market chain.
Perfect customer service voice that she only ever lets go of when angry.
Seems docile and polite, but would punch a Karen.
Basically Akane, but even more girlboss.
Yamato Kisaragi, Ultimate Butler
Has a FuyuPeko-esque relationship with Mikako (minus the romance).
The Kisaragis have been working under the Kurokawas for generations to come.
Instead of Love Live! references, he makes Black Butler and Hayate the Combat Butler references in his dialogue.
Always seems to appear out of nowhere and know exactly what you want/need. Even Mikako is unnerved by this.
Kiyoka Maki, Ultimate Inventor
Specializes in creating weapons (primarily artillery).
Has the potential to make a nuclear bomb, but would rather spend all day doing typical teen girl stuff.
Greatly prefers fixing up old technology, rather than inventing new products.
Gets really dirty by the end of inventing stuff (blame her hyper-focus), and hates it.
Kinji Uehara, Ultimate Sniper
Was adopted by an Italian mercenary group, resulting in him becoming an assassin from a young age.
Is still highly-religious, believing that the lifestyle he has lived has condemned him to a life in hell.
Has a protective attitude towards children, has struck up a friendship with Teruya because of it.
Keeps a distance from the rest of his classmates, not wanting anyone to know the truth behind what he does.
Ayame Hatano, Ultimate Priestess
Can confidently lead sermons, but can barely handle herself in normal conversations.
Regularly goes on tangents regarding her religion, which can veer into some unnerving territory.
Is commonly seen as an upright maternal figure, which always throws people for a loop when they see how she really is.
Due to her talent, she is nowhere near the workaholic she is in canon, and she often encourages her classmates to take little breaks.
Tsurugi Kinjo, Ultimate Sprinter
Still has his strong sense of justice, but it isn't filtered through the black-and-white insanity of the police force. More like a shonen protagonist.
Would gladly sacrifice his life, if it means his peers would survive and/or be avenged. Who knows where that mentality would lead, when in a killing game?
Juu was a former Olympian, who Tsurugi looks up to and seeks to surpass.
Carries the burden of a promise made between him and his posthumous best friend.
Satsuki Iranami, Ultimate Police Officer
Haruhiko's other support, and 1/3 of the "brain cells".
Was born to a prestigious legal family, but was unable to live up to their standards, with Keisuke being the only one willing to give her a chance.
Is more of a Peralta-type cop, rather than a Santiago-type.
Probably owns a prop flag gun that says "GOTCHA!" or "BANG!".
Mitsuhiro "Mitchie" Higa, Ultimate Clown
Fandom's treatment of Mitch be like. /hj
Would have a more sanitized personality, for the sake of the kids.
Imagine Mitchie taking clowning as serious as canon!Mitch takes soccer.
Hates mimes and any other circus performances with a burning passion. Would start the clown uprising.
Kizuna Tomori, Ultimate Soccer Player
Would have a lot of issues with having a "gross" or "boyish" talent, thanks to Minako.
Would compensate for this with her hyper-girly personality.
Is highly competitive, and would do whatever it takes to win and get ahead in life.
Very Arei Nageishi-core.
Kakeru Yamaguchi, Ultimate Cheerleader
In contrast to the American-style cheerleader Kizuna is, Kakeru would be an oendan-leader.
Midori would be more athletic in this universe (although she still has her illness), and Kakeru cheers her at every event, like the good big brother that he is.
Big body = big lungs = loud shouts. Has a very hoarse and raspy voice outside of sporting events, because of it.
Is quiet to save up his voice for his cheers, and loves tea and cough drops.
Kanata Inori, Ultimate Lawyer
Her parents were murdered, when she was a baby, and she was taken in by the lawyer that prosecuted against and exposed the true murderer.
Her naturally polite and optimistic personality has made her the mascot of sorts for the Ando law firm.
Prime example of "A lawyer doesn't cry, until it's all over".
Could be considered an honorary member of the "brain cells", but she isn't a part of the polycule.
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espinosaurusrexex · 1 year
The Trap - Introduction
Worlds Collide Collection
BuckyBarnes x Female!Reader apocalypse au
summary: Welcome to the apocalypse. This is the introduction to the new world you're about to enter. Let's see what your life is like. Do me a favor and be open, and maybe there'll even be a handsome stranger to meet...
a/n: so this is heavily influenced by The 100 and Love and Monsters and I guess also Maze Runner, if it seems chaotic at times, that’s because it is. With that being said: have fun reading i’d love to hear what you think 
word count: 2.2k
warnings: grumpy/sunshine, mentions of death and misery, loneliness, dystopia, nuclear weapon and monster stuff, obnoxiously optimistic reader (give her a chance okay)
collection playlist | main masterlist | collection masterlist
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May 10th 2039
Hey Book,
Here are the things that happened today:
found a new pen (that’s great because this one is running out)
watched the acid fog from the building with the tall glass roof (pretty dope if you ask me!)
went to the west border and saw new tracks
finally got the nose right on that Gordon Ramsey sketch (it’s finished, yay!)
gave Berty a makeover
The day has been pretty sweet. I’m thinking of going out tonight to watch the meteor shower. Hope I don’t die.
Anyway, see ya tomorrow!
   ~You know who :)
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The notebook closed with a loud thud that made even you twitch. Your eyes went to the basketball on the shelf above the makeshift bed.
“Sorry, Berty.” The ball didn’t respond, obviously. Its plastic wig shifted slightly further over the marker eyes, making it seem all crooked and funny looking. You weren’t crazy. You just preferred not to talk to yourself. 
A look at the window told you that it had gone dark by now. The weather conditions weren’t too great for another acid fog so your plan was good to go. You grabbed your backpack and headed out to the cliffs where you had the best view. Ever since the apocalypse started, there were a lot more stars visible at night. Half the population had been wiped out with the Hydra nukes and the rest played survivor with the mutated animals roaming the earth due to the atomic bombs that had been fired on that day. 
You remembered it vividly actually: Bright beams shooting through the sky and then it rained down like hellfire. Green glowing stripes covered the horizon from where you looked down onto the city.
The world hadn’t been that great to begin with to be honest. People were suffering, water and food supplies had shifted into the negative, and don’t even get started on climate. Humans had collectively decided that their planet was going to waste anyway. So, where was the harm in a little more destruction, right?
It’s not like you or any other normal citizen had had a chance to decide on another outcome anyway. The united governments of the world had been infiltrated by an organization with fucked up values and no sense for common human decency. They didn't care that their bombs would wipe out half of the world’s population. Hell, you’d be surprised if they even considered this an argument for their ‘cons’ column. But, hey, it had one benefit after all: if this was the worst it could get, there was nothing left to lose.
You kicked open the door of the buried school bus that had become your temporary home for a while now. Temporary in the sense that there was no way of knowing what would happen or when something would attack. You tried to make them all as cozy as possible though. Berty was a big part of that attempt. The painted basketball had become a loyal companion in your ever-shifting habitats. And even though it was a pain to transport a so unfortunately shaped object, you would never dare leave it behind. 
The humid evening air hit you like a broken fan. It was springtime, but that had stopped to matter many years ago. The weather merely shifted between scorching hot days and bearable nights. Though the wintertime was making being outside a little more doable. The trees hung low over your head when you stepped past the traps you had laid out around your home. You lived at the edge of the forest, which wasn’t the most secure place of all the ones you’ve had so far, but it was a little cooler. Most of the dangerous things out there hid several miles from the tree lines anyway. 
A dark sky stretched over your head as your feet dangled off the cliff by the forest. You were munching off an old can of beans that you had found on your stroll through the cities as the bright streams of light shot through the sky. It was beautiful and thrilling. Teetering you on the edge of remembering the very day that made this whole shit show go down. The sky was lit up back then too, but it wasn’t half as beautiful as this.
You could have sat like this for hours. The meteors wouldn’t stop passing until the sun rose, but there was a danger of being tired in broad daylight in this world. You couldn’t risk strolling through the morning with half a working brain. Especially because the morning brought a routine acid fog with its sunlight. You took a look at the tactical watch on your wrist. It was 3:30 am - Probably best to head back to safety.
As you stepped through the dried ground, you hummed a song from the old record in your bus. It didn’t work great and it was broken in several places which had you always listening to a slightly messed-up remix of the actual song, but you liked it anyway. Close to the bus, however, there was rustling from the side. Your body went into surviving mode immediately. There was a routine: hide, listen, escape. Only idiots fought whatever was out there. 
So that’s what you did.
The tree you hid behind was wide enough to cover you whole, which gave you easy access to sneak your head past the trunk and see what was making the noise. It came from about 20 feet before the buried bus, but there was nothing to be seen. The rustling continued though and as you stepped forwards from your cover, you noticed that it came from underneath. Something had fallen into your trap! It was foolproof of course, but you still approached it with care, fearfully and intrigued all together as to what you had caught this time... well, it was the first time here to be perfectly honest. Even more exciting to say the least.
Your feet crunched the dried leaves beneath you as a mumbled curse reached your ears. That was weird. Last time you checked, monsters didn’t talk. You were even more surprised, however, to find a broad man tangled in the hole you had dug outside your home. Of course, a person had been stupid enough to walk into your trap. You had been so excited about something more dangerous. 
The man had not noticed you standing above the hole just yet. He was still working with the net you had splayed out beneath the fallen leaves, too busy cursing his life away in the dirty opening. You cleared your throat after a minute, though. And as amusing as the whole scene had been, the man looking up at you wiped the smirk off your face immediately. He was gorgeous. Bright blue eyes gleamed up in the moonshine, a deep frown on his face as soon as the surprise to see you had faded.
“You got caught in my trap.” You said blankly, still captured by his face. You had not seen another person in nearly a month. It was strange, to say the least. That’s why you weren’t really expecting your mouth to say anything smart.
“This is supposed to be a trap?” The brown-haired man huffed before cutting through the last rope to free him from his restraints.
“Well you can’t get out, can you?” There was a short silence in which you caught the slightest hint of disbelief in his eyes.
“If you wanted to catch a monster with that, you wouldn’t be making such snarky comments. It’s barely deep enough for them.”
Anger crept up your neck. Who was this stranger to not only fall into your - awesome - intruder trap but also criticize your work even though he was the idiot stuck in it? “Why do you think I wanted to trap monsters? Maybe my trap was for people, which, in that case, it is brilliant.”
“It’s stupid,” he grumbled. 
“Oh come on give me a little credit, I only had spare materials.”
There was the confused glare again, and you couldn’t really place it just yet.“Yeah, yeah. Trap’s great now get me out.”
“That wasn’t genuine.” Your arms crossed before your chest, but you couldn’t hide the small smile forming on your lips. This was fun.
“You know what’s gonna be genuine? My foot in your ass once I get out of here.” Oh, not so fun.
“That's not a really good way to make me help you, you know?” You were about to step away when you heard him sigh deeply beneath you. A triumphant smirk appeared on your face before you held your head over the hole again.
“Can you please help me out of this genius trap?” The Brunette was rolling his eyes, but it was good enough for you - after all, you didn’t want to make enemies just yet.
“Why of course! I love people that appreciate good handy work!”
You nodded appreciatively and reached for the net he held your way. It took a little bit to get enough momentum but then he jumped and dug his boots into the soil walls and within seconds, the stranger was pulled up from the ground. 
“Drop the bullshit.”
“What bullshit?”
Now that he was standing in front of you like that, you noticed how tall he was, and built, too. It was a wonder you had managed to pull his weight out of there now that you thought about it. He was really handsome, too. His dark hair fell into his face and his eyes were bright blue, staring down at you with a gloomy expression. It didn’t scare you, though. You were more... fascinated by him, really.
He looked at you for a second, and the gears were literally turning behind his eyes. But he caught himself quickly, shaking his head and making his way out of the forest. You weren’t ready to have him leave, though. It was rare to meet people now, and this one seemed entertaining enough.
“Hey, where are you going?”
“Away.” You barely heard him over the heavy footsteps he pressed into the ground.
“You can’t go!”
That made him stop. The stranger turned around with an unfazed expression, his shoulders hanging low with annoyance, but you wouldn’t let up. “And why’s that?”
Shit, you hadn’t thought it would get this far. Your hands wrung the net as you stood there looking for an explanation. But the guy turned around with a condescending clicking of his tongue. “Wait! You haven’t told me your name.” You shuffled over to him in haste, you steps faster than his, but it was difficult to catch up to him, still.
“I don’t have to.”
“You do, actually. It’s a rule.” He stopped again, and you almost fell at the abrupt halt.
“A rule,” he repeated in disbelief, his face still unimpressed, but he was quite pretty this way.
You smiled. “Yup. You fall into my trap, you tell me your name.” To be honest, you were a little proud at how fast you had come up with the idea, but it seemed the stranger was still not impressed. He just crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows at you almost amused.
“That's not a rule.”
“It’s my rule.” Was that a tiny smile creeping onto his features? You liked it - looked way better than those broody anger lines.
Then he huffed and shook his head. “Bucky.”
“Gesundheit,” you answered immediately, but that seemed to stick that annoyed look right back onto his handsome face.
“No. Bucky is my name.” Oops.
“Oh. Sorry.” You tried it out in your head, then. And it suited him quite nicely. It was a little odd but witty - just like him. 
“Whatever.” His arms untangled before his broad chest and Bucky looked ready to leave again. You didn’t want that, though.
“Would... uh.. would you like to come in?” Why were you so nervous all of a sudden? Your hands were a little sweaty, but talking to someone that actually responded felt so good...
You earned another look with that question. Really, you’d already gotten used to those in the three minutes you knew him - seemed to be his M.O. 
“What?” He wasn’t confused this time, at least you didn’t think so. It sounded more like he hadn’t heard you.
“You know... be my guest.” A bright smile spread on your lips, but Bucky wasn’t buying it, and frankly, you were running out of ideas to keep him here. Normally, people were happy to see others around here, but Bucky? He didn’t seem to like talking very much.
“Sorry, gotta go.”
Your eyes found the ground as you heard his steps distancing from you again. “Oh, ok.” You mumbled to yourself, and with a last wash of hope, you called out again. “Will I see you again?”
“No.” He was already by the tree line, now. And Bucky didn’t seem like the type of person to run back the distance in slow-mo like you had seen in those old films. 
It didn’t discourage you, though. “Okay, you know where to find me!”
“Not gonna visit you!”
“See ya soon!” You waved and bit back a triumphant smile when you heard him chuckle before he disappeared out of the woods. 
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Hey, Book, It’s me again.
And, man, what a great day!
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Omg i saw your post that your doing Ethan x reader or Aaron hotchner x reader! What if it’s combined? Reader (or oc whichever you prefer) is Ethan’s sister who got out of the IMF and now works for the bau and is dating hotch. One day Ethan shows up (as the dramatic person he is) and tells her he needs her help or both of them are gonna die. Idk something angsty and dramatic
Okay, I um kind of changed it a bit. I saw the words angsty and dramatic and an idea came to mind and I just rolled with it. I hope you don't mind. Also, very sorry for how long this took me, but I hope you like it.
Buckle up boys, it's a long one
She left the IMF after a near death experience. Granted, that was an occupational hazard, and it wasn’t the first one she’s had. But something about this particular experience really rattled her.
Maybe it was disarming a nuclear bomb before it could go off, she wasn’t sure. She had thought her brother had the world ending missions, but she had her fair share of them too. Turned out it ran in the family.
After the debrief, she told Kittridge she was done. He tried to persuade her to become an instructor, even had Ethan try to convince her to stay with them. But the thought of teaching the next generation had her gut churning. So, she said no and left and hasn’t looked back since.
A few weeks after quitting, the director of the FBI tracked her down and offered her a job. Saying that her skill sets were perfect for the BAU. It started off rocky, as it usually does when starting a new job, and it didn’t help that the team had formed a family.
It was fine, they didn’t trust her much given that they knew next to nothing about her. Though there wasn’t a puzzle Garcia couldn’t solve, she seemed to be an exception. Whenever Garcia tried to find anything about her, nothing came up that pertained to her. Stating to the team that she was a ghost; she didn’t exist and what little she found was confidential.
Slowly, and one by one, she wormed her way into everyone’s hearts, and she stopped feeling like an outsider peering through the window.
She’s been with the BAU for five years, and dating the Unit Chief for three. It had been work cracking the hard shell of one Aaron Hotchner, but eventually she had. And along the way fell in love.  
He doesn’t know much about her past before the FBI. Well, he knows more than the rest of the team, but not much. He knows she worked for the government, doing covert assignments. What, she never said and hoped to keep it that way. He knows she has a brother who still worked there, but has never met him.
She doesn’t know how long she can hide that part of her life, but she hopes to keep it away from her current life as far as possible. God knows, Aaron doesn’t need to be pushed into the fray of her past. But she’s a Hunt, and if there’s one thing, she knows that the past will come to collect when you least expect it.
“Do you think we’ll get the weekend off?” Emily asked offhandedly as the three of them waited for the elevator. She snorted and shook her head, bringing her coffee cup up and took a sip.
“Doubt it,” she said, “every time we talk about the weekend and what plans we have, we usually get called in.”
“Yeah. But what if we didn’t talk about our plans?” JJ asked. The elevator dinged and the three of them stepped in, laughing.
“Sure, then maybe we’ll get it off. But knowing our luck we still get…” she trailed off as she turned around to see a familiar face through the building doors. And it seemed like time had stopped as she stared at him. He didn’t smile or wave, he just stood there, staring at her as if they were in a staring contest like they had as children.
“Hunt?” Emily called, waving her hand in front of Y/N. “Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” she asked, and she blinked and he was gone. Maybe she had.
“Uh, yeah. I just,” she started and shot her hand forward, stopping the elevator doors from closing. She needed to make sure it was just that, just a ghost. “I forgot something in my car,” she lied though they didn’t buy it. “I’ll meet you up there.” Stepping off, she made her way towards the door, ignoring their calls of worry.
Pushing the door open, she turned her head around and hoped to see Ethan. But he was nowhere to be seen, and she briefly entertained the thought that she was just seeing things. She has been thinking about Ethan a lot lately, it could be her mind playing tricks. But there was a small part of her that knew what she saw was real. That Ethan might be in D.C, and he came to see her.
Grumbling about how stupid brother were under her breath, she walked across the street and hoped that there was something there that told her Ethan was there.
Just as she walked past a payphone, it started ringing. She watched it for a moment, waiting to see what would happen. And when someone went to answer it, it stopped ringing. Okay weird. When the person shrugged and walked away, it started ringing again. It was too much of a coincidence of seeing Ethan and having the phone ring.
“Dammit Ethan. Why couldn’t you make an appointment or something?” she mumbled to herself as she went to pick up the phone. “Hello.”
“In an hour, meet me where the mummies rest,” was all he said before hanging up. She blinked, staring at the receiver in her hand. What?
“What?” she muttered in disbelief. Somehow not surprised with the message. She hung up and glanced at her watch. She wasn’t going into work today, that she was sure of. Sighing, she fished out her phone and dialed.
“Hotchner,” he answered after the third ring. She didn’t answer right away, still in thought of what exactly she was going to tell him. She must have been quiet for a bit too long. She heard rustling and imagined Aaron moving some papers around before checking to see if the call was still connected.
“Honey? Are you okay?” Aaron asked softly, as if he was afraid to spook her. It brought a smile to her face at how fast he can go from Work Hotch to Home Hotch. She sniffled and turned to look up at the building, eyes on the floor she thought his office was. “Sweetheart?”
“Sorry. I-I don’t think I’ll make it to work today,” she finally answered.
“You haven’t gotten sick, have you?” Aaron asked, and wrinkled his forehead in worry was clear in her mind. As if he was standing in front of her. “You were fine this morning.”
“No, not sick,” she confirmed. Scratching her cheek, she debated telling him the whole truth. She decided on half the truth then. “Do you remember my brother?” she waited for his hum of acknowledgement before continuing. “Well, he’s in town.” Okay, she wasn’t sure if he was or not, but it’s something he didn’t need to know.”
“Everything okay?” Aaron asked, she bit her lip, shrugging helplessly, forgetting he couldn’t see her.
“I don’t know. I haven’t seen or talked to him in five years,” she sighed out, “it could be nothing but it could be-”
“Something,” Aaron finished the thought for her. And knowing her brother the way she does, it was something. But she wasn’t ready to tell him that, not yet at least. “Go. Take as much time as you need. I think you have saved up vacation days you still need to use.”
“Is this Aaron talking or Hotch?” she couldn’t help but tease. Aaron huffed out a laugh, bringing out a smile from her.
“A little bit of both I suppose,” he answered, “still, take a few days if it’s important. If it’s not, still take them and spend time with your brother. Family is important.” He means it, she knows. Especially after what he went through with Haley. And she takes his words to heart. “Tell me how it goes, okay?”
“I will, thanks Aaron,” she whispered, rubbing her nose. “But are you sure you can handle the workload without me?”
“We handled them before you, I’m sure we’ll manage,” he teased, lifting up her spirits a little. You heard a knock and some mumbling before Aaron came back on the phone. “I have to go; a new case just came up. Stay safe. I love you.”
“You stay safe too, and I love you too.” With that you hung up.
Where the mummies rest. Why’d he have to be so damn cryptic, she’ll never know. If it was anyone else, they wouldn’t know what he was talking about. But since it was her that picked up the phone, and with her love of puzzles and riddles, she knew the answer.
She had an hour to meet him, an hour to prepare for whatever storm Ethan brought with him. Instead of going home or to the car, she turned and started walking towards the Smithsonian. She had hoped the walk would help clear her mind.
But by the time she stood in front of the building, she was in a bundle of nerves. Which was ridiculous, Ethan’s her brother. A brother who you haven’t seen nor talked to since she left the agency.
Feeling a little silly, she shook her head and walked inside. She bypassed all the other exhibits and went straight to ancient Egypt. Once she walked into the room, she slowly made her way around it. Picking up a pamphlet, making it look like she was there for the exhibit and not waiting for someone.
Though she didn’t have to wait long before her older brother stood beside her. She paid him no mind, and kept her focus on the vase she was currently studying.
“You look good,” Ethan finally said after a few moments of silence. She hummed and stole a glance in his direction.
“Could say the same about you,” you shot back, eyes returning to the pamphlet in her hands. “How’d you even find me anyways. Not that I was hiding or anything,” she added as an afterthought.
“You’re my younger sister, of course I’m going to keep tabs on you,” he answered. Furrowing her eyebrows in thought. If that were true, he could have made contact sooner. Right?
“No, you had Benji track me down,” you countered and she didn’t miss the smile that came after. “He’s here, isn’t he?” she asked, looking around. When she couldn’t find the familiar blond, her next target was a security camera. Finding one, she narrowed her eyes as if he was there.
“He says hi, by the way,” Ethan said, finally turning to you.” And that they keep track of everyone who’s ever worked for them. Even after they leave.” Of course, they do. Why that surprised her, she had no idea.
Turning back to Ethan with a huff, her hands crumpled the pamphlet as her grip tightened around it. “Well tell Kittridge I’m not coming back. And getting you to ask me doesn’t change my answer. It’s not like we’ve talked recently,” she said quietly, hurt creeping into her voice.
“I know and I’m sorry,” he said, frowning. Shaking his head, he reached out and took her by the arm, guiding the two of them somewhere more private. “Now’s not the time to catch up. I’ve come to ask for help.”
“No,” she said, shaking off his hand. She turned around to face him, crossing her arms over her chest. “I said I was done and I mean it. Tell Kittridge to leave me alone.”
Frustration crossed his features and he took a deep breath before talking. “Kittridge doesn’t know I’m here, he didn’t send me. I’m the one who needs your help,” he said, “she’s back and she’s gunning for you.”
“I don’t-I don’t know who you're talking about Ethan,” she finally answered. Ethan groaned and she stepped back a little at the look he was giving her.
“One of your first missions was to stop a trafficking ring,” he reminded, hoping it’ll jog her memory. She hummed and let her eyes wander around the room as well as her mind. 
As they do, her eyes settle on a person, and something not right clicks in her brain as she continues to stare. And it’s not the ‘it’s rude to stare’ her mom would tell her growing up. No, it’s something else that she can’t put a finger on.
The woman she’s staring at gives Y/N a familiar smile and wave when it clicks.
“She’s coming for you and everything that you love.” She faintly heard Ethan say, but all her attention was on the woman across the room. She watched with mild horror as she wiggled a picture back and forth. She may be too far away to see the picture clearly, but she could faintly see the outline of the people in it and it made her heart drop to her stomach.
Pushing the pamphlet into Ethans chest and made her way towards the woman, ignoring her brother’s surprised grunt. The woman turned and made her way out of the room, dropping the picture as she went.
Y/N ignored the picture and kept walking, following the blond. “Sorry, excuse me, pardon me,” she went on as she gently pushed her way through the crowds. She quickened her pace as she kept going, ignoring everyone but the person she was following.
Once she entered the main lobby, she began to run until he pushed her way out the doors. Running down the steps, she looked around and cursed when she couldn’t find her.
“Y/N!” Ethan yelled just as her phone ran. Getting it out of her pocket, she answered.
“Long time no see,” the voice said, laughing. Y/n’s grip on her phone tightened at the sound of her voice. It may have been years since she put that person away, but she could never get rid of the voice from her nightmares.
“Whatever game you're playing Lily, it ends,” she hissed, turning around hoping she could find Lily. 
“No game,” Lily said, voice suddenly serious, “you ruined my life, Y/N. It’s only fair I ruin yours.”
“And what’s that supposed to mean?”
“I think you know,” Lily answered, “I mean who gets to find the love of their life? I’m sure Aaron and I have lots to talk about.”
“You stay away from him. Your fight is with me, not him.”
“You brought him the day you met him,” she hissed. “Whatever happens to him will fall on your hands, not mine. See you soon, Y/N.”
She made a noise in frustration as the call disconnected. Ethan grabbed her arm and turned her to face him. He had questions, they were just going to have to wait until later.
“What’s going on?” Ethan asked, Y/N made a face and just as she went to answer, her phone rang. Looking down, Derek’s name flashed and she quickly answered.
“Hey, is Aaron with you?” she asked before he could say anything.
“No. That’s what I’m calling about,” Derek answered, and she could hear the worry in his voice. “We think he’s missing.”
There were a few things she could have said, she could tell him the truth that she knew who had him, or she could lie and act surprised. But there was someone she was thinking about at that moment. “What about Jack? Is he okay?”
“Yeah,” Derek said and she sighed in relief that he was safe. “Rossi went to pick him up once we realized Hotch was gone. Wanna talk to him?”
“If he wants too,” she answered and waited as the phone moved and Jack’s voice filtered through. She smiled and turned slightly from Ethan at his curious look he sent her. “Hey, Jack. How’s it going?”
“Good! Uncle David came and got me and brought me to dad’s work. They said he was busy, as Spencer and Penelope are helping me with my homework,” he answered, “after Penelope said she had some games I could play.”
“That sounds fun,” she said, and couldn’t help the smile Jack brought her. “Make sure they feed you too. I don’t think I’ll come and get you today, sweetie.”
 There was a moment of silence before Jack voiced the question she was hoping to avoid. “Dad’s missing, isn’t he?” Sighing, she rubbed her forehead as she thought of the best way to answer it. “Can you tell me? No one wants to tell me the truth, but I can take it. I know that they’ll find him and bring him back safely. I just want someone to tell me what’s happening.”
She took a moment to breathe before answering Jack. He was right, he deserved the truth no matter what was happening. “Yeah, your dad’s missing. We’re not sure who or what happened but we’re going to fight him.”
“I know,” he said and she felt the weight of trust Jack was giving her. And she made a promise to do whatever it took to find him. Even if it meant going against everyone. “Uncle Derek wants to talk to you. Be safe, okay?”
“I will. I love you,” she said before the phone shuffled back to Derek.
“It’s all hands-on deck, Hunt. We need you back here.”
“I know, but I can’t.”
“What do you mean you can’t?” Derek asked, and she could tell he was getting frustrated with her and her non-answers.
“Trust me okay, I just can’t.” There was silence on both ends, and she could hear the fluttering of people running back and forth behind Derek. She wondered if he was in his office or out in the conference room.
“You know who it is, don’t you?” Derek questioned once he put the pieces together. You didn’t answer, but that was an answer of itself. “Oh man, you do. Then you need to come back to the office, if you know who has hotch. Fill us in.”
“I can’t Derek. Just trust me, okay? I have to go after her, just me. I won’t let you handle my mess.”
“Well, you should,” he grumbled, “we’re family and we help each other no matter what.”
“I know,” she whispered, taking a deep breath she let it out slowly. “But what I’m going to do, it goes against the FBI. Hell, it goes against everything we stand for. And I’m not going to risk your jobs over something I'm doing. You guys had your fair share of that, I’m not adding more to it.”
“You know we don’t care about that.”
“I know, but please Derek. Let me do this my way,” she begged and started counting. It helped with her nervousness, and she only hoped they would understand. Derek huffed and grumbled something before he answered.
“Okay, fine. Do it your way, but we’re not going to stop searching for him our way.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
“But the minute you’re in trouble, call me. And we’ll be there to help.”
“Thanks Derek,” she said, smiling slightly. He grunted and wished her good luck before hanging up.
Tapping her phone against her fingers, she lets her eyes unfocus as she thought. There are many places Lily can go too, but it all depends on who she's still in contact with. She wouldn’t stay in the states long, preferring the warmth over the chilly air of Washington. She always did favour Dubai. Preferred being there and let her lackies do most of the heavy lifting. But she isn’t that stupid to go to places Y/N knows she might go. Maybe somewhere new? Maybe pull one over on her and stay Stateside, just somewhere now here. Maybe…
“You gonna explain what that’s all about?” Ethan asked, making her jump at the sudden sound that was in her ear. She blinked, forgetting that he was there and waiting for her to be done. “You got lost in your head again. Things never change.” He laughed as she turned to him and punched him in the arm.
“Like you’re one to talk,” she said and looked around. “Do you have a rendezvous point?” she asked, Ethan nodded and started walking. She quickly followed in silence, wanting to wait until they weren’t out in the open to talk.
As she walked, she turned off her phone, took out her SIM card and broke her phone. She didn’t want to, there were too many photos she cherished. But she was thankful she backed it up the night before, old habits die hard and she’s glad that was one of them she hasn’t broken.
“Why did you do that?” Ethan asked once they neared a shady looking motel. She raised an eyebrow at the state of it, but didn’t say anything about it.
“I have a friend I work with who’s really good with computers,” she answered, stepping through the door once he opened the door to the room he was staying in. “So much so, she could give Luther a run for his money.”
“Now I don’t know about that,” a deep voice called from somewhere in the room. She turned and looked towards-
“Luther!” she happily called, making her way towards him and gave him a hug. “Oh, it’s good to see you!”
“I just wish it was under better circumstances,” Luther said, patting her back as he pulled away.
“Me too,” she said, going and giving Benji a hug. “But we’re here now and we have to go forward.”
“Right. So now what?” Benji asked.
“Go through the museum’s security systems and comb through it until we find her,” she answered and frowned at the looks they were giving her. “What?”
“We did that and we seemed to have disappeared.”
“Okay,” she hummed, scratching her nose in thought. “So, we look through a different angle. Can you hack into the FBI security feeds?”
“Do ducks quack?” Luther asked as he went to work. In no time, they were watching the FBI offices. She instructed him what offices and the time she had in mind.
She watched as Aaron stepped out of his office with Garcia. They moved towards the conference room and stayed for a few minutes before everyone left the room. As Aaron made his way towards his office, he answered his phone. He paused on his walk, and she could see the worry lines wrinkling around his eyes.
She bit his lip and ignored her brother's stare as she continued watching. A second later, Aaron was rushing out of the office. “Luther?”
“Already on it,” he said, pressing a few buttons. She watched as Luther scanned through the security feeds until she spotted Aaron in the lobby. She watched as two men came up to him, whispering something to him before leaving the building.  
“There,” she pointed out, stopping Luther.
“Who’s he with?” Benji asked, and all she could do was shrug.
“I don’t know, but whoever they are really got to him,” she mumbled, though she already knew the answer to that. She’s just thankful the team got to Jack before Lily could.
“Who is he?” Ethan asked, taking the picture from his pocket and holding it in front of her. “Who are they to you? And why did Lily go after him?”
“It’s like you said, Ethan. She’s coming after everyone that I love,” she answered, taking the photo from him. She stared at it with a soft smile. It was a picture she had taken on one of their days off. Jack had wanted to bake cookies with the two of them, and they couldn’t say no.
They had spent the day baking cookies, at one point Jack and Aaron had gotten into a flour fight. Along with the two of them, the kitchen was full of flour, and Y/N had snapped the photo of the two of them laughing.
“His name is Aaron Hotchner and the boy is Jack, his son. They’re my boys,” she continued when someone cleared their throat. 
“Jack’s your son?” Benji asked, leaning over to see the picture. “Looks more like his dad than you.”
“No, he’s from a previous marriage. But I think of him as my own,” she answered, tracing the photo with her thumb. “And the only reason Aaron would be so frantic is if Jack’s in trouble. He’s safe,” she quickly added at the worried looks they were giving her. Afraid of bringing a child into this. “I don’t know who, but Lily found out about them.”
“So, you're married?”
“No, just dating. But we’ve been together for a couple of years,” she answered with a slight smile. “They’re my world and I would do anything to protect them.”
“Then let’s find them.”
With the photo safely tucked away in her pocket, they set to work. 
Within a few hours the group of agents narrowed it down to four places she could be.
“Now what?”
“We split up,” she suggested, and Ethan immediately shook his head at the thought.
“No, no way am I letting you go off by yourself,” Ethan said, turning towards her. “She’s after you, Y/N. This is what she wants.”
“Maybe not,” she countered, crossing her arms, and giving her brother a challenging look. “No listen,” she continued, raising a hand up to stop him from saying something, “she has a one-track mind, and that’s to hurt me. And to her, she took the only one she thinks can hurt me. Granted, she was almost right, but I digress. With Aaron, she won’t come after me. Now she’s waiting.”
“For who?” Luther asked the question everyone was thinking.
“Me. She’s waiting for the fight to come to her. And I plan to bring it.”
“What if you're wrong? What if this is a ploy to get you alone?”
“Then I’m wrong,” she said with a shrug. “I’m willing to take the chance.” She stared at Ethan, ignoring the other two in the room as they continued their tense staring contest. “I can hold my own, you know that, Ethan. If I’m the first to find her, I’ll back off and call for backup.”
“You’ll wait until I get there?” Ethan asked, she nodded.
Twenty hours later, Y/N found herself wandering around the city of Dubai. It had been a struggle to convince Ethan that she was fine taking Dubia, but she managed. She didn’t think Lily would be here anyway, it’d be the first place they would look, and Lily knew that.
After putting out feelers around the city, she made her way back to her hotel. She was tired from traveling and knew she needed to rest before she could continue her search.
Taking out her burner with the intention of calling Derek to check in, but changed her mind. She didn’t have the energy to explain why she was in Dubai nor the story of her past. Instead, she called Benji.
“Nothing to report here,” he answered when she asked for an update. “My contacts haven’t heard anything. And what Luther said, he hasn’t had any luck either.”
“What about Ethan?” she asked, trying not to sound frustrated. Judging by Benji’s voice, she wasn’t successful.
“Don’t know, haven’t heard anything from him yet. I’m meeting up with Luther and from there we’ll meet Ethan. How about you?”
“I spread the word now I’m just waiting,” she sighed out, throwing a smile to the hotel concierge as she walked past them to the elevator. “I’ll let you know if I’ve found anything.”
“Alright. Good luck.”
Dropping the phone on the bed, she soon followed and closed her eyes. Waiting had never been her strong suit, but for Aaron, she’s willing to try. Besides, finding Lily here was a long shot, so the chances of her here were slim.
A few hours later, Y/N wore up with a start. Groaning when it registered that her phone woke her up, she rolled over and reached for it.
“Hello?” she answered groggily.
“She’s here,” the person on the phone said. Y/N shot up, fully awake.
“In the desert. Apparently, while she was away, she had it built. Don’t know why or how she got the funds for it.”
“Doesn’t matter,” she said, waving away the questions. It wasn’t her biggest worry anyway. “What kind of building?”
“A factor type, I think,” he answered, “though there hasn’t been much work coming out of it. As far as I can tell, it was abandoned once they finished building. I sent the blueprints and everything to ya.”
“You’re the best, Lance. I owe you one.”
Lance snorted at that. “I think you owe me more than one, Hunt. Good luck, kid.”
She stared at the phone in thought. She could go now and take Lily down, save Aaron. But that was a big risk she wasn’t sure she wanted to take. Sighing, she dialed Ethan’s number.
“Found her,” she said as soon as he picked up.
“You wait, you hear me,” Ethan warned. She rolled her eyes as she leaned over to grab her laptop.
“That’s what I’m doing,” she said, going through the email Lance sent her.
“Good. We’ll be there in four hours. Don’t do anything stupid.”
“How can I? You do all the stupid things first.”
By the time they arrived, she was prepared. “Looks like you're ready for war,” Benji noted when he entered her hotel room. She sent him a flat look.
“I had nothing to do but prepare for four hours. Of course, I’m ready.”
“You know where she is?” Luther asked, setting his bags down. Y/N turned her computer around so they had a better view.
“Know where she is, I know the layout of the building and I can guess where she’s keeping him.”
“And you didn’t go there by yourself?” Ethan asked, raising an eyebrow as a challenge. She crossed her arms and shook her head.
“Scouts honour,” she said, raising her right hand. “But I do have a van and everything ready once you’re all caught up.”
“Surprised you're not rushing us out the door.”
“I won’t risk Aaron’s life because I’m impatient.”
 They spent an hour or two planning and memorizing the layout of the building. The plan was that Benji and Luther would stay in the van, directing them as needed. While Ethan and Y/N went inside to look for Aaron and Lily.
When they were all set, they left.
“Alright, looks like she set up security cameras around the building,” Luther noted as he parked in front of the building.
“So much for the element of surprise,” Benji voiced.
“It was never on our side,” Y/N said, checking her gun.
“Is that really necessary?”
“I’m an FBI agent, Benji. I won't go anywhere without it.”
She ran through the building with Ethan, following Benji’s instructions. She turned when he said to turn, sometimes having to double back when there was no way around it. And eventually, she found the room where Lily was holding Aaron.
“Aaron!” she shouted, skidding into the room just in time to see Lily slip through the room. “Go, I have Aaron,” she said to Ethan, paying attention to him, assessing him.
“Are you sure?” Ethan asked, she nodded and Ethan left the two of them alone.
Y/N slowly approached Aaron, noticing that he was unconscious. She looked him over and sighed in relief when she couldn’t see any physical wounds on him. 
She turned to the bomb that was snug around his neck. Taking a deep breath, she leaned over to study it better. 
“Okay,” she whispered to no one in particular, “okay I can do this.”
Y/n’s earpiece crackled to life and she heard Benji ask, “Do what?” She debated whether to tell him or not. “Do what, Y/N?” He asked again.
“There’s a bomb,” she said, wincing when Benji yelled in her ear. “I can’t exactly move him. It looks like it’ll go off if he moves.”
“Pressure activation?” Luthor asked. She hummed, and leaned closer to get a better look.
“It looks like a twitch could set this thing off,” she confirmed, “damn she’s gotten better at this. Gotta hand it to her.”
“How about we don’t,” Benji mumbled, “how’s your boyfriend?”
“Sleeping for now. But I don’t know how long he’ll be out,” she said, leaning closer. “It also looks like it's radio controlled. And from what I can see around the room, it’s not here.”
“What about the bomb itself?”
She laid on her stomach to get a better look. “No timer, that’s good. And it looks like she made sure she was the only one who controls whether it goes off or not.”
“Oh, that’s good then?”
“Not exactly,” she said. “Like I said, if he moves it goes off.”
“So, then it’s just a really bad game of Russian Roulette,” Benji voiced what she was thinking.
“Looks like it,” she said. And just then, Aaron stirred from his sleep. She cupped his cheeks, and helped him move slowly. “Hey, I know you’re a little groggy but I need you to stay still.”
“Y/N?” Aaron asked, blinking slowly. “What are you doing here? What’s going on?”
“What’s the last thing you remember?” she asked instead of answering.
“Um,” he started, furrowing his brows in thought. “I got a call about Jack…Jack,” he said and started to shift. “Jack’s in trouble. We gotta...we have to…”
“Hey, hey Aaron. Jack’s safe,” she soothed, smoothing his cheeks with her thumbs. “Jack’s safe and is waiting for you to come home. But before we can do that, you need to listen to me. Can you do that?”
He studied her before he answered, and she could see the shift in his eyes as he focused on her. “Okay. What do we have?”
“Okay, okay. Currently, you're tied up in a chair with a bomb strapped around your neck,” she answered, ignoring Benji saying that Ethan caught up to Lily.
“And you can’t disarm it?”
“No, I’m afraid I can’t. If I try, it’ll go off. It also goes off if you move as well. So, you need to stay still, okay? It's radio controlled, so we’re waiting for my brother to handle that.”
“You never mentioned that!” Benji shouted in her ear. “Next time say something about it going off if you tried taking it off. Spending all this time searching for a way to disarm it, when there’s nothing we can do.”
“Benji, shut up,” Y/N hissed, “how’s it going Ethan?”
“Working on it,” he grunted and you figured he was in a fight.
 “You’re not alone?” Aaron asked, though it sounded more of a statement.
“No. I’m with people I used to work with. Your team is still in DC looking for you.”
“We’re not in Washington.”
“We’re not Stateside anymore,” she answered and elaborated when he stared at her in confusion. “Dubai. A day or so ago, after your phone call they knocked you out and brought you here.”
“And who are they?”
“Someone from my past,” she said, “I’ll tell you about it once we’re safe. Promise.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” he said and before either of them could say another word, they heard a clicking sound coming from the collar.
“Working on it.”
“Work faster.”
“You need to leave,” Aaron said, drawing her attention back to him. Her grip tightened slightly on his face, and she shook her head.
“I will do no such thing, Aaron. I’m staying here with you.”
“I’m ordering you to go,” he said in the voice he uses when they’re out on a case, and he’s barking orders at everyone.
Normally you would listen to him and go, but this isn’t a normal situation. “Respectfully, I’m going to have to disobey.”
“I love you,” he whispered, not wanting to fight with you anymore.
“I love you too,” she whispered back, leaning her forehead against his, and waited.
They didn’t have to wait long before they heard a hissing sound. Y/N held her breath, trying not to be too hopeful.
“You’re in the clear, take it off,” Ethan said after a moment.
“Thank fuck,” she whispered, shoulders sagging as she went to remove it. Once it was off, she gently tossed it to the sighed and hugged Aaron.
“You have a lot of explaining to do,” Aaron whispered in her hair, hugging her just as tight.
“And I will,” she replied. “What about Lily?” she spoke into her ear piece.
“She won’t be a problem anymore,” Ethan replied, and she could hear footsteps coming towards them. “Come on, let's go.”
After leaving the building, and they were at a safe distance, Ethan detonated the bomb. Once they reached the city, they called it in and went to get Aaron checked out.
While he was busy with doctors, Y/N stepped out and arranged a ride home. “Ready to go home?” she asked once Aaron was in the clear.
The plane was silent after she told Aaron everything about her past, after answering all of his questions. There were snores to be heard from behind her, and if she really listened, she could hear Aaron breath as he processed everything.
But her attention was looking out the window, waiting. For what? She didn’t know, but she hoped Aaron wouldn’t dismiss her.
“Jack?” Aaron asked, breaking the silence.
“Morgan had said Rossi took him out of school when they found out you were missing,” she answered without turning towards him. “I’m assuming he’s still with him now.”
“You don’t know?” Aaron asked, surprised. She shook her head and sighed.
“I cut off communications with them when I found out who was involved,” she said, “it was my mess and I didn’t want them to get in trouble.”
“They wouldn’t have minded,” he said softly. She blew out a breath and slowly nodded.
Silence fell again, and she fought the urge to shake her friends awake at the noise they’re making.
“I need time to process everything,” Aaron broke the silence again. She turned towards him, searching his face to see if there was an underlying message. There wasn’t, but she knew he could always change his meaning.
“Okay,” she agreed, slumping into her chair, “but I’m taking some vacation days for the next week or so.”
“You don’t have-”
“I do,” she interrupted him. “It’ll be easier for the both of us. Please, let me do this.”
Aaron nodded and leaned back into his seat, closing his eyes he let himself relax. “Okay. Okay,” he whispered.
She studied him as she thought. This was one of the possibilities of Aaron finding out. Would she have preferred him accepting her and continuing their lives as normal? Yes. But just having a conversation without the yelling and fighting was more than she could have asked for.
And on some level, Aaron had accepted her for who she is and was as a person. He just didn’t want that person to be in Jack’s life, which is fair. Being an IMF agent might be a bit different then being FBI. It wasn’t a huge difference, but still. Jack can’t lose another parent and Aaron was only protecting his son.
Sighing, she closed her eyes and ignored everyone for the rest of the flight.
Once the plane landed, Y/N watched Aaron get in a taxi and drove off. She felt Ethan move to stand beside her, arm wrapped around her shoulders in a hug. 
“Need a place to stay?” Ethan asked and she side eyed him, confused.
“Don’t you live in LA?” she asked, he shrugged as he sent her a smile.
“So? You’re on vacation and I have a spare bedroom with your name on it,” he answered. She turned to study him for a minute before sighing.
“Yeah, what the hell,” she said after a minute. “Might be good for me.”
She hoped it would, hope that this isn’t the end with her and Aaron. But only time will tell.
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mcflymemes · 2 years
SPY / ESPIONAGE PROMPTS *  assorted lines from popular spy & action films
how many times has the government betrayed you?
what the hell are you doing?
you were shot.
you're going to ruin this mission.
where'd you get a suit?
you're my bodyguard, not my business partner. just focus on guarding my body.
thanks for the ride.
tell me where the bomb is.
you're the person who caught him, aren't you?
please don't make me go through you.
the blood is on your hands.
if you were in your office right now, we'd be having this conversation face to face.
i don't trust anybody outside of this room.
hold on! how did you get in the helicopter?
i'm gonna get the detonator!
if you ever feel like you've been poisoned, chew one of these.
jesus, you're intense.
they'll kill you for giving me this.
people do all kinds of weird and amazing stuff when they are scared.
what's your source?
who paid you off?
everything you need is in there.
we prefer to keep a low profile.
did you ever choose not to?
how close are we?
my argument is not with you.
you're really good at staying alive.
stay put and secure the premises.
i told you to send me in there instead.
this is a bad idea.
why don't you come with me?
so now you're going to kill me.
how long do i have?
that is how you survive.
by the way, i can see your gun.
i pulled up my file.
i need you to untie me now.
you have no idea what you're into here.
i don't want to do this anymore.
this is where it started for me. this is where it ends.
do you know what? you play it too safe.
they found a body.
you really think you're ready for the field?
it's just a job. no hard feelings.
ten seconds or you're dead.
i think one day you will understand.
how do you like my english accent?
why won't you just die?
i'll figure it out.
he drove off the roof.
he killed our man.
we're in the middle of an operation.
i sent you to be invisible.
these people will kill you if they have to.
i'm a motherfucking spy.
thanks for your weapon.
look at this. look at what they make you give.
so what's the plan? who are we meeting?
we have to stop the sale of a nuclear bomb.
sorry, the other wire.
i told you to come alone.
you haven't slept for a long time now.
there's a body in the streets.
i'm working on it!
all of the systems are state of the art.
this whole operation was a mole hunt.
nobody does the right thing.
oh, stop screaming. you loved it.
i'm jumping out a window!
you do not have the authority.
we have to find the other bomb.
why are you helping me?
everything i found out, i want to forget.
how could i forget about you?
kill everyone? that's your plan?
you start down this path, where does it end?
how long was i out?
the only person allowed in that room has to pass through a series of security checks.
i got enough trouble, okay?
put the gun down.
i knew it was going to end this way.
they knew we were coming.
if i ever feel somebody behind me, there is no measure to how fast and how hard i will bring this fight to your doorstep.
what's going on at the CIA?
i think we lost enough agents for one night.
you're a total goddamn catastrophe.
someone started this, and i'm going to find them.
you're only alive today because he didn't have the guts to kill you.
you don't understand what you're involved in.
every now and then, send up a signal. let me know you're safe.
the greater the suffering, the greater the peace.
we have to evacuate these people!
you move, you die.
i saved your ass again.
my team! my team is dead!
i tried to protect you.
perhaps we can arrange a meet.
he went out the window. why would someone do that?
i work alone, like you.
i don't think that's a decision you can make.
accept it. you've lost this one.
i heard you talking.
why do you have to make things so fucking complicated?
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mutualcombat · 2 months
I was tagged by @aevallare :3
i tag everyone else in the whoooolleee wiiideee woooorlldd
Rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
Adriannu! o:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
(all my original oc art donut steal pwease UwU)
Height: 5'10"/175cm
Age: 37
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/they
Sexuality: bi
the negotiatorrrrrrrr (17 base rizz)
so good at hunting small game she's the entire reason astarion's ass was starving mid act 1 (you're welcome ladies)
will let you do whatever you want to her tits if you ask nicely
if you ask for her opinion she will give you 6 different opinions (none of them will be hers)
switch but prefers to top
pretty good at cooking
acts. of. service.
has absolutely no idea what her limits are
difficulty expressing her own wants and needs
"do as i say not as i do"
no five year plan (sorry ladies)
stressed out constantly, seems to think this is normal
can sleep through a nuclear bomb going off
the shaaaaaame the guuiiiiilllt
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Hey I’m new to your blog! And I love your writing so so much! 🫶🏻 i saw that you don’t write dom and I was just wondering if I can request a felix fluffy/smut imagine where you’re used to felix being the confident one in the relationship when it comes to skin ship but one day you surprise him by being dominating and he gets so turned on and weak. Thank youuuu
In Denial~Teaser
Pair: Sub!Lee Felix x dom!reader
Summary: Ever since you've started dating Felix he's denied that he wants to be cared of, told you that he's more dominant. Well what happens when one day you take him by surprise and tell him that you're a dom?
Warnings: So far? just imagining pegging and a kink for titles (mommy, daddy or master)
Word Count: 600 (for the teaser)
A/N: I'm not done this one yet but figured that I'd upload a teaser, if you wanna be tagged in the finished product leave a comment or message me
It’s been so hard.
So hard because Felix is such a sweetheart. Such a sweet little innocent baby. 
The way he looks up with you, eyes wide with curiosity, how he sits on the bed and begs oh-so whiny for you to come and cuddle him.
All you’ve wanted to do for months. Ever since you’ve started dating him, ever since his cute freckled ass crash landed into your life like a nuclear bomb, turning everything upside down.
All you’ve ever wanted to do since then is rail him into the sheets. Pound into him hard until he’s crying, moaning, gripping the sheets like a lifeline, toes curling as his heart beats frantically in his chest.
But Felix isn’t like anyone else you’ve dated before.
Felix likes to think he’s in charge.
Likes to think that he’s the one shoving you face first into the sheets when he asks to be the big spoon.
He likes to think he isn’t as submissive as he really is.
And it’s not that you’d mind if he really was dominant or even the fact that he likes to take more charge right now. 
In fact, you like the feeling of him curled up around you. You like when he’s the one to grab your hand when you’re walking out in public and he takes more of the lead.
It’s nothing that you’ve been in a relationship like in a long time. You prefer people who let you take the lead, in and out of the bedroom. But you don’t mind that Felix does it. You haven’t slept together yet so that’s still wide open.
No, you don’t mind that he likes to take charge.
You do mind however, that he lies to you.
Lies to you like you haven’t listened from the next room as he masturbates in the bedroom, whining out pleas and begs for mommy, for master, for daddy, that along with your name of course.
Like he doesn’t shudder and shiver, turning a brilliant shade of pink when you whisper warnings into his ear to listen or stop.
Like you didn’t find porn on the browser history of his laptop of subby boys being punished.
You don’t mind that he’s different from your past relationships but you do mind that he’s lying and hiding things from you.
Because unlike the people you’ve dated before, he doesn’t want to admit that he likes it when you’re the big spoon or when you call him a good boy.
And so that’s what’s stopped you from playing out a scenario of shoving him face ass up onto the kitchen table when he does warmup stretches for dance. 
It’s almost as if he does it purposely even, slowly and languidly folding his body nearly in half, reaching to touch his toes while his ass sticks up in the air.
There is nothing else you want more in this very moment.
But he rolls his eyes when you call him baby boy, trying to fight the blush working up his face that works as a dead giveaway.
And he vehemently denies that he liked it when he woke up with you spooning him. Acting as if you didn’t catch him nearly purring seconds before, snuggling into your warmth deeper and letting out a soft sigh, something sounding suspiciously like mommy escaping his tired lips.
And so you’d do nothing, simply watching the way he slightly shook his butt in the air, swaying before he stood back up to his full height.
Why did he have to be so irresistible?
407 notes · View notes
arabian-batboy · 1 year
So the EU just suspended all aid to Palestinians in Gaza, which is happening at the same time as the same time Israel is cutting all electricity, fuel and food from Gaza with the Israeli Defense (?) Minister calling them "human animals" while continuing their indiscriminately bombing campaign on Gaza due the Palestinians resistance groups currently retaliating against 17 years straight of Israel's illegal blockade and war crimes.
Apparently its okay to perform collective-punishment to 2 millions Palestinian civilians, half of whom are children, living in the world's most densely population are and biggest open-air prison, for the actions of a few hundreds armed fighters (who again, have the right to resist their occupation)
However, all Israeli settlers are innocent angels and you should never ever hold them accountable to any of the IDF's many crimes or Palestinians being ethnically cleansed from their homes, even though almost all Israelis have served in the IDF and all of them are literally living in stolen Palestinian homes, so statically speaking, the average Israeli settler has more blood on their hand than the average Palestinian by a large margin.
Matter of fact, Western countries should continue giving them their full unconditional support as well as more billions of dollars for free and complete impunity to continue committing even more war crimes in "self-defense," because no Israeli should be held accountable for the crime of any Israeli and while all of this is happening, you will of course continue having the bothsideism crowd crying about how "all killing is bad!" while completely ignoring how the killing is severely disproportional and that the side doing most of the killing is the occupier side with one of the strongest nuclear-power army in the world, who have the entire world on their side with absolutely no consequences whatsoever to their crimes.
So no, not all killing is bad, that's not the reality we're living in, because if "all killing is bad!" then the systematic-killing of so many occupied Palestinian civilians wouldn't be so encouraged/justified while the death of some Israeli occupiers-settlers in retaliation wouldn't be treated as the world's biggest crime against humanity.
Palestinians made a document that contains templates for letters to US, UK, & Canadian politicians, media outlets, and companies in relation to current events in Palestine as well as petitions & other resources. If you live in any of these countries then please select a template, edit it to your preference and send according to the instructions on the relevant page.
Here is a link to it (please share it): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-RUOHHiEtr7uoclQgWN-tCWOihnHIp5hym89aNePi_E/mobilebasic
Aside from that, please protest, support the BDS boycott and spread awareness as much as possible.
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aniverse-x · 5 months
Random questions(Will not add more anymore bc I’m lazy)
If you could be anything in the universe(non-living)what would you be?
If you could be any animal, what would you be?
If you could have 1 superpower, what would it be?
What color is your toothbrush?
If you had 1 wish(it could be ANYTHING but not more wishes)what would it be?
What’s your zodiac sign?
What are your thoughts on neutron stars?
What is one of your worse weird phobias?
what’s your favorite planet in our solar system?
What’s one(or more)weird fun fact that you know?
What’s one(or more)fun fact that almost nobody knows?
Do you know what Tetration is?
What is your favorite number?
What is your favorite Color?
Do you read comics?
Whats your favorite kids show?
What kind of music do you like?
What are your thoughts on nuclear bombs?
Are you from North Korea?
What is your favorite holiday?
Do you like to draw?
If you could be any celebrity(dead or alive) for the rest of your life who would you be?
If you could spend a day with any celebrity(dead or alive) who would it be?
Who is your favorite historical figure?
How many fictional characters do you simp for?
What’s your favorite song?
Would you want to be leader of a nation if you could?
What is the weirdest hobby you have?
Are you a Night Owl or an Early Bird?
Introvert or Extrovert?
Are you a Cat or Dog person?
What’s your favorite book genre?
What’s your favorite movie genre?
What’s your favorite tv series genre?
What’s your favorite anime genre?
What’s your favorite anime genre?
What’s your favorite comic genre?
What’s your favorite music genre?
When taking a shower, do you prefer Hot or Cold water?
Do you like musicals? If so, what is your favorite? And why?
Who is your favorite song artist?
Are you a Brain or a Brawn?
Are you a Rebel?
Are you a Follower, a Leader, or a Loner?
What are your thoughts on AI?
Do you play Role-Playing games?
Do you like sports? If so, which one is your favorite and which one are you best at?
If you could write a book, make show, movie, etc. what would it be about?
Have you ever broken a bone? If so, what did you break and how did you break it?
What is your craziest life story?
Do you like to sing?
Who is your idol, or at least your fav
Have you ever been in love?
Would you rather Stay Single or be in a Relationship?
Antisocial or Social?
Speed or Strength?
Or you Stronger or Faster?
Sprinter or Distance runner?
Do you wear glasses?
What is one life hack you know that nobody else does?
What languages are you fluent in?
What language is hardest to learn(in your opinion)
How many different languages do you know?
Do you dwell on the Past, Present, or Future more?
In school, what were/are you known as?(athlete, quiet, class clown, weirdo, perv, dummy, etc)
Do you believe in Karma?
Do you think you have more good luck or bad luck?
What’s your favorite food?
What’s your favorite beverage?
Do you prefer to be outside or inside?
What’s your favorite kind of weather?
How did you discover Tumblr?
What is your favorite ship, and where are they from?
What is your favorite kind of food?
Sweet or Sour?
Salt or Vinegar?
Do you have strong will/do you have a powerful determination?
Do you easily give in to peer pressure?
If you had the choice to vent to someone, or not?
Is Bigger Better?
What is #1 your goal in life?
Are you a YouTuber?
What is your favorite thing about people?
What is your favorite thing about today’s society?
What is something you HATE about people?
What is something you HATE about todays society?
Sweet coffee or Bitter coffee?
Your house is gonna blow up. You can only save 1 thing. What is it?
Pancakes or Waffles?
Vegetables or Fruits?
When looking for a good song, do you pay attention to the Lyrics or how the Music Sounds?
Pillow or Blanket?
Hamster or Guinea Pig?
Mouse or Rat? Which one is worse?
Rabies or Zombie?
Do you like to read and/or write fanfic?
Is there anyone in your life that you feel you can truly be yourself with?
Do you Support giving chairs free will?
What is your biggest phobia?
Do you think was Math Created or Discovered?
What song best describes you?
What song best describes you personality?
What song best describes your life?
In your opinion, what is the most powerful word?
How many siblings do you have?
Do you think the Earth would be better without humans?
If you were given the power to end humanity, would you do it?
You are given the power to destroy humanity. But if successful in destroying humanity, you have to kill yourself, too. Do you do it?
You’re given the option to control death. Controlling death is your job. Do you take the offer?
You’re given the option to become Karma itself. Do you take it or leave it?
Are you a big Conspiracy Theorist?
Ham or Turkey?
In your opinion, what is the best combo?
In your opinion, who is the most iconic Duo?
In your opinion, who is the most iconic Trio?
In your opinion, who is the most iconic Squad?
I’m not adding more anymore :P
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 3 months
Theories about Professor Paradox
I know it's more likely due to UAF using similar facial models for the characters like Ben, Gwen and Natalie, but Paradox does look a lot like Devin, Kevin, Devlin and Aggregor. Strangely enough, Phil also looked like Kevin and Devin in his youth. I have seen the theory that Phil was Kevin's real father.
Paradox being related to Kevin may explain some things. It may explain why the celestialsapians forbid him from coming near them. Aggregor nearly absorbed one of their babies and Kevin considered doing it as well. If Paradox is an Osmosian too (if you prefer them being aliens) it would explain why they don't like him. He also acts a bit like a father to Kevin, fixing his car in his debut episode and warning him about mutating again. He seems too old to be Kevin's father but he could be his great grandfather.
My other theory on Paradox is a bit sadder. Paradox was a scientist working for the US government during the cold war. The characters ethnic or religious backgrounds are never specified but Levin is a Jewish name. Going with the idea of Paradox being related to Kevin, my theory is that Paradox, like Einstein and many other Jewish scientists, escaped Nazi Germany in the 1930s and was offered a professorship in the US. After the war, the government recruited him to work on creating a time portal leading him to where he was in his debut episode. Paradox would, in a way, get his dues by helping Ben and co save the universe from the highbreed attempting a similar genocide. His disgust towards guns, shown when he takes Rozum's pistol, may come from having escaped war, fought in a war and possibly knowing scientists who built nuclear weapons that killed hundreds such as the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
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kit-walk3r · 1 year
Are the Evans team Barbie or team Oppenheimer?
It seems appropriate 😂
Kit- Originally went to see Barbie because Julia wanted to but ended up loving it. Definitely cried. Loved seeing Barbie’s onscreen that looked like Julia, he could tell it made her happy. 100% had a crush on Margot Robbie after this.
Rory- Is actually one of the background Ken’s and won’t stop telling people. Drags all his friends and family to see it so he can point out himself in the background of a dance number for 10 seconds. Laughs out loud at every joke. Actively uses the phrase ‘Kenergy’.
Gallant- Barbie’s were his first subjects for styling hair so is super excited for the movie. Thinks he could have styled Margot Robbie’s hair better than the actual movie stylist. Everyone thinks he’s crushing on Ryan Gosling as Ken but he’s actually crushing on Michael Cera as Allan.
Peter- Knows all the words to I’m Just Ken. Has the Ken rollerblades and has attempted to run with them on but failed miserably. Is not ashamed to admit that he finds all of the Barbie’s attractive.
James- Actually remembers when the atomic bomb happened so is intrigued to see how they’ve translated it to film. Is disappointed that they don’t show the dead. Doesn’t understand why Oppenheimer feels guilty. Barbie is too bright, colourful and happy for him.
Kai- Barbie: a film about empowering women? Fuck that, Kai wants the movie with explosions. Pre-cult Kai would have cried seeing Florence Pugh naked. Considered changing his name from ‘Divine Ruler’ to ‘Death, Destroyer of Worlds’.
Tate- Really sees himself in Allen. Can relate to Oppenheimer’s guilt. Leaves both movies crying. Wants Ken’s hoodie that says “I’m Kenough”. Has an existential crisis leaving Barbie questioning who he is. Fears nuclear war after Oppenheimer.
Kyle- Did the Barbenheimer double bill. Secretly preferred Barbie to Oppenheimer but loved them both. Wore pink to Barbie. Gets excited every time he recognises an actor in Oppenheimer. Won’t shut up about both movies after he’s seen them and will fight people on the internet who insult them.
Jimmy- Team Barbie because he thinks every person in that movie is attractive. Team Oppenheimer because he actually loves a good biopic. Afterwards says he would definitely go to a Tupperware Party hosted by the Barbie’s.
Austin- Won’t stop talking about the Barbie soundtrack and costume design. Won’t stop talking about the theatrics of Oppenheimer. Won’t stop talking about Cillian Murphy’s eyes.
Colin- Empowering women!! Emily Blunt!! Colin definitely crushes on Emily Blunt and also loves a movie that empowers women so Barbie and Oppenheimer are his two perfect movies. Clapped at the end of both films.
Since I’ve seen both of the movies I thought this would be fun 🤭
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anitalianfrie · 6 months
Whos betray is hurting the most for Vale in the fanfiction world for sleeping with Marc, Luca, Uccio or Pecco?
Difficult question.... I think Pecco would hurt less bc he's his daughter but yk... It's not as bad as your brother and your life long bestfriend. And between Luca and Uccio while I think they both would be bad and he'd prefer to set off a nuclear bomb to ever witness this happening the worst one would probably be uccio. Ok yes luca is his brother but being betrayed by your ultimate yesman/bestfriend/paranoid conspiracy theory fueller AND renowned Marc marquez hater? It would mean that everything was a lie. It was all fake. Uccio is by far the worst option as adora's fic has kindly shown us
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