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mysweetenemesis · 2 years ago
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lucile-little-universe · 2 years ago
Looking for old magazine story
I'm throwing this bottle into the sea : I loved the WITCH saga when I was younger. Is there anyone who has pics/pdf of the comics please ? I'd love to read the stories again
Please share around you, maybe someone can help me
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gingerbear2 · 2 years ago
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A Good Witch
Magic comes from the heart
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eclecticallykat · 5 months ago
A little bit of magic 🪄 🧹
#witch #witchhat #magic #sparkle #alittlebitofmagic #halloween #halloweencostume #spooky #october #witchmagic #spookyseason #spookymonth
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abstracthell · 9 months ago
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this is a #subliminal #result or BLIMEY!Cor! for keyword { bewitch } it will leave with an official office, called witchmag. If you don't know what you are doing, be careful as you might achieved what you so dearly dread.
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audiodrama · 2 years ago
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neuroguru · 2 years ago
there are 40,000 cells in the human heart that create a neural net work of wisdom, their independent of cognitive or creative thought of the human brain. I have a colleague of Princess of thai and Irish decent;a creative writer that can a Jew and accessing this network. Princess Kaileia. KyKye Melusine Suvannamaccha Goat Therapy Inductive Hypno telepathy #Witchmagic
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cenholisticorvaz · 3 years ago
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VIBRA ALTO Y TÚ VIDA MEJORARÁ No hables en negativo; no pienses nada negativo; no anticipes el fracaso; no tengas miedo a nada. ¿Quieres que en verdad tu vida cambie? Vigila tu mente noche y día, sin parar, sin descanso. Atención 101%, 24 hs. al día, incluso en tus sueños. No le des respiro, Cuida tu estado mental como cuidarías a un niño recién nacido: no puedes quitarle los ojos de encima. No te quejes de nada; no te enojes con nadie, y si lo haces, hazlo con paz y amor en tu corazón, sin esa cara negativa. ¿Quieres tener más dinero y que se terminen para siempre tus dificultades económicas? No pienses que es difícil ganar mucho dinero; no hables con nadie acerca de tu situación económica; no pienses en ningún momento en tu situación económica ni en la del país. Cuando alguien te pregunte, simplemente di :"todo está mejorando", mientras que por dentro ríes porque sabes que esas palabras han llegado a los confines más remotos del Universo y están creando. ¿Tienes problemas familiares, laborales, de pareja? No pienses en ellos; no hables de ellos, y si lo haces, que sea con paz y fe que mejoraran en tu corazón. Tú los creaste y tu lo vas a revertir. ✨No te permitas ningún estado de ánimo negativo por más de 10 segundos. Apenas descubras que no estás en paz, alegría o amor, haz lo que fuere para volver al corazón. Mira el hermoso cielo, canta una canción, medita, valora lo que tienes, pero no te dejes atrapar por la corriente de la negatividad. Estar triste es estar negativo; no te confundas. Las emociones, el miedo, la preocupación y la ansiedad son dañinos también, pues son estados mentales perjudiciales. Sal de la tortuosa mente; abandona la cárcel de los malos pensamientos. Mira sólo en positivo; habla sólo en positivo; piensa sólo en positivo. ¡Entrena tu mente antes de que sea demasiado tarde e intoxiques tu cuerpo, tu Ser interior!" Mi invitación es a poner atención e intención en la fuerza más poderosa que existe y que mueve al universo entero, el Amor Recuperando nuestro poder cocreador, elige siempre el amor. #vibrabonito #vibrabien #witchmagic #amorpropio #lasmaravillasdeDios #cree #tenfe #piensapositivo #pensamientos #positivo #rie #canta #baila https://www.instagram.com/p/Ccmlpn3Ouzn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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margaritabloom · 3 years ago
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Going to be making some of these witchy delights! This perfume mist is made with aloe and smells like French creme and dark cherries!! 💕🍒���🔮 www.margarita-bloom.com . #margaritabloom #lovewitch #cherry #perfumemist #perfume #bathandbody #thelovewitch #cherry #bathaddicts #tarot #witchy #witchythings #witchystuff #witchylife #magical #girlyluxury #witchmagic #witchcraft #halloweenforever #everydayishalloween #spookybeauty #witchesofig #cherryperfume #beautyblogger #beautyobsessed #magicpotion https://www.instagram.com/p/CbtSSqCAzhj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dharc16 · 4 years ago
The Autumnal Equinox is the time of year when daylight and nighttime are equal. After the Autumnal Equinox, the darkness will begin to win the battle, gaining an extra minute or so every day as we progress towards winter. Now is the time when nature begins to slow and the harvests become less plentiful. Though the autumn equinox can arrive as early as September 20th or 21st depending on solar patterns, this year it falls on September 22nd. So get ready to celebrate!
Like most Sabbats that are celebrated later in the year, the autumn equinox is about reflection and letting go of that which does not serve us any longer. It's a chance to slough off the old and prepare for rest. We clean out that which piled up during the business of summer and store up that which we will need for our winter rest. The colors of the Autumn Equinox are just as rich and warming as the colors of autumn—deep crimson, vibrant orange, lustrous gold, and earthy brown. If you're planning a feast, make sure to include all the fall bounties as well as late summer fruits and vegetables. Pumpkin, squash, berries, nuts, and corn are all fantastic inclusions. Looking for specific ideas on how to celebrate the Autumn Equinox without costing a mint? You've come to the right place! Here are 10 wonderful ways to celebrate for free or for little cost!
What's more cozy than snuggling under a blanket with a big bowl of buttered popcorn? Of course, you could always watch a movie, but why not take your treat outside to watch nature instead? Inhale that fragrant autumn air. Really take a few moments to appreciate the breathtaking hues of the trees. Watch the birds and squirrels as they prepare for winter. Simply take in the magnificence of the season. And if you're in a generous mood, leave a few un-buttered pieces of popcorn for the critters.
The Autumn Equinox is a time to find balance in your life. But while we tend to immediately think of time constraints as a place to find balance (work versus family time, family time versus self-care), when was the last time you balanced your spiritual centers?If you're not familiar, chakras are points of energy on the body that have spiritual as well as physical impact. When they are balanced, life is good. When they are imbalanced, we have unwanted manifestations, such as illness and financial troubles. The good news is balancing them is as simple as taking a few minutes for visualization! Like any visualization, chakra balancing gets easier with practice, so don't feel discouraged if you have trouble focusing during your first go around or two. A nice, simple chakra meditation can be found on YouTube. Get a blanket, find a quiet spot under a tree, and take some time to balance your chakras this Mabon! You'll be glad you did. Bonus points if you plant your feet in the soil and get your earthing on!
Admittedly, this suggestion is a little self-benefiting. But what's autumn without a warm drink laced with cinnamon and nutmeg? You can certainly buy one at your favorite coffee shop, but why not make one? I'm betting you already have the ingredients on hand. Take the time to really savor the process. Inhale the nutty aroma of the coffee before you brew it. Watch as the creamer turns your drink into a rich caramel color. Savor the first sip without scarfing down the entire drink. Life is a lot more pleasurable when we take time to relish the things we enjoy. Sit outside with your homemade brew, breathe deep inhalations of that luscious autumn air, and simply BE.
With Autumn Equinox being a time of reflection and balance, what better way to celebrate than to make a list for all that you are thankful for? Take a notebook to the park and make a list of everything you appreciate—from big things, like your family or health, to small things, like hot cocoa and fuzzy slipper socks. Feeling crafty? Make a gratitude tree! Simply find a funky fallen twig that has lots of little branchy offshoots to hold your leaves. Place the twig (or twigs) in a pot of stones so it's standing upright, like a miniature dead tree. Collect fallen leaves or cut your own from construction paper. Write something you're grateful for on each leaf. Tape on a loop of string or thread, and hang the leaves from your twig! Beauty and function— my favorite!And remember, crafts don't need to be limited to children. Our children are grown and gone, yet we make a gratitude tree every year for Thanksgiving by adding one leaf a day for each day in November leading up to the big feast! Festiveness isn't just reserved for those too young to drive. Embrace life! Live it with all you've got! And don't forget to be grateful!
If you're anything like me, you're just itching to get something decorative in your home this fall. We don't really get in to decorating for Halloween with ghosts and goblins because we don't celebrate the way that most people in America do. We celebrate it the Christian way, not the pagan way. Why not take a nature walk and collect whatever beautiful, natural treasures you stumble upon? Colored leaves. Acorns. Gnarled twigs. Pine cones. Cool rocks. Bring a bag and collect whatever catches your eye. Arrange it on a table or counter top when you get home, throw in a candle or two (maybe gold and red) and you've got yourself an instant natural Mabon altar! You can even leave your natural masterpiece up for a few weeks as a spectacular (and FREE!) fall decoration!
As the sun sets on the Autumn Equinox, we welcome in the darkness of the coming season. Grab a blanket, some lawn chairs, and allow yourself to be fully in the moment as the sun sets this equinox. Once the orange globe has dipped below the horizon, breathe in the darkness of fall and honor the tranquil introspection this season inspires. With tea, of course!
Having spent most of my life in Texas, what I miss most about autumn is the coziness. Soft sweaters. Knitted throws. Hot drinks. Crisp morning air. Chilly noses on rainy days. Envelop yourself in the coziness of autumn, even if, like here in Texas, you are still running the air conditioner and suffering in 90 degree weather. Whether that means decorating your home in autumnal flare, lighting a pumpkin-spice candle, or baking a cinnamon-scented apple pie, do something special that puts you in that autumn state of mind.
The best part of autumn is undoubtedly the simplicity. Life seems to slow down just a little, following the graceful dance of nature herself. Take the time to slowdown alongside her. Treat yourself to a pumpkin latte, head over to your favorite park or even your own backyard, and just exist. Watch the passersby as you sip your drink. Observe the colors of autumn, the slight crisp that's beginning to blossom in the air, the chatter of birds as they prepare for winter. Breathe deep. Slow your mind. Just exist. It's something we don't do often enough, but fall is most definitely the time for it!
 Whether autumnal or vernal, equinoxes are the perfect opportunity to find balance, just like nature! If you've been doing a little too much of anything—eating, working, worrying, whatever!—now is the time to take a step back and evaluate how to change your behavior in favor of a more healthy approach. Remember, anything in excess is damaging. Even drinking too much water will kill you.I know! Crazy, right?!If you find it difficult to disconnect from work. If your vice is copious amounts of sugar. If exercise has become obsessive. If spending has exceeded income, take the time to make positive changes. NOT to belittle and berate yourself. NOT to feel guilty and swim among the self-loathing waters. Objectively look at the situation, find a reasonable solution, and make changes. Shame doesn't fix the problem. It's a warning bell that alerts us to the need for change. Nothing more. Take a deep breath of that fresh autumn air and start again. You've got this!
Autumn seems to bring out the craving for bonfires and campfires. If you're lighting one up this Autumn Equinox, toss in a couple of cinnamon sticks for good luck in the coming season. Plus your backyard will smell heavenly!
Whether you use this time to reflect or to indulge, I hope you have a spectacular Autumn Equinox celebration filled with love, coziness, and an extra dash of magic! BLESSED BE!
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geminineart · 4 years ago
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Another one of my personal faves! 😍 I hope you like it as much as I do 💖 Day11: Crystals A very elegant (and kind of strict) witch enhancing her spells through the use of crystals! 💎💎💎 #Witchtober #Warlocktober #witchwarlocktober #witchtober2020 #artchallenge #inktoberalternative #witch #witches #witchart #witchcrystals #cristals #gemstones #witchmagic #artistoninstagram #instaart #visiblewomen https://www.instagram.com/p/CGQTa8kloOQ/?igshid=1iit6ncngmnnv
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strangeminds · 5 years ago
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“You girls need to learn to fight. When witches don't fight, we burn.”
AHS ~ Coven
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theenchantedwren · 4 years ago
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#witchesofinstagram #witchofinstagram #nightmagic #witchcraft #witchaesthetic #witchything #witchstyle #witchyshop #witchbroom #moonmagic #paganpride #witchmagic #tonightweride #witchyshop #witchonetsy https://www.instagram.com/p/CFBZYFDnj4j/?igshid=1jgco1gk78ytx
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leafworthy · 5 years ago
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🔮#Gorgon #Trail: purple!⚡My #indiegamedev #journey continues as I #followmydreams of #fantasyart and #gamedevelopment for this #witchgame that's a combination of #theoregontrail and the #witchmagic of a #coven of #merchant #witches. Anyone else make their own cards and have any tips or ideas? (at El Cerrito) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEk2pKajvap/?igshid=10l37i4ur7xih
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witch-wanderer · 5 years ago
As per request I have gathered information on mental and their magical properties. I’ve have tried to research each one as much as I could. As always none of this is replace any medical or mental treatments and only as a aid. As well as feel to copy this information for your own personal use. This is a long post so I’ll shut up now and just drive in! ❤️
Metals and their Magical Properties
Base Metals
Aluminum- Refects incoming energies and makes the perfect base for magic mirrors. Useful for magical protection and can used in protection jewelry.
Copper- This is primarily a conductor and it is also a bridge in many ways. It’s a good metal to use for magic wands because of this. Copper can also be used to draw away negative energy.
Tin- Tin is a amazing substance that is a reminder that metals are made of crystals and that they are only experienced by use as “metallic” and “hard” because of the circumstances of our world holds it to that state. If you clear your mind of general ideas about tin, you will find it very helpful, compliant, and co-operative element for symbol making especially. It also is associated with sexuality and the sacred chakra, and can used to attract things you desire. Success and prosperity, abundance, and healing -rejuvenation and regeneration particularly- are also tied to tin.
Iron- Iron is the heart of the Earth but also the heart of the universe itself. It is both terrestrial and stellar; as above, so below. Therefore you can use iron as a grounding tool for earthbound work and at the same time as a universal tool for other work. Iron is the metal of choice for out of body experiences and shamanic travel as it opens connections between worlds. Also iron is known for use in defense magic and defect negativity. Iron also can be used to ward Fae away.
Lead- Lead is the silent metal. It is a law upon itself and in magic, creates a space of silence. This is a perfect metal for “Black Space” meditation. Because of its ability to be silent itself, it makes a good barrier in and of itself, it makes a good barrier in all forms of energy and can be used to keep things in, as well as out; however that isn’t its main purpose in magic but indeed it is about “the silence within”. It’s is associated with the planet of Saturn, and the god of the same name. You can also incorporate into working to control negative behaviors, thoughts, and break bad habits. And finally if your doing any works that involves communication with the Underworld lead is the perfect metal to use.
Zinc- Zinc is the metal of magical revelation. It appears innocent and ordinary in its physical state, but on other levels zinc is an extraordinary event with powerful properties. Zinc is associated with the planet Uranus. Use zinc in rituals, spells, and amulets promoting originality, relaying on flashes of insight, renewal, inventions, cooperation within a like minded groups, humanism, freedom, and moving our stress.
Nickle- Nickle is a extraordinary metal which extends into most dimensions and has many levels of existence. It is extremely complex and when added to an alloy, increases the complexity of the mix by its very  presents. It is therefore useful when additional information or energy is required, or when dealing with solving problems, advanced knowledge or personal breakthrough or threshold shift is required.
Precious Metals
Gold- Gold is the sun metal. It has therefore been linked over the millennia with everything health, wealth, and growth. On another level, it is a slow flowing towards accomplishment. When working with gold bear in mind most gold sold these days are alloys and 24k gold is pure gold only. Gold is associated with the third eye chakra, heart chakra and the crown chakra. It’s also associated with the Leo zodiac. Gold symbolizes the purity of spiritual aspect of “All that is”. It is symbolic of spirituality and development in the realm of complete understanding, allowing communication with the source of all being. Gold has also been called “The Master Healer”. It is a excellent mineral for purification of the physical body.
Silver- Silver is high conductor, an open river that carries all things both ways. Silver absorbs many things but doesn’t store them which makes a good metal for magical charms that need flow and work on a continuous basis and without needing to be cleaned between. Silver is also a metal of emotions m, of the psychic mind, and loving as well as healing. It can be used to clean a persons aura. Silver is known to enhance to power of the moon and identity’s with lunar manifestations of the Great Mother, the eternal Goddess. Silver is associated with yin and feminine energies. Silver jewelry can be warm to reflect negative energy and protect against evil intent, and reflecting spells of harm back to the sender.
Platinum- Platinum has been called the “solid wisdom metal”. It has attributes similar to lead which gives it a extra dimensionally and viewpoint of wisdom of hindsight (or foresight). It’s a excellent metal for soul meditation and to help find and keep on a true road in this lifetime. Platinum is associated with the crown chakra and Gemini zodiac. Using platinum in meditation helps integrate new ideas and energies in our lives. It’s keeps one forced and determinedly working towards full and lasting integration. If used in a elixir form, it can alleviate depression, help one regain memories that have been lost from being shocked and/or overwhelmed.
Palladium- This is a metal of guardianship on the highest level. Not as a protecter or teacher but as a stable champion and friend to keep grounded even when traveling very far from home. Palladium can be used to increase general knowledge, wisdom, ancient knowledge, working with the spirit realm, increasing psychic power, and safe travels. It is also used in magical workings related to overall balance of mind, spurt, and body, meditation, insight, and foresight. Also can used as a aid in astral travel. Palladium represents goddess Athena.
Transition Metals
Titanium- This is a light, strong mental. Titanium properties can calm its owners spirit. It’s said it was the power to overcome negative energy. It can suppress anxiety as fear. Titanium can also be used when you want to summarize your thoughts. It absorbed positive and elemental energies. As a wand it can help focus, visualization, and range for energy projection. This mental is considered masculine because of its high strength, brightness, strong chemical reactivity, fire characteristics; and yet can be fully compatible with the moon energy, work as a bridge or converter.
Chromium- is primarily a catalyst that helps lift us up and out of ordinary places and into the extraordinary. Both radiant and reflective, it can be used as a portal for extradimentional travel. It regulates energy and heat levels and can help soothe pain and headaches. It encourages mental regeneration and healing, taking away feelings of being under pressure. Associated with the heart chakra.
Manganese- has interesting effects on its environment abd belongs to a group of metals used in shape shifting. Because of its ability to both defect and refract light and energy, it’s a flexible shield maker and strengthened an ally to a traveler. Manganese stimulates spontaneity, creativity, and can enhance positive energy. Manganese produces a grounding effect which can help to balance the emotional and physical body. It also acts as a bridge connections between the conscious self and the angelic realm. Also can assist in bonding and brings others closer.
Cobalt- takes the refraction properties of manganese on step further and produces very specific, deeply hypnotic emanations that can cloak and transform a traveler. Radian, powerful, and extremely psychically active. Cobalt actualizes creative pursuits, removes self limiting blocks, and stimulates the imagination. It can life ones mood, abd during contemplation helps maintain a state of Grace and inner peace. It stimulates the third eye visioning and leads itself to being programmed for clairvoyant purposes.
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mademoiselleguerlain · 5 years ago
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Joli coquelicot symbolisant le sommeil éternel serein. Le coquelicot représente le repos et la tranquillité. La beauté de la vie est éphémère et il faut donc profiter de chaque jour autant que possible. #coquelicot #witchmagic #mademoiselleguerlain #witchlife🔮 https://www.instagram.com/p/CDCShgmo7iS/?igshid=c5c95zb1zocx
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