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the-astronomial · 2 years ago
Christian/Religious-Neutral Witch Hack!:
If your doing an undoing spell or return-to-sender and want to multiply it three times three (but don't believe in nor practice wicca), you can add "Three times Trinity" to the end of thd spell (where'd you put three times three). Can work with any spellI, that has the three times rule. hope, it helps! 😁
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hazymoonhollow · 11 months ago
Haven't thought of this! Will be using this #witchhack
Quick Witch Tip 3
Put sigils on sticky notes that having matching color correspondences for an extra boost of intent.
Fold them up and keep them in your wallet, a locket, bag/backpack, keychain, workspace, etc.
Or keep them all in a jar and burn one whenever you need to release its effects.
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pomegranatenymph · 5 years ago
Witchy tip!!!
I don’t know how I haven’t seen this yet but,
Can’t wear necklaces bc of work or school? Just put it on ur keychain or ur bag zipper!! I had so many crystal pendants and charms laying around that I just chucked them on my keychain and bag and now they look cuter than ever!!
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thewitchwench · 3 years ago
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*Witch hack* charm your cleaning products! I make my own eco friendly cleaners (you can find loads online or a great book is @simply.living.well) If your looking to improve the vibe of a room or welcome blessing; Use essential oils with your chosen intention. Stir clockwise to draw in and anti clockwise to banish. . . . . . #witch #witch🔮#solitarywitch #paganwitch #instawitch #greenwitch #hearthwitch #hedgewitch #paganpride #heathen #kitchenwitch #witchlife #witchcraft #modernwitch #witchaesthetic #norsepagan #celticpagan #witchhack #ecohome #witchschool #everydaywitchcraft (at Totnes) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZo7jNErX9T/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sometimesilovemylife · 7 years ago
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My herb drying set-up in our guest bathroom since it almost never gets used. Turn on the fan and close the door and it's the perfect cool, dark, dry environment for drying flowers and herbs. I use skirt hangers to hang bunches of plants from the shower curtain, which works great for drying a lot of bunches at once. Scarlett pimpernel is toxic so don't ingest it, I'm just drying it to use for ceremonial/symbolic purposes. #witchcraftcraft #witchcraft #herbs #herbalism #lifehack #witchtip #witchhack
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redheaded-witchlady · 7 years ago
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I know this might be an odd post, but I thought it could help some other baby witches get started with their crystals and still be organized. I developed a hack for my witch box... some of my more important, fragile, or small crystals get their own boxes to keep them safe. So I wrote down which crystals are in each box to make finding them quicker. I also have pictures of the little box of my other crystals that can't fit in my witch box because they need to feel special too. Lol
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queercultleader · 5 years ago
The Broke Ass Witch Guide: Dollar Tree Items
Let me tell you, darlin’. There ain’t nothing like a Dollar Tree to make me spend way more than I intentionally thought. If you’re not aware, Dollar Tree is a store where every item inside is one dollar. It’s a great place to shop if you’re on a budget in general but for witchcraft— honey, this is your paradise.
In this little post, I hope to list six items you can use in your craft. If you haven’t read my previous blog on altars, a lot of items can be found for your altar at Dollar Tree as well. However, this blog is dedicated to different uses of their items!
1 .)
The dollar tree has corked bottles along with smaller versions likely made for vinegar or a light dressing (Who knows? I’m not Gordon Ramsey.) These would be perfect to hold homemade oils or to collect rainwater.
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2. )
If you’re looking for containers for herbs (or small crystals), check the crafts aisle, aisles with kitchen utensils and dishware, or an aisle with items for storage. The crafts aisle sometimes has containers made to hold paint; they’re clear so you could see what’s inside.I recently bought a pack of the paint containers, there’s six in a pack. There’s also various jars that are perfect for larger amounts of herbs.
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3. )
Their candle options are ridiculous. I’m in love. They have religious candles, chakra candles, aromatherapy candles, scented and unscented, tall candles in various colors such as white, black, red, and green. Candles can even be scented with frankincense, vanilla, white ginger, amber, lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, and etc.
Not only this, if you go into their beauty aisles or near fragrances, you may find facial serums. Why is this cool? Because now I have oils, essentially. I have two facial serums. One is vanilla sugar and raspberry, while the other is coconut and rose oil.
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4. )
Seeds! Dollar Tree does have seeds for flowers and herbs. For four packs of seeds, you’ll pay one dollar. Just please check the dates on the packages.
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5. )
Items you may also want to invest in is ground cinnamon, vinegar, basil, allspice, sugar, salt (they have Himalayan Pink Salt sometimes!), honey, and etc. These may be there for typical cooking in the kitchen but they’re useful and affordable if you’re on a budget!
6. )
Lastly, if you’re someone who can’t afford getting tarot cards right now, I’ll let you in on a little not-so-secret-secret. Dollar Tree has regular playing cards and those can be used to read tarot. A regular tarot deck has an extra set of cards called the Major Arcana that make the reading have more depth and you will miss this with simple playing cards. However, you’ll still get some insight.
Bev G, a professional tarot reader, has an article on how to do this and I’m sure other articles exist that are similar. I found that her breakdown was very well put together and I’ll link it rightttt here:
How To Read Tarot With Playing Cards
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cloveandspices · 5 years ago
Did some shopping today!
I'd love to follow more witches on Tiktok so send me a message on there if you have a witchy account!
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abeewitchingblog · 6 years ago
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I release and soak in warmth
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thewitchesfortune · 6 years ago
Troubles at home, at work, or just with life in general? Inbox me for a card reading. Tarot or playing cards, I can answer your questions about life, the universe, and everything.
$45 per reading. Half an hour.
HMU for details.
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ofcloudsandstars · 7 years ago
Thank you so much for taking your time to make the Winter Solstice Music Post! I am so grateful! :)
Haha you’re welcome!! I’ve found a few more great winter songs while doing that. I really love Frostbite by Pekoe, Ice Queen by Within Temptation and Hail the Holy King by Inkubus Sukkubus. All three very different vibes but all super fun for today! I think this sabbat is the most musically inclined so I did want to make a music selection for witches to pick from! I’m really happy you enjoyed it!
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thewitchwench · 4 years ago
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*witch hack* Save your citrus peels. Add them to a jar with a few sprigs of rosemary and top up with vinegar. Leave it in a sunny spot for a couple of weeks ☀️👌 Dilute 1 part solution to 2 parts water and you have an awesome surface cleaner with some added protection and energy cleansing properties. BAD VIBES AND GREASY HOB SURFACES BE GONE!!! 👏 You can just keep topping up as you go too. . . . . . #witchhacks #witchtip #naturalcleaning #ecohome #witch #witch🔮#solitarywitch #paganwitch #instawitch #greenwitch #hearthwitch #hedgewitch #paganpride #heathen #kitchenwitch #witchlife #witchcraft #modernwitch #witchaesthetic #norsepagan #celticpagan (at Totnes) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN7kVXAnVoP/?igshid=12hv0ui2jqp15
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designwitch · 7 years ago
Some of these are 🔥 witchhacks for any tight budget pagans or spontaneous practitioners. Thank you!
Witch Tips for City Witches
City Witch Tips for all of my fellow witches stuck in apartments, dorms or other city areas.
If you can’t burn incense you can make your own sprayable incense by mixing alcohol (usually vodka or rubbing) with essential oils and a bit of oil, spray in the air to act like incense
If you are unable to go outside for whatever reason to get rain water (in my case just no where to collect it safely), fill a jar or glass with regular water and keep it near a cracked window to charge it with the wind, sound and scent of the rain outside. Same goes for storm water
Trapped in city and unable to get ocean water? Sea salt mixed with rain/storm water can be an excellent substitute
To continue on with water substitutes, if you can’t collect snow crushed ice from your fridge will suffice
Low key warding/protection you can use: spray moon water, salt water or sprayable incense about your apartment or dorm, place sigils under doormats, furniture, inside cupboards, etc; place crystals about hidden or out in the open, sweep and dust out the door or towards windows
If you need melted wax to seal a jar or for any other magical purpose, but can’t burn candles, by a wax melter and melt that wax and imagine the light from the burner acting like a flame (plus they are rather cheap, I got mine for 25 bucks)
Need stars in your craft but too much light pollution? Glow in the dark stars on your ceiling or wall can work just as well for visualization. Print out pictures of your favorite constellations or planets and place them up on your walls or on your altar. Live video feed of the night sky can also be easily found on the internet
Bath magic is amazing for low-key ‘in the woods’ witches. Use teas, milk, oils, herbs, bath bombs, bubble baths, salts, etc that relate to your intent. It is also a good place to meditate if you have roommates or family around that would disturb you otherwise
If you do for whatever reason need to burn a candle, birthday candles are small, melt fast, and don’t create a lot of smoke or smokey scent
Sigils are another great low-key form of magic. To boost them up, use color magic related to the color you draw them in, write them using quills made of feathers related to your intent, use colored paper, rub a drop of essential oil on them, charge them with crystals or in your windowsill
You don’t have to burn sigils to activate them, which is hardly an option when you are in a dorm or apartment. Other options are: Shredding them, erasing them, soaking them in a bath or shower, using body heat or your own pulse, etc
Miss having the outdoors and plants around? Windowsill gardens can really help. Small plants you can consider keeping in your windowsill or counter-tops: succulents, cacti, bamboo, lemongrass, basic, rosemary, mint, rosemary, mosses, aloe, snake plant, pothos (and other vines), carrots, beets, shallots, lettuce, spinach, garlic, chives, parsley, oregano, thyme, and marigold
Open your window to let the wind and air from outside to help energize you and clear out negative energies inside
Fun places to put sigils: under furniture, carved into soap, onto shampoo/conditioner bottles, on your make up, inside phone cases, in shoes, under bandages, sewn into pillow cases and blankets, behind pictures in frames, underside of nail polish, carved into wax squares for your wax melter, keys and keychains, behind mirrors or in medicine cabinets, on bookmarks, on or in binders and pencil cases, on medicine bottles, and water bottles/travel mugs
Easy to make and dispose of poppets: carrot sticks (one of my personal favorites), apples or other fruit, clothe, paper, popsicle sticks, paper towels/napkins, toilet paper rolls, eggs, celery stocks, and cotton balls
The internet is an amazing thing. Need some sounds to help you focus or meditate? Easily look up the sounds of rain, storms, wind, ocean waves, jungles, forests, etc
Christmas lights are fun and great way to use discrete witchcraft. Select ones in the colors you wish for them to bring ie green for growth, yellow for inspiration, white for protection, purple for psychic abilities, etc. 
Some everyday things you can use for discrete witchcraft that don’t cost much at all or that you most likely already have: water, table salt, black pepper, paper, crayons/pencils/pens/markers, vinegar, milk, tea, highlighters, make up and beauty supplies, shampoo and conditioner, rubber bands, paperclips, thumbtacks, computer/phone/tablet, music/music player, playing cards, dice, air freshener, perfumes, toothpaste, rice, flour, sugar, honey, and all kitchen herbs and seasonings.
Can’t afford gemstones or crystals on college budget? Crackle and dyed quartz you can find super cheap at craftstores and online. I bought a whole bag for 4 bucks. Use them based on their colors and shapes. Can’t afford that but still want to use rocks in your craft? Find some rocks you like outside, again use their colors and shapes to determine their correspondences. Want to use them for a specific purpose? Paint sigils on them in the color that corresponds with what you want! Charge them in your windowsill or with your own energy and intent. There you go!
Pocket mirrors are cheap, easy to carry around and great for glamours and on the go magic. 
Seriously though, glamour spells are going to be a good option for you. use your make up, skin products, hair care products, brushes/combs, perfume, mirrors, toothbrush/toothepaste and intent. Good to do while you are getting ready for your day
Dream magic is another friend of the city witch! Use crystals, sigils, herbs, etc near your bed before you go to sleep, drink some chamomile, get yourself a dream journal (mine is literally a notebook with construction paper on it), keep it and a pen near you. In the morning write down your dreams, your thoughts, how you feel (tired, refreshed, groggy, etc), and interpret them. 
Can’t afford tarot cards? Print out some, you can usually find them online and they won’t last as long as a real deck but it is a good temporary solution. Want a Ouija board but can’t keep one or need it to be easily hidden? Print one out, draw on one on paper or cardboard, fold it up and store it once you are done. Want a pendulum but can’t afford one? Use your favorite necklace, bracelet or keychain!
Tea and coffee magic is great, make your own tea blends with the herbs you like. Or just buy simple green or black tea and add sugar, milk, etc depending on your intentions
As I said before, crock pot magic. The Modern Cauldron: brew and cook all day with it, fill your apartment with the scent of the herbs and food to fill it with the energies they correspond with and you get a delicious meal to come home to! Most dorms allow them. Rice cookers also work well.
Can’t afford fresh food? Have to survive on ramen, canned soup, and microwaved meals? That is okay! They even correspond with things! Tomato soup for love, beauty and passion. Beef ramen noodles for strength, courage and longevity. Microwave mac n cheese for beauty and feminity. Look at their ingredients and what they correspond with. Sure its not as glamorous as a making a huge made by scratch traditional meal but its kitchen magic none the less. Stir it with your intent while you cook. It isn’t fancy but it works just as well!
Use a notebook or binder for a nice grimoire, decorate it as much as you want on the inside. Print out pictures of nature, animals, planets, stars, places, crystals, etc that you cant’ access/afford and use them in your craft. Spell books and grimoires are powerful tools
Don’t have a wand? Use a wooden spoon. Tie a colored string or ribbon to it to correspond with what energy you want it to have and move and flick it as you would a wand. 
Knitting, crocheting, and knot magic is very apartment friendly. As well as sewing and embroidering plus it is super calming.
Glitter, sequins, and beads are great in witchcraft! Use their colors to determine their correspondences. Put them in spell jars, sachets, bottles, etc. Glitter tip: if you spill any don’t fret, get some packing tape, wrap it around your hand with the sticky part outwards and dab at that glitter spill. You will literally pick up all of the glitter in seconds!
Enchant and charge your pots, pans, skillets, and other cookware to make every meal magical
Make moonwater in your windowsills. Use it for cleansing, beauty, divination, clarity, protection and purification
Take walks. Even if it is a city there is still nature about. Pigeons flying about, potted flowers outside of stores, grass growing in front lawns, etc. Enjoy yourself, even if it is not some wild, vast forest you can still connect with your local nature.
Pick up litter or garbage you see outside, being in the city we all see it. The natural world around you will appreciate you helping out. Bring a bag with you when you take your walks or travel and fill it with wrappers you see on the ground.
I hope this was helpful to all of my fellow city and dorm witches!
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thewitchesfortune · 6 years ago
Hi! I just saw your readings post, but I was wondering what shadow work is?
The short answer: It is essentially self therapy through means of magick, and more often divination.
The long answer:
Shadow work is a very broad term. In essence, it is when you intentionally bring up past issues that you have been repressing, and more often than not bringing up memories you have been repressing. You do shadow work when you know that there is something you need to deal with that you haven’t dealt with yet. In my experience most of it is really quite benign, in that you only deal with surface level issues. But when you have a recurring issue, or you notice a kind of trend that you need to break, you delve deeper into yourself and force light on the things you’ve been hiding even from yourself.
The things that you don’t want to think about will be brought to light for you to accept and deal with accordingly. Its not always easy, and when you start dealing with the heavy stuff, it can end in tears. Literally.
But, for a lot of people, it’s necessary. I find that when people have huge issues with anxiety and depression (myself included) there is a deeper reason for it that’s been internalized to the point where it’s a subconscious function. Self sabotage is something that I have been unconsciously doing for quite some time. To the point where I actually have made myself physically ill in order to get out of having to do things.
It can also be used to help deal with normal emotional issues, such as the passing of a loved one. The process of grief can be made much easier by the use of shadow work. It’s about acknowledging your feelings, accepting what has happened, and releasing it.
Through the use of shadow work, you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, and a deeper understanding of the world around you. You understand better how the world and people you surround yourself with affect you. Once you understand why something is happening to you, or why you keep doing something, you can begin to actively change your patterns and behaviors.
It also helps you get a better understanding of your magic, in the long run. The more shadow work you do, the more you will see how your magic works, and why certain things work for you, and why others don’t.
I wouldn’t say that All shadow work is an act of magick, in fact my favorite form of it is quite mundane. But it is one of the easiest and simplest, and gives me more control over everything that I see and hear. (Journaling is my favorite form. Just start writing, and don’t stop until you either run out entirely of things to say, or you finally manage a breakthrough)
Divination is a good way to get started with shadow work, as it can help you look into your own past and see some things that you might have even forgotten about that still affect you today. (Back to the internalized actions)
You can use it to ask what specifically is causing a certain pattern, or why you feel a certain way, and divination tools (I personally prefer tarot) will guide you to your answers. But the work itself is internal, and all the divination can really do for you is bring certain things to light. The heavy lifting is on you
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thewitchwench · 4 years ago
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A floor wash for the Cancer New moon ♋🌚 This blend is Yarrow, Rose, Mugwort, Rosemary and Lavender to open hearts to healing, psychic strength and protection. Being ruled by The Moon, Cancer brings a high sense of intuition and emotion. Self care is paramount as it creates opportunity to hear the receive the messages coming through. You can find a full write up of the energies at play this new moon plus pieces on plantlore, spells and rituals to support you. Take care of your soft selves my darlings. . . . . . #witch #witch🔮#solitarywitch #paganwitch #instawitch #greenwitch #hearthwitch #hedgewitch #paganpride #heathen #kitchenwitch #witchlife #witchcraft #modernwitch #witchaesthetic #norsepagan #celticpagan #cancerseason #cancerseason♋️ #witchtip #witchhack (at Totnes) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRI5UEyL7bN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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