#witchcraft smp milo
mielkae · 1 month
Mcyt as Writing Prompts pt 12
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v4guelyv4mpiric · 10 months
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witchcraft smp :(
it was only a few months ago but i miss it so much
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the-l00ker · 4 months
Flower Husbands AU! inwhich Scott is sick and tired of trying to chase Jimmy so he decides to fake date one of his bestie.
Which bestie you may ask?
And it's going 💅SMOOTHLY😏, like he's getting Xoronth in on this long-term prank, he's getting Scar and Cleo to convince the hermitcraft that they're legit, he gets Tubbo to act like Scott's gonna adopt him BECAUSE YOU KNOW HE'D BE DOWN FOR THAT PRANK
The motherfucking works people!
They're getting closer and closer... until Jimmy's jealousy becomes apparent
And literally everyone but Jimmy can see that Scott is doing this for his attention, until one day Jimmy just confesses and after some back and forth
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apology-or-marcus · 1 year
Ngl I kinda thought milo was going to forget him because of the “give up whet you love the most” part of the spell
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karli-the-car · 17 days
Hear me out, wsmp Scott. I just had this epiphany while listening to music. (Monster also kinda applies)
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c-swirlz · 1 year
We Are the Universe
Prompt: Soulmate AU
Summary: “They say magic is something that flows through everyone’s veins. Contrary to what some may believe, channelling it is not as simple as drinking a potion or partaking in rigorous training. It requires a search that could take a single week, or it could last a lifetime. No, you do not seek out some legendary treasure, nor do you have to find an ancient structure weathered by time. You must find your lifelong partner. Your soulmate.”
Scott has spent years searching for his soulmate, to no avail. The ever-present power of fate shows up to help him out.
Relationships: Scott/Milo
Warnings: None
Characters: Scott, Milo
Notes: Written for @mcytficfight! This is a gift for Callalore, known on AO3 as PermanentlyExhaustedVoid.
[AO3 link]
They say magic is something that flows through everyone’s veins. Contrary to what some may believe, channelling it is not as simple as drinking a potion or partaking in rigorous training. It requires a search that could take a single week, or it could last a lifetime. No, you do not seek out some legendary treasure, nor do you have to find an ancient structure weathered by time. You must find your lifelong partner. Your soulmate.
Older documentations of the phenomenon state that a soulmate must be romantic. However, in recent years, it has been discovered that soulmates can in fact range from romantic partners to lifelong friends. Any and all forms of this bond are capable of unlocking a person’s hidden magic. Many of those people go on to become witches, learning the ins and outs of sorcery under the strict instruction of Bertha; a mysterious individual who hides their face beneath a large cloak.
Scott, a young man in the Smajor family, has wanted to be a witch since he was very young. Based on his observations over the years, his family’s magic seems to be very closely linked to the lifelines of the world. He’s been told that when his parents met, his mother almost had a heart attack when the plants around his father suddenly started wilting and dying. Turns out it was just his magic being freed from its confinement. Apparently, his mother had thought it was some sort of curse at first, before she knew better. But now she can revive the plants her husband kills.
When Scott is almost eighteen, he meets a young man at a small town market. “Name’s Milo,” he says, his smile bright. The two of them wander for a while, engaging in idle chatter about topics that aren’t all that interesting, but make for good small talk as they get to know each-other. By the time the two part ways, Scott has learned that Milo has an adorable pet named Maxwell, and that he dabbles in baking from time to time.
Scott and Milo continue to spend time together after that day. They meet up a few times each week, travelling to whichever place suits their fancy at that current moment. They chat about nothing in particular and everything at the same time. It’s a welcome distraction to calm Scott’s racing mind, but partway through, he notices his arms have begun itching, and the tightness in his chest has come back with a vengeance. Thinking the itchy sensation could be some sort of reaction, he scours his skin for any insect bites or rashes. He finds nothing.
“Everything okay?” Milo lays a hand on Scott’s arm and the itching seems to get worse. There is a burning sensation beneath his fingernails that brings tears to the corners of his eyes.
Then Milo moves away, and everything settles. The severing of physical contact takes away every agonising feeling, as if it were never there in the first place. Could this be… Milo’s magic?
“Did you…” Scott swallows. “Did you do that?”
Milo raises an eyebrow, brushing his hair out of his eyes. “Do what?”
Ah. Well, there goes that theory. “Nevermind.”
Neither of them bring it up again. Scott returns home some time later, having awkwardly excused himself with the excuse that he wasn’t feeling well. It’s a half truth; his face is abnormally warm and his heart feels like it’s going to beat out of his chest. It’s not the same sensation as what he experienced before, and he feels oddly… euphoric?
Oh, he’s in love.
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They meet up again the following day. Scott doesn’t expect the outing to be too eventful — most days, they just sit and talk — but then Milo interrupts their conversation with a statement which catches him completely off guard.
“Okay, this is going to sound a little crazy, but… I think we might be soulmates.”
Ah, there goes his heart again, beating faster than what should be physically possible. “Really?”
“It’s just a hunch,” Milo says, rising from where they have been sitting on the grass, “but I’m pretty confident.” He extends a hand down towards Scott, who takes it with little hesitation and allows himself to be hauled onto his feet. He moves to pull his hand away, but Milo holds it tightly.
His arms are itching again.
“You feel it, right?” Milo murmurs. The itching gets worse. All words die in Scott’s throat. Milo takes his other hand. A fire ignites beneath his nails, dancing between his fingers.
“It’s magic, Scott.” Milo’s eyes are shining. “Fresh magic, only just set free.” Looking down at their intertwined hands, Scott notices a similar phenomenon occurring around Milo’s fingers. When he looks up again, he finds himself meeting Milo’s gaze.
All at once, he remembers. Prolonged physical contact with your soulmate is the only way for the newly released magic to thrive and adapt, becoming a force able to be comfortably controlled by its user. How did he forget such an important detail; this explains so much.
“…How did I not realise this sooner.”
“I only started suspecting it after you acted weirdly yesterday.” Milo releases Scott’s hands, but unlike before, he can still feel the raw magic flowing throughout his body. “I could feel it too, but it wasn’t as severe; I guess because I was the one initiating touch? But you could feel it even before all the physical contact, so your magic must be something really special.” He and Scott both laugh.
“Probably should’ve expected that, being a Smajor and everything.” Scott scratches the back of his neck sheepishly. “Our magic has a history of being unpredictable.”
“And that makes it all the more entertaining.” Milo grins. “Our magic is going to be linked, you know. I wonder what sort of spells we’ll get…”
“You know we’ll have to learn the spells before we can cast them, right?”
“Shush, don’t ruin the mood.”
Giggling, Scott watches Milo put on a very dramatic show of pouting and looking away, his arms crossed. The act doesn’t last long, mainly because he’s unable to keep a straight face, but Scott will give him points for effort.
The world around them falls silent. Milo’s expression settles into a gentle gaze, and he gets just a little closer to Scott. Scott closes the remainder of the gap, and the two of them effortlessly entangle themselves in a warm, gentle embrace. A soft teal glow engulfs them, as if shielding the two new soulmates from the outside world.
“You know…” Milo gazes into Scott’s eyes. “This feels like one of those really cliché happy endings. Like the ones you find in storybooks.”
“Would you have preferred us bonding over a near-death experience or something?” Scott raises an eyebrow, his lips curling up into a playful smile.
“Hey, I never said I had a problem with it; I was just pointing it out.”
Scott will be honest, this isn’t at all how he expected finding his soulmate would go. He had always thought locating his lifelong partner would require a bit more effort. Instead, they sort of just… bumped into each-other. By complete chance. You could almost say it was underwhelming — anticlimactic, if you will. But as Milo leans in closer, eyes soft and a loving smile on his face, Scott realises he doesn’t mind at all.
He closes the gap.
The wisps of magic dancing in the air receive the high honour of bearing witness to the first kiss shared by the power of an eternal bond.
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milo-media · 5 months
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Some different Scotts that I like :)
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doodle-list · 1 year
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"...They were his favorite thing" 
 So how about that most recent episode huh
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ssseriema · 1 year
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"then I'll just take care of you!" "that's not how this works if we're both sick"
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floweroflaurelin · 1 year
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I love you from the bottom of my soul,
Cool so Scott’s story is going to hurt real bad huh!! 🌺💀🌙
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inbetweenhours · 2 months
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I was apart of the @mcytblraufest this year in which I created this piece featuring a d&d inspired au of Milo & Scott from Witchcraft SMP!
@handstotheskye wrote THIS absolutely wonderful fic:
On a Quest to On the Run
which I absolutely recommend checking out! I had a lot of fun with the event this year and everyone should go look through the collection on ao3 and the linked art :]
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len-wither · 1 year
where is my promised angsty ending mr.smajor???
also congrats on becoming supreme witch bb, slayyyy
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also doesn't him practically abandoning the supreme witch position mean that they now need another supreme witch? again? XD
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v4guelyv4mpiric · 7 months
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thinking about how Milo immediately loved who Scott is now, knowing everything Scott gained was for him. Scott's still his sunshine.
also yeah Scott doesn't have magic anymore, but he's still a litch- like you cant just... unsell your soul. Milo loves his weird deer not-wendigo form.
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tazzomi · 1 year
/ smajor witchcraft ep spoilers
here is a sketch of scott and milo never gonna finish it probably but I kinda like the sketches
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pacificwaternymph · 1 year
Okay I know everyone is celebrating Scott’s happy ending and Milo still loving him and whatever. But.
Does Milo know about the human sacrifices? Or the dungeon literally in his basement? Or that Scott keeps jars of the blood of all the other competitors? Or that he has summoned and killed and enslaved several demons and a god?
How much does he know? How far do you think his love will stretch before it breaks under one of the many, many terrible sacrifices Scott made to bring him back?
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unitt-10 · 1 year
I except an apology from everyone who thought that Milo would be horrified at what Scott’s become because clearly that man loves Scott more than anything and I’m not okay—
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