#witchcraft ;; spells
thedarkwitchesblog · 1 year
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esoteric-chaos · 8 months
Esoteric Chaos Masterpost - Online Grimoire
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Need help finding all of my personal posts on my blog? Look no further! Here is everything collected in one place for you.
If a link is not working please let me know and I'll fix it immediately. If you do not see a link and it's just text* those are upcoming posts scheduled.
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Spiritual Hygiene and Beginner Work - The foundations of witchcraft and spiritual upkeep
Grounding and Centering - How-Tos and Methods
Cleansing - The How-Tos and Methods
Banishing - The How-Tos and Methods
Protection - The How-Tos and Methods
Warding - The How-Tos and Methods
Low Energy Practices - Spoonie Edition*
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Basics in Witchcraft - The basics of witchcrafting
Energy Manipulation*
Safety in Witchcraft
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Spell Crafting Basics - The basics of spellcrafting
"How do I create a spell? Spell reversals?"*
"What is casting a circle? Do I need to?"*
"How do I Power my Spells?"*
"Planetary Timing? What’s that?"*
"My Spell Backfired! Help!"*
"I Think I Was Cursed. What Do I Do?"*
Wheel of the Year Masterpost - Spoonie Witch-Friendly
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Intermediate/Advanced Witchcraft - Types of more advanced practice
What is Intermediate and Advanced Witchcraft?*
What is Energy Work?*
Cursing, Hexing and Jinxing*
What is Ancestor Work? Breaking it down and how to start + extra
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Types of Magic - Different categories of witchcraft
Lunar magic*
Glamour magic*
Hearth magic*
Chaos Magic*
Energy Healing 101 Sympathetic Magic - History and Explanation
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Kitchen Witchcraft - Infused Cooking Oils, Dinner Recipes, Baking, Tea Blends, Syrups, Etc
Kitchen Witchcraft Masterpost
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Herbalism - Herbal Education, Recipes
Herbalism Masterpost
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Spells - Spells, Pop Culture Spells, Sigils, Spell Oils, Spell Powders
Spells Masterpost
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Spoonie Witchcraft
Low Energy Witchcraft - Chronic Fatigue Edition
Disability-Friendly Prosperity Magic
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Deity Masterposts (mostly the ones I work with)
Aphrodite Devotional and Masterpost
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Tips and Tricks
Low Energy Cleansing Tip
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Technomagic Masterpost
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Extra’s - Any extra reading material on different topics
Sustainability and Witchcraft*
Endangered and Threatened Plants and Resins*
Gnosis Within the Witchcraft Community
UPDATED: 9/01/24
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artdecobish222 · 3 months
Hail Lady Hekate
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aspens-apothecary · 1 year
Mabon Celebration Ideas!
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As some of you know, this Saturday is Mabon, the celebration of the Autumn Equinox. Some also refer to it as the "Pagan Thanksgiving", as you celebrate the bountiful harvest and are thankful for the earth and its many gifts.
Mabon marks the time of equilibrium, where the days and nights are of equal length. During this time, it is good to set intentions that involve decrease, such as ending unhealthy habits, self-destructive behaviors, or bad relationships.
Decorating for Autumn
This a great time to decorate for the coming autumn and spooky seasons leading up to Samhain! I like to open the windows and then cleanse my space(usually a simmer pot and smoke cleanse) and after, i actually physically clean the house.I then close the windows and stir my simmer pot, while setting new intentions for the household until the spring equinox. I then collect the things I want to decorate with(the usual fall decor; pumpkins, pine cones, leaf garlands, gourds and an autumn wreath on the door) and then decorate to my hearts content!
Release and Move Forward
Another thing I usually spend time on is meditation, centering myself, letting go of past baggage from the year and setting new personal goals and intentions until spring.
Find a nice spot outside, where you feel connected to the world around you. Take a journal with you, and meditate. Write down what you want the next few months to bring into your life. Set those intentions in any way you choose.
Have a nice Hearty Meal
Who doesn't love a good meal with great people? You can make a roast, hold a potluck Mabon dinner ect, I usually host a bonfire night and everyone brings their own dishes to feel the group. During covid, I made a pot roast for my fiance and I! You could also do a picnic!
Fall Activities
Apple Picking, Corn Mazes, going to a Pumpkin Patch, all fall activities that are fun for the whole family, as a cute date, or great solo fun!
Honor Persephone and Demeter
If you are one to honor deities/spirits during the holidays, Persephone and Demeter are two that will definitely fall into Mabon.
According to the myth, Autumn is the time where Persephone must leave her beloved mother and travel to Hades, to fulfill her role as the Queen of the Underworld. Each year she lets go of the concerns of the upper world, and willingly descends to guide the souls of the dead over the threshold of Life and Death.
Creating an altar, and leaving offerings for them in honor of their sacrifice is an amazing way to celebrate.
Other things you can do include cleansing ritual baths, Divination for the new few months, hiking, offerings for the local nature spirits, make a gratitude list for the last few months and thank the earth for her gifts
Mabon Symbols:
Cornucopia (horn of plenty), pinecones, seeds
Colors: Orange, red, yellow, brown, copper, dark yellow, dark green
Foods: Corn, beans, squash, apples, pumpkins, cider, root vegetables, pomegranate, wine
Herbs: Yarrow, rosemary, sage, mugwort, rosehips,
Stones: Amber, citrine, cat’s eye, aventurine, sapphire, jasper
Flowers: Sunflowers, thistle, marigolds
Deities: Mabon, Green Man, Demeter, Persephone, Morgan, Pomona, Inanna
Animals: Owl, stag, blackbird, salmon
I hope this gives you a few ideas! Add your own ideas to this list! These are just the ways I like to celebrate!
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when-november-ends · 1 year
witchcraft things
that didn't work for me
and why
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- kitchen witchcraft
i love cooking and i love working with plants, however incorporating spells into my food didn't work for me. i got way too distracted by the spell part, that i completely forgot to make the food taste good. and as much as i love magic, it took the fun out of cooking for me. because now, cooking wasn't something fun where i could experiment with flavors and textures, it was something i had to put thought into beforehand. and i like to be spontaneous with my cooking.
- protection spells
protection spells seem to be the most important part of the witchcraft community. and i do think it's important to know how protection magic works, but it's also very unnecessary to have protections up 24/7 if you're not famous or have many enemies. i tend to forget about my protection spells, so they just sit on my altar, untouched for months and i forget to make new ones. hasn't hurt me so far tho, so i'll be saving those up for when and if i actually need them.
- casting a circle
not gonna lie, i tried that once and never again. it felt so pretentious to me.. like i was in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. and not in a good way. i stumbled across that practice on witchtok first, that was when i thought i was wrong for practicing my way and not how other people said i should. i don't think casting a circle is a bad thing to do, but it absolutely is a bad thing to do for me.
- bowl spells
bowl spells are one of my favorite kinds of spells because they're interactive. you put things in, you take things out. the energy doesn't feel stagnant and the spell is always working it's magic as long as you interact with it. ....but unfortunately my adhd made it very clear to me that those kinds of spells aren't something that works for me. i forget about them 5 minutes after i made them and they never get interacted with, so they don't do much of what they're supposed to. i would definitely recommend them to people who remember to take out and put in stuff tho, because the concept is great.
- scrying
gods, did i want that to work. divination is my favorite kind of witchcraft and i'm great at it! so when i learned about scrying, it was something i immediately got interested in and tried. i tried fire and water. fire worked a bit better, because the flames are dancing and water is reflective. that meant for me, i was always seeing things in it that were physically there, and couldn't concentrate on the scrying part. honestly i don't really remember why the fire method didn't work out, but i assume i got distracted really fast or lost in my thoughts.
- veiling
veiling can be done for many reasons. mine was, that i wanted to use it as a way to protect myself from all the different types of energy in public places. every person has their own life, with their own problems and their own current state of being. and since i have social anxiety, i thought veiling would be worth a try so that public places perhaps wouldn't get overwhelming as fast. well, that backfired because before i could try it, i realized i was trans and the head covering made me feel very dysphoric when i put it on at home. i never attempted anything similar again after that.
- ancestor work
i lost someone really close to me in early 2020. she wasn't a blood relative, but she was my dad's best friend, our landlord (who lived in the same house as we did by the way) and she saw me grow up since i was a baby. i was so desperate to try and talk to her. i tried to reach her myself, i asked other witches for help, but it never worked. after a while i decided to let her be, because the constant getting my hopes up and then being disappointed didn't help my mental health. i just wanted to know if she was okay now, but i think i just have to trust that she is. as for my other ancestors, i don't know anything about them and i am not really interested in finding out. i wasn't close with any of my great grandparents because we saw each other about once a year until they died. they didn't do anything wrong, but i don't want to force a connection.
- dragon work
damn. i really love dragons. all my life and with all my heart. and i truly believe that they are out there (not physically, like dinosaurs were, but in a similar way the gods are out there). i've done a lot of research on the topic, but my mental health got in the way. i don't have the concentration to reach out to them, nor will i be able to dedicate a specific amount of time to them regularly, which i feel like they won't like. i will try again when and if i get better, but until then it goes on this list of witchcraft things that didn't work for me and why.
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sillymajor · 7 months
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I did a spell and invoked Loki along with two other deities that I work with. (Each is represented by a walnut on the dish. The witch ball is me.) They all behaved, but Loki was a bit overprotective. I don’t think he likes to share, LOL.
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harvestmoss · 7 days
🌹 Love & Sex Magic Basics
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Some good knowledge to have in the back of the mind when performing love and sex magic, alone or with others, yourself or for others. Sex and love magic often work together.
As always, I do not want minors on these posts, this is an 18+ only post.
Blog post include...
TIME - The best times to cast love and sex magic.
SPACE - The best places to performance.
TOOLS - Great talismans and objects to have near you when performing.
COLOURS - Best colours to use.
NUMBERS - Numbers use and to invoke.
WATERS - Spell waters to use for enhancements.
OILS - Spell oils best suited for love and sex magic.
BOTANICALS & APHRODISIACS - Flowers, herbs, foods, etc. These are the botanicals to use for love and sex magic, especially the aphrodisiac ones.
NOTES - Extra good knowledge to know when performing love and sex spells.
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🌑 New Moon: The new moon is associated with our shadow self. Due to history and religion, we often associate sex and desires with our shadow self, something kind of unacceptable. It's such a primal human feeling, lust. So sex magic benefits from the New Moon greatly.
🌒 Waxing: The moon is getting bigger and brighter. Creating an ideal phase for magic around growth. Say you're in a relationship already, you'd want it to grow better and stronger, this is an ideal time to add extra passion into your sex life too.
🌕 Full Moon: Everything is full and intense on the Full Moon. Generally, all spells are enhanced during Full Moon, so you may cast sex magic here to enhance them. See what works best for you whenever it is the Full Moon or New Moon.
♀️ Friday: These are the best days for love and sex magic. This day is in honour of Venus. But you may also know it as the day of Aphrodite, Freya, and Oshun. Generally, love spirits are most powerful during Fridays.
🕒 The Clock: Typically, daylight brings abundance, growth, and positive influences. Night brings out the shadow self, intuition and emotional self. You could prepare spells in the daylight and performe them during night. See what works best for you. I wouldn't worry too much about the exact clock.
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🛏️ The Bedroom: The bedroom is home to the bed, a place we spend roughly ⅓ of our lives in. I believe it oozes with great magical threshold and potential. It's the home to our subconscious mind and desires. A bed is also where we typically perform pleasurable acts. Performaning sex magic in the bedroom is more potent than that of the living room.
🛁 The Bathroom: Not the place we typically have acts of pleasure, but it is a place we're often bare and naked in. we take baths, or get ready and make sure we looks alright, make sure we smell good, some do their makeup here, so on and so forth. I often perform glamour magic in the bathroom, and if you do glamour magic in conjunction with sex magic, your sex magic has a greater chance of success. Glamour magic is about attraction, and sex magic is specifically attracting pleasure. Think of them as collaborative partners occasionally.
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🌿 Priapic Wand: A wand with a phallic object attached to the end, usual that of an acorn or pinecone. Mainly used to encourage the growth of Spring and is a symbol of Imbolc and Beltane. You may attache ribbons and bells to it as well.
🌿 Mermaid Wand: Mermaids or sirens are said to have lured sailors into the sea with their beauty and sexual nature. A mermaid wand is simply a piece of driftwood.
🌿 Copper Wand: Copper holds romance and feminine energy, so copper wands are often used in love spells, tope it with a rose quartz to enhance the powers.
🦢 Swan/Rooster Feathers: Swans are often a romantic symbol of grace and beauty, we often see swans in artworks being their iconic heart symbol together, they're also a bird that mates for life. Roosters on the other hand help ward off evil and are a symbol of male energy. I see rooster feathers often used in love magic, perhaps because the rooster is such a lady's man?
🔧 Iron: Representing primal male power. Iron helps invoke sexual desire and remedy lack of libido. Iron is also hard, stiff, and endures a lot. So we're hoping that it's magical properties will tranfer through to the spells. Soaking iron in water and using that water to bath your man, specifically the part that's actually useful about us, will enhance us to perform better.
🕯️ Candles: Candles are already used in every spell there is, I'm mainly placing it here since I've found that when you involve another person and light their name on fire it invoke passion and sexual drive.
💕 Adult Toys: I suggest having literal symbols of sex near you or being used when performing sex magic. Even greater if you have one specifically for the use of these rituals. Similarly, having pornography to stimulate you is favoured, or a partner.
🐎 Horseshoes or Horse Symbols: Horseshoes are often associated with luck and protection. But can also be a powerful love talisman. Horse shoes incorporate iron (as discussed above), the shape of a horse shoe is reminiscens a cresent moon, often associated with female energy, and it may also be associated with the symbol of double horns which is a symbol of the female genitalia (Statues showing off the vulva frightened off ghosts because the vulva is a symbol of life and ghosts are dead). The symbol of a horse adds additonal meaning, especially that of a stallion, being that of powerful virile animals. If you were to hammer a nail through a horseshoe, well, isn't that obvious why?
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🍎 Red: A primary colour, red is associated with life and passion in many cultures. Red is connected to the body through health, sex, lust, love, romance, passion, confidence.
🍊 Orange: Symbolising connections in our life. It has associations with power, vitality, energy, growth, success, and ambitions. Great colour to use when you're already in a relationship.
💗 Pink: Often a feminine colour, therefore, it represents those quirks and stereotypes. Unconditional love, playfulness, love, gentleness, beauty, feelings. It's also the lesser colour of red, so if you'd want more intimate sex rather than rough, I recommended pink.
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2️⃣ Two (2): For obvious reasons, it is the number of unity, of harmony.
5️⃣ Five (5): I have heard to invoke the power of Oshun (Orisha of Love), you should use the number five.
6️⃣ Six (6): To invoke the power of Aphrodite (Lady of Love), use the number six.
8️⃣ Eight (8): To invoke the power of Inanna-Ishtar (Queen of Heaven), use the number eight. Eight is also the number associated with eternity and infinity if you lay it down, so use it to keep a relationship and sex life intact.
🔢 Numerology: Generally, lesser numbers are beginnings and bigger numbers are endings. So use lesser numbers to start a passionate life and bigger numbers to have greater orgasms, etc. See what works best for you.
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🕊️ Angel's Water: This water began as a complexation remedy in the sixtheenth-century before slowly becoming a love potion. It's name is a reference to the Angels that seduced the daughters of man in the Book of Genesis. It's also known as Aphrodite Water with it's main ingredient being Myrtle, which is said is what Aphrodite was covered in when she emerged from the ocean.
💞 Florida Water: Originally marketed as a cologne. Florida Water has attractive qualities due to it's scent with rosemary and citrus aspects. IT draws in luck, fantastic energies, and happiness.
🌹 Rose Water: Roses are often associated with love and romance, especially the red variant. Rose Water, or any flower water for that matter, are often used in love spells and beauty spells.
🍷 May Wine: Ritual potion for Midsummer’s Eve and Walpurgis Night. Some of my potions require mixing ingredients into a wine, and I choose May Wine, if I don't have that, red wine is fine.
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💖 Love Oil: Used for love and sex spells, as well as being used for attraction.
💘 Come To Me Lover Oil: Consider this a deluxe version of Love Oil. Perfect for sex magic and attraction of people, used mainly for specific purposes, such as drawing in a specific kind of sex life or person.
🐈 Black Cat Oil: Break bad spells and hexes, attract positive attention, especially that of the opposite gender. Depending on what oil base you choose, jojoba or castor oil for protection and almond oil for love spells.
🌿 Cleopatra Oil: Captures the true essence of legendary Egyptian queen, Cleopatra. Used for glamor spells, love and sex magic.
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💐 Botanicals: Basil, carrots, catnip, chamomile, cardamom, coriander, cubeb, gardenia, grains of paradise, hibiscus, hyacinth, iris, jasmine, lady’s mantle, lavender, lovage, mint, onion, orchid, poppy, rose, rosemary, saint john’s wort, southernwood, strawberries, thyme, tormentil, vervain.
Botanicals associated with romance and sex and/or can enhance your love and sex spells.
🍾 Aphrodisiacs: Caviar, champagne, chocolate, coriander, apricots, peaches, cherries, grapes, figs, pomegranates, garlic, hibiscus tea, honey, hot peppers, mint, onions, radishes, saffron, shellfish, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, sushi, vanilla, tomato.
Ingredients in which have shown to have aphrodisiac effects, some more than others.
☁️ Myrrh and Frankincense: They may not be obvious, with their religious background and association. However, they were burned in ancient Egypt, and myrrh was associated with Isis, the goddess of fertility, and frankincense with that of Rah. The lunar and sun goddess and god. Burn together with a partner or burn myrrh if you're more fem leaning and frankincense if you're mask leaning. Burn myrrh if you're attracting a woman and burn frankincense if you're attracting a man. What if you're nonbinary or the partner is? Burn both.
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Some extra good things to note before, during, and after performing love and sex spells.
Bathing your hands in Rose Water to enhance spells before performing - You may also use thyme.
Performing naked for sex magic increases the chances of success. Alternatively, clothing that makes you feel sexy.
Wearing a red ribbon around your waist for sexual seduction enhancement. You may use red string and incorporate knot magic, or a red gather belt, or regular belt. Something red around your waist, essentially.
In sex magic, you'll want to stir counter-clockwise. This is to invoke passion and vigour in your sex life. While clockwise is the opposite and lessens the libido. You may also think of it as counter-clockwise for deviance and clockwise for "vanilla".
Stir near your thighs and genitals to enhance success and better sex.
Stir near your heart for romantic love.
The hair off of someone's head is often used in love spells to draw them near you and make them love you. However, if you acquire their pubic hair, more sexual and aroused feelings will be invoked.
Use your sexual bodily fluids to charge and enchant sigils and other objects.
Use menstrual blood to enhance love spells. Are you someone who do not bleed like me? Worry not! Prick your ring finger, preferably that of the left (unless you're married, then that of the right) and the blood will have a similar effect to that of menstrual blood.
Are your love spells not working on your lover? Acquire a piece of their hair and let gentle water drip on ti it continually and the resistance should wear off. Sometimes your lover may even be cursed with lack of sexual performances, so bathing in iron would help or eating any of the aphrodisiac ingredients would help too.
It helps to be in the mindset when performing love and sex spells, so being aroused and excited for sex spells helps them perform better. Being in a romantic mood helps for love spells, so feed yourself well with cherries, peaches, and chocolate. As well as having your favourite adult toys out when doing sex magic or also warming yourself up and then performing sex magic.
That should be it, go out and have lots of good sex and love!
Excuse grammar mistake and spelling errors, English is not my first language.
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mabonkoraki · 2 months
Anyone want to take a guess at what kind of spell this is✨
This was a client request and it’s honestly such a pretty spell I had to take a picture & video of it!! (client gave permission for me to share this on socials)
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thedarkwitchesblog · 1 year
“Who knows why we were taught to fear the witches and not those who burned them. Or those who stood by, watching.”
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esoteric-chaos · 8 months
Dream Spell Satchet
I created a dream spell sachet to help you remember your dreams, to aid you in astral projection, lucid dreaming and receiving messages from the divine/ancestors/spirits. It helps in protections on those journeys as well.
Purple sachet - Colour correspondence of psychic awareness
Rosemary - Dream remembrance, protection
Rose - Psychic awareness, divination
Chamomile - Sleep aid, protection
Clove - Protection
Lavender - Psychic abilities
Thyme - Clairsenses
Sigils for astral travel and divine connection
Quartz - Charged with the intent of
Amethyst - Psychic abilities and awareness
I suggest if you are an animist or someone who wants more power from your herbs. Speak to the herbs and crystals kindly, treat them less like an ingredient and ask them respectfully for their aid and the purpose they'll have in your oil. Use intention.
There you have it, I sleep with it under my pillow. I pair it with Protection oil along with Prophet oil for an extra kick. If you are going to astral project. I suggest wearing extra protections before using this sachet. You do not want to run into any trouble in the Astral realm. Stay safe.
Looking for the rest of my posts? Check out the Masterpost
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mediamixs · 3 months
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pagansheowl · 8 months
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I did a complicated hex towards two persons (brother and sister) that wronged me in a very painful way (my love life and my partner's trust).
I'm not much of a "let's hex people" person BUT if you wrong me with little or no reasons, and I don't find the way to confront your wickedness, I'm going to retort with magic. I asked help from Goetic daimons Ain, Raum and Glasya-Labolas, deity-saint Santa Muerte, and Norse god Loki.
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All I can say is that I'm very very dissapointed. I'm not talking about friend betrayal, but I did at least trust that those people cared for my romantic partner, but instead they stabbed us both in a way I'm still angry at.
I'm not fan of hexing people, but do that with a reason that feels important and heavy for you. I'm not a believer of threefold law or karma but I'm quite aware there's a price (loss of energy) in magic. Protect yourself, magically and with your actions and thoughts. At least my wounded heart will find peace towards people that love to do a mindless mischief (not even Loki does that!)
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lunarkitty333 · 1 month
Nothing to see here, just some weird-ass candle shenanigans.
I swear, WHY do all of my spells have to have so much drama.
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warmth-and-wonder · 2 years
Hinterland Rhyme Curse
A curse, done by either incantation or spell jar, to inflict a target with the consuming paranoia that they are being hunted. Directly inspired by Melissa Albert’s the Hazelwood and the Night Country.
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If preformed via incantation, do so in a pitch black place. As you say the rhyme, shine a light on a taglock for your target (their name on a piece of paper, a photo, etc) so it is the only thing you can see.
If preformed via spelljar, write down the rhyme and read aloud each line as you finish writing it. Place it in the jar with a taglock, then add whatever you associate with hunting to fill the rest of the jar. Such as bones, teeth, bullets/bullet shells, the colors red and green, soil for earth and other earth elemental objects.
Once done, keep the spelljar/taglock in a dark place, discard it in the woods, or bury it beneath a gate. Always use biodegradable materials if disposed of outside.
Little mouse, Scratch scratch
Hasten to your home
Lock and latch, do up the catch
And pray that your alone
Little spider, Twitch twitch
Run to seal the gate
Weave and sew, stitch stitch
Pray it’s not too late
-the Night Country, Melissa Albert.
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skylermoyer · 1 year
Is crushed eggshells supposed to smell? Are you supposed to boil them first then crush them? Can you boil crushed eggshells to get rid of the smell? I am a eclectic witch
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