#wistful poem
amazingindigo · 2 months
Once, I Tasted Paradise
Once, I tasted paradise.
I watched my broken wings take flight
Among the angels I still dream of at night.
The sun beat down on my skin,
And the color of my sins
Faded with the love of newfound kin.
Unplugged from the world, I looked up at the stars
And ignited their hearths,
Letting their warmth fill my heart.
I climbed trees with creatures from storybooks and legends.
I ate food that tasted like ambrosia from heaven.
I learned to accept whatever is given.
I discovered the secrets of life,
And I met with the spirit of my mind.
I gave the angels a piece of my shimmering light.
Then I woke up in a black and white world,
Screaming in a language I can’t use anymore,
And I wondered if Alice still looks for that miniature door.
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definegodliness · 4 months
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the-moon-holds-me · 2 years
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Something about the rise and fall of your breath,
The warmth of your arms,
The soft skin under your eyes,
The darkness that speckles the light of your shoulders,
The bones beneath the touch of your fingers,
The chill of your nose against my own,
Creates in me such a beautiful fear -
How readily would I destroy myself
If it would preserve every piece of you?
(Sculpture: "Il Sacrificio", by Leonardo Bistolfi)
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i put on a song today
one of the ones
on the playlist you made me
so very long ago
i used to listen to this song all the time
each strain of melody
like a familiar caress against my mind
making me feel
the way your messages
once made me feel
i missed it
back when we were still something
i used to listen to that playlist, so carefully
eyes closed
imagining you were next to me
telling me all the things in each song
or even just next to me
i wanted it so much then
that it hurts
even now to remember
i never told you
that i bought every song
on that beautiful playlist
and remade it
so i’d always have it
even if i didn’t have you
cos the songs always spoke to me
the ones i knew like the back of my hand
and the ones i fell so deeply in love with
the more i replayed them
no one had ever made me a playlist before
never mind one as beautiful as that one
i didn’t know anyone could feel
even half as much as what those songs said
for someone like me
it’s good to remember that
especially now
so i put on a song today
and it made me ache inside
a deep dark longing
to be close to someone
close to you
even though it’s been too long for that
but it was something i haven’t felt in years
something i haven’t felt since you
something i’ve really missed feeling
- Cassiopeia, 15 September 2024
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visgrapplinghooks · 1 year
something about this poem makes me want to cry
not like sad cry
but happy cry
"I didn't know it was okay to feel like this" cry
"I never knew I could articulate this" cry
I will say this:
the poem wasn't complete until I told you about it
...you'll see what I mean
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I dream of a future that is kinder to us. Where it's just a little warmer, and our souls don't ache quite so much. The air is sweet and fresh and our fridge always has fresh food that we like to eat, and a bed that is always comfy. A life that is simple, but easy, because living shouldn't be this hard. A life that is easy because we made it that way, made it suit us. A life where we no longer shake alone in separate beds from nightmares that will never truly leave us. I life where our scars have long since faded, and our bodies feel like home again. I dream of a future that I want to live in.
And in my dreams of the future, you are always there.
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I fled with my heart's
Roof torn open, blown apart
Excerpt from Wistful Music by Edward Said
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blood1red1roses · 7 months
tear it apart
her hair swept on her shoulder with a billow
her face the sunrise to onlookers
she rambles on and on; head thrown back
to just a mimosa, her silent confidant.
streams of saline meander across
her cheeks flush with emotion
a moment once beautiful, long gone
simply a wistful memory- delusional.
they were truant- her companions
so she built her empty mansion alone
brick by brick, stone by stone
and then tore it all apart, the joy died
with only a mimosa by her side.
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thearcher1003 · 8 months
What if? I think about that a lot on nights when I can't dream for my life is turning into a living nightmare I wake up and wander around for I can't breathe I wake up and wonder about all the things that could've been had I known what I know now What if you had never let me down? Would this grief and anger still persist? I think about this a lot on days when I lay listless for I have nothing better to do than to regret being around you I get up and write it all down for I can't bear this on my chest and risk getting drowned over and over again it needs to end now
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uuuhhhnectarines · 9 months
several months ago, I wrote a poem. unfortunately, the person I wrote it about did not work out. I shall share it anyway.
here it goes
okay. hear me out.
I think I could really like you.
i do like you,
but I don't know you well enough yet to really fall hard for you.
you have a lot of qualities that I want in a partner
and I'm sure you have even more that I just don't yet know about.
it makes me excited to really get to know you. the real, deep-down you.
because I'm sure that the real, deep-down me could easily love that part of you.
that being said
I hope you could love me back.
I hope you could love me with all of my everything.
love my anxiety.
my past.
my baggage.
my traumas.
I hope you could love my flaws.
my insecurities.
my problems.
my sins, even.
I have spent so much time worrying.
worrying that it will be hard to find someone to do that for me.
it will be hard to find someone to love me.
it will be hard to love me.
but I know that I am loveable.
and I know that I'm worth it.
I have good qualities,
and bad ones.
but I like to think the good outweighs the bad.
i hope its you.
i hope that youll see me,
and see someone who loves life
someone who wants to make it worth living.
someone who's fun.
I hope you look at me and see someone worth loving.
because when I look at you,
I can start to see it.
I just hope you start to see it too.
because I have spent months
upon months
upon years, even,
worrying that I will not find love like I used to have it.
but after some thought,
I see that that is not the kind of love that I need.
I need a new love.
a fresh love.
a kind of love that endures.
a love that is patient.
i need sincere.
i need someone who is the kind of person to hold me when I cry, and not say any words.
I need someone who can make the bed in the morning because they know i hate it.
someone who will take the pickles from my chick fil a sandwich because they know I won't eat it.
someone who can read me like a book.
see when I'm not okay and do something about it.
i need someone who sees me for who I am and takes me that way, yet helps me improve.
not someone who will drag me down.
not someone who will make me cry.
make my anxiety spike.
make me wonder where I'd be if I said no.
and if I'm honest,
i truly think with time,
and getting to know each others nitty gritty parts,
that we could have an amazing relationship.
with practice,
we could be happy with,
and for each other.
because I want to fall in love.
don't get me wrong,
i'm not there yet.
but I want to be able to get there.
and get there with you
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carpediembitchess · 9 months
maybe two broken hearts, halved and splintered, can make one? maybe all the shadows we waltzed with in the past, all the polar blades we willingly rested between, would turn into lillies in the sunlight? maybe the ethereal wine keeping us on our heels will turn into wicker baskets and plaid sheets? maybe the smoke keeping us behind our masks will turn into sickly sweet perfume, scenting the new façade that we will don soon?
or maybe, the lies upon which we once had to build our paper houses, will turn into truth, will turn into love.
maybe, just maybe, our hearts will beat again.
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hollosheart · 1 year
If I let the sun of you penetrate my skin,
will you lay clusters of freckles on where your love has bloomed?
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bigbootbitch · 11 months
Night Trains
When summer has faded,
insects retreated and the leaves fallen,
I open my ears and listen.
I’ll start hearing it soon.
Metal on metal. Cold as ice.
A night train grinds on the rails tonight.
It’s clearest in winter
My old friend hides in the quiet calm
They are hot chocolate and spiced rum.
They smell of radiators and candle smoke
My sound a warm palm on a frosted pane.
How many nights have they accompanied me?
When the city’s ballad weaves,
my noise pierces it all.
Resonating warm in my chest
I cherish the interruption.
I often wonder if neighbors notice it,
Do they recognize the beauty of its harsh tone?
The rushing of our city’s veins
reminding us of other’s down the line.
The connections we share but never make.
Yes late at night
As I await the soothing screech of train brakes
I’ll remember a book in my hands,
a mug at my side, a blanket on my shoulders.
And when it sings it’s sirens song
I’m reminded of my citizen strangers listening
As the night train brings us home.
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aashafull · 1 year
Moonlight Ballad
This poem was inspired by a special moment for a special friend.  It must have been towards the end of summer, and we were on different continents. He texts me that he is gazing out his window and onto the bustling street late into the evening. He is looking into the void of the sky while listening to music. His wandering mind then fixates on a window of the hotel across the street- he notices lights, dance, and love.  I have done my best to capture his raw emotions and expression into this poem. Enjoy <3
Let me tell you about that fleeting moment
when I felt an emotion
that I cannot describe.
drowsy and switched on by that little flutter in your heart,
the shine glides across the space
till it has molded the world
around it into warmth.
far enough to be another world, yet just close enough to be real.
the warmth is out of reach now
but we’ll get there someday, soon, but
the metres between turn my sight blue.
his hands twirling her and her hands guiding him,
their movements spell out words and raw beauty.
so while the world falls deaf to my ears and
their shadows dance with them-
I hear echoes of laughter, clinking glass and…love.
I feel it all at once, yet the words escape my mind before I can
make a sound to spit them out, I don’t understand
what this feeling is.
It’s a wish to see that happiness reflect in my life,
a wish to not fear the future.
So I, a boy with the world at my fingertips and
a cloud over my heart,
describe that fleeting moment
in an attempt to understand it.
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dreamy-blu · 1 year
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visgrapplinghooks · 1 year
Left Behind
There was a muttering creek at the edge of the yard, Father said he never wanted to put a fence up, Our yard was the animals' long before it was ours.
My sister Shelly and I would play there every day, We'd play where the creek met the woods behind, And dip our toes in the water, feeling the bed of clay.
It was on such a day as this that Shelly saw her, A girl of long black hair, in the woods past the creek, Her voice was faint, but it sounded like laughter.
Her gaze met ours and I could feel her eyes smile, Yet neither of us came any closer to the other, We would continue to see her every once in a while.
It was months later when Shelly broke the spell, She crossed the creek for the very first time, as did I, From deep within the forest we heard a knell.
The girl with black hair and the smiling eyes, For once, I could get a closer look at her, Her skin looked rough and coarse, her face likewise.
She was a small and scrawny thing, Unlike me, who seemed to almost tower over her, And her hair was like thin little strings.
Wordlessly, she led us deeper into the woods, Further away from the creek and from home, Never speaking a word, we somehow understood.
We came across an old well in the woods, Made of stone brick, seemingly centuries old, Surrounded by clusters of monkshood.
Something was terribly, terribly wrong, The girl seemed anxious and tittered about, Shelly did not want her unease to prolong.
She offered her help and offered her aid, The girl indicated the cost was far too much, Little did we know, the price was paid.
The girl stared deep into the well's darkness, As if seeing something only she could see, Then turned to face us, face in deep distress.
We were led back to where the woods met the creek, Seemingly, our adventure had come to a close, Of that girl, we never saw another peek.
We would come to the edge for every day after, Hoping to catch another glimpse of the girl, But we would never again hear her laughter.
Shelly tried to cross the creek to the woods, But every time she tried, the currents raised, As if the creek was warning us in what way it could.
We would eventually stop playing by the creek, Our wonder gave way to melancholy, All that was left of her was a memory.
Many years later and Shelly and I drifted apart, It is as some siblings do, though sad, I look at the woods and feel a well in my heart.
As of late, I've taken to watching the sky, On purple nights like this, I still think of her, I still think of the girl that we left behind.
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