#wish i had the energy and attention span to keep up with this show
thefrogman · 2 days
Back in the olden days, if you used the "keep reading" function on a Tumblr-dot-com post, it would
not get very many notes.
At all.
I am not sure exactly why.
I think people hated pressing an extra thing.
But maybe it was also a psychological phenomenon where, given the choice, they were unwilling to trust me with their time.
But if I sucked them in with a good story or a compelling image, they would get serious FOMO.
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When I created a super high effort post-of-length I would get comments like, "This was way too long but before I realized it I was reading the last sentence."
That was a really good feeling.
I used to do tests to figure out the best posting strategies and I think I figured out you'd lose about 90% of your notes if you did a "keep reading" post.
So that notion was ingrained in my brain again and again from when I was very note-obsessed and I have since avoided the "keep reading" option almost like a conditioned response.
Just seeing that squiggly line appear still induces a Pavlovian fear.
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But that was probably a decade ago and I did a new experiment. My story about replacing my mailbox did reasonably well with a strategically clickbaity "keep reading."
This was a promising result due to the fact that some people like to send me hate for writing a lengthy post.
I recently got a death threat for writing too much, which was a fun reminder of my M&M days (I melted men's rights activists' brains with a poorly worded analogy and they launched a years long harassment campaign).
It seems in present-era-Tumblr-dot-com many more people prefer pressing an extra thing rather than scrolling a bunch on their smartphone. The collective behavior has changed. And maybe I don't need to use tricks and running gags in order to get folks to "keep reading".
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Unfortunately I started writing that ring light post a few months ago so I wasn't able to include that in the experiment. But I am going to try using the keep reading function in the future and as long as the average number of folks that usually read my longer posts continue to read my posts, that will be the standard approach.
I also tag these posts with "long post" so you can flag that if you wish.
While I am no longer in the audience-building phase of my Tumblr career, these essays and stories and educational posts take a considerable amount of time and effort to create, so I do want to make sure everyone who wants to read them is able to. But posts without hearts and reblogs can quickly die a gruesome algorithmic death. Even my most ardent followers would tell me things were not showing up on their dash. (I think replies help mitigate that, so if you like a long post, you can help with engagement.)
The collective noun is a "business" of ferrets.
Do you want to see a business of ferrets ready to do some business?
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I love writing and it is a huge catharsis for me. And I love sharing any knowledge I feel like I have the earned expertise to speak on with authority (technology, photography, light, fun ferret facts, etc). I wish I had the energy to be a photography teacher, but long posts on Tumblr are probably the best I can do for now.
I know my posts are super long, but I try to make them as fun and informationally dense as I possibly can. I don't like wasting people's time if I can avoid it. Though maybe I should trust my follower's attention span a bit more. I have this fear that if I am not constantly entertaining, people will click away or unfollow.
I think a good business for a business of ferrets would be selling pool noodles that look like ferrets.
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So as long as I get roughly the same amount of notes I will do the keep reading. And then maybe people can lay off on the mean comments and occasional requests to end my own life because I bloviated about soft light.
100% true ferret fact..
If you ask a ferret what their business is, they will crawl on your shoulder and whisper in your ear...
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Sailed Animals
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(Sailed animals and their relationships. Art by: Platyhystrix - Gabriel Uguento, Dimetrodon - Rob Soto, Edaphosaurus - Sean Closson, Arizonasaurus, Lotosaurus - Nobo Tamura, Spinosaurus - Liam Elward, Ouranosaurus - Scott Reid, Amargasaurus - Sergey Krasovskiy)
Okay, what I actually wanted to do, was write something about the Permian, and I will be doing that at some point - however, I got side tracked by Dimetrodon and Edaphosaurus and their sails, so here we are.
You see, I‘m a big fan of convergent evolution and especially when the evolution converges to some very specific and bizarre feature that we don‘t fully understand, like big sails on the backs of animals.
As you can see in the picture above, sails have evolved independently from each other many times. Some of the earliest instances come from the late Carboniferous and early Permian and include the amphibian Platyhystrix (I had no idea that there were sailed amphibians, that‘s so cool) and of course the famous carnivorous Dimetrodon and its plant-eating cousin Edaphosaurus. Edaphosaurus and Dimetrodon are often mistaken for reptiles or even dinosaurs. They were neither, but instead they were synapsids, the same group that includes us mammals.
The next time we see sails is during the Triassic in the crocodile-related Pseudosuchians, like the carnivorous Arizonasaurus or herbivorous Lotosaurus. I‘m not entirely sure, if the sails evolved only once in this group, or multiple times, because it is hard to find information on that (I really wish those croc-cousins would get the same attention as dinosaurs).
But speaking of dinosaurs: They of course also had sails. Most famous for it is Spinosaurus and its relatives, but other groups of dinosaurs also evolved sails. Those included the sauropods (the long-necked giant herbivores) like Amargasaurus (well, maybe?), as well as the Ornithopods (duck-billed dinosaurs and their relatives) like Ouranosaurus.
Now you might think that we have a clear lack of sailed animals at the moment, but don’t worry: there are still animals with sails! And somehow I was completely unaware of this until I started looking into it. We still have the Crested Chameleon, some species of basilisks, sail-fin dragons and the sailfish (although from what I understand its sail works differently then the ones of the lizards).
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The sails of all these animals are made up from long extensions of the vertebrae. It is assumed that those bones were covered in tissue, spanning open a sail. We can be pretty certain of this, because there have been fossils found, where the bones had broken and then healed back together while the animal was still alive, clearly showing that they must have been held in place by something (Rega et al, 2012).
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(skeletons of Dimetrodon, Ouranosaurus and a bison, Bailey 1997)
For different animals these bones can look very different though: For the synapsids like Dimetrodon they were very thin, while they were thicker and flatter in dinosaurs. In that way, they looked a lot more similar to the vertebrae of modern humped animals like bisons. This is why in the 90s there were some suggestions that those dinosaurs didn‘t have sails, but instead had big humps on their back for energy storage or maybe for insulation to keep a constant body temperature (Bailey, 1997).
The idea never really caught on, but we did this amazing illustration of a humped spinosaurus out of it. I know, we‘ve probably all seen our fair share of Spinosaurus reconstructions, but I have never seen a chonky one, and I don‘t know how to feel about it.
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(humped Spinosaurus, Bailey 1997)
The big questions that remains is of course: why sails? what were they good for? The most common answer you get is either display or thermoregulation.
The sails being a display structure is a very intuitive answer. If you‘re carrying around a giant billboard-like structure on your back, it would only make sense to advertise something on it. You could use it to impress the opposite sex with fancy colors, intimidate rivals because it makes yourself look a lot bigger or signal to other animals that you are the same/a different species.
One thing that I always think about, but never see mentioned, especially in the case of the herbivorous sailed animals, is mimicry. Edaphosaurus and Dimetrodon lived at the same time, so could it not be, that Edaphosaurus had sails to make themselves look like big scary Dimetrodons to keep other predators away? Similar to how we have many harmless insects pretending to be wasps today? It would of course not explain why Dimetrodon had a sail, but it could give the herbivores a reason to have one.
The other big reason for sails is thermoregulation. Especially cold-blooded animals could have used their sails like solar panels, pointing them towards the sun and collecting heat (Bramwell & Fellgett, 1973). Alternatively, the sails could have been used to cool the animal down by positioning them in the direction of winds (Bennett, 1996).
The only problem with thermoregulation is, that its viability depends on whether the animals in question were endothermic or ectothermic (warm- or cold-blooded). And for pretty much all the sailed animals this is a heated (pun intended) debate.
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(Airflow around an Edaphosaurus, Benett 1996; Can I just point out that this graph, as well as the chonky Spinosaurus were part of actual peer reviewed publications? I do chemistry irl and I‘m a bit jealous that in the papers I write I never get the chance to draw dorky looking synapsids)
Now that we‘ve discussed the reasonable well accepted explanations for sails, let‘s get into some more outlandish ones. Maybe Dimetrodon used its sail to „camouflage among reeds while [it] waited for prey, or as an actual boat-like sail to catch the wind while the animal was in the water“, as stated in multiple papers. I tried to hunt down the original source for this, but the idea comes from a Book by Romer and Price from 1940, and unfortunately I don‘t have access to it. Honestly, I would love to know if they had any actual reasoning for it or if they were just throwing ideas around, because the image of a Dimetrodon floating around on the surface of the water and getting pushed around by winds sounds ridiculous. Similarly, having a giant structure on your back, just so you can camouflage it to look like the background seems like a lot of unnecessary effort. Surely you could just not have the giant structure and it would have the same effect.
For Spinosaurus, there is the idea that they might have used their sails to shade the water while hunting, like a heron bird. I had never heard that before, but I find it a bit strange. Wouldn‘t that mean, that they had to catch fish at a weird angle towards their side? Seems uncomfortable. Of course there are also many ideas that the sails might have helped with swimming or whatever, but I don‘t want to get into the Is-Spinosaurus-aquatic-debate. I‘m pretty sure most of the papers about it would be outdated anyways and the ones that aren‘t will be in approximately 20 minutes.
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For the sauropods, the “long-necks“, like Amargasaurus, even less is clear: It is even debated whether the spines on their necks formed sails or horns. If they had horns those might have been a defense structure or just for display. If they had sails - well, then it‘s the same questions as for all the other weirdos.
So yeah, overall, sailed animals were pretty weird, and there is still a lot to learn.
Also “sail“ doesn‘t sound like a word anymore.
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cboffshore · 8 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thanks for the tag, @fabrowrites!
Tagging: @basicallyjaywalker and, uh, I'm not really sure. NWOD buddies, if you see this, you're all welcome to hop on too!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
Twelve! One is technically a mini essay collection and one is a poem, though, so ten proper fics.
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
122,397!!! Which is.... wow!!
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Ninjago. That's it. I don't really engage with other shows enough to write fic for them, and I think writing fic for IRL bands and such is weird as hell, so I don't that at all.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
Oh boy, let's see:
A Disappearing Act (Done Poorly) leads the race, which makes sense - she's been around the longest!
It Doesn't Take Much (To Cover Up Small Cuts) is a bit of a surprise, but so worth it.
The Splinter in the Blind Man's Eye: An Unofficial Revision . What a great group project. Too bad Tommy wandered off to work on Dreamzzz or whatever... This one is like a tombstone on my account. Or maybe a mausoleum...
Just Cross The Waters my beloved!
Coughing Up Feathers is one that I'm amazed isn't higher - kind of had a spike in activity when I updated OSSAS this year.
5. do you respond to comments
YES. I love to blabber. Please ask me questions!!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Elegy Above Sea Level isn't a fic - it's that single poem I mentioned earlier - but it's really the only work I have that ends on a purely bitter note. I don't deal in unbalanced angst, but I like this one. Goes down like a raw spoonful of cocoa powder, honestly, and I adore it.
7. what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oof, that's... that's a tough one. I would have to say Coughing Up Feathers purely because it's got a miniature "everyone laughs" ending that still makes me smile when I read it back.
8. do you get hate on fics?
No, and you know what? I wish I did, sort of. Maybe not outright hate, though. As much as I love opening my comments to find my readers excited for me, it does get a little repetitive sometimes. Peer review me in the comments! Find an inconsistency and make me justify it! Lord knows I've done my share of criticism (on Tumblr and Discord, though - I'm just nice enough to not do it in the comments) and I think it would be fun to get that energy back. Plus, spite fuels me! If you make me mad, you get more writing. Win-win.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Nope. Never. I would rather eat pillow stuffing.
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
Not any more, but my very first fic from middle school was a god-awful triple hit of Star Wars (with total homebrew lore, all I kept were the lightsabers and Force tricks), Ninjago, and - get this - Lindsey Stirling. I abandoned it halfway through the Rise of the Snakes season installment.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope! That's the nice thing about focusing on an underappreciated angle - everyone else pays attention to the big, popular stuff, and only the people who would appreciate it even look twice at mine.
12. what's the longest you've spent working on a fic? and the shortest?
If I Can Think (Of Something Clever) took me about three months of on and off writing, plus LOADS of planning, so that's my longest! On the other hand, I wrote Wouldn't It Be Grand? (It Ain't Exactly What You Planned) in the span of a few hours.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! Not sure I want to, either, although maybe someday...
14. what's your all-time favorite ship? from all fandoms?
IT'S THE MISFORTUNE'S KEEP. I don't do romance, not really, although to properly answer that I will confess that I do like Jaya enough to write it now and then.
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't really have any WIPs in limbo right now, so I don't have an answer here? Either I finish a fic or I lay it to rest when the momentum dies. No middle ground.
16. what are your writing strengths?
I've been told that I'm very good at comedic timing and imagery! I love trying to paint the mental image of a room - sometimes I even do floor plans to help me out.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
I worry that my action writing is a little too straightforward - I write like I had to when I was a stage manager, so my actions are VERY cut and dried. It helps me visualize better, so I'm unlikely to change, but I wonder sometimes if my readers get sick of it.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've never done it, but I think it's a cool idea!
19. first fandom you wrote for?
Ninjago. I've never written fic for any other.
20. favorite fic you've written?
My favorite usually tends to be my most recent, so that honor goes to If I Can Think (Of Something Clever). It also breaks a few records - both in personal best fic length, and in the fact that it's the first fic I've ever seen that comprehensively gets to Nya's experience during e63 instead of just nodding at it during the aftermath. That entire series is fueled by that "be the fic author you want to see in the world" idea, because let's be real - there isn't a lot of Nya centric Skybound content. When there is, it's usually aftermath, but I want to see the thick of it! I'm doing my best out here.
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mizgrownnonsense · 2 years
I have no children yet, but here’s what I’m thinking about kids and media:
0-5ish: No media, unless it’s together or a trusted adult is helping them pick and keeping an eye on duration. Maybe they have a little mp3 player for their favorite songs (music should be a human right)
Justification: I’ve watched so many toddlers fall down unboxing video rabbit holes on YouTube and it freaks me OUT. I want media to be part of our shared family culture, not a way to check out and go numb. I’m aware that this is a lot more work, and plan to put that work in.
5ish-8ish: There is now an iPad, with some age-appropriate streaming services for movies and shows and some (offline, obv) games Maybe some pre-downloaded favourites and home movies, too. No YouTube at all. The iPad does not have a passcode or time lock, so it isn’t a scarce resource, but we keep an eye on usage and encourage alternatives if they start zombie-ing.
Justification: At 5, kiddo should be able to practice regulating their own attention span and explore media choices more autonomously—within certain parameters. The kid-eating YouTube algorithm is still hard-banned, and there are no messaging/social media/online gaming options. This is about them exploring media independently from us, but not using technology as a conduit to other people just yet.
8-12ish: kiddo gets a phone for direct messaging/calling with friends and family ONLY. The older and dumber the phone the better. Some closed-circle social medias (like Marco Polo) ok. This phone will be checked by parents periodically (sorry) but always with advanced notice and a conversation about what we might be looking for and why.
Justification: This is a good age for texts from grandma/cousins and the ability for them to explore the world and be able to text/call back for help. Obviously, they’ll want to send goofy messages to their friends, too, and that’s great. However, I don’t want them to develop an “audience” yet, so social media is out, and I still want to keep an eye out on how people interact with them, working together to recognise and set boundaries around this kind of communication. Checking their phone is mainly to enforce which apps they use, since they’ll be encountering more social pressure to join social media (and defy rules) around that age. I won’t read my kid’s messages unless I have a concern about their or one of their contacts’ behavior, and if it comes to that, looking at their messages is something I’ll do WITH THEM. We’ll have a conversation about my concerns, what I’m looking for, and what to do about it together.
10-12ish: Some multiplayer games okay, but with oversight around who they interact with and guidance about how to navigate uncomfortable interactions. YouTube is finally available, but with conversation about the ideas they encounter there. I won’t like this, but I can’t keep them off Minecraft forever.
13 ish-17ish: Parental controls off their tech, and a baseline of phone autonomy: no check-ins unless something seems seriously wrong; all check-ins with conversation. Encourage kiddo to manage screentime within other responsibilities and goals, check in if screens become a numbing reflex. Only big rule: MAINTAIN ANONYMITY (no real name, selfies/ vlogging, or identifying details) in any open-form social media. Advise them to be aware of social media that gives them a sense of an “audience” and council them to set boundaries with how they interact with that idea (ie: you don’t owe strangers interactions or energy, you are allowed to make mistakes, you are allowed to change your mind, grow, and change. You do not need to have an opinion on everything, especially if you haven’t had time to think it over, and you can/should block anyone who makes you feel unsafe). Here, I’ll also inform them about para-social relationships and how to navigate those.
Justification: god, I wish the adults in my life at that age told me the same. I cannot tell you how I wince when my full name still pulls up deviant art posts from my teen years on google searches. I have become so much kinder to myself since I let go the idea that I owe a vague internet audience my take on every new thing. Even if the internet wasn’t full of people who could exploit your personal information to harm you (for whatever reason), it does you no service whatsoever to put your most vulnerable developmental years under a public spotlight.
18: Full technology autonomy. Hopefully I’ve prepared kiddo to navigate it well, and left the door open to come to me if they ever need more help/guidance. Good luck, kiddo.
Posting for peer review: what do y’all think?
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bukojuiice · 3 years
— genshin boys and how you take care of them when they’re sick.
ೃ ft. childe, diluc, kaeya, zhongli, and xiao x gn! reader
ೃ tags: modern au, headcanons, and tooth-rotting fluff.
ೃ 200 to 300 words per character.
ೃ genshin masterlist  ♡ mha masterlist  ♡ aot masterlist
ೃ note: if you enjoyed this, please do reblog! and if you want to be a part of my taglist, answer this form! ♡
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Childe has a very strong immunity system. No lame flu could ever get him. Mayhaps it's the below 0-degree temperature in Snezhnaya that helped his body grow accustomed to certain climates and temperatures? Because according to him, he "takes colds and kicks ass." However, after having too much fun and getting too competitive with Scaramouche at the Dragonspine Ski Resort, he's struck down with a terrible fever. From Sneznaya's Greatest Love Machine to sick babie in (y/n)'s care. He's not necessarily the whiny type but Childe is very helpless. Whether it was intentional or not, he couldn’t help himself at all. He forgets about the cough drops he has to drink and you have to remind him about it, when he refuses to eat Goulash fresh from Dragonspine and demands for alphabet soup, or when you're doing work in the living room and he comes up to you wrapped in a burrito blanket, asking for cuddles because "hugs are the best medicine." to which, you would reply with a hard "no." because you couldn't risk the both of you getting sick. (Even though you were craving hugs from him too.) Due to your boyfriend's stubbornness, it took a week before he could fully recover. And when he did, you bet he rushes to you, screaming, "I'm cured!" peppering you with kisses on your cheek and enveloping you in hugs that you've longed so much from him.
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Colds are Diluc's worst enemy. Whenever he got remotely sick when he was a kid, whether it be a runny nose or a small allergy, his immune system literally betrays him. So, when he gets sick, he literally gets sick. Since then, He vowed to maintain a healthy body. You've never even seen him get a headache! It's always been Diluc taking care of you whenever you’re down with a cold. You had always wished for a moment where the tables would turn and it would be you taking care of him for once. That would soon happen on a particularly normal day. Diluc approaches you and asks if you could check his temperature. You bring out a thermometer to check if he has a fever, and it read 38 degrees. Diluc suddenly panics. His face red as a tomato and feeling woozy and lightheaded, your boyfriend wraps his arm around you for support as you bring him to your bedroom. Then, he suddenly sneezes. An adorable sniffle you did not expect to hear from your boyfriend or from anyone as handsome as him at all. It was the cutest "achoo." you've ever heard. You giggle, reaching for his neatly folded pajamas in the closet and handing it to him. "Pretend you didn't hear that." He says coldly, trying to not act embarrassed. Since that night and until he became well, you barely left Diluc’s side. He's wrapped in a blanket, his usual well-dressed get up is replaced with a dark gray hoodie and joggers, your stuffed plushies are cuddled up beside Diluc to keep him company whilst he's bed-ridden, and you're bringing him healthy and delicious meals to help him get better soon. When he had finally recovered, Diluc thought that maybe getting sick wasn't all that bad. Especially if the the one most dearest to him could love and care for him so well while he’s at his weakest.
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Kaeya tries to hide his cold at first. He doesn't want to make you worry too much. After all, he's not the type to get so sick easily anyway. T'was the cursed downpour of rain on that particular Wednesday night after his evening classes to blame for all of this. When you're around him, he clears his throat every time he has the urge to cough, He tries to sneeze as quietly as possible so you wouldn't hear, and he takes his daily medicine for colds behind your back. It wasn't til you accidentally hear his loud coughs whilst he was on his phone when you realized that he had a cold for the past few days now. You were a bit sad at first because Kaeya shouldn't have hid this from you, and yet, you quickly understood when he told you why. Since then, you've been taking care of him. He would lie on your lap as you apply a fever patch on his forehead, massaging his temples, as he coos adoringly at your gestures of affection. In fact, he loved the special treatment that he was getting from you  so much, that even if he was getting better, he still asked if you could rub his temples to ease the pain he's been feeling from his common colds. Although it is very clear that he's already free of his illness, you chose to play along with him. and so from then on, giving Kaeya a loving massage became a part of your daily routine, and he was loving every minute of it.
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As a herb and tea enthusiast, Zhongli is able to keep a healthy mind and body. Chamomile tea before the two of you go to bed and a scented humidifier wafting around your house to rid of the germs. However, after eating something he had ordered for the both of you on Postmates and not knowing there was seafood in it, his mild allergies suddenly strike him with a severe cold. Zhongli hates this feeling. He hates not being able to get up, water the plants, read his books, or stroll around the city with you. He had no physical energy to do anything. He kept your house as clean and as influenza-free as possible. Yet here was, on your shared bed, speaking in a nasally but cute voice, a glass of orange juice on the bedside table, and tuned in to the Discovery Channel because it was the closest he could get to the wonderful world around him whilst he was sick. "I miss hearing your soothing voice." You say jokingly, drying a hot towel so you can pat and place it on Zhongli's forehead. "I'm afraid I can't do anything right now, my love. I'm sorry. A-Actually... my body feels hot. I think I need to take a  shower." Wearing a bathrobe or else he'd shiver and have his condition worsen, you help your boyfriend take a hot bath by washing his hair and help dry it right after. Zhongli wasn't the type of boyfriend to ask for these kinds of things, but it was such a sweet gesture. You gingerly wash his hair, spread shampoo around his auburn streaks and small upward curls, and massaging his head in the process. He hums in delight whilst you giggle at his utters of praise, leaving him once you're done with your deed. After a relaxing bath that had probably defeated the colds that was plaguing him, Zhongli is back on his feet the next day. Unfortunately, you were the next victim of this stupid flu and now, it was Zhongli's turn to take care of you and making sure you would get the love and treatment that you had given him.
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Calling your boyfriend stubborn when he's sick is quite an understatement. As a very productive person, Xiao always sets a certain amount of things to do as his goal for the day. Going to the skate park, hanging out with you, playing sports, or playing video games were just many of the activities he would do in a span of a day. But, when he catches a cold after staying up too late (sleep is for the weak! According to the Vigilant Yaksha as the mad lad had stayed up till 7 AM) after getting too invested in playing Resident Evil Village, he comes down with a flu that same afternoon. And so, his usual routine of going to the skate park, hanging out with you, and playing video games were soon to be replaced with lounging in the bed, taking medicine, being reprimanded by (Y/N) for moving too much, and feeling like shit because he can't do anything at all. You will literally shoot daggers when you see your boyfriend dashing around because he's supposed to be in bed, getting all the rest he can get. You were very strict with him, simply because you had to. Xiao was very careless after all. You were cooking dinner that same night when Xiao comes up to you, resting his chin on your shoulder, wrapping his arms around your waist and whispering, "I can go to school with you tomorrow." "Xiao... no you won't. Go to back to bed. I'll bring you the Veggie Radish Soup there." You reply harshly, paying no attention to him at all. His tsundere tendencies were showing when you deliver the soup to him and he grumbles, "Y-you don't have to take care of me like this. It was my fault as to why I got sick in the first place. I can take care of myself, you know." You raise an eyebrow, giving him a knowing yet loving look. "I know that. But, I'm doing this because I love you. You're my freaking boyfriend for petesake! Why would I not care for you like this!?"
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ೃ taglist: @mignonextte @inlovewithadeptusxiao @duhsies @qimiie @kozu-zumi @volleybloop​
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quicksilverrwrites · 3 years
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: peter maximoff x reader 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: you can’t sleep and neither can peter, but at least you both know exactly how to comfort one another. 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓: 2.4k 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: 18+, fluff, peter and reader are early to mid twenties, british reader 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: y/n is known by the mutant name “scribe” and is charles xavier’s niece.
It’s eleven-thirty, and you can’t sleep.
Your thoughts shift to your lessons in the morning; to how tired you’re going to be; to that iced coffee you’d had while getting your assignment done after class; about how that drink was definitely a bad idea considering how you’re lying awake now. It had tasted good then, and it had given you the energy you needed to fire out five thousand words in the span of a few hours… but now you regret it.
Sighing, you roll over. Your eyes glaze over the objects on the nightstand beside your bed. Your alarm clock, rectangular in size and wooden in material, glares at you. Eleven thirty six. Eleven thirty seven. The time seems to spiral, and you realise that you might as well do something with yourself if you’re awake.
You eye the books stacked on top of the alarm clock; you’d been reading one before and it had bored you half to death, so you can’t bring yourself to pick up any again. What else? What else?
Your gaze settles upon the picture frame on the dresser next to your nightstand, and you let out a sigh as you settle upon the silver-haired speedster within it. You’re next to him, a mere blur since he’d sneakily taken the camera from your hand and taken a picture with an expression that radiates cheekiness, but you’d liked the picture enough to keep it.
You’ve got a few more picture frames scattered around your room—photos of you with Scott, Jean, Jubilee and Kurt. Even some of Charles. You might not be close, but he is your uncle, after all. He’s still family.
And yet it’s Peter you keep your eyes on. It’s Peter's mischievous aura which calls to you across the room.
What would he be doing right now? He’s probably playing video games or practicing on one of his guitars. You’d been surprised to see him play well; you’d been surprised to see that he actually had the attention span it takes to successfully learn an instrument. You would know: your mother used to nag you about practicing the piano to perfection. Practice makes perfect, she’d always said, and yet she’d always left out how much energy it took to practice in the first place.
Is it too late to reach out to him? The two of you have a specific way of speaking to one another across distances by now, although even the thought of doing such a thing due to the time seems rude. Your mother had always told you that it was your duty to be polite, and your father had by example. You think you picked it up from him rather than her, but—
Don’t think of him right now. Don’t think of what happened. Don’t.
As if in an effort to push the memory of that night from your head, you move. You pull the drawer attached to your nightstand open to reveal a mess of junk inside, but what you need—and what you spy—is a pen and paper. You pull it from the drawer and slam the nightstand drawer shut quietly, and after, you get to work writing:
Are you up? Can I come over?
Your fingers buzz with azure energy as you feel your mutation working in your favour. A tiny portal of blue opens before you, one you could make larger if you wished but one which you keep small for now. It’s no larger than a letterbox would be, and the faint sound of music from the other side tells you that Peter is very much awake.
You slip the note through the portal, and then you leave it open as you wait.
When you receive no response for a solid fifteen seconds but can hear movement on the other side, you wonder if this was a mistake after all. It’s too late, you scold yourself, mentally preparing for rejection. Oh, god, this is going to be awkward. What if he—
An empty Twinkie box falls at your feet.
You blink at it, momentarily confused, and then you pick it up. You glance about the dessert’s display as you begin to turn the box over in your hands. Nothing on the front, but on the back—
Scrawled in pink glitter pen—probably his sister’s—, the box reads on the back: Yeah. Come through.
You grin lazily as you set the box down on your bed and extend the portal with your fingers like you’re prying open a heavy door. The orange light from Peter’s basement slips through and becomes one with the light of your dorm, which is yellow and warm with your room’s wooden accented walls and flooring. And as you slip through the portal and your bare feet touch the soft tartan carpet of his room, you let the portal shut with a soft shum behind you—
But Peter Maximoff does not look his best. In fact, he looks downright miserable.
His eyes are red as if he’s been crying, his hair is messy—messier than usual, at least—and he’s wearing a band tee and some tartan pajama bottoms that look intended for comfort rather than style. You were about to say hey, but you stop in your tracks. You tilt your head as you look at him.
Peter is still. It’s strange, especially since he’s usually so eccentric. He blurts out, “What?”
You frown, momentarily stuck for what to say. “Nothing,” you respond, but it doesn’t seem right.
Peter stares at you. You stare at him. You’re both quite similar, so it strikes you then that you both know that you’re each not telling each other something.
“You okay?” You ask, suspicion clear in your tone.
Peter shrugs nonchalantly. It’s a rigid movement. “Yeah,” he says, far too confidently to be true. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
You narrow your eyes on him. His tone of voice has all but solidified your suspicions. “Okay, first of all,” you say, crossing the small space of the room between you and the sofa, “you use a very distinctive tone when you lie.” You settle down on the sofa as you cross your legs under you. “Second, your eyes are really red. Have you been—?”
Crying, you were about to ask, but he cut you off. You narrow your eyes again.
Peter sighs and averts his gaze, running a hand through his hair. “Tonight’s just… not a good night.”
You press your lips together as sympathy wells in your eyes. “Why not?”
“Can’t sleep.”
“That makes two of us."
Peter inhales deeply, and before you know it, he’s sitting on the sofa next to you. You’re used to how fast he moves by now. Something warms your heart in the way he sits with his body angled towards you. Like he’s opening himself up to you.
“Wanna stay here tonight?” He asks.
You glance at the other end of the sofa and then back to him. You’re reminded of how he took the sofa to sleep on that night after you guys got caught in the rain. “Here?”
Peter’s brows rise. “Is my basement not fancy enough for you?”
You know he’s joking even despite the lack of humour in his tone, and you let out a small huff of laughter as you flash him a lazy smile. You sit back on the sofa, reaching out your hand to intertwine it with his. Things between you are still blooming after your first date, but you both feel comfortable enough to do this. Peter’s fingers wrap around yours as he starts drawing patterns on the back of your hand with his free one.
“I just mean,” you murmur, just loud enough to be heard over the backdrop of quiet music, “won’t your mom mind?”
“She didn’t mind when you stayed over last time.”
Your lips quirk upwards in gentle amusement. “That time you slept on the couch. This time I was thinking, I mean, if you want to, then maybe—”
“Oh,” Peter murmurs. His head lifts upwards in a sort of understanding motion. “Yeah, I mean… ah, I can deal with whatever safe sex talk she wants to give me in the morning.”
Your cheeks flush red. “I didn’t mean that. I just meant maybe we could…” Oh, god, embarrassment— “cuddle.”
Peter grins. “Cuddle, huh?” He pauses, until— “Okay,” he murmurs, reaching an arm around the back of the couch to wrap around you. “I guess I could be down for cuddling.”
You snicker softly as you lean into his touch, your head resting against his shoulder. “Do you want to tell me why you looked so upset when I arrived?”
Peter tenses. “It wasn’t because of you, if that’s what you were thinking.”
“Mm,” you murmur, “I think I’m confident enough in our relationship to know that your reaction when seeing me is generally excitement rather than the dread that accompanies sad under eyes and red markings around them.”
He pauses for a few seconds before he lets out a long breath of defeat. “That obvious, huh?”
“Mm,” you murmur, looking up at him. “A little.”
His lips twist to the side as he lowers his gaze. “I was thinking about my dad.”
It’s your turn to pause now, looking up at him in a way you didn’t before. You assess every detail of his body again: the way his shoulders slump, the way his head hangs low, the way his hair falls in the way of his view and his eyes are heavy with something you haven’t seen in him before. He’s usually so full of life.
Is this what he’s hiding deep down?
“Tell me about it,” you say softly.
Peter grimaces. “It’s a long story, and the stupid thing is it’s mostly my fault.”
Frowning, you sit up and face him. “I don’t believe that.”
Peter lets out a humourless laugh that might be bitter if he showed a hint of anger, but he doesn’t. “It’s true. The only time I’ve ever been too slow and it’s in finding the most…”
He trails off, pulling his arm away from around you so that they both now rest in his lap. He continues, “It’s a mess.”
“Start from the beginning."
So he explains, if not vaguely: about trying to find his father, about finding a house empty and police arriving on the scene. Peter had fled at the sight of them, and—
“His name’s Magneto,” he admits. “Erik Lehnsherr. You’ve probably… seen him on TV or something."
Suddenly, it all adds up. You weren’t at school to see what happened with Apocalypse, but you’ve heard about it from your friend group. Peter doesn’t talk about it very much, and now you know why; had he been part of that whole adventure because of his father? He hadn’t been involved with Xavier’s School before, that much you know.
You suck in a breath. Okay, Y/N, push the fact that his dad’s a known terrorist aside— “Does he know?”
Peter shakes his head. “Nah. I had the chance to tell him and I didn’t. I screwed it up. And now I’m right back where I was before all of it, because I have no clue where he is and no way of telling him the truth. I couldn’t even do it for Wanda.”
“Hey,” you murmur, your fingers moving to cup his cheeks. “Fight or flight, right? It’s normal. To see him right in front of you—to have to muster up the courage to tell him? Knowing what a change that would be for you? Peter, that’s normal.”
Peter’s eyes well with softness as he listens to you, gazes upon you, and you think you’ve never seen him look so vulnerable as he lowers his head to your shoulder. He takes in a shaky breath; wraps his arms around you; pulls you into his lap—
“Thanks,” he murmurs into your shirt. It’s not his shirt this time; you’re wearing a pyjama set that consists of blue silk shorts and a top. “Not sure I believe you, but thanks, Y/N.”
“Is there anything I can do to make you believe me?”
Peter takes a deep breath. “Aside from mind control? Not sure.”
You press your lips together and begin to stroke his hair. “To be honest,” you murmur, “I’m not sure I’d believe you if you tried to tell me something similar about my father, either.”
Peter lets out a choked laugh. “Maybe that’s why we work together.”
Your lips curve upwards, still stroking his hair. His face is still buried in your shoulder. “Maybe,” you whisper, pressing a soft kiss to his head.
Peter shifts so that he’s leaning against the back of the sofa and you’re in his lap again. You turn so that you’re straddling his waist, but your fingers find his jaw to cup the skin there. Your thumb brushes soothingly against his skin.
“You mean a lot to me,” Peter murmurs, staring up at you. It’s almost as if the music in the room has stopped; it’s almost as if the two of you are the only souls left in existence. His brows are slightly raised and there is awe in his voice as he says, “I don’t really believe you’re real half the time.”
You let out a soft laugh. “Definitely real, Peter. Definitely here.”
“Yeah,” he says, his tone riddled with amusement, “and here of all places. You could be anywhere. You’re like, perfect and—”
“Ssh,” you murmur, pressing a finger to his lips. “I don’t want to be anywhere but here with you.”
Peter tilts his head up towards you, a silent request for consent, and you kiss him in answer.
He wraps his arms around your waist as he deepens the kiss, your tongue slipping out to meet his own. He makes a low, guttural noise between pleasure and content at the feeling of it, and your free hand clutches at his shirt as your other hand remains at his jaw.
You spend the rest of the evening like that, whether it's on the sofa or in his bed, but in those moments together there’s nothing carnal about it. Your touches are soft and comforting rather than lustful and yearning, and as much as you’ve thought about him that way before, you know that now’s not the time.
Tonight, you both need this. Tonight, your sole purpose is to be there for one another.
“And for the record,” Peter murmurs between kisses, his words random and uncalculated, “I think your tragic backstory’s way worse than mine.”
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farfromharry · 3 years
The one with homecoming | Peter’s girl
Summary: You accompany Mj to homecoming when Peter decides to go with Liz, but eventually end up comforting Peter after he gets into a large fight as Spiderman
Word count - 2,600
warnings - mentions of injuries, maybe some language?
Homecoming was fastly approaching, and after the year you and your friends had had, you were more than excited. You were hoping that you and Mj could go together, as friends of course, no boys that would only serve to ruin your night with how irritating they were; yes, that included Ned and Peter.
“What if I asked Peter to Homecoming?” she said abruptly, breaking the comfortable silence you’d been in while eating together. You nearly choked on your food for multiple reasons. One, that was a very bold thing to do for Mj, and two, you really didn’t want her to go with Peter. She stared at you with wide eyes while you took a swig of your water to cool your burning throat, expecting some kind of explanation for that reaction.
“No, no boys,” you whined, hand reaching over to link your fingers with Mj’s across the table. “Let’s just go together.” She ignored the evident pleading and excitement in your eyes, the girl telling you that she really wanted to try her luck with Peter, finally find out if he likes her back. You were convinced your heart could have shattered right there, but you instead plastered a playful pout on your lips instead, showing your disapproval of the idea. “Still don’t think it’s a good idea,” you murmured, moreso under your breath so she wouldn’t hear you, retracting your hand from hers rather defeatedly.
“What was that?”
You opened your mouth to stutter out a response when you were thankfully saved by the bell, though not the actual bell, in this case it was a frantic and flustered looking Peter Parker. You and Mj shared a look of simultaneous confusion, watching as the boy took a seat opposite you, seeming quite out of breath.
“I need your help,” he said, trying to take a second to catch his breath before he explained what was going on.
“Why?” Mj asked, looking quite unimpressed that he’d interrupted your conversation, even if it was actually about him and her feelings for said boy. He took a deep breath, looking at you both with a tight lipped, nearsay awkward, smile.
“I just asked Liz to Homecoming.” For the second time in the span of such little time, you choked on your food, finding Peter’s words very difficult to believe. You stared at him with wide eyes, trying to figure out how this incredible socially awkward boy could ever ask the gorgeous, social butterfly of the school to a very crowded school event.
Mj could physically feel her heart sink and she nearly felt sick. However, like always she hid behind that same face of uninterest, feigning the idea that those words didn’t stab into her chest everytime they repeated over and over in her head.
“That’s amazing Pete, but I don’t know how we can help?” you said. You’d hoped the words would discourage him enough that he’d go ask Ned or something about all his questions, leaving you and the heartbroken Mj to not have to deal with this. But clearly he didn’t get the hint.
“I-I need you to help me with, you know, girls.”
You sighed, feeling Mj’s tense energy even from just sitting beside her, and part of you wondered how Peter couldn’t feel it too. But looking at the boy he looked so happy, practically glowing and flashing you that innocent smile that you didn’t know how to say no to. With another sigh you decided you’d do this yourself, you wouldn’t force Mj to sit and listen to you talk about how Peter can impress a girl that isn’t her.
“Why don’t you swing by my place tonight, I’ll uh, help you out.’ You mentally smiled to yourself at the accidental pun you’d thrown in there. Swing, Spiderman, get it?
“You’re a lifesaver Y/N, thank you,” he said, scattering away to probably go and tell Ned the good news.
Between you and Mj now was a very uncomfortable silence. You didn’t know if it was because you’d agreed to help Peter or if she was still dwelling on his date not being her, and the fact she didn’t even get to ask him first. Either way though you had no idea how to start a new conversation, the two of you sitting silently side by side. Thankfully this time you were saved by the literal bell, a muttered thank you coming from you.
“I’ll see you later,” you said, standing from your seat and offering her a warm smile which unfortunately wasn’t returned. “Whatever.”
The build up to homecoming felt like hell for Mj. She’d voiced to you over the last week all her worries about having to watch Peter and Liz getting to be all lovey-dovey all night and your heart broke for her. You could tell even though she was opening up to you about this, she was still much more hurt by the idea than she was letting on and you’d never been more angry at the clueless boy.
You’d try to assure and reassure her plenty of times that what they got up two didn’t matter. The two of you were going to have fun and you were going to enjoy yourselves tonight without any more heartache. After all Peter was just a dumb high school boy.
When the actual night arrived the girl was freaking out more than you think you’d ever seen her freak out. Some part of her was convinced she had to look perfect just in case Peter so happened to glance her way at any point during the night.
So here you were helping her get ready. She’d bought a pretty dress and insisted on doing her hair the same way as usual after you tried another style and she decided she hated it. She’d obviously apologised for momentarily snapping at you but you’d understood she was feeling really stressed.
You knew what it was like to constantly try and impress someone and fail each and every time, so you couldn’t blame her attempts at trying.
It didn’t take too long for both of you to get ready, however Mj was quick to begin doubting herself as she stared in the mirror for too long. You could see the insecurity on her face and your heart panged with sympathy.
“You’re going to kill tonight,” you said. You could tell your words had an effect on her as she began to shyly play with her hands. You grinned to yourself, bringing her hands in yours and up to your mouth to press a sweet kiss onto her knuckles. “You’re so perfect,” you told her.
Of course you didn’t actually want Peter to realise what was right in front of him and date Mj, but you weren’t going to hurt her because of your own feelings.
“Well, we should head out while we still look hot,” you said, sending her a wink that had her rolling her eyes at you. She took your hand and watched as your smile grew wider as she led you out of your apartment. “Let’s go.”
The night felt like it was flying by with the amount of fun you were having. After making sure Mj couldn’t keep her eyes on Peter she loosened up quite a bit. You’d actually managed to get the stubborn girl to dance with you a little bit, something that not a single part of you expected to happen.
It was only when moving to get another drink you saw Liz sitting alone on the bleachers, no Peter in sight. You tapped Mj’s shoulder to draw her attention to it, motioning over to the girl. If she was being honest, her first reaction was relief, relief that her crush wasn’t dancing the night away with a girl that wasn’t her.
But after a quick re-evaluation of her feelings, she felt a strand of sympathy grow for the girl, but only a really really miniscule one.
“We have to help her,” you reasoned, trying to talk some sense into your friend. With a hesitant answer she nodded, swallowing her hurt and pride and following you over to the bleachers where Liz looked as though she was ready to cry.
She saw the two of you approach and offered you both a weak smile, having no protest to you taking a seat beside her.
“Are you okay?” you asked. She chuckled quietly, probably at herself for getting so worked up over a teenage boy, but nevertheless shook her head.
“He left. He said he was sorry and left.”
She truly did sound hurt by his actions, and you were mentally cursing Peter for hurting yet another sweet girl that didn’t deserve his stupidity.
“Where did he go?” you asked, trying to console the girl. She just shrugged, resting her head on your shoulder sadly as Mj watched the two of you. You rubbed your hand up and down Liz’s back, sending your best friend a warning glare as you saw the way her eyes sparkled. Whether it was out of hope or happiness, neither were appropriate right now.
Part of Mj really was happy that Peter had abandoned Liz. She’d told you that the only thing that could possibly ruin tonight was having to watch them together the whole night when she desperately wished it was her.
“I’m sorry Liz,” she said, pushing her feelings aside to try and be the bigger person. The girl nodded, flashing Mj a sad smile as she brought her hands up to wipe any stray tears.
“I think,” she started, drawing your and Mj’s attention to her. “I think I’m just going to go home.”
Your anger towards Peter only increased with Liz’s words. “Are you sure? You can stay with us if you’d like,” you offered. You could feel Mj’s glare burning into your side as you said the words and the girl was sure she’d cry if Liz was to agree to your suggestion.
Luckily for her though, Liz was quick to deny, telling you both that she really would prefer to go home than keep getting stares of pity and feel this deep sense of embarrassment. It isn’t everyday that someone gets stood up by a ‘nerd’ like Peter Parker, especially not someone like Liz Allan.
The two of you watched as she left the gym, ignoring the stares of nosey teenagers.
As soon as the doors were closed again you turned your full attention to Mj. “I’m proud of you,” you whispered, leaning your head on her shoulder. She sighed, shaking her head but leaning it on top of yours anyway.
“I was being selfish-“ she tried to argue. “But you did the right thing in the end,” you said, wrapping your arms around her in a comforting way. You felt the way the apples of her cheeks pressed against your head more defined and you just knew she was smiling at your words.
“Now, let’s go enjoy our night.”
You were over the moon by the time you got back to your apartment that night. Your parents had made you tell them all about it and you could hardly contain your excitement from the night you’d spent dancing away with Mj. But overall, you were still exhausted and you were ready to just crawl into your bed and sleep for the next few hours.
You entered your room with your smile still permanently stuck on your face, closing the door behind you and pressing your back to the wood as you tried to calm your excitement from the night.
You didn’t expect someone to already be in your room, sitting on your bed to be exact. You flipped on the light and nearly had a heart attack upon seeing the suited boy sitting there, clutching his ribs with a pained expression on his face.
“Peter, oh my god,” You shrieked, trying to keep your voice down so you didn’t alert your parents. The boy’s face was beaten black and blue and from the way he was walking and clutching at his stomach, the rest of him wasn’t much better. “What happened to you?” you asked, rushing over to him to take a close look at his injuries. You could see the tears forming in his waterline and your heart ached for him, carefully wrapping your arms around him.
“Come on,” you said, leading him to your bathroom, a very familiar occurrence recently. Neither of you spoke while you tended to the cuts on his face. You wanted to let him tell you what happened when he was ready, plus you didn’t exactly feel like talking as you tried to quickly come down from the excitement of the night.
Your eyes caught sight of his hand resting in his lap, the skin split on his knuckles that had you wincing at the sight.
“Your hand,” you pointed out, noticing the slight burn marks on his skin when his hand shifted. He shook his head, telling you to ignore it and just help with his face. You tended to his busted lip and the cut right on his cheekbone, wiping away as much blood and dirt as you could.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
His eyes were burning holes into yours while you worked on him, noticing the concerned glint every time he’d hiss or wince at some pressure.
“No,” he whispered, the tears from earlier beginning to spill over his cheeks. You cooed quietly, pulling him back into you just so you could hold him. After tonight you were sure Mj would explode seeing the way you were holding Peter, and you felt guilty even if your actions were incredibly innocent. You wouldn’t dream of hurting her like that.
“What happened?” you asked, in the softest voice you could muster. You lightly guided his chin so he was looking into your eyes, his big doe eyes making him look like a lost puppy.
“This is going to sound insane, but,” he laughed to himself. “I- I was fighting Liz’s dad.”
He watched as your eyes widened in shock, your body freezing as you tried to process the words he’d just said. He tried to answer as many of your questions as he could before you even opened your mouth, knowing exactly what was already going through your head.
“Well, do you remember Liz’s party when you saw me on the roof?” It took a lot of explaining from Peter. But he eventually managed to tell you the entire story, right from the alien weapons the night of the party to taking him down and handing him over to the cops. You were surprised but you were sure these were the kinds of things you were going to have to get used to knowing his secret.
Conversation was quick to die down afterwards, neither of you knowing what else to say on the matter, but the thought of Liz after he left her in the gym was eating him alive.
“Did she seem mad?” he asked, timidly. Of course you knew who he was talking about straight away. You thought back on the night and even though it wasn’t the answer he wanted, you had to shrug your shoulders. “She was upset,” you said.
You heard him sigh beside you. “Did I really screw this up?” he asked, laying his head on your shoulder. You sighed, resting your head on top of his, much like how Mj had done to you earlier this afternoon. You weren’t planning on sugar coating this for him. “Yeah, you did.”
peter’s girl taglist → @sunsetholland @captainamirica @tomsirishgirlx @givebuckyhisplumsnow @lou-la-lou @slutforsr @tayyx @gog0juice @minejungwoo @creatorofthegalaxy @annathesillyfriend @paninipress @bvttercupbby @peterswebshooters @whoeveniskendall @itsallyscorner @hoodpankow @sunwardsss @hallecarey1 @writingrem @mamaparker28 @n0eliii @lovehollandy12 @ifyouknewhowmiserylovedme
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0risha · 3 years
I'll take the first product and btw congrats on 1k!!!
I'm a Scorpio with a MBTI type of INTJ and 6w5
I've done a bit of boxing in my time so I have fast fists along with martial arts. A very laid back person, extremely nonchalant and not very prone to reactions especially in terms of negative light. It takes alot to rile me up and I'm extremely patient so it's hard to really make me upset. I love driving around the city especially at night. My ideal date in general is kinda just nighttime activity, I wander the streets sometimes (I wear a binder and hoodie to keep safe) especially since I'm an insomniac. I'll occasionally ride around and just have those 3 am chill days. I smoke weed too so that's another thing-
My love language is physical touch and words of affirmation, I'm all about making my partner comfortable though so I'm flexible to whatever there comfortable with. A listener at heart, I'm known to be very silent and listen to other people's problems and offer advice when I can.
I want someone who knows how to treat me right and can match my energy and respect me. A ride or die til the end and if things don't work out then we can stay friends.
Some things I'd do for my partner is take them on a drive and spoil them relentlessly. If they've had a bad day then I usually coddle them in my arms since I'm tall for a female (5'9) and do what I can to make sure there okay. I make music for them or sing to them because it's a passion of mine.
Tokyo revengers male matchup!
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˚₊❏ sanzu haruchiyo
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"it doesn't work like that." for a second, you're nearly startled to death but the scent of copper and sandalwood easily soothed over your worries.
"there's way more steps than . . . whatever it is they're doing, especially if it's that specific type of wound." sanzu points, his honeyed voice too close to your ear.
you roll your eyes, not bothering to avert your attention from the crime tv show. squinting, you watch as a man's placed into a body bag. "thank you for informing me, mr. criminal."
"you're very welcome, just making sure you're not misinformed." slightly bending over, he places a chaste kiss on your clavicle, then a nip. you swat away at his head.
"missed me?" he tumbles over the couch and into the cushions. you hum, too focused on the scene beforehand. his head comes to lay on your thigh with an expecting hum. without a second thought, your fingers are combing through his long locks. he sighs, liberated while you rub circles at his scalp.
"i got your favorite pasta from your favorite restaurant." visibly, you light up. your eyes scan the kitchen in search of the treasured plastic container of food.
when you spot it, a hand comes to cup his jaw. his heart stops as you plant wet kisses across the span of his face.
pink, the color of his hair strands, dusts over his cheeks. heat reaches down his neck and completes its journey to his ears. when you're done, you're up in a flash. the sound of a plastic bag and a bowl clanking is all sanzu hears as you grab your bowl of pasta.
his scars raise as he lightly smiles.
there're words lodged in his throat, words he wishes to say. something along the lines of corny and appreciative. words that convey how you make his chest cave in, his heart too erratic to be kept in a place so small.
but he holds it in, too scared that'd you poke fun. instead, he opts to place his attention back on you as you plop back down on the couch. your eyes are still unnaturally bright as you stuff your face full with food.
"let me get a bite." he urges, pressing forward. you give him a look of skepticism but still give in.
if anything, he'd tell you soon.
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orisha's 1k event :: open
(matchups are closed)
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queenmuzz · 4 years
A Seed of Truth
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A Fluffy Vergil x Reader One Shot
Life went on as usual in the peaceful island city of Fortuna.  Lord Sparda ruled with a benevolent hand over the people with his wife, Lady Eva, nurturing the arts and culture of the populace.  They were the perfect couple, each combining their strengths and abilities, to lead the island into a golden age.
And then there were their sons, the twins Vergil and Dante.  While the Lord and Lady were quite too busy to make regular appearances to the common folk, the Princes were not that restrained.  Prince Dante was regularly seen chatting at the market, buying up lots of strawberries, while slipping the kids little chocolates and candies when he thought their parents weren’t looking, before racing off on his custom built bike.
Prince Vergil, on the other hand, was a bit more reserved.  You’d seen him at your place of work, the library, deep in a book, or in the Fortuna Gardens, admiring the flowers, giving off an aura  that he didn’t want to be disturbed.  But when someone mustered up the courage to talk to him, he was kind and courteous, especially when the subject turned to his interests, such as literature, or gardening.  He was a man of few words, unlike his brother, but he never minced words, always preferring to speak the truth over flattering speech.
What both men had in common though, was they were both devilishly handsome.  With their father’s bone white hair, and their mother’s elegant facial features, the two men could look good in anything, whether it was formal outfits, as well their casual clothes (Usually a red leather motorcycle jacket for Dante, and a dark blue turtleneck for Vergil).  And with both of them single and available, there was a large part of the city gossiping on who they might choose to settle down with.
So it happened you were in the market with your friend, Sarah, one beautiful spring day when you heard the sound of trumpets, and the clanging of the City Herald’s bell, signaling an announcement.  The crowds began to converge to the centre of the piazzo.  Ripples of excitement fluttered rapidly as everyone realized that the herald was not alone.  There, standing behind the man were the twin Princes, both in their formal royal attire. Dante beamed like the cat that caught the canary, while Vergil...looked more like the canary that had been caught.  You almost felt bad at how uncomfortable he looked, surrounded by so many people, but if he was here despite how much he disliked crowds, this meant whatever was about to be announced was very important.
“HEAR YE! HEAR YE!” the herald announced, clanging his bell one last time, and the crowd was silenced.  Satisfied that he would not be interrupted, the herald continued.
“A ROYAL ANNOUNCEMENT!  PRINCE VERGIL HAS DECIDED IT IS TIME FOR HIM TO MARRY!” A gasp came from the crowd, then cheers, which Vergil did his best to ignore.  The herald rang his bell again.
“That seems rather...shallow,” Sarah muttered as already, every young eligible woman pushed aside the crowds to make a beeline to the basket, “but who am I to judge?  Besides…” she grinned, “he’s pretty good looking.” “Yes, Prince Vergil is rather handsome,” you admitted.  
Sarah did a double-take, “Nah, I meant prince Dante, I wouldn’t mind if he bent me over his motorcycle and-”
“They’re twins! They’re virtually identical!”
“In looks, yeah...but personality, they’re night and day… and I prefer the day.” She looked at you expectedly, “Well, what are you waiting for?  Go get in line!” “I couldn’t…” you protested.
“Oh come on...it’ll be fiiine, you’re a pretty good gardener, I’ve seen the plants you keep in your rooftop garden, you’ll grow the best fricken’ chryth-  chrythan…”
“Chrysthanthemums,” you clarified…”You can call them ‘mums’, that’s what a lot of people do. And…” you stared at the ever growing line of women.  “Well, I suppose, worst case scenario, I’ll have a pretty flower for the autumn season”, and so, you went to the end of the line, ready to get your chance to spend your life with the handsome, aloof, but intelligent prince.  As you took your place, you heard Sarah murmur, “I hope Prince Dante has a motorcycle race as a contest….”
Eventually, you got to the front of the line, and were given a pinch of seeds.  You tried to keep your eyes averted from the two princes, as you wrapped them in a handkerchief, but you couldn’t help but glance up, to see the younger prince, still beaming, while his older brother stood stiffly, his brows furrowed, his arms crossed.
“This is a terrible idea, brother.”  You heard Vergil mutter.
“Nah, this,” Dante spread his arm out, “this is the perfect way to find the lady of your dreams.” “None of these women seem to possess the qualities I desire…” “Well, leave your pessimism until the fall...you can beat my ass if you don’t find what you’re looking for.”
You got home, and quickly brought out a shallow glazed blue pot out from your shed. It would be the perfect starter pot for it to sprout, before you could transplant into a flower pot proper.  And then, you carefully poured a layer of sandy soil, before gently unwrapping the handkerchief and sprinkling the seeds onto the moist dirt.  There was something...off about the seeds...like they were too clean, but you paid it no mind.  These were most likely from the Fortuna Castle Gardens, so they were top quality, so even if you didn’t pay attention to the plant, you would most likely grow better than the average flower.  But you weren’t just going to neglect this chance of a lifetime.  
Measuring out precise amounts of fertilizer, and a bit of water, not too much, not too little, you were going to put your life and soul into this plant.  So much so, that the Prince would feel your love and care radiating out of each and every petal.
******* Ten days passed, with you constantly making sure that the soil wasn’t too moist, to discourage mildew, and keeping it under a fluorescent light, and yet no bright green sprouts poked out.  That was alright, the flower had a variable growing period, you had a nearly two week span for it to begin to sprout.  Every Morning, you had a routine.  You’d wake up, and while your breakfast toast browned, you’d check on the pot, giving it a sprinkle of water, and when needed, a dusting of fertilizer, before setting it back up to face the light.  And each night, you’d give it a final check, occasionally singing it a lullaby.  Yes, it was silly, but you couldn’t help but do everything to help it grow
But nearly a month later, still nothing.  You bit your knuckle as you paced your rooftop garden, the pot now being placed in the sunshine during the day, some netting to protect it from birds and rodents, trying to figure out why there hadn’t been any sprouts.  Perhaps the breed was a slow growing one, saving up energy for a robust bloom in the fall.  Yes, that would be the reason.  But, to ease your mind, you decided to check out with some of your acquaintances that had participated in the competition.  Nothing too intrusive, not spying, just to see how everything was going for them.
Your downstairs neighbor, a young woman who worked at the corner cafe, smiled when you asked how progress was going.  “It’s going wonderful!” she exclaimed, and quickly showed off her pot.  To your dismay, the healthy shoots spiked out two inches out of the soil, a good week and half of growth. “Yours must be twice this size!” your neighbor gushed, “you’re such a good person with all types of plants!  Do you mind showing me?” “I uh..” you scrambled to find an excuse, “I don’t want to disturb the growing plants more than necessary at this stage,” which was true, if your plant had a chance of growing healthy at this point, it couldn’t be put under any stress.
“Ah, understandable...well,” she looked back at her plant like a loving mother looking proudly at her baby, “May the best gardener win!” 
The door shut in your face, as you glumly went up the stairs to your apartment…
Yes, may the best gardener win…
Summer came with a flash of heat, and even though your flowers hadn’t even so much peeked out of the soil, you continually did your routine of watering, fertilizing, and caring for the apparently lifeless pot.  You still had hope...you HAD to keep up hope.  One of those seeds had to be viable, just waiting to burst out like one of those prank snakes in a can….but nothing.
It didn’t help that everywhere you went, from your work at the library, to the market, all you could hear was women bragging about how healthy, how large, and how vibrant their budding plants were.  In fact, some of the ladies would go in public, either carrying their plants to show them off, with glossy green leaves, or if they were upper class, have a servant follow behind them, lugging the pot around, like a governess watching over their child.
Unfortunately, a new law had to be passed, after a half dozen women got into a full out brawl in the piazza, each fighting for the right to having the ‘best’ chrysanthemum, to ban the carrying of plants in the marketplace, except for the purposes of sale.  Thankfully, the only casualties of the savage fight was several pots and their unfortunate occupants….and the hopes and dreams of their owners.
And yet, seeing all these plants, hearing the boasts about how well they grew, just depressed you.  You had worked so, so hard… and nothing.  How could you show up with a pot of dirt, while surrounded by such wonderful specimens?  You might as well drop out of the contest, and save yourself the humiliation.
Two weeks before the Fall market fair was set to begin, Sarah came over to your house.  You hadn’t let anyone in, ashamed at your failure, terrified you’d be laughed out of town for not being able to raise a plant as hardy and simple to grow as a Chrysanthemum.  But...Sarah was different, she didn’t have a stake in the whole contest.
“How’s the Chryth- I mean the Mum growing business?” She innocently asked, unaware of your summer of troubles “it’s gotta be, like six feet tall, with your skills.  Prince Vergil’s gonna be knocked out of his royal pants when he sees yours, eh?”
It was time to break the truth, both to your friend… and yourself.  “I’m… I’m not going to the fair.”
It took Sarah a moment, while she blinked, once, twice...three times.  
You led her up to the rooftop, the sun of a late afternoon warming the nape of your neck, to show her the shallow blue pot, without a hint of green. “Nothing grew...I did everything I was supposed to, I watered, I fertilized, I made sure it wasn’t too cold or too hot...and still...nothing”  Even now, you tried to make sure the tears that dribbled down your cheeks didn’t splash into the soil, salt water would be bad for the seeds.  “I can’t go...can’t show everyone what a failure I was.  Everyone else will have beautiful flowers, and all I’ll have...is this.”
Sarah rubbed your shoulder in support, but her voice was firm.  “You should still bring it.  I know you, I know you put a heart and soul into raising those seeds, I can feel it.  Bring it to the fair, and if Prince Vergil can’t sense about how much love you shoved into every seed, then fuck him, he ain’t worth your time.”  She wiped your tears with a tissue, helping you calm down.  Perhaps she had a point. You had done everything you could, you couldn’t be blamed for neglect.  “Honestly, your mum is personally my favourite all this year.”
Perplexed, you looked at your friend.
“Everyone is growing these damn things. I think I’m gonna puke if I get another whiff of a mum.   Yours smells the nicest.”
At least, Sarah’s sense of humour lightened your spirits, if only a little.
Sarah wasn’t wrong.  The overpowering smell of hundreds of white blooms blotted over the traditional scents of the autumn fair, such as apple pie or roast pork.  And instead of the the mooing and baaing of prizewinning cows and sheep, all you could hear were the titterings and gossip of the young women of the city, each bragging about how hard they worked to grow their flowers, how much love and care they’d placed into each glossy leaf, on how it was a certainty that they’d catch the Prince’s eye.
You tried to stay as inconspicuous as possible, and mostly you succeeded, as everyone was more focused on their own plant, or giving out disapproving looks at their nearby rival’s.  But every so often, a lady would look down confused at your pot, before giving a small pitying smile.  You could even tell your otherwise perfectly nice downstairs neighbor was secretly relieved that she didn’t have any competition from you.
The only one who paid attention to you, without judgement, was Sarah, who gave you an encouraging smile.
“After this, let’s go to the bar and get so plastered you forget this entire summer, my treat!” she chirped, and you couldn’t help but smile.  In truth, you really wanted to wipe this whole debacle out of your memory for the rest of your life.  Just a few more minutes to go….
The sound of the herald’s bell silenced the crowd, and all the contestants stood up a bit straighter, some checking both their dresses and plants one last time, ready to present their best.  Even you couldn’t help doing the same.
“HEAR YE! HEAR YE!”  The stiff man called out, ringing his bell one last time.  “THE JUDGMENT WILL NOW BEGIN,”  a group of finely dressed people, apparently the judges, stood up, but the Herald continued, “WITH BOTH PRINCE DANTE AND PRINCE VERGIL AS THE FINAL ARBITRATORS.”  Everyone, including yourself, did a collective gulp as the familiar colours of Crimson and Azure appeared on the platform.  Both men were dressed to perfection, their gold tasseled lapels shining in the fall sunlight, their black pants perfectly pressed.  But their looks on their faces seemed cold...almost upset.  Even the usually jovial smile on the younger twin was gone, replaced by a worried frown.  But that was nothing in comparison with Vergil’s face.  He looked...disgusted.  Surrounded by some of the most gorgeous flowers you had ever seen, and he yet, seemed to be repulsed by them all as his eyes scanned the crowd.  If these plants weren’t up to his high standards, your pot didn’t have a chance.
“I told you this was a terrible idea…” you heard him mutter, presumably to his brother, “Not a single woman has what I am looking for...the dishonesty of it all. When we get home, I don’t care how much mother protests, you will regret ever suggestin-” he stopped.  His eyes were fixed at one point, and everyone followed his line of sight…
that led to you and your little barren pot. 
Without warning, Prince Vergil quickly stepped down the wooden stairs, his footsteps steady but his frantic pace betraying something more.  Even now, as he approached, you thought that maybe he was looking at the lady beside you, a smaller than average plant, but one with many, many healthy white blooms.  That MUST be who he was interested in.  His face wasn’t as upset as before, but you couldn’t tell what his exact feelings were.  But as he got closer, now a few paces away, his eyes never left you, and you couldn’t help it, you averted your eyes, partially out of deference, partially out of fear.  Was he offended that you had dared bring this failure to be judged?  Your heart pounded so loud, you could barely make out the sound of his footsteps stopping before you, the only reason you could tell he was there, was his shiny black leather shoes halting in front of you.
“Your name?” he demanded, but not as harshly as you had feared.  You gave it out, your voice trembling.
“And this…” his long, elegant fingers grazed against the edge of the blue glaze, “is your attempt at growing a White Chrysanthemum?”  Strange, you’d expected him to be dismissive, but there was a sense of earnestness in the questition. You nodded, trying to get the words out.  “Y-yes, My Lord.  I did...I did everything I could...I watered, I fertilized, I gave the seeds all the sunlight it could ever need, but…” You couldn’t keep back the sob that burst from your throat, and tears dribbled down your cheeks.  You were so ashamed at your failure.
Unexpectedly, you felt warm fingers on your chin, gently lifting your face up, to finally look up at him.  You’d never been so close to the Prince before, and he was even more handsome up close.  And that hard expression that once there, was gone, replaced by something that confused you.  It looked like...admiration?  But for what?
“You were the only one, out of everyone here,” he spoke softly, for your ears alone, “who didn’t hide behind lies...you did all you could, and didn’t hide your supposed ‘failure.’” The way he emphasised that last word puzzled you and you gave him a quizzical look.  He smiled softly and pulled out a silk blue handkerchief to wipe your tears away.  
“Ladies and Gentleman!”  Dante strode up to front of the platform, temporarily ripping everyone’s attention from you and the Prince.  He had a grin that looked like he had been keeping it in for weeks, or even months. “I’d like to make a VERY IMPORTANT announcement.”  He took a breath, obviously savouring the moment.  “You see, when we gave out those seeds...well, before we brought them out...we boiled them, the entire batch.  Therefore…” he trailed off allowing the quicker members assembled to place the pieces together. “None of the seeds should be growing anything, you might as well used them for bug spray”  
Panicked gasps came from the women, each rapidly looking at each other, and then down at the pots they held.  A sound of shattering clay as several pots smashed from being dropped by some of the shocked ladies, who quickly ran for the exit of the fair, the crowds parting away for them.
Dante yanked the bell out of the Herald’s hand, and rang it, signalling everyone to settle down.  “See, what my dear brother wanted in a woman wasn’t a good gardener, although there’s nothing wrong with that.  Verg’s pretty handy at growing stuff…” his grin softened to genuine pride, “No, what he wanted was a woman who could be truthful to him, not try to flatter him with lies to soothe his pride and ego… And trust me, his ego is as big as it is....”
Vergil swung his head over to his younger brother, scowling momentarily, cutting the speech off.  But, slowly, he turned back to you, his fingers stroking the rapidly dry tear tracks on your cheeks.  “I..know this… whole turn of events is rather sudden and unexpected...but...will,” he struggled with the words, the first time you had ever seen him this nervous, “will you take me?”
Your eyes watered up with tears, but not out of grief, but of happiness.  You smiled, and nodded, not trusting your voice to say anything.  He almost seemed surprised at your assent, standing stock still  momentarily, before his smile blossomed fully as he took your hand and led you through the quickly parting crowds, as a large amount of cheers erupted in congratulations, celebrating Fortuna’s newest Princess.  
You felt a brush against your shoulder, and heard the voice of Sarah’s at your ear.  “I knew you could do it!” She was barely audible above the crowd, “Now...would Your Royal Highness mind putting a good word for me with Prince Dante?...”
Tagging    mandyvc  (won’t let me tag you for some reason)
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lala-ladybug · 3 years
Healing Hands: Chapter 1
Hello hello! First fic here, it’s a Maribat AU with a side of Sword Art Online. Or what I remember from having watched the show once about five years ago. We’ve got Marinette and minimal class salt, Young Justice but only the good parts, and primarily Jasonette. Please spread the word (I am a tiny sideblog) and let me know what you think <3
Read here on AO3
Chapter 1: You have no idea how many baddies I’m going to blow up because of you
Friday, at long last. Marinette could not have exhaled a bigger sigh of relief. It was mid-way through the school term, her commissions were ramping up, and Hawkmoth had become frustratingly active. Her duties as class president had only increased as she and her friends neared the end of lycée, not to mention all the studying she was doing for the baccalauréat on top of her regular school work. Commissions were booming now that her popularity as the anonymous designer MDC was soaring worldwide. She wouldn’t give any of it up for the world, but she might enjoy getting more than three or four hours of sleep for once.
There was only part of her life that had gotten easier since that day three years ago when she was entrusted with a pair of spotted earrings and an old god to match. Ladybug started out with one partner, but she now had a whole team to share the responsibilities of keeping their city safe. Ryuko and Viperion became permanent fixtures of the Parisian rooftops, and Bourdonne replaced Queen Bee after the infamous (albeit self-inflicted) unmasking of Chloe Bourgeois. The people of Paris looked to these heroes with pride and trust.
And Marinette Dupain-Cheng, now the Guardian of the Miraculous, looked to her partners with trust as well. She had decided that with her in charge, she could no longer keep secrets from her friends, from her new Order of the Guardians. She discussed it with Chat Noir, and he had smiled and agreed that it was time. And one day, when Ladybug gathered her teammates on a remote rooftop in the dead of night, she said only “I trust you,” before allowing her transformation to fall.
She wasn’t nervous, not really. She knew Kagami and Luka had good hearts, and she had seen firsthand how much Chloe had grown. Those three accepted her civilian self, her true self, without half a thought, and followed their leader in dropping their transformations as well. Chloe got her quips in while Ladybug looked to Chat Noir.
He passed his gaze over the faces of their friends and smirked like he was holding in a laugh. As he said “Claws in,” Marinette could hear the laugh in his voice, an intonation that sounded so very familiar, and oh. Of course.
Adrien Agreste beamed at his friends, both in the mask and out, and said fondly, “I’m so glad it’s you.”
The rest, of course, was history. For the year and a half since then, the five heroes of Paris had kept the city safe from threats magical and mundane alike. Hawkmoth had, of course, gotten craftier and more vicious with his attacks, sometimes choosing to send bursts of weaker akumas over the span of a week, sometimes waiting a month before sending an especially brutal villain their way.
But it was nothing that the Order of the Guardians couldn’t handle. Even though it could get exhausting after a while, which is why the incoming weekend was a welcome reprieve. There was another reason why this particular weekend was so exciting, which was that a new video game, Mindscape, was debuting. It would be released at midnight EST, which was 6:00 in the morning for Paris.
“Today’s the day, girl!” Alya squealed as she flagged Marinette down on their way to the classroom. “We are so lucky that our class won that raffle to get these exclusive passes. I bet I’ll be the first blog to get the scoop on this new tech they’re using!”
Marinette giggled and started to reply, “Super lucky, right? I’m excited too, I heard--”
“You know,” Lila cut her off as she sidled up to Alya. “I’m not saying that I didn’t enter us to get those downloads, but I was a big help with beta testing.”
How she managed to time that comment just as the three girls crossed the threshold of the classroom, and how she managed to know that nearly the whole class would already be there to hear it, Marinette would never understand. She only had to wait a moment before the rest of their friends rushed to the door to thank Lila.
“This opportunity is amazing, we are incredibly grateful!” Max was first in line, ever the technology-enthusiast.
Kim pushed his shorter friend out of the way and vigorously shook Lila’s hand. “You have no idea how many baddies I’m going to blow up because of you.” Lila looked a little overwhelmed as he continued to shake her hand all the while, and she gave him a nervous smile.
He was soon pushed out of the way as Alix muscled her way to the front next. “I definitely owe you for giving me the chance to kick his ass in a brand new way!” She jerked her head to where Kim had landed on the floor, pouting at her.
As the rest of the class who would be joining them in the game’s premiere expressed their thanks, Alya looked on with an affectionate smile. She was so very happy that she now had two kind, selfless best friends. Her smile fell a little as she noticed Marinette stoically edging her way around the crowd and up to her seat, not having said a word to Lila. Alya just wished that her two besties would get along.
Alya put a hand on Lila’s shoulder and smiled her thanks before following Marinette to what was once their shared desk. “You really should thank her, you know,” Alya implored hopefully.
Without turning around to face Alya, Marinette paused and shared an incredulous look with Adrien, who was already seated at his shared desk with Nino. She then shrugged and replied, “Lila never actually said that she got us the passes,” before continuing up the steps to her seat at the back of the class. Alya shook her head and sat down. It was always like this, a cool indifference from Marinette whenever Lila came up. They were both such incredible people, Alya couldn’t understand why they didn’t get along.
As for Marinette, she was semi-content to let Lila be as long as her lies didn’t hurt anybody. Her unrealistic promise to take away all of Marinette’s friends was never fulfilled, and honestly the amount of emotional energy it used to sap from her just wasn’t worth it anymore. Marinette had no idea how Lila was going to get her hands on a copy of the game when Mari was, of course, the one who had won the raffle. She distributed the special access passes herself, and Lila certainly hadn’t gotten one. If this was the way that she wanted to make friends, she would eventually have to face the consequences.
But for now, Lila was basking in her praise. That is, until she glanced at her phone and gave a small gasp of dismay.
“What’s wrong?” Rose asked, concern already etched on her face.
Lila covered her mouth with one hand and started rapidly blinking back tears. “It’s my VIP copy of the game. There was a mixup in the mail and it won’t get here in time for tomorrow morning! I’m so sorry everyone, it looks like you’ll have to do it without me....” She buried her face in her hands and her shoulders trembled with barely restrained sobs.
The class shared a worried look, and Sabrina piped up, “It’s okay Lila, you can borrow my copy.” Lila immediately looked up and surged forward to clasp the hands of her friend.
“Really? But won’t it have the same problem?” Sabrina smiled and shook her head. “Nope, it’s a digital download! I don’t mind, you can always trade it back when your VIP pass arrives later.”
Lila gave her a brilliant smile, any tears long-since dried. “Oh, thank you so much Sabrina! I’ll see what I can do about getting you a VIP pass too once mine gets here.”
At that moment, Chloe walked in, and one look at the scene displayed in front of her had her rolling her eyes at her former best friend. She gracefully swept up the steps to join Marinette at the back of the classroom and whispered to her, “Aren’t they all digital downloads?”
Marinette, who had started unpacking her bag to prepare for class, inclined her head and gave the blonde a meaningful look that indicated yes, they were indeed all digital downloads. Chloe snickered and started preparing her own side of the desk.
After the fiasco of outing herself as Queen Bee, Chloe had lost the minimal support and tolerances she had been allowed before. It gave her time to truly reflect on how she acted and treated other people. She had since been quietly making amends with those she’d wronged, and the person on the top of that list was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. It took time and a lot of effort on Chloe’s part, but she mellowed out and did a lot of growing up. She still spoke her mind, though.
“Huh that’s strange, I got the VIP package too, but mine was a digital pass,” Chloe loudly proclaimed, studying her nails nonchalantly as the rest of the class turned to look up at her.
Lila grit her teeth into a forced smile and replied sweetly, “Well that’s because mine was an original beta testing copy that they had to update for the full game.” She turned her attention to Marinette and a note of false concern crept into her voice. “Oh Marinette, I hope you’ll still have time to come too! I know you’ll be busy this weekend with planning the spring class field trip. It would be such a shame if it didn’t happen because you were too busy playing a video game.”
Marinette suddenly felt very warm under the gazes of the entire class. She stammered out, “Oh-of course we’ll get to go! Don’t worry, I have a meeting with the school board on Monday.” Trust Lila to sniff out the one thing that had slipped below her radar.
Lila’s eyes lit up with an opportunistic gleam. “That’s great! Where will it be?”
“Well, uh, the school board has to review the location, so I don’t want to get your hopes up, but I can tell you that it will be in, um,” her eyes flicked around wildly and landed on the posterboard of different flags from the prior week’s lessons. “America!”
The class burst into excited chatter moments before Madame Bustier arrived and the late bell rang. Marinette released a breath and sagged in her seat. Saved by the bell.
Chloe gave her a sidelong glance and murmured, “America, huh?”
“Shut up,” Marinette shot back.
* * *
Madame Bustier tried to get the class to pay attention, she really did. They struggled through their lessons before lunch, the volume of side conversations between deskmates swelling all the while. The moment the bell for lunch dismissal rang, the students exploded into conversation as they left the classroom.
Marinette waved as Chloe and Adrien walked off to go meet Kagami and Luka at a nearby cafe. She breezed into the patisserie across the street from Francois Dupont and gave her surprised Maman a kiss on the cheek.
“I thought you were going out with your friends for lunch?” Sabine asked, balancing a tray of eclairs on her hip. “I forgot I have to plan our class trip!” Marinette replied cheerfully as she hurried into the kitchen to quickly fix herself a croque-monsieur. She gave her Papa a hug as she finished preparing her meal. He shouted up at her to not make a mess as she retreated into her room to eat at her desk.
She gave a small snort at that. It was nearly impossible for her to make a mess of food when she had over a dozen Kwami there to clean up after her, but he didn’t know that. She greeted said Kwami with a delighted grin and a wave as she set her plate down by her desktop computer.
“Marinette, why are you back so early?” Tikki asked, “is everything okay?” The other Kwami swarmed around her as she woke her computer up and logged in.
The girl waved one hand nonchalantly and opened up a web browser with the other. “Everything’s fine, I just forgot about planning the class trip!” She took a huge bite of the sandwich and started typing furiously. Several Kwami dove after the crumbs that sprayed everywhere.
“Ohhh, I see! Do you have an idea of where to start?” Tikki zoomed around Marinette’s shoulder to hover next to the monitor screen.
Marinette had the same determined gleam in her eye as when she finally found the perfect fabric for a design. She said confidently around a mouth full of ham, “America.”
* * *
By the time the lunch break had finished, Marinette had a preliminary list of cities on the East Coast of the United States. She had researched Gotham first, but it looked far too dangerous and gloomy. Next was New York City, which she determined was too big. Philadelphia was historic, but in a way that would definitely bore her classmates. Boston was too cold despite its excitement. Which left Metropolis as the perfect candidate. It was also protected by the perfect superheroes, Superman and his family, so she was absolutely confident the school board would approve of the city.
Of course, the meeting on Monday would need more specifics than just the city, but she was pleased with her progress so far. Marinette shut down her monitor, grabbed her backpack and plate from lunch, and went downstairs to the kitchen. She quickly scrubbed and dried her plate in the sink before waving to her parents as they bustled around, accommodating the tail end of the mid-day rush.
Marinette walked across the street with a spring in her step and, spotting a tall flash of blue hair, half-jogged up to her group of friends.
“Hey guys, sorry I couldn’t make it to lunch!” She grinned apologetically at Kagami and Luka.
“That’s alright Melody,” Luka gave her a side hug, “Chloe told us you were busy planning your class trip.”
Adrien slung an arm around Kagami’s shoulder and pulled his girlfriend closer to whisper conspiratorially to her, “I hear we’re going to America.” She laughed softly at his antics and at Marinette who stuck her tongue out at him. Kagami then said to Marinette, “That sounds delightful, Marihime. I trust you will still be joining us tomorrow morning?”
Marinette’s eyes lit up with excitement at the prospect of playing the game with her friends all weekend long. “Definitely! I’m going to finish preparing for the school board meeting tonight so that we can play the second it comes out.”
“If you can wake up on time,” Chloe teased.
Marinette crossed her arms defensively and stated with pride, “I already set three alarms, thank you very much!”
Adrien burst out laughing at that. “Leave it to our everyday Ladybug,” he winked. Her face flushed as she pouted. He chuckled again and kissed Kagami on the top of her head. “See you later, mon coeur.”
She and Luka waved to the rest of the group as they left to return to their own schools. The three Francois Dupont students watched them go for a moment before returning inside.
“So, you and Kagami have plans?” Chloe asked.
“Yeah! Our parents gave special permission for a sleepover at my place tonight so we can play the game right when it comes out tomorrow.” Adrien rubbed the back of his neck, a nervous habit he had never quite abandoned. “But I’m not sure how often we’ll be able to be online with you guys after this weekend. You know how busy our schedules are....”
Marinette elbowed him lightly as they walked. “It’s a blessing you both managed to convince your dad and her mom to let you come to the launch at all! We’ll play together when we can, it’s no big deal.”
Adrien smiled gratefully at her and held the door open for both Marinette and Chloe as they entered the classroom. Alya was already there, and once she spotted her best friend (well, one of them), she skidded down the steps with a huge grin and held an invisible microphone up to Marinette.
“Thank you Nadja, and good afternoon Paris! This is Alya Cesaire, and today I am joined by young fashion designer Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Mlle. Dupain-Cheng, can you give us an exclusive scoop on the trip you’re planning for your class?”
“Good afternoon Mlle. Cesaire,” Marinette giggled, “Unfortunately, the trip has yet to be approved by the school board so no details just yet. But I can tell you with certainty that we will be visiting the resident city of some popular American superheroes.” She winked as she finished in her best interview voice.
Alya gasped and dropped her pretend microphone as she hugged her best friend. “Really!? Oh my gosh girl, you are the best!”
Marinette laughed and hugged her back as Alya jumped and spun them around. Once they pulled apart, she told the brunette, “As soon as the school board gives me the green light, you’ll be the first to know.”
The late bell rang and the girls practically skipped to their respective seats as Madame Bustier called the class to attention. Well, “attention” in the loosest sense of the word. They struggled once more through the majority of their lessons, but Madame Bustier seemed to sense defeat and she let them chatter excitedly for the last twenty minutes before dismissal.
Kim and Alix were boasting about how they were going to stay up all night, while Max encouraged them to maximize the time they would be able to play the next day by getting a full night’s sleep in before the launch time.
Lila bragged about her role in the creation of the game from its conception to even having suggested the highly anticipated date of release. Adrien pointedly ignored Lila in the row behind his and discussed the music they had recorded and mixed for the game with a very enthusiastic Nino.
Sabrina looked on a little sadly until Mylene, Ivan, Rose, and Juleka invited her to join their Disney movie marathon double-date instead. Mylene was too nervous to play the game so Ivan chose to sit out to support her, and video games weren’t really Rose and Juleka’s style. Sabrina’s face softened as she gratefully accepted their invitation.
Nathaniel turned around in his seat to talk to Marinette about the art rendering and the programs they used while Chloe scrolled aimlessly on her phone.
By the time the bell finally rang, the class was beyond excited to go prepare for the launch the next morning.
Marinette, to her credit, swallowed her enthusiasm and sat down to fully plan out their trip to Metropolis. It was grueling work, researching the safest hotel that was still in a central location. It had to be affordable but not shabby, too, because they had a limited budget. She eventually settled on the reputable Wayne Hotel, apparently part of an enormous corporation called Wayne Enterprises, and then began to build an itinerary with different events from there.
She worked nonstop the rest of the night, with the exception of a brief dinner break, and it was nearly 11:00 at night by the time she finished. Marinette sat up from her desk chair and stretched, then double-checked that her alarms were set before finally heading to bed.
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btsqualityy · 4 years
Heaven Sent; Part 2
Jin x Reader
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Warnings: None to note.
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A month in and the grieving process hadn’t gotten any better for you. In fact, it seemed to get worse. You were barely eating, barely showering, and barely taking care of the house. The only thing that was keeping you going was the reminder that Aera needed you, and that was only barely helping.
Your family and friends had been doing their best to try and be there for you, but you had begun to isolate yourself from them. You didn’t mean to, it was just easier to do that than to have people pitying you and trying to tell you how you should grieve, especially since you still had a daughter to take care of.
The fact that you didn’t want to be around anyone didn’t stop your parents from checking up on you almost daily though, which is why your head instantly began to hurt when you heard a knock at your front door.
“Y/N-ah,” you heard your mother Chae-won shout. “We know you’re in there!”
“We just wanted to check on you,” your father Ji-tae call out. Sighing heavily, you pulled yourself up from the couch and walked over to the door, grasping the handle and yanking the door open.
“There? You happy?” You snapped, not waiting for them to reply before you were turning around and heading back to the couch. 
“No, we’re not happy,” Chae-won sighed as she walked into the house, your father following behind her and shutting the front door. “Why aren’t you answering our calls?”
“I’m grieving,” you replied simply, flopping down on the couch. 
“Where’s Aera?” Ji-tae wondered. 
“Aera!” You shouted out, fast little footsteps accompanying your words as Aera bolted into the living room.
“Papa, Nana!” Aera squealed, rushing over to your father who swooped her up into his arms and pressed multiple kisses to her little cheeks. 
“God Y/N, you look like you haven’t eaten in days,” your mother whispered as she sat down on the edge of the couch next to you. “Maybe even weeks.”
“Haven’t been hungry,” you shrugged.
“And Aera?” She wondered and you whipped your head to the side, your glare hard and intimidating.
“What kind of mother do you think I am?” You demanded to know. “Does she look like she’s lost weight to you?”
“No,” your mother shook her head. “You’re just so deep in this depression, I couldn’t be sure.”
“I may be falling apart at the seams because I lost the love of my life, but my daughter is still my whole life and I’d appreciate it if you could remember that,” you snipped and your mother nodded her head immediately. 
“Ji, why don’t you take Aera in her room to go play while I talk to Y/N-ah?” Chae-won said and your father nodded.
“Why don’t you show me some of your toys?” Ji-tae suggested and Aera’s eyes widened excitedly.
“Ok! We can have a tea party with my dolls!” She exclaimed happily, making your father chuckle as he carried her out of the living room and down the hall to her bedroom. Once your mother heard the click of Aera’s bedroom door shutting, she instantly reached out, setting her palm on your cheek gently. 
“My baby,” she whispered. “It’s breaking our hearts to see you like this, you know?”
“I don’t know what you want me to say Mom,” you murmured.
“I don’t want you to say anything,” she told you gently. “I just wish you’d let us help you.”
“Why, so I can be pitied every time that you and Daddy look at me?” You scoffed lightly. 
“We don’t pity you, but we are sad for you.”
“What’s the difference?” You shot back. “I just....I need to work through this by myself.”
“It’s not going to help me to have you and Daddy, or anyone else for that matter, breathing down my damn back,” you muttered through grit teeth, trying to contain your annoyance that would surely give way to anger if you let it. “Give me my space to deal with it how I see fit.”
“Ok honey, ok,” your mother relented. “At least answer the phone when we call so that we can know that you’re alright?”
“Fine,” you nodded.
“How about if your father and I take Aera out for some ice cream?” Chae-won suggested. “It’ll be fun for her.”
“Yeah, alright,” you agreed easily.
“And I’ll stop by the store and grab you some groceries while we’re out,” she added, and you turned to look at her with a raised brow. “Don’t even bother lying to me. I know you’re running low by now and I doubt you’ve been to the store.”
“Mom, you don’t have to do that,” you sighed. “I’ll go while you guys have Aera.”
“You sure?” Chae-won checked. “Don’t feel like you need to push yourself.” You almost laughed then, because that’s exactly what you were doing. The last thing that you wanted to do was go out to the store, to face people; but you also didn’t want to be a burden to your parents, which you already felt like given the fact that you had caused them to worry about you so much. 
“It’s fine, I got it,” you nodded, putting on a fake smile in order to help reassure her. 
“Ok, suit yourself.”
That’s how you found yourself wandering the aisles at the nearest supermarket, taking a quick glance at the list your mom had made for you. You didn’t have the attention span or patience necessary to take stock of your fridge and assess what you needed but your mom was kind of enough to do it for you, handing the list off to you before walking out of the door with your father and Aera.
As you moved towards the section of kimchi, you took a few seconds to glance over the multiple brands available. You couldn't help but to chuckle to yourself, knowing that if Hae-il were with you, he’d scold you for even looking at the store bought kimchi. “The best kimchi is always homemade”, you remembered him telling you several different times throughout the years. It was funny how grief worked, because you never expected to be tearing up in the middle of aisle 4 over kimchi. 
“Y/N?” You heard someone call and you turned your head to the right, seeing Seokjin standing there. Your eyes widened, reaching up and wiping at your eyes with the sleeve of the hoodie that you were wearing. 
“Jin, hi,” you chuckled awkwardly. “What are you doing here? I figured you would’ve been back in Japan by now.”
“I uh, I actually just moved back last week,” he revealed, making your eyes widen slightly in surprise.
“Yeah. With everything that’s happened,” he motioned with his hand and you knew that he was talking about Hae-il. “I realized that I missed home and life is kind of short to be stuck in Japan with none of my loved ones around.”
“I get it,” you nodded in understanding. 
“How are you doing?” He wondered and you squared your shoulders, preparing yourself to tell the lie that you always did whenever people had asked you that question over the last month. 
“I’m doing ok,” you told him and it looked like he wanted to challenge that, if the raise of his eyebrows said anything, but he didn’t. A few seconds of awkward silence passed between the two of you then, before he suddenly spoke up again.
“It was the kimchi, wasn’t it?” Jin asked and your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“Before I called your name, you were crying,” he said softly and you immediately began to shake your head.
“I wasn’t.”
“It’s ok, I’m not judging you,” he replied gently before a small smile came across his face. “You were thinking about Hae-il and his crazy agenda against store bought kimchi, weren’t you?”
“Yeah,” you confirmed breathlessly. “You knew about that?”
“Knew about it? Where do you think it originated?” Jin laughed. “When we were in college, there really wasn’t space to make kimchi the old fashioned way so we had to buy the store kimchi and Hae absolutely hated it. It got to a point where he stopped eating kimchi for almost the entirety of our college career, except for when we went home for holidays.”
“That sounds like Hae,” you giggled. “Over-dramatic as all hell.”
“Ridiculous,” Jin chuckled. Another silence fell over the two of you, but it wasn’t as awkward as before. 
“Well, I should finish this shopping so that I can get back home before my parents bring Aera home,” you said.
“Alright. Tell Little Heart that I said hi?” 
“Sure,” you nodded, moving to turn away.
“Y/N?” Jin called and you turned back to him again. “If you ever need anything, anything at all, you can call me.”
“Jin,-” you started to say but he shook his head.
“Don’t feel pressured or anything,” he assured you. “I’m not forcing you. I just wanted you to know that I’m here if needed.”
“Ok,” you replied softly. “I don’t have your number though.”
“Oh! Just a second,” he murmured, reaching inside of his suit jacket and pulling out a business card. “That has both my office number and my personal cellphone number. Feel free to use either.”
“Thank you,” you whispered and Jin shrugged dismissively.
“No problem. Have a good night Y/N,” he smiled.
“You too,” you responded, sliding his business card into your pocket before turning around and walking away. 
After getting home and getting Aera from your parents, you managed to get the groceries unpacked and put into their proper places throughout the kitchen. However, you noticed that it was getting late and that you needed to start fixing dinner.
The problem was though, that you just couldn’t find the energy to actually cook anything. You knew that you should (given the fact that you had ordered way too much take out over the past month) but between dealing with your parents and making an unwanted trip to the grocery store, you just didn’t have the energy to do anything extra.
Just as you moved to grab your phone off of the kitchen counter, there was a knock on your front door. Furrowing your brows in confusion, you walked out of the kitchen and through the hall, stepping up to the door and pulling it open. 
“Jin?” You greeted him, confusion laced through your tone. Jin was standing on your front step, a large Tupperware box in his hands as he fidgeted nervously. “What are you doing here?”
“I know this probably seems really weird,” he started and you cut him off by nodding your head rapidly.
“Extremely,” you agreed. “Did you follow me home?”
“No, of course not,” he shook his head insistently. “I couldn’t remember where the hell you even lived. It took me 20 minutes to find an area that looked even vaguely familiar and I knocked on this old lady’s door by mistake and I still think she might come after me to kill me because I think I woke up her husband or something.”
“Jin?” You interrupted him, making him stop talking. “You’re rambling.”
“Right,” he chuckled nervously. “Well, when I saw you in the store earlier, you looked exhausted. No offense.”
“None taken,” you shrugged, leaning against the doorway and crossing your arms over your chest. 
“I went home and made dinner but I always make too much because I like to cook but it’s only me at my apartment so I figured that you and Aera might like some,” he summed up. 
“Jin, you didn’t have to go through the trouble,” you sighed heavily.
“It was no trouble at all,” he assured you. “I make way too much, remember?”
“What is it?” You wondered.
“Some samgyeopsal and japchae,” he said as he extended the Tupperware towards you, and you straightened up as you took it from him. 
“Aera’s favorites,” you smiled lightly. “That’s a coincidence.”
“It really is,” he laughed. Just then, you felt tiny hands pushing your leg to the side and when you looked down, you saw Aera pushing her way into the doorway as well.
“Hi uncle Jin!” She cheered and Jin grinned widely as he bent down and held his arms out, Aera falling into them immediately.
“Hi little heart,” he cooed, taking a second to press a quick kiss to the side of her head before pulling away from her. “How are you?”
“Good! I had ice cream today with my Papa and Nana!” 
“Did you get our favorite?” 
“Yep, strawberry!” She nodded and Jin chuckled. “Why are you here?”
“Oh, I just brought you and your mommy some food,” he shrugged. “Some  samgyeopsal and japchae.”
“That’s my favorites!” She chirped excitedly, making you laugh at her. 
“I know little heart,” he nodded.
“What do you say to uncle Jin love?” You reminded her gently.
“Thank you!” She told him, leaning forward and kissing his cheek.
“No problem,” he replied before standing up straight again. “Well, I should get going.”
“You don’t want to stay for dinner or anything, do you?” You offered, remembering your manners and he smiled while shaking his head.
“No, I’m fine. I just wanted to help you out,” he responded. “See you later.”
“Bye,” you said.
“Bye uncle Jin!” Aera waved her hand wildly, making you smile as you turned around and guided her back inside of the house, shutting the door behind you. 
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can i get a platonic matchup pleaSeEeE?
okay, so- lets talk about myself sdsnfnenxnf
My name is Jei, I use she/they pronouns, I am 5’11” and I ABSOLUTELY AM THE AWKWARD TALL KIND OF PERSON (I wish I wasn’t tho-). I have short curly hair, (RANDOM THOUGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS, DO YOU EVEN NEED TO KNOW HOW I LOOK FOR A P L A T O N I C MATCHUP? weeeeelll i am already here so, lets just keep going ig) I am like b i g IDK BAHSHAHSHABS
As you can see I am a bit uH chaotic (it is a daily thing but iDK TODAY I AM JUST OVER THE TOP) I am an ambivert, I am an INFP, Aries sun, Cancer moon and Sagittarius rising sbdsndns
I uHhhHh- I am very awkward in first meetings but if we have something in common I’ll ramble about our common interest which almost always leads to me talking about other stuff.
I am a Marvel fan if that’s uUuuh- important? I LOVE UM GOOD OMENS BAHSHAHZHA, i dOnt even know what i am talking about anymore but lets keep going BABDBAHZHA
I have a B I G variety of music taste, from 40s big band songs to uhhhHh lets just say ppcocaine(???
I get distracted w a y too easily, I tend to get lost on time
I LOVE TO DRAW AND TO WRITE (but i never have time to finish so me is very m a d >:))
My best subject is english, english teachers always love me for some effing reason :D
My favorite colors are orange, green, coffee? (COFFEE IS A COLOR? I FORGOT OMFG) OH SHOOT WAIT I HAD TO SEARCH IT UP, IT IS CALLED BROWN BAHAAHHAHAHA I AM SO STUPID, beigeEs and blaCk >:)
yeah, i like dark academia buT in a like chaotic rebel way if it is possible???????
AM I MAKING ANY SENSE NOW???? i am sleep deprived so i don’t really knoW
I tend to see the good in people (yes that includes bad people too, sadly), I have troubles speaking for myself in situations where people are troubling me,,,
What elseeee????
I am lazy sometimes, I’ll admit it 😌☝🏽 and it gets on my nerves:D (i am working on it tho)
All my time is sucked by school, I am an overachiever and adbanxnajxjs i cry cuz school u know? <3
And I think that’s it?????
Also yes my Aries sister 😩
Platonic Matchup
Nishinoya Yuu
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How Y’all Met
So you rolled up into school with a FIRE marvel t-shirt
And nishinoya being a marvel fan himself took IMMEDIATE notice
So what did he do
Approach you of course 🙄✋
It was quite awkward at first 🥲
He really just went up to you and was like
“Oh you like marvel? What’s your favorite movie, or do you prefer the comics?, OH Have how ever seen...”
And he just went on and on and on
But when he realized he was rambling he apologized and asked you the first question again
Now it was your turn to ramble on and on about your interests
But honestly noya just rolled with it
Rooooooollliiiinnnng Thunnndaaaa
After you both were done with your rambling
He invited you over to his house for a #MarvelMarathon
And who tf were you to say no
So you pulled up to his house and started the marathon
In the middle of said marathons noya’s phone started to ring
And what was his ringtone?
Ppcocains PJ
And what did you do when you heard this?
Sang along ofc
And noya was just in shock
But after overcoming his shock he started singing with you
Yeah...he missed that call
But who gives af! Y’all are having a concert rn!
The day bled into night and he offered for you to stay the night
Not wanting to walk home in the dark you agreed
And oml the night was just filled with movies, mini concerts, and junk food 👀
Ever since that night you and him have been attached at the hip
What You Have In Common
Well obviously you both like Marvel
And ppcocain
But you both have a chaotic energy that mashes well with each other
You both have small attention spans/ get distracted very easily 😀
Istg conversations with you two are all over the place
One minute it’s this subject then two seconds later it’s a different subject
Fun fact: you made him watch good omens with you and now he’s obsessed
He says he has a deep emotional connection with Crowley ❤️
Favorite Things To Do Together
Good lord
Honestly if he could just recreate your first sleepover
Life would be perfect
Because THATS his favorite thing to do with you
Just bonding over common interests
Whether that be with music, movies, hobbies
No matter what you two do it’s always a party
He actually really likes to have drawing competitions with you
Even though he always loses 🥲
You’ve offered to not make it a competition
But he says that’s what make it fun :)
Random Hc
Oh your his personal tutor
He needs help with school
Screw the teachers
Screw the tutors
There is only ✨you✨
He has also volunteered you as a tutor for the team :D
without your knowledge....
You two have weekly movie nights
But lately he’s just been binging good omens with you
Speaking of Good Omens 👀
That is YOUR show
Like if one of you even watch ONE episode without the other
All hell breaks lose
Ok off topic Hc but people think your the equivalent of asahi 🥲
Independent Aries and collaborative Libra form a funny sort of friendship.
Aries tries convincing Libra to take chances, shake off criticism, and be more direct.
Libra constantly tells Aries to slow down, smell the flowers, and be more appreciative.
It's an odd couple type of relationship that can work extremely well.
Aries can learn the fine art of diplomacy from Libra, while Libra may become more assertive thanks to Aries.
While the Aries and the Libra are opposing each other from an astrological point of view, they can still become friends very fast.
The Aries admires how the Libra is graceful, stylish and funny, while the other way around, the latter truly likes how determined to take part in new adventures and always courageous their friend is.
Of course, the friendship between these two will sometimes be challenging because the Aries can get hurt seeing the Libra is flighty, while the latter may not like the way the former is pushy.
However, these two can easily make up and neither of them likes to hold a grudge.
Chaotic ⚡️👹💥
PJ - Ppcocain
Tokyo Drift - Teriyaki Boyz
Won’t Bite - Doja cat
My Axe - Insane Clown Posse
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Let’s Pretend (Kuroo Tetsurou x F!reader)
this was for the hq writers net secret summer fic exchange! my partner was: @occasional-haikyuu   hope you enjoy 🤗 i love writing Kuroo sm and i got really carried away with this one, i enjoyed writing it a lot 💕
genre: fluff, college!au, fake dating, friends to lovers  words: 4k+
You and Kuroo have been friends since the first year of college. You met him through Akaashi, who you sat next to in English first semester. And at some point, you got comfortable enough to complain to him about how chemistry was totally kicking your ass and he mentioned that his friend who lived down the hall was pretty good at it. Akaashi offered to ask him if he’d help you out.
And that’s how you found yourself one afternoon waiting for a complete stranger in the library. You weren’t expecting the 6’2” middle blocker of the university’s volleyball team to slide into the seat next to you and introduce himself as Akaashi’s friend.
That was almost 3 years ago now, and it turns out the towering middle blocker you could barely speak a word to the first week of him tutoring you is a total dork that loves volleyball and science just a tad too much.
You plop down on the worn-out couch of your shared apartment with Kuroo, Akaashi, and Bokuto; who you met not long after meeting Kuroo, you shove Kuroo to the end to give yourself some space.
“There’s a perfectly good chair you know!” He complains, squished up against the arm of the couch.
“Huh.” You make a show of squinting at the empty chair. “I think that chair says ‘Kuroo’ on it though.”
He groans. “This couch isn’t made for four people!”
“It most definitely is, I just unfortunately happen to live with two freakishly tall volleyball players and one beefy one.” You jab a finger to the other side of you at Bokuto sandwiched between you and Akaashi on the couch.
Kuroo gives you a look, then turns his attention to the chair in question. “It says Kuroo on it, does it?”
You grin devilishly at him. “Sure does. Gotta squint to see it though.”
He sighs, but picks up his bowl from the table and moves over to the chair grumbling, “The things I let you do…” But you can see he’s trying to hide his smile. This time you smile innocently at him before taking a bite of your food and scooting over to his newly vacated spot. “Who’s turn is it tonight?”
“Mine—mine!” Bokuto shouts, nearly tipping his bowl over in his attempt to snatch the remote. He turns the channel to the college sports network, and you pull out your phone to scroll mindlessly through your feed. You’ve watched volleyball every night for the past week, giving up your nights in control of the remote because they all get unbearably antsy in the days leading up to a game.
So, to make up for it, you either get the remote for however many days you gave it up for or they do the dishes or something. You don’t mind too much, not when you’ve grown accustomed to it since all moving in together for second year. And besides, sometimes it’s just as entertaining watching them watch as it is watching the game itself. You like volleyball enough, having been to many of their games to support them, but watching it every night does get a little old for you.
Though, recently, you’ve found yourself watching Kuroo more often than not. The way his golden eyes intently watch the screen, his food forgotten halfway to his mouth—how his lips move almost imperceptibly as he counts to himself when he’d block. He’s so distracted that when his food slips off his utensil, he doesn’t notice, making a face when he bites at nothing. You don’t bother suppressing your giggles about it. To which he just slides a threatening look over at you before returning his attention to the TV.
“So,” you say loudly to get their attention, notorious for not hearing you when a game is on. “Which team are you playing?”
“The yellow one.” Akaashi points to the left side of the screen.
“Are they good?”
All three of them respond in unison, “Yes.”
You take that as a sign this isn’t a game you’re allowed to chat through. Kuroo surprises you by keeping the conversation going. “Are you going to come?”
Finishing your food, you shrug. “Sure, sounds like it’ll be a good game. Thursday, right?”
You stand, gathering the empty bowls to take to the kitchen. Again, Kuroo surprises you by pulling his attention from the match to hand you his bowl, muttering a quiet, “Thanks.”
Once you’re gone, he sighs internally, unsure why he wishes you’d come to every game. For a reason he can’t explain, during a game when he thinks his thighs will split the next time he jumps, or his fingers are finally going to break off, being able to glance up at you in the stands cheering them on gives him a burst of energy. And for months now, he’s been glancing at you a lot more frequently off the court.
He finds Bokuto and Akaashi staring at him, and all he can say is, “Shut up.”
You have to beg a couple of your girl friends to come to the game with you, enticing them with the idea of tall, attractive volleyball players. You would have gone alone of you had to but being with others is usually a lot more fun. Especially when your closest friends are in the game, it’s hard for you to find people to join you.
Volleyball is a pretty popular sport at your University for students to attend, so you annoy your friends to get their early, so you get decent seats. You arrive early enough to catch the tail end of both teams’ warm up, and you usually search for Bokuto’s unique black and white hair finding it easy to spot the familiar black mop of bedhead hair standing nearby.
Beside you, your friend asks, “Which ones are your roommates?”
You quickly point out Bokuto. “He’s the ace, and Akaashi is the one standing to the left of him—he’s the setter. And to the other side of him is Kuroo, a middle blocker, and the captain!”
“Middle blocker?”
You blink, realizing they don’t know much about volleyball in comparison to your strange knowledge of the sport you don’t even play. “Uh, yeah! So, most commonly tall players are in the position of middle blocker so that when the other team tries to spike, they can block it. You’ll see, it’s pretty crazy. I always think they’re going to get their arms ripped off, I don’t know how they do it.”
When the teams finish their warm-ups, they both line up on their respective sides to extend their thanks to the crowd for coming to the game. You beam and wave to your friends, doing your best to make the most noise out of everybody—probably looking ridiculous in the process.
Kuroo chuckles at your enthusiasm, Bokuto’s face splits into a smile and returns the gesture, making an effort to wave at the friends you’ve brought with you.
Once they head back to the coach, you friend leans over to whisper, “I know you live with them but…ever thought about dating one of them? ‘Cause—damn.”
“What? No!” You splutter. “I couldn’t! I know them a little too well.”
She raises an eyebrow suspiciously. Luckily, you’re saved by the referee blowing the whistle. “Oh, look! The game’s about to start.”
The boys were right, it does turn out to be an exciting game. A nail-biter, sit at the edge of your seat kind of game—your favorite kind. To your relief, your friends get really into the game, and don’t think about asking you more questions about your roommates. Though you can’t stop thinking about it. Not as you watch Kuroo’s jump serve, your eyes drifting to his shorts revealing his muscular thighs or the peek of skin you catch as his shirt rides up.
Have you thought about it in passing once or twice? Sure. Particularly when you’ve caught him just after a shower and he has the audacity to walk around the apartment with just a towel slung around his waist. The first time you saw him, your face set on fire and of course he caught it and chased you around the apartment yelling all sorts of playful jabs at you before you could sprint to the safety of your bedroom and slam the door in his face.
He never once has forgotten that instance, and even now you swear he walks around the apartment like that for longer than necessary on purpose just to fluster you. And sure, when you first met him a few years ago, you developed a crush on him, but it went away quickly after your friendship blossomed.
Didn’t it?
Your eyes widen ever so slightly, feeling like you’ve just had all the air knocked out of you.
Have you…liked…Kuroo all this time?
All those late nights studying, being with him nearly every weekend, enjoying almost every moment with him? The person you’d be so confident to say is your best friend and you’re just figuring this out now?
Holy shit—you think you’re going to pass out from the realization.
You watch Kuroo in a strange stupor, reeling from the emotions flooding you at the moment. But you come to a second realization shortly after the first.
That you’ve been friends all this time, and if he had ever felt that way about you…you assume it’s passed. And you can’t help but fixate on the fear that you’re too late in discovering the way you feel about him.
This isn’t going to be fun.
After the game, which his team fought tooth and nail to win, he notices you’re strangely distant. On the drive home while Bokuto is babbling about the game, you sit quietly in your seat, staring out the window, placating Bokuto with slight nods and occasional responses. It’s very unlike you and worries him.
What happened in the time span between the start and end of the game? Did one of your friends say something that put you off?
He shakes it off, as your spirits brighten slightly when Akaashi suggests you all pick up some takeout on the way home as he’s certain none of you want to put any effort into cooking. Kuroo suggests your favorite place to get food, but if you notice his attempt to bring you out of this weird silent slump, you make no indication of it.
That’s where you all end up getting food, but when you all return home and Akaashi says to you, “Well, what are we watching for the next couple days?”
You dig into the meal, shrugging. “You guys can watch whatever you want tonight, I have a quiz I need to study for.”
Kuroo nearly drops his container. Normally, you take the opportunity to watch whatever you want, no matter the complaints it might raise from any of them. He clamps his mouth shut around his chopsticks and catches the similarly surprised glances of Akaashi and Bokuto from across the table. They’ve caught on as well.
When you finish, you get up, throw your container away, and head up the stairs without another word. The moment you’re out of earshot, Akaashi notes, “Something’s up.”
“Yeah, you know she’s usually pretty amped after a game like that one…” Bokuto mutters, his mouth still half full.
“You should check on her.”
Gazing up the stairs, Kuroo gets the feeling you won’t be receptive to talking. Most of the time, you just need time to sort yourself out. You’re acting weird, but not enough to cause him real alarm yet. “I think she just needs some time,” he says, heart heavy that while he wants to go upstairs to help, he knows you well enough that he probably shouldn’t. He learned that the hard way.
Akaashi just shrugs. “Alright. You’d know best.”
“What does that mean?”
He’s unfazed. “I just mean that while we’re all friends, I think you know her better than us.” His eyes meet Kuroo’s, and just like Kenma could always see straight through him, Akaashi can too. “Just an observation.”
Leave it to Bokuto to say bluntly, “Yeah, we all know you’re in love with her.”
“Bokuto!” Kuroo hisses, glaring at him. She is right upstairs! “I am not—”
“You are,” Akaashi says. “And we all know it except for you and the only person denser than you who is currently directly above us.”
Kuroo slumps in his chair defeated. He does know it; he just doesn’t want to admit it. “Well, let’s all just keep that information to ourselves, shall we?” He groans, leaning his head back onto his chair. He can’t imagine what would happen if you accidentally overheard the fact that Kuroo thinks about you on a near daily basis and hasn’t been able to stop since he met you years ago.
Living together has only made it worse and with Akaashi and Bokuto on his ass about it now, he can’t imagine he’s going to be able to keep it a secret for much longer.
The next morning, you seem fine. Kuroo can’t detect any of the strange quiet that overcame you last night and things seem…normal. He couldn’t fall asleep though, too worried that you overheard the conversation after you left. But his worries are assuaged this morning when you saunter into the kitchen, unfazed by him, and even asking how he slept.
He swallows with difficulty. “Uh, not great if I’m honest.”
Without even sparing him a glance you say, “I know. I heard you tossing and turning all night.”
He smiles sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Growing pains.”
Now you turn to stare at him, giving him a complete once over head to toe. “Growing pains?! You’re joking—you already barely miss the tops of the doorframes!”
God, he really should have picked a more believable excuse. “Guess we’re gunna have to move,” he offers playfully.
“No—you’re gunna have to move. Or get used to ducking.” You stick your tongue out at him before taking a seat at the counter, sipping from your mug while scrolling mindlessly through your phone.
“Good game last night, huh?” He blurts trying to fill the silence, so he doesn’t start drowning in thoughts about how cute you look in your shorts or how he’s hyper-fixated on the cup you keep bringing up to your mouth.
You shrug. “My friends seemed to enjoy themselves, so that was fun. I got to show off my endless amounts of volleyball knowledge thanks to you guys.”
“Oh? Like what?”
“Positions and plays and stuff. But I think they were much more interested in um—,” you cough, then glance at him from beneath your lashes. “The uh…players.”
He blinks. “What do you mean?” He knows exactly what you mean but he wants to hear you say it.
“I am not saying it.”
“But I really don’t know,” he muses.
A groan emits from you. “Yes, you do—I know you do.”
He smirks, making heat crawl up your neck. “What about the players?”
Burying your face in your hands, you shout defeated, “Ugh—they think all of you are hot okay?”
The mischievous grin that rises to his lips nearly sends you into overdrive. “Oh, we do get pretty warm,” he agrees, pouring his hot water into a travel mug and snagging a tea bag.
Your eyes narrow dangerously at him. “I hate you.” He just gives you a wink before slipping out the door. Wanting to scold yourself, you tangle your fingers in your hair, trying to convince yourself that was a perfectly normal interaction with him and there isn’t anything to read into. Not that insufferable smirk, or the way his golden eyes pin you in your seat.
You are royally fucked until you get over this.
Snapping you into reality, Akaashi clears his throat from the hallway behind you. “I swear if you say one goddamn word,” you threaten, shoving your mug into the sink and storming past a rather smug looking Akaashi.
On campus later that afternoon, Kuroo is on his way towards the station on the other side of campus to go home when ahead of him he spots one of the students he tutors coming the opposite direction. After tutoring you so successfully in chemistry, you had encouraged him to get a job at the tutoring center and he’s been working there since his second year. And this particular student, although he knows she means well, is by no means shy about her infatuation with him.
Just earlier today he tutored here and part of him thinks she actually does understand chemistry, but just makes appointments at the center solely to spend time with him. And today she asked him about the party being thrown by several sports clubs tonight, wondering if the volleyball club is a part of it.
He knows about the party, but the volleyball club had opted to not help host it and he had yet to ask the others if they wanted to attend. So, he’d given her a non-committal response.
When the session ended, she’d left with a suggestive, “Well, I hope to see you there Kuroo-kun!”
He can’t help that seeing her coming at him from the other direction, he instinctively panics and scans his surroundings for somewhere to hide until she passes. It’s then that he hears your familiar laughter fill the air and he immediately locates you sitting on the lawn with Akaashi. Relief fills him and without even thinking, he strides off the pavement into the grass and abruptly plops down beside you.
“Kuroo? What the—”
“Hi, sorry, please help me out.” He motions with his head in the direction of his tutee.
You tilt your head to glance behind his shoulder, catching sight of the girl whose been pursuing Kuroo since he started tutoring him at the beginning of the semester. “This is ridiculous.” You giggle quietly at the 6’2” volleyball player trying to hide behind your frame.
“You can’t just stop to chat for a few minutes?”  Akaashi asks in a hushed tone.
“She’s going to ask me to go to a party with her tonight.”
“Ah,” you say in understanding. Kuroo is far too nice to tell her no flat out.
And despite his attempts to avoid her, she spots him anyways and makes a detour out onto the lawn to talk to him. “Hi Kuroo-kun! Done with classes for the day?”
“Hey Suzuki.” He admirably gives her a warm smile. “Yeah, just enjoying the rest of the afternoon.” He feels awful. She’s a nice girl, but unfortunately, he’s pathetically in love with the one sitting next to him.
“Have you decided about the party yet?”
Unsurprisingly, Kuroo turns to the two of you for the answer. You shrug, looking at Akaashi. “Sounds fun, we haven’t been to a party in a while. Think Bo will be up for it?”
“Bokuto? Up for a party? Never.”
You chuckle at that and try not to laugh at the glare Kuroo points in your direction. He was hoping you’d say no, so he doesn’t have to endure advances from Suzuki all night.
Suzuki grins and tells him she’ll see him tonight before bounding off, and once she’s out of earshot he grips your arm hissing, “Are you trying to kill me?”
“Don’t worry.” You nudge him. “We’ll protect you all night. C’mon, lets have fun tonight!”
He’s in no position to deny you.
The party is already in full swing by the time you all get there, and Bokuto is none too shy to immediately drag Akaashi out onto the thumping dancefloor. You can’t help smiling softly at them, knowing that only Bokuto can get Akaashi to loosen up like that. Meanwhile, you and Kuroo hang back near the bar, sipping idly from your cups, laughing at Bokuto’s dance moves.
Though the unease rolling off Kuroo is palpable. Despite making humorous comments about how Bokuto is bound to take out someone’s eye with his limbs flailing around like that, he can’t hide his nervous glances as he scans the crowd for Suzuki.
Eventually he spots her, and he’s not sure how she hasn’t spotted him yet. He thought she’d be actively on the lookout for him, but instead she’s chatting with some other people, and unaware of his presence yet. He’s unsure if he can handle a night of being pursued by her but god—he also can’t stomach breaking her heart either. Not when he has to tutor her for the rest of the semester.
Glancing down at you next to him, he follows your gaze fixed on the dancefloor, smiling softly at your two friends enjoying themselves. “You want to dance?” He shoves off the wall to stand in front of you.
“Didn’t you say let’s have some fun tonight?” He jabs a thumb behind him. “Looks like fun to me.”
A grin spreads across your lips that makes his heart stutter in his chest.
Following him down to the floor, you both shove your way through the crowd to reach Akaashi and Bokuto near the middle of the mass of people. When you arrive, Bokuto shouts a happy greeting and takes your hands into his to help you start dancing before returning his attention to Akaashi. There’s not much room down here, pressing you close against Kuroo, but you don’t think much of at as you’re pressed close to everyone around you too.
But Kuroo can’t think of anything but how close you are. Your laughter filling his ears as you lift your hands and start moving your hips to the beat—he realizes what a terrible idea this was. He wants to set his hands on those hips so bad and pull you even closer against him, close enough that he can feel your heartbeat against his chest and—fuck, he’s going to lose it tonight.
Before he can spiral into his fantasies about you, he instinctively looks for Suzuki again to see if she’s noticed him yet. He hopes he’s obscured enough on the dancefloor that it gives him a bit longer before the onslaught of suggestive words and here she won’t be pressured to keep it in check like she is on campus.
But just as he’s about to overthink that situation, a warm hand reaches up to grasp his face pulling his attention back to you. Any thoughts he had are tossed out the window as you stare at him openly and seriously.
“That doesn’t look like fun.” You point out.
“She’s here.”
You do a quick survey of the room and locate her; blissfully unaware the object of her infatuation is right under her nose. “Why don’t you just reject her?” You say out of the blue, startling him. He opens his mouth to object, but you just continue, “I get that you think you’re too nice and all, but wouldn’t it be nicer than leading her on like this?”
He has no argument against that.
“In my experience, most girls would much prefer you be honest with them. Just tell her you’re not interested. Simple.”
He stares at you. Mulling over the words you just said.
Be honest with them.
“You’re right,” he says, no longer thinking about Suzuki. “I’m not interested in her.”
“See? I told you, easy—”
“I’m interested in you.”
You make a small choking noise and blink dumbfounded at him. “That’s not funny.”
His expression doesn’t change, and your knees almost buckle under the weight of his stare. “It’s not a joke.”
“You…you—what? That’s…what?” He tries not to chuckle that he’s broken you into being unable to put together a sentence. “For how long?”
He shrugs, a little embarrassed to admit it. “A while.”
“I—ugh. You’re damn lucky I realized it recently too.” His eyes widen, lips curving into a smile as you throw your arms around his neck and press your lips to his.
He’s perfect and warm and solid against you, kissing you like he’s thought about this moment a million times. And by god is he fucking good at it. In the back of your mind, you swear you hear Bokuto’s whoop of excitement breaking through the music shouting, “Finally!!”
362 notes · View notes
escapewriter · 4 years
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Something Great
pairing : mingyu x reader
synopsis : he knows napkins are used for cleaning up messes, but he can’t help but write cute notes to his favorite cashier.
genre : fluff, slight angst
word count : 3.5k
warnings : mentions of cheating
posted : 11/26/20
a/n : this isnt proofread. so i apologize if some things dont make sense.
TAGLIST : @vibecheckvernon @beomiebear5 @lightoflife @skylions-den
send me an ask/dm if you would like to be on the taglist
pieces of love masterlist // playlist // main masterlist
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Kim Mingyu or coward for short, according to Chan’s dictionary. Chan has watched this man admire you for so long, yet he has never grown a pair to ask you out. Even Mingyu wanted to ask you out, but like hell he’d know what to say.
Mingyu’s eyes watched your every move, and yes he knows it's creepy, Chan told him already, but he couldn’t help it. The man is absolutely infatuated with you.
“Why don’t you just ask them out? I mean it’s not like they don’t have your order memorized already.”
“Shut up Chan, they have yours memorized too. And dude, you really believe that they’d like ME?”
Chan looked at the elder, dumbfounded. He really couldn’t believe what was coming out of his best friend's mouth.
“You act like I wouldn’t date you if I was gay. Believe me, if you weren’t all soft and innocent, you’d know you could pick up.
Mingyu rolled his eyes at that, choosing to avoid any further questions. He has watched you for a couple months now, and no, not like stalking, but just frequent visits at his favorite coffee shop to see his favorite cashier.
If you were being honest, you didn’t notice Mingyu. The reason you know his and Chan’s order is because they always come at 3:30 which is 30 minutes right after you start your shift. Plus, they order the same thing over and over again. But it doesn’t change the fact that all you know is their order and names. You didn’t have time or the attention span to get to know them, and honestly, you didn’t really want to. So you go about your day, going through the same routine like you’re riding a carousel.
Mingyu goes about his day too, the only difference is you’re on his mind 24/7. He always gets excited whenever his afternoon classes end because that means he can drag Chan to accompany him to the cafe.
Chan glared hard at Mingyu who had all of his homework out, but wasn’t doing any work. “Dude, if you’re only going to drag me here to watch you stare at your imaginary significant other, don’t bring me next time.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll work.” Mingyu took his final glance at you as you took someone's order before he opened his laptop and began his homework.
Chan left early due to a group project meeting that he failed to remember to go to until he got an angry call from Seungkwan. Mingyu looked at the empty seat in front of him, thinking about everything Chan said, or mainly what he has been repeating ever since Mingyu stepped foot into the cafe many months ago.
He wants to confess, but all he is to you, is a regular customer. That’s all he’ll ever be but Mingyu can’t help but wonder and have a little hope that you probably look forward to him showing up at 3:30.
It’s good that he has hope but it shouldn’t be high because he probably wouldn’t be able to handle the fact that you had a boyfriend. It wasn’t something that everyone knew because the two of you weren’t exactly known in school. Hell, people call you coffee cashier because they don’t have the time to read your nametag.
Mingyu checked the time and saw that it was 4:30. He had to leave before your shift ends, not to follow you, no, but to write you your note. He’s been writing you small notes once a week, telling you what he admires about you as well as telling you about his day. It’s kinda creepy, but shouldn’t people like these types of things? It’s sweet, right?
He took a napkin and quickly wrote his note. He gathered his things as he took another look at you and left the cafe.
“Oh YN~” You rolled your eyes, hearing your coworker say your name in a singing tune.
“What is it Joshua?”
“Your secret admirer has striked, once again.” He held out his hand holding the napkin which contained the note.
“You’re kidding. You sure you’re not the one writing these?” Your eyes narrowed at Joshua who scoffed.
“Just be glad that someone out there actually likes you. And don’t give me that ‘I have a boyfriend’ crap. He’s not good FOR you or even TO you and you know it.” He grabbed your arm and set the napkin on your palm before returning to his station.
You sighed and looked at the napkin in your hand. Why couldn’t this person just approach you and tell you these things or even try to talk to you? Or maybe they do talk to you, you just don’t know who it is.
Impossible, you don’t have any friends :)
You unfolded the napkin, reading the note:
Hi YN,
I hope you've had a lovely day today. It looks like you did, considering how your eyes lit up when someone walked in. I wish I had your energy. Anyway, I hope your day continues to stay amazing and always keep that smile on your face. It looks beautiful on you :) lyric of the week : ‘i want you here with me’
You couldn’t lie, the notes always made your week, but the lyrics are very vague and you always try to figure out which song it’s from. They were very sweet and you were so curious about who it could be, but at the same time, it scares you. You were falling for their words, and it was such a dangerous thing because, one, you had a boyfriend, and two, words can be deceiving.
You put the napkin in your pocket and walked to the break room, taking your apron off and clocking out. Taking your bag and coat off the table, you walked out of the break room.
“Alright Shua, I’m heading out.”
“Later YN. Give my worst to the man.”
You rolled your eyes, silently agreeing with him as you dreaded to go home to the man you… dated.
“Okay Mingyu, I have an idea, and hear me out.” Mingyu pursed his lips as he looked at his younger friend. “Why don’t you try to talk with YN?”
Mingyu stopped in his tracks, “Are you crazy?”
The two were walking to the cafe when Chan proposed his idea. He didn’t know what was wrong with the idea, it seemed like a really good plan because Mingyu would be establishing a friendship with you.
“No, you’re crazy. I’m gonna go and try to be their friend while you stand back and watch, wishing it was you instead. And you can’t get mad if they fall in love with me instead of youuu~” Mingyu glared, storming into the cafe, the serious look on his facial features fading completely into a soft smile as you greeted him.
“Hi Mingyu! Hey Chan? The usual?”
“YN!” Mingyu looked at Chan who appeared from behind him.
“Yes, we would like the usual, thank you.”
You smiled and clicked your tongue, “You got it.”
Chan approached the counter as he turned his head, shooting Mingyu a wink before turning to look at you, who was preparing the drinks.
“So YN, Mingyu and I kinda come here often but we never really talked to you. I think it’d be nice to get on some sort of friendship level, don’t you think?”
This is what you wanted to avoid, the friendship. It wasn’t a bad idea, but you just didn’t have the time or energy to go and trust some people you barely know, even if they were regulars. You’ve had your back stabbed plenty of times before and you don’t know if you could handle any more of it.
By now, Mingyu was standing next to Chan, silent as he watched you make their coffee. “Uh, I mean sure, but it’d have to be here because I’m very busy outside of work.” You smiled as you handed them their drinks, lying straight to their faces.
“Oh that’s cool, we just want to be able to talk to you if you were bored here,” Chan was very genuine with his words, but he also wanted to help Mingyu, in which he was thankful for.
“Alright cool, can’t wait to greet you guys tomorrow as my friends.”
Well, now you can’t get out of this one.
“You know, that Mingyu guy is very sweet to you.” You looked at the said man, sitting in his usual spot at the corner of the cafe with Chan.
“He is Shua, I didn’t say he wasn’t.”
“I know that, but you’ve been ‘friends’ with them for like almost two weeks now. I suggest you ditch the ass and get with Mingyu.”
You laughed softly. Joshua didn’t know that you already left the said ass so your mind began to spin as you actually considered the idea.
He’s been cheating on you, and you knew it, you just pretended that you didn’t. You didn’t have the mental energy to breakup with him, but you caught him, so you had to.
He hummed, turning to look at you.
“I broke up with him.”
“FUCK YES!” His arms shot up, a muffin and a pair of tongs in his hands, “Fucking finally oh my god. Absolutely hate that man.”
You shook your head and sat on a stool, eyes averting over to the corner. Mingyu is a sweet guy, and he is fairly good looking. Who are you kidding, a man like that should be in a relationship. But what if he was in a relationship with you?
“YN? YN!”
You blinked, looking away from the now empty seat and over to Joshua who was smirking at you.
“You were staring.”
“No I wasn’t, what is it?”
He smirked but let it slide, holding out his hand that contained another napkin.
“Well at least you know your secret admirer is still alive after they didn’t leave a napkin last week.”
You took the napkin and went into the break room after thanking him. You really needed this note to cheer you up because if you were being honest, you really did like your ex, and it hurts to know he didn’t care.
Hi YN,
I’m sorry I didn’t write last week. I don’t even know if you get these, but last week, I felt very conflicted. I didn’t know if I should stop so I tested the waters. But today, you didn’t have that spark in your eyes so I secretly hoped it was because you didn’t get a letter last week, so you were probably sad you might not get one this week. That’s probably not it though. I just hope your day gets better and hopefully this note will give you a smile because someone out there (me hehe) admires you. Lyric of the week : ‘come on jump out at me, come on bring everything’ (p.s. It’s all from the same song)
You sighed softly, biting your lip to fight off the smile creeping onto your face. You really wanted to know who gave you these letters, or where they were left.
Heading out, you called for Joshua. “Shua! Where do you find these napkins?”
“You know how I’m on clean up duty? I usually find them by the trash. Sometimes I find them on the counter where people pick up their drinks or on tables. It’s not always in one spot.”
You pouted, disappointed that it wasn’t only in one spot as you were hoping you could figure out who the mystery person is. You bid Joshua goodbye, heading home for the rest of the evening.
Joshua watched as you left, whipping out his phone, and texting his friend.
Joshua : dude, better hurry up and tell them. this anon man is trying to steal them from you.
Mingyu : aren’t you forgetting that I am the anon man.
Joshua : well i know that, but it’s getting boring. make your move!
Mingyu : dude they don’t like me!
Joshua sighed. He truly thinks that you’re trying to convince yourself that you have no feelings for Mingyu. Meanwhile, Mingyu is the perfect guy who is trustworthy and would treat you right, but you’re completely blinded by the fact that all men are the same.
Joshua : just wait dude, one day, you’ll see that they do.
Joshua’s words made Mingyu’s head spin the whole weekend. He was sure that you had zero interest in him. Although you greet him everyday with that same blinding smile, he knows that it’s only a platonic feeling and just you showing your kindness. Not only that, Chan had found out that you just got out of a relationship, so you probably wouldn’t want to be in one. But if you were in a relationship, shouldn’t Joshua have known? That’s what brought Mingyu to the coffee shop on Sunday afternoon. You don’t work on Sundays but Joshua does, and Mingyu was determined to get answers.
It wasn’t busy when Mingyu walked in. The place was empty, the only person there was Joshua who was sitting behind the counter on his phone.
“Joshua,” He looked up from his phone and smiled.
“Hey man, what are you doing here? YN doesn’t have a shift today.” Mingyu nodded and walked up to the counter, resting his hands on top and leaned forwards a bit.
“Yeah, I know. I just had a question. I don’t know if you can tell me or not, so I understand.”
“What’s up?”
“How long have you known that YN was in a relationship?” Joshua pursed his lips, heart rate increasing as he searched for the right words to say.
“Uh, I’m gonna be honest. The whole time,”
“-Hear me out!” Joshua took a deep breath in. He’s known Mingyu for so long, longer than you. And he’s known that Mingyu has had a crush on you since the very beginning. So when he found out that you got a boyfriend, he didn’t know how to break the news to his friend.
“YN and their ex only dated for about three months, or even less than that! At first, I didn’t know how to tell you because I didn’t want this to affect you, but then when they introduced me to him, I knew they wouldn’t have lasted. The guy was a complete asshole and didn’t like the fact that I was friends with them. I had- no, I HAVE hope for you because I knew he either would have fucked up or they would realize that he was too toxic for them.” Joshua stared at his friend who was deep in thought.
“Mingyu, I’m telling you as your friend, keep writing those notes to them because they absolutely LOVE them. They don’t show it often, but trust me, it makes YN really happy.”
Those words encouraged Mingyu, giving him the tiny ounce of hope that he needed to continue. He made a mental promise to always greet you when he walks in, and to always tell you to have a good day when he leaves. Maybe that will make a difference, along with the anon notes.
“Alright man, I’ll trust you.”
A month has passed and Mingyu managed to become a close friend that you cherished deeply. You even told him about the anon notes that you’ve been receiving. It really caught you off guard because Chan would usually be the one to greet you whereas Mingyu would just nod his head, but now you saw this puppy like side of him.
Thank god you don’t work morning shifts because that’s when it's really busy and due to the holidays coming up, everyone is shopping during the afternoon. You were sitting on the stool, making conversation with Joshua.
“So~ how’s it going with Mingyu?” He wiggled his eyebrows, teasing you.
“What do you mean?” He scoffed at your attempt on playing dumb.
“YN, I can see the way you look at him AND how he looks at you. You both are crushing on each other and it's so disgusting to watch you both deny it.”
“HA! He does not like me, Shua. You wanna know how I do.” Joshua internally panicked, hoping Mingyu didn’t fuck up, “He told me that he has been crushing on this other person for so long. He even asked me for advice on how to ask them out- well, I told him how I would want a guy to ask me out, but that doesn’t matter.”
Joshua looked at her, intrigued and thought about how clever Mingyu played this out, “Well? What did you tell him to do?”
You looked down and smiled, imagining that it was you Mingyu was confessing to, but slowly turned into a scowl. “I just said for him to make it simple. Like a bouquet of their favorite flowers with a cute note that confesses to them.”
Joshua nodded his head, knowing exactly what was going to happen as he saw Mingyu standing outside of the cafe with your favorite flowers in his hand, and a small note attached to it. He looked back at your slumped form, sighing loudly to get your attention.
“Why are you sighing?” Mingyu slowly opened the door, trying not to make the bells ring. “I’m the one who likes a man who is going to confess to someone else.”
After making it inside and slowly approaching the counter, Mingyu held the bouquet behind his back, signaling for Joshua to talk.
“You sure it isn’t you he is going to confess to?”
“And why would he like someone like me?”
“Oh my god YN, just turn around.”
You shot Joshua a confused look before spinning on the stool to see Mingyu in front of you. You heard Joshua stand up, whispering a ‘have fun’ before making his way to the break room. Mingyu smiled shyly before moving his arm from behind his back, revealing the bouquet of flowers before you. You softly gasped, your eyes not believing what they’re seeing.
“Hi YN.” You looked into Mingyu’s eyes that were filled with hope. “Before you say anything, yes, I do like you and yes, I did trick you into telling me how you would want a guy to confess to you, so here I am. Confessing. To you.” You could hear the nervousness in his voice as it shook slightly when he spoke.
“I-I, uh, I honestly can’t believe it Mingyu.” He handed you the flowers carefully as you smelled them. “Thank you.” He smiled at you, his eyes moving back and forth from the note to your face. “Okay, okay, I’ll read it.” You took the note off of the clip, butterflies rushing in your stomach as you unfolded the paper.
Hi YN,
It’s me Mingyu. Well you already know that because I’m standing right in front of you. But anyway, this is my poor attempt at confessing because I have a hard time saying the right words on the spot. But doesn’t this seem familiar to you? Reading a note? Except this time, you can put a name to the anonymous person. Ta da, I’m the mystery person who has been writing you notes for the longest time. Joshua has been one of my closest friends for a long time too and he’s known about my feelings for you. At first, this was a simple testing the waters thing, but when he told me about how you said your day always gets better when you read them, I couldn’t stop. I hope this doesn’t affect anything because I’ve liked you for so long, it actually hurt because you’re all that I’ve ever wanted. I’m hoping that maybe it will come true and this will turn into something great. Oh by the way, the song is called ‘Something Great’ by One Direction.
You looked up from the paper to see Mingyu biting his lower lip in anticipation. “You’re my secret admirer?”
He scratched the back of his neck, shyness washing over his face, “Uh, maybe.”
You smiled, happiness flowing in your veins as you put the flowers down, hopping over the counter and engulfed Mingyu into a tight hug. Instinctively, his arms wrapped around your body, holding you closer to his. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to know who the person was. I’m so happy it was you all along.”
He smiled as you both slightly pulled away, “So I’m taking a guess that you like me back?” You giggled and nodded your head eagerly as he let out a breath of relief. “Oh thank god. Joshua was making me worried, I almost didn’t come here today.”
“He did what?”
Your heads turned to the voice erupting from the room in the back, “Mingyu! You weren’t supposed to out me like that. AND IF YOU WANT TO KISS YN, ASK THEM.” You moved to look back at Mingyu, face bright red as he avoided eye contact.
“Uhm, uh, c-can I?”
You looked up, pretending to be in thought before cupping his face in your hands and placing your lips softly onto his. His hands on your hips, upper body leaning into yours as he got lost in the feeling of finally getting to hold you and how he has the person of his dreams.
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yeselbeethings · 4 years
konoha’s sublime green beast
10 relationship headcanons for Might Guy
pairing: might guy x reader
a/n: similar vibe to the last relationship headcanons - any suggestions for who to do next would be appreciated. 
synopsis: a few tender moments, scenes from your relationship with Guy
warnings: nsfw content for the last few: general sex, fingering, oral.. the standard
The first time you meet Might Guy, you are stunned to silence. He sits with you and the other jōnin at the local bar and shares stories and you are completely hooked. Everything about him entrances you; his vibrancy, the way he speaks, the jumpsuit, the body, the size of his hands... he's so bright and youthful? Anko is the first to spot you staring, and when she drags you to help her at the bar with drinks, she says "oh yeah, Guy is a bit weird, we should have warned you", and in your tipsy state you remember replying "I dunno, he seems kind of cool?" You spend the rest of the night trying to catch his eye and striking up conversations. A few weeks later, he asks you on your first date, and your shoulders shake with laughter when you accept and he cheers something about youth.
Guy goes through his signature jumpsuits at an alarming pace. Sometimes they rip straight through the middle of the crotch, other times they wear through at the thighs, more often than not they simply succumb to the general wear and tear of being a ninja. You take lurid green jumpsuits that develop rips on the arms from being snagged on trees, and thus are no use to Guy anymore, and repurpose them. You cut the top section off and cut the leg just above the knees and wear them around the house with oversized t-shirts and sweatshirts. The upcycled shorts become part of your casual day off outfit, and you take to wearing them when you need to run errands around the village. It’s only right to carry on the Might family tradition in your own way.
Guy loves poetry, so much so it has seeped into his general way of speaking - most people just think it’s his odd turn of phrase, but you know it’s from years and years of devouring any poetry he can get his hands on - especially after Duy’s death. Your tiny shared apartment is filled with poetry books, from every village and spanning centuries. Guy needs reading glasses and has done since his teen years - he can read mission scrolls etc. with little trouble but if he needs or wants to read for more than a few minutes he takes out the gold-rimmed round glasses that live in a basket full of odd bits and pieces that don’t have a true home in the apartment and slips them on. He pushes his hair from his forehead slightly and lies down on the floor to settle into the latest thing he’s picked to read. He keeps a small battered red leather-bound book on his nightstand; it’s a second-hand copy of a collection of Warring States era poetry. Guy scribbles in the margins of all his books, but this one is littered with annotations and underlinings. On rainy nights, while you rest your head on his broad bare chest, Guy will hold you close and read a poem or two from this book to you. Uncharacteristically quiet, measured, and serious, his voice is like honey. When he goes away on long missions, you’ll often find a note resting on top of the book with a page number and line number written on it, you know to save peaking at that passage for a particularly hard moment, when you wish his gentle voice and inspiring words were there to comfort you.
One of the major challenges of being in a relationship with Might Guy is the sheer volume of food he consumes. His strict training regime and huge energy output mean that Guy eats up to 14 meals a day; all carefully nutritionally balanced. So much of both of your free time is dedicated to bulk cooking, preparing bento boxes, dehydrating fruit and vegetables, boiling eggs, steaming fish... Guy appreciates every second you put into helping him with his training and diet. Whenever you both have a free day in the village he hand writes you a note and leaves it in the kitchen with a cup of fresh coffee resting on top inviting you to dinner. Guy always chooses the most comfortable places, with home-style food and free-flowing sake and beers. He insists you order anything and everything you want, reminding you to leave room for dessert. He holds your hand over sticky tables, wearing a T-shirt and standard-issue jōnin trousers, smiling at you widely as you share dumplings and scallion pancakes dripping with black vinegar and chili oil. When you leave the restaurant, completely full, he pulls you into his arms and kisses you deeply, a large tanned hand on the back of your head and his other pulling you into him by the small of your back. You don’t know what makes you feel drunker; the sake, the food, or the depth of his kiss.
After your first few dates, you promised to cook for Guy at your apartment. Already knowing his love of curry, you silently vowed to yourself that you would wean him off that S&B curry roux blocks he always seemed to be purchasing when you ran into him in the village. The first time you cooked him a curry, he leant his hip against your kitchen cabinet, sipping a jasmine tea, and with rapt attention listened to you explain which different spices you'd be using for the curry paste. Guy would explain the medicinal uses for each one as you measured them out, all of them known to him already due to his extensive herbal medicine knowledge. This is the moment you knew that you'd fallen in love, listening to Guy explain to you that to activate the medicinal properties of turmeric, you'd need some fresh black pepper, with Guy showing you the best time to add garlic to preserve the allicin to ward off colds. While he explained to you all the properties, you told him what would work together and what wouldn't, to ensure that the finished curry paste would actually taste delicious and not just be a mash of flavours and chili. When your relationship deepened and you eventually came to share an apartment, a weekly curry night for Team 10 emerged, with Neji, Tenten and Lee sat around your large dining table, eating whatever curry you'd made that week. You sit there, smiling, as Guy explains how each component in the curry will help them become even more splendid shinobi.
At some point, you acquired a small turtle-shaped chalkboard, that hangs from a red ribbon on the handle of one of the kitchen cabinets. In the back of your mind, you think it was originally for reminders, but somewhere along the way, it got commandeered to record the results of Kakashi and Guy's challenges. You remember searching the rubble after Pain's attack to find it, sifting through tattered pages and broken ceramics in the vague hopes that it would be intact enough to save.
It is Hana Inuzuka who holds you tight around the stomach when you see the sky fill red during the 4th Shinobi War. Years ago, Guy had told you that he believed the time would come when he would eventually open the eight gate and that he would become Konoha’s red beast. he told you what would happen, from what he had gathered from the limited research on the topic. That he would burn hot as the sun and his body would disintegrate and he would fill the atmosphere as hot ash. You had sat in stunned silence at the man’s resolve and acceptance. Hana’s firm grip was suffocating around your stomach, and you could feel the eyes of members of the allied forces staring at you as you struggled, screaming. When the Infinite Tsukuyomi takes hold of you, you dream of chubby babies wearing green with pitch-black hair and iron grips, and a sweet uncle with white eyes and flowing clothes.
After the war and Guy’s discharge from the hospital, you find yourselves lost in your relationship. Guy becomes a shadow of himself, constantly encouraging you to leave, to let him wallow in peace, and for a brief few moments, you let yourself think that you could. The strain is unbearable at times, Guy considering himself unable to be your partner and you unable to reach the lightest parts of him. It is the 6th Hokage, Kakashi Hatake’s arrival on your doorstep, a new turtle chalkboard in hand that begins to turn the tide of Guy’s grief, and the pain in your relationship. Each week, Kakashi arrives for tea, and each week he issues a new challenge. It takes 6 months until Guy caves and agrees to go along with the rock paper scissors battle. He wins, 50-47. You mark the turtle chalkboard. Guy: 1, Lord 6th: 0. It hangs in your bedroom, and slowly the board becomes a mottled grey, with old chalk stains and the ghost of numbers. Guy begins training with Rock Lee again. He begins reading poetry again. His appetite climbs and climbs, and in the darkness of the night, he holds your hands and tells you he’s so so grateful you stayed - you are too.
Guy loves giving you head. He licks short wide tongued across your clit repeatedly and waits to hear your breath hitch and feel your hips twitching before he switches his tactic, enveloping your whole clit into his mouth and humming deeply as he licks and sucks, his bottom jaw rhythmically moving until your moans become deeper and longer, his hands pressing your hips into the bed. He loves it when you card your hands through his hair and grind into him. Sometimes he lets you cum like this, hips rising to meet his mouth and your fingers grasping at the sheets crying out his name, other times he edges you by drawing you closer and closer to your climax and allowing two fingers to slowly stretch you out in time with the licks of his tongue. He stops when you’re beginning to feel the pleasurable heat build and build and throws your legs up, moving quickly and lining himself up with your entrance and thrusting into you before your pleasure completely dissipates. He fucks you, giving himself a moment of relief before stopping to continue where he had stopped moments before, head between your legs and eyes looking up at you, dark and heavy, watching your chest brace and your muscles tense, pushing you over the edge in a few minutes, switching back to being inside you before the waves of pleasure have subsided so he can feel the clenching of your muscles around him and bring you quickly over the edge for a second time.
Even within your relationship, Guy has set himself personal challenges. When he is thrusting into you, or his fingers are deep inside you while his thumb rubs circles over your clit and your mouth hangs open, gasping and your hair is sticking to your face as you groan underneath him, overstimulated and hazy, he leans down and whispers into your ear - one more, okay? give me one more.
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agerefandom · 4 years
Mornings and Knights
Fandom: Good Omens
Characters: Aziraphale & Crowley
Words: 1,800
Summary: The first morning that Crowley wakes up still regressed, after an evening of regression with Aziraphale as his caregiver. (Able to be read alone, but technically a continuation of my ‘Evenings of Eternity’ series!)
Content warnings: Bath time, play-fighting with sticks, and enough fluff to rot some unsuspecting teeth.
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“Up you go!” Aziraphale caught Crowley gently, lifting him up towards the midmorning sun. He was cheating a bit, ignoring the gravity that should be pulling them back down to the ground, but he was sure that Crowley wouldn’t notice.
Crowley was laughing, wiggling in Aziraphale’s grasp. He stretched his fingers up towards the blue sky, dark against the shining backdrop.
Aziraphale brought him back down into an embrace, holding him tight. “There’s my little one!” he exclaimed, pressing a kiss to Crowley’s bedhead. Neither of them had gotten dressed before running outside this morning, after a quick breakfast of cereal and a longer cleanup of said breakfast. Crowley had certainly gotten into the spirit of making a mess as a toddler.
“I want to play!” Crowley protested, trying to get out of Aziraphale’s arms.
Crowley didn’t really go in for the baby talk, but Aziraphale could tell how much less he filtered himself. How different he was like this, how open. Aziraphale was amazed every time by how much trust Crowley was putting in him, to take care of him and see this part of him. It had been just over a month since Aziraphale had first raised the topic, only four evenings of exploring Crowley’s regression.
Crowley had taken to it like a duck to water, from finger-painting to playing pretend. Aziraphale was hard-pressed to keep up with his toddler energy, but he admired this new form of Crowley as much as he loved the other lives they had shared together. It was nice to have a natural place with this version of Crowley, each of them constructed to fit the other: Aziraphale the one with snacks and napkins, and Crowley with a mischievous grin and fast-running legs.
“Remember to stay in front of the house,” Aziraphale told Crowley before he let him run off into the field. The backyard was still sizeable, but it dropped off into a sheer cliff that Aziraphale didn’t want Crowley going near when he was regressed.
Crowley didn’t pause to acknowledge the warning as he bolted out of Aziraphale’s grasp into a longer patch of grass. He batted at the fronds that bobbed at the level of his chest, then went into a complicated martial arts routine that flattened a large section of the poor greenery. He flipped between coordination and childish stumbling steps, a contradiction in movement. Aziraphale leaned against the gate and watched him, calling out encouragement every now and then. He loved to watch Crowley play, showing an internal drive and joy that Aziraphale didn’t often see in him.
Crowley was now performing some speech in the center of the grass, attempting to threaten the remaining fronds into submission while illustrating the consequences with punches to the air.
Aziraphale smiled fondly at the sight of Crowley yelling, dressed in a new t-shirt with two crossed swords on front. Crowley, as a toddler, had an obsession with knights and weaponry. Aziraphale was almost convinced that it was adult Crowley mocking him, knowing just how much Aziraphale had hated their days in knightly armour, but Crowley was much too genuinely excited as a toddler to have a nefarious agenda. So there were pledges of loyalty and honor, quests for imaginary treasure.
Aziraphale was thinking about getting Crowley some kind of playset that was themed around knights, but he wasn’t sure if that would be taking things too far. He would have to ask Crowley when he was feeling grown up.
“Help me siege the castle!” Crowley yelled, pointing at the tree in their yard with his newest ‘sword,’ a broken piece of wood that Aziraphale had dulled on both ends with a quiet miracle.
“At your service, my liege!” Aziraphale called, running to his side. “I come with my bow!”
“Good.” Crowley took his position, chest puffed out and sword raised high. “Shoot them all! But don’t hurt them too much.”
“No worries,” Aziraphale assured him. “All of my arrows are covered in sleep dust, and they’ll fall asleep as soon as they’re hit.”
“Brilliant!” Crowley swung his sword around once with a fierce war-cry and rushed at the tree, Aziraphale obediently loosing imaginary arrows over his head at the invisible enemy.
“They’re no match!” Aziraphale called as Crowley slashed at the trunk with his stick. He wouldn’t do any real harm to the tree, Aziraphale knew. And if he accidentally hit too hard, they could always heal it later. They both loved the shade of its leaves too much to allow it wounds from silly games. “You’re too good!”
“None can defeat me!” Crowley cried.
With one last thrust to the trunk, Crowley dropped his sword for a victory lap around the tree, his fists held high.
“The knight victorious!” Aziraphale said, exaggerating a bow. “How can we repay you?”
“No repayment,” Crowley said imperiously. “I do what I do for the good of the chivalric code. As all men should.”
“A noble knight,” Aziraphale nodded. “Truly.”
“Can I have a medal?” Crowley’s eyes came together, and his eyes were wide. Aziraphale laughed, recognizing what writers would call ‘puppy-dog eyes.’
“You may have a cookie, darling one, and that will be your medal.” Aziraphale held out his arms and Crowley jumped into them, curling long limbs in until Aziraphale was supporting his weight entirely. “And a bath for your grass-stained knees.”
“I don’t need a bath!’ Crowley protested, but Aziraphale knew from previous discussions that a bath was something Crowley had been wanting to try for a while. Neither of them usually took baths, able to miracle away any blemishes that settled on them. It would be a new experience for both of them, and all the better for being tried together.
“But don’t you remember the new duck we bought for your bath time?” Aziraphale coaxed as he carried Crowley towards the house. “I think he deserves a chance to float around.”
“Oh, true!” Crowley brightened, squirming in Aziraphale’s grasp until he could wrap his arms around Aziraphale’s neck, nuzzling into his chest. “And will it be very warm?”
“The warmest,” Aziraphale promised. “And you can take a nap afterwards.” The door opened politely for them and Crowley’s shoes unlaced themselves, tucking themselves away in their proper spot. Aziraphale toed off his own shoes and carried Crowley down the hall to the bathroom, sitting him gently on the closed toilet seat.
The running water was calming, sound and steam filling the room as Crowley chattered about the morning and his escapades. Aziraphale sat on the edge of the tub, one hand testing the water’s temperature, smiling and listening to Crowley’s stories. Once the bath was full and warm, he helped Crowley undress and watched him clamber into the tub, settling in with a sigh of contentment. Aziraphale could practically see him soaking up the warmth.
Just as Aziraphale started to wish that the bath was big enough to fit two, there was suddenly enough room for them both. Aziraphale blinked, fairly certain he hadn’t made that happen. Crowley stretched his arms over his head, wiggling back and forth to send waves through the bath, then grinned at Aziraphale, reaching out a hand in his direction.
Aziraphale laughed and started unbuttoning his shirt. “If you wanted me to come in, you could have just said so.”
“You need to wash my hair!” Crowley pointed out, grabbing for the shampoo bottle and making a little sound of surprise when it fell into the bath water with a splash.
“Patience,” Aziraphale said, scooping the bottle up and putting it on the side of the bathtub as he stepped into the warm water. He’d made it a bit too hot for himself, knowing that Crowley would appreciate the extra heat, and his pale skin turned rosy red as the water touched it. He sank into the water carefully, trying not to jostle Crowley. The tub might be big enough for two now, but it was still a bit of a squeeze with Crowley’s long legs. “Okay, lean back,” Aziraphale said when he was settled.
Crowley obediently leaned back against Aziraphale’s chest, and they both huffed a contented sigh at the same time.
The world was full of soft steam and wonderful warmth. Crowley’s familiar sharp lines were pressed against him, head on Aziraphale’s chest and their arms pressed together on the sides of the bathtub. Aziraphale could feel the inhuman heat coming from Crowley’s skin, could feel the lines of his ribs as he breathed. Aziraphale wished they could stay here forever, basking in the water and the intimacy. He wrapped his arms around Crowley, tugging him closer and hooking a chin over Crowley’s freckled shoulder. Crowley nuzzled his cheek against Aziraphale’s, damp hair tickling Aziraphale’s nose.
“I love you very much, little one.” There were no words for the pressing feeling in Aziraphale’s chest, but those would have to do.
“Love you too,” Crowley murmured into the quiet air.
After a moment of silence, Crowley started playing with the water, splashing it between his hands. Aziraphale laughed, unwrapping his arms from around him so that he could play. Crowley didn’t have a long attention span when he regressed, preferring to be moving at any given moment. Sometimes Aziraphale wished he was more interested in cuddles, but he was happy enough to spend the time with Crowley however he wanted to.
The rest of the bath passed in a cycle of suds and rinses, with Aziraphale doing his best to keep the soap out of Crowley’s eyes and give him enough time to play with his rubber duck in between bottles of shampoo and conditioner and bodywash. Crowley liked pushing the duck under the water and then watching it shoot up to the surface, laughing delightedly every time.
“Come on, darling one, out you come.” Aziraphale had some trouble coaxing Crowley out of the nice warm water, but eventually it cooled down enough that he clambered out and into the towel Aziraphale had been holding for the last ten minutes. Aziraphale towelled him off with determined scrubbing, and an unusual gust of indoor wind finished the job, pushing Crowley’s hair into an absurd shape and making him laugh.
Aziraphale carried Crowley back to bed and put him into pyjamas, changing into his own comfortable clothes. Crowley willingly crawled under the blankets, but left the corner turned down in a clear invitation.
Aziraphale hesitated: he’d been planning to do some reading this afternoon, and a nap was not really part of that plan�� but Crowley looked so cozy that Aziraphale eventually gave in and climbed after him, wrapping Crowley in his arms and closing his eyes to let the now-familiar darkness of sleep claim him for a little while longer.
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