#wip quotes
thecomfywriter · 2 months
☀️Evan quotes ☀️
“Why not talk about something you guys are both interested in? They might not like whales.” “Why would I like someone who doesn't like whales?!”
- Court of Sins, VI. The Youngest Fire Singer
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indecentpause · 3 months
First and Last Line Tag
tagged by @willtheweaver to post the first and most recent/ last line of dialogue from a couple OCs
Meara's first line: “Danny,” you say, “this is just a cover of Smells Like Teen–”
Meara's most recent line: “For a long time I didn’t think I did, but… yeah, I guess so.”
Josselin's first line: “Frankie,” Josselin almost whines.
Josselin's most recent line: “You and the lead singer both have incredible voices.”
Danny's first line: “Meara, that’s the coolest freakin’ song I’ve ever heard.”
Danny's most recent line: Softly, concerned, he says, “Yeah. Okay. I’ll be here.”
tagging @revenantlore @winterandwords @mecharose @frostedlemonwriter @tildeathiwillwrite to share the first and last lines of a few of your characters!
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I’m here to (nicely) demand WIP quotes. 😊
Thank you @dreamstone28737 and how very kind of you to ask!
This is a bit from a story I keep telling myself I have to get done by Christmas...
"Okay, Ross, pick a name, from the pot," Demelza said and handed over the saucepan in which she’d placed the folded pieces of paper.
“This is the most perverse Secret Santa I’ve ever...” But he wasn’t going to argue--it seemed too important to her and he so wanted to make her happy. Gingerly he unfolded the slip of paper and saw the name scrawled across it: Prudie.
“Ha, ha! That means I get Verity,” she sang. “Hand me my mobile, Ross.”
“Why wait?” She called over her shoulder then glided--it was almost a skip--into the kitchen. 
“Verity!” This clearly was a call for Facetime.
“Demelza! Merry Christmas--so glad you rang!” Verity cried. “We were just talking about you. Andy is thrilled by the toy horse and stable set you sent him. But you shouldn't have...”
“Oh that’s marvelous that he likes it. Please tell my favourite three year old that the next time he comes to Cornwall, we’ll all go for a ride together on a real horse.”
“He’d love that. Do you still ride?" Verity asked. "I know you’re so busy.”
“Yes, I did this morning in fact,” Demelza said coyly but didn’t mention where.
“You look fabulous by the way. Have you changed your hair?”
“No...” Demelza blushed, suspecting that her excitement might be causing her to glow. “But thank you--you look great too! Oh hi, Andrea!”
"Hiya, Love." Andrea popped into view for a moment and blew Demelza a kiss. "I’d talk more but I’m in the middle of making our dinner. Cheers!”
“Yes, isn’t it lovely?” Verity said with a twisted smile. “Andrea is making Christmas dinner for us.”
“Verity?” Demelza laughed lightly, detecting something Verity was reluctant to share.
“Well, we’re…we’re experimenting with vegetarianism,” Verity said sheepishly. “So it's a lentil and artichoke casserole.” 
“That sounds delicious. And good for all of you,” Demelza said encouragingly. ”Send your favourite recipes my way.”
“And you? What are your plans for tonight?” Verity asked carefully.
“Oh we’re having goose. I’ve never cooked one before but there’s a first time for everything. It seems a lot for two people but we'll do our best!”
“For you and...Sam?” Verity asked then she seemed to hone in on the backdrop behind Demelza--the white washed stone wall, the old stove.
"Demelza?" Verity was unable to disguise the sheer panic in her voice. “Where are you?!”
“That smells amazing.” On cue, Ross strolled through the kitchen and lingered behind Demelza and her mobile. “Hi Verity! Hi Andrea! Merry Christmas,” he added, then kissed Demelza rather demonstratively on the neck before walking off screen.
“What? Ross?! Ross!” Verity cried. “Demelza! What on earth?! Tell me….are you at Nampara?”
“I am and it's been just perfect. Such a lovely place for Christmas, don’t you think? Next year you really do have to come spend it here with us.”
“With you and...you and Ross? Demelza? Does this mean you’re…?” Verity stammered.
“Yes, I’m afraid it does,” Demelza smiled her brightest smile to show there was nothing tentative about this reunion.
“Oh, my dear!! Oh, I can't believe it! Andrea! Ross and Demelza are back together!” she called over her shoulder. “Tell me, when did this happen?”
“It seems like ages already but it's really only been maybe two…”
“Two months? And you didn't tell us?”
“Erm…two days,” Demelza laughed. 
“Oh,” Verity said cautiously.
“Verity, it’s been a truly wonderful two days.”
“Has it?”
“Yes. Wonderful and...meaningful. There’s no need to worry.”
“You’ll forgive me, I just don’t want to see either of you hurt again,” Verity explained.
“Neither do we, I assure you,” Demelza said.
“Oh Demelza, such good news.” Verity was crying tears of joy now. “Where is that idiot cousin of mine? Get him on this instant!”
“Of course. Ross darling, you are being summoned! Prepare to be grilled,” Demelza whispered.
“You absolute arsehole! What the hell are you playing at!! Not telling me? And I’m so happy for you. For you both,” Verity wept. 
“I am too, Verity,” Ross said.
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thepeculiarbird · 4 months
🛹 : "So, to recap, we go there, we investigate in a much better way than guys with more experience than 3 reckless youngsters, we find your father and preferably alive?" 🖌️ : "That's right. And he's not dead." 📷 : "On that point, I agree with Danae, we don't know in what condition we'll find him."
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midniterose · 1 year
If I post a collection of quotes from scenes in my WIP that I haven’t written yet, will someone promise to start bugging me to write it?
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(That’s 18)
Thank you my lovely friend! Please enjoy an excerpt from when i told you i was fine you were lied to aka day 13 of whumptober when Roy has an appendicitis.
“You really don’t look good, Roy,” Jamie says, briefly disarming the coach at the use of his first name. “You need me to call Ruth?”
“I’m fine.”
Roy walks off, leaving Jamie standing awkwardly in the hallway. When Roy returns to his office, he’s thankful Jamie is no longer in sight, he’s not in the mood for any more questions. Unfortunately for Roy, he’s not getting his way anytime soon.
“You okay, Coach?” Beard asks.
Traitor, Roy thinks. He thought the older man and he had an understanding.
“You look a little pale,” Beard continues.
Nate makes some noise in agreement. The youngest coach is still finding his footing in the organization after his return and Ted’s departure.
“Want me to see if any of the physios are still here? Have you taken anything?” Nate asks.
“I’m fine,” Roy growls.
And it’d be a lot more convincing if he didn’t follow it up with vomiting all over the floor.
Roy has just enough time to say, “Fuuuuuuuuuck,” before the floor rushes up to meet him.
Okay that's only 16. So there's two more from later in the same story.
Roy rolls his eyes exaggeratedly. Moving his eyes is about the only thing he can do right now without feeling uncomfortable.
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mr-ghost-face · 1 year
wip quotes????
once again from my this is me trying fic series because it is all i am actively working on 🤷‍♀️
Then it was the relegation of Richmond. Then it was leaving Man City in a rush of pure instinct. Then it was Lust Conquers All. Then it was being told he wasn’t wanted, anywhere. Life snowballed into oblivion. Living his childhood dream turned to merely surviving. He turned his back on everyone and everyone turned their backs on him. He was alone, solitary, like a soldier on guard in a ceasefire, waiting for an explosion to hit, to finally destroy everything.  But it wasn’t an explosion. It was a single gunshot to the heart.  “So, what do you say then, coach?” “Jamie, you’re an amazing player. But I don’t think it’s a good idea.”  Somehow, despite that, he ends up back at Richmond anyway.
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writingonesdreams · 2 years
“Ha. But I don’t want to go back. In fact, I’m pretty sure I would rather destroy them with the power they would accept me back for.”
-Meeting of the minds
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thechildrenofjohn · 10 months
“there was a hunger in him, endless hunger that clawed at his stomach, always had, when he watched percy be served a hot meal of a warm smile or the weight of a hand on his shoulder, things that should have been his but weren’t.”
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ao3-crack · 2 years
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rapha-reads · 1 year
For the ask game: 🐤 & 🦆
Hiii! Thanks for the ask!
🐤a mystery quote
"The adrenaline was still buzzing in his veins as he joined his friends, tempered by a slight apprehension. He had behaved like a jerk, and had all but betrayed both groups. If they were still upset with him, it was their right, yet it would crush him. But as he got closer, all he could see were grins of elation and relief. Only she still looked a bit cautious, and he felt his heart squeeze in his chest. He deserved the wariness, he did, after all that he had done and said to her over the years, but it still hurt. He promised himself there and then that he would never take her for granted ever again."
🦆 asker's request
you didn't precise, so I'm going to cheat and give you all some Torchwood but in French :D
"Cardiff étant Cardiff, personne n’avait même cligné des yeux lorsque Gwen avait taclé un Slitheen à moitié déguisé devant un Aldi’s, ou quand Owen avait endormi un Weevil dévalisant les poubelles d’un kebab sur High Street. Tout juste si un client du kebab n’avait marmonné d’un air dégoûté “Putain de Torchwood” avant de continuer sa route, serrant sa barquette de frites au vinaigre contre sa poitrine."
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thecomfywriter · 2 months
OC quote tag
okay, i got this one from @urnumber1star. if i'm interpreting this one correctly, it's using quotes from your oc to show the general vibe of them?
i'll do my main character from tov (Alan) since this man sure does have a bunch of goofy quotes.
"My voice had cracked, and I wanted to die."
“My seniors nearly branded a man with a knife! Apologies for my volume but, that-! That is not even how you do it!"
"Suffering was her last shred of humanity"
[this is Caramel speaking:] "But now we have our issues, don't we? You've seen a bit too much." [Alan:] "I can unsee it?"
"Most fondly was the long-haired grass that brushed against our thighs, though not really, because none of this was real, and I could not feel a thing.”
"There were occasional landmarks Morreial decided to take me: the high mountains of the Himalayas, whereupon my poor pace climbing up those rocky beds, he scoffed jibing words and offered to carry me on his back like a child. I should note, I did not take up his offer (I do not have pride, but I am not so undignified either) , but instead panted my way as much as I could before his impatience grew and he teleported us to the peaks of the Non-Mage’s highest mountain."
“Absolutely horrendous. Awful. I am the epitome of an incompetent man in that field of training.”
“Distressing? Hilbert! Qu’quoi hates you! Everyone in Soilaila does. You cannot be starting fights with the Redheaded Bandit of all people, in the middle of the street with magic during a magic ban!”
“Can a man not stretch after breaking his back so— mhmm— violently? Maadh, Morreial. Did you even try to help me?"
"NO! I will bring them here. Do not tell them about the dreams. None of them."
"As much as I wish you did not know, I cannot help it that you do. My mind is essentially yours now."
"Everything hurts, Cara. My body, my head, my mind…. everything always hurts. My training, my schoolings, my lack of sleep…. I cannot take it any longer. But I cannot stop. There is a momentum that is driving me, accelerating me towards a force I cannot deny. Every time I perform magic, I feel more alive, and yet all the more insane. The more I suppress it, the stronger I crave meat. The more I wrap them, the longer my wounds bleed. Everything bruises me, as though my body were made of silk and frost. I cannot control how weakened my physicality has become, and yet I have never felt the more stronger. What cruel paradox is this?”
“I know it is nothing compared to the pain you have experienced, and I truly cannot fathom the loneliness of not having a Family to share a community with. But do not ever dare to say you do not have a family, Caramel. Because you are my family just as much as you are Cara’s and Morreial’s. When I imagine my future, I see you in it. This is not some friendship  where I learn from you and that is the end of it. I meant it when I said I trust you, wholeheartedly and unconditionally. And I am here for you, even if I am awful company.”
"Damn the CVM. You need me more."
"I have no such intentions of denying you, Caramel. Not now, not ever."
16. "She did not kill my mother. Not alone. If anyone is responsible for my Valeen's death, it is you. Because you chose Von Doro over her every single time for years. You killed her spirit before Von Doro even had the chance to kill her body. Shame on you."
17. “Go away, Caramel. I trusted you wholeheartedly. All I asked for was a couple of days and some support. All I asked for was for you to trust me back. And you could not even do that much. You wanted me to abandon the man who took me in without hesitation when he himself lived in poverty because… what? What reason have you ever given me? What was the justification behind your baseless anger? You have never given me any response, anything! And I respected that! But do you truly respect me so little that you could not extend the same courtesy onto me?”
18. "Do you want to fight me? Do you think you will be able to win? Do you think you will be able to stop me? Me?"
19. "I was long gone before any of you had the chance to save me."
20. "No... Do not say that. I respect you more than the moon shines, Caramel."
21. "I will do it for you. I will burden all your sins. Be your gemba-bor. I will kill him for you. His blood does not have to be your unbecoming."
22. "Darkness is your domain. It will never be mine."
23. "And you... I will have fun making you my first victim."
24. "I want to draw out her suffering. To memorize the shade of her blood in every lighting."
25. "I suppose I will see you in hell then."
OKAY. i will stop here before i go overboard, but as you can tell... my boy has a downfall 😞 RIP middle-book Alan. I will always miss you.
once again! open tag! have fun!
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Merlin: *says something almost flirty as part of their usual banter*
Arthur: Don’t tease, Merlin.
Merlin, still joking around: It’s only a tease if you have feelings, Sire.
Arthur, really not having a good day: …Don’t tease, Merlin,
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raevulsix · 6 months
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Small peek into a WIP I was working on…✨
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furiosophie · 1 year
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evenlyevi · 10 months
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Home is in the ribcage.
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