#winx club nereus
randomshenaniganery · 10 months
Spinning Nereus again because I was too lazy to continue my storyboard
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I'm stealing him from the franchise they clearly don't know what they're doing
the bg means nothing ssksksks
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virgichuu · 4 months
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ive always wanted to draw andros babies
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readercognito · 6 months
Lantern Plankton Migration
Nereus x Reader
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(Y/n) shot Flora a withering look, not to be combated with Flora’s famous puppy eyes. But (Y/n) held her ground…For ten seconds.
“Fine! I’ll go to the stinking party!” (Y/n) caved, throwing her arms in the air.
Flora cheered, choosing to ignore (Y/n)’s next comment “Who knew that zooplankton migration was Andros’ version of summer solstice…” 
“I’m so glad you're coming! No one else can, other than Aisha. And I’ll get to show you off as the newest member of the winx club!” Flora said excitedly.
“And here I was hoping to have a quiet Saturday after all that Trix nonsense…” (Y/n) said grumbling, but couldn’t help the smile that shone through. “Well, at least it’ll be a fun Saturday with my BFF!” (Y/n) said, jumping into the excitement right along Flora.
“Right?! And I have the perfect outfits for us!” Gushed Flora.
“Oh, is it…?” (Y/n) said, hyping her best friend up. Pointing to a certain set of outfits in Flora’s closet.
“You guessed it! We’re splitting the co-ords!” Flora squeed. 
“YAAS! But I call dibs on using the top.” (Y/n) said, and grinned with mock cunning.
“Aww…so mean.” Flora said with false disappointment.
And that’s how the girls showed up to the party. (Y/n) wore a flutter sleeve tube top with a tropical floral pattern and a pair of white high-waisted shorts. While Flora was rocking a maxi skirt of the same pattern, with a slit to the mid-thigh and a black lettuce edge crop top. Aisha came swayed over to the girls,
“Well, well, don’t you look like a pair of baddies!” She said, hugging both girls. “So glad you guys came.”
Flora gave nothing but a smile, (Y/n) laughing “Like we would miss it! Plus Flora threw those puppy eyes at me… Can’t ever say no to that.”
The girls all laughed at (Y/n)s’ little joke. Aisha turned towards the moon pool in the center of her family's pavilion walking (Y/n) and Flora over to greet her cousins.
“You haven’t met my cousins yet have you (Y/n)?” Asked Aisha as they made their way over.
“Can’t say I have, I was in Linphea College during that whole ocean… fiasco.” (Y/n) said, shrugging. Waving her arms around a bit when mentioning the betrayal of Tritannus.
“Well you’ll get to meet them now!” Aisha said as the girls got to the pool, turning and gesturing to two of the mer-people within the moon pool “Hey guys! I know you know Flora, but we have a brand new member of the winx club! This is (Y/n).” She said, presenting (Y/n) to the merman and mermaid. (Y/n) smiled and gave a little wave. “(Y/n), these are my cousins Tressa, and Nereus!” Aisha said pointing to the mermaid, and merman respectively.
“OH! So you’re fishlips’ brother!” (Y/n) said before she could stop herself. Seeing Nereus and Tressas’ confused glances she continued “Sorry, little nickname I gave him during Flora and I’s talks. So sorry about that whole thing by the way, it must have been devastating for you three. I just wished he didn’t get pushed to that point, ya know?” (Y/n) said a bit melancholy.
Nereus gave a solemn nod in agreement. Her sentiments (and playful insult) instantly endeared (Y/n) to him.
Tressa decided to lighten the mood, “Ah, it’s all in the past now… Come on! the lantern plankton are about to arrive!” She said diving into the moon pool.
Aisha and Flora transforming into their sirenix forms and diving in after her, Nereus hesitated with (Y/n). Waiting patiently to follow after her.
“What’s the matter?” asked Nereus when (Y/n) made no moves to enter the moon pool.
“Would now be a bad time to mention that I don’t have any spells to help me breathe underwater?” (Y/n) said, gesturing towards the pool where her friends disappeared.
Nereus laughed, it was a little funny to see someone so confident get nervous so quickly. 
“Here, stay next to me. I think I’ve got something for that.” Nereus said gently, pulling (Y/n) into the water.
(Y/n) chose not to protest, even though her clothes were getting wet. She was curious to see what the ocean prince would do. Nereus gently placed his arm around (Y/n)'s waist, amazed at her immediate trust in him, wondering aloud.
“You trust quickly,” he said.
“Oh no I don’t! But Flora trusts you.” (Y/n) said her expression turning serious “Which means you're someone worth putting at least a little faith in.” (Y/n) said, instantly returning back to her lighthearted teasing.
Nereus felt his cheeks warm a bit at the statement. He wasn’t sure why, since most people he knew praised his good character. But hearing from (Y/n), who was such a bombastic and friendly person herself, made it feel like guppies were swimming around in his gut. Realizing that (Y/n) had been patiently waiting for him for a bit he hurriedly placed an underwater breathing spell on her. Tucking her to his side and swimming her into the open water. Which made (Y/n) realize something about the spell rather quickly…
“You jerk! Ya could’a told me that the spell keeps you dry!” said (Y/n) playfully, slapping Nereus on the arm.
“Oh, my apologies! I guess I don’t really consider these sorts of things…” Nereus said, cheeks flaming with embarrassment.
(Y/n) couldn’t help but laugh, covering her mouth trying to hide her smile. “Relax, I’m not actually mad. Now come on, take me to this plankton march… thing.” she said,
“The lantern zooplankton migration?” Nereus said, raising a playful quizzical eyebrow. 
He wasn’t used to people talking so relaxed with him, being a crown prince and all. But he was enjoying it. (Y/n) brought out a playful side to him that he hadn’t had since his brother's banishment.
(Y/n) just rolled her eyes with a laugh, allowing Nereus to swim her to the observation area. Meeting up with Aisha, Flora, and Tressa. They talked until the plankton appeared. It was a beautiful sight, it was like glowing living smoke. The colors shifted with the twists and turns of the zooplankton colony. Everyone was quiet with awe, the occasional sounds of wonder murmuring through the crowd at a particular color shift or swirl of the plankton.
Then something amazing happened, while the rest of the spectators with a large swath of the lantern plankton, a small arm of the colony meandered it’s way to (Y/n). Swirling around her (Y/n) reached out to them, playing with the little creatures pushing them to and fro. Nereus gazed at her, smitten. It was like an aquatic halo of multicolored light surrounded (Y/n), highlighting all her glorious features. Nereus could only equate what he was witnessing, to the magnetic beauty of a siren. Her light hearted genuine laughter was music to his ears. Nereus was bewitched by her, body and soul. Only the lantern plankton hurrying back to their migration was what returned him from his stupor. The tail end of the colony disappears into the ocean waters, causing the spectators to return to their homes.
The swim back to the party was a jovial one. Aisha gushed about (Y/n) and the lantern plankton, since it was something that no one had ever seen before. (Y/n) described how wonderful it felt to be amongst such amazing creatures. And it wasn’t until the trio of girls started making their good-byes that Nereus realized he might not see (Y/n) again for quite some time. It was now or never.
(Y/n) heard Nereus call her over, when got closer to him he waved her down to his level. However when (Y/n) leaned down, she felt lips on her cheek and heard a splash.
“Nereus! I’m so gonna get you back for that!”
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gritsandbrits · 5 months
Rainbow was ASS for giving nereus gray skin + wanna make him look related to aisha since they cousins and all that #winx
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wtfastaroth · 2 months
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Hi Tritannus 😊
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charmixpower · 1 year
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I have nothing to say just fucking look at him this is so funny, who rigged this pose and why'd they do it like THIS
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winx-trash · 2 years
I gotta say King Neptune is kind of a douchebag. I would have loved to watch the Tritannus-Neptune-Nereus drama unfold in its full glory if it wasn't so glossed over in the show. King Neptune was obviously playing favorites and didn't even bother with Tritannus. The attention Nereus was getting had a lot of impact on Tritannus' developing inferiority complex not helped by his shitty excuse of a father. So, how does season 5 deal with such juicy drama? It doesn't. Nope, Tritannus turns both of them into monsters and that's it.
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oliveiraswife · 1 year
These are the two people I'm going to be writing about from Winx Club.
Nereus and Valtor
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dragonfly0808 · 2 years
Can you write about aisha when she escaped when she was little and how her parents reacted
So uh… this might just be my fav thing I’ve written for a request (yes, I’m finally getting around to the requests woooo)
Aisha collapsed in the rain, hugging her knees to her chest and starting to sob.
She hadn’t thought about anything other than the fact that she couldn’t stand to be in the castle anymore.
Not when her mother had dismissed Anne’s family for no other reason than believing that Anne was a bad influence on Aisha.
She hadn’t even been given a chance to say goodbye before Anne’s family had moved to Zenith.
Aisha had ran in her heavy ball gown, ripping off her tiara painfully. But she didn’t care, all she cared about was getting away.
But then it’d started raining.
She sat in the rocky beach of all places, watching the seemingly eternal expanse of the ocean. She was freezing, her dress clinging to her like an uncomfortable second skin.
But she wasn’t going back. She couldn’t bear to.
“Aisha?” She looked up, surprised to see her cousin, Nereus peeking up from the waves, “What are you- are you hurt?”
Nereus struggled to push himself up to where she sat, his mermaid tail hanging off the rocks. He was fourteen, four years older than her.
He inspected her quickly, seeming unsure of what to do, “What are you doing out here?” He asked in a soft tone.
“I- I-“ she struggled to speak through her tears, “I couldn’t stay in the palace. My mother… she kicked out my only friend and her family. Made then move planets because she thought she was a bad influence on me.”
“What?” Nereus adjusted his stance, taking off the skin jacket he was wearing and throwing it over her shoulders, “What can a ten year old do to be considered a bad influence?”
“She-“ she sniffed, feeling bad for wiping her nose with his jacket, “She taught me how to dance and sometimes I skipped a etiquete lesson to hang out with her.”
He sighed heavily, “Damn… I mean my dad has said that aunt Niobe can be a bit excessive but… I’m sorry Aisha.”
She didn’t answer, just continuing to sob.
Nereus gently rubbed her back, “Listen, how about we-“
“Princess Aisha!” She whipped around to see two of her guards running to them, one had cast a spell to ward off the rain above them, “You must return to the castle immediately.”
Nereus cleared her throat, “Can’t you see she’s upset? Give her a minute or-“
“It’s fine.” Aisha said, struggling to her feet, “My dad is probably worried.”
Nereus frowned but said nothing as she was escorted away.
She continued to cry as she walked back into the palace.
But instead of her dad talking to her, she was left alone in a room with her mom.
The room was small and unassuming. Her mom looked furious.
“So you think that because you throw a tantrum and run away you can have your way?”
“No mom I… I wasn’t throwing a tantrum, I just needed a moment alone.”
“Why are you crying? A queen should hold herself with a little more dignity than that.”
“Can you blame me for crying? You took away my only friend-“
“Do not raise your voice at me.”
“I’m not! Did you think I wasn’t going to be sad because you made Anne move away?”
“I did what was best for you.”
“How is taking away my friend what’s best for me?”
“I just told you to not talk back.”
“I’m not I just-“
Aisha shrunk into herself. Her mother rarely yelled.
“You wanna be out there in the dark alone? Fine.”
She grabbed Aisha’s arm harshly, dragging her to the other side of the room, where there was a small oak door she hadn’t noticed.
“Mom wait you- you’re hurting me.”
Her mom didn’t answer, she opened the door and shoved her inside, closing the door behind her.
Aisha couldn’t see anything, the room was pitch black.
She palmed her surroundings as her heart picked up speed. The room was tiny, it was so small she couldn’t lay down comfortably on the floor.
It was pitch black.
It was pitch black…
Aisha found the door, trying the door knob.
Her mom had locked her inside.
Her heart slammed in her ribcage, her breathing uneven as she tried to open the door to no avail, pounding on the wood, “MOM? MOM?! MOM I’m sorry! Please let me out! Let me out please I’ll be good! Mom?! Dad?! DAD?! LET ME OUT! Mom!” She screamed.
She screamed until her throat was raw and her eyes hurt from trying to force them to see in the darkness.
But it didn’t matter how much she screamed.
No one came.
Eventually, she collapsed on the floor, shivering and sobbing, wishing that someone… anyone would come to open the door.
To let her out.
To hug her and tell her that it was okay to cry.
To hold her until the tears passed and she was able to breath properly.
She would’ve been satisfied with a small candle to keep her company.
But no one came.
And the darkness never lost its potency.
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nightflower-stuff · 5 months
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🌊 Mermay doodle 🧜‍♀️
• [1st slide]: Nereus with his cousin & the two surfers 🏄‍♀️
- Aisha plays the surf with North & Liquido enjoys it. She sees one merman was her cousin, Nereus (Prince of Sea Andros). He miss his cousin. She explained him enjoy the surf. Liquido tell Nereus about humans doing surf & they have legs of their skills. Nereus was confused 🤔. North Shaw & Aisha listen (Except him gets serious.) 👀❣️💕
• [Last slide]: Twisting Tiger & Tressa ❤️
- Twisting Tiger & Tressa (Aisha's cousin & Princess of Sea Andros) are looking like the same color & spiky hair except her back hair ☺️❣️😂. These are gonna get confused & surprised of their hairstyles 😲❣️. They look like a copycat their spiky hairs 😂👌.
Hope you like them 🧜‍♀️❣️
Aisha & her cousins, Nereus & Tressa (Winx club)
North Shaw, Liquido & Twisting Tiger (Supa Strikas)
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winxngasks · 8 months
AU Winx Club Next-Gen Guide
Since I made a guide for my main next-gen universe earlier, I thought I would go ahead and make a guide for my AU next-gen universe too! :3 That way it can have an official list instead of the WiP/concept lists before lol. Since I won't be adding anymore characters to this universe(unless I can think of good side/crackships to add to it with remaining characters lol), it is pretty much 'finished'/filled in a sense. I just need to draw everyone out(besides the few I doodled before), but I have other projects to work on so that will have to come at a later date(but hopefully sometime within the upcoming/summer months). Until then, I hope you enjoy! :D
- Diaspro + Nabu, together
. 3 children, 1 son and 2 daughters
* Carnelian, age 24, Wizard of Reflective Crystals
* Amber, age 21, Wizard of the Shield
* Beryl, age 19, Witch of Luster
- Darko + Alice, together
. 3 children, 2 daughters and 1 son
* Bonnie, age 24, Witch of Sparkling Snow
* Odette, age 22, Witch of Blizzards
* Alastair, age 20, Wizard of Hail
- Flora + Darcy, former but still close
. 1 child, a daughter
* Aine, age 21, Witch of Corrupted Plants
- Flora + Brandon, together
. 3 children, 3 daughters
* Fawn, age 17, Fairy of Roots
* Alaine, age 15, Wizard of Minerals
* Rosalind, age 13, Fairy of Leaves
- Brandon + Darcy, not together but connected
. 1 child, a son
* Sorrel, age 8, no signs of possible magic at the moment
- Tecna + Helia, together
. 2 children, 2 sons
* Donatello, age 21, Paladin
* Ernest, age 17, Fairy of Typography
- Valtor + Icy, together but not close/strained
. 2 children, 2 sons
* Vale, age 20, Wizard of the Fire Frost
* Julian, age 18, Wizard of Blackened Ice
- Tressa + Roy, together
. 1 child, a son
* Ford, age 20, Paladin
- Musa + Riven, together
. 3 children, 2 sons and 1 daughter
* Brio, age 19, Specialist
* Madeline, age 17, Fairy of Sound Waves
* Coda, age 14, no signs of possible magic at the moment
- Krystal + Nereus, together
. 4 children, 4 daughters
* Heather, age 19, Fairy of Herbs
* Morganite, age 16, Fairy of Blossoms
* Amethyst, age 13, Witch of Whirlpools
* Dahlia, age 9, no signs of possible magic at the moment
- Stella + Timmy, together
. 4 children, 1 daughter and 3 sons
* Aurora, age 18, Witch of Sunbeams
* Apollo(older fraternal triplet to Lars and Cyrus), age 13, Fairy of Healing
* Lars(middle fraternal triplet to Apollo and Cyrus), age 13, Wizard of Lightning
* Cyrus(younger fraternal triplet to Apollo and Lars), age 13, (future) Specialist
- Bloom + Sky, together
. 3 children, 1 daughter and 2 sons
* Adara, age 18, Fairy of the Dragon Flame
* Louis, age 12, no signs of possible magic at the moment
* Blaine, age 10, no signs of possible magic at the moment
- Layla + Nex, together
. 2 children, 1 daughter and 1 son
* Coral, age 17, Witch of Tidal Waves
* Deniz, age 15, Paladin
- Stormy + Anagan, together
. 3 children, 2 daughters and 1 son
* Gale, age 17, Witch of the Howling Storms
* Rain, age 15, Fairy of the Dark Wind
* Malik, age 10, no signs of possible magic at the moment
- Galatea + Unknown Partner, separated
. 1 child, a son
* Bene, age 17, Specialist
- Selina + Unknown Partner, together
. 2 children, 1 son and 1 daughter
* Ronald(older fraternal twin to Isla), age 17, Witch of Serpents
* Isla(younger fraternal twin to Ronald), age 17, Wizard of Poison
- Andy + Unknown Partner, together
. 2 children, 2 sons
* Dorian, age 17, no magic
* Lucas, age 14, no magic
- Miele + Jared, together
. 3 children, 2 daughters and 1 son
* Adeline, age 16, Fairy of Seasons
* Basil, age 12, no signs of possible magic at the moment
* Camellia, age 8, no signs of possible magic at the moment
- Roxy + Unknown Partner, together
. 2 children, 2 daughters
* Grace, age 16, Witch of Camouflage
* Juliet, age 14, Witch of Mimicry
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spinning Nereus in my head
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Would you be able to write for winx club ( Nereus
So I only know the cartoon characters. I never watched. The live action
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rewritix · 9 months
repost pt 3
reposted from deleted blog under same name.
Combining the two posts talking about ships and the new timeline. Mostly just wanted start by staying I love rarepairs and wanted to change the order of villains and fairy forms.
brandon x thoren, bloom x diaspro, stella x aisha, nabu x riven, sky x chimera, daphne x nereus, icy x triatannus, taea (mirta/tara) x techna, nex x roxy
any suggestions for flora, timmy, helia or roy, feel free to drop them!
Backstory: The ancestral witches messed with the entire magical balance by attacking the Dragon, several planets are on the verge of destruction and the rest of the planets are putting all current resources into maintaining them. Daphne sent Bloom through the magix dimension instead of the solar system which resulted in time distortion. Winx Club is an abandoned club between all eight schools for camaraderie, the meeting room is the only room magically connected to all other schools.
Season 1:
Bloom is discovered by Stella same as canon but when brought to Alfea, and explained Faragonda is nervous whether Bloom is tied to Terra or another off-balance planet. Explains that because of the missing past and link that it’s best they keep Bloom’s origin a secret. 
The party is hijacked and Bloom’s secret comes out so the group joins the Winx Club to help tie their relationship tighter: Bloom, Stella, Flora, Techna, Musa, Aisha, Sky, Brandon, Timmy, Helia, Riven, Thoren, Nex, Roy, Mirta, Diaspro, (Chimera, Roxy, Daphne, Nabu later seasons). 
Instead of each new aspect + pet coming each seasons we have them mentioned here but not relevant until later in their respective seasons. 
Explain all the fairy forms and how one version is more useful depending either on the fairy aspect or the planet that is their guardian planet. (ex: Sirenix is good for water based fairies or water based planets).
Introduce all of the new schools + planets (maybe not this season but one per season or a cameo in season one and expanded in later seasons). 
Explain what a nymph is and the difference between a normal fairy. 
Introduce multiple magic creatures (creation myth for the planets etc etc) alongside the great dragon. 
Main plot of Trix trying to find and capture the Dragon Flame, discover that Bloom has it, army of darkness, etc. 
The crushes that start is Bloom x Diaspro, Mirta x Techna. 
Season 2: 
Fairy animals are now the main plot, similar of evil boss wanting to use the magic to unlock specific types of powers, miniworlds are cut out, everyone gets a fairy animal (name undetermined), and charmix is discussed at earlier point in season. 
Trix have been sent to Lightrock but attempt to escape constantly before faking the therapy working, but it did affect Stormy, who now attempts to prove to herself that she is evil to a harder degree. 
Different type of wildlands with strange issues, upside down mountains, no magic, too much magic, etc, every arc is at a different wildland focusing on one or two fairy animals. 
The wildlands end up with Stella and Aisha developing crushes and then at the after party for defeating BBEG, they confess to each other.  
Season 3:
Darkar attacks the pixies and tries to use an artifact to open the dimension and go into the solar system, since he was banished into the dimension. 
Mythix is the form focused, using stories and myths of pixies and the creation of the dimension to gain power. 
If Darkar opens the solar system, the dimension will shatter and die completely. 
Trix join him, and flees before the Winx can capture them. 
Romance Plot of Aisha being told of engagement and Stella and her come out about the relationship, at first the parents believe they’re lying to protect Aisha but they realize that they are in love, call off engagement. 
Nabu shows up to see why the engagement was called off, and joins the group at this point, him and Riven start a mutual crush. 
Palladium x Avalon. 
Season 4: 
Tritannus attacks the infinite ocean, power from the ties between infinite ocean and other planets. 
Trix joins him, but he does go insane via the magic and attacks the Trix several times, almost killing Stormy which pushes her into actually wanting to change herself and runs from the Trix to Lightrock. 
Romance of King Radius and Cassandra, Stella helps romance this time, and her and Chimera bond over the issues of the infinite ocean. 
Sky develops crush on Chimera.
Daphne is rescued and crush on Nereus. 
Season 5: 
The magic between the infinite ocean and terra’s connection (pillar? Tether? etc), restarts the magic of Terra, letting the frozen time bubble on the dark circle wizards pop, and start the hunt for the last Terra fairy, who they think is the infant princess of the limbo’d fairies in Tir Na Nog, who spent centuries healing their wings. 
Believix is the fairy form focused on Terra magic, still the wings of (maybe?): speedix (speed enhancement), Zoomix (teletransportation), Tracix (time traveling), Lovix: Gift of Heart, Sophix: Gift of Wisdom
Nex develops crush on Roxy. 
Nabu doesn’t die from the wizards but instead falls into a coma and Riven takes him to his home for healing.  
Season 6: 
Selina discovers her witch magic, becomes obsessive with cursed book, attends Cloudtower. 
Icy and Darcy reenter the school with fake identities and replaces Stormy with Selina to make a new Witches Trio. 
Takes over the school and almost kills Griffin which gets them sent to Omega Dimension. 
Fairy Form Focus is Enchantix, now about being a guardian fairy. At this point is the highest form. 
Riven returns a few episodes in, and mentions Nabu healing and recovering and prob several mentions and hints. 
Season 7: 
Valtor’s new backstory, Trix find him at Omega, wakes him up and he attempts to steal magic of planets, and stars in the solar system. 
Fairy Form Focus is Winx, basically redid Bloomix, dragon flame magic. New highest form.
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gritsandbrits · 5 months
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2 More nereus.top is my edit bottom is canon. Really abysmal how he's supposed to be black (being Aisha's cousin) yet LITERALLY HAS GRAY SKIN HE LOOKS LIKE BLEACHED TUNA.
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wtfastaroth · 4 months
GUYSSSSS we have three options for mermay art (about winx of course)
A lot of this needs the lore so I'm not going to explain anything now, just gonna give the characters that would be in the art
(I'm just going to explain that I'm not going to draw the character that isn't canonically a mermaid as one, but rather that the mermaid is totally involved in the art)
So what do you prefer
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