#winter with the whitts
incandescentsims · 2 years
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Does John like winter? Does he hate the cold? What's his favorite thing about the season?
John loves winter. He hates cold fingers, especially his.
Your first Christmas gift too him was a pair of lamb skin driving gloves with a thick fleece lining.... that you gave him 3 weeks in advance because you were tired of hearing about soggy mittens and the very real possibility of his frozen fingertips everytime you left the house. When you caught him wearing them to work out on the property, you decided to go out and purchase another pair, heartier leather with wool cuffs. Those are his everyday gloves now, saving the softer pair for traveling to dinner engagements or strolling with you along the least muddy paths. Once inside he’ll gladly peel the gloves from both your hands, to cup yours in his own hands and breathe hot air directly onto your joined fingers until they are toasty, signaling the end of this ritual with a kiss to your chilly knuckles.
Everyone is in a better mood around the holidays and that is a huge relief to John. His perfect day on earth looks a lot like Christmas. When the work leading up to the day is done and strained attitudes are softened by full bellies and warm hearths. When everyone is just pleased to be together and appreciating each other in ways they don’t 364 days a year. He loves your big sweaters that he can slip his hands under without it being too obvious where they’ve gone and you know his fingers will always be toasty.
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What are your characters worst fears and how rational are said fears given the story?
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Worst fear: Losing another child.
Rational? - Yes. She's already lost one biological child and has seen many rescued children not make it. Not to mention they live in a world where if the wilderness won't kill you, the people might.
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Worst fear: Howie Whitt.
Rational? - Oh probably. The man is a sadist and has claimed Annie as one of his own personal belongings. I'd be a little uncomfortable too.
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Worst fear: Losing stability.
Rational? - Yes and no. Her loved ones are never going to see her any differently, but her home, her status and her sense of being might be... jostled a bit...
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Worst fear: Suffocation/Drowning
Rational? - See, you wouldn't think so, but uhhhhhhhh I guess it's pretty uhhhh rational, afterall. 😬 Sorry.
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Worst fear: Freezing to death.
Rational? - Not really. She knows how to survive the harshest winters. She just can't get the image of one particular frozen body out of her mind.
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Worst fear: Abandonment/People getting tired of her.
Rational? - God no. She is so loved and only becomes moreso with time. Her bio family can (for the most part) eat glass. Focus on the monsters.
John Ira
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Worst fear: Failure with deadly consequences.
Rational? - No, babe. You literally push yourself to breakdowns trying to help your people. If you fail, it was either unpreventable or it's because you 👏 overdid 👏 it 👏.
(Sorry, I had to yell at my boy.)
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zestories-archive · 6 years
an overview of all my stories/ideas, endlessly updating because oh my god my brain will not stop throwing ideas at me
main stories
Dying Leaves, horrorlite tragedy, inspired by Marble Hornets. centered around Theo Holland, and the way his life slides down into disaster because of the eldritch abomination that’s been latched onto him since his childhood
Devil's Cradle, vaguely fictitious biography, following Caleb as he grows up in a small, overly religious town with red eyes, and how everything collapses together to drag him into a life of crime and abuse
SKIT, not actually a story, so much as my tag for my oc Jason West, a serial killer in training. maybe one day i’ll figure out a proper story
We Linger In Decay, urban darkmagic, following recently escaped Maggot, who is trying to run from his kidnappers and trauma he can’t quite face, but instead gets found by his two best friends, and, against his own will, the two of them fights to keep him safe
the shadow at the end of the road, a short story centered around an immortal named Rye
secondary stories
We Broken Few, fantasy about broken destinies, following Meho who was, once upon a time, destined to be a dragon rider- but then it all fell apart, and now they’re hiding from a kingdom out to kill them, with a wanderer named Rowan.
On Longer Roads, supernatural found family, following on the run werewolf Whitt, and the vampire who offers to drive him to a sanctuary
Among Demons, ya romance, following Mala, and the two boys she gets tangled up with, and the mob that skulks their shadows
Where Gods Govern, post-apocalyptic fantasy, wherein shrine guard Rayu teams up with rebel agent Nao, in a bid to push back against the Gods who walk among them- and the conspiracy they soon unravel
Starburst, jrpg-fantasy, follows young, anxious and self-loathing Meria, who, against everyone’s expectations, gets chosen by the Legendary Sword as its next wielder
In Ash and Snow, post-apocalyptic norse fantasy, wherein Ragnarok goes very, very wrong, plunging the world into an endless winter- and Asta, a young women, is the one chosen to fix all of this
The Keeper of the Egg, a dragon story, centered around the protector of the egg that’s destined to hatch into the dragon that’ll end the evil ruler of the land
Raven’s Choice, urban fantasy story, centered around Thomas (tentative name) as he moves back to his childhood home, and the destiny he had been chosen for as a child- to keep the Raven company, before he is to give himself up to the Mountain
mermaid & princess, centered around a mermaid, who is trapped beneath a castle- eventually, she bonds with the princess, and slowly, the two of them grow together
amnesic demon, centered around a young girl who scams people to feed herself and her mother, and the amnesic demon she trips over
human/monster romance, centered around the relationship between a human and a monster, and the way things slowly unfold between them, the monsters enemies, and the monster’s lack of a face
robot story, centered around a street girl who finds an abandoned robot, and the slow work of a cult who’s trying to awaken the thing sleeping in the crust of the earth
fantasy thief, centered around a thief who finds a royal guard passed out in a sewer while hiding, and ends up tangled up in a plot against the royal line
cult story, centered around Luka who, upon being sent to a religious camp meant to fix problem children, ends up unearthing a demonic cult and has to deal with both that and his own issues
once chosen, centered around a young, once upon a time hero, who wakes up in a crumpling, gods abandoned world
experiment hunter, centered around a woman who hunts down escaped human experiments for an organization, and the relationship between her, and an experiment she ends up letting escape
space story, centered around a spaceship, an once-was star, and the slow burn from human to something else
fae romance, centered around two childhood friends who gets separated at a young age, and then reunited years later; except the one who disappeared had been kidnapped by the fae, and they aren’t quite willing to let them go
inspired by mlp:fim, centered around the ward of the Queen, a young girl who’s training to be a mage- except then the castle gets attacked, and she ends up trying to end the fight along with her bodyguard
futuristic fantasy, centered around a guard-in-training, who trips over a human experiment, and ends up on the run
digimon inspired, centered around a group of kids who ends up in another world, where each child is governed by an element, and they’re destined to save the world
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taiblogcomics · 2 years
Underground Fighting Circuit
Hey there, a Winter Friends wish. Probably you're preoccupied with other stuff today. But let me take your mind off whatever that might be with just a little Movement~
Here's the cover:
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Classic cover subject here. See such topics as Amazing Spider-Man #33 or Secret Wars #4. A superhero trapped under rock and debris, struggling to lift the stony surroundings around them... It's just such a cool bit of imagery, and it's done well here too. Dunno if Burden is that strong without his demonic side backing him up, though. And you might say Vengeance Moth doesn't have any leverage in the legs, but as a wheelchair user, I bet she has great upper body strength~
We open with Officer Yee continuing to block the way for Officer Whitt (the asshole) to go back and attacking the Movement kids. Yee informs Whitt he is a bad cop, which is true. Whitt replies that at least he knows who the good guys are, which is false. He then decks Yee in the face. Now, Yee himself is no saint either (remember how he sleeps with Captain Meers' wife to start the story). But he's the one I'm rooting for here. It isn't looking good so far, though. And since this is only a page, I'm kind of stretching it out to the end of this paragraph~
Vengeance Moth demonstrates that upper body strength I mentioned on the cover and hauls herself back into her chair. She's ready to get back in there and help out, preparing to go retrieve some backup plan they've hidden. She's pretty worried about what the Graveyard Faction might do if they reach the various innocent kids inside their base. The complication, of course, actually being reaching them, since they've got Burden in full hulked-out demon form guarding the entrance. Black skin, eyeless face, glowing symbols, tentacles for abs, the whole shebang.
Arson tries his one trick, puking up fire, but naturally it doesn't work on a demon and Burden just throws the guy into a wall. Pallas steps up and challenges Burden, and Burden just stomps on his chest. Monster Baby kicks him in the face, rambling something about how only she gets to be ugly. And while the Graveyard Faction and Burden (Burdemon?) continue their fracas, none of them notice Moth sneak on by. She's used to that sort of treatment, and right now, she admits it's even kind of useful.
There's a brief interlude where Virtue has to break an apparent date with Rainmaker, since Mouse is still in the hospital. Rainmaker even got dressed up, but she accepts the raincheck--with some sardonic amusement at the pun. But back at the fight, Pallas' big gun makes Burden stagger a bit. With the fear that the Faction might win, Moth makes her move. She approaches Anguish, noting that she seems to be the one they're taking orders from. And with a badass one-liner about needing a crutch, she decks Anguish across the face with just such an instrument.
Fricks, the cop lady who does dispatch, phones in to Captain Meers to report the fight. Meers instantly knows that Whitt is the one that started it, because that's an obvious conclusion. Meers puts his engine in gear to return faster. And while Yee has gotten his ass kicked a bit, Fricks and Pena also prop him up and stand against Whitt with him. Whitt is particularly shocked by this last, since Pena is his partner. And continuing the trend of badass one-liners going on in this issue, Pena retorts that actually he put in a request for a new partner earlier this morning.
Monster Baby and Pallas are continuing to beat on Burden, to the point where he's starting to revert to human form again. Moth is pulling herself into her chair again, and Anguish is getting to her feet as well. Seems some time has passed as, before Anguish can take her revenge and beat Moth with her own crutch, Moth responds that while she was out, she found and broke the signal jammer. The calls can now be coming from inside the lair. And as she falls unconscious, Moth manages to get a call out to Virtue as the ceiling starts to cave in from the battle.
While they're waiting, Mouse starts to come to. He's whispering something, and Tremor leans in close to hear. Like a cheeky bastard, he leans in and steals a kissy, insisting they're in love now. She's mostly that "I'm relieved you're all right, you jackass" kind of annoyed, but the cute tension is broken when Virtue comes in to collect them, having just gotten Moth's call. And off they go, with Mouse even recovered enough to join them. He's not keen on staying in the hospital anyway. Too filthy for his tastes.
With the fight now causing an active cave-in, the Graveyard Faction decides to call this mission a wash and bail out. Arson in particular is looking pretty pitiful, having shattered a leg from the falling debris. Anguish decides to stop a moment and try to take a trophy from Moth before they go, which is her undoing: the Movement arrives in the nick of time, and Katharsis decks her in the face. Lotta face-decking in this issue. But ye, the calvary is here. And without the ability to retreat, the Graveyard Faction attacks.
Virtue uses her powers to borrow some fear from Moth, who has plenty to spare (she even has a legit fear of being buried alive, taphephobia). Glowing with yellow energy, she reflects it all into Anguish, who immediately starts being overwhelmed by fear. And there's plenty to spare. So she gives the Graveyard Faction an ultimatum: get out of Coral City, or live forever thinking you're trapped under a mountain. And if they kill her, the effect doesn't disappear either. They take the deal and get the fuck out. Victory!
Speaking of victories, Meers walks into the precinct, wanting to know what the hell's been going on in his absence. Yee explains about Whitt's plan to go attack the Movement. However, one can't be fired just for talking about committing a crime, which Yee even points out himself. But on the other hand, striking a fellow officer? Immediate dismissal. Creates a hostile work environment, you see. And the security cams caught it all. That's why Yee let himself get decked. Whitt is fired and relieved of duty. Further victory!
While he's escorted out, though, before Yee can finally pass out, he tells Meers some crucial info. He looked into Virtue like he was asked, and there's no record of her--because she's been dead for six years. And on that bombshell, we cut over to the Movement, watching the rising sun on the morn of their victories. They're not trying to be heroes or anything. But maybe once in a while, they can feel a little heroic about what they've accomplished. No one else is here looking out for the city, after all. And the comic ends with someone swinging into the city and stopping before its welcome sign: Batgirl.
Well, we’re two-thirds done with this series now. Two major villains have been defeated. But the Cornea Killer (who doesn’t get even a mention in this issue) is still out there. And now things are gonna get complicated even more than before. Katharsis and Batgirl have scrapped before, so this promises to be a rematch~
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amateurhourcosplay · 6 years
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It’s sort of like they all read the teleprompters, saw what kind of shitstorm was coming, and are contemplating how to stop said shitstorm. “America, amirite?”
This was taken at the Science Museum of Minnesota’s “Sci Fi Con” on October 11th.
Batman: John Whitt Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes: Paul Haga Scarlet Witch: Me Photo: Kayla Beckemeyer
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viviennerickman · 4 years
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Jan 02. East meets South at High Noon! Well not quite, I’d arranged to share a swim with @whitt today at midday, however sometimes things don’t go to plan but we did both manage to share our swims together within a few hours. I am already loving these new connections, to people, time and places. Claire’s North Sea looked beautiful in the January sunshine, I was jealous of the sand, bright blue skies and of course cosy beach hut! The Solent today is still exceptionally clear and that low winter sun becoming pinker by the day as the tide shifts to the afternoons. ~~~ Be sure to check out @whitt ‘s profile for incredible shots of the East Coast North Sea! ~~~ Keeping my saltwatersanity strong through these Tier 4 tough times and share a virtual swim with someone every day 🤍 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJjQhnThex-/?igshid=ie30u0tk2qrd
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incandescentsims · 3 years
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kolvinas · 7 years
Not liking strong warrior characters like Katniss or any other YA heroines doesn't make you unique or likable it just makes you whiny and annoying.
ok. i know i’m not unique the large population of ya readers are not warrior heroines and i feel like most, like me, relate to heroes who are strong in different ways… it’s why people like sydney sage so much, or why i like anna whitt (no one’s read sweet evil but you should), or winter or cress, or wanderer from the host. non violence is cool 😎!
everyone can like what they like but let’s all acknowledge that the majority of leads in ya novels are cold as ice, fall into a role where they somehow control everyone’s fate, yells at everyone and will fight anyone, and are “badass” by definition. that’s what the media pushes and that’s great for girls too, but not alone. realistically those aren’t roles many girls need to take when they’re tweens reading formative novels. everyone’s different, but i would say the majority of young girls being influenced by novels need to see that no matter how “weak” or powerless they feel in their situation, they can find ways to get the upper hand without the fates in your favor or combat skills. power comes in a lot more forms than strength or being aloof.
they should be able to see tris in divergent fighting, watch a girl hack a computer to help others, see a girl who wants more than anything to learn and her knowledge is valued, and see a girl whose kindness wins people over (that last part is important to me). the point is there’s a lot of roles in ya that are not explored bc of the emphasis on badassery and that’s not good alone.
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vipipiblog-blog · 6 years
Laxury Windup 3-pferd Karussell Spieluhr Kreative Artware / Geschenk Melody Schloss in den Himmel Rosa / Lila / Blau / Gold Schatten für Option -----> $19.18 Neue Sexy Frauen Einteilige Badeanzug Samt Bügel Push-Up Solid Beach Bademode Badeanzug Rosa / Dunkelblau -----> $16.69 Sexy Frauen Velvet Jumpsuit Off Schulter Langarm Warm Overall Strampler One Piece Body Overalls Rosa / Burgund / Blau -----> $19.61 Frauen Strickjacke Herbst Winter Open Front Knitting Sweater lose Jacke Mantel Oberbekleidung Rosa / Blau -----> $21.15 Mode Frauen Damen Shirt Farbverlauf Langarm Umlegekragen Beiläufige Bluse Streetwear Tops Grau / Rosa / Blau -----> $15.85 Sexy Frauen mit Pailletten-Kleid Spaghetti-Bügel-Backless Partei-Nachtklub Bodycon Bleistift Minikleid Rosa / Rot / Blau -----> $15.18 Mode Frauen Bluse Farbe Block Lace Patchwork unregelmäßige Saum locker 3/4 Ärmel T-shirt Pullover rosa/blau -----> $9.38 Mode Frauen Spitze Kleid Schlüsselloch geschnitten Reissverschluss zurück Langarm Cocktail-Abend Party Kleid Rosa/Rose/blau -----> $11.41 Neue Mode Frauen Zweiteiler mit Rüschen Flare Ärmel Chiffon Top Mesh Flower Print Gurt Spleißen süße Zweiteiliger Anzug Kleid rosa/blau -----> $16.06 Neue Art und Weise Frauen-Maxi-Kleid-Spitze Splice Oberschenkel Split V Ansatz halbe Hülse Gurt dünnes elegantes langes Kleid Schwarz / Rosa / Dunkelblau -----> $24.94 Mode Frauen Bluse Farbe Block Lace Patchwork unregelmäßige Saum locker 3/4 Ärmel T-shirt Pullover rosa/blau -----> $9.38 Mode Frauen Spitze Kleid Schlüsselloch geschnitten Reissverschluss zurück Langarm Cocktail-Abend Party Kleid Rosa/Rose/blau -----> $11.41 Neue Mode Frauen Zweiteiler mit Rüschen Flare Ärmel Chiffon Top Mesh Flower Print Gurt Spleißen süße Zweiteiliger Anzug Kleid rosa/blau -----> $16.06 Mode Frauen Spitze Kleid Schlüsselloch geschnitten Reissverschluss zurück Langarm Cocktail-Abend Party Kleid Rosa/Rose/blau -----> $11.41 Sexy Frauen mit Pailletten-Kleid Spaghetti-Bügel-Backless Partei-Nachtklub Bodycon Bleistift Minikleid Rosa / Rot / Blau -----> $15.18 Mode Frauen Damen Shirt Farbverlauf Langarm Umlegekragen Beiläufige Bluse Streetwear Tops Grau / Rosa / Blau -----> $15.85 Neue Art und Weise Frauen-Maxi-Kleid-Spitze Splice Oberschenkel Split V Ansatz halbe Hülse Gurt dünnes elegantes langes Kleid Schwarz / Rosa / Dunkelblau -----> $24.94 Mode Frauen Damen Shirt Farbverlauf Langarm Umlegekragen Beiläufige Bluse Streetwear Tops Grau / Rosa / Blau -----> $15.85 Mode Frauen Spitze Kleid Schlüsselloch geschnitten Reissverschluss zurück Langarm Cocktail-Abend Party Kleid Rosa/Rose/blau -----> $11.41 Mode Frauen Damen Shirt Farbverlauf Langarm Umlegekragen Beiläufige Bluse Streetwear Tops Grau / Rosa / Blau -----> $15.85 Mode Frauen Spitze Kleid Schlüsselloch geschnitten Reissverschluss zurück Langarm Cocktail-Abend Party Kleid Rosa/Rose/blau -----> $11.41 Sexy Frauen Rohr gestreift Kleid ärmellos Abend Party Prom Kleid Cocktail Maxi Kleid rosa/blau -----> $13.27 Geometrische Print Split V-Ausschnitt, Dreiviertelärmeln beiläufige lange Hemd Etuikleid Rosa neue Art und Weise Frauen-Bluse / rot / blau -----> $15.79 Mode Frauen Damen Shirt Farbverlauf Langarm Umlegekragen Beiläufige Bluse Streetwear Tops Grau / Rosa / Blau -----> $15.85 Sexy Frauen-Minikleid Geometrische Blumenmuster mit rundem Halsausschnitt ärmel Bunte Skater-Kleid Gelb / Rosa / Blau -----> $4.65 Mode Frauen Damen Shirt Farbverlauf Langarm Umlegekragen Beiläufige Bluse Streetwear Tops Grau / Rosa / Blau -----> $15.85 Mode für Damen T-Shirt Rundhals 3/4 Hülse Splice Farbe Sexy dünne beiläufige T-Shirt Tops Rosa / Blau -----> $11.03 Sexy Frauen mit Pailletten-Kleid Spaghetti-Bügel-Backless Partei-Nachtklub Bodycon Bleistift Minikleid Rosa / Rot / Blau -----> $15.18 Mode Frauen Bluse Farbe Block Lace Patchwork unregelmäßige Saum locker 3/4 Ärmel T-shirt Pullover rosa/blau -----> $9.38 Mode Frauen Spitze Kleid Schlüsselloch geschnitten Reissverschluss zurück Langarm Cocktail-Abend Party Kleid Rosa/Rose/blau -----> $11.41 Roter roter rosa blauer Bowknot-Haar-Schmuck -----> $2.32 Pink Rot Rosa Blau Bowknot Haarschmuck -----> $2.32 Blau Rot Rosa Blau Bowknot Haarschmuck -----> $2.32 Hochzeit Blumen Strauß rosa blau Spitzenbänder Runde Braut Seidenblumen -----> $64.88 Herren Whitte/schwarze Hemden Button-Down Kragen Basic-Shirt rosa/blau/grau -----> $26.95 Herren Kleid Weste rosa/grau/Burgund/grün/blau/schwarz/rot lässige Weste -----> $24.94 Mode Frauen Spitze Kleid Schlüsselloch geschnitten Reissverschluss zurück Langarm Cocktail-Abend Party Kleid Rosa/Rose/blau -----> $11.41 Neue Mode Frauen Zweiteiler mit Rüschen Flare Ärmel Chiffon Top Mesh Flower Print Gurt Spleißen süße Zweiteiliger Anzug Kleid rosa/blau -----> $16.06 Frauen-langes Hülsen-beiläufiges loses abgestuftes Kleid-Normallack-Tunika-Minikleid Rosa / Grün / dunkelblau -----> $15.96 Sexy Frauen Rohr gestreift Kleid ärmellos Abend Party Prom Kleid Cocktail Maxi Kleid rosa/blau -----> $13.27
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wutbju · 8 years
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Of the 112 churches listed on the Bob Jones University intranet White List, 7 are closed. 
Of the remaining 105, only 79 have any substantive information listed on their websites or Facebook pages. 
Of those 79:
19% are staffed or elder-led by BJU employees. And two of those don’t make it to the BJU public list. Brad Baugham’s Emmanuel Bible and Ray St. John’s Trinity Baptist. Odd.
68% employ BJU alumni. That’s not really a surprise. Bob Jones, Inc. has acted like a denomination since before 1927.
What is a surprise is how few of those BJU alumni employed by white-listed churches admit to their alma mater. Nearly a third of the local BJU-led and BJU-white-listed churches won’t admit they attended BJU! Read these bios:
Pastor Matt [Collier] grew up in Transylvania County. After graduating from Brevard High School, he moved away from the area for 8 years to attend college and seminary before returning in 2001 to establish CampsAbroad, an international missions organization that specializes in establishing Christian camps for young people.
Pastor Paul [Whitt] grew up in Alabama, but graduated from college and seminary in South Carolina. 
Pastor Matt [Whitcomb] joined the Calvary staff in 2015 where he oversees the Music and Technology Teams. He has been ministering as a Music Pastor since 2004, and has served in various capacities as a choral conductor, band director, orchestra director, and private music instructor. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Music Education and a Master of Arts in Choral Conducting. Matt and his wife Rachelle have two children and live in Simpsonville.
Lonnie [Polson] grew up in a Christian home in Indiana and trusted Christ as his Savior at the age of twelve. After graduating from high school Lonnie migrated to South Carolina to attend college and seminary. He earned an undergraduate degree in dramatic arts, master’s degrees in communication, education, and pastoral studies, and a doctorate in educational administration. Lonnie taught communication and theatre on the college level for thirty-five years before entering the pastorate at CBCHS on a full time basis in 2012. Throughout his years of collegiate ministry, Lonnie sought every opportunity to use his preaching gifts and Biblical training—preaching regularly in college chapel, preaching and teaching at his local church, serving as pulpit supply for area churches, and serving for two years as assistant pastor of Berean Baptist Church in Charlotte. In 2004 a small group of believers called Lonnie to help them plant Community Bible Church in the Holly Springs community of Spartanburg County, where Lonnie now serves full time as the pastor for preaching and teaching.
Dan [Smetana] grew up in northeastern Ohio under the influence of godly parents and a gospel-preaching church. At the age of fourteen, he recognized his need to be saved and called on the name of Jesus Christ for salvation. Dan attended college and seminary in South Carolina where he met his wife Carrie. 
Growing up in the home of an Army chaplain meant one thing – moving. Brad [Baugham] has visited or lived in every state in America (except for Alaska and North Dakota, which he is no hurry to get to) and nine foreign countries. He moved to the Upstate in the early 90s and is married to one of the best-looking girls ever. They have three children.
Mike [Gray] was born in Salt Lake City and lived most of his pre-college days about an hour north near Ogden, Utah. He studied Biology in college, going on to earn a Masters and Ph.D. in Microbiology. Since finishing his Ph.D. in 1978, Mike has taught a variety of biological science courses. He is passionate about teaching and learning and directs a summer program in teaching excellence for college teachers.
Doug Payne and his wife, Elaine, both trusted Christ to save them when they were young adults and have enjoyed serving the Lord together for many years. Following Doug’s undergraduate ministerial training and the completion of a graduate degree, he was ordained to the ministry.
Mike Thomas was saved at the age of fourteen and later surrendered to God’s calling him to preach in full-time ministry. He earned his undergraduate degree in Bible and his seminary degree in Pastoral Studies in 2001. 
Serving as the Pastor for Teaching, Andrew [Franseen] preaches, provides direction for the elders, staff and church, and works alongside the other elders in discipling the congregation. Prior to taking his role at Grace, Andrew served as a pastoral assistant at Hampton Park Baptist Church. This experience, combined with his degrees in both Bible and Theology, has helped Andrew to know God better and to make God known, especially by highlighting the glory of God seen in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Mitch [Miller] started preaching at Griggs from time to time while he was in college. For two years he helped lead his fellow students in serving the church and reaching the neighborhood. In 2015, after receiving his B.A. in Bible Evangelism and spending 5 years in youth ministry, he was welcomed back as the senior pastor. 
Chris [Barney] grew up in Waterford, Michigan, where he trusted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior at the age of 11. Shortly after, Chris sensed the Lord’s leading in his life to pursue pastoral work. Chris pursued theological training, eventually earning a Ph.D. in New Testament interpretation. 
Dan [Brooks] serves as Heritage’s preaching pastor. He is husband to Kristen, father to Luke, Kate, Hailey, and Seth, and adopted son of God the Father. A resident of Taylors, Dan is also a sometimes hiker and outdoor adventurer and has been a pastoral staff member at Heritage Bible Church since 1992.
While working through degrees in Humanities and Speech, Abe [Stratton] attended Heritage for four years. God used the preaching of His Word and the joyful worship of His people to knit his heart to this church community. In the winter of 2006, Abe completed his graduate degree and married his best friend, Liz.
Pastor Wade Kuhlewind Jr. was born in a small-town area in southwestern Pennsylvania. Growing up as the son of a pastor, he was introduced to conservative evangelical Christianity from the very beginning. From setting up tables for a funeral meal to teaching junior church, he was involved in many of the details of church ministry. Sitting through thousands of sermons and Sunday school classes further provided him with an extensive knowledge of Bible stories and a basic understanding of Bible doctrines.
Spiritually, however, he wavered between times of assurance and doubt concerning the certainty of God’s saving work in his life. Sometimes, he would frequently call out to God for salvation just in case his previous prayers did not work. Though he had attended a Christian school from K5 through 12th grade and had enrolled in a Christian college to study for the pastorate, his struggles with salvation and doubt had not disappeared. 
Pastor [Josh] Crockett is serving in his 12th year as a shepherd first at Grace Baptist Church in Anderson, Indiana and now at Morningside. He graduated with an undergraduate degree in communication and business in 2001. The next year he and Karie were married in her hometown of Raleigh, NC.
Pastor Crockett taught communication for three years while earning a master's degree in Counseling and a Master of Divinity.
Steven [Huffman] had the privilege of growing up in Georgia in a pastor’s home, and came to Christ at an early age. While attending Morningside as a student, he met Ranya Carrier (Morningside’s music pastor’s daughter), and his interest in her led him to join Morningside in 1992. He taught the college Sunday School class while he was working on a master’s degree. When he finished the degree in 1993, he married Ranya and was ordained to Gospel ministry.
Jim Wetterlund came to Suber Road as youth pastor in 2008 and served in that role until fall 2014, when he was named interim pastor and then shortly appointed senior pastor in May 2015. Jim holds a bachelor’s degree in Bible, a master’s degree in pastoral studies and a master of divinity degree.
As our pastor, Brent [Cook] is committed to leading University Baptist Church by faithfully teaching God's Word through expository preaching. His desire is to equip believers and to see the gospel proclaimed clearly through our ministry. Brent and his wife Anne have two children. 
WutBJU mentioned last week that the Bob Jones University Ministerial Class enrollment is plummeting. Not only can’t BJU get future-pastors to enroll, local pastors who have graduated from BJU won’t even admit that they attended! In fact, they sound like downright liars when they don’t. Pastor So-n-So “graduated from college and seminary in South Carolina”? That’s it? Awhile ago, WutBJU’s Facebook page was the site of controversy around naming Bob Jones University as the institution protecting a seminarian who had abused a 10yo girl. The survivor stated that:
A mission team from Greenville, South Carolina flew over to my home, Zambia, and one of the young men on that team, a college student known for his faith, integrity, and leadership, sexually abused me.
“A mission team from Greenville, South Carolina” with a “college student” was sent to a Gospel Fellowship Association missionary’s family, but no one dare name the school, “Bob Jones University.” That was going too far.
Whether a negative connection or a positive assertion of fact, Bob Jones University is the school Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named.
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incandescentsims · 3 years
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incandescentsims · 4 years
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incandescentsims · 3 years
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incandescentsims · 4 years
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incandescentsims · 4 years
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Winter Pansy: They just left for the hospital... Mum’s hoping Dr. Chiffon can perform the delivery.
Belladonna: Make sure the parentals send lots of photos!
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