#winter sapphic fest
lonelypond · 2 years
NicoMaki, Love Live, 1.7K, 1/1
Summary: Nozomi Tojo has caught the Goncharov; Yazawa Nico meets Nishikino Maki. Also, shenanigans.
Northwestern University Theatre Arts major Yazawa Nico had been up all night, finishing a paper. On Restoration Drama. She intended to never spend another second thinking about Restoration Drama so the only reason she was half paying attention to Radio, TV, and Film major Nozomi Tojo, was that Tojo was talking about something else. Or maybe Nico was nodding off and dreaming that Nozomi had suddenly become a Scorcese fan. At least it wasn’t Tarantino. Thank the gods it wasn’t Tarantino. The nodding off stopped when Nozomi shoved a printout at Nico.
“Memorize that.”
“I need you, Nico.”
“Everyone needs Nico. I am not reading your latest porn fantasy.” Nico shoved back but Nozomi held the paper firmly in front of her audience.
“It’s a legitimate project, Nico-chi.” Nozomi’s smile was too wide, her eye contact too skittish.
Nico leaned forward, “Legit, like for independent project credit.”
Nozomi leaned forward, turquoise eyes mischievous, “Legit like will look good on Nico’s resume when I walk away with the Clocktower Laurels at the next Goncharov Film Festival.”
“Goncharov? Is that Russian.”
Nozomi started to sparkle like a magical girl about to spin into a transformation, “You don’t know Goncharov?”
“Goncharov, Chechov, if Nico has to do plays, at least make it American.”
“Nah, you want English farces, Nico. Your face was made for farce.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
Nozomi shrugged, “Goncharov is a crowd sourced Martin Scorcese mafia film.”
“Some of those words make sense.”
“People on the internet made up a thing and it went viral.”
“So it’s stupid.” Nico was back to only half listening, debating if she should wake up fully and eat breakfast.
“No, it’s genius. And it’s got this great plot and Cybill Shephard was cast in one of the leads and…”
Nico understood now. “The blonde. You want an excuse to talk to the blonde. That dancer you’ve been stalking.”
“I haven’t been stalking her.”
Nico glanced around the room. Yep, blonde head, by the window, looking out at the Lakefill. “This is why we’re at Norris, not the dorm cafeteria, where Nico has a paid up meal plan.”
“I’ll buy you coffee and a donut.”
Nico sat, arms crossed.
“Go buy Nico coffee and a donut. Now.”
“Read the script.”
Nozomi stood, shimmied into a better fit with her dress, then strolled by the blonde to get to the Dunkin Donuts. Nico saw the blonde follow Nozomi’s path, sighed, and began to read the page in front of her. It was a dream sequence, two women mirroring each other, a gunshot, a woken, shaken protagonist. Quick and atmospheric. Nico conceded, to herself, that it was actually a pretty solid scene. No dialogue. Not much of Nico’s time.
“I’m so sorry. I’m just so so clumsy. I didn’t mean…did I ruin your sweater…” Nozomi’s voice boomed out.
Nico groaned. No coffee. Maybe she could rescue the donut. Nico grabbed her bag, hopped to her feet, and went to interrupt the meet cute conspiracy that was happening with her breakfast.
“My friend’s an idiot.” Nico announced, strolling up, “and this was the only way she could think of to meet you.”
Long eyelashes blinked over puzzled blue eyes.
Nico grabbed the donut bag from Nozomi and dropped the printout in front of the blonde. “Nico looks forward to working with you.”
And Nico headed for her dorm.
Nico’s phone went off an hour later. She was half asleep but too curious to ignore.
Nz: ( ͡~ ‿ ͡°) Eli’s in.
N: 乁(◣̪◢)ㄏ
Nz: (✿ヘ‿ヘ)
Nz: And we have a composer.
Nico didn’t know many music majors, how did Nozomi?
N: Composer?
Nz; yeah, she must have seen the call to collab I posted in the Beehive or the theatre building or somewhere.
N: Collab?
Nz: On the Goncharov short.
N: SOmeone actually messaged you?
Nz; You may not Tumblr, Nico-chi, but actual creatives love it.
N: Nico is creative.
Nz: Nico needs attention. Tumblr hates it.
N: Eyes are automatically drawn to Nico. Nico’s TWIG game is flawless.
Nz: Some of us prefer a more anonymous experience.
N: So what’s this weirdo’s deal?
Nz: She’s into noir and horror scores.
N: ( ͡⎚﹏ ͡⎚) Sounds cheerful.
Nz: We’re meeting her tonight, after her recital.
N: We?
Nz º·(˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º
N: ᕙ(ᓀ‸ᓂ)ง Oh no, Nico is busy.
Nz: Are you going to make me go alone?
N: what about the blonde
Nico scrolled back through the messages to double check the name. Eli. Nozomi had just met Eli that morning and while Nozomi handled all situations with charm and confidence, the older sister in Nico just couldn’t imagine sitting at home while Nozomi went out to meet some horror movie obsessed music nerd.
N: What time?
“Did you forget a mask, Nico?” Nozomi pointed to the sign.
“For the protection of the community, please wear a mask during the recital.”
“What is this, a hospital?”
Nozomi smirked and put on her mask, leaving Nico to grab one of the N95s left for the audience. It took several minutes to arrange her twin tails over the head bands.
“Nico spent some time on Tumblr, on this Goncharov.”
“Ooohh, research. What’dya think?”
“You want Nico to play Sofia, right? The one in the suit.”
“Nico doesn’t do suits.” Nico’s eyes pinched up in a judgey frown, “And it’s a dream sequence, wouldn’t pajamas be better?”
“But the audience shouldn’t know its a dream until the gunshot wakes Katya up.”
“Oh, yeah.”
Northwestern’s newest performance space, Galvin Hall, was about a quarter full, a hundred heads, one third students, the rest local music lovers and professorial looking people. Nico slid into a seat at the edge of the front row.
“What’s Nico listening to?”
Nozomi shoved the program at Nico. Nishikino Maki, original compositions inspired by Salvador Dali and Erik Satie.
“Dali’s the melting clocks guy, right?”
Nozomi nodded, doing a quick search on her phone.
“Is the other guy an artist too?”
Nozomi shook her head, “Composer. Lots of stuff for single piano, not so famous, but…”
“Famous people paid attention to him.” Nozomi glanced toward the stage, “Interesting choice.”
There was a ripple of a reaction and a tall redheaded woman in an exquisitely tailored tuxedo walked out off the wings, striding piano-ward, acknowledging the audience with a brief nod.
“Suit.” Nozomi hissed in Nico’s ear.
Nico hummed, watching the composer slide onto the bench, fingers gracefully arched, waiting to fall into the keys. She’d never been to a piano recital before.
Nico didn’t know if all pianists were that compelling or just this Nishikino Maki, but Nico’s interest was hyped. The physicality and grace of the playing amazed her, her dance experience giving her some insight into how much effort Maki was putting into creating this music. The music itself was tightly woven emotion, wrapping itself around Nico, soaking in under the skin, leaving Nico jittery with friction she didn’t quite understand. After the final note, Nozomi, seemingly not affected, grabbed her coat and barrelled to the stage, a befuddled Nico in her wake.
Nico didn’t hear the quick exchange between Nozomi and Maki, but suddenly they were all three speed walking toward the back of the stage, through an exit door, and outside, where it was colder than Nico had expected. Were they going for a smoke? Why had she left her coat inside?
Maki took her mask off, her expression neutral, although Nico couldn’t stop staring at the loveliness revealed. Nozomi kept talking. Nico could feel shivers about to start, so she clapped her hands together to get blood moving. At the sudden sound, Maki JUMPED, as if someone in a mask with a chainsaw had jumped out.
Nico giggled as Maki scowled at her.
“Aren’t you the horror movie fan?”
“I score them, they don’t surprise me, I’ve seen the script and the dailies.”
Nico shrugged, sounded dull. “That takes the fun out.”
Maki’s eyebrows lowered, “Fun is successfully cracking a stalking scene so people look over their own shoulders.”
“That’s not really fun for Nico either.”
Nozomi’s lips were twitching like she was holding in a comment, her eyes merry.
Maki had a hair curl twisting between fingers, staring at the sliver of a moon.
Nico was never one for silence, especially not silence and cold. “Nico was impressed. If your movie scoring is like your playing, the emotions will definitely come through to the audience.”
“Which is why it’s a shame, and I think Nico-chi will agree with me,” Nozomi glanced to Nico, who was too busy shivering to respond, “to only record 47 seconds of the dream. I’d like to expand the script.”
“So these would be scenes adjacent to the script proper.” Maki’s amethyst eyes caught the streetlamp’s glow.
“Yes, the intro or outro to all the Katya/Sofia scenes. Or the scenes where one might be thinking about the other.”
“My schedule’s packed, but I could make some time.” Maki said.
Maki then turned to glare at Nico, who had advanced to hopping from one foot to the other, “Here, you’re distracting me.” Maki took off her tuxedo jacket, dropping it around Nico’s shoulder, a musky rose and sandalwood scented warmth surrounding Nico, who hastily shoved her arms into the sleeves.
“Nico could make time.”
Nozomi stepped back, whistling. “That’s a good look for you, Nico-chi.”
“Everything is a good look for Nico.” Nico glanced down, wondering what the actual effect was, the tuxedo jacket over her pink knit sweater dress. She pulled out her phone, holding it high and talking a quick selfie.
“What’s your tag?”
“TWIG tag, stalker nerd.”
Nico tilted her head, staring at Maki, not playing games.
“My account’s locked. Not for strangers.”
“Well, now you know Nico. Not a stranger.”
“Don’t tag me.”
“Okay…” Nico glanced to Nozomi. Who shrugged.
“It’s Nishikinoir.” Maki glanced back over her shoulder, speaking to Nozomi. “I have to find my parents. Text me.”
Nico started to shrug out of the jacket, but Maki stopped her with a hand on her shoulder, “I’ll get it next time.” And then Maki sprinted off back to the building, a barely audible, “looks good” in her wake. There was a pause in the conversation until the sound of her footsteps faded.
“Suits.” Nozomi drawled, shooting the cuffs of her peacoat.
Nico glanced down at her winking selfie, tailored black smooth over pink crunchy texture. “Yeah.”
A/N: Participating in the @sapphicfest, 8 weeks of prompts, started with "borrowed jacket." Goncharov has been amusing and inspiring me on Tumblr so I thought it might be fun to imagine what Muse would do with it. Thanks to @ryqoshay for many Guncharov and suit chats.
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losthomunculus · 2 years
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heres my first fic for sapphic winter fest!!
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cricketnationrise · 2 years
written for week 1 of @sapphicfest
prompt: character a gives character b their jacket
featuring: Theatre Major Denice Ford, lots of opinions about stage managing, and me indulging a fantasy i had while doing college theater
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ourswordsmeandeath · 2 years
Title: Wrap Me In Your Arms (Warm Me From Within) Fandom: Legend of Yunze Relationship: A-Ze/Jiang Zhaoyun Author: ourswordsmeandeath Rating: G Words: 1716 Summary: Zhaoyun is decorating their yard for the holidays. Inside, A-Ze is curled up in her favorite chair reading a book. Snow begins to fall. Written for the Sapphic Winter Fest 2022. Week 1: Sharing a jacket. Inspired by this extra. @sapphicfest
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mari-onberry · 2 years
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ash and snow
Fandom: Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure (Cartoon) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cassandra/Rapunzel Additional Tags: Snowed In, Sharing Clothes, Post-Canon, Fluff, Pining, Huddling For Warmth, Holding Hands, Promises, Camping, Winter
Summary: Cass and Rapunzel go on a trip to the woods in the middle of winter, which leads Cassandra down memory lane.
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sapphicfest · 2 years
sign-ups close today !!
this is your reminder that sign-ups close today !!
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niceminipotato · 1 year
Hello, everyone 👋🏻. We have finally gotten to the fourth installment of my lil PRIDE fest. I hope you enjoy it. It is really a tad bit too long for what I wanted to do but I have trouble sometimes with length. Hopefully you guys don’t mind. Anyway for this one we have one our favorite sapphic ladies. The Lady actually. Alcina Dimitrescu alongside a very fearless maid. (Y’all should know I didn’t edit because it’s 2:15am and I’m tired. Ok? Ok. Byeee.)
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PRIDE - Daring
Change was to be expected after the terrible events which befell The Village. After Mother Miranda’s betrayal and Ethan Winters' sacrifice everything was different. Four families who had only had the Mold in common came together to rebuild. How they had managed to survive was a mystery. Yet Lady Alcina Dimitrescu did not question it. Not when she had been able to bring her daughters back, every single one.
Had Ethan Winters survived she would have done a great deal of things with him. It was good that he had rid them of Miranda but she would never forget how he had hunted and killed her daughters in search of his own. As if his mission to save Rose gave him leave to tear down the world of another parent. Yes, he would have suffered greatly at her hands. The things she had done in a hundred years would have paled in comparison to what she would have done to him.
Nevertheless, Winters was gone along with Miranda and she had her daughters and, as much as she loathed calling them as such, her siblings. Following The Village’s destruction they had all relocated to her castle, which stubbornly stood after the massive explosion that had practically flattened their land.
The Duke had also been spared, though Alcina supposed that was the charm of a man such as him. There when you need him gone when you don't. It was a good thing too as he was now her supplier of blood and meat. They had rebuilt somewhat and new people had begun to arrive and settle in the ruins of The Village. This time around, however, she and her daughters had refrained from recklessly taking people for sustenance. Thus building a better relationship.
With the arrival of new villagers, came new maids. The castle’s policy to hire only women remained. Even with Heisenberg constantly harassing her to change it she did not budge. Two manthings in her home were more than enough. Thus a fresh batch of maids had come in.
Fear was still very much alive. Just because she was trying to be practical did not mean that she would lower herself. She was a countess and the new people living in The Village and within her castle would know their place.
Alcina barely interacted with the maids, leaving Bela in charge of arranging their schedules. The only times she engaged with them was during meals or tea times. At least that was true until she came along.
A woman in her late twenties had come upon The Village late at night at the beginning of winter. The lights of the castle drew her in, shivering and exhausted. Where she had come from she didn’t say. All that she told them was that she had lost everyone and had nothing. Suspicion arose within the inhabitants of the castle for a while but Alcina found herself allowing the young woman to stay.
Elise was her name and she was beautiful. Her beauty, though, was subtle. She was not some ethereal being, she just was. Something Alcina appreciated over a great many things. Brown hair and hazel eyes. Lithe and delicate she stood a few inches short of her daughters. Elise was different. A hard worker through and through. Even Bela seemed surprised by her diligence and quick learning. She was quiet and reserved, her gaze held within years of despair despite her young age.
Oftentimes Alcina found herself craving the young woman’s company. She was uncertain as to why but she enjoyed having Elise around. She had made her a sort of personal maid. Unlike the rest of the staff, Elise was allowed in Alcina’s chambers and study without supervision. The young woman had learned how to discern her moods and quickly identified ways to help her calm. Her presence was almost soothing to an extent so Alcina took to having her clean her study while she worked. There were not many words exchanged, they both simply existed together. Sometimes, though, Alcina could see that flash of sadness across Elise’s face. It was quick like a lightning bolt. It suddenly struck then was no more. Refraining from asking her about her past became a challenge but she was Lady Alcina Dimitrescu and as such she had etiquette to follow.
As time went by the young woman’s quietness slowly melted. The suspicion which had been present at her arrival eased. Elise would spend time with her daughters and her siblings. She never seemed bothered by any of them and their odd characteristics. Her three rambunctious children would seek her out to spend time together. Maybe reading a book or playing. On rare occasions she would hear Donna’s soft crackly voice as she conversed with Elise. What they spoke about she didn’t know but sometimes the fact that they talked made her feel strange. Even Heisenberg and Moreau would seek the young woman out.
Seemingly, Elise had become an important member of her castle. One who her family had become rather attached to. Despite her good will and the relationship she had built with everyone Alcina always kept an eye on her. She may have allowed her to stay when everyone had been against it and allowed for them to bond with her as they had but humans were gullible little things. Anything could make them turn, their loyalty fickle, and that was something she would not have. Alcina would raze the world before facing the possibility of losing her family all over again.
With Miranda gone and new villagers came new challenges. Together the four Lords had managed to erect a barrier. However, their barrier was nothing compared to Miranda’s and as such it could be infiltrated. No longer were they invisible to the world that surrounded them. They were seen as a threat even when they had mostly changed their ways. Yet they could not blame the world surrounding them for fearing them. Alcina and her family were, afterall, different.
Their unnaturalness and years of terror had earned them the attention of different government agencies. Agencies, which seemed hellbent on eradicating them or at least capturing them for experimentation. Groups of humans or genetically engineered beings were sent through their barrier constantly. Thankfully, the villagers seemed to greatly mislike the outsiders for some reason or another. The moment someone new stepped foot in The Village the castle was notified there were hunters, as the people had taken to calling them, near.
The castle would always be on high alert when notified of suspicious activity. Maids were sent to the servant quarters to keep safe but mostly out of the way, leaving only few to tend to the family’s needs. Heisenberg would ready the Lycans he still had left while Moreau and Donna remained on standby. Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela always stayed in the castle to defend it. Because of their susceptibility to the cold, staying in the castle was also good for the three.
It fell to Alcina and Heisenberg to intercept the teams before they reached the castle. In great part due to them, the castle had never been infiltrated and even the villagers were mostly spared. It was true that Alcina alone could deal with incoming threats but Heisenberg had argued so much against it that on that issue at least she had conceded.
Dinner was being served when Elise quietly interrupted her meal. The young woman approached her while her daughters regaled the table with tales of their extreme game of hide and seek.
“My lady, we received a message from Mr. Rousseau.”
Alcina cleaned the corners of her mouth with a napkin before leaning closer to her maid. “Continue.”
“He spotted a team of twelve.”
“How many dear sis?” Heisenberg shouted from the other end of the table.
“Mind your manners.” Alcina huffed.
“Oh pardon me m’lady.”
Resisting the urge to roll her eyes she nodded at Elise who then relayed the information to the rest of the table. Bela was out of her chair and calling for the maids to get to their quarters. Cassandra and Daniela headed over to their designated sides of the castle to guard and keep watch. Moreau whiningly made his way out of the dining room as well with Donna and Angie following behind.
“My boys will keep an eye on the grounds. Move your giant ass. Let’s go.” Heisenberg called as he made his way out.
“One of these days I will leave him to die like a dog.” Alcina muttered.
“I shall have your bath ready when you come back, my lady.” Elise said beside her. “And evening tea as well.”
“See that you do.” Alcina stood and headed to the door to which the young woman replied as she always did.
“As you wish, my lady.” It wasn’t until she had almost reached the door that she heard something else coming from her. “Please come back safe.”
Elise’s last words were so soft that without her heightened hearing she would have missed them. Alcina froze then glanced back but the maid was already clearing the table of perishables and heading to the kitchens. A million and one questions surfaced in her head at the young woman’s words, at the concern etched in them. However, now was not the time to dwell on such things. Heisenberg was calling for her from the main foyer and she very much hated his cajoling.
“You stupid moron.”
“Enough!” She hissed through gritted teeth.
She supposed the biggest change after Miranda and Ethan was her regeneration. Following her run in with that cursed blade her fast healing had become stunted. She could still heal everything but the speed of which she regenerated became slower even when she had blood.
“Why’d you get in the way?” Heisenberg bit out while still holding the makeshift bandages in place.
“Because had I not then you would be dead.” Alcina replied angrily. “I thought your whole argument rested on the fact that you need not be protected because you could do that yourself. Yet there you were not paying attention. Too distracted by your damned mutts.”
“I would’ve been fine. I know I would’ve.”
“You know nothing. You imbecile.”
“Mother!” The agitated voices of her daughters finally reached them as they made their way up the stairs.
“What happened?”
“I will kill those manthings.”
“Are you going to be ok?”
Forcing a smile she tried to calm her daughters. “Hush dears. I am fine. ‘Tis but a scratch.”
The girls looked over her wounds then to their uncle, who shook his head. Heiseberg ignored her glare and only held onto her bandages despite her trying to pull away. Daniela led the way to her chambers while Cassandra briefly swarmed away before returning with the emergency kit.
The group marched on with her silently and soon Donna with Angie along Moreau joined the small entourage. The doll perched herself on her good shoulder without warning and she resisted the urge to send it flying as she watched Donna looking up at her. It seemed as though her sister had sent Angie to check the wounds she herself couldn’t see.
Alcina had half a mind to yell at them all for hovering. She needed no help. She was strong and everything would be fine come morning. Being rude was not something she wanted to do. Snapping at Heisenberg was one thing, he deserved it after all, but everyone else was there out of concern. Still their concern for her only made her feel weak and she was anything but.
As they reached her chambers her door opened before any of them could try. Elise’s troubled eyes met hers before scanning over her. Alcina could feel her ever slow beating heart begin to pick up the pace under such scrutiny. The young woman stood in silence for a few seconds before Heisenberg decided to break the atmosphere.
“Whatever she says ain’t true, El. It ain’t my fault the crazy giant stood in the way.”
The coldness with which Elise regarded Heisenberg almost made her shiver and set the hairs in the back of her neck on end. Never had she witnessed this frigid demeanor from the young woman.
“I believe you’ve done enough, Lord Heisenberg.” Her voice was just as cold as her eyes and Heisenberg flinched a step back.
“Why’re you being like this? I didn’t do nothing.”
“You should go deal with whatever it is the lycans are bringing before they make a mess.”
“You really should leave.”
“Ah fine.” He let go of Alcina to wave his arms around and turned around muttering under his breath.
The cold in those hazel eyes flashed quickly a deep fire as anger took over Elise’s features. Everyone surrounding Alcina seemed to have noticed as well, growing tense and keeping quiet. Bela had quickly taken over holding her bandages in place and moved to walk her inside her chambers. That was until she pulled away.
“Enough, I know you are all trying to help but it is not necessary.”
“But Mother we could—” Bela seemed to want to argue but she interrupted with a small smile.
“Not necessary.”
“A-are you sure sister?” Moreau asked, hobbling closer.
“I am certain. Please go tend to the rest of the castle. Heisenberg should be bringing the remains soon.”
“Call if you need something.” Donna’s soft voice came through her veil before Angie’s shriek filled the air. “I will sing you a lullaby!”
“Much appreciated.” Alcina hid her wince as she nodded at her sister and handed her doll over.
“Mother—” Daniela began but once more she interrupted.
“My dears, you need to deal with whatever Heisenberg brings in. I am perfectly able to deal with my wounds.”
Cassandra shook her head, “Mother, we can—”
“Girls,” Elise spoke calmly and took the emergency kit from the brunette, “do as the lady says. I shall ensure she has everything she needs.”
Her three daughters looked at each other as if they were having their own silent conversation before nodding and looking back at Elise. Daniele swarmed up towards her leaving a kiss on her cheek quickly followed by Cassandra. Bela waited a bit while her sisters moved down the hall throwing glances over their shoulders.
“Elise, if you need anything please call us. Anything at all.”
“As the lady says everything will be fine.” Elise gave the blonde a gentle smile.
Bela hummed before as her sisters before her she turned her lower body into a swarm of flies floating up to give her a kiss on the cheek. “I love you, Mother. And I know you don’t like it but I will check on you in a few hours.”
“I love you too, bug. Off you go.”
Bela grinned up at her before fully swarming and heading over to her sisters. Alcina listened to their excited swarms for a few seconds before focusing on the only other person left. Elise waited patiently before her. She seemed calmer now, a bit more collected than she did before. Hazel eyes zeroed in on her injured shoulder and arm before backing into the room.
Ducking carefully, Alcina entered her chambers unable to stifle the hiss moving in such a manner brought her. Pain laced her entire upper right shoulder and arm all the way down to her fingertips. The door shut gently behind her and she glanced over her shoulder to find the young woman’s eyes on her.
“My lady, the bath is ready for you when you are ready.”
“Good. Leave the kit there. You are dismissed.” She said heading towards the bench in front of her vanity.
“I could—”
Alcina was tired of all the hovering and coddling from her family. To receive the same kind of concern from a maid felt more like pity and pity was not something she would ever accept. Anger rose in her chest and she turned to face Elise.
“I said you are dismissed!”
“But you are hurt and I can—”
“Leave!” Her voice came out as more of a roar than anything else. She expected the young woman to cower but what she got was a resilient expression.
“No!” Elise exclaimed.
Ire filled rushed through her veins sending her blood into a boil and she could feel the beast within shift as her claws slid out, “you dare—”
“I dare.” Elise stared back at her without an ounce of fear. “You may kill me later. I could really care less. Now, however, you will sit and let me take care of your wounds, Lady Dimitrescu.”
Alcina stood frozen in place at Elise’s brazenness. The display of courage and her disregard for her life in the face of an apex predator were something to be admired. Even the beast within took pause at the young woman’s display.
“I’m waiting, my lady.”
At her words and still shocked she wordlessly obliged and sat at the bench watching as Elise took the stepping stool and set herself beside her.
After setting the emergency kit and freshly made bandages on the vanity Elise turned her attention to her wounds. Taking her arm in her hands she moved it cradling ever so gently as if one wrong move and it would shatter. Alcina was not used to that level of care from anyone, not even her own daughters. Bela was always careful but Elise was acting as if she would break under even the barest press of her fingers.
“I am not made of glass.” She finally said and in an instant hazel eyes met hers.
“I’m well aware.” Elise grabbed some cleaning solution and began to gently clear away the dried blood. “You can be the strongest being in the world but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be cared for.”
“Is this your way of appeasing me after blatantly disregarding my orders?” Alcina lifted a brow.
“I told you already. You can do whatever you wish after I’m done.”
“You are strange.”
Elise scoffed but still kept her attention on the wound extending from her forearm to her elbow. “Maybe. I’ll need to stitch this.” She lifted her gaze as if she were asking permission.
“Do you really have to ask? You have done as you wished so far.”
“That may be true but still I will ask. May I stitch your arm,” she stopped and glanced at the wound on her shoulder, “and your shoulder?”
“Do as you wish.”
Alcina turned away from her and focused on their reflection in the mirror. After a hum Elise set to work as usual, quietly and diligently but now with a side of care and gentleness. The silence stretched between them for the minutes during which the young woman cleaned and stitched her up. At any miniscule show of discomfort, even without really looking at her, Elise would halt her movements and give her a few seconds to collect herself.
It was not long before all the blood and debris had been cleared off of the wounds. Elise had done remarkably well, which if Alcina was honest with herself did not surprise her in the least. The young woman never complained about standing and stretching in such uncomfortable ways. She did what she had to in order to help her and that was that.
“Would you mind if I checked on the bath? I think I may have taken longer than I thought I would so the water may not be as warm as you like. I apologize.”
“Go on.”
Elise bowed her head then climbed down the stepping stool before heading to the adjoining bathroom. Alcina inspected her injuries while the young woman was gone. She could still feel the ghost of nimble fingers gently grazing her skin. Her heart beat at an alarming pace and she wondered if it was due to the injuries or if it was something else.
“My lady?” Elise’s voice drew her from her thoughts. “The bath is ready. I already spread the salts and oils. At the risk of overstepping—please mind your wounds.”
Alcina scoffed and looked at the young woman, “at the risk of overstepping, you say?”
“I am aware my behavior was unacceptable.” Elise dropped into a deep bow. “I am deeply sorry.”
Standing, Alcina made her way towards the still bowing young woman before reaching down and lifting her face with a finger under her chin. She did not miss the surprised gasp nor the way the young woman’s heart sped up. Flushed cheek, Elise looked more beautiful than before and her gaze held so much that Alcina fought to remain calm herself.
“If you would be so kind as to help me this evening. I’m afraid maneuvering in the bathroom might be a tad bit too painful on my own.”
Truthfully she had no idea where her words came from or how she allowed herself to speak in such a way. Elise swallowed hard and she found herself watching the bob of her throat as she did, feeling a thirst like no other watering her mouth.
“Yes, my lady.” Her voice was so soft that Alcina almost missed it. “It would be my pleasure to help.”
“So very kind of you.”
Pulling away she watched Elise almost chase her hand before catching herself and straightening up. An involuntary smirk settled on her lips while she entered the bathroom listening intently as the young woman behind her took a deep steadying breath.
The smell of lavender and citrus wafted through the bathroom while steam lifted from the water in her tub. Behind her she heard careful steps that came to a halt just beside the tub itself. When she moved to reach for the buttons of her dress a hum stopped her.
“Please allow me.”
Elise made quick work of the buttons and soon Alcina let the dress fall down her body and pool at her feet.
“I think it may be better to get rid of this one, my lady. I’m afraid not even Lady Beneviento would be able to mend this.”
“You would be correct. Do get rid of it. Set out a nightgown and bring me fresh underwear.” Reaching behind her to undo her bra had a hiss leaving her lips. “Useless manthings.” She grumbled.
“It may be inappropriate but I can help.”
“Go on.”
Once more soft gentle fingers grazed her skin sending a ripple up and down her spine. Feeling heat spreading across her cheeks and a slight tickle in her stomach made her gasp. There was absolutely no way she was blushing at the mere touch of another. The way her body was reacting was wholly impossible. She was not made to feel things such as these. She was not human and only humans were gullible enough to feel things such as these.
“My lady, are you alright?”
Elise’s concerned tone brought her back to herself so she cleared her throat and took a deep breath before letting her bra fall. “I am. Please do as I told you. I will be done shortly.”
“As you wish, my lady.”
Waiting until the door shut Alcina then set about taking off the rest of her garments before entering the tub. The moment she sank in she felt her body completely relax and she let out a pleased hum. For a moment she allowed herself to just be, completely tuning out everything that wasn’t her or the water gently lapping around her just before it settled.
After her moment of complete disconnection she tuned back into her surroundings. She began to wash herself being mindful of her still healing injuries. Behind the closed door she could hear Elise moving about.
The whole situation with the young woman was strange. Never once in her seventy years as a mutated being had she faced someone like her. While it was true that Ethan Winters had disrupted her entire being and challenged her like no one had before it wasn’t the same. Elise had challenged her, yes, and she had also disrupted her whole being but it was so much different.
The young woman cared about her and her family in a way no one truly had. She made quick friends with siblings and became something more than a friend to her daughters. And then there was Elise with her.
In the face of death she had stood without fear. Like a stone against which the water crashed but could not move. Elise made her feel things she did not understand. Things she had forgotten she had once desired. Slowly she had ingrained herself into her life. Slowly then all at once and it was just now that Alcina was becoming more aware of just how deep that young brown haired and hazel eyed woman had rooted herself.
A soft knock on the door had her glancing over her shoulder.
“Should I leave your clothes in here? Or would you rather I set the screen for you?” Elise asked, her eyes focused on her feet.
“Why should I have to dress her or behind the screen?”
“Oh, I only mean to respect your privacy, my lady.”
Her stammering was sweet enough to tease but Alcina felt somewhat merciful. “You pretend to stay in my chambers tonight?”
“I-I uh I…” Elise’s cheeks turned several shades of red before settling on a deep crimson. “Your daughters came by and wanted to stay. I may have convinced them to let you rest on the condition that I’d watch over you.”
“I have no need for a nanny.” Alcina snapped quietly, though she felt her chest warm at her daughters’ concern.
“I know you don’t, my lady. But I assumed you’d rather one set of eyes instead of three.”
“I suppose.” She conceded. “Leave my clothes here.”
“Of course, my lady.”
Some shuffling of fabrics then the door was shut once more and she was again alone with her thoughts and her feelings.
Allowing herself a few more minutes of soaking in the sweet and citrusy water, Alcina leaned her head back and closed her eyes, willing her heart to calm. A night with only Elise for company would surely be an arduous task to complete but she had never been one to cower before a challenge.
In the silence she wondered what would happen should she allow herself to feel freely. She also wondered what went on in Elise’s little head—what moved her to act in the way she had towards her. Between the two questions that at least was something she was more willing to explore.
One deep and calming breath and she was getting out of the tub and reaching for a towel. She patted herself dry and put on her clothes, chuckling at the fact she had been limited to getting ready for bed in the bathroom instead of her own room. Once done she headed out.
Soft candlelight bathed the room in a delicate golden glow. Not all of them were lit, just enough that visibility was good—she needn’t much but still it was nice. Elise stood by the window unaware she had finally stepped out of the bathroom.
Alcina allowed herself a few minutes to observe the young woman in silence. Standing in the moonlight looking at nothing in particular, Elise was breathtaking. She almost wished she could paint her. Maybe one day. Just not today.
“Good choice.”
Elise turned abruptly, “pardon me, my lady. I didn’t notice you came back.”
“Clearly. Good choice on nightgowns. This one is by far one of my more comfortable ones.” Alcina moved to her bed noticing the covers had been pulled back so that she may just slip in.
“Daniela brought a carafe of new blood for you.” Elise walked over to the table in which a tray sat with said carafe and a glass. “Would you like some now?”
“If you wouldn’t mind.”
“Right away.”
Sitting at the edge of the bed Alcina waited for the young woman to bring her favored drink. Elise made her way to her carefully and handed her the cup while she moved the carafe from the tray to her bedside table. That sweet coppery scent reached her and her hunger hit her like a wave. She drank the whole cup in two gulps. Unflinchingly, Elise filled cup after cup until the whole carafe was gone.
“Would you like me to get more? We must have gotten a fresh supply today.” Elise offered.
“How are you this comfortable with my cumsumption of blood?” She asked instead of responding.
“What do you mean?”
“You talk as though it does not bother you. Yet you are human. It is the blood of your species that I crave more than anything. I can drink ten of you dry and still want more. Despite that, here you stand offering me more without so much as a care.”
“You need it the same way I need animal meat. I don’t see a difference.” Elise spoke and despite how much she looked for it Alcina could find no traces of lies in her words or expression.
“Why what?”
“Why do you care for us? For me?” Alcina just could not understand her. “We… I am… I am nothing but a m—”
“If you dare finish that sentence I will climb up there and slap you.” Elise spat. “Do not ever call yourself that. Never. Do you understand me?” She looked so angry while she spoke as if Alcina had somehow offended her. “Your siblings are amazing. Unusual, yes. But amazing still. And your daughters, they are unlike anyone I’ve ever met. A bit peculiar and rambunctious. Sadistic also—I will not deny that—but wonderful in every way. And you…”
Alcina felt an unfamiliar prickle in her eyes as she listened to the young woman. Never had she encountered someone as daring as her. She threatened her in the same wavelength expressed her love—because that’s what it was, love—for her family. Her hazel eyes filled with unshed tears as she found the words to express what Alcina was to her.
“You are no monster. You are beautiful, breathtakingly so. You are strong and loving. Caring and kind in your own way.” Tears slid down pink cheeks but Elise continued despite them. “I know of your past. I know what you’ve done. But I also know your present.” She swallowed hard. “I know what you can become. I know what you would become for the people of this castle. A dragon cares for its own. Does it not, my lady?”
Where her voice came from she had no idea, because the lump in her throat sat heavy. “It does.”
“I have met many monsters.” A sad smile sat on Elise’s face. “So many monsters. You are not one of them. So I will never allow anyone to refer to any of you as such. I lost so much when I got here. I had nothing and no one. And swore I would never let anyone else that close. But it seems I’m an oath breaker because you all sneaked in and burrowed yourself within. You are all now my family.”
It felt like a bucket of ice cold water had fallen upon her waking her from her daydreaming. Whatever Alcina had thought the young woman felt towards her was not real. A family is what she them all as. A family, which could only mean she saw her as a mother. And really what could she see? Alcina was stuck forever in her mid-forties. She may be beautiful but to a twenty-something year old that was nothing.
“Family.” Alcina let out feeling herself hollow out, tearing her gaze from the young woman before her. “So to you I must be like a mother?”
A light chuckle brought her back to Elise who was doing her best to wipe the tears from her face. Hazel eyes met hers and a soft smile etched itself into the young woman’s face.
“Seeing you as a mother might make the way I want to kiss you rather complicated.”
“W-what did you say?”
Not once in all her years had Lady Alcina Dimitrescu stammered the way she just had. Elise simply looked at her, her head tilted with her soft smile and warm eyes.
Alcina was unsure from where the young woman had pulled the stepping stool but Elise was now perched on it, their gazes leveled. Alcina’s hands twitched at her sides when Elise gently cradled her face. Bated breath, she waited unmoving to see just what the young woman would do.
“I don’t see you as a mother, my foolish lady.” Despite her tears, Elise let out a chuckle.
“That’s… good.”
“So eloquent.” She giggled and Alcina decided that was the best sound she had ever heard.
Hazel eyes filled with tears once more and her hands began to shake. Elise leaned forward and rested her forehead against hers, her lips quivering slightly. Alcina's heart raced at their closeness and she refused to breathe or acknowledge the way she herself began to tremble.
“I know what happened today can happen again. I know even if I beg you would still go out there. You have to.” A light whimper escaped Elise’s lips. “Just please make sure you come back. I know how strong you are but Alcina please. I have lost so much already and I know you are different. I know you are stronger. But please just say you will come back. Please.”
Pulling away from her soft hands, she lifted her head enough to place a kiss on Elise’s forehead, lingering for a moment to say, “I will always come back to you, my daring girl.”
“Aww, that is so cute! You were right, Bela?”
The delighted squeal from Daniela had them jumping apart. Elise seemed to lose her balance but one quick movement from Alcina and she had her resting against her chest instead.
“Dani, hush!” Cassandra hissed, attempting to be more quiet but failing miserably.
“Both of you shhh.”
Elise made to move away but Alcina only held her tighter in place, “stay?” At her nod Alcina pulled her gently onto her lap before looking to the closed door. “Bugs? You may come in.”
“What if we don’t want to?” Cassandra asked.
“I want to.” Daniela whined.
“Be quiet.” Bela hissed. “A-are you decent, Mother?”
“Bela Dimitrescu.” She admonished while Elise attempted to cover her giggle with a cough.
“I was only—”
“Inside. All three of you.”
The buzzing swarm of her beloved trio dove under her door and into the room. Cassandra materialized with her hands covering her eyes, while Daniela beamed at them and Bela stared at the floor apologetically.
“So when do we get to call Elise mom?” Daniela asked happily.
“Daniela, we haven’t even… what I mean is… well I just…” And once more Lady Alcina Dimitrescu had been reduced to a stammering blubbering mess.
“I just told her I loved her, girls. Be patient.”
Suddenly the giggles coming from her daughters disappeared along with her chambers to leave only the woman she now had on her lap. What Elise had just said was a lie. She hadn’t told her she loved her. She had just—
“Alcina?” A soft hand caressed her cheek gently as ever. “Are you alright?”
“Elise broke Mother.” Cassandra snickered in the background.
Alcina ignored her and focused instead on those hazel eyes. “You just said you love me.”
“Alcina,” Elise frowned, “after everything that just happened. After everything I just said. Could you not guess what I felt? What I feel?”
“But I’m a m—”
Soft lips covered her own in an instant. She shuddered at the feeling as did the beast inside. Parts she had thought long dead sparked throughout her. Bumps rose all over her skin and she burned. Burned brightly in an all consuming fire. To this miserable world Elise had sparked it all. It was as though Alcina had been sleepwalking through life. And now she was awake.
Elise pulled away and she opened her eyes, not entirely sure of when she had opened them. “I told you not to call yourself that.”
“If I recall correctly you said you’d slap me if I did.” Alcina managed a smirk though inside she was swooning like a schoolgirl.
“My daring self thought a kiss might be better to keep you from talking.”
“Sorry I forgot you all were here.” Elise turned to the girls.
“We’re aware.” Cassandra rolled her eyes. “Anyway since we now know Mother is in good hands let's get back to the cellar. I’m still hungry.”
“Just make sure you don’t bring all that blood up the stairs to the kitchen, you three.” Elise groaned.
“Yes, mom!” Daniela cheered and swarmed away quickly followed by a giggling Cassandra.
“Uh… still let us know if you need something?” Bela gave them a small smile before she also swarmed away.
“I should’ve asked them to bring you another one.” Elise motioned to the empty carafe. “I’ll go get you some more.” She moved to stand and once more Alcina held her in place.
“No, I had more than enough.” Elise seemed unconvinced by her words. “Stay.”
“As you wish, my lady.”
“Shall I tell you a secret, my daring draga?” Alcina pressed her forehead to Elise’s, grinning widely when she rubbed their noses together. “I love you too.”
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fyeahmonthlyevents · 1 year
2023/2024 Events Roundup
[last updated Jan 19, 2024] [disclaimer: blog only created… Aug 29, 2023]
If there's an official promo, it'll be linked!
Sapphic September
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)
AMonthOfWhump's Winter Whumperland
A January of Firsts
Gen-uary Fic Rec Fest
Fannish Fest February
Femslash February
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snowhavenstudios · 1 year
Our yuri rhythm game, Love's Crescendo, is launching on November 14th, 2023.
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On a cold winter day, Valerie and Cadence are brought together through their shared love of music. Determined to hear more of the talented pianist’s tunes, Valerie seeks Cadence out in hopes of making something beautiful. Little did they know that their composition would blossom into something more…
Test your music skills and fall in love with the heartwarming story. You'll find it featured in Steam Next Fest soon~
🕹️Rhythm game
🎶Original Soundtrack
🌸Over 27,000 Words
💕A blossoming sapphic romance between Cadence and Valerie
🌻8 Vibrantly Illustrated CGs
🌙Over 12 Backgrounds with Time of Day Variations
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lee-bella · 9 months
HP Fest Schedule: January 2024
Below the cut is a list of HP fest dates for the month of January 2024, plus two fests that started on December 31. All the dates are subject to change. For the latest update, see the full HP Fest Schedule (Google doc).
For a full list of current and upcoming HP fests, see the latest edition of Potterfests' HP Fest News Round-up. The round-up is available on Dreamwidth and Livejournal.
December 31
Riddle Fest: Prompts announced.
A Devious & Diverse New Year 2024: Claiming opens.
January 1
R/S Big Bang 2023: Posting begins.
Good Godfather Sirius Black Fest (Harry & Sirius gen): Challenge begins.
HP Chan Fest (AO3, DW): Posting opens
Severitus Big Bang: Pitching begins.
Rare Pair Shorts Winter Prompt Challenge (Tumblr): January challenge begins.
The Great Wizarding Feast Fest (AO3): Prompting opens.
For the Love of a Weasley Fest (Nitter, AO3): Prompting opens.
January 3
Remadora Fest (Remus/Tonks): Posting begins.
HP Springtide Festival (Nitter, AO3): Prompting closes.
Post-Deathly Hallows Harrymort Fest: Prompting opens.
January 5
H/D Erised 2023 (Tumblr; exchange): Big reveal.
January 6
Draco Tops Harry Fest 2024 (Tumblr): Prompting begins.
HP Bun in the Oven Pregnancy Fest: Prompting begins.
LCDrarry 2024: Prompting opens.
January 7
Harry Potter Kink Meme (Tumblr): Round 2 masterlist (tentative).
The Ice Royals' Valentines Extravaganza (Lucius/Narcissa): Claiming ends.
HP Springtide Festival (Nitter, AO3): Claiming opens.
Wizarding Olympics Fest: Prompting opens.
January 8
HP Animagi Week: Prompts released.
January 9
HoggyWartyXmas Prompt Fest: Reveals.
Snapecase 2024: Posting begins.
Truly Madly Deeply Fest: Claiming begins.
January 10
HP Mythology Fest (Nitter, AO3): Prompting opens.
January 12
H/D Owlpost 2023: Reveal of gift maker.
January 13
Forbidden Fruit Fest (Nitter, AO3; stepcest): Claiming ends.
Post-Deathly Hallows Harrymort Fest: Claiming opens.
January 14
Forbidden Fruit Fest (Nitter, AO3; stepcest): Works due.
January 15
HP Lyricists Fest: Claiming begins.
HP Knotfest: Claiming closes.
HP Smells Like Teen Spirit Fest (Nitter, AO3): Prompting opens.
January 16
LCDrarry 2024: Prompting closes.
January 17
Post-Deathly Hallows Harrymort Fest: Prompting ends.
January 18
HP Bun in the Oven Pregnancy Fest: Prompting ends.
January 19
Forbidden Fruit Fest (Nitter, AO3; stepcest): Reveals begin.
January 20
The Ice Royals' Valentines Extravaganza (Lucius/Narcissa): Works due.
Draco Tops Harry Fest 2024 (Tumblr): Prompting ends.
HP Bun in the Oven Pregnancy Fest: Claiming begins.
LCDrarry 2024: Claiming opens.
HP Mythology Fest (Nitter, AO3): Prompting ends.
January 21
Comfort Zone Fest: Works due.
January 22
Comfort Zone Fest: Reveal begins.
Draco Tops Harry Fest 2024 (Tumblr): Claiming begins.
For the Love of a Weasley Fest (Nitter, AO3): Prompting ends.
HP Mythology Fest (Nitter, AO3): Claiming opens.
January 25
HP Knotfest: Fics due.
January 28
Severitus Big Bang: Pitching closes.
January 29
HP Sapphic Valentine's: Claiming closes.
January 30
Love Is In The Air (Twitter, Nitter): Claiming ends.
January 31
HP Sapphic Valentine's: Works due.
Good Godfather Sirius Black Fest (Harry & Sirius gen): Challenge ends.
Liquid Luck Roll the Dice Winter Edition: Challenge ends.
Eiffel Tower Fest (triad): Sign-up closes.
Rare Pair Shorts Winter Prompt Challenge (Tumblr): January challenge ends.
For the Love of a Weasley Fest (Nitter, AO3): Claiming opens.
HP Smells Like Teen Spirit Fest (Nitter, AO3): Prompting closes.
January ?
H/D Kidfic Fest 2024: Posting begins.
Snarry-a-Thon 2024: Prompting begins.
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lonelypond · 2 years
Holiday Plans
NicoMaki, Love Live, 460 words, 3/?
Summary: Planning for Goncharov filming gets derailed by a Kpop discussion.
Key @QueenofAllCups Nozomi Tojo @On Point Eli Ayase @SeaArrow Umi Sonoda @FeatherTouch Kotori Minami @No1Nico Yazawa Nico @Nishikinoir Nishikino Maki
Holiday Plans
*@QueenofAllCups has started a TWIG chat with six members*
@QueenofallCups Everybody back from Thanksgiving; let’s get filmin’
@OnPoint I have so many Nutcracker rehearsals.
@Queenofallcups Nuts must be cracked
@No1Nico Take it to the private chat
@SeaArrow Did everyone get the script pages?
@QueenofAllCups I was breathless with suspense @SeaArrow you certainly know how to deny a girl pleasure
@SeaArrow ?!?!?!?!?!
@No1Nico Not everyone speaks perv, Perv
@Nishikinoir Why is your name No Nico
@No1Nico Number 1 Nico, god tier Nico Nico Ni
@Nishikinoir Hmmmmmmm
@Nishikinoir Why not NumberOneNico then
@No1Nico Too many characters, plus all the best names are a mix of letters and numbers
@Nishikinoir Not true
@No1Nico AKb48
@SeaArrow 2NE1
@FeatherTouch fromis_9
@No1Nico Twice
@SeaArrow Clever
@SeaArrow Seventeen
@No1Nico You get Nico
*Nishikinoir has left the group chat*
@QueenOfAllCups Oh good job, Nico-chi; you’re scared away the hot musician
@OnPoint Are all those bands?
@OnPoint I can do this.
@OnPoint Maroon5
@No1Nico ◴_◶
@QueenOfAllCups Good one, Eli.
*@QueenofAllCups has added @Nishikinoir to the chat*
@Nishikinoir 4 Minute. Love Tension
@No1Nico And the music nerd goes old school. And adds a song.
@Nishikinoir I like thorough
@QueenOfAllCups And suits ( ̄^; ̄) Nico-chi, check out the vid.
@SeaArrow Can’t Nobody
@No1Nico Another old school score
@No1Nico FIne. Pristin V Spotlight for the Number 1 K-pop fan
@QueenOfAllCups 3Ye Queen
@FeatherTouch 3 Ye Stalker
@QueenOfAllCups Twice I Can’t stop me
@OnPoint I don’t understand what is going on
@SeaArrow My apologies. @FeatherTouch is having some kind of emergency that will take up the rest of our evening. Please let us know the schedule as soon as possible
*SeaArrow has left the chat*
@Nishikinoir (-_-;)
@No1Nico Does Nico want to know
@Nishikinoir No
@QueenOfAllCups @OnPoint text me your sched and I’ll figure something out.
@No1Nico All the holidays in two frikkin weeks; who thought of that.
*Private chat*
@Nishikinoir @No1Nico my parents are throwing a New Year’s Eve masquerade party
@No1Nico @Nishikinoir And you need your tux jacket back
@Nishikinoir @No1Nico Sure
@Nishikinoir @No1Nico But I wondered if you might want to hang out…you’re probably busy though
@No1Nico @Nishikinoir No real holiday plans, my sibs get tucked in early … what’s the dress code?
@Nishikinoir @No1Nico meet me at Norris tomorrow and we can talk about it
@No1Nico @Nishikinoir 3 p.m. Nico has time between classes.
@Nishikinoir @No1Nico Okay
@No1Nico @Nishikinoir ( ๑>ᴗ<๑ )
@Nishikinoir @No1Nico (⊙_◎)
@QueenOfAllCups Anybody out there?
@OnPoint Hi ( *>ω<*)
@QueenOfAllCups Hi ԅ(≖◡≖ԅ)
@OnPoint Thanks for being nice, you know, when I didn’t know about the band thing
@QueenOfAllCups If you want to come over, we can watch those videos.
@OnPoint Sounds fun.
@OnPoint Do I need a suit ¬‿¬
@QueenOfAllCups Come as you are
@OnPoint Sounds perfect
@QueenOfAllCups See you soon.
A/N: People have been posting so many #wenclair chat/text fics, I couldn't resist. The@sapphicfest Week 5 prompt was holiday plans. So here we go.
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losthomunculus · 2 years
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third @sapphicfest fic for the prompt "mistletoe" is a modern/canon fusion with some holiday romcom hijinks <3 please enjoy!
golden bough's fruitful omens
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harrypocter · 2 years
Week 4 Round Up - Cho Chang & Padma Patil
Here is the list of stories written for the last week of Winter Sun fest!
Galleon by @turanga4
Cho Chang heeds a call.
Taking Flight by @siriusly-sapphic
Years after the Second Wizarding War, Cho Chang is in a much better place.
The Weariest River by @ashesandhackles
Cho and Roger Davies have a talk, post Quidditch Finals in OOTP.
Not from everything by @diana-bookfairchild
5 times Padma stopped Parvati from doing something + 1 time she didn't.
Privilege by @bluethepineapple
In the aftermath of the battle, Cho sits and names the dead.
A Cho drabble by @wanderingdonut
Ginny helps Cho out with a problem.
Spinal Stem by @ashesandhackles
Padma grows up, and discovers few things about herself independent from her sister.
Birthday Girls by @bluethepineapple
After the war, Padma sings herself and her sister a birthday song.
New beginnings by @diana-bookfairchild
An introspective drabble on Cho's time at the Ministry.
Tension by @ashesandhackles
Cho meets Ginny Weasley, two years after the Battle of Hogwarts at an unusual place.
Sun by @bluethepineapple
Cho finds herself sucked into the orbit of one Ginny Weasley. It is a relief.
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systemdump · 2 years
sapphic winter fest
i am taking the mantle when it comes to @sapphicfest this winter and was wondering if anyone would like to lend a hand as a mod.
there is only two of us . pls .
sincerely, chloe
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sansasource · 4 years
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Sansasource is pleased to announce that it will be hosting the second Sapphic Sansa Fest. It’s a 3 day-long celebration of all things queer and Sansa  just over a month from now, from November 13th to November 15th. We have themes as suggestions/prompts and you can pick any for any day.  We encourage ALL wlw Sansa ships and are open to Sansa as an individual/character and non-ship specific sapphic content. The goal is to have fun, so we hope you join us participating in whatever way you choose, be it fanart, fanfiction, meta, fanmixes,graphics, gifs- wichever is to your liking. We will be tracking the tag #sapphicsansafest and as always #sansasource.
canon | awakening | nostalgia | “just friends” | firsts | au | flowers | arranged marriage | magic | soulmates | scandal | queen(s) | politics | winter nights | your choice
All signal boosts will be greatly appreciated. Art by @ grrmartin​
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sapphicfest · 2 years
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the annual sapphic winter fest is back! here's all the info you need to know. all relevant links are embedded in purple .
the discord server is a great place to start when joining this fest. all mods are easily available as well as other participants . there’s a channel for the timeline , the prompts and all the links to our socials.
here are the requirements/rules ...
be over thirteen
have an ao3 account
no nsfw content above a mature rating. this includes underage/pedo/noncon/incest fiction
no rpf (real person fiction)
your work must be a minimum of 1000 words
here’s a small FAQ to get you caught up with this year’s fest :
how do i sign up? please fill in the google doc form in the discord server after the 20th September
do i have to be sapphic to participate? not at all ! all genders / sexualities are encouraged to join the fest , however the ship must be sapphic.
do genderswaps count? of course !
what happens if i miss a deadline? don't worry if you miss a deadline . speak to one of the mods and we can arrange for your fic to still be included
where will my fic be posted? works will be posted on the sapphic fest tumblr and twitter as well as the ao3 collection, which are all pinned in the discord server
the timeline will be on a separate post , or you can look in the discord to see it now !
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