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Nhnhnhn holidays

It’s very snowy, Eddie better be careful delivering mail…
(In the first picture, since it’s hard to read, Frank is saying “Happy Hanukkah” and Howdy is saying “Merry Christmas” and their exclamations are colliding, so they just go with “Happy Holidays” instead)
#welcome home#welcome home puppet show#welcome home arg#welcome home puppet arg#howdy pillar#barnaby b beagle#frank frankly#eddie dear#julie joyful#sally starlet#oh yeah ignore the random note at the top that says “fragile masculinity”#I usually write down funny things that happen in class#one of the kids in English called a book character a loser for not wanting to fight#The English teacher went “that tells more about your fragile masculinity than it does about the book character's personality”#he's the best english teacher to deal with highschoolers lol#also Barnaby and Howdy are more fluffy because winter coat#and Sally is a bit more fluffed because#i say so#happy holidays#WAIT POPPY'S HERE TOO SORRY POPPY#poppy partridge#AND SUNNY#sunny welcome home#sunny songbird#my art#pawfulofdoodles
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NewAgeAU Drabble - The Winter Ball
Hi!! I am back! And @spotaus and I have been talking about these a few times now and well.
It is about time I gave Ccino some happy times instead of just more trauma.
So a happy moment! Still early after Nightmare took the crown and before Killer joined them! about half a year after Ngihtmare took the crown and like... 4 maybe 5 ish months after Killer joined? Ish? Spot please correct me if i am wrong on the timeline Lmao.
Ccino frowns as he checks the list.
This isn't right.
Ccino looks back at the decorations in the hallway and stares at the very warm light green colour of the decorations hanging high.
That is not the colour he had picked out for this party.
Ccino frowns as he crosses his arms. One of the few cats sitting by his feet staring at the decorations with him.
Ccino hums "I agree. It is unlike them to not follow my directions." Ccino is still getting used to his new title and role in the house. Things had been easier now that Nightmare felt ready to be the king and had found his balance with his new duties. It is unlike the others to not follow Ccino's lead.
Ccino is honestly still confused with how easily everyone listened to his directions and orders but it makes for a very efficient running of the castle.
Ccino blinks and actually looks down at the cat by his feet. Wait when had this one sneaked into the castle.
The cat stares back at him and lets out a questioning meow.
Ccino pulls a face "Little friend. You are not helping with the rumour that I own you lot." he holds out a hand to the small cat and the cat rubs its tiny face on his hand. Ccino sighs before deciding this is probably fine. It are just a few cats. Ccino thinks there is only like five running around at this point. That isn't that bad. The cats will probably leave once they feel like it.
It is just that... The idea of people thinking they are his cats... He likes cats, that isn't the issue. He just remembers how the old king... when she thought he had owned cats.
The ache in his back flares up and Ccino takes a few deep breaths. There is nothing there. It is nothing. He just needs to calm down.
Ccino turns away from the cat and starts walking. Ignoring the small shadow following him around the castle.
It is fine. Things are fine. Nightmare doesn't mind the cats and Nightmare had been furious when someone implied whipping Ccino for some broken rule. Nightmare had wanted an explanation and Ccino hadn't been happy with it but he had managed to explain a bit. Nightmare had looks horrified and had been left shaking.
Ccino held him for the whole evening after to help calm him but that hadn't seemed to help Nightmare.
Ccino just wants Nightmare to be happy. That is all he wants and he knows that him just worrying about him won't make Nightmare happy.
Ccino spots some maids in the distance and joins them "Ladies."
The maids look slightly nervous because seeing him and smiling with relieve "Master Ccino! What do you think of the new decorations?" They look downright excited.
Ccino feels a bit bad about wanting to ask them why they messed up and decides to change his question "They look lovely. I was just wondering why the decision has been made to make them green instead of the cyan that was agreed upon?" It was suposed to be white and cyan. White to signal the winter itself and the cyan to honour their king.
The maids share some confused looks before one smiles, Robin it seems, "We were confused by the switch ourselves but our king wanted it to be a warm white with a warm light green. We were honestly lucky we had enough in supply to make all the changes."
Nightmare had requested the change? Why?
Ccino gives a nod and smile "Well it looks absolutely fantastic. How are the other preparations?"
The three happily give him an update about how the cooks are all ready with the last few changes themselves and how the band is getting ready to perform. The guards are all prepared and have a good rotation planned to make sure everyone has a chance to enjoy the evening at least a little.
There are people ready to make sure no one brings any weapons from outside the castle and the spare masks are ready.
Ccino still doesn't understand why Nightmare would want to do a masquerade ball. Ccino knows that Nightmare values the masks above everything else and he always saw the masked balls as a way that others made fun of their traditions and values.
But Nightmare had reinforced that it was of the upmost importance that this ball would be an occasion where people would walk around masked.
Ccino had thought it was a way for Nightmare to take control of the type of party. To make it something that would show the importance of the masks.
Ccino walks and thinks about the matter with a frown on his face. Walking past the ballroom and he is unable to not stop and stare in awe. It is truly beautiful. There are decorations and large ice sculptures. Other servants are setting tables and preparing the banquet tables to hold all the food.
Ccino is happy that more staff is actually staying now instead of leaving. It had been tough to get people to actually agree to work for their King. The fear of their new king is as a silent noose around their necks.
Ccino is happy to have been able to find some staff to help around the castle. Before it was just too exhausting to keep it all taken care of. The extra help was a must have and Ccino is happy to have it.
Even if their king has picked up the bad habit of picking up criminals and thieves. So far they haven't tried to do anything yet but that is mostly thanks to Captain Rogers. Ccino is still every day thankful that the new captain of the guard seems to be so willing to work with him and seems deeply loyal to Nightmare.
Ccino still has his doubts. He knows how others betrayed Nightmare and tried to trick him before. His king is already worried as it is. Ccino is trying to make sure that he at least feels safe in his own home. That there won't be any harm towards him from inside his own home.
Ccino just wants to help him. It is probably stupid to think Nightmare still needs him.
He should be happy he managed to help Nightmare until now. Enough that his king had even gifted him a mask! A mask! Ccino is still scared to touch it. It is precious and beautiful and Ccino is scared to ruin it somehow. He doesn't understand why Nightmare gave it to him, Ccino just did what was right.
He stops by the kitchen and frowns at all the food that has been prepared. It isn't that it is wrong. It looks delicious. It looks truly amazing.
They thing however is. That these are meals he personally liked to enjoy, when he could get himself to eat that is. But Ccino knows not many people like these.
Poached pears, glazed cherries, sea bass pie, coffee cream cakes.
The list just keeps going and Ccino is very sure this is not the list he put together for the party.
He knows he had spoken with his king about what he should put on the menu. They had discussed what would be liked by most and spoke shortly about their own personal favourites as Ccino had wanted to add some of Nightmare's favourites.
Ccino glares as he turns around and goes striaght towards the king's dressing room. He uses his secret pathways to make it up very quickly. He goes into the dark tiny room and holds unto a stone branch and on a large stone leaf. The stones move soundlessly as they transport him upwards a few floors.
Ccino leaves the dark tiny chamber as he continues down the hall. Some guards jump when Ccino turns the corner and he just gives them a nod as he goes towards the right door as he ignores the mutters after him.
"I thought the stairs were the other way? Where did he comes from?"
"Don't. Don't start questioning him. The king made him Head of House for a reason."
Ccino really needs to use the normal halls more. He is starting to view his secret routes as normal routes. Ccino disappears into the dressing room.
It is large and made with mostly white materials. Large mirrors along the wall and Ccino can't bring himself to look at his own reflection. Instead he walks towards the large and imposing figure in front of the large set of mirrors.
Ccino spots Sasha looking up excited as she grins. She has multiple needles in her mouth as she tugs on a piece of thick and purple fabric which makes up a large cape.
Ccino joins the king's side. Nightmare is wearing robes in a deep cyan with the cape being a dark purple.
It is... a choice.
Nightmare tilts his skull slightly as he looks into the mirror "I take it isn't the best fit?" He sounds more amused than anything.
One downside of Nightmare beign able to feel his emotions directly is that it is a lot harder to remain diplomatic about some things.
Ccino finds his answer "Both colours fit you rather well." It is truthful.
Nightmare looks back at the mirror amused "Just not at the same time." He seems highly amused.
Sasha gasps "No it is alright my lord! I just need to find the right balance!" she stares at the fabric as if it holds the mysteries of the world.
Nightmare hums as he unclips the cape. Sasha stammers but quickly grabs the fabric. Nightmare looks to the side as his tendril grabs the black furred cape with cyan and silver detailing, The one he wears daily ever since Ccino gave it to him months ago. He puts it around his shoulders and looks content "Much better."
Sasha grumbles but makes a deep bow.
Ccino feels a bit bad for her. She really is just trying her best with what she has. It has been less than a year since Nightmare took over the throne and it took him a while to get comfortable with his magic and his new position.
Sasha had had less than that time to switch everything to fit Nightmare instead of Dream as she had been trained to serve Dream, like all of them had been.
Ccino misses Dream so much. He knows Dream is safe in the neighbouring world but it still feels wrong to have Dream be exiled. He is only fourteen now and all alone. Ccino won't challenge Nightmare on his decision but Ccino still misses him.
Nightmare tugs on the cuffs on his shirt as he doesn't look at Sasha "Is the other outfit ready?"
Ccino raises a brow as Sasha looks downright excited "Yes it is ready. I will get it right away my lord!" and she runs out.
Ccino looks back as he door closes before he speaks once again "Is there something you wished to tell me my king?"
Nightmare turns towards him and frowns "I do not believe so. Why did you think I wished to tell you something?"
Ccino turns to face his king "My king, you changed the decorations and the menu." he frowns a bit "Were they not to your liking?" He thought they spoke about what Nightmare would have enjoyed at the party and they had settled on this together.
Nightmare watches him closely "I had... come to a different conclusion after some thinking." He doens't look directly at him as he messes with the cape around his shoulders.
Ccino knows that face. He knows that body language. The last time Nightmare acted like this he was hiding the fact he and Dream had broken the vase. Ccino had been more worried about the fact the two had tried to hide the shards and had gotten their hands cut off.
Ccino groans as he holds his head in his face "Please tell me you didn't break something big." Some small item is easy enough to replace but if Nightmare broke one of the painted glass windows they are in trouble. Then more pressing "Are you hurt? Do you have any issues?" He hadn't seen Nightmare get hurt yet since the attack from Dream and he settled in his new body. Ccino had just thought that the magic made him immune to harm but what if he was wrong?
Nightmare sputters and his tendrils spasm as he looks at him "I didn't break anything!"
Ccino's first instinct is to believe Nightmare. His second one is to remember how often the twins got into trouble and messed with the wrong things and how often Ccino had to quickly glue something together or repair their outfits.
Nightmare sputters as he looks to the side with something that Ccino can only describe as a pout. He knows others would call it Nightmare looking angry but Ccino can still remember the tiny 10 year old glaring and pouting with his full might.
Nightmare must notice what Ccino is feeling as he looks very embarrassed. He tugs on his cloak as he rubs the fabric "I didn't break anything..." it is said with a pout.
Ccino can't help but grin "Okay. What did Killer break?" he crosses his arms and waits with a smile.
Nightmare shakes his skull "Killer didn't breka anything either!" He sighs as he looks away "It is just. I wanted it to be perfect. It needs to be perfect for you."
Ccino is confused. He isn't even sure what Nightmare could mean with this and so he walks towards his side and puts his hand on his shoulder "Waht do you mean? It doesn't need to be perfect my king." sure it is the first party Nightmare is throwing since his ascencion. "I know that... the old king would throw parties almost monthly. But you aren't her. You don't have to follow her standards or rules." He smiles softly.
Nightmare looks at him "I don't care about meeting her standards. Everything she did was wrong... I just..." He sighs again and leans against Ccino's side "I wanted this... I just wanted to do this right."
Ccino frowns as he tries to catch Nightmare's eyes "I am sure it will be a great party Nightmare. The people are all very excited about your first official ball." he smiles.
Nightmare sighs and he just seems to sink more against his side "It isn't for them... I just..." Nightmare finally meets his eyes "You are twentyone now... I wanted this to be worthy of that."
Ccino is shocked. What... Nightmare... Is he implying that this is... all of this is for? Him?
The door creaks open and Ccino quickly pulls away as he nudges Nightmare back upright. Nightmare seems more annoyed about losing the contact than anything else. It is still hard to help Nightmare keep to etiquette or the hierarchy that his relatively new stature demands of him.
The door opens and Sasha walks in with the biggest smile on her face "I have a few options!" She walks over as she lays the outfits out and Ccino can see a cream white in the outfits as well as green accents. There is furr and beautifully crafted and treated leather into the outfits as well.
Sasha lays out four outfits and Ccino stares in shock at the many details in the outfits. Some have what seems to be snowflakes stetched into them. Others have silver on the cream white in the shape of vines with very tiny leafs made with small beads. Another one has a fabric that Ccino is very sure is a curious combination between velvet and silk.
Nightmare looks at the outfits before turning towards Sasha "They are beautiful."
Sasha preens as she puffs her chest up proudly "Thank you my lord! They were a pleasure to make and I just could not decide on a single design! I wanted to try a few thinks and I was hopeful that you two would be willing to see which was best liked?"
Ccino is still confused as he watches Nightmare interact with Sasha. Sasha ends up leaving with a bow after saying she will look forwards to hearing their likes and dislikes concerning the made outfits.
Ccino watches the door before turning towards Nightmare in shock "Nice work distracting her from you once again rejecting everything she made for you."
Nightmare blinks before seemingly just turning towards the many outfits. Ccino snorts as he shakes his skull. Nightmare does not like being figured out.
Nightmare holds up the white tunic with many silver vines and the tiny green leaf patterns. All in a cheerful range of light green. Nightmare tests the material before looking curiously at him "Which one do you like best?"
Ccino frowns at the outfits beofre shaking his skull as what he just learned hits him "Why did you order an outfit for me? It is better to just work in my usual outfit." He never needed a special outfit for the balls before. He was a servant. He is suposed to be invisible and unnoticable, especially with parties.
Nightmare looks at him confused for a moment before speaking "How will you be able to join and enjoy the ball in peace otherwise?" Nightmare looks curiously at him "It is your celebration."
A new anxiety as this once again reinforces what Ccino had feared. He laughs as he looks to the side "Oh I don't know. I mean. It is amazing yu want to to this and I appreciate it, I truly do! But I can't... I can't join the ball like that." He is just a servant. He is just another person meant to help. He is just suposed to make sure Nightmare is happy. He can't. He can't get distracted with these kind of silly fancies and fantasies! He needs to remain focused on his task!
Nightmare tilts his skull "Of course you can join the ball. It is your birthday celebration." a bit sadder "I know I don't know when your birthday is... I apologise for that. I should have... I should have asked this much sooner." more regret on his face and Ccino wants to hold the other so badly but knows he can't.
Guards are almost always around same for other servants.
Not to forget that Killer has the bad habit of just popping up randomly and Ccino is very sure he has already seen more than he should have. Ccino just knows as it is unlikely that Killer missed all of those. Ccino still isn't sure why Killer hasn't asked some questions about it yet, maybe he asked Nightmare but than Ccino does not understand why Nightmare never told him.
At least he seems content to remain loyal to Nightmare. That is good. Nightmare deserves to have something work out for him, and if that is Killer being one of his Knights than Ccino will try his best to make sure that goal gets completed. Even if he can't help a lot with it at all.
Nightmare looks at him again "I want you to be able to enjoy your birthday. To have a night to celebrate you." he looks ashamed as he bows his head. "I should have held a celebration when I gifted you your mask. It is the highest honour possible and I did not even gift you it right."
Ccino ends up holding his face as Nightmare leans into the touch. Ccino keeps his voice gentle "I know the meaning of the mask Nightmare. That is what matters. I am very thankful for it." Ccino still does not think he deserves it. It is such a high honour and Ccino is just Ccino.
Nightmare frowns at him before looking down as he keeps leaned into Ccino's hands "I just want to... I want you to be happy. I want you to have this. A celebration to just celebrate you. But I am... I am terrified they will hurt you if they realise how important you are. I can't lose you. I am sorry I am this weak."
Ccino shakes his skull as he holds the other. Nightmare is still so much taller than him and Ccino is still not used to it. Even so he holds the other and hums softly. A familiar sound even as it is soft. Nightmare melts into his hold.
Ccino leans his skull against Nightmare "You aren't weak by being afraid Nightmare. You are so strong and brave, you always keep going and trying your best to make things right. That is a hard thing to do Nightmare." He smiles before glancing back at the outfits "I... But don't you think people will realise that when I have this celebration?" He doens't want to make Nightmare stress but he doesn't understand this step in logic in the other.
Nightmare looks up and smiles a tiny bit "It is why it is a masquarade ball... You will be able to wear something nice. Something worthy for you. You can wear your mask. And for at least tonight it can just be a celebration of you. While we hide the meaning behind the winter motif and making the people happy."
Ccino feels so touched and honoured for this. How can he even explain that? He looks at the outfits and touches the different fabrics. He frowns as he still thinks this is too much. Ccino doesn't need these things.
But if it makes Nightmare happy.
He picks up one of the dresses and checks the fabric. He is quick to lay it back down and consider the tunic that Nightmare had been holding. He does really like the vines.
Maybe for one night he can just be. He can belong in the higher rings of the society. He can enjoy some food and songs without feeling guilty for not working. He can act as if he is some foreigner... Or maybe some far away relative to Nightmare.
He tries on the tunic and ends up putting on the harem pants green of colour with white detailing.
There are very beautiful shoes. Comfortable to wear as well.
Ccino doesn't want to stare at himself in the mirror and smiles at Nightmare "And?"
Nightmare looks happy as he presents with the beautiful white cat mask. Ccino blinks at it before looking amused at Nightmare "When did you retrieve that?"
Nightmare chuckles as he looks rather proud of himself. The tendrils seem to rise as well "I had hoped I could convince you to enjoy yourself tonight," and he holds out the mask.
Ccino laughs before smiling at Nightmare "Okay. Everyone should know how to manage the guests without my help." He takes the mask and puts it on. Looking into the mirror he can actually enjoy how his outfit and mask look together. It is beautiful.
Nightmare walks towards the door and waits. Ccino happily joins his side.
Tonight he can just be and let himself enjoy a piece of the life that was never suposed to be his.
Just one night.
Killer pouts as even more servants rush past him as he stands by the table with snacks. He had thought the party could be the perfect excuse to try and be helpful but he hadn't even found Ccino yet. Meanwhile Nightmare seems content to talk with nobles even when Killer knows for a fact that Nightmare hates talking with them.
Killer sighs as even more guests walk past him, all wearing masks. Killer had been offered some guest mask to wear but he rejected the idea.
He knows masks are a big deal. And damnit all if he is going to wear a mask it is going to be the fancy important one! Not some weak immitation! He isn't going to hide who he is unless it is for the fancy honourable one!
The one that will prove he truly belongs!
That he is worthy.
That he is trusted.
Killer sighs as he leans against the table. He already helped some of the others with set up. He spots one of the nice maids and grins as he shoots her the finger guns. She looks downright excited before running off. Killer grins, she should be on her way to ask her crush out, a colleague of her. Killer helped her set up a small dinner area. He hopes it works out for them.
At least some romances here will succeed.
Killer groans as he leans against the table and quickly hides his soul with his crossed arms. His stupid soul is doing that stupid woobly thing again. It always does when he thinks too much about Ccino. He really needs to learn to extent his pokerface to his soul.
Killer shoots it a sour look "You know. it would be easier if you just remained in my body." except he can only do that for very short moments of time. As it starts to ache and feel like a very bad sunburn but inside his body.
Killer doens't want to find out what would happen if he forced his soul fully into his body. He is scared it will find a way out.
Killer sighs as he looks at the floor. See? He doesn't even have a normal soul. How could he be someone worthy?
killer shakes his head and frowns as he speaks to himself strictly "No. Don't. Don't act stupid."
as soon as he mutters it a softer memory returns. Sitting y the fireplace and staring into it. Nightmare finding him and asking him what had been bothering him. Killer mentioning how dumb he was before, and still is.
Nightmare telling him that speaking strictly to yourself about past trauma isn't helpful. To remain gentle with your past hurt to help yourself heal. There is no use kicking someone who is already down, why do it to yourself.
Killer takes adeep breath and mutters "It is okay. That is just Chara's lies. They lied to you, things are different now. It is okay." It is okay. It is okay.
It is still hard to be a person... To be someone instead of something just following orders.
He still likes it better. Even if it is hard.
Killer watches across the room. It is large and beautiful and decorated everything perfectly. There are even fake magical snowflakes in the air above them.
It seems like a fairytale.
Killer can't help but wonder if everyone sees it like that. Like a magical evening which could be their happy ending. Killer watches ladies and men all flirt with one another as they dance to the slow jazz music in the background.
Some younger girls giggle as they shoot the guards, Killer included, looks. They clearly believe this could be their magicla night. Shame for them that Killer is one; not interested in teens, sorry kiddos, and two; there is only one person he would want to dance with.
It is honestly a crime that the very people who work hard on these celebrations can't even enjoy them.
Killer sighs as he leans against the table as he grabs one of the little cake things and stuffs it into his mouth. It is fucking delicious.
He just watches the guests dance as he frowns. Now that he thinks about it, Ccino makes very long days. Maybe he isn't here on purpose? Maybe he is sleeping? Getting some much needed rest? Killer eyes the snack table. Maybe he can bring Ccino some of the food? Ccino brought him stuff when he had hard days or late nights. Maybe he will appreciate the return of the favour...
Killer is trying to decide what to grab when he sees him. Killer turns and can't help but stare. He isn't even sure why. Others were hot and pretty but none of tem demand his attention.
It isn't even as if they are doing anything. If anything they seem content to just stand there. A white tunic with silver and green detailing. Soft looking green pants with some small white dots and shapes. The face is covered by a white cat mask. They hold a glass with some liquid as they stare at the dance floor. Swaying lightly with the music.
Killer can't help but stare. That is one of those masks! One of the special ones! It is in the way the wood looks to have a shine of magic to it. Small silver and gold detailing into the mask itself.
Killer is confused. The only person who is allowed to gift those type of masks is Nightmare! And his king does not trust anyone! Who would he even-
Killer stares as others talk around him. Conversations he had been ignoring starting to filter through even as some people seem to try and strike up a conversation with Ccino.
"Who do you think they are?"
"Maybe they are our king's secret lover?"
"No. I doubt it. I thought our king had this thing with the Head of House? They arent exactly subtle about whatever that is."
"Ssh!! you know our king does not like when that gets spoken about!"
"Anyway!! I don't think they are connected to our king in that way... They are gorgeous! Do you think they are maybe a relative of our king from another country?"
"Maybe? It is an option... Oh i know that look! Are you going to ask them for a dance?"
"Hah! I mean. Maybe? It could be nice... Some far away royal heir. All the way here to show support to our king... We dance at the first ball the king throws. We connect and fall in love... You know what? Maybe I will! Okay how do I look? Do I look okay?"
Killer is already walking over. His mind blank except for seeing some other nobles talk to Ccino. Killer doens't like them near him.
He gets to the small group "Hello!" Everyone turns to him and Killer can see those eye lights through the mask eye holes. Staring at him with some light curiousity. Killer is so used to staring into his eyes. Trying to see what he thinks and how he thinks about him.
Killer smiles as he gives a deep bow "Hello my lords. I do hope I do not overstep but..." He looks back up and sees that Ccino has his skull just ever so slightly tilted. He usually does that when he is curious or worried... Killer gives it a go "I realised e have a guest and I was hoping you would do me the honour of dancing with me." His soul is a mess. His mind is a mess. But he wants this so badly. And this way he can get Ccino away from these people who aren't worth his time without selling out Ccino's identity! It is perfect.
The nobles mutter and huff as one laughs "You are a brave guard. How long have you been here now? Still in your first year of training." more chuckles.
Killer isn't listening to them however, he only has eyes for the other.
Ccino is still still as he looks at him. There is a moment of hesitation in those shoulders. The way he looks to the side for just a moment. But then, Ccino nods his head as he holds out a hand.
Gloves cover his hands and arms completely, hiding his skeleton shape easily without pulling attention to those items of clothing.
Killer feels nervous and giddy, almost dizzy even. But he takes the hand and it is warm and soft and Killer can feel the other's body heat through the glove.
Killer leads the other towards the area for dancing and spins the other around before placing his hands on the other.
His mind is a mess and he desperately tries to pull the memories and old classes on dancing. Their king tried to give him some classes in case he would go to a ball on a mission but those haven't been many.
Even so. He holds one of Ccino's hands in his own as he has his other hand on Ccino's hip. This would be the right moment to tell him he knows who he is, that he was just trying to help get him away from the nobles. But what if...
What if he just...
He spins Ccino in a circle and dances with him to the cheerful music.
Killer keeps looking back to the mask. Back to the eye lights hidden behind it. He wants to just stare and see if he can see what Ccino is thinking or feeling. Killer notices however that it is easy to read his body language. Ccino is curious but seems relaxed, he enjoys the music and seems to know exactly which way the music swells or falls. Killer may be leading with the dancing but Ccino is faster. In sync wiht the music.
Maybe... maybe this is what Ccino wanted. Maybe Ccino wanted to just dance. Maybe it didn't matter who. Would Ccino have accepted a dance from one of the nobles?
He probably would have... He accepted Killer's offer after all. And Killer is a criminal and a murderer.
He spins Ccino into the next dance as the music dips for a moment before a new song starts up. If this is his one chance he is taking it and enjoying it.
Ccino doesn't seem bothered. In matter of fact he spins with him as they dance. He is still silent but if Ccino is trying to sneakily enjoy the party... If Ccino just wants to be for a moment and enjoy his night. Killer won't break that illusion. He will dance with him and they will have fun. Killer can have one magical night.
For a moment he can imagine that this could be more.
He regrets not having a mask now. He wishes he had worn one. Killer could have hid behind it. He would have been able to be a mysterious handsome stranger to the other. Maybe they could ahve had a magical night... Maybe he could have left the memory of the mysterious knight from a beautiful night in Ccino's mind. Someone to think fondly off.
Now it is just him... the criminal. The murderer. The killer.
Someone that isn't even trusted yet. Someone that shouldn't be trusted. Much less deserve to be loved.
Still. Killer leads him into another dance when the music changes slightly. He swears he will let go of him if he pulls away. He swears he won't force him to dance or make him feel uncomfortable. He just wants to be part of this.
They continue to dance just like that but Killer notices. The way that Ccino seems to glance towards the table with food.
Killer immediantly remembers Ccino's strange relationship with food. The way he seems to skip meals. Killer grins at him before looking towards the side "Want to grab some? I only grabbed one of the many options but they all looked great." and he smiles. Ccino pauses before giving a slow nod. His voice is soft and not quite as he normally sounds, probably using the tiniest bit of magic to project his voice out to be able to be heard correctly beyond the mask.
"That would be nice. It would be a shame to not dance anymore." a soft wishfulness to that soft confession.
Killer smiles as he feels his hope swell more "We can always dance again after we ate some! I really enjoy dancing with you." Maybe he can do this right.
They go towards the table with food and Killer tries some of the different dishes. Small bites first before taking more of the things that he enjoyed. Ccino doesn't do this. He instead grabs a few things with focus and seems to eat them slowly. Obviously enjoying himself even as he never removes the mask fully, just shifts it enough to enable himself to eat.
Killer stands nearby as he just talks, mostly about gossip he heard from the other guards.
They end up grabbing a small plate with food before going towards one of the many large balconies around the ballroom, They settle on one on the second level of the room and they stand by the railling. Watching the other party goers as they enjoy their snacks.
Soon they jsut watch the people silently. Killer glances at him and he can't help but stare. He looks even more beautiful in the low light. His eyes are so much clearer and the designs seem almost alive. The decorative fake snow falls outside just enough to fall around the other in the air.
Killer feels his throat choke up as he wants to confess. Admit how he feels and has been feeling. How he had been having these feelings since the start and how those have been changing and evolving with him as he learned more about himself.
The problem is. That at that point he would lose this little peace. Killer wouldn't just have to admit that what he feels but he would also have to admit that Killer knew it is Ccino.
That Killer lied to him about not knowing who Ccino was.
And if Killer knows one thing it is that Nightmare and Ccino both hate liars.
Killer... Killer doens't want Ccino to hate him... The bravery that had taken hold of his soul leaves again as the fear of him hating him returns.
Killer is already in a tough spot. He is already struggling to gain their trust as it is through all his past deeds.
He can't.
Killer smiles as he holds out a hand "Would you like for us to dance again?"
Ccino puts his own hand in his "Yes."
Killer smiles as he feels happiness. Ccino accepted his request for a dance. He said yes to him again.
Killer smiles as he pulls the other back inside. Back into the light and away from the dim intimate light. The mood he isn't ready to see just yet. The conversation he isn't ready to have just yet, and maybe he will never be.
And maybe. That is okay. Maybe having these tiny moments is enough.
Killer holds the other close as a slow music sounds out. They dance closer and Killer can feel the other's bodyheat as they dance. Close enough that Killer can feel Ccino's breath on his bones.
It is enough.
it is alreayd more than he could have hoped for.
#Fuck it. if it is my party i am going to have fun and dance with the hot skeleton and not care about his pas#past for a while!!#newageau#We did it!#another drabble!#this time. Ngihtmare ccino AND killers first winter ball.#Also important to know.#The balcony scene was happening and the tree was using the little magic it had to make it more magical and romantic.#the tree may not approve of ccino's choice in man but damnit they want ccino happy so if ccino wants a magical evening then#it is going to do its best to make it happen!!#which does mean that Killer was getting wingmanned by a tree for a while there but he chickened out.#killer is still dealing with a lot of emotions on his own.#meanwhile Ccino is running on#That is all I ahd to say about it ahhahaha#Hope you like it spot!!
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anyway's i'm back to wanting to break into every capcom office and leave Mia, Ada and Jill as RE9 protagonists on almost all surfaces
and the rest will be let the women (not sherry and Jill and probably not Mia either) age you cowards
#i have the paper and glue for it it will be various fonts (you know the type) i might just stay in the vents and make scratching noises#when they annoy me#resident evil#jill not aging is a tragedy#sherry not aging is a tragedy but different flavor#everyone else not aging is infuriating#mia not aging is a tragedy because she died but also a relief because of ethan#mia winters#jill valentine#ada wong#(lily gao best Ada should come back and stay)#[only man that we see other than the ones we fight is Chris who is background and non playable and more importantly Ethan gets brought back#mia is bringing down the connections from the inside Jill is the point of contact with outside world#Ada is there to steal shit but helps out in the end#and rose is there to deal a blow#resident evil 9
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life going so nothingly my biggest dream right now is to rewatch a movie i like. you cannot fathom how much i want to be able to do that. alas!
#even if i somehow mustered up the time and strength to put one on i still would just go on my phone during it#which would literally make me feel worse of course#does not help that in also 2 episodes behind on fire country and the winter finale in tomorrow. so i’m about to be 3 episodes behind#and it’s even harder to watch that than it is to watch a movie#because now i know i have to deal with the supernatural guy and his unnaturally deep voice in my show#and i don’t want that. i want gabriela to be treated with respect as a character but i always knew that was a pipe dream#so i dialed it back to at least wanting bode to be interesting without jake being given the worst storylines known to man#but apparently i can’t even get that anymore#cara JUST died and you want me to believe he’d hook up with his ex who is also his best friend’s situationship#do we respect my man jake at all. real question
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Read Guardians of The Videogame. Thanks :)
No but seriously it is such a good story I am begging you PLEASE PELASE PLEASPEPLEAS PLEA SE- Its so good for the lovers of stories where everything connects and makes so much sense, and well written characters, and amazing plot and AND (sedate me)
#WELL WELL WELL it is time that I reveal to you my TRUE hyperfixation. and that is#guardians of the video game#전자오락 수호대#Guys. Okay listennn. do you ever like something so much you dont talk abt it?? yea thats me with this webcomic#I have been into this. for. like 4 years easy.#Its one of the best written stories I have seen I am OFFENDED that more people outside of kr dont know about it or give it a chance#Like the absolute rollercoaster of events and emotions that is this story is INSANE#I am not kidding when I say that EVERYTHING connects at one point or another. Its so so so so good I need you to read it#For your own sake like please PLEASEEEEE#lenssi draws#digital!#Oh i love this story so much. its my sweetheart. my beloved. my winter. my spring. my autumn. my summer. my love#you guys are LUCKY you didn't have to deal with me when my hyperfix was at its PEAK. it was all i could talk abt. shoutout to my followers#on insta for dealing with all that. love those people
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@dayrisen sent: ❛❛ Yes ! Because you're clearly only chasing me to add to your harem of women ! I will not be a concubine, Winter ! If I'm going to be loved before I die, I at least want the delusion it's real. ❜❜ She turns a bit red, tilting her head away as she grips at her arms. ❛❛ Not that I'd ever accept you ---- I just don't want to feel like a number. I want to be special to someone. Do you even cherish your wives ? Do they love each other ? If you all agreed to love one another then it's fine but, I know the old stories. Fighting & hatred, causing miscarriages to get one tossed away. What are you wives to you ? What do they see you as ? How far will you take your game until you break yourself & them ? ❜❜ ↳ UNPROMPTED | accepting
" .. I see. So that's what you're worried about. " He mumbles, as if the gears in his head were turning. Winter often forgot that mortals had such a strange concept of love. Many could not cherish more than one person at a time, which led to the myriad of problems she mentioned. Winter just smiles gently as he allows her to relay her fears fully.
" I'm afraid there's been a grave misunderstanding on a few things, Koto. " He says. Arms envelop her in a tender embrace as he strokes the back of her head reassuringly. " Are mortals truly capable of only fixating on one person at a time? It may seem that I am the same, but I am anything but.. to begin with, the man you see before you is only a fragment of the whole. I can be anywhere, any time, and with whomever I please. " Would that be enough to explain it? Perhaps not, but he could be patient. He would answer any questions she had as many times as she needed him to.
" My wives and I are perfectly content with our lives. They do not need me to be present for every moment of their existence, because we do not expire. Of course, if they so desired it I would give them as much of me as they wanted. " He could do that. He could give them anything and everything, and would do so without hesitation. He loved them all--each holding a valuable piece of his own heart.
And even the ones that were no longer with him still held that sway over him. Pieces of him lost to a place he could never reach.
" So, rest your worries, Koto. I am only this way because I fear you will disappear from my sight should I even blink! You have such short lives, so your time is all the more valuable. "
#;the moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to | ic ☾#dayrisen#[ winter's wives out here living their best immortal lives ]#[ 'aren't they jealous?' bro have you seen this man. let someone else deal with him for a little bit ]
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at the start of a new school year I'm asking kids all the hard-hitting questions like "what's your favorite season" and some of their reasoning for their answers made me curious, so:
#a lot of kids say 'my favorite season is ___ because it has my birthday'#for me the answer is no bc I like winter best but I'm a fall birthday#although I'm also a 'I need the balance and harmony of all four seasons' kind of gal#also I'm using seasons very broadly in this poll#whether it's a winter/spring/summer/fall situation or a rainy/dry deal or whatever#but yeah feel free to reblog with your birthday and fave season 🤷♀️
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crying over weiss throwing her arms around yang in the camp
#no you don't get it that's her SISTER#team rwby was SO much more of a family to weiss than her actual family#like she grew up in a mansion where. her father was abusive. her brother always took his side and helped him to stay out of trouble himself#her mother shut down and was entirely absent from her life due to her father's behaviour.#and her sister was hardly ever home bc of her military career and she counted each of her visits as a blessing#she idolized the shit out of winter but she was still never there. weiss grew up almost entirely alone. klein was her only present family.#and then she joined team rwby and she suddenly had 3 sisters she got to spend everyday with and she loved them all so much#and she even fucking says as much when she confronts jacques and says '[these aren't] friends. [they're] family.'#god everyone in team rwby has family trauma#yang grew up with no active parent for a long time since tai shutdown after summer's death and qrow was an alcoholic#(like yeah both of them loved her but neither was a good parent)#(if she can at 5 years old disappear into the woods for several hours with a toddler in a wagon behind her without any supervision#while said woods are filled with monsters then im sorry the parents aren't parenting)#and after the loss of her mother ruby was raised by yang who was literally only two years older than her#blake got the best deal but she got fucking groomed into hating and abandoning her parents by That Fucker#and we know how much his actions fucked her up for nearly her whole life#team rwby is a family and i would die on this hill i am crying as i write this#(the best deal parent-wise her parents are amazing. not saying she got a better deal overall)
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I have a job interview tomorrow slayyyy
#it's the one I wanted least but oh well.#at least SOMEONE got back to me 😭#it's at the school's bookstore but it's run by both barnes and noble and starbucks#so I have to deal with the shittiness of starbucks without the tips or free drinks or markouts or any of the stuff you work at starbucks for#and like. I don't have it *yet*. but they seem desperate (I applied yesterday) and I have experience#it's also listed as a temporary position so I'm guessing they close over winter break which means I'm going to have to find another job#it's not the best ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but this way I can work 12-15 hours at the same time as a museum one and maybe by next semester#I'll find something better
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been cleaning my dorm for like 4 hours and it somehow does not feel like it has amounted to anything
#i have completed tasks things are better!! where the fuck is my dopamine you bitch#i couldn't deal w a lot of stuff in the way i would normally want to bc im trying to unfuck a LOT of things here#namely the cat piss closet. i have since washed basically everything in there bc they smell like piss#by virtue of sharing air with the piss for possibly weeks (im not bitter im not bitter) but ofc i can't put them#back in the closet bc it still smells like cat piss despite my best efforts#i am. very underequipped for this btw#anyway none of the major things i WANTED to be better are better despite effort (i.e. i wanted to stop living out of my suitcase#but i still can't do that bc the closet is still fucked up. so the scrubbing and scrubbing and scrubbing the floor and washing clothes#didn't lead to the tangible reward of not kicking my fucking suitcase every morning#and rascal Does Not Like It when im up and moving so a hazard of doing any chores is getting attacked#and oh boy did he#ugh i wanted to clear my weekend i had ASSIGNMENTS. I STILL HAVE ASSIGNMENTS#but thats not super appealing bc again im tired and i feel like dookie doodoo ass#but i don't want to have shit to do over the weekend bc i know my work is probably gonna be affected by my mental health#which is definitely gonna be affected by The Event. i wanna get my shit done before tomorrow afternoon but like. guh#whatever it's fine we roll nonetheless. i could probably get away with skipping another class or two over this anyway#only good thing about this#would be nice to go home and wash my face. shower. etc#anyway. if nobody got me i know kaiji fa.nart as my keyboard background got me 🤝#(chanting) no matter what kind of bad day im having kaiji's having a worse one no matter what kind of day im having kaiji's having a worse#horribly embarrassing moment where a friendly stranger in class saw like 4 kaijis in the margins and was like whos that :3#no it's not a bad thing i was just caught off guard and my drawing's rusty as fuck and whatever. bleh#im trying figure out his design bc im in trauma-bonded love aith him or whatever and#but my ass will NOT look up a reference. in class. and i haven't been drawing out of class bc ive been doing work for class. c'est la vie#wait i never closed that parenthesis. here:)#ech then again maybe i'll want the distraction of work. crossing that bridge when i get to it#after all i can just work ahead if that's the case yk#to explain the closet my roommate stayed in the dorm over winter break and i didn't and at some point in there#roomie's cat pissed on a fallen skirt like crazy. and then that piss was trapped in there for possibly weeks#and im not bitter not even a little that i didn't get an apology from my roommate. but hey don't ask and don't receive ig
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I have fought battles in my minds for years, but I got no scars to show.
I remember a time I so close saying fuck it and finds one of Mama Max's old video about him struggling and that made me feel better. Though now the videos no longer exists and he's a shit person, sigh...
Mainly converted those thoughts into running away or the thought of not existing, a void of sorts.
#it's still there the feeling but I have learned my best to deal with it but winter is when I'm the weakest#sigh...#mars.txt
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Best Budget Travel Destinations in 2025: A Complete Guide
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Looking to explore the world without breaking the bank? From the vibrant streets of Southeast Asia to the historic corners of Eastern Europe, here’s your comprehensive guide to the most affordable travel destinations in 2025.
Southeast Asia: A Budget Traveler’s Paradise
Vietnam continues to be one of the most wallet-friendly destinations in Southeast Asia. With 2,500 Vietnamese Dong to the US dollar, your money stretches incredibly far here. Luxury hotels average around $100 per night, while budget accommodations can be found for as little as $5–10. Mid-range hotels typically cost between $20–50, whether you’re exploring bustling Saigon or the charming streets of Hanoi.
Thailand remains the premier budget destination for backpackers worldwide, with the Thai Baht running at 33 to the US dollar. What makes Thailand special is its perfect blend of affordability and tourist-friendly infrastructure. Budget accommodations start at $5–10 per night, while mid-range hotels cost $30–60. Street food is incredibly affordable at $2–5 per meal. Must-visit destinations include Bangkok, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Koh Samui, and Krabi.
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With 55 Philippine Pesos to the US dollar, the Philippines offers exceptional value across its 7,000+ islands. Hostel beds cost $5–10 per night, while mid-range hotels run $20–50. Food is particularly affordable, with street food meals costing just $1–2. While Manila and BGC tend to be pricier, you can find beachfront bungalows on Paradise Islands for just $20–30 per night.
Indonesia’s 14,844 Rupiah to the US dollar makes it another budget-friendly paradise. From Bali to Raja Ampat, accommodation starts at $5–10 for hostels and $15–50 for mid-range hotels. The country offers incredible diversity: rainforests in Sumatra, orangutans in Kalimantan, and world-class diving throughout the archipelago.
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Latin America: Culture and Value
With 17.50 Pesos to the US dollar, Mexico offers excellent value. Budget accommodations range from $5–15 per night, while mid-range hotels cost $40–100. Meals can be found for $2–3 at street vendors, or $10–20 at sit-down restaurants. Popular destinations include the Riviera Maya, central Mexico, Oaxaca, and Puerto Vallarta.
At 4,400 Colombian Pesos to the US dollar, Colombia provides great value. Hostel dorms cost $5–10, while mid-range hotels run $30–60. Street food costs $2–3 per meal, with restaurant meals averaging $10–20. Must-visit destinations include Medellín, Cartagena, Bogotá, and the island of San Andrés.
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With 228 Argentine Pesos to the US dollar, Argentina offers excellent value. Budget accommodations range from $10–20, while mid-range hotels cost $40–80. Popular destinations include Buenos Aires, Iguazu Falls, and Ushuaia in Tierra del Fuego.
South Asia: Cultural Rich and Affordable
At 82 Rupees to the US dollar, India remains one of the most affordable destinations globally. Budget accommodations cost $5–10, while mid-range hotels run $30–60. Meals can cost as little as $0.50–3 at street vendors. From Delhi and Mumbai to Rishikesh in the Himalayas, India offers incredible diversity and value.
With 131 Nepalese Rupees to the US dollar, Nepal is perfect for budget travelers. Accommodations range from $5–10 for basic rooms to $20–50 for mid-range hotels. Meals typically cost $2–5. Kathmandu and Pokhara are popular bases for Himalayan adventures.
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Africa and the Middle East
At 2,350 Tanzanian Shillings to the dollar, Tanzania offers affordable access to incredible experiences. Budget accommodations range from $10–20, while mid-range lodges cost $30–100. Major attractions include the Serengeti, Zanzibar Island, and Mount Kilimanjaro.
With 30 Egyptian Pounds to the US dollar, Egypt offers great value. Hostels cost $5–10, while mid-range hotels run $20–50. Meals average $2–5. Key destinations include Cairo, Alexandria, Sharm El Sheikh, and Aswan.
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Europe’s Budget Gems
At 4.54 Lei to the US dollar, Romania is one of Europe’s most affordable destinations. Budget accommodations cost $7–15, while mid-range hotels run $40–100. Attractions include Transylvania, beautiful mountain landscapes, and rich cultural heritage.
While using the Euro makes it pricier than some destinations, Greece can still be budget-friendly if you avoid the most popular islands. Budget accommodations start at €15–25, with mid-range hotels costing €50–100. Look for smaller islands for better values, where meals can cost as little as €2–3.
With 19 Lira to the US dollar, Turkey offers excellent value. Budget accommodations start at $10–20, while mid-range hotels cost $50–100. Must-visit destinations include Istanbul, the Turkish Riviera, Fethiye, and Cappadocia.
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Travel Tips for Budget Destinations
Travel during shoulder season for better rates
Use local transportation and eat at local establishments
Book accommodations in advance for better deals
Consider hostels and guesthouses for budget stays
Research local currencies and exchange rates before traveling
Look for free walking tours and cultural activities
Mix budget accommodations with occasional splurges
Use travel rewards points for flights when possible
Final Thoughts
2025 offers incredible opportunities for budget-conscious travelers. Whether you’re drawn to Southeast Asia’s beaches, South America’s culture, or Eastern Europe’s history, there’s a destination that fits your budget. Remember that prices can vary significantly by season and specific location within each country, so thorough research and planning are key to maximizing your travel budget.
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#findyourthing#travel tips#traveller#traveling#book now#best deals#best destinations#winter 2025#egypt#usa#turkey#greece#trip
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PUFF, PUFF, ASS! s. ryōmen

ৎ୭ sum. puff puff pass, girl — not puff puff ass! you wanted to smoke one last sesh before winter break but sukuna smokes something far sweeter instead - you.
wc. 8.4k
warnings. fem! reader, plug! roommate sukuna, college au, both are in early 20s, unprotected, substance consumption, slooowish burn, virgin! sukuna, switch reader, quickies, pining, sukuna’s a loser fratboy with no game, p whipped sukuna, creampīes, edging, cowgirl, big dick kuna, he lasts 0.5 secs, blōwjobs, dry humping, shotgunning, spīt, dirty talk (he tried), use of "good boy", praise.

“the usual, ‘kuna.”
ah, those three pretty words.
your roommate and all-time favorite plug, sukuna never got tired of hearing it. of course though, not in a million years would he admit the fact—let alone admit that you juuust might be his favorite clientele.
sukuna was the plug.
most of the other students on campus, including you would always buy from him. he was known for selling the best of the fuckin’ best.
despite you having the luxury of sharing a whole dorm with him, he never gave out free handouts, no half off deals, nothing. “what do you mean you won’t be here until january?”
oh shit.
he didn’t like how clingy he sounded.
not one bit.
sukuna mentally grumbles, burying his hands in the pockets of his gray sweats before you respond. “oh, yeah. for break, i’m going on a skiing trip,” and as you’re rambling, his eyes avert toward your lips.
glossed - they brightly shimmered in the flickering dorm room light, and he struggled to focus on what you were even saying.
you spoke every word so sweetly. sukuna even studied the corners of your lips and they’d cutely crease within each syllable—with your brows slightly furrowing at every passing second. “uh- are you even listening, sukuna?”
“yeaah yeah. stupid skiing trip, nice.” he shrugs, feeling a weird feeling bubble up inside him.
with you being gone for two weeks - he’d have no one to annoy, no one to get high with, no one to-
“don’t be a baby. i’m not leaving until in like-” you pause, pulling up your wrist and squinting at your wristwatch. “two hours. in the meantime, we can just have one last sesh together if you want.”
yes, yes, yes!
“fine, whatever.”
it was just an ordinary sunday.
usually, sukuna would be out at some frat party. every year during the winter, there’s this annual gathering before the break where all the years are invited.
you went once during your sophomore year in college with a few friends, and to be honest - it was pretty shitty.
loud crappy music, stale refreshments, the whole college experience shebang.
you stopped attending a while ago, and you probably didn’t really miss much though.
besides if anything—you’d much rather prefer getting high than going to some overrated end-of-the-year party.
“mmh- thanks,” you sigh, desperately needing something to take the edge off.
with finals finally being over, getting blitzed was just what you needed. the two of you sat on the lower spacey bunk bed, and your eyes stared at sukuna’s fingers. he was so focused, claret pupils entirely fixated at the pre-rolled blunt in his hand.
with a near pout, you shrug your shoulders before finishing your sentence, “—and by the way ‘kuna, i can roll one y’know.”
“yeah riiight. last one you rolled was like a kazoo,” he gruffs, snatching a fresh hollowed blunt wrap from his pocket.
from your recent purchases, sukuna always knew your favorite flavor . . cherry rush.
he snickered at the cute ‘lil frown that would soon stretch across your lips, but you knew that was true. sukuna placed the pre-rolled blunt back in his pocket before turning back toward you.
you struggled a bit at the rolling part, but in your mind - you were a pro at taking hits.
“i’ll teach you one day how to master the art of rolling like me. it’ll cost ya extra though, roomie.” sukuna continues, making sure the materials perfectly stuffed inside. he already did the basics.
preparing the flower, chopping down the bud, breaking everything down, and a bunch of other steps. .
it was only a few minutes, but it felt like hours..
sukuna had to mash up the substance a bit, churning it with a tiny metal tool before then using the grinder to flatten everything up inside the wrap.
making sure it’s not too bulky, he then starts sprinkling a bit of the green substance inside the center and all around the other parts of the blunt evenly.
he’s neat and precise, making sure it’s enough for two instead of the usual one.
and finally, sukuna’s rolling it..
“watch me,” he hoarsely instructs, and your hands are placed in your lap. his fingers slither toward one end, carefully tucking a piece of the wrap around the substance. stubby thumbs of his that were melting with a bit of stickiness rolled around the sides. he’s shaping it, molding it into its right size so it’s nice and even. “the shapin’ is always important,” and you could already feel yourself starting to get bored.
just shut up and roll it.
is what your intrusive thoughts were trying to get you to blurt out, but you stayed quiet. as you’re still observing, sukuna slightly sticks out his tongue and starts to lick near the dry cracks.
you couldn’t lie—whenever you saw sukuna licking at certain parts of blunts whenever you two smoked together, it did something to you.
always, dirty thoughts would plague at the very front of your mind, wondering what else he could do with his tongue.
speaking of, sukuna’s tongue’s super duper long too. you could feel your breath hitching the more you watched, silently admiring how his lashes briefly closed each time he blinked.
you wondered if he could lick-
“ahem.” sukuna rolls his eyes, and he wasn’t even licking it anymore. he’s been stopped.
and now, he’s openly staring dead at you, a pink slit brow raised to further express his annoyance.
“sorry, what?” you reply, feeling a hot wave of embarrassment shiver down your entire spine.
oh girl, you’re so fucked.
he definitely saw you staring.
with a disappointed sigh, sukuna gives the chubby rolled blunt a soft pierce with two of his thumbs. “i said, why do you think i’m licking the blunt? tell me why that step of rolling is important.”
“um-” you pause, your mind not at all thinking about the smoke sesh anymore.
all you were thinking about sukuna’s long pink tongue.
you were squeezing your thighs shut the entire time. your knees were folded, digging into the squishy bed frame before you tried to gather up a good answer.
“you lick the sides to…uh-” you stammer, mind blacking out straight away. “…to get a quick taste before it burns?”
“tch. sometimes i wonder why i even get high with you,” sukuna pinches the bridge of his nose. as he spoke in that same, husky tone—you could hear a bit of laughter trying to suppress from the back of his throat. “no, girl. i’m licking along the dry areas to help moisten it.”
“oh..” you blink, your mind all in the gutter.
the blunt’s earthy scent starts to fill up the dorm within no time.
it’s that same, strong cherry smell that’s always been your favorite. it’s wholly sweet, and the aroma was just so candied in the air that you could almost taste the tartness already on your tongue.
its smell was quite loud - hence why it was always your preferred choice out of his other flavors.
the scent was sweet but the taste was far sweeter, and the wrap never failed to leave you unsatisfied.
“oh,” sukuna mocks your single response, crimson eyes subtly flickering back into a roll once more. for a moment, you could feel sukuna’s gaze shortly taking in your appearance.
like usual, you wore some nameless brand university t-shirt with shorts on.
maybe you’re batshit crazy, horny- hell, maybe even both, but you could’ve sworn sukuna was gawking at your thighs.
your legs—they were neatly folded back as you sat on your knees. a bit of skin poking from your shorts had slight rips in them and he noticed it straight away.
the cute squish of your thighs coming together every few times you sat upright - so so pretty..
“anyways,” he clears his scratchy, itched throat, burying the image of your thighs away in the back of his mind. you were so close to him that he could practically smell the scent of your shampoo. “ah- you remember how to light, right?”
“mhm.” you gave him a nod, leaning in closer.
the fat blunt remained glued against his fingertips that pressed deeply into the sides. you reached near your nightstand to pull out a lighter, bringing it toward his lips.
sukuna’s viewing you closely, and you felt your weak pulse starting to quicken within seconds.
even though it’s just a small, tiny gesture, sukuna tilts his head down further toward you to reach your level.
sexily, you’re met with his red, darkened stare. pink, overlong bangs were already starting to run down his brows, nearly occluding his vision of you before he swipes his hair away from his face with a hand.
with a clicking, ‘flick!’ the flame brightly ignites, and you start to carefully glide the lighter back ‘n forth under the seam.
then, you start to go around the rest of the blunt, making sure all the parts get lit. sukuna watches as you bring the flame toward the very end of the stick. the smell’s getting even stronger, and sukuna’s stare at your decent lightning work gets him intrigued.
there was a sharp silence, and the only things that could have been heard were outside the dormitory. continuous chatter of other roommates and some pop songs playing in the ambience.
once you two start to actually smoke — you’re both taking turns, sat next to each other and allowing the euphoric high to slowly take over.
puff, puff, pass..
it was simple.
the two of you each got two tokes. since sukuna rolled, it was etiquette that he took the first few hits - then you.
“ugh,” you land on your back against the springy bed, drawing in a sharp breath. your lungs were heavy, and your chest slumped once you started to absorb the lemony puffs of air.
each sucked breath was deep, and every few seconds, you allowed yourself to recuperate from the strong hits.
“been a while,” sukuna speaks again, his voice dripping with a rasp. his throat - it sounds almost grating.
he lies his head back against the bed with you too, slightly craning his head to face you. “gettin’ high with you, i mean.”
passing the blunt back to him, you sleazily grin. “don’t tell me you’re gonna miss me.”
“tch. don’t be stupid, never said that,” he instantly replies, feeling his cheeks heat up a bit.
you talked so sly, and he noticed how your eyes were starting to droop already. sukuna’s jagged breathing hitched once your head softly thumped against his shoulder.
“it’s just annoying,” he continues, taking a second to inhale through his nose. a cloud of smoke exits through his nostrils and it’s always satisfying to witness.
your head rubs against the fleece of his sweatshirt before he lets out another dull inhale. once that short milisecond of tunnel vision occurs in his sight, sukuna exhales again—his shoulders slackening.
“ ‘m not gonna have anyone to smoke with for two weeks. and yeah, i could get high by myself but it’s… better with you.”
you glance up at sukuna’s whose eyes are glued to you. there were faint, noticeable bags underneath his eyes as his eyelids started to become heavy.
his entire face — it’s turning flustered once he realized what the actual fuck he just said.
shit. shit. shit.
“oh… my god,” you cheekily grin, grabbing the burning blunt from him. inhaling for two seconds, you place it between the arc of your fingers. “ ‘kuna, you could’ve just said so. well, if that was the case, i could’ve just canceled my flight and booked for tomorrow morning.”
“uh- no, i was joking. do you know how much plane tickets cost? in this economy? please.”
sukuna rolls his eyes at your sass before grumbling. “whatever,” and he’s watching your hits turn into more than just two.
he raises a brow, staring at your pursed lips that were twitching every second as you blew out excess smoke. “oi- stop hoggin’ it. you always do this shit.”
“make me-”
he scoffs, narrowing puffy eyes at you before reaching over.
sukuna’s beefy arm extends to grab the blunt but coincidentally enough - he ends up falling flat on your chest.
you look down at him and there’s a loooong, eerie silence.
nothing was exchanged except intimate, prolonged glances and a subtle loud silence. sukuna gawked at you with fiery pupils occasionally flickering toward the rolled stick that was tightly gripped against your fingers.
he then looks at your lips… so shiny, you rubbed them against each other once you noticed his gaze before taking one more hit.
he stays quiet, watching you inhale before exhaling. “i didn’t know the blunt was on my ches-”
“shut up,” sukuna carps, cutting you off with a sharp tone. he leans in closer—and at that, you start to feel the speed of your heartbeat accelerate. sukuna brings a dry thumb toward your chin, gingerly smearing a circle around your skin before huskily murmuring. “fuck- can i . .”
“do it,” you breathlessly reply, already knowing what he was trying to say. the intense high was swarming you both mildly, and your senses were heightening from each elated breath being drawn.
you didn’t have to tell him twice.
instantly, sukuna’s lips crash firmly against yours.
it’s so quick - you barely have time to react, moaning once his tongue dips inside of your mouth. swiftly, sukuna snatches the blunt away from your hand, making his way on top of you.
your arms wrapped around his torso—pulling him closer as you both shared rushed, airy breaths. the cherry flavor lingers in both mouths, tangling with glutinous, sappy saliva and all. “mmgh-” you start to recline back, your left leg slinking around his slim torso.
a throaty groan scratches out of sukuna’s tongue as you hear the occasional ‘claps’ of both lips smacking into each other. every few seconds, it’d pitch louder and louder, and sukuna just couldn’t help himself.
just from his hungry lips, you could tell he’s been wanting to do this for the longest.
he just didn’t want to admit it.
“god-” he grunts against your lips, the tip of his nose softly rubbing against your skin.
yet again, foreheads were stacked right on top of each other, and he felt remains of smoke waft back into his mouth. you tasted so sweet, sweeter than anything he’s ever smoked by a long shot.
“mmh- sukuna,” you moaned, feeling his body in between your wrapped legs starting to grind into you.
it’s slow - his sweats were so soft, nearly tickling against your thighs before it then rubs against something very hard.
that ‘something’ was prodding through his grey pants and he prowls lowly into your neck, sucking against your freely exposed skin. “if.. you wanted to hump me all this time, should’ve just said so.”
“ugh-” he glares, the pink shade gradually painting over his vexed expression clearly betraying his annoyance.
sukuna was a big guy, and the size difference was very much apparent.
his body..
it towers over you, even with you being nearly smushed underneath him. his hips pathetically rolled into you steadily, and he grunts again but this time it’s huskier..
as your legs continued to cage him in with its secure grasp, you feel him stop. “fuck!” his head falls into your chest, and you could see a pout shortly tugging against his lips.
your brows twist into a furrow as you feel his body still itself. sukuna’s hardened bulge still rests between the front of shorts — but it’s . . wet.
heavy, deep pants could be heard from him and then that’s when you started to feel a damp splotch soak near the center of his sweatpants. as you’re still trying to catch your breath, you let off a sheepish, “heh.. ‘kuna.. did you just-”
“yeah, i fuckin’… came,” sukuna grumbles, slit brows contorting as he spoke with such distaste.
his pointed chin rests between the soft valley of your chest before he pinches his forehead. “look- i’m a virgin. i’ve never-”
with a soft-hazed expression, you pat his head. “it’s okay. it happens dummy. don’t uh- feel bad about that,” and his embarrassment leisurely subsides.
you obviously weren’t expecting him to say that.
you figured otherwise.
on campus, sukuna’s highly well-known and very popular. he’s usually seen around frat clubs and parties but wasn’t much social now that you thought about it.
he kept his circle small, and with you being his roommate he grew to get sort of used to your presence whenever the two of you smoked together . . sort of.
“just.. let me,” you quietly reply, shifting your body before getting on top of him. sukuna huffs faintly, placing the blunt near the nearby nightstand before staring at you.
now, you’re straddling him with your perked ass sitting directly above his abrupt cum stain that bled through his sweats. “is this okay? if you don’t feel comfortable we can just finish our sesh.”
“it’s fine,” sukuna swallows, admiring your body before him. even the shorts you wore were such a tease, maybe an ever bigger tease than you.
his eyes ran across the fabric, watching as it perfectly exposed just a nice amount of your ass.
he’s still so hard, and you sitting right on it was only making him ten times more needy. “i want- i want you, screw the damn blunt.”
“okay,” you coo out - your voice sounding like mere heaven.
as sukuna takes a gulp, the roused tent in his sweats pokes out further the more you shimmy your hips around him. closing the distance between you both—you place a wet kiss down the slope of his neck.
he shivers at your touch with one hand trying to reach toward your swaying waist. with a soft ‘whack!’ he scoffs, feeling you swat his hand away. “ah, no touchin’ ‘kuna. you want me to do all the work, remember?”
through gritted teeth, he snarls out a stubborn, “finee,” and he’s already feeling himself starting to melt through his sweats.
you being on top of him - straddling him, it made sukuna sweat bullets. “just- hurry up. ‘m so fuckin’ hard..”
“yeah, i can feel it,” you hush, fishing a hand near his sweatpants.
with a single hand, you yank on the knotted white tie and it quickly becomes loose.
sukuna’s whole physique…
you got a glimpse of his boxers that peeked above his waistline and fuck..
he was ripped, jacked in every way. the ideal fratboy.
the sharpened line of his pelvis looked like it could prick the tip of your finger. “mmh,” you hold in a breath, swerving your hips against his bulged crotch. “are you always this hard whenever we smoke together?”
“haaah? don’t be . . ridiculous,” he pauses, his head tilting back. “fuck- yeah, like thaaat,” sukuna’s voice slows down, and it pitches so low that his mere voice made you throb.
the strip of his boxers was a darkened shade of red, complimenting his maroon eyes. “god- you’re bein’ a tease. just fuck me already, girl.”
as your hand reaches near his boxers, you feel his body shake - erupting violently like an active volcano.
it’s a cruel shudder, with multiple shivers running down his slouched spine as you continue to move on him. your hand was delaying the damn inevitable, taking its time before finally slipping inside his ruined boxers.
“let me touch you- c’mooon,” sukuna continued to speak, his gruff whiny babbles falling on deaf ears. you raise your chin, gifting the bottom of his chin with another kiss. silent ‘mwah’ after ‘mwah’ and it only makes him more frustrated.
as your dominant hand starts to get a good feeling—you wrap your palm around his now pulled-out shaft and he groans.
sukuna’s throat bobs instantly, and you could feel an excited vein prod down a side of his thick cock. “f.. fuck, keep touchin’ it. touch me.”
“you still wanna touch me?” you murmur hotly, his high, drooping eyes filled with cloudy mist returning your glance.
he’s so eager too.
sukuna responds with a nod, coral brows raising in anticipation. “mhm, fine. go ahead.”
with a rough hitch of his breath, sukuna’s callused textured palms finally attach their way toward your hips.
he’s gentle yet firm, rocking you back into place before he moans at the tepid skin-to-skin contact.
you look down at his exposed cock and it’s just so pretty..
sukuna’s shaft was covered with veins - veins, veins galore. your thumb plays with a bit of foreskin, watching it peel back to expose the head and he shuddered from your touch once more.
“mmh..” he sighs deeply, your tender touch nearly hypnotizing him. the top part of his cock’s glans bruised with brightened shades of pink and rosy, hot red.
sukuna’s ridge was tapered too, and you felt yourself sporadically throb once between your open thighs as your curious thumb glided over the long hooking curve.
to top it all off, it’s got a lean to it too.
sukuna’s dick was so big that it could barely hold itself up. you watched as it sort of drooped over.
a tiny, attractive detail that made you release an elated sigh. as sukuna still feels your hand tending to his shaft, he lets out a low grunt. “don’t . . hah- know why we never did this before.”
“because you’re a chicken.”
“tch. girl fuck you.”
“no, fuck you. and i’m going to, relax pretty boy.”
♡ ♡ ♡
you were definitely somethin’ to be reckoned with.
sloppy, chaste kisses created a vertical path down his bare chest. sukuna held up his sweatshirt with one hand as your lips glued against his rock-hard abs that were all on display. you kissed down, down, down..
his abs were just perfectly sculptured - akin to a greek god with how they were just so naturally carved into chiseled, muscular pecs.
the cool air continued to set against his skin as he kept his sweatshirt raised. as your bridge of kisses resumed—sukuna groaned, preparing to sigh once your lips trailed and trailed . . until they eventually stopped at his dick.
it stood tall - slightly tilting forward with how heavy was. squinting a bit, you stared at the tiny hairs of pink that scattered around his stuffed base.
“is this alright?” you mumble through glittery glossed lips, your words so soft it sound like a raspy whisper. his tip was still covered with wetted drips of pre, tearing away at the sides with various white globs.
“ffuuuck- yeah, just do whatever. use your mouth, whatever you’re supposed to do,” sukuna grunts, feeling his core stomach tightening.
the two of you were sitting on the bed with him lying fully down. sukuna’s pants were pulled off now and he’s feeling his dick twitch every time your warm breath fans against his tip.
“mhm, okay,” you reply, rolling out your dripping, wet tongue. sukuna’s eyes immediately lock against you, peering as your tongue hungrily swirls its way around his pulsating crown.
slurrrp after slurrrp, you’re licking up the runny droplets of pre that were racing down all sides.
sukuna shivers, mumbling out a faint ‘ohhh shit’ before drawing in a long breath. each time he did, it felt like his lungs were being pinched from the inside.
you took his breath away,
figuratively and literally.
after all the times he’s smoked, nothing could ever compare to the way your tongue made him feel.
“s.. shit,” sukuna groans. your hand’s wrapped around his dick, and it was a bit limp. it only took you a few seconds (which felt like hours) to lap up his pre-cum before sliding your salivating tongue toward his mushroomy tip.
it’s so colorful - flushed with a burning, bright pink near the very capped head.
you even give it a little kiss, moaning once translucent strands of his pre creates a sloppy concoction with your saliva.
so filthy..
the two words that ran through his mind as he watched your plump-shaped lips.
as you continued, sukuna’s hand found its way toward the top of your head, ogling as you then puckered your lips.
slowly, he stares as your mouth opens up a bit to where it’s agape. you make your way down with his tip brushing past the parched roof of your mouth. he gutturally moans, feeling the scaly-like texture greeting his cock before nodding.
“mmh- your throooat . . feels so fuckin’ good,” he tilts his head back, adam’s apple still bobbing through the center of his larynx.
with sukuna being so big, you couldn’t exactly fit all of it inside.
with your hand still gripped around his hefty-made shaft, your scrunched wet lips gradually made their way to where your fingers rested.
your head’s starting to bob bob bob, and sukuna’s grunting his head off. the slippery, risqué noises were just downright wet - you’re gripping his cock before he feels you angle it further down your throat for a better stretch.
“mmph-” you let off a muffled whine, making sure to wet around his entire cock.
sukuna’s thighs already felt so heavy - they glued down to the bed as your head went up and down, and he just couldn’t look away from you.
the two of you were always smoking together when you both could’ve been doing this instead?
that same question — it kept running through sukuna’s head like a loop.
your mouth.. it kept sukuna’s dick so warm, so wet..
it was just something about the way your head bobbed with those pretty lashes of yours sticking to your eyelids. even your lids were starting to sag, preparing to snap shut at any moment.
your raving rhythm had him getting dizzy within seconds, and sukuna gave your hair a light tug.
“ngh-” you grump, your head pulling forward and it’s almost cute.
sukuna pauses, sheepishly scratching his head. “shit, sorry.. was i-”
“harder, dummy,” you interrupt his apology, saliva dribbling down the center of your chin as your lips briefly departed from his sheen-covered cock. sukuna moans at the lewd sight of you and how you were slobbering all over his cock.
this was the type of image he’d probably fantasize about whenever you weren’t in the dorm and he was by himself. “yank it.”
“eh. f.. fuckin’ kinky girl- fine,” and sukuna manages to grab a good amount of your hair. giving it a nice solid yank like you wanted, your head jerks forward. “mmng-” his nostrils flare for the second time.
sukuna grunts, hearing the wet little ‘ptou’ sounds of you spitting on his tip and lapping it right up.
you’re sucking him off — making him bite his lip, and he starts fucking back against your face until there’s even more glossy drool pouring down your chin.
much to your surprise, sukuna starts to raise his hips into your mouth, hearing strangled moans leave from your throat time and time again. after a few sloppy thrusts of his rolling hips, you took a second to start kissing around his dick again.
torrid, wet kisses ghosted all around his dick and sukuna could already feel his body starting to levitate from your wet lips.
your head - it’s similar to a bobblehead with the way it goes up ‘n down, movements entirely unpredictable.
you use your hand to slovenly twist around his shaft as you suck harder, moaning hoarsely once his bruised tip slams its way against the back of your throat.
it greets your fleshly uvula, and you let off a sweet gargled sound that makes sukuna’s dick twitch.
the single vein that runs down his cock dances against your tongue and you hum, batting your lashes.
he could never deny at all at how pretty you looked.
your cheeks were all puffed - stuffed all because of his dick that’s plugging in and out of your mouth.
sukuna lets off husky grunt after grunt at the back of your tongue skimming over his dick’s top. you’re getting his entire dick wet, not caring at all at how rivulets of your spilling saliva streamed down your chin. not just your chin, but near the cracks of your mouth.
your lips were perfect - they were stretched all out, shaped into a wide circular ‘o’ as you continued to take him down your tight throat.
“hng-” you’d moan, snaking a hand between your legs. sukuna gasped, eyeing you closely as you brought a few fingers of your own toward your puffed, neglected cunt.
you’re soaked, all through your panties too. you reached inside of your shorts, past your underwear before giving your pussy a loving squeeze.
as your mouth’s still occupied, you swiped a thumb over your pulsating clit that’s sobbing for attention.
“f.. fuck, didn’t know you were this nasty, roomie,” sukuna mutters, almost in awe at how you were just playing with yourself while he’s inches deep down your throat.
the downright dirty, racy noises echoed through the thin, dry walls of the dorm — and you prayed no one would hear.
to be specific, you prayed no one would hear sukuna because he was just groaning his lungs out as if he was belting an F5 high note. his voice indeed sounded rough, but every now ‘n then you heard a few cute cracks from your tongue work.
your head still bounces up and down, etching the tip of your tongue down a lightning-shaped vein.
sukuna’s stretchy girth damn near pried your mouth open even more on its own. you’re making sure not to use teeth, moaning at the feeling of your own fingers maneuvering circles against your clit. “ugh- good girl.. good- fffuck,” sukuna praises, feeling his tip stimulate way back toward your uvula for probably the umpteenth time.
he’s in alllll the way, watching as you breathe through your nose. “hah- throat’s just.. perfect for me. thaaaat’s … it, suck it, roomie. suck my.. p- penis.”
oh.. he can always work on dirty talk later.
sukuna’s cock was still sensitive - so much so that he doesn’t even realize that his orgasm’s approaching yet again. it’s a toe-curling feeling that threatens his ego, and a whine slips out.
you’re just so unapologetically sloppy - making out with his tip, slurping up the sides that rained with glittery beads of your spit.
“ahh,” you pop out his dick from your mouth, running your tongue around his tender frenulum.
right there, that moment right there was all it took for sukuna to cum and you knew it too.
“f- fuck, oh fuuuck, ‘m fuckin’ cummin’,” sukuna bites down on his jaw, fingers still dug into your scalp. your head sinks back down as his plump head pounds into your throat before you remove your fingers from the inside of your shorts.
first the tight shortness of breath comes — then, comes the actual release.
sukuna’s shooting down your throat, sprinkling creamy drops of cum on your flatly laid tongue as you look at him with those pretty, fogged eyes.
he already took the initiative to pull his leaking shaft out of your mouth, softly starting to then spank his tip against your greedy tongue.
“mmh-” you hummed again, a purr caught in your throat. it’s raw - and voice sounded a bit raspy, which had of course aroused him even more. this was unlike anything he’d ever experienced, and as your tongue lays flat — you nod your head. “good, keep hittin’ your tip against my tongue, mhm.”
“tch..” sukuna kisses his teeth, complying with your sinful request.
your lashes prettily fluttered as he’s still spurting out milky strips onto your tongue. the taste was bittersweet, and judging by the pout on your lips once he removed his cock away from the flatness of your tongue, you only wanted more.
panting heavily, sukuna’s abs clench through his fraternity-made sweats. “what?”
“c’mere,” you breathe, every breath you take becoming more strained as air tries to fill into your lungs. sukuna leans his head down to where you were, and his eyes immediately land on the remnants of cum that dribble a bit near the corner of your lip. “lick it off me.”
“hah- you’re a . . nasty little roommate.” sukuna snickered, a hand gently wrapping around the back of your neck. he pulls you in, pressing his lips into yours at full speed.
both lips were like speeding cars — they rammed into each other, the turbo being both lips quickly slamming against ajar, opened mouths.
sukuna grunts, vehemently running his tongue around the side of your mouth that’s covered with a few pearly tears of his cum. the sourly sweet taste again, makes him moan in your mouth, feeling your teeth playfully nip near his bottom lip.
as foreheads forevermore pressed against each other, sukuna drags his tongue near your chin which is also covered with sleek wet slicks.
as sukuna blindly guides his lips back towards your mouth, the open-mouthed kiss lasts for a while, to say the least. he even started sucking on your tongue, savoring the treacly cherry poppin’ taste that scattered all over your tastebuds.
you were a new high sukuna didn’t mind smoking.
♡ ♡ ♡
sukuna was still struggling to breathe - every breath felt more and more raspy with each singular puff.
pink, puffed lips of his were all swollen from your filthy make-out sesh. also though, his dick - his tip specifically, felt like it was on fire.. and the veiny sides were already starting to dry up with pasty splotches of cum.
you had to admit, sukuna looked kinda cute like this..
submissively underneath you with a pout, dripped in sweat everywhere on his body, sinewy muscles tensing with his cock just aching for more..
sukuna’s pink hair was unkempt and ruffled, messed up, and a tiny bit matted.
his once cocky and arrogant ego thrown was straight out the window all because of your throat and the way your raucous hips made him cum through his sweatpants.
sukuna knows you, and he knew you’d never let him live that down for as long as you two were roommates.
“your hoodie,” you bring a thumb above your vaguely dripping chin, smearing it around your sheeny lips. sukuna’s still laid back, and you’re now hovering over his sensitive cream-covered tip. “can i wear it while i ride you?”
“pft. no, it’s a frat-”
“ughh- fine. better not ruin it,” he grumbles with a glowering scowl, raising his arms.
you help him take off the piece of clothing before putting it over your head, pulling down your t-shit from underneath.
as you do so, sukuna watches intently, feeling yet another vein prod against the right side of his dick. it was just something about seeing you in his clothing, straddling him too.
you’re wearing his fleecy-made frat hoodie as if it was your own and fuck did you look good in it.
sukuna’s breath nearly choked him as he openly stared at you, noticing how it was a bit oversized and practically covered over a nice portion of your thighs. “lie back more.” you utter, a hand grabbing the shared blunt that still rested idly on the nightstand. you’d almost forgotten about it.
right away, sukuna leaned himself back against the lopsided cushioned pillows that squished behind him.
there was just enough room to where your head didn’t hit the bottom of the top bed stacked above.
your hand grabs his hefty curved cock, aligning it against your sopping entrance before pausing. “tell me if it’s too much,” you mumble, bringing the stout blunt toward your lips.
sukuna’s completely shirtless now - and it suddenly gets so quiet that you hear him gulp in anticipation.
“j- just fuck me already,” he prowls rashly, his words turning into an impatient hiss once his beefy arms wrap around your torso.
with an ‘oof,’ you end up landing flat into his chest.
sukuna’s poor creamy tip was crying - it was starting to sob from the very reddened tip with rivulets of precum.
the wait was antagonizing - you were antagonizing.
he just wanted to be inside you, to feel what it’s really, really like.
sukuna fantasized about this exact scenario in more ways than he could count. he was far too stubborn to ever admit that he was too shy to actually be intimate with someone.
but with you, it only felt right.
“let me take another hit first-” you giggle, seeing the glare forming on his face. “geez, okay, okay.”
sukuna kept his eyes on you as you placed the cherry-flavored blunt in between your teeth.
it’s still securely rolled and fat - and you felt one of his hands creeping toward your ass within no time.
you steal another bit anyway,
and with a single addicting puff, a gust of wind whirls its way into your lungs and down your passageway. “f- fuckk..” you sigh, one hand positioning his teary tip against your drooling, drooling slot.
a cloud of smoke emits from your mouth once you breathe out, and sukuna sucks in a raspy drag. “mmg- hurry the fuck up,” he clenched down on his jaw tightly, bottom lip thoughtlessly quivering.
he’s so sensitive—with endorphins crashing through his veins, they sent rocketing shockwaves all down his spine. your cunt was just dangerously slick, and he knew you were teasing just by the way you rubbed your pussy back ‘n forth against his poor cum-dripping cockhead.
“hah- fuckin’ . . put it in- ngh-”
“ask nicely.” you whisper, wrapping a hand around his thick throat.
sukuna would’ve probably been lying if he said that didn’t turn him on.
your wet cunt was gradually sliding itself against his cock that rested against his tummy.
a big hand then grips onto your bare right ass cheek before he growls under his breath.
“fuck me, or else.”
“fuck me, or else…please.”
“still no. also, speak up.”
sukuna glares at your audacity, seeing a small simper preparing to crease against your lips before he sighs in defeat. you were probably even more stubborn than him..
his shoulders slump before he clicks his tongue, clearing his throat. “okaay, roomie. you win- fuck. please, ride me. i- i need it,” and for a moment there, its a bit of vulnerability in sukuna’s tone.
his baritone-pitched voice, it cracks and you could see his left eye twitching.
you’re killing his pride.
but part of that made him more aroused.
“i need . . you.” he concludes, shaky labored breaths leaving from his lips. sukuna groans, feeling you slide a hand down his hardened chest.
the tips of your padded fingers circle his pecs, outlining each vein that decorated his sculpted body.
sukuna was like a candle melting from just your blazing touch. his body was the wax and your fingertips were the flame. his hoodie that you wore only made the entire scene sexier too.
he allowed his crimson gaze to follow toward your chest. the three-letter logo of the fraternity he was in finely stitched against the fabric. it hugged your body flawlessly, and his eyes never left your frame, not even for a minute.
“good boy,” you hum, hearing him nearly choke at your praise.
good boy.
sukuna’s ears perked before he groans, hearing the long-awaited squelch of your pussy ‘slap’ down on him.
your warmth from the inside surprises him, and he whiiiiines out a sweet, elongated mewl of your name. “ugh- fuck,” sukuna hisses, feeling you sink yourself down.
it’s a tight fit at first with an even bigger stretch!
sukuna’s rounded tip alone could barely lodge its way inside, and you had to use both hands just to guide it in the right direction. with the blunt still buried underneath your teeth, you blow smoke in his face. “mmph- open your mouth,” you airily mumble.
taking in the sugary scent—sukuna moans, bringing his lips apart.
once you’re starting to move, it’s over -
with your head going closer toward his face, you take the rolled stick from your lips to blow more smoke… this time, into his mouth.
your hips started to wind up, and he was already bottomed out inside. “taste it,” you whisper, feeling sukuna’s questing tongue already trying to swash around the inside of your cheek.
smoke pours into the right sukuna’s mouth, traveling within both pairs of full lungs before he kisses you deeply.
you’re each sharing smoke between twisted tongues and it’s so filthy..
your warm breath continues to slide against his sukuna’s—feeling his tongue eagerly dip its way inside your mouth.
the sweetened taste of cherry lingers against your buds and his, and between sloppy kisses, you moan. “mhh- there we go, good. just hold my hips again.”
“f.. fuck,” sukuna clicks his tongue, drowsy eyes already rolling back in such immense pleasure.
your pussy had such power - power that even he couldn’t handle because he felt like the entire bed was about to snap into two.
your hips had sukuna hysterical, and he starts fanning himself too. “p- phew, shiiit..” he groans, pink brows curving into a desirous furrow.
you’re swerving, tightly gripping back against his cock like velcro as you started to cling onto the bed’s railing for better leverage. “damn- goddamn, fuuuck me then.”
the high surrounds you both and it’s just pure bliss..
it was like a trip you didn’t want to end, and sukuna felt like he was floating every time your ass wetly slammed back down onto his lap. you’re making his head spin in the best way possible, dozens of gears turning in his empty brain.
“haah- ‘kuna,” you’d moan, hot breath landing against his chin and tickling the tiny hairs that stick against his skin. you’re clenching down on him from the inside, hearing every sticky plap! of skin clash amongst each other.
sukuna was a bit awkward with his hands - they didn’t know where to go.
one moment, they’re glued to your hips and the next, they’re traveling down your thighs. his favorite part though, was your ass.
as you continued to move, sukuna couldn’t help but thumb a few clammy fingers toward the sides of your jouncing rear.
harshly - he gives it a needy squeeze before spanking it, hearing the cute gasping whines drag from your throat.
he’s getting the hang of it.
“c- careful,” you wheeze, watching as he’s taking a puff now. sukuna’s nude chest was already starting to gloss gloss gloss with gallons of sweat. sure—you’ve seen him at the gym but never this sweaty.
with your arms tossing over his tensed shoulders, your weeping cunt flops right against his cock with a few sloppy single thrusts, earning a loud grunt from him. “now ‘m really startin’ to think you’re in love with m-”
“just…shut up.” sukuna grumbles, silencing you with another deep kiss. it’s rough - and out of the many, many kisses you shared with him tonight, this felt more . . different.
sweet, pathetic whimpers elicited from you as your ass repeatedly whacked against his pelvis. sukuna’s lean cock sloppily digs its way through your cunt and you squealed at each vigorous curve.
riiiight thereeee-
he’s found the spot and he didn’t even know it.
your cute little shriek was all that told him though, because as his teeth were sharply striking against yours—he hit that same beloved g-spot again, and again, and again..
“o-ooh!” your back prettily arches like a cat, tangled colorless strands of saliva reluctantly pulling away from each pair of lips.
sukuna’s tip was vast and huge, it easily ran through the taut barrier of your entrance and you drool every time he kisses near your clit.
it’s just so tender..
your pupils were starting to enlarge with your eyes crossing. sukuna’s got the same eyes too from the overwhelming high… but his eyes were a bit bloodshot.
your hips were just so nasty, and he’s grunting every time your sopping pussy sucks him in before spitting him right back out, then in, then out again — a repeated loop of pure fuckin’ filth.
“mmn- ‘m gonna cum,” you whined, gasping once sukuna’s hands grabbed your waist. you both exchanged a look of utter blitzed lust, and sukuna darkly exhaled. your hips buckled in and out, in and out until your hips were just stuttering over him. “k- keep hittin’ me there, baby~ fuuck-”
sukuna felt his cheeks heat up - the small pet name making him wonder if the two of you were really more than just smoke buddies, more than just roommates..
“hng- me too,” sukuna rasps, feeling the sultry head of his cock burning up to such a smoldering degree.
he’s not just hot there—but all damn over.
you’re maintaining your rapid pace, moaning at the nerves pulsing through your body that steadily got provoked by sukuna’s deep, pivotal thrusts. “god- so fuckin’ perfect. ride me.. hah- ride it like you own it then, ugh-”
your continuous bouncing on sukuna’s lap even has his eyes rolling back too. it’s undeniably sexy, and you felt the sticky grip of his thumbs starting to lessen its hold against your rocky waist.
sukuna’s cock was starting to stiffen within seconds and your cunt was just so swollen, dribbling from every weeping orifice with syrupy amounts of juices.
it’s an all-around mess, and not before long, the smell of your own arousal mixes in with the feeling of your highly anticipated fervor..
the entire dorm was clouded - fogged, bathed in a mix of all scents. scents of pleasure, of cherry, and lots ‘n lots of sweat.
it was hard to see anything except for the two of you and the windows were just covered with steam.
your thighs practically glued to sukuna’s, and as his dick’s still pumping in and out of you, you let off a clamoring squall.
right then - that’s when it happens.
you cling onto him steadfastly, sensuously bucking your animalistic hips into him weakly as your body starts to slow. everything happens in almost slow motion - and if it was one thing for sure, your pussy had sukuna hypnotized.
sukuna’s angered cockhead swabs its way around your beloved g-spot about three more times before he groans too.
much louder than you, and he suppressed his nose (or at least tried to) by delicately biting into your shoulder. your skin’s softness had his tongue hungry, and he was lapping at your skin until it was turning wet all because of him..
the blunt ended up falling out of his mouth, landing on the wooden floor with a faint ‘thump!’
but sukuna could care less though-
he had far more important things to care about,
like how he was shooting literal blanks inside of you, painting your pretty clamping walls with his ivory-white color that hugged him oh-so tight.
sukuna’s gutturally groaning in your ear, moving his mouth away from your shoulder while leaning against your cheek.
you both came at the same time and it almost didn’t even feel real.
your teeth shatter as your hips finally stop moving, and sukuna falls back against the bed.
you’re whimpering loudly, creaming all down his cock as your body’s met with abrupt currents of rippling waves.
instead though—the only wave was your orgasm, crashing down down down..
“ugh-” he moans, lips quivering once more once he feels such wads spitting out of his tip.
it comes out so slowly, thin ropes of cum that leisurely bubble into pearly ribbons of stripes.
sukuna’s heart’s beating out of his chest - pound after pound so loud that he hears the melody through his ears like speakers.
as he’s still trying to get over his most recent finish—his first instinct was to wrap a burly arm around you.
you’re caught off guard by the sudden gesture, but you don’t complain.
he’s still snugly inside so deep, flooding your pussy with a feverishly hot batch of cum that even starts to ooze down between your legs.
you’re both breathing stiffly, sharing labored delayed pants before sukuna cups your chin. “what... are. we.”
“what?” you blink.
sukuna deadpans, a chastened pout compressing his lips before he brings a sloppy two-second kiss to your mouth.
you return it, quietly moaning at the stickiness currently slimed between your cracked-open thighs.
“i don’t.. know,” sukuna pants, bringing a palm near his forehead to wipe a sheet of perspiring sweat away. “this.. us- whatever.. this is,” he waves a hand around to exaggerate. “friends- er- smoke friends don’t just… casually cum in each other.”
“yeah, that’s true,” you jeer, leaning in while sukuna’s still buried swollen balls deep. inching close, you kiss his neck before sweetly whispering. “maybe we’re more then just friends and maybe you’re more than just my plug.”
sukuna scoffs. “hmph. well- you’re still payin’ by the way.”
with an eye roll, you reach near your burgundy-colored nightstand. with a loud ‘whiiir’ it opens, and you pull out a twenty dollar bill of what was the usual price of your purchases.
a bit overpriced but again, you didn’t have the energy to complain.
not when you were so stuffed - leaking with sukuna’s cum drizzling out of your cunt.
“here.” you hand him the crumpled-up dollar bill. sukuna takes it, and his entire face is just flushed.
for once — you see actual color in his usually stoic, emotionless face. who knew it was all because of you and your hips.
sukuna grunts something under his breath, watching as you slide your panties and shorts back on. scarlet eyes did a slow pan from up to down at your body, glancing at his hoodie that you still had on before you grabbed your suitcase underneath your desk.
“wha- you’re leaving?”
“yeah, i’m gonna miss my flight.” you reply, watching sukuna’s lips form into the nth pout of the night. two hours went by so quick, he forgot all about your dumb trip.
not to be dramatic (except sukuna probably was being dramatic) but two weeks without you felt like an eternity.
especially with how good you just made him feel, the replay of the entire scene that just occurred had his mouth shamelessly watering.
going toward the side of the bed where sukuna lay, you press one final wet kiss against his lips.
he grunts, leaning into your tender touch, gasping once your free hand gives his twitching cock a few ‘goodbye’ pumping strokes.
“mmg- don’t go.” you heard him grumble between your lips.
with a soft wet ‘smack’ — both lips hesitantly depart, and you whisper against his ear before leaving. “i’m keeping the hoodie by the way.”
#★vegasbaby.#sukuna smut#sukuna x reader#sukuna x you#sukuna ryomen x reader#sukuna ryomen smut#sukuna#jujutsu kaisen smut#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen x you#jjk smut#jjk x you#jjk#jujutsu kaisen#female reader
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