#winnie barrett.
thirtecnth · 6 months
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(Emily Rudd) THE MINX. Please welcome WINIFRED "WINNIE" BARRETT (SHE/HER) to Huntsville, WV. They are a 27-year-old VISITOR who lives in the COMMUNE. You may see them around working as a BARTENDER at SAMMIE'S PLACE. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
( *tw - child abuse, grooming, underage teacher/student relationship, poison reference, religious abuse, murder, death, sexual abuse )
FULL NAME: Winifred Elizabeth Barrett NICKNAMES: Winnie, Wicked Winnie, Freddie AGE: 27 years old DATE OF BIRTH: November 13th SEXUALITY: Pansexual STATUS: Hunter
HEIGHT: 5′ 5″ HAIR: Brunette EYE COLOR: Blue
HOMETOWN: Toronto, Canada INCOME STATUS: Middle Class FATHER:  Eric Barrett (deceased) MOTHER: Fiona Barrett (deceased) SIBLINGS: Marjorie "Mary" Barrett (deceased) FAMILY: Uncle SIGNIFICANT OTHER: N/A HOBBIES: Photography, Painting, Dance, Gaming, Acting, Singing
[+] Charismatic, Clever, Protective [-] Dishonest, Reckless, Cynical
If you had asked Winnie how she got where she is today when she was a kid, she'd be horribly confused.
She had a normal childhood. Her parents often worked but when everyone was home, they would play board games, eat dinner together, and watch movies like a regular family.
As Winnie grew, however, a teacher she was seeing after school started giving her a lot of unhealthy attention. When it turned into a relationship, she was told to tell no one and she would tell no one.
However, it led to her getting into trouble at school. It started with talking too much in class and then getting into fights with bullies... Her parents were growing concerned. They didn't know what could've caused such a change in her behavior.
Bad behavior at school expanded to home. She stopped wanting to watch and play with her little sister and instead chose to get lost in her own imaginary worlds and with her own doll adventures.
Her parents didn't know what to do. They were overreacting out of fear. So much so that her mother hired doctors and therapists and her father got in touch with the local priest because of her drastic change. She went along with it but kept her secrets. She was in love.
When money was running low from treatments, that was when a reality TV crew from the US stepped in. They promised funds for her treatment if they could film Winnie during her "journey".
It was an effort to help her, but now, it only made her behavior worse. If they wanted possessed and crazy, she would give them possessed and crazy. Especially since the teacher stopped their relationship when the attention was getting too much. She wanted revenge now.
She played pranks on her sister and scared her, spoke in tongues when the priests were around, and told the doctors constant lies.
Maybe her behavior was an overreaction to it all, but the way that all her family was treating her made her feel like a monster. She felt lost. Violated. No one to trust. Especially when they gave her an exorcism and broadcast it to the public.
She just had no idea how much her little sister was hurting from it all. Winnie was young, it was just easy to mess with her sister to get to her parents. She never meant to actually hurt her and tried telling her so. It was just hard for someone even younger than her to understand.
Marjorie just wanted it all to stop... So she did the only thing she knew. She made Winnie's bowl of soup one night and poured rat poison in when no one was looking.
What she didn't know was that Winnie poured her own soup back into the pot, deciding to starve in her usual protest rather than eat her mother's cooking that night.
Everyone ate the soup. She watched as all of them foamed and died in front of her. Two days later, the TV Crew found her. The police were called.
...It really did not help the possession rumors.
She was sent to a group home where she met Lizzie. By that time, she was known to the world as Wicked Winnie. No one believed her story. No one believed a word she said.
Lizzie stayed by her side and was as fed up as she was with the treatment... They ran off together and have been on the run for 13+ years.
She lied, cheated, stole, and slept with who she had to during that time. Anything to keep her new sister safe. She learned not to trust anyone or anything but her.
Her Uncle has been trying to find her and take her in for years, but she's evaded him in favor of Lizzie every time.
Eventually, they stumbled upon Huntsville... It looked like they would be staying somewhere indefinitely for the first time in a long time.
1. Her Uncle
2. Hookups, FWBs, Fake Relationships
3. Bad Influences / Good Influences
4. Drinking / Party Buddies
5. Coworkers, Friendships, Enemies
…More to come, I’m sure!
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faline-cat444 · 1 year
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First thoughts
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ adalbern. adalburn. arcadia. armel. armelle. arthur. artie. artis. ash. avonaco. baloo. barney. barrett. bear. bearette. bearnard. bears. bearwonder. beary beau. beelzebub. ben. benate. benny. berdine. berengar. bern. bernadette. bernard. berne. berry. bjorn. blackburn. bramble. briar. brown. browne. brownie. button. calysta. care cave. claws. corduroy. cub. eden. espen. eve. fang. fluff. fluffsse. forest. fozzie. frederick. genevieve. gerben. griz. grizz. grizzie. grizzlee. grizzly. grizzy. honey. honie. honnie. hugs. humbert. ivan. keith. koa. koala. koda. lakeisha. mapelle. maple. napoleon. oak. oberon. orsa. orson. owen. paddington. panda. pawster. plushisse. polar. potter. river. rivera. rowan. rufus. sal. shyamang. skein. slavik. sloth. snowfrid. sol. star. stitches. stuffine. sun. sunny. ted. teddie. teddy. torben. ursa. ursel. ursula. ursus. vernados. waverly. willow. winnie.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ :3/>:3. bea/bear. bear/bear. bear/bearie. bee/bee. ber/berry. bla/blackberry. burr/burrow. burrow/burrow. button/button. chomp/chomp. claw/claw. creature/creature. cub/cub. fang/fang. fir/fir. fluff/fluff. fluff/fluffsie. fluff/fluffy. fur/fur. fuzz/fuzz. grizzly/grizzly. hun/honey. hy/hym. lake/lake. lurk/lurk. nap/nap. nose/nose. paw/paw. pine/pine. plush/plush. protective/protective. riv/river. romp/romp. shy/hyr. shy/shy. slee/sleep. sniff/sniff. soft/soft. startle/startle. stitch/stitch. stuff/stuffing. tail/tail. ted/teddie. toy/toy. trail/trial. wav/wave. wood/wood. yarn/yarn. 🌲 . 🍯 . 🐻 . 🤎 . 🧵 . 🧶 . 🧸 .
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gellavonhamster · 4 months
13 books meme
Tagged by @littlestsnicket (thank you ❤)
1) The Last book I read: One Piece Novel Heroines by Jun Esaka, which I've already been posting about enough not to elaborate here
2) A book I recommend: can I copy your homework plagiarize the answer to this from the person who tagged me? Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke. I know a lot of people find it too long or just not their cup of tea, but it's one of my all-time favourites, one of those books that feel like they were written for me specifically, and I cannot help recommending it to others :)
3) A book that I couldn’t put down: I remember reading TFOTA #2 and #3 (The Wicked King and The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black) in a single day. I was feeling unwell, and it was cold outside anyway, so I just spent most of the day reading in bed. I recall being surprised by how engrossed I was - the first book of this series didn't grow on me until well into its second half.
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more): I have this sideblog on Twitter where I post a quote from Dracula per day (yes, manually, I don't know how to make bots lol). I just move down the text and skim it and pick sentences that catch my eye, and when I reach the end, I start from the beginning again. So, in a way, I am constantly in the process of rereading Dracula
5) A book on my TBR: Chrétien de Troyes' Perceval and a bunch of its continuations, Lolly Willowes by Sylvia Townsend Warner
6) A book I’ve put down: the thing is, if I don't really enjoy a book but still can find a good thing or two about it, I will keep reading and hoping it will improve eventually, and if I don't enjoy a book at all, I forget about it as soon as I put it down. Out of sight, out of mind - unless I particularly hate it. When I try to think of any books of the latter kind, the first to come to my mind usually is A Discovery of Witches. I found the worldbuilding really interesting, but damn, the protagonists were so annoying that I wasn't going to struggle through that brick of a book for it.
7) A book on my wish list: I need to get a copy of The Bad Beginning, The Wide Window, and The Hostile Hospital, and then I'll have the entire ASOUE collected! Would also love to get any other Snicketverse books; I only have Poison for Breakfast - bought it literally last weekend. I could buy them online, of course, but: 1) I prefer to avoid online shopping if there is realistic possibility for me to come across that item offline; 2) accidentally stumbling onto these books in bookshops (especially second-hand ones) when I least expect them feels like such a right experience for this series that I am inclined to continue acquiring them that way.
8) A favorite book from childhood: Winnie-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner... truly formative shit, responsible for at least 50% of my sense of humour
9) A book you would give to a friend: I was at my friend's place recently and noticed she had the exact same copy of Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury as I do. When I told her about it, she told me it was I who gave her that book (I forgot 🤦‍♀️) and that she loves it and rereads it almost every autumn :') So this one has definitely passed the test.
10) A book of poetry or lyrics that you own: I have a whole shelf full of poetry books, in fact. At least half of them weren't bought by me, but by my family members long before I was born, but presently all of them are considered mine :D Those that I bought myself include collections of poems by Christina Rossetti, Emily Dickinson, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Oscar Wilde, and Marina Tsvetaeva, among other things. And Useless Magic by Florence Welch!
11) A nonfiction book you own: I stumbled upon The Republic of Pirates by Colin Woodard in the same second-hand bookshop where I bought all the parts of ASOUE I currently have and couldn't believe my luck - I really wanted to read it after watching Black Sails! It's great.
12) What are you currently reading: Tristan and Isolde. Restoring Palamede by John Erskine. Really enjoying it so far; it sort of demystifies/disenchants Arthuriana but without excessive cynicism, with the narrator being understanding, perhaps even compassionate, when describing the characters' very realistic, human flaws. Technically I'm also reading E. W. Hornung's short stories about Raffles and Bunny through the Letters from Bunny Substack, but it's more like "desperately trying to catch up and failing". The stories themselves are delightful, but I was right to suspect that this way of reading books is not for me.
13) What are you planning on reading next? Dracula in Istanbul (the Turkish translation/adaptation of Dracula), courtesy of @seawilde <3
tagging @afoxnamedmulder, @seawilde, @lefresne, @uupiic, and @snckt; as always, feel free to ignore if you don't want to answer :)
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ambercast · 1 month
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where: sammie’s place who: winnie barrett ( @thirtecnth )
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Dante wasn’t there to see Winnie, but Sammie’s Place was a good spot to work on his socialization. The people were friendly, mainly because they were paid to be and that’s how they got good tips. That didn’t bother him. Friendliness was something he faked too.
“Hey.” He found an empty seat at the bar and nodded his head upward to catch Winnie’s attention. “You close to break?”
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jetsteelyourheart · 1 year
I've been working on this for more time than I'd care to admit cause I've been formulating like... 4 separate Fan Casts, but when @easily-distracted-ivashkov posted an ask about Casting I had to submit something. Then it got too large for an ask so here I am.
I'm not done with my TV/Film Fan Cast, but welcome to...
The Bloodlines Musical Theater Fan Cast
*Complete with vocal part & music samples
*all casting has purely been based on my completely mid level of musical actor knowledge and voice. Like 90% of this is all voice. I can't stress that enough
I also have two separate casts for this because its changed over the years. I call them the "Fancast 1.0" and the "Fancast 2.0 - Its Gayer This Time." And of course like with any good casting situation, when you use a couple different actors you need basically a whole new set for everyone else so... Please find them below:
Fancast 1.0:
Adrian - Tenor : Aaron Tveit
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Think old school Aaron
-> Gabe in Next to Normal Aaron
-> Fiero in Wicked Aaron
-> Roger in RENT Aaron
And you know... maybe think some more recent Aaron...
Sydney - Mezzo: Barrett Wilbert Weed
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Now, I don't want to start anything because Broadway Tumblr is notoriously... dramatic... but this is my fancast and frankly I think if I was a broadway actor people would get mad at me too for having boundaries and less than perfect vocal health so... give the samples below a chance
-> Wildflowers from Fugitives Song Cycle Barrett
-> obligatory Veronica from Heathers Barrett
-> Winnie from Everlasting Barrett
Jill - Mezz/Soprano: Joy Woods
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-> Audrey from Little Shop of Horrors Joy
-> Cathy from The Last Five Years Joy
Eddie - Tenor: George Salazar
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-> Grover in The Lightning Thief George
-> Obligatory Michael in the Bathroom George
-> Seymour in Little Shop of Horrors George
-> Where do the Lonely souls go George
Nathan Ivashkov: Brian Darcy James
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-> Something Rotten Brian
-> Dan Goodman in Next to Normal (with bonus Aaron as his son for direct comparison!)
-> Barrett from Titanic (for something different)
-> Shrek from Shrek because I just like reminding everyone he was in Shrek
Tatiana Ivashkov - Caroline O'Connor
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-> Countess Lily in Anastasia
-> Velma in Chicago Caroline
Trey - Everyone is a Tenor Now: Dan Domenech
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(sorry for the closest thing I could find to a gif of him without heathers text)
-> speaking of have some JD in heathers Dan
-> Joanne in RENT Dan
Angeline - Is Sassy technically a vocal type? (Sop?): Andrea Macasaet
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-> Obligatory Anne Boleyn in SiX Andrea
-> Mimi ... in RENT but like... in concert with Anthony Rapp as Roger?? Andrea
Jackie Terwilliger: Eden Espinosa
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-> Elphaba from Wicked Eden
-> Cassandra from Tangled the Series (Her vocals tho)
Brayden: Matt Doyle
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He's got it. I don't know what it is. But he has it.
-> Jamie in Company
-> Hanchen in Spring Awakening. Look its not singing... but its Brayden
-> Jasper in Jasper in Deadland to be nice because its a character that isn't annoying and he's a good actor
Micah: Alexander Brightman
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-> Cut You A Piece Alexander (but also I just fucking love this Sydrianesque song to death)
-> A Little Bit Alexander
Same in Both Casts:
Jared Sage: Patrick Page
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Ok but like, how could I NOT.
-> Frollo in Hunchback because Frollo is one of Jared Sage's past lives
-> Hades in Hadestown Patrick
-> Green Goblin Patrick because its on the same level as Brian D'Arcy James Shrek
Abe: Ricky Rojas
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Listen, I've never seen him do scary, but I believe he could do it. He's definitely got fun and cheeky down. I'd love to see him dress like a mobster. And look how expressive he is. I fully believe Abe can Tango.
-> Ricky (and Aaron) Singing Tennessee Whiskey because listen to that man siiiing
-> Santiago from Moulin Rouge but just the audio cause youtube aint got any videos
Marcus Finch: Alex Joseph Grayson
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Tragically Tumblr has no gifs and thats a travesty
-> Hercules in Hercules
-> Jim in Parade (THOSE RIFFS)
-> Judas in Jesus Christ Superstar
Zoe Sage: Sophia Anne Caruso
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But literally exactly in the vocal tonality of Beetlejuice. I don't make the rules
-> Obligatory Beetlejuice
Sheridan: Orfeh
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This might be a surprise. Maybe. But like. Imagine all of Sheridan's war crimes. All of her actions that raise the Geneva convention to the ground. Now picture those words coming out of the mouth of someone who sounds like the Nanny Named Fran mixed with some kind of Bostonian Dolly Parton. JUST IMAGINE IT.
-> Paulette from Legally Blonde
-> Orfeh Singing from VOTE!
-> Audrey...2 in Little Shop
Donna Stanton: Natalie Mendoza
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Ok so it almost more her acting than her singing, but hear me out: Natalie Mendoza does an amazing job on stage portraying that she's keeping her real thoughts hidden. Its almost a waste to make her Donna stanton because her comedic timing is top notch and underrated. Also she can sing.
-> Ok I couldn't find any examples on youtube... but trust me on this. She's fantastic
Malachai Wolfe: Chris Sullivan
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Yeah, that guy. He also played Taserface. Do with this information what you will, but also hear him in the Off-Broadway Hadestown
-> Hermes from Hadestown Chris
Lee: Jeremy Jordan
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Listen, I know its a small part for Jeremy, BUT he goes from 0 - 100 on the little nerd man to deranged murder man and Lee needs that
-> Seymour from Littleshop (again) but this time Jeremy
-> Clyde from Bonnie & Clyde Jeremy
-> Light from Death Note the Musical Jeremy. This is not a joke. (second singer)
Clarence: Danny Burstein
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-> Adolpho in The Drowsy Chaperone
-> Tevye in Fiddler
Carly Sage: Christy Altomare
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-> Freedom Inside MV
-> Wendla in Spring Awakening
Rowena: Rachel Zegler
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-> As Maria in West Side Story
Emma: Taylor Lauderman
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-> Little Miss Perfect
Duncan: Derek Klena
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-> Jagged Little Pill
Alecia: Sam Pauly
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-> Obligatory SiX Katharine Howard
-> Come From Away
-> The Wild Party
Lissa: Ashley Loren
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The Sparkling Dragomir ~*~**
-> Satine from Moulin Rouge
-> Belle (with cats) from Beauty and the Beast
-> Elsa from Frozen
Rose: Anna Uzele
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-> Catherine Parr in SiX
-> Francine in New York, New York
Dimitri: Christopher Jackson (circa In the Heights Era)
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I don't like Dimitri, but if he's gonna be there, I'm gonna get an Actor that makes me like him. He better have killer fuckin pipes
-> Benny in In the Heights
-> Obligatory George Washington in Hamilton
-> More Benny because I'm obsessed
Neil: Jamie Muscato
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He's like the musical theater Hugh Grant of the west end. I'm gonna get flack for this, I know, but the guy is like the watered down British polite version of every character he plays. Its a whole vibe on its own, and frankly, its very Neil.
-> Evan Hansen Jamie
-> Enjolras from Les Mis Jamie
Chantal: Ariana DeBose
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-> Tony's Opening Number
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aew-regression-cove · 2 months
My fictional caregivers
(will add to this as I see fit <3 & this will get as long as I want lol)
Currently most active= *
Remy Lebeau/Gambit. *
Charles Xavier. *
Logan Howlett. *
Erik Lehnsherr. *
Hank McCoy.
Scott Summers.
Ororo Munroe.
Kurt Wagner.
Peter Maximoff. *
Jean Grey.
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David Powers. (the lost boys) *
Michael Emerson. (the lost boys)
Eric Draven. (the crow)
Danny Torrance. (dr sleep)
Adam & Barbara Maitland. (beetlejuice) *
Egon Spengler. (ghostbusters) *
Winston Zeddmore. (ghostbusters)
Peter Venkman. (ghostbusters)
Dana Barrett. (ghostbusters)
Ellen Ripley. (alien) *
Stu Macher. (scream)
Seth Brundle. (the fly)
Morticia & Gomez Addams. (addam family values)
Thomas Sharpe. (crimson peak)
Michael Myers. (halloween)
Laurie Strode. (halloween)
Daryl Dixon. (the walking dead)
Negan. (the walking dead)
Glenn Rhee. (the walking dead)
Hannibal Lector. (hannibal)
Jareth/Goblin King. (labyrinth)
Ed & Lorraine Warren. (the conjuring)
John Constantine. (constantine)
Tate Langdon. (american horror story — season 1) *
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Star Wars:
Obi-Wan Kenobi. *
Poe Dameron.
Din Djarin.
Kylo Ren.
Han Solo.
Qui Gon Jinn.
Hunter. (tbb)
Tech. (tbb)
Crosshair. (tbb)
Wrecker. (tbb)
Echo. (tbb)
Captain Rex. (clone wars)
Anakin Skywalker.
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Moonknight System. *
Layla El Faouly.
Frank Castle. *
Bucky Barnes.
Matt Murdock. *
Clint Barton.
Loki Laufeyson.
Bruce Banner.
Wanda Maximoff.
Peter Parker. (tasm)
Hobie Brown. (atsv)
Miguel O'Hara. (atsv)
Johnny Storm. (fantastic four) *
Reed Richards. (fantastic four)
Eddie Brock & Venom.
Foggy Nelson. (daredevil)
Peter Parker. (the amazing spiderman)
Peggy Carter.
Steve Rogers.
Tony Stark.
Scott Lang.
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Harley Quinn.
Alfred Pennyworth. (batman)
Bruce Wayne. (batman 1989 + batman returns + batman forever) *
Edward Nygma/The Riddler. (batman forever)
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Dean Winchester.
Charlie Bradbury.
Bobby Singer.
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Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid.
Penelope Garcia.
Aaron Hotchner.
Luke Alvez.
Emily Prentiss.
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Teen Wolf:
Derek Hale.
Peter Hale.
Melissa McCall.
Noah Stilinski.
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Stranger Things:
Eddie Munson.
Jim Hopper.
Joyce Byers.
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Joel Miller. (tlou)
Phillip Graves. (cod)
John Price. (cod)
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Ian Malcolm. (jurassic park) *
Alan Grant. (jurassic park)
Peter Scarbrow. (higher ground)
David Levinson. (independence day)
Gregory House. (house MD)
James Wilson. (house MD)
Neo. (the matrix)
Haymitch Abernathy. (the hunger games)
Finnick Odair. (the hunger games)
Ransom Drysdale. (knives out)
Ravi Singh. (a good girls guide to murder)
Klaus Hargreaves. (the umbrella academy)
Five Hargreaves. (the umbrella academy)
Tangerine. (bullet train)
Maria. (bullet train)
Minho. (the maze runner)
Newt. (the maze runner)
Jethro Gibbs. (ncis)
Ducky. (ncis)
Lucifer. (lucifer)
Christopher Robin. (winnie the pooh)
Hades. (hercules + descendents)
Mary Poppins. (disney)
Alice Cullen. (twilight)
Carlisle Cullen. (twilight)
Jasper Cullen. (twilight)
Catnoir. (miraculous ladybug)
Rosie. (hazbin hotel)
Remus Lupin. (harry potter + marauders)
Dino Divider
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teamthunderdome · 3 months
For those of you just joining us...
The TEAM THUNDERDOME is a tumblr bracket in which teams of 3 or 4, both iconic and obscure, duke it out in deathmatches voted on by you, the viewer at home.
teams ENTERED the event, divided equally into 4 quarters.
teams remain.
These are their stories.
FIGHT #1 - [W] Team FANBOY (Fanboy, Chum Chum, Kyle) VS [L] Team WINCHESTER (Sam, Dean, Castiel, Crowley)
FIGHT #2 - [L] Team GONDOR (Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf) VS [W] Team TRIFORCE (Link, Zelda, Groose)
FIGHT #3 - [L] Team DEKU (Izuku, Ochaco, Shouto, Tsuyu) VS [W] Team RHYTHM THIEF (Raphael, Fondue, Marie, Charlie)
FIGHT #4 - [W] Team SHREK (Shrek, Fiona, Donkey, Puss in Boots) VS [L] Team HOMESTUCK (John, Rose, Dave, Jade)
FIGHT #5 - [L] Team TARDIS (The Doctor, Amy, Rory, River) VS [W] Team KRUSTY KRAB (SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward, Mr. Krabs)
FIGHT #6 - [W] Team INCONCEIVABLE (Inigo, Fezzik, Vizzini) VS [L] Team ROTTEN (Robbie, Tobby, Bobby, Flobby)
FIGHT #7 - [L] Team UMIZOOMI (Milli, Geo, Bot) VS [W] Team OOO (Finn, Jake, Princess Bubblegum, BMO)
FIGHT #8 - [W] Team LOONEY (Bugs, Daffy, Porky, Michael) VS [L] Team STAR WARS (Luke, Han, Leia, Chewbacca)
FIGHT #1 - [W] Team JIGSAW (Kramer, Young, Hoffman, Gordon) VS [L] Team MUSKETEERS (Athos, Porthos, Aramis, D'Artagnan)
FIGHT #2 - [W] Team ELITE BEAT (Spin, J, Chieftain, Starr) VS [L] Team 1908 THOMAS FLYER (Schuster, Roberts, Hansen, MacAdam)
FIGHT #3 - [W] Team FORTRESS (Heavy, Medic, Engineer, Soldier) VS [L] Team BIONIS (Shulk, Reyn, Dunban, Sharla)
FIGHT #4 - [L] Team COOL RUNNINGS (Derice, Sanka, Junior, Yul) VS [W] Team SCIENCE (Gordon, Bubby, Tommy, Dr. Coomer)
FIGHT #5 - [L] Team AIONIOS (Noah, Lanz, Eunie, Riku) VS [W] Team MARIO (Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi)
FIGHT #6 - [W] Team GHOSTS (Blinky, Pinky, Inky, Clyde) VS [L] Team NARUTO (Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura)
FIGHT #7 - [W] Team SONIC (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles) VS [L] Team METROCITY (Megamind, Roxanne, Minion, Metro Man)
FIGHT #8 - [W] Team PERSONA (Makoto, Kotone, Yu, Ren) VS [L] Team DOODLEBOPS (Deedee, Rooney, Moe)
FIGHT #1 - [W] Team LAYTON (Layton, Luke, Emmy) VS [L] Team KRISPIES (Snap, Crackle, Pop)
FIGHT #2 - [L] Team SMILING FRIENDS (Pim, Charlie, Alan, Glep) VS [W] Team RWBY (Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang)
FIGHT #3 - [W] Team MYSTERY INC (Fred, Shaggy, Velma, Daphne) VS [L] Team WIGGLES (Jeff, Anthony, Murray, Greg)
FIGHT #4 - [L] Team GARFIELD (Garfield, Jon, Odie, Liz) VS [W] Team WRIGHT (Phoenix, Apollo, Athena, Trucy)
FIGHT #5 - [L] Team OF LIGHT (Harker, Seward, Morris, Van Helsing) VS [W] Team WONDER PETS (Linny, Tuck, Ming Ming)
FIGHT #6 - [L] Team BAKUGO (Bakugo, Mina, Denki, Eijirou) VS [W] Team BEATLES (John, Paul, George, Ringo)
FIGHT #7 - [L] Team PUYO PUYO (Ringo, Arle, Amitie, Lemres) VS [W] Team WOOHP (Sam, Alex, Clover)
FIGHT #8 - [W] Team PILLAR MEN (Santana, Wham, ACDC, Kars) VS [L] Team HERCULES (Hercules, Iolaus, Salmoneus, Autolycus)
FIGHT #1 - [W] Team ROCKMAN (Rock, Roll, Blues, Bass) VS [L] Team ASKR (Alfonse, Anna, Sharena)
FIGHT #2 - [L] Team VOCALOID (Miku, Len, Rin) VS [W] Team DARK (Shadow, Rouge, Omega)
FIGHT #3 - [W] Team KEYBLADE (Sora, Donald, Goofy) VS [L] Team TWILIGHT (Bella, Edward, Jacob)
FIGHT #4 - [L] Team SHERLOCK (Sherlock, John, Mycroft) VS [W] Team MASH (Hawkeye, BJ, Charles)
FIGHT #5 - [L] Team GRYFFINDOR (Harry, Ron, Hermione) VS [W] Team CHANNEL 5 (Ulala, Space Michael, Jaguar, Pudding)
FIGHT #6 - [W] Team POWERPUFF (Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles) VS [L] Team AVALANCHE (Cloud, Tifa, Barrett, Aerith)
FIGHT #7 - [W] Team AEGIS (Rex, Pyra, Mythra) VS [L] Team POOH (Winnie the, Piglet, Eeyore, Christopher Robin)
FIGHT #8 - [W] Team TALLY HALL (Rob, Andrew, Zubin, Joe) VS [L] Team REGULAR (Mordecai, Rigby, Muscle Man, Skips)
EXHIBITION MATCH - TUMBLR, 2014 Team WINCHESTER (Sam, Dean, Castiel, Crowley) VS Team TARDIS (The Doctor, Amy, Rory, River) VS Team SHERLOCK (Sherlock, Watson, Mycroft) VS Team HOMESTUCK (John, Dave, Rose, Jade)
EXHIBITION MATCH - BATTLE OF THE REALLY LONG NAMES Team OF LIGHT (Jonathan Harker, Jack Seward, Quincey Morris, Abraham Van Helsing) VS Team 1908 THOMAS FLYER (George Schuster, Montague Roberts, Hans Hendrik Hansen, George MacAdam)
EXHIBITION MATCH - HONORABLE MENTIONS, PART I Team DRILLGIRL (Raven, Berrycream Frosting, Dark Shi) VS TEAM ONCE-LER (The Once-ler, The Once-ler, The Once-ler)
EXHIBITION MATCH - HONORABLE MENTIONS, PART II Team FOOTBALL (Pioneer 9, Pioneer 10, Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer) VS Team FAZBEAR (Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy)
EXHIBITION MATCH - HONORABLE MENTIONS, PART III Team DELOREAN (Marty, Emmett, Clara) VS Team COUNCIL (Fauna, Kronii, Mumei, Baelz)
EXHIBITION MATCH - AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Vote on the bracket structure for Round 2!
And remember - ALL VOTES ARE FINAL! Don't even THINK about running a loser's bracket. YOU'RE NOT GETTING ONE. As always,
Good luck to all participating teams!
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huntsvillehq · 6 months
(Emily Rudd) THE MINX. Please welcome WINIFRED "WINNIE" BARRETT (SHE/HER) to Huntsville, WV. They are a 27-year-old VISITOR who lives in the COMMUNE. You may see them around working as a BARTENDER at SAMMIE'S PLACE. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive. (I have no self-control. help.)
WELCOME TO HUNTSVILLE, WV, winifred. Please follow this checklist and submit your account within 48 hours. Do not stay out after dark, and beware the whispers calling you into the woods at dusk.
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hislittleraincloud · 6 months
I'm going to go against the grain here and also say that students who actively flirt with their teachers are asking for trouble.
The vast majority of the internet wants to put all the blame and responsibility on the men (and women) whose jobs we help put on the line, but SOME OF US (like me) knew exactly what we were doing in exploiting both our sexuality and their attraction to our young, pretty faces and hot bods. We knew, and we used that attraction to our advantage all the time. Like this
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Late teens/adolescents are no less responsible for their sexual aggression than they are responsible enough to be tried as an adult when they murder someone. That was the conundrum that Cairo was pondering in her final film recitation.
The sooner we admit this, the sooner we can all get on with our lives without ruining others.
ETA: Another thing that kinda makes Cairo a little evil is her paper and the way she describes Jon ("Mr. Murphy") as a horny, hungry predator (watching his students, "all cunts being created equal", etc.) when he had zero interest in any student until she came along. That's yet another nuance of reality Barrett included in there that sets Jon apart. Cairo knew damn well that he never looked at anyone the way he looked at her (via Winnie, but it was true since she caught him staring during the 'Ode to a Nightingale' presentation) and she exploited that.
ETA 2: This isn't to say it's going to stop. Flirting behavior is a natural thing for humans. It's a way for people to test others' boundaries...in a social setting, without such strong power dynamics.
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thirtecnth · 3 months
huntsvillestarter / open to all / winnie barrett setting: sammie's place
Winnie liked to shake things up around there. If she had to work and serve in a fancy little outfit, she was at least going to have fun with it. She was looking to get approval to give people a "hurricane shot" where they would take the shot and she would slap them... It was a long shot but she was still trying. For now, however, she could mess with others psychologically at least. She walked over to someone to get their order and leaned over the bar, twirling her hair around her finger. "Sooo," she said, grinning. "Why does everyone here think you're a freak? Give me the scoop."
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jamesmarsdenfan · 2 years
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Vanity Fair oscar party
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galahadwilder · 3 years
Adrien at age 6: wearing only the highest fashions, literally sewn into his clothes, wearing shoes that are pinchy in the toes because they “look better,” makeup is professionally done, hair is so sprayed that you could smack it with a baguette and it would thunk, forced to sit still for hours on end
Emma at age 6: Winnie the Pooh overalls that have orange juice stains that Adrien wasn’t able to get out but they’re her favorites, ridiculous feather boa they got from a craft store, mommy’s heels which are too big for her, did her own makeup with crayola markers, hair is pulled back haphazardly in barrettes and sort of sticks up everywhere, keeps getting up from her own tea party to run around because she has too much energy to contain
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venkman-and-rookie · 3 years
Merry Christmas!
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(Venkman): Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! It’s me! The world’s best looking Santa Claus, Dr. Peter Venkman!
(Rookie): And me! Rudolph the Red-Nosed Rookie! (I mean... “Rudolph” isn’t my real name or anything...)
(Venkman): We’re here to deliver to our dear friends their Christmas presents. have you been naughty~? Or nice this year? Let’s see what’s in my ~magical~ bag!
(Venkman): And first up I-I-I-It’s Raymond Stantz [ @stantzy ] ladies and gentlemen! 
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(Venkman): Well, well, well! Lucky you Ray! Despite the various health and safety violations your pet crabs have caused by infesting HQ, Santa Claus decided you’ve been a good enough boy to warrant a present! 
(Rookie): Next up is our favorite parapsychologist, Egon Spengler! [ @spengy ] 
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(Rookie): Congratulations Doc! You’ve been “Nice” this year, so Santa brought you 5 boxes of Ghostbusters branded Twinkies! Don’t eat them all in one sitting!
(Venkman): Who’s next? Why, it’s Winston Zeddemore! [ @you-and-me-always-forever ]
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(Venkman): Ooohoo hoo hoo~ some fancy schmancy cologne from... Versace~ Maybe you’ll finally get a girlfriend, Winnie~, the nice lady at the perfume counter said that “Love, Passion, Beauty, and Desire” were the key elements in this cologne so, maybe it’ll give you that little extra boost, huh? *chuckles*
(Rookie): He’s got wit, he’s got heart, but most importantly, he’s got our tax details! I-I-I-It’s Louis Tully!
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(Rookie): Wowie! It’s Super Mario Bros. 2! This’ll go great with the other game Janine got you for your Nintendo! Make sure to let me borrow it too! Sharing IS caring, you know. 
(Venkman): Following our superb tax accountant, we’ve got Janine Melnitz! [ @ive-quit-better-jobs-than-this | @janine-whatdayawant ] Our beautiful and intelligent secretary who certainly deserves a raise, but will not get one anytime soon (sorry).
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(Venkman): It’s an ugly sweater! Or cardigan to be exact. Another to add to your collection, but be careful! It’s dry cleaning only! Or at least, it sure looks like it, not sure you want little sparkly things in your washer and dryer. 
(Rookie): Oh! Look who’s next Venkman! It’s Dana Barrett [ @dana-is-nolonger-insana ] , don’t you wanna handle this one?
(Venkman): Eh.. well, I... look, there’s a little note in there from me, so you can just handle it ok? 
(Rookie): Uh, O-ok! Well, here’s Dana’s gift, for the very talented cello player herself! 
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(Rookie): A history of the cello CD, first volume! Maybe you’ll learn something new! 
*There’s a note tucked into the wrapping of the present. It reads, “Merry Christmas, Dana. Hope you and Oscar are doing well, don’t get into any trouble without me, ok? Love, Peter.”
(Venkman): Walter Peck. [ @walterpeck​ ] A big, fat, lump of coal, wrapped in non-recyclable plastic and dumped into the Manhattan river. Go get it, chump.
(Rookie): Woah! Looks like we’re going to use some ~Christmas Magic~ and go to the future, to visit the future of the Ghostbusters!
(Venkman): Hey Callie! [ @callie-spengler ] Hope you don’t mind passing these presents onto Trevor, Phoebe, and Podcast, we can’t stay too long to be honest. Time fluctuations, butterfly effect and all that jazz, science stuff y’know?
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(Venkman): For you, Callie, some expensive Dom Pérignon champagne! For those nights when the kids are just too much, or for a special night with Mr. Grooberson, perhaps? ;-)
(Rookie): Phoebe, [ @pheebs-es ] the girl genius is next! 
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(Rookie): For you we have a mint condition PKE meter! I know it’s not as cool as your grandpa’s PKE taser thing, but we thought you’d enjoy it nonetheless! 
(Venkman): Trevor, you’re up kiddo!
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Now, I know this may not be... exactly what you want but cut your Auntie Mickey and Uncle Peter some slack! We’re from the 80′s, ok? We don’t know who’s popular or who’s “hip” and “happening”, all we know is that Doja Cat has some “boppin ass songs” and kids these days like her. Give it to me, yuh, or... whatever you say.
(Rookie): And finally, it’s time for Podcast’s [ @mystical-tales-of-the-unknown​ ] present!
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(Rookie): As a new Ghostbuster, we thought it’d be great if you got your own copy of Tobin’s spirit guide! Now you can read up on some of the ghosts and entities that we’ve fought! (and will fight, I guess!) The info in here might even save your life one day! 
(Venkman): Oh, and there WILL be a test on the materials in this book.
(Rookie): What test? Oh, Venkman! Don’t scare the kid!
(Venkman): Aw, don’t be such a stick in the mud, Rouke, it’s just a little joke! Anyways, that’s it from us! Remember, the Ghostbusters are having a Holiday deal, 15% off on all busts! And from “Rudolph” and I...!
(Venkman and Rookie): Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and have a Wonderful New Year everyone!!!
Ooc: Hello everyone! I tried to include everybody, but if you’d like to get a “gift” from Venkman and Rookie go ahead and give me a message or send an ask! I don’t wanna leave anyone out, of course! And as said before, Have a happy holiday season! or if you don’t celebrate these holidays, have a nice rest of your day!
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namesetc · 2 years
Hi! Do you have English unisex names that means strong, independent and also perseverance for an Asian?
lets see...
Billie / Billi / Billy
Charlie / Charley
Constant / Constante
Constanz / Connstance
Emery / Emory
Everett / Everette
Stannie / Stanny
Winifred / Winnifred
sorry there arent too many!
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ambercast · 5 months
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where: the woods who: winnie barrett (@thirtecnth)
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Levi made his way through the forest, hunting for the bed and breakfast as per usual. Usually he chose a spot to hunt that few people used, so when he heard the crack of a branch behind him, he paused, turning slowly to face the young woman following him.
“Are you hunting or are you following me?” he asked curiously.
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